
RFC1682 - IPng BSD Host Implementation Analysis

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group J. Bound

Request for Comments: 1682 Digital Equipment Corporation

Category: Informational August 1994

IPng BSD Host Implementation Analysis

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. This memo

does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of

this memo is unlimited.


This document was submitted to the IETF IPng area in response to RFC

1550. Publication of this document does not imply acceptance by the

IPng area of any ideas eXPressed within. Comments should be

submitted to the big-internet@munnari.oz.au mailing list.


This IPng white paper, IPng BSD Host Implementation Analysis,

was submitted to the IPng Directorate to provide a BSD host point of

reference to assist with the engineering considerations during the

IETF process to select an IPng proposal. The University of

California Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) TCP/IP (4.3 + 4.4)

system implementation on a host is used as a point of reference for

the paper.

This document only reflects the author's personal analysis based on

research and implementation experience for IPng, and does not

represent any prodUCt or future product from any host vendor. Nor

should it be construed that it is promoting any specific IPng at this



The author would like to acknowledge the many host implementation

discussions and inherent knowledge gained from discussions with the

following persons within Digital over the past year: Peter Grehan,

Eric Rosen, Dave Oran, Jeff Mogul, Bill Duane, Tony Lauck, Bill Hawe,

Jesse Walker, John Dustin, Alex Conta, and Fred Glover. The author

would also like to acknowledge like discussions from outside his

company with Bob Hinden (SUN), Bob Gilligan (SUN), Dave Crocker

(SGI), Dave Piscitello (Core Competence), Tracy Mallory (3Comm), Rob

Ullmann (Lotus), Greg Minshall (Novell), J Allard (Microsoft), Ramesh

Govinden (Bellcore), Sue Thompson (Bellcore), John Curran (NEARnet),

Christian Huitema (INRIA), and Werner Volgels (INESC). The author

would also like to thank Digital Equipment Corporation for the

opportunity to work on IPng within the IETF as part of his job.

1. Introduction

A host in the context of this white paper is a system that contains

an operating system supporting a network subsystem as one of its

parts, and an interprocess communications facility to Access that

network subsystem. These hosts are often referenced as a

Workstation, Server, PC, Super Computer, Mainframe, or an Embedded

System (Realtime Devices).

IPng will require changes to a hosts network software architecture.

Those changes should be as transparent as possible to the existing

IPv4 applications executing on hosts.

After discussing the network software architecture for a BSD host the

paper will discuss the perceived network software alterations,

extended capabilities, transition software, and a deployment

consideration for IPng hosts.

The inclusive OR of all IPng proposals was used to develop the

engineering considerations discussed in this paper.

2. Network Software Architecture

The BSD host network software architecture consists essentially of

three components: the interprocess communications facility, the

network communications subsystem, and the network protocols

supported. These three components are tightly coupled and must be

integrated in a way that affords high performance for the

applications that are dependent on these components to interoperate

efficiently. A BSD host implementation view of the TCP/IP protocol

suite is depicted in the following network architecture diagram.


Application Layer

Socket and Network Library APIs


SNMP Management

User Space


Kernel Space AF_INET

Communications Domain

Socket Layer

Transport Layer TCP & UDP



Network Layer


IPv4 Modules Discovery Multicast


Routing Routing

RIP EGP Tables




Link Dependent Layer


ARP, RARP, InARP, NCPs, Addr Tbls


Discovery & Interface


Data Link Layer





2.1 Interprocess Communications Facility

The interprocess communications (IPC) facilities includes three

critical parts:

1. The IPC mechanism to the network communications subsystem.

2. The ability to access a network protocol set within that


3. The structures supporting the network communications


The IPC facility has two implementation parts. The part in user

space and the part in kernel space within the operating system. This

is often not differentiated and why in the previous network

architecture diagram you will see sockets in both user and kernel

space. An IPC supports in user space an application program

interface (API) which application developers use to access the

network communications features of the host. These APIs have

corresponding functions in the kernel space which execute the

functions requested by the user space requests through the APIs.

The sockets paradigm on a BSD host defines the data structure of the

network address within a selected protocol family (communications

domain) in the network subsystem. This data structure consists of an

address family, a port for the protocol selected, and a network


The IPC facility on a host is dependent upon its interface to the

BIND DNS application which is the defacto method when using TCP/IP to

retrieve network addresses.

Other interfaces that may be required by applications to properly set

up the network connection within the IPC facility include:

setting/getting options for the protocols used, oBTaining/accessing

information about networks, protocols, and network services, and

sending/transmitting datagrams.

2.2 Network Communications Subsystem

The network communications subsystem consists of the following

generic parts as depicted in the previous network architecture

diagram: transport layer, network layer, link dependent layer, and

data link layer. These may not be implemented as true distinct

layers on a BSD host, but they are referenced in this white paper in

that manner for purposes of discussion.

The transport layer supports the application interface into the

network communications subsystem and sets up the parametric pieces to

initiate and accept connections. The transport layer performs these

functions through requests to the lower layers of the network

communications subsystem. The transport layer also supports the

queues and protocol control blocks for specific network connections.

The network layer supports the modules to build and extend the

network layer datagram, the control protocol datagrams, and the

routing abstraction on the host. This layer of the network

communications subsystem on a BSD host is often extended to provide

both interior and exterior routing functionality.

The link dependent layer supports the modules that provide an

interface for the network communications subsystem to map network

addresses to physical addresses, and build the necessary cache so

this information is available to the host network software.

On a BSD host the network layer and link dependent layer together

provide system discovery for hosts and routers.

The data link layer supports the modules that define the structures

for communicating with the hardware media used by the host on the

local network.

2.3 Network Protocols

The TCP/IP protocol suite as defined by the IETF RFCspecifications

are the set of network protocols used by this white paper for


3. Network Software Alterations

The IPng network software alterations to a BSD host perceived at this

time are as follows:

1. Applications Embedding IPv4 Addresses.

2. Transport Interfaces and Network APIs.

3. Socket Layer and Structures.

4. Transport Layer.

5. Network Layer Components.

6. Link dependent Layer.

3.1 Applications Embedding IPv4 Addresses

Internet style applications in this white paper are the set of

protocols defined for an end user using TCP/IP to exchange messages,

transfer files, and establish remote login sessions.

Applications use the sockets network APIs to maintain an opaque view

of the network addresses used to support connections across a

network. Opaque in this context means that the application determines

the network address for the connection and then binds that address to

a socket. The application then uses the reference defined for that

socket to receive and transmit data across a network.

An application that embeds an IPv4 network address within its

datagram has made an underlying assumption that the format of that

address is permanent. This will cause a great problem when IPng

causes addresses to change. Thus far only one Internet style

application has been determined to cause this problem and that is FTP


3.2 Transport Interfaces and Network APIs

The transport interface and network API enhancements that must take

place on a BSD host because of IPng are alterations that affect the

size of the network address used by the socket data structure.

Depending on how this is implemented on the host, supporting both

IPv4 and IPng could require existing IPv4 applications to be

recompiled. In the worst case it could require modifications to the

existing IPv4 applications software that accesses the network

communications subsystem.

There will have to be enhancements to the network APIs that an

application uses to retrieve BIND DNS records to differentiate

between IPv4 and IPng address requests.

The network API enhancements and how they are implemented will affect

the capability of any IPng proposal on a BSD host to be able to

interoperate between an IPv4 only, an IPng only, and an IPng-IPv4

host system.

Depending on the IPng proposal selected the network options,

services, and management objects will have to be extended at the

transport interface so those features can be accessed by applications


3.3 Socket Layer and Structures

The socket layer and structures will require changes to support any

IPng proposals network address. In addition new or removed options

and services will need to be incorporated into the socket abstraction

within the network communications subsystem.

3.4 Transport Layer

The transport layer will need to be modified to support any new or

removed services proposed by an IPng solution set. The transport

layer will become more overloaded to support the binding of either

the IPv4 or IPng network layer components to differentiate the

services and structures available to a host application. The

overload will also take place to support functionality removed in the

network layer and moved to the transport layer if proposed by an IPng


It will also take some design thought to implement IPng so the

hundreds of man years invested in performance improvements in the

host transport layer are maintained. This must be analyzed in depth

and should be part of the operational testing of any IPng proposal.

3.5 Network Layer Components

The network layer components for IPng will require the greatest

alterations on a host. In addition a host will be required to

maintain an integrated network layer below the transport layer

software to support either the IPng or IPv4 network layer and

associated components.

Depending on the IPng selected the host alterations to the network

layer components will range from complete replacement with new

protocols to extensions to existing IPv4 network layer protocols to

support IPng.

All IPng proposals will affect the BSD host routing abstraction to

maintain host software that supports interior and exterior routing.

Depending on the proposal selected those changes can cause either a

complete new paradigm or an update to the existing IPv4 paradigm.

System discovery of nodes on the local subnetwork or across an

internetwork path in all IPng proposals will require changes to the

BSD host software network layer component.

3.6 Link dependent Layer

The link dependent layer on a host will need to accommodate new IPng

addresses and the system discovery models of any IPng proposal.

4. Extended Capabilities with IPng

Extended capabilities that could be implemented by BSD hosts are

listed below. Many of these capabilities exist today with IPv4, but

may require changes with the implementation of IPng. Some of them

will be new capabilities.

4.1 Autoconfiguration and Autoregistration

Today hosts can provide autoconfiguration with DHCP using IPv4

addresses. IPng hosts will be faced with having to provide support

for existing IPv4 addresses and the new IPng addresses. In addition

the boot-strap protocol BOOTP used to boot minimal BSD host

configurations (e.g., diskless nodes) will need to be supported by

IPng hosts.

4.2 PATH MTU Discovery

PATH MTU discovery appears to be something each proposal is

considering. Alterations to the existing implementation of PATH MTU

are perceived because changes are expected in system discovery.

4.3 Multicast

Each proposal has depicted alterations to Multicast that will affect

present BSD host implementations of IPv4 Multicast. In addition it

appears that the IPv4 unicast broadcast will be replaced by a

multicast broadcast.

4.4 Flow Specification and Handling

This will be an extended capability proposed by all IPngs'.

4.5 System Discovery

Each proposal has depicted a new model for IPng system discovery of a


4.6 Translation and Encapsulation

The routing abstraction in a BSD host will have to deal with the

affect of any translation or encapsulation of network layer

datagrams, if they are required by an IPng.

4.7 Network Layer Security

It is perceived that network layer security will be required at the

network layer component of IPng and this will have to be implemented

by a BSD host.

4.8 Socket Address Structure

The network kernel socket address structure will change because of


4.9 Network APIs

The network APIs for a BSD host will have to be enhanced to support

IPng. In addition any new options available to the applications

because of the IPng network service will have to be added as an

option to the APIs.

4.10 Network Management

Network management for IPng will have to support new network objects

as defined by the IPng proposal. In addition the data structures in

the BSD host network kernel used as information to display network

topology will be altered by a new network layer datagram and

associated components.

5. Transition Software

Transition software in this white paper references the network

software alterations on a host to support both IPv4 and IPng for

applications and the hosts operating system network kernel. It is

the subject of another set of papers to identify the transition

software required by network managers to transition their users from

IPv4 to IPng.

Transition software on a host will be required to maintain

compatibility between IPv4 and IPng, and to manage both the existing

IPv4 and IPng environments as follows:

1. BIND DNS record updates and handling by the application.

2. SNMP management interface and monitoring of host network


3. APIs supporting IPv4 and IPng differentiation for the


4. Defacto network tools altered (e.g., tcpdump, traceroute,


5. ARP to new system discovery.

6. BOOTP diskless node support for IPng.

7. DHCP integration with IPng Autoconfiguration.

8. Routing table configuration on the BSD host (e.g., routed,


9. Selection of the network layer (IPv4 or IPng) at the

transport layer.

10. New options and services provided by an IPng protocol.

11. IPv4 and IPng routing protocols in the network layer.

12. IPv4 and IPng system discovery in the network layer.

These are only the highlights of the transition software that a host

will have to deal with in its implementation of IPng. The host

network architecture diagram depicted previously will require

software enhancements to each label in the diagram.

It is very important that each IPng proposal provide a specification

for a transition plan from IPv4 to IPng and their technical criteria

for the interoperation between IPv4 and IPng.

It should also be a requirement that existing IPv4 applications not

have to be recompiled when a host has implemented both an IPv4 and an

IPng network layer and associated components.

It is very desirable that when a host implements both an IPv4 and an

IPng network layer and associated components that there is no

performance degradation on the host compared to the performance of an

existing IPv4 only host.

It should not be a requirement by IPng that a host must support both

an IPv4 and an IPng network layer.

6. A Deployment Consideration

Complete and extensive technical specifications must be available for

any IPng proposal, and a selection of any proposal must accommodate

multiple implementations. The IPng Directorate should review proposed

specifications for completeness.

It is important that the IPng Directorate determine how long the CIDR

IPv4 address plan can extend the life of IPv4 addresses on the

Internet. This variable can affect the time we have to deploy IPng

and the proposed transition plans.


[1] Gilligan, B., et. al., "IPAE: The SIPP Interoperability and

Transition Mechanism", Work in Progress.

[2] Piscitello, D., "FTP Operation Over Big Address Records

(Foobar)", RFC1639, Core Competence, Inc., June 1994.

Security Considerations

Security issues are discussed in Section 4.7.

Author's Address

Jim Bound

Digital Equipment Corporation

110 Spitbrook Road ZK3-3/U14

Nashua, NH 03062-2698

Phone: +1 603 881 0400

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