
RFC3052 - Service Management Architectures Issues and Review

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Network Working Group M. Eder

Request for Comments: 3052 Nokia

Category: Informational S. Nag

January 2001

Service Management Architectures Issues and Review

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does

not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this

memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.


Many of the support functions necessary to eXPloit the mechanisms by

which differing levels of service can be provided are limited in

scope and a complete framework is non-existent. Various efforts at

sUCh a framework have received a great deal of attention and

represent a historical shift in scope for many of the organizations

looking to address this problem. The purpose of this document is to

explore the problems of defining a Service management framework and

to examine some of the issues that still need to be resolved.

1. Introduction

Efforts to provide mechanisms to distinguish the priority given to

one set of packets, or flows, relative to another are well underway

and in many modern IP networks, best effort service will be just one

of the many services being offered by the network as opposed to it

being the only service provided. Unfortunately, many of the support

functions necessary to exploit the mechanisms by which network level

service can be provided are limited in scope and a complete framework

is non-existent. Compounding the problem is the varied understanding

of exactly what the scope of "service" is in an IP network. IP, in

contrast to connection oriented network technologies, will not be

able to limit the definition of service management simply to end to

end connectivity, but will combine service management with regards to

transport with the service requirements of the actual applications

and how they are using the network. The phenomenal growth in data

networks as well as the growth in application bandwidth usage has had

the consequence that the existing methods of management are not

sufficient to handle the growing demands of scale and complexity.

The network and service management issue is going to be a major

problem facing the networks of the future. This realization is a

significant motivating factor in various efforts within the IP

community which has been traditionally reluctant to take on issues of

this type [1]. The purpose of this document is to explore the

problems of developing a framework for managing the network and

services and to examine some of the issues that recent efforts have


2. The Problem of Management Standards

Network and service level issues traditionally are handled in IP

networks by engineering the network to provide the best service

possible for a single class of service. Increasingly there is a

desire that IP networks be used to carry data with specific QoS

constraints. IP networks will require a tremendous amount of

management information to provision, maintain, validate, and bill for

these new services. The control and distribution of management

information in complex communications networks is one of the most

sophisticated tasks a network management framework must resolve. This

is compounded by the likelihood that devices in IP networks will be

varied and have differing management capabilities, ranging from

complex computing and switching platforms to personal hand held

devices and everything in between. Scaling and performance

requirements will make the task of defining a single management

framework for these networks extremely complex.

In the past standardization efforts have suggested a simplified model

for management on the hypothesis that it can be extrapolated to solve

complex systems. This premise has often proved to be without merit

because of the difficulty of developing such a model that meets both

the operators heterogeneous, multi-vendor need and network equipment

vendors specific needs. At the center of efforts to devise a

standard management model are attempts to develop an architecture or

framework to control the management information. The same conflicting

operator vs. vendor forces are present in the effort to establish a

common framework architecture as are in the efforts to develop a

common information model.

Network operators requirements call for a framework that will permit

centralized management of the network and require the minimal

resources to operate and maintain while still providing tremendous

flexibility in choice of equipment and creativity of defining

services [2]. Operators may be less able to support change in their

Operational Support Systems (OSS) then they are in the network

infrastructure because the OSS is tightly integrated into the

organizations business practices. The need for flexibility, and the

other desires identified above, operators expect to have meet by

having equipment vendors support open and common interfaces.

Device manufactures have a need for management that will best

represent the features and capabilities of the equipment they are

developing and any management solution that hinders the ability of

the equipment vendors to efficiently bring innovation to the market

is contrary to their objectives.

The common framework for solving the management needs of operators

and equipment vendors has been based on a centralized approach with a

the manager agent architecture. While providing a very

straightforward approach to the problem of information management,

this approach, and its variations, has not proved to scale well or

allowed the flexibility required in today's modern data networks.

Scaling and flexibility are especially a problem where there are many

sophisticated network devices present. Methods of control must be

found that work and scale at the same speeds as that of the control

plane of the network itself if a major concern of the management

system is with the dynamic control of traffic in a network.

Increasingly it is a requirement that customers at the edge of the

network be able to have Access to management functionality. A

centralized management approach may not provide the most convenient

architecture to allow this capability.

Frameworks based on a decentralized approach to the management

architecture have gained momentum in recent years, but must address

the possibility of having redundant management information throughout

the network. A decentralized framework may have advantages with

regards to scaling and speed of operation, but information and state

management becomes complex in this approach, resulting in additional

complication in developing such systems.

The complexity of managing a network increases dramatically as the

number of services and the number and complexity of devices in the

network increases. The success of IP networks can be partially

traced to the successful separation of transport control mechanisms

from the complexity of service management, including billing. As the

trend in IP is to allow for classes of traffic that will have both

transport and service dependencies it has become apparent that many

of the management problems are becoming more complex in nature and

are starting to resemble those of the traditional telecom provisioned

service environment. In the telecom environment no such separation

exists between transport control mechanisms and service. The Telecom

community has struggled for years to come up with a standard solution

for the problem in national and international standardization bodies

and achieved a debatable amount of industry acceptance.

Unfortunately, the hard learned lessons of how to manage the

interdependencies between service and transport will be of

questionable use to the IP community because of the much more limited

concept of service in the telecommunications environment.

Rules based management has received much attention as a method to

reduce much of the overhead and operator intervention that was

necessary in traditional management systems. The potential exists

that a rules-based system could reduce the rate at which management

information is increasing, but given the tremendous growth in this

information, the problems with the control of that information will

continue to exist. Rules add additional issues to the complexity of

managing a network and as such will contribute to the information

control problem.

2.1. IP QoS Management

Much of the current management efforts are focused on solving control

issues for IP QoS [3]. A number of open questions exist with the IP

QoS architecture which will make it difficult to define a management

architecture until they are resolved. These are well documented in

"Next steps for the IP QoS architecture" [4], but from the management

perspective warrant emphasizing.

Current IP QoS architectures have not defined if the service will be

per-application or only a transport-layer option. This will have

significant impact both from a control perspective and from a billing

and service assurance one.

The assumption is that the routing best effort path will be used for

both best effort traffic and for traffic of a different service

level. In addition to those issues raised in [4], best effort path

routing may not be able to identify the parameters necessary to

identify routes capable of sustaining distinguished service traffic.

In any architecture where a premium service will be offered it is a

strong requirement that the service be measurable and sustainable.

Provisioning that service will require a coherent view of the network

and not just the device management view that is currently implemented

in most networks.

2.2. Promise of rules-based Management

Management standardization efforts in the IP community have so far

been concerned primarily with what is commonly referred to as

"element management" or "device management" [5]. Generally there is

agreement as to the scope of element management. Once outside that

domain efforts to divide that task along clear boundaries have proved

elusive with many of the terms being used having their roots in the

telecommunications industry and as such being of potentially limited

use for IP management [1]. Confusion resulting from the ambiguity

associated with what functions compose management beyond those

intended for the element, is compounded by the broad scope for which

network and service management standards apply. Terms such a

business goals, service management, and application management are

not sufficiently defined to insure there will not be disagreement as

to the actual scope of the management functions needed and to what

extent interrelationships will exists between them.

It is within this hazy domain that much of the recent efforts in

rules-based management have been proposed as a potential solution.

Efforts to devise a framework for policy management is an example of

one of the most popular recent activities. Proposed requirements for

policy management look very much like pre-existing network management

requirements [2], but specific models needed to define policy itself

and related to the definition of policy to control DiffServ and RSVP

based QoS are under development.

2.3. Service Management Requirements

Efforts to define the requirements for a service management system

are hindered by the different needs of network operators. In an

industry where much has been written about the trend towards

convergence there still exist fundamental differences in the business

needs of operators.

2.3.1. Enterprise

The management requirements from both the operations and the network

perspective have some interesting characteristics in the enterprise

environment when compared to the public network. In the enterprise

end to end traffic management is implemented without the burden of

complex tariff issues. Service Level Agreements, while increasing in

the enterprise, do not have the same operations impact as in the

public network. The high costs associated with implementing non-

reputable auditing systems are usually not present. This results in

a substantial reduction in the number of expressions necessary to

represent a particular networks business model.

In the world of best effort service, rules-based management presents

the possibility to give the IT department a tool the make the network

appear to not be overloaded by prioritizing traffic. This is done by

prioritizing delay sensitive traffic (Web browsing) from traffic that

is not delay sensitive (Email) or by prioritizing the traffic from a

particular location or source. This will, depending on the composite

of an enterprises traffic, increase the useful life of the network

without adding additional capacity. This does not come without

tradeoffs. Both the purchase and management costs associated with

the system must be calculated as well as the cost of the added

complexity of adding additional control information to the network.

2.3.2. Service Provider

It has for a long time been a goal of service providers to have a

centralized management system. While the motivation for this is very

straightforward there exist some fundamental obstacles in achieving

this goal. Service providers often do not want to be tied to a

single vendor and certainly do not want to be limited to only one

model of any single vendors equipment. At the same time bottom line

costs are of paramount importance which often result in networks not

being as heterogeneous as operators would like. Centralized

management implies a scalable system able to manage potentially many

heterogeneous pieces of equipment. The amount of data necessary to

achieve this is contrary to the scalability requirement. In response

to this problem it has been attempted many times to identify the

common model that represents the subset common to all devices.

Unfortunately all too often this set is either too complex,

increasing the cost of devices, or too limited to preclude large

amounts of device specific data thus defeating the purpose. For such

a management model to be successful at the service level, the

services being modeled must be standardized. This is counter

intuitive to the competitive model of which the service provider

operates. To be successful speed to market has become a key element

that differentiates one service provider from another. Constraints

placed on equipment manufacturers and the management infrastructure

by a centralized management system are also detrimental to this goal.

While for a limited set of well defined services a central management

approach is feasible, such a system can very quickly become a major

contributor to the very problems it was intended to solve.

3. Network and Service Management

Currently many of the efforts to define a framework for management

are described in very implementation independent terms. In actual

fact the implementation of that framework directly affects for what

situations the management system will be most beneficial. While many

past attempts to define a common management framework have failed it

may be in the area of service management that such efforts finally

gain industry acceptance. It may be in the domain of service

management that information models can be defined that are

sufficiently specific to be useful and at that same time not have a

negative impact on the equipment or service providers business needs.

This section will discuss some of the issues that need to be resolved

with regards to a service management framework to meet the

requirements of the modern IP network.

Some of the key concerns looking at a management system architecture


- The management interface and models supported

- The management system architecture

- Where and how functionality is realized

3.1. Architecture for information management

Networks will consist of network elements that have existed prior to

efforts to define a standard information model, rules-based or

otherwise, and elements deployed after. This problem has been

addressed by some of the recent efforts in policy management. Those

elements that take into account policy are termed policy aware while

those that do not are termed policy unaware. The distinction being

made that aware devices can interpret the policy information model or

schema. These issues apply equally to other standard management

information. In reality it is unlikely that any device will be fully

policy aware for long, as the policy information model evolves, early

devices will be only policy aware for those ASPects of the model that

had been defined at the time. Key to success of any management

framework is ability to handle revision and evolution. A number

methods exists provide this functionality. One is designing the

information models so that it can be extended but still be

practically used in their original form. A second is to provide an

adaptation or proxy layer. Each has advantages and disadvantages.

Methods that attempt to extend the original model often overly

constrain themselves. Where the existing model cannot be extended

new branches must be formed in the model that contain core management


Adaptation methods can create performance and scalability problems

and add complexity to the network by creating additional network

elements. A similar situation exists if the management framework is

so flexible as to allow network elements to store locally information

or choose to have information stored remotely. From a device

perspective, the criteria will be if the device can afford the logic

based on other requirements it is designed to meet, and if the

information can be retrieved in such a way as to support the

performance and scalability requirements that are the subject of the

information. A dichotomy exists where there will be information that

for reasons of performance and scalability will be transferred

directly to the network elements in some situations, and in other

situations, will exist in the management plan. IP management efforts

have left the level of detail needed to define the actual location of

the management information to the implementation. In a service

management framework it may be necessary to achieve the desired

results to supply a more complete framework along the lines of detail

provided by the ITU-T telecommunications management network efforts

where the interfaces and functionality across interfaces has been

clearly defined.

Information will need to exist in multiple locations simultaneously

in any network architecture. As the quantity and complexity of that

information increases limitations quickly develop. Changes in the

information may need to be propagated in close to real time, further

adding to the complication.

3.1.1. Rules-based Management

A network management framework can be viewed as being divided into

two essential functions. The first deals with the aspects of

managing the management information while the second deals with the

aspects of transferring that management information into the network.

The fundamental difference between rules based management and

existing network management standards is that the management

information is expressed as rules that reflect a desired level of

service from the network as opposed to device specific management

information. Many of the information management requirements of

traditional management systems still apply in a rules-based

environment. The network is composed of specific devices and it is

at the point where rules are conveyed as device specific management

information that this form of management will encounter some of its

greatest challenges. A necessary component of a solution to this

problem will be a generic information model to which rules can be

applied and a framework architecture for distributing rules

throughout the network. The task of finding the proper generic model

that is not too great a burden to implement and yet provides a level

of detail sufficient to manage a network has proved to be

historically extremely difficult. In many ways the degree to which

rules based management will be able to solve management problems is

dependent on the success of efforts to define a generic model and

have it be widely implemented [1].

One concept often discussed along with policy deals with the

integration of legacy devices into the policy framework. The

presumption is that legacy devices would be able to participate in

the policy decision by having policy information translated into the

native management interface. For this to succeed a device would have

to support a functionality for which policy would be specified. This

would limit the usefulness of this approach to only information

logically abstracted to the native interface of the device. Given

that existing standard management interfaces do not support such

functionality, all such devices would need to have a proprietary

interface implemented. The interface being based on the existing

interface supported by the device would potentially not have the

scaling capabilities needed for a policy management system. Unlike a

standard network management interface, were management information

can be distributed between the adaptation layer and the network

element, rules based management information may not be so easily


The framework for integrating rules based management system with

existing network devices is not readily apparent and further study is

needed. The problem exists further when one considers that there

will be early policy aware devices that may not be aware as the

policy models are extended. The partially policy aware devices may

represent additional architectural issues as it may not be possible

to expect consistency in what aspects of policy a given devices

implements if there does not exist formal sets of mandatory

functionality with clear evolution paths. It is paramount if the

policy management framework is going to able to evolve to accommodate

the ever-increasing number of services likely to be supported by IP

networks of the future that an evolution path be built into the


3.2. Policy Protocol

The need for a policy protocol is important in the context of a

policy aware element that is performing a certain 'service'. It is

important to note here that not all elements will be aware of all

service policies related to every service at all times. Therefore it

makes sense for an element to be aware of a certain service policy if

that element is required for a given service at any instant in time.

With the dynamics of a network where elements and links go up and

down, a notion of a 'policy protocol' may become necessary. The idea

of a 'policy protocol' that runs in a multi-service network requiring

multi-service policies. For example; consider two arbitrary end

nodes having multiple routing paths between them. Let's then assume

that a certain path carries a certain service based on some Intserv

bandwidth reservation technique. Let's also then deduce that the

elements along that path have some element specific policy statements

that have been configured on them to support that requirement. If

now at any given instance any link or any element were to be

unavailable along that path, the 'policy protocol' should be

initiated to automatically go and configure the same service-policies

on the elements along another routed path connecting the very same

end points, so that there is no disruption in service and so that no

human/operator intervention is required.

The association of policy with the policy target is an area where

considerable study may need to be done. Some issues are if this

needs to be explicitly done or if the policy can be so written that a

common description of the target is also included? Allowing a policy

target to retrieve those policies that are relevant to it.

4. Conclusions

Understanding the set of problems facing IP network management in

general will be key in defining a comprehensive framework

architecture that meets the needs of operators. Additional risks are

created by applying new management techniques to the management of IP

networks. The consequence of implementing management operations

based on architectures that may not be compatible with existing

management systems will still need to be explored.

Given that many network devices in IP networks are making routing

decisions based on information received via routing protocols it

seems sensible that they also make QoS decisions in a similar


Historically the broader the scope of a network management

standardization effort the less likely it has been to succeed.

Management standardization efforts must be careful to have clearly

defined goals and requirements less they to experience the same fate

as previous such efforts.

As IP continues to extend it's concept of service beyond that of best

effort to include, among other things, differentiate treatment of

packets, it will become increasingly necessary to have mechanisms

capable of supporting these extensions. Efforts to define a common

management model and framework have proven to be historically

elusive. Information models, whether they be traditional or rules-

based, must address these past problems. The desire to keep a

competitive advantage, and the reality that a common model, to be

truly common, will not provide sufficient detail to fully manage a

device, has often slowed the acceptance on the part of equipment

vendors to this approach.

As IP continues to extend it's concept of service beyond that of best

effort to include, among other things, differentiate treatment of

packets it will become increasingly necessary to have mechanisms

capable of supporting these extensions.

5. Security Considerations

The exchange of management information in a network is one of the

most sensitive from a security perspective. Management protocols

must address security to insure the integrity of the data. A

management architecture must provide for security considerations from

its inception to insure the authenticity of the information provider

and that the security mechanisms not be so cumbersome as to make them

not feasible to implement.

6. Reference

[1] Michael Eder, Sid Nag, Raj Bansal, "IP Service Management

Framework", Work in Progress, October 1999.

[2] Hugh Mahon, Yoram Bernet, and Shai Herzog, "Requirements for a

Policy Management System", Work in Progress.

[3] Yavatkar, R., Pendarakis, D. and R. Guerin, "A Framework for

Policy-based Admission Control", RFC2753, January 2000.

[4] Huston, G., "Next Steps for the IP QoS Architecture", RFC2990,

November 2000.

[5] McCloghrie, K. and M. Rose, "Management Information Base for

Network Management of TCP/IP-based internets" RFC1156, May 1990.

7. Authors' Addresses

Michael Eder


5 Wayside Road

Burlington, MA 01803

EMail: michael.eder@nokia.com

Sid Nag

PO Box 104

Holmdel, NJ 07733

EMail: thinker@monmouth.com

8. Full Copyright Statement

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or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

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