
RFC3170 - IP Multicast Applications: Challenges and Solutions

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Network Working Group B. Quinn

Request for Comments: 3170 Celox Networks

Category: Informational K. Almeroth

UC-Santa Barbara

September 2001

IP Multicast Applications:

Challenges and Solutions

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does

not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this

memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.


This document describes the challenges involved with designing and

implementing multicast applications. It is an introductory guide for

application developers that highlights the unique considerations of

multicast applications as compared to unicast applications.

To this end, the document presents a taxonomy of multicast

application I/O models and examples of the services they can support.

It then describes the service requirements of these multicast

applications, and the recent and ongoing efforts to build protocol

solutions to support these services.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.2 Focus and Scope. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2. IP Multicast-enabled Network. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2.1 Essential Protocol Components. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2.1.1 EXPedient Joins and Leaves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2.1.2 Send without a Join. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

3. IP Multicast Application Taxonomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

3.1 One-to-Many Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

3.2 Many-to-Many Applications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

3.3 Many-to-One Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

4. Common Multicast Service Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

4.1 Bandwidth Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

4.2 Delay Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

5. Unique Multicast Service Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . .14

5.1 Address Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16

5.2 Session Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16

5.3 Heterogeneous Receiver Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18

5.4 Reliable Data Delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20

5.5 Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21

5.6 Synchronized Play-Out. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23

6. Service APIs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23

7. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24

8. Acknowledgements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24

9. References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24

10. Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27

11. Full Copyright Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28

1. Introduction

IP Multicast will play a prominent role on the Internet in the coming

years. It is a requirement, not an option, if the Internet is going

to scale. Multicast allows application developers to add more

functionality without significantly impacting the network.

Developing multicast-enabled applications is ostensibly simple.

Having datagram Access allows any application to send to a multicast

address. A multicast application need only increase the Internet

Protocol (IP) time-to-live (TTL) value to more than 1 (the default

value) to allow outgoing datagrams to traverse routers. To receive a

multicast datagram, applications join the multicast group, which

transparently generates an [IGMPv2, IGMPv3] group membership report.

This apparent simplicity is deceptive, however. Enabling multicast

support in applications and protocols that can scale well on a

heterogeneous network is a significant challenge. Specifically,

sending constant bit rate datastreams, reliable data delivery,

security, and managing many-to-many communications all require

special consideration. Some solutions are available, but many of

these services are still active research areas.

1.1 Motivation

The purpose of this document is to provide a framework for

understanding the challenges of designing and implementing multicast

applications. In order to use multicast communications correctly,

application developers must first understand the various I/O models

and the network services (in addition to basic multicast

communication) that are required. Secondly, application developers

need to be aware of efforts underway to provide these services. Such

efforts range in maturity from deployed commercial products to basic

research efforts to evaluate feasibility.

Multicast-based applications and services will play an important role

in the future of the Internet as continued multicast deployment

encourages their use and development. It is important that

developers be aware of the issues and solutions available--and

especially of their limitations--in order to avoid protocols that

negatively impact networks (thereby counter-acting the benefits of

multicast) or wasting their efforts "re-inventing the wheel".

The hope is that by raising developers' awareness, we can adjust

their expectations of finding solutions and lead them to successful,

scalable, and "network-friendly" development efforts.

1.2 Focus and Scope

Our initial premise is that the multicast infrastructure is

transparent to applications, so it is not directly relevant to this

discussion. Our focus here is on multicast application protocol

services, so this document explicitly avoids any discussion of

multicast routing issues. We identify and describe the multicast-

specific issues involved with developing applications.

We assume the reader has a general understanding of the mechanics of

multicast, and in this respect we intend to compliment other

introductory documents [BeauW, Maufer, Miller]. Since this is an

introductory survey rather than a comprehensive examination, we refer

readers to other multicast application requirements descriptions [RM,

LSMA, Miller] for more detail.

In the remainder of this document we first define the term "IP

multicast enabled network", the multicast infrastructure and

essential multicast services. Next we describe the types of new

functionality that multicast applications can enable and their

requirements. We then examine the services that satisfy these

requirements, the challenges they present, and provide a brief survey

of the solutions available or under development. We wrap up with a

discussion of application programming interfaces (APIs) for multicast


2. IP Multicast Enabled Network

An "IP multicast-enabled network" provides end-to-end services in the

IP network infrastructure to allow any IP host to send datagrams to

an IP multicast address that any number of other IP hosts widely

dispersed can receive.

There are two kinds of multicast-enabled networks available. The

first is based on the original multicast service model as defined in

RFC1112 [Deering]. In this model, a receiver simply joins the group

and does not need to know the identity of the source(s). This model

is known by a number of names including Internet Standard Multicast

(ISM), Internet Traditional Multicast (ITM), Deering multicast, etc.

The second kind of multicast modifies the original service model such

that in addition to knowing the group address, a receiver must know

the set of relevant sources. This type of multicast is called Source

Specific Multicast (SSM) [SSM]. It becomes the application's

responsibility to know what kind of multicast capability the network

provides. Currently, the only way for an application to know the

type of multicast is based on the group address. If the group is in

the 232/8 range, the application should assume SSM is the service

model. Otherwise, the application should assume source-generic

multicast is the service model.

At the time of this writing, end-to-end "global" multicast service is

not yet available, but the size of the "multicast-enabled" Internet

is growing. Recent development and deployment of interdomain

multicast routing protocols and multicast-friendly Internet exchanges

have enabled peering between major ISPs. This, along with the

increasing availability of compelling content, is spurring deployment

and availability of the IP Multicast Enabled Network.

In the remainder of this document we assume that the multicast-

enabled network is already ubiquitous. Since such a large and

growing portion of the global Internet is IP multicast-enabled now,

and many enterprise networks (intranets) are also, this perspective

is relevant today.

2.1 Essential Protocol Components

An IP multicast enabled network requires two essential protocol


1) An IP host-based protocol to allow a receiver application to

notify a local router(s) that it has joined the group, and

initiate the data flow from all sender(s) within the scope

2) An IP router-based protocol to allow any routers with multicast

group members (receivers) on their local networks to communicate

with other routers to ensure that all datagrams sent to the

group address are forwarded to all receivers within the intended


Ideally, these protocol components are transparent to multicast

applications. However, there are two ASPects of their functionality

requirements that are worth mentioning specifically, since they

affect application performance and design. These are the multicast

application requirements for:

- Expedient Joins and Leaves

- Sends without a Join

2.1.1 Expedient Joins and Leaves

Some applications require expedient group joins and leaves, as their

usability or functionality are sensitive to the latency involved with

joining and leaving a group.

Join Latency: The time it takes for data to begin flowing after an

application issues a command to join a multicast group

Leave Latency: The time it takes for data to stop flowing after an

application issues a command to leave a multicast group


For example, using distributed a/v as a multicast-based "television"

must allow users to "channel surf"--changing channels frequently.

Each channel change generates a group leave and group join, so delays

in either will affect usability. In a sense, this is more of a user

requirement than an application requirement.

The functionality of distributed interactive simulations [DIS] is

often sensitive to join/leave latency. This is particularly true

when trying to exchange information to represent fast moving objects

that quickly enter and exit the scope of a simulated environment

(e.g., low-flying, fast-moving aircraft). If the join latency is too

long, the information provided may be old by the time it is received.

A fast leave phase is highly desirable both for effective congestion

control mechanisms, to stop undesirable flows quickly, and for the

network in general, to better filter unwanted traffic [Rizzo].

Applications cannot affect control over either join or leave latency,

but are dependent on the multicast infrastructure to enable expedient

operations. This is a basic multicast service requirement.

2.1.2 Sends without a Join

Applications that send to a multicast address should be able to start

sending immediately, without having to join the destination group

first. This is important for embedded devices and bursty-source

applications with low-delay delivery requirements.

The current IGMP-based multicast host model and all current

implementations allow senders to send to a group without joining it

as a standard feature.

3. IP Multicast Application Taxonomy

With an IP multicast-enabled network available, some unique and

powerful applications and application services are possible.

"Multicast enables coordination - it is well suited to loosely

coupled distributed systems (of people, servers, databases,

processes, devices...)" [Estrin].

A "multicast application" is simply defined as any application that

sends to and/or receives from an IP multicast address. These may or

may not also reference IP unicast addresses, as we describe later.

What differentiates IP multicast applications from one-to-one unicast

applications are the other sender and receiver relationships

multicast enables. There are three general categories of multicast


One-to-Many (1toM): A single host sending to two or more (n)


Many-to-Many (MtoM): Any number of hosts sending to the same

multicast group address, as well as receiving from it

Many-to-One (Mto1): Any number of receivers sending data back to a

(source) sender via unicast or multicast


Host 2->n ("many")


One-Way Two-Way




I/O S(m)/ S(u)/ S(m)/

Operations S(m) R(m) R(m) R(m) R(u)


1 S(m) 1toM MtoM

Host 2 R(m) Mto1 MtoM


1 3 S(m)/R(m) Mto1 1toM MtoM

4 S(m)/R(u) Mto1

("one") 5 S(u)/R(m) Mto1


Legend: S: "Send" (u): "unicast"

------ R: "Receive" (m): "multicast"

Table 1: Application types characterized by I/O relationships

and destination address types (multicast or unicast)

Table 1 defines these application types in terms of the I/O

relationships they represent. These categories are defined in terms

of the combination of communication mechanisms they use. At the IP

level, all multicast I/O is only 1toM or MtoM and unicast is always

one-to-one (1to1). The Mto1 category, for example, refers to several

possible combinations of IP-level relationships, including unicast.

We created the Mto1 category to help differentiate between the many

applications and services that use multicast.

1toM: MtoM: Mto1:

R1 S1/R1 S1

/ / \ S-R2 S2/R2-+-S3/R3 S2-R

\... \ / .../

Rn Sn/Rn Sn

Legend: S: "Sender"

------ R: "Receiver"

Figure 1: Generalization of the three application categories

Figure 1 illustrates the general model for each of the three

multicast application categories. Again it is worth emphasizing that

Mto1 is an artificial category defined by the application-level

relationship between sender(s) and receiver. At the IP-level,

multicast does not provide an Mto1 I/O mechanism, since it does not

allow senders to limit receivers, nor even know who they are.

Receiver information and limitations are enabled at the application

level, as required by the multicast application.

We describe each of these general application types in more detail

and provide application examples of each in the sub-sections below.

The list of examples is not comprehensive, but attempts to define the

prominent multicast application and service types in each of the

three general categories. We reference the items in these lists in

the remainder of this document as we describe their specific service

requirements, define the challenges they present, and reference

solutions available or under development.

3.1 One-to-Many Applications

One-to-Many (1toM) applications have a single sender, and multiple

simultaneous receivers. Entry B1 in Table 1 represents the classic

1toM relationship. Entry B3 differs only slightly, as the sender

also acts as receiver (i.e., it has loopback enabled).

When people think of multicast, they most often think of broadcast-

based multimedia applications: television (video) and radio (audio).

This is a reasonable analogy and indeed these are significant

multicast applications, but these are far from the extent of

applications that multicast can enable. Audio/Video distribution

represents a fraction of the multicast application possibilities, and

most do not have analogs in today's consumer broadcast industry.

a) Scheduled audio/video (a/v) distribution: Lectures,

presentations, meetings, or any other type of scheduled event

whose multimedia coverage could benefit an audience (i.e.

television and radio "broadcasts"). One or more constant-bit-

rate (CBR) datastreams and relatively high-bandwidth demands

characterize these applications. When more than one datastream

is present--as with an audio/video combination--the two are

synchronized and one typically has a higher priority than the

other(s). For example, in an a/v combination it is more

important to ensure an intelligible audio stream, than perfect


b) Push media: News headlines, weather updates, sports scores, or

other types of non-essential dynamic information. "Drip-feed",

relatively low-bandwidth data characterize these applications.

c) File Distribution and Caching: Web site content, executable

binaries, and other file-based updates sent to distributed

end-user or replication/caching sites

d) Announcements: Network time, multicast session schedules,

random numbers, keys, configuration updates, (scoped) network

locality beacons, or other types of information that are

commonly useful. Their bandwidth demands can vary, but

generally they are very low bandwidth.

e) Monitoring: Stock prices, Sensor equipment (seismic activity,

telemetry, meteorological or oceanic readings), security

systems, manufacturing or other types of real-time information.

Bandwidth demands vary with sample frequency and resolution,

and may be either constant-bit-rate or bursty (if event-


3.2 Many-to-Many Applications

In many-to-Many (MtoM) applications two or more of the receivers also

act as senders. In other Words, MtoM applications are characterized

by two-way multicast communications.

The many-to-many capabilities of IP multicast enable the most unique

and powerful applications. Each host running an MtoM application may

receive data from multiple senders while it also sends data to all of

them. As a result, many-to-many applications often present complex

coordination and management challenges.

f) Multimedia Conferencing: Audio/Video and whiteboard comprise

the classic conference application. Having multiple

datastreams with different priorities characterizes this type

of application. Co-ordination issues--such as determining who

gets to talk when--complicate their development and usability.

There are common heuristics and "rules of play", but no

standards exist for managing conference group dynamics.

g) Synchronized Resources: Shared distributed databases of any

type (schedules, Directories, as well as traditional

Information System databases).

h) Concurrent Processing: Distributed parallel processing.

i) Collaboration: Shared document editing.

j) Distance Learning: This is a one-to-many a/v distribution

application with "upstream" capability that allows receivers to

question the speaker(s).

k) Chat Groups: These are like text-based conferences, but may

also provide simulated representations ("avatars") for each

"speaker" in simulated environments.

l) Distributed Interactive Simulations [DIS]: Each object in a

simulation multicasts descriptive information (e.g., telemetry)

so all other objects can render the object, and interact as

necessary. The bandwidth demands for these can be tremendous,

as the number of objects and the resolution of descriptive

information increases.

m) Multi-player Games: Many multi-player games are simply

distributed interactive simulations, and may include chat group

capabilities. Bandwidth usage can vary widely, although

today's first-generation multi-player games attempt to minimize

bandwidth usage to increase the target audience (many of whom

still use dial-up modems).

n) Jam Sessions: Shared encoded audio (e.g., music). The

bandwidth demands vary based on the encoding technique, sample

rate, sample resolution, number of channels, etc.

3.3 Many-to-One Applications

Unlike the one-to-many and many-to-many application categories, the

many-to-one (Mto1) category does not represent a communications

mechanism at the IP layer. Mto1 applications have multiple senders

and one (or a few) receiver(s), as defined by the application layer.

Table 1 shows that Mto1 applications can be one-way or use a two-way

request/response type protocol, where either senders or receiver(s)

may generate the request. Figure 2 characterizes the I/O

relationship possibilities in Mto1 applications:

Mto1 applications have many scaling issues. Too many simultaneous

senders can potentially overwhelm receiver(s), a condition

characterized as an "implosion problem". Another considerable

scaling problem is the large amount of state in the network that

having many multicast senders generates. This is largely transparent

to applications and the effect may be diminished in the future with

the use of bi-directional trees in multicast routing protocols, but

nonetheless it should be considered by application designers.

1) S1 2) S1 3) S1 4) S1

\ \ \ S2-R S2-R S2-R S2-R

.../ .../ .../ .../

Sn Sn Sn Sn

Data(m) Request(m) Request(m) Request(u)

------> ----------> <---------- ---------->

Response(u) Response(u) Response(m)

<----------- -----------> <----------

Figure 2: Characterization of Mto1 I/O possibilities

No standards yet exist for alternate and equivalent Mto1 application

designs, but there are a number of possibilities to consider [HNRS].

Since the main advantage of using multicast in a Mto1 application is

that senders need not know the receiver(s) unicast address(es), one

alternative is for each receiver to advertise its unicast address via

multicast. However, since this strategy still leaves the potential

for implosion on each receiver, additional strategies may be needed

to distribute the load. For example, it may be possible to increase

the number of receivers (in a "flat" receiver topology) or establish

localized receivers (in a "hierarchical" topology) as used in "local

recovery" (section 5.3). Such methods have coordination issues, and

since standard solutions have not yet been identified, Mto1

application developers should consider their alternatives carefully.

o) Resource Discovery: Service Location, for example, leverages IP

Multicast to enable something like a "host anycasting service"

capability [AnyCast]: A multicast receiver to send a query to a

group address, to elicit responses from the closest host so

they can satisfy the request. The responses might also contain

information that allows the receiver to determine the most

appropriate (e.g., closest) service provider to use.

In Table 1, this application is entry D4. It is also

illustrated in Figure 2 by possibility number 3.

Alternately, the response could be to a multicast rather

than unicast address, although technically that would make

it an MtoM application type (this is how the Service

Location Protocol [SLP] operates, when a user agent attempts

to locate a directory agent).

p) Data Collection: This is the converse of a one-to-many

"monitoring" application described earlier. In this case there

may be any number of distributed "sensors" that send data to a

data collection host. The sensors might send updates in

response to a request from the data collector, or send

continuously at regular intervals, or send spontaneously when a

pre-defined event occurs. Bandwidth demands can vary based on

sample frequency and resolution.

This is illustrated in Table 1 by entries A1 and A3, the only

difference being that A3 has a loopback interface. In Figure

2, this is possibility number 1. Since the number of receivers

can easily be more than one, this is really an MtoM


q) Auctions: The "auctioneer" starts the bidding by describing

whatever it is for sale (product or service or whatever), and

receivers send their bids privately or publicly (i.e., to a

unicast or multicast address).

This is possibility number 2 in Figure 2, and D5 in Table 1.

The response could be sent to a multicast address, although

technically that would make it an MtoM application.

r) Polling: The "pollster" sends out a question, and the "pollees"

respond with answers. This is possibility number 2 in Figure

2, and could also be characterized as an MtoM application if

the response is to a multicast address.

s) Jukebox: Allows near-on-demand a/v playback. Receivers use an

"out-of-band" protocol mechanism (via web, email, unicast or

multicast requests, etc.) to send their playback request into a

scheduling queue [IMJ].

This is characterized by possibility number 4 in Figure 2, and

entry D4 in Table 1. The initial unicast request is the only

difference between this type of application and a typical 1toM.

If that initial request were sent to a multicast address, this

would effectively be an MtoM application.

t) Accounting: This is basically data collection but is worth

separating since it is such an important application. In some

multicast applications it is imperative to know information

about each receiver, possibly in real-time. But such

information can be overwhelming [MRM]. Current mechanisms,

like RTCP (which is actually MtoM since it is multicast but

could be made Mto1), use scaling techniques but trade-off

information granularity. As a group grows the total amount of

feedback is constant but each receiver sends less.

4. Common Multicast Service Requirements

Some multicast application service requirements are common to unicast

network applications as well. We characterize two of them here--

bandwidth and delay requirements.

4.1 Bandwidth Requirements

Figure 3 shows multicast applications approximate bandwidth


Unicast and multicast applications both need to design applications

to adapt to the variability of network conditions. But as we

describe in section 5.3, it is the need to accommodate multiple

heterogeneous multicast receivers--with their diversity of bandwidth

capacity and delivery delays--that presents the unique challenge for

multicast applications to satisfy these requirements.

1toM b, d c, e a

MtoM k g, i f, h, j, l, m, n

Mto1 o, q, r p, t s


Low Bandwidth High Bandwidth

Figure 3: Bandwidth Requirements of applications

4.2 Delay Requirements

Aside from those with time-sensitive data (e.g., stock prices, and

real-time monitoring information), most one-to-many applications have

a high tolerance for delay and delay variance (jitter). Constant

bit-rate (CBR) data--such as streaming media (audio/video)--are

sensitive to jitter, but applications commonly counteract the effects

by buffering data and delaying playback.

Most many-to-one and many-to-many multicast applications are

intolerant of delays because they are bidirectional, interactive and

request/response dependent. As a result, delays should be minimized,

since they can adversely affect the application's usability.

This need to minimize delays is most evident in (two-way) conference

applications, where users cannot converse effectively if the audio or

video is delayed more than 500 milliseconds. For this and other

examples see Figure 4, which plots multicast applications on a

(coarse) scale of sensitivity to delivery delays.

1toM b, c a, d e

MtoM g, i, j, k f, h, l, m, n

Mto1 r o, p, s, t q


Delay Tolerant Delay Intolerant

Figure 4: Delay tolerance of application types

For delay-intolerant multicast (or unicast) applications, quality of

service (QoS) is the only option. IP networks currently provide only

"best effort" delivery, so data are subject to variable router

queuing delays and loss due to network congestion (router queue

overflows). IP QoS standards do exist now [RSVP] and efforts to

enable end-to-end QoS support in the Internet are underway [E2EQOS].

However, QoS support is an IP network infrastructure consideration.

Although there are multicast-specific challenges for implementing QoS

in the network for multicast flows, they are beyond the control of

applications, so further discussion of the QoS protocols and services

is beyond the scope of this document.

5. Unique Multicast Service Requirements

The three application categories described earlier are very general

in nature. Within each category and even among each of the

application types, specific application instances have a variety of

application requirements. One-to-many application types are

relatively simple to develop, but as we pointed out there are

challenges involved with developing many-to-one and many-to-many

applications. Some of these have requirements bandwidth and delay

requirements, similar to unicast applications.

Multicast applications can be further differentiated from unicast

applications and from each other by the services they require. In

this section we provide a survey of the various services that have

unique requirements for multicast applications.


Multicast Application

+--------------------------------------+ +-------------------+

+-------------------------------------+ +--------++--------+

Multicast Security

+----------------------+ +----------+ System

+----------++---------+ +---------+ Time Codecs

Reliable Address Session

Delivery Mgt Mgt



Basic IP Multicast Service IP Unicast

(e.g., UDP and IGMPv2/v3) Service


Figure 5: Multicast service requirements summary

Here's the list of multicast application service requirements:

Address Management - Selection and coordinated of address

allocation. The need is to provide assurances against "address

collision" and to provide address ownership.

Session Management - Perform application-layer services on top of

multicast transport. These services depend heavily on the

application but include functions like session advertisement,

billing, group member monitoring, key distribution, etc.

Heterogeneous Receiver Support - Sending to receivers with a wide

variety of bandwidth capacities, latency characteristics, and

network congestion requires feedback to monitor receiver


Reliable Data Delivery - Ensuring that all data sent is received

by all receivers.

Security - Ensuring content privacy among dynamic multicast group

memberships, and limiting senders.

Synchronized Play-Out - Allow multiple receivers to "replay" data

received in synchronized fashion.

In the remainder of this section, we describe each of these

application services in more detail, the challenges they present, and

the status of standardized solutions.

5.1 Address Management

One of the first questions facing a multicast application developer

is what multicast address to use. Multicast addresses are not

assigned to individual hosts, assignments can change dynamically, and

addresses sometimes have semantics of their own (e.g., Admin

Scoping). Multicast applications require an address management

service that provides address allocation or assignment queries.

There are a number of ways for applications to learn about multicast


Hard-Coded: Software configuration, encoded in a binary

executable, or burned into ROM in embedded devices. These

applications typically reference IANA statically allocated

multicast addresses (including relative addresses).

Advertised: Session announcements (as described in the next

section), or via another "out-of-band" query or discovery protocol


Algorithmically Derived: Using a programmatic algorithm to

allocate a statistically random (unused) address.

1toM c, e a, b d

MtoM f, j, k, n g, h, i, l, m

Mto1 r o, p, s q, t


Hard-Coded Advertised Algorithmic

Figure 6: Multicast address usage for application types

In almost all cases, application designers should assume that

multicast addresses are to be dynamic. Very little of the multicast

address space is available for static assignment by IANA [MADDR].

Also, given the host-specific addressing available with SSM,

Internet-wide, static address assignment is expected to be very rare.

5.2 Session Management

Session management is one of the most misunderstood services with

respect to multicast. Most application developers assume that

multicast will provide services like security, encryption,

reliability, session advertisement, monitoring, billing, etc. In

fact, multicast is simply a transport mechanism that provides end-

to-end delivery. All of the other services are application-layer

services that must be provided by each particular application.

Furthermore, in most cases there are not defined standards for how

these functions should be provided. The particular functions are

dependent on the particular needs of the application, and no single

method (or standard) can be made to be sufficient for all cases.

While there are no generic solutions which provide all session

management functions, there are some protocols and common techniques

that provide support for some of the functions. Techniques for

congestion control and heterogeneous receiver support are discussed

in Section 5.3. Protocols for reliability are discussed in Section

5.4. Security considerations are discussed in Section 5.5.

With respect to session advertisement, there are a number of

mechanisms for advertising sessions. One commonly used technique is

to advertise sessions via the WWW. Users can join a group by

clicking on URLs, and then having a response returned to the user

that includes the group address and maybe information about group

source(s). Another mechanism is the session description protocol

[SDP]. It provides a format for representing information about

sessions, but it does not provide the transport for dissemination of

these session descriptions, nor does it provide address allocation

and management. SDP only provides the syntax for describing session


SDP session descriptions may be conveyed publicly or privately by

means of any number of transports including web (HTTP) and MIME

encoded email. The session announcement protocol [SAP] is the de

facto standard transport and many multicast-enabled applications

currently use it. SAP limits distribution via multicast scoping, but

the current protocol definition has scaling issues that need to be

addressed. Specifically, the initialization latency for a session

directory can be quite long, and it increases in proportion to the

number of session announcements. This is to an extent a multicast

infrastructure issue, however, as this level of protocol detail

should be transparent to applications.

The session management service needs to:

- Advertise scheduled sessions

- Provide a query mechanism for retrieving

information about session schedules

5.3 Heterogeneous Receiver Support

The Internet is a network of networks. IP's strength is its ability

to enable seamless interoperability between hosts on disparate

network media, the heterogeneous network.

When two hosts communicate via unicast--one-to-one--across an IP

network, it is relatively easy for senders to adapt to varying

network conditions. The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) provides

reliable data transport, and is the model of "network friendly"


TCP receivers send acknowledgements back to the sender for data

delivered. A TCP sender detects data loss from the data sent that is

not acknowledged. When it detects data loss, TCP infers that there

is network congestion or a low-bandwidth link, and adapts by

throttling down its send rate [SlowStart].

User Datagram Protocol (UDP) does not enable a receiver feedback loop

the way TCP does, since UDP does not provide reliable data delivery

service. As a result, it also does not have a loss detection and

adaptive congestion control mechanism as TCP does. However, it is

possible for a unicast UDP application to enable similar adaptive

algorithms to achieve the same result, or even improve on it.

A unicast UDP application that uses a feedback mechanism to detect

data loss and adapt the send rate, can do so better than TCP. TCP

automatically reduces the "congestion window" when data loss is

detected, although the updated send rate may be slower than a CBR

audio/video stream requires. When a UDP application detects loss, it

can adapt the data itself to accommodate the lower send rate. For

example, a UDP application can:

- Reduce the data resolution (e.g., send lower fidelity

audio/video by reducing sample frequency or frame rate) to

reduce data rate.

- Modify the data encoding to add redundant data (e.g., forward

error correction) offset in time to avoid fate sharing. This

could also be "layered", so a percentage of data loss will

simply reduce fidelity rather than corrupt the data.

- Reduce the send rate of one datastream in order to favor another

of higher priority (e.g., sacrifice video in order to ensure

audio delivery).

- Send data at a lower rate (i.e., with a different encoding) on a

separate multicast address and/or port number for high-loss


However, with multicast applications--one-to-many or many-to-many--

which have multiple receivers, the feedback loop design needs

modification. If all receivers return data loss reports

simultaneously, the sender is easily overwhelmed in the storm of

replies. This is known as the "implosion problem".

Another problem is that heterogeneous receiver capabilities can vary

widely due to the wide range of (static) network media bandwidth

capabilities and dynamically due to transient traffic conditions. If

a sender adapts its send rate and data resolution based on the loss

rate of its worst receiver(s), then it can only service the lowest

common denominator. Hence, a single "crying baby" can spoil it for

all other receivers.

Strategies exist for dealing with these heterogeneous receiver

problems. Here are two examples:

Shared Learning - When loss is detected (i.e., a sequenced packet

isn't received), a receiver starts a random timer. If it

receives a data loss report sent by another receiver as it waits

for the timer to expire, it stops the timer and does not send a

report. Otherwise, it sends a report when the timer expires.

The Real-Time Protocol and its feedback-loop counterpart Real-

Time Control Protocol [RTP/RTCP] employ a strategy similar to

this to keep feedback traffic to 5 percent or less than the

overall session traffic. This technique was originally utilized

in IGMP.

Local Recovery - Some receivers may be designated as local

distribution points or "transcoders" that either re-send data

locally (possibly via unicast) when loss is reported or they re-

encode the data for lower bandwidth receivers before re-sending.

No standards exist for these strategies, although "local

recovery" is used by several reliable multicast protocols.

Adaptive multicast application design for heterogeneous receivers is

still an active area of research. The fundamental requirements are

to maximize application usability, while accommodating network

conditions in a "network friendly" manner. In other words,

congestion detection and avoidance are (at least) as important in

protocol design as the user experience. The adaptive mechanisms must

also be stable, so they do not adapt too quickly--changing encoding

and rates based on too little information about what may be a

transient condition--to avoid oscillation.

This "feedback loop" service necessary for support of heterogeneous

receivers is not illustrated in the services summary in Figure 4,

although it could be added alongside "Reliable Transport" and the

others. This service could be implemented within an application or

accessed externally, as provided by the operating system or a third

party. See [HNRS] for a taxonomy of strategies for providing

feedback for multicast, with the ultimate goal of developing a common

multicast feedback protocol.

5.4 Reliable Data Delivery

Many of the multicast application examples in our list--like

audio/video distribution--have loss-tolerant data content. In other

words, the data content itself can remain useful even if some of it

is lost. For example, audio might have a short gap or lower fidelity

but will remain intelligible despite some data loss.

Other application examples--like caching and synchronized resources-

-require reliable data delivery. They deliver content that must be

complete, unchanged, in sequence, and without duplicates. The "Loss

Intolerant" column in Figure 7 shows a list of applications with this

requirement, while the others can tolerate varying levels of data

loss. The tolerance levels are typically determined by the nature of

the data and the encoding in use.

1toM b a, d c, e

MtoM f, j, k, l, m, n g, h, i

Mto1 o, p, r, s, t q


Loss Tolerant Loss Intolerant

Figure 7: Reliability Requirements of Application types

Some of the challenges involved with enabling reliable multicast

transport are the same as those of sending to heterogeneous

receivers, and some solutions are similar also. For example, many

reliable multicast transport protocols avoid the implosion problem by

using negative acknowledgements (NAKs) from receivers to indicate

what was lost. They also use "shared learning" whereby receivers

listen to others' NAKs and then listen for the resulting

retransmission of data, rather than requesting retransmission by

sending a NAK themselves.

Although reliable delivery cannot change the data sent--except,

perhaps, to use a loss-less data compression algorithm--they can use

other adaptive techniques like sending redundant data, or adjusting

the send rate.

Although many reliable multicast protocol implementations exist

[Obraczka], and a few are already available in commercial products,

none of them are standardized. Work is ongoing in the "Reliable

Multicast" research group of the Internet Research Task Force [IRTF]

to provide a better definition of the problem, the multicast

transport requirements, and protocol mechanisms.

Scalability is the paramount concern, and it implies the general need

for "network friendly" protocols that detect and avoid congestion as

they provide reliable delivery. Other considerations are protocol

robustness, support for "late joins", group management and security

(which we discuss next).

The current consensus is that due to the wide variety of multicast

application requirements--some of which are at odds--no single

multicast transport will likely be appropriate for all applications.

As a result, most believe that we will eventually standardize a

number of reliable multicast protocols, rather than a single one


5.5 Security

For any IP network application--unicast or multicast--security is

necessary because networks comprise users with different levels of


Network application security is challenging, even for unicast. And

as the need for security increases--gauged by the risks of being

without it--the challenges increase also. Security system complexity

and overhead is commensurate with the protection it provides. "No

one can guarantee 100% security. But we can work toward 100% risk

acceptance...Strong cryptography can withstand targeted attacks up to

a point--the point at which it becomes easier to get the information

some other way...A good design starts with a threat model: what the

system is designed to protect, from whom, and for how long."


Multicast applications are no different than unicast applications

with respect to their need for security, and they require the same

basic security services: user authentication, data integrity, data

privacy and user privacy (anonymity). However, enabling security for

multicast applications is even more of a challenge than for unicast.

Having multiple receivers makes a difference, as does their

heterogeneity and the dynamic nature of multicast group memberships.

Multicast security requirements can include any combination of the

following services:

Limiting Senders - Controlling who can send to group addresses

Limiting Receivers - Controlling who can receive

Limiting Access - Controlling who can "read" multicast content

either by encrypting content or limiting receivers (which isn't

possible yet)

Verifying Content - Ensuring that data originated from an

authenticated sender and was not altered en route

Protecting Receiver Privacy - Controlling whether sender(s) or

other receivers know receiver identity

Firewall Traversal - Proxying outgoing "join" requests through

firewalls, allowing incoming or outgoing traffic through, and

(possibly) authenticating receivers for filtering purposes and

security [Finlayson].

This list is not comprehensive, but includes the most commonly needed

security services. Different multicast applications and different

application contexts can have very different needs with respect to

these services, and others. Two main issues emerge, where the

performance of current solutions leaves much to be desired [MSec].

Individual authentication - how is sender identity verified for

each multicast datagram received?

Membership revocation - how is further group access disabled for

group members that leave the group (e.g., encryption keys in their

possession disabled)?

Performance is largely a factor when a user joins or leaves a group.

For example, methods used to authenticate potential group members

during joins or re-keying current members after a member leaves can

involve significant processing and protocol overhead and result in

significant delays that affect usability.

Like reliable multicast, secure multicast is also under investigation

in the Internet Research Task Force [IRTF]. Protocol mechanisms for

many of the most important of these services--such as limiting

senders--have not yet been defined, let alone developed and deployed.

As is true for reliable multicast, the current consensus is that no

single security protocol will satisfy the wide diversity of

sometimes-contradictory requirements among multicast applications.

Hence, multicast security will also likely require a number of

different protocols.

5.6 Synchronized Play-Out

This refers to having all receivers simultaneously play-out the

multicast data they received. This may be necessary for fairness--

playing-out prices for auctions, or stock-prices--or to ensure

synchronization with other receivers, such as when playing music.

Here is an analogy to illustrate: Imagine a multi-speaker stereo

system that is wired throughout a home (via analog). With the stereo

playing on all speaker sets, you will hear continuous music as you

walk from room-to-room.

Now imagine a house full of multi-media and network enabled computer

systems. Although they will all receive the same music datastream

simultaneously via multicast, they will provide discontinuous music

playback as you walk room-to-room.

To provide synchronized playback that would enable continuous music

from room-to-room would require three things:

1) system clocks on all systems should be synchronized

2) datastreams must be framed with timestamps

3) you must know the playback latency of the multimedia hardware

The third of these is the most difficult to achieve at this time.

Hardware and drivers don't provide any mechanism for retrieving this

information, although different audio and video devices have a wide-

range of performance.

6. Service APIs

In some cases, the protocol services mentioned in this document can

be enabled transparently by passive configuration mechanisms and

"middleware". For example, it is conceivable that a UDP

implementation could implicitly enable a reliable multicast protocol

without the explicit interaction of the application.

Sometimes, however, applications need explicit access to these

services for flexibility and control. For example, an adaptive

application sending to a heterogeneous group of receivers using RTP

may need to process RTCP reports from receivers in order to adapt

accordingly (by throttling send rate or changing data encoders, for

example) [RTP API]. Hence, there is often a need for service APIs

that allow an application to qualify and initiate service requests,

and receive event notifications. In Figure 5, the top edge of the

box for each service effectively represents its API.

Network APIs generally reflect the protocols they support. Their

functionality and argument values are a (varying) subset of protocol

message types, header fields and values. Although some protocol

details and actions may not be exposed in APIs--since many protocol

mechanics need not be exposed--others are crucial to efficient and

flexible application operation.

A more complete examination of the application services described in

this document might also identify the protocol features that could be

mapped to define a (generic) API definition for that service. APIs

are often controversial, however. Not only are there many language

differences, but it is also possible to create different APIs by

exposing different levels of detail in trade-offs between flexibility

and simplicity.

7. Security Considerations

See section 5.4

8. Acknowledgements

The authors would like to acknowledge and thank the following

individuals for their helpful feedback: Ran Canetti, Brian Haberman,

Eric A. Hall, Kenneth C. Miller, and Dave Thaler.

9. References

[AnyCast] Partridge, C., Mendez, T. and W. Milliken, "Host

Anycasting Service", RFC1546, November 1993.

[BeauW] B. Williamson, "Developing IP Multicast Networks, Volume

I", (c) 2000 Cisco Press, Indianapolis IN, ISBN 1-57870-


[BULK] Whetten, B., Vicisano, L., Kermode, R., Handley, M.,

Floyd, S. and M. Luby, "Reliable Multicast Transport

Building Blocks for One-to-Many Bulk-Data Transfer", RFC

3048, January 2001.

[Deering] Deering, S., "Host Extensions for IP Multicasting", STD

5, RFC1112, August 1989.

[DIS] Pullen, J., Mytak, M. and C. Bouwens, "Limitations of

Internet Protocol Suite for Distributed Simulation in the

Large Multicast Environment", RFC2502, February 1999.

[E2EQOS] Bernet, Y., Yavatkar, R., Ford, P., Baker, F., Zhang, L.,

Speer, M., Braden, R. and B. Davie, "Integrated Services

Operation over Diffserv Networks", RFC2998, November


[Estrin] D. Estrin, "Multicast: Enabler and Challenge", Caltech

Earthlink Seminar Series, April 22, 1998.

[Finlayson] Finlayson, R., "IP Multicast and Firewalls", RFC2588,

May 1999.

[HNRS] Hofman, Nonnenmacher, Rosenberg, Schulzrinne, "A Taxonomy

of Feedback for Multicast", June 1999, Work in Progress.

[IGMPv2] Fenner, B., "Internet Group Management Protocol, Version

2", RFC2236, November 1997.

[IGMPv3] Cain, B., Deering, S., Kouvelas, I. and A. Thyagarajan,

"Internet Group Management Protocol, Version 3", Work in


[IMJ] K. Almeroth and M. Ammar, "The Interactive Multimedia

Jukebox (IMJ): A New Paradigm for the On-Demand Delivery

of Audio/Video", Proceedings of the Seventh International

World Wide Web Conference, Brisbane, AUSTRALIA, April


[IRTF] Weinrib, A. and J. Postel, "The IRTF Guidelines and

Procedures", BCP 8, RFC2014, January 1996.

[Kermode] Kermode, R., "MADCAP Multicast Scope Nesting State

Option", RFC2907, September 2000.

[LSMA] Bagnall, P., Briscoe, R. and A. Poppitt, "Taxonomy of

Communication Requirements for Large-scale Multicast

Applications", RFC2729, December 1999.

[MADDR] Albanna, Z., Almeroth, K., Meyer, D. and M. Schipper,

"IANA Guidelines for IPv4 Multicast Address Assignments",

BCP 51, RFC3171, August 2001.

[MASC] Estrin, D., Govindan, R., Handley, M., Kumar, S.,

Radoslavov, P. and D. Thaler, "The Multicast Address-Set

Claim (MASC) Protocol", RFC2909, September 2000.

[Maufer] T. Maufer, "Deploying IP Multicast in the Enterprise",

(c) 1998 Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River NJ ISBN 0-13-


[Miller] C. K. Miller, "Multicast Networking and Applications",

(c) 1999 Addison Wesley Longman, Reading MA ISBN 0-201-


[MADCAP] Hanna, S., Patel, B. and M. Shah, "Multicast Address

Dynamic Client Allocation Protocol (MADCAP)", RFC2730,

December 1999.

[MRM] K. Sarac, K. Almeroth, "Supporting Multicast Deployment

Efforts: A Survey of Tools for Multicast Monitoring",

Journal of High Speed Networking--Special Issue on

Management of Multimedia Networking, March 2001

[MSec] Multicast Security (msec) IETF Working Group charter

[MZAP] Handley, M., Thaler, D. and R. Kermode, "Multicast-Scope

Zone Announcement Protocol (MZAP)", RFC2776, February


[Obraczka] K. Obraczka "Multicast Transport Mechanisms: A Survey and

Taxonomy", IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 36 No. 1,

January 1998.

[Rizzo] L. Rizzo, "Fast Group management in IGMP", HIPPARC 98

workshop, June 1998, UCL London


[RM] Mankin, A., Romanow, A., Bradner, S. and V. Paxson,

"IETF Criteria for Evaluating Reliable Multicast

Transport and Application Protocols", RFC2357, June


[RSVP] Wroclawski, J., "The Use of RSVP with IETF Integrated

Services", RFC2210, September 1997.

[RTP API] H. Schulzrinne, et al, "RTP Library API Specification,"



[RTP/RTCP] Schulzrinne, H., Casner, S., Frederick, R. and V.

Jacobson, "RTP: A Transport Protocol for Real-Time

Applications", RFC1889, January 1996.

[SAP] Handley, M., Perkins, C. and E. Whelan, "Session

Announcement Protocol", RFC2974, October 2000.

[SDP] Handley, M., and V. Jacobson, "SDP: Session Description

Protocol", RFC2327, April 1998.

[Schneier] B. Schneier, "Why Cryptography Is Harder Than It Looks",

December 1996, http://www.counterpane.com/whycrypto.html

[SlowStart] Stevens, W., "TCP Slow Start, Congestion Avoidance, Fast

Retransmit, and Fast Recovery Algorithms", RFC2001,

January 1997.

[SLP] Veizades, J., Guttman, E., Perkins, C. and S. Kaplan,

"Service Location Protocol", RFC2165, June 1997.

[SSM] Holbrook, H. and B. Cain, "Specific Multicast for IP",

Work in Progress.

10. Authors' Addresses

Bob Quinn

Celox Networks

2 Park Central Drive

Southborough, MA 01772

Phone: +1 508 305 7000

EMail: bquinn@celoxnetworks.com

Kevin Almeroth

Department of Computer Science

University of California

Santa Barbara, CA 93106-5110

Phone: +1 805 893 2777

EMail: almeroth@cs.ucsb.edu

11. Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

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