
RFC1676 - INFN Requirements for an IPng

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group A. Ghiselli

Request for Comments: 1676 D. Salomoni

Category: Informational C. Vistoli


August 1994

INFN Requirements for an IPng

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. This memo

does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of

this memo is unlimited.


This document was submitted to the IETF IPng area in response to RFC

1550. Publication of this document does not imply acceptance by the

IPng area of any ideas eXPressed within. Comments should be

submitted to the big-internet@munnari.oz.au mailing list.


This white paper is sent by INFN network team, the Italian National

Institute for nUClear physics, whose network, named INFNet, is a

nationwide network founded to provide the Access to existing national

and international HEP laboratory and to facilitate communications

between the researchers. With this paper we would like to emphasize

the key points that we would to consider if charged with IPng plan.

We do not really expect to add original items to the selection, but

we think that it could be useful to submit the opinions and ideas

that come from our network experience.

1. General Requirements

The problems that are to be solved in IP internet are mainly three:

1. address exhaustion

2. flat address space

3. routing efficiency, flexibility and capacity.

The aim of IPng study should be to define a plan that solves all

these problems as a whole and not each of them separately.

The general requirements that we underline for this transition are:

- transparency to the final user: user applications should not be


- flexibility: Simplify the suitability to new communication

technology and to topology changes due to new services provided

or to different users needs.

2. Application and Transport Level

Starting from the top of the OSI model, we think that the users

applications should not be influenced by the migration plan. It

means that the TCP (the transport layer) must maintain the same

interfaces and services to the upper layers. Anyway, it is also

necessary to foresee the use of a different transport services. The

possibility to use different transport should be offered to the

applications. Therefore a transport selector field is needed.

3. Network layer: service and address

We assume that the network layer must continue to provide the same

datagram service as IP does. CLNS could be a solution and a reliable

starting point for the IPng. The main advantage is that this

solution has been profitable tested and it is already available on

many systems. It is not, of course, deployed as widely as IPv4 is,

since it is a newer technology, but it is widely configured and and

there is already operational experience. The corresponding address,

the NSAP, is 20 bytes long. It is long enough to scale the future

data network environment. Its hierarchical format can be organized

in a really flexible way, satisfying hierarchical routing and policy

based routing needs and simplifying the distributed administration

and management. A lot of work has been already done in the majority

of the countries in order to define NSAP formats satisfying both the

requirements of administrative delegation and routing performances.

4. Routing protocols

We don't consider the decision about the routing protocol to be

adopted for the IPng to be fundamental. Even if this choice is very

important to oBTain good performances, the routing protocols can be

changed or improved at any time, because there is no influence into

the End Systems configuration. Relationships between NSAP

aggregation, hierarchical topology and hierarchical routing algorithm

must be taken into account in IPng plan. These issues could improve

administration and topological flexibility of the IPng and solve the

flat problem of the IPv4. The IPng routing protocols should include

policy-based features. The IPv4 network topology is very complex and

it will continue to enlarge during the transition. It would be very

difficult or impossible to manage it without the "policy" tools. The

multicast capability as well as any other new features that fit in a

datagram network should be supported. Regarding the Source Routing

feature, since we think that it deeply modifies the aim and the

"philosophy" of a connectionless network and it also introduces an

heavy complication in the end nodes and routers software, we don't

consider it a major issue.

5. Layer 2 or communication infrastructure media support.

This is an open field, rapidly changing, then it must be left open to

any evolution. What it should be recommended is to be compatible with

the above network layer.

6. Transition and Deployment

We faced the problem of the transition of the DECNET global network

to DECNET/OSI over CLNS. This activity is now proceeding to the last

step and based on this experience we would underline some points that

we found important during the transition deployment. The transitions

must be planned and developed in a distributed way. This means that

every organization should have the possibility to plan and start

their network migration without loosing connectivity with the

existing global internet. Of course, the compatibility with the IPv4

world must be maintained, this mean that a new generation system must

interwork with both the IPv4 and IPng nodes, using the same


However, it is important to define a deadline for the backward

compatibility in order to avoid huge software maintenance in the user

systems and a "multi-topology" management. We think that a dual

stack approach could simplify very much the transition, whereas a

translation mechanism would need a widely and deep coordination in

order to maintain the global connectivity during the transition

period. The dual stack is simpler and could be easily developed, but

it is important to push in order to have pure IPng with global

connectivity as soon as possible; this could happen when there are no

more "IPv4 only" hosts.

Indeed, the drawback of the dual stack configuration is that you

continue to suffer for the IPv4 address space exhaustion and that you

must continue to support the IPv4 routing protocols and

infrastructure. We don't think that the tunnel solution to

interconnect the IPv4 isle could give good performances to the users.

Then, it is important to maintain the IPv4 connectivity and the dual

stack software support in the End System software in a determined

timeframe, or the transition will never end.

Security Considerations

Security issues are not discussed in this memo.

Authors' Addresses

Davide Salomoni


National Institute of Nuclear Physics - National Networking Center

V.le Ercolani, 8

40138 Bologna - Italy

Phone: +39 51 6098-260

Fax: +39 51 6098 135

EMail: Salomoni@infn.it

Cristina Vistoli


National Institute of Nuclear Physics - National Networking Center

V.le Ercolani, 8

40138 Bologna - Italy

Phone: +39 51 6098-260

Fax: +39 51 6098 135

EMail: Vistoli@infn.it

Antonia Ghiselli


National Institute of Nuclear Physics - National Networking Center

V.le Ercolani, 8

40138 Bologna - Italy

Phone: +39 51 6098-267

Fax: +39 51 6098 135

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