
RFC1678 - IPng Requirements of Large Corporate Networks

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group E. Britton

Request for Comments: 1678 J. Tavs

Category: Informational IBM

August 1994

IPng Requirements of Large Corporate Networks

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. This memo

does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of

this memo is unlimited.


This document was submitted to the IETF IPng area in response to RFC

1550. Publication of this document does not imply acceptance by the

IPng area of any ideas eXPressed within. Comments should be

submitted to the big-internet@munnari.oz.au mailing list. This draft

summarizes some of the requirements of large corporate networks for

the next generation of the Internet protcol suite.

Executive Overview

As more and more corporations are using TCP/IP for their mission-

critical applications, they are bringing additional requirements,

summarized below, the satisfaction of which would make TCP/IP even

more appealing to businesses. Since these are requirements rather

than solutions, we include capabilities that might be provided in

protocol layers other than the one that IPv4 occupies; i.e., these

items might lie outside the scope typically envisioned for IPng, but

we'll refer to them as IPng requirements nonetheless. When we

mention potential solutions, it is not to suggest that they are the

best approach, but merely to clarify the requirement.

Among business users the major requirements we see for IPng are:

-- smooth migration from, and coexistence with, IPv4;

-- predictable levels of service for predictable costs;

-- security; and

-- accommodation of multiple protocols suites.

We also mention several more specific requirements.

IPng must have a viable strategy for migration from, and coexistence

with, IPv4. IPv4 and IPng must coexist well, because they will need

to do so for several years. To encourage IPv4 users to upgrade to

IPng, IPng must offer compelling advantages and an easy migration


Corporate networks must meet promised levels of service while

controlling costs through efficient use of resources. The IETF

should consider both technical solutions (sUCh as service classes and

priorities) and administrative ones (such as accounting) to promote


Many businesses will not connect to a network until they are

confident that it will not significantly threaten the

confidentiality, integrity, or availability of their data.

Corporations tend to use multiple protocols. Numerous forces stymie

the desire to settle on just one protocol for a large corporation:

diverse installed bases, skills, technical factors, and the general

trend toward corporate decentralization. The IETF needs a strategy

for heterogeneity flexible enough to accommodate the principal

multiprotocol techniques, including multiprotocol transport,

tunneling, and link sharing.

Some of these requirements might be satisfied by more extensive

deployment of existing Internet architectures (e.g., Generic Security

Service and IPv4 type of service). The current Internet protocols

could be enhanced to satisfy most of the remaining requirements of

commercial users while retaining IPv4. Nevertheless, some

corporations will be scared away from TCP/IP by the publicity about

the address space until the IETF sets a direction for its expansion.

Migration and Coexistence

As the use of IPv4 continues to grow, the day may come when no more

IPv4 network addresses will be left, and no additional networks will

be able to connect to the Internet. Classless Inter-Domain Routing

(CIDR, RFC1519) and careful gleaning of the address space will

postpone that cutoff for several years. The hundreds of millions of

people on networks that do get IPv4 addresses won't be affected

directly by the exhaustion of the address space, but they will miss

the opportunity to communicate with those less lucky.

Because the Internet is too large for all its users to cutover to

IPng quickly, IPng must coexist well with IPv4. Furthermore, IPv4

users won't upgrade to IPng without a compelling reason. Access to

new services will not be a strong motivation, since new services will

want to support both the IPng users and the IPv4 users. Only

services that cannot exist on IPv4 will be willing to use IPng

exclusively. Moreover, if IPng requires more resources (e.g.,

storage, memory, or administrative complexity) than IPv4, users will

not install IPng unless it has clear benefits over IPv4. Indeed, the

millions of users of low-end systems (DOS, sub-notebooks) might not

ever be able to use IPng if it takes more memory. Thus there will be

a long period of coexistence between IPng and IPv4, so the

coexistence needs to be quite painless, and not based on any

assumption that IPv4 use will diminish quickly.

Service Level Agreements

If a corporation depends on its network for applications that are

critical to its business (such as airlines do for reservations, and

brokerages do for stock and bond trades), then the corporation

insists that the network provide the needed service level for a

predictable cost, so they can allow for it in their budget ahead of

time. A service level agreement (SLA) is a contract between

network's provider and users that defines the service level which a

user will see and the cost associated with that level of service.

Measurements in an SLA may include response times (average and

maximum), availability percentages, number of active sessions,

throughput rates, etc.. Businesses need to be able to predict and

guarantee the service levels and costs (routing capacity, link

bandwidth, etc.) for their traffic patterns on a TCP/IP network.

IPng should allow control of the cost of networking, a major concern

for corporations. Teleprocessing lines are a significant cost in

corporate networks. Although the cost per bit-per-second tends to be

lower on higher-bandwidth links, high-bandwidth links can be hard to

get, particularly in emerging nations. In many places it is difficult

to acquire a 64 kpbs line, and T1 service might not exist.

Furthermore, lead times can be over six months. Even in the US the

cost of transcontinental T1 service is high enough to encourage high

utilization. Cost-conscious businesses want IPng to allow high

utilization of teleprocessing links, but without requiring excessive

processing power to achieve the high utilization. There has been

considerable speculation concerning the goodput through congested

routes when using the Internet's current congestion control

algorithms; instead, it should be measured in a range of realistic

cases. If peak-busy-hour goodput under congestion is near the

theoretical maximum, publicize the data and move on to other

requirements. If not, then the IETF should seek a better standard

(e.g., they might explore XTP's adaptive rate-based approach and

other proposals).

Functions, such as class of service and priority, that let an

enterprise control use of bandwidth also may help meet service level

agreements. On the one hand, it has been said that the absence of

these inhibits TCP/IP usage in corporate networks, especially when

predictable interactive response times are required. On the other

hand, few vendors have felt motivated to implement TCP's architected

type-of-service, and priority tends to be handled in a non-standard

way (e.g., to assure that interactive well-known ports, such as

Telnet, get faster response times than non-interactive well-known

ports, such as file transfer). The IETF should sort out these

apparently conflicting perspectives. If the ad hoc techniques can be

demonstrated to be adequate, then they should be standardized;

otherwise, effective techniques should be developed and standardized.

Commercial users often require the options of a higher level of

service for a higher cost, or a lower level of service for a lower

cost; e.g., some businesses pay top dollar to assure fast response

time during business hours, but choose less expensive satellite

services for data backup during the night. Pervasive use of IPv4's

type-of-service markings might satisfy this requirement.

To discourage waste of bandwidth and other expensive resources,

corporations want to account for their use. Direct cost recovery

would let an entity measure and benchmark its efficiency with minimal

economic distortion. Alternatives, such as placing these costs into

corporate overhead or charging per connection, make sense when the

administrative cost of implementing usage-based accounting is high

enough to introduce more economic distortion than the alternatives

would. For example, connection-based costs alone may be adequate for

a resource (such as LAN bandwidth) that is not scarce or expensive,

but a combination of a connection cost and a usage cost may be more

appropriate for a more scarce or expensive resource (such as WAN

bandwidth). Balance must be maintained between the overhead of

accounting and the granularity of cost allocation.


Many corporations will stick with their private networks until public

ones can guarantee equivalent confidentiality, integrity, and

availability. It is not clear that additional architecture is needed

to satisfy this requirement; perhaps more wide spread use of

existing security technology would suffice. For example, the

Internet could encourage wide deployment of Generic Security Service,

and then solicit feedback on whether additional security requirements

need to be satisfied. Note that businesses are so concerned about

network cost control mechanisms that they want them secured against

tampering. IPng should not interfere with firewalls, which many

corporations consider essential.


Corporate users want the Internet to accommodate multiple protocol

suites. Several different protocol suites are growing in use, and

some older ones will be used for many more years. Although many

people wish there were only one protocol in the world, there is

little agreement on which one it should be.

Since the marketplace has not settled on one approach to handling

multiple protocols, IPng should be flexible enough to accommodate a

variety of technical approaches to achieving heterogeneity. For

example, most networking protocols assume they will be the dominate

protocol that transports all others; protocol designers should pay

more attention to making their protocols easily transported by

others. IPng needs to be flexible enough to accommodate the major

multiprotocol trends, including multiprotocol transport networking

(for an example, see X/OPEN document G306), tunneling (both IP being

the tunnel and being tunneled), and link sharing (e.g., point-to-

point protocol and frame relay). Fair sharing of bandwidth by

protocols with different congestion control mechanisms is a

particularly interesting subject.

Flow and Resource Reservation

Corporate users are becoming more interested in transmitting both

non-isochronous and isochronous information together across the same

link. IPng should coexist effectively with the isochronous protocols

being developed for the Internet.

The Internet protocols should take advantage of services that may be

offered by an underlying fast packet switching service. Constant-

bit-rate and variable-bit-rate services typically require

specification of, and conformance to, traffic descriptors and

specification of quality-of-service objectives from applications or

users. The Internet's isochronous protocols should provide

mechanisms to take advantage of multimedia services that will be

offered by fast packet switching networks, and must ensure that

quality-of-service guarantees are preserved all the way up the

protocol stacks to the applications. Protocols using available-bit-

rate services may achieve better bandwidth utilization if they react

to congestion messages from a fast packet switching network, and if

they consider consequences of cell discard (e.g., if one cell of an

IP datagram is discarded, it would be a waste to continue forwarding

the rest of the cells in that datagram; also, selective retransmit

should be revisited in this context).

When the Internet protocol suite allows mixing of non-isochronous and

isochronous traffic on one medium, it should provide mechanisms to

discourage inappropriate reservation of resources; e.g., a Telnet

connection probably doesn't need to reserve 45Mbps. Accounting,

class-of-service, and well-known-port distinctions are possible ways

to satisfy that requirement.

Mobile Hosts

Wireless technology opens up opportunities for new TCP/IP

applications that are specific to mobile hosts. In addition to

coordinating with organizations developing wireless standards, the

IETF also should encourage the specification of new TCP/IP

applications enabled by wireless, such as connectionless messaging.

IPng should deal well with the characteristics (delay, error rates4,

etc.) peculiar to wireless.

Topological flexibility

Today a TCP/IP host moved to a different subnet needs a new IP

address. Such moves and changes can become a significant

administrative cost. Moreover, mobile hosts require flexible

topology. Note how the wireless world is trying to defeat the subnet

model of addressing either by proxy or by IPaddress servers. Perhaps

IPng needs an addressing model more flexible than subnetting, both to

reduce the administrative burden and to facilitate roaming users.

The need to eliminate single points of failure drives the business

requirement for multi-tail attachment of hosts to networks.

Corporate users complain that TCP/IP can non-disruptively switch a

connection from a broken route to a working one only if the new route

leads to the same adapter on the end system.

Configuration, Administration and Operation

Businesses would like dynamic but secure updating of Domain Name

Servers, both to ease moves and changes and to facilitate cutover to

backup hosts. In this vein, secure and dynamic interaction between

DNS and Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP, RFC1541) is

required. The IETF should encourage wide deployment of DHCP, and

then solicit feedback on whether additional configuration

requirements need to be satisfied.

Policy-Based Routing

Policy-based routing is a more a solution than a requirement.

Businesses rarely require a general purpose policy architecture,

although they do state requirements that policy-based routing could

satisfy. For example, corporations do not want to carry for free the

transit traffic of other enterprises, and they may not want their

sensitive data to flow through links controlled by certain other

enterprises. Policy-based routing is one possible way to satisfy

those requirements, but there seems to be a concern that general

purpose policy-based routing may have high administrative cost and

low routing performance.


If IPng satisfies the scaling requirement of the Internet, then it

satisfies it for corporate networks a fortiori.


Enhancements to the Internet protocol suite, together with wider

deployment of some of its existing architectures, could satisfy these

requirement of commercial customers while retaining IPv4. Expansion

of the address space eventually will be necessary to allow continued

Internet growth, but in RFC1518 Tony Li and Yakov Rehkter have shown

that from a technical perspective the addressing issue of IPng is not

an immediate concern.

Nevertheless, the TCP/IP community should establish a direction for

enlargement of the address space, because unfounded publicity about

the address space is scaring away potential TCP/IP users. If the

IETF does not provide direction on how its address space will grow,

then people may use non-standard, and probably incompatible,


Security Considerations

The IETF should encourage wide deployment of GSS API, and then

solicit feedback on whether additional security requirements need to

be satisfied. Businesses are so concerned about network cost control

mechanisms that they want them secured against tampering. IPng

should not interfer with firewalls, which many corporations consider

essential. See other comments on Security throughout this memo.

Authors' Addresses

Edward Britton

IBM Corp.


P.O.Box 12195

Research Triangle Park, NC 27709

Phone: (919) 254-6037



John Tavs

IBM Corp.


P.O.Box 12195

Research Triangle Park, NC 27709

Phone: (919) 245-7610

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