
RFC1815 - Character Sets ISO-10646 and ISO-10646-J-1

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

Network Working Group M. Ohta

Request For Comments: 1815 Tokyo Institute of Technology

Category: Informational July 1995

Character Sets ISO-10646 and ISO-10646-J-1

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. This memo

does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of

this memo is unlimited.


Though the ISO character set standard of ISO 10646 is specified

reasonably well about European characters, it is not so useful in an

fully internationalized environment.

For the practical use of ISO 10646, a lot of external profiling sUCh

as restriction of characters, restriction of combination of

characters and addition of language information is necessary.

This memo provides information on such profiling, along with charset

names to each profiled instance.

Though all the effort is done to make the resulting charset as useful

10646 based charset as possible, the result is not so good. So, the

charsets defined in this memo are only for reference purpose and its

use for practical purpose is strongly discouraged.


This memo describes two text encoding schemes based on ISO 10646


As ISO 10646 specifies too little about how text is visualized, to

practically use ISO 10646, it is necessary to restrict the standard

minimally and then add some amount of profiling information.

For ISO 2022 [ISO2022] based national standards, sufficient profiling

information is provided by national standardization bodies, but, for

ISO 10646, such a profiling is not yet provided.

As the profiling of ISO 10646 largely affects which character or

combination of characters could be properly displayed, changes of

profiling of ISO 10646 are as significant as additions of new

character sets of ISO 2022.

That is, it's impractical to support the entirety of ISO 10646 (new

restriction or profiling can always be added), so a client needs to

know whether some restriction or profiling is being used before it

can decide whether to display the body part. Thus, it is necessary to

provide multiple charset names to each variation of ISO 10646.

For example, in Japan with Japanese windows NT, only those Han

characters already supported by MS Kanji code (mostly equivalent to

JIS X 0208 [JISX0208]) can be displayed, because no other font

pattern is commonly provided.

The other problem of ISO 10646 for Han characters is that, to display

them in quality required for daily plain text processing in

China/Japan/Korea, it is necessary to add profiling information on

which one of Chinese/Japanese/Korean the text is using. It should be

noted that this feature makes multilingual mixed

Chinese/Japanese/Korean text with ISO 10646 impractical.

Also, just as [RFC1521] was unclear about how bi-directionality

should be supported with "ISO-8859-6" and "ISO-8859-8" which was

corrected by [RFC1556], it is also unclear how bi-directionality

could be supported with ISO 10646. There are too much ways to

support bi- directionality. So, until some bi-directionality

mechanism(s) becomes widely supported, it is necessary to exclude

characters for languages which requires bi-directionality support

from the minimal variation. It should be noted that, though ISO

10646 is intended to be free from long term states, save for some

profiling information, introduction of bi-directionality with ISO

10646 do requires the long term states.

Combining characters also cause problems. In many countries where

combining characters based on [ISO2022] is used, there are

restrictions on how combining characters are ordered [TIS]. Without

such restriction, the result of combination is completely meaningless

which is the current state of ISO 10646. That is, if some

combination is allowed in some implementation while the other does

not support it, communication between them is difficult unless ISO

10646 is profiled to be least common set of widely supported

combinations. So, again, until combination restriction will be

developed for each language, it is necessary to exclude characters

for such languages from the minimal variation.

Conjoining characters also, may or may not be supported, which

requires another profiling.

According to those considerations, this memo defines two variations

of ISO 10646. They are "ISO-10646" as the minimal basic variation and

"ISO-10646-J-1" as the variation which could be useful in Japan.

Finally, this memo, by no means, promotes the use of ISO 10646 on the

Internet. It's use is strongly discouraged, when there are other

charsets which can encode the same information, Families of ISO 10646

based charsets, like ISO 2022 based charsets, only forms set of

mutually incompatible encoding systems and, unlike ISO 2022 based

charsets [2022INT], they can not be merged together to be the single

world wide charset.

Description of "ISO-10646"

ISO-10646 is profiled to be the most basic part of the family of

encodings based on ISO 10646 and contains the following minimal

graphic characters:

collection number and name positions further restriction


1 BASIC LATIN 0020-007E


C0 and C1 control characters may also be used as specified in the

section 16 of ISO 10646.

The text with "ISO-10646" encodes text in 16 bit big endian form.

As no combining characters are included, "ISO-10646" can be used with

applications at implementation level 1.

Left-to-right directionality should be used.

The encoding is implemented by Windows/NT.

For practical communication, use of "ISO-10646" is discouraged.

"ISO-8859-1" [RFC1345] should be used instead.

Description of "ISO-10646-J-1"

ISO-10646-J-1 is profiled to be useful for Japanese PC users who use

Japanese version of Windows/NT and contains the following graphic


collection number and name positions further restrictions


1 BASIC LATIN 0020-007E



10 CYRILLIC 0400-04FF

32 GENERAL PUNCTUATION 2000-206F See note 1, below.

39 MATHEMATICAL OPERATORS 2200-22FF See note 1, below.

44 BOX DRAWING 2500-257F

49 CJK SYMBOLS AND PUNCTUATION 3000-303F See note 1, below.

50 HIRAGANA 3040-309F


60 CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPHS 4E00-9FFF See note 1, below.




Note 1: Most of the characters are excluded. That is, only those

characters of JIS X 0208 [JISX0208] are included. The reason is that

the Japanese version of Windows/NT have fonts for them only and most

of the users can not read messages which contains other characters.

C0 and C1 control characters may also be used as specified in the

section 16 of ISO 10646.

The text with "ISO-10646-J-1" encodes text in 16 bit big endian form.

Shapes of Han characters should be of Japanese Han, that is, those of

column "J" in section 26 of ISO 10646.

As no combining characters are included, "ISO-10646-J-1" can be used

with applications at implementation level 1.

Characters in "HALFWIDTH AND FULLWIDTH FORMS" compared to be

different characters to the normal width characters.

When text is displayed horizontally, left-to-right directionality

should be used.

For practical communication, use of "ISO-10646-J-1" is discouraged.

ISO-2022-JP" [2022JP] should be used instead.

MIME Considerations

The names given to the character encoding methods described in this

memo are, respectively, "ISO-10646" and "ISO-10646-J-1". This name

is intended to be used in MIME messages as follows:

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-10646

The ISO-10646 and ISO-10646-J-1 encoding are in 16-bit form, so it is

often necessary to use a Content-Transfer-Encoding header. Base64

should be useful.

The ISO-10646 and ISO-10646-J-1 may also be used in MIME Part 2

headers [RFC1522]. The "B" encoding should be used with them.


[10646] International Organization for Standardization (ISO),

"Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS)",

International Standard, Ref. No. ISO/IEC 10646-1:1993


[2022INT] (An Internet Draft "draft-ohta-text-encoding-*.txt" may

be available).

[2022JP] Murai, J., Crispin, M., and E. van der Poel, "Japanese

Character Encoding for Internet Messages", RFC1468, June


[ISO2022] International Organization for Standardization (ISO),

"Information processing -- ISO 7-bit and 8-bit coded

character sets -- Code extension techniques",

International Standard, Ref. No. ISO 2022-1986 (E).

[JISX0208] Japanese Standards Association, "Code of the Japanese

graphic character set for information interchange", JIS X


[RFC1345] Simonsen, K., "Character Mnemonics & Character Sets",

RFC-1345, Rationel Almen Planlaegning, June 1992.

[RFC1521] Borenstein, N., and Freed, N., "MIME (Multipurpose

Internet Mail Extensions) Part One: Mechanisms for

Specifying and Describing the Format of Internet Message

Bodies", RFC1521, September 1993.

[RFC1522] Moore, K., "MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)

Part Two: Message Header Extensions for Non-ASCII Text",

RFC1522, September 1993.

[RFC1556] Nussbacher, H., "Handling of Bi-directional Texts in

MIME" RFC1556, Israeli Inter-University Computer Center,

December 1993.

[TIS] Thai Industrial Standard for Thai Character Code for

Computer, TIS 620-2533:1990.

Security Considerations

Security issues are not discussed in this memo.

Author's Address

Masataka Ohta

Tokyo Institute of Technology

2-12-1, O-okayama, Meguro-ku,

Tokyo 152, JAPAN

Phone: +81-3-5499-7084

Fax: +81-3-3729-1940

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