
RFC2755 - Security Negotiation for WebNFS

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Network Working Group A. Chiu

Request for Comments: 2755 M. Eisler

Category: Informational B. Callaghan

Sun Microsystems

January 2000

Security Negotiation for WebNFS

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does

not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this

memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.


This document describes a protocol for a WebNFS client [RFC2054] to

negotiate the desired security mechanism with a WebNFS server

[RFC2055] before the WebNFS client falls back to the MOUNT v3

protocol [RFC1813]. This document is provided so that people can

write compatible implementations.

Table of Contents

1. IntrodUCtion .............................................. 2

2. Security Negotiation Multi-component LOOKUP ............... 3

3 Overloaded Filehandle ..................................... 4

3.1 Overloaded NFS Version 2 Filehandle ..................... 5

3.2 Overloaded NFS Version 3 Filehandle ..................... 6

4. WebNFS Security Negotiation ............................... 6

5. Security Considerations ................................... 10

6. References ................................................ 10

7. Acknowledgements .......................................... 10

8. Authors' Addresses ........................................ 11

9. Full Copyright Statement .................................. 12

1. Introduction

The MOUNT protocol is used by an NFS client to oBTain the necessary

filehandle for data Access. MOUNT versions 1 and 2 [RFC1094] return

NFS version 2 filehandles, whereas MOUNT version 3 [RFC1813] returns

NFS version 3 filehandles.

Among the existing versions of the MOUNT protocol, only the MOUNT v3

provides an RPC procedure (MOUNTPROC3_MNT) which facilitates security

negotiation between an NFS v3 client and an NSF v3 server. When this

RPC procedure succeeds (MNT3_OK) the server returns to the client an

array of security mechanisms it supports for the specified pathname,

in addition to an NFS v3 filehandle.

A security mechanism referred to in this document is a generalized

security flavor which can be an RPC authentication flavor [RFC1831]

or a security flavor referred to in the RPCSEC_GSS protocol

[RFC2203]. A security mechanism is represented as a four-octet


No RPC procedures are available for security negotiation in versions

1 or 2 of the MOUNT protocol.

The NFS mount command provides a "sec=" option for an NFS client to

specify the desired security mechanism to use for NFS transactions.

If this mount option is not specified, the default action is to use

the default security mechanism over NFS v2 mounts, or to negotiate a

security mechanism via the MOUNTPROC3_MNT procedure of MOUNT v3 and

use it over NFS v3 mounts. In the latter, the client picks the first

security mechanism in the array returned from the server that is also

supported on the client.

As specified in RFC2054, a WebNFS client first assumes that the

server supports WebNFS and uses the publsc filehandle as the initial

filehandle for data access, eliminating the need for the MOUNT

protocol. The WebNFS client falls back to MOUNT if the server does

not support WebNFS.

Since a WebNFS client does not use MOUNT initially, the

MOUNTPROC3_MNT procedure of MOUNT v3 is not available for security

negotiation until the WebNFS client falls back to MOUNT. A viable

protocol needs to be devised for the WebNFS client to negotiate

security mechanisms with the server in the absence of the

MOUNTPROC3_MNT procedure.

The WebNFS security negotiation protocol must meet the following


- Must work seamlessly with NFS v2 and v3, and the WebNFS


- Must be backward compatible with servers that do not support

this negotiation

- Minimum number of network turnarounds (latency)

This document describes the WebNFS security negotiation protocol

developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc. Terminology and definitions from

RFCs 2054 and 2055 are used in this document. The reader is eXPected

to be familiar with them.

2. Security Negotiation Multi-component LOOKUP

The goal of the WebNFS security negotiation is to allow a WebNFS

client to identify a security mechanism which is used by the WebNFS

server to protect a specified path and is also supported by the

client. The WebNFS client initiates the negotiation by sending the

WebNFS server the path. The WebNFS server responds with the array of

security mechanisms it uses to secure the specified path. From the

array of security mechanisms the WebNFS client selects the first one

that it also supports.

Without introducing a new WebNFS request, the WebNFS security

negotiation is achieved by modifying the request and response of the

existing multi-component LOOKUP (MCL) operation [RFC2055]. Note that

the MCL operation is accomplished using the LOOKUP procedure

(NFSPROC3_LOOKUP for NFS v3 and NFSPROC_LOOKUP for NFS v2). This and

the next sections describe how the MCL request and response are

modified to facilitate WebNFS security negotiation.

For ease of reference, the modified MCL request is henceforth

referred to as SNEGO-MCL (security negotiation multi-component

LOOKUP) request.

A multi-component LOOKUP request [RFC2055] is composed of a public

filehandle and a multi-component path:

For Canonical Path:

LOOKUP FH=0x0, "/a/b/c"

For Native Path:

LOOKUP FH=0x0, 0x80 "a:b:c"

A multi-component path is either an ASCII string of slash separated

components or a 0x80 character followed by a native path. Note that

a multi-component LOOKUP implies the use of the public filehandle in


Similar to the MCL request, a SNEGO-MCL request consists of a public

filehandle and a pathname. However, the pathname is uniquely

composed, as described below, to distinguish it from other pathnames.

The pathname used in a SNEGO-MCL is the regular WebNFS multi-

component path prefixed with two octets. The first prefixed octet is

the 0x81 non-ascii character, similar to the 0x80 non-ascii character

for the native paths. This octet represents client's indication to

negotiate security mechanisms. It is followed by the security index

octet which stores the current value of the index into the array of

security mechanisms to be returned from the server. The security

index always starts with one and gets incremented as negotiation

continues. It is then followed by the pathname, either an ASCII

string of slash separated canonical components or 0x80 and a native


A security negotiation multi-component LOOKUP request looks like


For Canonical Path:

LOOKUP FH=0x0, 0x81 <sec-index> "/a/b/c"

For Native Path:

LOOKUP FH=0x0, 0x81 <sec-index> 0x80 "a:b:c"

In the next section we will see how the MCL response is modified for

WebNFS security negotiation.

3. Overloaded Filehandle

As described in RFC2054, if a multi-component LOOKUP request

succeeds, the server responds with a valid filehandle:

LOOKUP FH=0x0, "a/b/c"




NFS filehandles are used to uniquely identify a particular file or

Directory on the server and are opaque to the client. The client

neither examines a filehandle nor has any knowledge of its contents.

Thus, filehandles make an ideal repository for the server to return

the array of security mechanisms to the client in response to a

SNEGO-MCL request.

To a successful SNEGO-MCL request the server responds, in place of

the filehandle, with an array of integers that represents the valid

security mechanisms the client must use to access the given path. A

length field is introduced to store the size (in octets) of the array

of integers.

As the filehandles are limited in size (32 octets for NFS v2 and up

to 64 octets for NFS v3), it can happen that there are more security

mechanisms than the filehandles can accommodate. To circumvent this

problem, a one-octet status field is introduced which indicates

whether there are more security mechanisms (1 means yes, 0 means no)

that require the client to perform another SNEGO-MCL to get them.

To summarize, the response to a SNEGO-MCL request contains, in place

of the filehandle, the length field, the status field, and the array

of security mechanisms:

FH: length, status, {sec_1 sec_2 ... sec_n}

The next two sub-sections describe how NFS v2 and v3 filehandles are

"overloaded" to carry the length and status fields and the array of

security mechanisms.

3.1 Overloaded NFS Version 2 Filehandle

A regular NFS v2 filehandle is defined in RFC1094 as an opaque value

occupying 32 octets:

1 2 3 4 32

+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+


+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

An overloaded NFS v2 filehandle looks like this:

1 2 3 4 5 8 32

+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+ +---+---+

l s sec_1 ... sec_n ...

+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+ +---+---+

Note that the first four octets of an overloaded NFS v2 filehandle

contain the length octet, the status octet, and two padded octets to

make them XDR four-octet aligned. The length octet l = 4 * n, where

n is the number of security mechanisms sent in the current overloaded

filehandle. Apparently, an overloaded NFS v2 filehandle can carry up

to seven security mechanisms.

3.2 Overloaded NFS Version 3 Filehandle

A regular NFS v3 filehandle is defined in RFC1813 as a variable

length opaque value occupying up to 64 octets. The length of the

filehandle is indicated by an integer value contained in a four octet

value which describes the number of valid octets that follow:

1 4




1 4 up to 64

+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+


+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+

An overloaded NFS v3 filehandle looks like the following:

1 4




1 4 5 8

+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+

s sec_1 ... sec_n

+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+

Here, len = 4 * (n+1). Again, n is the number of security mechanisms

contained in the current overloaded filehandle. Three octets are

padded after the status octet to meet the XDR four-octet alignment

requirement. An overloaded NFS v3 filehandle can carry up to fifteen

security mechanisms.

4. WebNFS Security Negotiation

With the SNEGO-MCL request and the overloaded NFS v2 and v3

filehandles defined above, the following diagram depicts the WebNFS

security negotiation protocol:

Client Server

------ ------

LOOKUP FH=0x0, 0x81 <sec-index> "path"



FH: length, status, {sec_1 sec_2 ... sec_n}


0x81 represents client's indication to negotiate security

mechanisms with the server,

path is either an ASCII string of slash separated components or

0x80 and a native path,

sec-index, one octet, contains the index into the array of

security mechanisms the server uses to protect the specified path,

status, one octet, indicates whether there are more security

mechanisms (1 means yes, 0 means no) that require the client to

perform another SNEGO-MCL to get them,

length (one octet for NFS v2 and four octets for NFS v3) describes

the number of valid octets that follow,

{sec_1 sec_2 ... sec_n} represents the array of security

mechanisms. As noted earlier, each security mechanism is

represented by a four-octet integer.

Here is an example showing the WebNFS security negotiation protocol

with NFS v2. In the example it is assumed the server shares /export

with 10 security mechanisms {0x3900 0x3901 0x3902 ... 0x3909} on the

export, two SNEGO-MCL requests would be needed for the client to get

the complete security information:

LOOKUP FH=0x0, 0x81 0x01 "/export"



0x1c, 0x01, {0x3900 0x3901 0x3902 0x3903 0x3904 0x3905 0x3906}

LOOKUP FH=0x0, 0x81 0x08 "/export"



0x0c, 0x00, {0x3907 0x3908 0x3909}

The order of the security mechanisms returned in an overloaded

filehandle implies preferences, i.e., one is more recommended than

those following it. The ordering is the same as that returned by the

MOUNT v3 protocol.

The following shows a typical scenario which illustrates how the

WebNFS security negotiation is accomplished in the course of

accessing publicly shared filesystems.

Normally, a WebNFS client first makes a regular multi-component

LOOKUP request using the public filehandle to obtain the filehandle

for the specified path. Since the WebNFS client does not have any

prior knowledge as to how the path is protected by the server the

default security mechanism is used in this first multi-component

LOOKUP. If the default security mechanism does not meet server's

requirements, the server replies with the AUTH_TOOWEAK RPC

authentication error, indicating that the default security mechanism

is not valid and the WebNFS client needs to use a stronger one.

Upon receiving the AUTH_TOOWEAK error, to find out what security

mechanisms are required to access the specified path the WebNFS

client sends a SNEGO-qMCL request, using the default security


If the SNEGO-MCL request succeeds the server responds with the

filehandle overloaded with the array of security mechanisms required

for the specified path. If the server does not support WebNFS

security negotiation, the SNEGO-MCL request fails with NFSERR_IO for

NFS v2 or NFS3ERR_IO for NFS v3 [RFC2055].

Depending on the size of the array of security mechanisms, the WebNFS

client may have to make more SNEGO-MCL requests to get the complete


For successful SNEGO-MCL requests, the WebNFS client retrieves the

array of security mechanisms from the overloaded filehandle, selects

an appropriate one, and issues a regular multi-component LOOKUP using

the selected security mechanism to acquire the filehandle.

All subsequent NFS requests are then made using the selected security

mechanism and the filehandle.

The following depicts the scenario outlined above. It is assumed

that the server shares /export/home as follows:

share -o sec=sec_1:sec_2:sec_3,public /export/home

and AUTH_SYS is the client's default security mechanism and is not

one of {sec_1, sec_2, sec_3}.

Client Server

------ ------

LOOKUP FH=0x0, "/export/home"





LOOKUP FH=0x0, 0x81 0x01 "/export/home"




overloaded FH: length, status, {sec_1 sec_2 sec_3}

LOOKUP FH=0x0, "/export/home"




FH = 0x01

NFS request with FH=0x01





In the above scenario, the first request is a regular multi-component

LOOKUP which fails with the AUTH_TOOWEAK error. The client then

issues a SNEGO-MCL request to get the security information.

There are WebNFS implementations that allow the public filehandle to

work with NFS protocol procedures other than LOOKUP. For those

WebNFS implementations, if the first request is not a regular multi-

component LOOKUP and it fails with AUTH_TOOWEAK, the client should

issue a SNEGO-MCL with

0x81 0x01 "."

as the path to get the security information.

5. Security Considerations

The reader may note that no mandatory security mechanisms are

specified in the protocol that the client must use in making SNEGO-

MCL requests. Normally, the client uses the default security

mechanism configured on his system in the first SNEGO-MCL request.

If the default security mechanism is not valid the server replies

with the AUTH_TOOWEAK error. In this case the server does not return

the array of security mechanisms to the client. The client can then

make another SNEGO-MCL request using a stronger security mechanism.

This continues until the client hits a valid one or has exhausted all

the supported security mechanisms.

6. References

[RFC1094] Sun Microsystems, Inc., "NFS: Network File System Protocol

Specification", RFC1094, March 1989.


[RFC1813] Callaghan, B., Pawlowski, B. and P. Staubach, "NFS Version

3 Protocol Specification", RFC1813, June 1995.


[RFC2054] Callaghan, B., "WebNFS Client Specification", RFC2054,

October 1996. http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2054.txt

[RFC2055] Callaghan, B., "WebNFS Server Specification", RFC2055,

October 1996. http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2055.txt

[RFC2203] Eisler, M., Chiu, A. and Ling, L., "RPCSEC_GSS Protocol

Specification", RFC2203, September 1997.


7. Acknowledgements

This specification was extensively brainstormed and reviewed by the

NFS group of Solaris Software Division.

8. Authors' Addresses

Alex Chiu

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

901 San Antonio Road

Palo Alto, CA 94303

Phone: +1 (650) 786-6465

EMail: alex.chiu@Eng.sun.com

Mike Eisler

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

901 San Antonio Road

Palo Alto, CA 94303

Phone: +1 (719) 599-9026

EMail: michael.eisler@Eng.sun.com

Brent Callaghan

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

901 San Antonio Road

Palo Alto, CA 94303

Phone: +1 (650) 786-5067



9. Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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