
RFC2878 - PPP Bridging Control Protocol (BCP)

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group M. Higashiyama

Request for Comments: 2878 Anritsu

Obsoletes: 1638 F. Baker

Category: Standards Track Cisco

July 2000

PPP Bridging Control Protocol (BCP)

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.


The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) [6] provides a standard method for

transporting multi-protocol datagrams over point-to-point links. PPP

defines an extensible Link Control Protocol, and proposes a family of

Network Control Protocols for establishing and configuring different

network-layer protocols.

This document defines the Network Control Protocol for establishing

and configuring Remote Bridging for PPP links.

This document obsoletes RFC1638, which was based on the IEEE

802.1D-1993 MAC Bridge[3]. This document extends that specification

by including the IEEE 802.1D-1998 MAC Bridge[8] and IEEE 802.1Q

Virtual LAN (VLAN)[9] standards. This document also improves the

protocol in order to support high-speed switched LANs.

Table of Contents

1. Historical Perspective ................................ 3

1.1 Requirements KeyWords ........................... 3

2. Methods of Bridging ................................... 3

2.1 Transparent Bridging ............................ 3

2.2 Remote Transparent Bridging ..................... 4

2.3 Source Routing .................................. 5

2.4 Remote Source Route Bridging .................... 6

2.5 SR-TB Translational Bridging .................... 7

3. Traffic Services ...................................... 7

3.1 LAN Frame Checksum Preservation ................. 7

3.2 Traffic having no LAN Frame Checksum ............ 7

3.3 Tinygram Compression ............................ 8

3.4 Virtual LANs .................................... 8

4. A PPP Network Control Protocol for Bridging ........... 9

4.1 Sending Bridge Frames ........................... 10

4.1.1 Maximum Receive Unit Considerations ............. 11

4.1.2 Loopback and Link Quality Monitoring ............ 11

4.1.3 Message Sequence ................................ 11

4.1.4 Separation of Spanning Tree Domains ............. 12

4.2 Bridged LAN Traffic in IEEE 802 Untagged Frame .. 12

4.3 Bridged LAN Traffic in IEEE 802 Tagged Frame .... 16

4.4 Bridge management protocol data unit ............ 21

5. BCP Configuration Options ............................. 21

5.1 Bridge-Identification ........................... 22

5.2 Line-Identification ............................. 23

5.3 MAC-Support ..................................... 25

5.4 Tinygram-Compression ............................ 26

5.5 MAC-Address ..................................... 27

5.6 Spanning Tree Protocol (old formatted) .......... 28

5.7 IEEE-802-Tagged-Frame ........................... 30

5.8 Management-Inline ............................... 30

6. Changes From RFC1638 ................................. 31

7. Security Considerations ............................... 32

8. Intellectual Property Notice .......................... 32

9. IANA Considerations ................................... 33

10. Acknowledgments ....................................... 33

APPENDICES ................................................... 34

A. Spanning Tree Bridge PDU (old formatted) ........... 34

B. Tinygram-Compression Pseudo-Code ................... 35

References ................................................... 36

Authors' Addresses ........................................... 37

Full Copyright Statement...................................... 38

1. Historical Perspective

Two basic algorithms are ambient in the industry for Bridging of

Local Area Networks. The more common algorithm is called

"Transparent Bridging", and has been standardized for Extended LAN

configurations by IEEE 802.1. The other is called "Source Route

Bridging", and is prevalent on IEEE 802.5 Token Ring LANs.

The IEEE has combined these two methods into a device called a Source

Routing Transparent (SRT) bridge, which concurrently provides both

Source Route and Transparent bridging. Transparent and SRT bridges

are specified in IEEE standard 802.1D-1998 [8].

Although IEEE committee 802.1G is addressing remote bridging [2],

neither standard directly defines the mechanisms for implementing

remote bridging. Technically, that would be beyond the IEEE 802

committee's charter. However, both 802.1D and 802.1G allow for it.

The implementor may model the line either as a component within a

single MAC Relay Entity, or as the LAN media between two remote


The original IEEE 802.1D is augmented by IEEE 802.1Q [9] to provide

support for Virtual LAN. Virtual LAN is an integral feature of

switched LAN networks.

1.1 Requirements Keywords


SHOULD NOT, RECOMMENDED, MAY, and OPTIONAL, when they appear in this

document, are to be interpreted as described in [12].

2. Methods of Bridging

2.1. Transparent Bridging

As a favor to the uninitiated, let us first describe Transparent

Bridging. Essentially, the bridges in a network operate as isolated

entities, largely unaware of each others' presence. A Transparent

Bridge maintains a Forwarding Database consisting of

{address, interface}


{address, interface, VLAN ID}

records, by saving the Source Address of each LAN transmission that

it receives, along with the interface identifier for the interface it

was received on. Bridges which support Virtual LANs additionally

keep the Virtual LAN ID in their forwarding database. It goes on to

check whether the Destination Address is in the database, and if so,

either discards the message when the destination and source are

located at the same interface, or forwards the message to the

indicated interface. A message whose Destination Address is not

found in the table is forwarded to all interfaces except the one it

was received on. This behavior applies to Broadcast/Multicast frames

as well.

The obvious fly in the ointment is that redundant paths in the

network cause indeterminate (nay, all too determinate) forwarding

behavior to occur. To prevent this, a protocol called the Spanning

Tree Protocol is executed between the bridges to detect and logically

remove redundant paths from the network.

One system is elected as the "Root", which periodically emits a

message called a Bridge Protocol Data Unit (BPDU), heard by all of

its neighboring bridges. Each of these modifies and passes the BPDU

on to its neighbors, until it arrives at the leaf LAN segments in the

network (where it dies, having no further neighbors to pass it

along), or until the message is stopped by a bridge which has a

superior path to the "Root". In this latter case, the interface the

BPDU was received on is ignored (it is placed in a Hot Standby

status, no traffic is emitted onto it except the BPDU, and all

traffic received from it is discarded), until a topology change

forces a recalculation of the network.

To establish Virtual LANs in an environment of multiple bridges, GVRP

(GARP VLAN Registration Protocol) is executed between bridges to

exchange Virtual LAN information. GVRP provides a mechanism to

dynamically establish and update their knowledge of the set of

Virtual LANs that currently have active members.

To redUCe unnecessary multicast flooding in the network, bridges

exchange group MAC addresses using the GARP Multicast Registration

Protocol. GMRP provides a mechanism so that bridges can know which

multicast frames should be forwarded on each port.

2.2. Remote Transparent Bridging

There exist two basic sorts of bridges -- those that interconnect

LANs directly, called Local Bridges, and those that interconnect LANs

via an intermediate medium such as a leased line, called Remote

Bridges. PPP may be used to connect Remote Bridges.

The IEEE 802.1G Remote MAC Bridging committee has proposed a model of

a Remote Bridge in which a set of two or more Remote Bridges that are

interconnected via remote lines are termed a Remote Bridge Group.

Within a Group, a Remote Bridge Cluster is dynamically formed through

execution of the spanning tree as the set of bridges that may pass

frames among each other.

This model bestows on the remote lines the basic properties of a LAN,

but does not require a one-to-one mapping of lines to virtual LAN

segments. For instance, the model of three interconnected Remote

Bridges, A, B and C, may be that of a virtual LAN segment between A

and B and another between B and C. However, if a line exists between

Remote Bridges B and C, a frame could actually be sent directly from

B to C, as long as there was the external appearance that it had

travelled through A.

IEEE 802.1G thus allows for a great deal of implementation freedom

for features such as route optimization and load balancing, as long

as the model is maintained.

For simplicity, we discuss Remote Bridging in this document in terms

of two Remote Bridges connected by a single line.

2.3. Source Routing

The IEEE 802.1D Committee has standardized Source Routing for any MAC

Type that allows its use. Currently, MAC Types that support Source

Routing are FDDI and IEEE 802.5 Token Ring.

The IEEE standard defines Source Routing only as a component of an

SRT bridge. However, many bridges have been implemented which are

capable of performing Source Routing alone. These are most commonly

implemented in accordance either with the IBM Token-Ring Network

Architecture Reference [1] or with the Source Routing Appendix of

IEEE 802.1D-1998 [8].

In the Source Routing approach, the originating system has the

responsibility of indicating the path that the message should follow.

It does this, if the message is directed off of the local segment, by

including a variable length MAC header extension called the Routing

Information Field (RIF). The RIF consists of one 16-bit word of

flags and parameters, followed by zero or more segment-and-bridge

identifiers. Each bridge en route determines from this source route

list whether it should accept the message and how to forward it.

In order to discover the path to a destination, the originating

system transmits an EXPlorer frame. An All-Routes Explorer (ARE)

frame follows all possible paths to a destination. A Spanning Tree

Explorer (STE) frame follows only those paths defined by Bridge ports

that the Spanning Tree Algorithm has put in Forwarding state. Port

states do not apply to ARE or Specifically-Routed Frames. The

destination system replies to each copy of an ARE frame with a

Specifically-Routed Frame, and to an STE frame with an ARE frame. In

either case, the originating station may receive multiple replies,

from which it chooses the route it will use for future Specifically-

Routed Frames.

The algorithm for Source Routing requires the bridge to be able to

identify any interface by its segment-and-bridge identifier. When a

packet is received that has the RIF present, a boolean in the RIF is

inspected to determine whether the segment-and-bridge identifiers are

to be inspected in "forward" or "reverse" sense. In its search, the

bridge looks for the segment-and-bridge identifier of the interface

the packet was received on, and forwards the packet toward the

segment identified in the segment-and-bridge identifier that follows


GVRP and GMRP are available and effective on Source Routing networks.

2.4. Remote Source Route Bridging

There is no Remote Source Route Bridge proposal in IEEE 802.1 at this

time, although many vendors ship remote Source Routing Bridges.

We allow for modelling the line either as a connection residing

between two halves of a "split" Bridge (the split-bridge model), or

as a LAN segment between two Bridges (the independent-bridge model).

In the latter case, the line requires a LAN Segment ID.

By default, PPP Source Route Bridges use the independent-bridge

model. This requirement ensures interoperability in the absence of

option negotiation. In order to use the split-bridge model, a system

MUST successfully negotiate the Bridge-Identification Configuration


Although no option negotiation is required for a system to use the

independent-bridge model, it is strongly recommended that systems

using this model negotiate the Line-Identification Configuration

Option. Doing so will verify correct configuration of the LAN

Segment Id assigned to the line.

When two PPP systems use the split-bridge model, the system that

transmits an Explorer frame onto the PPP link MUST update the RIF on

behalf of the two systems. The purpose of this constraint is to

ensure interoperability and to preserve the simplicity of the

bridging algorithm. For example, if the receiving system did not

know whether the transmitting system had updated the RIF, it would

have to scan the RIF and decide whether to update it. The choice of

the transmitting system for the role of updating the RIF allows the

system receiving the frame from the PPP link to forward the frame

without processing the RIF.

Given that source routing is configured on a line or set of lines,

the specifics of the link state with respect to STE frames are

defined by the Spanning Tree Protocol in use. Choice of the split-

bridge or independent-bridge model does not affect spanning tree

operation. In both cases, the spanning tree protocol is executed on

the two systems independently.

2.5. SR-TB Translational Bridging

IEEE 802 is not currently addressing bridges that translate between

Transparent Bridging and Source Routing. For the purposes of this

standard, such a device is either a Transparent or a Source Routing

bridge, and will act on the line in one of these two ways, just as it

does on the LAN.

3. Traffic Services

Several services are provided for the benefit of different system

types and user configurations. These include LAN Frame Checksum

Preservation, LAN Frame Checksum Generation, Tinygram Compression,

and the identification of closed sets of LANs.

3.1. LAN Frame Checksum Preservation

IEEE 802.1 stipulates that the Extended LAN must enjoy the same

probability of undetected error that an individual LAN enjoys.

Although there has been considerable debate concerning the algorithm,

no other algorithm has been proposed than having the LAN Frame

Checksum received by the ultimate receiver be the same value

calculated by the original transmitter. Achieving this requires, of

course, that the line protocols preserve the LAN Frame Checksum from

end to end. The protocol is optimized towards this approach.

3.2. Traffic having no LAN Frame Checksum

The fact that the protocol is optimized towards LAN Frame Checksum

preservation raises twin questions: "What is the approach to be used

by systems which, for whatever reason, cannot easily support Frame

Checksum preservation?" and "What is the approach to be used when the

system originates a message, which therefore has no Frame Checksum


Surely, one approach would be to require stations to calculate the

Frame Checksum in software if hardware support were unavailable; this

would meet with profound dismay, and would raise serious questions of

interpretation in a Bridge/Router.

However, stations which implement LAN Frame Checksum preservation

must already solve this problem, as they do originate traffic.

Therefore, the solution adopted is that messages which have no Frame

Checksum are tagged and carried across the line.

When a system which does not implement LAN Frame Checksum

preservation receives a frame having an embedded FCS, it converts it

for its own use by removing the trailing four octets. When any

system forwards a frame which contains no embedded FCS to a LAN, it

forwards it in a way which causes the FCS to be calculated.

3.3. Tinygram Compression

An issue in remote Ethernet bridging is that the protocols that are

most attractive to bridge are prone to problems on low speed (64 KBPS

and below) lines. This can be partially alleviated by observing that

the vendors defining these protocols often fill the PDU with octets

of ZERO. Thus, an Ethernet or IEEE 802.3 PDU received from a line

that is (1) smaller than the minimum PDU size, and (2) has a LAN

Frame Checksum present, must be padded by inserting zeroes between

the last four octets and the rest of the PDU before transmitting it

on a LAN. These protocols are frequently used for interactive

sessions, and therefore are frequently this small.

To prevent ambiguity, PDUs requiring padding are explicitly tagged.

Compression is at the option of the transmitting station, and is

probably performed only on low speed lines, perhaps under

configuration control.

The pseudo-code in Appendix B describes the algorithms.

3.4. Virtual LANs

IEEE 802.1Q defines Virtual LANs and their exchangeable VLAN Tagged

frame format. Virtual LANs allow user multiple community groups to

co-exist within one bridge. A bridging community is identified by its

VLAN ID. If a system that supports Virtual LANs receives a frame from

the LAN, that frame will be only emitted onto a LAN which belongs to

the same community. In order to handle multiple communities on a

single line, IEEE 802.1Q defines a VLAN Tagged Frame.

For example, suppose you have the following configuration:

E1 +--+ +--+ E3

------------ ------------



E2 E4

------------ ------------

+--+ +--+

E1, E2, E3, and E4 are Ethernet LANs (or Token Ring, FDDI, etc.). W1

is a WAN (PPP over T1). B1 and B2 are MAC level bridges.

You want End Stations on E1 and E3 to communicate, and you want End

Stations on E2 and E4 to communicate, but you do not want End

Stations on E1 and E3 to communicate with End Stations on E2 and E4.

This is true for Unicast, Multicast, and Broadcast traffic. If a

broadcast datagram originates on E1, you want it only to be

propagated to E3, and not on E2 or E4.

Another way of looking at it is that E1 and E3 form a Virtual LAN,

and E2 and E4 form a Virtual LAN, as if the following configuration

were actually being used:

E1 +--+ W2 +--+ E3


+--+ +--+

E2 +--+ W3 +--+ E4


+--+ +--+

4. A PPP Network Control Protocol for Bridging

The Bridging Control Protocol (BCP) is responsible for configuring,

enabling and disabling the bridge protocol modules on both ends of

the point-to-point link. BCP uses the same packet exchange mechanism

as the Link Control Protocol. BCP packets may not be exchanged until

PPP has reached the Network-Layer Protocol phase. BCP packets

received before this phase is reached SHOULD be silently discarded.

The Bridging Control Protocol is exactly the same as the Link Control

Protocol [6] with the following exceptions:

Frame Modifications

The packet may utilize any modifications to the basic frame format

which have been negotiated during the Link Establishment phase.

Implementations SHOULD NOT negotiate Address-and-Control-Field-

Compression or Protocol-Field-Compression on other than low speed


Data Link Layer Protocol Field

Exactly one BCP packet is encapsulated in the PPP Information

field, where the PPP Protocol field indicates type hex 8031 (BCP).

Code field

Only Codes 1 through 7 (Configure-Request, Configure-Ack,

Configure-Nak, Configure-Reject, Terminate-Request, Terminate-Ack

and Code-Reject) are used. Other Codes SHOULD be treated as

unrecognized and SHOULD result in Code-Rejects.


BCP packets may not be exchanged until PPP has reached the

Network-Layer Protocol phase. An implementation SHOULD be

prepared to wait for Authentication and Link Quality Determination

to finish before timing out waiting for a Configure-Ack or other

response. It is suggested that an implementation give up only

after user intervention or a configurable amount of time.

Configuration Option Types

BCP has a distinct set of Configuration Options, which are defined

in this document.

4.1. Sending Bridge Frames

Before any Bridged LAN Traffic or BPDUs may be communicated, PPP MUST

reach the Network-Layer Protocol phase, and the Bridging Control

Protocol MUST reach the Opened state.

Exactly one Bridged LAN Traffic or BPDU is encapsulated in the PPP

Information field, where the PPP Protocol field indicates type hex

0031 (Bridged PDU).

4.1.1. Maximum Receive Unit Considerations

The maximum length of a Bridged datagram transmitted over a PPP link

is the same as the maximum length of the Information field of a PPP

encapsulated packet. Since there is no standard method for

fragmenting and reassembling Bridged PDUs, PPP links supporting

Bridging MUST negotiate an MRU large enough to support the MAC Types

that are later negotiated for Bridging support. Because they include

the MAC headers, even bridged Ethernet frames are larger than the

default PPP MRU of 1500 octets.

4.1.2. Loopback and Link Quality Monitoring

It is strongly recommended that PPP Bridge Protocol implementations

utilize Magic Number Loopback Detection and Link-Quality-Monitoring.

The 802.1 Spanning Tree protocol, which is integral to both

Transparent Bridging and Source Routing (as standardized), is

unidirectional during normal operation. Configuration BPDUs emanate

from the Root system in the general direction of the leaves, without

any reverse traffic except in response to network events.

4.1.3. Message Sequence

The multiple link case requires consideration of message

sequentiality. The transmitting system may determine either that the

protocol being bridged requires transmissions to arrive in the order

of their original transmission, and enqueue all transmissions on a

given conversation onto the same link to force order preservation, or

that the protocol does NOT require transmissions to arrive in the

order of their original transmission, and use that knowledge to

optimize the utilization of several links, enqueuing traffic to

multiple links to minimize delay.

In the absence of such a determination, the transmitting system MUST

act as though all protocols require order preservation. Many

protocols designed primarily for use on a single LAN require order


PPP Multilink [7] and its multi-class extension [11] may be used to

allow the use of multiple PPP links between a pair of systems without

loss of message sequentiality. It treats the group of links as a

single link with speed equal to the sum of the speeds of the links in

the group.

4.1.4. Separation of Spanning Tree Domains

It is conceivable that a network manager might wish to inhibit the

exchange of BPDUs on a link in order to logically divide two regions

into separate Spanning Trees with different Roots (and potentially

different Spanning Tree implementations or algorithms). In order to

do that, he should configure both ends to not exchange BPDUs on a

link. An implementation that does not support any spanning tree

protocol MUST silently discard any received IEEE 802.1D BPDU packets.

If a bridge is connected to an old BCP bridge [10], the other bridge

cannot operate according to this specification. Options are therefore

to decide that:

(a) If the bridge wants to terminate the connection, it sends a

Terminate-Request and terminate the connection.

(b) If the bridge wants to run the connection but not receive old

BPDUs, its only option is to run without spanning tree on the

link at all, which is dangerous. It should Configure-Reject the

option and advise the network administration that it has done so.

(c) If the bridge chooses to be entirely backward compatible, it

sends Configure-Ack and operates in the manner described in

Appendix A.

In the event that both the new Management-Inline Option and the

Spanning-Tree-Protocol-Configuration Option are configure-rejected,

indicating that the peer implements no spanning tree protocol at all

and doesn't understand the options, it is an incomplete

implementation. For safety reasons the system should cease attempting

to configure bridging, and log the fact. If the peer was configure-

rejecting the options in order to disable spanning tree entirely, it

understood the option but could not within its configuration comply.

It should have sent the Spanning-Tree-Protocol-Configuration Option

with the value NULL.

Implementations SHOULD implement a backward compatibility mode.

4.2. Bridged LAN Traffic (IEEE 802 Untagged Frame)

For Bridging LAN traffic, the format of the frame on the line is

shown below. This format is used if the traffic does not include VLAN

ID and priority.

The fields are transmitted from left to right.

802.3 Frame format (IEEE 802 Un-tagged Frame)

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1




Address and Control 0x00 0x31


F0Z0 Pads MAC Type Destination MAC Address


Destination MAC Address


Source MAC Address


Source MAC Address Length/Type


LLC data ...


LAN FCS (optional)


potential line protocol pad




802.4/802.5/FDDI Frame format (IEEE 802 Un-tagged Frame)

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1




Address and Control 0x00 0x31


F0Z0 Pads MAC Type Pad Byte Frame Control


Destination MAC Address


Destination MAC Address Source MAC Address


Source MAC Address


LLC data ...


LAN FCS (optional)


optional Data Link Layer padding




Address and Control

As defined by the framing in use.

PPP Protocol

0x0031 for PPP Bridging


bit F: Set if the LAN FCS Field is present

bit Z: Set if IEEE 802.3 Pad must be zero filled to minimum size

bit 0: reserved, must be zero


Any PPP frame may have padding inserted in the "Optional Data Link

Layer Padding" field. This number tells the receiving system how

many pad octets to strip off.

MAC Type

Up-to-date values of the MAC Type field are specified in the most

recent "Assigned Numbers" RFC[4]. Current values are assigned as


0: reserved

1: IEEE 802.3/Ethernet with canonical addresses

2: IEEE 802.4 with canonical addresses

3: IEEE 802.5 with non-canonical addresses

4: FDDI with non-canonical addresses

5-10: reserved

11: IEEE 802.5 with canonical addresses

12: FDDI with canonical addresses

"Canonical" is the address format defined as standard address

representation by the IEEE. In this format, the bit within each

byte that is to be transmitted first on a LAN is represented as

the least significant bit. In contrast, in non-canonical form,

the bit within each byte that is to be transmitted first is

represented as the most-significant bit. Many LAN interface

implementations use non-canonical form. In both formats, bytes

are represented in the order of transmission.

If an implementation supports a MAC Type that is the higher-

numbered format of that MAC Type, then it MUST also support the

lower-numbered format of that MAC Type. For example, if an

implementation supports FDDI with canonical address format, then

it MUST also support FDDI with non-canonical address format. The

purpose of this requirement is to provide backward compatibility

with earlier versions of this specification.

A system MUST NOT transmit a MAC Type numbered higher than 4

unless it has received from its peer a MAC-Support Configuration

Option indicating that the peer is willing to receive frames of

that MAC Type.

Frame Control

On 802.4, 802.5, and FDDI LANs, there are a few octets preceding

the Destination MAC Address, one of which is protected by the FCS.

The MAC Type of the frame determines the contents of the Frame

Control field. A pad octet is present to provide 32-bit packet


Destination MAC Address

As defined by the IEEE. The MAC Type field defines the bit


Source MAC Address

As defined by the IEEE. The MAC Type field defines the bit


LLC data

This is the remainder of the MAC frame which is (or would be were

it present) protected by the LAN FCS.

For example, the 802.5 Access Control field, and Status Trailer

are not meaningful to transmit to another ring, and are omitted.


If present, this is the LAN FCS which was calculated by (or which

appears to have been calculated by) the originating station. If

the LAN FCS flag is not set, then this field is not present, and

the PDU is four octets shorter.

Optional Data Link Layer Padding

Any PPP frame may have padding inserted between the Information

field and the Frame FCS. The Pads field contains the length of

this padding, which may not exceed 15 octets.

The PPP LCP Extensions [5] specify a self-describing pad.

Implementations are encouraged to set the Pads field to zero, and

use the self-describing pad instead.

Frame FCS

Mentioned primarily for clarity. The FCS used on the PPP link is

separate from and unrelated to the LAN FCS.

4.3. Bridged LAN Traffic in IEEE 802 Tagged Frame

To connect two or more Virtual LAN segments, the frame MUST include

its VLAN ID and priority. An IEEE 802 Tagged Frame may be used if the

IEEE-802-Tagged-Frame Option is accepted by the peer. The format of

the frame on the line is shown below.

The fields are transmitted from left to right.

802.3 Frame format (IEEE 802 Tagged Frame)

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1




Address and Control 0x00 0x31


F0Z0 Pads MAC Type Destination MAC Address


Destination MAC Address


Source MAC Address


Source MAC Address 0x81 0x00


Pri C VLAN ID Length/Type


LLC data ...


LAN FCS (optional)


potential line protocol pad




802.4/802.5/FDDI Frame format (IEEE 802 Tagged Frame)

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1




Address and Control 0x00 0x31


F0Z0 Pads MAC Type Pad Byte Frame Control


Destination MAC Address


Destination MAC Address Source MAC Address


Source MAC Address


SNAP-encoded TPID


SNAP-encoded TPID




LLC data ...


LAN FCS (optional)


optional Data Link Layer padding




Address and Control

As defined by the framing in use.

PPP Protocol

0x0031 for PPP Bridging


bit F: Set if the LAN FCS Field is present

bit Z: Set if IEEE 802.3 Pad must be zero filled to minimum size

bit 0: reserved, must be zero


Any PPP frame may have padding inserted in the "Optional Data Link

Layer Padding" field. This number tells the receiving system how

many pad octets to strip off.

MAC Type

Up-to-date values of the MAC Type field are specified in the most

recent "Assigned Numbers" RFC[4]. Current values are assigned as


0: reserved

1: IEEE 802.3/Ethernet with canonical addresses

2: IEEE 802.4 with canonical addresses

3: IEEE 802.5 with non-canonical addresses

4: FDDI with non-canonical addresses

5-10: reserved

11: IEEE 802.5 with canonical addresses

12: FDDI with canonical addresses

"Canonical" is the address format defined as standard address

representation by the IEEE. In this format, the bit within each

byte that is to be transmitted first on a LAN is represented as

the least significant bit. In contrast, in non-canonical form,

the bit within each byte that is to be transmitted first is

represented as the most-significant bit. Many LAN interface

implementations use non-canonical form. In both formats, bytes

are represented in the order of transmission.

If an implementation supports a MAC Type that is the higher-

numbered format of that MAC Type, then it MUST also support the

lower-numbered format of that MAC Type. For example, if an

implementation supports FDDI with canonical address format, then

it MUST also support FDDI with non-canonical address format. The

purpose of this requirement is to provide backward compatibility

with earlier versions of this specification.

A system MUST NOT transmit a MAC Type numbered higher than 4

unless it has received from its peer a MAC-Support Configuration

Option indicating that the peer is willing to receive frames of

that MAC Type.

Frame Control

On 802.4, 802.5, and FDDI LANs, there are a few octets preceding

the Destination MAC Address, one of which is protected by the FCS.

The MAC Type of the frame determines the contents of the Frame

Control field. A pad octet is present to provide 32-bit packet


Destination MAC Address

As defined by the IEEE. The MAC Type field defines the bit


Source MAC Address

As defined by the IEEE. The MAC Type field defines the bit



3 bit priority value as defined by IEEE 802.1D.


Canonical flag as defined by IEEE 802.1Q. It must be set if RIF

data is present in the LLC data.


12 bit VLAN identifier number as defined by IEEE 802.1Q.

LLC data

This is the remainder of the MAC frame which is (or would be were

it present) protected by the LAN FCS.

For example, the 802.5 Access Control field, and Status Trailer

are not meaningful to transmit to another ring, and are omitted.


If present, this is the LAN FCS which was calculated by (or which

appears to have been calculated by) the originating station. If

the LAN FCS flag is not set, then this field is not present, and

the PDU is four octets shorter.

Optional Data Link Layer Padding

Any PPP frame may have padding inserted between the Information

field and the Frame FCS. The Pads field contains the length of

this padding, which may not exceed 15 octets.

The PPP LCP Extensions [5] specify a self-describing pad.

Implementations are encouraged to set the Pads field to zero, and

use the self-describing pad instead.

Frame FCS

Mentioned primarily for clarity. The FCS used on the PPP link is

separate from and unrelated to the LAN FCS.

4.4. Bridge protocols and GARP protocols

To avoid network loops and improve redundancy, Bridges exchange a

Spanning Tree Protocol data unit known as BPDU. Bridges also exchange

a Generic Attributes Registration Protocol data unit to carry the

GARP VLAN Registration Protocol (GVRP) data and GARP Multicast

Registration Protocol (GMRP). GVRP allow the Bridges to create VLAN

groups dynamically. GMRP allows bridges to filter Multicast data if

the receiver is absent from the network. These Bridge protocols

include Spanning Tree Protocol and GARP protocols data units are

carried with a special destination address assigned by the IEEE.

These bridge protocols data units and GARP protocol data units must

be carried in the frame format shown in section 4.2 or 4.3. The

Bridge that receives these data units identifies these protocols

based on the destination address in the frame format, just like the

operation of receiving frames from a LAN segment.

Bridge protocols and GARP protocols data units MUST be recognized by

checking the destination addresses, which are assigned by IEEE.

01-80-c2-00-00-00 Bridge Group Address (used by STP)

01-80-c2-00-00-01 IEEE Std. 802.3x Full Duplex PAUSE operation

01-80-c2-00-00-10 Bridge Management Group Address

01-80-c2-00-00-20 GARP Multicast Registration Protocol (GMRP)

01-80-c2-00-00-21 GARP VLAN Registration Protocol (GVRP)

But there is one exception to this rule: if the bridge is connected

to an old BCP bridge [10] and can support backward compatibility, it

MUST send the BPDU in the old format described in Appendix A.

5. BCP Configuration Options

BCP Configuration Options allow modifications to the standard

characteristics of the network-layer protocol to be negotiated. If a

Configuration Option is not included in a Configure-Request packet,

the default value for that Configuration Option is assumed.

BCP uses the same Configuration Option format defined for LCP [6],

with a separate set of Options.

Up-to-date values of the BCP Option Type field are specified in the

most recent "Assigned Numbers" RFC[4]. Current values are assigned

as follows:

1 Bridge-Identification

2 Line-Identification

3 MAC-Support

4 Tinygram-Compression

5 LAN-Identification (obsoleted)

6 MAC-Address

7 Spanning-Tree-Protocol (old formatted)

8 IEEE 802 Tagged Frame

9 Management Inline

5.1. Bridge-Identification


The Bridge-Identification Configuration Option is designed for use

when the line is an interface between half bridges connecting

virtual or physical LAN segments. Since these remote bridges are

modeled as a single bridge with a strange internal interface, each

remote bridge needs to know the LAN segment and bridge numbers of

the adjacent remote bridge. This option MUST NOT be included in

the same Configure-Request as the Line-Identification option.

The Source Routing Route Descriptor and its use are specified by

the IEEE 802.1D Appendix on Source Routing. It identifies the

segment to which the interface is attached by its configured

segment number, and itself by bridge number on the segment.

The two half bridges MUST agree on the bridge number. If a bridge

number is not agreed upon, the Bridging Control Protocol MUST NOT

enter the Opened state.

Since mismatched bridge numbers are indicative of a configuration

error, a correct configuration requires that either the bridge

declare the misconfiguration or choose one of the options. To

allow two systems to proceed to the Opened state despite a

mismatch, a system MAY change its bridge number to the higher of

the two numbers. A higher-numbered system MUST NOT change its

bridge number to a lower number. It should, however, inform the

network administration of the misconfiguration in any case.

By default, a system that does not negotiate this option is

assumed to be configured not to use the model of the two systems

as two halves of a single source-route bridge. It is instead

assumed to be configured to use the model of the two systems as

two independent bridges.


If System A announces LAN Segment AAA, Bridge #1, and System B

announces LAN Segment BBB, Bridge #1, then the resulting Source

Routing configuration (read in the appropriate direction) is then


A summary of the Bridge-Identification Option format is shown below.

The fields are transmitted from left to right.

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Type Length LAN Segment Number Bridge#






LAN Segment Number

A 12-bit number identifying the LAN segment, as defined in the

IEEE 802.1D Source Routing Specification.

Bridge Number

A 4-bit number identifying the bridge on the LAN segment, as

defined in the IEEE 802.1D Source Routing Specification.

5.2. Line-Identification


The Line-Identification Configuration Option is designed for use

when the line is assigned a LAN segment number as though it were a

two system LAN segment in accordance with the Source Routing


The Source Routing Route Descriptor and its use are specified by

the IEEE 802.1D Appendix on Source Routing. It identifies the

segment to which the interface is attached by its configured

segment number, and itself by bridge number on the segment.

The two bridges MUST agree on the LAN segment number. If a LAN

segment number is not agreed upon, the Bridging Control Protocol

MUST NOT enter the Opened state.

Since mismatched LAN segment numbers are indicative of a

configuration error, a correct configuration requires that either

the bridge declare the misconfiguration or choose one of the

options. To allow two systems to proceed to the Opened state

despite a mismatch, a system MAY change its LAN segment number to

the higher of the two numbers. A higher-numbered system MUST NOT

change its LAN segment number to a lower number. It should,

however, inform the network administration of the misconfiguration

in any case.

By default, a system that does not negotiate this option is

assumed to have its LAN segment number correctly configured by the


A summary of the Line-Identification Option format is shown below.

The fields are transmitted from left to right.

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Type Length LAN Segment Number Bridge#






LAN Segment Number

A 12-bit number identifying the LAN segment, as defined in the

IEEE 802.1D Source Routing Specification.

Bridge Number

A 4-bit number identifying the bridge on the LAN segment, as

defined in the IEEE 802.1D Source Routing Specification.

5.3. MAC-Support


The MAC-Support Configuration Option is provided to permit

implementations to indicate the sort of traffic they are prepared

to receive. Negotiation of this option is strongly recommended.

By default, when an implementation does not announce the MAC Types

that it supports, all MAC Types are sent by the peer which are

capable of being transported given other configuration parameters.

The receiver will discard those MAC Types that it does not


A device supporting a 1600 octet MRU might not be willing to

support 802.5, 802.4 or FDDI, which each support frames larger

than 1600 octets.

By announcing the MAC Types it will support, an implementation is

advising its peer that all unspecified MAC Types will be

discarded. The peer MAY then reduce bandwidth usage by not

sending the unsupported MAC Types.

Announcement of support for multiple MAC Types is accomplished by

placing multiple options in the Configure-Request.

The nature of this option is advisory only. This option MUST NOT

be included in a Configure-Nak.

A summary of the MAC-Support Option format is shown below. The

fields are transmitted from left to right.

0 1 2

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3


Type Length MAC Type






MAC Type

One of the values of the PDU MAC Type field (previously described

in the "Bridged LAN Traffic" section) that this system is prepared

to receive and service.

5.4. Tinygram-Compression


This Configuration Option permits the implementation to indicate

support for Tinygram compression.

Not all systems are prepared to make modifications to messages in

transit. On high speed lines, it is probably not worth the


This option MUST NOT be included in a Configure-Nak if it has been

received in a Configure-Request. This option MAY be included in a

Configure-Nak in order to prompt the peer to send the option in

its next Configure-Request.

By default, no compression is allowed. A system which does not

negotiate, or negotiates this option to be disabled, should never

receive a compressed packet.

A summary of the Tinygram-Compression Option format is shown below.

The fields are transmitted from left to right.

0 1 2

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3


Type Length Enable/Disable







If the value is 1, Tinygram-Compression is enabled. If the value

is 2, Tinygram-Compression is disabled, and no decompression will


The implementations need not agree on the setting of this

parameter. One may be willing to decompress and the other not.

5.5. MAC-Address


The MAC-Address Configuration Option enables the implementation to

announce its MAC address or have one assigned. The MAC address is

represented in IEEE 802.1 Canonical format, which is to say that

the multicast bit is the least significant bit of the first octet

of the address.

If the system wishes to announce its MAC address, it sends the

option with its MAC address specified. When specifying a non-zero

MAC address in a Configure-Request, any inclusion of this option

in a Configure-Nak MUST be ignored.

If the implementation wishes to have a MAC address assigned, it

sends the option with a MAC address of 00-00-00-00-00-00. Systems

that have no mechanism for address assignment will Configure-

Reject the option.

A Configure-Nak MUST specify a valid IEEE 802.1 format physical

address; the multicast bit MUST be zero. It is strongly

recommended (although not mandatory) that the "locally assigned

address" bit (the second least significant bit in the first octet)

be set, indicating a locally assigned address.

A summary of the MAC-Address Option format is shown below. The

fields are transmitted from left to right.

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Type Length MAC byte 1 LM MAC byte 2


MAC byte 3 MAC byte 4 MAC byte 5 MAC byte 6






MAC Byte

Six octets of MAC address in 802.1 Canonical order. For clarity,

the position of the Local Assignment (L) and Multicast (M) bits

are shown in the diagram.

5.6. Spanning-Tree-Protocol (old format)


The Spanning-Tree-Protocol Configuration enables a Bridge to

remain compatible with older implementations of BCP [10]. This

configuration option is, however, incompatible with the

Management-Inline option, which enables a bridge to implement the

many protocols that IEEE now expects a bridge to be able to use.

If the peer rejects the Management-Inline configuration option, by

sending configure-reject, it must be an implementation of [10],

which is described in Appendix A. The system may optionally

terminate the negotiation or offer to negotiate in that manner.

In this case, if both bridges support a spanning tree protocol,

they MUST agree on the protocol to be supported. The old BPDU

described in Appendix A MUST be used rather than the format shown

in section 4.2 or 4.3. When the two disagree, the lower-numbered

of the two spanning tree protocols should be used. To resolve the

conflict, the system with the lower-numbered protocol SHOULD

Configure-Nak the option, suggesting its own protocol for use. If

a spanning tree protocol is not agreed upon, except for the case

in which one system does not support any spanning tree protocol,

the Bridging Control Protocol MUST NOT enter the Opened state.

Most systems will only participate in a single spanning tree

protocol. If a system wishes to participate simultaneously in

more than one spanning tree protocol, it MAY include all of the

appropriate protocol types in a single Spanning-Tree-Protocol

Configuration Option. The protocol types MUST be specified in

increasing numerical order. For the purpose of comparison during

negotiation, the protocol numbers MUST be considered to be a

single number. For instance, if System A includes protocols 01

and 03 and System B indicates protocol 03, System B should

Configure-Nak and indicate a protocol type of 03 since 0103 is

greater than 03.

By default, an implementation MUST either support the IEEE 802.1D

spanning tree or support no spanning tree protocol. An

implementation that does not support any spanning tree protocol

MUST silently discard any received IEEE 802.1D BPDU packets, and

MUST either silently discard or respond to other received BPDU

packets with an LCP Protocol-Reject packet in this case.

A summary of the Spanning-Tree-Protocol Option format is shown below.

The fields are transmitted from left to right.

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3


Type Length Protocol 1 Protocol 2 ..





2 octets plus 1 additional octet for each protocol that will be

actively supported. Most systems will only support a single

spanning tree protocol, resulting in a length of 3.

Protocol n

Each Protocol field is one octet and indicates a desired spanning

tree protocol. Up-to-date values of the Spanning-Tree-Protocol

field are specified as PPP DLL numbers in the most recent

"Assigned Numbers" RFC[4]. Current values are assigned as


Value Protocol

0 Null (no Spanning Tree protocol supported)

1 IEEE 802.1D spanning tree

2 IEEE 802.1G extended spanning tree protocol

3 IBM Source Route Spanning tree protocol

4 DEC LANbridge 100 Spanning tree protocol

5.7. IEEE-802-Tagged-Frame


This configuration option permits the implementation to indicate

support for IEEE 802 Tagged Frame. Negotiation of this option is

strongly recommended.

A device supporting IEEE 802 Tagged Frame must be willing to

support IEEE 802 Tagged Frame shown in section 4.3.

By default, IEEE 802 Tagged Frame is not supported. A system which

does not negotiate, or negotiates this option to be disabled,

should never receive a IEEE 802 Tagged Frame.

A summary of the IEEE 802 Tagged Frame Option format is shown below.

The fields are transmitted from left to right.

0 1 2

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3


Type Length Enable/Disable







If the value is 1, IEEE-802-Tagged-Frame is enabled. If the value

is 2, IEEE-802-Tagged-Frame is disabled, and MUST not send any

IEEE-802-Tagged-Frame packet.

5.8. Management-Inline


The Management-Inline Configuration Option indicates that the

system is willing to receive any IEEE-defined inter-bridge

protocols, such as bridge protocol data units and GARP protocol

data units, in the frame format shown in section 4.2 or 4.3.

Old BCP [10] implementations will use the negotiation procedure

described in section 5.6. Implementations of this procedure will

use this option to indicate compliance with the new BCP and may

optionally negotiate the section 5.6 procedure, either on the same

configure-request or in response to a configure-reject, as well.

It is recommended that the configure-request only show this option

when it is relevant, and that it reply with the Spanning-Tree-

Protocol (old formatted) option if a configure-reject is received,

as in the normal case one can expect it to be the quickest


If a system receives a configure-request offering both

alternatives, it should accept this procedure and reject the

Spanning-Tree-Protocol (old format) option.

One can expect old BCP [10] implementations to not understand the

option and issue a configure-reject.

By default, Management-Inline is not allowed. A system which does

not negotiate, or negotiates this option to be disabled, should

never receive a Bridge Protocol data unit or GARP protocol data

unit inline.

A summary of the Management-Inline Option format is shown below.

The fields are transmitted from left to right.

0 1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5


Type Length






6. Changes From RFC1638

This section enumerates changes made to old BCP [10] to produce this


(1) Remove all LAN Identification descriptions and replace with IEEE

802.1Q VLAN descriptions.

(2) Remove LAN Identification field from frame format and I flags

from flag field.

(3) Merge the Spanning Tree BPDU frame format with Bridged traffic.

7. Security Considerations

This network control protocol compares the configurations of two

devices and seeks to negotiate an acceptable subset of their

intersection, to enable correct interoperation even in the presence

of minor configuration or implementation differences. In the event

that a major misconfiguration is detected, the negotiation will not

complete successfully, resulting in the link coming down or not

coming up. It is possible that if a bridged link comes up with a

rogue peer, network information may be learned from forwarded

multicast traffic, or denial of service attacks may be created by

closing loops that should be detected and isolated or by offering

rogue load.

Such attacks are not isolated to this NCP; any PPP NCP is subject to

attack when connecting to a foreign or compromised device. However,

no situations arise which are not common to all NCPs; any NCP that

comes up with a rogue peer is subject to snooping and other attacks.

Therefore, it is recommended that links on which this may happen

should be configured to use PPP authentication during the LCP start-

up phase.

8. Intellectual Property Notice

The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any

intellectual property or other rights that might be claimed to

pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in

this document or the extent to which any license under such rights

might or might not be available; neither does it represent that it

has made any effort to identify any such rights. Information on the

IETF's procedures with respect to rights in standards-track and

standards-related documentation can be found in BCP-11. Copies of

claims of rights made available for publication and any assurances of

licenses to be made available, or the result of an attempt made to

oBTain a general license or permission for the use of such

proprietary rights by implementers or users of this specification can

be obtained from the IETF Secretariat."

The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any

copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary

rights which may cover technology that may be required to practice

this standard. Please address the information to the IETF Executive


The IETF has been notified of intellectual property rights claimed in

regard to some or all of the specification contained in this

document. For more information consult the online list of claimed


9. IANA Considerations

This document proposes a total of two new BCP option numbers to be

maintained by the IANA. These options (described in Section 5.1 and

5.2) are IEEE-802-Tagged-Frame and Management-Inline. The IANA has

assigned the values 8 and 9 respectively for these option numbers.

10. Acknowledgments

This document is a product of the Point-to-Point Protocol Extensions

Working Group.

This document is based on the PPP Bridging Control Protocol, RFC1638

[10], edited by Rich Bowen of IBM and produced by the Point-to-Point

Protocol Extensions Working Group. It extends that document by

providing support for Virtual LANs as outlined in [9].

A. Spanning Tree Bridge PDU (old format)

By default, Spanning Tree BPDUs MUST be encoded with a MAC or 802.2

LLC header as described in section 4.2 or 4.3 of this document.

However, should the remote entity Configure-Reject the Management-

Inline option, thereby indicating that it is a purely RFC1638

compliant device, the local entity may subsequently encode BPDUs as

described in section 4.3 of RFC1638 provided that use of a suitable

non-NULL STP protocol across the link is successfully negotiated

using the (old) Spanning-Tree-Protocol option.

This is the Spanning Tree BPDU used in RFC1638, without any MAC or

802.2 LLC header (these being functionally equivalent to the Address,

Control, and PPP Protocol Fields). The LAN Pad and Frame Checksum

fields are likewise superfluous and absent.

The Address and Control Fields are subject to LCP Address-and-

Control-Field-Compression negotiation.

A PPP system which is configured to participate in a particular

spanning tree protocol and receives a BPDU of a different spanning

tree protocol SHOULD reject it with the LCP Protocol-Reject. A

system which is configured not to participate in any spanning tree

protocol MUST silently discard all BPDUs.

Spanning Tree Bridge PDU

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1




Address and Control Spanning Tree Protocol


BPDU data ...




Address and Control

As defined by the framing in use.

Spanning Tree Protocol

Up-to-date values of the Spanning-Tree-Protocol field are

specified in the most recent "Assigned Numbers" RFC[4]. Current

values are assigned as follows:

Value (in hex) Protocol

0201 IEEE 802.1 (either 802.1D or 802.1G)

0203 IBM Source Route Bridge

0205 DEC LANbridge 100

The two versions of the IEEE 802.1 spanning tree protocol frames

can be distinguished by fields within the BPDU data.

BPDU data

As defined by the specified Spanning Tree Protocol.

B. Tinygram-Compression Pseudo-Code

PPP Transmitter:

if (ZeroPadCompressionEnabled &&

BridgedProtocolHeaderFormat == IEEE8023 &&

PacketLength == Minimum8023PacketLength) {


* Remove any continuous run of zero octets preceding,

* but not including, the LAN FCS, but not extending

* into the MAC header.


Set (ZeroCompressionFlag); /* Signal receiver */

if (is_Set (LAN_FCS_Present)) {

FCS = TrailingOctets (PDU, 4); /* Store FCS */

RemoveTrailingOctets (PDU, 4); /* Remove FCS */

while (PacketLength > 14 && /* Stop at MAC header or */

TrailingOctet (PDU) == 0) /* last non-zero octet */

RemoveTrailingOctets (PDU, 1);/* Remove zero octet */

Appendbuf (PDU, 4, FCS); /* Restore FCS */


else {

while (PacketLength > 14 && /* Stop at MAC header */

TrailingOctet (PDU) == 0) /* or last zero octet */

RemoveTrailingOctets (PDU, 1);/* Remove zero octet */



PPP Receiver:

if (ZeroCompressionFlag) { /* Flag set in header? */

/* Restoring packet to minimum 802.3 length */

Clear (ZeroCompressionFlag);

if (is_Set (LAN_FCS_Present)) {

FCS = TrailingOctets (PDU, 4); /* Store FCS */

RemoveTrailingOctets (PDU, 4); /* Remove FCS */

Appendbuf (PDU, 60 - PacketLength, zeroes);/* Add zeroes */

Appendbuf (PDU, 4, FCS); /* Restore FCS */


else {

Appendbuf (PDU, 60 - PacketLength, zeroes);/* Add zeroes */




[1] IBM, "Token-Ring Network Architecture Reference", 3rd edition,

September 1989.

[2] IEEE 802.1, "Draft Standard 802.1G: Remote MAC Bridging",

P802.1G/D7, December 30, 1992.

[3] IEEE 802.1D-1993, "Media Access Control (MAC) Bridges", ISO/IEC

15802-3:1993 ANSI/IEEE Std 802.1D, 1993 edition., July 1993.

[4] Reynolds, J. and J. Postel, "Assigned Numbers", STD 2, RFC1700,

October 1994. See also: http://www.iana.org/numbers.Html

[5] Simpson, W., "PPP LCP Extensions", RFC1570, January 1994.

[6] Simpson, W., "The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)", STD 51, RFC

1661, July 1994.

[7] Sklower, K., Lloyd, B., McGregor, G., Carr, D. and T. Coradetti,

"The PPP Multilink Protocol (MP)", RFC1990, August 1996.

[8] IEEE 802.1D-1998, "Information technology - Telecommunications

and Information exchange between systems - Local and

metropolitan area networks - Common Specifications - Part 3:

Media Access Control (MAC) Bridges: Revision. This is a revision

of ISO/IEC 10038: 1993, 802.1j-1992 and 802.6k-1992. It

incorporates P802.11c, P802.1p and P802.12e." ISO/IEC 15802-3:


[9] IEEE 802.1Q, ANSI/IEEE Standard 802.1Q, "IEEE Standards for

Local and Metropolitan Area Networks: Virtual Bridged Local Area

Networks", 1998.

[10] Baker, F. and R. Bowen, "PPP Bridging Control Protocol (BCP)",

RFC1638, June 1994.

[11] Bormann, C., "The Multi-Class Extension to Multi-Link PPP", RFC

2686, September 1999.

[12] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement

Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

Authors' Addresses

Questions about this memo can also be directed to:

Mitsuru Higashiyama

Anritsu Corporation

1800 Onna, Atsugi-shi, Kanagawa-prf., 243-8555 Japan

Phone: +81 (46) 296-6625

EMail: Mitsuru.Higashiyama@yy.anritsu.co.jp

Fred Baker

519 Lado Drive

Santa Barbara, California 93111

EMail: fred.baker@cisco.com

Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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