
RFC2532 - Extended Facsimile Using Internet Mail

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Network Working Group L. Masinter

Request for Comments: 2532 Xerox Corporation

Category: Standards Track D. Wing

Cisco Systems

March 1999

Extended Facsimile Using Internet Mail

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999). All Rights Reserved.


This document describes extensions to "Simple Mode of Facsimile Using

Internet Mail" [RFC2305] and describes additional features, including

transmission of enhanced document characteristics (higher resolution,

color) and confirmation of delivery and processing.

These additional features are designed to provide the highest level

of interoperability with the existing and future standards-compliant

email infrastrUCture and mail user agents, while providing a level of

service that approximates the level currently enjoyed by fax users.

The IETF has been notified of intellectual property rights claimed in

regard to some or all of the specification contained in this

document. For more information consult the online list of claimed

rights in <http://www.ietf.org/ipr.Html>.

1. Introduction

This document notes a number of enhancements to the "Simple Mode of

Facsimile Using Internet Mail" [RFC2305] that may be combined to

create an extended mode of facsimile using Internet mail.

The new features are designed to be interoperable with the existing

base of mail transfer agents (MTAs) and mail user agents (MUAs), and

take advantage of existing standards for advanced functionality such

as positive delivery confirmation and disposition notification. The

enhancements described in this document utilize the messaging

infrastructure, where possible, instead of creating fax-specific

features which are unlikely to be implemented in non-fax messaging


This document standardizes the following two features.

* Delivery confirmation (Section 2) (required)

* Additional document features (Section 3) (optional)

These features are fully described in another document titled

"Terminology and Goals for Internet Fax" [RFC2542].

1.1. Definition of Terms

The term "processing" indicates the action of rendering or

transmitting the contents of the message to a printer, display

device, or fax machine.

The term "processing confirmation" is an indication by the recipient

of a message that it is able to process the contents of that message.

The term "recipient" indicates the device which performs the

processing function. For example, a recipient could be implemented

as a traditional Mail User Agent on a PC, a standalone device which

retrieves mail using POP3 or IMAP, an SMTP server which prints

incoming messages (similar to an LPR server).



document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

1.2. GSTN Fax Gateways ("onramp"/"offramp")

The behavior of gateways from GSTN fax to SMTP ("onramps") and from

SMTP to GSTN fax ("offramps") are not described in this document.

However, such gateways SHOULD have the behavior characteristics of

senders and recipients as described in this document.

2. Delivery and Processing Confirmation

In traditional GSTN-based realtime facsimile, the receiving terminal

acknowledges successful receipt and processing of every page [T.30].

In Internet Mail, the operations of Delivery (to the mailbox) and

Disposition (to paper or a screen) may be separated in time (due to

store and forwarding of messages) and location (due to separation of

delivery agent (MTA) and user agent (MUA)). The confirmation of

these two operations are supplied by two different standards-track

mechanisms: Delivery Status Notifications (DSN) [RFC1891, RFC1894]

and Message Disposition Notifications (MDN) [RFC2298], respectively.

This section defines requirements for devices or services that are to

be considered compliant with this document.

2.1. Sender Requirements

Because delivery failure may occur (over disk quota, user no longer

exists, malconfigured mailer), a delivery failure message (in the

format described by [RFC1894] or otherwise) may be sent to the

envelope-from address specified by the sender. Thus, the envelope-

from address supplied by the sender MUST be able to properly handle

such delivery failure messages.

2.1.1. Delivery Confirmation

If the sender desires delivery confirmation, the sender MUST request

Delivery Status Notification by including the the esmtp-keyword

NOTIFY with the esmtp-value SUCCESS (section 5.1 of [RFC1891]).

2.1.2. Processing Confirmation

If the sender desires processing confirmation, the sender MUST

request Message Disposition Notification ([RFC2298] section 2) when

sending the message itself.

Because a recipient may silently ignore a request for an MDN (section

2.1 of [RFC2298]) at any time:

* MDNs MUST NOT be used for delivery confirmation, but are only

useful for disposition ("processing") notification.

* the sender MUST NOT assume the recipient will respond to an MDN

request in a subsequent message, even if the recipient has done

so in the past.

The address provided by the sender on the Disposition-Notification-To

field MUST be able to receive Message Disposition Notifications

messages [RFC2298] and SHOULD be able to receive messages that are

not in the Message Disposition Notification format (due to the

existence of legacy systems that generate non-RFC2298-compliant

responses to the Disposition-Notification-To field). The

Disposition-Notification-To address and the envelope-from address

SHOULD match to allow automated responses to MDN requests (section

2.1 of [RFC2298]).

2.2. Recipient Requirements

Recipients SHOULD implement Message Disposition Notifications

[RFC2298] and SHOULD indicate supported media features in DSN and MDN

messages per [RFC2530].

If the recipient is an SMTP server, it behaves as part of the

receiver infrastructure and is therefore subject to the "Receiver

Infrastructure" requirements of this document.

See also "Recipient Recommendations" in section 5.

2.2.1. MDN Recipient Requirements

Recipients MUST be configurable to silently ignore a request for an

MDN (section 2.1 of [RFC2298]).

If the recipient is an automated message processing system which is

not associated with a person, the device MAY be configurable to

always respond to MDN requests, but in all cases MUST be configurable

to never generate MDNs.

A recipient MUST NOT generate an unsolicited MDN to indicate

successful processing. A recipient MAY generate an unsolicited MDN

(sent to the envelope-from (Return-Path:) address) to indicate

processing failure, but subject to the [RFC2298] requirement that it

MUST always be possible for an operator to disable unsolicited MDN


2.2.2. Recipients Using Mailbox Access Protocols

A recipient using POP3 [RFC1939] or IMAP4 [RFC2060] to retrieve its

mail MUST NOT generate a Delivery Status Notification message

[RFC1894] because such a notification, if it was requested, would

have already been issued by the MTA on delivery to the POP3 or IMAP4

message store.

The recipient MUST NOT use the RFC822 "To:" fields, "Cc:" fields,

"Bcc:" fields, or any other fields containing header recipient

information to determine the ultimate destination mailbox or

addressee, and SHOULD NOT use other RFC822 or MIME fields for making

such determinations.

2.3. Messaging Infrastructure Requirements

This section eXPlains the requirements of the SMTP messaging

infrastructure used by the sender and receiver. This infrastructure

is commonly provided by the ISP or a company's internal mailers but

can actually be provided by another organization with appropriate

service contracts.

2.3.1. Sender Infrastructure

Support for DSN [RFC1891] MUST be provided by the mail submission

server [RFC2476] used by the sender and MUST be provided up to the

mailer responsible for communicating with external (Internet)


Also see section 5.1 of this document.

2.3.2. Receiver Infrastructure

Support for DSN [RFC1891] MUST be provided by the external

(Internet-accessible) mailer, and MUST be provided by each mailer

between the external mailer and the recipient. If the recipient is

implemented as an SMTP server it MUST also support DSN [RFC1891].

3. Additional Document Capabilities

Section 4 of "A Simple Mode of Facsimile Using Internet Mail"

[RFC2305] allows sending only the minimum subset of TIFF for

Facsimile "unless the sender has prior knowledge of other TIFF fields

or values supported by the recipient."

A recipient MAY support any or all (or any combination) of the TIFF

profiles defined in RFC2301, in addition to profile S. A recipient

which supports additional profiles SHOULD indicate this support as

per section 3.2 or 3.3 of this document. As a consequence, a sender

MAY use those additional TIFF profiles when sending to a recipient

with the corresponding capabilities.

A sender SHOULD be able to recognize and process the feature tags as

defined in [RFC2531] when reviewing the capabilities presented by a

potential recipient. The capability matching rules indicated there

(by reference to [RFC2533]) allow for the introduction of new

features that may be unrecognized by older implementations.

A sender MAY send a message containing both the minimum subset of

TIFF for Facsimile (as specified in [RFC2305]) and a higher quality

TIFF using multipart/alternative.

Three methods for the sender to acquire such knowledge are described:

1. Sender manual configuration

2. Capabilities in Directory

3. Capabilities returned in MDN or DSN

Method (3) SHOULD be used.

An implementation may cache capabilities locally and lose

synchronization with the recipient's actual capabilities. A

mechanism SHOULD be provided to allow the sender to override the

locally-stored cache of capabilities. Also note section 4.1 of this


3.1. Sender Manual Configuration

One way a sender can send a document which exceeds the minimum subset

allowed by [RFC2305] is for the user controlling the sender to

manually override the default settings, usually on a per-recipient

basis. For example, during transmission a user could indicate the

recipient is capable of receiving high resolution images or color


While awkward and not automatic, this mechanism reflects the current

state of deployment of configuration for extended capabilities to

ordinary Internet email users.

3.2. Capabilities in Directory

A future direction for enhanced document features is to create a

directory structure of recipient capabilities, deployed, for example,

through LDAP or DNS. The directory would provide a mechanism by which

a sender could determine a recipient's capabilities before message

construction or transmission, using a directory lookup. Such

mechanisms are not defined in this document.

There is active investigation within the IETF to develop a solution

to this problem, which would resolve a wide range of issues with

store-and-forward messaging.

3.3. Capabilities Returned in MDN or DSN

As outlined in section 2 of this document, a sender may request a

positive DSN or an MDN.

If the recipient implements [RFC2530], the DSN or MDN that is

returned can contain information describing the recipient's

capabilities. The sender can use this information for subsequent

communications with that recipient.

The advantage of this approach is that additional infrastructure is

not required (unlike section 3.2), and the information is acquired

automatically (unlike section 3.1).

3.3.1. Restrictions and Recommendations

A sender MUST NOT send a message with no processable content to

attempt to elicit an MDN/DSN capability response. Doing so with a

message with no processable content (such as a message containing

only a request for capabilities or a blank message) will confuse a

recipient not already designed to understand the semantics of such a


A recipient SHOULD indicate the profiles and features supported, even

if the recipient supports only Tiff Profile S (the minimum set for

fax as defined by [RFC2305]) [RFC2531]. This allows a sender to

determine that the recipient is compliant with this Extended

Facsimile Using Internet Mail specification.

4. Security Considerations

As this document is an extension of [RFC2305], the Security

Considerations section of [RFC2305] applies to this document.

The following additional security considerations are introduced by

the new features described in this document.

4.1. Inaccurate Capabilities Information

Inaccurate capability information (section 3) could cause a denial of

service. The capability information could be inaccurate due to many

reasons, including compromised or improperly configured directory

server, improper manual configuration of sender, compromised DNS, or

spoofed MDN. If a sender is using cached capability information,

there SHOULD be a mechanism to allow the cached information to be

ignored or overridden if necessary.

4.2. Forged MDNs or DSNs

Forged DSNs or MDNs, as described in [RFC1892, RFC1894, RFC2298] can

provide incorrect information to a sender.

5. Implementation Notes

This section contains notes to implementors.

5.1. Submit Mailer Does Not Support DSN

In some installations the generally available submit server may not

support DSNs. In such circumstances, it may be useful for the sender

to implement [RFC974] mail routing as well as additional submission

server functions [RFC2476] so that the installation is not

constrained by limitations of the incumbent submission server.

5.2. Recipient Recommendations

To provide a high degree of reliability, it is desirable for the

sender to know that a recipient could not process a message. The

inability to successfully process a message may be detectable by the

recipient's MTA or MUA.

If the recipient's MTA determines the message cannot be processed,

the recipient's MTA is strongly encouraged to reject the message with

a [RFC1893] status code of 5.6.1. This status code may be returned

in response to the end-of-mail-data indicator if the MTA supports

reporting of enhanced error codes [RFC2034], or after message

reception by generating a delivery failure DSN ("bounce").

Note: Providing this functionality in the MTA, via either of the

two mechanisms described above, is superior to providing the

function using MDNs because MDNs must generally be requested

by the sender (and the request may, at any time, be ignored by

the receiver). Message rejection performed by the MTA can

always occur without the sender requesting such behavior and

without the receiver circumventing the behavior.

If the message contains an MDN request and the recipient's MUA

determines the message cannot be processed, the recipient's MUA is

strongly encouraged to repond to an MDN request and indicate that

processing failed with the disposition-type "processed" or

"displayed" and disposition-modifier "error" or "warning" [RFC2298].

6. Acknowledgements

The authors would like to acknowledge the members of the IETF

Internet Fax working group, and especially the following contributors

who provided assistance and input during the development of this


Vivian Cancio, Richard Coles, David Crocker, Ned Freed, Graham Klyne,

MAEDA Toru, Geoff Marshall, Lloyd McIntyre, Keith Moore, George

Pajari, James Rafferty, Mike Ruhl, Richard Shockey, Brian Stafford,

and Greg Vaudreuil.

7. References

[RFC2533] Klyne, G., "A Syntax for Describing Media Feature Sets",

RFC2533, March 1999.

[RFC2531] McIntyre, L. and G. Klyne, "Content Feature Schema for

Internet Fax", RFC2531, March 1999.

[RFC2530] Wing, D., "Indicating Supported Media Features Using

Extensions to DSN and MDN", RFC2530, March 1999.

[RFC1891] Moore, K. "SMTP Service Extensions for Delivery Status

Notifications", RFC1891, January 1996.

[RFC1893] Vaudreuil, G., "Enhanced Mail System Status Codes", RFC

1893, January 1996.

[RFC1894] Moore, K. and G. Vaudreuil, "An Extensible Message Format

for Delivery Status Notifications", RFC1894, January 1996.

[RFC2034] Freed, N, "SMTP Service Extension for Returning Enhanced

Error Codes", RFC2034, October 1996.

[RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate

Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

[RFC2298] Fajman, R., "An Extensible Message Format for Message

Disposition Notifications", RFC2298, March 1998.

[RFC2301] McIntyre, L., Zilles, S., Buckley, R., Venable, D.,

Parsons, G. and J. Rafferty, "File Format for Internet

Fax", RFC2301, March 1998.

[RFC2305] Toyoda, K., Ohno, H., Murai, J. and D. Wing, "A Simple

Mode of Facsimile Using Internet Mail", RFC2305, March


[RFC974] Partridge. C., "Mail routing and the domain system", STD

14, RFC974, January 1986.

[RFC2476] Gellens, R. and J. Klensin, "Message Submission", RFC2476,

December 1998.

[RFC2542] Masinter, L., "Terminology and Goals for Internet Fax", RFC

2542, March 1999.

[T.30] "Procedures for Document Facsimile Transmission in the

General Switched Telephone Network", ITU-T (CCITT),

Recommendation T.30, July, 1996.

[RFC1939] Myers, J. and M. Rose, "Post Office Protocol - Version 3",

STD 53, RFC1939, May 1996.

[RFC2060] Crispin, M., "Internet Message Access Protocol - Version

4Rev1", RFC2060, December 1996.

8. Authors' Addresses

Larry Masinter

Xerox Palo Alto Research Center

3333 Coyote Hill Road

Palo Alto, CA 94304 USA

Fax: +1 650 812 4333

EMail: masinter@parc.xerox.com

Dan Wing

Cisco Systems, Inc.

101 Cooper Street

Santa Cruz, CA 95060 USA

Phone: +1 831 457 5200

Fax: +1 831 457 5208

EMail: dwing@cisco.com

9. Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an






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