
RFC1681 - On Many Addresses per Host

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group S. Bellovin

Request for Comments: 1681 AT&T Bell Laboratories

Category: Informational August 1994

On Many Addresses per Host

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. This memo

does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of

this memo is unlimited.


This document was submitted to the IETF IPng area in response to RFC

1550. Publication of this document does not imply acceptance by the

IPng area of any ideas eXPressed within. Comments should be

submitted to the big-internet@munnari.oz.au mailing list.

Overview and Rational

Currently, most hosts have only one address. With comparatively rare

exceptions, hosts as hosts -- as opposed to hosts acting as routers

or PPP servers -- are single-homed. Our address space calculations

reflect this; we are assuming that we can estimate the size of the

address space by counting hosts. But this may be a serious error. I

suggest that that model may -- and should -- change.

For the ideas outlined below, I do not claim that multiple addresses

per host is the only or even necessarily the best way to accomplish

the goal. I do claim that my ideas are at the very least plausible,

and that I expect that many of them will be tried.

Encoding Services

More and more often, services are being encoded in the host name.

One can fetch files from FTP.research.att.com, look up an IP address

on ns.uu.net, synchronize clocks from ntp.udel.edu, etc. Should this

practice be generalized to the IP address domain?

In some cases it would be a very good idea. Certain services need to

be configured by IP address; they are either used when the DNS is

being bootstrapped (sUCh as in glue records and root server cache

records), or when its unavailable (i.e., when booting after a power

hit, and the local name servers are slower to reboot than their

diskless clients.

Security is another reason, in some cases. Address-based

authentication is bad enough; relying on the name service adds

another layer of risk. An attacker can go after the DNS, in that

case. A risk-averse system manager might prefer to avoid the extra

exposure, instead granting privileges (i.e., rlogin or NFS) by

address instead of name. But that, of course, leads to all the usual

headaches when the location of the service changes. If the address

for the service could be held constant, there would be much more

freedom to move it to another machine. One way to do that is by

assigning the serving host a secondary address.

A related notion comes from the need to offer different views of a

service from a single host. For example, research.att.com has long

offered two distinct FTP archives, with slightly different Access

policies. It would be nice if both could live on the same machine,

without aSKINg the user community to learn new protocols or custom

port numbers.

Archie is an even better example. There are three principal ways to

use Archie: use a special protocol, and hence a special application

program, on a dedicated port and host that is probably named

archie.foo.bar; telnet to archie.foo.bar and go through an extra and

gratuitous login as archie, or telnet to some special port on

archie.foo.bar. The latter two are examples of using a standard

protocol (telnet) to offer a different service. Neither alternative

is very convenient.

It would be better if archie.foo.bar provided the Archie service,

while host.foo.bar provided a login prompt. Again -- an easy way to

do this is to assign the host a separate IP address for its extra


Note that there are security advantages here, too. A firewall could

be configured to allow access to the address associated with the

Archie server, but not the other addresses on that host. That would

provide a high degree of safety, assuming, of course, that the other

servers on that host were bound to its primary addresses, and not the

exposed address.

Another way to implement this concept would be to extend the DNS, to

return port number information as well as IP addresses. Thus,

netlib.att.com might return But that would

necessitate changing every FTP client program, a daunting task.

We could also look on this as the extension of the MX concept. MX

records are very valuable, but they apply only to mail, and they

don't supply port numbers. Again, changing this would require

massive client program changes.

Accounting and Billing

For better or worse, some parts of the Internet are moving towards

usage-sensitive charging. At least four charging schemes seem

possible; douBTless, the marketeers in charge of such things can and

will come up with more.

The first is the traditional "pay as you go" approach. Each host is

responsible for its own packets. Of course, that means that in a

typical conversation, both parties pay -- and the providers of free

FTP archives will end up paying dearly for their beneficence. That

leads to our second model: caller pays. Other people might want to

make collect calls, much as is done on the telephone today. Finally,

there might be the equivalent of American "900" numbers: the caller

pays a premium to the server.

This is not at all far-fetched; UUNET already has a 900 number for

anonymous uucp clients. No need to register in advance; just dial

in, and let the phone company act as your agent.

Given all these schemes, it is vital that the caller and recipient

know in advance who will pay. It is not acceptable for users to

learn, only after the fact, that they have incurred a cost. We could

envision use of IP options, but again, that would preclude use of

today's standard clients.

It is not sufficient to present a message at connection time warning

of the charges. Many interactions do not provide a hook for user

interaction. And there are security concerns -- suppose that someone

puts up a gopher server that redirects a caller to some pay-to-play

address, without displaying the required warning. A scam? Sure --

but it's already happened with the phone network, and I see no reason

to think that the Internet will be far behind.

My suggestion, of course, is to encode the charge algorithm in the

destination address (and perhaps in the DNS name space as well). The

bits themselves would determine who pays. Organizational border

routers could implement policies on pay services; the anonymous

workstations in a dorm computer lab wouldn't be allowed to call


An extension of this scheme would use a comparatively large number of

bits, letting the address act not just as a policy indicator, but

also as an index to a charge algorithm table.

Addresses per User

It may be useful to assign each user on a host a separate IP address,

for the duration of the login session. This has a number of


The first ties in with the charging scheme given above. Usage-

sensitive accounting today is done by routers, and they have no

notion of who is using the hosts. If each user had a separate IP

address, we could continue to gather the accounting data at the

router. The host would simply have to record the address

assignments; billing could be done offline.

Similarly, different classes of users could have different forms of

addresses. Those with hard-money accounts might have some bits set

in the address that would allow for access to costly services. The

border routers could make this sort of distinction, using today's


An IP address per user also fits in well with encryption. There is a

lot of attention today focused on network-layer encryption. But that

provides host-level granularity of protection, which is sometimes

insufficient. Transport-layer encryptors provide finer-grained

protection, but does the Internet need two different low-level

encryption schemes? If each user had a separate IP address -- and

perhaps had it only on hosts that cared about such matters -- we

could provide user-level protection and accounability, with the same

infrastructure used to support host-level accountability.

Low-Grade Mobility

There are several schemes under discussion for mobile IP hosts.

These are aimed at a fairly general model of hosts moving anywhere.

While that is important, there is also some need for limited

mobility, within a subnet. This could be used for load-balancing. A

mail relay that had just been asked to send a large message to a huge

mailing list could offload some of its IP addresses to its peers.

That would divert future incoming messages without invalidating

thousands of cached MX records and their associated IP addresses.

Similarly, servers for low-speed X terminals could reside on

different physical machines, all the while not disturbing sessions in


Merging Subnets

There has long been some need to merge subnets. Sometimes this is

due to organizational changes; other times, people have installed

bridges when routers would have been a more appropriate choice. Some

hosts need to live on both logical networks at once, to avoid an

extra hop through a router. It would be useful to be able to assign

them such addresses.

How Many Addresses Do We Need?

Assuming that some of these ideas bear fruit, how many addresses do

we need, per host?

Most of these schemes are fairly cheap. Few people would offer more

than a handful of distinct service views per system. But the

address-per-user notion could be quite costly. We also have to

account for address mask assignment policies. In many of today's

networks, enough bits of host address have to be allocated to allow

for the largest subnet in an organization. Even if we assume that

IPng's routing protocols will be smarter about such things, foresight

in address allocation will be needed to allow headroom for some

networks to grow, while still maintaining a contiguous netmask. This

in turn will contribute to sparse utilization of the address space.

Accordingly, I recommend that we allow for 2^6, and perhaps as many

as 2^8, extra addresses per host, to leave room for the ideas

presented here.

I should note that the idea of encoding the service in the transport

address bears some relation to OSI's model. That similarity should

not, of course, invalidate the idea.


Some of these ideas were derived from conversations with Matt Blaze.

Security Considerations

Security issues are discussed throughout this memo.

Author's Address

Steven M. Bellovin

Software Engineering Research Department

AT&T Bell Laboratories

600 Mountain Avenue

Murray Hill, NJ 07974, USA

Phone: +1 908-582-5886

Fax: +1 908-582-3063

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