
RFC3186 - MAPOS/PPP Tunneling mode

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group S. Shimizu

Request for Comments: 3186 T. Kawano

Category: Informational K. Murakami

NTT Network Innovation Labs.

E. Beier


December 2001

MAPOS/PPP Tunneling mode

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does

not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this

memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.


This memo documents a way of tunneling PPP over Sonet over MAPOS

networks. This document is NOT the prodUCt of an IETF working group

nor is it a standards track document. It has not necessarily

benefited from the widespread and in depth community review that

standards track documents receive.


This document specifies tunneling configuration over MAPOS (Multiple

Access Protocol over SONET/SDH) networks. Using this mode, a MAPOS

network can provide transparent point-to-point link for PPP over

SONET/SDH (Packet over SONET/SDH, POS) without any additional


1. Introduction

MAPOS [1][2] frame is designed to be similar to PPP over SONET/SDH

(Packet over SONET/SDH, POS)[3][4] frame (Figure 1).

a) MAPOS frame header (version 1)


Address Control Protocol

8 bits fixed,0x03 16 bits


b) MAPOS frame header (MAPOS 16)


Address Protocol

16bits 16 bits


c) PPP frame header


Address Control Protocol

fixed,0xFF fixed,0x03 16 bits


Figure 1. Header similarity of MAPOS frame and POS frame

This means that a MAPOS network can easily carry POS frames with no

additional header overhead by rewriting only 1 or 2 octets. PPP

tunneling configuration over MAPOS networks (MAPOS/PPP tunneling

mode) provides for efficient L2 multiplexing by which users can share

the cost of high speed long-haul links.

This document specifies MAPOS/PPP tunneling mode. In this mode, a

MAPOS network provides a point-to-point link for those who intend to

connect POS equipment. Such link is established within a MAPOS

switch, or between a pair of MAPOS switches that converts between POS

header and MAPOS header for each L2 frame.

Chapter 2 describes the specification in two parts. First part is

user network interface (UNI) specification and the second part is

operation, administration, management and provisioning (OAM&P)

description. Other issues such as congestion avoidance, end-to-end

fairness control are out of scope of this document.

Implementation issues are discussed in Chapter 3. Security

considerations are noted in Chapter 4.

2. MAPOS/PPP tunneling mode

2.1 Overview

MAPOS/PPP tunneling mode is based on header rewriting. Figure 2.

shows an example of MAPOS/PPP tunneling mode. The MAPOS network uses

MAPOS 16 [2] in this example. Consider a tunneling path between

customer premise equipment (CPE) A and CPE B which are industry

standard POS equipment. The ingress/egress MAPOS switches A/B

assigns unique MAPOS addresses (0x0203 and 0x0403) to the CPEs.

These MAPOS addresses are used in the MAPOS network, for frame

forwarding between CPE A and CPE B. NSP [5] will not be running

between the CPEs and the switches in this case.

MAPOS switch A rewrites the first 2 octets of every frame from CPE A,

which are fixed as 0xFF and 0x03, to the MAPOS address of its peer,

which is 0x0403. Frames are forwarded by the MAPOS network and

arrives at the egress MAPOS switch B which rewrites the first 2

octets to their original values. If MAPOS v1 [1] is used in the

MAPOS network, only the first octet is rewritten.

+-----+ POS/0x0203 +--------+ +--------+

CPE A<---------->MAPOS MAPOS MAPOS <---

+-----+ --->switch A------------------switch <---

+--------+\__ Network __/ +--------+

\__ __/

+--------+ +-------+ POS/0x0403 +-----+

--->MAPOS ----MAPOS <---------->CPE B

--->switch switch B <--- +-----+

+--------+ +---------+

Figure 2. MAPOS/PPP tunneling mode

The tunneling path between the two CPEs is managed by the

ingress/egress MAPOS switches.

2.2 User-Network Interface(UNI)

2.2.1 Physical Layer

For transport media between border MAPOS switch and CPE, SONET/SDH

signal is utilized. Signal speed, path signal label, light power

budget and all physical requirements are the same as those of PPP

over SONET/SDH [3].

SONET/SDH overheads are terminated at the ingress/egress switches.

SONET/SDH performance monitors and alarms are used for the link

management between a CPE and the switch. Inter-switch links are

similarly managed by SONET/SDH monitors and alarms.

A CPE should synchronize to the clock of the border MAPOS switch.

The corresponding port of the MAPOS switch uses its internal clock.

When the CPE is connected to the MAPOS switch through SONET/SDH

transmission equipment, both should synchronize to the clock of the

SONET/SDH transmission equipment.

2.2.2 Link layer

Link layer framing between CPE and MAPOS switch also follows the

specification of PPP over SONET/SDH [3].

HDLC operation including byte stuffing, scrambling, FCS generation is

terminated at the ingress/egress switch. In a MAPOS switch, HDLC

frame [4] is picked up from a SONET/SDH payload and the first octet

(HDLC address) for MAPOS v1 [1], or the first two octets (HDLC

address and control field) for MAPOS 16 [2] are rewritten. The

operation inside the border switch is as follows:

From CPE (Ingress Switch receiving):

SONET/SDH framing

-> X^43+1 De-scrambling -> HDLC Byte de-stuffing

-> HDLC FCS detection (if error, silently discard)

-> L2 HDLC address/control rewriting

(0xFF -> MAPOS v1 destination address, or

0xFF03 -> MAPOS 16 destination address)

-> MAPOS-FCS generation

-> HDLC Byte stuffing -> X^43+1 Scrambling -> SONET/SDH framing

To CPE (Egress Switch transmitting):

SONET/SDH framing

-> X^43+1 De-scrambling -> HDLC Byte de-stuffing

-> MAPOS-FCS detection (if error, silently discard)

-> L2 HDLC address/control rewriting

(MAPOS v1 address -> 0xFF, or

MAPOS 16 address -> 0xFF03)

-> HDLC FCS generation

-> HDLC Byte stuffing -> X^43+1 Scrambling -> SONET/SDH framing

For STS-3c-SPE/VC-4, non-scrambled frame can be used for

compatibility with RFC1619. However, the use of 32bit-CRC and

X^43+1 scrambling is recommended in RFC2615 [3] and for MAPOS


Maximum transmission unit (MTU) of the link must not be negotiated

larger than MAPOS-MTU which is 65280 octets.

Figure 3 shows a CPE-side L2 frame and the converted frame in the

ingress/egress MAPOS switches. Note that the MAPOS/PPP tunneling

mode is not a piggy-back encapsulation, but it is a transparent link

with no additional header overhead.

<--- Transmission


Flag Address Control Protocol

01111110 11111111 00000011 16 bits



Information Padding HDLC FCS Flag Inter-frame Fill

* * 16/32 bits 01111110 or next Address


(a) HDLC frame from/to CPE

<--- Transmission


Flag MAPOS Destination Protocol

01111110 0xxxxxx0 xxxxxxx1 16 bits



Information Padding MAPOS FCS Flag Inter-frame Fill

* * 16/32 bits 01111110 or next Address


(b) Converted MAPOS 16 frame, forwarded in MAPOS networks

Figure 3. HDLC frame from/to CPE and its conversion

2.3 Operation, Administration, Management and Provisioning (OAM&P)

2.3.1 MAPOS/PPP mode transition

When a port of MAPOS switch is configured to PPP tunneling mode, at

least the following operations are performed in the switch.

a) Disable NSP [5] and SSP [6] (for the port, same below)

b) Disable MAPOS broadcast and multicast forwarding

c) Reset the Path Signal Label (C2) to 0x16 if X^43+1 scrambling

is used. The value 0xCF is used for non-scrambled OC3c signal.

d) Enable header rewriting function to specified destination


When the port is configured back to MAPOS mode, reverse order of the

operations above are performed. That means;

a) Disable header rewriting function (for the port, same below)

b) Reset the Path Signal Label (C2) to MAPOS default (0x8d)

c) Enable MAPOS broadcast and multicast forwarding

d) Enable NSP and SSP

SONET/SDH alarms (B1/B2/B3 error exceeding, SLOF, SLOS, etc.) should

not affect this transition. Figure 4 shows mode transition described


[MAPOS mode] <----------------------------+

(Disable NSP) (Enable NSP)

(Disable SSP) (Enable SSP)

(Disable Broadcast/ (Enable Broadcast/

Multicast forwarding) Multicast forwarding)

(C2-byte setting to 0x16 or 0xcf) (C2-byte setting to 0x8d)

(Enable Header Rewriting function) (Disable Header Rewriting



[PPP mode] --------------------------------+

Figure 4. MAPOS/PPP tunneling mode state transition diagram

2.3.2 Path Establishment

A MAPOS/PPP tunneling path is established by following steps.

a) Choose MAPOS address pair on both ingress/egress switches and

configure their ports to PPP tunneling mode (see 2.3.1).

b) When the routes for both directions become stable, the

tunneling path is established. The link between the CPEs may

be set up at that moment; PPP LCP controls are transparently

exchanged by the CPEs.

To add a new path, operators should pick unused MAPOS address-pair.

They may be determined simply by choosing switches and ports for each

CPE, because there is one-to-one correspondence between MAPOS

addresses and switch ports.

Then, those ports should be configured to MAPOS/PPP tunneling mode on

both of the switches. Frame reachability is provided by SSP [6] in

the MAPOS network. When the frame forwarding for each direction are

stable, the path is established and frame forwarding is started.

Until then, the link between border switches and CPE should be down.

A MAPOS/PPP tunneling path should be managed by the pair of MAPOS

addresses. It should be carefully handled to avoid misconfiguration

such as path duplication. For convenient management, path database

can be used to keep information about pairs of MAPOS addresses. Note

that the path database is not used for frame forwarding. It is for

OAM&P use only.

2.3.3 Failure detection and indication

When any link or node failure is detected, it should be indicated to

each peer of the path. This is done by PPP [7] keep-alive (LCP Echo

request/reply) for end-to-end detection.

Consideration is required to handle SONET/SDH alarms. When a link

between CPE and the MAPOS switch fails, it is detected by both the

MAPOS switch and the CPE seeing SONET/SDH alarms. However, far-side

link remains up and no SONET/SDH error is found; SONET/SDH alarms

are not transferred to the far end because each optical path is

terminated in MAPOS network. In this case, the far end will see

'link up, line protocol down' status due to keep-alive eXPiration.

For example, Figure 5 shows a tunneling path. When link 1 goes down,

MAPOS sw A and CPE A detects SONET/SDH alarms but MAPOS sw B and CPE

A' do not see this failure. When PPP keep-alive expires, CPE A'

detects the failure and stops the packet transmission. The same

mechanism is used for failure within the MAPOS cloud (link 2). When

a MAPOS switch is down, SSP handles it as a topology change.

1 2 3

CPE A <-x-> MAPOS sw A ---(MAPOS cloud)--- MAPOS sw B <---> CPE A'

Figure 5. Link failure

2.3.4 Path removal

A MAPOS/PPP tunneling path is removed by following steps.

a) Choose the path to remove, configure MAPOS switches on both

ends of the path to disable the ports connected to the CPEs.

b) Path database may be updated that the path is removed.

c) When CPE is detached, port may be reset to MAPOS default


Frames arriving after the destination port was disabled should be

silently discarded and should not be forwarded to the port.

2.3.5 Provisioning and Design Consideration

Because MAPOS does not have any QoS control at its protocol level,

and POS does not have flow-control feature, it is difficult to

guarantee end-end throughput. Sufficient bandwidth for inter-switch

link should be prepared to support all paths on the link.

Switches are recommended to ensure per-port fairness using any

appropriate queuing algorithm. This is especially important for

over-subscribed configuration, for example to have more than 16 OC12c

paths on one OC192c inter-switch link.

Although MAPOS v1 can be applied to the MAPOS/PPP tunneling mode,

MAPOS 16 is recommended for ease of address management.

Automatic switch address negotiation mechanism is not suitable for

the MAPOS/PPP tunneling mode, because the path management mechanism

becomes much more complex.

3. Implementation

3.1 Service example

Figure 6 shows an example of MAPOS network with four switches.

Inter-switch links are provided at OC192c and OC48c rate, customer

links are either OC3c or OC12c rate. Some links are optically

protected. Path database is used for path management.

Using MAPOS-netmask with 8 bits, this topology can be extended up to

64 MAPOS switches, each equipped with up to 127 CPE ports. Switch

addresses are fixed to pre-assigned values.

The cost of optical protection (< 50ms) can be shared among paths.

Unprotected link can also be coupled for more redundancy in case of

link failure. SSP provides restoration path within few seconds.

0x2003+---------+ +---------+ 0x2203

A-----> MAPOS OC192c(protected) MAPOS <-------A'

0x2005 Switch 1======================= Switch 2 0x2205

B-----> 0x2000/8 _________ 0x2200/8<-------C'

+---------+ / +---------+

OC192c /

/ OC48c(backup)

+---------+ / +---------+ 0x2603

MAPOS _________/ MAPOS <-------B'

0x2405 Switch 3======================= Switch 4

C-----> 0x2400/8 OC192c(protected) 0x2600/8

+---------+ +---------+

Path database entries:


User : Speed : Mode : Address pair : Status


A-A' : OC3c : CRC32, scramble : 0x2003-0x2203 : Up and running

B-B' : OC12c : CRC32, scramble : 0x2005-0x2603 : B Down

C-C' : OC3c : CRC16, no-scram : 0x2405-0x2205 : C' Down


Figure 6. Example Topology and its Path Management

3.2 Evaluation of latency of reference implementation

Figure 7 shows evaluation platforms in terms of latency measurement

of MAPOS/PPP tunneling mode.

Case 1: Base latency measurement



+---------+ POS Unidirectional Flow, OC12c 30%, FCS 32bits,

IXIA 400 payload-scrambling on (same for all cases)

POS-LM <--+

OC12c x2---+ Loopback


(Using IxSoftware v3.1.148/SP1d)

Case 2: Router latency measurement

Measurement Device Under Test

+---------+ POS +------------+

IXIA 400 Unidirectional Flow Cisco GSR

POS-LM <--------------------- 12008/1port

OC12c x2---------------------> OC12cLC x2

+---------+ +------------+

(Using IOS 12.0(15)S1)

Case 3: MAPOS/PPP tunneling switch latency measurement

Measurement Device Under Test

+---------+ POS +-------------+

IXIA 400 Unidirectional Flow CSR MAPOS

POS-LM <--------------------- CORESwitch80

OC12c x2---------------------> OC12c x2

+---------+ +-------------+

Figure 7. Latency measurement of reference platform for MAPOS/PPP

tunneling mode

There is a PPP connection between port 1 and 2 of the measurement

equipment. Traffic comes from measurement equipment (IXIA 400) and

forwarded by a device under test back to the equipment. Timestamping

and latency calculation are performed by IXIA 400 automatically.

Traffic Load is set to 30% of OC12c for offloading router.

Results are shown in Table 1. Measurements were taken according to

the RFC2544 requirements [8]. We measured 25 trials of 150 seconds

duration for each frame size. Results are averaged and rounded to

the 20 ns resolution of IXIA. 95% confidence interval (C.I.) value

are also rounded.


Frame size (bytes) 64 128 256 512 1024 1280 1518




Case 1: Baseline 4060 5640 6940 9840 16420 20700 23340

95% C.I.(+/-) 20 80 60 180 80 100 120


Case 2: Router 26560 28760 33860 44600 68280 80500 91160

95% C.I.(+/-) 200 100 160 220 100 100 200


Case 3: Switch 11100 13480 16620 22920 36380 43900 49920

95% C.I.(+/-) 120 120 120 200 100 160 120


Table 1. Results of Latency (ns) - Frame size (bytes)

This results shows that MAPOS/PPP tunneling mode does not cause any

performance degradation in terms of latency view. A POS L2 switch

was reasonably faster than a L3 router.

4. Security Considerations

There is no way to control or attack a MAPOS network from CPE side

under PPP tunneling mode. It is quite difficult to inject other

stream because it is completely transparent from the viewpoint of the

CPE. However, operators must carefully avoid misconfiguration such

as path duplication. Per-path isolation is extremely important;

switches are recommended to implement this feature (like VLAN


In addition, potential vulnerability still exists in a mixed

environment where PPP tunneling mode and MAPOS native mode coexists

in the same network. Use of such environment is not recommended,

until an isolation feature is implemented in all MAPOS switches in

the network. Note that there is no source address field in the MAPOS

framing, which may make path isolation difficult in a mixed MAPOS/PPP


5. References

[1] Murakami, K. and M. Maruyama, "MAPOS - Multiple Access Protocol

over SONET/SDH Version 1", RFC2171, June 1997.

[2] Murakami, K. and M. Maruyama, "MAPOS 16 - Multiple Access

Protocol over SONET/SDH with 16 Bit Addressing", RFC2175, June


[3] Malis, A. and W. Simpson, "PPP over SONET/SDH", RFC2615, June


[4] Simpson, W., "PPP in HDLC-like Framing", STD 51, RFC1662, July


[5] Murakami, K. and M. Maruyama, "A MAPOS version 1 Extension -

Node Switch Protocol," RFC2173, June 1997.

[6] Murakami, K. and M. Maruyama, "A MAPOS version 1 Extension -

Switch-Switch Protocol", RFC2174, June 1997.

[7] Simpson, W., "The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)", STD 51, RFC

1661, July 1994.

[8] Bradner, S. and J. McQuaid, "Benchmarking Methodology for

Network Interconnect Devices", RFC2544, March 1999.

6. Acknowledgments

The authors would like to acknowledge the contributions and

thoughtful suggestions of Takahiro Sajima.

7. Author's Address

Susumu Shimizu

NTT Network Innovation Laboratories,

3-9-11, Midori-cho Musashino-shi

Tokyo 180-8585 Japan

Phone: +81 422 59 3323

Fax: +81 422 59 3765

EMail: shimizu@ntt-20.ecl.net

Tetsuo Kawano

NTT Network Innovation Laboratories,

3-9-11, Midori-cho Musashino-shi

Tokyo 180-8585 Japan

Phone: +81 422 59 7145

Fax: +81 422 59 4584

EMail: kawano@core.ecl.net

Ken Murakami

NTT Network Innovation Laboratories,

3-9-11, Midori-cho Musashino-shi

Tokyo 180-8585 Japan

Phone: +81 422 59 4650

Fax: +81 422 59 3765

EMail: murakami@ntt-20.ecl.net

Eduard Beier

DeTeSystem GmbH

Merianstrasse 32

D-90409 Nuremberg, Germany

EMail: Beier@bina.de

8. Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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