
RFC2564 - Application Management MIB

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

Network Working Group C. Kalbfleisch

Request for Comments: 2564 Verio, Inc.

Category: Standards Track C. Krupczak

Empire Technologies, Inc.

R. Presuhn

BMC Software, Inc.

J. Saperia

IronBridge Networks

May 1999

Application Management MIB

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999). All Rights Reserved.


This memo defines a standards track portion of the Management

Information Base (MIB) for use with network management protocols in

the Internet Community. In particular, it defines objects used for

the management of applications. This MIB complements the System

Application MIB, providing for the management of applications' common

attributes which could not typically be observed without the

cooperation of the software being managed.

Table of Contents

1. IntrodUCtion and Overview ................................... 2

2. The SNMP Management Framework ............................... 4

3. Architecture ................................................ 5

3.1. Relationships to other MIBs ............................... 5

3.1.1. Relationship to the System Application MIB .............. 5

3.1.2. Relationship to the Host Resources MIB .................. 6

3.1.3. Relationship to NSM ..................................... 6

4. MIB Structure ............................................... 6

4.1. The service-level tables .................................. 8

4.1.1. The service name to service instance table .............. 8

4.1.2. The service instance to service name table .............. 9

4.1.3. The service instance to running application element table 9

4.1.4. The running application element to service instance table 9

4.2. The I/O channel group ..................................... 9

4.2.1. The open channels table ................................. 10

4.2.2. The open files table .................................... 10

4.2.3. The open connections table .............................. 11

4.2.4. The transaction stream summary table .................... 12

4.2.5. The transaction flow statistics table ................... 13

4.2.6. The transaction kind statistics table ................... 13

4.3. The former channel group .................................. 13

4.3.1. The former channel control table ........................ 14

4.3.2. The former channel table ................................ 14

4.3.3. The former connection table ............................. 14

4.3.4. The former file table ................................... 14

4.3.5. The transaction history tables .......................... 14

4.4. The running element status and control group .............. 15

4.4.1. The running application element status table ............ 15

4.4.2. The running application element control table ........... 15

5. Definitions ................................................. 16

6. Implementation Issues ....................................... 80

7. Intellectual Property ....................................... 80

8. Acknowledgements ............................................ 81

9. Security Considerations ..................................... 81

10. References ................................................. 82

11. Authors' Addresses ......................................... 84

12. Full Copyright Statement ................................... 86

1. Introduction and Overview

This document furthers the work begun in the systems application MIB


The development of the "Host Resources MIB" [10], "Network Services

Monitoring MIB" [23], "Mail Monitoring MIB" [24], "Relational

Database Management System (RDBMS) Management Information Base (MIB)

using SMIv2" [12], "Entity MIB using SMIv2" [20], and "Applicability

of Standards Track MIBs to Management of World Wide Web Servers" [21]

provides us with a base of eXPerience in making a variety of

applications visible to management; this specification abstracts out

the common ASPects of applications management and provides a generic

base usable for the management of almost any application.



document are to be interpreted as described in RFC2119 [22].

Due to the design decision to not require application

instrumentation, many important topics were not handled in system

application MIB [31]. The following topics are within the scope of

this document:

- Support for generic application throughput measurements;

- Providing MIB definitions that allow managed entities to

report what they considered to be units of work;

- Providing support for generic application response time

monitoring capabilities; (Note that APIs for this purpose

have already been developed, an example of such an API is to

be found in the "Application Response Measurement (ARM) API

Guide, Version 2" [1].)

- Provide explicit support for the management of applications

distributed within a single managed system ("local"


- Address generic resource management issues, including:

- files in use;

- I/O statistics (from the application's perspective,

not at the operating system or device driver level);

- application-layer networking resource usage

- Facilities for the control of applications, including:

- Stopping application elements

- Suspending and resuming application elements;

- Requesting reconfiguration (e.g., SIGHUP).

Note that these issues are addressed at least in part by other (non-

IETF) standards work, including "ITU-T Recommendation X.744 ISO/IEC

IS 10164-18:1996" [3] and "IEEE P1387.2, POSIX System Administration

- Part 2: Software Administration" [2].

2. The SNMP Management Framework

The SNMP Management Framework presently consists of five major


An overall architecture, described in RFC2571 [26].

Mechanisms for describing and naming objects and events for the

purpose of management. The first version of this Structure of

Management Information (SMI) is called SMIv1 and described in STD

16, RFC1155 [4], STD 16, RFC1212 [6] and RFC1215 [7]. The

second version, called SMIv2, is described in STD 58, RFC2578

[15], RFC2579 [16] and RFC2580 [17].

Message protocols for transferring management information. The

first version of the SNMP message protocol is called SNMPv1 and

described in STD 15, RFC1157 [5]. A second version of the SNMP

message protocol, which is not an Internet standards track

protocol, is called SNMPv2c and described in RFC1901 [14] and RFC

1906 [19]. The third version of the message protocol is called

SNMPv3 and described in RFC1906 [19], RFC2572 [27] and RFC2574


Protocol operations for Accessing management information. The

first set of protocol operations and associated PDU formats is

described in STD 15, RFC1157 [5]. A second set of protocol

operations and associated PDU formats is described in RFC1905


A set of fundamental applications described in RFC2573 [28] and

the view-based access control mechanism described in RFC2575 [30].

Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store, termed

the Management Information Base or MIB. Objects in the MIB are

defined using the mechanisms defined in the SMI.

This memo specifies a MIB module that is compliant to the SMIv2. A

MIB conforming to the SMIv1 can be produced through the appropriate

translations. The resulting translated MIB must be semantically

equivalent, except where objects or events are omitted because no

translation is possible (use of Counter64). Some machine readable

information in SMIv2 will be converted into textual descriptions in

SMIv1 during the translation process. However, this loss of machine

readable information is not considered to change the semantics of the


3. Architecture

Object-oriented modeling techniques like subclassing and multiple

inheritance can be emulated in the SNMP information model through the

use of tables with common indexes.

The challenge for the developer of management applications is to

recognize those situations in which various aspects of a single

logical resource are represented in several different tables,

possibly defined in different MIBs.

Most of the management information defined here may pertain to any

number of applications in a managed system. The simplest way of

supporting this requirement within the SNMP information model is to

use tables. This means that the management information for a

particular resource may be found in one or more rows of one or more

tables; the fact that this information pertains to a single resource

may be inferred from the index values used, possibly with the support

of mapping tables. This also means that a single table may contain

management information relevant to a number of applications. This

has significant implementation implications; see the implementation

issues section below for more information.

3.1. Relationships to other MIBs

This section outlines the relationships of the components of this MIB

(usually in the form of common indexing structures) to:

- the systems applications MIB [31]

- the host resources MIB [10]

- the network services monitoring MIB [23]

3.1.1. Relationship to the System Application MIB

The system application MIB defines attributes for management of

applications which can be realized without instrumenting the

application itself. This specification extends that framework to

include additional attributes which will typically require

instrumentation within the managed resource. The sysApplRunElmtIndex

is the key connection between these two MIBs; it is essential that

implementations of this MIB and of the system applications MIB

running concurrently on a given platform employ a consistent policy

for assigning this value to identify running application elements.

3.1.2. Relationship to the Host Resources MIB

The Host Resources MIB [10] supplies information on the hardware,

operating system, installed and running software on a host.

The Host Resources MIB has three hardware groups ("hrSystem",

"hrStorage" and "hrDevice") and three software groups ("hrSWRun",

"hrSWRunPerf" and "hrSWInstalled"). Of these, the software groups

are of greatest significance to this MIB.

The software groups define management information on the software

used in the system. The information provided is grouped into (1) the

currently running, (2) the performance and (3) the installed


The index "hrSWRunIndex" used in the "hrSWRunTable" and other tables

to identify running software by process identifier (or equivalent)

relates information in the Host Resources MIB to information in the

System Applications MIB and this MIB. It is essential that the values

assigned to hrSWRunIndex from the Host Resources MIB be consistent

with the values used for sysApplRunElmtIndex.

3.1.3. Relationship to NSM

The Network Services Monitoring MIB [23] is defined as the base set

of attributes for managing network applications. The Application MIB

includes information normally oBTainable only from the managed

resource itself, rather than the supporting system. Due to

differences in index representation, the relationship between the

Network Services Monitoring MIB and the Application MIB is not

formally defined.

4. MIB Structure

This MIB is organized into several groups, which in turn are

organized into tables to provide the monitoring and control of

information relevant to the management of applications. The groups


- the service-level view of applications

- information on open channels (files, connections,

transaction streams) in use by applications

- historical information on former channels

- process-level status and control information

These groups are organized into various tables. Information for a

particular running managed application appears in the form of entries

in the appropriate tables. The tables are:

- the tables providing a service-level view, including:

- the service name to service instance table

- the service instance to service name table

- the service instance to running application element


- the running application element to service instance


- the tables providing information on I/O channels, including:

- the table of open channels

- the table of open files

- the open connections table

- the transaction statistics tables

- historical information on I/O channels

- the running application element status and control group

- the running application element status table

- the running application element control table

In order to support SNMPv1, SNMPv2, and SNMPv3 environments, in cases

where counter objects may potentially advance very rapidly, where

sixty-four bit counters have been used thirty-two bit counters

reporting the low-order thirty-two bits of the value have also been


Since rows in most of these tables will come and go with the running

application elements whose information is contained in them,

sysUpTime.0 is not appropriate as a discontinuity indicator for

counters in these tables. By defining separate discontinuity

indicators for the rows in these tables, entries can come and go as

needed without causing other objects to appear to have

discontinuities. As required by [15], the discontinuity indicators

for the various information objects in these tables are identified in

the relevant DESCRIPTION clauses. Note that a discontinuity in one

of these counters does not imply a sysUpTime.0 discontinuity, nor

does a sysUpTime.0 discontinuity imply a discontinuity in any of

these counters.

4.1. The service-level tables

The service-level tables permit the identification of one or more

instances of named services on a system, and the association of

running application elements to these services.

Service names are represented as human-readable strings, using values

assigned by IANA where possible. The allocation of unique values for

service instance identifiers is a local administrative issue; the

values allocated must be constant for the lifetime of the service

instance, and re-use of values should be avoided.

It is important to understand that a service is not the same thing as

a protocol. Rather, some services may be at least partially

described by the protocol(s) used to provide that service.

In deciding what should or should not be considered a service, the

following factors merit consideration:

- is there an identifiable set of resources associated with

providing this service?

- is there a reasonably long-lived server or client process?

Following this reasoning, one can see where SMTP and HTTP service

providers would be good candidates for classification as services for

purposes of application management, where finger probably would not.

Of course, implementors of this MIB are free to define additional

services. An applicability statement may be an appropriate vehicle

for standardizing how a specific service's information is reported

using this MIB.

4.1.1. The service name to service instance table

The service name to service instance table uses the service name as

its primary key, and the service instance identifier as its secondary

key. It facilitates the identification and lookup of the instances

of a given service in a system.

4.1.2. The service instance to service name table

The service instance to service name table uses the service instance

identifier as its primary key, and the service name as its secondary

key. Given a service instance identifier, it facilitates the lookup

of the name of the service being provided.

4.1.3. The service instance to running application element table

The service instance to running application element table uses the

service instance identifier as its primary key, and the running

application element index as its secondary key. This facilitates the

identification of the set of running application elements providing a

given instance of a service.

4.1.4. The running application element to service instance table

The running application element to service instance table uses the

running application element index as its primary key and the service

instance identifier as its secondary key. It identifies the set of

services provided by a given running application element.

4.2. The I/O channel group

Information processed by an application can be modeled using the

concept of a channel. Two kinds of channels, for example, are files

and network connections.



+---------+ /+-------+

+-------------+ Generic /

transaction ---- I/O -------<

stream Channel \ +------------+

+-------------+ +---------+ \ open or

\ listening



For each entry in the open channel table, there will be a

corresponding entry in either the open file table or the open

connection table.

The information flowing on a channel may be structured as

transactions. When the information flow on a channel is being

monitored as a transaction stream, an entry in the transaction stream

table will represent this fact and the associated information about

that stream.

To facilitate traversal of these tables and retrieval of information

relevant to a specific running application element or service

instances, the initial indexes of these tables are the same. In each

case, the first index determines whether the second index is

interpreted as a running application element identifier or as a

service instance identifier. The third index serves to uniquely

identify a channel (and consequently, an open connection or file) in

the context of a running application element or service instance.

The transaction stream summary table contains per-stream summaries of

transaction statistics. The transaction flow statistics table

contains statistics broken into both transmit and receive counts for

requests and responses on each stream. The transaction kind

statistics table contains information further broken down by

transaction kind.

The transaction tables have a common structure for their indexing,

with additional indexes added for increasing detail. The initial

three indexes are the same as all the other tables in this group,

serving to uniquely identify each transaction stream.

4.2.1. The open channels table

The following information is available in this table:

- time at which the channel was opened

- number of read requests

- number of bytes read

- time at which most recent read operation was initiated

- number of write requests

- number of bytes written

- time at which most recent write operation was initiated

4.2.2. The open files table

The open files table contains one entry for each file in use by a

manageable running application element. (See "Definitions of

System-Level Managed Objects for Applications" [31] for a detailed

definition of a running application element.) The purpose of this

table is to identify the files in use and to record information

peculiar to files not already covered in the open channel table.

If multiple running application elements open the same file, there

will be an entry for each running application element opening that

file. Similarly, if a running application element opens a file

multiple times, there will be an entry in this table for the file

corresponding to each open.

The task of combining the information for file activity from this

table (organized by running application element) into per-application

statistics can be accomplished by a manager using the System

Application MIB's [31] sysApplInstallPkgTable to find the installed

application, the sysApplRunTable to find the running instances of

that application, and the sysApplElmtRunTable to find the relevant

values of sysApplElmtRunIndex. The manager, armed with a set of

values for sysApplElmtRunIndex, is now able to retrieve the relevant

portions of the applOpenFileTable and other tables in this MIB.

The following information is available in this table:

- file name

- file size

- current mode (read/write) of this file

By convention, the names "stdin", "stdout" and "stderr" are used when

these streams cannot be resolved to actual file names.

4.2.3. The open connections table

This table provides information on channels that are open connections

or listeners.

The following information is available for each connection:

- identification of the transport protocol in use

- near-end address and port

- far-end address and port

- identification of the application layer protocol in use

4.2.4. The transaction stream summary table

The transaction stream summary table contains per-stream summaries of

transaction statistics. The simple model of a transaction used here

looks like this:

invoker Request performer

- - - - - - >


< - - - - - -

Since in some protocols it is possible for an entity to take on both

the invoker and performer roles, information here is accumulated for

transmitted and received requests, as well as for transmitted and

received responses. Counts are maintained for both transactions and

bytes transferred. The information represented in this table


- identification of the underlying connection or file used for

this transaction stream

- a human-readable description of this stream

- a human-readable description of this stream's notion of what

a unit of work is

- the cumulative amount of time spent (as an operation

invoker) waiting for responses (from queueing of request to

arrival of first response)

- the cumulative amount of time spent (as an operation

invoker) receiving responses (time from the arrival of the

first response to the arrival of the last response in a

series of responses to a particular request)

- the cumulative amount of time spent (as an operation

performer) handling requests (time from receipt of request

to queueing of first outgoing response)

- the cumulative amount of time spent (as an operation

performer) sending responses (time from queuing of first

response to the last response in a series of responses to a

particular request)

- the cumulative number of transactions initiated (as an


- the cumulative number of transactions processed (as a


4.2.5. The transaction flow statistics table

The transaction flow statistics table contains statistics broken into

both transmit and receive counts for requests and responses on each

stream. In addition to the service instance / running application

element and transaction stream identifier indexes, rows in this table

are indexed by flow direction (transmit or receive) and role

(requests and responses). The information in this table includes:

- the number of transactions processed

- the number of bytes processed

- the time at which the most recent transaction was processed

in this flow

4.2.6. The transaction kind statistics table

The transaction kind statistics table contains summary information

organized by direction, request/response, and transaction kind for

each stream. The indexing of this table is like that of the

transaction flow table, with the addition of a transaction kind


- number of transactions processed

- number of bytes processed

- the time at which the most recent transaction of this kind

in this direction in this stream was processed

4.3. The former channel group

The former channel group has several tables. The former channel

control table controls the retention of history information by a

running application element or service instance. The remaining

tables parallel the structure of the channel group, with one

significant difference in indexing structure. The closed channel

index is independent from the open channel index.

4.3.1. The former channel control table

The former channel control table provides control over the

accumulation of information on former connections for running

application elements and service instances. For each one, this

table, indexed by the running application element or service instance

index, controls whether information on former channels is

accumulated, how many of these history records are retained, how long

these are retained (within the lifetime of the process), and a count

of history entries that were deleted before their expiration time in

order to make room for new entries.

4.3.2. The former channel table

The former channel table provides historical information on channels

that have been closed. The number and lifetime of these entries is

controlled, for each running application element or service instance,

by the former channel control table. Most of the information in this

table corresponds to information in the open channel table.

For the connection or file-specific aspects of a given former

channel, an entry will exist in the former connection table or in the

former file table.

4.3.3. The former connection table

For formerly open channels that were connections, connection-specific

historical information is kept in the former connection table. For

each entry in the former connection table, there will be an

identically indexed entry in the former channel table.

4.3.4. The former file table

For formerly open channels that were files, file-specific historical

information is kept in the former file table. For each entry in the

former file table, there will be an identically indexed entry in the

former channel table.

4.3.5. The transaction history tables

Two tables provide per-transaction-kind breakdowns for channels

carrying transaction-structured flows. These tables are analogous to

the transaction flow and kind statistics tables, with similar index


4.4. The running element status and control group

The running application element status and control group has two


4.4.1. The running application element status table

This table provides information for a running application element.

Indexed by the sysApplElmtRunIndex, an entry in this table reports

useful information on that running element's resource usage. Entries

in this table contain:

- current heap usage for this running application element

- current number of open network connections for this running

application element

- the most recent error status message issued by this running

application element

Note that other information, such as the current number of open files

for this running application element, is available from the

sysapplElmtRunTable in [31].

4.4.2. The running application element control table

This table provides rudimentary control over a running application

element. Indexed by the sysApplElmtRunIndex, an entry in this table

gives a manager with appropriate permissions the ability to suspend

and resume processing by this running element, the ability to request

reconfiguration, and the ability to terminate the running element.

Variables in this table include:

- a suspend/resume control

- a reconfiguration request control

- a termination request control

5. Definitions




Counter64, Counter32, Gauge32,

mib-2, Unsigned32, zeroDotZero FROM SNMPv2-SMI


TestAndIncr, TDomain,

TimeStamp, TruthValue FROM SNMPv2-TC




LongUtf8String, sysApplElmtRunIndex FROM SYSAPPL-MIB;

applicationMib MODULE-IDENTITY

LAST-UPDATED "9811171815Z"

ORGANIZATION "Application MIB Working Group"



Randy Presuhn

BMC Software, Inc.

965 Stewart Drive

Sunnyvale, CA 94086


Telephone: +1 408 616-3100

Facsimile: +1 408 616-3101

EMail: randy_presuhn@bmc.com



"This MIB defines objects representing generic aspects of

applications that are of interest to management but typically

require instrumentation within managed application elements.


::= { mib-2 62 }


-- Registration hierarchy for this MIB


applicationMibObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=

{ applicationMib 1 }

applicationMibConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=

{ applicationMib 2 }


-- Groups defined in this MIB


applServiceGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=

{ applicationMibObjects 1 }

applChannelGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=

{ applicationMibObjects 2 }

applPastChannelGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=

{ applicationMibObjects 3 }

applElmtRunControlGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=

{ applicationMibObjects 4 }


STATUS current


"A non-negative 64-bit bit integer, without counter


SYNTAX Counter64


STATUS current


"Denotes a transport service address.

For snmpUDPDomain, an ApplTAddress is 6 octets long,

the initial 4 octets containing the IP-address in

network-byte order and the last 2 containing the UDP

port in network-byte order. Consult 'Transport Mappings

for Version 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol

(SNMPv2)' for further information on snmpUDPDomain."


-- ****************************************************************


-- applServiceGroup -


-- The service-level tables permit the identification of one

-- or more instances of named services on a system, and the

-- association of running application elements to services.


-- ****************************************************************

-- ****************************************************************


-- The service name to service instance table


-- ****************************************************************

applSrvNameToSrvInstTable OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The service name to service instance table uses

service name as its primary key, and service instance

identifier as its secondary key. It facilitates the

identification and lookup of the instances of a given

service in a system."

::= { applServiceGroup 1 }

applSrvNameToSrvInstEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ApplSrvNameToSrvInstEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"An applSrvNameToSrvInstEntry identifies an instance of

a given service. The allocation and reservation

of unique values for applSrvIndex is an administrative


An applSrvNameToSrvInstEntry exists for the lifetime of

that instance of that service; the index values may not

change during that lifetime. "

INDEX { applSrvName, applSrvIndex }

::= { applSrvNameToSrvInstTable 1 }

ApplSrvNameToSrvInstEntry ::= SEQUENCE


applSrvInstQual SnmpAdminString


applSrvInstQual OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX SnmpAdminString

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The value of applSrcInstQual provides additional

information about this particular instance of this


Although not used for indexing purposes, the value of

this attribute should be sufficiently unique to be

helpful to an administrator in distinguishing among

service instances. "

::= { applSrvNameToSrvInstEntry 1 }

-- ****************************************************************


-- Service instance to Service Name table


-- ****************************************************************

applSrvInstToSrvNameTable OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The service instance to service name table uses

service instance identifier as its primary key, and

service name as its secondary key. Given a service

instance identifier, it facilitates the lookup of the

name of the service being provided."

::= { applServiceGroup 2 }

applSrvInstToSrvNameEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ApplSrvInstToSrvNameEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"An applSrvInstToSrvNameEntry maps a service instance

identifier back to a service name."

INDEX { applSrvIndex, applSrvName }

::= { applSrvInstToSrvNameTable 1 }

ApplSrvInstToSrvNameEntry ::= SEQUENCE


applSrvName SnmpAdminString



SYNTAX SnmpAdminString

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The human-readable name of a service. Where

appropriate, as in the case where a service can be

identified in terms of a single protocol, the strings

should be established names such as those assigned by

IANA and found in STD 2 [13], or defined by some other

authority. In some cases private conventions apply

and the string should in these cases be consistent

with these non-standard conventions. An applicability

statement may specify the service name(s) to be used.


::= { applSrvInstToSrvNameEntry 1 }

-- ****************************************************************


-- The service instance to running application element table


-- ****************************************************************

applSrvInstToRunApplElmtTable OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApplSrvInstToRunApplElmtEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The service instance to running application element

table uses the service instance identifier as its primary

key, and the running application element index as its

secondary key. This facilitates the identification

of the set of running application elements providing a

given instance of a service."

::= { applServiceGroup 3 }

applSrvInstToRunApplElmtEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ApplSrvInstToRunApplElmtEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"An applSrvInstToRunApplElmtEntry identifies a running

application element providing an instance of a service.

Note that there may be multiple running application

elements involved in the provision of an instance of

a service."

INDEX { applSrvIndex, sysApplElmtRunIndex }

::= { applSrvInstToRunApplElmtTable 1 }

ApplSrvInstToRunApplElmtEntry ::= SEQUENCE


applSrvIndex Unsigned32


applSrvIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..'ffffffff'h)

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"An applSrvIndex is the system-unique identifier of

an instance of a service. The value is unique not only

across all instances of a given service, but also across

all services in a system.

Re-use of values for this index should be avoided.

No two service instances in a given system shall

concurrently have the same value for this index.

The value zero is excluded from the set of permitted

values for this index. This allows other tables to

potentially represent things which cannot be associated

with a specific service instance.


::= { applSrvInstToRunApplElmtEntry 1 }

-- ****************************************************************


-- The running application element to service instance table


-- ****************************************************************

applRunApplElmtToSrvInstTable OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApplRunApplElmtToSrvInstEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The running application element to service instance

table uses the running application element index as

its primary key and the service instance identifier as

its secondary key. It identifies the set of services

provided by a given running application element."

::= { applServiceGroup 4 }

applRunApplElmtToSrvInstEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ApplRunApplElmtToSrvInstEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"An applRunApplElmtToSrvInstEntry serves to identify an

instance of a service being provided by a given running

application element. Note that a particular running

application element may provide multiple services."

INDEX { sysApplElmtRunIndex, applSrvInstance }

::= { applRunApplElmtToSrvInstTable 1 }

ApplRunApplElmtToSrvInstEntry ::= SEQUENCE


applSrvInstance Unsigned32


applSrvInstance OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..'ffffffff'h)

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"An applSrvInstance is the system-unique identifier of an

instance of a service. The value is unique not only

across all instances of a given service, but also across

all services.

Re-use of values for this index should be avoided.

No two service instances in a given system shall

concurrently have the same value for this index.

The value zero is excluded from the set of permitted

values for this index. This allows other tables to

potentially represent things which cannot be associated

with a specific service instance.

This attribute is semantically identical to


::= { applRunApplElmtToSrvInstEntry 1 }

-- ****************************************************************


-- applChannelGroup - group with tables for I/O


-- In this group, the common abstraction is the Channel.

-- Channels are realized as files or connections.

-- The information flowing on a channel can always be

-- measured in terms of a byte stream. Furthermore, for many

-- channels, this information may also be measured in terms

-- of transactions.


-- For all of these tables, the first two indexes determines

-- whether what is being measured is for a single running

-- application element or for an instance of a service.


-- The second index identifies the running application element

-- or service instance.


-- The third index is the channel id, which uniquely identifies

-- a channel within the context of a running application element

-- or service instance.


-- Any remaining indexes are table-specific.


-- ****************************************************************

-- ****************************************************************


-- applOpenChannelTable - Table of Open Channels


-- ****************************************************************

applOpenChannelTable OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The applOpenChannelTable reports information on open

channels for running application elements

and for service instances. This table is

indexed by applElmtOrSvc, applElmtOrSvcId, and

applOpenChannelIndex. This effectively groups all

entries for a given running application element

or service instance together. ApplChannelIndex uniquely

identifies an open channel (and, consequently, a file

or connection) within the context of a particular

running application element or service instance.

Some of the information in this table is available

through both sixty-four and thirty-two bit counters.

The sixty-four bit counters are not accessible in

protocols that do not support this data type."

::= { applChannelGroup 1 }

applOpenChannelEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ApplOpenChannelEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"An applOpenChannelEntry indicates that a channel has been

opened by this running application element or service

instance and is still open. Note that if a file has been

opened multiple times, even by the same process, it will

have multiple channel entries."

INDEX { applElmtOrSvc, applElmtOrSvcId,

applOpenChannelIndex }

::= { applOpenChannelTable 1 }

ApplOpenChannelEntry ::= SEQUENCE


applElmtOrSvc INTEGER,

applElmtOrSvcId Unsigned32,

applOpenChannelIndex Unsigned32,

applOpenChannelOpenTime TimeStamp,

applOpenChannelReadRequests Counter64,

applOpenChannelReadRequestsLow Counter32,

applOpenChannelReadFailures Counter32,

applOpenChannelBytesRead Counter64,

applOpenChannelBytesReadLow Counter32,

applOpenChannelLastReadTime DateAndTime,

applOpenChannelWriteRequests Counter64,

applOpenChannelWriteRequestsLow Counter32,

applOpenChannelWriteFailures Counter32,

applOpenChannelBytesWritten Counter64,

applOpenChannelBytesWrittenLow Counter32,

applOpenChannelLastWriteTime DateAndTime



SYNTAX INTEGER { service(1),

element(2) }

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The applElmtOrSvc attribute serves as an index for tables

that can hold information both for individual running

application elements as well as for service instances.

If the value is service(1), the row contains information

gathered at the level of a service.

If the value is element(2), the row contains information

for an individual running application element."

::= { applOpenChannelEntry 1 }


SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..'ffffffff'h)

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The applElmtOrSvcId attribute is used as an index in

conjunction with the applElmtOrSvc attribute.

When the value of applElmtOrSvc is service(1), this

attribute's value corresponds to that of applSrvIndex,

when the value of applElmtOrSvc is element(2), this

attribute's value corresponds to sysApplElmtRunIndex."

::= { applOpenChannelEntry 2 }

applOpenChannelIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"This attribute serves to uniquely identify this open

connection in the context of the running application

element or service instance. Where suitable, the

application's native descriptor number should be used."

::= { applOpenChannelEntry 3 }

applOpenChannelOpenTime OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX TimeStamp

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This attribute records the value of sysUpTime.0

when this channel was opened and this entry was added to

this table. This attribute serves as a discontinuity

indicator for the counter attributes in this entry

and for any corresponding entries in the

applOpenConnectionTable, applOpenFileTable, and the


::= { applOpenChannelEntry 4 }

applOpenChannelReadRequests OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter64

UNITS "read requests"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This attribute reports the number of read requests

for this channel. All read requests for this channel

by this entity, regardless of completion status, are

included in this count.

Read requests are counted in terms of system calls,

rather than API calls.

Discontinuities in this counter can be detected by

monitoring the applOpenChannelOpenTime value for this


::= { applOpenChannelEntry 5 }

applOpenChannelReadRequestsLow OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

UNITS "read requests"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This attribute reports the low thirty-two bits of


Discontinuities in this counter can be detected by

monitoring the applOpenChannelOpenTime value for this


::= { applOpenChannelEntry 6 }

applOpenChannelReadFailures OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

UNITS "failed read requests"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This attribute reports the number of failed read


Discontinuities in this counter can be detected by

monitoring the applOpenChannelOpenTime value for this


::= { applOpenChannelEntry 7 }

applOpenChannelBytesRead OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter64

UNITS "bytes"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This attribute reports the number of bytes read from

this channel. Only bytes successfully read are included

in this count.

Discontinuities in this counter can be detected by

monitoring the applOpenChannelOpenTime value for this


::= { applOpenChannelEntry 8 }

applOpenChannelBytesReadLow OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

UNITS "bytes"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This attribute corresponds to the low thirty-two bits

of applOpenChannelBytesRead.

Discontinuities in this counter can be detected by

monitoring the applOpenChannelOpenTime value for this


::= { applOpenChannelEntry 9 }

applOpenChannelLastReadTime OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DateAndTime

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This attribute reports the time of the most recent read

request made by this entity, regardless of completion

status, for this open channel.

If no read requests have been made the value of this

attribute shall be '0000000000000000'H "

DEFVAL { '0000000000000000'H }

::= { applOpenChannelEntry 10 }

applOpenChannelWriteRequests OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter64

UNITS "write requests"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This attribute reports the number of write requests for

this channel made by this entity. All write requests

for this channel, regardless of completion status, are

included in this count.

Write requests are counted in terms of system calls,

rather than API calls.

Discontinuities in this counter can be detected by

monitoring the applOpenChannelOpenTime value for this


::= { applOpenChannelEntry 11 }

applOpenChannelWriteRequestsLow OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

UNITS "write requests"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This attribute corresponds to the low thirty-two bits

of applOpenChannelWriteRequests.

Discontinuities in this counter can be detected

by monitoring the applOpenChannelOpenTime value for

this entry."

::= { applOpenChannelEntry 12 }

applOpenChannelWriteFailures OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

UNITS "failed write requests"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This attribute reports the number of failed write


Discontinuities in this counter can be detected

by monitoring the applOpenChannelOpenTime value for

this entry."

::= { applOpenChannelEntry 13 }

applOpenChannelBytesWritten OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter64

UNITS "bytes"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This attribute reports the number of bytes written to

this channel. Only bytes successfully written (without

errors reported by the system to the API in use by the

application) are included in this count.

Discontinuities in this counter can be detected by

monitoring the applOpenChannelOpenTime value for this


::= { applOpenChannelEntry 14 }

applOpenChannelBytesWrittenLow OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

UNITS "bytes"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This attribute corresponds to the low thirty-two bits

of applOpenChannelBytesWritten.

Discontinuities in this counter can be detected by

monitoring the applOpenChannelOpenTime value for this


::= { applOpenChannelEntry 15 }

applOpenChannelLastWriteTime OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DateAndTime

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This attribute reports the time of the most recent write

request made by this running application element or

service instance, regardless of completion status, for

this open channel.

If no write requests have been made, the value

of this attribute shall be '0000000000000000'H "

DEFVAL { '0000000000000000'H }

::= { applOpenChannelEntry 16 }

-- ****************************************************************


-- applOpenFileTable - Table of Open Files


-- ****************************************************************

applOpenFileTable OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The applOpenFileTable reports information on open files

for service instances or application elements. This

table is indexed by applElmtOrSvc and applElmtOrSvcId,

effectively grouping all entries for a given running

service instance or application element together, and

by applOpenChannelIndex, uniquely identifying an open

channel (and, consequently, a file) within the context

of a particular service instance or application element.

Elements in this table correspond to elements in the

applOpenChannelTable that represent files. For rows in

the applOpenChannelTable that do not represent files,

corresponding rows in this table will not exist."

::= { applChannelGroup 2 }

applOpenFileEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ApplOpenFileEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"An applOpenFileEntry indicates that a file has been

opened by this running application element and is

still open. Note that if a file has been opened

multiple times, even by the same process, it will have

multiple entries."

INDEX { applElmtOrSvc, applElmtOrSvcId,

applOpenChannelIndex }

::= { applOpenFileTable 1 }

ApplOpenFileEntry ::= SEQUENCE


applOpenFileName LongUtf8String,

applOpenFileSizeHigh Unsigned32,

applOpenFileSizeLow Unsigned32,

applOpenFileMode INTEGER


applOpenFileName OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX LongUtf8String

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This attribute reports the name of this open file.

Wherever practical, a fully qualified path name should

be reported.

The values 'stdin', 'stdout', and 'stderr' are reserved

in accordance with common usage when the fully qualified

path name cannot be determined."

::= { applOpenFileEntry 1 }

applOpenFileSizeHigh OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32

UNITS "2^32 byte blocks"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This file's current size in 2^32 byte blocks.

For example, for a file with a total size of 4,294,967,296

bytes, this attribute would have a value of 1; for a file

with a total size of 4,294,967,295 bytes this attribute's

value would be 0."

::= { applOpenFileEntry 2 }

applOpenFileSizeLow OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32

UNITS "bytes"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This file's current size modulo 2^32 bytes.

For example, for a file with a total size of

4,294,967,296 bytes this attribute would have a value

of 0; for a file with a total size of 4,294,967,295

bytes this attribute's value would be 4,294,967,295."

::= { applOpenFileEntry 3 }

applOpenFileMode OBJECT-TYPE



readWrite(3) }

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This attribute reports the current mode of this file from

the perspective of this running application element.

These values have the following meanings:

read(1) - file opened for reading only

write(2) - file opened for writing only

readWrite(3) - file opened for read and write.

These values correspond to the POSIX/ANSI C library

function fopen() 'type' parameter, using the following


r -> read(1)

w -> write(2)

a -> write(2)

+ -> readWrite(3)


::= { applOpenFileEntry 4 }

-- ****************************************************************


-- applOpenConnectionTable - Open Connection Table


-- ****************************************************************

applOpenConnectionTable OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApplOpenConnectionEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The applOpenConnectionTable provides information about

open and listening connections from the perspective

of a running application element or service instance.

Entries in this table are indexed by applElmtOrSvc,

applElmtOrSvcID, and by applOpenChannelIndex, which

serves to uniquely identify each connection in the

context of a service instance or running application


For each row in this table, a corresponding row will

exist in the applOpenChannel table. For rows in the

applOpenChannelTable which do not represent open or

listening connections, no corresponding rows will exist

in this table."

::= { applChannelGroup 3 }

applOpenConnectionEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ApplOpenConnectionEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"An applOpenConnectionEntry indicates that a running

application element or service instance has an open

connection. The entry has information describing that


In the case of a TCP transport, the element

applOpenConnectionNearEndAddr and that row's

applOpenConnectionFarEndAddr would correspond

to a tcpConnEntry. For a UDP transport, a

similar relationship exists with respect to

a udpEntry."

INDEX { applElmtOrSvc, applElmtOrSvcId,

applOpenChannelIndex }

::= { applOpenConnectionTable 1 }

ApplOpenConnectionEntry ::= SEQUENCE


applOpenConnectionTransport TDomain,

applOpenConnectionNearEndAddr ApplTAddress,

applOpenConnectionNearEndpoint SnmpAdminString,

applOpenConnectionFarEndAddr ApplTAddress,

applOpenConnectionFarEndpoint SnmpAdminString,

applOpenConnectionApplication SnmpAdminString


applOpenConnectionTransport OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applOpenConnectionTransport attribute identifies the

transport protocol in use for this connection. If it is

not practical to determine the underlying transport, this

attribute's value shall have a value of {0 0}."

DEFVAL { zeroDotZero }

::= { applOpenConnectionEntry 1 }

applOpenConnectionNearEndAddr OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ApplTAddress

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applOpenConnectionNearEndAddr attribute reports the

transport address and port information for the near end

of this connection.

If the value is not known, the value has a length

of zero."

DEFVAL { "" }

::= { applOpenConnectionEntry 2 }

applOpenConnectionNearEndpoint OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX SnmpAdminString

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applOpenConnectionNearEndpoint attribute reports the

fully-qualified domain name and port information for the

near end of this connection.

The format of this attribute for TCP and UDP-based

protocols is the fully-qualified domain name immediately

followed by a colon which is immediately followed by

the decimal representation of the port number.

If the value is not known, the value has a length

of zero."

DEFVAL { "" }

::= { applOpenConnectionEntry 3 }

applOpenConnectionFarEndAddr OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ApplTAddress

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applOpenConnectionFarEndAddr attribute reports the

transport address and port information for the far end

of this connection.

If not known, as in the case of a connectionless

transport, the value of this attribute shall be a

zero-length string."

DEFVAL { "" }

::= { applOpenConnectionEntry 4 }

applOpenConnectionFarEndpoint OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX SnmpAdminString

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applOpenConnectionFarEndpoint attribute reports

the fully-qualified domain name and port information

for the far end of this connection.

The format of this attribute for TCP and UDP-based

protocols is the fully-qualified domain name immediately

followed by a colon which is immediately followed by

the decimal representation of the port number.

If not known, as in the case of a connectionless

transport, the value of this attribute shall be a

zero-length string."

DEFVAL { "" }

::= { applOpenConnectionEntry 5 }

applOpenConnectionApplication OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX SnmpAdminString

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applOpenConnectionApplication attribute identifies

the application layer protocol in use. If not known,

the value of this attribute shall be a zero-length


When possible, protocol names should be those used in

the 'ASSIGNED NUMBERS' [13]. For example, an SMTP mail

server would use 'SMTP'."

DEFVAL { "" }

::= { applOpenConnectionEntry 6 }

-- ****************************************************************


-- applTransactionStreamTable - common

-- information for transaction stream monitoring


-- ****************************************************************

applTransactionStreamTable OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApplTransactionStreamEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The applTransactionStreamTable contains common

information for transaction statistic accumulation."

::= { applChannelGroup 4 }

applTransactionStreamEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ApplTransactionStreamEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"An applTransactionStreamEntry contains information for

a single transaction stream. A transaction stream

can be a network connection, file, or other source

of transactions."

INDEX { applElmtOrSvc, applElmtOrSvcId,

applOpenChannelIndex }

::= { applTransactionStreamTable 1 }

ApplTransactionStreamEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

applTransactStreamDescr SnmpAdminString,

applTransactStreamUnitOfWork SnmpAdminString,

applTransactStreamInvokes Counter64,

applTransactStreamInvokesLow Counter32,

applTransactStreamInvCumTimes Counter32,

applTransactStreamInvRspTimes Counter32,

applTransactStreamPerforms Counter64,

applTransactStreamPerformsLow Counter32,

applTransactStreamPrfCumTimes Counter32,

applTransactStreamPrfRspTimes Counter32 }

applTransactStreamDescr OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX SnmpAdminString

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applTransactStreamDescr attribute provides a

human-readable description of this transaction stream.

If no descriptive information is available, this

attribute's value shall be a zero-length string."

DEFVAL { "" }

::= { applTransactionStreamEntry 1 }

applTransactStreamUnitOfWork OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX SnmpAdminString

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applTransactStreamUnitOfWork attribute provides a

human-readable definition of what the unit of work is

for this transaction stream.

If no descriptive information is available, this

attribute's value shall be a zero-length string."

DEFVAL { "" }

::= { applTransactionStreamEntry 2 }

applTransactStreamInvokes OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter64

UNITS "transactions"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"Cumulative count of requests / invocations issued.

Discontinuities in this counter can be detected

by monitoring the corresponding instance of


::= { applTransactionStreamEntry 3 }

applTransactStreamInvokesLow OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

UNITS "transactions"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This counter corresponds to the low thirty-two

bits of applTransactStreamInvokes.

Discontinuities in this counter can be detected

by monitoring the corresponding instance of


::= { applTransactionStreamEntry 4 }

applTransactStreamInvCumTimes OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

UNITS "milliseconds"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applTransactStreamInvCumTimes attribute reports the

cumulative sum of the lengths of the intervals measured

between the transmission of requests and the receipt of

(the first of) the corresponding response(s).

Discontinuities in this counter can be detected

by monitoring the corresponding instance of


::= { applTransactionStreamEntry 5 }

applTransactStreamInvRspTimes OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

UNITS "milliseconds"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applTransactStreamInvRspTimes attribute reports the

cumulative sum of the lengths of the intervals measured

between the receipt of the first and last of multiple

responses to a request.

For transaction streams which do not permit multiple

responses to a single request, this attribute will be


Discontinuities in this counter can be detected

by monitoring the corresponding instance of


::= { applTransactionStreamEntry 6 }

applTransactStreamPerforms OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter64

UNITS "transactions"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"Cumulative count of transactions performed.

Discontinuities in this counter can be detected

by monitoring the corresponding instance of


::= { applTransactionStreamEntry 7 }

applTransactStreamPerformsLow OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

UNITS "transactions"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This counter reports the low thirty-two bits of


Discontinuities in this counter can be detected

by monitoring the corresponding instance of


::= { applTransactionStreamEntry 8 }

applTransactStreamPrfCumTimes OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

UNITS "milliseconds"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applTransactStreamPrfCumTimes attribute reports the

cumulative sum of the interval lengths measured between

receipt of requests and the transmission of the

corresponding responses.

Discontinuities in this counter can be detected

by monitoring the corresponding instance of


::= { applTransactionStreamEntry 9 }

applTransactStreamPrfRspTimes OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

UNITS "milliseconds"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"For each transaction performed, the elapsed time between

when the first response is enqueued and when the last

response is enqueued is added to this cumulative sum.

For single-response protocols, the value of

applTransactStreamPrfRspTimes will be constant.

Discontinuities in this counter can be detected

by monitoring the corresponding instance of


::= { applTransactionStreamEntry 10 }

-- ****************************************************************


-- applTransactFlowTable


-- ****************************************************************

applTransactFlowTable OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApplTransactFlowEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The applTransactFlowTable contains entries, organized by

application instance or running application element,

direction of flow, and type (request/response) for each

open transaction stream.

The simple model of a transaction used here looks like


invoker Request performer

- - - - - - >


< - - - - - -

Since in some protocols it is possible for an entity

to take on both the invoker and performer roles,

information here is accumulated for transmitted and

received requests, as well as for transmitted and

received responses. Counts are maintained for both

transactions and bytes transferred."

::= { applChannelGroup 5 }

applTransactFlowEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ApplTransactFlowEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"An applTransactFlowEntry reports transaction throughput

information for requests or response in a particular

direction (transmit / receive) for a transaction stream.

Entries in this table correspond to those in the

applTransactionStreamTable with identical values for the

applElmtOrSvc, applElmtOrSvcId, and applOpenChannelIndex.

For all counter objects in one of these entries,

the corresponding (same value for applElmtOrSvc,

applElmtOrSvcId, and applOpenChannelIndex)

applOpenChannelOpenTime object serves as a discontinuity

indicator. "

INDEX { applElmtOrSvc,




applTransactFlowReqRsp }

::= { applTransactFlowTable 1 }

ApplTransactFlowEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

applTransactFlowDirection INTEGER,

applTransactFlowReqRsp INTEGER,

applTransactFlowTrans Counter64,

applTransactFlowTransLow Counter32,

applTransactFlowBytes Counter64,

applTransactFlowBytesLow Counter32,

applTransactFlowTime DateAndTime }

applTransactFlowDirection OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX INTEGER { transmit(1),

receive(2) }

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The applTransactFlowDirection index serves to identify

an entry as containing information pertaining to the

transmit (1) or receive (2) flow of a transaction


::= { applTransactFlowEntry 1 }

applTransactFlowReqRsp OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX INTEGER { request(1),

response(2) }

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The value of the applTransactFlowReqRsp index indicates

whether this entry contains information on requests

(1), or responses (2)."

::= { applTransactFlowEntry 2 }

applTransactFlowTrans OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter64

UNITS "transactions"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applTransactFlowTrans attribute reports the number

of request/response transactions (as indicated by

the applTransactFlowReqRsp index) received/generated

(as indicated by the applTransactFlowDirection index)

that this service instance or running application

element has processed for this transaction stream.

Discontinuities in this counter can be detected

by monitoring the corresponding instance of


::= { applTransactFlowEntry 3 }

applTransactFlowTransLow OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

UNITS "transactions"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This attribute corresponds to the low thirty-two

bits of applTransactFlowTrans.

Discontinuities in this counter can be detected

by monitoring the corresponding instance of


::= { applTransactFlowEntry 4 }

applTransactFlowBytes OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter64

UNITS "bytes"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applTransactFlowBytes attribute reports the number

of request/response (as indicated by the

applTransactFlowReqRsp index) bytes received/generated

(as indicated by the applTransactFlowDirection index)

handled by this application element or service instance

on this transaction stream.

All application layer bytes are included in this count,

including any application layer wrappers, headers, or

other overhead.

Discontinuities in this counter can be detected

by monitoring the corresponding instance of


::= { applTransactFlowEntry 5 }

applTransactFlowBytesLow OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

UNITS "bytes"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This attribute corresponds to the low thirty-two

bits of applTransactFlowBytes.

Discontinuities in this counter can be detected

by monitoring the corresponding instance of


::= { applTransactFlowEntry 6 }

applTransactFlowTime OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DateAndTime

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applTransactFlowTime attribute records the time of

the processing (receipt or transmission as indicated

by the applTransactFlowDirection index) by this

running application element or service instance of

the most recent request/response (as indicated by

the applTransactFlowReqRsp index) on this transaction


If no requests/responses been received/transmitted by

this entity over this transaction stream, the value

of this attribute shall be '0000000000000000'H "

DEFVAL { '0000000000000000'H }

::= { applTransactFlowEntry 7 }

-- ****************************************************************


-- applTransactKindTable - transaction statistics broken down

-- according to the kinds of transactions in each direction

-- for a transaction stream.


-- ****************************************************************

applTransactKindTable OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApplTransactKindEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The applTransactKindTable provides transaction statistics

broken down by kinds of transaction. The definition of

the kinds of transactions is specific to the application

protocol in use, and may be documented in the form of an

applicability statement. "

::= { applChannelGroup 6 }

applTransactKindEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ApplTransactKindEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"An applTransactKindEntry reports information for a

specific service instance or running application

element's use of a specific transaction stream in

a particular direction in requests or responses

(as indicated by the applTransactFlowReqRsp index)

broken down by transaction kind, as indicated by the

applTransactKind index.

Discontinuities in any of the counters in an entry can

be detected by monitoring the corresponding instance of


INDEX { applElmtOrSvc,





applTransactKind }

::= { applTransactKindTable 1 }

ApplTransactKindEntry ::= SEQUENCE


applTransactKind SnmpAdminString,

applTransactKindTrans Counter64,

applTransactKindTransLow Counter32,

applTransactKindBytes Counter64,

applTransactKindBytesLow Counter32,

applTransactKindTime DateAndTime


applTransactKind OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (1 .. 32))

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The applTransactKind index is the human-readable

identifier for a particular transaction kind within

the context of an application protocol. The values

to be used for a particular protocol may be identified

in an applicability statement."

::= { applTransactKindEntry 1 }

applTransactKindTrans OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter64

UNITS "transactions"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applTransactKindTrans attribute reports the number

of request/response (as indicated by the

applTransactFlowReqRsp index) transactions

received/generated (as indicated by the

applTransactFlowDirection index) handled by this

application instance or application element on this

transaction stream for this transaction kind.

Discontinuities in this counter can be detected

by monitoring the corresponding instance of


::= { applTransactKindEntry 2 }

applTransactKindTransLow OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

UNITS "transactions"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applTransactKindTransLow attribute reports

the low thirty-two bits of applTransactKindTrans.

Discontinuities in this counter can be detected

by monitoring the corresponding instance of


::= { applTransactKindEntry 3 }

applTransactKindBytes OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter64

UNITS "bytes"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applTransactKindBytes attribute reports the number

of request/response (as indicated by the

applTransactFlowReqRsp index) bytes received/generated

(as indicated by the applTransactFlowDirection index)

handled by this application element on this transaction

stream for this transaction kind.

All application layer bytes are included in this count,

including any application layer wrappers, headers, or

other overhead.

Discontinuities in this counter can be detected

by monitoring the corresponding instance of


::= { applTransactKindEntry 4 }

applTransactKindBytesLow OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

UNITS "bytes"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applTransactKindBytesLow attribute corresponds

to the low thirty-two bits of applTransactKindBytes.

Discontinuities in this counter can be detected

by monitoring the corresponding instance of


::= { applTransactKindEntry 5 }

applTransactKindTime OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DateAndTime

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applTransactKindTime attribute records the time of

the processing (receipt or transmission as indicated

by the applTransactFlowDirection index) by this

running application element or service instance of

the most recent request/response (as indicated by

the applTransactFlowReqRsp index) of this kind of

transaction on this transaction stream.

If no requests/responses of this kind been

received/transmitted by this running application element

or service instance over this transaction stream, the

value of this attribute shall be '0000000000000000'H "

DEFVAL { '0000000000000000'H }

::= { applTransactKindEntry 6 }

-- ****************************************************************


-- applPastChannelGroup - logged information on former channels.

-- These tables control the collection of channel history

-- information and represent the accumulated historical data.


-- ****************************************************************

applPastChannelControlTable OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApplPastChannelControlEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The applPastChannelControlTable controls the

accumulation of history information about channels

from the perspective of service instances and running

application elements. Entries in this table are indexed

by applElmtOrSvc and applElmtOrSvcId, giving control

of channel history accumulation at the level of each

service instance and running application element."

::= { applPastChannelGroup 1 }

applPastChannelControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ApplPastChannelControlEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"An applPastChannelControlEntry provides the ability

to control the retention of channel history information

by service instances and running application elements."

INDEX { applElmtOrSvc, applElmtOrSvcId }

::= { applPastChannelControlTable 1 }

ApplPastChannelControlEntry ::= SEQUENCE


applPastChannelControlCollect INTEGER,

applPastChannelControlMaxRows Unsigned32,

applPastChannelControlTimeLimit Unsigned32,

applPastChannelControlRemItems Counter32


applPastChannelControlCollect OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled (1),

frozen (2),

disabled (3) }

MAX-ACCESS read-write

STATUS current


"When the value of applPastChannelControlCollect is

'enabled', each time the corresponding running

application element or service instance closes

an open channel a new entry will be added to the


When the value of applPastChannelControlCollect

is 'frozen', no new entries are added to the

applPastChannelTable for this running application

element or service instance, and old entries are not

aged out.

When the value of applPastChannelControlCollect

is 'disabled', all entries are removed from

applPastChannelTable for this running application or

service instance, and no new entries are added."

DEFVAL { enabled }

::= { applPastChannelControlEntry 1 }

applPastChannelControlMaxRows OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32

UNITS "channel history entries"

MAX-ACCESS read-write

STATUS current


"The maximum number of entries allowed in the

applPastChannelTable for this running application element

or service instance. Once the number of rows for this

running application element or service instance in the

applPastChannelTable reaches this value, when new

entries are to be added the management subsystem will

make room for them by removing the oldest entries.

Entries will be removed on the basis of oldest

applPastChannelCloseTime value first."

DEFVAL { 500 }

::= { applPastChannelControlEntry 2 }

applPastChannelControlTimeLimit OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32

UNITS "seconds"

MAX-ACCESS read-write

STATUS current


"The maximum time in seconds which an entry for this

running application element or service instance

may exist in the applPastChannelTable before it

is removed. Any entry that is older than this value

will be removed (aged out) from the table, unless the

applPastChannelControlCollect is set to 'frozen'.

Note that an entry may be aged out prior to reaching

this time limit if it is the oldest entry in the table

and must be removed to make space for a new entry so

as to not exceed applPastChannelControlMaxRows, or if the

applPastChannelControlCollect is set to 'disabled'."

DEFVAL { 7200 }

::= { applPastChannelControlEntry 3 }

applPastChannelControlRemItems OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

UNITS "channel history entries"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applPastChannelControlRemItems attribute reports the

number of applPastChannelControlTable entries for this

running application element or service instance that

were deleted in order to make room for new history


This count does NOT include entries deleted for the

following reasons:

- the corresponding applPastChannelControlCollect

attribute has been set to 'disabled'

- the entry has been in the table longer that the

time limit indicated by the corresponding



::= { applPastChannelControlEntry 4 }

-- ****************************************************************


-- applPastChannelTable - Table of former channels


-- ****************************************************************

applPastChannelTable OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The applPastChannelTable provides history information

about channels from the perspective of running

application elements and service instances.

Entries in this table are indexed by applElmtOrSvc,

applElmtOrSvcId, and by applPastChannelIndex, which

serves to uniquely identify each former channel in the

context of a running application element or service


Note that the value of applPastChannelIndex is

independent of the value applOpenChannelIndex had when

this channel was open.

Entries for closed channels for a given running

application element or service instance can

be added to this table only if its entry in the

applPastChannelControlTable has the value 'enabled'

for the attribute applPastChannelControlCollect.

Entries for closed channels are removed under the

following circumstances:

- the running application element or service

instance no longer exists

- the corresponding applPastChannelControlCollect

attribute has been set to 'disabled'

- the entry has been in the table longer that the

time limit indicated by the corresponding

applPastChannelControlTimeLimit and the value of

applPastChannelControlCollect is not 'frozen'

- this is the oldest entry for the running

application element or service instance in

question and the addition of a new element would

otherwise cause applPastChannelControlMaxRows to

be exceeded for this running application element

or service instance.

- a value of applPastChannelIndex has been re-used.

Note that under normal circumstances, this is


Removal/replacement of an entry under the

last two conditions causes the corresponding

applPastChannelControlRemItems to be incremented."

::= { applPastChannelGroup 2 }

applPastChannelEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ApplPastChannelEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"An applPastChannelEntry indicates that a running

application element or service instance once had an open

channel, which is now closed. The entry has information

describing that channel."

INDEX { applElmtOrSvc, applElmtOrSvcId,

applPastChannelIndex }

::= { applPastChannelTable 1 }

ApplPastChannelEntry ::= SEQUENCE


applPastChannelIndex Unsigned32,

applPastChannelOpenTime DateAndTime,

applPastChannelCloseTime DateAndTime,

applPastChannelReadRequests Unsigned64TC,

applPastChannelReadReqsLow Unsigned32,

applPastChannelReadFailures Unsigned32,

applPastChannelBytesRead Unsigned64TC,

applPastChannelBytesReadLow Unsigned32,

applPastChannelLastReadTime DateAndTime,

applPastChannelWriteRequests Unsigned64TC,

applPastChannelWriteReqsLow Unsigned32,

applPastChannelWriteFailures Unsigned32,

applPastChannelBytesWritten Unsigned64TC,

applPastChannelBytesWritLow Unsigned32,

applPastChannelLastWriteTime DateAndTime


applPastChannelIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..'ffffffff'h)

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"This attribute serves to uniquely identify this closed

channel in the context of the running application

element or service instance. This attribute has no

other semantics.

Note that the value of applPastChannelIndex is

independent of the value applOpenChannelIndex had when

this channel was active.

In issuing this index value, the implementation must

avoid re-issuing an index value which has already been

assigned to an entry which has not yet been deleted due

to age or space considerations.

The value zero is excluded from the set of permitted

values for this index in order to permit other tables to

possibly represent information that cannot be associated

with a specific entry in this table. "

::= { applPastChannelEntry 1 }

applPastChannelOpenTime OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DateAndTime

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This attribute records the time when this channel was

originally opened. Note that this information is quite

different from applOpenChannelOpenTime, which is used

for the detection of counter discontinuities."

::= { applPastChannelEntry 2 }

applPastChannelCloseTime OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DateAndTime

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This attribute records the time when this channel

was closed."

::= { applPastChannelEntry 3 }

applPastChannelReadRequests OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned64TC

UNITS "read requests"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This attribute records the number of read requests for

this channel made by this running application element or

service instance. All read requests for this channel by

this running application element or service instance,

regardless of completion status, are included in this

count. Read requests are counted in terms of system

calls, rather than API calls."

::= { applPastChannelEntry 4 }

applPastChannelReadReqsLow OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32

UNITS "read requests"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This attribute corresponds to the low thirty-two bits

of applPastChannelReadRequests."

::= { applPastChannelEntry 5 }

applPastChannelReadFailures OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32

UNITS "failed read requests"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This attribute reports the number of failed read


::= { applPastChannelEntry 6 }

applPastChannelBytesRead OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned64TC

UNITS "bytes"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This attribute reports the number of bytes read from this

channel by this running application element or service

instance. Only bytes successfully read are included in

this count. "

::= { applPastChannelEntry 7 }

applPastChannelBytesReadLow OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32

UNITS "bytes"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This attribute corresponds to the low thirty-two bits

of applPastChannelBytesRead."

::= { applPastChannelEntry 8 }

applPastChannelLastReadTime OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DateAndTime

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This attribute reports the time of the most recent read

request made by this running application element or

service instance regardless of completion status, for

this former channel.

If no read requests have been made , the value of this

attribute shall be '0000000000000000'H "

DEFVAL { '0000000000000000'H }

::= { applPastChannelEntry 9 }

applPastChannelWriteRequests OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned64TC

UNITS "write requests"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applPastChannelWriteRequests attribute reports

the number of write requests, regardless of completion

status, made by this running application element or

service instance for this former channel.

Write requests are counted in terms of system calls,

rather than API calls."

::= { applPastChannelEntry 10 }

applPastChannelWriteReqsLow OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32

UNITS "write requests"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This attribute corresponds to the low thirty-two

bits of applPastChannelWriteRequests."

::= { applPastChannelEntry 11 }

applPastChannelWriteFailures OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32

UNITS "failed write requests"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This attribute reports the number of failed write


::= { applPastChannelEntry 12 }

applPastChannelBytesWritten OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned64TC

UNITS "bytes"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This attribute reports the number of bytes written to

this former channel by this running application element

or service instance. Only bytes successfully written

(no errors reported by the API in use by the application)

are included in this count."

::= { applPastChannelEntry 13 }

applPastChannelBytesWritLow OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32

UNITS "bytes"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This attribute corresponds to the low thirty-two bits of


::= { applPastChannelEntry 14 }

applPastChannelLastWriteTime OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DateAndTime

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applPastChannelLastWriteTime attribute reports

the time of the most recent write request made by

this running application element or service instance,

regardless of completion status, for this former


If no write requests have been made the value of this

attribute shall be '0000000000000000'H "

DEFVAL { '0000000000000000'H }

::= { applPastChannelEntry 15 }

-- ****************************************************************


-- applPastFileTable - information specific to former files


-- ****************************************************************

applPastFileTable OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The applPastFileTable supplements the

applPastChannelTable for entries corresponding to

channels which were files. The indexing structure is

identical to applPastChannelTable. An entry exists in

the applPastFileTable only if there is a corresponding

(same index values) entry in the applPastChannelTable

and if the channel was a file.

Entries for closed files are removed when the

corresponding entries are removed from the


::= { applPastChannelGroup 3 }

applPastFileEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ApplPastFileEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"An applPastFileEntry provides additional, file-specific

information to complement the corresponding

applPastChannelEntry for a channel which was a file."

INDEX { applElmtOrSvc, applElmtOrSvcId,

applPastChannelIndex }

::= { applPastFileTable 1 }

ApplPastFileEntry ::= SEQUENCE


applPastFileName LongUtf8String,

applPastFileSizeHigh Unsigned32,

applPastFileSizeLow Unsigned32,

applPastFileMode INTEGER


applPastFileName OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX LongUtf8String

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This attribute records the last known value of

applOpenFileName before the channel was closed."

::= { applPastFileEntry 1 }

applPastFileSizeHigh OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32

UNITS "2^32 byte blocks"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This attribute records the value of applOpenFileSizeHigh

at the time this channel was closed.

For example, for a file with a total size of

4,294,967,296 bytes, this attribute would have a value

of 1; for a file with a total size of 4,294,967,295

bytes this attribute's value would be 0."

::= { applPastFileEntry 2 }

applPastFileSizeLow OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32

UNITS "bytes"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This attribute records the value of applOpenFileSizeLow

at the time this channel was closed.

For example, for a file with a total size of

4,294,967,296 bytes this attribute would have a value

of 0; for a file with a total size of 4,294,967,295

bytes this attribute's value would be 4,294,967,295."

::= { applPastFileEntry 3 }

applPastFileMode OBJECT-TYPE



readWrite(3) }

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This attribute records the value of applOpenFileMode

at the time this channel was closed. "

::= { applPastFileEntry 4 }

-- ****************************************************************


-- applPastConTable - information specific to former connections


-- ****************************************************************

applPastConTable OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The applPastConTable supplements the applPastChannelTable

for entries corresponding to channels which were

connections. The indexing structure is identical

to applPastChannelTable. An entry exists in the

applPastConTable only if there is a corresponding

(same index values) entry in the applPastChannelTable

and if the channel was a connection.

Entries for closed connections are removed when

the corresponding entries are removed from the


::= { applPastChannelGroup 4 }

applPastConEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ApplPastConEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"An applPastConEntry provides additional,

connection-specific information to complement the

corresponding applPastChannelEntry for a channel which

was a connection."

INDEX { applElmtOrSvc, applElmtOrSvcId,

applPastChannelIndex }

::= { applPastConTable 1 }

ApplPastConEntry ::= SEQUENCE


applPastConTransport TDomain,

applPastConNearEndAddr ApplTAddress,

applPastConNearEndpoint SnmpAdminString,

applPastConFarEndAddr ApplTAddress,

applPastConFarEndpoint SnmpAdminString,

applPastConApplication SnmpAdminString


applPastConTransport OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applPastConTransport attribute identifies the

transport protocol that was in use for this former

connection. If the transport protocol could not be

determined, the value { 0 0 } shall be used."

DEFVAL { zeroDotZero }

::= { applPastConEntry 1 }

applPastConNearEndAddr OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ApplTAddress

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applPastConNearEndAddr attribute reports the

transport address and port information for the near

end of this former connection.

If the information could not be determined, the value

shall be a zero-length string."

DEFVAL { "" }

::= { applPastConEntry 2 }

applPastConNearEndpoint OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX SnmpAdminString

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applPastConNearEndpoint attribute reports the

fully-qualified domain name and port information for the

near end of this former connection.

The format of this attribute for TCP and UDP-based

protocols is the fully-qualified domain name immediately

followed by a colon which is immediately followed by

the decimal representation of the port number.

If the information could not be determined, the value

shall be a zero-length string."

DEFVAL { "" }

::= { applPastConEntry 3 }

applPastConFarEndAddr OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ApplTAddress

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applPastConFarEnd attribute reports the transport

address and port information for the far end of this

former connection.

If not known, as in the case of a connectionless

transport, the value of this attribute shall be a

zero-length string."

DEFVAL { "" }

::= { applPastConEntry 4 }

applPastConFarEndpoint OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX SnmpAdminString

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applPastConFarEndpoint attribute reports the

transport address and port information for the far

end of this former connection.

The format of this attribute for TCP and UDP-based

protocols is the fully-qualified domain name immediately

followed by a colon which is immediately followed by

the decimal representation of the port number.

If not known, as in the case of a connectionless

transport, the value of this attribute shall be a

zero-length string."

DEFVAL { "" }

::= { applPastConEntry 5 }

applPastConApplication OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX SnmpAdminString

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applPastConApplication attribute identifies the

application layer protocol that was in use. Where

possible, the values defined in [13] shall be used.

If not known, the value of this attribute shall be a

zero-length string."

DEFVAL { "" }

::= { applPastConEntry 6 }

-- ****************************************************************


-- applPastTransStreamTable - historical

-- information for transaction stream monitoring


-- ****************************************************************

applPastTransStreamTable OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApplPastTransStreamEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The applPastTransStreamTable contains common

information for historical transaction statistics."

::= { applPastChannelGroup 5 }

applPastTransStreamEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ApplPastTransStreamEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"An applPastTransStreamEntry contains information for

a single former transaction stream. A transaction

stream could have been a network connection, file, or

other source of transactions."

INDEX { applElmtOrSvc, applElmtOrSvcId,

applPastChannelIndex }

::= { applPastTransStreamTable 1 }

ApplPastTransStreamEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

applPastTransStreamDescr SnmpAdminString,

applPastTransStreamUnitOfWork SnmpAdminString,

applPastTransStreamInvokes Unsigned64TC,

applPastTransStreamInvokesLow Unsigned32,

applPastTransStreamInvCumTimes Unsigned32,

applPastTransStreamInvRspTimes Unsigned32,

applPastTransStreamPerforms Unsigned64TC,

applPastTransStreamPerformsLow Unsigned32,

applPastTransStreamPrfCumTimes Unsigned32,

applPastTransStreamPrfRspTimes Unsigned32 }

applPastTransStreamDescr OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX SnmpAdminString

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applPastTransStreamDescr attribute provides a

human-readable description of this transaction stream.

If no descriptive information is available, this

attribute's value shall be a zero-length string."

DEFVAL { "" }

::= { applPastTransStreamEntry 1 }

applPastTransStreamUnitOfWork OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX SnmpAdminString

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applPastTransStreamUnitOfWork attribute provides a

human-readable definition of what the unit of work is

for this transaction stream.

If no descriptive information is available, this

attribute's value shall be a zero-length string."

DEFVAL { "" }

::= { applPastTransStreamEntry 2 }

applPastTransStreamInvokes OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned64TC

UNITS "transactions"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"Cumulative count of requests / invocations issued

for this transaction stream when it was active."

::= { applPastTransStreamEntry 3 }

applPastTransStreamInvokesLow OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32

UNITS "transactions"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This object corresponds to the low thirty-two

bits of applPastTransStreamInvokes."

::= { applPastTransStreamEntry 4 }

applPastTransStreamInvCumTimes OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32

UNITS "milliseconds"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applPastTransStreamInvCumTimes attribute reports the

cumulative sum of the lengths of the intervals times

measured between the transmission of requests and the

receipt of (the first of) the corresponding response(s)."

::= { applPastTransStreamEntry 5 }

applPastTransStreamInvRspTimes OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32

UNITS "milliseconds"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applPastTransStreamInvRspTimes attribute reports the

cumulative sum of the lengths of the intervals measured

between the receipt of the first and last of multiple

responses to a request.

For transaction streams which do not permit multiple

responses to a single request, this attribute will be


::= { applPastTransStreamEntry 6 }

applPastTransStreamPerforms OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned64TC

UNITS "transactions"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"Total number of transactions performed."

::= { applPastTransStreamEntry 7 }

applPastTransStreamPerformsLow OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32

UNITS "transactions"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This objecy reports the low thirty-two bits of


::= { applPastTransStreamEntry 8 }

applPastTransStreamPrfCumTimes OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32

UNITS "milliseconds"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applPastTransStreamPrfCumTimes attribute reports the

cumulative sum of the lengths of the intervals measured

between receipt of requests and the transmission of the

corresponding responses."

::= { applPastTransStreamEntry 9 }

applPastTransStreamPrfRspTimes OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32

UNITS "milliseconds"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"For each transaction performed, the elapsed time between

when the first response is enqueued and when the last

response is enqueued is added to this cumulative sum.

For single-response protocols, the value of

applPastTransStreamPrfRspTimes will be zero."

::= { applPastTransStreamEntry 10 }

-- ****************************************************************


-- applPastTransFlowTable


-- ****************************************************************

applPastTransFlowTable OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The applPastTransFlowTable contains entries, organized by

application instance or running application element,

direction of flow, and type (request/response) for each

former transaction stream.

The simple model of a transaction used here looks like


invoker Request performer

- - - - - - >


< - - - - - -

Since in some protocols it is possible for an entity

to take on both the invoker and performer roles,

information here is accumulated for transmitted and

received requests, as well as for transmitted and

received responses. Counts are maintained for both

transactions and bytes transferred."

::= { applPastChannelGroup 6 }

applPastTransFlowEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ApplPastTransFlowEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"An applPastTransFlowEntry records transaction throughput

information for requests or response in a particular

direction (transmit / receive) for a transaction stream.

Entries in this table correspond to those in the

applPastTransStreamTable with identical values

for the applElmtOrSvc, applElmtOrSvcId, and the


INDEX { applElmtOrSvc,




applPastTransFlowReqRsp }

::= { applPastTransFlowTable 1 }

ApplPastTransFlowEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

applPastTransFlowDirection INTEGER,

applPastTransFlowReqRsp INTEGER,

applPastTransFlowTrans Unsigned64TC,

applPastTransFlowTransLow Unsigned32,

applPastTransFlowBytes Unsigned64TC,

applPastTransFlowBytesLow Unsigned32,

applPastTransFlowTime DateAndTime }

applPastTransFlowDirection OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX INTEGER { transmit(1),

receive(2) }

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The applPastTransFlowDirection index serves

to identify an entry as containing information

pertaining to the transmit (1) or receive (2) flow

of a past transaction stream. This index corresponds

to applTransactFlowDirection."

::= { applPastTransFlowEntry 1 }

applPastTransFlowReqRsp OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX INTEGER { request(1),

response(2) }

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The value of the applPastTransFlowReqRsp index indicates

whether this entry contains information on requests

(1), or responses (2). This index corresponds to


::= { applPastTransFlowEntry 2 }

applPastTransFlowTrans OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned64TC

UNITS "transactions"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applPastTransFlowTrans attribute reports the number

of request/response (as indicated by the

applPastTransFlowReqRsp index) transactions

received/generated (as indicated by the

applPastTransFlowDirection index) handled on this

transaction stream."

::= { applPastTransFlowEntry 3 }

applPastTransFlowTransLow OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32

UNITS "transactions"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This attribute corresponds to the low thirty-two

bits of applPastTransFlowTrans."

::= { applPastTransFlowEntry 4 }

applPastTransFlowBytes OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned64TC

UNITS "bytes"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applPastTransFlowBytes attribute reports the number

of request/response (as indicated by the

applPastTransFlowReqRsp index) bytes received/generated

(as indicated by the applPastTransFlowDirection index)

handled on this transaction stream.

All application layer bytes are included in this count,

including any application layer wrappers, headers, or

other overhead."

::= { applPastTransFlowEntry 5 }

applPastTransFlowBytesLow OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32

UNITS "bytes"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This attribute corresponds to the low thirty-two

bits of applPastTransFlowBytes."

::= { applPastTransFlowEntry 6 }

applPastTransFlowTime OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DateAndTime

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applPastTransFlowTime attribute records the time of

the processing (receipt or transmission as

indicated by the applPastTransFlowDirection index)

of the last request/response (as indicated by the

applPastTransFlowReqRsp index) on this transaction


If no requests/responses been received/transmitted by

this entity over this transaction stream, the value

of this attribute shall be '0000000000000000'H "

DEFVAL { '0000000000000000'H }

::= { applPastTransFlowEntry 7 }

-- ****************************************************************


-- applPastTranSKINdTable - transaction statistics broken down

-- according to the kinds of transactions in each direction

-- for a transaction stream.


-- ****************************************************************

applPastTransKindTable OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The applPastTransKindTable provides transaction

statistics broken down by kinds of transaction.

The definition of the kinds of transactions is

specific to the application protocol in use, and may be

documented in the form of an applicability statement. "

::= { applPastChannelGroup 7 }

applPastTransKindEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ApplPastTransKindEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"An applPastTransKindEntry reports historical data for a

specific service instance or running application

element's use of a specific transaction stream in

a particular direction in requests or responses

(as indicated by the applPastTransFlowReqRsp index)

broken down by transaction kind, as indicated by the

applPastTransKind index."

INDEX { applElmtOrSvc,





applPastTransKind }

::= { applPastTransKindTable 1 }

ApplPastTransKindEntry ::= SEQUENCE


applPastTransKind SnmpAdminString,

applPastTransKindTrans Unsigned64TC,

applPastTransKindTransLow Unsigned32,

applPastTransKindBytes Unsigned64TC,

applPastTransKindBytesLow Unsigned32,

applPastTransKindTime DateAndTime


applPastTransKind OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (1 .. 32))

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The applPastTransKind index is the human-readable

identifier for a particular transaction kind within

the context of an application protocol. The values

to be used for a particular protocol may be identified

in an applicability statement. This index corresponds

to applTransactKind."

::= { applPastTransKindEntry 1 }

applPastTransKindTrans OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned64TC

UNITS "transactions"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"For this transaction stream, this attribute records

the total number of transactions of the type

identified by the indexes. The type is characterized

according to the receive/transmit direction

(applPastTransFlowDirecton), whether it was a request

or a response (applPastTransFlowReqRsp), and the

protocol-specific transaction kind (applPastTransKind).

stream for this transaction kind."

::= { applPastTransKindEntry 2 }

applPastTransKindTransLow OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32

UNITS "transactions"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applPastTransKindTransLow attribute reports

the low thirty-two bits of applPastTransKindTrans."

::= { applPastTransKindEntry 3 }

applPastTransKindBytes OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned64TC

UNITS "bytes"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"For this transaction stream and transaction kind, the

applPastTransKindBytes attribute reports the number

of bytes received or generated (as indicated by

the applPastTransFlowDirection index) in requests or

responses (as indicated by the applPastTransFlowReqRsp


All application layer bytes are included in this count,

including any application layer wrappers, headers, or

other overhead."

::= { applPastTransKindEntry 4 }

applPastTransKindBytesLow OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32

UNITS "bytes"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applPastTransKindBytesLow attribute corresponds

to the low thirty-two bits of applPastTransKindBytes."

::= { applPastTransKindEntry 5 }

applPastTransKindTime OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DateAndTime

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applPastTransKindTime attribute records the time of

the processing (receipt or transmission as

indicated by the applPastTransFlowDirection index)

of the last request/response (as indicated by the

applPastTransFlowReqRsp index) of this kind of

transaction on this transaction stream.

If no requests/responses of this kind were

received/transmitted over this transaction stream, the

value of this attribute shall be '0000000000000000'H "

DEFVAL { '0000000000000000'H }

::= { applPastTransKindEntry 6 }

-- ****************************************************************


-- applElmtRunControlGroup - monitor and control running

-- application elements


-- ****************************************************************

applElmtRunStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"This table provides information on running application

elements, complementing information available in the

correspondingly indexed sysApplElmtRunTable [31]."

::= { applElmtRunControlGroup 1 }

applElmtRunStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ApplElmtRunStatusEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"An applElmtRunStatusEntry contains information to support

the control and monitoring of a single running application


INDEX { sysApplElmtRunIndex }

::= { applElmtRunStatusTable 1 }

ApplElmtRunStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

applElmtRunStatusSuspended TruthValue,

applElmtRunStatusHeapUsage Unsigned32,

applElmtRunStatusOpenConnections Unsigned32,

applElmtRunStatusOpenFiles Gauge32,

applElmtRunStatusLastErrorMsg SnmpAdminString,

applElmtRunStatusLastErrorTime DateAndTime }

applElmtRunStatusSuspended OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX TruthValue

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applElmtRunStatusSuspended attribute reports

whether processing by this running application element

has been suspended, whether by management request or by

other means."

::= { applElmtRunStatusEntry 1 }

applElmtRunStatusHeapUsage OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32

UNITS "bytes"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applElmtRunStatusHeapUsage reports the current

approximate heap usage by this running application


::= { applElmtRunStatusEntry 2 }

applElmtRunStatusOpenConnections OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32

UNITS "connections"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applElmtRunStatusOpenConnections attribute reports

the current number of open connections in use by this

running application element."

::= { applElmtRunStatusEntry 3 }

applElmtRunStatusOpenFiles OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Gauge32

UNITS "files"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applElmtRunStatusOpenFiles attribute reports the

current number of open files in use by this running

application element."

::= { applElmtRunStatusEntry 4 }

applElmtRunStatusLastErrorMsg OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX SnmpAdminString

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applElmtRunStatusLastErrorMessage attribute reports

the most recent error message (typically written to

stderr or a system error logging facility) from this

running application element. If no such message has yet

been generated, the value of this attribute shall be a

zero-length string."

DEFVAL { "" }

::= { applElmtRunStatusEntry 5 }

applElmtRunStatusLastErrorTime OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DateAndTime

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The applElmtRunStatusLastErrorTime attribute reports the

time of the most recent error message in


If no such message has yet been generated, the value

of this attribute shall be '0000000000000000'H "

DEFVAL { '0000000000000000'H }

::= { applElmtRunStatusEntry 6 }

-- ****************************************************************


-- applElmtRunControlTable - control running application

-- elements


-- ****************************************************************

applElmtRunControlTable OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApplElmtRunControlEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"This table provides the ability to control application

elements, complementing information available in the

correspondingly indexed sysApplElmtRunTable [31]."

::= { applElmtRunControlGroup 2 }

applElmtRunControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ApplElmtRunControlEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"An applElmtRunControlEntry contains information to

support the control of a single running application


INDEX { sysApplElmtRunIndex }

::= { applElmtRunControlTable 1 }

ApplElmtRunControlEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

applElmtRunControlSuspend TruthValue,

applElmtRunControlReconfigure TestAndIncr,

applElmtRunControlTerminate TruthValue }

applElmtRunControlSuspend OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX TruthValue

MAX-ACCESS read-write

STATUS current


"Setting this variable to 'true' requests the suspension

of processing by this running application element.

Setting this variable to 'false' requests that processing

be resumed. The effect, if any, will be reported by the

applElmtRunStatusSuspended attribute."

DEFVAL { false }

::= { applElmtRunControlEntry 1 }

applElmtRunControlReconfigure OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX TestAndIncr

MAX-ACCESS read-write

STATUS current


"Changing the value of this variable requests that the

running application element re-load its configuration

(like SIGHUP for many UNIX-based daemons).

Note that completion of a SET on this object only implies

that configuration reload was initiated, not necessarily

that the reload has been completed."

::= { applElmtRunControlEntry 2 }

applElmtRunControlTerminate OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX TruthValue

MAX-ACCESS read-write

STATUS current


"Setting the value of applElmtRunControlTerminate to

'true' requests that the running application element

terminate processing and exit in an orderly manner.

This is a 'polite' shutdown request.

When read, this object's value will be 'false' except

when orderly termination is in progress.

Note that completion of a SET on this object only implies

that termination was initiated, not necessarily that the

termination has been completed."

DEFVAL { false }

::= { applElmtRunControlEntry 3 }

-- ****************************************************************


-- Conformance requirements


-- ****************************************************************

applicationMibGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=

{ applicationMibConformance 1}

applicationMonitorGroup OBJECT-GROUP

OBJECTS { applSrvInstQual,






















applOpenConnectionApplication }

STATUS current


"This group represents the basic capabilities of this MIB."

::= { applicationMibGroups 1 }

applicationFastMonitorGroup OBJECT-GROUP

OBJECTS { applOpenChannelReadRequests,



applOpenChannelBytesWritten }

STATUS current


"This group comprises 64-bit counters mandatory in

high-throughput environments, where 32-bit counters

could wrap in less than an hour."

::= { applicationMibGroups 2 }

applicationTransactGroup OBJECT-GROUP

OBJECTS { applTransactStreamDescr,













applTransactKindTime }

STATUS current


"This group comprises objects appropriate from monitoring

transaction-structured flows."

::= { applicationMibGroups 3 }

applicationFastTransactGroup OBJECT-GROUP

OBJECTS { applTransactStreamInvokes,





applTransactKindBytes }

STATUS current


"This group comprises 64-bit transaction counters required in

high-throughput environments, where 32-bit counters could

wrap in less than an hour."

::= { applicationMibGroups 4 }

applicationHistoryGroup OBJECT-GROUP

OBJECTS { applPastChannelControlCollect,
























STATUS current


"This group models basic historical data."

::= { applicationMibGroups 5 }

applicationFastHistoryGroup OBJECT-GROUP

OBJECTS { applPastChannelReadRequests,




STATUS current


"This group comprises additional 64-bit objects required

for recording historical data in high-volume environments,

where a 32-bit integer would be insufficient."

::= { applicationMibGroups 6 }

applicationTransHistoryGroup OBJECT-GROUP

OBJECTS { applPastTransStreamDescr,













applPastTransKindTime }

STATUS current


"This group represents historical data for transaction-

structured information streams."

::= { applicationMibGroups 7 }

applicationFastTransHistoryGroup OBJECT-GROUP

OBJECTS { applPastTransFlowTrans,





applPastTransStreamInvokes }

STATUS current


"This group contains 64-bit objects required for historical

records on high-volume transaction-structured streams,

where 32-bit integers would be insufficient."

::= { applicationMibGroups 8 }

applicationRunGroup OBJECT-GROUP

OBJECTS { applElmtRunStatusSuspended,








applElmtRunControlTerminate }

STATUS current


"This group represents extensions to the system application


::= { applicationMibGroups 9 }

applicationMibCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE

STATUS current

DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for the application MIB."


MANDATORY-GROUPS { applicationMonitorGroup,


applicationRunGroup }

OBJECT applPastChannelControlCollect

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"This object should be limited to read-only

access in environments with inadequate


OBJECT applPastChannelControlMaxRows

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"This object should be limited to read-only

access in environments with inadequate


OBJECT applPastChannelControlTimeLimit

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"This object should be limited to read-only

access in environments with inadequate


OBJECT applElmtRunControlSuspend

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"This object should be limited to read-only

access in environments with inadequate


OBJECT applElmtRunControlReconfigure

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"This object should be limited to read-only

access in environments with inadequate


OBJECT applElmtRunControlTerminate

MIN-ACCESS read-only


"This object should be limited to read-only

access in environments with inadequate


GROUP applicationTransactGroup


"The applicationTransactGroup is required when the

information stream processed has a transaction

structure. "

GROUP applicationTransHistoryGroup


"The applicationTransHistoryGroup must be implemented

if applicationTransactGroup and applicationHistoryGroup

are implemented."

GROUP applicationFastMonitorGroup


"The applicationFastMonitorGroup is mandatory when

the applicationMonitorGroup is implemented and its

counts group may exceed what can be represented in 32 bits."

GROUP applicationFastTransactGroup


"The applicationFastTransactGroup is mandatory when

the applicationTransactGroup is implemented and its

counts may exceed what can be represented in 32 bits."

GROUP applicationFastHistoryGroup


"The applicationFastHistoryGroup is mandatory when

the applicationHistoryGroup is implemented and its

counts may exceed what can be represented in 32 bits."

GROUP applicationFastTransHistoryGroup


"The applicationFastTransHistoryGroup is mandatory when

the applicationTransHistoryGroup is implemented and its

counts may exceed what can be represented in 32 bits."

::= { applicationMibConformance 2 }


6. Implementation Issues

Unlike the system application MIB [31], in many environments support

for much of this MIB requires instrumentation built into the managed

resource. Some tables may be implemented by a single monitor

process; for others, the implementation may be distributed within the

managed system with the resources being managed.

As a practical matter, this means that the management infrastructure

of the managed system must support different subagents taking

responsibility for different rows of a single table. This can be

supported by AgentX [25], as well as some other subagent protocols

such as [8], [9], and [11].

The sysApplRunElmtIndex is the key connection between this MIB and

the systems application MIB. Implementations of these two MIBs

intended to run concurrently on a given platform must employ a

consistent policy for assigning this value to running application


Some of the objects defined in this MIB may carry a high run-time

cost in some environments. For example, tracking transaction elapsed

time could be expensive if it required two kernel calls (start and

finish) per transaction. Similarly, maintaining tables of per-

transaction information, rather than aggregating information by

transaction type or transaction stream, could have significant

storage and performance impacts.

Unless a collision-free mechanism for allocating service instance

indexes is in place, the structure of the service-level tables makes

an index-reservation mechanism necessary. AgentX [25] is an example

of a subagent protocol capable of satisfying this requirement.

7. Intellectual Property

The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any

intellectual property or other rights that might be claimed to

pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in

this document or the extent to which any license under such rights

might or might not be available; neither does it represent that it

has made any effort to identify any such rights. Information on the

IETF's procedures with respect to rights in standards-track and

standards-related documentation can be found in BCP-11. Copies of

claims of rights made available for publication and any assurances of

licenses to be made available, or the result of an attempt made to

obtain a general license or permission for the use of such

proprietary rights by implementors or users of this specification can

be obtained from the IETF Secretariat.

The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any

copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary

rights which may cover technology that may be required to practice

this standard. Please address the information to the IETF Executive


8. Acknowledgements

This document was produced by the Application MIB working group.

The editor gratefully acknowledges the comments and contributions of

the following individuals:

Harrie Hazewinkel

Carl Kalbfleisch

Cheryl Krupczak

David Partain

Jon Saperia

Juergen Schoenwaelder

Kenneth White

9. Security Considerations

By making potentially sensitive information externally accessible,

the capabilities supported by the MIB have the potential of becoming

security problems. How security fits into SNMP frameworks is

described in [26], and a specific access control model is described

in [30].

The tables in this MIB are organized to separate sensitive control

capabilities from less sensitive usage information. For example, the

objects to control application suspend/resume are separated from

those to handle reconfiguration, which in turn are distinct from

those for termination. This recognizes the need to support

configurations where the level of authorization needed by a manager

to do a "reconfigure" might be substantially less than the level

needed to terminate an application element. By keeping these in

separate columns, we make it possible to set up access control that

allows, for example, "reconfigure" but not "kill".

The MIB is structured to be useful for managers with read-only access

rights. In some environments, it may be approprate to restrict even

read-only access to these MIBs.

The capabilities supported by this MIB include several that may be of

value to a security administrator. These include the ability to

monitor the level of usage of a given application, and to check the

integrity of application components.

10. References

[1] ARM Working Group, "Application Response Measurement (ARM) API

Guide, Version 2", September, 1997.

[2] IEEE P1387.2, POSIX System Administration - Part 2: Software

Administration. (Draft)

[3] ITU-T Recommendation X.744 ISO/IEC IS 10164-18:1996,

Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Systems

Management: Software Management Function, 1996.

[4] Rose, M. and K. McCloghrie, "Structure and Identification of

Management Information for TCP/IP-based Internets", STD 16, RFC

1155, May 1990.

[5] Case, J., Fedor, M., Schoffstall, M. and J. Davin, "Simple

Network Management Protocol", STD 15, RFC1157, May 1990.

[6] Rose, M. and K. McCloghrie, "Concise MIB Definitions", STD 16,

RFC1212, March 1991.

[7] Rose, M., "A Convention for Defining Traps for use with the

SNMP", RFC1215, March 1991.

[8] Rose, M., "SNMP MUX Protocol and MIB", RFC1227, May 1991.

[9] Carpenter, G. and B. Wijnen, "SNMP-DPI Simple Network Management

Protocol Distributed Program Interface", RFC1228, May 1991.

[10] Grillo, P. and S. Waldbusser, "Host Resources MIB", RFC1514,

September 1993.

[11] Carpenter, G., Curran, K., Sehgal, A., Waters, G. and B.

Wijnen, "Simple Network Management Protocol Distributed Protocol

Interface Version 2.0", RFC1592, March 1994.

[12] Brower, D., Purvy, R., Daniel, A., Sinykin, M. and J. Smith,

"Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) Management

Information Base (MIB) using SMIv2", RFC1697, August 1994.

[13] Reynolds, J. and J. Postel, "Assigned Numbers", STD 2, RFC1700,

October 1994.

[14] Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M. and S. Waldbusser,

"Introduction to Community-based SNMPv2", RFC1901, January


[15] McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D. and J. Schoenwaelder, "Structure of

Management Information Version 2 (SMIv2)", STD 58, RFC2578,

April 1999.

[16] McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D. and J. Schoenwaelder, "Textual

Conventions for SMIv2", STD 58, RFC2579, April 1999.

[17] McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D. and J. Schoenwaelder, "Conformance

Statements for SMIv2", STD 58, RFC2580, April 1999.

[18] Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M. and S. Waldbusser, "Protocol

Operations for Version 2 of the Simple Network Management

Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC1905, January 1996.

[19] Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M. and S. Waldbusser, "Transport

Mappings for Version 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol

(SNMPv2)", RFC1906, January 1996.

[20] McCloghrie, K. and A. Bierman, "Entity MIB using SMIv2", RFC

2037, October 1996.

[21] Kalbfleisch, C., "Applicability of Standards Track MIBs to

Management of World Wide Web Servers", RFC2039, November 1996.

[22] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement

Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

[23] Freed, N. and S. Kille, "Network Services Monitoring MIB", RFC

2248, January 1998.

[24] Freed, N. and S. Kille, "Mail Monitoring MIB", RFC2249, January


[25] Daniele, M., Francisco, D. and B. Wijnen, "Agent Extensibility

(AgentX) Protocol", RFC2257, January, 1998.

[26] Harrington, D., Presuhn, R. and B. Wijnen, "An Architecture for

describing SNMP Management Frameworks", RFC2571, May 1999.

[27] Case, J., Harrington D., Presuhn R. and B. Wijnen, "Message

Processing and Dispatching for the Simple Network Management

Protocol (SNMP)", RFC2572, May 1999.

[28] Levi, D., Meyer, P. and B. Stewart, "SNMPv3 Applications", RFC

2573, May 1999.

[29] Blumenthal, U. and B. Wijnen, "User-based Security Model (USM)

for version 3 of the Simple Network Management Protocol

(SNMPv3)", RFC2574, May 1999.

[30] Wijnen, B., Presuhn, R. and K. McCloghrie, "View-based Access

Control Model for the Simple Network Management Protocol

(SNMP)", RFC2575, May 1999.

[31] Krupczak, C. and J. Saperia, "Definitions of System-Level

Managed Objects for Applications", RFC2287, February 1998.

11. Authors' Addresses

Carl Kalbfleisch

Verio, Inc.

1950 Stemmons Freeway


Dallas, TX 75207


Phone: +1 972-238-8303

Fax: +1 972-238-0268

EMail: cwk@verio.net

Cheryl Krupczak

Empire Technologies, Inc.

541 Tenth Street, NW Suite 169

Atlanta, GA 30318


Phone: +1 770-384-0184

EMail: cheryl@empiretech.com

Randy Presuhn (Editor)

BMC Software, Inc.

965 Stewart Drive

Sunnyvale, CA 94086


Phone: +1 408-616-3100

Fax: +1 408-616-3101

EMail: randy_presuhn@bmc.com

Jon Saperia

IronBridge Networks

55 Hayden Avenue

Lexington, MA 02173


Phone: +1 781-402-8029

Fax: +1 781-402-8090

EMail: saperia@mediaone.net

12. Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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