
RFC2776 - Multicast-Scope Zone Announcement Protocol (MZAP)

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group M. Handley

Request for Comments: 2776 ACIRI

Category: Standards Track D. Thaler


R. Kermode


February 2000

Multicast-Scope Zone Announcement Protocol (MZAP)

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.


This document defines a protocol, the Multicast-Scope Zone

Announcement Protocol (MZAP), for discovering the multicast

administrative scope zones that are relevant at a particular

location. MZAP also provides mechanisms whereby common

misconfigurations of administrative scope zones can be discovered.

Table of Contents

1 IntrodUCtion ................................................ 2

2 Terminology ................................................. 4

3 Overview .................................................... 5

3.1 Scope Nesting ............................................. 6

3.2 Other Messages ............................................ 7

3.3 Zone IDs .................................................. 7

4 Detecting Router Misconfigurations .......................... 8

4.1 Detecting non-convex scope zones .......................... 8

4.2 Detecting leaky boundaries for non-local scopes ........... 9

4.3 Detecting a leaky Local Scope zone ........................ 10

4.4 Detecting conflicting scope zones ......................... 10

5 Packet Formats .............................................. 11

5.1 Zone Announcement Message ................................. 14

5.2 Zone Limit Exceeded (ZLE) ................................. 15

5.3 Zone Convexity Message .................................... 15

5.4 Not-Inside Message ........................................ 16

6 Message Processing Rules .................................... 17

6.1 Internal entities listening to MZAP messages .............. 17

6.2 Sending ZAMs .............................................. 18

6.3 Receiving ZAMs ............................................ 18

6.4 Sending ZLEs .............................................. 20

6.5 Receiving ZLEs ............................................ 20

6.6 Sending ZCMs .............................................. 21

6.7 Receiving ZCMs ............................................ 21

6.8 Sending NIMs .............................................. 21

6.9 Receiving NIMs ............................................ 22

7 Constants ................................................... 22

8 Security Considerations ..................................... 23

9 Acknowledgements ............................................ 24

10 References ................................................. 25

11 Authors' Addresses ......................................... 26

12 Full Copyright Statement ................................... 27

1. Introduction

The use of administratively-scoped IP multicast, as defined in RFC

2365 [1], allows packets to be addressed to a specific range of

multicast addresses (e.g., to for IPv4)

such that the packets will not cross configured administrative

boundaries, and also allows such addresses to be locally assigned and

hence are not required to be unique across administrative boundaries.

This property of logical naming both allows for address reuse, as

well as provides the capability for infrastructure services such as

address allocation, session advertisement, and service location to

use well-known addresses which are guaranteed to have local

significance within every organization.

The range of administratively-scoped addresses can be subdivided by

administrators so that multiple levels of administrative boundaries

can be simultaneously supported. As a result, a "multicast scope" is

defined as a particular range of addresses which has been given some

topological meaning.

To support such usage, a router at an administrative boundary is

configured with one or more per-interface filters, or "multicast

scope boundaries". Having such a boundary on an interface means that

it will not forward packets matching a configured range of multicast

addresses in either direction on the interface.

A specific area of the network topology which is within a boundary

for a given scope is known as a "multicast scope zone". Since the

same ranges can be reused within disjoint areas of the network, there

may be many "multicast scope zones" for any given multicast scope. A

scope zone may have zero or more textual names (in different

languages) for the scope, for human convenience. For example, if the

range 239.192/14 were assigned to span an entire corporate network,

it might be given (internally) the name "BigCo Private Scope".

Administrative scope zones may be of any size, and a particular host

may be within many administrative scope zones (for different scopes,

i.e., for non-overlapping ranges of addresses) of various sizes, as

long as scope zones that intersect topologically do not intersect in

address range.

Applications and services are interested in various ASPects of the

scopes within which they reside:

o Applications which present users with a choice of which scope in

which to operate (e.g., when creating a new session, whether it is

to be confined to a corporate intranet, or whether it should go

out over the public Internet) are interested in the textual names

which have significance to users.

o Services which use "relative" multicast addresses (as defined in

[1]) in every scope are interested in the range of addresses used

by each scope, so that they can apply a constant offset and

compute which address to use in each scope.

o Address allocators are interested in the address range, and

whether they are allowed to allocate addresses within the entire

range or not.

o Some applications and services may also be interested in the

nesting relationships among scopes. For example, knowledge of the

nesting relationships can be used to perform "eXPanding-scope"

searches in a similar, but better behaved, manner to the well-

known expanding ring search where the TTL of a query is steadily

increased until a replier can be found. Studies have also shown

that nested scopes can be useful in localizing multicast repair

traffic [8].

Two barriers currently make administrative scoping difficult to

deploy and use:

o Applications have no way to dynamically discover information on

scopes that are relevant to them. This makes it difficult to use

administrative scope zones, and hence reduces the incentive to

deploy them.

o Misconfiguration is easy. It is difficult to detect scope zones

that have been configured so as to not be convex (the shortest

path between two nodes within the zone passes outside the zone),

or to leak (one or more boundary routers were not configured

correctly), or to intersect in both area and address range.

These two barriers are addressed by this document. In particular,

this document defines the Multicast Scope Zone Announcement Protocol

(MZAP) which allows an entity to learn what scope zones it is within.

Typically servers will cache the information learned from MZAP and

can then provide this information to applications in a timely fashion

upon request using other means, e.g., via MADCAP [9]. MZAP also

provides diagnostic information to the boundary routers themselves

that enables misconfigured scope zones to be detected.

2. Terminology

The "Local Scope" is defined in RFC2365 [1] and represents the

smallest administrative scope larger than link-local, and the

associated address range is defined as to

inclusive (for IPv4, FF03::/16 for IPv6). RFC2365 specifies:

" is defined to be the IPv4 Local Scope. The Local

Scope is the minimal enclosing scope, and hence is not further

divisible. Although the exact extent of a Local Scope is site

dependent, locally scoped regions must obey certain topological

constraints. In particular, a Local Scope must not span any other

scope boundary. Further, a Local Scope must be completely

contained within or equal to any larger scope. In the event that

scope regions overlap in area, the area of overlap must be in its

own Local Scope. This implies that any scope boundary is also a

boundary for the Local Scope."

A multicast scope Zone Boundary Router (ZBR) is a router that is

configured with a boundary for a particular multicast scope on one or

more of its interfaces. Any interface that is configured with a

boundary for any administrative scope zone MUST also have a boundary

for the Local Scope zone, as described above.

Such routers SHOULD be configured so that the router itself is within

the scope zone. This is shown in Figure 1(a), where router A is

inside the scope zone and has the boundary configuration.

............ ................

. . +B+--> . *B+-->

. . / . / .

. * . + .

. <---+A*---+C+-> . <---+A+---*C+->

. + . . + .

. / . . / .

. zone X <-- . . zone X <-- .

.............. ..................

A,B,C - routers * - boundary interface + - interface

(a) Correct zone boundary (b) Incorrect zone boundary

Figure 1: Administrative scope zone boundary placement

It is possible for the first router outside the scope zone to be

configured with the boundary, as illustrated in Figure 1(b) where

routers B and C are outside the zone and have the boundary

configuration, whereas A does not, but this is NOT RECOMMENDED. This

rule does not apply for Local Scope boundaries, but applies for all

other boundary routers.

We next define the term "Zone ID" to mean the lowest IP address used

by any ZBR for a particular zone for sourcing MZAP messages into that

scope zone. The combination of this IP address and the first

multicast address in the scope range serve to uniquely identify the

scope zone. Each ZBR listens for messages from other ZBRs for the

same boundary, and can determine the Zone ID based on the source

addresses seen. The Zone ID may change over time as ZBRs come up and




document are to be interpreted as described in RFC2119 [2].

Constants used by this protocol are shown as [NAME-OF-CONSTANT], and

summarized in section 7.

3. Overview

When a ZBR is configured correctly, it can deduce which side of the

boundary is inside the scope zone and which side is outside it.

Such a ZBR then sends periodic Zone Announcement Messages (ZAMs) for

each zone for which it is configured as a boundary into that scope

zone, containing information on the scope zone's address range, Zone

ID, and textual names. These messages are multicast to the well-

known address [MZAP-LOCAL-GROUP] in the Local Scope, and are relayed

across Local Scope boundaries into all Local Scope zones within the

scope zone referred to by the ZAM message, as shown in Figure 2.


# Zone1 = Zone2 # ##### = large scope zone boundary

*E-----+--->A*-----+-x #

# = v # ===== = Local Scope boundaries

# ======*===*==#

# = B F # ----> = path of ZAM originated by E

G*<-----+--->C*-> ^ #

# v = <-+---+ # ABCDE = ZBRs

# D = Zone3 #

#######*################### * = boundary interface

Figure 2: ZAM Flooding Example

Any entity can thus listen on a single well-known group address and

learn about all scopes in which it resides.

3.1. Scope Nesting

MZAP also provides the ability to discover the nesting relationships

between scope zones. Two zones are nested if one is comprised of a

subset of the routers in the other, as shown in Figure 3.

+-----------+ +-----------+ +-------------+

Zone 1 Zone 3 Zone 5

+------+ +------+ ...........

Zone 2 Zone 4 : Zone 6 :

+--A---+ C D :

+-----------+ +----+--B---+ +--------E----+ :


(a) "Contained" (b) "Common Border" (c) "Overlap"

Zone 2 nests Zone 4 nests Zones 5 and 6

inside Zone 1 inside Zone 3 do not nest

Figure 3: Zone nesting examples

A ZBR cannot independently determine whether one zone is nested

inside another. However, it can determine that one zone does NOT

nest inside another. For example, in Figure 3:

o ZBR A will pass ZAMs for zone 1 but will prevent ZAMs from zone 2

from leaving zone 2. When ZBR A first receives a ZAM for zone 1,

it then knows that zone 1 does not nest within zone 2, but it

cannot, however, determine whether zone 2 nests within zone 1.

o ZBR B acts as ZBR for both zones 3 and 4, and hence cannot

determine if one is nested inside the other. However, ZBR C can

determine that zone 3 does not nest inside zone 4 when it receives

a ZAM for zone 3, since it is a ZBR for zone 4 but not zone 3.

o ZBR D only acts as ZBR zone 6 and not 5, hence ZBR D can deduce

that zone 5 does not nest inside zone 6 upon hearing a ZAM for

zone 5. Similarly, ZBR E only acts as ZBR zone 5 and not 6, hence

ZBR E can deduce that zone 6 does not nest inside zone 5 upon

hearing a ZAM for zone 6.

The fact that ZBRs can determine that one zone does not nest inside

another, but not that a zone does nest inside another, means that

nesting must be determined in a distributed fashion. This is done by

sending Not-Inside Messages (NIMs) which express the fact that a zone

X is not inside a zone Y. Such messages are sent to the well-known

[MZAP-LOCAL-GROUP] and are thus seen by the same entities listening

to ZAM messages (e.g., MADCAP servers). Such entities can then

determine the nesting relationship between two scopes based on a

sustained absence of any evidence to the contrary.

3.2. Other Messages

Two other message types, Zone Convexity Messages (ZCMs) and Zone

Limit Exceeded (ZLE) messages, are used only by routers, and enable

them to compare their configurations for consistency and detect

misconfigurations. These messages are sent to MZAP's relative

address within the scope range associated with the scope zone to

which they refer, and hence are typically not seen by entities other

than routers. Their use in detecting specific misconfiguration

scenarios will be covered in the next section.

Packet formats for all messages are described in Section 5.

3.3. Zone IDs

When a boundary router first starts up, it uses its lowest IP address

which it considers to be inside a given zone, and which is routable

everywhere within the zone (for example, not a link-local address),

as the Zone ID for that zone. It then schedules ZCM (and ZAM)

messages to be sent in the future (it does not send them

immediately). When a ZCM is received for the given scope, the sender

is added to the local list of ZBRs (including itself) for that scope,

and the Zone ID is updated to be the lowest IP address in the list.

Entries in the list are eventually timed out if no further messages

are received from that ZBR, such that the Zone ID will converge to

the lowest address of any active ZBR for the scope.

Note that the sender of ZAM messages MUST NOT be used in this way.

This is because the procedure for detecting a leaky Local scope

described in Section 4.3 below relies on two disjoint zones for the

same scope range having different Zone IDs. If ZAMs are used to

compute Zone IDs, then ZAMs leaking across a Local Scope boundary

will cause the two zones to converge to the same Zone ID.

4. Detecting Router Misconfigurations

In this section, we cover how to detect various error conditions. If

any error is detected, the router should attempt to alert a network

administrator to the nature of the misconfiguration. The means to do

this lies outside the scope of MZAP.

4.1. Detecting non-convex scope zones

Zone Convexity Messages (ZCMs) are used by routers to detect non-

convex administrative scope zones, which are one possible

misconfiguration. Non-convex scope zones can cause problems for

applications since a receiver may never see administratively-scoped

packets from a sender within the same scope zone, since packets

travelling between them may be dropped at the boundary.

In the example illustrated in Figure 4, the path between B and D goes

outside the scope (through A and E). Here, Router B and Router C

send ZCMs within a given scope zone for which they each have a

boundary, with each reporting the other boundary routers of the zone

from which they have heard. In Figure 4, Router D cannot see Router

B's messages, but can see C's report of B, and so can conclude the

zone is not convex.


# B # = ##### = non-convex scope boundary

# ->A* =

# # = ===== = other scope boundaries

# ####*####

# E # ----> = path of B's ZCM

# v D*

# C # * = boundary interface


Figure 4: Non-convexity detection

Non-convex scope zones can be detected via three methods:

(1) If a ZBR is listed in ZCMs received, but the next-hop interface

(according to the multicast RIB) towards that ZBR is outside the

scope zone,

(2) If a ZBR is listed in ZCMs received, but no ZCM is received from

that ZBR for [ZCM-HOLDTIME] seconds, as illustrated in Figure 4,


(3) ZAM messages can also be used in a manner similar to that for

ZCMs in (1) above, as follows: if a ZAM is received from a ZBR on

an interface inside a given scope zone, and the next-hop

interface (according to the multicast RIB) towards that ZBR is

outside the scope zone.

Zone Convexity Messages MAY also be sent and received by correctly

configured ordinary hosts within a scope region, which may be a

useful diagnostic facility that does not require privileged Access.

4.2. Detecting leaky boundaries for non-local scopes

A "leaky" boundary is one which logically has a "hole" due to some

router not having a boundary applied on an interface where one ought

to exist. Hence, the boundary does not completely surround a piece

of the network, resulting in scoped data leaking outside.

Leaky scope boundaries can be detected via two methods:

(1) If it receives ZAMs originating inside the scope boundary on an

interface that points outside the zone boundary. Such a ZAM

message must have escaped the zone through a leak, and flooded

back around behind the boundary. This is illustrated in Figure



= Zone1 # A Zone2 # C = misconfigured router

= +---->*E v #

= # B # ##### = leaky scope boundary


= D # # ===== = other scope boundaries

= ^-----*C<--+ #

= Zone4 # Zone3 # ----> = path of ZAMs


Figure 5: ZAM Leaking

(2) If a Zone Length Exceeded (ZLE) message is received. The ZAM

packet also contains a Zones Traveled Limit. If the number of

Local Scope zones traversed becomes equal to the Zones Traveled

Limit, a ZLE message is generated (the suppression mechanism for

preventing implosion is described later in the Processing Rules

section). ZLEs detect leaks where packets do not return to

another part of the same scope zone, but instead reach other

Local Scope zones far away from the ZAM originator.

In either case, the misconfigured router will be either the message

origin, or one of the routers in the ZBR path list which is included

in the message received (or perhaps a router on the path between two

such ZBRs which ought to have been a ZBR itself).

4.3. Detecting a leaky Local Scope zone

A local scope is leaky if a router has an administrative scope

boundary on some interface, but does not have a Local Scope boundary

on that interface as specified in RFC2365. This can be detected via

the following method:

o If a ZAM for a given scope is received by a ZBR which is a

boundary for that scope, it compares the Origin's Scope Zone ID in

the ZAM with its own Zone ID for the given scope. If the two do

not match, this is evidence of a misconfiguration. Since a

temporary mismatch may result immediately after a recent change in

the reachability of the lowest-addressed ZBR, misconfiguration

should be assumed only if the mismatch is persistent.

The exact location of the problem can be found by doing an mtrace [5]

from the router detecting the problem, back to the ZAM origin, for

any group within the address range identified by the ZAM. The router

at fault will be the one reporting that a boundary was reached.

4.4. Detecting conflicting scope zones

Conflicting address ranges can be detected via the following method:

o If a ZBR receives a ZAM for a given scope, and the included start

and end addresses overlap with, but are not identical to, the

start and end addresses of a locally-configured scope.

Conflicting scope names can be detected via the following method:

o If a ZBR is configured with a textual name for a given scope and

language, and it receives a ZAM or ZCM with a name for the same

scope and language, but the scope names do not match.

Detecting either type of conflict above indicates that either the

local router or the router originating the message is misconfigured.

Configuration tools SHOULD strip white space from the beginning and

end of each name to avoid accidental misconfiguration.

5. Packet Formats

All MZAP messages are sent over UDP, with a destination port of

[MZAP-PORT] and an IPv4 TTL or IPv6 Hop Limit of 255.

When sending an MZAP message referring to a given scope zone, a ZBR

MUST use a source address which will have significance everywhere

within the scope zone to which the message refers. For example,

link-local addresses MUST NOT be used.

The common MZAP message header (which follows the UDP header), is

shown below:

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Version B PTYPE Address Family NameCount


Message Origin


Zone ID Address


Zone Start Address


Zone End Address


Encoded Zone Name-1 (variable length)

+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

. . .


. . . Encoded Zone Name-N (variable length)

+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

Padding (if needed)



The version defined in this document is version 0.

"Big" scope bit (B):

If clear, indicates that the addresses in the scoped range are not

subdividable, and that address allocators may utilize the entire

range. If set, address allocators should not use the entire

range, but should learn an appropriate sub-range via another

mechanism (e.g., AAP [7]).

Packet Type (PTYPE):

The packet types defined in this document are:

0: Zone Announcement Message (ZAM)

1: Zone Limit Exceeded (ZLE)

2: Zone Convexity Message (ZCM)

3: Not-Inside Message (NIM)

Address Family:

The IANA-assigned address family number [10,11] identifying the

address family for all addresses in the packet. The families

defined for IP are:

1: IPv4

2: IPv6

Name Count:

The number of encoded zone name blocks in this packet. The count

may be zero.

Zone Start Address: 32 bits (IPv4) or 128 bits (IPv6)

This gives the start address for the scope zone boundary. For

example, if the zone is a boundary for to,

then Zone Start Address is

Zone End Address: 32 bits (IPv4) or 128 bits (IPv6)

This gives the ending address for the scope zone boundary. For

example, if the zone is a boundary for to,

then Zone End Address is

Message Origin: 32 bits (IPv4) or 128 bits (IPv6)

This gives the IP address of the interface that originated the


Zone ID Address: 32 bits (IPv4) or 128 bits (IPv6)

This gives the lowest IP address of a boundary router that has

been observed in the zone originating the message. Together with

Zone Start Address and Zone End Address, it forms a unique ID for

the zone. Note that this ID is usually different from the ID of

the Local Scope zone in which the origin resides.

Encoded Zone Name:


D Reserved (7 bits)


LangLen (1 byte)


Language Tag (variable size)


NameLen (1 byte)


Zone Name (variable size)


The first byte contains flags, of which only the high bit is

defined. The other bits are reserved (sent as 0, ignored on


"Default Language" (D) bit:

If set, indicates a preference that the name in the following

language should be used if no name is available in a desired


Language tag length (LangLen): 1 byte

The length, in bytes, of the language tag.

Language Tag: (variable size)

The language tag, such as "en-US", indicating the language of the

zone name. Language tags are described in [6].

Name Len:

The length, in bytes, of the Zone Name field. The length MUST NOT

be zero.

Zone Name: multiple of 8 bits

The Zone Name is an ISO 10646 character string in UTF-8 encoding

[4] indicating the name given to the scope zone (eg: "ISI-West

Site"). It should be relatively short and MUST be less than 256

bytes in length. White space SHOULD be stripped from the

beginning and end of each name before encoding, to avoid

accidental conflicts.

Padding (if needed):

The end of the MZAP header is padded with null bytes until it is

4-byte aligned.

5.1. Zone Announcement Message

A Zone Announcement Message has PTYPE=0, and is periodically sent by

a ZBR for each scope for which it is a boundary, EXCEPT:

o the Local Scope

o the Link-local scope

The format of a Zone Announcement Message is shown below:

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


MZAP Header


ZT ZTL Hold Time


Local Zone ID Address 0


Router Address 1


Local Zone ID Address 1




Router Address N


Local Zone ID Address N


The fields are defined as follows:

Zones Traveled (ZT): 8 bits

This gives the number of Local Zone IDs contained in this message


Zones Traveled Limit (ZTL): 8 bits

This gives the limit on number of local zones that the packet can

traverse before it MUST be dropped. A value of 0 indicates that

no limit exists.

Hold Time:

The time, in seconds, after which the receiver should assume the

scope no longer exists, if no subsequent ZAM is received. This

should be set to [ZAM-HOLDTIME].

Zone Path: multiple of 64 bits (IPv4) or 256 bits (IPv6)

The zone path is a list of Local Zone ID Addresses (the Zone ID

Address of a local zone) through which the ZAM has passed, and IP

addresses of the router that forwarded the packet. The origin

router fills in the "Local Zone ID Address 0" field when sending

the ZAM. Every Local Scope router that forwards the ZAM across a

Local Scope boundary MUST add the Local Zone ID Address of the

local zone that the packet of the zone into which the message is

being forwarded, and its own IP address to the end of this list,

and increment ZT accordingly. The zone path is empty which the

ZAM is first sent.

5.2. Zone Limit Exceeded (ZLE)

The format of a ZLE is shown below:

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


MZAP Header


ZT ZTL Hold Time


Local Zone ID Address 0


Router Address 1


Local Zone ID Address 1




Router Address N


Local Zone ID Address N


All fields are copied from the ZAM, except PTYPE which is set to one.

5.3. Zone Convexity Message

A Zone Announcement Message has PTYPE=2, and is periodically sent by

a ZBR for each scope for which it is a boundary (except the Link-

local scope). Note that ZCM's ARE sent in the Local Scope.

Unlike Zone Announcement Messages which are sent to the [MZAP-LOCAL-

GROUP], Zone Convexity Messages are sent to the [ZCM-RELATIVE-GROUP]

in the scope zone itself. The format of a ZCM is shown below:

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


MZAP Header


ZNUM unused Hold Time


ZBR Address 1




ZBR Address N


The fields are as follows:

Number of ZBR addresses (ZNUM): 8 bits

This field gives the number of ZBR Addresses contained in this


Hold Time:

The time, in seconds, after which the receiver should assume the

sender is no longer reachable, if no subsequent ZCM is received.

This should be set to [ZCM-HOLDTIME].

ZBR Address: 32 bits (IPv4) or 128 bits (IPv6)

These fields give the addresses of the other ZBRs from which the

Message Origin ZBR has received ZCMs but whose hold time has not

expired. The router should include all such addresses which fit

in the packet, preferring those which it has not included recently

if all do not fit.

5.4. Not-Inside Message

A Not-Inside Message (NIM) has PTYPE=3, and is periodically sent by a

ZBR which knows that a scope X does not nest within another scope Y

("X not inside Y"):

The format of a Not-Inside Message is shown below:

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


MZAP Header


Not-Inside Zone Start Address


The fields are as follows:

MZAP Header: Header fields identifying the scope X. The Name Count

may be 0.

Not-Inside Zone Start Address: 32 bits (IPv4) or 128 bits (IPv6) This

gives the start address for the scope Y.

6. Message Processing Rules

6.1. Internal entities listening to MZAP messages

Any host or application may join the [MZAP-LOCAL-GROUP] to listen for

Zone Announcement Messages to build up a list of the scope zones that

are relevant locally, and for Not-Inside Messages if it wishes to

learn nesting information. However, listening to such messages is

not the recommended method for regular applications to discover this

information. These applications will normally query a local

Multicast Address Allocation Server (MAAS) [3], which in turn listens

to Zone Announcement Messages and Not-Inside Messages to maintain

scope information, and can be queried by clients via MADCAP messages.

An entity (including a MAAS) lacking any such information can only

assume that it is within the Global Scope, and the Local Scope, both

of which have well-known address ranges defined in [1].

An internal entity (e.g., an MAAS) receiving a ZAM will parse the

information that is relevant to it, such as the address range, and

the names. An address allocator receiving such information MUST also

use the "B" bit to determine whether it can add the address range to

the set of ranges from which it may allocate addresses (specifically,

it may add them only if the bit is zero). Even if the bit is zero,

an MAAS SHOULD still store the range information so that clients who

use relative- addresses can still oBTain the ranges by requesting

them from the MAAS.

An internal entity (e.g., an MAAS) should assume that X nests within

Y if:

a) it first heard ZAMs for both X and Y at least [NIM-HOLDTIME]

seconds ago, AND

b) it has not heard a NIM indicating that "X not inside Y" for at

least [NIM-HOLDTIME] seconds.

6.2. Sending ZAMs

Each ZBR should send a Zone Announcement Message for each scope zone

for which it is a boundary every [ZAM-INTERVAL] seconds, +/- 30% of

[ZAM-INTERVAL] each time to avoid message synchronisation.

The ZAM packet also contains a Zones Traveled Limit (ZTL). If the

number of Local Zone IDs in the ZAM path becomes equal to the Zones

Traveled Limit, the packet will be dropped. The ZTL field is set

when the packet is first sent, and defaults to 32, but can be set to

a lower value if a network administrator knows the expected size of

the zone.

6.3. Receiving ZAMs

When a ZBR receives a ZAM for some scope zone X, it uses the

following rules.

If the local ZBR does NOT have any configuration for scope X:

(1) Check to see if the included start and end addresses overlap

with, but are not identical to, the start and end addresses of

any locally-configured scope Y, and if so, signal an address

range conflict to a local administrator.

(2) Create a local "X not inside" state entry, if such an entry does

not already exist. The ZBR then restarts the entry's timer at

[ZAM-HOLDTIME]. Existence of this state indicates that the ZBR

knows that X does not nest inside any scope for which it is a

boundary. If the entry's timer expires (because no more ZAMs for

X are heard for [ZAM-HOLDTIME]), the entry is deleted.

If the local ZBR does have configuration for scope X:

(1) If the ZAM originated from OUTSIDE the scope (i.e., received over

a boundary interface for scope X):

a) If the Scope Zone ID in the ZAM matches the ZBR's own Scope

Zone ID, then signal a leaky scope misconfiguration.

b) Drop the ZAM (perform no further processing below). For

example, router G in Figure 2 will not forward the ZAM. This

rule is primarily a safety measure, since the placement of G in

Figure 2 is not a recommended configuration, as discussed


2) If the ZAM originated from INSIDE the scope:

a) If the next-hop interface (according to the multicast RIB)

towards the Origin is outside the scope zone, then signal a

non- convexity problem.

b) If the Origin's Scope Zone ID in the ZAM does not match the

Scope Zone ID kept by the local ZBR, and this mismatch

continues to occur, then signal a possible leaky scope warning.

c) For each textual name in the ZAM, see if a name for the same

scope and language is locally-configured; if so, but the scope

names do not match, signal a scope name conflict to a local


d) If the ZAM was received on an interface which is NOT a Local

Scope boundary, and the last Local Zone ID Address in the path

list is 0, the ZBR fills in the Local Zone ID Address of the

local zone from which the ZAM was received.

If a ZAM for the same scope (as identified by the origin Zone ID and

first multicast address) was received in the last [ZAM-DUP-TIME]

seconds, the ZAM is then discarded. Otherwise, the ZAM is cached for

at least [ZAM-DUP-TIME] seconds. For example, when router C in

Figure 2 receives the ZAM via B, it will not be forwarded, since it

has just forwarded the ZAM from E.

The Zones Travelled count in the message is then incremented, and if

the updated count is equal to or greater than the ZTL field, schedule

a ZLE to be sent as described in the next subsection and perform no

further processing below.

If the Zone ID of the Local Scope zone in which the ZBR resides is

not already in the ZAM's path list, then the ZAM is immediately re-

originated within the Local Scope zone. It adds its own address and

the Zone ID of the Local Scope zone into which the message is being

forwarded to the ZAM path list before doing so. A ZBR receiving a

ZAM with a non-null path list MUST NOT forward that ZAM back into a

Local Scope zone that is contained in the path list. For example, in

Figure 2, router F, which did not get the ZAM via A due to packet

loss, will not forward the ZAM from B back into Zone 2 since the path

list has { (E,1), (A,2), (B,3) } and hence Zone 2 already appears.

In addition, the ZBR re-originates the ZAM out each interface with a

Local Scope boundary (except that it is not sent back out the

interface over which it was received, nor is it sent into any local

scope zone whose ID is known and appears in the path list). In each

such ZAM re-originated, the ZBR adds its own IP address to the path

list, as well as the Zone ID Address of the Local Scope Zone into

which the ZAM is being sent, or 0 if the ID is unknown. (For

example, if the other end of a point-to-point link also has a

boundary on the interface, then the link has no Local Scope Zone ID.)

6.4. Sending ZLEs

This packet is sent by a local-zone boundary router that would have

exceeded the Zone Traveled Limit if it had forwarded a ZAM packet.

To avoid ZLE implosion, ZLEs are multicast with a random delay and

suppressed by other ZLEs. It is only scheduled if at least [ZLE-

MIN-INTERVAL] seconds have elapsed since it previously sent a ZLE to

any destination. To schedule a ZLE, the router sets a random delay

timer within the interval [ZLE-SUPPRESSION-INTERVAL], and listens to

the [MZAP-RELATIVE-GROUP] within the included scope for other ZLEs.

If any are received before the random delay timer expires, the timer

is cleared and the ZLE is not sent. If the timer expires, the router

sends a ZLE to the [MZAP-RELATIVE-GROUP] within the indicated scope.

The method used to choose a random delay (T) is as follows:

Choose a random value X from the uniform random interval [0:1]

Let C = 256

Set T = [ZLE-SUPPRESSION-INTERVAL] log( C*X + 1) / log(C)

This equation results in an exponential random distribution which

ensures that close to one ZBR will respond. Using a purely uniform

distribution would begin to exhibit scaling problems as the number of

ZBRs rose. Since ZLEs are only suppressed if a duplicate ZLE arrives

before the time chosen, two routers choosing delays which differ by

an amount less than the propagation delay between them will both send

messages, consuming excess bandwidth. Hence it is desirable to

minimize the number of routers choosing a delay close to the lowest

delay chosen, and an exponential distribution is suitable for this


A router SHOULD NOT send more than one Zone Limit Exceeded message

every [ZLE-MIN-INTERVAL] regardless of destination.

6.5. Receiving ZLEs

When a router receives a ZLE, it performs the following actions:

(1) If the router has a duplicate ZLE message scheduled to be sent,

it unschedules its own message so another one will not be sent.

(2) If the ZLE contains the router's own address in the Origin field,

it signals a leaky scope misconfiguration.

6.6. Sending ZCMs

Each ZBR should send a Zone Convexity Message (ZCM) for each scope

zone for which it is a boundary every [ZCM-INTERVAL] seconds, +/- 30%

of [ZCM-INTERVAL] each time to avoid message synchronisation.

ZCMs are sent to the [ZCM-RELATIVE-GROUP] in the scoped range itself.

(For example, if the scope range is to, then

these messages should be sent to As these are not

Locally-Scoped packets, they are simply multicast across the scope

zone itself, and require no path to be built up, nor any special

processing by intermediate Local Scope ZBRs.

6.7. Receiving ZCMs

When a ZCM is received for a given scope X, on an interface which is

inside the scope, it follows the rules below:

(1) The Origin is added to the local list of ZBRs (including itself)

for that scope, and the Zone ID is updated to be the lowest IP

address in the list. The new entry is scheduled to be timed out

after [ZCM-HOLDTIME] if no further messages are received from

that ZBR, so that the Zone ID will converge to the lowest address

of any active ZBR for the scope.

(2) If a ZBR is listed in ZCMs received, but the next-hop interface

(according to the multicast RIB) towards that ZBR is outside the

scope zone, or if no ZCM is received from that ZBR for [ZCM-

HOLDTIME] seconds, as in the example in Figure 4, then signal a

non-convexity problem.

(3) For each textual name in the ZCM, see if a name for the same

scope and language is locally-configured; if so, but the scope

names do not match, signal a scope name conflict to a local


6.8. Sending NIMs

Periodically, for each scope zone Y for which it is a boundary, a

router originates a Not-Inside Message (NIM) for each "X not inside"

entry it has created when receiving ZAMs. Like a ZAM, this message

is multicast to the address [MZAP-LOCAL-GROUP] from one of its

interfaces inside Y.

Each ZBR should send such a Not-Inside Message every [NIM-INTERVAL]

seconds, +/- 30% of [NIM-INTERVAL] to avoid message synchronization.

6.9. Receiving NIMs

When a ZBR receives a NIM saying that "X is not inside Y", it is

forwarded, unmodified, in a manner similar to ZAMs:

(1) If the NIM was received on an interface with a boundary for

either X or Y, the NIM is discarded.

(2) Unlike ZAMs, if the NIM was not received on the interface towards

the message origin (according to the Multicast RIB), the NIM is


(3) If a NIM for the same X and Y (where each is identified by its

first multicast address) was received in the last [ZAM-DUP-TIME]

seconds, the NIM is not forwarded.

(4) Otherwise, the NIM is cached for at least [ZAM-DUP-TIME] seconds.

(5) The ZBR then re-originates the NIM (i.e., with the original UDP

payload) into each local scope zone in which it has interfaces,

except that it is not sent back into the local scope zone from

which the message was received, nor is it sent out any interface

with a boundary for either X or Y.

7. Constants

[MZAP-PORT]: The well-known UDP port to which all MZAP messages are

sent. Value: 2106.

[MZAP-LOCAL-GROUP]: The well-known group in the Local Scope to which

ZAMs are sent. All Multicast Address Allocation servers and Zone

Boundary Routers listen to this group. Value: for


[ZCM-RELATIVE-GROUP]: The relative group in each scope zone, to

which ZCMs are sent. A Zone Boundary Router listens to the relative

group in each scope for which it is a boundary. Value: (last IP

address in scope range) - 3. For example, in the Local Scope, the

relative group is the same as the [MZAP-LOCAL-GROUP] address.

[ZAM-INTERVAL]: The interval at which a Zone Boundary Router

originates Zone Announcement Messages. Default value: 600 seconds

(10 minutes).

[ZAM-HOLDTIME]: The holdtime to include in a ZAM. This SHOULD be

set to at least 3 * [ZAM-INTERVAL]. Default value: 1860 seconds (31


[ZAM-DUP-TIME]: The time interval after forwarding a ZAM, during

which ZAMs for the same scope will not be forwarded. Default value:

30 seconds.

[ZCM-INTERVAL]: The interval at which a Zone Boundary Router

originates Zone Convexity Messages. Default value: 600 seconds (10


[ZCM-HOLDTIME]: The holdtime to include in a ZCM. This SHOULD be

set to at least 3 * [ZCM-INTERVAL]. Default value: 1860 seconds (31


[ZLE-SUPPRESSION-INTERVAL]: The interval over which to choose a

random delay before sending a ZLE message. Default value: 300

seconds (5 minutes).

[ZLE-MIN-INTERVAL]: The minimum interval between sending ZLE

messages, regardless of destination. Default value: 300 seconds (5


[NIM-INTERVAL]: The interval at which a Zone Boundary Router

originates Not-Inside Messages. Default value: 1800 seconds (30


[NIM-HOLDTIME]: The holdtime to include the state within a NIM.

This SHOULD be set to at least 3 * [NIM-INTERVAL]. Default value:

5460 (91 minutes)

8. Security Considerations

While unauthorized reading of MZAP messages is relatively innocuous

(so encryption is generally not an issue), accepting unauthenticated

MZAP messages can be problematic. Authentication of MZAP messages

can be provided by using the IPsec Authentication Header (AH) [12].

In the case of ZCMs and ZLEs, an attacker can cause false logging of

convexity and leakage problems. It is likely that is would be purely

an annoyance, and not cause any significant problem. (Such messages

could be authenticated, but since they may be sent within large

scopes, the receiver may not be able to authenticate a non-malicious


ZAMs and NIMs, on the other hand, are sent within the Local Scope,

where assuming a security relationship between senders and receivers

is more practical.

In the case of NIMs, accepting unauthenticated messages can cause the

false cancellation of nesting relationships. This would cause a

section of the hierarchy of zones to flatten. Such a flattening

would lessen the efficiency benefits afforded by the hierarchy but

would not cause it to become unusable.

Accepting unauthenticated ZAM messages, however, could cause

applications to believe that a scope zone exists when it does not.

If these were believed, then applications may choose to use this

non-existent administrative scope for their uses. Such applications

would be able to communicate successfully, but would be unaware that

their traffic may be traveling further than they expected. As a

result, any application accepting unauthenticated ZAMs MUST only take

scope names as a guideline, and SHOULD assume that their traffic sent

to non-local scope zones might travel anywhere. The confidentiality

of such traffic CANNOT be assumed from the fact that it was sent to a

scoped address that was discovered using MZAP.

In addition, ZAMs are used to inform Multicast Address Allocation

Servers (MAASs) of names and address ranges of scopes, and accepting

unauthenticated ZAMs could result in false names being presented to

users, and in wrong addresses being allocated to users. To counter

this, MAAS's authenticate ZAMs as follows:

(1) A ZBR signs all ZAMs it originates (using an AH).

(2) A ZBR signs a ZAM it relays if and only if it can authenticate

the previous sender. A ZBR MUST still forward un-authenticated

ZAMs (to provide leak detection), but should propagate an

authenticated ZAM even if an un-authenticated one was received

with the last [ZAM-DUP-TIME] seconds.

(3) A MAAS SHOULD be configured with the public key of the local zone

in which it resides. A MAAS thus configured SHOULD ignore an

unauthenticated ZAM if an authenticated one for the same scope

has been received, and MAY ignore all unauthenticated ZAMs.

9. Acknowledgements

This document is a product of the MBone Deployment Working Group,

whose members provided many helpful comments and suggestions, Van

Jacobson provided some of the original ideas that led to this

protocol. The Multicast Address Allocation Working Group also

provided useful feedback regarding scope names and interactions with


10. References

[1] Meyer, D., "Administratively Scoped IP Multicast", BCP 23, RFC

2365, July 1998.

[2] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement

Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

[3] Thaler, D., Handley, M. and D. Estrin, "The Internet Multicast

Address Allocation Architecture", Work in Progress.

[4] Yergeau, F., "UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO 10646", RFC

2279, January 1998.

[5] Fenner, W. and S. Casner, "A `traceroute' facility for IP

Multicast", Work in Progress.

[6] Alvestrand, H., "Tags for the Identification of Languages", RFC

1766, March 1995.

[7] Handley, M. and S. Hanna. "Multicast Address Allocation

Protocol (AAP)", Work in Progress.

[8] Kermode, R. "Scoped Hybrid Automatic Repeat reQuest with Forward

Error Correction (SHARQFEC)", ACM SIGCOMM 98, September 1998,

Vancouver, Canada.

[9] Hanna, S., Patel, B., and M. Shah. "Multicast Address Dynamic

Client Allocation Protocol (MADCAP)", RFC2730, December 1999.

[10] Reynolds, J. and J. Postel, "Assigned Numbers", STD 2, RFC1700,

October 1994.

[11] IANA, "Address Family Numbers", http://www.isi.edu/in-


[12] Kent, S. and R. Atkinson, "IP Authentication Header", RFC2402,

November 1998.

11. Authors' Addresses

Mark Handley

AT&T Center for Internet Research at ICSI

1947 Center St, Suite 600

Berkely, CA 94704


EMail: mjh@aciri.org

David Thaler


One Microsoft Way

Redmond, WA 98052


EMail: dthaler@microsoft.com

Roger Kermode

Motorola Australian Research Centre

12 Lord St,

Botany, NSW 2019


EMail: Roger.Kermode@motorola.com

12. Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

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