
RFC2774 - An HTTP Extension Framework

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

Network Working Group H. Nielsen

Request for Comments: 2774 P. Leach

Category: EXPerimental Microsoft

S. Lawrence

Agranat Systems

February 2000

An HTTP Extension Framework

Status of this Memo

This memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet

community. It does not specify an Internet standard of any kind.

Discussion and suggestions for improvement are requested.

Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.


This document was originally requested for Proposed Standard status.

However, due to mixed reviews during Last Call and within the HTTP

working group, it is being published as an Experimental document.

This is not necessarily an indication of technical flaws in the

document; rather, there is a more general concern about whether this

document actually represents community consensus regarding the

evolution of HTTP. Additional study and discussion are needed before

this can be determined.

Note also that when HTTP is used as a substrate for other protocols,

it may be necessary or appropriate to use other extension mechanisms

in addition to, or instead of, those defined here. This document

should therefore not be taken as a blueprint for adding extensions to

HTTP, but it defines mechanisms that might be useful in sUCh



A wide range of applications have proposed various extensions of the

HTTP protocol. Current efforts span an enormous range, including

distributed authoring, collaboration, printing, and remote procedure

call mechanisms. These HTTP extensions are not coordinated, since

there has been no standard framework for defining extensions and

thus, separation of concerns. This document describes a generic

extension mechanism for HTTP, which is designed to address the

tension between private agreement and public specification and to

accommodate extension of applications using HTTP clients, servers,

and proxies. The proposal associates each extension with a globally

unique identifier, and uses HTTP header fields to carry the extension

identifier and related information between the parties involved in

the extended communication.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction ...............................................3

2. Notational Conventions .....................................3

3. Extension Declarations .....................................4

3.1 Header Field Prefixes ...................................5

4. Extension Header Fields ....................................6

4.1 End-to-End Extensions ...................................7

4.2 Hop-by-Hop Extensions ...................................7

4.3 Extension Response Header Fields ........................8

5. Mandatory HTTP Requests ....................................8

5.1 Fulfilling a Mandatory Request .........................10

6. Mandatory HTTP Responses ..................................11

7. 510 Not Extended ..........................................11

8. Publishing an Extension ...................................11

9. Caching Considerations ....................................12

10. Security Considerations ...................................13

11. References ................................................13

12. Acknowledgements ..........................................14

13. Authors' Addresses ........................................14

14. Summary of Protocol Interactions ..........................15

15. Examples ..................................................16

15.1 User Agent to Origin Server ............................16

15.2 User Agent to Origin Server via HTTP/1.1 Proxy .........17

15.3 User Agent to Origin Server via HTTP/1.0 Proxy .........18

Full Copyright Statement ......................................20

1. Introduction

This proposal is designed to address the tension between private

agreement and public specification; and to accommodate dynamic

extension of HTTP clients and servers by software components. The

kind of extensions capable of being introduced range from:

o extending a single HTTP message;

o introducing new encodings;

o initiating HTTP-derived protocols for new applications; to...

o switching to protocols which, once initiated, run independent

of the original protocol stack.

The proposal is intended to be used as follows:

o Some party designs and specifies an extension; the party

assigns the extension a globally unique URI, and makes one or

more representations of the extension available at that address

(see section 8).

o An HTTP client or server that implements this extension

mechanism (hereafter called an agent) declares the use of the

extension by referencing its URI in an extension declaration in

an HTTP message (see section 3).

o The HTTP application which the extension declaration is

intended for (hereafter called the ultimate recipient) can

deduce how to properly interpret the extended message based on

the extension declaration.

The proposal uses features in HTTP/1.1 but is compatible with

HTTP/1.0 applications in such a way that extended applications can

coexist with existing HTTP applications. Applications implementing

this proposal MUST be based on HTTP/1.1 (or later versions of HTTP).

2. Notational Conventions

This specification uses the same notational conventions and basic

parsing constructs as RFC2068 [5]. In particular the BNF constructs

"token", "quoted-string", "Request-Line", "field-name", and

"absoluteURI" in this document are to be interpreted as described in

RFC2068 [5].



document are to be interpreted as described in RFC2119 [6].

This proposal does not rely on particular features defined in URLs

[8] that cannot potentially be expressed using URNs (see section 8).

Therefore, the more generic term URI [8] is used throughout the


3. Extension Declarations

An extension declaration can be used to indicate that an extension

has been applied to a message and possibly to reserve a part of the

header namespace identified by a header field prefix (see 3.1). This

section defines the extension declaration itself; section 4 defines a

set of header fields using the extension declaration.

This specification does not define any ramifications of applying an

extension to a message nor whether two extensions can or cannot

logically coexist within the same message. It is simply a framework

for describing which extensions have been applied and what the

ultimate recipient either must or may do in order to properly

interpret any extension declarations within that message.

The grammar for an extension declaration is as follows:

ext-decl = <"> ( absoluteURI field-name ) <">

[ namespace ] [ decl-extensions ]

namespace = ";" "ns" "=" header-prefix

header-prefix = 2*DIGIT

decl-extensions = *( decl-ext )

decl-ext = ";" token [ "=" ( token quoted-string ) ]

An extension is identified by an absolute, globally unique URI or a

field-name. A field-name MUST specify a header field uniquely defined

in an IETF Standards Track RFC[3]. A URI can unambiguously be

distinguished from a field-name by the presence of a colon (":").

The support for header field names as extension identifiers provides

a transition strategy from decentralized extensions to extensions

defined by IETF Standards Track RFCs until a mapping between the

globally unique URI space and features defined in IETF Standards

Track RFCs has been defined according to the guidelines described in

section 8.

Examples of extension declarations are

"http://www.company.com/extension"; ns=11


An agent MAY use the decl-extensions mechanism to include optional

extension declaration parameters but cannot assume these parameters

to be recognized by the recipient. An agent MUST NOT use decl-

extensions to pass extension instance data, which MAY be passed using

header field prefix values (see section 3.1). Unrecognized decl-ext

parameters SHOULD be ignored and MUST NOT be removed by proxies when

forwarding the extension declaration.

3.1 Header Field Prefixes

The header-prefix is a dynamically generated string. All header

fields in the message that match this string, using string prefix-

matching, belong to that extension declaration. Header field prefixes

allow an extension declaration to dynamically reserve a subspace of

the header space in a protocol message in order to prevent header

field name clashes and to allow multiple declarations using the same

extension to be applied to the same message without conflicting.

Header fields using a header-prefix are of the form:

prefixed-header = prefix-match field-name

prefix-match = header-prefix "-"

Linear white space (LWS) MUST NOT be used between the header-prefix

and the dash ("-") or between the prefix-match and the field-name.

The string prefix matching algorithm is applied to the prefix-match


The format of the prefix using a combination of digits and the dash

("-") guarantees that no extension declaration can reserve the whole

header field name space. The header-prefix mechanism was preferred

over other solutions for exchanging extension instance parameters

because it is header based and therefore allows for easy integration

of new extensions with existing HTTP features.

Agents MUST NOT reuse header-prefix values in the same message unless

explicitly allowed by the extension (see section 4.1 for a discussion

of the ultimate recipient of an extension declaration).

Clients SHOULD be as consistent as possible when generating header-

prefix values as this facilitates use of the Vary header field in

responses that vary as a function of the request extension

declaration(s) (see [5], section 13.6).

Servers including prefixed-header header fields in a Vary header

field value MUST also include the corresponding extension declaration

field-name as part of that value. For example, if a response depends

on the value of the 16-use-transform header field defined by an

optional extension declaration in the request, the Vary header field

in the response could look like this:

Vary: Opt, 16-use-transform

Note, that header-prefix consistency is no substitute for including

an extension declaration in the message: header fields with header-

prefix values not defined by an extension declaration in the same

message are not defined by this specification.

Examples of header-prefix values are




Old applications may introduce header fields independent of this

extension mechanism, potentially conflicting with header fields

introduced by the prefix mechanism. In order to minimize this risk,

prefixes MUST contain at least 2 digits.

4. Extension Header Fields

This proposal introduces two types of extension declaration strength:

mandatory and optional, and two types of extension declaration scope:

hop-by-hop and end-to-end (see section 4.1 and 4.2).

A mandatory extension declaration indicates that the ultimate

recipient MUST consult and adhere to the rules given by the extension

when processing the message or reporting an error (see section 5 and


An optional extension declaration indicates that the ultimate

recipient of the extension MAY consult and adhere to the rules given

by the extension when processing the message, or ignore the extension

declaration completely. An agent may not be able to distinguish

whether the ultimate recipient does not understand an extension

referred to by an optional extension or simply ignores the extension


The combination of the declaration strength and scope defines a 2x2

matrix which is distinguished by four new general HTTP header fields:

Man, Opt, C-Man, and C-Opt. (See sections 4.1 and 4.2; also see

appendix 14, which has a table of interactions with origin servers

and proxies.)

The header fields are general header fields as they describe which

extensions actually are applied to an HTTP message. Optional

declarations MAY be applied to any HTTP message if appropriate (see

section 5 for how to apply mandatory extension declarations to

requests and section 6 for how to apply them to responses).

4.1 End-to-End Extensions

End-to-end declarations MUST be transmitted to the ultimate recipient

of the declaration. The Man and the Opt general header fields are

end- to-end header fields and are defined as follows:

mandatory = "Man" ":" 1#ext-decl

optional = "Opt" ":" 1#ext-decl

For example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Length: 421

Opt: "http://www.digest.org/Digest"; ns=15

15-digest: "snfksjgor2tsajkt52"


The ultimate recipient of a mandatory end-to-end extension

declaration MUST handle that extension declaration as described in

section 5 and 6.

4.2 Hop-by-Hop Extensions

Hop-by-hop extension declarations are meaningful only for a single

HTTP connection. In HTTP/1.1, C-Man, C-Opt, and all header fields

with matching header-prefix values defined by C-Man and C-Opt MUST be

protected by a Connection header field. That is, these header fields

are to be included as Connection header field directives (see [5],

section 14.10). The two header fields have the following grammar:

c-mandatory = "C-Man" ":" 1#ext-decl

c-optional = "C-Opt" ":" 1#ext-decl

For example

M-GET / HTTP/1.1

Host: some.host

C-Man: "http://www.digest.org/ProxyAuth"; ns=14


Connection: C-Man, 14-Credentials

The ultimate recipient of a mandatory hop-by-hop extension

declaration MUST handle that extension declaration as described in

section 5 and 6.

4.3 Extension Response Header Fields

Two extension response header fields are used to indicate that a

request containing mandatory extension declarations has been

fulfilled by the ultimate recipient as described in section 5.1. The

extension response header fields are exclusively intended to serve as

extension acknowledgements, and can not carry any other information.

The Ext header field is used to indicate that all end-to-end

mandatory extension declarations in the request were fulfilled:

ext = "Ext" ":"

The C-Ext response header field is used to indicate that all hop-by-

hop mandatory extension declarations in the request were fulfilled.

c-ext = "C-Ext" ":"

In HTTP/1.1, the C-Ext header fields MUST be protected by a

Connection header (see [5], section 14.10).

The Ext and the C-Ext header fields are not mutually exclusive; they

can both occur within the same message as described in section 5.1.

5. Mandatory HTTP Requests

An HTTP request is called a mandatory request if it includes at least

one mandatory extension declaration (using the Man or the C-Man

header fields). The method name of a mandatory request MUST be

prefixed by "M-". For example, a client might express the binding

rights- management constraints in an HTTP PUT request as follows:

M-PUT /a-resource HTTP/1.1

Man: "http://www.copyright.org/rights-management"; ns=16

16-copyright: http://www.copyright.org/COPYRIGHT.Html

16-contributions: http://www.copyright.org/PATCHES.html

Host: www.w3.org

Content-Length: 1203

Content-Type: text/html

<!doctype html ...

An ultimate recipient conforming to this specification receiving a

mandatory request MUST process the request by performing the

following actions in the order listed below:

1. Identify all mandatory extension declarations (both hop-by-hop

and end-to-end); the server MAY ignore optional declarations

without affecting the result of processing the HTTP message;

2. Examine all extensions identified in 1) and determine if they

are supported for this message. If not, respond with a 510 (Not

Extended) status-code (see section 7);

3. If 2) did not result in a 510 (Not Extended) status code, then

process the request according to the semantics of the

extensions and of the existing HTTP method name as defined in

HTTP/1.1 [5] or later versions of HTTP. The HTTP method name

can be oBTained by ignoring the "M-" method name prefix.

4. If the evaluation in 3) was successful and the mandatory

request fulfilled, the server MUST respond as defined in

section 5.1. A server MUST NOT fulfill a request without

understanding and obeying all mandatory extension

declaration(s) in a request.

A proxy that does not act as the ultimate recipient of a mandatory

extension declaration MUST NOT remove the extension declaration or

the "M-" method name prefix when forwarding the message (see section

5.1 for how to detect when a mandatory extension has been fulfilled).

A server receiving an HTTP/1.0 (or earlier versions of HTTP) message

that includes a Connection header MUST, for each connection-token in

this field, remove and ignore any header field(s) from the message

with the same name as the connection-token.

A server receiving a mandatory request including the "M-" method name

prefix without any mandatory extension declarations to follow MUST

return a 510 (Not Extended) response.

The "M-" prefix is reserved by this proposal and MUST NOT be used by

other HTTP extensions.

5.1 Fulfilling a Mandatory Request

A server MUST NOT claim to have fulfilled any mandatory request

unless it understood and obeyed all the mandatory extension

declarations in the request. This section defines a mechanism for

conveying this information to the client in such a way that it

interoperates with existing HTTP applications and prevents broken

servers from giving the false impression that an extended request was

fulfilled by responding with a 200 (Ok) response without

understanding the method.

If any end-to-end mandatory extension declarations were among the

fulfilled extensions then the server MUST include an Ext response

header field in the response. In order to avoid that the Ext header

field inadvertently is cached in an HTTP/1.1 cache, the response MUST

contain a no-cache cache-control directive. If the response is

otherwise cachable, the no-cache cache-control directive SHOULD be

limited to only affect the Ext header field:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Cache-Control: no-cache="Ext"


If the mandatory request has been forwarded by an HTTP/1.0

intermediary proxy then this is indicated either directly in the

Request-Line or by the presence of an HTTP/1.1 Via header field. In

this case, the server MUST include an Expires header field with a

date equal to or earlier than the value of the Date header field (see

section 9 for a discussion on caching considerations):

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Date: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 08:12:31 GMT

Expires: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 08:12:31 GMT


Cache-Control: no-cache="Ext", max-age=3600


If any hop-by-hop mandatory extension declarations were among the

fulfilled extensions then the server MUST include a C-Ext response

header field in the response. The C-Ext header field MUST be

protected by a Connection header field (see [5], section 14.10).

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Connection: C-Ext

Note, that the Ext and C-Ext header fields are not mutually

exclusive; they can be both be present in a response when fulfilling

mandatory request containing both hop-by-hop as well as end-to-end

mandatory extension declarations.

6. Mandatory HTTP Responses

A server MUST NOT include mandatory extension declarations in an HTTP

response unless it is responding to a mandatory HTTP request whose

definition allowed for the mandatory response or the server has some

a priori knowledge that the recipient can handle the extended

response. A server MAY include optional extension declarations in

any HTTP response (see section 4).

If a client is the ultimate recipient of a mandatory HTTP response

containing mandatory extension declarations that either the client

does not understand or does not want to use, then it SHOULD discard

the complete response as if it were a 500 (Internal Server Error)


7. 510 Not Extended

The policy for Accessing the resource has not been met in the

request. The server should send back all the information necessary

for the client to issue an extended request. It is outside the scope

of this specification to specify how the extensions inform the


If the 510 response contains information about extensions that were

not present in the initial request then the client MAY repeat the

request if it has reason to believe it can fulfill the extension

policy by modifying the request according to the information provided

in the 510 response. Otherwise the client MAY present any entity

included in the 510 response to the user, since that entity may

include relevant diagnostic information.

8. Publishing an Extension

While the protocol extension definition should be published at the

address of the extension identifier, this specification does not

require it. The only absolute requirement is that extension

identifiers MUST be globally unique identifiers, and that distinct

names be used for distinct semantics.

Likewise, applications are not required to attempt resolving

extension identifiers included in an extension declaration. The only

absolute requirement is that an application MUST NOT claim

conformance with an extension that it does not recognize (regardless

of whether it has tried to resolve the extension identifier or not).

This document does not provide any policy for how long or how often

an application may attempt to resolve an extension identifier.

The association between the extension identifier and the

specification might be made by distributing a specification, which

references the extension identifier.

It is strongly recommended that the integrity and persistence of the

extension identifier be maintained and kept unquestioned throughout

the lifetime of the extension. Care should be taken not to distribute

conflicting specifications that reference the same name. Even when an

extension specification is made available at the address of the URI,

care must be taken that the specification made available at that

address does not change over time. One agent may associate the

identifier with the old semantics, while another might associate it

with the new semantics.

The extension definition may be made available in different

representations ranging from

o a human-readable specification defining the extension semantics

(see for example [7]),

o downloadable code which implements the semantics defined by the


o a formal interface description provided by the extension, to

o a machine-readable specification defining the extension


For example, a software component that implements the specification

may reside at the same address as a human-readable specification

(distinguished by content negotiation). The human-readable

representation serves to document the extension and encourage

deployment, while the software component would allow clients and

servers to be dynamically extended.

9. Caching Considerations

Use of extensions using the syntax defined by this document may have

additional implications on the cachability of HTTP response messages

other than the ones described in section 5.1.

The originator of an extended message should be able to determine

from the semantics of the extension whether or not the extension's

presence impacts the caching constraints of the response message. If

an extension does require tighter constraints on the cachebility of

the response, the originator MUST include the appropriate combination

of cache header fields (Cache-Control, Vary, Expires) corresponding

to the required level of constraints of the extended semantics.

10. Security Considerations

Dynamic installation of extension facilities as described in the

introduction involves software written by one party (the provider of

the implementation) to be executed under the authority of another

(the party operating the host software). This opens the host party to

a variety of "Trojan horse" attacks by the provider, or a malicious

third party that forges implementations under a provider's name. See,

for example RFC2046 [4], section 4.5.2 for a discussion of these


11. References

[1] Crocker, D., "Standard for the Format of ARPA Internet Text

Messages", STD 11, RFC822, August 1982.

[2] Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R. and H. Frystyk, "Hypertext

Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.0", RFC1945, May 1996.

[3] Bradner, S., "The Internet Standards Process -- Revision 3", BCP

9, RFC2026, October 1996.

[4] Freed, N. and N. Borenstein, "Multipurpose Internet Mail

Extensions (MIME) Part Two: Media Types", RFC2046, November


[5] Fielding, R., Gettys, J., Mogul, J., Frystyk, H. and T.

Berners-Lee, "Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1", RFC

2068, January 1997.

[6] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement

Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

[7] Masinter, L., "Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol

(HTCPCP/1.0)", RFC2324, 1 April 1998.

[8] Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R. and L. Masinter, "Uniform Resource

Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax", RFC2396, August 1998.

[9] Nielsen, H., Connolly, D. and R. Khare, "PEP - an extension

mechanism for HTTP", Work in Progress.

12. Acknowledgements

Roy Fielding, Rohit Khare, Yaron Y. Goland, and Koen Holtman, deserve

special recognition for their efforts in commenting in all phases of

this specification. Also thanks to Josh Cohen, Ross Patterson, Jim

Gettys, Larry Masinter, and to the people involved in PEP [9].

The contribution of World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) staff is part of

the W3C HTTP Activity (see "http://www.w3.org/Protocols/Activity").

13. Authors' Addresses

Henrik Frystyk Nielsen

Microsoft Corporation

1 Microsoft Way

Redmond, WA 98052, USA

EMail: frystyk@microsoft.com

Paul J. Leach

Microsoft Corporation

1 Microsoft Way

Redmond, WA 98052, USA

EMail: paulle@microsoft.com

Scott Lawrence

Agranat Systems, Inc.

5 Clocktower Place, Suite 400

Maynard, MA 01754, USA

EMail: lawrence@agranat.com


14. Summary of Protocol Interactions

The following tables summarize the outcome of strength and scope rules

of the mandatory proposal of compliant and non-compliant HTTP proxies

and origin servers. The summary is intended as a guide and index to

the text, but is necessarily cryptic and incomplete. This summary

should never be used or referenced separately from the complete


Table 1: Origin Server

Scope Hop-by-hop End-to-end

Strength Optional Required Optional Required

(may) (must) (may) (must)

Mandatory Standard 501 (Not Standard 501 (Not

unsupported processing Implemented) processing Implemented)

Extension Standard 510 (Not Standard 510 (Not

unsupported processing Extended) processing Extended)

Extension Extended Extended Extended Extended

supported processing processing processing processing

Table 2: Proxy Server

Scope Hop-by-hop End-to-end

Strength Optional Required Optional Required

(may) (must) (may) (must)

Mandatory Strip 501 (Not Forward 501 (Not

unsupported extension Implemented) extension Implemented)

or tunnel or tunnel

Extension Strip 510 (Not Forward Forward

unsupported extension Extended) extension extension

Extension Extended Extended Extended Extended

supported processing processing processing, processing,

and strip and strip may strip may strip

15. Examples

The following examples show various scenarios using mandatory in

HTTP/1.1 requests and responses. Information not essential for

illustrating the examples is left out (referred to as "...")

15.1 User Agent to Origin Server

Table 3: User Agent directly to origin server

Client issues a request M-GET /some-document HTTP/1.1

with one optional and Opt: "http://www.my.com/tracking"

one mandatory extension Man: "http://www.foo.com/privacy"


Origin server accepts HTTP/1.1 200 OK

the mandatory extension Ext:

but ignores the Cache-Control: max-age=120, no-cache="Ext"

optional one. The ...

client can not see in

this case that the

optional extension was


Table 4: Origin server with Vary header field

Client issues a request M-GET /p/q HTTP/1.1

with one mandatory Man: "http://www.x.y/transform"; ns=16

extension 16-use-transform: xyzzy


Origin server accepts HTTP/1.1 200 OK

the mandatory but Ext:

indicates that the Vary: Man, 16-use-transform

response varies on the Date: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 08:12:31 GMT

request extension Expires: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 08:12:31 GMT

declaration Cache-Control: no-cache="Ext", max-age=1000


15.2 User Agent to Origin Server via HTTP/1.1 Proxy

These two examples show how an extended request interacts with an

HTTP/1.1 proxy.

Table 5: HTTP/1.1 Proxy forwards extended request

Client issues a request M-GET /some-document HTTP/1.1

with one optional and C-Opt: "http://www.meter.org/hits"

one mandatory hop-by- C-Man: "http://www.copy.org/rights"

hop extension Connection: C-Opt, C-Man


HTTP/1.1 proxy forwards M-GET /some-document HTTP/1.1

the request and takes Via: 1.1 new

out the connection ...


Origin server fails as HTTP/1.1 510 Not Extended

the request does not ...

contain any information

belonging to the M-GET


Table 6: HTTP/1.1 Proxy does not forward extended request

Client issues a request M-GET /some-document HTTP/1.1

with one optional and C-Opt: "http://www.meter.org/hits"

one mandatory hop-by- C-Man: "http://www.copy.org/rights"

hop extension Connection: C-Opt, C-Man


HTTP/1.1 proxy refuses HTTP/1.1 501 Not Implemented

to forward the M-GET ...

method and returns an


Origin server never

sees the extended


15.3 User Agent to Origin Server via HTTP/1.0 Proxy

These two examples show how an extended request interacts with an

HTTP/1.0 proxy in the message path

Table 7: HTTP/1.0 Proxy forwards extended request

Client issues a request M-GET /some-document HTTP/1.1

with one mandatory Man: "http://www.price.com/sale"

extension ...

HTTP/1.0 proxy forwards M-GET /some-document HTTP/1.0

the request as a Man: "http://www.price.com/sale"

HTTP/1.0 request ...

without changing the


Origin server accepts HTTP/1.1 200 OK

declaration and returns Ext:

a 200 response and an Date: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 08:12:31 GMT

extension Expires: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 08:12:31 GMT

acknowledgement. The Cache-Control: no-cache="Ext", max-age=600

response can be cached ...

by HTTP/1.1 caches for

10 minutes.

Table 8: HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 Proxy Chain

Client issues request M-GET /some-document HTTP/1.1

with one mandatory and Man: "http://www.copy.org/rights"

one hop-by-hop optional C-Opt: "http://www.ads.org/noads"

extension Connection: C-Opt


HTTP/1.0 proxy forwards M-GET /some-document HTTP/1.0

request as HTTP/1.0 Man: "http://www.copy.org/rights"

request without C-Opt: "http://www.ads.org/noads"

changing the method and Connection: C-Man

without honoring the ...

Connection directives

HTTP/1.1 proxy deletes M-GET /some-document HTTP/1.1

(and ignores) optional Man: "http://www.copy.org/rights"

extension and forwards C-Man: "http://www.ads.org/givemeads"

the rest including a Connection: C-Man

via header field. It Via: 1.0 new

also add a hop-by-hop ...

mandatory extension

Origin server accepts HTTP/1.1 200 OK

both mandatory Ext:

extensions. The C-Ext

response is not Connection: C-Ext

cachable by the Date: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 08:12:31 GMT

HTTP/1.0 cache but can Expires: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 08:12:31 GMT

be cached for 1 hour by Cache-Control: no-cache="Ext", max-age=3600

HTTP/1.1 caches. ...

HTTP/1.1 proxy removes HTTP/1.1 200 OK

the hop-by-hop Ext:

extension Date: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 08:12:31 GMT

acknowledgement and Expires: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 08:12:31 GMT

forwards the remainder Cache-Control: no-cache="Ext", max-age=3600

of the response. ...

Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

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