
RFC1439 - The Uniqueness of Unique Identifiers

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group C. Finseth

Request for Comments: 1439 University of Minnesota

March 1993

The Uniqueness of Unique Identifiers

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does

not specify an Internet standard. Distribution of this memo is



This RFCprovides information that may be useful when selecting a

method to use for assigning unique identifiers to people.

1. The Issue

Computer systems require a way to identify the people associated with

them. These identifiers have been called "user names" or "account

names." The identifers are typically short, alphanumeric strings.

In general, these identifiers must be unique.

The uniqueness is usually achieved in one of three ways:

1) The identifiers are assigned in a unique manner without using

information associated with the individual. Example identifiers are:



This method was often used by large timesharing systems. While it

achieved the uniqueness property, there was no way of guessing the

identifier without knowing it through other means.

2) The identifiers are assigned in a unique manner where the bulk of

the identifier is algorithmically derived from the individual's name.

Example identifers are:





3) The identifiers are in general not assigned in a unique manner:

the identifier is algorithmically derived from the individual's name

and duplicates are handled in an ad-hoc manner. Example identifiers




Now that we have widespread electronic mail, an important feature of

an identifier system is the ability to predict the identifier based

on other information associated with the individual. This other

information is typically the person's name.

Methods two and three make sUCh predictions possible, especially if

you have one example mapping from a person's name to the identifier.

Method two relies on using some or all of the name and

algorithmically varying it to ensure uniqueness (for example, by

appending an integer). Method three relies on using some or all of

the name and selects an alternate identifier in the case of a


For both methods, it is important to minimize the need for making the

adjustments required to ensure uniqueness (i.e., an integer that is

not 1 or an alternate identifier). The probability that an

adjustment will be required depends on the format of the identifer

and the size of the organization.

2. Identifier Formats

There are a number of popular identifier formats. This section will

list some of them and supply both typical and maximum values for the

number of possible identifiers. A "typical" value is the number that

you are likely to run into in real life. A "maximum" value is the

largest number of possible (without getting extreme about it) values.

All ranges are eXPressed as a number of bits.

2.1 Initials

There are three popular formats based on initials: those with one,

two, or three letters. (The number of people with more than three

initials is assumed to be small.) Values:

format typical maximum

I 4 5

II 8 10

III 12 15

You can also think of these as first, middle, and last initials:

I 4 5

F L 8 10

F M L 12 15

2.2 Names

Again, there are three popular formats based on using names: those

with the first name, last name, and both first and last names.


format typical maximum

First 8 14

Last 9 13

First Last 17 27

2.3 Combinations

I have seen these combinations in use ("F" is first initial, "M" is

middle initial, and "L" is last initial):

format typical maximum

F Last 13 18

F M Last 17 23

First L 12 19

First M Last 21 32

2.4 Complete List

Here are all possible combinations of nothing, initial, and full name

for first, middle, and last. The number of Middle names is assumed

to be the same as the number of First names. Values:

format typical maximum

_ _ _ 0 0

_ _ L 4 5

_ _ Last 9 13

_ M _ 4 5

_ M L 5 10

_ M Last 13 18

_ Middle _ 8 14

_ Middle L 12 19

_ Middle Last 17 27

F _ _ 4 5

F _ L 5 10

F _ Last 13 18

F M _ 5 10

F M L 12 15

F M Last 17 23

F Middle _ 12 19

F Middle L 16 24

F Middle Last 21 32

First _ _ 8 14

First _ L 12 19

First _ Last 17 27

First M _ 12 19

First M L 16 24

First M Last 21 32

First Middle _ 16 28

First Middle L 20 33

First Middle Last 26 40

3. Probabilities of Duplicates

As can be seen, the information content in these identifiers in no

case exceeds 40 bits and the typical information content never

exceeds 26 bits. The content of most of them is in the 8 to 20 bit

range. Duplicates are thus not only possible but likely.

The method used to compute the probability of duplicates is the same

as that of the well-known "birthday" problem. For a universe of N

items, the probability of duplicates in X members is expressed by:

N N-1 N-2 N-(X-1)

- x --- x --- x ... x -------


A program to compute this function for selected values of N is given

in the appendix, as is its complete output.

The "1%" column is the number of items (people) before an

organization of that (universe) size has a 1% chance of a duplicate.

Similarly for 2%, 5%, 10%, and 20%.

bits universe 1% 2% 5% 10% 20%

6 64 2 3 4 5 6

7 128 3 3 5 6 8

8 256 3 4 6 8 12

9 512 4 6 8 11 16

10 1,024 6 7 11 16 22

11 2,048 7 10 15 22 31

12 4,096 10 14 21 30 44

13 8,192 14 19 30 43 61

14 16,384 19 27 42 60 86

15 32,768 27 37 59 84 122

16 65,536 37 52 83 118 172

17 131,072 52 74 117 167 243

18 262,144 74 104 165 236 343

19 524,288 104 147 233 333 485

20 1,048,576 146 207 329 471 685

21 2,097,152 206 292 465 666 968

22 4,194,304 291 413 657 941 1369

23 8,388,608 412 583 929 1330 1936

24 16,777,216 582 824 1313 1881 2737

25 33,554,432 822 1165 1856 2660 3871

26 67,108,864 1162 1648 2625 3761 5474

27 134,217,728 1644 2330 3712 5319 7740

28 268,435,456 2324 3294 5249 7522 10946

29 536,870,912 3286 4659 7422 10637 15480

30 1,073,741,824 4647 6588 10496 15043 21891

31 2,147,483,648 6571 9316 14844 21273 30959

For example, assume an organization were to select the "First Last"

form. This form has 17 bits (typical) and 27 bits (maximum) of

information. The relevant line is:

17 131,072 52 74 117 167 243

For an organization with 100 people, the probability of a duplicate

would be between 2% and 5% (probably around 4%). If the organization

had 1,000 people, the probability of a duplicate would be much

greater than 20%.

Appendix: Reuse of Identifiers and Privacy Issues

Let's say that an organization were to select the format:


as my own organization has. Is the -# required, or can one simply



for the first one and


(or -1) for the second? The answer is "no," although for non-obvious


Assume that the organization has made this selection and a third

party wants to send e-mail to Craig.A.Finseth. Because of the

Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1987, an organization must

treat electronic mail with care. In this case, there is no way for

the third party user to reliably know that sending to Craig.A.Finseth

is (may be) the wrong party. On the other hand, if the -# suffix is

always present and attempts to send mail to the non-suffix form are

rejected, the third party user will realize that they must have the

suffix in order to have a unique identifier.

For similar reasons, identifiers in this form should not be re-used

in the life of the mail system.

Appendix: Perl Program to Compute Probabilities


for $bits (6..31) {




# ------------------------------------------------------------

sub Compute {

$bits = $_[0];

$num = 1 << $bits;

$cnt = $num;

print "bits $bitsnumber $num:0;

for ($prob = 1; $prob > 0.99; ) {

$prob *= $cnt / $num;



print "", $num - $cnt, "$prob0;

for (; $prob > 0.98; ) {

$prob *= $cnt / $num;



print "", $num - $cnt, "$prob0;

for (; $prob > 0.95; ) {

$prob *= $cnt / $num;



print "", $num - $cnt, "$prob0;

for (; $prob > 0.90; ) {

$prob *= $cnt / $num;



print "", $num - $cnt, "$prob0;

for (; $prob > 0.80; ) {

$prob *= $cnt / $num;



print "", $num - $cnt, "$prob0;

print "0;


Appendix: Perl Program Output

bits 6 number 64:

2 0.984375

3 0.95361328125

4 0.90891265869140625

5 0.85210561752319335938

6 0.78553486615419387817

bits 7 number 128:

3 0.9766845703125

3 0.9766845703125

5 0.92398747801780700684

6 0.88789421715773642063

8 0.79999355674331695809

bits 8 number 256:

3 0.988311767578125

4 0.97672998905181884766

6 0.94268989971169503406

8 0.89542306910786462204

12 0.76969425214152431547

bits 9 number 512:

4 0.98832316696643829346

6 0.97102570187075798458

8 0.94652632751096643648

11 0.89748056780293572476

16 0.78916761796439427457

bits 10 number 1024:

6 0.98543241551841020964

7 0.97965839745873206645

11 0.94753115178840541244

16 0.88888866335604777014

22 0.79677613655632184564

bits 11 number 2048:

7 0.98978773152834598203

10 0.97823367137821537476

15 0.94990722378677450166

22 0.89298119682681720288

31 0.79597589885472519455

bits 12 number 4096:

10 0.98906539062491305447

14 0.97800426773009718762

21 0.94994111694430838355

30 0.89901365764115603874

44 0.79312138620093930452

bits 13 number 8192:

14 0.98894703242829806733

19 0.97932692503837115439

30 0.94822407309193512681

43 0.89545741661906652631

61 0.7993625840767998314

bits 14 number 16384:

19 0.98961337517641645434

27 0.97879319536756481668

42 0.94876352395820107155

60 0.89748107890372830209

86 0.79973683158771624591

bits 15 number 32768:

27 0.98934263776790121181

37 0.97987304880641035165

59 0.94909471808051404373

84 0.89899774209805793923

122 0.79809378598190949816

bits 16 number 65536:

37 0.98988724065590050216

52 0.97996496661944154649

83 0.94937874420413270737

118 0.89996948010355670711

172 0.79884228150816105618

bits 17 number 131072:

52 0.98993311138884398925

74 0.97960010416289267088

117 0.94952974978505377823

167 0.89960828942716541956

243 0.79894309171178368167

bits 18 number 262144:

74 0.98974844864797828503

104 0.97977315557223210174

165 0.94968621078621640041

236 0.8995926348279144058

343 0.7994422793765953994

bits 19 number 524288:

104 0.98983557888923057178

147 0.97973841652874515962

233 0.94974719445364064185

333 0.89991342619657743729

485 0.79936749144148444568

bits 20 number 1048576:

146 0.98995567500195758015

207 0.97987072919607220989

329 0.94983990872655321702

471 0.89980857451706741656

685 0.79974215234216872172

bits 21 number 2097152:

206 0.98998177463778547214

292 0.97994400939715686771

465 0.94985589918092261374

666 0.89978055267663470396

968 0.79994886751736571373

bits 22 number 4194304:

291 0.98999013137747737812

413 0.97991951242142538714

657 0.94991674892578203959

941 0.89991652739633254399

1369 0.79989205747440361716

bits 23 number 8388608:

412 0.98995762604049764022

583 0.97997846530691334888

929 0.94991024716640248826

1330 0.89999961063320443877

1936 0.79987028265451087794

bits 24 number 16777216:

582 0.98997307486745211857

824 0.97999203469417239809

1313 0.94995516684099989835

1881 0.89997049960675035152

2737 0.79996700222056416063

bits 25 number 33554432:

822 0.98999408609360783906

1165 0.9799956928177964155

1856 0.9499899669674316538

2660 0.8999664414095410736

3871 0.79992328289672998132

bits 26 number 67108864:

1162 0.98999884535478044345

1648 0.9799801637652703068

2625 0.94997437525354821997

3761 0.89999748465616635773

5474 0.79993922903192515861

bits 27 number 134217728:

1644 0.9899880636014986024

2330 0.97998730103356856969

3712 0.94997727934463771504

5319 0.89998552434244594167

7740 0.79999591580103557309

bits 28 number 268435456:

2324 0.98999458855588851058

3294 0.97999828329325222587

5249 0.94998397932368705554

7522 0.89998576049206902017

10946 0.79999058777500076101

bits 29 number 536870912:

3286 0.98999717306002099626

4659 0.97999160965267329004

7422 0.94999720388831232487

10637 0.89999506567702891591

15480 0.7999860979665908145

bits 30 number 1073741824:

4647 0.98999674474047760775

6588 0.97999531736215383937

10496 0.94999806770951356061

15043 0.89999250738244507275

21891 0.79999995570982085358

bits 31 number 2147483648:

6571 0.98999869761078929109

9316 0.97999801528523688976

14844 0.94999403283519279206

21273 0.89999983631135749285

30959 0.79999272222201334159


Bruce Lansky (1984). The Best Baby Name Book. Deephaven, MN:

Meadowbrook. ISBN 0-671-54463-2.

Lareina Rule (1988). Name Your Baby. Bantam. ISBN 0-553-27145-8.

Security Considerations

Security issues are not discussed in this memo.

Author's Address

Craig A. Finseth

Networking Services

Computer and Information Services

University of Minnesota

130 Lind Hall

207 Church St. SE

Minneapolis, MN 55455-0134

EMail: Craig.A.Finseth-1@umn.edu or


Phone: +1 612 624 3375

Fax: +1 612 626 1002

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