
RFC1814 - Unique Addresses are Good

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group E. Gerich

Request for Comments: 1814 Merit Network Inc.

Category: Informational June 1995

Unique Addresses are Good

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. This memo

does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of

this memo is unlimited.


The IAB suggests that while RFC1597 establishes reserved IP address

space for the use of private networks which are isolated and will

remain isolated from the Internet, any enterprise which anticipates

external connectivity to the Internet should apply for a globally

unique address from an Internet registry or service provider.


With the advent of RFC1466 and RFC1597 the criteria for the

allocation of unique IP numbers and the reservation of unique IP

numbers have been defined. The IAB and the IANA wish to offer

guidance to the Internet registries as to the application of these

two documents. The author submits this document as an informational

RFCon behalf of the Internet Architecture Board and the IANA.

Guidance to Internet Registries

RFC1466 lists the criteria to which Internet registries should

conform. One of the criteria is that the Internet registry is

committed to allocate IP numbers according to the guidelines

established by the IANA and the IR. Those guidelines (for Classes A,

B, and C addresses) are documented in RFC1466.

Internet Registries have agreed to comply with the guidelines

established by RFC1466 and therefore, if an organization meets the

size requirement for the requested address(es) and submits an

engineering plan, the organization has fulfilled the necessary

requirements. The Internet Registry will make the allocation based

on the established criteria.

The preconditions defined in RFC1466 are limited to number of hosts

and subnets as well as an engineering plan. The existence of private

address space (RFC1597) shall not prevent an enterprise from

oBTaining public address space according to the allocation criteria

(currently, RFC1466).

An enterprise may be required by a Internet registry to submit an

engineering plan documenting a realistic deployment schedule and

reasonable attention to conservation of address space to support the

size of the enterprise's request for globally unique IP addresses.

It is perfectly appropriate for an Internet registry to inform an

organization of the provisions of RFC1597. Any organization

considering the use of private network numbers should carefully

consider the potential advantages and possible problems as discussed

in RFCs 1597 and 1627.

RFC1597 establishes reserved IP address space for the use of private

networks which are isolated and will remain isolated from the

Internet. Thus RFC1597 documents a way that private enterprises may

assure that their networks will remain segregated from the Internet.

The addresses designated in RFC1597 should not be routed by the


Any enterprise with a significantly large number of hosts which might

require external connectivity to the Internet at the IP layer should

apply for a block of globally unique addresses from an Internet

registry. Enterprises with a small to medium number of hosts that

require external connectivity to the Internet at the IP layer should

eXPect to use globally unique addresses for these hosts, assigned to

them by their current Internet service provider from its own assigned

addresses, if it has such addresses to distribute.

If an enterprise with a small to medium number of hosts desires

unique IP addresses, and is unable to obtain them under reasonable

conditions from a service provider, or has no service provider, the

Internet registries are recommended to assign such addresses without

conditions with respect to service provider selection. The

registries should make clear to the enterprise that when the

enterprise decides to connect to the Internet, the assigned addresses

are no guarantee of Internet-wide IP connectivity. In fact, some

service providers may require renumbering as a condition of


Any organization which anticipates having external connectivity is

encouraged to apply for a globally unique IP address. Globally

unique addresses are necessary to differentiate between destinations

on the Internet. One must understand, however, that the globally

unique address by itself does not necessarily guarantee global

connectivity. Individual network service providers may place

restrictions on what addresses they will or will not route based on

operational limitations.


[1] Gerich, E., "Guidelines for Management of IP Address Space", RFC

1466, Merit Network Inc., May 1993.

[2] Rekhter, Y., Moskowitz, B., Karrenberg, D., and G. de Groot,

"Address Allocation for Private Internets", RFC1597, T.J. Watson

Research Center, IBM Corp., Chrysler Corp., RIPE NCC, RIPE NCC,

March 1994.

Security Considerations

Security issues are not discussed in this memo.

Author's Address

Elise Gerich

Merit Network Inc.

4251 Plymouth Road

Ann Arbor, MI 48105

Phone: +1 313 764 9430

Fax: +1 313 747 3745

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