
RFC3185 - Reuse of CMS Content Encryption Keys

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Network Working Group S. Farrell

Request for Comments: 3185 Baltimore Technologies

Category: Standards Track S. Turner


October 2001

Reuse of CMS Content Encryption Keys

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.


This document describes a way to include a key identifier in a CMS

(Cryptographic Message Syntax) enveloped data strUCture, so that the

content encryption key can be re-used for further enveloped data


Table Of Contents

1. Introduction................................................... 2

2. Applicability.................................................. 2

3. How to do it................................................... 3

4. Using different CEK and KEK algorithms......................... 4

5. Conformance.................................................... 5

6. Security Considerations........................................ 5

7. References..................................................... 6

Authors' Addresses................................................ 6

Appendix A: ASN.1 Module.......................................... 7

Full Copyright Statement.......................................... 10

1. Introduction

CMS [CMS] specifies EnvelopedData. EnvelopedData supports data

encryption using either symmetric or asymmetric key management

techniques. Since asymmetric key establishment is relatively

eXPensive, it is desirable in some environments to re-use a shared

content-encryption key established using asymmetric mechanisms for

encryption operations in subsequent messages.

The basic idea here is to reuse the content-encryption key (CEK) from

a message (say MSG1) to derive the key-encryption key (KEK) for a

later message, (MSG2), by including a reference value for the CEK in

message 1, and that same value as the KEKIdentifier for message 2.

The CEK from message 1 is called the "referenced CEK".

The key Words "MUST", "REQUIRED", "SHOULD", "RECOMMENDED", and "MAY"

in this document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

2. Applicability

This specification is intended to be used to provide more efficient

selective field confidentiality between communicating peers, in

particular in the cases where:

- The originator is a client that wishes to send a number of fields

to a server (the recipient) in a single transaction, where the

referenced CEK is used for the separate encryption of each field.

- The originator and recipient are servers that communicate very

frequently and use this specification purely for efficiency.

This specification is not intended to be applicable in all cases. It

is suited for use where:

- Its use is further scoped: that is, this specification doesn't

define a protocol but merely a trick that can be used in a larger

context and additional specification will be needed for each such

case. In particular, in order to use this specification, it is

REQUIRED to define the originators' and recipients' behavior where

a referenced CEK has been "lost".

- This specification is not suitable for general group key


- The underlying cryptographic API is suitable: it is very likely

that any cryptographic API that completely "hides" the bits of

cryptographic keys from the CMS layer will prevent reuse of a

referenced CEK (since they won't have a primitive that allows

MSG1.CEK to be transformed to MSG2.KEK).

- The algorithms for content and key encryption have compatible key

values and strengths, that is, if MSG1.contentEncryptionAlgorithm

is a 40bit cipher and MSG2.keyEncryptionAlgorithm requires 168

bits of keying material, then this specification SHOULD NOT be


There are other ways that could be envisaged to establish the

required symmetric keying material, e.g., by leveraging a group

keying scheme or by defining a content type that contains a KEK

value. Although this scheme is much simpler than generic group key

management, if an implementation already supports group key

management then this scheme doesn't add value. This scheme is also

suitable for inclusion in CMS libraries (though the addition of new

state might be a problem for some implementations), which can offer

some advantages over application layer schemes (e.g., where the

content includes MSG2.KEK).

3. How to do it

In order to reference the content-encryption key (CEK) used in an

EnvelopedData, a key identifier can be included in the

unprotectedAttrs field of MSG1. This key can then be used to derive

the key-encryption key (KEK) for other instances of EnvelopedData or

for other purposes. If the CEK from MSG1 is to be used to derive the

KEK for MSG2 then MSG1 MUST contain an unprotectedAttrs Attribute of

type id-aa-CEKReference with a single value using the CEKReference


MSG2.KEK is to be derived by reversing the bytes of MSG1.CEK. The

byte reversal is to avoid an attack where the attacker has a known

plaintext and the related ciphertext (encrypted with MSG1.CEK) that

(otherwise) could be directly used as a MSG2.KEK.

The application MUST ensure that the relevant algorithms are

compatible. That is, a CEKReference attribute alone can only be used

where the content-encryption algorithm from MSG1 employs the same

type of symmetric key as the key-encryption algorithm from MSG2.


1) There is nothing to prevent inclusion of a CEKReference attribute

in MSG2 as well as in MSG1. That is, an originator could "roll"

the referenced CEK with every message.

2) The CEKReference attribute can occur with any of the choices for

RecipientInfo: ktri, kari or kekri. Implementors MUST NOT assume

that CEKReference can only occur where ktri or kari is used.

id-aa-CEKReference OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-aa 30 }


id-aa is an object identifier defined in [CMS-MSG].

In order to allow the originator of MSG1 to indicate the "lifetime"

of the CEK, the originator MAY include a CEKMaxDecrypts attribute,

also in the unprotectedAttrs field of EnvelopedData. This attribute

has an INTEGER syntax (the value MUST be >=1 and maximally 2^31), and

indicates to the recipient the maximum number of messages (excluding

MSG1) that will use the referenced CEK. This Attribute MUST only be

sent when a CEKReference attribute is also included.

The recipient SHOULD maintain the CEKReference information (minimally

the key identifier and the CEK value) while less than maxDecrypt

messages have been successfully received. Recipients SHOULD delete

the CEKReference information after some locally configured period.

When this attribute is not present, originators and recipients SHOULD

behave as if a value of one had been sent.

id-aa-CEKMaxDecrypts OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-aa 31 }

CEKMaxDecrypts ::= INTEGER

If CEKMaxDecrypts is missing, or has the value one, then each CEK

will be re-used once as the KEK for the next message. This means

that MSG[n].KEK is the byte-reversal of MSG[n-1].CEK; subsequently

MSG[n+1].KEK will be the byte-reversal of MSG[n].CEK. Note that

MSG[n-1].CEK has no impact whatsoever to MSG[n+1], so long as CEKs

are generated randomly (and not e.g., derived from KEKs somehow).

4. Using different CEK and KEK algorithms

Where MSG1.content-encryption algorithm and MSG2.key-encryption

algorithm are the same then the MSG2.KEK is the byte-reverse of

MSG1.CEK. However, in general, these algorithms MAY differ, e.g.,

requiring different key lengths. This section specifies a generic

way to derive MSG2.KEK for such cases.

Note: In some sense, the CEK and KEK algorithms are never the "same",

e.g., id-alg-CMS3DESwrap and des-ede3-cbc differ. However, for the

purposes of this specification, all we care about is that the

algorithms use the same format and size of keying material (see also

security considerations) and that they do not differ significantly in

terms of the resulting cryptographic "strength." In that sense the

two algorithms in the example above are the "same."

Implementations MAY include this functionality.

The basic approach is to use the PBKDF2 key derivation function

defined in PKCS#5 [RFC2898], but using MSG1.CEK as input instead of a

password. The output of the PBKDF2 function is MSG2.KEK. To this

end, a new attribute type is defined which allows passing of the

required parameters.

id-aa-KEKDerivationAlg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-aa 32 }

KEKDerivationAlgorithm ::= SEQUENCE {

kekAlg AlgorithmIdentifier,

pbkdf2Param PBKDF2-params


kekAlg is the algorithm identifier (and associated parameters, if

any), for the MSG2 key encryption algorithm. Note that it is not

necessary to protect this field since modification of keyAlg only

represents a denial-of-service attack.

The PBKDF2 algorithm parameters are to be handled as follows:

- The salt MUST use the "specified" element of the CHOICE.

- The message originator selects the iterationCount.

- The value of keyLength is determined by the kekAlg and MUST be


- The prf field MUST use the default algorithm specified in

[RFC2898] which is algid-hmacWithSHA1 (and so the prf field MUST

be omitted).

5. Conformance

This specification only applies to messages where the CEKReference

attribute is present. All attributes specified here SHOULD be

ignored unless they are present in a message containing a valid, new

or recognized, existing value of CEKReference. The CEKMaxDecrypts

attribute is to be treated by the recipient as a hint, but MUST be

honored by the originator.

The optional to implement KEKDerivationAlgorithm attribute MUST only

be present when MSG1.content-encryption algorithm differs from

MSG2.key-encryption algorithm, in which case it MUST be present.

Implementations that recognize this attribute, but do not support the

functionality SHOULD ignore the attribute.

Ignoring attributes as discussed above, will lead to decryption

failures. CMS implementations SHOULD be able to signal the

particular reason for this failure to the calling application.

6. Security Considerations

Encryption does not provide authentication, for example, if the

encryptedContent is essentially random then recipients MUST NOT

assume that "knowing" a CEKReference value proves anything - anyone

could have created the EnvelopedData. This is relevant both for

security (the recovered plaintext should not be entirely random) and

for avoiding denial of service (the recipient MUST NOT assume that

using the right CEKReference means that message originator is


Similarly, using the correct CEKReference does not mean that a

message has not been replayed or inserted, and recipients MUST NOT

assume that replay has been avoided.

The maxDecrypts field presents a potential denial-of-service attack

if a very large value is included by an originator in an attempt to

get a recipient to consume memory by storing the referenced CEKs for

a long period or if the originator never sends the indicated number

of ciphertexts. Recipients SHOULD therefore drop referenced CEKs

where the maxDecrypts value is too large (according to local

configuration) or the referenced CEK has been held for too long a


Suppose MSG1 is sent to a set S1 of users. In the case where MSG2 is

sent to only a subset of users in S1, all users from S1 will still be

able to decrypt MSG2 (since MSG2.KEK is computed only from MSG1.CEK).

Implementers should be aware that in such cases, all members of the

original set of recipients (S1) can Access the plaintext of MSG2 and

subsequent messages.

The reason for the byte reversal is as follows: without the byte

reversal, an attacker knowing some of MSG1.plaintext (a prefix in a

field for instance) can use the corresponding ciphertext block as the

next encrypted CEK, i.e., as MSG2.KEKRecipientInfo.encryptedKey. Now

the attacker knows the next CEK. This attacks something this note is

not claiming to protect (origin authentication), but is easily

avoided using the byte reversal. Byte-reversal was chosen over bit-

reversal since bit-reversal would cause parity bits from MSG1.CEK to

be used as keying bits for MSG2.KEK for DES-based algorithms. Note

that byte reversal would similarly affect parity if parity checks

spanned more than one octet, however no well-known algorithms operate

in this way.

Implementations should be very careful with this scheme if MSG[n].KEK

is used to derive MSG[n].CEK, e.g., if MSG[n].CEK were the byte-

reversal of MSG[n].KEK, then this scheme could result in a fixed key

being unexpectedly used.

7. References

[CMS] Housley, R., "Cryptographic Message Syntax", RFC2630, June


[CMS-MSG] Ramsdell, B. "S/MIME Version 3 Message Specification", RFC

2633, June 1999.

[RFC2898] Kaliski, B., "PKCS #5: Password-Based Cryptography

Specification Version 2.0", RFC2898, September 2000.

[RFC2026] Bradner, S., "The Internet Standards Process -- Revision

3", BCP 9, RFC2026, October 1996.

[RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate

Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

Authors' Addresses

Stephen Farrell,

Baltimore Technologies,

39 Parkgate Street,

Dublin 8


Phone: +353-1-881-6000

EMail: stephen.farrell@baltimore.ie

Sean Turner

IECA, Inc.

9010 Edgepark Road

Vienna, VA 22182


Phone: +1.703.628.3180

EMail: turners@ieca.com

Appendix A: ASN.1 Module


{ iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) rsadsi(113549) pkcs(1) pkcs-9(9)

smime(16) modules(0) rcek(13) }

-- This module contains the definitions of the attributes

-- used for re-using the content encryption key from a

-- message in further messages.





AlgorithmIdentifier FROM

AuthenticationFramework { joint-iso-itu-t ds(5)

module(1) authenticationFramework(7) 3 } ;

-- [RFC2898] uses 1993 ASN.1 to define PBKDF2-params. Since

-- this specification only uses 1988 ASN.1, the definition is

-- repeated here for completeness.

-- The DEFAULT prf field value, MUST be used for this

-- specification

digestAlgorithm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=

{ iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) rsadsi(113549) 2}

id-hmacWithSHA1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {digestAlgorithm 7}

-- [RFC2898] defines PBKDF2-params using 1993 ASN.1, which

-- results in the same encoding as produced by the definition

-- below. See [RFC2898] for that definition.

PBKDF2-params ::= SEQUENCE {

salt CHOICE {


otherSource AlgorithmIdentifier -- DO NOT USE THIS FIELD


iterationCount INTEGER (1..MAX),



-- id-aa is the arc with all new authenticated and

-- unauthenticated attributes produced the by S/MIME

-- Working Group. It is also defined in [CMS-MSG]


{iso(1) member-body(2) usa(840) rsadsi(113549)

pkcs(1) pkcs-9(9) smime(16) attributes(2)}

-- This attribute contains what will be the key identifier

-- for subsequent messages

id-aa-CEKReference OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-aa 30 }


-- This attribute contains a "hint" to the recipient

-- indicating how many times the originator will use

-- the re-used CEK

id-aa-CEKMaxDecrypts OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-aa 31 }

CEKMaxDecrypts ::= INTEGER

-- This attribute specifies the key derivation function

-- to be used when the default byte reversal operation cannot

-- be used.

id-aa-KEKDerivationAlg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-aa 32 }

KEKDerivationAlgorithm ::= SEQUENCE {

kekAlg AlgorithmIdentifier,

pbkdf2Param PBKDF2-params }


Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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