
RFC3169 - Criteria for Evaluating Network Access Server Protocols

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group M. Beadles

Request for Comments: 3169 SmartPipes, Inc.

Category: Informational D. Mitton

Nortel Networks

September 2001

Criteria for Evaluating Network Access Server Protocols

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does

not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this

memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.


This document defines requirements for protocols used by Network

Access Servers (NAS).

1. Requirements language

In this document, the key Words "MAY", "MUST, "MUST NOT", "optional",

"recommended", "SHOULD", and "SHOULD NOT", are to be interpreted as

described in [KEYWORDS].

2. IntrodUCtion

This document defines requirements for protocols used by Network

Access Servers (NAS). Protocols used by NAS's may be divided into

four spaces: Access protocols, Network protocols, AAA protocols, and

Device Management protocols. The primary focus of this document is

on AAA protocols.

The reference model of a NAS used by this document, and the analysis

of the functions of a NAS which led to the development of these

requirements, may be found in [NAS-MODEL].

3. Access Protocol Requirements

There are three basic types of access protocols used by NAS's. First

are the traditional telephony-based access protocols, which interface

to the NAS via a modem or terminal adapter or similar device. These

protocols typically support asynchronous or synchronous PPP [PPP]

carried over a telephony protocol. Second are broadband pseudo-

telephony access protocols, which are carried over xDSL or cable

modems, for example. These protocols typically support an

encapsulation method such as PPP over Ethernet [PPPOE]. Finally are

the virtual access protocols used by NAS's that terminate tunnels.

One example of this type of protocol is L2TP [L2TP].

It is a central assumption of the NAS model used here that a NAS

accepts multiple point-to-point links via one of the above access

protocols. Therefore, at a minimum, any NAS access protocol MUST be

able to carry PPP. The exception to this requirement is for NAS's

that support legacy text login methods such as telnet [TELNET],

rlogin, or LAT. Only these access protocols are exempt from the

requirement to support PPP.

4. Network Protocol Requirements

The network protocols supported by a NAS depend entirely on the kind

of network to which a NAS is providing access. This document does

not impose any additional requirements on network protocols beyond

the protocol specifications themselves. For example, if a NAS that

serves a routed network includes internet routing functionality, then

that NAS must adhere to [ROUTING-REQUIREMENTS], but there are no

additional protocol requirements imposed by virtue of the device

being a NAS.

5. AAA Protocol Requirements

5.1. General protocol characteristics

There are certain general characteristics that any AAA protocol used

by NAS's must meet. Note that the transport requirements for

authentication/authorization are not necessarily the same as those

for accounting/auditing. An AAA protocol suite MAY use the same

transport and protocol for both functions, but this is not strictly


5.1.1. Transport requirements Transport independence

The design of the AAA protocol MUST be transport independent.

Existing infrastructures use UDP-based protocols [RADIUS], gateways

to new protocols must be practical to encourage migration. The

design MUST comply with congestion control recommendations in RFC

2914 [CONGEST]. Scalability

Very large scale NAS's that serve up to thousands of simultaneous

sessions are now being deployed. And a single server system may

service a large number of ports. This means that, in the extreme,

there may be an almost constant exchange of many small packets

between the NASes and the AAA server. An AAA protocol transport

SHOULD support being optimized for a long-term exchange of small

packets in a stream between a pair of hosts.

The protocol MUST be designed to support a large number of ports,

clients, and concurrent sessions. Examples of poor design would

include message identifiers which values are so small that queues and

reception windows wrap under load, unique session identifier ranges

that are so small that they wrap within the lifetime of potential

long sessions, counter values that cannot accommodate reasonable

current and future bandwidth usage, and computational processes with

high overhead that must be performed frequently. Support for Multiple AAA Servers and Failure Recovery

In order to operationally support large loads, load balancing and

fail-over to multiple AAA servers will be required. The AAA protocol

MUST provide for NAS's to balance individual AAA requests between two

or more AAA servers. The load balancing mechanism SHOULD be built in

to the AAA protocol itself.

The AAA protocol MUST be able to detect a failure of the transport

protocol to deliver a message or messages within a known and

controllable time period, so it can engage retransmission or server

fail-over processes. The reliability and robustness of

authentication requests MUST be predictable and configurable.

The AAA protocol design MUST NOT introduce a single point of failure

during the AAA process. The AAA protocol MUST allow any sessions

between a NAS and a given AAA server to fail-over to a secondary

server without loss of state information. This fail-over mechanism

SHOULD be built in to the AAA protocol itself. Support for Multiple Administrative Domains

NAS's operated by one authority provide network access services for

clients operated by another authority, to network destinations

operated by yet another authority. This type of arrangement is of

growing importance; for example, dial roaming is now a nearly

ubiquitous service. Therefore, the AAA protocol MUST support AAA

services that travel between multiple domains of authority. The AAA

protocol MUST NOT use a model that assumes a single domain of


The AAA protocol MUST NOT dictate particular business models for the

relationship between the administrative domains. The AAA protocol

MUST support proxy, and in addition SHOULD support other multi-domain

relationships such as brokering and referral.

The AAA protocol MUST also meet the protocol requirements specified


5.1.2. Attribute-Value Protocol Model

Years of operational eXPerience with AAA protocols and NAS's has

proven that the Attribute-Value protocol model is an optimal

representation of AAA data. The protocol SHOULD use an Attribute-

Value representation for AAA data. This document will assume such a

model. Even if the AAA protocol does not use this as an on-the-wire

data representation, Attribute-Value can serve as abstraction for

discussing AAA information.

Experience has also shown that attribute space tends to run out

quickly. In order to provide room for expansion in the attribute

space, the AAA protocol MUST support a minimum of 64K Attributes (16

bits), each with a minimum length of 64K (16 bits). Attribute Data Types

The AAA protocol MUST support simple attribute data types, including

integer, enumeration, text string, IP address, and date/time. The

AAA protocol MUST also provide some support for complex structured

data types. Wherever IP addresses are carried within the AAA

protocol, the protocol MUST support both IPv4 and IPv6 [IPV6]

addresses. Wherever text information is carried within the AAA

protocol, the protocol MUST comply with the IETF Policy on Character

Sets and Languages [RFC2277]. Minimum Set of Attributes

At a minimum, the AAA protocol MUST support, or be easily extended to

support, the set of attributes supported by RADIUS [RADIUS] and

RADIUS Accounting [RADIUS-ACCOUNTING]. If the base AAA protocol does

not support this complete set of attributes, then an extension to

that protocol MUST be defined which supports this set. Attribute Extensibility

NAS and AAA development is always progressing. In order to prevent

the AAA protocol from being a limiting factor in NAS and AAA Server

development, the AAA protocol MUST provide a built-in extensibility

mechanism, which MUST include a means for adding new standard

attribute extensions. This MUST include a method for registering or

requesting extensions through IANA, so that long-term working group

involvement is not required to create new attribute types. Ideally,

the AAA protocol SHOULD separate specification of the transport from

specification of the attributes.

The AAA protocol MUST include a means for individual vendors to add

value through vendor-specific attributes and SHOULD include support

for vendor-specific data types.

5.1.3. Security Requirements Mutual Authentication

It is poor security practice for a NAS to communicate with an AAA

server that is not trusted, and vice versa. The AAA protocol MUST

provide mutual authentication between AAA server and NAS. Shared Secrets

At a minimum, the AAA protocol SHOULD support use of a secret shared

pairwise between each NAS and AAA server to mutually verify identity.

This is intended for small-scale deployments. The protocol MAY

provide stronger mutual security techniques. Public Key Security

AAA server/NAS identity verification based solely on shared secrets

can be difficult to deploy properly at large scale, and it can be

tempting for NAS operators to use a single shared secret (that rarely

changes) across all NAS's. This can lead to an easy compromise of

the secret. Therefore, the AAA protocol MUST also support mutual

verification of identity using a public-key infrastructure that

supports expiration and revocation of keys. Encryption of Attributes

Some attributes are more operationally sensitive than others. Also,

in a multi-domain scenario, attributes may be inserted by servers

from different administrative domains. Therefore, the AAA protocol

MUST support selective encryption of attributes on an attribute-by-

attribute basis, even within the same message. This requirement

applies equally to Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting


5.2. Authentication and User Security Requirements

5.2.1. Authentication protocol requirements

End users who are requesting network access through a NAS will

present various types of credentials. It is the purpose of the AAA

protocol to transport these credentials between the NAS and the AAA

server. Bi-directional Authentication

The AAA protocol MUST support transport of credentials from the AAA

server to the NAS, between the User and the NAS, and between the NAS

and the AAA server. Periodic Re-Authentication

The AAA protocol MUST support re-authentication at any time during

the course of a session, initiated from either the NAS or the AAA

server. This is a requirement of CHAP [CHAP]. Multi-phase Authentication

The AAA protocol MUST be able to support multi-phase authentication

methods, including but not limited to support for:

- Text prompting from the NAS to the user

- A series of binary challenges and responses of arbitrary length

- An authentication failure reason to be transmitted from the NAS

to the user

- Callback to a pre-determined phone number Extensible Authentication Types

Security protocol development is going on constantly as new threats

are identified and better cracking methods are developed. Today's

secure authentication methods may be proven insecure tomorrow. The

AAA protocol MUST provide some support for addition of new

authentication credential types.

5.2.2. Authentication Attribute Requirements

In addition to the minimum attribute set, the AAA protocol must

support and define attributes that provide the following functions: PPP Authentication protocols

Many authentication protocols are defined within the framework of

PPP. The AAA protocol MUST be able to act as an intermediary

protocol between the authenticate and the authenticator for the

following authentication protocols:

- PPP Password Authentication Protocol [PPP]

- PPP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol [CHAP]

- PPP Extensible Authentication Protocol [EAP] User Identification

The following are common types of credentials used for user

identification. The AAA protocol MUST be able to carry the following

types of identity credentials:

- A user name in the form of a Network Access Identifier [NAI].

- An Extensible Authentication Protocol [EAP] Identity Request

Type packet.

- Telephony dialing information such as Dialed Number

Identification Service (DNIS) and Caller ID.

If a particular type of authentication credential is not needed for a

particular user session, the AAA protocol MUST NOT require that dummy

credentials be filled in. That is, the AAA protocol MUST support

authorization by identification or assertion only. Authentication Credentials

The following are common types of credentials used for

authentication. The AAA protocol MUST be able to carry the following

types of authenticating credentials at a minimum:

- A secret or password.

- A response to a challenge presented by the NAS to the user

- A one-time password

- An X.509 digital certificate [X.509]

- A Kerberos v5 ticket [KERBEROS]

5.2.3. Authentication Protocol Security Requirements End-to-End Hiding of Credentials

Where passwords are used as authentication credentials, the AAA

protocol MUST provide a secure means of hiding the password from

intermediates in the AAA conversation. Where challenge/response

mechanisms are used, the AAA protocol MUST also prevent against

replay attacks.

5.3. Authorization, Policy, and Resource management

5.3.1. Authorization Protocol Requirements

In all cases, the protocol MUST specify that authorization data sent

from the NAS to the AAA server is to be regarded as information or

"hints", and not directives. The AAA protocol MUST be designed so

that the AAA server makes all final authorization decisions and does

not depend on a certain state being expected by the NAS. Dynamic Authorization

The AAA protocol MUST support dynamic re-authorization at any time

during a user session. This re-authorization may be initiated in

either direction. This dynamic re-authorization capability MUST

include the capability to request a NAS to disconnect a user on

demand. Resource Management

Resource Management MUST be supported on demand by the NAS or AAA

Server at any time during the course of a user session. This would

be the ability for the NAS to allocate and deallocate shared

resources from a AAA server servicing multiple NASes. These

resources may include, but are not limited to; IP addresses,

concurrent usage limits, port usage limits, and tunnel limits. This

capability should have error detection and synchronization features

that will recover state after network and system failures. This may

be accomplished by session information timeouts and explicit interim

status and disconnect messages. There should not be any dependencies

on the Accounting message stream, as per current practices.

This feature is primarily intended for NAS-local network resources.

In a proxy or multi-domain environment, resource information should

only be retained by the server doing the allocation, and perhaps it's

backups. Authorization resources in remote domains should use the

dynamic authorization features to change and revoke authorization


5.3.2. Authorization Attribute Requirements Authorization Attribute Requirements - Access Restrictions

The AAA protocol serves as a primary means of gathering data used for

making Policy decisions for network access. Therefore, the AAA

protocol MUST allow network operators to make policy decisions based

on the following parameters:

- Time/day restrictions. The AAA protocol MUST be able to

provide an unambiguous time stamp, NAS time zone indication,

and date indication to the AAA server in the Authorization


- Location restrictions: The AAA protocol MUST be able to

provide an unambiguous location code that reflects the

geographic location of the NAS. Note that this is not the same

type of thing as either the dialing or dialed station.

- Dialing restrictions: The AAA protocol MUST be able to provide

accurate dialed and dialing station indications.

- Concurrent login limitations: The AAA protocol MUST allow an

AAA Server to limit concurrent logins by a particular user or

group of users. This mechanism does not need to be explicitly

built into the AAA protocol, but the AAA protocol must provide

sufficient authorization information for an AAA server to make

that determination through an out-of-band mechanism. Authorization Attribute Requirements - Authorization Profiles

The AAA protocol is used to enforce policy at the NAS. Essentially,

on granting of access, a particular access profile is applied to the

user's session. The AAA protocol MUST at a minimum provide a means

of applying profiles containing the following types of information:

- IP Address assignment: The AAA protocol MUST provide a means of

assigning an IPv4 or IPv6 address to an incoming user.

- Protocol Filter application: The AAA protocol MUST provide a

means of applying IP protocol filters to user sessions. Two

different methods MUST be supported.

First, the AAA protocol MUST provide a means of selecting a

protocol filter by reference to an identifier, with the details

of the filter action being specified out of band. The AAA

protocol SHOULD define this out-of-band reference mechanism.

Second, the AAA protocol MUST provide a means of passing a

protocol filter by value. This means explicit passing of

pass/block information by address range, TCP/UDP port number,

and IP protocol number at a minimum.

- Compulsory Tunneling: The AAA protocol MUST provide a means of

directing a NAS to build a tunnel or tunnels to a specified

end- point. It MUST support creation of multiple simultaneous

tunnels in a specified order. The protocol MUST allow, at a

minimum, specification of the tunnel endpoints, tunneling

protocol type, underlying tunnel media type, and tunnel

authentication credentials (if required by the tunnel type).

The AAA protocol MUST support at least the creation of tunnels

using the L2TP [L2TP], ESP [ESP], and AH [AH] protocols. The

protocol MUST provide means of adding new tunnel types as they

are standardized.

- Routing: The AAA protocol MUST provide a means of assigning a

particular static route to an incoming user session.

- Expirations/timeouts: The AAA protocol MUST provide a means of

communication session expiration information to a NAS. Types

of expirations that MUST be supported are: total session time,

idle time, total bytes transmitted, and total bytes received.

- Quality of Service: The AAA protocol MUST provide a means for

supplying Quality of Service parameters to the NAS for

individual user sessions. Resource Management Requirements

The AAA protocol is a means for network operators to perform

management of network resources. The AAA protocol MUST provide a

means of collecting resource state information, and controlling

resource allocation for the following types of network resources.

- Network bandwidth usage per session, including multilink


- Access port usage, including concurrent usage and usage pools.

- Connect time.

- IP Addresses and pools.

- Compulsory tunnel limits.

5.3.3. Authorization Protocol Security Requirements Security of Compulsory Tunnel Credentials

When an AAA protocol passes credentials that will be used to

authenticate compulsory tunnels, the AAA protocol MUST provide a

means of securing the credentials from end-to-end of the AAA

conversation. The AAA protocol MUST also provide protection against

replay attacks in this situation.

5.4. Accounting and Auditing Requirements

5.4.1. Accounting Protocol Requirements Guaranteed Delivery

The accounting and auditing functions of the AAA protocol are used

for network planning, resource management, policy decisions, and

other functions that require accurate knowledge of the state of the

NAS. NAS operators need to be able to engineer their network usage

measurement systems to a predictable level of accuracy. Therefore,

an AAA protocol MUST provide a means of guaranteed delivery of

accounting information between the NAS and the AAA Server(s). Real Time Accounting

NAS operators often require a real time view onto the status of

sessions served by a NAS. Therefore, the AAA protocol MUST support

real-time delivery of accounting and auditing information. In this

context, real time is defined as accounting information delivery

beginning within one second of the triggering event. Batch Accounting

The AAA protocol SHOULD also support delivery of stored accounting

and auditing information in batches (non-real time). Accounting Time Stamps

There may be delays associated with the delivery of accounting

information. The NAS operator will desire to know the time an event

actually occurred, rather than simply the time when notification of

the event was received. Therefore, the AAA protocol MUST carry an

unambiguous time stamp associated with each accounting event. This

time stamp MUST be unambiguous with regard to time zone. Note that

this assumes that the NAS has access to a reliable time source. Accounting Events

At a minimum, the AAA protocol MUST support delivery of accounting

information triggered by the following events:

- Start of a user session

- End of a user session

- Expiration of a predetermined repeating time interval during a

user session. The AAA protocol MUST provide a means for the

AAA server to request that a NAS use a certain interval

accounting time.

- Dynamic re-authorization during a user session (e.g., new

resources being delivered to the user)

- Dynamic re-authentication during a user session On-Demand Accounting

NAS operators need to maintain an accurate view onto the status of

sessions served by a NAS, even through failure of an AAA server.

Therefore, the AAA protocol MUST support a means of requesting

current session state and accounting from the NAS on demand.

5.4.2. Accounting Attribute Requirements

At a minimum, the AAA protocol MUST support delivery of the following

types of accounting/auditing data:

- All parameters used to authenticate a session.

- Details of the authorization profile that was applied to the


- The duration of the session.

- The cumulative number of bytes sent by the user during the


- The cumulative number of bytes received by the user during the


- The cumulative number of packets sent by the user during the


- The cumulative number of packets received by the user during

the session.

- Details of the access protocol used during the session (port

type, connect speeds, etc.)

5.4.3. Accounting Protocol Security Requirements Integrity and Confidentiality

Note that accounting and auditing data are operationally sensitive

information. The AAA protocol MUST provide a means to assure end-

to-end integrity of this data. The AAA protocol SHOULD provide a

means of assuring the end-to-end confidentiality of this data. Auditibility

Network operators use accounting data for network planning, resource

management, and other business-critical functions that require

confidence in the correctness of this data. The AAA protocol SHOULD

provide a mechanism to ensure that the source of accounting data

cannot easily repudiate this data after transmission.

6. Device Management Protocols

This document does not specify any requirements for device management


7. Acknowledgments

Many of the requirements in this document first took form in Glen

Zorn's, "Yet Another Authentication Protocol (YAAP)" document, for

which grateful acknowledgment is made.

8. Security Considerations

See above for security requirements for the NAS AAA protocol.

Where an AAA architecture spans multiple domains of authority, AAA

information may need to cross trust boundaries. In this situation, a

NAS might operate as a shared device that services multiple

administrative domains. Network operators are advised take this into

consideration when deploying NAS's and AAA Servers.

9. IANA Considerations

This document does not directly specify any IANA considerations.

However, the following recommendations are made:

Future development and extension of an AAA protocol will be made much

easier if new attributes and values can be requested or registered

directly through IANA, rather than through an IETF Standardization


The AAA protocol might use enumerated values for some attributes,

which enumerate already-defined IANA types (such as protocol number).

In these cases, the AAA protocol SHOULD use the IANA assigned numbers

as the enumerated values.

10. References

[AH] Kent, S. and R. Atkinson, "IP Authentication

Header (AH)", RFC2402, November 1998.

[CHAP] Simpson, J., "PPP Challenge Handshake

Authentication Protocol (CHAP)", RFC1994,

August 1996.

[CONGEST] Floyd, S., "Congestion Control Principles",

RFC2914, Sept. 2000.

[EAP] Blunk, L. and J. Vollbrecht, "PPP Extensible

Authentication Protocol (EAP)", RFC2284,

March 1998.

[ESP] Kent, S. and R. Atkinson, "IP Encapsulating

Security Payload (ESP)", RFC2406, November


[KEYWORDS] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to

Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC

2119, March 1997.

[KERBEROS] Kohl, J. and C. Neuman, "The Kerberos Network

Authentication Service (V5)", RFC1510,

September 1993.

[IPV6] Deering, S. and R. Hinden, "Internet

Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification",

RFC2460, December 1998.

[L2TP] Townsley, W., Valencia, A., Rubens, A., Pall,

G., Zorn, G. and B. Plater, "Layer Two

Tunneling Protocol (L2TP)", RFC2661, August


[NAI] Aboba, B. and M. Beadles, "The Network Access

Identifier", RFC2486, January 1999.

[NAS-MODEL] Mitton, D. and M. Beadles, "Network Access

Server Requirements Next Generation

(NASREQNG) NAS Model", RFC2881, July 2000.

[NAS-EXT] Mitton, D., "Network Access Servers

Requirements: Extended RADIUS Practices", RFC

2882, July 2000.

[PPP] Simpson, W., "The Point-to-Point Protocol

(PPP)", STD 51, RFC1661, July 1994.

[PPPOE] Mamakos, L., Lidl, K., Evarts, J., Carrel,

D., Simone, D. and R. Wheeler, "A Method for

Transmitting PPP Over Ethernet (PPPoE)", RFC

2516, February 1999.

[ROUTING-REQUIREMENTS] Baker, F., "Requirements for IP Version 4

Routers", RFC1812, June 1995.

[TELNET] Postel, J. and J. Reynolds, "Telnet Protocol

Specification", STD 8, RFC854, May 1983.

[RFC2277] Alvestrand, H., "IETF Policy on Character

Sets and Languages", BCP 18, RFC2277,

January 1998.

[X.509] ITU-T Recommendation X.509 (1997 E):

Information Technology - Open Systems

Interconnection - The Directory:

Authentication Framework, June 1997.

[RADIUS] Rigney, C., Rubens. A., Simpson, W. and S.

Willens, "Remote Authentication Dial In User

Service (RADIUS)", RFC2138, April 1997.

[RADIUS-ACCOUNTING] Rigney, C., "RADIUS Accounting", RFC2139,

April 1997.

[ROAMING-REQUIREMENTS] Aboba, B. and G. Zorn, "Criteria for

Evaluating Roaming Protocols", RFC2477,

January 1999.

11. Authors' Addresses

Mark Anthony Beadles

SmartPipes, Inc.

565 Metro Place South Suite 300

Dublin, OH 43017

Phone: 614-923-6200

David Mitton

Nortel Networks

880 Technology Park Drive

Billerica, MA 01821

Phone: 978-288-4570

EMail: dmitton@nortelnetworks.com

12. Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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