
RFC2533 - A Syntax for Describing Media Feature Sets

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

Network Working Group G. Klyne

Request for Comments: 2533 Content Technologies/5GM

Category: Standards Track March 1999

A Syntax for Describing Media Feature Sets

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999). All Rights Reserved.


A number of Internet application protocols have a need to provide

content negotiation for the resources with which they interact [1].

A framework for sUCh negotiation is described in [2], part of which

is a way to describe the range of media features which can be handled

by the sender, recipient or document transmission format of a

message. A format for a vocabulary of individual media features and

procedures for feature registration are presented in [3].

This document introduces and describes a syntax that can be used to

define feature sets which are formed from combinations and relations

involving individual media features. Such feature sets are used to

describe the media feature handling capabilities of message senders,

recipients and file formats.

An algorithm for feature set matching is also described here.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction.............................................3

1.1 Structure of this document ...........................3

1.2 Document terminology and conventions .................4

1.3 Discussion of this document ..........................4

2. Content feature terminology and definitions..............4

3. Media feature combinations and capabilities..............5

3.1 Media features .......................................5

3.2 Media feature collections and sets ...................5

3.3 Media feature set descriptions .......................6

3.4 Media feature combination scenario ...................7

3.4.1 Data resource options............................7

3.4.2 Recipient capabilities...........................7

3.4.3 Combined options.................................7

3.5 Feature set predicates ...............................8

3.5.1 Comparison with Directory search filters.........8

3.6 Describing preferences ...............................9

3.7 Combining preferences ...............................10

4. Feature set representation..............................11

4.1 Textual representation of predicates ................11

4.2 Interpretation of feature predicate syntax ..........12

4.2.1 Filter syntax...................................12

4.2.2 Feature comparison..............................13

4.2.3 Feature tags....................................13

4.2.4 Feature values..................................14 Boolean values 14 Numeric values 14 Token values 15 String values 15

4.2.5 Notational conveniences.........................15

4.3 Feature set definition example ......................16

5. Matching feature sets...................................16

5.1 Feature set matching strategy .......................18

5.2 Formulating the goal predicate ......................19

5.3 Replace set eXPressions .............................19

5.4 Move logical negations inwards ......................20

5.5 Replace comparisons and logical negations ...........20

5.6 Conversion to canonical form ........................21

5.7 Grouping of feature predicates ......................22

5.8 Merge single-feature constraints ....................22

5.8.1 Rules for simplifying ordered values............23

5.8.2 Rules for simplifying unordered values..........23

6. Other features and issues...............................24

6.1 Named and auxiliary predicates ......................24

6.1.1 Defining a named predicate......................24

6.1.2 Invoking named predicates.......................25

6.1.3 Auxiliary predicates in a filter................25

6.1.4 Feature matching with named predicates..........25

6.1.5 Example.........................................26

6.2 Unit designations ...................................26

6.3 Unknown feature value data types ....................27

7. Examples and additional comments........................27

7.1 Worked example ......................................27

7.2 A note on feature tag scoping .......................31

8. Security Considerations.................................34

9. Acknowledgements........................................34

10. References.............................................35

11. Author's Address.......................................36

Full Copyright Statement...................................37

1. Introduction

A number of Internet application protocols have a need to provide

content negotiation for the resources with which they interact [1].

A framework for such negotiation is described in [2]. A part of this

framework is a way to describe the range of media features which can

be handled by the sender, recipient or document transmission format

of a message.

Descriptions of media feature capabilities need to be based upon some

underlying vocabulary of individual media features. A format for

such a vocabulary and procedures for registering media features

within this vocabulary are presented in [3].

This document defines a syntax that can be used to describe feature

sets which are formed from combinations and relations involving

individual media features. Such feature sets are used to describe

the media handling capabilities of message senders, recipients and

file formats.

An algorithm for feature set matching is also described here.

The feature set syntax is built upon the principle of using feature

set predicates as "mathematical relations" which define constraints

on feature handling capabilities. This allows that the same form of

feature set expression can be used to describe sender, receiver and

file format capabilities. This has been loosely modelled on the way

that relational databases use Boolean expresions to describe a set of

result values, and a syntax that is based upon LDAP search filters.

1.1 Structure of this document

The main part of this memo addresses the following main areas:

Section 2 introduces and references some terms which are used with

special meaning.

Section 3 introduces the concept of describing media handling

capabilities as combinations of possible media features, and the idea

of using Boolean expressions to express such combinations.

Section 4 contains a description of a syntax for describing feature

sets based on the previously-introduced idea of Boolean expressions

used to describe media feature combinations.

Section 5 describes an algorithm for feature set matching.

Section 6 discusses some additional media feature description and

processing issues that may be viewed as extensions to the core


Section 7 contains a worked example of feature set matching, and some

additional explanatory comments spurred by issues arising from

applying this framework to fascimile transmissions.

1.2 Document terminology and conventions



document are to be interpreted as described in RFC2119.

NOTE: Comments like this provide additional nonessential

information about the rationale behind this document. Such

information is not needed for building a conformant

implementation, but may help those who wish to understand the

design in greater depth.

1.3 Discussion of this document

Discussion of this document should take place on the content

negotiation and media feature registration mailing list hosted by the

Internet Mail Consortium (IMC):

Please send comments regarding this document to:


To subscribe to this list, send a message with the body 'subscribe'

to "ietf-medfree-request@imc.org".

To see what has gone on before you subscribed, please see the mailing

list archive at:


2. Content feature terminology and definitions

Feature Collection

is a collection of different media features and associated values.

This might be viewed as describing a specific rendering of a

specific instance of a document or resource by a specific


Feature Set

is a set of zero, one or more feature collections.

NOTE: this term is used slightly differently by earlier work on

Transparent Content Negotiation in HTTP [4].

Feature set predicate

A function of an arbitrary feature collection value which returns

a Boolean result. A TRUE result is taken to mean that the

corresponding feature collection belongs to some set of media

feature handling capabilities defined by this predicate.

Other terms used in this memo are defined in [2].

3. Media feature combinations and capabilities

3.1 Media features

This memo assumes that individual media feature values are simple

atomic values:

o Boolean values.

o Enumerated values.

o Text string values (treated as atomic entities, like enumerated

value tokens).

o Numeric values (Integer or rational).

These values all have the property that they can be compared for

equality ('='), and that numeric and ordered enumeration values can

be compared for less-than and greater-than relationship ('<=', '>=').

These basic comparison operations are used as the primitive building

blocks for more comprehensive capability expressions.

3.2 Media feature collections and sets

Any single media feature value can be thought of as just one

component of a feature collection that describes some instance of a

resource (e.g. a printed document, a displayed image, etc.). Such a

feature collection consists of a number of media feature tags (each

per [3]) and associated feature values.

A feature set is a set containing a number of feature collections.

Thus, a feature set can describe a number of different data resource

instances. These can correspond to different treatments of a single

data resource (e.g. different resolutions used for printing a given

document), a number of different data resources subjected to a common

treatment (e.g. the range of different images that can be rendered on

a given display), or some combination of these (see examples below).

Thus, a description of a feature set can describe the capabilities of

a data resource or some entity that processes or renders a data


3.3 Media feature set descriptions

A feature set may be unbounded. For example, in principle, there is

no limit on the number of different documents that may be output

using a given printer. But to be practically useful, a feature set

description must be finite.

The general approach to describing feature sets is to start from the

assumption that anything is possible; i.e. the feature set contains

all possible document instances (feature collections). Then

constraints are applied that progressively remove document instances

from this set; e.g. for a monochrome printer, all document instances

that use colour are removed, or for a document that must be rendered

at some minimum resolution, all document instances with lesser

resolutions are removed from the set. The mechanism used to remove

document instances from the set is the mathematical idea of a

"relation"; i.e. a Boolean function (a "predicate") that takes a

feature collection parameter and returns a Boolean value that is TRUE

if the feature collection describes an acceptable document instance,

or FALSE if it describes one that is excluded.


P(C) = TRUE <- : -> P(C) = FALSE


+----------:----------+ This box represents some

: set of feature collections (C)

Included : Excluded that is constrained by the

: predicate P.



The result of applying a series of such constraints is a smaller set

of feature collections that represent some media handling capability.

Where the individual constraints are represented by predicates that

each describe some media handling capability, the combined effect of

these constraints is some subset of the individual constraint

capabilities that can be represented by a predicate that is the

logical-AND of the individual constraint predicates.

3.4 Media feature combination scenario

This section develops some example scenarios, introducing the

notation that is defined formally in section 4.

3.4.1 Data resource options

The following expression describes a data resource that can be

displayed either:

(a) as a 750x500 pixel image using 15 colours, or

(b) at 150dpi on an A4 page.

( (& (pix-x=750) (pix-y=500) (color=15) )

(& (dpi>=150) (papersize=iso-A4) ) )

3.4.2 Recipient capabilities

The following expression describes a receiving system that has:

(a) a screen capable of displaying 640*480 pixels and 16 million

colours (24 bits per pixel), 800*600 pixels and 64 thousand

colours (16 bits per pixel) or 1024*768 pixels and 256 colours

(8 bits per pixel), or

(b) a printer capable of rendering 300dpi on A4 paper.

( (& ( (& (pix-x<=640) (pix-y<=480) (color<=16777216) )

(& (pix-x<=800) (pix-y<=600) (color<=65535) )

(& (pix-x<=1024) (pix-y<=768) (color<=256) ) )

(ua-media=screen) )

(& (dpi=300)

(ua-media=stationery) (papersize=iso-A4) ) )

Note that this expression says nothing about the colour or grey-scale

capabilities of the printer. In the scheme presented here, it is

presumed to be unconstrained in this respect (or, more realistically,

any such constraints are handled out-of-band by anyone sending to

this recipient).

3.4.3 Combined options

The following example describes the range of document representations

available when the resource described in the first example above is

sent to the recipient described in the second example. This is the

result of combining their capability feature sets:

( (& (pix-x=750) (pix-y=500) (color=15) )

(& (dpi=300) (ua-media=stationery) (papersize=iso-A4) ) )

The feature set described by this expression is the intersection of

the sets described by the previous two capability expressions.

3.5 Feature set predicates

There are many ways of representing a predicate. The ideas in this

memo were inspired by the programming language Prolog [5], and its

use of predicates to describe sets of objects.

For the purpose of media feature descriptions in networked

application protocols, the format used for LDAP search filters [7,8]

has been adopted, because it is a good match for the requirements of

capability identification, and has a very simple structure that is

easy to parse and process.

3.5.1 Comparison with directory search filters

Observe that a feature collection is similar to a directory entry, in

that it consists of a collection of named values. Further, the

semantics of the mechanism for selecting feature collections from a

feature set is in many respects similar to selection of directory

entries from a directory.

A feature set predicate used to describe media handling capabilities

is implicitly applied to some feature collection. Within the

predicate, members of the feature collection are identified by their

feature tags, and are compared with known feature values. (Compare

with the way an LDAP search filter is applied to a directory entry,

whose members are identified by attribute type names, and compared

with known attribute values.)

For example, in:

(& (dpi>=150) (papersize=iso-A4) )

the tokens 'dpi' and 'papersize' are feature tags, and '150' and '

iso-A4' are feature values. (In a corresponding LDAP search filter,

they would be directory entry attribute types and attribute values.)

Differences between directory selection (per [7]) and feature set

selection are:

o Directory selection provides substring-, approximate- and

extensible- matching for attribute values. Such matching is

not provided for feature set selection.

o Directory selection may be based on the presence of an

attribute without regard to its value. Within the semantic

framework described by this document, Boolean-valued feature

tests can be used to provide a similar effect.

o Directory selection provides for matching rules that test for

the presence or absence of a named attribute type.

o Directory selection provides for matching rules which are

dependent upon the declared data type of an attribute value.

o Feature selection provides for the association of a quality

value with a feature predicate as a way of ranking the selected

value collections.

Within the semantic framework described by this document, Boolean-

valued feature tests can be used where presence tests would be used

in a directory search filter.

The idea of extensible matching and matching rules dependent upon

data types are facets of a problem not addressed by this memo, but

which do not necessarily affect the feature selection syntax. An

ASPect that might bear on the syntax would be specification of an

explicit matching rule as part of a selection expression.

3.6 Describing preferences

A convenient way to describe preferences is by numeric "quality


It has been suggested that numeric quality values are potentially

misleading if used as more than just a way of ranking options. For

the purposes of this memo, ranking of options is sufficient.

Numeric quality values in the range 0 to 1, with up to 3 fractional

digits, are used to rank feature sets according to preference.

Higher values are preferred over lower values, and equal values are

presumed to be equally preferred. Beyond this, the actual number

used has no significance defined here. Arithmetic operations on

quality values are likely to produce unpredictable results unless

appropriate semantics have been defined for the context where such

operations are used.

In the absence of any explicitly applied quality value, a value of

"1" is assumed.

Using the notation defined later, a quality value may be attached to

any feature set predicate sub-expression:

( (& (pix-x=750) (pix-y=500) (color=15) );q=0.8

(& (dpi>=150) (papersize=iso-A4) ) ;q=0.7 )

Section 3.7 below explains that quality values attached to

sub-expressions are not always useful.

NOTE: the syntax for quality values used here taken from

that defined for HTTP 'Accept:' headers in RFC2068 [9],

section 3.9. However, the use of quality values defined

here does not go as far as that defined in RFC2068.

3.7 Combining preferences

The general problem of describing and combining preferences among

feature sets is very much more complex than simply describing

allowable feature sets. For example, given two feature sets:

(& (a1);q=0.8 (b1);q=0.7 )

(& (a2);q=0.5 (b2);q=0.9 )


feature a1 is preferred over a2

feature b2 is preferred over b1

Which of these feature sets is preferred? In the absence of

additional information or assumptions, there is no generally

satisfactory answer to this.

The proposed resolution of this issue is simply to say that no rules

are provided for combining preference information. Applied to the

above example, any preference information about (a1) in relation to

(a2), or (b1) in relation to (b2) is not presumed to convey

information about preference of (& (a1) (b1) ) in relation to (& (a2)

(b2) ).

In practical terms, this restricts the application of preference

information to top-level predicate clauses. A top-level clause

completely defines an allowable feature set; clauses combined by

logical-AND operators cannot be top-level clauses (see canonical

format for feature set predicates, described later).

NOTE: This memo does not apply specific meaning to quality values

or rules for combining them. Application of such meanings and

rules is not prohibited, but is seen as an area for continuing

research and experimentation.

An example of a design that uses extended quality value semantics

and combining operations is "Transparent Content Negotiation in

HTTP" [4]. Other work that also extends quality values is the

content negotiation algorithm in the Apache HTTP server [14].

4. Feature set representation

The foregoing sections have described a framework for defining

feature sets with predicates applied to feature collections. This

section presents a concrete representation for feature set


4.1 Textual representation of predicates

The text representation of a feature set is based on RFC2254 "The

String Representation of LDAP Search Filters" [8], excluding those

elements not relevant to feature set selection (discussed above), and

adding elements specific to feature set selection (e.g. options to

associate quality values with predicates).

The format of a feature predicate is defined by the production for

"filter" in the following, using the syntax notation and core rules

of RFC2234 [10]:

filter = "(" filtercomp ")" *( ";" parameter )

parameter = "q" "=" qvalue

/ ext-param "=" ext-value

qvalue = ( "0" [ "." 0*3DIGIT ] )

/ ( "1" [ "." 0*3("0") ] )

ext-param = ALPHA *( ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" )

ext-value = <parameter value, according to the named parameter>

filtercomp = and / or / not / item

and = "&" filterlist

or = "" filterlist

not = "!" filter

filterlist = 1*filter

item = simple / set / ext-pred

set = attr "=" "[" setentry *( "," setentry ) "]"

setentry = value "/" range

range = value ".." value

simple = attr filtertype value

filtertype = equal / greater / less

equal = "="

greater = ">="

less = "<="

attr = ftag

value = fvalue

ftag = <Feature tag, as defined in RFC2506 [3]>

fvalue = Boolean / number / token / string

Boolean = "TRUE" / "FALSE"

number = integer / rational

integer = [ "+" / "-" ] 1*DIGIT

rational = [ "+" / "-" ] 1*DIGIT "/" 1*DIGIT

token = ALPHA *( ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" )

string = DQUOTE *(%x20-21 / %x23-7E) DQUOTE

; quoted string of SP and VCHAR without DQUOTE

ext-pred = <Extension constraint predicate, not defined here>

(Subject to constraints imposed by the protocol that carries a

feature predicate, whitespace characters may appear between any pair

of syntax elements or literals that appear on the right hand side of

these productions.)

As described, the syntax permits parameters (including quality

values) to be attached to any "filter" value in the predicate (not

just top-level values). Only top-level quality values are

recognized. If no explicit quality value is given, a value of '1.0'

is applied.

NOTE: The flexible approach to quality values and other parameter

values in this syntax has been adopted for two reasons: (a) to

make it easy to combine separately constructed feature predicates,

and (b) to provide an extensible tagging mechanism for possible

future use (for example, to incorporate a conceivable requirement

to explicitly specify a matching rule).

4.2 Interpretation of feature predicate syntax

A feature set predicate is described by the syntax production for '


4.2.1 Filter syntax

A 'filter' is defined as either a simple feature comparison ('item',

see below) or a composite filter ('and', 'or', 'not'), decorated with

optional parameter values (including "q=qvalue").

A composite filter is a logical combination of one or more 'filter'


(& f1 f2 ... fn ) is the logical-AND of the filter values 'f1',

'f2' up to 'fn'. That is, it is satisfied by

any feature collection that satisfies all of

the predicates represented by those filters.

( f1 f2 ... fn ) is the logical-OR of the filter values 'f1',

'f2' up to 'fn'. That is, it is satisfied by

any feature collection that satisfies at least

one of the predicates represented by those


(! f1 ) is the logical negation of the filter value

'f1'. That is, it is satusfied by any feature

collection that does NOT satisfy the predicate

represented by 'f1'.

4.2.2 Feature comparison

A feature comparison is defined by the 'simple' option of the syntax

production for 'item'. There are three basic forms:

(ftag=value) compares the feature named 'ftag' (in some

feature collection that is being tested) with

the supplied 'value', and matches if they are

equal. This can be used with any type of

feaure value (numeric, Boolean, token or


(ftag<=value) compares the numeric feature named 'ftag' with

the supplied 'value', and matches if the

feature is less than or equal to 'value'.

(ftag>=value) compares the numeric feature named 'ftag' with

the supplied 'value', and matches if the

feature is greater than or equal to 'value'.

Less-than and greater-than tests may be performed with feature values

that are not numeric but, in general, they amount to equality tests

as there is no ordering relation on non-numeric values defined by

this specification. Specific applications may define such ordering

relations on specific feature tags, but such definitions are beyond

the scope of (and not required for conformance to) this


4.2.3 Feature tags

Feature tags conform to the syntax given in "Media Feature Tag

Registration Procedure" [3]. Feature tags used to describe

capabilities should be registered using the procedures described in

that memo. Unregistered feature tags should be allocated in the "URI

tree", as discussed in the media feature registration procedures memo


If an unrecognized feature tag is encountered in the course of

feature set predicate processing, it should be still be processed as

a legitimate feature tag. The feature set matching rules are

designed to allow new feature tags to be introduced without affecting

the validity of existing capability assertions.

4.2.4 Feature values

A feature may have a number, Boolean, token or string value. Boolean values

A Boolean is simply a token with two predefined values: "TRUE" and

"FALSE". (Upper- or lower- case letters may be used in any

combination.) Numeric values

A numeric value is either a decimal integer, optionally preceded by a

"+" or "-" sign, or rational number.

A rational number is expressed as "n/m", optionally preceded by a "+"

or "-" sign. The "n" and "m" are unsigned decimal integers, and the

value represented by "n/m" is "n" divided by "m". Thus, the

following are all valid representations of the number 1.5:




Thus, several rational number forms may express the same value. A

canonical form of rational number is oBTained by finding the highest

common factor of "n" and "m", and dividing both "n" and "m" by that


A simple integer value may be used anywhere in place of a rational

number. Thus, we have:

+5 is equivalent to +5/1 or +50/10, etc.

-2 is equivalent to -2/1 or -4/2, etc.

Any sign in a rational number must precede the entire number, so the

following are not valid rational numbers:

3/+2, 15/-10 (**NOT VALID**) Token values

A token value is any sequence of letters, digits and '-' characters

that conforms to the syntax for 'token' given above. It is a name

that stands for some (unspecified) value. String values

A string value is any sequence of characters enclosed in double

quotes that conform to the syntax for 'string' given above.

The semantics of string defined by this memo are the same as those

for a token value. But a string allows a far greater variety of

internal formats, and specific applications may choose to interpret

the content in ways that go beyond those given here. Where such

interpretation is possible, the allowed string formats and the

corresponding interpretations should be indicated in the media

feature registration (per RFC2506 [3]).

4.2.5 Notational conveniences

The 'set' option of the syntax production for 'item' is simply a

shorthand notation for some common situations that can be expressed

using 'simple' constructs. Occurrences of 'set' items can eliminated

by applying the following identities:

T = [ E1, E2, ... En ] --> ( (T=[E1]) (T=[E2]) ... (T=[En]) )

(T=[R1..R2]) --> (& (T>=R1) (T<=R2) )

(T=[E]) --> (T=E)


The expression:

( paper-size=[A4,B4] )

can be used to express a capability to print documents on either A4

or B4 sized paper.

The expression:

( width=[4..17/2] )

might be used to express a capability to print documents that are

anywhere between 4 and 8.5 inches wide.

The set construct is designed so that enumerated values and ranges

can be combined in a single expression, e.g.:

( width=[3,4,6..17/2] )

4.3 Feature set definition example

The following is an example of a feature predicate that describes a

number of image size and resolution combinations, presuming the

registration and use of 'Pix-x', 'Pix-y', 'Res-x' and 'Res-y' feature


( (& (Pix-x=1024)


( (& (Res-x=150) (Res-y=150) )

(& (Res-x=150) (Res-y=300) )

(& (Res-x=300) (Res-y=300) )

(& (Res-x=300) (Res-y=600) )

(& (Res-x=600) (Res-y=600) ) ) )

(& (Pix-x=800)


( (& (Res-x=150) (Res-y=150) )

(& (Res-x=150) (Res-y=300) )

(& (Res-x=300) (Res-y=300) )

(& (Res-x=300) (Res-y=600) )

(& (Res-x=600) (Res-y=600) ) ) ) ;q=0.9

(& (Pix-x=640)


( (& (Res-x=150) (Res-y=150) )

(& (Res-x=150) (Res-y=300) )

(& (Res-x=300) (Res-y=300) )

(& (Res-x=300) (Res-y=600) )

(& (Res-x=600) (Res-y=600) ) ) ) ;q=0.8 )

5. Matching feature sets

This section presents a procedure for combining feature sets to

determine the common feature collections to which they refer, if

there are any. Making a selection from the possible feature

collections (based on q-values or otherwise) is not covered here.

Matching a feature set to some given feature collection is

essentially very straightforward: the feature set predicate is

simply evaluated for the given feature collection, and the result

(TRUE or FALSE) indicates whether the feature collection matches the

capabilities, and the associated quality value can be used for

selecting among alternative feature collections.

Matching a feature set to some other feature set is less

straightforward. Here, the problem is to determine whether or not

there is at least one feature collection that matches both feature

sets (e.g. is there an overlap between the feature capabilities of a

given file format and the feature capabilities of a given recipient?)

This feature set matching is accomplished by logical manipulation of

the predicate expressions as described in the following sub-sections.

For this procedure to work reliably, the predicates must be reduced

to a canonical form. The canonical form used here is "disjunctive

normal form". A syntax for disjunctive normal form is:

filter = orlist

orlist = "(" "" andlist ")" / term

andlist = "(" "&" termlist ")" / term

termlist = 1*term

term = "(" "!" simple ")" / simple

where "simple" is as described previously in section 4.1. Thus, the

canonicalized form has at most three levels: an outermost "(...)"

disjunction of "(&...)" conjunctions of possibly negated feature

value tests.

NOTE: The usual canonical form for predicate expressions is

"clausal form". Procedures for converting general predicate

expressions are given in [5] (section 10.2), [11] (section 2.13)

and [12] (section 5.3.2).

"Clausal form" for a predicate is similar to "conjunctive normal

form" for a proposition, being a conjunction (logical AND) of

disjunctions (logical ORs). The related form used here, better

suited to feature set matching, is "disjunctive normal form",

which is a logical disjunction (OR) of conjunctions (ANDs). In

this form, the aim of feature set matching is to show that at

least one of the disjunctions can be satisfied by some feature


Is this consideration of canonical forms really required? After

all, the feature predicates are just Boolean expressions, aren't

they? Well, no: a feature predicate is a Boolean expression

containing primitive feature value tests (comparisons),

represented by 'item' in the feature predicate syntax. If these

tests could all be assumed to be independently TRUE or FALSE, then

each could be regarded as an atomic proposition, and the whole

predicate could be dealt with according to the (relatively simple)

rules of Propositional Calculus.

But, in general, the same feature tag may appear in more than one

predicate 'item', so the tests cannot be regarded as independent.

Indeed, interdependence is needed in any meaningful application of

feature set matching, and it is important to capture these

dependencies (e.g. does the set of resolutions that a sender can

supply overlap the set of resolutions that a recipient can

handle?). Thus, we have to deal with elements of the Predicate

Calculus, with some additional rules for algebraic manipulation.

A description of both the Propositional and Predicate calculi can

be found in [12].

We aim to show that these additional rules are more unfamiliar

than complicated. The construction and use of feature predicates

actually avoids some of the complexity of dealing with fully-

generalized Predicate Calculus.

5.1 Feature set matching strategy

The overall strategy for matching feature sets, expanded below, is:

1. Formulate the feature set match hypothesis.

2. Replace "set" expressions with equivalent comparisons.

3. Move logical negations "inwards", so that they are all applied

directly to feature comparisons.

4. Eliminate logical negations, and express all feature comparisons

in terms of just four comparison operators

5. Reduce the hypothesis to canonical disjunctive normal form (a

disjunction of conjunctions).

6. For each of the conjunctions, attempt to show that it can be

satisfied by some feature collection.

6.1 Separate the feature value tests into independent feature

groups, such that each group contains tests involving just one

feature tag. Thus, no predicate in a feature group contains a

feature tag that also appears in some other group.

6.2 For each feature group, merge the various constraints to a

minimum form. This process either yields a reduced expression

for the allowable range of feature values, or an expression

containing the value FALSE, which is an indication that no

combination of feature values can satisfy the constraints (in

which case the corresponding conjunction can never be


7. If the remaining disjunction contains at least one satisfiable

conjunction, then the constraints are shown to be satisfiable.

The final expression obtained by this procedure, if it is non-empty,

can be used as a statement of the resulting feature set for possible

further matching operations. That is, it can be used as a starting

point for combining with additional feature set constraint predicate

to determine a feature set that is constrained by the capabilities of

several entities in a message transfer path.

NOTE: as presented, the feature matching process evaluates (and

stores) all conjunctions of the disjunctive normal form before

combining feature tag comparisons and eliminating unsatisfiable

conjunctions. For low-memory systems an alternative approach is

possible, in which each normal form conjunction is enumerated and

evaluated in turn, with only those that are satisfiable being

retained for further use.

5.2 Formulating the goal predicate

A formal statement of the problem we need to solve can be given as:

given two feature set predicates, '(P x)' and '(Q x)', where 'x' is

some feature collection, we wish to establish the truth or otherwise

of the proposition:

EXISTS(x) : (P x) AND (Q x)

i.e. does there exist a feature collection 'x' that satisfies both

predicates, 'P' and 'Q'?

Then, if feature sets to be matched are described by predicates 'P'

and 'Q', the problem is to determine if there is any feature set

satisfying the goal predicate:

(& P Q)

i.e. to determine whether the set thus described is non-empty.

5.3 Replace set expressions

Replace all "set" instances in the goal predicate with equivalent

"simple" forms:

T = [ E1, E2, ... En ] --> ( (T=[E1]) (T=[E2]) ... (T=[En]) )

(T=[R1..R2]) --> (& (T>=R1) (T<=R2) )

(T=[E]) --> (T=E)

5.4 Move logical negations inwards

The goal of this step is to move all logical negations so that they

are applied directly to feature comparisons. During the following

step, these logical negations are replaced by alternative comparison


This is achieved by repeated application of the following

transformation rules:

(! (& A1 A2 ... Am ) ) --> ( (! A1 ) (! A2 ) ... (! Am ) )

(! ( A1 A2 ... Am ) ) --> (& (! A1 ) (! A2 ) ... (! Am ) )

(! (! A ) ) --> A

The first two rules are extended forms of De Morgan's law, and the

third is elimination of double negatives.

5.5 Replace comparisons and logical negations

The predicates are derived from the syntax described previously, and

contain primitive value testing functions '=', '<=', '>='. The

primitive tests have a number of well known properties that are

exploited to reach a useful conclusion; e.g.

(A = B) & (B = C) => (A = C)

(A <= B) & (B <= C) => (A <= C)

These rules form a core body of logic statements against which the

goal predicate can be evaluated. The form in which these statements

are expressed is important to realizing an effective predicate

matching algorithm (i.e. one that doesn't loop or fail to find a

valid result). The first step in formulating these rules is to

simplify the framework of primitive predicates.

The primitive predicates from which feature set definitions are

constructed are '=', '<=' and '>='. Observe that, given any pair of

feature values, the relationship between them must be exactly one of

the following:

(LT a b): 'a' is less than 'b'.

(EQ a b): 'a' is equal to 'b'.

(GT a b): 'a' is greater than 'b'.

(NE a b): 'a' is not equal to 'b', and is not less than

or greater than 'b'.

(The final case arises when two values are compared for which no

ordering relationship is defined, and the values are not equal; e.g.

two unequal string values.)

These four cases can be captured by a pair of primitive predicates:

(LE a b): 'a' is less than or equal to 'b'.

(GE a b): 'a' is greater than or equal to 'b'.

The four cases described above are prepresented by the following

combinations of primitive predicate values:

(LE a b) (GE a b) relationship






Thus, the original 3 primitive tests can be translated to

combinations of just LE and GE, reducing the number of additional

relationships that must be subsequently captured:

(a <= b) --> (LE a b)

(a >= b) --> (GE a b)

(a = b) --> (& (LE a b) (GE a b) )

Further, logical negations of the original 3 primitive tests can be

eliminated by the introduction of 'not-greater' and 'not-less'


(NG a b) == (! (GE a b) )

(NL a b) == (! (LE a b) )

using the following transformation rules:

(! (a = b) ) --> ( (NL a b) (NG a b) )

(! (a <= b) ) --> (NL a b)

(! (a >= b) ) --> (NG a b)

Thus, we have rules to transform all comparisons and logical

negations into combinations of just 4 relational operators.

5.6 Conversion to canonical form

NOTE: Logical negations have been eliminated in the previous step.

Expand bracketed disjunctions, and flatten bracketed conjunctions and


(& ( A1 A2 ... Am ) B1 B2 ... Bn )

--> ( (& A1 B1 B2 ... Bn )

(& A2 B1 B2 ... Bn )


(& Am B1 B2 ... Bn ) )

(& (& A1 A2 ... Am ) B1 B2 ... Bn )

--> (& A1 A2 ... Am B1 B2 ... Bn )

( ( A1 A2 ... Am ) B1 B2 ... Bn )

--> ( A1 A2 ... Am B1 B2 ... Bn )

The result is in "disjunctive normal form", a disjunction of


( (& S11 S12 ... )

(& S21 S22 ... )


(& Sm1 Sm2 ... Smn ) )

where the "Sij" elements are simple feature comparison forms

constructed during the step at section 5.5. Each term within the

top-level "(...)" construct represents a single possible feature set

that satisfies the goal. Note that the order of entries within the

top-level '(...)', and within each '(&...)', is immaterial.

From here on, each conjunction '(&...)' is processed separately.

Only one of these needs to be satisfiable for the original goal to be


(A textbook conversion to clausal form [5,11] uses slightly different

rules to yield a "conjunctive normal form".)

5.7 Grouping of feature predicates

NOTE: Remember that from here on, each conjunction is treated


Each simple feature predicate contains a "left-hand" feature tag and

a "right-hand" feature value with which it is compared.

To arrange these into independent groups, simple predicates are

grouped according to their left hand feature tag ('f').

5.8 Merge single-feature constraints

Within each group, apply the predicate simplification rules given

below to eliminate redundant single-feature constraints. All

single-feature predicates are reduced to an equality or range

constraint on that feature, possibly combined with a number of non-

equality statements.

If the constraints on any feature are found to be contradictory (i.e.

resolved to FALSE according to the applied rules), the containing

conjunction is not satisfiable and may be discarded. Otherwise, the

resulting description is a minimal form of that particular

conjunction of the feature set definition.

5.8.1 Rules for simplifying ordered values

These rules are applicable where there is an ordering relationship

between the given values 'a' and 'b':

(LE f a) (LE f b) --> (LE f a), a<=b

(LE f b), otherwise

(LE f a) (GE f b) --> FALSE, a<b

(LE f a) (NL f b) --> FALSE, a<=b

(LE f a) (NG f b) --> (LE f a), a<b

(NG f b), otherwise

(GE f a) (GE f b) --> (GE f a), a>=b

(GE f b), otherwise

(GE f a) (NL f b) --> (GE f a) a>b

(NL f b), otherwise

(GE f a) (NG f b) --> FALSE, a>=b

(NL f a) (NL f b) --> (NL f a), a>=b

(NL f b), otherwise

(NL f a) (NG f b) --> FALSE, a>=b

(NG f a) (NG f b) --> (NG f a), a<=b

(NG f b), otherwise

5.8.2 Rules for simplifying unordered values

These rules are applicable where there is no ordering relationship

applicable to the given values 'a' and 'b':

(LE f a) (LE f b) --> (LE f a), a=b

FALSE, otherwise

(LE f a) (GE f b) --> FALSE, a!=b

(LE f a) (NL f b) --> (LE f a) a!=b

FALSE, otherwise

(LE f a) (NG f b) --> (LE f a), a!=b

FALSE, otherwise

(GE f a) (GE f b) --> (GE f a), a=b

FALSE, otherwise

(GE f a) (NL f b) --> (GE f a) a!=b

FALSE, otherwise

(GE f a) (NG f b) --> (GE f a) a!=b

FALSE, otherwise

(NL f a) (NL f b) --> (NL f a), a=b

(NL f a) (NG f b) --> (NL f a), a=b

(NG f a) (NG f b) --> (NG f a), a=b

6. Other features and issues

6.1 Named and auxiliary predicates

Named and auxiliary predicates can serve two purposes:

(a) making complex predicates easier to write and understand, and

(b) providing a possible basis for naming and registering feature


6.1.1 Defining a named predicate

A named predicate definition has the following form:

named-pred = "(" fname *pname ")" ":-" filter

fname = ftag ; Feature predicate name

pname = token ; Formal parameter name

'fname' is the name of the predicate.

'pname' is the name of a formal parameter which may appear in the

predicate body, and which is replaced by some supplied value when the

predicate is invoked.

'filter' is the predicate body. It may contain references to the

formal parameters, and may also contain references to feature tags

and other values defined in the environment in which the predicate is

invoked. References to formal parameters may appear anywhere where a

reference to a feature tag ('ftag') is permitted by the syntax for '


The only specific mechanism defined by this memo for introducing a

named predicate into a feature set definition is the "auxiliary

predicate" described later. Specific negotiating protocols or other

specifications may define other mechanisms.

NOTE: There has been some suggestion of creating a registry for

feature sets as well as individual feature values. Such a

registry might be used to introduce named predicates corresponding

to these feature sets into the environment of a capability

assertion. Further discussion of this idea is beyond the scope of

this memo.

6.1.2 Invoking named predicates

Assuming a named predicate has been introduced into the environment

of some other predicate, it can be invoked by a filter 'ext-pred' of

the form:

ext-pred = fname *param

param = expr

The number of parameters must match the definition of the named

predicate that is invoked.

6.1.3 Auxiliary predicates in a filter

A auxiliary predicate is attached to a filter definition by the

following extension to the "filter" syntax:

filter =/ "(" filtercomp *( ";" parameter ) ")"

"where" 1*( named-pred ) "end"

The named predicates introduced by "named-pred" are visible from the

body of the "filtercomp" of the filter to which they are attached,

but are not visible from each other. They all have Access to the

same environment as "filter", plus their own formal parameters.

(Normal scoping rules apply: a formal parameter with the same name as

a value in the environment of "filter" effectively hides the

environment value from the body of the predicate to which it


NOTE: Recursive predicates are not permitted. The scoping rules

should ensure this.

6.1.4 Feature matching with named predicates

The preceding procedures can be extended to deal with named

predicates simply by instantiating (i.e. substituting) the predicates

wherever they are invoked, before performing the conversion to

disjunctive normal form. In the absence of recursive predicates,

this procedure is guaranteed to terminate.

When substituting the body of a precdicate at its point of

invocation, instances of formal parameters within the predicate body

must be replaced by the corresponding actual parameter from the point

of invocation.

6.1.5 Example

This example restates that given in section 4.3 using an auxiliary

predicate named 'Res':

( (& (Pix-x=1024) (Pix-y=768) (Res Res-x Res-y) )

(& (Pix-x=800) (Pix-y=600) (Res Res-x Res-y) );q=0.9

(& (Pix-x=640) (Pix-y=480) (Res Res-x Res-y) );q=0.8 )


(Res Res-x Res-y) :-

( (& (Res-x=150) (Res-y=150) )

(& (Res-x=150) (Res-y=300) )

(& (Res-x=300) (Res-y=300) )

(& (Res-x=300) (Res-y=600) )

(& (Res-x=600) (Res-y=600) ) )


Note that the formal parameters of "Res", "Res-x" and "Res-y",

prevent the body of the named predicate from referencing similarly-

named feature values.

6.2 Unit designations

In some exceptional cases, there may be differing conventions for the

units of measurement of a given feature. For example, resolution is

commonly expressed as dots per inch (dpi) or dots per centimetre

(dpcm) in different applications (e.g. printing vs faxing).

In such cases, a unit designator may be appended to a feature value

according to the conventions indicated below (see also [3]). These

considerations apply only to features with numeric values.

Every feature tag has a standard unit of measurement. Any expression

of a feature value that uses this unit is given without a unit

designation -- this is the normal case. When the feature value is

expressed in some other unit, a unit designator is appended to the

numeric feature value.

The registration of a feature tag indicates the standard unit of

measurement for a feature, and also any alternate units and

corresponding unit designators that may be used, according to RFC

2506 [3].

Thus, if the standard unit of measure for resolution is 'dpcm', then

the feature predicate '(res=200)' would be used to indicate a

resolution of 200 dots-per-centimetre, and '(res=72dpi)' might be

used to indicate 72 dots-per-inch.

Unit designators are accommodated by the following extension to the

feature predicate syntax:

fvalue =/ number *WSP token

When performing feature set matching, feature comparisons with and

without unit designators, or feature comparisons with different unit

designators, are treated as if they were different features. Thus,

the feature predicate '(res=200)' would not, in general, fail to

match with the predicate '(res=200dpi)'.

NOTE: A protocol processor with specific knowledge of the feature

and units concerned might recognize the relationship between the

feature predicates in the above example, and fail to match these


This appears to be a natural behaviour in this simple example, but

can cause additional complexity in more general cases.

Accordingly, this is not considered to be required or normal

behaviour. It is presumed that an application concerned will

ensure consistent feature processing by adopting a consistent unit

for any given feature.

6.3 Unknown feature value data types

This memo has dealt with feature values that have well-understood

comparison properties: numbers, with equality, less-than, greater-

than relationships, and other values with equality relationships


Some feature values may have comparison operations that are not

covered by this framework. For example, strings containing multi-

part version numbers: "x.y.z". Such feature comparisons are not

covered by this memo.

Specific applications may recognize and process feature tags that are

associated with such values. Future work may define ways to

introduce new feature value data types in a way that allows them to

be used by applications that do not contain built-in knowledge of

their properties.

7. Examples and additional comments

7.1 Worked example

This example considers sending a document to a high-end black-and-

white fax system with the following receiver capabilities:

(& (dpi=[200,300])

(grey=2) (color=0)

(image-coding=[MH,MR]) )

Turning to the document itself, assume it is available to the sender

in three possible formats, A4 high resolution, B4 low resolution and

A4 high resolution colour, described by:

(& (dpi=300)


(image-coding=MR) )

(& (dpi=200)


(image-coding=[MH,MMR]) )

(& (dpi=300) (dpi-xyratio=1)


(image-coding=JPEG) )

These three image formats can be combined into a composite capability

statement by a logical-OR operation (to describe format-1 OR format-2

OR format-3):

( (& (dpi=300)


(image-coding=MR) )

(& (dpi=200)


(image-coding=[MH,MMR]) )

(& (dpi=300)


(image-coding=JPEG) ) )

The composite document description can be matched with the receiver

capability description by combining the capability descriptions with

a logical AND operation:

(& (& (dpi=[200,300])

(grey=2) (color=0)

(image-coding=[MH,MR]) )

( (& (dpi=300)


(image-coding=MR) )

(& (dpi=200)


(image-coding=[MH,MMR]) )

(& (dpi=300)


(image-coding=JPEG) ) ) )

--> Expand value-set notation:

(& (& ( (dpi=200) (dpi=300) )

(grey=2) (color=0)

( (image-coding=MH) (image-coding=MR) ) )

( (& (dpi=300)


(image-coding=MR) )

(& (dpi=200)


( (image-coding=MH) (image-coding=MMR) ) )

(& (dpi=300)


(image-coding=JPEG) ) ) )

--> Flatten nested '(&...)':

(& ( (dpi=200) (dpi=300) )

(grey=2) (color=0)

( (image-coding=MH) (image-coding=MR) )

( (& (dpi=300)


(image-coding=MR) )

(& (dpi=200)


( (image-coding=MH) (image-coding=MMR) ) )

(& (dpi=300)


(image-coding=JPEG) ) ) )

--> (distribute '(&...)' over inner '(...)'):

(& ( (dpi=200) (dpi=300) )

(grey=2) (color=0)

( (image-coding=MH) (image-coding=MR) )

( (& (dpi=300) (grey=2) (image-coding=MR) )

(& (dpi=200) (grey=2) (image-coding=MH) )

(& (dpi=200) (grey=2) (image-coding=MMR) )

(& (dpi=300) (color<=256) (image-coding=JPEG) ) ) )

--> continue to distribute '(&...)' over '(...)', and flattening

nested '(&...)' and '(...)' ...:

( (& (dpi=200) (grey=2) (color=0) (image-coding=MH)

( (& (dpi=300) (grey=2) (image-coding=MR) )

(& (dpi=200) (grey=2) (image-coding=MH) )

(& (dpi=200) (grey=2) (image-coding=MMR) )

(& (dpi=300) (color<=256) (image-coding=JPEG) ) ) )

(& (dpi=200) (grey=2) (color=0) (image-coding=MR)

( (& (dpi=300) (grey=2) (image-coding=MR) )

(& (dpi=200) (grey=2) (image-coding=MH) )

(& (dpi=200) (grey=2) (image-coding=MMR) )

(& (dpi=300) (color<=256) (image-coding=JPEG) ) ) )

(& (dpi=300) (grey=2) (color=0) (image-coding=MH)

( (& (dpi=300) (grey=2) (image-coding=MR) )

(& (dpi=200) (grey=2) (image-coding=MH) )

(& (dpi=200) (grey=2) (image-coding=MMR) )

(& (dpi=300) (color<=256) (image-coding=JPEG) ) ) )

(& (dpi=300) (grey=2) (color=0) (image-coding=MR)

( (& (dpi=300) (grey=2) (image-coding=MR) )

(& (dpi=200) (grey=2) (image-coding=MH) )

(& (dpi=200) (grey=2) (image-coding=MMR) )

(& (dpi=300) (color<=256) (image-coding=JPEG) ) ) ) )

--> ... until normal form is achieved:

( (& (dpi=200) (grey=2) (color=0) (image-coding=MH)

(dpi=300) (grey=2) (image-coding=MR) )

(& (dpi=200) (grey=2) (color=0) (image-coding=MR)

(dpi=300) (grey=2) (image-coding=MR) )

(& (dpi=300) (grey=2) (color=0) (image-coding=MH)

(dpi=300) (grey=2) (image-coding=MR) )

(& (dpi=300) (grey=2) (color=0) (image-coding=MR)

(dpi=300) (grey=2) (image-coding=MR) )

(& (dpi=200) (grey=2) (color=0) (image-coding=MH)

(dpi=200) (grey=2) (image-coding=MH) )

(& (dpi=200) (grey=2) (color=0) (image-coding=MR)

(dpi=200) (grey=2) (image-coding=MH) )

(& (dpi=300) (grey=2) (color=0) (image-coding=MH)

(dpi=200) (grey=2) (image-coding=MH) )

(& (dpi=300) (grey=2) (color=0) (image-coding=MR)

(dpi=200) (grey=2) (image-coding=MH) )

(& (dpi=200) (grey=2) (color=0) (image-coding=MH)

(dpi=200) (grey=2) (image-coding=MMR) )

(& (dpi=200) (grey=2) (color=0) (image-coding=MR)

(dpi=200) (grey=2) (image-coding=MMR) )

(& (dpi=300) (grey=2) (color=0) (image-coding=MH)

(dpi=200) (grey=2) (image-coding=MMR) )

(& (dpi=300) (grey=2) (color=0) (image-coding=MR)

(dpi=200) (grey=2) (image-coding=MMR) )

(& (dpi=200) (grey=2) (color=0) (image-coding=MH)

(dpi=300) (color<=256) (image-coding=JPEG) ) ) )

(& (dpi=200) (grey=2) (color=0) (image-coding=MR)

(dpi=300) (color<=256) (image-coding=JPEG) ) ) )

(& (dpi=300) (grey=2) (color=0) (image-coding=MH)

(dpi=300) (color<=256) (image-coding=JPEG) ) ) )

(& (dpi=300) (grey=2) (color=0) (image-coding=MR)

(dpi=300) (color<=256) (image-coding=JPEG) ) )

--> Group terms in each conjunction by feature tag:

( (& (dpi=200) (dpi=300) (grey=2) (grey=2) (color=0)

(image-coding=MH) (image-coding=MR) )

(& (dpi=200) (dpi=300) (grey=2) (grey=2) (color=0)

(image-coding=MR) (image-coding=MR) )




(& (dpi=300) (dpi=300) (grey=2) (color=0) (color<=256)

(image-coding=MR) (image-coding=JPEG) ) )

--> Combine feature tag comparisons and eliminate unsatisfiable


( (& (dpi=300) (grey=2) (color=0) (image-coding=MR) )

(& (dpi=200) (grey=2) (color=0) (image-coding=MH) ) )

Thus, we see that this combination of sender and receiver options can

transfer a bi-level image, either at 300dpi using MR coding, or at

200dpi using MH coding.

Points to note about the feature matching process:

o The colour document option is eliminated because the receiver

cannot handle either colour (indicated by '(color=0)') or JPEG


o The high resolution version of the document with '(dpi=300)'

must be sent using '(image-coding=MR)' because this is the only

available coding of the image data that the receiver can use

for high resolution documents. (The available 300dpi document

codings here are MMR and MH, and the receiver capabilities are

MH and MR.)

7.2 A note on feature tag scoping

This section contains some additional commentary on the

interpretation of feture set predicates. It does not extend or

modify what has been described previously. Rather, it attempts to

clarify an area of possible misunderstanding.

The essential fact that needs to be established here is:

Within a given feature collection, each feature tag may have only

one value.

This idea is explained below in the context of using the media

feature framework to describe the characteristics of transmitted

image data.

In this context, we have the requirement that any feature tag value

must apply to the entire image, and cannot have different values for

different parts of an image. This is a consequence of the way that

the framework of feature predicates is used to describe different

possible images, such as the different images that can be rendered by

a given recipient.

This idea is illustrated here using an example of a flawed feature

set description based on the TIFF image format defined for use by

Internet fax [13]:

(& (& (MRC-mode=1) (stripe-size=256) )

( (& (image-coding=JBIG-2-LEVEL) (stripe-size=128) )

(image-coding=[MH,MR,MMR]) ) )

This example is revealing because the 'stripe-size' attribute is

applied differently to different attributes on an MRC-formatted data:

it can be applied to the MRC format as a whole, and it can be applied

separately to a JBIG image that may appear as part of the MRC data.

One might imagine that this example describes a stripe size of 256

when applied to the MRC image format, and a separate stripe size of

128 when applied to a JBIG-2-LEVEL coded image within the MRC-

formatted data. But it doesn't work that way: the predicates used

obey the normal laws of Boolean logic, and would be transformed as


--> [flatten nested (&...)]:

(& (MRC-mode=1) (stripe-size=256)

( (& (image-coding=JBIG-2-LEVEL) (stripe-size=128) )

(image-coding=[MH,MR,MMR]) ) )

--> [Distribute (&...) over (...)]:

( (& (MRC-mode=1) (stripe-size=256)

(& (image-coding=JBIG-2-LEVEL) (stripe-size=128) ) )

(& (MRC-mode=1) (stripe-size=[0..256])

(image-coding=[MH,MR,MMR]) ) )

--> [Flatten nested (&...) and group feature tags]:

( (& (MRC-mode=1)



(image-coding=JBIG-2-LEVEL) )

(& (MRC-mode=1)


(image-coding=[MH,MR,MMR]) ) )

Examination of this final expression shows that it requires both '

stripe-size=128' and 'stripe-size=256' within the same conjunction.

This is manifestly false, so the entire conjunction must be false,

reducing the entire predicate expression to:

(& (MRC-mode=1)


(image-coding=[MH,MR,MMR]) ) )

This indicates that no MRC formatted data containing a JBIG-2-LEVEL

coded image is permitted within the feature set, which is not what

was intended in this case.

The only way to avoid this in situations when a given characteristic

has different constraints in different parts of a resource is to use

separate feature tags. In this example, 'MRC-stripe-size' and '

JBIG-stripe-size' could be used to capture the intent:

(& (& (MRC-mode=1) (MRC-stripe-size=256) )

( (& (image-coding=JBIG-2-LEVEL) (JBIG-stripe-size=128) )

(image-coding=[MH,MR,MMR]) ) )

which would reduce to:

( (& (MRC-mode=1)



(image-coding=JBIG-2-LEVEL) )

(& (MRC-mode=1)


(image-coding=[MH,MR,MMR]) ) )

The property of the capability description framework explicated above

is captured by the idea of a "feature collection" which (in this

context) describes the feature values that apply to a single

resource. Within a feature collection, each feature tag may have no

more than one value.

The characteristics of an image sender or receiver are described by a

"Feature set", which is formally a set of feature collections. Here,

the feature set predicate is applied to some image feature collection

to determine whether or not it belongs to the set that can be handled

by an image receiver.

8. Security Considerations

Some security considerations for content negotiation are raised in


The following are primary security concerns for capability

identification mechanisms:

o Unintentional disclosure of private information through the

announcement of capabilities or user preferences.

o Disruption to system operation caused by accidental or

malicious provision of incorrect capability information.

o Use of a capability identification mechanism might be used to

probe a network (e.g. by identifying specific hosts used, and

exploiting their known weaknesses).

The most contentious security concerns are raised by mechanisms which

automatically send capability identification data in response to a

query from some unknown system. Use of directory services (based on

LDAP [7], etc.) seem to be less problematic because proper

authentication mechanisms are available.

Mechanisms that provide capability information when sending a message

are less contentious, presumably because some intention can be

inferred that person whose details are disclosed wishes to

communicate with the recipient of those details. This does not,

however, solve problems of spoofed supply of incorrect capability


The use of format converting gateways may prove problematic because

such systems would tend to defeat any message integrity and

authenticity checking mechanisms that are employed.

9. Acknowledgements

Thanks are due to Larry Masinter for demonstrating the breadth of the

media feature issue, and encouraging the development of some early


Many of the ideas presented derive from the "Transparent Content

Negotiation in HTTP" work of Koen Holtman and Andy Mutz [4].

Early discussions of ideas with the IETF HTTP and FAX working groups

led to further useful inputs from Koen Holtman, Ted Hardie and Dan

Wing. The debate later moved to the IETF 'conneg' working group,

where Al Gilman and Koen Holtman were particularly helpful in

refining the feature set algebra. Ideas for dealing with preferences

and specific units were suggested by Larry Masinter.

This work was supported by Content Technologies Ltd and 5th

Generation Messaging Ltd.

10. References

[1] Hardie, T., "Scenarios for the Delivery of Negotiated Content",

Work in Progress.

[2] Klyne, G., "Requirements for protocol-independent content

negotiation", Work in Progress.

[3] Holtman, K., Mutz, A., and T. Hardie, "Media Feature Tag

Registration Procedure", BCP 31, RFC2506, March 1999.

[4] Holtman, K. and A. Mutz, "Transparent Content Negotiation in

HTTP", RFC2295, March 1998.

[5] "Programming in Prolog" (2nd edition), W. F. Clocksin and C. S.

Mellish, Springer Verlag, ISBN 3-540-15011-0 / 0-387-15011-0,


[6] Masinter, L., Holtman, K., Mutz, A., and D. Wing, "Media

Features for Display, Print, and Fax", RFC2534, March 1999.

[7] Wahl, M., Howes, T. and S. Kille, "Lightweight Directory Access

Protocol (v3)", RFC2251, December 1997.

[8] Howes, T., "The String Representation of LDAP Search Filters",

RFC2254, December 1997.

[9] Fielding, R., Gettys, J., Mogul, J., Frytyk, H. and T. Berners-

Lee, "Hyptertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1", RFC2068,

January 1997.

[10] Crocker, D., Editor, and P. Overell, "Augmented BNF for Syntax

Specifications: ABNF", RFC2234, November 1997.

[11] "Logic, Algebra and Databases", Peter Gray, Ellis Horwood

Series: Computers and their Applications, ISBN 0-85312-709-3/0-

85312-803-3 (Ellis Horwood Ltd), ISBN 0-470-20103-7/0-470-

20259-9 (Halstead Press), 1984.

[12] "Logic and its Applications", Edmund Burk and Eric Foxley,

Prentice Hall, Series in computer science, ISBN 0-13-030263-5,


[13] McIntyre, L., Buckley, R., Venable, D., Zilles, S., Parsons, G.

and J. Rafferty, "File Format for Internet Fax", RFC2301, March


[14] Apache content negotiation algorithm,


11. Author's Address

Graham Klyne

Content Technologies Ltd. 5th Generation Messaging Ltd.

Forum 1 5 Watlington Street

Station Road Nettlebed

Theale Henley-on-Thames

Reading, RG7 4RA RG9 5AB

United Kingdom United Kingdom.

Phone: +44 118 930 1300 +44 1491 641 641

Facsimile: +44 118 930 1301 +44 1491 641 611


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and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


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