
RFC2791 - Scalable Routing Design Principles

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group J. Yu

Request for Comments: 2791 CoSine Communications

Category: Informational July 2000

Scalable Routing Design Principles

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does

not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this

memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.


Routing is essential to a network. Routing scalability is essential

to a large network. When routing does not scale, there is a direct

impact on the stability and performance of a network. Therefore,

routing scalability is an important issue, especially for a large

network. This document identifies major factors affecting routing

scalability as well as basic principles of designing scalable routing

for large networks.

Table of Contents

1 IntrodUCtion .................................. 2

2 Common Routing Design Goals ................... 3

3 Characteristics of Today's Large Networks ..... 3

4 Routing Scaling Issues .......................... 3

4.1 Router Resource Consumption ..................... 4

4.2 Routing Complexity .............................. 5

5 Routing Protocol Scalability ..................... 6

5.1 IS-IS and OSPF .................................. 6

5.2 BGP ............................................. 8

6 Scalable Routing Design Principles .............. 9

6.1 Building Hierarchy .............................. 10

6.2 Compartmentalization ............................ 13

6.3 Making Proper Trade-offs ........................ 13

6.4 Reduce Burdens of Routing Information Process ... 14

6.4.1 Routing Intelligence Placement .................. 14

6.4.2 Reduce Routes and Routing Information ........... 15 CIDR and Route Aggregation ...................... 15 Utilize Default Routing where it's Possible ..... 15 Reduce Alternative Paths ........................ 16

6.4.3 Use Static Route at Edge ......................... 16

6.4.4 Minimize the Impact of Route Flapping ............ 16

6.5 Scalable Routing Policy and Scalable Implementation 17

6.6 Out-of-band Process .............................. 19

7 Conclusion and Discussion ........................ 19

8 Security Considerations .......................... 20

9 Acknowledgement .................................. 21

10 References ....................................... 21

Author's Address .............................................. 22

Appendix A Out-of-Band Routing Processes .................... 23

Full Copyright Statement ..................................... 26

1. Introduction

Routing is essential to a network. Without routing, packets cannot be

delivered to desired destinations and the network would be non-

functional. The challenge of designing the routing for a large

network, such as a large ISP backbone network, is not only to make it

work, but also to make it scale. Without a scalable routing system, a

network may suffer from severe performance penalties, as

unfortunately proven by disastrous events in large networks. This

document attempts to analyze routing scalability issues and define a

set of principles for designing scalable routing system for large


The organization of this document is as follows: Section 2 describes

routing functions and design goals. Sections 3 and 4 discuss the

characteristics of today's large networks and the associated routing

scaling issues. Section 5 eXPlores routing protocol scalability, and

Section 6 presents scalable routing design principles. Section 7

provides a conclusion to the document.

2. Common Routing Design Goals

The basic goals a routing system should achieve are as follows:

o Stability

o Redundancy and robustness

o Reasonable convergency time

o Routing information integrity

o Sensible and manageable routing policy

The challenge of designing routing in a large network is not only to

achieve these basic goals but also to make the routing system scale.

3. Characteristics of Today's Large Networks

Today's large networks typically possess the following features:

o They are composed of a large number of nodes (routers and/or

switches), typically in the hundreds. Some provider networks

include customer CPE routers within their administrative domain,

which increases the number of nodes to thousands.

o They have rich connectivity to meet redundancy and robustness

requirements, and they consequently have complex topologies.

o They are default-free; that is, they carry all the routes known

to the entire Internet. Currently, the total number is

approximately 70,000.

o The customer aggregation routers inside the large networks

connect sometimes hundreds of customer routers.

These characteristics impose a direct challenge to the routing

scalability of the network.

4. Routing Scaling Issues

Today, the main issues surrounding routing scaling are: i) excessive

router resource consumption, which can potentially increase routing

convergency difficulties thus destabilize a network; and ii) routing

complexity, resulting in poor management of network, producing low

service quality.

4.1. Router Resource Consumption

The routing process puts bursty loads on routers, especially under

unstable network conditions. In the extreme case, the routing process

takes all available resources from the routers, which results in slow

routing convergence or no convergence. A network is paralyzed when it

cannot converge internal routing information.

It's worthy noting that routers with internal architectures that

tightly couple forwarding and routing processes tend to handle the

excessive routing load poorly. The emerging new generation of routers

with the architecture of separating resource used for forwarding and

routing could provide better routing scalability.

Today, a large network typically employs IS-IS [1,2] or OSPF [3] as

an Interior Routing Protocol(IGP) and BGP [4] as an Exterior Routing

Protocol(EGP), respectively. The IGP calculates paths across the

interior of the network. BGP facilitates routing exchange between

routing domains, or Autonomous Systems (AS). BGP also processes and

propagates external routing information within the network. The

presence of a large number of routers and adjacencies in a network,

coupled with frequent topology changes due to link instability, will

contribute to excessive resource consumption by the interior routing.

In the case of exterior routing, a large quantity of routers in a BGP

system plus frequent routing updates (route flapping) would put a

heavy burden on the routers. Section 5 describes scaling issues with

IS-IS, OSPF and BGP in detail.

In addition, having many destinations in a routing system, combined

with multiple paths associated with these routes, impose the

following scaling issues on BGP:

o A large number of routes combined with multiple paths for each

increases the cost of routing processing for route selection,

routing policy application and filtering.

o Too many routes combined with multiple paths requires large

amounts of memory on routers for storage. The demand is even

higher at InterExchange Points such as NAPs.

o The larger the number of routes, the greater the chance route

flapping will occur and the more BGP routing updates will happen

as a result. Based on statistics collected by [5], thousands of

BGP updates in a measured 15 minute interval can occur on a

typical default-free router at a NAP.

Route flapping refers to frequent routing updates occurring due

to network instability, for example, when the state of a

physical link in the network is fluctuating, or when a BGP

session is torn down and re-established numerous time within a

short period of time.

To facilitate fast convergence, topology change information must

be propagated in a timely fashion. When a route becomes

unavailable and is withdrawn, the information is typically sent

immediately. If the affected routes have been announced to the

global Internet, the update information is likely to be

propagated to the entire Internet.

Route flapping has a profound impact on routers running BGP. The

routers have to process routing information frequently and this

consumes a tremendous amounts of the available resources. When a

local route or link is oscillating, interior routing is affected

as well by excessive topology information flooding and

subsequent shortest path calculations. However, OSPF (or IS-IS)

imposes rate limits on such activity to reduce the burden on the

routers. For example, OSPF specifies that an individual SLA can

be updated at most once every 5 seconds. This essentially

dampens the flapping.

Moreover, large numbers of E-BGP sessions processed by a single

router create another potential scaling issue. Large networks usually

have huge customer subscriptions and connections. To scale the

hardware and the number of nodes in the network, providers tend to

dedicate a group of customer aggregation routers, each connecting as

many customer CPE routers as possible. As a result, it's not uncommon

for a customer aggregation router to handle hundreds of E-BGP

sessions, which imposes potential problems, such as BGP session

processing and maintenance, route processing, filtering and route


4.2. Routing Complexity

Routing complexity can lead to network management difficulties, which

will have an impact on trouble shooting and quick problem resolution.

It can result in a less than desirable service quality across the

network. Complicated routing policies and special cases or exceptions

in a routing design can contribute to routing complexity in a large


Routing Policy refers to the administrative criteria for handling

routing information, commonly in the form of routing path selection

and route filtering. The way routing information is handled has a

direct impact on traffic flow within a network and across domains. As

a result, it affects business agreements among different networks.

Therefore, the determination of routing policy is largely dominated

by non-technical concerns, such as business considerations. Routing

policy can be very complex, which would make management and

configuration an unscalable task.

The keys to reducing routing complexity are systematic as well as

consistent routing scheme and a routing policy that is simple but

meets the requirement of administrative polices.

Another factor contributing to the complexity of routing management

is prefix-based route filtering. As is well known, prefix-based

filtering is necessary in order to protect the integrity of the

routing system. This becomes a challenge when the number of routes

known to the Internet is as large as it is today.

5. Routing Protocol Scalability

Today's commonly deployed routing protocols are IS-IS or OSPF for

Interior routing (aka IGP) and BGP for exterior routing (aka EGP). In

terms of scaling and other ASPects, these protocols are already an

improvement over the previous generation of protocols, such as RIP

and EGP. However, scalability is still a major issue when a network

is large, when a routing design is insensitive to scaling issues, or

the protocol implementation is inefficient.

5.1. IS-IS and OSPF

As described earlier in the document, IS-IS and OSPF are Link State

routing protocols. The basic components of a link state routing

protocol are i) generation and maintenance of a Link-State-DataBase

(LSDB) that describes the routing topology of a given routing area;

and ii) route calculation based on the topology information in the

database. Each node in a routing area is responsible for describing

its local routing topology in a Link State Advertisement or LSA (LSP

in the case of IS-IS.) Each individually generated LSA will be

distributed or flooded to all the routers in the area. Each router

receives LSAs from all the other routers, forming a link-state-

database that reflects the routing topology of the entire routing


The main associated scaling issues are the complexity of the link

state flooding and routing calculation, plus the size of the LSDB

which contributes to the cost of routing calculation and router

memory consumption.

Flooding is the process by which a router distributes its self-

originated LSA to the rest of the routers in the area in case of any

link state change. A router will send the LSA via all its interfaces.

When receiving an LSA update, a router validates the information and

updates its local LSDB before sending it out via all its own

interfaces, except the one from which it received the original LSA

update. Given the nature of IS-IS or OSPF flooding, a full-mesh

network with N routers would have O(N^2) of LSAs flooded in the

network when a single link failure occurs. A single router outage

would cause LSA in the order of O(N^3) to be flooded in the system.

In the case of OSPF, the protocol will refresh or flood every 30

minutes even under stable network conditions, which could increase

the problem for an already highly loaded router.

From the above discussion, one can easily observe that the more

routers and adjacencies in a Link State IGP routing area, the more

CPU burden there are for each router to bear. When a network is

unstable, the load will be amplified.

A link-state protocol typically uses Dijkstra's Shortest Path First

(SPF) algorithm for route calculation. The Dijkstra algorithm scales

to the order of O(N^2), where N is the number of nodes. The algorithm

could be improved to the order of O(l*logN) where l is the number of

links in the network and N is the number of destinations or routers


Consequently, link state routing protocols do not scale to a network

topology with many routers and excessive adjacencies in an area. When

the network topology is unstable, the computation, processing and

bandwidth costs are magnified, which causes excessive consumption of

router resources. When the instability prevents IS-IS or OSPF from

maintaining adjacencies, a network routing meltdown occurs.

Node adjacencies are discovered and maintained through the exchange

of HELLO messages sent periodically from each node. When a node fails

to receive HELLO messages from its neighbor within a certain period

of time (40 seconds for OSPF and less for IS-IS), it considers the

neighbor down. When heavy flooding, re-calculation and other

activities happen that make router CPU a scarce resource, a router

may not be able to allocate CPU time to send or process HELLO

packets. Routers in the network then lose adjacency, which magnifies

the instability. As a result, an isolated instability can escalate to

a routing failure across the entire network.

Link-state IGPs also do not scale well to carry a large number of

routes such as the 70,000 routes known to the Internet today. Since

external routes are included in the link-state-database and in LSA

(LSP for IS-IS) updates, the link bandwidth and router memory

consumption will be tremendous. Moreover, due to the large size of

LSA updates, it would aggravate router resource consumption in the

process of LSA flooding, especially under unstable network condition.

To summarize, a scalable design should avoid inclusion of too many

routers in an IGP routing area, a large external routes carried by

IGP and, more important, excessive adjacencies in the area.

5.2. BGP

BGP is an inter-domain routing protocol allowing the exchange of

routing or reachability information between different Autonomous-

System networks. Functionally, BGP is composed of External BGP(E-BGP)

and Internal BGP(I-BGP). E-BGP is used for exchanging external routes

while I-BGP is typically used for distributing externally learned

routes within an AS.

The general costs of BGP are as follows:

o CPU consumption in BGP session establishment, route selection,

routing information processing, and handling of routing updates

o Router memory to install routes and multiple paths associated

with the routes.

The major scaling issue associated with BGP lie in the full mesh I-

BGP connections. Since it does not scale for an IGP to carry

externally learned prefixes, as mentioned in the previous section,

I-BGP assumes this duty. In order to prevent routing loops, prefixes

learned via I-BGP are prohibited from being advertised to another I-

BGP speaker. As a result, a full mesh of I-BGP sessions among the

routers within an AS is required. In an AS with N routers, each

router will have to establish I-BGP sessions with N-1 routers, and

the system complexity is in the order of O(N^2). Therefore, BGP

scales poorly when the number of routers involved in I-BGP mesh is


A large network normally learns all the routes known to the Internet,

which is approximately 70,000. I-BGP will need to carry all these


The large number of I-BGP sessions and routes consumes tremendous

resources from each router, especially during BGP session

establishment and during periods of heavy route flapping.

Frequent routing updates are another potential scaling problem in

large networks. BGP uses incremental updates and sends out routing

information about unreachable routes quickly for fast convergence.

This is a great improvement from EGP, in which the whole routing

table is updated at a fixed time interval. However, when a network is

unstable the updates, especially those containing route withdrawals,

are sent immediately, causing global BGP updates. As a result,

network instability initiated anywhere in a network triggers updates

all over the Internet. This effect is magnified when large amounts of

routes are visible to the Internet, putting a heavy load on routers

that participate in BGP.

The introduction of a routing hierarchy in BGP, through I-BGP Route

Reflectors [7] and BGP Confederations [8], for example, will help

alleviate the scaling problem caused by the requirement of full mesh

I-BGP establishment.

Another potential solution is to avoid the requirement of full mesh

pairwise I-BGP connections. This will change the way that BGP

distributes routing information among the I-BGP peers. Mechanisms

worth considering are using multicast to distribute information or

adopting flooding mechanisms similar to those used in IS-IS or OSPF.

Further investigation of the implication of using such mechanism for

BGP route distribution is needed.

Route dampening [9] is one way to reduce excessive updates triggered

by route flapping. The trade-off between fast convergence and

stability of the network should be considered, as discussed in

section 6.3.

6. Scalable Routing Design Principles

The routing design for a large-scale network should achieve the basic

goals of accuracy, stability, redundancy and convergence as described

in Section 2 and moreover should achieve it in a scalable fashion.

How routing scales is influenced by protocol design decisions,

protocol implementation decisions, and network design decisions. A

network engineer has direct control over network design decisions and

can have substantial influence over protocol design and

implementation. The focus of this document is network design


Following is a set of design principles for making a large network

routing system more scalable:

o Building hierarchy

o Compartmentalization

o Making proper trade-offs

o Reducing route processing burdens

o Defining scalable routing policies and implementation

o Utilizing out-of-band routing assistance

6.1. Building Hierarchy

As discussed in Section 5.1, OSPF and IS-IS scale poorly when a

network has a large number of routers and in particular, a large

quantity of adjacencies. This has unfortunately been proven by

networks that deploy IP over ATM with full mesh adjacencies among the

routers. The full mesh overlay design combined with the inefficient

protocol implementation led to disastrous network outages. A lesson

learned from this is to avoid full mesh overlay topology in a large

network with a large, flat network routing structure.

Building hierarchical routing structures in the network is the key to

achieving routing scalability in a large network. As discussed

earlier in this document, large networks are usually composed of many

routers with a complex topology, which results in a large number of

adjacencies. As also discussed earlier, currently available routing

protocols scale poorly for handling a large number of routers in a

routing domain or many adjacencies among the routers. Therefore, it

is sensible to build a routing hierarchy to reduce the number of

routers as well as the number of adjacencies in a routing domain.

The current common practice is to build a two-tiered hierarchy in a

network with a center component (or transit core network) to which a

number of outskirt components (or Access networks) attach. The

transit core network covers the entire geographical area the network

serves; each access network (aka regional network) covers one region.

There are usually no direct link connections among the regional

components. Traffic from one regional network to another traverses

the transit core. Customer networks connect only to access or

regional networks. There are a number of ways to build a routing

hierarchy in the above described hierarchical network topology.

1) Completely Separate Routing Domains

This design treats the transit core network and each regional

network as completely independent ASs with respect to routing, and

each AS runs an independent IGP. Each regional network E-BGP with

the transit core for exchanging routing knowledge. Full I-BGP

connections need to be established only within each component

network. With this design, the maximum number of routers in an IGP

domain is the total number of routers in each component. As a

result, the IGP processing load is reduced, and the number of

routers in an I-BGP mesh in the network routing system is

decreased dramatically.

Another advantage of this design is that it compartmentalizes the

routing system so that instability in one such component has less

impact on the entire system. See the discussion in section 6.2.

The main disadvantage of this scheme is that it inserts one extra

AS in the routing path when routes are advertised to the Internet

via BGP. This extra AS in the path may cause route selection

difficulties for other providers.

2) One Domain with IGP and BGP Hierarchy

This method includes the transit core and each regional network

into one AS domain. The routing hierarchy is realized by utilizing

multi-level IS-IS or OSPF areas and either BGP Confederation or

I-BGP Reflector or a combination of the two.

This mechanism avoids the introduction of an extra AS in the

routing path, which is an advantage over the method described in

Point 1). However, multi-area hierarchical IGP is rarely used

now-a-days in large networks since most of them are using IS-IS

for internal routing, which does not have sufficient multi-level

support. Although IS-IS supports multi-area routing, it imposes a

strict hierarchy between backbone and sub-areas and allows only

the advertisement of a default route from the backbone area to the

sub-areas instead of specific prefixes. This restriction may be

suitable for a network with a simple sub-area topology. A sub-area

in a large network, typically a regional or access network, itself

has a complicated topology. Receiving highly abstract routing

information, such as a default route, would affect the sub-area's

ability to make route selections required for traffic engineering.

It would also limit the information passed to external ASs, for

example, IGP-derived BGP Multi-Exit-Discriminator (MED)


Efforts are being made to modify the IS-IS protocol to allow the

distribution of specific route from backbone area to sub-areas. A

mechanism facilitates such distribution is specified in [15]. When

implementation of such mechanism become available, implementing

multi-level IGP will be an attractive option for building routing

hierarchy within a large network.

3) One IGP Area with BGP Hierarchy

In lieu of multi-area IS-IS, the routing hierarchy could be

achieved by defining one IGP domain for the entire network while

employing a BGP hierarchy. Fortunately, the hierarchical topology

of the network in this case helps reduce adjacencies in the

routing domain (recall there are no connections among the second-

level network components). In addition, improvements could be made

to further reduce the adjacency by carefully arranging the

adjacencies to keep them at a minimum but still achieve good

redundancy. However, this is less than ideal since the number of

routers remains unchanged, which increases the load on the SPF

calculation. Moreover, instability within any regional network

would still affect the entire network (that is, there would be no

fault isolation).

Even with one IGP domain, it is possible to build BGP hierarchy to

make I-BGP more scalable in the network. BGP Reflectors and BGP

Confederations are existing mechanisms to address the scaling

problem of full-mesh I-BGP.

Further, a BGP reflector provides the ability to build more than

two levels of hierarchy, as long as the interactions among the

different levels of the hierarchy are carefully arranged to avoid

the possibility of creating routing loops.

Questions worth aSKINg are: "Are two levels of routing hierarchy

sufficient for handling scaling issues?" "Is there really a need for

more than two levels of hierarchy?"

When a second-tier sub-domain of a large network, such as a regional

network, grows too big for routing protocols to handle, either

another layer of hierarchy needs to be introduced or the sub-domain

needs to be split into multiple second-tiered sub-domains.

Keeping two levels of hierarchy and adding more sub-domains appears

to be more manageable than adding another level to the hierarchy.

However, one concern is to avoid adding more nodes to the top-level

or transit core network to make it less scalable. Connecting the

split sub-areas to the same core router would eliminate the need to

add more nodes in the core area than is recommended.

Having more than two levels of hierarchy would exceed the capability

of IGPs as they are defined today. In OSPF, for example, all the

areas must be connected via the backbone area, which eliminates the

possibility of having more than two levels of hierarchy. IS-IS has

the same limitation. Therefore, the protocols need to be redefined

should more than two hierarchical layers in IGP be desirable.

The complexity of protocols and management will increase with the

number of levels added to the hierarchy. According to [6], most of

the OSPF protocol bugs found over the years are related to routing

area support. Because the interaction among the multiple levels

increases management and debugging complexity, it is desirable to

keep the levels within a hierarchy to a minimum.

6.2. Compartmentalization

A scalable routing design of a large network should be able to

localize problems or failures, thus preventing them from spreading to

the entire network, consuming resources of network routers, and

causing network wide instability. This is compartmentalization.

Network compartmentalization makes fault isolation possible which

contributes the stability of a large network.

To achieve compartmentalization in routing design for a large

network, one needs to avoid a design where the whole large network is

one flat routing system or routing domain. This is the reason for the

architecture of dividing interior and exterior routing in the global

routing system. Within a network, it is best to divide the network

into multiple routing domains or multiple routing areas. For example,

in OSPF, only summary route SLAs, rather than individual area routes,

are flooded beyond the area. When an area border router aggregates

the routes in its sub-area, instability of any route included in the

summary route would not cause flooding of SLAs to other areas. As a

result, router resources in other areas would not be consumed for

handling flooding and the SPF recalculation. In other Words,

instability within each individual area would be prevented from

spreading to the entire routing domain.

Since building a routing hierarchy essentially divides a big routing

area into smaller areas or domains, it help achieve the goal of


6.3. Making Proper Trade-offs

When designing routing for a large network, the overall goal should

be set with considerations of routing scalability and stability. The

trade-offs between conflicting goals should be taken into account.

Examples of such trade-offs are redundancy vs. scalability and

convergence vs. stability.

Redundancy introduces complexity and increased adjacencies to the

network topology. Redundancy also imposes the need for as many

alternative paths as possible for each route, which increases route

processing and storage burdens. Because of these problems, it may be

necessary to sacrifice absolute redundancy in favor of a reasonable

level that scales better for the routing system.

Fast convergence requires that changes in network topology be

propagated to the network as quickly as possible. Such action

increases routing updates and, consequently, the route processing

burden. The burden is aggravated when a network carries full Internet

routing information, as large networks usually do, and topology

changes happen frequently. Route dampening may be necessary to

achieve stability at the expense of absolute fast convergence.

6.4. Reduce Burdens of Routing Information Processing

The tasks of reducing routing processing burdens includes: i)

strategically place the routing intelligence within the network, ii)

avoid carrying unnecessary routing information and iii) reduce the

impact of route flapping.

6.4.1. Routing Intelligence Placement

A router that executes routing policies, performs route filtering and

dampening is said to posses routing intelligence. Routing

intelligence is needed for a network i) to enforce the business

agreement between network entities in the form of routing policies;

ii) to protect the integrity of the routing information within the

network and sometimes iii) to shield a network from instability

happening elsewhere in the Internet.

The more routing intelligence a router has, the more resources of the

router are needed to perform those tasks. It is logical, then, to

place as little routing intelligence as possible on routers that

already are heavily burdened with other tasks.

Usually, traffic is heavily concentrated in the core of the network.

Because traffic aggregates from the edge of the network toward the

core, traffic is less concentrated near the edge of the network.

Consequently, to build a scalable routing system, it is wise to place

routing intelligence at the edge of the network, especially in the

networks deployed with routers that do not sufficiently decouple

forwarding and routing. In addition, pushing routing intelligency as

close to the edge of the network as possible also serves the purpose

of distributing computational and configuration burdens across all


It is also desirable to move the heavy burden of processing routes to

out-of-band processors, freeing more resources in network routers for

packet forwarding and handling.

6.4.2. Reduce Routes and Routing Information

As discussed in Section 4.1, a large number of routes in the system

is one of the major culprits in route scaling problems. Therefore, it

is best to reduce the number of routes in the system without losing

necessary routing information. CIDR and Route Aggregation

CIDR as specified in [10] provides a mechanism to aggregate routes

for efficiently utilizing IP address space as well as reducing the

number of routes in the global routing table. CIDR offers a way to

summarize routing information, which is one of the keys for routing

scalability in today's Internet.

Route aggregation would not only help global Internet scalability but

would also contribute to scalability in local networks. The overall

goal is to keep the routes in the backbone to a minimum.

To achieve better aggregation within the network; that is, to reduce

the number of routes in the network, a block of consecutive IP

addresses should be allocated to each access or regional network so

that when a regional network announces its routes to the transit core

network, they can be aggregated. This way, the core and other

regional networks would not need to know the specific prefixes of any

particular access network. Although assignment of customer addresses

from a provider block would have to be planned to support

aggregation, the effort would be worthwhile. Utilize Default Routing When Possible

The use of a default route achieves ultimate route summarization,

which reduces routing information to minimum. Route summarization

also masks the instability associated with an individual route, for

example, in the case of route flapping. It's beneficial for a network

to utilize default routing when appropriate. For example, if a

second-tiered regional network is a stub and there is no connected

customer requesting full Internet routing information, the regional

network can simply point default to its connected core network.

However, over-summarization of routing information has the danger of

losing routing granularity and as a result, management of network

such as traffic engineering would be adversely affected. Therefore,

caution needs to be exercised when using default routing. Reduce Alternative Paths

Due to the requirement of reliability, the connectivity in the

Internet is rich, resulting in many paths toward a particular

destination. In other words, there are many alternate paths in the

BGP routing table towards the same destination, which consumes router

memory and adds to the routing processing burden.

To make routing scale, it is desirable to reduce alternate paths

while preserving reasonable redundancy. For example, on a given

border router (such as a NAP router), one primary path plus an

alternate path should provide reasonable redundancy. In this case, a

third or a fourth alternate route could be discarded for the sake of

scaling. This is a trade-off decision every network administrator

needs to make based on the particular needs of her network.

6.4.3. Use Static Route at Edges

As mentioned earlier, one of the scaling issues in large networks is

that a single router may fan out to hundreds of customer routers. As

a result, resource consumption will be very intensive if all the

customer routers communicate via BGP with the edge router. Is it

necessary for the edge router to BGP with all of its attached

customer routers?

At first glance, it seems necessary for a customer network in a

different Autonomous System(AS) to exchange routing information with

the provider network via BGP. However, this is not necessarily the

case. When a customer network is single-homed (that is, if the sole

network connection for a customer is via its provider network), BGP

is not necessary and static routing can work. Since the customer

network is single-homed, static routing will not have any negative

impact on services. The advantages are that the customer aggregation

router will have fewer E-BGP sessions to handle, and no route

flapping can result from the statically configured customer routes.

Configuration of the customer's static routes on the provider's

aggregation router may add management overhead, especially if a

customer advertises a large number of routes. On the other hand, the

set of routes a customer announces to the provider usually changes

infrequently; thus it requires low maintenance once it is configured.

6.4.4. Minimize the Impact of Route Flapping

As discussed earlier, route flapping is largely caused by link

instability and/or BGP session instability that results in excessive

routing updates across the Internet. Route flapping can originate

anywhere in the global Internet and affect every network in the

Internet routing mesh (BGP mesh). Given that there are over 70,000

routes known to the Internet and there is little isolation for route

flapping, handling route flapping could be overwhelming to routers in

any network.

One way to reduce the effect of route flapping is to turn on route

dampening as specified in [10]. Essentially, dampening suppresses an

unstable route until it becomes stable. The current practice is for

each ISP to enable route dampening on its border routers. This way,

excessive routing updates can be stopped at the border.

An ideal model is to suppress the announcement of a flapping route

right at the source. One way to implement this is to have a router

recognize instability associated with its directly connected links

and suppress the announcement of the route. So far, there is no such

implementation. This approach should be explored.

Route aggregation often masks route flapping since components of an

aggregated route (more specific routes) would not cause the

aggregated route to flap. Therefore using CIDR can also help to

alleviate route flapping.

6.5. Scalable Routing Policy and Scalable Implementation

Routing policy involves routing decisions about acceptance and

advertisement of certain routes to or from other networks and about

routing preference when more than one route becomes available.

Routing policy enforces business agreements between network entities

and is largely governed by non-technical criteria. In essence,

routing policy involves defining criteria for route filtering and

route selection.

One aspect of route filtering has to do with traffic control between

routing domains or between different provider networks. Making policy

based on individual prefixes should be avoided in this case because,

with the large number of prefixes in the Internet, it does not scale.

Making policy based on ASs that administratively represent a set of

prefixes scales better.

Another purpose of route filtering is to protect the integrity of

routing information by preventing the acceptance of falsely

advertised routing information that would lead traffic to 'black

holes'. In this case, only prefix-based filtering will sufficiently

achieve the goal. Prefix-based filtering needs to occur at the

borders between a network and its direct customers or peer networks.

The filtering is harder to manage at the boundary of the peer

networks since a peer network usually advertises a large amount of

prefixes. As mentioned earlier, there are about 70,000 routes known

to the Internet. This means a large default-free network would need

to filter on the order of hundred of thousands of prefixes or even

more since a route could be advertised by more than one sources. The

sheer amount of the prefixes to be filtered imposes challenges for

router configuration memory and configuration management. To make it

scale, one would need to rely on the help from an out-of-band process

to sort out which prefixes should be accepted or denied from which

source. IRR [11] and DNS [12] are among the current proposed

mechanisms for implementing prefix-based filtering.

Route selection policy determines which path should be used to send

traffic toward a certain destination. This is important, for example,

when a network has two connections to another network and learns

routes from both connections. The decision involves which path to

select to send traffic to the customers behind the other network. The

choices are typically:

o Directing traffic to the closest interconnection point for

traffic to exit the network. This policy is also known as Hot-


o Directing traffic to the optimal network exit point. The optimal

exit point is determined based on certain criteria by the

network administrator and is not necessary the closest exit


o Always preferring routes advertised by directly connected


o Allowing other network or customer to determine the path

When a policy is defined, its implications for scalable

implementation need to be considered. For example, if the policy

allows customers to determine which paths traffic follows, customers,

not the provider, should be required to set routing parameters to

make the routing favor their preferred path. Customers can use the

BGP community or mechanisms such as MED to set routing preferences in

a much more scalable way. This avoids putting such routing management

burdens solely on the provider. Distributing the routing management

burden makes the policy implementation more scalable.

Another scaling measure is to avoid making complex policy. When

routing policy is complex, management, such as configuration of the

router and debugging, would be a problem. The ultimate goal is to

make the network manageable.

The following basic principles would help scale the routing policy


o Making policies as simple as possible but meet the requirements

o Automating as much as possible to avoid error-prone manual work

o Avoiding policy based on individual prefixes as much as possible

with the exception of prefix-based route filtering for

protecting routing integrity

o Avoiding making exceptions

o Using out-of-band routing policy processing where possible

6.6. Out-of-Band Process

A typical router assumes both routing and forwarding functions.

However, conceptually, routing and forwarding are two separate

processes. A router's ultimate task is to forward packets based on

its forwarding table, which is derived from routing information. One

of the main causes of route scaling problems is that routers run out

of processing power because routing requires too much processing.

While a router has to forward packets, it does not necessarily have

to exchange and process routing information or execute routing

policy; these tasks can be performed elsewhere. Thus the question

should be: Would it be possible to remove the routing process from a

router to reduce its burden? Moving the routing process from the

routers to other systems is referred to as out-of-band route


Out-of-band route processes would, in short, perform the heavy-duty

routing tasks. They would build a forwarding table for the router,

select routes based on pre-defined policy, filter routes, and shield

the router from route flapping attacks.

The shortcomings of out-of-band route processing are the possible

introduction of delays in routing changes; the de-coupling of routing

and forwarding paths, which could introduce inaccurate routing

information; and the cost of extra equipment.

Appendix A presents a current example of out-of-band route

processing. It also suggests other possible solutions.

7. Conclusion and Discussion

How routing scales has a direct impact on network stability and

performance. With the fast growth of the Internet and consequent

expansion of providers' networks, routing scaling become increasingly

an important issue to address. This document identifies the major

factors that affect route scalability and establishes basic

principles for designing scalable routing in large networks.

The major routing scaling issues we are facing today are excessive

router resource consumption due to routing processing burdens causing

routing convergency difficulties thus introducing network

instability; and routing complexity resulting in difficulties of

management and trouble shooting causing degradation of service.

The outlined principles for designing a scalable routing system are

building routing hierarchy; introducing fault isolation; reducing

routing processing burden where possible; defining manageable routing

policies and using the assistance of available out-of-band routing


The use of out-of-band resources to assist routing processing is a

concept only been used in the Internet Exchange Points (IXPs).

However, it could potentially be used to advantage within a network

to help addressing routing scaling issues. This is a topic worthy of

further exploration.

Routing protocols and/or their implementations can still be improved

or enhanced for better handling of the scaling issues. For example,

the IS-IS multiple level mechanism is needed in order to scale the

IGP in large network. Also, using multicast or a reliable flooding

mechanism for I-BGP updates instead of pairwise full mesh peering is

something worth investigating.

It is our belief that even with the deployment of new technologies

such as DWDM, MPLS and others in the future, the fundamental routing

scheme will remain the current IGP/BGP paradigm. Therefore, the

scalable routing design principles outlined in this document should

still apply with the deployment of new technologies.

8. Security Considerations

This document deals with routing scaling issues and thus is unlikely

to have a direct impact on security.

However, certain routing scaling improvement mechanisms suggested in

the document, such as network compartmentalization, will possibly

alleviate network outages caused by denial-of-service attacks since

it would help prevent such outages from spreading to the entire


Although the mechanisms described in this document do not enhance or

weaken the security aspect of routing protocols, it is worth

indicating here that security enhancement of routing protocols or

routing mechanisms may impact routing scalability. Therefore, when

applying security enhancement in routing, one has to be aware of the

implications on scalability.

For example, TCP MD5 signature option is proposed to be a mechanism

to protect BGP sessions from being spoofed [13]. It is done on a

per-session basis and the overhead of MD-5 extensions are minimal

thus has no direct impact on scalability. There have been concerns

about doing per-prefix AS path verification as any one ISP along a

path could have forged or modified information (maliciously or not).

One extreme solution is to have a signature for each prefix which

gives very strong security but presents enormous scaling issues in

terms of processing, memory and administrative overhead.

9. Acknowledgement

Special thanks to Curtis Villamizar and Dave Katz for the extensive

review of the document and many helpful comments. Many thanks to

Yakov Rekhter, Noel Chiappa and Rob Coltun for their insightful

comments. The author also like to thank Susan R. Harris for the much

needed polishing of English language in the document.

The author was made aware after the publication of this document that

there is a relevant and independent presentation made by Enke Chen on

the subject. The presentation is thus referenced in [14].

10. References

[1] "Intermediate System to Intermediate System Intra-Domain

Routeing Exchange Protocol for use in Conjunction with the

Protocol for Providing the Connectionless-mode Network Service

(ISO 8473)", ISO DP 10589, February 1990.

[2] Callon, R., "Use of OSI IS-IS for Routing in TCP/IP and Dual

Environments", RFC1195, December 1990.

[3] Moy, J., "OSPF Version 2", RFC2328, April 1998.

[4] Rekhter, Y. and T. Li, "A Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4)",

RFC1771, March 1995.

[5] C. Labovitz, R. Malan, F. Jahanian, "Origins of Internet Routing

Instability," in the Proceedings of INFOCOM99, New York, NY,

June, 1999

[6] J. Moy, "OSPF-Anatomy of an Internet Routing Protocol",

Addison-Wesley, January 1998.

[7] Bates, T., Chandra, R. and E. Chen, "BGP Route Reflection - An

alternative to full mesh IBGP", RFC2796, April 2000.

[8] Traina, P., "Autonomous System Confederation Approach to Solving

the I-BGP Scaling Problem", RFC1965, June 1996.

[9] Curtis, V., Chandra, R. and R. Govindan, "BGP Route Flap

Damping", RFC2439, November 1998.

[10] Fuller, V., Li, T., Yu, J. and K. Varadhan "Classless Inter-

Domain Routing (CIDR): an Address Assignment and Aggregation

Strategy", RFC1519, September 1993.

[11] Villamizar, C., Alaettinoglu, C., Govindan, R. and D. Meyer,

"Routing Policy System Replication", RFC2769, February 2000.

[12] Bates, T., Bush, R., Li, T. and Y. Rekhter, "DNS-based NLRI

origin AS verification in BGP", Work in Progress.

[13] Heffernan, A., "Protection of BGP Sessions via the TCP MD5

Signature Option", RFC2385, August 1998.

[14] E. Chen, "Routing Scalability in Backbone Networks." Nanog

Presentation: http://www.nanog.org/mtg-9901/ppt/enke/index.htm

[15] T. Li, T. Przygienda, H. Smit, "Domain-wide Prefix Distribution

with Two-Level IS-IS", Work in Progress.

Author's Address

Jieyun (Jessica) Yu

CoSine Communications

1200 Bridge Parkway

Redwood City, CA 94065

EMail: jyy@cosinecom.com

Appendix A. Out-of-Band Routing Processes

The use of a Route Server(RS) at NAPs is an example of achieving

routing scalability through an out-of-band routing process. A NAP is

a public inter-connection point where ISP networks exchange traffic.

ISP routers at a NAP establish BGP peer sessions with each other. The

result is full mesh E-BGP peering with a complexity of O(N^2) system

wide. When the RS is in place, each router peers only with the RS

(and its backup) to oBTain necessary routing information (or more

precisely, the necessary forwarding information). In addition, the RS

also filters routes and executes policy for each provider's router,

which further reduces the burden on all routers involved.

The concept of the Route Server can also be used to help address

routing scalability in a large network.

1) RS Assisted Peering between Customer Aggregation Router and

Customer Routers

Currently, in a typical large provider network, it's not unusual that

a customer aggregation router connects up to hundreds of customer

routers. That means the router has to handle hundreds of E-BGP

sessions and filter a large number of prefixes. These tasks impose a

heavy burden on the aggregation router. Reducing the number of

customer routers per aggregation router is not an optimal option,

since this would introduce more routers in the routing system of the

whole network, which is neither scalable for backbone routing, nor

cost efficient. Using an RS between customers and the providers'

customer aggregation router become an attractive option to reduce the

burden on the router.

Figure 1 shows one way of incorporating an RS router between a

provider's customer aggregation router and customer routers.

--------------------------- LAN Media in a POP

----- -----


----- -----

/ / C1 C2..Cn

Figure 1: RS serving customer aggregation router connecting

customer routers

In a scenario without an RS, the customer aggregation router(CR) has

to peer with customer routers C1, C2 ... Cn (where n could be in the

hundreds). When an RS router is introduced, CR, C1, C2 ... Cn peer

with the RS router instead, and the RS passes the processed routing

information (or forwarding information) to all of them, according to

policy and filters.

The advantages are obvious:

o The customer aggregation router peers only with the RS router

instead of with hundreds of customer routers.

o The customer aggregation router does not need to filter prefixes

or process routing policies, which frees resources for packet

forwarding and handling.

One general concern with the use of an RS router is the possibility

of a mismatch of routing connectivity and the physical connectivity.

For example, if the link between the CR and C1 is down and if the RS

router is not aware of the outage, it will continue to pass routes

from C1 to the CR, and the traffic following these routes will be

black holed. However, this is not a problem in the specific

application described here. This is because the RS router has to go

through the CR to peer with C1, C2 ... Cn. When the link is down, C1

is inaccessible from the RS router, and no routing information can be

exchanged between the two. Consequently, the RS will announce no

routes related to C1.

Another concern is the creation of single point of failure. If the RS

router is down, no routing information can be exchanged between the

customer aggregation router and C1, C2 ... Cn, and no traffic will

flow between them. This problem could be addressed by adding a second

RS router as a backup.

In this scenario, since RS peers with C1 ... Cn via CR, it requires

that when the RS router passes routing information to C1...Cn, it

designates the IP address of the CR as the next hop. Likewise, when

the RS router passes routes from each customer router to the customer

aggregation router, it needs to place the correct next hop on the

route. Modifications need to be made to the RS code to include this


2) Private RS Router at InterExchange Point

A large provider network often has many BGP peers at the

Interexchange Point, NAP or private interconnection. This means a

border router has to handle many E-BGP sessions. Since an

Interconnect points is usually the administrative boundary between

ISPs, policy and route filtering are very demanding. This imposes a

scaling problem on the border router.

Deploying many routers to distribute the load among them is an

expensive solution: extra hardware and extra ports cost money.

Shifting the routing burden to an RS router is a promising

alternative solution. In the case of using RS for multiple peers at a

private interexchange point, the scenario is similar to RS used

between customer aggregation router and customer routers as described

in 1) above. In the case of such peering at a NAP, the private RS

could be placed either on the same NAP media or a private media

between the ISP's NAP router and the RS.

3) RS Routers at Each POP in a Large Network

Even in a network with a hierarchical routing structure, a sub-area

may become too large, and I-BGP full meshing may impose a scaling

problem. One way to address this would be to split the sub-area or

add yet another tier of I-BGP reflector structure. Another possible

solution would be to use an RS router as an I-BGP Server. Depending

on the topology of a POP, this solution may or may not be suitable.

The use of RS routers at network POPs need to be investigated


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