
RFC1739 - A Primer On Internet and TCP/IP Tools

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Network Working Group G. Kessler

Request for Comments: 1739 S. Shepard

Category: Informational Hill Associates, Inc.

December 1994

A Primer On Internet and TCP/IP Tools

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. This memo

does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of

this memo is unlimited.

Table of Contents

1. IntrodUCtion .................................................. 2

2. A Beginner's Guide to TCP/IP-based Utilities and Applications . 2

2.1. NSLOOKUP .................................................... 3

2.2. PING ........................................................ 5

2.3. FINGER ...................................................... 6

2.4. TRACEROUTE .................................................. 7

2.5. FTP ......................................................... 10

2.6. TELNET ...................................................... 14

2.7. User Database Lookup Tools .................................. 17

2.7.1. WHOIS/NICNAME ............................................. 17

2.7.2. KNOWBOT ................................................... 20

2.7.3. NETFIND ................................................... 21

2.8. Information Servers ......................................... 24

2.8.1. ARCHIE .................................................... 24

2.8.2. GOPHER .................................................... 27

2.8.3. Other Information Servers ................................. 30

2.9. Uniform Resource Locator Format ............................. 31

3. Distribution Lists and Mailing Lists .......................... 32

3.1. Internet Discussion Lists ................................... 33

3.2. Usenet ...................................................... 33

3.3. BITNET/EARN ................................................. 35

4. Internet Documentation ........................................ 36

4.1. Request for Comments (RFCs) ................................. 36

4.2. Internet Standards .......................................... 38

4.3. For Your Information Documents .............................. 39

4.4. RARE Technical Reports ...................................... 40

5. Perusing the Internet ......................................... 40

6. Acronyms and Abbreviations .................................... 42

7. Security Considerations ....................................... 43

8. Acknowledgements .............................................. 43

9. References .................................................... 43

10. Authors' Addresses ........................................... 46

1. Introduction

This memo is an introductory guide to some of the TCP/IP and Internet

tools and utilities that allow users to Access the wide variety of

information on the network, from determining if a particular host is

up to viewing a multimedia thesis on foreign policy. It also

describes discussion lists accessible from the Internet, ways to

oBTain Internet documents, and resources that help users weave their

way through the Internet. This memo may be used as a tutorial for

individual self-learning, a step-by-step laboratory manual for a

course, or as the basis for a site's users manual. It is intended as

a basic guide only and will refer to other sources for more detailed


2. A Beginner's Guide to TCP/IP-based Utilities and Applications

This section provides descriptions and detailed examples of several

TCP/IP utilities and applications, including actual sessions using

these utilities (with some extraneous information removed). Each

section below describes a single TCP/IP-based tool, it's application,

and, in some cases, how it works. The text description is followed

by an actual sample session.

The sample dialogues shown below were made using the Multinet TCP/IP

software for VAX/VMS or DOS versions of FTP Software's PC/TCP. While

the examples below can be used as a guide to using and learning about

the capabilities of these tools, the reader should understand that

not all of these utilities may be found at all TCP/IP hosts nor in

all commercial software packages. Furthermore, the user interface

for different packages will be different and the actual command line

may appear differently than shown here; this will be particularly

true for graphical user interfaces running over Windows, X-Windows,

OS/2, or Macintosh systems. The Internet has many exciting things to

offer but standardized interfaces to the protocols is not yet one of

them! This guide will not provide any detail or motivation about the

Internet Protocol Suite; more information about the TCP/IP protocols

and related issues may be found in RFC1180 [18], Comer [22], Feit

[23], and Kessler [30].

In the commands shown in the descriptions below, any item appearing

in square brackets ([]) is optional and the vertical-bar () means

"or"; parameters appearing with no brackets or within curly brackets

({}) are mandatory. In the sample dialogues, most user input is in

capital letters (only where allowed) and lines containing user input

are designated with a "**" in the far-left margin.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The sample dialogues are easier to read in the

secondary, Postscript version of this RFC.


NSLOOKUP is the name server lookup program that comes with many

TCP/IP software packages. A user can use NSLOOKUP to examine entries

in the Domain Name System (DNS) database that pertain to a particular

host or domain; one common use is to determine a host system's IP

address from its name or the host's name from its IP address. The

general form of the command to make a single query is:

NSLOOKUP [IP_address host_name]

If the program is started without any parameters, the user will be

prompted for input; the user can enter either an IP address or host

name at that time, and the program will respond with the name and

address of the default name sever, the name server actually used to

resolve each request, and the IP address and host name that was

queried. "Exit" is used to quit the NSLOOKUP application.

Three simple queries are shown in the example below:

1. Requests the address of the host named "emily.uvm.edu", a system at

the University of Vermont (UVM). As it turns out, this is not the

true name of the host, but a shortened version of the name that is

accepted as an alias by the network. The full name of the host and

the IP address are listed by NSLOOKUP.

2. Requests the address of host "emily.emba.uvm.edu", which is the

same host as in the first query. Note that NSLOOKUP provides a

"non-authoritative" answer. Since NSLOOKUP just queried this same

address, the information is still in its cache memory. Rather than

send additional messages to the name server, the answer is one that

it remembers from before; the server didn't look up the information

again, however, so it is not guaranteed to still be accurate

(because the information might have changed within the last few


3. Requests the name of the host with the given IP address. The

result points to the Internet gateway to Australia,


One additional query is shown in the dialogue below. NSLOOKUP

examines information that is stored by the DNS. The default NSLOOKUP

queries examine basic address records (called "A records") to

reconcile the host name and IP address, although other information is

also available. In the final query below, for example, the user

wants to know where electronic mail addressed to the "uvm.edu" domain

actually gets delivered, since "uvm.edu" is not the name of an actual

host. This is accomplished by changing the query type to look for

mail exchange (MX) records by issuing a "set type" command (which

must be in lower case). The query shows that mail addressed to

"uvm.edu" is handled though a mail server called "moose.uvm.edu". The

DNS is beyond the scope of this introduction, although more

information about the concepts and structure of the DNS can be found

in STD 13/RFC1034 [12] and RFC1591 [13]. The "help" command can be

issued at the program prompt for information about NSLOOKUP's more

advanced commands.

TECHNICAL NOTE: There are other tools that might be available on your

system or with your software for examining the DNS. Alternatives to

NSLOOKUP include HOST and DIG.



Default Server: LOCALHOST





Name: emily.emba.uvm.edu


Aliases: emily.uvm.edu




Non-authoritative answer:

Name: emily.emba.uvm.edu


** >



Name: munnari.OZ.AU


** > set type=MX

** > UVM.EDU



uvm.edu preference = 10, mail exchanger = moose.uvm.edu

moose.uvm.edu internet address =

** > EXIT



2.2. PING

Ping is one of the most widely available tools bundled with TCP/IP

software packages. Ping uses a series of Internet Control Message

Protocol (ICMP) Echo messages to determine if a remote host is active

or inactive, and to determine the round-trip delay in communicating

with it. The Ping command, referred to as the Packet Internetwork

Groper in some references, has the following general format:

PING [-s] {IP_address host_name} [size] [quantity]

In the first test below, we ping the host "thumper.bellcore.com" to

determine whether it is up and running. This simple use of the

command contains no optional parameters.

In the second test, the "-s" parameter tells the system to send an

ICMP Echo message every second. The optional "size" parameter

specifies that each message should be 64 bytes in length (which is

the default size); the optional "quantity" parameter indicates that

this test will only send 12 messages (the default is to run the test

continuously until interrupted). The results of the second test

displays the round-trip delay of each Echo message that is returned

to the sending host; at the end of the test, summary statistics are




thumper.bellcore.com is alive



64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 time=150 ms

64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 time=110 ms

64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 time=130 ms

64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 time=130 ms

64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 time=320 ms

64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 time=110 ms

64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 time=440 ms

64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 time=90 ms

64 bytes from icmp_seq=9 time=100 ms

64 bytes from icmp_seq=10 time=110 ms


12 packets transmitted, 10 packets received, 16% packet loss

round-trip (ms) min/avg/max = 90/169/440




The Finger program may be used to find out who is logged in on

another system or to find out detailed information about a specific

user. This command has also introduced a brand new verb; "fingering"

someone on the Internet is not necessarily a rude thing to do! The

Finger User Information Protocol is described in RFC1288 [20]. The

most general format of the Finger command is:

FINGER [username]@host_name

The first example below shows the result of fingering an individual

user at a remote system. The first line of the response shows the

username, the user's real name, their process identifier,

application, and terminal port number. Additional information may be

supplied at the option of the user in "plan" and/or "project" files

that they supply; these files are often named PLAN.TXT or

PROJECT.TXT, respectively, and reside in a user's root Directory (or

somewhere in an appropriate search path).

The second example shows the result of fingering a remote system.

This lists all of the processes currently running at the fingered

system or other information, depending upon how the remote system's

administrator set up the system to respond to the Finger command.




KUMQUAT Gary Kessler 20A02991 MAIL TXA3

Last login Fri 15-Jul-1994 2:59 PM-EDT



Gary C. Kessler

Adjunct Faculty Member, Graduate College

Senior Member of Technical Staff

Hill Associates +1 802-655-8633 or 655-0940 (Office)

17 Roosevelt Highway +1 802-655-7974 (fax)

Colchester, VT 05446 +1 802-879-5242 (home)

INTERNET: kumquat@smcvax.smcvt.edu or kumquat@hill.com




Friday, July 15, 1994 4:00PM-EDT Up 21 03:41:31

7+0 Jobs on SMCVAX Load ave 0.24 0.31 0.25

User Personal Name Subsys

DENIS Denis Stratford MAIL


JAT John Trono EDT



SYSTEM System Manager *DCL*





Traceroute is another common TCP/IP tool, this one allowing users to

learn about the route that packets take from their local host to a

remote host. Although used often by network and system managers as a

simple, yet powerful, debugging aid, traceroute can be used by end

users to learn something about the structure of the Internet.

The Traceroute command has the following general format (where "#"

represents a positive integer value associated with the qualifier):

TRACEROUTE [-m #] [-q #] [-w #] [-p #] {IP_address host_name}

where -m is the maximum allowable TTL value, measured as the

number of hops allowed before the program terminates

(default = 30)

-q is the number of UDP packets that will be sent with each

time-to-live setting (default = 3)

-w is the amount of time, in seconds, to wait for an answer

from a particular router before giving up (default = 5)

-p is the invalid port address at the remote host (default =


The Traceroute example below shows the route between a host at St.

Michael's College in Colchester, Vermont (smcvax.smcvt.edu) and a

host at Bellcore in Red Bank, New Jersey (thumper.bellcore.com). The

output has some interesting points:

1. NEARnet, the New England Academic and Research Network, is a

regional network serving the northeastern U.S. The packets' route

runs from St. Mike's NEARnet gateway (smc-gw) to the University of

Vermont (uvm-gw), etc. Note that some intermediate systems (see

lines 4 and 16) do not have names associated with them.

2. From NEARnet (lines 1-6), the packets travel on the National

Science Foundation Network (NSFNET) T3 backbone (lines 7-11). The

NSFNET backbone nodes are identified as "ans.net" since the NSFNET

is operated by Advanced Networks and Services, Inc. (ANS). The

packets travel within ANS' network on their core nodal switching

subsystems ("cnss") until ready to jump off the backbone; line 11

indicates an ANS exterior nodal switching subsystem ("enss"). The

datagrams are then carried on the JvNCnet (lines 12-16), a regional

network in New Jersey (note the use of SMDS!). Finally, the

datagrams are placed on Bellcore's internal network (lines 17 and

18) for final delivery.

3. Note that not all of the datagrams take the same route. In

particular, only two of the datagrams go through the ANS gateway

referred to at line 10. Note also line 17; here, the first two

datagrams go through one router at Bellcore, while the third

datagram goes through a companion router.

TECHNICAL NOTE: Traceroute works by sending a sequence of User

Datagram Protocol (UDP) datagrams to an invalid port address at the

remote host. Using the default settings, three datagrams are sent,

each with a Time-To-Live (TTL) field value set to one. The TTL value

of 1 causes the datagram to "timeout" as soon as it hits the first

router in the path; this router will then respond with an ICMP Time

Exceeded Message (TEM) indicating that the datagram has eXPired.

Another three UDP messages are now sent, each with the TTL value set

to 2, which causes the second router to return ICMP TEMs. This

process continues until the packets actually reach the other

destination. Since these datagrams are trying to access an invalid

port at the destination host, ICMP Destination Unreachable Messages

are returned indicating an unreachable port; this event signals the

Traceroute program that it is finished! The Traceroute program

displays the round-trip delay associated with each of the attempts.

As an interesting aside, Traceroute did not begin life as a general-

purpose utility, but as a quick-and-dirty debugging aid used to find

a routing problem. The code (complete with comments!) is available

by anonymous FTP in the file "traceroute.tar.Z" from the host

"ftp.ee.lbl.gov". (See Section 2.5 for a discussion of anonymous




traceroute to THUMPER.BELLCORE.COM (, 30 hops max, 38

byte packets

1 smc-gw.near.net ( 50 ms 20 ms 10 ms

2 uvm-gw.near.net ( 160 ms 50 ms 30 ms

3 harvard-gw.near.net ( 470 ms 60 ms 60 ms

4 ( 50 ms 50 ms 40 ms

5 mit2-gw.near.net ( 50 ms 40 ms 40 ms

6 enss.near.net ( 60 ms 90 ms 40 ms

7 t3-2.Hartford-cnss49.t3.ans.net ( 70 ms 100 ms 60 ms

8 t3-3.Hartford-cnss48.t3.ans.net ( 70 ms 40 ms 40 ms

9 t3-2.New-York-cnss32.t3.ans.net ( 50 ms 60 ms 70 ms

10 * t3-0.New-York-cnss33.t3.ans.net ( 340 ms 110 ms

11 t3-0.enss137.t3.ans.net ( 90 ms 420 ms 190 ms

12 zaphod-gateway.jvnc.net ( 70 ms 50 ms 70 ms

13 airport1-gateway.jvnc.net ( 390 ms 110 ms 60 ms

14 airport4-gateway.jvnc.net ( 70 ms 50 ms 60 ms

15 coreSMDS-gateway.jvnc.net ( 80 ms 130 ms 100 ms

16 ( 80 ms 70 ms 100 ms

17 lab214b-cisco.cc.bellcore.com ( 120 ms 120 ms

lab214-cisco.cc.bellcore.com ( 130 ms

18 thumper.bellcore.com ( 130 ms 430 ms 80 ms



2.5. FTP

The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) [16] is one of the most useful and

powerful TCP/IP utilities for the general user. FTP allows users to

upload and download files between local and remote hosts. Anonymous

FTP, in particular, is commonly available at file archive sites to

allow users to access files without having to pre-establish an

account at the remote host. The general form of the FTP command is:

FTP [IP_address host_name]

As shown, FTP can be initiated in several ways. In the example shown

below, an FTP control connection is initiated to a host by supplying

a host name with the FTP command; optionally, the host's IP address

in dotted decimal form could be used. If neither host name nor IP

address are supplied in the command line, a connection to a host can

be initiated by typing "OPEN host_name" or "OPEN IP_address" once the

FTP application has been started.

The remote host will now ask for a username and passWord. If a

legitimate, registered user of this host supplies a valid username

and password, then the user will have access to any files and

directories to which this username has privilege. For anonymous FTP

access, the username "anonymous" is used and the password (not shown

in actual use) is "guest" (although an increasing number of systems

ask that anonymous FTP users supply their Internet address as the


The first command issued in the example below is "help ?", used to

obtain a list of available FTP commands and help topics. Although

not always shown, nearly all TCP/IP applications have a help command.

An example of the help for FTP's "type" command is shown in the

sample dialogue. This command is very important one, by the way; if

transferring a binary or executable file, be sure to set the type to

"image" (or "binary" on some systems).

The "dir" command provides a directory listing of the files in the

current directory at the remote host; the UNIX "ls" command may also

usually be used. Note that an FTP data transfer connection is

established for the transfer of the directory information to the

local host. The output from the "dir" command will show a file

listing that is consistent with the native operating system of the

remote host. Although the TCP/IP suite is often associated with

UNIX, it can (and does) run with nearly all common operating systems.

The directory information shown in the sample dialogue happens to be

in UNIX format and includes the following information:

o File attributes. The first character identifies this as a

directory (d), link (l), or individual file (-). The next nine

characters list the access permissions for three groups, namely,

the owner, the owner's group, and all other users. Three access

privileges may be assigned to each file for each of these groups:

read (r), write (w), execute (x), and/or search (s).

o File owner and owner's group.

o File size, in bytes.

o Date of last modification. If the date is followed by a timestamp,

then the date is from the current year.

o File name.

After the directory information has been transferred, FTP closes the

data transfer connection.

The command "cd" is used to change to another directory, in this case

the "Gov" directory (note that file and directory names may be case-

sensitive). As in DOS, "cd .." will change to the parent of the

current directory. The "CWD command successful" is the only

indication that the user's "cd" command was correctly executed; the

"show-directory" (may be truncated to fewer characters, as shown)

command, if available, may be used to see which directory you are in.

Another "dir" command is used to find all files ending with the

characters ".act"; note the use of the "*" wildcard character. We

can now copy (download) the file of choice (The Fair Credit Reporting

Act, 1992) by using the "get" (or "receive") command, which has the

following general format:

GET remote_file_name local_file_name

FTP opens another data transfer connection for this file transfer

purpose; note that the effective data transfer rate is 39.98 kbps.

FTP's "put" (or "send") command allows uploading from the local host

to the remote. "Put" is often not available when using anonymous


Finally, we terminate the FTP connection by using the "close"

command. The user can initiate another FTP connection using the

"open" command or can leave FTP by issuing a "quit" command. "Quit"

can also be used to close a connection and terminate a session.

TECHNICAL NOTE: It is important to note that different FTP packages

have different commands available and even those with similar names

may act differently. In the example shown here (using MultiNet for

VMS), the "show" command will display the current directory; in

another package (e.g., FTP Software's PC/TCP), "show" will display a

file from the remote host at the local host. Some packages have

nothing equivalent to either of these commands!



SMCVAX.SMCVT.EDU MultiNet FTP user process 3.2(106)

Connection opened (Assuming 8-bit connections)

** Username: ANONYMOUS

** Password: GUEST


Commands may be one of the following:





































The TYPE command changes the FTP transfer type. The possible

arguments to the TYPE command are ASCII, IMAGE, BACKUP, and

LOGICAL-BYTE ASCII type is used for transferring ASCII text files.

IMAGE type is used for transferring binary files. BACKUP type is

used for transferring VAX/VMS backup savesets with 2048 byte block



<Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.

total 25

drwxr-xr-x 2 9013 daemon 512 Jul 1 1993 .cap

drwxr-xr-x 4 9013 daemon 512 Jul 1 1993 About

-rw-r--r-- 1 9013 daemon 791 Apr 6 1993 About_Gopher

drwxr-xr-x 3 9013 daemon 512 Jul 12 1993 Books

drwxr-xr-x 13 9013 daemon 512 Jul 1 1993 Clinton

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root daemon 12 Feb 26 07:02 Economic_Plan

-> Gov/Economic

drwxr-xr-x 4 9013 daemon 512 Jul 1 1993 Etext

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root daemon 13 Feb 26 07:01 GAO_Reports ->


drwxr-xr-x 29 9013 daemon 1024 Feb 3 00:15 Gov

drwxr-xr-x 16 9013 daemon 512 Jul 1 1993 Library

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root daemon 9 Feb 26 06:56 NAFTA ->


drwxr-xr-x 2 9013 daemon 512 Jul 1 1993 Other

drwxr-xr-x 3 9013 daemon 3072 Apr 7 20:59 alt.etext

drwxr-xr-x 8 root 42 512 Jul 1 1993 ba.internet

dr-xr-xr-x 2 bin wheel 512 Jul 1 1993 bin

drwxr-xr-x 2 root daemon 512 Feb 15 06:14 dev

drwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 512 Jul 1 1993 etc

drwxr-xr-x 11 9038 daemon 512 Dec 17 05:37 game_archive

drwx-wx-wx 3 root daemon 1024 Apr 18 02:09 incoming

drwxr-xr-x 3 root ftp 512 Oct 29 02:35 pub

drwxr-xr-x 2 root daemon 512 Jul 1 1992 tmp

drwxr-xr-x 3 root daemon 512 Jul 1 1993 usr

drwxr-xr-x 3 9013 42 1024 Jul 1 1993 waffle

<Transfer complete.

1490 bytes transferred at 4966 bps.

Run time = 10. ms, Elapsed time = 2400. ms.


<CWD command successful.


<"/Gov" is current directory.


<Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.

-rw-r--r-- 1 9013 42 32695 Dec 10 21:37 brady.act

-r--r--r-- 1 9013 42 168649 Mar 26 1993 disable.act

-r--r--r-- 1 9013 42 62602 Mar 30 1993 ecpa.act

-r--r--r-- 1 9013 42 29519 Mar 30 1993 faircredit.act

-r--r--r-- 1 9013 42 57206 Mar 30 1993 privacy.act

-r--r--r-- 1 9013 42 16261 Mar 26 1993 warpower.act

<Transfer complete.

401 bytes transferred at 7638 bps.

Run time = 0. ms, Elapsed time = 420. ms.


<Opening ASCII mode data connection for faircredit.act (29519


<Transfer complete.

30132 bytes transferred at 39976 bps.

Run time = 40. ms, Elapsed time = 6030. ms.






TELNET [17] is TCP/IP's virtual terminal protocol. Using TELNET, a

user connected to one host can login to another host, appearing like

a directly-attached terminal at the remote system; this is TCP/IP's

definition of a "virtual terminal." The general form of the TELNET

command is:

TELNET [IP_address host_name] [port]

As shown, a TELNET connection is initiated when the user enters the

"TELNET" command and supplies either a "host_name" or "IP_address";

if neither are given, TELNET will ask for one once the application


In the example below, a user logged onto a PC on a LAN will use

TELNET to attach to the remote host "smcvax.smcvt.edu". Once logged

in via TELNET, the user can do anything on the remote host that they

could do if they were on a directly-connected terminal or had dialed-

up by modem. The commands that are used are those available on the

remote system to which the user is attached. In the sample dialogue

below, the user attached to SMCVAX will use basic VAX/VMS commands:

o The "dir" command lists the files having a "COM" file extension.

o The "mail" command enters the MAIL system (there are no messages).

o "Pinging" the home host shows that it is alive!

When finished, "logout" logs the user off the remote host; TELNET

automatically closes the connection to the remote host and returns

control to the local system.

It is important to note that TELNET is a very powerful tool, one that

may provide users with access to many Internet utilities and services

that might not be otherwise available. Many of these features are

accessed by specifying a port number with the TELNET command, in

addition to a host's address, and knowledge of port numbers provides

another mechanism for users to access information with Telnet.

This guide discusses several TCP/IP and Internet utilities that

require local client software, such as Finger, Whois, Archie, and

Gopher. But what if your software does not include a needed client?

In some cases, Telnet may be used to access a remote client and

provide the same functionality.

This is done by specifying a port number with the TELNET command.

Just as TCP/IP hosts have a unique IP address, applications on the

host are associated with an address, called a "port". Finger, for

example, is associated with the well-known port number 79. In the

absence of a Finger client, TELNETing to port 79 at a remote host may

provide the same information. You can "finger" another host with

TELNET by using a command like:

TELNET host_name 79

Other well-known TCP/IP port numbers include 20 (FTP data transfer),

21 (FTP control), 25 (SMTP), 43 (whois), 70 (Gopher), and 185


Some services are available on the Internet using TELNET and special

port numbers. A geographical information database, for example, may

be accessed by TELNETing to port 3000 at host

"martini.eecs.umich.edu"; current weather information is available at

port 3000 at hosts "downwind.sprl.umich.edu" and




FTP Software PC/TCP tn 2.31 01/07/94 12:38

Copyright (c) 1986-1993 by FTP Software, Inc. All rights reserved

- Connected to St. Michael's College -

** Username: KUMQUAT

** Password:

St. Michael's College VAX/VMS System.


Last interactive login on Thursday, 9-JUN-1994 11:55

Last non-interactive login on Thursday, 9-JUN-1994 08:20

Good Afternoon User KUMQUAT. Logged in on 12-JUN-1994 at 3:27 PM.

User [GUEST,KUMQUAT] has 4292 blocks used, 5708 available,

of 10000 authorized and permitted overdraft of 100 blocks on $1$DIA2


Directory $1$DIA2:[GUEST.KUMQUAT]

BACKUP.COM;24 24 16-JUL-1990 16:22:46.68 (RWED,RWED,RE,)

DELTREE.COM;17 3 16-JUL-1990 16:22:47.58 (RWED,RWED,RE,)

EXPANDZ.COM;7 2 22-FEB-1993 10:00:04.35 (RWED,RWED,RE,)

FTSLOGBLD.COM;3 1 16-JUL-1990 16:22:48.57 (RWED,RWED,RE,)

FTSRRR.COM;2 1 16-JUL-1990 16:22:48.73 (RWED,RWED,RE,)

LOGIN.COM;116 5 1-DEC-1993 09:33:21.61 (RWED,RWED,RE,)

SNOOPY.COM;6 1 16-JUL-1990 16:22:52.06 (RWED,RWED,RE,)

SYLOGIN.COM;83 8 16-JUL-1990 16:22:52.88 (RWED,RWED,RE,RE)

SYSHUTDWN.COM;1 0 16-JUL-1990 16:22:53.04 (RWED,RWED,RE,)

SYSTARTUP.COM;88 15 16-JUL-1990 16:22:53.21 (RWED,RWED,RE,)

WATCH_MAIL.COM;1 173 10-MAY-1994 09:59:52.65 (RWED,RWED,RE,)

Total of 11 files, 233 blocks.




PING HILL.COM ( 56 data bytes

64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 time=290 ms

64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 time=260 ms

64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 time=260 ms

64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 time=260 ms

64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 time=260 ms

----HILL.COM PING Statistics----

5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0% packet loss

round-trip (ms) min/avg/max = 260/266/290


KUMQUAT logged out at 12-JUN-1994 15:37:04.29

Connection #0 closed



2.7. User Database Lookup Tools


WHOIS and NICNAME are TCP/IP applications that search databases to

find the name of network and system administrators, RFCauthors,

system and network points-of-contact, and other individuals who are

registered in appropriate databases. The original NICNAME/WHOIS

protocol is described in RFC954 [4].

WHOIS may be accessed by TELNETing to an appropriate WHOIS server and

logging in as "WHOIS" (no password is required); the most common

Internet name server is located at the Internet Network Information

Center (InterNIC) at "rs.internic.net". This specific database, in

particular, only contains INTERNET domains, IP network numbers, and

points of contact; policies governing the InterNIC database are

described in RFC1400 [19]. The MILNET database resides at

"nic.ddn.mil" and PSI's White Pages pilot service is located at


Many software packages contain a WHOIS/NICNAME client that

automatically establishes the TELNET connection to a default name

server database, although users can usually specify any name server

database that they want.

The accompanying dialogues shows several types of WHOIS/NICNAME

information queries. In the session below, we request information

about an individual (Denis Stratford) by using WHOIS locally, a

specific domain (hill.com) by using NICNAME locally, and a high-level

domain (edu) using TELNET to a WHOIS server.



Stratford, Denis (DS378) denis@@SMCVAX.SMCVT.EDU

St. Michael's College

Jemery Hall, Room 274

Winooski Park

Colchester, VT 05439

(802) 654-2384

Record last updated on 02-Nov-92.



Hill Associates (HILL-DOM)

17 Roosevelt Highway

Colchester, VT 05446

Domain Name: HILL.COM

Administrative Contact:

Kessler, Gary C. (GK34) kumquat@HILL.COM

(802) 655-8633

Technical Contact, Zone Contact:

Monaghan, Carol A. (CAM4) cam@HILL.COM

(802) 655-8630

Record last updated on 15-Jun-94.

Domain servers in listed order:




Connected to RS.INTERNIC.NET, a SUN 670 running SUNOS-4.1.3


* -- InterNIC Registration Services Center --


Cmdinter Ver 1.3 Mon Mar 21 13:42:27 1994 EST

** [dec-vt220] InterNIC> WHOIS

Connected to the rs Database

InterNIC WHOIS Version: 1.0 Mon, 21 Mar 94 13:42:32

** Whois: DOMAIN EDU

Education top-level domain (EDU-DOM)

Network Solutions, Inc.

505 Huntmar park Dr.

Herndon, VA 22070

Domain Name: EDU

Administrative Contact, Technical Contact, Zone Contact:


(703) 742-4777 (FAX) (703) 742-4811

Record last updated on 16-May-94.

Domain servers in listed order:









Would you like to see the known domains under this top-level domain?

** Y

There are 1504 known sub-domains:

0.EDU Reserved Domain

1.EDU Reserved Domain

2.EDU Reserved Domain

22CF.EDU 22nd Century Foundation

3.EDU Reserved Domain

** There are 1499 more matches. Show them? N

** Whois: EXIT

** [dec-vt220] InterNIC> QUIT

Connection #0 closed



2.7.2. KNOWBOT

KNOWBOT is an automated username database search tool that is related

to WHOIS. The Knowbot Information Service (KIS) provides a simple

WHOIS-like interface that allows users to query several Internet user

databases (White Pages services) all at one time. A single KIS query

will automatically search the InterNIC, MILNET, MCImail, and PSI

White Pages Pilot Project; other databases may also be included.

KNOWBOT may be accessed by TELNETing to port 185 at host

"info.cnri.reston.va.us" or "sol.bucknell.edu". The "help" command

will supply sufficient information to get started. The sample

dialogue below shows use of the "query" command to locate a user

named "Gary Kessler"; this command automatically starts a search

through the default set of Internet databases.



Knowbot Information Service

KIS Client (V2.0). Copyright CNRI 1990. All Rights Reserved.

Please enter your email address in our guest book...

** (Your email address?) > KUMQUAT@HILL.COM


Trying whois at ds.internic.net...

The ds.internic.net whois server is being queried:

No match for "KESSLER and GARY"

The rs.internic.net whois server is being queried:

Kessler, Gary C. (GK34) kumquat@HILL.COM

Hill Associates

17 Roosevelt Highway

Colchester, VT 05446

(802) 655-8633

The nic.ddn.mil whois server is being queried:

Kessler, Gary P. (GK15) sa75@TECNET1.JCTE.JCS.MIL


Simulation & Control Technology Dept


Patuxent River, MD 20670

301-826-3192 (DSN) 326-3192 (FAX) 301-826-4555

MILNET TAC user (Issued: 11-jul-1994)

TAC authorizing host: TECNET1.JCTE.JCS.MIL (NATC-3COM)

Trying mcimail at cnri.reston.va.us...

Trying ripe at whois.ripe.net...

Trying whois at whois.lac.net...

No match found for .KESSLER,GARY

** > QUIT

KIS exiting

Connection #0 closed



2.7.3. NETFIND

NETFIND is another tool that may be used to locate people on the

network. NETFIND's advantage is that it searches for users by

utilizing extant tools such as Finger and SMTP, thus providing the

potential to find any user on any host without relying on databases.

For NETFIND to be successful, however, the system manager of existing

systems must set up Finger and SMTP to respond correctly to NETFIND's

queries. NETFIND is still relatively new and use will grow over


NETFIND is a menu-driven, text-based system. Users need to TELNET to

an available NETFIND server. Once connected, login as "netfind"

(must be lower-case; no password required) and follow the menu

prompts. The sample dialogue below shows the search for "Tom

Maufer", who is known to work at Goddard Space Flight Center ("gsfc")

at NASA ("nasa.gov").

The primary NETFIND server is located at the University of Colorado

in Boulder (bruno.cs.colorado.edu); alternate servers include:

archie.au (AARNet, Melbourne, Australia)

dino.conicit.ve (Nat. Council for Tech. & Sci. Res., Venezuela)

ds.internic.net (InterNIC Directory & DB Svcs., S. Plainfield, NJ)

eis.calstate.edu (California State University, Fullerton, CA)

krnic.net (Korea Network Information Center, Taejon, Korea)

lincoln.technet.sg (Technet Unit, Singapore)

malloco.ing.puc.cl (Catholic University of Chile, Santiago)

monolith.cc.ic.ac.uk (Imperial College, London, England)

mudhoney.micro.umn.edu (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis)

netfind.anu.edu.au (Australian National University, Canberra)

netfind.ee.mcgill.ca (McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada)

netfind.fnet.fr (Association FNET, Le Kremlin-Bicetre, France)

netfind.icm.edu.pl (Warsaw University, Warsaw, Poland)

netfind.if.usp.br (University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil)

netfind.oc.com (OpenConnect Systems, Dallas, Texas)

netfind.sjsu.edu (San Jose State University, San Jose, California)

netfind.vslib.cz (Liberec Univ. of Technology, Czech Republic)

nic.uakom.sk (Academy of Sciences, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia)

redmont.cis.uab.edu (University of Alabama at Birmingham)



SunOS UNIX (ds)

** login: netfind


Welcome to the InterNIC Directory & Database Server


Top level choices:

1. Help

2. Search

3. Seed database lookup

4. Options

5. Quit (exit server)

** --> 2

** Enter person and keys (blank to exit) --> MAUFER GSFC NASA GOV

Please select at most 3 of the following domains to search:

0. gsfc.nasa.gov (goddard space flight center, united states

national aeronautics and space administration, greenbelt, maryland)

1. antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov (compton gamma ray observatory

science support center, goddard space flight center, united states

national aeronautics and space administration, greenbelt, maryland)

2. enemy.gsfc.nasa.gov (compton gamma ray observatory science

support center, goddard space flight center, united states national

aeronautics and space administration, greenbelt, maryland)

3. upolu.gsfc.nasa.gov (goddard space flight center, united

states national aeronautics and space administration, greenbelt,


** Enter selection (e.g., 2 0 1) --> 0

( 1) SMTP_Finger_Search: checking domain gsfc.nasa.gov

Mail is forwarded to tom@stimpy.gsfc.nasa.gov

NOTE: this is a domain mail forwarding arrangement - mail intended

for "maufer" should be addressed to "tom@gsfc.nasa.gov"

rather than "tom@stimpy.gsfc.nasa.gov".

( 1) SMTP_Finger_Search: checking host stimpy.gsfc.nasa.gov


Domain search completed. Proceeding to host search.


SYSTEM: kong.gsfc.nasa.gov

Login name: maufer In real life: Tom Maufer - CBSI

Directory: /vault/maufer Shell: /bin/csh

Last login Fri Sep 24, 1993 on ttypc from rocinante.gsfc.n

No unread mail

No Plan.


- The most promising email address for "maufer"

based on the above finger search is


** Continue the search ([n]/y) ? --> N

** Enter person and keys (blank to exit) -->

Top level choices:

1. Help

2. Search

3. Seed database lookup

4. Options

5. Quit (exit server)

** --> 5

Exiting Netfind server...

Connection #0 closed



2.8. Information Servers

2.8.1. ARCHIE

Archie is a tool for locating files on the Internet, originally

developed at the Computer Science Department at McGill University in

Montreal. Archie allows users to find software, data, and other

information files that reside at anonymous FTP archive sites across

the Internet; the name of the program, reportedly, is derived from

the word "archive" and not from the comic book character. Archie

tracks the contents of over 1,000 anonymous FTP archive sites

containing over 2 million files. The Archie server automatically

updates the information from each registered site about once a month,

providing relatively up-to-date information without unduly stressing

the network.

Before using Archie, you must identify a server address. The sites

below all support Archie; most (but not all) Archie sites support the

"servers" command which lists all known Archie servers. Due to the

popularity of Archie and its high processing demands, many sites

limit access to non-peak hours and/or limit the number of

simultaneous Archie users. Available Archie sites include:

archie.au Australia

archie.edvz.uni-linz.ac.at Austria

archie.univie.ac.at Austria

archie.uqam.ca Canada

archie.funet.fi Finland

archie.th-darmstadt.de Germany

archie.ac.il Israel

archie.unipi.it Italy

archie.wide.ad.jp Japan

archie.hana.nm.kr Korea

archie.sogang.ac.kr Korea

archie.uninett.no Norway

archie.rediris.es Spain

archie.luth.se Sweden

archie.switch.ch Switzerland

archie.ncu.edu.tw Taiwan

archie.doc.ic.ac.uk United Kingdom

archie.unl.edu USA (NE)

archie.internic.net USA (NJ)

archie.rutgers.edu USA (NJ)

archie.ans.net USA (NY)

archie.sura.net USA (MD)

Archie servers may be accessed using TELNET. When TELNETing to an

Archie site, login as "archie" (you MUST use lower case); just hit

<ENTER> if a password is requested.

Once connected, the "help" command assists users in obtaining more

information about using Archie. Two more useful Archie commands are

"prog", used to search for files in the database, and "whatis", which

searches for keywords in the program descriptions.

In the accompanying dialogue, the "set maxhits" command is used to

limit the number of responses to any following "prog" commands; if

this is not done, the user may get an enormous amount of information!

In this example, the user issues a request to find entries related to

"mpeg", ISO's Moving Pictures Experts Group video compression

standard. Armed with this information, a user can use anonymous FTP

to examine these directories and files.

The next request is for files with "security" as a keyword

descriptor. These responses can be used for subsequent "prog"


Exit archie using the "exit" command. At this point, TELNET closes

the connection and control returns to the local host.

Additional information about Archie can be obtained by sending e-mail

to Bunyip Information Systems (archie-info@bunyip.com). Client

software is not required to use Archie, but can make life a little

easier; some such software can be downloaded using anonymous FTP from

the "/pub/archie/" directory at host "ftp.cs.widener.edu" or in

"/pub/archie/clients/" at "ftp.sura.net". Most shareware and

commercial Archie clients hide the complexity described in this

section; users usually connect to a pre-configured Archie server

merely by typing an "ARCHIE" command line.


** C:\> TELNET

SunOS UNIX (crcnis2)

** login: archie

** Password:

Welcome to the ARCHIE server at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln

# Bunyip Information Systems, 1993

** unl-archie> HELP

These are the commands you can use in help:

. go up one level in the hierarchy

? display a list of valid subtopics at the current level


done, ^D, ^C quit from help entirely

<string> help on a topic or subtopic


"help show"

will give you the help screen for the "show" command

"help set search"

Will give you the help information for the "search" variable.

The command "manpage" will give you a complete copy of the archie

manual page.

** help> DONE

** unl-archie> SET MAXHITS 5

** unl-archie> PROG MPEG

# Search type: sub.

# Your queue position: 1

# Estimated time for completion: 02:18

Host ftp.germany.eu.net (

Location: /pub/applications/graphics

DIRECTORY drwxrwxr-x 512 bytes 00:00 7 Jul 1993 mpeg

Location: /pub/comp/amiga/gfx

DIRECTORY drwxr-xr-x 512 bytes 00:00 7 Sep 1993 mpeg

Host stsci.edu (

Location: /stsci/epa

DIRECTORY drwxr-xr-x 512 bytes 12:55 21 Jun 1994 mpeg

Host ftp.nau.edu (

Location: /graphics

DIRECTORY drwxr-xr-x 512 bytes 04:51 3 Apr 1994 mpeg

Host gum.isi.edu (

Location: /share/in-notes/media-types/video

FILE -rw-r--r-- 15 bytes 18:45 11 Jan 1994 mpeg

** unl-archie> WHATIS SECURITY

RFC1037 Greenberg, B.; Keene, S. NFILE - a file access

protocol. 1987 December; 86 p.

RFC1038 St. Johns, M. Draft revised IP security option.

1988 January; 7 p.

cops System Security analysis tool

forktest Find security holes in shell-escapes

kerberos Host security package

safe-mkdir mkdir() and security hole *****FIX****

** unl-archie> EXIT

# Bye.

Connection #0 closed



2.8.2. GOPHER

The Internet Gopher protocol was developed at the University of

Minnesota's Microcomputer Center in 1991, as a distributed

information search and retrieval tool for the Internet. Gopher is

described in RFC1436 [1]; the name derives from the University's


Gopher provides a tool so that publicly available information at a

host can be organized in a hierarchical fashion, allowing it to be

perused using a simple menu system. Gopher allows a user to view a

file on demand without requiring additional file transfer protocols.

Gopher also has the capability to "link" gophers on the Internet, so

that each Gopher site can be used as a stepping stone to access other

sites and reducing the amount of duplicate information and effort on

the network.

In many cases, users can access Gopher by TELNETing to a valid Gopher

location; if the site provides a remote Gopher client, the user will

see a text-based, menu interface. The number of Gopher sites is

growing rapidly; as the dialogue below shows, most Gopher sites have

a menu item that will allow you to identify other Gopher sites. If

using TELNET, login with the username "gopher" (this MUST be in

lowercase); no password is required. Note that not all Gopher sites

provide a remote Gopher client; users may need local Gopher client

software on their system.

The Gopher server at "ds.internic.net" has a tremendous amount of

information for the new user, including lists of frequently asked

questions and pointers to various Internet discussion lists. In the

sample dialogue below, the remote Gopher client is accessed by

TELNETing to the host. With the menu interface shown here, the user

merely follows the prompts. Initially, the main menu will appear;

selecting item 2 causes Gopher to seize and display the "InterNIC

Information Services" menu. Move to the desired menu item by typing

the item number or by moving the "pointer" (-->) down to the desired

entry using the <DOWN-ARROW> key on the keyboard, and then hitting

<ENTER>. To quit the program at any time, press "q" (quit); "?" and

"u" will provide help or go back up to the previous menu,

respectively. Users may also search for strings within files using

the "/" command or download the file being interrogated using the "D"


Menu item 7 (selected in the dialogue shown here) is titled

"Beginners: Start Here", an Excellent place for new users to obtain

information about the Internet, available tools, terms and concepts,

and, perhaps most importantly, some of the cultural ASPects of the

Internet community.

Further information about Gopher can be obtained by contacting the

Internet Gopher Team at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis

(gopher@boombox.micro.umn.edu). This is also the site of the first

Gopher server (consultant.micro.umn.edu). A Gopher-related

discussion list is maintained at gopher-news@boombox.micro.umn.edu

(see Section 3.1 for information on subscribing to Internet

discussion lists). More information on Gopher clients can be found

in the Gopher Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) file, which can be

downloaded using anonymous FTP in file

"/pub/usenet/news.answers/gopher-faq" at the host "rtfm.mit.edu";

this FAQ also lists sources for a number of Gopher clients for a wide

range of hardware/software platforms.



SunOS UNIX (ds)

** login: gopher

SunOS Release 4.1.3 (DS) #3: Tue Feb 8 10:52:45 EST 1994


Welcome to the InterNIC Directory and Database Server.


Internet Gopher Information Client v1.11

Root gopher server: ds0.internic.net

--> 1. Information About the InterNIC/

2. InterNIC Information Services (General Atomics)/

3. InterNIC Registration Services (NSI)/

4. InterNIC Directory and Database Services (AT&T)/

Press ? for Help, q to Quit Page: 1/1

** View item number: 2

Internet Gopher Information Client v1.11

InterNIC Information Services (General Atomics)

--> 1. README.

2. About the InfoGuide/

3. About InterNIC Information Services/

4. About the Internet/

5. Getting Connected to the Internet/

6. Beginners: Start Here/

7. Using the Internet/

8. Internet Resources/

9. Advanced Users: NIC Staff, System Administrators, Programmer

10. Frequently Asked Questions at InterNIC IS/

11. Scout Report/

12. WAIS search InfoGuide (and elsewhere) by keyword/

13. InfoGuide INDEX.

Press ? for Help, q to Quit Page: 1/1

** View item number: 6

Internet Gopher Information Client v1.11

Beginners: Start Here

--> 1. About This Directory.

2. Introductions to the Internet/

3. Glossaries And Definitions/

4. Network Tools/

5. Further Reading/

6. Collection of Usenet FAQs/

7. Internet Culture and Netiquette/

Press ? for Help, q to Quit Page: 1/1

** q

Really quit (y/n) ?

** y

Connection closed by Foreign Host



2.8.3. Other Information Servers

There are a number of other information servers that are growing in

popularity and use. The problem with being blessed with so much

information from Archie, Gopher, and other sources is exactly that -

too much information. To make it easier for users to locate the

system on which their desired information resides, a number of other

tools have been created.

Veronica (Very Easy Rodent-Oriented Net-wide Index to Computerized

Archives) was developed at the University of Nevada in Reno as an

adjunct to Gopher. As the number of Gopher sites continues to grow,

it has become increasingly harder to find information in

"Gopherspace" since Gopher is designed to search a single database at

a time. Veronica maintains an index of titles of Gopher items and

performs a keyword search on all of the Gopher sites that it has

knowledge of and access to, obviating the need for the user to

perform a menu-by-menu, site-by-site search for information. When a

user selects an item from the menu of a Veronica search, "sessions"

are automatically established with the appropriate Gopher servers,

and a list of data items is returned to the originating Gopher client

in the form of a Gopher menu so that the user can access the files.

Veronica is available as an option on many Gopher servers, including


Another Gopher-adjunct is Jughead (Jonzy's Universal Gopher Hierarchy

Excavation And Display). Jughead supports key word searches and the

use of logical operators (AND, OR, and NOT). The result of a Jughead

search is a display of all menu items which match the search string

which are located in the University of Manchester and UMIST

Information Server, working from a static database that is re-created

every day. Jughead is available from many Gopher sites (including

"internic.net"), although Veronica may be a better tool for global


Archie and Gopher are primarily used for the indexing of text-based

files. The World Wide Web (WWW or W3) Project, initiated by the CERN

Institute for Particle Physics in Geneva, Switzerland, is designed to

combine aspects of information retrieval with multimedia

communications. The WWW Project is intended to allow users to access

information in many different types of formats, including text,

sound, image, and video. WWW treats all searchable Internet files as

hypertext documents. "Hypertext" is a new term which merely refers

to text that contains pointers to other text, allowing a user reading

one document to jump to another document for more information on a

given topic, and then return to the same location in the original

document. The original WWW site is at CERN and may be accessed via

Telnet at "nxoc01.cern.ch". The user will be automatically logged in

and a help menu can be displayed by entering the "h" command.

To generally access WWW servers, users must run client software

called a "browser". The browser reads documents from WWW servers and

can access files by FTP, gopher, and other methods. WWW can also

handle hypermedia documents; "hypermedia" is another new term,

referring to a file using any medium that contains pointers to

another medium. WWW browsers, then, are able to display images,

sound, or animations in addition to text. WWW sources and additional

information may be accessed via anonymous FTP from the "/pub/WWW"

directory at "info.cern.ch" or the "/Web" directory at


The most commonly used WWW browser is Mosaic, developed at the

National Center for Supercomputer Applications (NCSA) at the

University of Illinois. Mosaic provides a uniform mechanism for

finding the location of information, as well as determining the data

type, presentation method, and linkages to other information. A

large number of shareware Mosaic clients are available at

"ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu". It should be noted that commercial versions of

Mosaic will also become available for a variety of platforms after

the summer of 1994.

The Wide Area Information Server (WAIS, pronounced "ways") was

initiated jointly by Apple Computer, Dow Jones, KMPG Peat Marwick,

and Thinking Machines Corp. It is a set of free-ware, share-ware,

and commercial software products for a wide variety of

hardware/software platforms, which work together to help users find

information on the Internet. WAIS provides a single interface

through which a user can access many different information databases.

The user interface allow a query to be formulated in English and the

WAIS server will automatically choose the appropriate databases to

search. Further information about WAIS can be obtained by reading

the WAIS FAQ, from host "rtfm.mit.edu" in file


2.9. Uniform Resource Locator Format

As more and more protocols have become available to identify files,

archive and server sites, news lists, and other information resources

on the Internet, it was inevitable that some shorthand would arise to

make it a little easier to designate these sources. The common

shorthand that is employed is called the Uniform Resource Locator

(URL) format.

The list below provides information on how the URL format should be

interpreted for the protocols and resources that have been discussed

in this document. A complete description of the URL format may be

found in [2].


Used to identify a specific file. E.g., the file "Htmlasst" in the

"edu" directory at host "ftp.cs.da" would be denoted with URL as:



Used to identify an FTP site. E.g.:



Used to identify a Gopher site and menu path. E.g.:



Used to identify a WWW server location. "http" refers to the

HyperText Transport Protocol; file names commonly use the ".html"

extension, indicating use of the HyperText Markup Language. E.g.:


mailto:"e-mail address"

Identifies an individual Internet mail address. E.g.:



Identifies a TELNET site (the trailing "/" is optional). E.g.:


3. Discussion Lists

Among the most useful features of the Internet are the discussion

lists that have become available to allow individuals to discuss

topics of mutual concern. Discussion list topics range from SCUBA

diving and home brewing of beer to AIDS research and foreign policy.

Several, naturally, deal specifically with the Internet, TCP/IP

protocols, and the impact of new technologies.

Most of the discussion lists accessible from the Internet are

"unmoderated", meaning that anyone can send a message to the list's

central repository and the message will then be automatically

forwarded to all subscribers of the list. These lists provide very

fast turn-around between submission of a message and delivery, but

often result in a lot of messages (including inappropriate "junk

mail"). A "moderated" list has an extra step; a human list moderator

examines all messages before they are forwarded to ensure that the

messages are appropriate to the list and not needlessly inflammatory!

Users should be warned that some lists generate a significant amount

of messages each day. Before subscribing to too many lists, be sure

that you are aware of local policies and/or charges governing access

to discussion lists and e-mail storage.

3.1. Internet Discussion Lists

A list of the known interest groups may be found by Gophering to

"ds.internic.net". Follow the menu path "InterNIC Information

Services" "Using the Internet" "Basic Internet Services"

"Electronic Mail" "Mailing Lists" to find the 8-part list of lists.

Be careful if you download these files; the list is nearly 1.5 MB in

size, listing over 800 lists! Along the way, you will find a wealth

of other information.

Mail can be sent to an Internet list at an address with the following



The common convention when users want to subscribe, unsubscribe, or

handle any other administrative matter is to send a message to the

list administrator; do NOT send administrivia to the main list

address! The list administrator can usually be found at:


To subscribe to a list, it is often enough to place the word

"subscribe" in the main body of the message, although a line with the


SUBSCRIBE list_name your_full_name

will satisfy most mail servers. A similar message may be used to get

off a list; just use the word "unsubscribe".

Not every list follows this convention, but it is a safe bet if you

don't have better information!

3.2. Usenet

Usenet, also known as NETNEWS or Usenet news, is another information

source with its own set of special interest mailing lists organized

into "newsgroups". Usenet originated on UNIX systems but has

migrated to many other types of hosts, although most Usenet servers

are still UNIX-based. Usenet clients, called "newsreaders", are

available for virtually any operating system.

While Usenet newsgroups are usually accessible at Internet sites, a

prospective Usenet client host must have appropriate newsreader

software to be able to read news. Users will have to check with

their local host or network administrator to find out what Usenet

newsgroups are locally available, as well as the local policies for

using them.

Usenet newsgroup names are hierarchical in nature. The first part of

the name, called the "hierarchy", provides an indication about the

general subject area. There are two types of hierarchies, called

"mainstream" and "alternative"; the total number of newsgroups is in

the thousands. The "news.announce.newusers" newsgroup is a good

place for new Usenet users to find a detailed introduction to the use

of Usenet, as well as an introduction to its culture.

Usenet mainstream hierarchies are established by a process that

requires the approval of a majority of Usenet members. Most sites

that receive a NETNEWS feed receive all of these hierarchies, which


comp Computers

misc Miscellaneous

news Network news

rec Recreation

sci Science

soc Social issues

talk Various discussion lists

The alternative hierarchies include lists that may be set up at any

site that has the server software and disk space. These lists are

not formally part of Usenet and, therefore, may not be received by

all sites getting NETNEWS. The alternative hierarchies include:

alt Alternate miscellaneous discussion lists

bionet Biology, medicine, and life sciences

bit BITNET discussion lists

biz Various business-related discussion lists

ddn Defense Data Network

gnu GNU lists

ieee IEEE information

info Various Internet and other networking information

k12 K-12 education

u3b AT&T 3B computers

vMSNet Digital's VMS operating system

A list of newsgroups may be found at host "rtfm.mit.edu" in the path

"/pub/usenet/news.answers"; see the "/active-newsgroups" and "/alt-

hierarchies" subdirectories.

There is often some overlap between Usenet newsgroups and Internet

discussion lists. Some individuals join both lists in these

circumstances or, often, there is cross-posting of messages. Some

Usenet newsgroup discussions are forwarded onto an Internet mailing

list by an individual site to provide access to those users who do

not have Usenet available.

Users not connected to Usenet may post messages to a Usenet newsgroup

using Internet e-mail. First, replace the periods in the Usenet

discussion list name with hyphens (e.g., the folk music discussion

list, "rec.music.folk", would become "rec-music-folk"). Then, send

an e-mail message to:


Usenet news may be read using Gopher. Connect to the host

"gopher.msu.edu" using the path "News & Weather" "USENET News" or

host "gopher.bham.ac.uk" using the path "Usenet News Reader".


Another important set of discussion groups is maintained using a

program called LISTSERV. LISTSERV is a service provided widely on

BITNET and EARN (European Academic and Research Network), although it

is also available to Internet users.

LISTSERV commands are placed in the main body of e-mail messages sent

to an appropriate list server location. To find out what lists are

available, send a message to "listserv@bitnic.educom.edu" with the

command "list global" in the main body of the message; whatever you

place in the "Subject:" field will be ignored.

Once you have found a list of interest, you can send a message to the

appropriate address with any appropriate command, including:

HELP Get help & a list of commands

SUBSCRIBE list_name your_full_name Subscribe to a list

UNSUBSCRIBE list_name Unsubscribe from a list

INDEX Get a list of LISTSERV files

GET file_name Obtain a file from the server

4. Internet Documentation

To fully appreciate and understand what is going on within the

Internet community, users might wish to obtain the occasional

Internet specification. The main body of Internet documents are

Request for Comments (RFCs), although a variety of RFCsubsets have

been defined for various specific purposes. The sections below will

describe the RFCs and other documentation, and how to get these


NOTE: For complete, up-to-date information on obtaining Internet

documentation, users should Gopher to "ds.internic.net" and follow

the path "InterNIC Information Services" "About the Internet"

"Internet Documentation", and then select the desired set of

documents. This Gopher path is referred to as the "documentation

root path" in the remainder of this section.

4.1. Request for Comments (RFCs)

RFCs are the body of literature comprising Internet protocols,

standards, research questions, hot topics, humor (especially those

dated 1 April), and general information. Each RFCis uniquely issued

a number which is never reused or reissued; if a document is revised,

it is given a new RFCnumber and the old RFCis said to be

"obsoleted." Announcements are sent to the RFC-DIST mailing list

whenever a new RFCis issued; anyone may join this list by sending e-

mail to "rfc-request@nic.ddn.mil".

RFCs may be obtained through the mail (i.e., postal service), but it

is easier and faster to get them on-line. One easy way to obtain

RFCs on-line is to use RFC-INFO, an e-mail-based service to help

users locate and retrieve RFCs and other Internet documents. To use

the service, send e-mail to "rfc-info@isi.edu" and leave the

"Subject:" field blank; commands that may go in the main body of the

message include:

HELP (Help file)

HELP: ways_to_get_rfcs (Help file on how to get RFCs)


Doc-ID: RFCxxxx (Retrieve RFCxxxx; use all 4 digits)

LIST: RFC(List all RFCs...)

[options] (...[matching the following options])

KEYWORDS: xxx (Title contains string "xxx")

AUTHOR: xxx (Written by "xxx")

ORGANIZATION: (Issued by company "xxx")

DATED-AFTER: mmm-dd-yyyy

DATED-BEFORE: mmm-dd-yyyy

OBSOLETES: RFCxxxx (List RFCs obsoleting RFCxxxx)

An alternative way to obtain RFCs by e-mail is to send an e-mail

message to "service@nic.ddn.mil", leaving the "Subject:" field blank.

In the main body of the message, use one or more of the following

commands. The RFCindex, or a specific reference to an RFC, will

indicate whether the RFCis available in ASCII text or PostScript

format. By convention, all RFCs are available in ASCII while some

are also available in PostScript where use of graphics and/or

different fonts adds more information or clarity. The instructions

below show how to get the index; be aware that this file is very

large, containing the citing for over 1,700 documents. Note that not

all RFCs numbered below 698 (July 1975) are available on-line:

SEND HELP (Help file)


SEND RFC/RFCxxxx.TXT (ASCII version of RFCxxxx)

SEND RFC/RFCxxxx.PS (PostScript version of RFCxxxx)


TABLE 1. Some of the RFCRepositories.


U.S. nic.ddn.mil rfc

U.S. nisc.jvnc.net rfc

U.S. ftp.isi.edu in-notes

U.S. wuarchive.wustl.edu info/rfc

U.K. src.doc.ic.ac.uk rfc

Europe funet.fi rfc

Pacific munnari.oz.au rfc


To obtain an RFCvia anonymous FTP, connect to one of the RFC

repositories listed in Table 1 using FTP. After connecting, change

to the appropriate RFCdirectory (as shown in Table 1) using the "cd"

command. To obtain a particular file, use the "get" command:

GET RFC-INDEX.TXT local_name (RFCIndex)

GET RFCxxxx.TXT local_name (ASCII version of RFCXXXX)

GET RFCxxxx.PS local_name (PostScript version of RFCXXXX)

Finally, check out the path "RFC's (Request for Comments)" under the

documentation root path for the RFCindex, complete instructions on

obtaining RFCs, and a complete set of RFCs.

The sample dialogue below, although highly abbreviated, shows a user

obtaining RFC1594 (Answers to Commonly asked "New Internet User"

Questions) using the first three methods described above.





** Subject:

Enter your message below. Press CTRL/Z when complete, CTRL/C to quit


** ^Z





** Subject:

Enter your message below. Press CTRL/Z when complete, CTRL/C to quit


** Doc-ID: RFC1594

** ^Z



** Username: ANONYMOUS

** Password:

** NIC.DDN.MIL> CD rfc

** NIC.DDN.MIL> GET rfc1594.txt RFC-1594.TXT




4.2. Internet Standards

RFCs describe many aspects of the Internet. By the early 1990s,

however, so many specifications of various protocols had been written

that it was not always clear as to which documents represented

standards for the Internet. For that reason, a subset of RFCs have

been designated as STDs to identify them as Internet standards.

Unlike RFCnumbers that are never reused, STD numbers always refer to

the latest version of the standard. UDP, for example, would be

completely identified as "STD-6/RFC-768." Note that STD numbers

refer to a standard, which is not necessarily a single document; an

STD, therefore, might refer to several RFCs. STD 19, for example, is

the NetBIOS Service Protocols standard and comprises RFCs 1001 and

1002; a complete citation for this standard would be "STD-19/RFC-


The availability of new STDs is announced on the RFC-DIST mailing

list. STD-1 [14] always refers to the latest list of "Internet

Official Protocol Standards". The Internet standards process is

described in RFC1602 [6] and STD notes are explained in RFC1311


STDs can be obtained as RFCs via anonymous FTP from any RFC

repository. In addition, some RFCsites (such as "nic.ddn.mil")

provide an STD directory so that STD documents can be found in the

path "/STD/xx.TXT", where "xx" refers to the STD number.

STD documents may be obtained as RFCs using the methods described in

Section 4.1. STDs may also be obtained via the RFC-INFO server using

the "RETRIEVE: STD" and "Doc-ID: STDxxxx" commands. Also, check out

the path "STD's (Standard RFC's)" under the documentation root path

for the STD index, complete instructions on obtaining STDs, and a

complete set of STDs.

4.3. For Your Information Documents

The For Your Information (FYI) series of RFCs provides Internet users

with information about many topics related to the Internet. FYI

topics range from historical to explanatory to tutorial, and are

aimed at the wide spectrum of people that use the Internet. The FYI

series includes answers to frequently asked questions by both

beginning and seasoned users of the Internet, an annotated

bibliography of Internet books, and an explanation of the domain name


Like the STDs, an FYI number always refers to the latest version of

an FYI. FYI 4, for example, refers to the answers to commonly asked

questions by new Internet users; its complete citation would be "FYI-

4/RFC-1594." The FYI notes are explained in FYI 1 [9].

FYIs can be obtained as RFCs via anonymous FTP from any RFC

repository. In addition, some RFCsites (such as "nic.ddn.mil")

provide an FYI directory so that FYI documents can be found in the

path "/FYI/xx.TXT", where "xx" refers to the FYI number.

FYI documents may be obtained as RFCs using the methods described in

Section 4.1. FYIs may also be obtained via the RFC-INFO server using

the "RETRIEVE: FYI" and "Doc-ID: FYIxxxx" commands. Also, check out

the path "FYI's (For Your Information RFC's)" under the documentation

root path for the FYI index, complete instructions on obtaining FYIs,

and a complete set of FYIs.

4.4. RARE Technical Reports

The Reseaux Associes pour la Recherche Europeenne (RARE) is the

Association of European Research Networks and their users. RARE's

charter is to promote and participate in the creation of a high-

quality European computer communications infrastructure for the

support of research endeavors. RARE member networks use Open Systems

Interconnection (OSI) protocols and TCP/IP. Since the summer of

1993, to promote a closer relationship between RARE and the IETF,

RARE Technical Reports (RTRs) are also published as RFCs.

RTR documents may be obtained as RFCs using the methods described in

Section 4.1. RTRs may also be obtained via the RFC-INFO server using

the "RETRIEVE: RTR" and "Doc-ID: RTRxxxx" commands. Also, check out

the path "RTR's (RARE Technical Report RFC's)" under the

documentation root path for the RTR index, complete instructions on

obtaining RTRs, and a complete set of RTRs. They may also be

obtained via anonymous FTP from "ftp.rare.nl".

NOTE: As of December 1994, RARE and EARN have merged to form TERENA

(Trans-European Research and Education Network Association).

5. Perusing the Internet...

This guide is intended to provide the reader with a rudimentary

ability to use the utilities that are provided by TCP/IP and the

Internet. By now, it is clear that the user's knowledge, ability,

and willingness to experiment are about the only limits to what can

be accomplished.

The next step is to explore the nooks and crannies of the network.

One software tool that will users in this quest is the Merit Computer

Center's (Ann Arbor, MI) "Cruise of the Internet", available at no

cost from the host "nic.merit.edu" using FTP. For more information,

read the "readme" files in the directories "internet/resources/

cruise.mac" and "internet/resources/cruise.dos" for Mac and PC

versions, respectively. For general information about resources at

this site, see the READ.ME file in the root directory or send e-mail

to "nic-info@nic.merit.edu".

Several RFCs provide invaluable information about finding things on

the Internet. One of the best such sources is FYI 10/RFC1402,

titled "There's Gold in them thar Networks! -or- Searching for

Treasure in all the Wrong Places" [11], an excellent guide for

someone who wants to look around the Internet for a wide range of

material. Other good sources include the "Hitchhiker's Guide to the

Internet" (RFC1118) [7] and the "Guide to Network Resource Tools"

(FYI 23/RFC1580) [3]. Answers to frequently asked questions for

both new and experienced users of the Internet may be found in FYI

4/RFC1594 [10] and FYI 7/RFC1207 [8], respectively.

There are many other sources that cite locations from which to access

specific information about a wide range of subjects using such tools

as FTP, Telnet, Gopher, and WWW. These include:

o The INTERNET SERVICES LIST, maintained by Scott Yanoff of the

University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee and updated at least once a

month. This list can be obtained at <URL:ftp://ftp.csd.uwm.edu/

pub/inet.services.txt> or <URL:gopher://csd4.csd.uwm.edu/Remote

Information Services/Special Internet Connections>.

o An excellent starting point for searching the World Wide Web is to

point your WWW browser at "http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/SDG/Software


o The Scout Report is a weekly service by the InterNIC Information

Services team. To subscribe to the Scout Report mailing list, send

e-mail to "majordomo@is.internic.net" and place the line "subscribe

scout-report" in the main body of the message. Optionally, Gopher

to "ds.internic.net" and follow the path "InterNIC Information

Services" "Scout Report" or point your WWW browser at


o "The INTERNET Yellow Pages" by Harley Hahn and Rick Stout [28].

More books and specialized articles came out about the Internet in

1993 and 1994 than in all previous years (squared!). Some of them

are directly related to finding your way around, or finding things

on, the Internet; a very partial list includes:

o "The Internet Directory" by Eric Braun [21]

o "The MAC Internet Tour Guide", "The PC Internet Tour Guide", and

"The Windows Internet Tour Guide" by Michael Fraase [24, 25, 26]

o "The Internet Navigator" by Paul Gilster [27]

o "Zen and the Art of the Internet" by Brendan Kehoe [29]

o "The Whole Internet User's Guide & Catalog" by Ed Krol [31]

o "INTERNET: Getting Started" by April Marine, Susan Kirkpatrick,

Vivian Neou, and Carol Ward [33]

o "Finding it on the Internet: The Next Challenge for Librarianship"

by Brian Nielsen [34]

o "Navigating the Internet" by Richard Smith and Mark Gibbs [35]

A much more comprehensive list of Internet-related books may be found

in FYI 19/RFC1463 [5].

Finally, Carl Malamud has written a delightful book called "Exploring

the Internet: A Technical Travelogue" [32], chronicling not the

Internet as much as the people who built it and use it. This book

will not teach you how to perform an anonymous FTP file transfer nor

how to use Gopher, but provides insights about our network (and

Carl's gastro-pathology) that no mere statistics can convey.

6. Acronyms and Abbreviations

ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange

BITNET Because It's Time Network

DDN Defense Data Network

DNS Domain Name System

EARN European Academic Research Network

FAQ Frequently Asked Questions list

FTP File Transfer Protocol

FYI For Your Information series of RFCs

HTML HyperText Markup Language

HTTP HyperText Transport Protocol

ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol

IP Internet Protocol

ISO International Organization for Standardization

NetBIOS Network Basic Input/Output System

NIC Network Information Center

NICNAME Network Information Center name service

NSF National Science Foundation

NSFNET National Science Foundation Network

RFCRequest For Comments

RARE Reseaux Associes pour la Recherche Europeenne

RTR RARE Technical Reports

SMDS Switched Multimegabit Data Service

SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

STD Internet Standards series of RFCs

TCP Transmission Control Protocol

TTL Time-To-Live

UDP User Datagram Protocol

URL Uniform Resource Locator

WAIS Wide Area Information Server

W3 World Wide Web

WWW World Wide Web

7. Security Considerations

Security issues are not discussed in this memo.

8. Acknowledgements

Our thanks are given to all sites where we FTPed, TELNETed, GOPHERed,

and otherwise used system resources, particularly St. Michael's

College in Colchester, Vermont (smcvax.smcvt.edu). We also

appreciate the comments and suggestions from our colleagues at Hill

Associates, our students, and other members of the Internet

community, particularly Mark Delany and the rest of the gang at the

Australian Public Access Network Association, Margaret Hall (BBN),

John Martin (RARE), Tom Maufer (NASA), Michael Patton (BBN), and

Brian Williams. Special thanks are due to Joyce Reynolds for her

continued encouragement and direction.

9. References

[1] Anklesaria, F., McCahill, M., Lindner, P, Johnson, D., Torrey,

D., and B. Alberti, "The Internet Gopher Protocol", RFC1436,

University of Minnesota, March 1993.

[2] Berners-Lee, T., Masinter, L., and M. McCahill, Editors, "Uniform

Resource Locators (URL)", RFC1738, CERN, Xerox PARC, University

of Minnesota, December 1994.

[3] EARN Staff, "Guide to Network Resource Tools", FYI 23, RFC1580,

EARN Association, March 1994.

[4] Harrenstien, K., Stahl, M., and E. Feinler, "NICNAME/WHOIS", RFC

954, SRI, October 1985.

[5] Hoffman, E. and L. Jackson, "FYI on Introducing the Internet-- A

Short Bibliography of Introductory Internetworking Readings", FYI

19, RFC1463, Merit Network, Inc., NASA, May 1993.

[6] Internet Architecture Board, Internet Engineering Steering Group,

"The Internet Standards Process -- Revision 2", RFC1602, IAB,

IESG, March 1994.

[7] Krol, E., "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Internet", RFC1118,

University of Illinois Urbana, September 1989.

[8] Malkin, G., Marine, A., and J. Reynolds, "FYI on Questions and

Answers: Answers to Commonly Asked 'Experienced Internet User'

Questions", FYI 7, RFC1207, FTP Software, SRI, USC/Information

Sciences Institute, February 1991.

[9] Malkin, G., and J. Reynolds, "F.Y.I. on F.Y.I.: Introduction to

the F.Y.I. Notes", FYI 1, RFC1150, Proteon, USC/Information

Sciences Institute, March 1990.

[10] Marine, A., Reynolds, J., and G. Malkin, "FYI on Questions and

Answers - Answers to Commonly asked 'New Internet User'

Questions", FYI 4, RFC1594, NASA Ames Research Center,

USC/Information Sciences Institute, Xylogics, March 1994.

[11] Martin, J., "There's Gold in them thar Networks! Searching for

Treasure in all the Wrong Places", FYI 10, RFC1402, Ohio State

University, January 1993.

[12] Mockapetris, P., "Domain Names - Concepts and Facilities", STD

13, RFC1034, USC/Information Sciences Institute, November 1987.

[13] Postel, J., "Domain Name System Structure and Delegation",

USC/Information Sciences Institute, RFC1591, March 1994.

[14] Postel, J., Editor, "Internet Official Protocol Standards", STD

1, RFC1720, Internet Architecture Board, November 1994.

[15] Postel, J., "Introduction to the STD Notes", RFC1311,

USC/Information Sciences Institute, March 1992.

[16] Postel, J., and J. Reynolds, "File Transfer Protocol (FTP), STD

9, RFC959, USC/Information Sciences Institute, October 1985.

[17] Postel, J. and J. Reynolds, "TELNET Protocol Specification", STD

8, RFC854, USC/Information Sciences Institute, May 1983.

[18] Socolofsky, T., and C. Kale, "TCP/IP Tutorial", RFC1180, Spider

Systems Ltd., January 1991.

[19] Williamson, S., "Transition and Modernization of the Internet

Registration Service", RFC1400, Network Solutions, Inc., March


[20] Zimmerman, D., "The Finger User Information Protocol", RFC1288,

Rutgers University, December 1991.

[21] Braun, E., "The Internet Directory", New York: Fawcett Columbine,


[22] Comer, D., "Internetworking with TCP/IP, Vol. I: Principles,

Protocols, and Architecture", 2/e. Englewood Cliffs (NJ):

Prentice-Hall, 1991.

[23] Feit, S., "TCP/IP", New York: McGraw-Hill, 1993.

[24] Fraase, M., "The MAC Internet Tour Guide", Chapel Hill (NC):

Ventana Press, 1994.

[25] Fraase, M., "The PC Internet Tour Guide", Chapel Hill (NC):

Ventana Press, 1994.

[26] Fraase, M., "The Windows Internet Tour Guide", Chapel Hill (NC):

Ventana Press, 1994.

[27] Gilster, P., "The Internet Navigator", New York: John Wiley &

Sons, 1993.

[28] Hahn, H., and R. Stout, "The Internet Yellow Pages", Berkeley

(CA): Osborne McGraw-Hill, 1994.

[29] Kehoe, B., "Zen and the Art of the Internet", Englewood Cliffs

(NJ): Prentice-Hall, 1993.

[30] Kessler, G., "An Overview of TCP/IP Protocols and the Internet",

August 1994. <URL:gopher://ds.internic.net/Information

Services/Advanced Users/tcp-ip>.

[31] Krol, E., "The Whole Internet User's Guide & Catalog", Sebastopol

(CA): O'Reilly & Associates, 1992.

[32] Malamud, C., "Exploring the Internet: A Technical Travelogue",

Englewood Cliffs (NJ): PTR Prentice Hall, 1992.

[33] Marine, A., Kirkpatrick, S., Neou, V., and C. Ward. "INTERNET:

Getting Started", Englewood Cliffs (NJ): PTR Prentice Hall, 1993.

[34] Nielsen, B., "Finding it on the Internet: The Next Challenge for

Librarianship." Database, Vol. 13, October 1990, pp. 105-107.

[35] Smith, R., and M. Gibbs, "Navigating the Internet", Carmel (IN):

SAMS, 1994.

10. Authors' Addresses

Gary C. Kessler

Hill Associates

17 Roosevelt Highway

Colchester, VT 05446

Phone: +1 802-655-8633

Fax: +1 802-655-7974

EMail: kumquat@hill.com

Steven D. Shepard

Hill Associates

17 Roosevelt Highway

Colchester, VT 05446

Phone: +1 802-655-8646

Fax: +1 802-655-7974

EMail: sds@hill.com

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