
RFC1880 - Internet Official Protocol Standards

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

Network Working Group Internet Architecture Board

Request for Comments: 1880 J. Postel, Editor

Obsoletes: 1800, 1780, 1720, 1610, November 1995

1600, 1540, 1500, 1410, 1360, 1280,

1250, 1200, 1140, 1130, 1100, 1083

STD: 1

Category: Standards Track


Status of this Memo

This memo describes the state of standardization of protocols used in

the Internet as determined by the Internet Architecture Board (IAB).

This memo is an Internet Standard. Distribution of this memo is


Table of Contents

IntrodUCtion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1. The Standardization Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2. The Request for Comments Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

3. Other Reference Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

3.1. Assigned Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

3.2. Gateway Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

3.3. Host Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

3.4. The MIL-STD Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

4. EXPlanation of Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

4.1. Definitions of Protocol State (Maturity Level) . . . . . . 9

4.1.1. Standard Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

4.1.2. Draft Standard Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

4.1.3. Proposed Standard Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

4.1.4. Experimental Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

4.1.5. Informational Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

4.1.6. Historic Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

4.2. Definitions of Protocol Status (Requirement Level) . . . 10

4.2.1. Required Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

4.2.2. Recommended Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

4.2.3. Elective Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

4.2.4. Limited Use Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

4.2.5. Not Recommended Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

5. The Standards Track . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

5.1. The RFCProcessing Decision Table . . . . . . . . . . . 11

5.2. The Standards Track Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

6. The Protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

6.1. Recent Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

6.1.1. New RFCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

6.1.2. Other Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

6.2. Standard Protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

6.3. Network-Specific Standard Protocols . . . . . . . . . . 22

6.4. Draft Standard Protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

6.5. Proposed Standard Protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

6.6. Telnet Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

6.7. Experimental Protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

6.8. Informational Protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

6.9. Historic Protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

6.10 Obsolete Protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

7. Contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

7.1. IAB, IETF, and IRTF Contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

7.1.1. Internet Architecture Board (IAB) Contact . . . . . . 34

7.1.2. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Contact . . . . 34

7.1.3. Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) Contact . . . . . 35

7.2. Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) Contact . . . 36

7.3. Request for Comments Editor Contact . . . . . . . . . . 37

7.4. Network Information Center Contact . . . . . . . . . . . 37

7.5. Sources for Requests for Comments . . . . . . . . . . . 38

8. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

9. Author's Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38


A discussion of the standardization process and the RFCdocument

series is presented first, followed by an explanation of the terms.

Sections 6.2 - 6.10 contain the lists of protocols in each stage of

standardization. Finally are pointers to references and contacts for

further information.

This memo is intended to be issued approximately quarterly; please be

sure the copy you are reading is current. Current copies may be

oBTained from the Network Information Center (INTERNIC) or from the

Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) (see the contact

information at the end of this memo). Do not use this edition after


See Section 6.1 for a description of recent changes. In the official

lists in sections 6.2 - 6.10, an asterisk (*) next to a protocol

denotes that it is new to this document or has been moved from one

protocol level to another, or differs from the previous edition of

this document.

1. The Standardization Process

The Internet Architecture Board maintains this list of documents that

define standards for the Internet protocol suite. See RFC-1601 for

the charter of the IAB and RFC-1160 for an explanation of the role

and organization of the IAB and its subsidiary groups, the Internet

Engineering Task Force (IETF) and the Internet Research Task Force

(IRTF). Each of these groups has a steering group called the IESG

and IRSG, respectively. The IETF develops these standards with the

goal of co-ordinating the evolution of the Internet protocols; this

co-ordination has become quite important as the Internet protocols

are increasingly in general commercial use. The definitive

description of the Internet standards process is found in RFC-1602.

The majority of Internet protocol development and standardization

activity takes place in the working groups of the IETF.

Protocols which are to become standards in the Internet go through a

series of states or maturity levels (proposed standard, draft

standard, and standard) involving increasing amounts of scrutiny and

testing. When a protocol completes this process it is assigned a STD

number (see RFC-1311). At each step, the Internet Engineering

Steering Group (IESG) of the IETF must make a recommendation for

advancement of the protocol.

To allow time for the Internet community to consider and react to

standardization proposals, a minimum delay of 6 months before a

proposed standard can be advanced to a draft standard and 4 months

before a draft standard can be promoted to standard.

It is general practice that no proposed standard can be promoted to

draft standard without at least two independent implementations (and

the recommendation of the IESG). Promotion from draft standard to

standard generally requires operational experience and demonstrated

interoperability of two or more implementations (and the

recommendation of the IESG).

In cases where there is uncertainty as to the proper decision

concerning a protocol a special review committee may be appointed

consisting of experts from the IETF, IRTF and the IAB with the

purpose of recommending an explicit action.

Advancement of a protocol to proposed standard is an important step

since it marks a protocol as a candidate for eventual standardization

(it puts the protocol "on the standards track"). Advancement to

draft standard is a major step which warns the community that, unless

major objections are raised or flaws are discovered, the protocol is

likely to be advanced to standard in six months.

Some protocols have been superseded by better ones or are otherwise

unused. Such protocols are still documented in this memorandum with

the designation "historic".

Because it is useful to document the results of early protocol

research and development work, some of the RFCs document protocols

which are still in an experimental condition. The protocols are

designated "experimental" in this memorandum. They appear in this

report as a convenience to the community and not as evidence of their


Other protocols, such as those developed by other standards

organizations, or by particular vendors, may be of interest or may be

recommended for use in the Internet. The specifications of such

protocols may be published as RFCs for the convenience of the

Internet community. These protocols are labeled "informational" in

this memorandum.

In addition to the working groups of the IETF, protocol development

and experimentation may take place as a result of the work of the

research groups of the Internet Research Task Force, or the work of

other individuals interested in Internet protocol development. The

the documentation of such experimental work in the RFCseries is

encouraged, but none of this work is considered to be on the track

for standardization until the IESG has made a recommendation to

advance the protocol to the proposed standard state.

A few protocols have achieved widespread implementation without the

approval of the IESG. For example, some vendor protocols have become

very important to the Internet community even though they have not

been recommended by the IESG. However, the IAB strongly recommends

that the standards process be used in the evolution of the protocol

suite to maximize interoperability (and to prevent incompatible

protocol requirements from arising). The use of the terms

"standard", "draft standard", and "proposed standard" are reserved in

any RFCor other publication of Internet protocols to only those

protocols which the IESG has approved.

In addition to a state (like "Proposed Standard"), a protocol is also

assigned a status, or requirement level, in this document. The

possible requirement levels ("Required", "Recommended", "Elective",

"Limited Use", and "Not Recommended") are defined in Section 4.2.

When a protocol is on the standards track, that is in the proposed

standard, draft standard, or standard state (see Section 5), the

status shown in Section 6 is the current status.

Few protocols are required to be implemented in all systems; this is

because there is such a variety of possible systems, for example,

gateways, routers, terminal servers, workstations, and multi-user

hosts. The requirement level shown in this document is only a one

Word label, which may not be sufficient to characterize the

implementation requirements for a protocol in all situations. For

some protocols, this document contains an additional status paragraph

(an applicability statement). In addition, more detailed status

information may be contained in separate requirements documents (see

Section 3).

2. The Request for Comments Documents

The documents called Request for Comments (or RFCs) are the working

notes of the "Network Working Group", that is the Internet research

and development community. A document in this series may be on

essentially any topic related to computer communication, and may be

anything from a meeting report to the specification of a standard.


All standards are published as RFCs, but not all RFCs specify


Anyone can submit a document for publication as an RFC. Submissions

must be made via electronic mail to the RFCEditor (see the contact

information at the end of this memo, and see RFC1543).

While RFCs are not refereed publications, they do receive technical

review from the task forces, individual technical experts, or the RFC

Editor, as appropriate.

The RFCseries comprises a wide range of documents, ranging from

informational documents of general interests to specifications of

standard Internet protocols. In cases where submission is intended

to document a proposed standard, draft standard, or standard

protocol, the RFCEditor will publish the document only with the

approval of the IESG. For documents describing experimental work,

the RFCEditor will notify the IESG before publication, allowing for

the possibility of review by the relevant IETF working group or IRTF

research group and provide those comments to the author. See Section

5.1 for more detail.

Once a document is assigned an RFCnumber and published, that RFCis

never revised or re-issued with the same number. There is never a

question of having the most recent version of a particular RFC.

However, a protocol (such as File Transfer Protocol (FTP)) may be

improved and re-documented many times in several different RFCs. It

is important to verify that you have the most recent RFCon a

particular protocol. This "Internet Official Protocol Standards"

memo is the reference for determining the correct RFCfor the current

specification of each protocol.

The RFCs are available from the INTERNIC, and a number of other

sites. For more information about obtaining RFCs, see Sections 7.4

and 7.5.

3. Other Reference Documents

There are three other reference documents of interest in checking the

current status of protocol specifications and standardization. These

are the Assigned Numbers, the Gateway Requirements, and the Host

Requirements. Note that these documents are revised and updated at

different times; in case of differences between these documents, the

most recent must prevail.

Also, one should be aware of the MIL-STD publications on IP, TCP,

Telnet, FTP, and SMTP. These are described in Section 3.4.

3.1. Assigned Numbers

The "Assigned Numbers" document lists the assigned values of the

parameters used in the various protocols. For example, IP protocol

codes, TCP port numbers, Telnet Option Codes, ARP hardware types, and

Terminal Type names. Assigned Numbers was most recently issued as


3.2. Requirements for IP Version 4 Routers

This document reviews the specifications that apply to gateways and

supplies guidance and clarification for any ambiguities.

Requirements for IP Version 4 Routers is RFC-1812.

3.3. Host Requirements

This pair of documents reviews and updates the specifications that

apply to hosts, and it supplies guidance and clarification for any

ambiguities. Host Requirements was issued as RFC-1122 and RFC-1123.

3.4. The MIL-STD Documents

The Internet community specifications for IP (RFC-791) and TCP (RFC-

793) and the DoD MIL-STD specifications are intended to describe

exactly the same protocols. Any difference in the protocols

specified by these sets of documents should be reported to DISA and

to the IESG. It is strongly advised that the two sets of documents

be used together, along with RFC-1122 and RFC-1123.

Note that these MIL-STD are now somewhat out of date. The

Requirements for IP Version 4 Routers (RFC-1812) and Host

Requirements (RFC-1122, RFC-1123) take precedence over both earlier

RFCs and the MIL-STDs.

2045-13501 Internet Routing between Autonomous Systems

2045-14502-01 Internet Transport Profile for DoD

Communications, Part 1: Transport and Internet Services

2045-14502-04 Internet Transport Profile for DoD

Communications, Part 4: LAN Media-Independent Requirements

2045-14503 Internet Transport Service Supporting OSI


2045-44500 Tactical Communications

2045-17503-01 Internet Message Transfer Profile for DoD

Communications Part 1: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

2045-17503-02 Internet Message Transfer Profile for DoD

Communications Part 2: Format of Text Messages

2045-17504 Internet File Transfer Profile for DoD


2045-17505 Internet Domain Name Service (DNS) Profile for DoD


2045-17506 Internet Remote Login (RLOGIN) Profile for DoD


2045-17507 Internet Network Management Profile for DoD


2045-38000 DoD Network Management for DoD Communications

These documents are available from the Naval Publications and Forms

Center. Requests can be initiated by telephone, telegraph, or mail;

however, it is preferred that private industry use form DD1425, if


Naval Publications and Forms Center, Code 3015

5801 Tabor Ave

PhilaDelphia, PA 19120

Phone: 1-215-697-3321 (order tape)

1-215-697-4834 (conversation)

4. Explanation of Terms

There are two independent categorization of protocols. The first is

the "maturity level" or STATE of standardization, one of "standard",

"draft standard", "proposed standard", "experimental",

"informational" or "historic". The second is the "requirement level"

or STATUS of this protocol, one of "required", "recommended",

"elective", "limited use", or "not recommended".

The status or requirement level is difficult to portray in a one word

label. These status labels should be considered only as an

indication, and a further description, or applicability statement,

should be consulted.

When a protocol is advanced to proposed standard or draft standard,

it is labeled with a current status.

At any given time a protocol occupies a cell of the following matrix.

Protocols are likely to be in cells in about the following

proportions (indicated by the relative number of Xs). A new protocol

is most likely to start in the (proposed standard, elective) cell, or

the (experimental, limited use) cell.


Req Rec Ele Lim Not



S +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+

Draft X X XXX

T +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+

Prop X XXX

A +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+


T +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+

Expr XXX

E +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+

Hist XXX


What is a "system"?

Some protocols are particular to hosts and some to gateways; a few

protocols are used in both. The definitions of the terms below

will refer to a "system" which is either a host or a gateway (or

both). It should be clear from the context of the particular

protocol which types of systems are intended.

4.1. Definitions of Protocol State

Every protocol listed in this document is assigned to a "maturity

level" or STATE of standardization: "standard", "draft standard",

"proposed standard", "experimental", or "historic".

4.1.1. Standard Protocol

The IESG has established this as an official standard protocol for

the Internet. These protocols are assigned STD numbers (see RFC-

1311). These are separated into two groups: (1) IP protocol and

above, protocols that apply to the whole Internet; and (2)

network-specific protocols, generally specifications of how to do

IP on particular types of networks.

4.1.2. Draft Standard Protocol

The IESG is actively considering this protocol as a possible

Standard Protocol. Substantial and widespread testing and comment

are desired. Comments and test results should be submitted to the

IESG. There is a possibility that changes will be made in a Draft

Standard Protocol before it becomes a Standard Protocol.

4.1.3. Proposed Standard Protocol

These are protocol proposals that may be considered by the IESG

for standardization in the future. Implementation and testing by

several groups is desirable. Revision of the protocol

specification is likely.

4.1.4. Experimental Protocol

A system should not implement an experimental protocol unless it

is participating in the experiment and has coordinated its use of

the protocol with the developer of the protocol.

Typically, experimental protocols are those that are developed as

part of an ongoing research project not related to an operational

service offering. While they may be proposed as a service

protocol at a later stage, and thus become proposed standard,

draft standard, and then standard protocols, the designation of a

protocol as experimental may sometimes be meant to suggest that

the protocol, although perhaps mature, is not intended for

operational use.

4.1.5. Informational Protocol

Protocols developed by other standard organizations, or vendors,

or that are for other reasons outside the purview of the IESG, may

be published as RFCs for the convenience of the Internet community

as informational protocols.

4.1.6. Historic Protocol

These are protocols that are unlikely to ever become standards in

the Internet either because they have been superseded by later

developments or due to lack of interest.

4.2. Definitions of Protocol Status

This document lists a "requirement level" or STATUS for each

protocol. The status is one of "required", "recommended",

"elective", "limited use", or "not recommended".

4.2.1. Required Protocol

A system must implement the required protocols.

4.2.2. Recommended Protocol

A system should implement the recommended protocols.

4.2.3. Elective Protocol

A system may or may not implement an elective protocol. The

general notion is that if you are going to do something like this,

you must do exactly this. There may be several elective protocols

in a general area, for example, there are several electronic mail

protocols, and several routing protocols.

4.2.4. Limited Use Protocol

These protocols are for use in limited circumstances. This may be

because of their experimental state, specialized nature, limited

functionality, or historic state.

4.2.5. Not Recommended Protocol

These protocols are not recommended for general use. This may be

because of their limited functionality, specialized nature, or

experimental or historic state.

5. The Standards Track

This section discusses in more detail the procedures used by the RFC

Editor and the IESG in making decisions about the labeling and

publishing of protocols as standards.

5.1. The RFCProcessing Decision Table

Here is the current decision table for processing submissions by the

RFCEditor. The processing depends on who submitted it, and the

status they want it to have.


************** S O U R C E


Desired IAB IESG IRSG Other



Standard Bogus Publish Bogus Bogus

or (2) (1) (2) (2)




Refer Publish Refer Refer

Proposed (3) (1) (3) (3)



Notify Publish Notify Notify

Experimental (4) (1) (4) (4)



Information Publish Publish DiscretionDiscretion

or Opinion (1) (1) (5) (5)



(1) Publish.

(2) Bogus. Inform the source of the rules. RFCs specifying

Standard, or Draft Standard must come from the IESG, only.

(3) Refer to an Area Director for review by a WG. Expect to see

the document again only after approval by the IESG.

(4) Notify both the IESG and IRSG. If no concerns are raised in

two weeks then do Discretion (5), else RFCEditor to resolve

the concerns or do Refer (3).

(5) RFCEditor's discretion. The RFCEditor decides if a review

is needed and if so by whom. RFCEditor decides to publish or


Of course, in all cases the RFCEditor can request or make minor

changes for style, format, and presentation purposes.

The IESG has designated the IESG Secretary as its agent for

forwarding documents with IESG approval and for registering concerns

in response to notifications (4) to the RFCEditor. Documents from

Area Directors or Working Group Chairs may be considered in the same

way as documents from "other".

5.2. The Standards Track Diagram

There is a part of the STATUS and STATE categorization that is called

the standards track. Actually, only the changes of state are

significant to the progression along the standards track, though the

status assignments may change as well.

The states illustrated by single line boxes are temporary states,

those illustrated by double line boxes are long term states. A

protocol will normally be expected to remain in a temporary state for

several months (minimum six months for proposed standard, minimum

four months for draft standard). A protocol may be in a long term

state for many years.

A protocol may enter the standards track only on the recommendation

of the IESG; and may move from one state to another along the track

only on the recommendation of the IESG. That is, it takes action by

the IESG to either start a protocol on the track or to move it along.

Generally, as the protocol enters the standards track a decision is

made as to the eventual STATUS, requirement level or applicability

(elective, recommended, or required) the protocol will have, although

a somewhat less stringent current status may be assigned, and it then

is placed in the the proposed standard STATE with that status. So

the initial placement of a protocol is into state 1. At any time the

STATUS decision may be revisited.



V 0 4

+-----------+ +===========+

enter -->----------------+-------------->experiment

+-----------+ +=====+=====+

V 1

+-----------+ V

proposed -------------->+


V 2

+<---+-----+-----+ V

draft std -------------->+


V 3

+<---+=====+=====+ V

standard -------------->+


V 5




The transition from proposed standard (1) to draft standard (2) can

only be by action of the IESG and only after the protocol has been

proposed standard (1) for at least six months.

The transition from draft standard (2) to standard (3) can only be by

action of the IESG and only after the protocol has been draft

standard (2) for at least four months.

Occasionally, the decision may be that the protocol is not ready for

standardization and will be assigned to the experimental state (4).

This is off the standards track, and the protocol may be resubmitted

to enter the standards track after further work. There are other

paths into the experimental and historic states that do not involve

IESG action.

Sometimes one protocol is replaced by another and thus becomes

historic, or it may happen that a protocol on the standards track is

in a sense overtaken by another protocol (or other events) and

becomes historic (state 5).

6. The Protocols

Subsection 6.1 lists recent RFCs and other changes. Subsections 6.2

- 6.10 list the standards in groups by protocol state.

6.1. Recent Changes

6.1.1. New RFCs:

1880 - Internet Official Protocol Standards

This memo.

1871 - Addendum to RFC1602 -- Variance Procedure

This is a Best Current Practices document and does not

specify any level of standard.

1870 - SMTP Service Extension for Message Size Declaration

A Standard protocol.

1869 - SMTP Service Extensions

A Standard protocol.

1868 - ARP Extension - UNARP

An Experimental protocol.

1867 - Form-based File Upload in Html

An Experimental protocol.

1866 - Hypertext Markup Language - 2.0

A Proposed Standard protocol.

1865 - not yet issued.

1864 - The Content-MD5 Header Field

A Draft Standard protocol.

1863 - A BGP/IDRP Route Server alternative to a full mesh routing

An Experimental protocol.

1862 - Report of the IAB Workshop on Internet Information

Infrastructure, October 12-14, 1994

This is an information document and does not specify any

level of standard.

1861 - Simple Network Paging Protocol - Version 3 - Two-Way


This is an information document and does not specify any

level of standard.

1860 - Variable Length Subnet Table For IPv4

This is an information document and does not specify any

level of standard.

1859 - ISO Transport Class 2 Non-use of Explicit Flow Control over

TCP RFC1006 extension

This is an information document and does not specify any

level of standard.

1858 - Security Considerations for IP Fragment Filtering

This is an information document and does not specify any

level of standard.

1857 - A Model for Common Operational Statistics

This is an information document and does not specify any

level of standard.

1856 - The Opstat Client-Server Model for Statistics Retrieval

This is an information document and does not specify any

level of standard.

1855 - Netiquette Guidelines

This is an information document and does not specify any

level of standard.

1854 - SMTP Service Extension for Command Pipelining

A Proposed Standard protocol.

1853 - IP in IP Tunneling

This is an information document and does not specify any

level of standard.

1852 - IP Authentication using Keyed SHA

An Experimental protocol.

1851 - The ESP Triple DES Transform

An Experimental protocol.

1850 - OSPF Version 2 Management Information Base

A Draft Standard protocol.

1849 - not yet issued.

1848 - MIME Object Security Services

A Proposed Standard protocol.

1847 - Security Multiparts for MIME: Multipart/Signed and


A Proposed Standard protocol.

1846 - SMTP 521 Reply Code

An Experimental protocol.

1845 - SMTP Service Extension for Checkpoint/Restart

An Experimental protocol.

1844 - Multimedia E-mail (MIME) User Agent Checklist

This is an information document and does not specify any

level of standard.

1843 - ASCII Printable Characters-Based Chinese Character Encoding

for Internet Messages

This is an information document and does not specify any

level of standard.

1842 - ASCII Printable Characters-Based Chinese Character Encoding

for Internet Messages

This is an information document and does not specify any

level of standard.

1841 - PPP Network Control Protocol for LAN Extension

This is an information document and does not specify any

level of standard.

1840 - not yet issued.

1839 - not yet issued.

1838 - Use of the X.500 Directory to support mapping between X.400

and RFC822 Addresses

An Experimental protocol.

1837 - Representing Tables and Subtrees in the X.500 Directory

An Experimental protocol.

1836 - Representing the O/R Address hierarchy in the X.500

Directory Information Tree

An Experimental protocol.

1835 - Architecture of the WHOIS++ service

A Proposed Standard protocol.

1834 - Whois and Network Information Lookup Service, Whois++

This is an information document and does not specify any

level of standard.

1833 - Binding Protocols for ONC RPC Version 2

A Proposed Standard protocol.

1832 - XDR: External Data Representation Standard

A Proposed Standard protocol.

1831 - RPC: Remote Procedure Call Protocol Specification Version 2

A Proposed Standard protocol.

1830 - SMTP Service Extensions for Transmission of Large and

Binary MIME Messages

An Experimental protocol.

1829 - The ESP DES-CBC Transform

A Proposed Standard protocol.

1828 - IP Authentication using Keyed MD5

A Proposed Standard protocol.

1827 - IP Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP)

A Proposed Standard protocol.

1826 - IP Authentication Header

A Proposed Standard protocol.

1825 - Security Architecture for the Internet Protocol

A Proposed Standard protocol.

1824 - The Exponential Security System TESS: An Identity-Based

Cryptographic Protocol for Authenticated Key-Exchange

(E.I.S.S.-Report 1995/4)

This is an information document and does not specify any

level of standard.

1823 - The LDAP Application Program Interface

This is an information document and does not specify any

level of standard.

1822 - A Grant of Rights to Use a Specific IBM patent with


This is an information document and does not specify any

level of standard.

1821 - Integration of Real-time Services in an IP-ATM Network


This is an information document and does not specify any

level of standard.

1820 - Multimedia E-mail (MIME) User Agent Checklist

This is an information document and does not specify any

level of standard.

1819 - Internet Stream Protocol Version 2 (ST2) Protocol

Specification - Version ST2+

An Experimental protocol.

1818 - Best Current Practices

This defines the Best Current Practices subseries and does

not specify any level of standard.

1817 - CIDR and Classful Routing

This is an information document and does not specify any

level of standard.

1816 - U.S. Government Internet Domain Names

This is an information document and does not specify any

level of standard.

1815 - Character Sets ISO-10646 and ISO-10646-J-1

This is an information document and does not specify any

level of standard.

6.1.2. Other Changes:

The following are changes to protocols listed in the previous


1137 - Mapping Between Full RFC822 and RFC822 with Restricted


Moved to Historic.

6.2. Standard Protocols

Protocol Name Status RFCSTD *

======== ===================================== ======== ==== === =

-------- Internet Official Protocol Standards Req 1880 1

-------- Assigned Numbers Req 1700 2

-------- Host Requirements - Communications Req 1122 3

-------- Host Requirements - Applications Req 1123 3

IP Internet Protocol Req 791 5

as amended by:--------

-------- IP Subnet Extension Req 950 5

-------- IP Broadcast Datagrams Req 919 5

-------- IP Broadcast Datagrams with Subnets Req 922 5

ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol Req 792 5

IGMP Internet Group Multicast Protocol Rec 1112 5

UDP User Datagram Protocol Rec 768 6

TCP Transmission Control Protocol Rec 793 7

TELNET Telnet Protocol Rec 854,855 8

FTP File Transfer Protocol Rec 959 9

SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Rec 821 10

SMTP-SIZE SMTP Service Ext for Message Size Rec 1870 10 *

SMTP-EXT SMTP Service Extensions Rec 1869 10 *

MAIL Format of Electronic Mail Messages Rec 822 11

CONTENT Content Type Header Field Rec 1049 11

NTPV2 Network Time Protocol (Version 2) Rec 1119 12

DOMAIN Domain Name System Rec 1034,1035 13

DNS-MX Mail Routing and the Domain System Rec 974 14

SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol Rec 1157 15

SMI Structure of Management Information Rec 1155 16

Concise-MIB Concise MIB Definitions Rec 1212 16

MIB-II Management Information Base-II Rec 1213 17

NETBIOS NetBIOS Service Protocols Ele 1001,1002 19

ECHO Echo Protocol Rec 862 20

DISCARD Discard Protocol Ele 863 21

CHARGEN Character Generator Protocol Ele 864 22

QUOTE Quote of the Day Protocol Ele 865 23

USERS Active Users Protocol Ele 866 24

DAYTIME Daytime Protocol Ele 867 25

TIME Time Server Protocol Ele 868 26

TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol Ele 1350 33

RIP Routing Information Protocol Ele 1058 34

TP-TCP ISO Transport Service on top of the TCP Ele 1006 35

ETHER-MIB Ethernet MIB Ele 1643 50

PPP Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) Ele 1661 51

PPP-HDLC PPP in HDLC Framing Ele 1662 51

IP-SMDS IP Datagrams over the SMDS Service Ele 1209 52

[Note: an asterisk at the end of a line indicates a change from the

previous edition of this document.]

Applicability Statements:

IGMP -- The Internet Architecture Board intends to move towards

general adoption of IP multicasting, as a more efficient solution

than broadcasting for many applications. The host interface has been

standardized in RFC-1112; however, multicast-routing gateways are in

the experimental stage and are not widely available. An Internet

host should support all of RFC-1112, except for the IGMP protocol

itself which is optional; see RFC-1122 for more details. Even

without IGMP, implementation of RFC-1112 will provide an important

advance: IP-layer Access to local network multicast addressing. It

is expected that IGMP will become recommended for all hosts and

gateways at some future date.

SMI, MIB-II SNMP -- The Internet Architecture Board recommends that

all IP and TCP implementations be network manageable. At the current

time, this implies implementation of the Internet MIB-II (RFC-1213),

and at least the recommended management protocol SNMP (RFC-1157).

RIP -- The Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is widely implemented

and used in the Internet. However, both implementors and users

should be aware that RIP has some serious technical limitations as a

routing protocol. The IETF is currently devpeloping several

candidates for a new standard "open" routing protocol with better

properties than RIP. The IAB urges the Internet community to track

these developments, and to implement the new protocol when it is

standardized; improved Internet service will result for many users.

TP-TCP -- As OSI protocols become more widely implemented and used,

there will be an increasing need to support interoperation with the

TCP/IP protocols. The Internet Engineering Task Force is formulating

strategies for interoperation. RFC-1006 provides one interoperation

mode, in which TCP/IP is used to emulate TP0 in order to support OSI

applications. Hosts that wish to run OSI connection-oriented

applications in this mode should use the procedure described in RFC-

1006. In the future, the IAB expects that a major portion of the

Internet will support both TCP/IP and OSI (inter-)network protocols

in parallel, and it will then be possible to run OSI applications

across the Internet using full OSI protocol "stacks".

6.3. Network-Specific Standard Protocols

All Network-Specific Standards have Elective status.

Protocol Name State RFCSTD *

======== ===================================== ===== ===== === =

IP-ATM Classical IP and ARP over ATM Prop 1577

IP-FR Multiprotocol over Frame Relay Draft 1490

ATM-ENCAP Multiprotocol Encapsulation over ATM Prop 1483

IP-TR-MC IP Multicast over Token-Ring LANs Prop 1469

IP-FDDI Transmission of IP and ARP over FDDI Net Std 1390 36

IP-HIPPI IP and ARP on HIPPI Prop 1374

IP-X.25 X.25 and ISDN in the Packet Mode Draft 1356

IP-FDDI Internet Protocol on FDDI Networks Draft 1188

ARP Address Resolution Protocol Std 826 37

RARP A Reverse Address Resolution Protocol Std 903 38

IP-ARPA Internet Protocol on ARPANET Std BBN1822 39

IP-WB Internet Protocol on Wideband Network Std 907 40

IP-E Internet Protocol on Ethernet Networks Std 894 41

IP-EE Internet Protocol on Exp. Ethernet Nets Std 895 42

IP-IEEE Internet Protocol on IEEE 802 Std 1042 43

IP-DC Internet Protocol on DC Networks Std 891 44

IP-HC Internet Protocol on Hyperchannel Std 1044 45

IP-ARC Transmitting IP Traffic over ARCNET Nets Std 1201 46

IP-SLIP Transmission of IP over Serial Lines Std 1055 47

IP-NETBIOS Transmission of IP over NETBIOS Std 1088 48

IP-IPX Transmission of 802.2 over IPX Networks Std 1132 49

[Note: an asterisk at the end of a line indicates a change from the

previous edition of this document.]

Applicability Statements:

It is expected that a system will support one or more physical

networks and for each physical network supported the appropriate

protocols from the above list must be supported. That is, it is

elective to support any particular type of physical network, and for

the physical networks actually supported it is required that they be

supported exactly according to the protocols in the above list. See

also the Host and Gateway Requirements RFCs for more specific

information on network-specific ("link layer") protocols.

6.4. Draft Standard Protocols

Protocol Name Status RFC

======== ===================================== ============== =====

CON-MD5 Content-MD5 Header Field Elective 1864*

OSPF-MIB OSPF Version 2 MIB Elective 1850*

STR-REP String Representation ... Elective 1779

X.500syn X.500 String Representation ... Elective 1778

X.500lite X.500 Lightweight ... Elective 1777

BGP-4-APP Application of BGP-4 Elective 1772

BGP-4 Border Gateway Protocol 4 Elective 1771

PPP-DNCP PPP DECnet Phase IV Control Protocol Elective 1762

RMON-MIB Remote Network Monitoring MIB Elective 1757

802.5-MIB IEEE 802.5 Token Ring MIB Elective 1748

BGP-4-MIB BGP-4 MIB Elective 1657

POP3 Post Office Protocol, Version 3 Elective 1725

RIP2-MIB RIP Version 2 MIB Extension Elective 1724

RIP2 RIP Version 2-Carrying Additional Info. Elective 1723

RIP2-APP RIP Version 2 Protocol App. Statement Elective 1722

SIP-MIB SIP Interface Type MIB Elective 1694

------- Def Man Objs Parallel-printer-like Elective 1660

------- Def Man Objs RS-232-like Elective 1659

------- Def Man Objs Character Stream Elective 1658

SMTP-8BIT SMTP Service Ext or 8bit-MIMEtransport Elective 1652

OSI-NSAP Guidelines for OSI NSAP Allocation Elective 1629

OSPF2 Open Shortest Path First Routing V2 Elective 1583

ISO-TS-ECHO Echo for ISO-8473 Elective 1575


------- Message Header Ext. of Non-ASCII Text Elective 1522

MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions Elective 1521

802.3-MIB IEEE 802.3 Repeater MIB Elective 1516


NTPV3 Network Time Protocol (Version 3) Elective 1305

IP-MTU Path MTU Discovery Elective 1191

FINGER Finger Protocol Elective 1288

BOOTP Bootstrap Protocol Recommended 951,1497

NICNAME WhoIs Protocol Elective 954

[Note: an asterisk at the end of a line indicates a change from the

previous edition of this document.]

Applicability Statements:

PPP -- Point to Point Protocol is a method of sending IP over serial

lines, which are a type of physical network. It is anticipated that

PPP will be advanced to the network-specifics standard protocol state

in the future.

6.5. Proposed Standard Protocols

Protocol Name Status RFC

======== ===================================== ============== =====

HTML Hypertext Markup Language - 2.0 Elective 1866*

SMTP-Pipe SMTP Serv. Ext. for Command Pipelining Elective 1854*

MIME-Sec MIME Object Security Services Elective 1848*

MIME-Encyp MIME: Signed and Encrypted Elective 1847*

WHOIS++ Architecture of the WHOIS++ service Elective 1835*

-------- Binding Protocols for ONC RPC Version 2 Elective 1833*

XDR External Data Representation Standard Elective 1832*

RPC Remote Procedure Call Protocol V. 2 Elective 1831*

-------- ESP DES-CBC Transform Elective 1829*

-------- IP Authentication using Keyed MD5 Elective 1828*

ESP IP Encapsulating Security Payload Elective 1827*

-------- IP Authentication Header Elective 1826*

-------- Security Architecture for IP Elective 1825*

RREQ Requirements for IP Version 4 Routers Elective 1812

URL Relative Uniform Resource Locators Elective 1808

CLDAP Connection-less LDAP Elective 1798

OSPF-DC Ext. OSPF to Support Demand Circuits Elective 1793

TMUX Transport Multiplexing Protocol Elective 1692

TFTP-Opt TFTP Options Elective 1784

TFTP-Blk TFTP Blocksize Option Elective 1783

TFTP-Ext TFTP Option Extension Elective 1782

OSI-Dir OSI User Friendly Naming ... Elective 1781

MIME-EDI MIME Encapsulation of EDI Objects Elective 1767

Lang-Tag Tags for Identification of Languages Elective 1766

XNSCP PPP XNS IDP Control Protocol Elective 1764

BVCP PPP Banyan Vines Control Protocol Elective 1763

Print-MIB Printer MIB Elective 1759

ATM-SIG ATM Signaling Support for IP over ATM Elective 1755

IPNG Recommendation for IP Next Generation Elective 1752

802.5-SSR 802.5 SSR MIB using SMIv2 Elective 1749

SDLCSMIv2 SNADLC SDLC MIB using SMIv2 Elective 1747

BGP4/IDRP BGP4/IDRP for IP/OSPF Interaction Elective 1745

AT-MIB Appletalk MIB Elective 1742

MacMIME MIME Encapsulation of Macintosh files Elective 1740

URL Uniform Resource Locators Elective 1738

POP3-AUTH POP3 AUTHentication command Elective 1734

IMAP4-AUTH IMAP4 Authentication Mechanisms Elective 1731

IMAP4 Internet Message Access Protocol V4 Elective 1730

PPP-MP PPP Multilink Protocol Elective 1717

RDBMS-MIB RDMS MIB - using SMIv2 Elective 1697

MODEM-MIB Modem MIB - using SMIv2 Elective 1696

ATM-MIB ATM Management Version 8.0 using SMIv2 Elective 1695

SNANAU-MIB SNA NAUs MIB using SMIv2 Elective 1665

PPP-TRANS PPP Reliable Transmission Elective 1663

BGP-4-IMP BGP-4 Roadmap and Implementation Elective 1656

-------- Postmaster Convention X.400 Operations Elective 1648

TN3270-En TN3270 Enhancements Elective 1647

PPP-BCP PPP Bridging Control Protocol Elective 1638

UPS-MIB UPS Management Information Base Elective 1628

AAL5-MTU Default IP MTU for use over ATM AAL5 Elective 1626

PPP-SONET PPP over SONET/SDH Elective 1619

PPP-ISDN PPP over ISDN Elective 1618

DNS-R-MIB DNS Resolver MIB Extensions Elective 1612

DNS-S-MIB DNS Server MIB Extensions Elective 1611

FR-MIB Frame Relay Service MIB Elective 1604

PPP-X25 PPP in X.25 Elective 1598

OSPF-NSSA The OSPF NSSA Option Elective 1587

OSPF-Multi Multicast Extensions to OSPF Elective 1584

SONET-MIB MIB SONET/SDH Interface Type Elective 1595

RIP-DC Extensions to RIP to Support Demand Cir. Elective 1582

-------- Evolution of the Interfaces Group of MIB-II Elective 1573

PPP-LCP PPP LCP Extensions Elective 1570

X500-MIB X.500 Directory Monitoring MIB Elective 1567

MAIL-MIB Mail Monitoring MIB Elective 1566

NSM-MIB Network Services Monitoring MIB Elective 1565

CIPX Compressing IPX Headers Over WAM Media Elective 1553

IPXCP PPP Internetworking Packet Exchange Control Elective 1552

DHCP-BOOTP Interoperation Between DHCP and BOOTP Elective 1534

DHCP-BOOTP DHCP Options and BOOTP Vendor Extensions Elective 1533

BOOTP Clarifications and Extensions BOOTP Elective 1532

DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Elective 1541

SRB-MIB Source Routing Bridge MIB Elective 1525

CIDR-STRA CIDR Address Assignment... Elective 1519

CIDR-ARCH CIDR Architecture... Elective 1518

CIDR-APP CIDR Applicability Statement Elective 1517

-------- 802.3 MAU MIB Elective 1515

HOST-MIB Host Resources MIB Elective 1514

-------- Token Ring Extensions to RMON MIB Elective 1513

FDDI-MIB FDDI Management Information Base Elective 1512

KERBEROS Kerberos Network Authentication Ser (V5) Elective 1510

GSSAPI Generic Security Service API: C-bindings Elective 1509

GSSAPI Generic Security Service Application... Elective 1508

DASS Distributed Authentication Security... Elective 1507

-------- X.400 Use of Extended Character Sets Elective 1502

HARPOON Rules for Downgrading Messages... Elective 1496

Mapping MHS/RFC-822 Message Body Mapping Elective 1495

Equiv X.400/MIME Body Equivalences Elective 1494

IDPR Inter-Domain Policy Routing Protocol Elective 1479

IDPR-ARCH Architecture for IDPR Elective 1478

PPP/Bridge MIB Bridge PPP MIB Elective 1474

PPP/IP MIB IP Network Control Protocol of PPP MIB Elective 1473

PPP/SEC MIB Security Protocols of PPP MIB Elective 1472

PPP/LCP MIB Link Control Protocol of PPP MIB Elective 1471

X25-MIB Multiprotocol Interconnect on X.25 MIB Elective 1461

SNMPv2 Coexistence between SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 Elective 1452

SNMPv2 Manager-to-Manager MIB Elective 1451

SNMPv2 Management Information Base for SNMPv2 Elective 1450

SNMPv2 Transport Mappings for SNMPv2 Elective 1449

SNMPv2 Protocol Operations for SNMPv2 Elective 1448

SNMPv2 Party MIB for SNMPv2 Elective 1447

SNMPv2 Security Protocols for SNMPv2 Elective 1446

SNMPv2 Administrative Model for SNMPv2 Elective 1445

SNMPv2 Conformance Statements for SNMPv2 Elective 1444

SNMPv2 Textual Conventions for SNMPv2 Elective 1443

SNMPv2 SMI for SNMPv2 Elective 1442

SNMPv2 Introduction to SNMPv2 Elective 1441

PEM-KEY PEM - Key Certification Elective 1424

PEM-ALG PEM - Algorithms, Modes, and Identifiers Elective 1423

PEM-CKM PEM - Certificate-Based Key Management Elective 1422

PEM-ENC PEM - Message Encryption and Auth Elective 1421

SNMP-IPX SNMP over IPX Elective 1420

SNMP-AT SNMP over AppleTalk Elective 1419

SNMP-OSI SNMP over OSI Elective 1418

FTP-FTAM FTP-FTAM Gateway Specification Elective 1415

IDENT-MIB Identification MIB Elective 1414

IDENT Identification Protocol Elective 1413

DS3/E3-MIB DS3/E3 Interface Type Elective 1407

DS1/E1-MIB DS1/E1 Interface Type Elective 1406

BGP-OSPF BGP OSPF Interaction Elective 1403

-------- Route Advertisement In BGP2 And BGP3 Elective 1397

SNMP-X.25 SNMP MIB Extension for X.25 Packet Layer Elective 1382

SNMP-LAPB SNMP MIB Extension for X.25 LAPB Elective 1381

PPP-ATCP PPP AppleTalk Control Protocol Elective 1378

PPP-OSINLCP PPP OSI Network Layer Control Protocol Elective 1377

TABLE-MIB IP Forwarding Table MIB Elective 1354

SNMP-PARTY-MIB Administration of SNMP Elective 1353

SNMP-SEC SNMP Security Protocols Elective 1352

SNMP-ADMIN SNMP Administrative Model Elective 1351

TOS Type of Service in the Internet Elective 1349

PPP-AUTH PPP Authentication Elective 1334

PPP-LINK PPP Link Quality Monitoring Elective 1333

PPP-IPCP PPP Control Protocol Elective 1332

------- X.400 1988 to 1984 downgrading Elective 1328

------- Mapping between X.400(1988) Elective 1327

TCP-EXT TCP Extensions for High Performance Elective 1323

FRAME-MIB Management Information Base for Frame Elective 1315

NETFAX File Format for the Exchange of Images Elective 1314

IARP Inverse Address Resolution Protocol Elective 1293

FDDI-MIB FDDI-MIB Elective 1285

------- Encoding Network Addresses Elective 1277

------- Replication and Distributed Operations Elective 1276

------- COSINE and Internet X.500 Schema Elective 1274

BGP-MIB Border Gateway Protocol MIB (Version 3) Elective 1269

ICMP-ROUT ICMP Router Discovery Messages Elective 1256

IPSO DoD Security Options for IP Elective 1108

OSI-UDP OSI TS on UDP Elective 1240

STD-MIBs Reassignment of Exp MIBs to Std MIBs Elective 1239

IPX-IP Tunneling IPX Traffic through IP Nets Elective 1234

GINT-MIB Extensions to the Generic-Interface MIB Elective 1229

IS-IS OSI IS-IS for TCP/IP Dual Environments Elective 1195

IP-CMPRS Compressing TCP/IP Headers Elective 1144

NNTP Network News Transfer Protocol Elective 977

[Note: an asterisk at the end of a line indicates a change from the

previous edition of this document.]

Applicability Statements:

OSPF - RFC1370 is an applicability statement for OSPF.

6.6. Telnet Options

For convenience, all the Telnet Options are collected here with both

their state and status.

Protocol Name Number State Status RFCSTD

======== ===================================== ===== ====== ==== ===

TOPT-BIN Binary Transmission 0 Std Rec 856 27

TOPT-ECHO Echo 1 Std Rec 857 28

TOPT-RECN Reconnection 2 Prop Ele ...

TOPT-SUPP Suppress Go Ahead 3 Std Rec 858 29

TOPT-APRX Approx Message Size Negotiation 4 Prop Ele ...

TOPT-STAT Status 5 Std Rec 859 30

TOPT-TIM Timing Mark 6 Std Rec 860 31

TOPT-REM Remote Controlled Trans and Echo 7 Prop Ele 726

TOPT-OLW Output Line Width 8 Prop Ele ...

TOPT-OPS Output Page Size 9 Prop Ele ...

TOPT-OCRD Output Carriage-Return Disposition 10 Prop Ele 652

TOPT-OHT Output Horizontal Tabstops 11 Prop Ele 653

TOPT-OHTD Output Horizontal Tab Disposition 12 Prop Ele 654

TOPT-OFD Output Formfeed Disposition 13 Prop Ele 655

TOPT-OVT Output Vertical Tabstops 14 Prop Ele 656

TOPT-OVTD Output Vertical Tab Disposition 15 Prop Ele 657

TOPT-OLD Output Linefeed Disposition 16 Prop Ele 658

TOPT-EXT Extended ASCII 17 Prop Ele 698

TOPT-LOGO Logout 18 Prop Ele 727

TOPT-BYTE Byte Macro 19 Prop Ele 735

TOPT-DATA Data Entry Terminal 20 Prop Ele 1043

TOPT-SUP SUPDUP 21 Prop Ele 736

TOPT-SUPO SUPDUP Output 22 Prop Ele 749

TOPT-SNDL Send Location 23 Prop Ele 779

TOPT-TERM Terminal Type 24 Prop Ele 1091

TOPT-EOR End of Record 25 Prop Ele 885

TOPT-TACACS TACACS User Identification 26 Prop Ele 927

TOPT-OM Output Marking 27 Prop Ele 933

TOPT-TLN Terminal Location Number 28 Prop Ele 946

TOPT-3270 Telnet 3270 Regime 29 Prop Ele 1041

TOPT-X.3 X.3 PAD 30 Prop Ele 1053

TOPT-NAWS Negotiate About Window Size 31 Prop Ele 1073

TOPT-TS Terminal Speed 32 Prop Ele 1079

TOPT-RFCRemote Flow Control 33 Prop Ele 1372

TOPT-LINE Linemode 34 Draft Ele 1184

TOPT-XDL X Display Location 35 Prop Ele 1096

TOPT-ENVIR Telnet Environment Option 36 Hist Not 1408

TOPT-AUTH Telnet Authentication Option 37 Exp Ele 1416

TOPT-ENVIR Telnet Environment Option 39 Prop Ele 1572

TOPT-EXTOP Extended-Options-List 255 Std Rec 861 32

[Note: an asterisk at the end of a line indicates a change from the

previous edition of this document.]

6.7. Experimental Protocols

All Experimental protocols have the Limited Use status.

Protocol Name RFC

======== ===================================== =====

UNARP ARP Extension - UNARP 1868*

------- Form-based File Upload in HTML 1867*

------- BGP/IDRP Route Server Alternative 1863*

------- IP Authentication using Keyed SHA 1852*

ESP3DES ESP Triple DES Transform 1851*

------- SMTP 521 Reply Code 1846*

------- SMTP Serv. Ext. for Checkpoint/Restart 1845*

------- X.500 Mapping X.400 and RFC822 Addresses 1838*

------- Tables and Subtrees in the X.500 Directory 1837*

------- O/R Address hierarchy in X.500 1836*

------- SMTP Serv. Ext. Large and Binary MIME Msgs. 1830*

ST2 Stream Protocol Version 2 1819*

------- Content-Disposition Header 1806

------- Schema Publishing in X.500 Directory 1804

------- X.400-MHS use X.500 to support X.400-MHS Routing 1801

------- Class A Subnet Experiment 1797

TCP/IPXMIB TCP/IPX Connection Mib Specification 1792

------- TCP And UDP Over IPX Networks With Fixed Path MTU 1791

ICMP-DM ICMP Domain Name Messages 1788

CLNP-MULT Host Group Extensions for CLNP Multicasting 1768

OSPF-OVFL OSPF Database Overflow 1765

RWP Remote Write ProtocolL - Version 1.0 1756

NARP NBMA Address Resolution Protocol 1735

DNS-DEBUG Tools for DNS debugging 1713

DNS-ENCODE DNS Encoding of Geographical Location 1712

TCP-POS An Extension to TCP: Partial Order Service 1693

------- DNS to Distribute RFC1327 Mail Address Mapping Tables 1664

T/TCP TCP Extensions for Transactions 1644

UTF-7 A Mail-Safe Transformation Format of Unicode 1642

MIME-UNI Using Unicode with MIME 1641

Foobar FTP Operation Over Big Address Records 1639

X500-CHART Charting Networks in the X.500 Directory 1609

X500-DIR Representing IP Information in the X.500 Directory 1608

SNMP-DPI SNMP Distributed Protocol Interface 1592

CLNP-TUBA Use of ISO CLNP in TUBA Environments 1561

REM-PRINT TPC.INT Subdomain Remote Printing - Technical 1528

EHF-MAIL Encoding Header Field for Internet Messages 1505

REM-PRT An Experiment in Remote Printing 1486

RAP Internet Route Access Protocol 1476

TP/IX TP/IX: The Next Internet 1475

X400 Routing Coordination for X.400 Services 1465

DNS Storing Arbitrary Attributes in DNS 1464

IRCP Internet Relay Chat Protocol 1459

TOS-LS Link Security TOS 1455

SIFT/UFT Sender-Initiated/Unsolicited File Transfer 1440

DIR-ARP Directed ARP 1433

TEL-SPX Telnet Authentication: SPX 1412

TEL-KER Telnet Authentication: Kerberos V4 1411

MAP-MAIL X.400 Mapping and Mail-11 1405

TRACE-IP Traceroute Using an IP Option 1393

DNS-IP Experiment in DNS Based IP Routing 1383

RMCP Remote Mail Checking Protocol 1339

TCP-HIPER TCP Extensions for High Performance 1323

MSP2 Message Send Protocol 2 1312

DSLCP Dynamically Switched Link Control 1307

-------- X.500 and Domains 1279

IN-ENCAP Internet Encapsulation Protocol 1241


CFDP Coherent File Distribution Protocol 1235

SNMP-DPI SNMP Distributed Program Interface 1228

IP-AX.25 IP Encapsulation of AX.25 Frames 1226

ALERTS Managing Asynchronously Generated Alerts 1224

MPP Message Posting Protocol 1204

SNMP-BULK Bulk Table Retrieval with the SNMP 1187

DNS-RR New DNS RR Definitions 1183

IMAP2 Interactive Mail Access Protocol 1176

NTP-OSI NTP over OSI Remote Operations 1165

DMF-MAIL Digest Message Format for Mail 1153

RDP Reliable Data Protocol 908,1151

TCP-ACO TCP Alternate Checksum Option 1146

IP-DVMRP IP Distance Vector Multicast Routing 1075

VMTP Versatile Message Transaction Protocol 1045

COOKIE-JAR Authentication Scheme 1004

NETBLT Bulk Data Transfer Protocol 998

IRTP Internet Reliable Transaction Protocol 938

LDP Loader Debugger Protocol 909

RLP Resource Location Protocol 887

NVP-II Network Voice Protocol ISI-memo

PVP Packet Video Protocol ISI-memo

[Note: an asterisk at the end of a line indicates a change from the

previous edition of this document.]

6.8. Informational Protocols

Information protocols have no status.

Protocol Name RFC

======= ==================================== =====

SNPP Simple Network Paging Protocol - Version 2 1861*

-------- ISO Transport Class 2 Non-use Explicit Flow Control 1859*

over TCP RFC1006 extension

-------- IP in IP Tunneling 1853*

-------- PPP Network Control Protocol for LAN Extension 1841*

TESS The Exponential Security System 1824*

NFSV3 NFS Version 3 Protocol Specification 1813

-------- A Format for Bibliographic Records 1807

SDMD IPv4 Option for Sender Directed MD Delivery 1770

SNTP Simple Network Time Protocol 1769

SNOOP Snoop Version 2 Packet Capture File Format 1761

BINHEX MIME Content Type for BinHex Encoded Files 1741

RWHOIS Referral Whois Protocol 1714

DNS-NSAP DNS NSAP Resource Records 1706

RADIO-PAGE TPC.INT Subdomain: Radio Paging -- Technical Procedures 1703

GRE-IPv4 Generic Routing Encapsulation over IPv4 1702

GRE Generic Routing Encapsulatio 1701

IPXWAN Novell IPX Over Various WAN Media 1634

ADSNA-IP Advanced SNA/IP: A Simple SNA Transport Protocol 1538

AUBR Appletalk Update-Based Routing Protocol... 1504

TACACS Terminal Access Control Protocol 1492

SUN-NFS Network File System Protocol 1094

SUN-RPC Remote Procedure Call Protocol Version 2 1057

GOPHER The Internet Gopher Protocol 1436

------- Data Link Switching: Switch-to-Switch Protocol 1434

LISTSERV Listserv Distribute Protocol 1429

------- Replication Requirements 1275

PCMAIL Pcmail Transport Protocol 1056

MTP Multicast Transport Protocol 1301

BSD Login BSD Login 1282

DIXIE DIXIE Protocol Specification 1249

IP-X.121 IP to X.121 Address Mapping for DDN 1236

OSI-HYPER OSI and LLC1 on HYPERchannel 1223

HAP2 Host Access Protocol 1221

SUBNETASGN On the Assignment of Subnet Numbers 1219

SNMP-TRAPS Defining Traps for use with SNMP 1215

DAS Directory Assistance Service 1202

MD4 MD4 Message Digest Algorithm 1186

LPDP Line Printer Daemon Protocol 1179

[Note: an asterisk at the end of a line indicates a change from the

previous edition of this document.]

6.9. Historic Protocols

All Historic protocols have Not Recommended status.

Protocol Name RFCSTD

======== ===================================== ===== ===

-------- Mapping full 822 to Restricted 822 1137 *

BGP3 Border Gateway Protocol 3 (BGP-3) 1267,1268

-------- Gateway Requirements Req 1009 4

EGP Exterior Gateway Protocol Rec 904 18

SNMP-MUX SNMP MUX Protocol and MIB 1227

OIM-MIB-II OSI Internet Management: MIB-II 1214

IMAP3 Interactive Mail Access Protocol Version 3 1203

SUN-RPC Remote Procedure Call Protocol Version 1 1050

802.4-MIP IEEE 802.4 Token Bus MIB 1230

CMOT Common Management Information Services 1189

-------- Mail Privacy: Procedures 1113

-------- Mail Privacy: Key Management 1114

-------- Mail Privacy: Algorithms 1115

NFILE A File Access Protocol 1037


SFTP Simple File Transfer Protocol 913

SUPDUP SUPDUP Protocol 734

BGP Border Gateway Protocol 1163,1164

MIB-I MIB-I 1156

SGMP Simple Gateway Monitoring Protocol 1028

HEMS High Level Entity Management Protocol 1021

STATSRV Statistics Server 996

POP2 Post Office Protocol, Version 2 937

RATP Reliable Asynchronous Transfer Protocol 916

HFEP Host - Front End Protocol 929

THINWIRE Thinwire Protocol 914

HMP Host Monitoring Protocol 869

GGP Gateway Gateway Protocol 823

RTELNET Remote Telnet Service 818

CLOCK DCNET Time Server Protocol 778

MPM Internet Message Protocol 759

NETRJS Remote Job Service 740

NETED Network Standard Text Editor 569

RJE Remote Job Entry 407

XNET Cross Net Debugger IEN-158

NAMESERVER Host Name Server Protocol IEN-116

MUX Multiplexing Protocol IEN-90

GRAPHICS Graphics Protocol NIC-24308

[Note: an asterisk at the end of a line indicates a change from the

previous edition of this document.]

6.10. Obsolete Protocols

Some of the protocols listed in this memo are described in RFCs that are

obsoleted by newer RFCs. "Obsolete" or "obsoleted" is not an official

state or status of protocols. This subsection is for information only.

While it may seem to be obviously wrong to have an obsoleted RFCin the

list of standards, there may be cases when an older standard is in the

process of being replaced. This process may take a year or two.

For example, the Network Time Protocol (NTP) [RFC1119] is in its

version 2 a full Standard, and in its version 3 is a Draft Standard [RFC

1305]. Once version 3 is a full Standard, version 2 will be made


Many obsoleted protocols are of little interest and are dropped from

this memo altogether. Some obsoleted protocols have received enough

recognition that it seems appropriate to list them under their current

status and with the following reference to their current replacement.

RFCRFCStatus Title *

==== ==== ========= =================================== =

1661 obsoletes 1548 Draft /Ele The Point to Point Protocol (PPP)

1305 obsoletes 1119 Std /Rec Network Time Protocol (Version 2)

1533 obsoletes 1497 Draft/Rec Bootstrap Protocol

1574 obsoletes 1139 Prop /Ele Echo for ISO-8473

1573 obsoletes 1229 Prop /Ele Extensions to the Generic-IF MIB

1559 obsoletes 1289 Prop /Ele DECNET MIB

1541 obsoletes 1531 Prop /Ele Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

1592 obsoletes 1228 Exper/Lim SNMP Distributed Program Interface

1528 obsoletes 1486 Exper/Lim An Experiment in Remote Printing

1320 obsoletes 1186 Info / MD4 Message Digest Algorithm

1057 obsoletes 1050 Hist /Not Remote Procedure Call Version 1

1421 obsoletes 1113 Hist /Not Mail Privacy: Procedures

1422 obsoletes 1114 Hist /Not Mail Privacy: Key Management

1423 obsoletes 1115 Hist /Not Mail Privacy: Algorithms

1267 obsoletes 1163 Hist /Not Border Gateway Protocol

1268 obsoletes 1164 Hist /Not Border Gateway Protocol

Thanks to Lynn Wheeler of Britton Lee for compiling the information in

this subsection.

[Note: an asterisk at the end of a line indicates a change from the

previous edition of this document.]

7. Contacts

7.1. IAB, IETF, and IRTF Contacts

7.1.1. Internet Architecture Board (IAB) Contact

Please send your comments about this list of protocols and especially

about the Draft Standard Protocols to the Internet Architecture Board

care of Abel Winerib, IAB Executive Director.


Abel Winerib

Executive Director of the IAB

Intel, JF2-64

2111 NE 25th Avenue

Hillsboro, OR 97124



Brian E. Carpenter

Chair of the IAB


European Laboratory for Particle Physics

1211 Geneva 23


+41 22 767-4967


7.1.2. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Contact


Paul Mockapetris

Chair of the IETF

@home.net, Inc.

101 University Avenue, Suite 240

Palo Alto, CA 94301



Steve Coya

IESG Secretary

Corporation for National Research Initiatives

1895 Preston White Drive, Suite 100

Reston, VA 22091



Steve Coya

Executive Director of the IETF

Corporation for National Research Initiatives

1895 Preston White Drive, Suite 100

Reston, VA 22091



7.1.3. Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) Contact


Abel Winerib

Chair of the IRTF

Intel, JF2-64

2111 NE 25th Avenue

Hillsboro, OR 97124



7.2. Internet Assigned Numbers Authority Contact


Joyce K. Reynolds

Internet Assigned Numbers Authority

USC/Information Sciences Institute

4676 Admiralty Way

Marina del Rey, CA 90292-6695



The protocol standards are managed by the Internet Assigned Numbers


Please refer to the document "Assigned Numbers" (RFC-1700) for

further information about the status of protocol documents. There

are two documents that summarize the requirements for host and

gateways in the Internet, "Host Requirements" (RFC-1122 and RFC-1123)

and "Requirements for IP Version 4 Routers" (RFC-1812).

How to obtain the most recent edition of this "Internet Official

Protocol Standards" memo:

The file "in-notes/std/std1.txt" may be copied via FTP from the

FTP.ISI.EDU computer using the FTP username "anonymous" and FTP

password "guest".

7.3. Request for Comments Editor Contact


Jon Postel


USC/Information Sciences Institute

4676 Admiralty Way

Marina del Rey, CA 90292-6695



Documents may be submitted via electronic mail to the RFCEditor for

consideration for publication as RFC. If you are not familiar with

the format or style requirements please request the "Instructions for

RFCAuthors". In general, the style of any recent RFCmay be used as

a guide.

7.4. The Network Information Center and

Requests for Comments Distribution Contact

RFC's may be obtained from DS.INTERNIC.NET via FTP, WAIS, and

electronic mail. Through FTP, RFC's are stored as rfc/rfcnnnn.txt

or rfc/rfcnnnn.ps where 'nnnn' is the RFCnumber. Login as

"anonymous" and provide your e-mail address as the password.

Through WAIS, you may use either your local WAIS client or telnet

to DS.INTERNIC.NET and login as "wais" (no password required) to

access a WAIS client. Help information and a tutorial for using

WAIS are available online. The WAIS database to search is "rfcs".

Directory and Database Services also provides a mail server

interface. Send a mail message to mailserv@ds.internic.net and

include any of the following commands in the message body:

document-by-name rfcnnnn where 'nnnn' is the RFCnumber

The text version is sent.

file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy where 'nnnn' is the RFCnumber.

and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps'.

help to get information on how to use

the mailserver.

The InterNIC directory and database services collection of

resource listings, internet documents such as RFCs, FYIs, STDs,

and Internet Drafts, and publicly accessible databases are also

now available via Gopher. All our collections are WAIS indexed

and can be searched from the Gopher menu.

To access the InterNIC Gopher Servers, please connect to

"internic.net" port 70.

Contact: admin@ds.internic.net

7.5. Sources for Requests for Comments

Details on many sources of RFCs via FTP or EMAIL may be obtained by

sending an EMAIL message to "rfc-info@ISI.EDU" with the message body

"help: ways_to_get_rfcs". For example:

To: rfc-info@ISI.EDU

Subject: getting rfcs

help: ways_to_get_rfcs

8. Security Considerations

Security issues are not addressed in this memo.

9. Author's Address

Jon Postel

USC/Information Sciences Institute

4676 Admiralty Way

Marina del Rey, CA 90292

Phone: 310-822-1511

Fax: 310-823-6714

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