
RFC1884 - IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

Network Working Group R. Hinden, Ipsilon Networks

Request for Comments: 1884 S. Deering, Xerox PARC

Category: Standards Track Editors

December 1995

IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


This specification defines the addressing architecture of the IP

Version 6 protocol [IPV6]. The document includes the IPv6 addressing

model, text representations of IPv6 addresses, definition of IPv6

unicast addresses, anycast addresses, and multicast addresses, and an

IPv6 nodes required addresses.

Table of Contents

1. IntrodUCtion................................................3

2. IPv6 Addressing.............................................3

2.1 Addressing Model........................................4

2.2 Text Representation of Addresses........................4

2.3 Address Type Representation.............................5

2.4 Unicast Addresses.......................................7

2.4.1 Unicast Address Example.............................8

2.4.2 The Unspecified Address.............................9

2.4.3 The Loopback Address................................9

2.4.4 IPv6 Addresses with Embedded IPv4 Addresses.........9

2.4.5 NSAP Addresses......................................10

2.4.6 IPX Addresses.......................................10

2.4.7 Provider-Based Global Unicast Addresses.............10

2.4.8 Local-use IPv6 Unicast Addresses....................11

2.5 Anycast Addresses.......................................12

2.5.1 Required Anycast Address............................13

2.6 Multicast Addresses.....................................14

2.6.1 Pre-Defined Multicast Addresses.....................15

2.7 A Node's Required Addresses.............................17


SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS........................................18

DOCUMENT EDITOR'S ADDRESSES....................................18


This specification defines the addressing architecture of the IP

Version 6 protocol. It includes a detailed description of the

currently defined address formats for IPv6 [IPV6].

The editors would like to acknowledge the contributions of Paul

Francis, Jim Bound, Brian Carpenter, Deborah Estrin, Peter Ford, Bob

Gilligan, Christian Huitema, Tony Li, Greg Minshall, Erik Nordmark,

Yakov Rekhter, Bill Simpson, and Sue Thomson.


IPv6 addresses are 128-bit identifiers for interfaces and sets of

interfaces. There are three types of addresses:

Unicast: An identifier for a single interface. A packet sent

to a unicast address is delivered to the interface

identified by that address.

Anycast: An identifier for a set of interfaces (typically

belonging to different nodes). A packet sent to an

anycast address is delivered to one of the interfaces

identified by that address (the "nearest" one,

according to the routing protocols' measure of


Multicast: An identifier for a set of interfaces (typically

belonging to different nodes). A packet sent to a

multicast address is delivered to all interfaces

identified by that address.

There are no broadcast addresses in IPv6, their function being

superseded by multicast addresses.

In this document, fields in addresses are given a specific name, for

example "subscriber". When this name is used with the term "ID" for

identifier after the name (e.g., "subscriber ID"), it refers to the

contents of the named field. When it is used with the term "prefix"

(e.g., "subscriber prefix") it refers to all of the address up to and

including this field.

In IPv6, all zeros and all ones are legal values for any field,

unless specifically excluded. Specifically, prefixes may contain

zero-valued fields or end in zeros.

2.1 Addressing Model

IPv6 Addresses of all types are assigned to interfaces, not nodes.

Since each interface belongs to a single node, any of that node's

interfaces' unicast addresses may be used as an identifier for the


An IPv6 unicast address refers to a single interface. A single

interface may be assigned multiple IPv6 addresses of any type

(unicast, anycast, and multicast). There are two exceptions to this

model. These are:

1) A single address may be assigned to multiple physical interfaces

if the implementation treats the multiple physical interfaces as

one interface when presenting it to the internet layer. This is

useful for load-sharing over multiple physical interfaces.

2) Routers may have unnumbered interfaces (i.e., no IPv6 address

assigned to the interface) on point-to-point links to eliminate

the necessity to manually configure and advertise the addresses.

Addresses are not needed for point-to-point interfaces on

routers if those interfaces are not to be used as the origins or

destinations of any IPv6 datagrams.

IPv6 continues the IPv4 model that a subnet is associated with one

link. Multiple subnets may be assigned to the same link.

2.2 Text Representation of Addresses

There are three conventional forms for representing IPv6 addresses as

text strings:

1. The preferred form is x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x, where the 'x's are the

hexadecimal values of the eight 16-bit pieces of the address.




Note that it is not necessary to write the leading zeros in an

individual field, but there must be at least one numeral in

every field (except for the case described in 2.).

2. Due to the method of allocating certain styles of IPv6

addresses, it will be common for addresses to contain long

strings of zero bits. In order to make writing addresses

containing zero bits easier a special syntax is available to

compress the zeros. The use of "::" indicates multiple groups

of 16-bits of zeros. The "::" can only appear once in an

address. The "::" can also be used to compress the leading

and/or trailing zeros in an address.

For example the following addresses:

1080:0:0:0:8:800:200C:417A a unicast address

FF01:0:0:0:0:0:0:43 a multicast address

0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 the loopback address

0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 the unspecified addresses

may be represented as:

1080::8:800:200C:417A a unicast address

FF01::43 a multicast address

::1 the loopback address

:: the unspecified addresses

3. An alternative form that is sometimes more convenient when

dealing with a mixed environment of IPv4 and IPv6 nodes is

x:x:x:x:x:x:d.d.d.d, where the 'x's are the hexadecimal values

of the six high-order 16-bit pieces of the address, and the 'd's

are the decimal values of the four low-order 8-bit pieces of the

address (standard IPv4 representation). Examples:



or in compressed form:



2.3 Address Type Representation

The specific type of an IPv6 address is indicated by the leading bits

in the address. The variable-length field comprising these leading

bits is called the Format Prefix (FP). The initial allocation of

these prefixes is as follows:

Allocation Prefix Fraction of

(binary) Address Space

------------------------------- -------- -------------

Reserved 0000 0000 1/256

Unassigned 0000 0001 1/256

Reserved for NSAP Allocation 0000 001 1/128

Reserved for IPX Allocation 0000 010 1/128

Unassigned 0000 011 1/128

Unassigned 0000 1 1/32

Unassigned 0001 1/16

Unassigned 001 1/8

Provider-Based Unicast Address 010 1/8

Unassigned 011 1/8

Reserved for Geographic-

Based Unicast Addresses 100 1/8

Unassigned 101 1/8

Unassigned 110 1/8

Unassigned 1110 1/16

Unassigned 1111 0 1/32

Unassigned 1111 10 1/64

Unassigned 1111 110 1/128

Unassigned 1111 1110 0 1/512

Link Local Use Addresses 1111 1110 10 1/1024

Site Local Use Addresses 1111 1110 11 1/1024

Multicast Addresses 1111 1111 1/256

Note: The "unspecified address" (see section 2.4.2), the

loopback address (see section 2.4.3), and the IPv6 Addresses

with Embedded IPv4 Addresses (see section 2.4.4), are assigned

out of the 0000 0000 format prefix space.

This allocation supports the direct allocation of provider addresses,

local use addresses, and multicast addresses. Space is reserved for

NSAP addresses, IPX addresses, and geographic addresses. The

remainder of the address space is unassigned for future use. This

can be used for eXPansion of existing use (e.g., additional provider

addresses, etc.) or new uses (e.g., separate locators and

identifiers). Fifteen percent of the address space is initially

allocated. The remaining 85% is reserved for future use.

Unicast addresses are distinguished from multicast addresses by the

value of the high-order octet of the addresses: a value of FF

(11111111) identifies an address as a multicast address; any other

value identifies an address as a unicast address. Anycast addresses

are taken from the unicast address space, and are not syntactically

distinguishable from unicast addresses.

2.4 Unicast Addresses

The IPv6 unicast address is contiguous bit-wise maskable, similar to

IPv4 addresses under Class-less Interdomain Routing [CIDR].

There are several forms of unicast address assignment in IPv6,

including the global provider based unicast address, the geographic

based unicast address, the NSAP address, the IPX hierarchical

address, the site-local-use address, the link-local-use address, and

the IPv4-capable host address. Additional address types can be

defined in the future.

IPv6 nodes may have considerable or little knowledge of the internal

structure of the IPv6 address, depending on the role the node plays

(for instance, host versus router). At a minimum, a node may

consider that unicast addresses (including its own) have no internal


128 bits


node address


A slightly sophisticated host (but still rather simple) may

additionally be aware of subnet prefix(es) for the link(s) it is

attached to, where different addresses may have different values for


n bits 128-n bits


subnet prefix interface ID


Still more sophisticated hosts may be aware of other hierarchical

boundaries in the unicast address. Though a very simple router may

have no knowledge of the internal structure of IPv6 unicast

addresses, routers will more generally have knowledge of one or more

of the hierarchical boundaries for the operation of routing

protocols. The known boundaries will differ from router to router,

depending on what positions the router holds in the routing


2.4.1 Unicast Address Examples

An example of a Unicast address format which will likely be common on

LANs and other environments where IEEE 802 MAC addresses are

available is:

n bits 80-n bits 48 bits


subscriber prefix subnet ID interface ID


Where the 48-bit Interface ID is an IEEE-802 MAC address. The use of

IEEE 802 MAC addresses as a interface ID is expected to be very

common in environments where nodes have an IEEE 802 MAC address. In

other environments, where IEEE 802 MAC addresses are not available,

other types of link layer addresses can be used, such as E.164

addresses, for the interface ID.

The inclusion of a unique global interface identifier, such as an

IEEE MAC address, makes possible a very simple form of auto-

configuration of addresses. A node may discover a subnet ID by

listening to Router Advertisement messages sent by a router on its

attached link(s), and then fabricating an IPv6 address for itself by

using its IEEE MAC address as the interface ID on that subnet.

Another unicast address format example is where a site or

organization requires additional layers of internal hierarchy. In

this example the subnet ID is divided into an area ID and a subnet

ID. Its format is:

s bits n bits m bits 128-s-n-m bits


subscriber prefix area ID subnet ID interface ID


This technique can be continued to allow a site or organization to

add additional layers of internal hierarchy. It may be desirable to

use an interface ID smaller than a 48-bit IEEE 802 MAC address to

allow more space for the additional layers of internal hierarchy.

These could be interface IDs which are administratively created by

the site or organization.

2.4.2 The Unspecified Address

The address 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 is called the unspecified address. It

must never be assigned to any node. It indicates the absence of an

address. One example of its use is in the Source Address field of

any IPv6 datagrams sent by an initializing host before it has learned

its own address.

The unspecified address must not be used as the destination address

of IPv6 datagrams or in IPv6 Routing Headers.

2.4.3 The Loopback Address

The unicast address 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 is called the loopback address.

It may be used by a node to send an IPv6 datagram to itself. It may

never be assigned to any interface.

The loopback address must not be used as the source address in IPv6

datagrams that are sent outside of a single node. An IPv6 datagram

with a destination address of loopback must never be sent outside of

a single node.

2.4.4 IPv6 Addresses with Embedded IPv4 Addresses

The IPv6 transition mechanisms include a technique for hosts and

routers to dynamically tunnel IPv6 packets over IPv4 routing

infrastructure. IPv6 nodes that utilize this technique are assigned

special IPv6 unicast addresses that carry an IPv4 address in the

low-order 32-bits. This type of address is termed an "IPv4-

compatible IPv6 address" and has the format:

80 bits 16 32 bits


0000..............................00000000 IPv4 address


A second type of IPv6 address which holds an embedded IPv4 address is

also defined. This address is used to represent the addresses of

IPv4-only nodes (those that *do not* support IPv6) as IPv6 addresses.

This type of address is termed an "IPv4-mapped IPv6 address" and has

the format:

80 bits 16 32 bits


0000..............................0000FFFF IPv4 address


2.4.5 NSAP Addresses

This mapping of NSAP address into IPv6 addresses is as follows:

7 121 bits


0000001 to be defined


The draft definition, motivation, and usage are under study [NSAP].

2.4.6 IPX Addresses

This mapping of IPX address into IPv6 addresses is as follows:

7 121 bits


0000010 to be defined


The draft definition, motivation, and usage are under study.

2.4.7 Provider-Based Global Unicast Addresses

The global provider-based unicast address is assigned as described in

[ALLOC]. This initial assignment plan for these unicast addresses is

similar to assignment of IPv4 addresses under the CIDR scheme [CIDR].

The IPv6 global provider-based unicast address format is as follows:

3 n bits m bits o bits 125-n-m-o bits


010registry IDprovider IDsubscriber ID intra-subscriber


The high-order part of the address is assigned to registries, who

then assign portions of the address space to providers, who then

assign portions of the address space to subscribers, etc.

The registry ID identifies the registry which assigns the provider

portion of the address. The term "registry prefix" refers to the

high-order part of the address up to and including the registry ID.

The provider ID identifies a specific provider which assigns the

subscriber portion of the address. The term "provider prefix" refers

to the high-order part of the address up to and including the

provider ID.

The subscriber ID distinguishes among multiple subscribers attached

to the provider identified by the provider ID. The term "subscriber

prefix" refers to the high-order part of the address up to and

including the subscriber ID.

The intra-subscriber portion of the address is defined by an

individual subscriber and is organized according to the subscribers

local internet topology. It is likely that many subscribers will

choose to divide the intra-subscriber portion of the address into a

subnet ID and an interface ID. In this case the subnet ID identifies

a specific physical link and the interface ID identifies a single

interface on that subnet.

2.4.8 Local-use IPv6 Unicast Addresses

There are two types of local-use unicast addresses defined. These

are Link-Local and Site-Local. The Link-Local is for use on a single

link and the Site-Local is for use in a single site. Link-Local

addresses have the following format:


bits n bits 118-n bits


1111111010 0 interface ID


Link-Local addresses are designed to be used for addressing on a

single link for purposes such as auto-address configuration, neighbor

discovery, or when no routers are present.

Routers MUST not forward any packets with link-local source


Site-Local addresses have the following format:


bits n bits m bits 118-n-m bits


1111111011 0 subnet ID interface ID


Site-Local addresses may be used for sites or organizations that are

not (yet) connected to the global Internet. They do not need to

request or "steal" an address prefix from the global Internet address

space. IPv6 site-local addresses can be used instead. When the

organization connects to the global Internet, it can then form global

addresses by replacing the site-local prefix with a subscriber


Routers MUST not forward any packets with site-local source addresses

outside of the site.

2.5 Anycast Addresses

An IPv6 anycast address is an address that is assigned to more than

one interface (typically belonging to different nodes), with the

property that a packet sent to an anycast address is routed to the

"nearest" interface having that address, according to the routing

protocols' measure of distance.

Anycast addresses are allocated from the unicast address space, using

any of the defined unicast address formats. Thus, anycast addresses

are syntactically indistinguishable from unicast addresses. When a

unicast address is assigned to more than one interface, thus turning

it into an anycast address, the nodes to which the address is

assigned must be explicitly configured to know that it is an anycast


For any assigned anycast address, there is a longest address prefix P

that identifies the topological region in which all interfaces

belonging to that anycast address reside. Within the region

identified by P, each member of the anycast set must be advertised as

a separate entry in the routing system (commonly referred to as a

"host route"); outside the region identified by P, the anycast

address may be aggregated into the routing advertisement for prefix


Note that in, the worst case, the prefix P of an anycast set may be

the null prefix, i.e., the members of the set may have no topological

locality. In that case, the anycast address must be advertised as a

separate routing entry throughout the entire internet, which presents

a severe scaling limit on how many such "global" anycast sets may be

supported. Therefore, it is expected that support for global anycast

sets may be unavailable or very restricted.

One expected use of anycast addresses is to identify the set of

routers belonging to an internet service provider. Such addresses

could be used as intermediate addresses in an IPv6 Routing header, to

cause a packet to be delivered via a particular provider or sequence

of providers. Some other possible uses are to identify the set of

routers attached to a particular subnet, or the set of routers

providing entry into a particular routing domain.

There is little experience with widespread, arbitrary use of internet

anycast addresses, and some known complications and hazards when

using them in their full generality [ANYCST]. Until more experience

has been gained and solutions agreed upon for those problems, the

following restrictions are imposed on IPv6 anycast addresses:

o An anycast address MUST NOT be used as the source address of an

IPv6 packet.

o An anycast address MUST NOT be assigned to an IPv6 host, that

is, it may be assigned to an IPv6 router only.

2.5.1 Required Anycast Address

The Subnet-Router anycast address is predefined. It's format is as


n bits 128-n bits


subnet prefix 00000000000000


The "subnet prefix" in an anycast address is the prefix which

identifies a specific link. This anycast address is syntactically

the same as a unicast address for an interface on the link with the

interface identifier set to zero.

Packets sent to the Subnet-Router anycast address will be delivered

to one router on the subnet. All routers are required to support the

Subnet-Router anycast addresses for the subnets which they have


The subnet-router anycast address is intended to be used for

applications where a node needs to communicate with one of a set of

routers on a remote subnet. For example when a mobile host needs to

communicate with one of the mobile agents on it's "home" subnet.

2.6 Multicast Addresses

An IPv6 multicast address is an identifier for a group of nodes. A

node may belong to any number of multicast groups. Multicast

addresses have the following format:

8 4 4 112 bits

+------ -+----+----+---------------------------------------------+

11111111flgsscop group ID


11111111 at the start of the address identifies the address as

being a multicast address.


flgs is a set of 4 flags: 000T


The high-order 3 flags are reserved, and must be

initialized to 0.

T = 0 indicates a permanently-assigned ("well-known")

multicast address, assigned by the global internet

numbering authority.

T = 1 indicates a non-permanently-assigned ("transient")

multicast address.

scop is a 4-bit multicast scope value used to limit the scope of

the multicast group. The values are:

0 reserved

1 node-local scope

2 link-local scope

3 (unassigned)

4 (unassigned)

5 site-local scope

6 (unassigned)

7 (unassigned)

8 organization-local scope

9 (unassigned)

A (unassigned)

B (unassigned)

C (unassigned)

D (unassigned)

E global scope

F reserved

group ID identifies the multicast group, either permanent or

transient, within the given scope.

The "meaning" of a permanently-assigned multicast address is

independent of the scope value. For example, if the "NTP servers

group" is assigned a permanent multicast address with a group ID of

43 (hex), then:

FF01:0:0:0:0:0:0:43 means all NTP servers on the same node as

the sender.

FF02:0:0:0:0:0:0:43 means all NTP servers on the same link as

the sender.

FF05:0:0:0:0:0:0:43 means all NTP servers at the same site as

the sender.

FF0E:0:0:0:0:0:0:43 means all NTP servers in the internet.

Non-permanently-assigned multicast addresses are meaningful only

within a given scope. For example, a group identified by the non-

permanent, site-local multicast address FF15:0:0:0:0:0:0:43 at one

site bears no relationship to a group using the same address at a

different site, nor to a non-permanent group using the same group ID

with different scope, nor to a permanent group with the same group


Multicast addresses must not be used as source addresses in IPv6

datagrams or appear in any routing header.

2.6.1 Pre-Defined Multicast Addresses

The following well-known multicast addresses are pre-defined:

Reserved Multicast Addresses: FF00:0:0:0:0:0:0:0
















The above multicast addresses are reserved and shall never be

assigned to any multicast group.

All Nodes Addresses: FF01:0:0:0:0:0:0:1


The above multicast addresses identify the group of all IPv6 nodes,

within scope 1 (node-local) or 2 (link-local).

All Routers Addresses: FF01:0:0:0:0:0:0:2


The above multicast addresses identify the group of all IPv6 routers,

within scope 1 (node-local) or 2 (link-local).

DHCP Server/Relay-Agent: FF02:0:0:0:0:0:0:C

The above multicast addresses identify the group of all IPv6 DHCP

Servers and Relay Agents within scope 2 (link-local).

Solicited-Node Address: FF02:0:0:0:0:1:XXXX:XXXX

The above multicast address is computed as a function of a node's

unicast and anycast addresses. The solicited-node multicast address

is formed by taking the low-order 32 bits of the address (unicast or

anycast) and appending those bits to the 96-bit prefix FF02:0:0:0:0:1

resulting in a multicast address in the range




For example, the solicited node multicast address corresponding to

the IPv6 address 4037::01:800:200E:8C6C is FF02::1:200E:8C6C. IPv6

addresses that differ only in the high-order bits, e.g., due to

multiple high-order prefixes associated with different providers,

will map to the same solicited-node address thereby reducing the

number of multicast addresses a node must join.

A node is required to compute and support a Solicited-Node multicast

addresses for every unicast and anycast address it is assigned.

2.7 A Node's Required Addresses

A host is required to recognize the following addresses as

identifying itself:

o Its Link-Local Address for each interface

o Assigned Unicast Addresses

o Loopback Address

o All-Nodes Multicast Address

o Solicited-Node Multicast Address for each of its assigned

unicast and anycast addresses

o Multicast Addresses of all other groups which the host belongs.

A router is required to recognize the following addresses as

identifying itself:

o Its Link-Local Address for each interface

o Assigned Unicast Addresses

o Loopback Address

o The Subnet-Router anycast addresses for the links it has


o All other Anycast addresses with which the router has been


o All-Nodes Multicast Address

o All-Router Multicast Address

o Solicited-Node Multicast Address for each of its assigned

unicast and anycast addresses

o Multicast Addresses of all other groups which the router


The only address prefixes which should be predefined in an

implementation are the:

o Unspecified Address

o Loopback Address

o Multicast Prefix (FF)

o Local-Use Prefixes (Link-Local and Site-Local)

o Pre-Defined Multicast Addresses

o IPv4-Compatible Prefixes

Implementations should assume all other addresses are unicast unless

specifically configured (e.g., anycast addresses).


[ALLOC] Rekhter, Y., and T. Li, "An Architecture for IPv6 Unicast

Address Allocation", RFC1887, cisco Systems, December


[ANYCST] Partridge, C., Mendez, T., and W. Milliken, "Host

Anycasting Service", RFC1546, BBN, November 1993.

[CIDR] Fuller, V., Li, T., Varadhan, K., and J. Yu, "Supernetting:

an Address Assignment and Aggregation Strategy", RFC1338,

BARRNet, cisco, Merit, OARnet, June 1992.

[IPV6] Deering, S., and R. Hinden, Editors, "Internet Protocol,

Version 6 (IPv6) Specification", RFC1883, Xerox PARC,

Ipsilon Networks, December 1995.

[MULT] Deering, S., "Host Extensions for IP multicasting", STD 5,

RFC1112, Stanford University, August 1989.

[NSAP] Carpenter, B., Editor, "Mechanisms for OSIN SAPs, CLNP and

TP over IPv6", Work in Progress.


Security issues are not discussed in this document.


Robert M. Hinden Stephen E. Deering

Ipsilon Networks, Inc. Xerox Palo Alto Research Center

2191 E. Bayshore Road, Suite 100 3333 Coyote Hill Road

Palo Alto, CA 94303 Palo Alto, CA 94304


Phone: +1 415 846 4604 Phone: +1 415 812 4839

Fax: +1 415 855 1414 Fax: +1 415 812 4471

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