
RFC2688 - Integrated Services Mappings for Low Speed Networks

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Network Working Group S. Jackowski

Request for Comments: 2688 Deterministic Networks

Category: Standards Track D. Putzolu

Intel Architecture Labs

E. Crawley

Argon Networks

B. Davie

Cisco Systems

September 1999

Integrated Services Mappings for Low Speed Networks

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999). All Rights Reserved.


A set of companion documents describe an architecture for providing

integrated services over low-bitrate links, sUCh as modem lines, ISDN

B-channels, and sub-T1 links [1, 2, 3, 4]. The main components of the

architecture are: a set of real-time encapsulation formats for

asynchronous and synchronous low-bitrate links, a header compression

architecture optimized for real-time flows, elements of negotiation

protocols used between routers (or between hosts and routers), and

announcement protocols used by applications to allow this negotiation

to take place.

This document defines the service mappings of the IETF Integrated

Services for low-bitrate links, specifically the controlled load [5]

and guaranteed [6] services. The approach takes the form of a set of

guidelines and considerations for implementing these services, along

with evaluation criteria for elements providing these services.

1. Introduction

In addition to the "best-effort" services the Internet is well-known

for, other types of services ("integrated services") are being

developed and deployed in the Internet. These services support

special handling of traffic based on bandwidth, latency, and other

requirements that cannot usually be met using "best-effort" service.

This document defines the mapping of integrated services "controlled

load" [5] and "guaranteed" [6] services on to low-bandwidth links.

The architecture and mechanisms used to implement these services on

such links are defined in a set of companion documents. The

mechanisms defined in these documents include both compression of

flows (for bandwidth savings) [4,10] and a set of extensions to the

PPP protocol which permit fragmentation [2] or suspension [3] of

large packets in favor of packets from flows with more stringent

service requirements.

1.1. Specification Language



document are to be interpreted as described in RFC2119 [11].

2. Issues for Providing Controlled and Guaranteed Service

Unlike other link layers, the links referred to in this document

operate only over low speed point to point connections. Examples of

the kinds of links addressed here include dial-up lines, ISDN

channels, and low-speed (1.5Mbps or less) leased lines. Such links

can occur at different positions within the end-to-end path:

- host to directly connected host.

- host to/from network Access device (router or switch).

- Edge device (subnet router or switch) to/from router or switch.

- In rare circumstances, a link from backbone router to backbone


These links often represent the first or last wide area hop in a true

end to end service. Note that these links may be the most bandwidth

constrained along the path between two hosts.

The services utilized in mapping integrated services to these links

are only provided if both endpoints on the link support the

architecture and mechanisms referenced above. Support for these

mechanisms is determined during the PPP negotiation. The non-shared

nature of these links, along with the fact that point-to-point links

are typically dual simplex (i.e., the send and receive channels are

separate) allows all admission control decisions to be made locally.

As described in [2] and [3], for systems that can exert real time

control of their transmission at a finer grain than entire HDLC

frames, the suspend/resume approach optimizes the available bandwidth

by minimizing header overhead associated with MLPPP pre-fragmentation

and can provide better delay. However, this comes at the eXPense of

preparing all outgoing data and scanning all incoming data for

suspend/resume control information. The fragmentation approach can

be implemented without additional scanning of the data stream (beyond

bit-/byte-stuffing, which may be in hardware) and is applicable to

systems which provide only frame-oriented transmission control.

Choice of suspend/resume versus fragmentation should be made based on

the level of transmission control, the element's capability to handle

the HDLC-like framing described in [2], and the system overhead

associated with byte by byte scanning (required by suspend/resume).

To provide controlled load or guaranteed service with the

suspend/resume approach, when a packet for an admitted flow (QoS

packet) arrives during transmission of a best effort packet and

continued transmission of the best effort packet would violate delay

constraints of the QoS service flows, the best effort packet is

preempted, the QoS packet/fragments are added to the transmission,

and the best effort packet transmission is then resumed: usually all

in one transmission. The receiving station separates the best effort

packet from the embedded QoS packet's fragments. It is also

conceivable that one QoS flow's packet might suspend another flow's

packet if the delivery deadline of the new packet is earlier than the

current packet.

For systems which use fragmentation, any packets longer than the

maximum tolerable delay for packets from enhanced service flows are

fragmented prior to transmission so that a short packet for another

flow can be interleaved between fragments of a larger packet and

still meet the transmission deadline for the flow requiring enhanced


Note that the fragmentation discussed in this document refers to

multilink PPP (MLPPP) fragmentation and associated MCMLPPP

modifications as described in [2], not IP or other layer 3

fragmentation. MLPPP fragmentation is local to the PPP link, and

does not affect end-to-end (IP) MTU.

2.1 Calculating "Acceptable Delay" for Int-serv flows

A router which provides Controlled Load or Guaranteed Service over a

low speed serial link needs to have some notion of the "acceptable

delay" for packets that belong to int-serv flows. If using

fragmentation, a router needs to know what size to fragment packets

to; if using suspend/resume, it needs to know when it is appropriate

to suspend one packet to meet the delay goals of another.

Unfortunately, there is no hard and fast way for a single delay bound

to be determined for a particular flow; while the end-points of a

flow have enough information to determine acceptable end-to-end delay

bounds and to make reservation requests of the network to meet those

bounds, they do not communicate a "per-hop" delay to routers.

In the case of Guaranteed Service [6], one approach is to let the

network operator configure parameters on the router that will

directly affect its delay performance. We observe that guaranteed

service allows routers to deviate from the ideal fluid flow model and

to advertise the extent of the deviation using two error terms C and

D, the rate-dependent and rate-independent error terms, defined in

[6]. A network operator can configure parameters of the low speed

link in such a way that D is set to a value of her choice.

If link-level fragmentation is used, the router controlling a low-

speed link can be configured with a certain fragment size. This will

enable a component of the error term D to be calculated based on the

time to send one fragment over the link. (Note that D may have other

components such as the speed of light delay over the link.) Details

of the calculation of D are described below. Similarly, if

suspend/resume is used, the router may be configured with a delay

parameter, which would enable it to decide when it was appropriate to

suspend a packet.

For Controlled Load, there are no error terms, and the router must

decide how best to meet the requirements of the admitted reservations

using only the information in their TSpecs. Since the definition of

Controlled Load states that a CL flow with Tspec rate r should

receive treatment similar to an unloaded network of capacity r, CL

packets should not generally experience end-to-end delays

significantly greater than b/r + propagation delays. Clearly a router

connected to a low speed link should not introduce a delay greater

than b/r due to transmission of other fragments; ideally it should

introduce substantially less delay than b/r, since other hops on the

end-to-end path may introduce delay as well. However, this may be

difficult for flows with very small values of b.

It is expected that implementers will make their own tradeoffs as to

how low to make the delay for Controlled Load flows. Similarly, it

may not be possible or desirable to configure the parameters

affecting D to arbitrarily small values, since there is a cost in

overhead in fragmenting packets to very small sizes. Conversely, if D

is too large, some applications may find that they cannot make a

reservation that will meet their delay objectives.

For the remainder of this document, we assume that a router has some

notion of the acceptable delay that it may introduce before beginning

transmission of a packet. This delay is in addition to any delay that

a packet might be subjected to as a result of the "ideal" queuing

algorithm that the router uses to schedule packets.

3. Controlled Load and Guaranteed Service Class Mapping

Supporting integrated services over PPP links which implement MCML or

RTF can be accomplished in several ways. Guidelines for mapping

these services to PPP links and to the classes provided by the

suspend/resume and fragmentation mechanisms are presented below.

Note that these guidelines assume that some sort of signaling

protocol is used to indicate desired quality of service to both the

sender and receiver of a flow over a PPP link.

3.1 Predefined Class Mappings

A relatively simple method of class mapping that MAY be used is one

where class values correspond to predefined levels of service. In

this arrangement, all admitted flows are grouped into one of several

buckets, where each bucket roughly corresponds to the level of

service desired for the flows placed in it. An example set of

mappings appears below:

MCML Short MCML Long RTF Service

0b00 0b0000 0b000 Best Effort

NA 0b0001 0b001 Reserved

0b01 0b0010 0b010 Delay Sensitive, no bound

NA 0b0011 0b011 Reserved

NA 0b0100 0b100 Reserved

0b10 0b0101 0b101 Delay Sensitive, 500ms bound

NA 0b0110 0b110 Delay Sensitive, 250ms bound

0b11 0b0111 0b111 Network Control

Table 1: Example Mappings of Classes to Services

Note that MCML has two formats, short sequence numbers, and long

sequence numbers, that allow for 2 and 4 bits of class identification.

RTF allows for 3 bits of class identification in all formats.

Using a default-mapping method of assigning classes to flows in a

fixed fashion comes with certain limitations. In particular, all flows

which fall within a particular bucket (are assigned to a particular

class) will be scheduled against each other at the granularity of

packets, rather than at the finer grained level of fragments. This

can result in overly conservative admission control when the number of

available classes is small such as in MCML short sequence number


3.2 Predefined Class Mappings and Prefix Elision

In the case where fewer reservations are expected than the total

number of classes negotiated for a PPP link, it is possible to assign

individual flows to fixed class numbers. This assignment is useful in

the case where the protocol identifier associated with one or more

flows is known at LCP negotiation time and the bandwidth of the

connection is relatively small. If these conditions hold true, then

for those flows that are known, a specific class can optionally be

assigned to them and the prefix elision PPP option [2] can be used for

those classes to achieve a small bandwidth savings.

3.3 Dynamic Class Mappings

In the case where predefined class mappings are not satisfactory, an

implementer MAY map class values to individual packets rather than

assigning flows to fixed classes. This can be done due to the fact

that the classes that MCML and RTF provide can be viewed purely as

PPP-specific segmentation/fragmentation mechanisms. That is, while the

class number MUST remain constant on an intra-packet basis, it MAY

vary on an inter-packet basis for all flows transiting a PPP

link. Actual assignment of particular flows to fixed classes is

unnecessary, as the class numbers are NOT REQUIRED to have any meaning

other than in the context of identifying the membership of

fragments/segments as part of a single packet. This point is

sufficiently important that an example is provided below.

Consider a PPP link using the MCML short sequence number fragment

format (that is, four classes are provided). Assume that in addition

to carrying best effort traffic, this link is carrying five guaranteed

service flows, A, B, C, D, and E. Further assume that the link

capacity is 100kbit/s and the latency is 100ms. Finally, assume the BE

traffic is sufficient to keep the pipe full at all times and that GS

flows A-E are each 10kbit/s and all have delay bounds of 145ms.

Time(ms) Action

0 BE traffic is queued up

0 2kbit fragment from 10kbit packet of BE traffic sent, cls 0 (...)

8 2kbit fragment from BE sent, cls 0 (10kbit BE packet done)

9 8kbit packet from flow A arrives

10 2kbit fragment from A sent, cls 1 (8kbit flow A packet start)

11 8kbit packet from flow B arrives

12 2kbit fragment from B sent, cls 2 (8kbit flow B packet start)

13 8kbit packets from flows C, D, and E arrive

14 2kbit fragment from C sent, cls 3 (8kbit flow C packet start)

16 2kbit fragment from D sent, cls 0 (8kbit flow D packet start)

18 2kbit fragment from A sent, cls 1

20 2kbit fragment from B sent, cls 2

22 2kbit fragment from A sent, cls 1

24 2kbit fragment from A sent, cls 1 (8kbit flow A packet done)

26 2kbit fragment from E sent, cls 1 (8kbit flow E packet start)

27 8kbit packet from flow A arrives

28 2kbit fragment from B sent, cls 2

30 2kbit fragment from C sent, cls 3

32 2kbit fragment from E sent, cls 1

34 2kbit fragment from B sent, cls 2 (8kbit flow B packet done)

36 2kbit fragment from E sent, cls 1

38 2kbit fragment flow A sent, cls 2 (8kbit flow A packet start)


This example shows several things. First, multiple flows MAY share

the same class, particularly in the case where there are more flows

than classes. More importantly, there is no reason that a particular

flow must be assigned to a fixed class - the only requirement is that

each packet, when fragmented, MUST have the same class value assigned

to all fragments. Beyond this requirement the link scheduler may

assign individual to changing class numbers as necessary to meet

reservation requirements.

One suggestion to implementers of integrated services on MCML and RTF

links using dynamic mappings is that all BE traffic SHOULD be

logically separated from QoS traffic, and mapped to a fragmentable

(MCML classes 0-3 in short sequence number fragment format, 0-15 in

long sequence number fragment format) or suspendable (RTF classes 0-

6) class. Since BE traffic will in most implementations not be

scheduled for transmission except when a link is empty (that is, no

CL or GS traffic is ready for transmission), implementers MAY choose

to make use of class number 0 for BE traffic.

3.4 Non-Conformant Traffic

Treatment of non-conformant QoS traffic is largely determined by the

appropriate service specifications, but the detailed implementation

in the context of this draft allows for some flexibility. Policing

of flows containing non-conformant traffic SHOULD always be done at

the level of granularity of individual packets rather than at a finer

grained level. In particular, in those cases where a network element

scheduling flows for transmission needs to drop non-conformant

traffic, it SHOULD drop entire packets rather than dropping

individual fragments of packets belonging to non-conformant traffic.

In those cases where a network element forwards non-conformant

traffic when link bandwidth is available rather than dropping the

traffic, the implementation SHOULD fragment packets of such traffic

as if it were best effort traffic.

Whether BE and non-conformant traffic are treated differently in

regards to transmission (e.g., BE is given priority access over non-

conformant traffic to the link) or whether within each type of

traffic special treatment is afforded to individual flows (e.g., WFQ,

RED, etc.) is service dependent.

4. Guidelines for Implementers

4.1. PPP Bit and Byte Stuffing Effects on Admission Control

An important consideration in performing admission control for PPP

links is reductions in effective link rate due to bit stuffing.

Typical bit stuffing algorithms can result in as much as 20%

additional overhead. Thus, admission control implementations for

guaranteed service over links where bit stuffing is used SHOULD take

the RSpec rate of all flows and multiply by 1.2, to account for the

20% overhead from bit stuffing, when determining whether a new flow

can be admitted or not. Admission control implementations for

controlled load reservations may use a similar algorithm using the

TSpec peak rate or may attempt to measure the actual degree of

expansion occurring on a link due to bit stuffing. This

characterization can then be used to adjust the calculated remaining

link capacity. Such measurements must be used cautiously, in that the

degree of bit stuffing that occurs may vary significantly, both in an

inter- and intra-flow fashion.

Byte stuffing is also used on many PPP links, most frequently on POTS

modems when using the v.42 protocol. Byte stuffing poses a difficult

problem to admission control, particularly in the case of guaranteed

service, due to its highly variable nature. In the worse case, byte

stuffing can result in a doubling of frame sizes. As a consequence, a

strict implementation of admission control for guaranteed load on

byte stuffed PPP links SHOULD double the RSpec of link traffic in

making flow admission decisions. As with bit stuffing,

implementations of controlled load service admission control

algorithms for links with byte stuffing MAY attempt to determine

average packet expansion via observation or MAY use the theoretical

worst case values.

4.2. Compression Considerations

The architecture for providing integrated services over low bandwidth

links uses several PPP options to negotiate link configuration as

described in [4, 8, 10]. When deciding whether to admit a flow,

admission control MUST compute the impact of the following on MTU

size, rate, and fragment size:

Header compression: Van Jacobson or Casner-Jacobson [4,8,10].

Prefix Elision.


Fragment header option used.

Fragmentation versus suspend/resume approach.

If any of the compression options are implemented for the connection,

the actual transmission rate, and thus the bandwidth required of the

link, will be reduced by the compression method(s) used.

Prefix elision can take advantage of mapping flows to MLPPP classes

to elide prefixes which cannot be compressed at higher layers. By

establishing agreement across the link, the sender may elide a prefix

for a certain class of traffic and upon receiving packets in that

class, the receiver can restore the prefix.

Both compression gain and elision gain MUST be included as described

in the admission control section below. Note that the ability to

perform compression at higher layers (e.g. TCP or RTP/UDP) may depend

on the provision of a hint by the sender, as described in [9].

4.3. Admission Control

Admission control MUST decide whether to admit a flow based on rate

and delay. Assume the following:

LinkRate is the rate of the link.

MTU is the maximum transmission unit from a protocol.

MRU is the maximum receive unit for a particular link.

CMTU is the maximum size of the MTU after compression is applied.

eMTU is the effective size at the link layer of an MTU-sized packet

after link layer fragmentation and addition of the fragment headers.

FRAG is the fragment size including MLPPP header/trailers.

Header is the size of the header/trailers/framing for MLPPP/Fragments.

pHeader is the additional header/framing overhead associated with

suspend/resume. This should include FSE and worst case stuffing


pDelay is the time take to suspend a packet already "in flight",

e.g. due to the delay to empty the output FIFO.

b is the bucket depth in bytes

R is the requested Rate.

Dlink is the fixed overhead delay for the link (Modem, DSU,

speed-of-light, etc).

eRate is the effective rate after compression and fragmentation.

The Dlink term MAY be configured by an administrative tool once the

network is installed; it may be determined by real-time measurement

means; or it MAY be available from hardware during link setup and/or

PPP negotiation. Refer to Appendix A for more considerations on PPP

link characteristics and delays.

Admission control MUST compute CMTU, eMTU, and eRate for Controlled

Load Service, and it MUST compute CMTU, eMTU, eRate, and D for

Guaranteed Service:

To determine whether the requested rate is available, Admission

Control MUST compute the effective rate of the request (eRate) -

worst case - as follows:

#_of_Fragments = CMTU div (FRAG-Header) [Integer divide]

Last_Frag_Size = CMTU mod (FRAG-Header

If Last_Frag_Size != 0

eMTU = (#_of_Fragments) * FRAG + Last_Frag_Size + Header


eMTU = (#_of_Fragments) * FRAG

eRate = eMTU/CMTU * R [floating point divide]

Admission control SHOULD compare the eRate of the request against the

remaining bandwidth available to determine if the requested rate can

be delivered.

For Controlled Load Service, a flow can be admitted as long as there

is sufficient bandwidth available (after the above computation) to

meet the rate requirement, and if there is sufficient buffer space

(sum of the token bucket sizes does not exceed the buffer capacity).

While some statistical multiplexing could be done in computing

admissibility, the nature of the low-bitrate links could make this

approach risky as any delay incurred to address a temporary

overcommitment could be difficult to amortize.

4.4 Error Term Calculations

Guaranteed Service requires the calculation of C and D error terms. C

is a rate-dependent error term and there are no special

considerations affecting its calculation in the low-speed link

environment. The D term is calculated from the inherent link delay

(Dlink) plus the potential worst case delay due to transmission of

another fragment or suspend/resume overhead. Thus, D should be

calculated as

D = Dlink + FRAG/LinkRate

in the case of a fragementing implementation and

D = Dlink + pHeader + pDelay

for a suspend/resume implementation.

4.5 Scheduling Considerations

We may think of the link scheduler as having two parts, the first of

which schedules packets for transmission before passing them to the

second part of the scheduler -- the link level scheduler -- which is

responsible for fragmenting packets, mapping them to classes, and

scheduling among the classes.

In the dynamic class mapping mode of Section 3.3, when deciding which

class to assign a packet to, the link level scheduler should take

account of the sizes of other packets currently assigned to the same

class. In particular, packets with the tightest delay constraints

should not be assigned to classes for which relatively large packets

are in the process of being transmitted.

In either the dynamic or the static class mapping approach, note that

the link-level scheduler SHOULD control how much link bandwidth is

assigned to each class at any instant. The scheduler should assign

bandwidth to a class according to the bandwidth reserved for the sum

of all flows which currently have packets assigned to the class. Note

that in the example of Section 3.3, when packets from flows A and E

were assigned to the same class (class 1), the scheduler assigned

more bandwidth to class 1, reflecting the fact that it was carrying

traffic from reservations totaling 20kbit/s while the other classes

were carrying only 10kbit/s.

5. Security Considerations

General security considerations for MLPPP and PPP links are addressed

in RFC1990 [12] and RFC1661 [13], respectively. Security

considerations relevant to RSVP, used as the signaling protocol for

integrated services, are discussed in RFC2209 [14].

A specific security consideration relevant to providing quality of

service over PPP links appears when relying on either observed or

theoretical average packet expansion during admission control due to

bit- or byte-stuffing. Implementations based on these packet-

expansion values contain a potential vulnerability to denial of

service attacks. An adversary could intentionally send traffic that

will result in worst case bit- or byte stuffing packet expansion.

This in turn could result in quality of service guarantees not being

met for other flows due to overly permissive admission control. This

potential denial of service attack argues strongly for using a worst

case expansion factor in admission control calculations, even for

controlled load service.

Beyond the considerations documented above, this document introduces

no new security issues on top of those discussed in the companion

ISSLL documents [1], [2] and [3] and AVT document [4]. Any use of

these service mappings assumes that all requests for service are

authenticated appropriately.

6. References

[1] Bormann, C., "Providing Integrated Services over Low-bitrate

Links", RFC2689, September 1999.

[2] Bormann, C., "The Multi-Class Extension to Multi-Link PPP", RFC

2686, September 1999.

[3] Bormann, C., "PPP in a Real-time Oriented HDLC-like Framing",

RFC2687, September 1999.

[4] Casner, S. and V. Jacobson, "Compressing IP/UDP/RTP Headers for

Low-Speed Serial Links", RFC2508, February 1999.

[5] Wroclawski, J., "Specification of the Controlled-Load Network

Element Service", RFC2211, September 1997.

[6] Partridge, C. and R. Guerin, "Specification of Guaranteed

Quality of Service", RFC2212, September 1997.

[7] Shenker, S. and J. Wroclawski, "General Characterization

Parameters for Integrated Service Network Elements", RFC2215,

September 1997.

[8] Jacobson, V., "TCP/IP Compression for Low-Speed Serial Links",

RFC1144, February 1990.

[9] B. Davie et al. "Integrated Services in the Presence of

Compressible Flows", Work in Progress (draft-davie-intserv-

compress-00.txt), Feb. 1999.

[10] Engan, M., Casner, S. and C. Bormann, "IP Header Compression

over PPP", RFC2509, February 1999.

[11] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement

Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

[12] Sklower, K., Lloyd, B., McGregor, G., Carr, D. and T.

Coradettim, "The PPP Multilink Protocol (MP)", RFC1990, August


[13] Simpson, W., Editor, "The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)", STD

51, RFC1661, July 1994.

[14] Braden, R. and L. Zhang, "Resource ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP)

-- Version 1 Message Processing Rules", RFC2209, September


7. Authors' Addresses

Steve Jackowski

Deterministic Networks, Inc.

245M Mt Hermon Rd, #140

Scotts Valley, CA 95060


Phone: +1 (408) 813 6294

EMail: stevej@DeterministicNetworks.com

David Putzolu

Intel Architecture Labs (IAL)


2111 NE 25th Avenue

Hillsboro, OR 97124-5961


Phone: +1 (503) 264 4510

EMail: David.Putzolu@intel.com

Eric S. Crawley

Argon Networks, Inc.

25 Porter Road

Littleton, MA 01460


Phone: +1 (978) 486-0665

EMail: esc@argon.com

Bruce Davie

Cisco Systems, Inc.

250 Apollo Drive

Chelmsford, MA, 01824


Phone: +1 (978) 244 8921

EMail: bdavie@cisco.com


This document draws heavily on the work of the ISSLL WG of the IETF.

Appendix A. Admission Control Considerations for POTS Modems

The protocols used in current implementations of POTS modems can

exhibit significant changes in link rate and delay over the duration

of a connection. Admission control and link scheduling algorithms

used with these devices MUST be prepared to compensate for this

variability in order to provide a robust implementation of integrated


Link rate on POTS modems is typically reported at connection time.

This value may change over the duration of the connection. The v.34

protocol, used in most POTS modems, is adaptive to link conditions,

and is able to recalibrate transmission rate multiple times over the

duration of a connection. Typically this will result in a small

(~10%) increase in transmission rate over the initial connection

within the first minute of a call. It is important to note, however,

that other results are possible as well, including decreases in

available bandwidth. Admission control algorithms MUST take such

changes into consideration as they occur, and implementations MUST be

able to gracefully handle the pathological case where link rate

actually drops below the currently reserved capacity of a link.

Delay experienced by traffic over POTS modems can vary significantly

over time. Unlike link rate, the delay often does not converge to a

stable value. The v.42 protocol is used in most POTS modems to

provide link-layer reliability. This reliability, which is

implemented via retransmission, can cause frames to experience

significant delays. Retransmissions also implicitly steal link

bandwidth from other traffic. These delays and reductions in link

bandwidth make it extremely difficult to honor a guaranteed service

reservation. On a link that is actually lightly or moderately loaded,

a controlled load service can to some extent accept such events as

part of the behavior of a lightly loaded link. Unfortunately, as

actual link utilization increases, v.42 retransmissions have the

potential of stealing larger and larger fractions of available link

bandwidth; making even controlled load service difficult to offer at

high link utilization when retransmissions occur.

9. Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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 干货   2019-11-12
 干货   2019-11-12
 干货   2019-11-12
 干货   2019-11-12
 干货   2019-11-12
 干货   2019-11-12
 干货   2019-11-12
 干货   2019-11-12
 干货   2019-11-12
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