
RFC2535 - Domain Name System Security Extensions

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

Network Working Group D. Eastlake

Request for Comments: 2535 IBM

Obsoletes: 2065 March 1999

Updates: 2181, 1035, 1034

Category: Standards Track

Domain Name System Security Extensions

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999). All Rights Reserved.


Extensions to the Domain Name System (DNS) are described that provide

data integrity and authentication to security aware resolvers and

applications through the use of cryptographic digital signatures.

These digital signatures are included in secured zones as resource

records. Security can also be provided through non-security aware

DNS servers in some cases.

The extensions provide for the storage of authenticated public keys

in the DNS. This storage of keys can support general public key

distribution services as well as DNS security. The stored keys

enable security aware resolvers to learn the authenticating key of

zones in addition to those for which they are initially configured.

Keys associated with DNS names can be retrieved to support other

protocols. Provision is made for a variety of key types and


In addition, the security extensions provide for the optional

authentication of DNS protocol transactions and requests.

This document incorporates feedback on RFC2065 from early

implementers and potential users.


The significant contributions and suggestions of the following

persons (in alphabetic order) to DNS security are gratefully


James M. Galvin

John Gilmore

Olafur Gudmundsson

Charlie Kaufman

Edward Lewis

Thomas Narten

Radia J. Perlman

Jeffrey I. Schiller

Steven (Xunhua) Wang

Brian Wellington

Table of Contents



1. Overview of Contents....................................4

2. Overview of the DNS Extensions..........................5

2.1 Services Not Provided..................................5

2.2 Key Distribution.......................................5

2.3 Data Origin Authentication and Integrity...............6

2.3.1 The SIG Resource Record..............................7

2.3.2 Authenticating Name and Type Non-existence...........7

2.3.3 Special Considerations With Time-to-Live.............7

2.3.4 Special Considerations at Delegation Points..........8

2.3.5 Special Considerations with CNAME....................8

2.3.6 Signers Other Than The Zone..........................9

2.4 DNS Transaction and Request Authentication.............9

3. The KEY Resource Record................................10

3.1 KEY RDATA format......................................10

3.1.1 Object Types, DNS Names, and Keys...................11

3.1.2 The KEY RR Flag Field...............................11

3.1.3 The Protocol Octet..................................13

3.2 The KEY Algorithm Number Specification................14

3.3 Interaction of Flags, Algorithm, and Protocol Bytes...15

3.4 Determination of Zone Secure/Unsecured Status.........15

3.5 KEY RRs in the ConstrUCtion of Responses..............17

4. The SIG Resource Record................................17

4.1 SIG RDATA Format......................................17

4.1.1 Type Covered Field..................................18

4.1.2 Algorithm Number Field..............................18

4.1.3 Labels Field........................................18

4.1.4 Original TTL Field..................................19

4.1.5 Signature EXPiration and Inception Fields...........19

4.1.6 Key Tag Field.......................................20

4.1.7 Signer's Name Field.................................20

4.1.8 Signature Field.....................................20 Calculating Transaction and Request SIGs..........21

4.2 SIG RRs in the Construction of Responses..............21

4.3 Processing Responses and SIG RRs......................22

4.4 Signature Lifetime, Expiration, TTLs, and Validity....23

5. Non-existent Names and Types...........................24

5.1 The NXT Resource Record...............................24

5.2 NXT RDATA Format......................................25

5.3 Additional Complexity Due to Wildcards................26

5.4 Example...............................................26

5.5 Special Considerations at Delegation Points...........27

5.6 Zone Transfers........................................27

5.6.1 Full Zone Transfers.................................28

5.6.2 Incremental Zone Transfers..........................28

6. How to Resolve Securely and the AD and CD Bits.........29

6.1 The AD and CD Header Bits.............................29

6.2 Staticly Configured Keys..............................31

6.3 Chaining Through The DNS..............................31

6.3.1 Chaining Through KEYs...............................31

6.3.2 Conflicting Data....................................33

6.4 Secure Time...........................................33

7. ASCII Representation of Security RRs...................34

7.1 Presentation of KEY RRs...............................34

7.2 Presentation of SIG RRs...............................35

7.3 Presentation of NXT RRs...............................36

8. Canonical Form and Order of Resource Records...........36

8.1 Canonical RR Form.....................................36

8.2 Canonical DNS Name Order..............................37

8.3 Canonical RR Ordering Within An RRset.................37

8.4 Canonical Ordering of RR Types........................37

9. Conformance............................................37

9.1 Server Conformance....................................37

9.2 Resolver Conformance..................................38

10. Security Considerations...............................38

11. IANA Considerations...................................39


Author's Address..........................................41

Appendix A: Base 64 Encoding..............................42

Appendix B: Changes from RFC2065.........................44

Appendix C: Key Tag Calculation...........................46

Full Copyright Statement..................................47

1. Overview of Contents

This document standardizes extensions of the Domain Name System (DNS)

protocol to support DNS security and public key distribution. It

assumes that the reader is familiar with the Domain Name System,

particularly as described in RFCs 1033, 1034, 1035 and later RFCs. An

earlier version of these extensions appears in RFC2065. This

replacement for that RFCincorporates early implementation experience

and requests from potential users.

Section 2 provides an overview of the extensions and the key

distribution, data origin authentication, and transaction and request

security they provide.

Section 3 discusses the KEY resource record, its structure, and use

in DNS responses. These resource records represent the public keys

of entities named in the DNS and are used for key distribution.

Section 4 discusses the SIG digital signature resource record, its

structure, and use in DNS responses. These resource records are used

to authenticate other resource records in the DNS and optionally to

authenticate DNS transactions and requests.

Section 5 discusses the NXT resource record (RR) and its use in DNS

responses including full and incremental zone transfers. The NXT RR

permits authenticated denial of the existence of a name or of an RR

type for an existing name.

Section 6 discusses how a resolver can be configured with a starting

key or keys and proceed to securely resolve DNS requests.

Interactions between resolvers and servers are discussed for various

combinations of security aware and security non-aware. Two

additional DNS header bits are defined for signaling between

resolvers and servers.

Section 7 describes the ASCII representation of the security resource

records for use in master files and elsewhere.

Section 8 defines the canonical form and order of RRs for DNS

security purposes.

Section 9 defines levels of conformance for resolvers and servers.

Section 10 provides a few paragraphs on overall security


Section 11 specified IANA considerations for allocation of additional

values of paramters defined in this document.

Appendix A gives details of base 64 encoding which is used in the

file representation of some RRs defined in this document.

Appendix B summarizes changes between this memo and RFC2065.

Appendix C specified how to calculate the simple checksum used as a

key tag in most SIG RRs.



document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

2. Overview of the DNS Extensions

The Domain Name System (DNS) protocol security extensions provide

three distinct services: key distribution as described in Section 2.2

below, data origin authentication as described in Section 2.3 below,

and transaction and request authentication, described in Section 2.4


Special considerations related to "time to live", CNAMEs, and

delegation points are also discussed in Section 2.3.

2.1 Services Not Provided

It is part of the design philosophy of the DNS that the data in it is

public and that the DNS gives the same answers to all inquirers.

Following this philosophy, no attempt has been made to include any

sort of Access control lists or other means to differentiate


No effort has been made to provide for any confidentiality for

queries or responses. (This service may be available via IPSEC [RFC

2401], TLS, or other security protocols.)

Protection is not provided against denial of service.

2.2 Key Distribution

A resource record format is defined to associate keys with DNS names.

This permits the DNS to be used as a public key distribution

mechanism in support of DNS security itself and other protocols.

The syntax of a KEY resource record (RR) is described in Section 3.

It includes an algorithm identifier, the actual public key

parameter(s), and a variety of flags including those indicating the

type of entity the key is associated with and/or asserting that there

is no key associated with that entity.

Under conditions described in Section 3.5, security aware DNS servers

will automatically attempt to return KEY resources as additional

information, along with those resource records actually requested, to

minimize the number of queries needed.

2.3 Data Origin Authentication and Integrity

Authentication is provided by associating with resource record sets

(RRsets [RFC2181]) in the DNS cryptographically generated digital

signatures. Commonly, there will be a single private key that

authenticates an entire zone but there might be multiple keys for

different algorithms, signers, etc. If a security aware resolver

reliably learns a public key of the zone, it can authenticate, for

signed data read from that zone, that it is properly authorized. The

most secure implementation is for the zone private key(s) to be kept

off-line and used to re-sign all of the records in the zone

periodically. However, there are cases, for example dynamic update

[RFCs 2136, 2137], where DNS private keys need to be on-line [RFC


The data origin authentication key(s) are associated with the zone

and not with the servers that store copies of the data. That means

compromise of a secondary server or, if the key(s) are kept off line,

even the primary server for a zone, will not necessarily affect the

degree of assurance that a resolver has that it can determine whether

data is genuine.

A resolver could learn a public key of a zone either by reading it

from the DNS or by having it staticly configured. To reliably learn

a public key by reading it from the DNS, the key itself must be

signed with a key the resolver trusts. The resolver must be

configured with at least a public key which authenticates one zone as

a starting point. From there, it can securely read public keys of

other zones, if the intervening zones in the DNS tree are secure and

their signed keys accessible.

Adding data origin authentication and integrity requires no change to

the "on-the-wire" DNS protocol beyond the addition of the signature

resource type and the key resource type needed for key distribution.

(Data non-existence authentication also requires the NXT RR as

described in 2.3.2.) This service can be supported by existing

resolver and caching server implementations so long as they can

support the additional resource types (see Section 9). The one

exception is that CNAME referrals in a secure zone can not be

authenticated if they are from non-security aware servers (see

Section 2.3.5).

If signatures are separately retrieved and verified when retrieving

the information they authenticate, there will be more trips to the

server and performance will suffer. Security aware servers mitigate

that degradation by attempting to send the signature(s) needed (see

Section 4.2).

2.3.1 The SIG Resource Record

The syntax of a SIG resource record (signature) is described in

Section 4. It cryptographicly binds the RRset being signed to the

signer and a validity interval.

Every name in a secured zone will have associated with it at least

one SIG resource record for each resource type under that name except

for glue address RRs and delegation point NS RRs. A security aware

server will attempt to return, with RRs retrieved, the corresponding

SIGs. If a server is not security aware, the resolver must retrieve

all the SIG records for a name and select the one or ones that sign

the resource record set(s) that resolver is interested in.

2.3.2 Authenticating Name and Type Non-existence

The above security mechanism only provides a way to sign existing

RRsets in a zone. "Data origin" authentication is not obviously

provided for the non-existence of a domain name in a zone or the

non-existence of a type for an existing name. This gap is filled by

the NXT RR which authenticatably asserts a range of non-existent

names in a zone and the non-existence of types for the existing name

just before that range.

Section 5 below covers the NXT RR.

2.3.3 Special Considerations With Time-to-Live

A digital signature will fail to verify if any change has occurred to

the data between the time it was originally signed and the time the

signature is verified. This conflicts with our desire to have the

time-to-live (TTL) field of resource records tick down while they are


This could be avoided by leaving the time-to-live out of the digital

signature, but that would allow unscrupulous servers to set

arbitrarily long TTL values undetected. Instead, we include the

"original" TTL in the signature and communicate that data along with

the current TTL. Unscrupulous servers under this scheme can

manipulate the TTL but a security aware resolver will bound the TTL

value it uses at the original signed value. Separately, signatures

include a signature inception time and a signature expiration time. A

resolver that knows the absolute time can determine securely whether

a signature is in effect. It is not possible to rely solely on the

signature expiration as a substitute for the TTL, however, since the

TTL is primarily a database consistency mechanism and non-security

aware servers that depend on TTL must still be supported.

2.3.4 Special Considerations at Delegation Points

DNS security would like to view each zone as a unit of data

completely under the control of the zone owner with each entry

(RRset) signed by a special private key held by the zone manager.

But the DNS protocol views the leaf nodes in a zone, which are also

the apex nodes of a subzone (i.e., delegation points), as "really"

belonging to the subzone. These nodes occur in two master files and

might have RRs signed by both the upper and lower zone's keys. A

retrieval could get a mixture of these RRs and SIGs, especially since

one server could be serving both the zone above and below a

delegation point. [RFC2181]

There MUST be a zone KEY RR, signed by its superzone, for every

subzone if the superzone is secure. This will normally appear in the

subzone and may also be included in the superzone. But, in the case

of an unsecured subzone which can not or will not be modified to add

any security RRs, a KEY declaring the subzone to be unsecured MUST

appear with the superzone signature in the superzone, if the

superzone is secure. For all but one other RR type the data from the

subzone is more authoritative so only the subzone KEY RR should be

signed in the superzone if it appears there. The NS and any glue

address RRs SHOULD only be signed in the subzone. The SOA and any

other RRs that have the zone name as owner should appear only in the

subzone and thus are signed only there. The NXT RR type is the

exceptional case that will always appear differently and

authoritatively in both the superzone and subzone, if both are

secure, as described in Section 5.

2.3.5 Special Considerations with CNAME

There is a problem when security related RRs with the same owner name

as a CNAME RR are retrieved from a non-security-aware server. In

particular, an initial retrieval for the CNAME or any other type may

not retrieve any associated SIG, KEY, or NXT RR. For retrieved types

other than CNAME, it will retrieve that type at the target name of

the CNAME (or chain of CNAMEs) and will also return the CNAME. In

particular, a specific retrieval for type SIG will not get the SIG,

if any, at the original CNAME domain name but rather a SIG at the

target name.

Security aware servers must be used to securely CNAME in DNS.

Security aware servers MUST (1) allow KEY, SIG, and NXT RRs along

with CNAME RRs, (2) suppress CNAME processing on retrieval of these

types as well as on retrieval of the type CNAME, and (3)

automatically return SIG RRs authenticating the CNAME or CNAMEs

encountered in resolving a query. This is a change from the previous

DNS standard [RFCs 1034/1035] which prohibited any other RR type at a

node where a CNAME RR was present.

2.3.6 Signers Other Than The Zone

There are cases where the signer in a SIG resource record is other

than one of the private key(s) used to authenticate a zone.

One is for support of dynamic update [RFC2136] (or future requests

which require secure authentication) where an entity is permitted to

authenticate/update its records [RFC2137] and the zone is operating

in a mode where the zone key is not on line. The public key of the

entity must be present in the DNS and be signed by a zone level key

but the other RR(s) may be signed with the entity's key.

A second case is support of transaction and request authentication as

described in Section 2.4.

In additions, signatures can be included on resource records within

the DNS for use by applications other than DNS. DNS related

signatures authenticate that data originated with the authority of a

zone owner or that a request or transaction originated with the

relevant entity. Other signatures can provide other types of


2.4 DNS Transaction and Request Authentication

The data origin authentication service described above protects

retrieved resource records and the non-existence of resource records

but provides no protection for DNS requests or for message headers.

If header bits are falsely set by a bad server, there is little that

can be done. However, it is possible to add transaction

authentication. Such authentication means that a resolver can be

sure it is at least getting messages from the server it thinks it

queried and that the response is from the query it sent (i.e., that

these messages have not been diddled in transit). This is

accomplished by optionally adding a special SIG resource record at

the end of the reply which digitally signs the concatenation of the

server's response and the resolver's query.

Requests can also be authenticated by including a special SIG RR at

the end of the request. Authenticating requests serves no function

in older DNS servers and requests with a non-empty additional

information section produce error returns or may even be ignored by

many of them. However, this syntax for signing requests is defined as

a way of authenticating secure dynamic update requests [RFC2137] or

future requests requiring authentication.

The private keys used in transaction security belong to the entity

composing the reply, not to the zone involved. Request

authentication may also involve the private key of the host or other

entity composing the request or other private keys depending on the

request authority it is sought to establish. The corresponding public

key(s) are normally stored in and retrieved from the DNS for


Because requests and replies are highly variable, message

authentication SIGs can not be pre-calculated. Thus it will be

necessary to keep the private key on-line, for example in software or

in a directly connected piece of hardware.

3. The KEY Resource Record

The KEY resource record (RR) is used to store a public key that is

associated with a Domain Name System (DNS) name. This can be the

public key of a zone, a user, or a host or other end entity. Security

aware DNS implementations MUST be designed to handle at least two

simultaneously valid keys of the same type associated with the same


The type number for the KEY RR is 25.

A KEY RR is, like any other RR, authenticated by a SIG RR. KEY RRs

must be signed by a zone level key.

3.1 KEY RDATA format

The RDATA for a KEY RR consists of flags, a protocol octet, the

algorithm number octet, and the public key itself. The format is as


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


flags protocol algorithm



/ public key /

/ /


The KEY RR is not intended for storage of certificates and a separate

certificate RR has been developed for that purpose, defined in [RFC


The meaning of the KEY RR owner name, flags, and protocol octet are

described in Sections 3.1.1 through 3.1.5 below. The flags and

algorithm must be examined before any data following the algorithm

octet as they control the existence and format of any following data.

The algorithm and public key fields are described in Section 3.2.

The format of the public key is algorithm dependent.

KEY RRs do not specify their validity period but their authenticating

SIG RR(s) do as described in Section 4 below.

3.1.1 Object Types, DNS Names, and Keys

The public key in a KEY RR is for the object named in the owner name.

A DNS name may refer to three different categories of things. For

example, foo.host.example could be (1) a zone, (2) a host or other

end entity , or (3) the mapping into a DNS name of the user or

account foo@host.example. Thus, there are flag bits, as described

below, in the KEY RR to indicate with which of these roles the owner

name and public key are associated. Note that an appropriate zone

KEY RR MUST occur at the apex node of a secure zone and zone KEY RRs

occur only at delegation points.

3.1.2 The KEY RR Flag Field

In the "flags" field:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5




Bit 0 and 1 are the key "type" bits whose values have the following


10: Use of the key is prohibited for authentication.

01: Use of the key is prohibited for confidentiality.

00: Use of the key for authentication and/or confidentiality

is permitted. Note that DNS security makes use of keys

for authentication only. Confidentiality use flagging is

provided for use of keys in other protocols.

Implementations not intended to support key distribution

for confidentiality MAY require that the confidentiality

use prohibited bit be on for keys they serve.

11: If both bits are one, the "no key" value, there is no key

information and the RR stops after the algorithm octet.

By the use of this "no key" value, a signed KEY RR can

authenticatably assert that, for example, a zone is not

secured. See section 3.4 below.

Bits 2 is reserved and must be zero.

Bits 3 is reserved as a flag extension bit. If it is a one, a second

16 bit flag field is added after the algorithm octet and

before the key data. This bit MUST NOT be set unless one or

more such additional bits have been defined and are non-zero.

Bits 4-5 are reserved and must be zero.

Bits 6 and 7 form a field that encodes the name type. Field values

have the following meanings:

00: indicates that this is a key associated with a "user" or

"account" at an end entity, usually a host. The coding

of the owner name is that used for the responsible

individual mailbox in the SOA and RP RRs: The owner name

is the user name as the name of a node under the entity

name. For example, "j_random_user" on

host.subdomain.example could have a public key associated

through a KEY RR with name

j_random_user.host.subdomain.example. It could be used

in a security protocol where authentication of a user was

desired. This key might be useful in IP or other

security for a user level service such a telnet, FTP,

rlogin, etc.

01: indicates that this is a zone key for the zone whose name

is the KEY RR owner name. This is the public key used

for the primary DNS security feature of data origin

authentication. Zone KEY RRs occur only at delegation


10: indicates that this is a key associated with the non-zone

"entity" whose name is the RR owner name. This will

commonly be a host but could, in some parts of the DNS

tree, be some other type of entity such as a telephone

number [RFC1530] or numeric IP address. This is the

public key used in connection with DNS request and

transaction authentication services. It could also be

used in an IP-security protocol where authentication at

the host, rather than user, level was desired, such as

routing, NTP, etc.

11: reserved.

Bits 8-11 are reserved and must be zero.

Bits 12-15 are the "signatory" field. If non-zero, they indicate

that the key can validly sign things as specified in DNS

dynamic update [RFC2137]. Note that zone keys (see bits

6 and 7 above) always have authority to sign any RRs in

the zone regardless of the value of the signatory field.

3.1.3 The Protocol Octet

It is anticipated that keys stored in DNS will be used in conjunction

with a variety of Internet protocols. It is intended that the

protocol octet and possibly some of the currently unused (must be

zero) bits in the KEY RR flags as specified in the future will be

used to indicate a key's validity for different protocols.

The following values of the Protocol Octet are reserved as indicated:

VALUE Protocol

0 -reserved


2 email

3 dnssec


5-254 - available for assignment by IANA

255 All

In more detail:

1 is reserved for use in connection with TLS.

2 is reserved for use in connection with email.

3 is used for DNS security. The protocol field SHOULD be set to

this value for zone keys and other keys used in DNS security.

Implementations that can determine that a key is a DNS

security key by the fact that flags label it a zone key or the

signatory flag field is non-zero are NOT REQUIRED to check the

protocol field.

4 is reserved to refer to the Oakley/IPSEC [RFC2401] protocol

and indicates that this key is valid for use in conjunction

with that security standard. This key could be used in

connection with secured communication on behalf of an end

entity or user whose name is the owner name of the KEY RR if

the entity or user flag bits are set. The presence of a KEY

resource with this protocol value is an assertion that the

host speaks Oakley/IPSEC.

255 indicates that the key can be used in connection with any

protocol for which KEY RR protocol octet values have been

defined. The use of this value is discouraged and the use of

different keys for different protocols is encouraged.

3.2 The KEY Algorithm Number Specification

This octet is the key algorithm parallel to the same field for the

SIG resource as described in Section 4.1. The following values are


VALUE Algorithm

0 - reserved, see Section 11

1 RSA/MD5 [RFC2537] - recommended

2 Diffie-Hellman [RFC2539] - optional, key only


4 reserved for elliptic curve crypto

5-251 - available, see Section 11

252 reserved for indirect keys

253 private - domain name (see below)

254 private - OID (see below)

255 - reserved, see Section 11

Algorithm specific formats and procedures are given in separate

documents. The mandatory to implement for interoperability algorithm

is number 3, DSA. It is recommended that the RSA/MD5 algorithm,

number 1, also be implemented. Algorithm 2 is used to indicate

Diffie-Hellman keys and algorithm 4 is reserved for elliptic curve.

Algorithm number 252 indicates an indirect key format where the

actual key material is elsewhere. This format is to be defined in a

separate document.

Algorithm numbers 253 and 254 are reserved for private use and will

never be assigned a specific algorithm. For number 253, the public

key area and the signature begin with a wire encoded domain name.

Only local domain name compression is permitted. The domain name

indicates the private algorithm to use and the remainder of the

public key area is whatever is required by that algorithm. For

number 254, the public key area for the KEY RR and the signature

begin with an unsigned length byte followed by a BER encoded Object

Identifier (ISO OID) of that length. The OID indicates the private

algorithm in use and the remainder of the area is whatever is

required by that algorithm. Entities should only use domain names

and OIDs they control to designate their private algorithms.

Values 0 and 255 are reserved but the value 0 is used in the

algorithm field when that field is not used. An example is in a KEY

RR with the top two flag bits on, the "no-key" value, where no key is


3.3 Interaction of Flags, Algorithm, and Protocol Bytes

Various combinations of the no-key type flags, algorithm byte,

protocol byte, and any future assigned protocol indicating flags are

possible. The meaning of these combinations is indicated below:

NK = no key type (flags bits 0 and 1 on)

AL = algorithm byte

PR = protocols indicated by protocol byte or future assigned flags

x represents any valid non-zero value(s).

AL PR NK Meaning

0 0 0 Illegal, claims key but has bad algorithm field.

0 0 1 Specifies total lack of security for owner zone.

0 x 0 Illegal, claims key but has bad algorithm field.

0 x 1 Specified protocols unsecured, others may be secure.

x 0 0 Gives key but no protocols to use it.

x 0 1 Denies key for specific algorithm.

x x 0 Specifies key for protocols.

x x 1 Algorithm not understood for protocol.

3.4 Determination of Zone Secure/Unsecured Status

A zone KEY RR with the "no-key" type field value (both key type flag

bits 0 and 1 on) indicates that the zone named is unsecured while a

zone KEY RR with a key present indicates that the zone named is

secure. The secured versus unsecured status of a zone may vary with

different cryptographic algorithms. Even for the same algorithm,

conflicting zone KEY RRs may be present.

Zone KEY RRs, like all RRs, are only trusted if they are

authenticated by a SIG RR whose signer field is a signer for which

the resolver has a public key they trust and where resolver policy

permits that signer to sign for the KEY owner name. Untrusted zone

KEY RRs MUST be ignored in determining the security status of the

zone. However, there can be multiple sets of trusted zone KEY RRs

for a zone with different algorithms, signers, etc.

For any particular algorithm, zones can be (1) secure, indicating

that any retrieved RR must be authenticated by a SIG RR or it will be

discarded as bogus, (2) unsecured, indicating that SIG RRs are not

expected or required for RRs retrieved from the zone, or (3)

experimentally secure, which indicates that SIG RRs might or might

not be present but must be checked if found. The status of a zone is

determined as follows:

1. If, for a zone and algorithm, every trusted zone KEY RR for the

zone says there is no key for that zone, it is unsecured for that


2. If, there is at least one trusted no-key zone KEY RR and one

trusted key specifying zone KEY RR, then that zone is only

experimentally secure for the algorithm. Both authenticated and

non-authenticated RRs for it should be accepted by the resolver.

3. If every trusted zone KEY RR that the zone and algorithm has is

key specifying, then it is secure for that algorithm and only

authenticated RRs from it will be accepted.


(1) A resolver initially trusts only signatures by the superzone of

zone Z within the DNS hierarchy. Thus it will look only at the KEY

RRs that are signed by the superzone. If it finds only no-key KEY

RRs, it will assume the zone is not secure. If it finds only key

specifying KEY RRs, it will assume the zone is secure and reject any

unsigned responses. If it finds both, it will assume the zone is

experimentally secure

(2) A resolver trusts the superzone of zone Z (to which it got

securely from its local zone) and a third party, cert-auth.example.

When considering data from zone Z, it may be signed by the superzone

of Z, by cert-auth.example, by both, or by neither. The following

table indicates whether zone Z will be considered secure,

experimentally secure, or unsecured, depending on the signed zone KEY

RRs for Z;

c e r t - a u t h . e x a m p l e

KEY RRs None NoKeys Mixed Keys

S --+-----------+-----------+----------+----------+

u None illegal unsecured experim. secure

p --+-----------+-----------+----------+----------+

e NoKeys unsecured unsecured experim. secure

r --+-----------+-----------+----------+----------+

Z Mixed experim. experim. experim. secure

o --+-----------+-----------+----------+----------+

n Keys secure secure secure secure

e +-----------+-----------+----------+----------+

3.5 KEY RRs in the Construction of Responses

An explicit request for KEY RRs does not cause any special additional

information processing except, of course, for the corresponding SIG

RR from a security aware server (see Section 4.2).

Security aware DNS servers include KEY RRs as additional information

in responses, where a KEY is available, in the following cases:

(1) On the retrieval of SOA or NS RRs, the KEY RRset with the same

name (perhaps just a zone key) SHOULD be included as additional

information if space is available. If not all additional information

will fit, type A and AAAA glue RRs have higher priority than KEY


(2) On retrieval of type A or AAAA RRs, the KEY RRset with the same

name (usually just a host RR and NOT the zone key (which usually

would have a different name)) SHOULD be included if space is

available. On inclusion of A or AAAA RRs as additional information,

the KEY RRset with the same name should also be included but with

lower priority than the A or AAAA RRs.

4. The SIG Resource Record

The SIG or "signature" resource record (RR) is the fundamental way

that data is authenticated in the secure Domain Name System (DNS). As

such it is the heart of the security provided.

The SIG RR unforgably authenticates an RRset [RFC2181] of a

particular type, class, and name and binds it to a time interval and

the signer's domain name. This is done using cryptographic

techniques and the signer's private key. The signer is frequently

the owner of the zone from which the RR originated.

The type number for the SIG RR type is 24.

4.1 SIG RDATA Format

The RDATA portion of a SIG RR is as shown below. The integrity of

the RDATA information is protected by the signature field.

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


type covered algorithm labels


original TTL


signature expiration


signature inception


key tag

+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ signer's name +



/ /

/ signature /

/ /


4.1.1 Type Covered Field

The "type covered" is the type of the other RRs covered by this SIG.

4.1.2 Algorithm Number Field

This octet is as described in section 3.2.

4.1.3 Labels Field

The "labels" octet is an unsigned count of how many labels there are

in the original SIG RR owner name not counting the null label for

root and not counting any initial "*" for a wildcard. If a secured

retrieval is the result of wild card substitution, it is necessary

for the resolver to use the original form of the name in verifying

the digital signature. This field makes it easy to determine the

original form.

If, on retrieval, the RR appears to have a longer name than indicated

by "labels", the resolver can tell it is the result of wildcard

substitution. If the RR owner name appears to be shorter than the

labels count, the SIG RR must be considered corrupt and ignored. The

maximum number of labels allowed in the current DNS is 127 but the

entire octet is reserved and would be required should DNS names ever

be expanded to 255 labels. The following table gives some examples.

The value of "labels" is at the top, the retrieved owner name on the

left, and the table entry is the name to use in signature

verification except that "bad" means the RR is corrupt.

labels= 0 1 2 3 4


. . bad bad bad bad

d. *. d. bad bad bad

c.d. *. *.d. c.d. bad bad

b.c.d. *. *.d. *.c.d. b.c.d. bad

a.b.c.d. *. *.d. *.c.d. *.b.c.d. a.b.c.d.

4.1.4 Original TTL Field

The "original TTL" field is included in the RDATA portion to avoid

(1) authentication problems that caching servers would otherwise

cause by decrementing the real TTL field and (2) security problems

that unscrupulous servers could otherwise cause by manipulating the

real TTL field. This original TTL is protected by the signature

while the current TTL field is not.

NOTE: The "original TTL" must be restored into the covered RRs when

the signature is verified (see Section 8). This generaly implies

that all RRs for a particular type, name, and class, that is, all the

RRs in any particular RRset, must have the same TTL to start with.

4.1.5 Signature Expiration and Inception Fields

The SIG is valid from the "signature inception" time until the

"signature expiration" time. Both are unsigned numbers of seconds

since the start of 1 January 1970, GMT, ignoring leap seconds. (See

also Section 4.4.) Ring arithmetic is used as for DNS SOA serial

numbers [RFC1982] which means that these times can never be more

than about 68 years in the past or the future. This means that these

times are ambiguous modulo ~136.09 years. However there is no

security flaw because keys are required to be changed to new random

keys by [RFC2541] at least every five years. This means that the

probability that the same key is in use N*136.09 years later should

be the same as the probability that a random guess will work.

A SIG RR may have an expiration time numerically less than the

inception time if the expiration time is near the 32 bit wrap around

point and/or the signature is long lived.

(To prevent misordering of network requests to update a zone

dynamically, monotonically increasing "signature inception" times may

be necessary.)

A secure zone must be considered changed for SOA serial number

purposes not only when its data is updated but also when new SIG RRs

are inserted (ie, the zone or any part of it is re-signed).

4.1.6 Key Tag Field

The "key Tag" is a two octet quantity that is used to efficiently

select between multiple keys which may be applicable and thus check

that a public key about to be used for the computationally expensive

effort to check the signature is possibly valid. For algorithm 1

(MD5/RSA) as defined in [RFC2537], it is the next to the bottom two

octets of the public key modulus needed to decode the signature

field. That is to say, the most significant 16 of the least

significant 24 bits of the modulus in network (big endian) order. For

all other algorithms, including private algorithms, it is calculated

as a simple checksum of the KEY RR as described in Appendix C.

4.1.7 Signer's Name Field

The "signer's name" field is the domain name of the signer generating

the SIG RR. This is the owner name of the public KEY RR that can be

used to verify the signature. It is frequently the zone which

contained the RRset being authenticated. Which signers should be

authorized to sign what is a significant resolver policy question as

discussed in Section 6. The signer's name may be compressed with

standard DNS name compression when being transmitted over the


4.1.8 Signature Field

The actual signature portion of the SIG RR binds the other RDATA

fields to the RRset of the "type covered" RRs with that owner name

and class. This covered RRset is thereby authenticated. To

accomplish this, a data sequence is constructed as follows:

data = RDATA RR(s)...

where "" is concatenation,

RDATA is the wire format of all the RDATA fields in the SIG RR itself

(including the canonical form of the signer's name) before but not

including the signature, and

RR(s) is the RRset of the RR(s) of the type covered with the same

owner name and class as the SIG RR in canonical form and order as

defined in Section 8.

How this data sequence is processed into the signature is algorithm

dependent. These algorithm dependent formats and procedures are

described in separate documents (Section 3.2).

SIGs SHOULD NOT be included in a zone for any "meta-type" such as

ANY, AXFR, etc. (but see section 5.6.2 with regard to IXFR). Calculating Transaction and Request SIGs

A response message from a security aware server may optionally

contain a special SIG at the end of the additional information

section to authenticate the transaction.

This SIG has a "type covered" field of zero, which is not a valid RR

type. It is calculated by using a "data" (see Section 4.1.8) of the

entire preceding DNS reply message, including DNS header but not the

IP header and before the reply RR counts have been adjusted for the

inclusion of any transaction SIG, concatenated with the entire DNS

query message that produced this response, including the query's DNS

header and any request SIGs but not its IP header. That is

data = full response (less transaction SIG) full query

Verification of the transaction SIG (which is signed by the server

host key, not the zone key) by the requesting resolver shows that the

query and response were not tampered with in transit, that the

response corresponds to the intended query, and that the response

comes from the queried server.

A DNS request may be optionally signed by including one or more SIGs

at the end of the query. Such SIGs are identified by having a "type

covered" field of zero. They sign the preceding DNS request message

including DNS header but not including the IP header or any request

SIGs at the end and before the request RR counts have been adjusted

for the inclusions of any request SIG(s).

WARNING: Request SIGs are unnecessary for any currently defined

request other than update [RFC2136, 2137] and will cause some old

DNS servers to give an error return or ignore a query. However, such

SIGs may in the future be needed for other requests.

Except where needed to authenticate an update or similar privileged

request, servers are not required to check request SIGs.

4.2 SIG RRs in the Construction of Responses

Security aware DNS servers SHOULD, for every authenticated RRset the

query will return, attempt to send the available SIG RRs which

authenticate the requested RRset. The following rules apply to the

inclusion of SIG RRs in responses:

1. when an RRset is placed in a response, its SIG RR has a higher

priority for inclusion than additional RRs that may need to be

included. If space does not permit its inclusion, the response

MUST be considered truncated except as provided in 2 below.

2. When a SIG RR is present in the zone for an additional

information section RR, the response MUST NOT be considered

truncated merely because space does not permit the inclusion of

the SIG RR with the additional information.

3. SIGs to authenticate glue records and NS RRs for subzones at a

delegation point are unnecessary and MUST NOT be sent.

4. If a SIG covers any RR that would be in the answer section of

the response, its automatic inclusion MUST be in the answer

section. If it covers an RR that would appear in the authority

section, its automatic inclusion MUST be in the authority

section. If it covers an RR that would appear in the additional

information section it MUST appear in the additional information

section. This is a change in the existing standard [RFCs 1034,

1035] which contemplates only NS and SOA RRs in the authority


5. Optionally, DNS transactions may be authenticated by a SIG RR at

the end of the response in the additional information section

(Section Such SIG RRs are signed by the DNS server

originating the response. Although the signer field MUST be a

name of the originating server host, the owner name, class, TTL,

and original TTL, are meaningless. The class and TTL fields

SHOULD be zero. To conserve space, the owner name SHOULD be

root (a single zero octet). If transaction authentication is

desired, that SIG RR must be considered the highest priority for


4.3 Processing Responses and SIG RRs

The following rules apply to the processing of SIG RRs included in a


1. A security aware resolver that receives a response from a

security aware server via a secure communication with the AD bit

(see Section 6.1) set, MAY choose to accept the RRs as received

without verifying the zone SIG RRs.

2. In other cases, a security aware resolver SHOULD verify the SIG

RRs for the RRs of interest. This may involve initiating

additional queries for SIG or KEY RRs, especially in the case of

getting a response from a server that does not implement

security. (As explained in 2.3.5 above, it will not be possible

to secure CNAMEs being served up by non-secure resolvers.)

NOTE: Implementers might expect the above SHOULD to be a MUST.

However, local policy or the calling application may not require

the security services.

3. If SIG RRs are received in response to a user query explicitly

specifying the SIG type, no special processing is required.

If the message does not pass integrity checks or the SIG does not

check against the signed RRs, the SIG RR is invalid and should be

ignored. If all of the SIG RR(s) purporting to authenticate an RRset

are invalid, then the RRset is not authenticated.

If the SIG RR is the last RR in a response in the additional

information section and has a type covered of zero, it is a

transaction signature of the response and the query that produced the

response. It MAY be optionally checked and the message rejected if

the checks fail. But even if the checks succeed, such a transaction

authentication SIG does NOT directly authenticate any RRs in the

message. Only a proper SIG RR signed by the zone or a key tracing

its authority to the zone or to static resolver configuration can

directly authenticate RRs, depending on resolver policy (see Section

6). If a resolver does not implement transaction and/or request

SIGs, it MUST ignore them without error.

If all checks indicate that the SIG RR is valid then RRs verified by

it should be considered authenticated.

4.4 Signature Lifetime, Expiration, TTLs, and Validity

Security aware servers MUST NOT consider SIG RRs to authenticate

anything before their signature inception or after its expiration

time (see also Section 6). Security aware servers MUST NOT consider

any RR to be authenticated after all its signatures have expired.

When a secure server caches authenticated data, if the TTL would

expire at a time further in the future than the authentication

expiration time, the server SHOULD trim the TTL in the cache entry

not to extent beyond the authentication expiration time. Within

these constraints, servers should continue to follow DNS TTL aging.

Thus authoritative servers should continue to follow the zone refresh

and expire parameters and a non-authoritative server should count

down the TTL and discard RRs when the TTL is zero (even for a SIG

that has not yet reached its authentication expiration time). In

addition, when RRs are transmitted in a query response, the TTL

should be trimmed so that current time plus the TTL does not extend

beyond the authentication expiration time. Thus, in general, the TTL

on a transmitted RR would be


When signatures are generated, signature expiration times should be

set far enough in the future that it is quite certain that new

signatures can be generated before the old ones expire. However,

setting expiration too far into the future could mean a long time to

flush any bad data or signatures that may have been generated.

It is recommended that signature lifetime be a small multiple of the

TTL (ie, 4 to 16 times the TTL) but not less than a reasonable

maximum re-signing interval and not less than the zone expiry time.

5. Non-existent Names and Types

The SIG RR mechanism described in Section 4 above provides strong

authentication of RRs that exist in a zone. But it is not clear

above how to verifiably deny the existence of a name in a zone or a

type for an existent name.

The nonexistence of a name in a zone is indicated by the NXT ("next")

RR for a name interval containing the nonexistent name. An NXT RR or

RRs and its or their SIG(s) are returned in the authority section,

along with the error, if the server is security aware. The same is

true for a non-existent type under an existing name except that there

is no error indication other than an empty answer section

accompanying the NXT(s). This is a change in the existing standard

[RFCs 1034/1035] which contemplates only NS and SOA RRs in the

authority section. NXT RRs will also be returned if an explicit query

is made for the NXT type.

The existence of a complete set of NXT records in a zone means that

any query for any name and any type to a security aware server

serving the zone will result in an reply containing at least one

signed RR unless it is a query for delegation point NS or glue A or


5.1 The NXT Resource Record

The NXT resource record is used to securely indicate that RRs with an

owner name in a certain name interval do not exist in a zone and to

indicate what RR types are present for an existing name.

The owner name of the NXT RR is an existing name in the zone. It's

RDATA is a "next" name and a type bit map. Thus the NXT RRs in a zone

create a chain of all of the literal owner names in that zone,

including unexpanded wildcards but omitting the owner name of glue

address records unless they would otherwise be included. This implies

a canonical ordering of all domain names in a zone as described in

Section 8. The presence of the NXT RR means that no name between its

owner name and the name in its RDATA area exists and that no other

types exist under its owner name.

There is a potential problem with the last NXT in a zone as it wants

to have an owner name which is the last existing name in canonical

order, which is easy, but it is not obvious what name to put in its

RDATA to indicate the entire remainder of the name space. This is

handled by treating the name space as circular and putting the zone

name in the RDATA of the last NXT in a zone.

The NXT RRs for a zone SHOULD be automatically calculated and added

to the zone when SIGs are added. The NXT RR's TTL SHOULD NOT exceed

the zone minimum TTL.

The type number for the NXT RR is 30.

NXT RRs are only signed by zone level keys.

5.2 NXT RDATA Format

The RDATA for an NXT RR consists simply of a domain name followed by

a bit map, as shown below.

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


next domain name /


type bit map /


The NXT RR type bit map format currently defined is one bit per RR

type present for the owner name. A one bit indicates that at least

one RR of that type is present for the owner name. A zero indicates

that no such RR is present. All bits not specified because they are

beyond the end of the bit map are assumed to be zero. Note that bit

30, for NXT, will always be on so the minimum bit map length is

actually four octets. Trailing zero octets are prohibited in this

format. The first bit represents RR type zero (an illegal type which

can not be present) and so will be zero in this format. This format

is not used if there exists an RR with a type number greater than

127. If the zero bit of the type bit map is a one, it indicates that

a different format is being used which will always be the case if a

type number greater than 127 is present.

The domain name may be compressed with standard DNS name compression

when being transmitted over the network. The size of the bit map can

be inferred from the RDLENGTH and the length of the next domain name.

5.3 Additional Complexity Due to Wildcards

Proving that a non-existent name response is correct or that a

wildcard expansion response is correct makes things a little more


In particular, when a non-existent name response is returned, an NXT

must be returned showing that the exact name queried did not exist

and, in general, one or more additional NXT's need to be returned to

also prove that there wasn't a wildcard whose expansion should have

been returned. (There is no need to return multiple copies of the

same NXT.) These NXTs, if any, are returned in the authority section

of the response.

Furthermore, if a wildcard expansion is returned in a response, in

general one or more NXTs needs to also be returned in the authority

section to prove that no more specific name (including possibly more

specific wildcards in the zone) existed on which the response should

have been based.

5.4 Example

Assume zone foo.nil has entries for





Then a query to a security aware server for huge.foo.nil would

produce an error reply with an RCODE of NXDOMAIN and the authority

section data including something like the following:

foo.nil. NXT big.foo.nil NS KEY SOA NXT ;prove no *.foo.nil

foo.nil. SIG NXT 1 2 ( ;type-cov=NXT, alg=1, labels=2

19970102030405 ;signature expiration

19961211100908 ;signature inception

2143 ;key identifier

foo.nil. ;signer


fiYy2X+8XpFjwICHc398kzWsTMKlxovpz2FnCTM= ;signature (640 bits)


big.foo.nil. NXT medium.foo.nil. A MX SIG NXT ;prove no huge.foo.nil

big.foo.nil. SIG NXT 1 3 ( ;type-cov=NXT, alg=1, labels=3

19970102030405 ;signature expiration

19961211100908 ;signature inception

2143 ;key identifier

foo.nil. ;signer


1tVfSCSQQYn6//11U6Nld80jEeC8aTrO+KKmCaY= ;signature (640 bits)


Note that this response implies that big.foo.nil is an existing name

in the zone and thus has other RR types associated with it than NXT.

However, only the NXT (and its SIG) RR appear in the response to this

query for huge.foo.nil, which is a non-existent name.

5.5 Special Considerations at Delegation Points

A name (other than root) which is the head of a zone also appears as

the leaf in a superzone. If both are secure, there will always be

two different NXT RRs with the same name. They can be easily

distinguished by their signers, the next domain name fields, the

presence of the SOA type bit, etc. Security aware servers should

return the correct NXT automatically when required to authenticate

the non-existence of a name and both NXTs, if available, on explicit

query for type NXT.

Non-security aware servers will never automatically return an NXT and

some old implementations may only return the NXT from the subzone on

explicit queries.

5.6 Zone Transfers

The subsections below describe how full and incremental zone

transfers are secured.

SIG RRs secure all authoritative RRs transferred for both full and

incremental [RFC1995] zone transfers. NXT RRs are an essential

element in secure zone transfers and assure that every authoritative

name and type will be present; however, if there are multiple SIGs

with the same name and type covered, a subset of the SIGs could be

sent as long as at least one is present and, in the case of unsigned

delegation point NS or glue A or AAAA RRs a subset of these RRs or

simply a modified set could be sent as long as at least one of each

type is included.

When an incremental or full zone transfer request is received with

the same or newer version number than that of the server's copy of

the zone, it is replied to with just the SOA RR of the server's

current version and the SIG RRset verifying that SOA RR.

The complete NXT chains specified in this document enable a resolver

to oBTain, by successive queries chaining through NXTs, all of the

names in a zone even if zone transfers are prohibited. Different

format NXTs may be specified in the future to avoid this.

5.6.1 Full Zone Transfers

To provide server authentication that a complete transfer has

occurred, transaction authentication SHOULD be used on full zone

transfers. This provides strong server based protection for the

entire zone in transit.

5.6.2 Incremental Zone Transfers

Individual RRs in an incremental (IXFR) transfer [RFC1995] can be

verified in the same way as for a full zone transfer and the

integrity of the NXT name chain and correctness of the NXT type bits

for the zone after the incremental RR deletes and adds can check each

disjoint area of the zone updated. But the completeness of an

incremental transfer can not be confirmed because usually neither the

deleted RR section nor the added RR section has a compete zone NXT

chain. As a result, a server which securely supports IXFR must

handle IXFR SIG RRs for each incremental transfer set that it


The IXFR SIG is calculated over the incremental zone update

collection of RRs in the order in which it is transmitted: old SOA,

then deleted RRs, then new SOA and added RRs. Within each section,

RRs must be ordered as specified in Section 8. If condensation of

adjacent incremental update sets is done by the zone owner, the

original IXFR SIG for each set included in the condensation must be

discarded and a new on IXFR SIG calculated to cover the resulting

condensed set.

The IXFR SIG really belongs to the zone as a whole, not to the zone

name. Although it SHOULD be correct for the zone name, the labels

field of an IXFR SIG is otherwise meaningless. The IXFR SIG is only

sent as part of an incremental zone transfer. After validation of

the IXFR SIG, the transferred RRs MAY be considered valid without

verification of the internal SIGs if such trust in the server

conforms to local policy.

6. How to Resolve Securely and the AD and CD Bits

Retrieving or resolving secure data from the Domain Name System (DNS)

involves starting with one or more trusted public keys that have been

staticly configured at the resolver. With starting trusted keys, a

resolver willing to perform cryptography can progress securely

through the secure DNS structure to the zone of interest as described

in Section 6.3. Such trusted public keys would normally be configured

in a manner similar to that described in Section 6.2. However, as a

practical matter, a security aware resolver would still gain some

confidence in the results it returns even if it was not configured

with any keys but trusted what it got from a local well known server

as if it were staticly configured.

Data stored at a security aware server needs to be internally

categorized as Authenticated, Pending, or Insecure. There is also a

fourth transient state of Bad which indicates that all SIG checks

have explicitly failed on the data. Such Bad data is not retained at

a security aware server. Authenticated means that the data has a

valid SIG under a KEY traceable via a chain of zero or more SIG and

KEY RRs allowed by the resolvers policies to a KEY staticly

configured at the resolver. Pending data has no authenticated SIGs

and at least one additional SIG the resolver is still trying to

authenticate. Insecure data is data which it is known can never be

either Authenticated or found Bad in the zone where it was found

because it is in or has been reached via a unsecured zone or because

it is unsigned glue address or delegation point NS data. Behavior in

terms of control of and flagging based on such data labels is

described in Section 6.1.

The proper validation of signatures requires a reasonably secure

shared opinion of the absolute time between resolvers and servers as

described in Section 6.4.

6.1 The AD and CD Header Bits

Two previously unused bits are allocated out of the DNS

query/response format header. The AD (authentic data) bit indicates

in a response that all the data included in the answer and authority

portion of the response has been authenticated by the server

according to the policies of that server. The CD (checking disabled)

bit indicates in a query that Pending (non-authenticated) data is

acceptable to the resolver sending the query.

These bits are allocated from the previously must-be-zero Z field as


1 1 1 1 1 1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5














These bits are zero in old servers and resolvers. Thus the responses

of old servers are not flagged as authenticated to security aware

resolvers and queries from non-security aware resolvers do not assert

the checking disabled bit and thus will be answered by security aware

servers only with Authenticated or Insecure data. Security aware

resolvers MUST NOT trust the AD bit unless they trust the server they

are talking to and either have a secure path to it or use DNS

transaction security.

Any security aware resolver willing to do cryptography SHOULD assert

the CD bit on all queries to permit it to impose its own policies and

to reduce DNS latency time by allowing security aware servers to

answer with Pending data.

Security aware servers MUST NOT return Bad data. For non-security

aware resolvers or security aware resolvers requesting service by

having the CD bit clear, security aware servers MUST return only

Authenticated or Insecure data in the answer and authority sections

with the AD bit set in the response. Security aware servers SHOULD

return Pending data, with the AD bit clear in the response, to

security aware resolvers requesting this service by asserting the CD

bit in their request. The AD bit MUST NOT be set on a response

unless all of the RRs in the answer and authority sections of the

response are either Authenticated or Insecure. The AD bit does not

cover the additional information section.

6.2 Staticly Configured Keys

The public key to authenticate a zone SHOULD be defined in local

configuration files before that zone is loaded at the primary server

so the zone can be authenticated.

While it might seem logical for everyone to start with a public key

associated with the root zone and staticly configure this in every

resolver, this has problems. The logistics of updating every DNS

resolver in the world should this key ever change would be severe.

Furthermore, many organizations will explicitly wish their "interior"

DNS implementations to completely trust only their own DNS servers.

Interior resolvers of such organizations can then go through the

organization's zone servers to access data outside the organization's

domain and need not be configured with keys above the organization's

DNS apex.

Host resolvers that are not part of a larger organization may be

configured with a key for the domain of their local ISP whose

recursive secure DNS caching server they use.

6.3 Chaining Through The DNS

Starting with one or more trusted keys for any zone, it should be

possible to retrieve signed keys for that zone's subzones which have

a key. A secure sub-zone is indicated by a KEY RR with non-null key

information appearing with the NS RRs in the sub-zone and which may

also be present in the parent. These make it possible to descend

within the tree of zones.

6.3.1 Chaining Through KEYs

In general, some RRset that you wish to validate in the secure DNS

will be signed by one or more SIG RRs. Each of these SIG RRs has a

signer under whose name is stored the public KEY to use in

authenticating the SIG. Each of those KEYs will, generally, also be

signed with a SIG. And those SIGs will have signer names also

referring to KEYs. And so on. As a result, authentication leads to

chains of alternating SIG and KEY RRs with the first SIG signing the

original data whose authenticity is to be shown and the final KEY

being some trusted key staticly configured at the resolver performing

the authentication.

In testing such a chain, the validity periods of the SIGs encountered

must be intersected to determine the validity period of the

authentication of the data, a purely algorithmic process. In

addition, the validation of each SIG over the data with reference to

a KEY must meet the objective cryptographic test implied by the

cryptographic algorithm used (although even here the resolver may

have policies as to trusted algorithms and key lengths). Finally,

the judgement that a SIG with a particular signer name can

authenticate data (possibly a KEY RRset) with a particular owner

name, is primarily a policy question. Ultimately, this is a policy

local to the resolver and any clients that depend on that resolver's

decisions. It is, however, recommended, that the policy below be


Let A < B mean that A is a shorter domain name than B formed by

dropping one or more whole labels from the left end of B, i.e.,

A is a direct or indirect superdomain of B. Let A = B mean that

A and B are the same domain name (i.e., are identical after

letter case canonicalization). Let A > B mean that A is a

longer domain name than B formed by adding one or more whole

labels on the left end of B, i.e., A is a direct or indirect

subdomain of B

Let Static be the owner names of the set of staticly configured

trusted keys at a resolver.

Then Signer is a valid signer name for a SIG authenticating an

RRset (possibly a KEY RRset) with owner name Owner at the

resolver if any of the following three rules apply:

(1) Owner > or = Signer (except that if Signer is root, Owner

must be root or a top level domain name). That is, Owner is the

same as or a subdomain of Signer.

(2) ( Owner < Signer ) and ( Signer > or = some Static ). That

is, Owner is a superdomain of Signer and Signer is staticly

configured or a subdomain of a staticly configured key.

(3) Signer = some Static. That is, the signer is exactly some

staticly configured key.

Rule 1 is the rule for descending the DNS tree and includes a special

prohibition on the root zone key due to the restriction that the root

zone be only one label deep. This is the most fundamental rule.

Rule 2 is the rule for ascending the DNS tree from one or more

staticly configured keys. Rule 2 has no effect if only root zone

keys are staticly configured.

Rule 3 is a rule permitting direct cross certification. Rule 3 has

no effect if only root zone keys are staticly configured.

Great care should be taken that the consequences have been fully

considered before making any local policy adjustments to these rules

(other than dispensing with rules 2 and 3 if only root zone keys are

staticly configured).

6.3.2 Conflicting Data

It is possible that there will be multiple SIG-KEY chains that appear

to authenticate conflicting RRset answers to the same query. A

resolver should choose only the most reliable answer to return and

discard other data. This choice of most reliable is a matter of

local policy which could take into account differing trust in

algorithms, key sizes, staticly configured keys, zones traversed,

etc. The technique given below is recommended for taking into

account SIG-KEY chain length.

A resolver should keep track of the number of successive secure zones

traversed from a staticly configured key starting point to any secure

zone it can reach. In general, the lower such a distance number is,

the greater the confidence in the data. Staticly configured data

should be given a distance number of zero. If a query encounters

different Authenticated data for the same query with different

distance values, that with a larger value should be ignored unless

some other local policy covers the case.

A security conscious resolver should completely refuse to step from a

secure zone into a unsecured zone unless the unsecured zone is

certified to be non-secure by the presence of an authenticated KEY RR

for the unsecured zone with the no-key type value. Otherwise the

resolver is getting bogus or spoofed data.

If legitimate unsecured zones are encountered in traversing the DNS

tree, then no zone can be trusted as secure that can be reached only

via information from such non-secure zones. Since the unsecured zone

data could have been spoofed, the "secure" zone reached via it could

be counterfeit. The "distance" to data in such zones or zones

reached via such zones could be set to 256 or more as this exceeds

the largest possible distance through secure zones in the DNS.

6.4 Secure Time

Coordinated interpretation of the time fields in SIG RRs requires

that reasonably consistent time be available to the hosts

implementing the DNS security extensions.

A variety of time synchronization protocols exist including the

Network Time Protocol (NTP [RFC1305, 2030]). If such protocols are

used, they MUST be used securely so that time can not be spoofed.

Otherwise, for example, a host could get its clock turned back and

might then believe old SIG RRs, and the data they authenticate, which

were valid but are no longer.

7. ASCII Representation of Security RRs

This section discusses the format for master file and other ASCII

presentation of the three DNS security resource records.

The algorithm field in KEY and SIG RRs can be represented as either

an unsigned integer or symbolicly. The following initial symbols are

defined as indicated:

Value Symbol

001 RSAMD5

002 DH

003 DSA

004 ECC




7.1 Presentation of KEY RRs

KEY RRs may appear as single logical lines in a zone data master file


The flag field is represented as an unsigned integer or a sequence of

mnemonics as follows separated by instances of the verticle bar ("")


BIT Mnemonic Explanation

0-1 key type

NOCONF =1 confidentiality use prohibited

NOAUTH =2 authentication use prohibited

NOKEY =3 no key present

2 FLAG2 - reserved

3 EXTEND flags extension

4 FLAG4 - reserved

5 FLAG5 - reserved

6-7 name type

USER =0 (default, may be omitted)


HOST =2 (host or other end entity)

NTYP3 - reserved

8 FLAG8 - reserved

9 FLAG9 - reserved

10 FLAG10 - reserved

11 FLAG11 - reserved

12-15 signatory field, values 0 to 15

can be represented by SIG0, SIG1, ... SIG15

No flag mnemonic need be present if the bit or field it represents is


The protocol octet can be represented as either an unsigned integer

or symbolicly. The following initial symbols are defined:

000 NONE

001 TLS




255 ALL

Note that if the type flags field has the NOKEY value, nothing

appears after the algorithm octet.

The remaining public key portion is represented in base 64 (see

Appendix A) and may be divided up into any number of white space

separated substrings, down to single base 64 digits, which are

concatenated to obtain the full signature. These substrings can span

lines using the standard parenthesis.

Note that the public key may have internal sub-fields but these do

not appear in the master file representation. For example, with

algorithm 1 there is a public exponent size, then a public exponent,

and then a modulus. With algorithm 254, there will be an OID size,

an OID, and algorithm dependent information. But in both cases only a

single logical base 64 string will appear in the master file.

7.2 Presentation of SIG RRs

A data SIG RR may be represented as a single logical line in a zone

data file [RFC1033] but there are some special considerations as

described below. (It does not make sense to include a transaction or

request authenticating SIG RR in a file as they are a transient

authentication that covers data including an ephemeral transaction

number and so must be calculated in real time.)

There is no particular problem with the signer, covered type, and

times. The time fields appears in the form YYYYMMDDHHMMSS where YYYY

is the year, the first MM is the month number (01-12), DD is the day

of the month (01-31), HH is the hour in 24 hours notation (00-23),

the second MM is the minute (00-59), and SS is the second (00-59).

The original TTL field appears as an unsigned integer.

If the original TTL, which applies to the type signed, is the same as

the TTL of the SIG RR itself, it may be omitted. The date field

which follows it is larger than the maximum possible TTL so there is

no ambiguity.

The "labels" field appears as an unsigned integer.

The key tag appears as an unsigned number.

However, the signature itself can be very long. It is the last data

field and is represented in base 64 (see Appendix A) and may be

divided up into any number of white space separated substrings, down

to single base 64 digits, which are concatenated to obtain the full

signature. These substrings can be split between lines using the

standard parenthesis.

7.3 Presentation of NXT RRs

NXT RRs do not appear in original unsigned zone master files since

they should be derived from the zone as it is being signed. If a

signed file with NXTs added is printed or NXTs are printed by

debugging code, they appear as the next domain name followed by the

RR type present bits as an unsigned interger or sequence of RR


8. Canonical Form and Order of Resource Records

This section specifies, for purposes of domain name system (DNS)

security, the canonical form of resource records (RRs), their name

order, and their overall order. A canonical name order is necessary

to construct the NXT name chain. A canonical form and ordering

within an RRset is necessary in consistently constructing and

verifying SIG RRs. A canonical ordering of types within a name is

required in connection with incremental transfer (Section 5.6.2).

8.1 Canonical RR Form

For purposes of DNS security, the canonical form for an RR is the

wire format of the RR with domain names (1) fully expanded (no name

compression via pointers), (2) all domain name letters set to lower

case, (3) owner name wild cards in master file form (no substitution

made for *), and (4) the original TTL substituted for the current


8.2 Canonical DNS Name Order

For purposes of DNS security, the canonical ordering of owner names

is to sort individual labels as unsigned left justified octet strings

where the absence of a octet sorts before a zero value octet and

upper case letters are treated as lower case letters. Names in a

zone are sorted by sorting on the highest level label and then,

within those names with the same highest level label by the next

lower label, etc. down to leaf node labels. Within a zone, the zone

name itself always exists and all other names are the zone name with

some prefix of lower level labels. Thus the zone name itself always

sorts first.










8.3 Canonical RR Ordering Within An RRset

Within any particular owner name and type, RRs are sorted by RDATA as

a left justified unsigned octet sequence where the absence of an

octet sorts before the zero octet.

8.4 Canonical Ordering of RR Types

When RRs of the same name but different types must be ordered, they

are ordered by type, considering the type to be an unsigned integer,

except that SIG RRs are placed immediately after the type they cover.

Thus, for example, an A record would be put before an MX record

because A is type 1 and MX is type 15 but if both were signed, the

order would be A < SIG(A) < MX < SIG(MX).

9. Conformance

Levels of server and resolver conformance are defined below.

9.1 Server Conformance

Two levels of server conformance for DNS security are defined as


BASIC: Basic server compliance is the ability to store and retrieve

(including zone transfer) SIG, KEY, and NXT RRs. Any secondary or

caching server for a secure zone MUST have at least basic compliance

and even then some things, such as secure CNAMEs, will not work

without full compliance.

FULL: Full server compliance adds the following to basic compliance:

(1) ability to read SIG, KEY, and NXT RRs in zone files and (2)

ability, given a zone file and private key, to add appropriate SIG

and NXT RRs, possibly via a separate application, (3) proper

automatic inclusion of SIG, KEY, and NXT RRs in responses, (4)

suppression of CNAME following on retrieval of the security type RRs,

(5) recognize the CD query header bit and set the AD query header

bit, as appropriate, and (6) proper handling of the two NXT RRs at

delegation points. Primary servers for secure zones MUST be fully

compliant and for complete secure operation, all secondary, caching,

and other servers handling the zone SHOULD be fully compliant as


9.2 Resolver Conformance

Two levels of resolver compliance (including the resolver portion of

a server) are defined for DNS Security:

BASIC: A basic compliance resolver can handle SIG, KEY, and NXT RRs

when they are explicitly requested.

FULL: A fully compliant resolver (1) understands KEY, SIG, and NXT

RRs including verification of SIGs at least for the mandatory

algorithm, (2) maintains appropriate information in its local caches

and database to indicate which RRs have been authenticated and to

what extent they have been authenticated, (3) performs additional

queries as necessary to attempt to obtain KEY, SIG, or NXT RRs when

needed, (4) normally sets the CD query header bit on its queries.

10. Security Considerations

This document specifies extensions to the Domain Name System (DNS)

protocol to provide data integrity and data origin authentication,

public key distribution, and optional transaction and request


It should be noted that, at most, these extensions guarantee the

validity of resource records, including KEY resource records,

retrieved from the DNS. They do not magically solve other security

problems. For example, using secure DNS you can have high confidence

in the IP address you retrieve for a host name; however, this does

not stop someone for substituting an unauthorized host at that

address or capturing packets sent to that address and falsely

responding with packets apparently from that address. Any reasonably

complete security system will require the protection of many

additional facets of the Internet beyond DNS.

The implementation of NXT RRs as described herein enables a resolver

to determine all the names in a zone even if zone transfers are

prohibited (section 5.6). This is an active area of work and may


A number of precautions in DNS implementation have evolved over the

years to harden the insecure DNS against spoofing. These precautions

should not be abandoned but should be considered to provide

additional protection in case of key compromise in secure DNS.

11. IANA Considerations

KEY RR flag bits 2 and 8-11 and all flag extension field bits can be

assigned by IETF consensus as defined in RFC2434. The remaining

values of the NAMTYP flag field and flag bits 4 and 5 (which could

conceivably become an extension of the NAMTYP field) can only be

assigned by an IETF Standards Action [RFC2434].

Algorithm numbers 5 through 251 are available for assignment should

sufficient reason arise. However, the designation of a new algorithm

could have a major impact on interoperability and requires an IETF

Standards Action [RFC2434]. The existence of the private algorithm

types 253 and 254 should satify most needs for private or proprietary


Additional values of the Protocol Octet (5-254) can be assigned by

IETF Consensus [RFC2434].

The meaning of the first bit of the NXT RR "type bit map" being a one

can only be assigned by a standards action.


[RFC1033] Lottor, M., "Domain Administrators Operations Guide", RFC

1033, November 1987.

[RFC1034] Mockapetris, P., "Domain Names - Concepts and

Facilities", STD 13, RFC1034, November 1987.

[RFC1035] Mockapetris, P., "Domain Names - Implementation and

Specifications", STD 13, RFC1035, November 1987.

[RFC1305] Mills, D., "Network Time Protocol (v3)", RFC1305, March


[RFC1530] Malamud, C. and M. Rose, "Principles of Operation for the

TPC.INT Subdomain: General Principles and Policy", RFC

1530, October 1993.

[RFC2401] Kent, S. and R. Atkinson, "Security Architecture for the

Internet Protocol", RFC2401, November 1998.

[RFC1982] Elz, R. and R. Bush, "Serial Number Arithmetic", RFC

1982, September 1996.

[RFC1995] Ohta, M., "Incremental Zone Transfer in DNS", RFC1995,

August 1996.

[RFC2030] Mills, D., "Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) Version 4

for IPv4, IPv6 and OSI", RFC2030, October 1996.

[RFC2045] Freed, N. and N. Borenstein, "Multipurpose Internet Mail

Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message

Bodies", RFC2045, November 1996.

[RFC2065] Eastlake, D. and C. Kaufman, "Domain Name System Security

Extensions", RFC2065, January 1997.

[RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate

Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

[RFC2136] Vixie, P., Thomson, S., Rekhter, Y. and J. Bound,

"Dynamic Updates in the Domain Name System (DNS UPDATE)",

RFC2136, April 1997.

[RFC2137] Eastlake, D., "Secure Domain Name System Dynamic Update",

RFC2137, April 1997.

[RFC2181] Elz, R. and R. Bush, "Clarifications to the DNS

Specification", RFC2181, July 1997.

[RFC2434] Narten, T. and H. Alvestrand, "Guidelines for Writing an

IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", BCP 26, RFC2434,

October 1998.

[RFC2537] Eastlake, D., "RSA/MD5 KEYs and SIGs in the Domain Name

System (DNS)", RFC2537, March 1999.

[RFC2539] Eastlake, D., "Storage of Diffie-Hellman Keys in the

Domain Name System (DNS)", RFC2539, March 1999.

[RFC2536] Eastlake, D., "DSA KEYs and SIGs in the Domain Name

System (DNS)", RFC2536, March 1999.

[RFC2538] Eastlake, D. and O. Gudmundsson, "Storing Certificates in

the Domain Name System", RFC2538, March 1999.

[RFC2541] Eastlake, D., "DNS Operational Security Considerations",

RFC2541, March 1999.

[RSA FAQ] - RSADSI Frequently Asked Questions periodic posting.

Author's Address

Donald E. Eastlake 3rd


65 Shindegan Hill Road

RR #1

Carmel, NY 10512

Phone: +1-914-784-7913 (w)

+1-914-276-2668 (h)

Fax: +1-914-784-3833 (w-fax)

EMail: dee3@us.ibm.com

Appendix A: Base 64 Encoding

The following encoding technique is taken from [RFC2045] by N.

Borenstein and N. Freed. It is reproduced here in an edited form for


A 65-character subset of US-ASCII is used, enabling 6 bits to be

represented per printable character. (The extra 65th character, "=",

is used to signify a special processing function.)

The encoding process represents 24-bit groups of input bits as output

strings of 4 encoded characters. Proceeding from left to right, a

24-bit input group is formed by concatenating 3 8-bit input groups.

These 24 bits are then treated as 4 concatenated 6-bit groups, each

of which is translated into a single digit in the base 64 alphabet.

Each 6-bit group is used as an index into an array of 64 printable

characters. The character referenced by the index is placed in the

output string.

Table 1: The Base 64 Alphabet

Value Encoding Value Encoding Value Encoding Value Encoding

0 A 17 R 34 i 51 z

1 B 18 S 35 j 52 0

2 C 19 T 36 k 53 1

3 D 20 U 37 l 54 2

4 E 21 V 38 m 55 3

5 F 22 W 39 n 56 4

6 G 23 X 40 o 57 5

7 H 24 Y 41 p 58 6

8 I 25 Z 42 q 59 7

9 J 26 a 43 r 60 8

10 K 27 b 44 s 61 9

11 L 28 c 45 t 62 +

12 M 29 d 46 u 63 /

13 N 30 e 47 v

14 O 31 f 48 w (pad) =

15 P 32 g 49 x

16 Q 33 h 50 y

Special processing is performed if fewer than 24 bits are available

at the end of the data being encoded. A full encoding quantum is

always completed at the end of a quantity. When fewer than 24 input

bits are available in an input group, zero bits are added (on the

right) to form an integral number of 6-bit groups. Padding at the

end of the data is performed using the '=' character. Since all base

64 input is an integral number of octets, only the following cases

can arise: (1) the final quantum of encoding input is an integral

multiple of 24 bits; here, the final unit of encoded output will be

an integral multiple of 4 characters with no "=" padding, (2) the

final quantum of encoding input is exactly 8 bits; here, the final

unit of encoded output will be two characters followed by two "="

padding characters, or (3) the final quantum of encoding input is

exactly 16 bits; here, the final unit of encoded output will be three

characters followed by one "=" padding character.

Appendix B: Changes from RFC2065

This section summarizes the most important changes that have been

made since RFC2065.

1. Most of Section 7 of [RFC2065] called "Operational

Considerations", has been removed and may be made into a separate

document [RFC2541].

2. The KEY RR has been changed by (2a) eliminating the "experimental"

flag as unnecessary, (2b) reserving a flag bit for flags

expansion, (2c) more compactly encoding a number of bit fields in

such a way as to leave unchanged bits actually used by the limited

code currently deployed, (2d) eliminating the IPSEC and email flag

bits which are replaced by values of the protocol field and adding

a protocol field value for DNS security itself, (2e) adding

material to indicate that zone KEY RRs occur only at delegation

points, and (2f) removing the description of the RSA/MD5 algorithm

to a separate document [RFC2537]. Section 3.4 describing the

meaning of various combinations of "no-key" and key present KEY

RRs has been added and the secure / unsecure status of a zone has

been clarified as being per algorithm.

3. The SIG RR has been changed by (3a) renaming the "time signed"

field to be the "signature inception" field, (3b) clarifying that

signature expiration and inception use serial number ring

arithmetic, (3c) changing the definition of the key footprint/tag

for algorithms other than 1 and adding Appendix C to specify its

calculation. In addition, the SIG covering type AXFR has been

eliminated while one covering IXFR [RFC1995] has been added (see

section 5.6).

4. Algorithm 3, the DSA algorithm, is now designated as the mandatory

to implement algorithm. Algorithm 1, the RSA/MD5 algorithm, is

now a recommended option. Algorithm 2 and 4 are designated as the

Diffie-Hellman key and elliptic cryptography algorithms

respectively, all to be defined in separate documents. Algorithm

code point 252 is designated to indicate "indirect" keys, to be

defined in a separate document, where the actual key is elsewhere.

Both the KEY and SIG RR definitions have been simplified by

eliminating the "null" algorithm 253 as defined in [RFC2065].

That algorithm had been included because at the time it was

thought it might be useful in DNS dynamic update [RFC2136]. It

was in fact not so used and it is dropped to simplify DNS

security. Howver, that algorithm number has been re-used to

indicate private algorithms where a domain name specifies the


5. The NXT RR has been changed so that (5a) the NXT RRs in a zone

cover all names, including wildcards as literal names without

expansion, except for glue address records whose names would not

otherwise appear, (5b) all NXT bit map areas whose first octet has

bit zero set have been reserved for future definition, (5c) the

number of and circumstances under which an NXT must be returned in

connection with wildcard names has been extended, and (5d) in

connection with the bit map, references to the WKS RR have been

removed and verticle bars ("") have been added between the RR

type mnemonics in the ASCII representation.

6. Information on the canonical form and ordering of RRs has been

moved into a separate Section 8.

7. A subsection covering incremental and full zone transfer has been

added in Section 5.

8. Concerning DNS chaining: Further specification and policy

recommendations on secure resolution have been added, primarily in

Section 6.3.1. It is now clearly stated that authenticated data

has a validity period of the intersection of the validity periods

of the SIG RRs in its authentication chain. The requirement to

staticly configure a superzone's key signed by a zone in all of

the zone's authoritative servers has been removed. The

recommendation to continue DNS security checks in a secure island

of DNS data that is separated from other parts of the DNS tree by

insecure zones and does not contain a zone for which a key has

been staticly configured was dropped.

9. It was clarified that the presence of the AD bit in a response

does not apply to the additional information section or to glue

address or delegation point NS RRs. The AD bit only indicates

that the answer and authority sections of the response are


10. It is now required that KEY RRs and NXT RRs be signed only with

zone-level keys.

11. Add IANA Considerations section and references to RFC2434.

Appendix C: Key Tag Calculation

The key tag field in the SIG RR is just a means of more efficiently

selecting the correct KEY RR to use when there is more than one KEY

RR candidate available, for example, in verifying a signature. It is

possible for more than one candidate key to have the same tag, in

which case each must be tried until one works or all fail. The

following reference implementation of how to calculate the Key Tag,

for all algorithms other than algorithm 1, is in ANSI C. It is coded

for clarity, not efficiency. (See section 4.1.6 for how to determine

the Key Tag of an algorithm 1 key.)

/* assumes int is at least 16 bits

first byte of the key tag is the most significant byte of return


second byte of the key tag is the least significant byte of

return value


int keytag (

unsigned char key[], /* the RDATA part of the KEY RR */

unsigned int keysize, /* the RDLENGTH */



long int ac; /* assumed to be 32 bits or larger */

for ( ac = 0, i = 0; i < keysize; ++i )

ac += (i&1) ? key[i] : key[i]<<8;

ac += (ac>>16) & 0xFFFF;

return ac & 0xFFFF;


Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

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