
RFC3054 - Megaco IP Phone Media Gateway Application Profile

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group P. Blatherwick (Editor)

Request for Comments: 3054 Nortel Networks

Category: Informational R. Bell

Cisco Systems

P. Holland

Circa Communications

(Chair TIA TR-41.3.4)

January 2001

Megaco IP Phone Media Gateway Application Profile

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does

not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this

memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.


This document specifies a particular application of the Megaco/H.248

Protocol for control of Internet telephones and similar appliances:

the Megaco IP Phone Media Gateway. The telephone itself is a Media

Gateway (MG), controlled by the Megaco/H.248 Protocol, with

application control intelligence located in the Media Gateway

Controller (MGC). To achieve a high degree of interoperability and

design efficiency in sUCh end-user devices, a consistent

architectural approach, a particular organization of Terminations and

Packages, and a Protocol Profile are described. The approach makes

use of existing Protocol features and user interface related

Packages, and is thus a straight-forward application of the

Megaco/H.248 Protocol.

1. Introduction

This document represents the current view from the TIA working group

on VoIP (Voice over IP) telephone specification [1], TIA TR-41.3.4,

with the intent of using this as part of its "whole device"

specification as an optional method of device control.

Industry feedback has made it clear that interoperability and

acoustic performance of Internet telephones is key to the rapid and

extensive commercialization of these products. To facilitate this,

the TIA has established working group TR-41.3.4 to develop a standard

for VoIP telephones. The TR-41.3.4 working group has included the

"whole device" within the scope of the standard, so a full range of

requirements including acoustic performance, protocols, methods for

powering and safety are provided. Where possible, the requirements

are based on existing standards, which are included by reference.

The TIA TR-41.3.4 working group has also recognized that its proposed

standard must enable creative application of the equipment, encourage

the development of new capabilities and allow for high levels of

product customization. To achieve this, peer to peer architectures

that are based on protocols such as H.323 or SIP and master/slave

architectures such as Megaco/H.248 Protocol are both necessary and


In support of the Megaco/H.248 Protocol development effort, the TR-

41.3.4 working group has considered product enabling issues and

requirements, and has developed an approach to use the Megaco/H.248

Protocol for Internet telephone device control. This document

represents the working group's current view.

This document covers the general requirements of the Megaco IP Phone

application (section 3), architectural approach and MG organization

(section 4), details of specific Termination types used and Packages

supported by each (section 5), and the Megaco IP Phone Protocol

Profile (section 6).

2. Conventions


SHOULD NOT, RECOMMENDED, MAY, and OPTIONAL, when they appear in this

document, are to be interpreted as described in RFC2119 [5].

3. General Requirements

The following general requirements were identified to drive the

Megaco IP Phone design [1]:

1. The Megaco IP Phone must meet the basic needs of the business user

from day one;

2. Provide a path for rapid eXPansion to support sophisticated

business telephony features;

3. Flexibility to allow for a very wide range of telephones and

similar devices to be defined, from very simple to very feature


4. Simple, minimal design;

5. Allow device cost to be appropriate to capabilities provided;

6. Packages and Termination types must have characteristics that

enable reliability;

7. The IP Phone MG shall meet the appropriate Megaco/H.248 Protocol

requirements as provided in the Megaco Requirements document [2]

and be a straight-forward application of the Megaco/H.248 Protocol


4. Architecture Description

The following subsections describe the general design approach and

organization of the Megaco IP Phone MG.

4.1. Design Approach

Design intent of the Megaco IP Phone is to keep it determinedly

simple while providing required support for fully featured business

telephones and the flexibility to allow for a very wide range of

telephone configurations and similar appliances.

The approach to achieve this goal is to provide a very simple and

direct master/slave control model in which very little feature

intelligence is required in the end device. This design intent

matches the Megaco/H.248 Protocol approach well.

It is important to note that additional functionality, built-in

feature capability or system-specific optimization can easily be

provided, at the option of the implementer, by defining additional

Termination types, Event/Signal Packages, or providing built-in

application capability. This document defines the minimal design


4.2. General Structure

As shown in Figure 1 below, the Megaco IP Phone is organized as a

Media Gateway (MG) that consists of a User Interface Termination and

a set of Audio Transducer Terminations.

Several - potentially thousands - of Megaco IP Phone MGs may be

controlled by a single Media Gateway Controller (MGC). This is

distinguished from the organization between traditional analog or PBX

telephones behind an IP network, where the MGC would control an MG

which in turn controls the collection of telephone devices in

question. In the case of a Megaco IP Phone MG, the MG directly

implements the media terminations like handset, handsfree and

headset, as well as the user interface. In this case, the Megaco IP

Phone itself is the MG.




^ \ \



Megaco IP Phone MG

================== Audio Transducer


Audio context(s): + - - - - - - - +

+---------------------+ +-----------+

Context A Handset


RTP +-----+ +-----+ +-----------+

<--------+-+-> Tr Ta2 <-+----- Handsfree

audio +-----+ +-----+ +-----------+

stream +-----------+

+---------------------+ Headset



+ - - - - - - - +


User Interface Termination

+--------------+ +--------------+

Text Display Keypad

+--------------+ +--------------+

+--------------+ +--------------+

Softkeys Indicators

+--------------+ +--------------+


Function Keys ETC.




Figure 1: Megaco IP Phone Termination / Package Model

4.3. Termination / Package Organization

As shown in Figure 1, each Audio Transducer Termination represents an

individually controllable audio input/output element of the telephone

device, such as Handset, Handsfree, Headset, etc. By separating each

audio element as a distinct Termination, more flexible applications

can be easily implemented, such as paging, group listening, and so

on. Since this is actually only the logical view of the device,

represented by protocol, it is also quite possible to simplify

representation of the device by hiding all available audio

input/outputs behind a single Audio Transducer Termination, for

example the Handset, and implement control of multiple real

input/outputs locally inside the device.

All non-audio user interface elements are associated with the User

Interface Termination. This special Termination supports Packages to

implement all user interaction with the telephone user interface,

including Function Keys, Indicators, the Dialpad, etc, as appropriate

for the specific device capabilities (within constraints given in the

section on User Interface Termination). The User Interface

Termination cannot be placed in any Context. This grouping of user

interface elements behind a well-know Termination greatly simplifies

audits to determine actual device configuration, and reduces the

number of Terminations involved in representing user interface.

In addition, TerminationID naming conventions are provided to

identify specific Terminations within the Megaco IP Phone MG and

group them into related sets. These conventions use a set of well

known identifier names to specify the individual Terminations, for

example the User Interface Termination ("ui"), the Handset Audio

Transducer ("at/hs"), or the Handsfree Audio Transducer ("at/hf").

This specific naming is important in this application, especially for

the Audio Transducer Terminations, since the real input/output

elements to which they map on the physical device have very different

functional significance to the end-user, yet they may be represented

in the protocol using exactly the same sets of Packages. Naming

conventions allow the controlling MGC to distinguish this end-user

meaning without specific advance knowledge of physical device

configuration and without the requirement to provide different

Packages for each audio input/output type.

Using these same TerminationID naming conventions in combination with

wildcards, the MGC application can target commands to groups of

related Terminations, for example the collection of all Audio

Transducer Terminations ("at/*"). This is especially useful during

the discover phase, for example to efficiently Audit all available

Audio Transducer Terminations, and to efficiently send commands to a

set of related Terminations in a single command, for example to

simultaneously SuBTract all Audio Transducer Terminations from a

particular Context. Further information on TerminationID naming

conventions and their use can be found under the sections on Control

Interaction and Capability Discovery (next two subsections) and under

Termination Types.

4.4. Control Interaction

To provide control of audio paths, Audio Transducer Terminations are

manipulated using Contexts in the normal way, by sending Add, Move,

Subtract and Modify commands addressed to the specific Terminations

being manipulated. For example creating a Context (Context A)

containing an RTP Termination (Tr) and a Handset Audio Transducer

Termination (Ta1) creates a voice connection to/from the handset.

Moving a Handsfree Audio Transducer Termination (Ta2) into the

Context, and removing the Handset, sets up a handsfree conversation.

This situation is shown in Figure 1. See the section on Audio

Transducer Termination Types for further details on specific Package

support requirements.

User input elements, such as Keypad or Function Keys, generate Events

through Notify commands sent from the User Interface Termination of

the Megaco IP Phone MG to the controlling MGC for handling. These

Events are according to the specific set of Packages supported by the

User Interface Termination of the device. See the section on User

Interface Termination Type for further details on specific Package

support requirements.

User output elements such as the Text Display or Indicators are

controlled by Signals sent by the MGC, addressed to the User

Interface Termination of the Megaco IP Phone MG, generally as part of

a Modify command, using syntax defined in the corresponding Packages.

Since the User Interface Termination cannot be part of any context,

Add, Move and Subtract commands sent to it are not valid. See the

section on User Interface Termination Type for further details on

specific Package support requirements.

Some elements, for example Softkeys, have both user input and output

ASPects, so both react to Signals and generate Events as above.

The TerminationID naming conventions may be used to target commands

to specific Terminations by well known name, for example to Add the

Handsfree Audio Transducer Termination ("at/hf") to a Context. The

naming conventions in combination with wildcards may be used to

efficiently send commands to groups of related Terminations, for

example to simultaneously Subtract all Audio Transducer Terminations

("at/*") from a particular Context.

4.5. Capability Discovery

At startup or service change, the Megaco IP Phone MG identifies

itself to its controlling MGC as being a Megaco IP Phone class of

device by use of the IPPhone Protocol Profile. This is the first and

most important stage of capability discovery, and implicitly provides

a great deal of the necessary information in a single step.

Thereafter, the MGC can make a large number of assumptions regarding

organization and behavior of the MG. See the section on IPPhone

Protocol Profile for further details of ServiceChange operation.

Device capabilities, including the list of all Terminations and

supported Packages for each, are queried through the AuditValue

command. Wildcarded AuditValue commands targeted at the whole MG

(i.e., addressed to ContextID=Null, TerminationID=ALL) return the

list of all Terminations, including the User Interface Termination

and all supported Audio Transducer Terminations. Since the returned

TerminationIDs use well known identifier names, the MGC can derive

the specific audio input/output elements available on the physical

device, and their intended purpose. Further AuditValues commands on

individual named Terminations provide further details of each, for

example for the MGC to query user interface support Packages

available on the User Interface Termination ("ui"). TerminationID

naming conventions in combination with wildcards can be used with

AuditValues commands to query specific Package support for the

collection of all Audio Transducer Terminations ("at/*").

Since the structure of the Megaco IP Phone MG is well known in

advance, by virtue of the IPPhone Protocol Profile, audits can be

efficiently directed at discovering only what additional information

is required by the MGC. Thus the MGC is able to efficiently and

unambiguously discover both the specific user interface capabilities

and the supported audio input/outputs of the Megaco IP Phone MG,

without specific advance knowledge of physical device configuration.

It is not necessary for the MGC to attempt to infer function from

supported Packages within a random collection of Terminations, and a

great deal of behavior common to all Megaco IP Phone MGs can simply

be assumed. This pre-determined organization and behavior therefore

greatly reduces design complexity of both MG and MGC, and greatly

improves interoperability.

5. Termination Types

The Termination types defined for use in the Megaco IP Phone MG are:

* User Interface (implements user interface);

* Audio Transducer (implements audio input/output to the user, and

potentially appears as several individual Terminations

corresponding to individual audio input/outputs on the physical


* RTP (transport of audio streams over IP).

These Termination types represent minimal capabilities to support

fully featured business telephones. Additional Termination types can

be defined to extend these capabilities.

The following subsections describe requirements and constraints on

each type in further detail.

5.1. User Interface Termination Type

The User Interface Termination represents the Megaco IP Phone MG user

interface elements. Megaco IP Phone MGs MUST support exactly one

User Interface Termination.

TerminationID of the User Interface Termination MUST be "ui", used

for both command addressing and command response return. ABNF text

encoding for this MUST be as described in Megaco/H.248 Protocol

Appendix B.1 [3].

Note: If ASN.1 binary encoding is used (OPTIONAL in this

specification), TerminationID for the User Interface Termination MUST

be encoded as described in Megaco/H.248 Protocol Appendix A.1 [3],

with alphabetic characters of the identifier given above mapping to

the equivalent octet string in the ASN.1 encoding.

The User Interface Termination cannot be part of any context, hence

Add, Move and Subtract commands are invalid for this Termination.

The User Interface Termination MAY support the following Packages,

defined in Megaco/H.248 Protocol H.248 Annex G: "User Interface

Elements and Actions Packages" [4].


Package Name Support in User Interface


__________________________ _____________________________

Text Display dis OPTIONAL

Keypad kp OPTIONAL

Function Key kf OPTIONAL

Indicator ind OPTIONAL

Softkey ks OPTIONAL

Ancillary Input anci OPTIONAL


Additional Packages not listed above MAY also be provided where these

are defined to extend to additional user interface elements.

Note: The reasoning to make all Packages optional in the User

Interface Termination is to allow maximum flexibility to create a

very broad range of Internet telephones and similar devices. For

example, anything from a simple hotel lobby phone (handset and

hookswitch only), to conferencing units (handsfree unit and one or

two buttons) to fully featured business telephones (display, rich set

of keys and indicators, both handset and handsfree, etc) could be


5.2. Audio Transducer Termination Types

The Audio Transducer Terminations are used to control audio

input/output to/from the end user of the device. Megaco IP Phone MGs

MUST support at least one Audio Transducer Termination, which MAY be

chosen from the following well known types (with identifier name):

* Handset ("hs") -- input/output,

* Handsfree ("hf") -- input/output,

* Headset ("ht") -- input/output,

* Microphone ("mi") -- input only,

* Speaker ("sp") -- output only.

TerminationIDs of the Audio Transducer Terminations MUST be of the

form "at/<name>", where <name> is the 2 character identifier listed

above, used for both command addressing and command response return.

If more than one Audio Transducer Termination of a particular type is

implemented, the TerminationIDs of each MUST be of the form

"at/<name>/<num>", where <num> is a 2 digit index number in

hexadecimal format beginning at 01. Examples of valid TerminationIDs

include: "at/hs" (handset), "at/mi/02" (microphone 2), "at/*" (all

audio input/outputs). ABNF text encoding for this MUST be as

described in Megaco/H.248 Protocol Appendix B.1 [3].

Note: If ASN.1 binary encoding is used (OPTIONAL in this

specification), TerminationIDs and wildcards MUST be encoded as

described in Megaco/H.248 Protocol Appendix A.1 [3], with alphabetic

characters of the identifiers given above mapping to octet sub-

strings in the ASN.1 encoding and the '/' character not used.

Additional Audio Transducer Termination types MAY also be defined by

the implementer, however well know identifier names for these are

outside the scope of this specification.

All Audio Transducer type Terminations MUST support the following

Packages, defined in Megaco/H.248 Protocol Annex E [3].


Package Name Support in Audio Transducer


____________________________ _____________________________

Basic DTMF Generator dg REQUIRED

Call Progress Tones cg REQUIRED



Additional Packages not listed above MAY also be provided where

applicable to audio input/output functions.

5.3. RTP Termination Type

Megaco IP Phone MGs MUST support at least one RTP Termination in

order to support audio streams to/from the device, as defined in

Megaco/H.248 Protocol Annex E.12 [3].

No special TerminationID naming convention is defined for RTP

Terminations as part of this specification.

6. IPPhone Protocol Profile

The following subsections provide details of the IPPhone Protocol

Profile, used between Megaco IP Phone MGs and their controlling MGCs.

This includes implicit application-level agreements between the

Megaco IP Phone MG and its controlling MGC on organization and

behavior of the MG, types of Terminations used and the specific

minimum Package support for each, and specific minimum selections on

the transport and encoding methods used.

Use of a this Profile greatly simplifies assumptions necessary by the

MGC regarding MG organization, thereby reducing complexity and cost

of both MG and MGC, and improves interoperability for the specific

Megaco IP Phone application. Since the Profile is specific to the

Megaco IP Phone MG, no other applications of Megaco/H.248 Protocol

are affected.

It is important to note that the IPPhone Profile specifies minimum

functionality only, for interoperability purposes. Additional

Termination types, Package support, transport or encoding methods, or

other capabilities MAY be added at the discretion of the implementer

within the general structure described.

6.1. Profile Descriptor and Usage

Profile name: "IPPhone"

Version: 1

The Megaco/H.248 Protocol [3] describes startup and service change

procedures in detail, including use of Profiles.

In brief, the above Profile name and version are supplied by the

Megaco IP Phone MG on startup or at service change, in the

ServiceChangeDescriptor parameter of the ServiceChange command,

issued to the controlling MGC as part of the registration procedure.

In response, the MGC may 1) accept control by acknowledging the

Service Change, 2) pass control to a different MGC by replying with a

new MGC to try, or 3) refuse control entirely by rejecting the

Service Change. If MGC control is refused, the Megaco IP Phone MG

may attempt registration with other MGCs in its list of MGCs to try.

Once a controlling MGC accepts the IPPhone Profile, both it and the

Megaco IP Phone MG become bound by the Profile rules and constraints

described in subsequent subsections as well as Megaco IP Phone

Termination/Package organization and behavior rules described in

previous sections of this document. Thereafter, any protocol use

outside these rules is considered an error.

6.2 Termination Organization and Package Support

Termination organization, required Termination types, and the

specific Packages supported by each MUST be as described in sections

4 - 5 of this document.

Note that additional Termination types and Package support MAY also

be provided within the general structure described.

6.3. Transport

Megaco IP Phone MGs MUST support Application Layer Framing (ALF) over

UDP transport, as specified in the Megaco/H.248 Protocol Appendix D.1


Note that this does not imply that the Megaco IP Phone MG cannot

support other transport methods as well. TCP transport is OPTIONAL,

but if used MUST conform to Megaco/H.248 Protocol Appendix D.2 [3].

6.4. Message Encoding

Megaco IP Phone MGs MUST support ABNF text encoding of the protocol,

as specified in the Megaco/H.248 Protocol Appendix B [3].

Note that this does not imply that the Megaco IP Phone MG cannot

support ASN.1 binary encoding as well. ASN.1 binary encoding is

OPTIONAL, but if used MUST conform to Megaco/H.248 Protocol Appendix

A [3].

7. Security Considerations

The Megaco IP Phone Media Gateway Application Profile adds no new

security issues beyond those endemic to all applications of

Megaco/H.248 Protocol [3].

8. References

[1] TIA/EIA, IS-811, Performance and Interoperability Requirements

for Voice-over-IP (VoIP) Feature Telephones,



[2] Greene, N., Ramalho, M. and B. Rosen, "Media Gateway Control

Protocol Architecture and Requirements", RFC2805, April 2000.

[3] Cuervo, F., Greene, N., Rayhan, A., Huitema, C., Rosen, B. and J.

Segers, "Megaco Protocol Version 1.0", RFC3015, November 2000.

[4] ITU-T SG16, H.248 Annex G: User Interface Elements and Actions

Packages, Brown, M. & P. Blatherwick, November 2000.


[5] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement

Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

9. Authors' Addresses

Peter Blatherwick (Editor)

Nortel Networks

P.O. Box 3511, Stn C

Ottawa, Ontario,

Canada K1Y 4H7

Phone: (613) 763-7539

(613) 724-4726

EMail: blather@nortelnetworks.com


Bob Bell

Cisco Systems Inc.

576 S. Brentwood Ln.

Bountiful, UT 84010


Phone: (801) 294-3034

EMail: rtbell@cisco.com

Phil Holland

Circa Communications Ltd.

1000 West 14th Street

North Vancouver, British Columbia,

Canada V7P 3P3

Phone: (604) 924-1742

EMail: phil.holland@circa.ca

10. Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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