
RFC1458 - Requirements for Multicast Protocols

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group R. Braudes

Request for Comments: 1458 S. Zabele


May 1993

Requirements for Multicast Protocols

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does

not specify an Internet standard. Distribution of this memo is



Multicast protocols have been developed over the past several years

to address issues of group communication. EXPerience has

demonstrated that current protocols do not address all of the

requirements of multicast applications. This memo discusses some of

these unresolved issues, and provides a high-level design for a new

multicast transport protocol, group address and membership authority,

and modifications to existing routing protocols.

Table of Contents

1. IntrodUCtion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2. The Image Communication Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2.1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2.2 Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

3. Review of Existing Multicast Protocols . . . . . . . . . . 4

3.1 IP/Multicast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

3.2 XTP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

3.3 ST-II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

3.4 MTP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

3.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

4. Reliable Adaptive Multicast Service . . . . . . . . . . . 9

4.1 The Multicast Group Authority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

4.1.1 Address Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

4.1.2 Service Registration, Requests, Release, and Group

Membership Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

4.2 The Reliable Adaptive Multicast Protocol (RAMP) . . . . . 11

4.2.1 Quality of Service Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

4.2.2 Error Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

4.2.3 Flow Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

4.3 Routing Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

4.3.1 Path Set-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

4.3.2 Path Tear-down . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

4.3.3 Multicast Routing Based on Quality of Service . . . . . . 15

4.3.4 Quality of Service Based Packet Loss . . . . . . . . . . . 15

5. Interactions Among the Components: An Example . . . . . . 15

Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

1. Introduction

Multicast protocols have been developed to support group

communications. These protocols use a one-to-many paradigm for

transmission, typically using class D Internet Protocol (IP)

addresses to specify specific multicast groups. While designing

network services for reliable transmission of very large imagery as

part of the DARPA-sponsored ImNet program, we have reviewed existing

multicast protocols and have determined that none meet all of the

requirements of image communications [3]. This RFCreviews the

current state of multicast protocols, highlights the missing

features, and motivates the design and development of an enhanced

multicast protocol.

First, the requirements for network services and underlying protocols

related to image communications are presented. Existing protocols

are then reviewed, and an analysis of each protocol against the

requirements is presented. The analyses identify the need for a new

multicast protocol. Finally, the features of an ideal reliable

multicast protocol that adapts to network congestion in the

transmission of large data volumes are presented. Additional network

components needed to fully support the new protocol, including a

Multicast Group Authority and modifications to existing routing

protocols, are also introduced.

2. The Image Communications Problem

2.1 Scope

Image management and communications systems are evolving from film-

based systems toward an all-digital environment where imagery is

acquired, transmitted, analyzed, and stored using digital computer

and communications technologies. The throughput required for

communicating large numbers of very large images is extremely large,

consisting of thousands of terabytes of imagery per day. Temporal

requirements for capture and dissemination of single images are

stringent, ranging from seconds to at most several minutes. Imagery

will be viewed by hundreds of geographically distributed users who

will require on-demand, interactive Access to the data.

Traditional imaging applications involve images on the order of 512

by 512 pixels. In contrast, a single image used for remote sensing

can have tens of thousands of pixels on a side. Multiplying the data

volume associated with remotely sensed images by even a small number

of users clearly motivates moving beyond the current suite of

reliable protocols.

Basic image communication applications involve distribution of

individual images to multiple users for both individual and

collaborative analyses, and network efficiency requires the use of

multicast protocols. Areas where multicasting offers significant

advantages include real-time image acquisition and dissemination,

distribution of annotated image-based reports, and image

conferencing. Images are viewed on a heterogeneous set of

workstations with differing processing and display capabilities,

traveling over a heterogeneous network with bandwidths varying by up

to six orders of magnitude between the initial down link and the

slowest end user.

2.2 Requirements

Multicast protocols used for image communications must address

several requirements. Setting up a multicast group first requires

assigning a multicast group address. All multicast traffic is then

delivered to this address, which implies that all members of the

group must be listening for traffic with this address.

Within an image communications architecture such as that used for the

ImNet program, diversity and adaptability can be accommodated by

trading quality of service (i.e., image quality) with speed of

transmission. Multicast support for quality-speed trades can be

realized either through the use of different multicast groups, where

each group receives a different image quality, or through the use of

a single hierarchical stream with routers (or users) extracting

relevant portions.

Due to the current inability of routers to support selective

transmission of partial streams, a multiple stream approach is being

used within ImNet. Efficient operation using a multiple stream

approach requires that users be able to switch streams very quickly,

and that streams with no listeners not be disseminated.

Consequently, rapid configuration of multicast groups and rapid

switching between multicast groups switching is essential.

Inevitably, network congestion or buffer overruns result in packet

loss. A full range of transport reliability is required within an

image communications framework. For some applications such as image

conferencing, packet loss does not present a problem as dropped mouse

movements can be discarded with no meaningful degradation in utility.

However, for functions such as image archiving or detailed image

analysis, transport must be completely reliable, where any dropped

packets must be retransmitted by the sender. Additionally, several

hierarchical image compression methods can provide useful, albeit

degraded, imagery using a semi-reliable service, where higher level

data is transmitted reliably and the lower level data is transmitted


In support of reliable transport, image communications services must

also support adaptation to network congestion using flow control

mechanisms. Flow control regulates the quantity of data placed on

the network per unit time interval, thereby increasing network

efficiency by reducing the number of dropped packets and avoiding the

need for large numbers of retransmissions.

3. Review of Existing Multicast Protocols

Several existing protocols provide varying levels of support for

multicasting, including IP/Multicast [5], the Xpress Transfer

Protocol (XTP) [11], and Experimental Internet Stream Protocol

Version 2 (ST-II) [10]. While the Versatile Message Transaction

Protocol (VMTP) [4] also supports multicast, it has been designed to

support the transfer of small packets, and so is not appropriate for

large image communications. Additionally, a specification exists for

the Multicast Transport Protocol (MTP) [2].

The image communication requirements for a multicast protocol include

multicast group address assignment, group set-up, membership

maintenance (i.e., join, drop, and switch membership), group tear-

down, error recovery, and flow control, as presented above. The

remainder of this section discusses how well each of the existing

protocols meets these requirements.

3.1 IP/Multicast

IP/Multicast is an extension to the standard IP network-level

protocol that supports multicast traffic. IP/Multicast has no

address allocation mechanism, with addresses assigned either by an

outside authority or by each application. This has the potential for

address contention among multiple applications, which would result in

the traffic from the different groups becoming commingled.

There is no true set-up processing for IP/Multicast; once an address

is determined, the sender simply transmits packets to that address

with routers determining the path(s) taken by the data. The receiver

side is only slightly more complex, as an application must issue an

add membership request for IP to listen to traffic destined to the

desired address. If this is the first member of a group, IP

multicasts the request to routers on the local network using the

Internet Group Multicast Protocol (IGMP) for inclusion in routing

tables. Multicast packets are then routed like all other IP packets,

with receivers accepting traffic addressed to joined groups in

addition to the normal host address.

A major problem with the IP/Multicast set-up approach is informing

hosts of multicast group addresses. If addresses are dynamically

allocated, then a mechanism must be established for informing

receivers which addresses have been assigned to which groups. This

requires a minimum of one round trip time, with an address requested

from a server and then returned to the receiver.

Dropping membership in a group involves issuing a request to the

local IP, which decrements the count of members in the IP tables.

However, no special action is taken when group membership goes to

zero. Instead, a heartbeat mechanism is used in which hosts are

periodically polled for active groups, and routers stop forwarding

group traffic to a network only after several polls receive no

activity requests for that group to ensure that a membership report

is not lost or corrupted in transit. This causes the problem of

unneeded traffic being transmitted, due to a long periodicity for the

heartbeat (minimum of one minute between polls); consequently there

is no method for quickly dropping a group over a given path, impeding

attempts to react to network congestion in real-time.

Finally, there is no transport level protocol compatible with

IP/Multicast that is both reliable and implements a flow control


3.2 XTP

XTP is a combined network and transport level protocol that offers

significant support for multicast transfers. As with IP/Multicast,

XTP offers no inherent address management scheme, so that an outside

authority is required.

XTP is also similar to IP/Multicast as there is no explicit set-up

processing between the sender and the receivers prior to the

establishment of group communications. While there is implicit

processing in key management, an external mechanism is required for

passing the multicast group address to the receivers. The receivers

must have established "filters" for the address prior to transmission

in order to receive the data, and suffers the same problems as


In contrast to IP/Multicast, XTP does require explicit handshaking

between the sender and receivers that wish to join an existing group;

however, there is no parallel communication for receivers dropping

out of groups, and the only mechanism for a sender to know if there

are any receivers is the polling scheme used for error control and

recovery. This causes the same problems with sending traffic to

groups without members discussed under IP/Multicast.

The XTP specification does not address how routers distribute a

multicast stream among different connected networks; however it does

include a discussion of the optional bucket, damping, slotting, and

cloning algorithms to reduce duplicate multicast traffic within a

local network.

The specification allows the user to determine whether multicast

transfers are unreliable or semi-reliable, where semi-reliable

transfers are defined to provide a "high-probability of success [9]"

of delivery to all receivers. Reliability cannot be guaranteed due

to the fact that XTP does not maintain the cardinality of the

receiver set, and so cannot know that the data has been received by

all hosts.

XTP recovers from errors using a go-back-n approach (assuming that

the bucket algorithm has been implemented) by retransmitting dropped

packets to all members of the multicast group, as group members are

unknown. This has the potential of flooding the network if only a

single receiver dropped a packet. If all dropped packets belong to a

single network on an internet, with traffic generated over the entire

connected network.

3.3 ST-II

ST-II is another network protocol that provides support for multicast

communications. Similar to IP/Multicast and XTP, ST-II requires a

separate application-specific protocol for assigning and

communicating multicast group addresses.

While ST-II is a network level protocol, it guarantees end-to-end

bandwidth and delay, and so obviates the need for many of the

functions of a transport protocol. The guarantee is provided by

requiring bandwidth reservations for all connections, which are made

at set-up time, and ensuring that the requested bandwidth is

available throughout the lifetime of the connection. The enforcement

policy ensures that the same path is followed for all transmissions,

and prohibits new connections over the network unless there is

sufficient bandwidth to accommodate the expected traffic. This is

accomplished by maintaining the state of all connections in the

network routers, trading the overhead of this connection set-up for

the performance guarantees.

Connection set-up involves negotiation of the bandwidth and delay

parameters and path between the sender, intermediate routers, and

receivers. If the requested resources cannot be made available, the

sender is given the option of either accepting what is available or

canceling the connection request.

To add a new user to an existing group, the new receiver must first

communicate directly with the sender using a different protocol to

exchange relevant information such as the group address. The sender

then requests ST-II to add the new receiver, with the basic

connection set-up processing invoked as before with the new

connection completed only if there is sufficient bandwidth to process

the user.

While the resource guarantee system imposed by ST-II tries to prevent

network congestion from occurring, there are situations where

priority traffic must be introduced into the network. ST-II makes

this very expensive, as the resource requirements for existing

connections must be adjusted, which can only be accomplished by the

origin of each stream. This must be completed prior to the

connection set-up for the priority stream, introducing a large delay

before the important data can be transmitted.

ST-II connections can be closed by either the sender or the receiver.

When the last receiver along a path has been removed, the resources

allocated over that path are released. When all receivers have been

removed, the sender in informed and has the option of either adding a

new receiver or tearing down the group.

3.4 MTP

MTP is a transport level protocol designed to support efficient,

reliable multicast transmissions on top of existing network protocols

such as IP/Multicast. It is based on the notion of a multicast

"master" which controls all ASPects of group communications.

Allocation of a specific group address, or network service access

point, is not considered part of MTP, and as with the other multicast

protocols requires the use of an outside addressing authority. The

MTP specification does require the master to make a "robust effort

[2]" to ensure the address selected is not already in use by trying

to join an existing group at that address, but the problems described

above remain.

Once the address is established, receivers issue a request to join

the existing group using a unique connection identifier that is pre-

assigned. The MTP specification addresses neither how the identifier

is allocated nor how the receivers learn its value, but is assumed to

be handled through an external protocol. The join request specifies

whether the receiver wishes to be a producer of information or only a

receiver, whether the connection should be reliable or best effort,

whether the receiver is able to accept multiple senders of

information, the minimum throughput desired, and the maximum data

packet size. If the request can be granted, then the master replies

with an ACK with a multicast connection identifier; otherwise a NAK

is returned.

Dropping membership in a group is coordinated through the master.

The specification does not address what action the master should take

when the group is reduced to a single member, but a logical action

would be to stop distributing transmit tokens if there are no active


One of the major features in MTP is the ordering of received data.

The master distributes transmit tokens to data producers in the

group, which allow data to be provided at a specified rate. Rate

control provides flow control within the protocol, with members that

cannot maintain a minimum flow requested to leave the group.

Error recovery utilizes a NAK-based selective retransmission scheme.

Senders are required to maintain data for a time period specified by

the master, and to be able to retransmit this data when requested by

members of the group. These retransmissions are multicast to the

entire group, requiring receivers to be able to cope with duplicate

packets. If a retransmission request arrives after the data has been

released, the sender must NAK the request.

A potential problem with MTP is the significant amount of overhead

associated with the protocol, with virtually all control traffic

flowing through the master. The extra delay and congestion makes MTP

inappropriate for the image dissemination applications.

3.5 Summary

Our analysis has determined that there are significant problems with

all of the major multicast protocols for the reliable, adaptive

multicast transport of large data items. The problems include

inadequate address management, excessive processing of control

information, poor response to network congestion, inability to handle

high priority traffic, and suboptimal error recovery and

retransmission procedures. We have developed a high-level notion of

the requirements for a service that addresses these issues, which we

now discuss.

4. Protocol Suite for Reliable, Adaptive Multicast

We present an integrated set of three basic components required to

provide a reliable multicast service: the Multicast Group Authority

(MGA); the Reliable, Adaptive Multicast Protocol (RAMP); and modified

routing algorithms. These components are designed to be compatible

with, and take full advantage of, reservation systems such as RSVP


In this discussion, we have broadened the definition of the term

"Quality of Service (QOS)." There are many applications where the

information content of the underlying data can be reduced through

data compression techniques. For example, a 1,024 x 1,024 pixel

image can be sub-sampled down to 512 x 512 pixels. This degradation

results in a lower quality of service for the end user, while

reducing the traditional network QOS requirements for the transfer.

4.1 The Multicast Group Authority

The Multicast Group Authority (MGA) provides services related to

managing the multicast address space and high-level management

support to existing multicast groups. The MGA has three primary

responsibilities: address management, service registration, and group

membership maintenance.

The MGA is hierarchical in nature, similar to the Internet Domain

Name System (DNS) [7]. Requests for service are directed to an MGA

agent on the local workstation, which are propagated upwards as


4.1.1 Address Management

The MGA is responsible for the allocation and deallocation of

addresses within the Internet Class D address space. Address

requests received from application processes or other MGA nodes

result in a block of addresses being assigned to the requesting MGA

node. The size of the address block allocated is dependent on the

position of the requester in the MGA hierarchy, to reduce the number

of address requests propagated through the MGA tree.

Figure 1 can be used to show what happens when an application

requests a multicast address from the authority at node 1.1.1.

Assuming that this is the first request from this branch of the MGA,

node 1.1.1 issues a request to its parent, node 1.1, which propagates

the request to node 1. Node 1 passes this request to the root, which

issues a block of, say, 30 class D addresses. Of these 30, 10 are

returned to node 1.1, with the remaining 20 reserved for requests

from node 1's other children. Similarly, node 1.1 passes 3 addresses

to node 1.1.1, reserving the other 7 for future requests. Finally,

node 1.1.1 answers the applications request for an address, keeping

the remaining 2 addresses for future use.




/ / -------- --------

1 ... n

-------- --------

/ / -------- --------

1.1 ... 1.n

-------- --------

/ / -------- --------

1.1.1 ... 1.1.n

-------- --------

Figure 1. Sample MGA Hierarchy

When the root exhausts the address space, a request is made to the

children for reclamation of unused addresses. This request

propagates down the tree, with unused addresses passed back through

the hierarchy and returned to the address pool. If the entire

address space is in use, then requests for additional addresses are

not honored.

When an application no longer requires an address, it is returned to

the local MGA node, which keeps it until either it is requested by

another application, it is requested by its parent, or the node is

terminated. At node termination, all available addresses are

returned to the parent. Parents periodically send heartbeat requests

to their children to ensure connectivity, and local nodes similarly

poll applications, with addresses recalled if the queries are not


4.1.2 Service Registration, Requests, Release, and Group Membership


The MGA maintains the state of all registered multicast services and

receivers. State information includes the number of members

associated with each group by requested QOS reliability, which is

updated as services are offered or rescinded and as members join or

leave a group. The state information is used to ensure that there is

at least one group member listening to each multicast transfer.

Servers register the availability of service, specifying whether

reliable service is available [section 4.2.2] and optionally the

number of qualities of service offered [section 4.2.1]. A multicast

group address is allocated from the address pool and the service is

assigned an identifier as required. If a reservation protocol that

requires information from the server (such as RSVP) is in use, then

the MGA notifies the reservation system of the service with any

required parameters. The service registration is propagated through

the MGA, so that potential clients can discover service availability.

However, servers do not begin data transfers until directed to do so

by the MGA.

Client requests for service are also processed through the MGA.

Service requests specify a service, a desired quality of service, and

a reliability indication. If the request is for a service that has

been registered, then the routing support is directed to add a route

for the new user [section 4.3.1]. If necessary, the MGA also

notifies the reservation protocol. If either the requested QOS is

not being provided or it is provided unreliably and the request is

for reliable transport, then the service provider is also notified.

If the service has not yet been registered, an identifier for the

service is assigned and the request is queued for when the service is

registered. In either case, a response is sent to the requester.

Requests for termination of group membership are also sent to the

MGA. If the request originates at a client, the MGA notifies the

routing function and reservation protocol of the termination in case

the route should be released [section 4.3.2]. If termination results

in a given QOS no longer having any recipients, the service provider

is notified that the QOS is no longer required and should not be

transmitted. Server-directed group terminations follow a similar

procedure, with all clients of the group notified, and the service

offering is removed from the MGA state tables.

4.2 The Reliable Adaptive Multicast Protocol (RAMP)

RAMP is a transport-level protocol designed to provide reliable

multicast service on top of a network protocol such as IP/Multicast,

with unreliable transport also available. RAMP is build on the

premise that applications can request one quality of service (using

our extended definition), but only require reliable transmission at a

lower level of quality. For example, consider the transmission of

hierarchical image data, in which a base spatial resolution is

transmitted, followed by higher resolution data. An application may

require the base data to be sent reliably, but can tolerate dropped

packets for the higher resolution by using interpolation or pixel

replication from the base level to approximate the missing data.

Similar methods can be applied to other data types, such as audio or


4.2.1 Quality of Service Levels

RAMP allows a multicast service to be provided at multiple qualities

of service, with all or some of these levels transmitted reliably.

These QOS can be distributed across different groups using different

class D addresses, or in the simplest case be transmitted in

individual groups. Single packets can be used for either a single

QOS, or may be applicable to multiple qualities of service.

When a data packet is transmitted, a header field indicates the QOS

level(s) associated with that packet. In the old IP implementations,

the Type of Service field can be used as a bit field with one bit for

each applicable QOS, although this is incompatible with RFC1349 [1].

If a packet is required for multiple QOS, then multiple values are

encoded in the field. The RAMP host receiver protocol only accepts

those packets addressed to a group in which an application has

requested membership and that has a QOS value which is in the set of

values requested by the receivers.

The quality of service requested within a flow can be modified during

the life of the flow. QOS modification requests are forwarded to the

MGA, which reduces the number of receivers in the original QOS group

and increments the count for the requested QOS. These changes are

propagated through the MGA hierarchy, with the server notified if

either the original QOS has no remaining receivers or if the new QOS

is not currently being served; similarly, the routers are notified if

routing changes are required.

4.2.2 Error Recovery

Sequence numbers are used in RAMP to determine the ordering of

packets within a multicast group. Mechanisms for ordering packets

transmitted from different senders is a current research topic [2,

6], and an appropriate sequencing algorithm will be incorporated

within the protocol.

Applications exist that do not require in-order delivery of data; for

example, some image servers include position identification

information in each packet. To enhance the efficiency of such

schemes, RAMP includes an option to allow out-or-order delivery of

packets to a receiver.

A NAK-based selective retransmission scheme is used in RAMP to

minimize the protocol overhead associated with ACK-based schemes.

When a receiver notices that one or more packets have not been

received, and the transmission is reliable, a request is sent to the

sender for the span of packets which are missing.

RAMP at the sender aggregates retransmission requests for the time

specified by the retransmission hold timer [section 4.2.3]. After

this time, the requests are evaluated to determine if sufficient

receivers dropped a given packet to make multicasting the

retransmission worthwhile by comparing it to a threshold value. All

packets that have received a number of retransmission requests

greater than the threshold are multicast to the group address, with

other packets unicast to the individual requesters. The proposed

retransmission scheme is a compromise between the extremes of

multicasting and unicasting all retransmissions. The rationale is

that multicasting a request issued by a single sender unnecessarily

floods networks which had no packet loss, while unicasting to a large

number of receivers floods the entire network. The optimal approach,

dynamically constructing a new multicast group for each dropped

packet, is currently too costly in terms of group set-up time.

For those cases where the service provider is unable to retransmit

the data due to released or overwritten buffers, the protocol

delivers NAK responses using either multicast or unicast based on the

number of retransmission requests received.

4.2.3 Flow Control

RAMP utilizes a rate-based flow control mechanism that derives rate

reductions from requests for retransmission or router back-off

requests (i.e., ICMP source quench messages), and derives rate

increases from the number of packets transmitted without

retransmission requests. When a retransmission request is received,

the protocol uses the number of packets requested to compute a rate

reduction factor. Similarly, a different reduction factor is

computed upon receipt of a router-generated squelch request. The

rate reduction factors are then used to compute a reduced rate of


When a given number of packets have been transmitted without packet

loss, the rate of transmission is incrementally increased. The size

of the increase will always be smaller than the size of the smallest

rate decrease, in order to minimize throttling.

The retransmission hold timer is modified according to both

application requests and network state. As the number of

retransmission requests rises, the hold timer is incremented to

minimize the number of duplicate retransmissions. Similarly, the

timer is decremented as the number of retransmission requests drops.

RAMP allows for priority traffic, which is marked in the packet

header. The protocol transmits a variable number of packets from

each sending process in proportion to the priority of the flow.

4.3 Routing Support

The protocol suite requires routing support for four functions: path

set-up, path tear-down, forwarding based on QOS values, and

prioritized packet loss due to congestion. The support must be

integrated into routers and network-level protocols in a similar

fashion to IGMP [8].

Partial support comes as a direct consequence of using reservation

protocols such as RSVP. This RFCdoes not mandate the means of

implementing the required functions, and the specified protocols are

compatible with known reservation protocols.

The routers state tables must maintain both the multicast group

address and the QOS level(s) requested for each group on each

outbound interface in order to make appropriate routing decisions

[section 4.3.3]. Therefore, the router state tables are updated

whenever group membership changes, including QOS changes.

4.3.1 Path Set-up

Routers receive path set-up requests from the MGA as required when

new members join a multicast group, which specifies the incoming and

outgoing interfaces, the group address, and the QOS associated with

the request. When the message is received, the router establishes a

path between the server and the receiver, and subsequently updates

the multicast group state table. The mechanism used to discern the

network interfaces is not specified, but may take advantage of other

protocols such as the RSVP path and reservation mechanism.

4.3.2 Path Tear-down

Path tear-down requests are also propagated through the routers by

the MGA when group membership changes or QOS changes no longer

require data to be sent over a given route. These are used to inform

routers of both deletions of QOS for a given path and deletions of

entire paths. The purpose of the message is to explicitly remove

route table entries in order to minimize the time required to stop

forwarding multicast data across networks once the path is no longer


4.3.3 Multicast Routing Based on Quality of Service

Traditional multicast routing formulates route/don't route decisions

based on the destination address in the packet header, with packets

duplicated as necessary to reach all destinations. In the proposed

new protocol suite, routers also consult the QOS field for each

packet as different paths may have requested different qualities of

service. Packets are only forwarded if the group address has been

requested and the quality of service specified in the header is

requested in the state table entry for a given interface.

4.3.4 Quality of Service Based Packet Loss

Network congestion causes router queues to overflow, and as a result

packet loss occurs. The QOS and priority indications in the packet

headers can be used to prioritize the order in which packets are

dropped. First, packets with the priority field set in the header

are dropped last. Within packets of equal priority, packets are

dropped in order of QOS, with the highest QOS packets dropped first.

The rationale is that other packets with lower QOS may be usable by

receivers, while packets with high QOS may not be usable without the

lower QOS data.

5. Interactions Among the Components: An Example

The MGA, RAMP, and routing support functions all cooperate in the

multicast process. As an example, assume that a network exists with

a single server (S), three routers (R1, R2, and R3), and two clients

(C1 and C2). The path between S and C1 goes through R1 and R2, while

the path between S and C2 goes through R1, R2, and R3. The network

is shown in figure 2.

S ------- R1 -------- R2 -------- R3

C1 C2

Figure 2. Sample Network Configuration

Service Registration

When S is initiated, it registers a service with the MGA node in

the local workstation, offering reliable service at two qualities

of service, Q1 and Q2. As this is the first multicast offering on

the workstation, the local MGA requests a block of multicast

addresses from the hierarchy, and assigns an address and service

identifier to S. If the RSVP reservation protocol is in operation,

the local MGA node in S notifies RSVP to send a RpathS

message out for the service, which goes through R1, R2, and R3,

reaching the RSVP nodes on C1 and C2. The service and its

characteristics are propagated throughout the MGA hierarchy,

ultimately reaching the MGA nodes resident on C1 and C2. The

service is now available throughout the network.

Service Request and Path Set-up

The client C1 requests reliable service from S at QOS Q1, by

issuing a request to the MGA node in C1. If a reservation protocol

is in use, then it is used to reserve bandwidth and establish a

path between the sender and receiver, going through R1 and R2;

otherwise, the path is established through R1 and R2 by the routing

protocol. R1 now forwards all packets from S with QOS Q1 along the

path to R2, which routes them to C1. In concert with the path

set-up, the add membership request is propagated through MGA to the

server workstation. The local MGA tables are checked and it is

noted that the service is not currently being offered, so the

server is notified to begin reliable distribution of the service at


Initial Delivery

The server now begins transmitting Q1 data which is observed by R1.

R1 inspects the header and notes that the packet has QOS Q1. The

routing tables specify that QOS Q1 for this address are only

forwarded along the interface leading to R2, and R1 acts

accordingly. Similarly, R2 routes the packet to C1. When the data

arrives at C1, the RAMP node inspects the QOS and destination

address fields in the header, accepts the packet, and forwards it

to the C1 client process.

Error Recovery

During transmission, if the RAMP node in C1 realizes that packets

have been dropped, a retransmission request is returned to the

server identifying spans of the missing packets. The RAMP node

accepts the packet, builds the retransmission packets, and sets the

retransmission hold timer. When the timer expires, the number of

retransmission requests for each missing packet is compared against

the threshold, and the packets are either unicast directly to the

requesters or multicast to the entire group. As in this case there

is only requester, the threshold is not exceeded and the packets

are retransmitted to C1Us unicast address.

Group Membership Addition

Client C2 now joins the group, requesting reliable transmission at

QOS Q2. Following the process used for C1, the request propagates

through the MGA (and potentially reservation protocol) hierarchy.

Upon completion of the request processing, R1 routes packets for

QOS Q1 and Q2 to R2, while R2 forwards QOS Q1 packets to C1 and Q2

packets to R3; client C1 only accepts packets marked as Q1 while C2

only accepts Q2 packets. The server is notified that it now has

clients for Q2, and begins serving that QOS in addition to Q1.

QOS Based Routing

First, assume that QOS Q1 data is independent of QOS Q2 data. When

the server sends a packet with Q1 marked in the header, the packet

is received by R1 and is forwarded to R2. R2 receives the packet,

and sends it out the interface to C1, but not to R3. Next, the

server delivers a packet for Q2. R1 receives the packet and sends

it to R2, which forwards it to R3 but not to C1. R3 accepts the

packet, and forwards it to C2.

Now, assume that either Q2 is a subset of Q1, or that receivers of

Q1 data also require Q2 data as in conditional compression schemes.

Therefore, all Q2 packets are marked for both Q1 and Q2, while the

remaining Q1 packets only have Q1 set in the header. Q1-only

packets are routed as before, following the path S -> R1 -> R2 ->

C1. However, Q2 packets are now routed from S to R1 to R2, at

which point R2 duplicates the packets and sends them to both C1 and

R3, with R3 forwarding them to C2. At C1, these packets have Q1

marked, and so are accepted, while at C2 the packet is accepted as

the Q2 bit is verified.

Group Membership Deletion

When C1 issues a drop membership request, the MGA on the client

workstation is notified, and the request is propagated through the

MGA hierarchy back to the server MGA node. In parallel, the

routers are notified to close the path, as it is no longer

required, possibly through the reservation protocol. As this is

the last client for the Q1 QOS, the server is informed to stop

transmitting Q1 data, with Q2 data unaffected. A similar process

occurs when C2 drops membership from the group, leaving the server

idle. At this point, the server has the option of shutting down

and returning the group address to the MGA, or to continue in an

idle state until another client requests service.


This research was supported in part by the Defense Research

Projects Agency (DARPA) under contract number F19618-91-C-0086.


[1] Almquist, P., "Type of Service in the Internet Protocol Suite",

RFC1349, Consultant, July 1992.

[2] Armstrong, S., Freier, A., and K. Marzullo, "Multicast Transport

Protocol", RFC1301, Xerox, Apple, Cornell University, February


[3] Braudes, R., and S. Zabele, "A Reliable, Adaptive Multicast

Service for High-Bandwidth Image Dissemination", submitted to ACM


[4] Cheriton, D., "VMTP: Versatile Message Transaction Protocol", RFC

1045, Stanford University, February 1988.

[5] Deering, S., "Host Extensions for IP Multicasting", STD 5, RFC

1112, Stanford University, August 1989.

[6] Mayer, E., "An Evaluation Framework for Multicast Ordering

Protocols", Proceedings ACM SIGCOMM '92, Baltimore, Maryland, pp.


[7] Mockapetris, P., "Domain Names - Concepts and Facilities," STD

13, RFC1034, USC/Information Sciences Institute, November 1987.

[8] Postel, J., "Internet Control Message Protocol - DARPA Internet

Program Protocol Specification", STD 5, RFC792, USC/Information

Sciences Institute, September 1981.

[9] Strayer, W., Dempsey, B., and A. Weaver, "XTP: The Xpress

Transfer Protocol", Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Reading, MA,


[10] Topolcic, C., Editor, "Experimental Internet Stream Protocol,

Version 2 (ST- II)", RFC1190, CIP Working Group, October 1990.

[11] "XTP Protocol Definition Revision 3.6", Protocol Engines

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"RSVP: A New Resource ReSerVation Protocol", Work in Progress,

March 1993.

Security Considerations

Security issues are not discussed in this memo.

Authors' Addresses

Bob Braudes


55 Walkers Brook Drive

Reading, MA 01867

Phone: (617) 942-2000

EMail: rebraudes@tasc.com

Steve Zabele


55 Walkers Brook Drive

Reading, MA 01867

Phone: (617) 942-2000

EMail: gszabele@tasc.com

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