
RFC1683 - Multiprotocol Interoperability In IPng

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group R. Clark

Request for Comments: 1683 M. Ammar

Category: Informational K. Calvert

Georgia Institute of Technology

August 1994

Multiprotocol Interoperability In IPng

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. This memo

does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of

this memo is unlimited.


This document was submitted to the IETF IPng area in response to RFC

1550. Publication of this document does not imply acceptance by the

IPng area of any ideas eXPressed within. Comments should be

submitted to the big-internet@munnari.oz.au mailing list.

1. Executive Summary

The two most commonly cited issues motivating the introdUCtion of

IPng are address depletion and routing table growth in IPv4. Further

motivation is the fact that the Internet is witnessing an increasing

diversity in the protocols and services found in the network. When

evaluating alternatives for IPng, we should consider how well each

alternative addresses the problems arising from this diversity. In

this document, we identify several features that affect a protocol's

ability to operate in a multiprotocol environment and propose the

incorporation of these features into IPng.

Our thesis, succinctly stated, is: The next generation Internet

Protocol should have features that support its use with a variety of

protocol architectures.

2. Introduction

The Internet is not a single protocol network [4]. While TCP/IP

remains the primary protocol suite, other protocols (e.g., IPX,

AppleTalk, OSI) exist either natively or encapsulated as data within

IP. As new protocols continue to be developed, we are likely to find

that a significant portion of the traffic in future networks is not

from single-protocol communications. It is important to recognize

that multiprotocol networking is not just a transition issue. For

instance, we will continue to see tunneling used to carry IPX traffic

over the Internet between two Novell networks. Furthermore, the

introduction of IPng is not going to result in a near term

elimination of IPv4. Even when IPng becomes the primary protocol

used in the Internet, there will still be IPv4 systems in use. We

should consider such multiprotocol uses of the network as we design

future protocols that can efficiently handle mixed protocol traffic.

We have identified several issues related to the way in which

protocols operate in a multiprotocol environment. Many of these

issues have traditionally been deemed "less important" by protocol

designers since their goal was to optimize for the case where all

systems supported the same protocol. With the increasing diversity

of network protocols, this approach is no longer practical. By

addressing the issues outlined in this paper, we can simplify the

introduction of IPng to the Internet and reduce the risk for network

managers faced with the prospect of supporting a new protocol. This

will result in a faster, wider acceptance of IPng and increased

interoperability between Internet hosts. In addition, by designing

IPng to address these issues, we will make the introduction of future

protocols (IPng2) even easier.

The outline for this document is as follows. In Section 3 we

motivate the issues of multiprotocol networking with a discussion of

an example system. In Section 4 we describe three main techniques

for dealing with multiple protocols. This is followed in Section 5

by a description of the various protocol features that are important

for implementing these three techniques. We conclude in Section 6

with a summary of the issues raised.

3. Multiprotocol Systems

Consider the multiprotocol architecture depicted in Figure 1. A

system supporting this architecture provides a generic file-transfer

service using either the Internet or OSI protocol stacks. The

generic service presents the user with a consistent interface,

regardless of the actual protocols used. The user can transfer files

between this host and hosts supporting either of the single protocol

stacks presented in Figures 2a and 2b. To carry out this file

transfer, the user is not required to decide which protocols to use

or to adjust between different application interfaces.


File Transfer Service




FTP ISO 8823


ISO 8327


TP0/RFC1006 TP4






Figure 1: Multiprotocol architecture providing file-transfer service

+-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+


+-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+

TCP ISO 8823 ISO 8823 TCP

+-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+

IP ISO 8327 ISO 8327 CLNP

+-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+

TP4 TP0/RFC1006

+-----------+ +-----------+


+-----------+ +-----------+



a) TCP/IP b) OSI c) RFC1006 d) TUBA

Figure 2: Protocol stacks providing file-transfer service.

Figure 2c depicts a mixed stack architecture that provides the upper

layer OSI services using the Internet protocols. This is an example

of a "transition architecture" for providing OSI applications without

requiring a full OSI implementation. Figure 2d depicts a mixed stack

architecture that provides the upper layer Internet applications

using the OSI network protocol. In addition to communicating with

the two previous simple protocol stacks, the multiprotocol system of

Figure 1 includes all the protocols necessary to communicate with

these two new, mixed protocol stacks.

It is likely that many future network systems will be configured to

support multiple protocols including IPng. As the IPng protocol is

deployed, it is unreasonable to expect that users will be willing to

give up any ASPect of their current connectivity for the promise of a

better future. In reality, most IPng installations will be made "in

addition to" the current protocols. The resulting systems will

resemble Figure 1 in that they will be able to communicate with

systems supporting several different protocols.

Unfortunately, in most current examples, the architecture of Figure 1

is implemented as independent protocol stacks. This means that even

though both TCP and CLNP exist on the system, there is no way to use

TCP and CLNP in the same communication. The problem with current

implementations of architectures like Figure 1 is that they are

designed as co-existence architectures and are not integrated

interoperability systems. We believe future systems should include

mechanisms to overcome this traditional limitation. By integrating

the components of multiple protocol stacks in a systematic way, we

can interoperate with hosts supporting any of the individual stacks

as well as those supporting various combinations of the stacks.

In order to effectively use multiple protocols, a system must

identify which of the available protocols to use for a given

communication task. We call this the Protocol Determination [2]

task. In performing this task, a system determines the combination

of protocols necessary to provide the needed service. For achieving

interoperability, protocols are selected from the intersection of

those supported on the systems that must communicate.

4. Multiprotocol Techniques

In this section we identify three main techniques to dealing with

multiprotocol networks that are in use today and will continue to be

used in the Internet. The first two techniques, tunneling and

conversion, are categorized as intermediate-system techniques in that

they are designed to achieve multiprotocol support without changing

the end-systems. The third technique explicitly calls for the

support of multiple protocols in end-systems. By describing these

techniques here, we can motivate the need for the specific protocol

features described in Section 5.

4.1 Encapsulation/Tunneling

Encapsulation or tunneling is commonly used when two networks that

support a common protocol must be connected using a third

intermediate network running a different protocol. Protocol packets

from the two end networks are carried as data within the protocol of

the intermediate network. This technique is only appropriate when

both end-systems support the same protocol stack. It does not

provide interoperability between these end systems and systems that

only support the protocol stack in the intermediate network. Some

examples of this technique are: a mechanism for providing the OSI

transport services on top of the Internet protocols [13],

encapsulating IEEE 802.2 frames in IPX network packets [5], tunneling

IPX [10] and AppleTalk traffic over the Internet backbone. We expect

IPng to be used for tunneling other network protocols over IPng and

to be encapsulated.

4.2 Translation/Conversion

Despite their known limitations [8], translation or conversion

gateways are another technique for handling multiple protocols [11,

12]. These gateways perform direct conversion of network traffic

from one protocol to another. The most common examples of conversion

gateways are the many electronic mail gateways now in use in the

Internet. In certain cases it may also be feasible to perform

conversion of lower layer protocols such as the network layer. This

technique has been suggested as part of the transition plan for some

of the current IPng proposals [3, 15].

4.3 Multiprotocol End-Systems

We expect that IPng will be introduced as an additional protocol in

many network systems. This means that IPng should be able to coexist

with other protocols on both end- and intermediate-systems.

Specifically, IPng should be designed to support the Protocol

Determination task described in Section 3.

One technique that we consider for solving the Protocol Determination

problem is to employ a Directory service in distributing system

protocol configuration information. We have developed and

implemented mechanism for using the Internet Domain Name System (DNS)

[6, 7] to distribute this protocol information [2]. Using this

mechanism, a multiprotocol host can determine the protocol

configuration of a desired host when it retrieves the network address

for that host. Then the multiprotocol host can match the

configuration of the desired host to its own configuration and

determine which protocols should be used to carry out the requested

communication service.

Another alternative to determining protocol information about another

host is Protocol Discovery. Using this approach, a host determines

which protocols to use by trial-and-error with the protocols

currently available. The initiating host monitors successive

attempts to communicate and uses the information gained from that

monitoring to build a knowledge base of the possible protocols of the

remote system.

This knowledge is used to determine whether or not a communication

link can be established and if it can, which protocol should be used.

An important aspect of the Protocol Discovery approach is that it

requires an error and control feedback system similar to ICMP [9],

but with additional functionality (See Section 5).

5. Protocol Features

In this section we identify features that affect a protocol's ability

to support the multiprotocol techniques described in the previous

section. These features indicate specific areas that should be

considered when comparing proposed protocols. We present two

different types of protocol features: those that should be included

as part of the IPng protocol standard, and those that should be

considered as part of the implementation and deployment requirements

for IPng.

5.1 Protocol Standard Features

o Addressing

A significant problem in dealing with multiprotocol networks is

that most of the popular network protocols use different

addressing mechanisms. The problem is not just with different

lengths but also with different semantics (e.g., hierarchical vs.

flat addresses). In order to accommodate these multiple formats,

IPng should have the flexibility to incorporate many address

formats within its addressing mechanism.

A specific example might be for IPng to have the ability to

include an IPv4 or IPX address as a subfield of the IPng address.

This would reduce the complexity of performing address conversion

by limiting the number of external mechanisms (e.g., lookup

tables) needed to convert an address. This reduction in

complexity would facilitate both tunneling and conversion. It

would also simplify the task of using IPng with legacy

applications which rely on a particular address format.

o Header Option Handling

In any widely used protocol, it is advantageous to define option

mechanisms for including header information that is not required

in all packets or is not yet defined. This is especially true in

multiprotocol networks where there is wide variation in the

requirements of protocol users. IPng should provide efficient,

flexible support for future header options. This will better

accommodate the different user needs and will facilitate

conversion between IPng and other protocols with different

standard features.

As part of the support for protocol options, IPng should include a

mechanism for specifying how a system should handle unsupported

options. If a network system adds an option header, it should be

able to specify whether another system that does not support the

option should drop the packet, drop the packet and return an

error, forward it as is, or forward it without the option header.

The ability to request the "forward as is" option is important

when conversion is used. When two protocols have different

features, a converter may introduce an option header that is not

understood by an intermediate node but may be required for

interpretation of the packet at the ultimate destination. On the

other hand, consider the case where a source is using IPng with a

critical option like encryption. In this situation the user would

not want a conversion to be performed where the option was not

understood by the converter. The "drop the packet" or "drop and

return error" options would likely be used in this scenario.

o Multiplexing

The future Internet protocol should support the ability to

distinguish between multiple users of the network. This includes

the ability to handle traditional "transport layer" protocols like

TCP and UDP, as well as other payload types such as encapsulated

AppleTalk packets or future real-time protocols. This kind of

protocol multiplexing can be supported with an explicit header

field as in IPv4 or by reserving part of the address format as is

done with OSI NSEL's.

In a multiprotocol network there will likely be a large number of

different protocols running atop IPng. It should not be necessary

to use a transport layer protocol for the sole purpose of

providing multiplexing for the various network users. The cost of

this additional multiplexing is prohibitive for future high-speed

networks [14]. In order to avoid the need for an additional level

of multiplexing, the IPng should either use a payload selector

larger than the 8-bits used in IPv4 or provide an option for

including additional payload type information within the header.

o Status/Control Feedback

With multiple protocols, the correct transmission of a packet

might include encapsulation in another protocol and/or multiple

conversions to different protocols before the packet finally

reaches its destination. This means that there are many different

places the transmission can fail and determining what went wrong

will be a challenge.

In order to handle this situation, a critical protocol feature in

multiprotocol networks is a powerful error reporting mechanism.

In addition to reporting traditional network level errors, such as

those reported by ICMP [9], the IPng error mechanism should

include feedback on tunneling and conversion failures. Also,

since it is impossible to know exactly which part of a packet is

an encapsulated header, it is important that the feedback

mechanism include as much of the failed packet as possible in the

returned error message.

In addition to providing new types of feedback, this mechanism

should support variable resolution such that a transmitting system

can request limited feedback or complete information about the

communication process. This level of control would greatly

facilitate the Protocol Discovery process described in Section

4.3. For example, a multiprotocol system could request maximal

feedback when it sends packets to a destination it has not

communicated with for some time. After the first few packets to

this "new" destination, the system would revert back to limited

feedback, freeing up the resources used by the network feedback


Finally, it is important that the information provided by the

feedback mechanism be available outside the IPng implementation.

In multiprotocol networks it is often the case that the solution

to a communication problem requires an adjustment in one of the

protocols outside the network layer. In order for this to happen,

the other protocols must be able to Access and interpret these

feedback messages.

o MTU Discovery or Fragmentation

A form of multiprotocol support that has long been a part of

networking is the use of diverse data link and physical layers.

One aspect of this support that affects the network layer is the

different Maximum Transmission Units (MTU) used by various media

formats. For efficiency, many protocols will attempt to avoid

fragmentation at intermediate nodes by using the largest packet

size possible, without exceeding the minimum MTU along the route.

To achieve this, a network protocol performs MTU discovery to find

the smallest MTU on a path.

The choice of mechanism for dealing with differing MTUs is also

important when doing conversion or tunneling with multiple

protocols. When tunneling is performed by an intermediate node,

the resulting packets may be too large to meet the MTU

requirements. Similarly, if conversion at an intermediate node

results in a larger protocol header, the new packets may also be

too large. In both cases, it may be desirable to have the source

host reduce the transmission size used in order to prevent the

need for additional fragmentation. This information could be sent

to the source host as part of the previously described feedback

mechanism or as an additional MTU discovery message.

5.2 Implementation/Deployment Features

o Switching

We define switching in a protocol as the capability to

simultaneously use more than one different underlying protocol

[1]. In network layer protocols, this implies using different

datalink layers. For example, it may be necessary to select

between the 802.3 LLC and traditional Ethernet interfaces when

connecting a host to an "ethernet" network. Additionally, in some

systems IPng will not be used directly over a datalink layer but

will be encapsulated within another network protocol before being

transmitted. It is important that IPng be designed to support

different underlying datalink services and that it provide

mechanisms allowing IPng users to specify which of the available

services should be used.

o Directory Service Requirements

While not specifically a part of the IPng protocol, it is clear

that the future Internet will include a directory service for

oBTaining address information for IPng. In light of this, there

are some features of the directory service that should be

considered vis-a-vis their support for multiple protocols.

First, the directory service should be able to distribute address

formats for several different protocol families, not just IPng and

IPv4. This is necessary for the use of tunneling, conversion, and

the support of multiprotocol systems. Second, the directory

service should include support for distributing protocol

configuration information in addition to addressing information

for the network hosts. This feature will support the protocol

determination task to be carried out by multiprotocol systems [2].

6. Conclusion

Future networks will incorporate multiple protocols to meet diverse

user requirements. Because of this, we are likely to find that a

significant portion of the traffic in the Internet will not be from

single-protocol communications (e.g., TCPng/IPng). This will not

just be true of near term, transitional networks but will remain as a

reality for most of the Internet. As we pursue the selection of

IPng, we should consider the special needs of multiprotocol networks.

In particular, IPng should include mechanisms to handle mixed

protocol traffic that includes tunneling, conversion, and

multiprotocol end-systems.

7. Acknowledgments

The authors would like to acknowledge the support for this work by a

grant from the National Science Foundation (NCR-9305115) and the

TRANSOPEN project of the Army Research Lab (formerly AIRMICS) under

contract number DAKF11-91-D-0004.

8. References

[1] Clark, R., Ammar, M., and K. Calvert, "Multi-protocol

architectures as a paradigm for achieving inter-operability", In

Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM, April 1993.

[2] Clark, R., Calvert, K. and M. Ammar, "On the use of directory

services to support multiprotocol interoperability", To appear in

proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM, 1994. Technical Report GIT-CC-93/56,

College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology, ATLANTA,

GA 30332-0280, August 1993.

[3] Gilligan, R., Nordmark, E., and B. Hinden, "IPAE: the SIPP

Interoperability and Transition Mechanism, Work in Progress,

November 1993.

[4] Leiner, B., and Y. Rekhter, "The Multiprotocol Internet", RFC

1560, USRA, IBM, December 1993.

[5] McLaughlin, L., "Standard for the Transmission of 802.2 Packets

over IPX Networks", RFC1132, The Wollongong Group, November


[6] Mockapetris, P., "Domain Names - Concepts and Facilities", STD

13, RFC1034, USC/Information Sciences Institute, November 1987.

[7] Mockapetris, P., "Domain Names - Implementation and

Specification. STD 13, RFC1035, USC/Information Sciences

Institute, November 1987.

[8] Padlipsky, M., Gateways, Architectures, and Heffalumps", RFC875,

MITRE, September 1982.

[9] Postel, J., "Internet Control Message Protocol", STD 5, RFC792,

USC/Information Sciences Institute, September 1981.

[10] Provan, D., "Tunneling IPX Traffic Through IP Networks", RFC

1234, Novell, Inc., June 1991.

[11] Rose, M., "The Open Book", Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New

Jersey, 1990.

[12] Rose, M., "The ISO Development Environment User's Manual -

Version 7.0.", Performance Systems International, July 1991.

[13] Rose, M., and D. Cass, "ISO Transport Services on top of the

TCP", STD 35, RFC1006, Northrop Research and Technology Center,

May 1987.

[14] Tennenhouse, D., "Layered multiplexing considered harmful", In

IFIP Workshop on Protocols for High-Speed Networks. Elsevier, May


[15] Ullmann, R., "CATNIP: Common architecture technology for next-

generation internet protocol", Work in Progress, October 1993.

9. Security Considerations

Security issues are not discussed in this memo.

10. Authors' Addresses

Russell J. Clark

College of Computing Georgia Institute of Technology

Atlanta, GA 30332-0280

EMail: rjc@cc.gatech.edu

Mostafa H. Ammar

College of Computing Georgia Institute of Technology

Atlanta, GA 30332-0280

EMail: ammar@cc.gatech.edu

Kenneth L. Calvert

College of Computing Georgia Institute of Technology

Atlanta, GA 30332-0280

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