
RFC2686 - The Multi-Class Extension to Multi-Link PPP

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Network Working Group C. Bormann

Request for Comments: 2686 Universitaet Bremen TZI

Category: Standards Track September 1999

The Multi-Class Extension to Multi-Link PPP

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999). All Rights Reserved.


A companion document describes an architecture for providing

integrated services over low-bitrate links, sUCh as modem lines, ISDN

B-channels, and sub-T1 links [1]. The main components of the

architecture are: a real-time encapsulation format for asynchronous

and synchronous low-bitrate links, a header compression architecture

optimized for real-time flows, elements of negotiation protocols used

between routers (or between hosts and routers), and announcement

protocols used by applications to allow this negotiation to take


This document proposes the fragment-oriented solution for the real-

time encapsulation format part of the architecture. The general

approach is to start from the PPP Multilink fragmentation protocol

[2] and provide a small number of extensions to add functionality and

reduce the overhead.

1. Introduction

As an extension to the "best-effort" services the Internet is well-

known for, additional types of services ("integrated services") that

support the transport of real-time multimedia information are being

developed for, and deployed in the Internet.

The present document defines the fragment-oriented solution for the

real-time encapsulation format part of the architecture, i.e. for the

queues-of-fragments type sender [1]. As described in more detail in

the architecture document, a real-time encapsulation format is

required as, e.g., a 1500 byte packet on a 28.8 kbit/s modem link

makes this link unavailable for the transmission of real-time

information for about 400 ms. This adds a worst-case delay that

causes real-time applications to operate with round-trip delays on

the order of at least a second -- unacceptable for real-time

conversation. The PPP extensions defined in this document allow a

sender to fragment the packets of various priorities into multiple

classes of fragments, allowing high-priority packets to be sent

between fragments of lower priorities.

A companion document based on these extensions [5] defines a

suspend/resume-oriented solution for those cases where the best

possible delay is required and the senders are of type 1 [1].

1.1. Specification Language



document are to be interpreted as described in RFC2119 [8].

2. Requirements

The main design goal for the components of an architecture that

addresses real-time multimedia flows over low-bitrate links is that

of minimizing the end-to-end delay. More specifically, the worst

case delay (after removing possible outliers, which are equivalent to

packet losses from an application point of view) is what determines

the playout points selected by the applications and thus the delay

actually perceived by the user.

In addition, every attempt should obviously be undertaken to maximize

the bandwidth actually available to media data; overheads must be


The solution should not place unnecessary burdens on the non-real-

time flows. In particular, the usual MTU should be available to

these flows.

The most general approach would provide the ability to suspend any

packet (real-time or not) for a more urgent real-time packet, up to

an infinite number of levels of nesting. On the other hand, it is

likely that there would rarely be a requirement for a real-time

packet to suspend another real-time packet that is not at least about

twice as long. Typically, the largest packet size to be eXPected on

a PPP link is the default MTU of 1500 bytes. The smallest high-

priority packets are likely to have on the order of 22 bytes

(compressed RTP/G.723.1 packets). In the 1:72 range of packet sizes

to be expected, this translates to a maximum requirement of about

eight levels of suspension (including one level where long real-time

packets suspend long non-real-time packets). On 28.8kbit/s modems,

there seems to be a practical requirement for at least two levels of

suspension (i.e., audio suspends any longer packet including video,

video suspends other very long packets).

On an architectural level, there are several additional requirements

for the fragmentation scheme:

a) The scheme must be predictable enough that admission control can

make decisions based on its characteristics. As is argued in

[1], this will often only be the case when additional hints

about the characteristics of the flow itself are available

(application hints).

b) The scheme must be robust against errors, at least with the same

level of error detection as PPP.

c) The scheme must in general cooperate nicely with PPP. In

particular, it should be as compatible to existing PPP standards

as possible. On a link that (based on PPP negotiation) makes

use of the scheme, it should always be possible to fall back to

standard LCP (PPP Link Control Protocol [6, 7]) without


d) The scheme must work well with existing chips and router

systems. (See [1] for a more extensive discussion of

implementation models.) For synchronous links this means using

HDLC framing; with much existing hardware, it is also hard to

switch off the HDLC per-frame CRC. For asynchronous links,

there is much more freedom in design; on the other hand, a

design that treats them much different from synchronous links

would lose a number of desirable properties of PPP.

e) The scheme must be future proof. In particular, the emergence

of V.80 based modems may significantly change the way PPP is

used with modems.

This document does not address additional requirements that may be

relevant in conjunction with Frame Relay; however, there seems to be

little problem in applying the principles of this document to "PPP in

Frame Relay" [3].

3. Using PPP Multilink as-is

Transmitting only part of a packet to allow higher-priority traffic

to intervene and resuming its transmission later on is a kind of

fragmentation. The existing PPP Multilink Protocol (MP, [2])

provides for sequence numbering and begin/end bits, allowing packets

to be split into fragments (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Multilink Short Sequence Number Fragment Format [2]


PPP Header: Address 0xff Control 0x03


PID(H) 0x00 PID(L) 0x3d


MP Header: BE00 sequence number


fragment data







(Note that the address, control, and most significant PID bytes are

often negotiated to be compressed away.)

MP's monotonically increasing sequence numbering (contiguous numbers

are needed for all fragments of a packet) does not allow suspension

of the sending of a sequence of fragments of one packet in order to

send another packet. It is, however, possible to send intervening

packets that are not encapsulated in multilink headers; thus, MP

supports two levels of priority.

The multilink-as-is approach can be built using existing standards;

multilink capability is now widely deployed and only the sending side

needs to be aware that they are using this for giving priority to

real-time packets.

3.1. Limitations of multilink as-is

Multilink-as-is is not the complete solution for a number of reasons.

First, because of the single monotonically increasing serial number,

there is only one level of suspension: "Big" packets that are sent

via multilink can be suspended by "small" packets sent outside of

multilink; the latter are not fragmentable (and therefore, the

content of one packet cannot be sent in parallel on multiple links;

if the packets are sent in rounds on multiple links, the order they

are processed at the receiver may differ from the order they were


A problem not solved by this specification is that the multi-link

header is relatively large; as delay bounds become small (for

queues-of-fragments type implementations) the overhead may become


4. Extending PPP Multilink to multiple classes

The obvious approach to providing more than one level of suspension

with PPP Multilink is to run Multilink multiple times over one link.

Multilink as it is defined provides no way for more than one instance

to be active. Fortunately, a number of bits are unused in the

Multilink header: two bits in the short sequence number format (as

can be seen in Figure 1), six in the long sequence number format.

This document defines (some of the) previously unused bits as a class


Figure 2: Short Sequence Number Fragment Format With Classes


PPP Header: Address 0xff Control 0x03


PID(H) 0x00 PID(L) 0x3d


MP Header: BEcls sequence number


fragment data







Each class runs a separate copy of the mechanism defined in [2], i.e.

uses a separate sequence number space and reassembly buffer.

Similarly, for the long sequence number format:

Figure 3: Long Sequence Number Fragment Format With Classes


PPP Header: Address 0xff Control 0x03


PID(H) 0x00 PID(L) 0x3d


MP Header: BE class 00sequence number


sequence number (L)


fragment data







Together with the ability to send packets without a multilink header,

this provides four levels of suspension with 12-bit headers (probably

sufficient for many practical applications) and sixteen levels with

24-bit headers (only four of the six free bits are used in this case

-- based on the rationale given above, sixteen levels should

generally be more than sufficient).

5. Prefix elision: Compressing common header bytes

For some applications, all packets of a certain class will have a

common protocol identifier (or even more than one common prefix

byte). In this case, the following optimization is possible: the

class number can be associated with a prefix of bytes that are

removed from each packet before transmission and that are implicitly

prepended to the reassembled packet after reception.

Note that if only some of the packets to be transmitted at a certain

level of priority have the common prefix, it may still be possible to

utilize this method by allocating two class numbers and only

associating one of them with the prefix. (This is the reason why

four of the unused bits in the long sequence number format have been

allocated to the class number instead of the three that generally

should suffice.)

Prefix elision is not a replacement for header compression or data

compression: it allows implementations to compress away prefixes that

often are not reachable by header or data compression methods.

6. Negotiable options

The following PPP LCP options are already defined by MP:

o Multilink Maximum Received Reconstructed Unit

o Multilink Short Sequence Number Header Format

o Endpoint Discriminator

This document defines two new LCP options:

o Multilink Header Format

o Prefix Elision

6.1. Multilink header format option

A summary of the Multilink Header Format Option format is shown

below. The fields are transmitted from left to right.

Figure 4:

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Type = 27 Length = 4 Code # Susp Clses


This LCP option advises the peer that the implementation wishes to

receive fragments with a format given by the code number, with the

maximum number of suspendable classes (see below) given.

When this option is negotiated, the accepting implementation MUST

either transmit all subsequent multilink packets on all links of the

bundle with the multilink header format given or Configure-Nak or

Configure-Reject the option. (Note that an implementation MAY

continue to send packets outside of multilink in any case.) If this

option is offered on a link which is intended to join an existing

bundle, a system MUST offer the same multilink header format option

value previously negotiated for the bundle, or none if none was

negotiated previously.

The values defined in this document for the use of this option are:

- Code = 2: long sequence number fragment format with classes

- Code = 6: short sequence number fragment format with classes

The Multilink Header Format option MUST NOT occur more than once in a

Configure-Request or Configure-Ack, and, if it is present, the Short

Sequence Number Header Format option ([2]) MUST NOT also be present.

If no instance of this option or the Short Sequence Number Header

Format option is present, but an MRRU option [2] is present, then by

default, long sequence number multilink headers with class 0 only are

used; this is equivalent to code equals 2 and number of suspendable

classes equals 1. An instance of the Short Sequence Number Header

Format Option is equivalent to an instance of this option with code

equals 6 and number of suspendable classes equal to 1.

The number of suspendable classes bounds the allowable class numbers:

only class numbers numerically lower than this limit can be used for

suspendable classes. Implementations MAY want to negotiate a number

smaller than made possible by the packet format to limit their

reassembly buffer space requirements. Implementations SHOULD at

least support the value 4 for the short sequence number fragment

format, and the value 8 for the long sequence number fragment format,

unless configured differently. Bit combinations that would indicate

class numbers outside the negotiated range MAY be used for other

semantics if negotiated by other means outside the scope of this

document (e.g., [6]).

6.2. Prefix elision option

This LCP option advises the peer that, in each of the given classes,

the implementation expects to receive only packets with a certain

prefix; this prefix is not to be sent as part of the information in

the fragment(s) of this class. By default, this common prefix is

empty for all classes. When this option is negotiated, the accepting

implementation MUST either transmit all subsequent multilink packets

of each of the given classes with the given prefix removed from the

start of the packet or Configure-Nak or Configure-Reject the option.

If none of the formats with classes has been negotiated, class number

0 may be used to indicate a common prefix for all packets sent within

multilink fragments.

Apart from the type and length octets common to all LCP options, the

option contains a sequence of zero or more sequences of a single-

octet class number, a single-octet length of the prefix for that

class, and the octets in that prefix:

Figure 5:

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Type = 26 Option Length Class Prefix Length


Prefix... Class


Prefix Length Prefix...


The Prefix Elision option MUST NOT occur more than once in a

Configure-Request or Configure-Nak. If this option is offered on a

link which is intended to join an existing multilink bundle, a system

MUST offer the same prefix elision option value previously negotiated

for the bundle, or none if none was negotiated previously.

IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: as with most PPP options that indicate

capabilities of the receiver to the sender, the sense of this option

is an indication from the receiver to the sender of the packets

concerned. Often, only the senders will have sufficient control over

their usage of classes to be able to supply useful values for this

option. A receiver willing to accept prefix-elided packets SHOULD

request this option with empty content; the sender then can use

Configure-Nak to propose the class-to-prefix mapping desired.

7. Security Considerations

Operation of this protocol is believed to be no more and no less

secure than operation of the PPP multilink protocol [2].

8. References

[1] Bormann, C., "Providing Integrated Services over Low-bitrate

Links", RFC2689, September 1999.

[2] Sklower, K., Lloyd, B., McGregor, G., Carr, D. and T. Coradetti,

"The PPP Multilink Protocol (MP)", RFC1990, August 1996.

[3] Simpson, W., "PPP in Frame Relay", RFC1973, June 1996.

[4] Andrades, R. and F. Burg, "QOSPPP Framing Extensions to PPP",

Work in Progress.

[5] Bormann, C., "PPP in a Real-time Oriented HDLC-like Framing",

RFC2687, September 1999.

[6] Simpson, W., Editor, "The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)", STD

51, RFC1661, July 1994.

[7] Simpson, W., Editor, "PPP in HDLC-like Framing", STD 51, RFC

1662, July 1994.

[8] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement

Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

9. Author's Address

Carsten Bormann

Universitaet Bremen FB3 TZI

Postfach 330440

D-28334 Bremen, GERMANY

Phone: +49.421.218-7024

Fax: +49.421.218-7000

EMail: cabo@tzi.org

10. Acknowledgements

David Oran suggested using PPP Multilink for real-time framing and

reminded the author of his earlier attempts of making Multilink more

useful for this purpose. The participants in a lunch BOF at the 1996

Montreal IETF gave useful input on the design tradeoffs in various

environments. The members of the ISSLL subgroup on low bitrate links

(ISSLOW) have helped reducing the large set of options that initial

versions of this specification had.

11. Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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