
RFC1440 - SIFT/UFT: Sender-Initiated/Unsolicited File Transfer

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Network Working Group R. Troth

Request for Comments: 1440 Rice University

July 1993

SIFT/UFT: Sender-Initiated/Unsolicited File Transfer

Status of this Memo

This memo defines an EXPerimental Protocol for the Internet

community. It does not specify an Internet standard. Discussion and

suggestions for improvement are requested. Please refer to the

current edition of the "IAB Official Protocol Standards" for the

standardization state and status of this protocol. Distribution of

this memo is unlimited.

1. IntrodUCtion

This document describes a Sender-Initiated File Transfer (SIFT)

protocol, also commonly called Unsolicited File Transfer (UFT)

protocol. The acronyms SIFT and UFT are synonymous throughout this

document. The term "unsolicited" does not imply that the file is

unwanted, but that the receiver did not initiate the transaction.

Sender-Initiated File Transfer contrasts with other file transfer

methods in that the sender need not have an account or any

registration on the target host system, and the receiving user may

have less steps to take to retrieve the file(s) sent. Unlike

traditional file transfer, UFT lends itself handily to background or

deferred operation, though it may be carried out immediately, even


2. Rationale

In certain non-IP networks, notably NJE based networks such as

BITNET, it is possible to send a file to another user outside of the

realm of "mail". The effect is that the file sent is not perceived

as correspondence and not processed by a mail user agent. This

convenient service is missed in the standard TCP/IP suite. The

author maintains that traditional electronic mail is not suited to

non-correspondence file transfer. There should be a means of sending

non-mail, analogous to the sending of parcels rather than surface

mail. Several groups and individuals have shown an interest in this

type of service.

3. Specification

We define sender-initiated file transfer for IP as a TCP service as

follows: a receiver program (the server or "daemon") listens on port

608 for inbound connections. Client programs connect to this port

and send a sequence of commands followed by a stream of data. The

entire job stream may be thought of as the concatenation of two

files, 1) a control file, and 2) a data file, where the control file

is plain text and the data file may be any of several formats, but is

stored and sent as binary. After each command, the receiver either

ACKs (signals positive acknowledgement) or NAKs (signals negative

acknowledgement). The target host may reject a file for various

reasons, most obvious being 1) that there is no local user matching

the intended user, or 2) that there is not enough space to hold the

incoming file.

Most UFT commands are parametric. That is, they don't necessarily

invoke an action as much as change parameters of the one action,

transfer of the file(s) being sent. This means that UFT is suitable

for encapsulation in some higher-level "envelope", such as mail.

However, the obvious prefered medium for UFT is TCP.

When files arrive at the destination host, they are kept in a public

area, say /usr/spool/uft, until accepted or rejected by the recipient

user or discarded for age by the system. This staging area is public

in the sense of shared space, not unrestricted Access. Exactly how

long files may remain unprocessed and exactly how large these

transient files may be is a local administrative or implementation


But not all hosts have IP connectivity; not all hosts will want to

put up yet another server; not all hosts will be on the unrestricted

side of a "fire wall" that only passes mail. In such cases, UFT may

be transported via MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) as

Content-Type: application/octet-stream. UFT commands then become

parameters to the Content-Type field and the data file is carried as

the mail body. While the data file is carried in raw (binary) form

over TCP, it is encoded in BASE64 when carried by mail.

UFT supports several representation types. The receiving host should

accept any file type sent. If the representation type is not

meaningful to the target host system, then it should be treated as

"binary" (image). The data file (body) should be processed as little

as possible until the target user (recipient) acts to accept

(receive) it. The commands from the client may be stored in the form

of a plain-text file so that processing otherwise foreign to the

receiver may be off-loaded from the TCP listener. So there are

actually two files: the command sequence and the file body.

Job Entry capability:

The target "user" may actually be no user at all, but may be the

name of some software service engine. An example of this is the

job entry queue available as a pseudo-user on many NJE networked


4. Essential commands and Syntax:

FILE size sender [auth]

USER recipient

TYPE type [parm]

Representation Types:


B binary (image; octet stream)

C ASCII, CC, CR/LF (ASA print)

U unformatted (binary; image)

V var-length records (16 bit)

W wide var-len records (32 bit)

X extra-wide var-length (64 bit)

I image (binary; octet stream)


F reclen fixed-length records (binary)


M ASCII, mail

Additional Parameters:

NAME filename

DATE date time [time-zone]

CLASS class

FORM paper-form-code or print-stock-code

DEST destination

DIST BIN BOX distribution-code or mail-stop

FCB CTAPE forms-control-buffer or carriage-tape

UCS CHARSET TRAIN print-train or character-set

LRECL logical-record-length

RECFM record-format

BLKSIZE block-size

MODE file access permissions

File disposition commands:

DATA [burst-size]




5. Details:

Commands consist of command Words, possibly followed by tokens

delimited by white space. Command lines are ASCII terminated by

CR/LF. White space may be composed of any mixture of blanks or tab

characters, but use of ordinary blank space (ASCII 0x20) is strongly


One connection (one socket) is used for both commands and data.

While a data burst is being received, command interpretation is

suspended. Command lines are read until CR/LF; data bursts are read

until burst-size number of octets are received, at which point

command interpretation is resumed. After data transmission has

begun, the only commands valid are DATA, EOF, ABORT and QUIT. EOF

causes the server to close the file at the receiving end and return

to normal command processing. ABORT signals that the client wishes

to discard a file partially transmitted. QUIT closes any open file,

closes the connection, and can appear anywhere in the job.

For the daring, a "fast" mode is available. If the burst-size token

is omitted from the DATA command, processing switches to data mode

and the stream is read until the client closes the connection. In

this case there is no EOF or QUIT command sent. NOTE: with the

former mode of operation, the connection may remain open indefinitely

passing multiple files, while in this latter case the connection must

close to terminate the transaction.

Acknowledgement is by simple "NULL ACK". A server accepts a command

by sending a single packet back to the client that starts with a NULL

character, decimal 0. Anything else may be considered negative

acknowledgement, and the client should close the connection. Any

characters following the NULL may be ignored. An ACK response packet

may signal only one acknowledgement.

When a client first connects to a server, the server immediately

sends a herald of the form:

xxx hostname UFT 1.0 server-version xxx

where "xxx" represents arbitrary data. The first "xxx" must be a

single blank delimited token. 1.0 is the protocol version. Hostname

is the IP name of the host where this server is running. Server-

version is the name and level of UFT server code on this host.

A US English server might send:

100 ricevm1.rice.edu UFT 1.0 VM/CMS-0.9.2 ready.

The purpose of this herald is partly for client/server

synchronization, but mainly for protocol agreement. There may be

future versions of UFT beyond 1.0 which support more features than

are outlined here. The herald indicates what level of UFT the server

will accept.

The FILE Command:

FILE size from [auth]

The size is in bytes and may be followed by an 'M', 'K', or 'G',

indicating Mega, Kilo, or Giga. Size may be an inexact value (the

data file will be read until one of the above end-of-file indications

is received). The size specified is used to answer the question, "is

there room for it?"

The from token is the login name of the user sending this file.

The auth token is an unimplemented authentication ticket.

Authentication is not ensured in the protocol as described. There

are several ways that it might be added to UFT over TCP, but this

author will wait for authentication developments by others to come to

fruition before implementing any. When UFT is piggy-backed on mail,

authentication is left to the mail transfer system.

The FILE command is required in any transaction.

The USER Command:

USER recipient

The recipient is a valid local user or service name.

The USER command is required in any transaction. Without it, the

destination of the file is unknown.

The TYPE Command:

TYPE type [parm]

Some representation types need additional specification. As an

example, the type "F" (fixed length, record oriented) obviously needs

more qualification. How long are these fixed length records? A

record length in ASCII decimal should follow the "F" resulting in a

command like "TYPE F 80".

UFT types V, W, X use a tape model for file transfer. Files in

transit consist of blocks that vary in size based on the range of

sizes specifiable with 16, 32, or 64 bits, respectively. Whether the

blocking is significant to the recipient is the decision of the

recipient, but if the file originally had some kind of blocking, it

is preserved without additional processing. In the stream, the 16,

32, or 64-bit block length is prepended to each record in TCP/IP

network order.

Type N (NETDATA) is an IBM representation common on NJE networks.

The TYPE command is required in any transaction.

The NAME Command:

NAME filename

A name should typically be associated with the file being sent,

although this is not mandatory. This is a mixed case token

delimitted by white space. If the filename contains blanks or white

space, it must be quoted. Quotation is not valid within the

filename. ASCII control characters (hex 00 thru 1F and 80 thru 9F)

are not valid as part of the filename. Some characters may have

special meaning to the receiving operating system and their effect is

not guaranteed.

The NAME command is optional.

The DATE Command:

DATE date time [time-zone]

The time stamp on the file as it appears at the sending site may be

sent and applied to the copy at the receiving site. The form is US

mm/dd/yy and hh:mm:ss. A time zone is optional. If the time zone is

omitted, local time is assumed. If the DATE command is omitted, time

and date of arrival are assumed.

The DATE command is optional.

The DATA Command:

DATA [burst-size]

If no data bursts have yet been received since the connection was

opened or since an EOF or ABORT was received, the server opens a new

file on the receiving end and writes this burst of data to it. The

file may have already been created by a prior DATA command. There

can be any number of DATA commands; most files will be sent using

many data bursts. If burst-size is supplied, then burst-size number

of octets are read and appended to the open file on the receiving end

and the server returns to the command state. If no burst-size

parameter is given, then the TCP stream is read until it is closed.

(this is the "fast" mode mentioned above)

The DATA command must come after FILE, USER, TYPE, and any other

parametric commands and must come before any EOF or ABORT command.

The file need not be complete before an ABORT can be received and

carried out, but the DATA command must have completed (burst-size

number of octets must have been read), thus ABORT is not possible in

"fast" mode.

The EOF Command:


This signals the server that the entire file has been sent. The

server then closes the file and ensures that it is disposed of

appropriately, usually just placing it where a user-level application

can retrieve it later.

The ABORT Command:


This signals the server that the client is unable or unwilling to

finish the job. The file should be discarded and the server should

return to normal command processing.

The QUIT Command:


This signals the server that all work is complete. Any open file

should be closed and delivered. The TCP stream will be closed.

Other commands:

CLASS class

FORM paper-form-code or print-stock-code

DEST destination

DIST distribution-code or mail-stop

FCB forms-control-buffer or carriage-tape

CHARSET print-train or character-set

The above are relevant to print jobs sent to a print server.

LRECL logical-record-length

RECFM record-format

BLKSIZE block-size

MODE file access permissions

6. References

NJE -- Network Job Entry; IBM publication SC23-0070,

"Network Job Entry; Formats and Protocols"

NETDATA -- see IBM publication aann-nnnn (SC24-5461);

VM/ESA: CMS Application Development Reference

for Assembler

BITNET -- "Because It's Time"; academic network

based on NJE protocol

MIME -- RFC1341; Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions;

Borenstein & Freed

FTP -- File Transfer Protocol; STD 9, RFC959;

Postel & Reynolds

SMTP -- STD 10, RFC821; Simple Mail Transfer

Protocol; Postel

LPR -- UNIX Programmer's Manual, LPD(8);

4.2BSD Line Printer Spooler Manual

7. Security Considerations

Security issues are not discussed in this memo.

8. Author's Address

Rick Troth

Rice University

Information Systems

Houston, Texas 77251

Phone: (713) 285-5148

Fax: (713) 527-6099

EMail: troth@rice.edu

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