
RFC3133 - Terminology for Frame Relay Benchmarking

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Network Working Group J. Dunn

Request for Comments: 3133 C. Martin

Category: Informational ANC, Inc.

June 2001

Terminology for Frame Relay Benchmarking

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does

not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this

memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.


This memo discusses and defines terms associated with performance

benchmarking tests and the results of these tests in the context of

frame relay switching devices.

I. Background

1. IntrodUCtion

This document provides terminology for Frame Relay switching devices.

It extends terminology already defined for benchmarking network

interconnect devices in RFCs 1242, 1944 and 2285. Although some of

the definitions in this memo may be applicable to a broader group of

network interconnect devices, the primary focus of the terminology in

this memo is on Frame Relay Signaling.

This memo contains two major sections: Background and Definitions.

The background section provides the reader with an overview of the

technology and IETF formalisms. The definitions section is split

into two sub-sections. The formal definitions sub-section is

provided as a courtesy to the reader. The measurement definitions

sub-section contains performance metrics with inherent units.

The BMWG produces two major classes of documents: Benchmarking

Terminology documents and Benchmarking Methodology documents. The

Terminology documents present the benchmarks and other related terms.

The Methodology documents define the procedures required to collect

the benchmarks cited in the corresponding Terminology documents.

For the purposes of computing several of the metrics, certain textual

conventions are required. Specifically:

1) The notation sum {i=1 to N} A_i denotes: the summation of N

instances of the observable A. For example, the set of observations

{1,2,3,4,5} would yield the result 15.

2) The notation max {I=1 to N} A_i and min {I=1 to N} A_i denotes:

the maximum or minimum of the observable A over N instances. For

example, given the set of observations {1,2,3,4,5}, max {i=1 to 5} =

5 and min {I=1 to 5} = 1.

The terms defined in this memo will be used in addition to terms

defined in RFCs 1242, 1944 and 2285. This memo is a product of the

Benchmarking Methodology Working Group (BMWG) of the Internet

Engineering Task Force(IETF).

2. Existing Definitions

RFC1242, "Benchmarking Terminology for Network Interconnect

Devices", should be consulted before attempting to make use of this

document. RFC1944, "Benchmarking Methodology for Network

Interconnect Devices", contains discussions of a number of terms

relevant to the benchmarking of switching devices and should also be

consulted. RFC2285, "Benchmarking Terminology for LAN Switching

Devices", contains a number of terms pertaining to traffic

distributions and datagram interarrival. For the sake of clarity and

continuity this RFCadopts the template for definitions set out in

Section 2 of RFC1242.

II. Definitions

The definitions presented in this section have been divided into two

groups. The first group is formal definitions, which are required in

the definitions of the performance metrics but are not themselves

strictly metrics. These definitions are subsumed from other work

done in other working groups both inside and outside the IETF. They

are provided as a courtesy to the reader.

1. Formal Definitions

1.1. Definition Format (from RFC1242)

Term to be defined.

Definition: The specific definition for the term.

Discussion: A brief discussion of the term, its application and any

restrictions on measurement procedures.

Specification: The working group and document in which the term is

specified. Listed in the references.

1.2. Frame Relay Related Definitions

1.2.1. Access Channel

Definition: Access channel refers to the user access channel across

which frame relay data travels. Within a given DS-3, T1 or E1

physical line, a channel can be one of the following, depending of

how the line is configured. Possible line configurations are:

A. Unchannelized: The entire DS-3/T1/E1 line is considered a channel,


The DS-3 line operates at speeds of 45 Mbps and is a single channel.

The T1 line operates at speeds of 1.536 Mbps and is a single channel

consisting of 24 T1 time slots. The E1 line operates at speeds of

1.984 Mbps and is a single channel consisting of 30 DS0 time slots.

B. Channelized: The channel is any one of N time slots within a given

line, where:

The T1 line consists of any one or more channels. Each channel is

any one of 24 time slots. The T1 line operates at speeds in

multiples of 56/64 Kbps to 1.536 Mbps, with aggregate speed not

exceeding 1.536 Mbps. The E1 line consists of one or more channels.

Each channel is any one of 31 time slots. The E1 line operates at

speeds in multiples of 64 Kbps to 1.984 Mbps, with aggregate speed

not exceeding 1.984 Mbps.

C. Fractional: The T1/E1 channel is one of the following groupings of

consecutively or non-consecutively assigned time slots:

N DS0 time slots (NX56/64Kbps where N = 1 to 24 DS0 time slots per

FT1 channel).

N E1 time slots (NX64Kbps, where N = 1 to 30 DS0 time slots per E1


Discussion: Access channels specify the physical layer interface

speed of a DTE or DCE. In the case of a DTE, this may not correspond

to either the CIR or EIR. Specifically, based on the service level

agreement in place, the user may not be able to access the entire

bandwidth of the access channel.

Specification: FRF

1.2.2. Access Rate (AR)

Definition: The data rate of the user access channel. The speed of

the access channel determines how rapidly (maximum rate) the end user

can inject data into a frame relay network.

Discussion: See Access Channel.

Specification: FRF

1.2.3. Backward EXPlicit Congestion Notification (BECN)

Definition: BECN is a bit in the frame relay header. The bit is set

by a congested network node in any frame that is traveling in the

reverse direction of the congestion.

Discussion: When a DTE receives frames with the BECN bit asserted, it

should begin congestion avoidance procedures. Since the BECN frames

are traveling in the opposite direction as the congested traffic, the

DTE will be the sender. The frame relay layer may communicate the

possibility of congestion to higher layers, which have inherent

congestion avoidance procedures, such as TCP. See Frame Relay Frame.

Specification: FRF

1.2.4. Burst Excess(Be)

Definition: The maximum amount of uncommitted data (in bits) in

excess of Committed Burst Size (Bc) that a frame relay network can

attempt to deliver during a Committed Rate Measurement Interval (Tc).

This data (Be) generally is delivered with a lower probability than

Bc. The network treats Be data as discard eligible.

Discussion: See also Committed burst Size (Bc), Committed Rate

Measurement Interval (Tc) and Discard Eligible (De).

Specification: FRF

1.2.5. Committed Burst Size (Bc)

Definition: The maximum amount of data (in bits) that the network

agrees to transfer, under normal conditions, during a time interval


Discussion: See also Excess Burst Size (Be) and Committed Rate

Measurement Interval (Tc).

Specification: FRF

1.2.6. Committed Information Rate (CIR)

Definition: CIR is the transport speed the frame relay network will

maintain between service locations when data is presented.

Discussion: CIR specifies the guaranteed data rate between two frame

relay terminal connected by a frame relay network. Data presented to

the network in excess of this data rate and below the Excess

Information Rate (EIR) will be marked as Discard Eligible and may be


Specification: FRF

1.2.7. Committed Rate Measurement Interval (Tc)

Definition: The time interval during which the user can send only

Bc-committed amount of data and Be excess amount of data. In

general, the duration of Tc is proportional to the "burstiness" of

the traffic. Tc is computed (from the subscription parameters of CIR

and Bc) as Tc = Bc/CIR. Tc is not a periodic time interval.

Instead, it is used only to measure incoming data, during which it

acts like a sliding window. Incoming data triggers the Tc interval,

which continues until it completes its computed duration.

Discussion: See also Committed Information Rate (CIR) and committed

Burst Size (Bc).

Specification: FRF

1.2.8. Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)

Definition: A computational means to ensure the accuracy of frames

transmitted between devices in a frame relay network. The

mathematical function is computed, before the frame is transmitted,

at the originating device. Its numerical value is computed based on

the content of the frame. This value is compared with a recomputed

value of the function at the destination device. See also Frame

Check Sequence (FCS).

Discussion: CRC is not a measurement, but it is possible to measure

the amount of time to perform a CRC on a string of bits. This

measurement will not be addressed in this document.

Specification: FRF

1.2.9. Data Communications Equipment (DCE)

Definition: Term defined by both frame relay and X.25 committees,

that applies to switching equipment and is distinguished from the

devices that attach to the network (DTE).

Discussion: Also see DTE.

Specification: FRF

1.2.10. Data Link Connection Identifier (DLCI)

Definition: A unique number assigned to a PVC end point in a frame

relay network. Identifies a particular PVC endpoint within a user's

access channel in a frame relay network and has local significance

only to that channel.

Discussion: None.

Specification: FRF

1.2.11. Data Terminal Equipment (DTE)

Definition: Any network equipment terminating a network connection

and is attached to the network. This is distinguished from Data

Communications Equipment (DCE), which provides switching and

connectivity within the network.

Discussion: See also DCE.

Specification: FRF

1.2.12. Discard Eligible (DE)

Definition: This is a bit in the frame relay header that provides a

two level priority indicator, used to bias discard frames in the

event of congestion toward lower priority frames. Similar to the CLP

bit in ATM.

Discussion: See Frame Relay Frame.

Specification: FRF

1.2.13. Discardable frames

Definition: Frames identified as being eligible to be dropped in the

event of congestion.

Discussion: The discard eligible field in the frame relay header is

the correct -- and by far the most common -- means of indicating

which frames may be dropped in the event of congestion. However, DE

is not the only means of identifying which frames may be dropped.

There are at least three other cases that apply.

In the first case, network devices may prioritize frame relay traffic

by non-DE means. For example, many service providers prioritize

traffic on a per-PVC basis. In this instance, any traffic from a

given DLCI (data link channel identifier) may be dropped during

congestion, regardless of whether DE is set.

In the second case, some implementations use upper-layer criteria,

such as IP addresses or TCP or UDP port numbers, to prioritize

traffic within a single PVC. In this instance, the network device

may evaluate discard eligibility based on upper-layer criteria rather

than the presence or absence of a DE bit.

In the third case, the frame is discarded because of an error in the

frame. Specifically, frames that are too long or too short, frames

that are not a multiple of 8 bits in length, frames with an invalid

or unrecognized DLCI, frames with an abort sequence, frames with

improper flag delimitation, and frames that fail FCS.

Specification: FRMIB

1.2.14. Discarded frames

Definition: Those frames dropped by a network device.

Discussion: Discardable and discarded frames are not synonymous.

Some implementations may ignore DE bits or other criteria, even

though they supposedly use such criteria to determine which frames to

drop in the event of congestion.

In other cases, a frame with its DE bit set may not be dropped. One

example of this is in cases where congestion clears before the frame

can be evaluated.

Specification: DN

1.2.15. Forward Explicit Congestion Notification (FECN)

Definition: FECN is a bit in the frame relay header. The bit is set

by a congested network node in any frame that is traveling in the

same direction of the congestion.

Discussion: When a DTE receives frames with the FECN bit asserted, it

should begin congestion avoidance procedures. Since the FECN frames

are traveling in the same direction as the congested traffic, the DTE

will be the receiver. The frame relay layer may communicate the

possibility of congestion to higher layers, which have inherent

congestion avoidance procedures, such as TCP. See Frame Relay Frame.

Specification: FRF

1.2.16. Frame Check Sequence (FCS)

Definition: The standard 16-bit cyclic redundancy check used for HDLC

and frame relay frames. The FCS detects bit errors occurring in the

bits of the frame between the opening flag and the FCS, and is only

effective in detecting errors in frames no larger than 4096 octets.

See also Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC).

Discussion: FCS is not a measurement, but it is possible to measure

the amount of time to perform a FCS on a string of bits. This

measurement will not be addressed in this document.

Specification: FRF

1.2.17. Frame Entry Event

Definition: Frame enters a network section or end system. The event

occurs when the last bit of the closing flag of the frame crosses the


Discussion: None.

Specification: FRF.13

1.2.18. Frame Exit Event

Definition: Frame exits a network section or end system. The event

occurs when the first bit of the address field of the frame crosses

the boundary.

Discussion: None.

Specification: FRF.13

1.2.19. Frame Relay

Definition: A high-performance interface for packet-switching

networks; considered more efficient that X.25. Frame relay

technology can handle "bursty" communications that have rapidly

changing bandwidth requirements.

Discussion: None.

Specification: FRF

1.2.20. Frame Relay Frame

Definition: A logical grouping of information sent as a link-layer

unit over a transmission medium. Frame relay frames consist of a

pair of flags, a header, a user data payload and a Frame Check

Sequence (FCS). Bit stuffing differentiates user data bytes from

flags. By default, the header is two octets, of which 10 bits are

the Data Link Connection Identifier (DLCI), 1 bit in each octet is

used for address extension (AE), and 1 bit each for Forward Explicit

Congestion Notification (FECN), Backward Explicit Congestion

Notification (BECN) Command/Response (C/R) and Discard Eligible (DE).

The EA bit is set to one in the final octet containing the DLCI. A

header may span 2, 3 or 4 octets.

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0




Upper 6 bits of DLCI C/RAE





User Data up to

1600 Octets


First Octet of FCS


Second Octet of FCS




Discussion: Frame Relay headers spanning 3 or 4 octets will not be

discussed in this document. Note, the measurements described later

in this document are based on 2 octet headers. If longer headers are

used, the metric values must take into account the associated

overhead. See BECN, DE, DLCI and FECN.

Specification: FRF

1.2.21. Excess Information Rate (EIR)

Definition: See Burst Excess.

Discussion: None.

Specification: FRF

1.2.22. Network Interworking (FRF.5)

Definition: FRF.5 defines a protocol mapping called Network

Interworking between

Frame Relay and Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM). Protocol mapping

occurs when the network performs conversions in such a way that

within a common layer service, the protocol information of one

protocol is extracted and mapped on protocol information of another

protocol. This means that each communication terminal supports

different protocols. The common layer service provided in this

interworking scenario is defined by the functions, which are common

to the two protocols. Specifically, the ATM terminal must be

configured to interoperate with the Frame Relay network and vice


Discussion: None.

Specification: FRF.5

1.2.23. Port speed

Definition: See Access Rate

Discussion: None.

Specification: FRF

1.2.24. Service Interworking (FRF.8)

Definition: FRF.8 defines a protocol encapsulation called Service

Interworking. Protocol encapsulation occurs when the conversions in

the network or in the terminals are such that the protocols used to

provide one service make use of the layer service provided by another

protocol. This means that at the interworking point, the two

protocols are stacked. When encapsulation is performed by the

terminal, this scenario is also called interworking by port access.

Specifically, the ATM service user performs no Frame Relaying

specific functions, and Frame Relaying service user performs no ATM

service specific functions.

Discussion: None.

Specification: FRF.8

1.2.25. Service Availability Parameters

Definition: The service availability parameters report the

operational readiness of individual frame relay virtual connections.

Service availability is affected by service outages.

Discussion: Service availability parameters provide metrics for

assessment of frame relay network health and are used to monitor

compliance with service level agreements. See Services Outages.

Specification: FRF.13

1.2.26. Service Outages

Definition: Any event that interrupts the transport of frame relay

traffic. Two types of outages are differentiated:

1) Fault outages: Outages resulting from faults in the network and

thus tracked by the service availability parameters, and

2) Excluded outages: Outages resulting from faults beyond the control

of the network as well as scheduled maintenance.

Discussion: Service availability can be defined on a per-VC basis

and/or on a per-port basis. Frame relay port-based service

availability parameters are not addressed in this document. See

Service Availability Parameters.

Specification: FRF.13

2. Performance Metrics

2.1. Definition Format (from RFC1242)

Metric to be defined.

Definition: The specific definition for the metric.

Discussion: A brief discussion of the metric, its application and

any restrictions on measurement procedures.

Measurement units: Intrinsic units used to quantify this metric.

This includes subsidiary units, e.g., microseconds are acceptable if

the intrinsic unit is seconds.

2.2. Definitions

2.2.1. Physical Layer-Plesiochronous Data Hierarchy (PDH) Alarm Indication Signal (AIS)

Definition: An all 1's frame transmitted after the DTE or DCE detects

a defect for 2.5 s +/- 0.5 s.

Discussion: An AIS will cause loss of information in the PDH frame,

which contains a frame relay frame which may contain IP datagrams.

Measurement units: Dimensionless. Loss of Frame (LOF)

Definition: An NE transmits an LOF when an OOF condition persists.

Discussion: A LOF will cause loss of information in the PDH frame,

which contains a frame relay frame which may contain IP datagrams.

Measurement units: Dimensionless. Loss of Signal (LOS)

Definition: Indicates that there are no transitions occurring in the

received signal.

Discussion: A LOS will cause loss of information in the PDH frame

which contains a frame relay frame which may contain IP datagrams.

Measurement units: Dimensionless. Out of Frame (OOF)

Definition: An NE transmits an OOF downstream when it receives

framing errors in a specified number of consecutive frame bit


Discussion: An OOF will cause loss of information in the PDH frame

which contains a frame relay frame which may contain IP datagrams.

Measurement units: Dimensionless. Remote Alarm Indication (RAI)

Definition: Previously called Yellow Alarm. Transmitted upstream by

an NE to indicate that it detected an LOS, LOF, or AIS.

Discussion: An RAI will cause loss of information in the transmitted

PDH frame, which may contain a frame relay frame, which, in turn, may

contain IP datagrams.

Measurement units: Dimensionless.

2.2.2. Frame Relay Layer Data Delivery Ratio (DDR)

Definition: The DDR service level parameter reports the networks

effectiveness in transporting offered data (payload without address

field or FCS) in one direction of a single virtual connection. The

DDR is a ratio of successful payload octets received to attempted

payload octets transmitted. Attempted payload octets transmitted are

referred to as DataOffered. Successfully delivered payload octets

are referred to as DataDelivered. These loads are further

differentiated as being within the committed information rate or as

burst excess.

Three data relay ratios may be reported:

Data Delivery Ratio (DDR):

(DataDelivered_c + DataDelivered_e DataDelivered_e+c

DDR = --------------------------------- = -----------------

(DataOffered_c + DataOffered_e) DataOffered_e+c

Data Delivery Ratio (DDR_c) for load consisting of frames within the

committed information rate:


DDR_c = -------------


Data Delivery Ratio (DDR_e) for load in excess of the committed

information rate:


DDR_e = ---------------



DataDelivered_c: Successfully delivered data payload octets within

committed information rate,

DataDelivered_e: Successfully delivered data payload octets in excess

of CIR,

DataDelivereD_e+c: Successfully delivered total data payload octets,

including those within committed information rate and those in excess

of CIR,

DataOffered_c: Attempted data payload octet transmissions within

committed information rate,

DataOffered_e: Attempted data payload octet transmissions in excess

of CIR


DataOffered_e+c: Attempted total data payload octet transmissions,

including those within committed information rate and those in excess

of CIR

Each direction of a full duplex connection has a discrete set of data

delivery ratios.

Discussion: Data delivery ratio measurements may not be

representative of data delivery effectiveness for a given

application. For example, the discarding of a small frame containing

an acknowledgement message may result in the retransmission of a

large number of data frames. In such an event, a good data delivery

ratio would be reported while the user experienced poor performance.

Measurement units: dimensionless. Frame Delivery Ratio (FDR)

Definition: The FDR service level parameter reports the networks

effectiveness in transporting an offered frame relay load in one

direction of a single virtual connection. The FDR is a ratio of

successful frame receptions to attempted frame transmissions.

Attempted frame transmissions are referred to as Frames Offered.

Successfully delivered frames are referred to as Frames Delivered.

These loads may be further differentiated as being within the

committed information rate or as burst excess.

Frame Delivery Ratio (FDR):

Frame Delivery Ratio (FDR):

(FramesDelivered_c + FramesDelivered_e) FramesDelivered_e+c

FDR = ------------------------------------- = -------------------

(FramesOffered_c + FramesOffered_e) FramesOffered_e+c

Frame Delivery Ratio (FDR_c) for load consisting of frames within the

committed information rate:


FDR_c = -----------------


Frame Delivery Ratio (FDR_c) for load in excess of the committed

information rate:


FDR_e = -----------------



FramesDelivered_c: Successfully delivered frames within committed

information rate,

FramesDelivered_e: Successfully delivered frames in excess of CIR,

FramesDelivered_e+c: Successfully delivered total frames, including

those within committed information rate and those in excess of CIR,

FramesOffered_c: Attempted frame transmissions within committed

information rate,

FramesOffered_e: Attempted frame transmissions in excess of CIR


FramesOffered_e+c: Attempted total frame transmissions, including

those within committed information rate and those in excess of CIR.

An independent set of frame delivery ratios exists for each direction

of a full duplex connection.

Discussion: Frame delivery ratio measurements may not be

representative of frame delivery effectiveness for a given

application. For example, the discarding of a small frame containing

an acknowledgement message may result in the retransmission of a

large number of data frames. In such an event, a good data delivery

ratio would be reported while the user

Measurement units: dimensionless. Frame Discard Ratio (FDR)

Definition: The number of received frames that are discarded because

of a frame error divided by the total number of transmitted frames in

one direction of a single virtual connection. Frame errors are

defined as follows:

1) frames that are too long or too short,

2) frames that are not a multiple of 8 bits in length,

3) frames with an invalid or unrecognized DLCI,

4) frames with an abort sequence,

5) frames with improper flag delimitation,

6) frames that fail FCS.

The formal definition of frame discard ratio is as follows:

sum {i=1 to N} fr_i

FDR = -------------------

sum {i=1 to N} ft_i,


fr_i is the number of successfully delivered frames for a particular

DLCI at second i


ft_i is the total number of attempted frame transmissions within the

committed plus extended information rate for a particular DLCI at

second i.

Discussion: Frame discards can adversely effect applications running

on IP over FR. In general, frame discards will negatively impact TCP

throughput; however, in the case of frame discard due to frame error,

frame discard will improve performance by dropping errored frames.

As a result, these frames will not adversely effect the forwarding of

retransmitted frames

Measurement units: dimensionless. Frame Error Ratio (FER)

Definition: The number of received frames that contain an error in

the frame payload divided by the total number of transmitted frames

in one direction of a single virtual connection.

The formal definition of frame error ratio is as follows:

sum {i=1 to N} fe_i

FER = -------------------

sum {i=1 to N} ft_i,


fe_i is the number of frames containing a payload error for a

particular DLCI at second i


ft_i is the total number of attempted frame transmissions within the

committed plus the extended information rate for a particular DLCI at

second i. This statistic includes those frames which have an error

in the Frame Check Sequence (FCS). Frame errors in the absence of

FCS errors can be detected by sending frames containing a known

pattern; however, this indicates an equipment defect.

Discussion: The delivery of frames containing errors will adversely

effect applications running on IP over FR. Typically, these errors

are caused by transmission errors and flagged as failed FCS frames;

however, when Frame Relay to ATM Network interworking is used, an

error may be injected in the frame payload which, in turn, is

encapsulated into an AAL5 PDU (see RFC2761 for a discussion of AAL5

related metrics).

Measurement units: dimensionless. Frame Excess Ratio (FXR)

Definition: The number of frames received by the network and treated

as excess traffic divided by the total number of transmitted frames

in one direction of a single virtual connection. Frames which are

sent to the network with DE set to zero are treated as excess when

more than Bc bits are submitted to the network during the Committed

Information Rate Measurement Interval (Tc). Excess traffic may or

may not be discarded at the ingress if more than Bc + Be bits are

submitted to the network during Tc. Traffic discarded at the ingress

is not recorded in this measurement. Frames which are sent to the

network with DE set to one are also treated as excess traffic.

The formal definition of frame excess ratio is as follows:

sum {i=1 to N} fc_i

FXR = 1 - -------------------

sum {i=1 to N} ft_i,


fc_i is the total number of frames which were submitted within the

traffic contract for a particular DLCI at second i


ft_i is the total number of attempted frame transmissions for a

particular DLCI at second i.

Discussion: Frame discards can adversely effect applications running

on IP over FR. Specifically, frame discards will negatively impact

TCP throughput.

Measurement units: dimensionless. Frame Loss Ratio (FLR)

Definition: The FLR is a ratio of successful frame receptions to

attempted frame transmissions at the committed information rate, in

one direction of a single virtual connection. Attempted frame

transmissions are referred to as Frames Offered. Successfully

delivered frames are referred to as Frames Delivered.

The formal definition of frame loss ratio is as follows:


FLR = 1- -----------------



FramesDelivered_c is the successfully delivered frames within

committed information rate for a given DLCI


FramesOffered_c is the attempted frame transmissions within committed

information rate for a given DLCI

An independent set of frame delivery ratios exists for each direction

of a full duplex connection.

Discussion: Frame delivery loss measurements may not be

representative of frame delivery effectiveness for a given

application. For example, the loss of a small frame containing an

acknowledgement message may result in the retransmission of a large

number of data frames. In such an event, a good data delivery ratio

would be reported while the user

Measurement units: dimensionless. Frame Policing Ratio (FPR)

Definition: The number of frames received by the network and treated

as excess traffic and dropped divided by the total number of received

frames, in one direction of a single virtual connection. Frames

which are sent to the network with DE set to zero are treated as

excess when more than Bc bits are submitted to the network during the

Committed Information Rate Measurement Interval (Tc). Excess traffic

may or may not be discarded at the ingress if more than Bc + Be bits

are submitted to the network during Tc. Traffic discarded at the

ingress is recorded in this measurement. Frames which are sent to

the network with DE set to one are also treated as excess traffic.

The formal definition of frame excess ratio is as follows:

sum {i=1 to N} fr_i

FPR = 1- -------------------

sum {i=1 to N} ft_i,


fr_i is the successfully delivered frames for a particular DLCI at

second i


ft_i is the total number of attempted frame transmissions for a

particular DLCI

at second i.

Discussion: Frame discards can adversely effect applications running

on IP over FR. Specifically, frame discards will negatively impact

TCP throughput. Frame Transfer Delay (FTD)

Definition: The time required to transport frame relay data from

measurement point 1 to measurement point 2. The frame transfer delay

is the difference in seconds between the time a frame exits

measurement point 1 and the time the same frame enters measurement

point 2, in one direction of a single virtual connection. The formal

definition of frame transfer delay is as follows:

FTD = 1/N * sum {i=1 to N} t2_i - t1_i,


t1_i is the time in seconds when the ith frame leaves measurement

point 1 (i.e., frame exit event),

t2 is the time in seconds when the ith frame arrives at measurement

point 2 (i.e., frame entry event)


N is the number of frames received during a measurement interval T.

FTD is computed for a specific DLCI and a specified integration

period of T seconds. The computation does not include frames which

are transmitted during the measurement period but not received.

Discussion: While frame transfer delay is usually computed as an

average and, thus, can effect neither IP nor TCP performance,

applications such as voice over IP may be adversely effected by

excessive FTD.

Measurement units: seconds. Frame Transfer Delay Variation (FTDV)

Definition: The variation in the time required to transport frame

relay data from measurement point 1 to measurement point 2. The

frame transfer delay variation is the difference in seconds between

maximum frame transfer delay and the minimum frame transfer delay, in

one direction of a single virtual connection. The formal definition

of frame transfer delay is as follows:

FTDV = max {i=1 to N} FTD_i - min {i=1 to N} FTD_i.


FTD and N are defined as above.

Discussion: Large values of FTDV can adversely effect TCP round trip

time calculation and, thus, TCP throughput.

Measurement units: seconds.

3. Security Considerations

As this document is solely for providing terminology and describes

neither a protocol nor an implementation, there are no security

considerations associated with this document.

4. Notices

Internet Engineering Task Force

The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any

intellectual property or other rights that might be claimed to

pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described

in this document or the extent to which any license under such

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Information on the IETFs procedures with respect to rights in

standards-track and standards-related documentation can be found

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The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention

any copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other

proprietary rights, which may cover technology that may be

required to practice this standard. Please address the

information to the IETF Executive Director.

Frame Relay Forum

Copyright Frame Relay Forum 1998. All Rights Reserved.

References FRF, FRF.5, FRF.8 and FRF.13 and translations of them

may be copied and furnished to others, and works that comment on

or otherwise explain it or assist in their implementation may be

prepared, copied, published and distributed, in whole or in part,

without restriction of any kind, provided that the above copyright

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modified in any way, such as by removing the copyright notice or

references to the Frame Relay Forum, except as needed for the

purpose of developing Frame Relay standards (in which case the

procedures for copyrights defined by the Frame Relay Forum must be

followed), or as required to translate it into languages other

than English.

5. References

[DN] Private communication from David Newman, Network Test, Inc.

[FRF] Frame Relay Forum Glossary, http://www.frforum.com, 1999.

[FRF.5] Frame Relay Forum, Frame Relay/ATM PVC Network Interworking

Implementation Agreement, December 1994.

[FRF.8] Frame Relay Forum, Frame Relay/ATM PVC Service Interworking

Implementation Agreement, April 1995.

[FRF.13] Frame Relay Forum, Service Level Definitions Implementation

Agreement, August 1998.

[FRMIB] Rehbehn, K and D. Fowler, "Definitions of Managed Objects

for Frame Relay Service", RFC2954, October 2000.

6. Editors' Addresses

Jeffrey Dunn

Advanced Network Consultants, Inc.

4214 Crest Place

Ellicott City, MD 21043 USA

Phone: +1 (410) 750-1700

EMail: Jeffrey.Dunn@worldnet.att.net

Cynthia Martin

Advanced Network Consultants, Inc.

4214 Crest Place

Ellicott City, MD 21043 USA

Phone: +1 (410) 750-1700

EMail: Cynthia.E.Martin@worldnet.att.net

Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







Funding for the RFCEditor function is currently provided by the

Internet Society.

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