
RFC3053 - IPv6 Tunnel Broker

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group A. Durand

Request for Comments: 3053 SUN Microsystems, Inc

Category: Informational P. Fasano

I. Guardini


D. Lento


January 2001

IPv6 Tunnel Broker

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does

not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this

memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.


The IPv6 global Internet as of today uses a lot of tunnels over the

existing IPv4 infrastrUCture. Those tunnels are difficult to

configure and maintain in a large scale environment. The 6bone has

proven that large sites and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) can do

it, but this process is too complex for the isolated end user who

already has an IPv4 connection and would like to enter the IPv6

world. The motivation for the development of the tunnel broker model

is to help early IPv6 adopters to hook up to an existing IPv6 network

(e.g., the 6bone) and to get stable, permanent IPv6 addresses and DNS

names. The concept of the tunnel broker was first presented at

Orlando's IETF in December 1998. Two implementations were

demonstrated during the Grenoble IPng & NGtrans interim meeting in

February 1999.

1. Introduction

The growth of IPv6 networks started mainly using the transport

facilities offered by the current Internet. This led to the

development of several techniques to manage IPv6 over IPv4 tunnels.

At present most of the 6bone network is built using manually

configured tunnels over the Internet. The main drawback of this

approach is the overwhelming management load for network

administrators, who have to perform extensive manual configuration

for each tunnel. Several attempts to reduce this management overhead

have already been proposed and each of them presents interesting

advantages but also solves different problems than the Tunnel Broker,

or poses drawbacks not present in the Tunnel Broker:

- the use of automatic tunnels with IPv4 compatible addresses [1]

is a simple mechanism to establish early IPv6 connectivity

among isolated dual-stack hosts and/or routers. The problem

with this approach is that it does not solve the address

exhaustion problem of IPv4. Also there is a great fear to

include the complete IPv4 routing table into the IPv6 world

because this would worsen the routing table size problem

multiplying it by 5;

- 6over4 [2] is a site local transition mechanism based on the

use of IPv4 multicast as a virtual link layer. It does not

solve the problem of connecting an isolated user to the global

IPv6 Internet;

- 6to4 [3] has been designed to allow isolated IPv6 domains,

attached to a wide area network with no native IPv6 support

(e.g., the IPv4 Internet), to communicate with other such IPv6

domains with minimal manual configuration. The idea is to

embed IPv4 tunnel addresses into the IPv6 prefixes so that any

domain border router can automatically discover tunnel

endpoints for outbound IPv6 traffic.

The Tunnel Broker idea is an alternative approach based on the

provision of dedicated servers, called Tunnel Brokers, to

automatically manage tunnel requests coming from the users. This

approach is eXPected to be useful to stimulate the growth of IPv6

interconnected hosts and to allow early IPv6 network providers to

provide easy Access to their IPv6 networks.

The main difference between the Tunnel Broker and the 6to4 mechanisms

is that the they serve a different segment of the IPv6 community:

- the Tunnel Broker fits well for small isolated IPv6 sites, and

especially isolated IPv6 hosts on the IPv4 Internet, that want

to easily connect to an existing IPv6 network;

- the 6to4 approach has been designed to allow isolated IPv6

sites to easily connect together without having to wait for

their IPv4 ISPs to deliver native IPv6 services. This is very

well suited for extranet and virtual private networks. Using

6to4 relays, 6to4 sites can also reach sites on the IPv6


In addition, the Tunnel Broker approach allows IPv6 ISPs to easily

perform access control on the users enforcing their own policies on

network resources utilization.

This document is intended to present a framework describing the

guidelines for the provision of a Tunnel Broker service within the

Internet. It does not specify any protocol but details the general

architecture of the proposed approach. It also outlines a set of

viable alternatives for implementing it. Section 2 provides an

overall description of the Tunnel Broker model; Section 3 reports

known limitations to the model; Section 4 briefly outlines other

possible applications of the Tunnel Broker approach; Section 5

addresses security issues.

2. Tunnel Broker Model

Tunnel brokers can be seen as virtual IPv6 ISPs, providing IPv6

connectivity to users already connected to the IPv4 Internet. In the

emerging IPv6 Internet it is expected that many tunnel brokers will

be available so that the user will just have to pick one. The list

of the tunnel brokers should be referenced on a "well known" web page

(e.g. on http://www.ipv6.org) to allow users to choose the "closest"

one, the "cheapest" one, or any other one.

The tunnel broker model is based on the set of functional elements

depicted in figure 1.



/ server


/ +------+

+----------+ +------+/ +------+

dual-stack tunnel tunnel

node <--->broker<--->server


+----------+ +------+\ +------+

\ +------+

tunnel end-point v \ tunnel

/\ +---+ \ server


+---+ +------+

tunnel end-point




IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel

Figure 1: the Tunnel Broker model

2.1 Tunnel Broker (TB)

The TB is the place where the user connects to register and activate

tunnels. The TB manages tunnel creation, modification and deletion

on behalf of the user.

For scalability reasons the tunnel broker can share the load of

network side tunnel end-points among several tunnel servers. It

sends configuration orders to the relevant tunnel server whenever a

tunnel has to be created, modified or deleted. The TB may also

register the user IPv6 address and name in the DNS.

A TB must be IPv4 addressable. It may also be IPv6 addressable, but

this is not mandatory. Communications between the broker and the

servers can take place either with IPv4 or IPv6.

2.2 Tunnel server (TS)

A TS is a dual-stack (IPv4 & IPv6) router connected to the global

Internet. Upon receipt of a configuration order coming from the TB,

it creates, modifies or deletes the server side of each tunnel. It

may also maintain usage statistics for every active tunnel.

2.3 Using the Tunnel Broker

The client of the Tunnel Broker service is a dual-stack IPv6 node

(host or router) connected to the IPv4 Internet. Approaching the TB,

the client should be asked first of all to provide its identity and

credentials so that proper user authentication, authorization and

(optionally) accounting can be carried out (e.g., relying on existing

AAA facilities such as RADIUS). This means that the client and the

TB have to share a pre-configured or automatically established

security association to be used to prevent unauthorized use of the

service. With this respect the TB can be seen as an access-control

server for IPv4 interconnected IPv6 users.

Once the client has been authorized to access the service, it should

provide at least the following information:

- the IPv4 address of the client side of the tunnel;

- a name to be used for the registration in the DNS of the global

IPv6 address assigned to the client side of the tunnel;

- the client function (i.e., standalone host or router).

Moreover, if the client machine is an IPv6 router willing to provide

connectivity to several IPv6 hosts, the client should be asked also

to provide some information about the amount of IPv6 addresses

required. This allows the TB to allocate the client an IPv6 prefix

that fits its needs instead of a single IPv6 address.

The TB manages the client requests as follows:

- it first designates (e.g., according to some load sharing

criteria defined by the TB administrator) a Tunnel Server to be

used as the actual tunnel end-point at the network side;

- it chooses the IPv6 prefix to be allocated to the client; the

prefix length can be anything between 0 and 128, most common

values being 48 (site prefix), 64 (subnet prefix) or 128 (host


- it fixes a lifetime for the tunnel;

- it automatically registers in the DNS the global IPv6 addresses

assigned to the tunnel end-points;

- it configures the server side of the tunnel;

- it notifies the relevant configuration information to the

client, including tunnel parameters and DNS names.

After the above configuration steps have been carried out (including

the configuration of the client), the IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel between

the client host/router and the selected TS is up and working, thus

allowing the tunnel broker user to get access to the 6bone or any

other IPv6 network the TS is connected to.

2.4 IPv6 address assignment

The IPv6 addresses assigned to both sides of each tunnel must be

global IPv6 addresses belonging to the IPv6 addressing space managed

by the TB.

The lifetime of these IPv6 addresses should be relatively long and

potentially longer than the lifetime of the IPv4 connection of the

user. This is to allow the client to get semipermanent IPv6

addresses and associated DNS names even though it is connected to the

Internet via a dial-up link and gets dynamically assigned IPv4

addresses through DHCP.

2.5 Tunnel management

Active tunnels consume precious resources on the tunnel servers in

terms of memory and processing time. For this reason it is advisable

to keep the number of unused tunnels as small as possible deploying a

well designed tunnel management mechanism.

Each IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel created by the TB should at least be

assigned a lifetime and removed after its expiration unless an

explicit lifetime extension request is submitted by the client.

Obviously this is not an optimal solution especially for users

accessing the Internet through short-lived and dynamically addressed

IPv4 connections (e.g., dial-up links). In this case a newly

established tunnel is likely to be used just for a short time and

then never again, in that every time the user reconnects he gets a

new IPv4 address and is therefore obliged either to set-up a new

tunnel or to update the configuration of the previous one. In such a

situation a more effective tunnel management may be achieved by

having the TS periodically deliver to the TB IPv6 traffic and

reachability statistics for every active tunnel. In this way, the TB

can enforce a tunnel deletion after a period of inactivity without

waiting for the expiration of the related lifetime which can be

relatively longer (e.g., several days).

Another solution may be to implement some kind of tunnel management

protocol or keep-alive mechanism between the client and the TS (or

between the client and the TB) so that each tunnel can be immediately

released after the user disconnects (e.g., removing his tunnel end-

point or tearing down his IPv4 connection to the Internet). The

drawback of this policy mechanism is that it also requires a software

upgrade on the client machine in order to add support for the ad-hoc

keep-alive mechanism described above.

Moreover, keeping track of the tunnel configuration even after the

user has disconnected from the IPv4 Internet may be worth the extra

cost. In this way, in fact, when the user reconnects to the

Internet, possibly using a different IPv4 address, he could just

restart the tunnel by getting in touch with the TB again. The TB

could then order a TS to re-create the tunnel using the new IPv4

address of the client but reusing the previously allocated IPv6

addresses. That way, the client could preserve a nearly permanent

(static) IPv6 address even though its IPv4 address is dynamic. It

could also preserve the associated DNS name.

2.6 Interactions between client, TB, TS and DNS

As previously stated, the definition of a specific set of protocols

and procedures to be used for the communication among the various

entities in the Tunnel Broker architecture is outside of the scope of

the present framework document. Nevertheless, in the reminder of

this section some viable technical alternatives to support client-TB,

TB-TS and TB-DNS interactions are briefly described in order to help

future implementation efforts or standardization initiatives.

The interaction between the TB and the user could be based on http.

For example the user could provide the relevant configuration

information (i.e., the IPv4 address of the client side of the tunnel,

etc.) by just filling up some forms on a Web server running on the

TB. As a result the server could respond with an Html page stating

that the server end-point of the tunnel is configured and displaying

all the relevant tunnel information.

After that, the most trivial approach would be to leave the user to

configure the client end-point of the tunnel on his own. However, it

should be highly valuable to support a mechanism to automate this

procedure as much as possible.

Several options may be envisaged to assist the Tunnel Broker user in

the configuration of his dual-stack equipment. The simplest option

is that the TB could just prepare personalized activation and de-

activation scripts to be run off-line on the client machine to

achieve easy set-up of the client side tunnel end-point. This

solution is clearly the easiest to implement and operate in that it

does not require any software extension on the client machine.

However, it raises several security concerns because it may be

difficult for the user to verify that previously downloaded scripts

do not perform illegal or dangerous operations once executed.

The above described security issues could be elegantly overcome by

defining a new MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension) content-

type (e.g., application/tunnel) [4,5] to be used by the TB to deliver

the tunnel parameters to the client. In this case, there must be a

dedicated agent running on the client to process this information and

actually set-up the tunnel end-point on behalf of the user. This is

a very attractive approach which is worth envisaging. In particular,

the definition of the new content-type might be the subject of a

future ad-hoc document.

Several options are available also to achieve proper interaction

between the broker and the Tunnel Servers. For example a set of

simple RSH commands over IPsec could be used for this purpose.

Another alternative could be to use SNMP or to adopt any other

network management solution.

Finally, the Dynamic DNS Update protocol [6] should be used for

automatic DNS update (i.e., to add or delete AAAA, A6 and PTR records

from the DNS zone reserved for Tunnel Broker users) controlled by the

TB. A simple alternative would be for the TB to use a small set of

RSH commands to dynamically update the direct and inverse databases

on the authoritative DNS server for the Tunnel Broker users zone

(e.g. broker.isp-name.com).

2.7 Open issues

Real usage of the TB service may require the introduction of

accounting/billing functions.

3. Known limitations

This mechanism may not work if the user is using private IPv4

addresses behind a NAT box.

4. Use of the tunnel broker concept in other areas

The Tunnel Broker approach might be efficiently exploited also to

automatically set-up and manage any other kind of tunnel, such as a

multicast tunnel (e.g., used to interconnect multicast islands within

the unicast Internet) or an IPsec tunnel.

Moreover, the idea of deploying a dedicated access-control server,

like the TB, to securely authorize and assist users that want to gain

access to an IPv6 network might prove useful also to enhance other

transition mechanisms. For example it would be possible to exploit a

similar approach within the 6to4 model to achieve easy relay

discovery. This would make life easier for early 6to4 adopters but

would also allow the ISPs to better control the usage of their 6to4

relay facilities (e.g., setting up appropriate usage policies).

5. Security Considerations

All the interactions between the functional elements of the proposed

architecture need to be secured:

- the interaction between the client and TB;

- the interaction between the TB and the Tunnel Server;

- the interaction between the TB and the DNS.

The security techniques adopted for each of the required interactions

is dependent on the implementation choices.

For the client-TB interaction, the usage of http allows the

exploitation of widely adopted security features, such as SSL (Secure

Socket Layer) [7], to encrypt data sent to and downloaded from the

web server. This also makes it possible to rely on a simple

"username" and "passWord" authentication procedure and on existing

AAA facilities (e.g., RADIUS) to enforce access-control.

For the TB-TS interaction secure SNMP could be adopted [8,9,10]. If

the dynamic DNS update procedure is used for the TB-DNS interaction,

the security issues are the same as discussed in [11]. Otherwise, if

a simpler approach based on RSH commands is used, standard IPsec

mechanisms can be applied [12].

Furthermore, if the configuration of the client is achieved running

scripts provided by the TB, these scripts must be executed with

enough privileges to manage network interfaces, such as an

administrator/root role. This can be dangerous and should be

considered only for early implementations of the Tunnel Broker

approach. Transferring tunnel configuration parameters in a MIME

type over https is a more secure approach.

In addition a loss of confidentiality may occur whenever a dial-up

user disconnects from the Internet without tearing down the tunnel

previously established through the TB. In fact, the TS keeps

tunneling the IPv6 traffic addressed to that user to his old IPv4

address regardless of the fact that in the meanwhile that IPv4

address could have been dynamically assigned to another subscriber of

the same dial-up ISP. This problem could be solved by implementing

on every tunnel the keep-alive mechanism outlined in section 2.5 thus

allowing the TB to immediately stop IPv6 traffic forwarding towards

disconnected users.

Finally TBs must implement protections against denial of service

attacks which may occur whenever a malicious user exhausts all the

resources available on the tunnels server by aSKINg for a lot of

tunnels to be established altogether. A possible protection against

this attack could be achieved by administratively limiting the number

of tunnels that a single user is allowed to set-up at the same time.

6. Acknowledgments

Some of the ideas refining the tunnel broker model came from

discussion with Perry Metzger and Marc Blanchet.

7. References

[1] Gilligan, R. and E. Nordmark, "Transition Mechanisms for IPv6

Hosts and Routers", RFC1933, April 1996.

[2] Carpenter, B. and C. Jung, "Transmission of IPv6 over IPv4

Domains without Explicit Tunnels", RFC2529, March 1999.

[3] Carpenter, B. and K. Moore, "Connection of IPv6 Domains via IPv4

Clouds without Explicit Tunnels", Work in Progress.

[4] Freed, N. and N. Borenstein, "Multipurpose Internet Mail

Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies,

RFC2045, November 1996.

[5] Freed, N. and N. Borenstein, "Multipurpose Internet Mail

Extensions (MIME) Part Two: Media Types", RFC2046, November


[6] Vixie, P., Editor, Thomson, T., Rekhter, Y. and J. Bound,

"Dynamic Updates in the Domain Name System (DNS UPDATE)", RFC

2136, April 1997.

[7] Guttman, E., Leong, L. and G. Malkin, "Users' Security

Handbook", FYI 34, RFC2504, February 1999.

[8] Wijnen, B., Harrington, D. and R. Presuhn, "An Architecture for

Describing SNMP Management Frameworks", RFC2571, April 1999.

[9] Blumenthal, U. and B. Wijnen, "User-based Security Model (USM)

for version 3 of the Simple Network Management Protocol

(SNMPv3)", RFC2574, April 1999.

[10] Wijnen, B., Presuhn, R. and K. McCloghrie, "View-based Access

Control Model (VACM) for the Simple Network Management Protocol

(SNMP)", RFC2575, April 1999.

[11] Eastlake, D., "Secure Domain Name System Dynamic Update", RFC

2137, April 1997.

[12] Kent, S. and R. Atkinson, "Security Architecture for the

Internet Protocol", RFC2401, November 1998.

8. Authors' Addresses

Alain Durand

SUN Microsystems, Inc

901 San Antonio Road


Palo Alto, CA 94303-4900


Phone: +1 650 786 7503

EMail: Alain.Durand@sun.com

Paolo Fasano S.p.A.


Switching and Network Services - Networking

via G. Reiss Romoli, 274

10148 TORINO


Phone: +39 011 2285071

EMail: paolo.fasano@cselt.it

Ivano Guardini


Switching and Network Services - Networking

via G. Reiss Romoli, 274

10148 TORINO


Phone: +39 011 2285424

EMail: ivano.guardini@cselt.it

Domenico Lento


Business Unit Project Management

via Orsini, 9

90100 Palermo


Phone: +39 091 7583243

EMail: dlento@mail.tim.it

9. Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

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