
RFC3320 - Signaling Compression (SigComp)

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group R. Price

Request for Comments: 3320 Siemens/Roke Manor

Category: Standards Track C. Bormann

TZI/Uni Bremen

J. Christoffersson

H. Hannu


Z. Liu


J. Rosenberg


January 2003

Signaling Compression (SigComp)

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003). All Rights Reserved.


This document defines Signaling Compression (SigComp), a solution for

compressing messages generated by application protocols sUCh as the

Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) (RFC3261) and the Real Time

Streaming Protocol (RTSP) (RFC2326). The architecture and

prerequisites of SigComp are outlined, along with the format of the

SigComp message.

Decompression functionality for SigComp is provided by a Universal

Decompressor Virtual Machine (UDVM) optimized for the task of running

decompression algorithms. The UDVM can be configured to understand

the output of many well-known compressors such as DEFLATE (RFC-1951).

Table of Contents

1. Introduction...................................................2

2. Terminology....................................................3

3. SigComp architecture...........................................5

4. SigComp dispatchers...........................................15

5. SigComp compressor............................................18

6. SigComp state handler.........................................20

7. SigComp message format........................................23

8. Overview of the UDVM..........................................28

9. UDVM instruction set..........................................37

10. Security Considerations.......................................56

11. IANA Considerations...........................................58

12. Acknowledgements..............................................59

13. References....................................................59

14. Authors' Addresses............................................60

15. Full Copyright Statement......................................62

1. Introduction

Many application protocols used for multimedia communications are

text-based and engineered for bandwidth rich links. As a result the

messages have not been optimized in terms of size. For example,

typical SIP messages range from a few hundred bytes up to two

thousand bytes or more [RFC3261].

With the planned usage of these protocols in wireless handsets as

part of 2.5G and 3G cellular networks, the large message size is

problematic. With low-rate IP connectivity the transmission delays

are significant. Taking into account retransmissions, and the

multiplicity of messages that are required in some flows, call setup

and feature invocation are adversely affected. SigComp provides a

means to eliminate this problem by offering robust, lossless

compression of application messages.

This document outlines the architecture and prerequisites of the

SigComp solution, the format of the SigComp message and the Universal

Decompressor Virtual Machine (UDVM) that provides decompression


SigComp is offered to applications as a layer between the application

and an underlying transport. The service provided is that of the

underlying transport plus compression. SigComp supports a wide range

of transports including TCP, UDP and SCTP [RFC-2960].

2. Terminology



document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14, RFC2119



Entity that invokes SigComp and performs the following tasks:

1. Supplying application messages to the compressor dispatcher

2. Receiving decompressed messages from the decompressor


3. Determining the compartment identifier for a decompressed



Machine code that can be executed by a virtual machine.


Entity that encodes application messages using a certain

compression algorithm, and keeps track of state that can be used

for compression. The compressor is responsible for ensuring that

the messages it generates can be decompressed by the remote UDVM.

Compressor Dispatcher

Entity that receives application messages, invokes a compressor,

and forwards the resulting SigComp compressed messages to a remote


UDVM Cycles

A measure of the amount of "CPU power" required to execute a UDVM

instruction (the simplest UDVM instructions require a single UDVM

cycle). An upper limit is placed on the number of UDVM cycles

that can be used to decompress each bit in a SigComp message.

Decompressor Dispatcher

Entity that receives SigComp messages, invokes a UDVM, and

forwards the resulting decompressed messages to the application.


One instance of an application, a SigComp layer, and a transport

layer for sending and/or receiving SigComp messages.

Message-based Transport

A transport that carries data as a set of bounded messages.


An application-specific grouping of messages that relate to a peer

endpoint. Depending on the signaling protocol, this grouping may

relate to application concepts such as "session", "dialog",

"connection", or "association". The application allocates state

memory on a per-compartment basis, and determines when a

compartment should be created or closed.

Compartment Identifier

An identifier (in a locally chosen format) that uniquely

references a compartment.


The overall compression solution, comprising the compressor, UDVM,

dispatchers and state handler.

SigComp Message

A message sent from the compressor dispatcher to the decompressor

dispatcher. In case of a message-based transport such as UDP, a

SigComp message corresponds to exactly one datagram. For a

stream-based transport such as TCP, the SigComp messages are

separated by reserved delimiters.

Stream-based transport

A transport that carries data as a continuous stream with no

message boundaries.


Mechanism for passing data between two endpoints. SigComp is

capable of sending messages over a wide range of transports

including TCP, UDP and SCTP [RFC-2960].

Universal Decompressor Virtual Machine (UDVM)

The machine architecture described in this document. The UDVM is

used to decompress SigComp messages.


Data saved for retrieval by later SigComp messages.

State Handler

Entity responsible for Accessing and storing state information

once permission is granted by the application.

State Identifier

Reference used to access a previously created item of state.

3. SigComp Architecture

In the SigComp architecture, compression and decompression is

performed at two communicating endpoints. The layout of a single

endpoint is illustrated in Figure 1:


Local application



Application message & Decompressed Compartment

compartment identifier message identifier

+-- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- ------ -- -- -- -- -+

v v

+------------------------+ +----------------------+

+-- Compressor Decompressor <-+

dispatcher dispatcher

+------------------------+ +----------------------+

^ ^ ^


+--------------+ +---------------+

+-------+ v

Compressor 1 <----->State 1 +--------------+


+--------------+ Decompressor

State handler <-->

+--------------+ (UDVM)


+-> Compressor 2 <----->State 2 +--------------+


+--------------+ +---------------+ SigComp layer

+- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---+

SigComp SigComp

message message



Transport layer


Figure 1: High-level architectural overview of one SigComp endpoint

Note that SigComp is offered to applications as a layer between the

application and the underlying transport, and so Figure 1 is an

endpoint when viewed from a transport layer perspective. From the

perspective of multi-hop application layer protocols however, SigComp

is applied on a per-hop basis.

The SigComp layer is further decomposed into the following entities:

1. Compressor dispatcher - the interface from the application. The

application supplies the compressor dispatcher with an application

message and a compartment identifier (see Section 3.1 for further

details). The compressor dispatcher invokes a particular

compressor, which returns a SigComp message to be forwarded to the

remote endpoint.

2. Decompressor dispatcher - the interface towards the application.

The decompressor dispatcher receives a SigComp message and invokes

an instance of the Universal Decompressor Virtual Machine (UDVM).

It then forwards the resulting decompressed message to the

application, which may return a compartment identifier if it

wishes to allow state to be saved for the message.

3. One or more compressors - the entities that convert application

messages into SigComp messages. Distinct compressors are invoked

on a per-compartment basis, using the compartment identifiers

supplied by the application. A compressor receives an application

message from the compressor dispatcher, compresses the message,

and returns a SigComp message to the compressor dispatcher. Each

compressor chooses a certain algorithm to encode the data (e.g.,


4. UDVM - the entity that decompresses SigComp messages. Note that

since SigComp can run over an unsecured transport layer, a

separate instance of the UDVM is invoked on a per-message basis.

However, during the decompression process the UDVM may invoke the

state handler to access existing state or create new state.

5. State handler - the entity that can store and retrieve state.

State is information that is stored between SigComp messages,

avoiding the need to upload the data on a per-message basis. For

security purposes it is only possible to create new state with the

permission of the application. State creation and retrieval are

further described in Chapter 6.

When compressing a bidirectional application protocol the choice to

use SigComp can be made independently in both directions, and

compression in one direction does not necessarily imply compression

in the reverse direction. Moreover, even when two communicating

endpoints send SigComp messages in both directions, there is no need

to use the same compression algorithm in each direction.

Note that a SigComp endpoint can decompress messages from multiple

remote endpoints at different locations in a network, as the

architecture is designed to prevent SigComp messages from one

endpoint interfering with messages from a different endpoint. A

consequence of this design choice is that it is difficult for a

malicious user to disrupt SigComp operation by inserting false

compressed messages on the transport layer.

3.1. Requirements on the Application

From an application perspective the SigComp layer appears as a new

transport, with similar behavior to the original transport used to

carry uncompressed data (for example SigComp/UDP behaves similarly to

native UDP).

Mechanisms for discovering whether an endpoint supports SigComp are

beyond the scope of this document.

All SigComp messages contain a prefix (the five most-significant bits

of the first byte are set to one) that does not occur in UTF-8

encoded text messages [RFC-2279], so for applications which use this

encoding (or ASCII encoding) it is possible to multiplex uncompressed

application messages and SigComp messages on the same port.

Applications can still reserve a new port specifically for SigComp

however (e.g., as part of the discovery mechanism).

If a particular endpoint wishes to be stateful then it needs to

partition its decompressed messages into "compartments" under which

state can be saved. SigComp relies on the application to provide

this partition. So for stateful endpoints a new interface is

required to the application in order to leverage the authentication

mechanisms used by the application itself.

When the application receives a decompressed message it maps the

message to a certain compartment and supplies the compartment

identifier to SigComp. Each compartment is allocated a separate

compressor and a certain amount of memory to store state information,

so the application must assign distinct compartments to distinct

remote endpoints. However it is possible for a local endpoint to

establish several compartments that relate to the same remote

endpoint (this should be avoided where possible as it may waste

memory and reduce the overall compression ratio, but it does not

cause messages to be incorrectly decompressed). In this case,

reliable stateful operation is possible only if the decompressor does

not lump several messages into one compartment when the compressor

eXPected them to be assigned different compartments.

The exact format of the compartment identifier is unimportant

provided that different identifiers are given to different


Applications that wish to communicate using SigComp in a stateful

fashion should use an authentication mechanism to securely map

decompressed messages to compartment identifiers. They should also

agree on any limits to the lifetime of a compartment, to avoid the

case where an endpoint accesses state information that has already

been deleted.

3.2. SigComp feedback mechanism

If a signaling protocol sends SigComp messages in both directions and

there is a one-to-one relationship between the compartments

established by the applications on both ends ("peer compartments"),

the two endpoints can cooperate more closely. In this case, it is

possible to send feedback information that monitors the behavior of

an endpoint and helps to improve the overall compression ratio.

SigComp performs feedback on a request/response basis, so a

compressor makes a feedback request and receives some feedback data

in return. The procedure for requesting and returning feedback in

SigComp is illustrated in Figure 2:

+---------------------+ +---------------------+

+-----------------+ +-----------------+

--> Compressor ------------------------> UDVM <->

sending to B SigComp message 2

+-----------------+ requesting feedback +-----------------+

^ 1,9 3


+-----------------+ +-----------------+

State State

handler handler

+-----------------+ +-----------------+

^ 8 4


+-----------------+ +-----------------+

UDVM Compressor

<-> <------------------------ sending to A <--

6 +-----------------+ SigComp message +-----------------+

7 returning feedback 5

Endpoint A Endpoint B

+---------------------+ +---------------------+

Figure 2: Steps involved in the transmission of feedback data

The dispatchers, the application and the transport layer are omitted

from the diagram for clarity. Note that the decompressed messages

pass via the decompressor dispatcher to the application; moreover the

SigComp messages transmitted from the compressor to the remote UDVM

are sent via first the compressor dispatcher, followed by the

transport layer and finally the decompressor dispatcher.

The steps for requesting and returning feedback data are described in

more detail below:

1. The compressor that sends messages to Endpoint B piggybacks a

feedback request onto a SigComp message.

2. When the application receives the decompressed message, it may

return the compartment identifier for the message.

3. The UDVM in Endpoint B forwards the requested feedback data to the

state handler.

4. If the UDVM can supply a valid compartment identifier, then the

state handler forwards the feedback data to the appropriate

compressor (namely the compressor sending to Endpoint A).

5. The compressor returns the requested feedback data to Endpoint A

piggybacked onto a SigComp message.

6. When the application receives the decompressed message, it may

return the compartment identifier for the message.

7. The UDVM in Endpoint A forwards the returned feedback data to the

state handler.

8. If the UDVM can supply a valid compartment identifier, then the

state handler forwards the feedback data to the appropriate

compressor (namely the compressor sending to Endpoint B).

9. The compressor makes use of the returned feedback data.

The detailed role played by each entity in the transmission of

feedback data is explained in subsequent chapters.

3.3. SigComp Parameters

An advantage of using a virtual machine for decompression is that

almost all of the implementation flexibility lies in the SigComp

compressors. When receiving SigComp messages an endpoint generally

behaves in a predictable manner.

Note however that endpoints implementing SigComp will typically have

a wide range of capabilities, each offering a different amount of

working memory, processing power etc. In order to support this wide

variation in endpoint capabilities, the following parameters are

provided to modify SigComp behavior when receiving SigComp messages:





locally available state (a set containing 0 or more state items)

Each parameter has a minimum value that MUST be offered by all

receiving SigComp endpoints. Moreover, endpoints MAY offer

additional resources if available; these resources can be advertised

to remote endpoints using the SigComp feedback mechanism.

Particular applications may also agree a-priori to offer additional

resources as mandatory (e.g., SigComp for SIP offers a dictionary of

common SIP phrases as a mandatory state item).

Each of the SigComp parameters is described in greater detail below.

3.3.1. Memory Size and UDVM Cycles

The decompression_memory_size parameter specifies the amount of

memory available to decompress one SigComp message. (Note that the

term "amount of memory" is used on a conceptual level in order to

specify decompressor behavior and allow resource planning on the side

of the compressor -- an implementation could require additional,

bounded amounts of actual memory resources or could even organize its

memory in a completely different way as long as this does not cause

decompression failures where the conceptual model would not.) A

portion of this memory is used to buffer a SigComp message before it

is decompressed; the remainder is given to the UDVM. Note that the

memory is allocated on a per-message basis and can be reclaimed after

the message has been decompressed. All endpoints implementing

SigComp MUST offer a decompression_memory_size of at least 2048


The state_memory_size parameter specifies the number of bytes offered

to a particular compartment for the creation of state. This

parameter is set to 0 if the endpoint is stateless.

Unlike the other SigComp parameters, the state_memory_size is offered

on a per-compartment basis and may vary for different compartments.

The memory for a compartment is reclaimed when the application

determines that the compartment is no longer required.

The cycles_per_bit parameter specifies the number of "UDVM cycles"

available to decompress each bit in a SigComp message. Executing a

UDVM instruction requires a certain number of UDVM cycles; a complete

list of UDVM instructions and their cost in UDVM cycles can be found

in Chapter 9. An endpoint MUST offer a minimum of 16 cycles_per_bit.

Each of the three parameter values MUST be chosen from the limited

set given below, so that the parameters can be efficiently encoded

for transmission using the SigComp feedback mechanism.

The cycles_per_bit parameter is encoded using 2 bits, whilst the

decompression_memory_size and state_memory_size are both encoded

using 3 bits. The bit encodings and their corresponding values are

as follows:

Encoding: cycles_per_bit: Encoding: state_memory_size (bytes):

00 16 000 0

01 32 001 2048

10 64 010 4096

11 128 011 8192

100 16384

101 32768

110 65536

111 131072

The decompression_memory_size is encoded in the same manner as the

state_memory_size, except that the bit pattern 000 cannot be used (as

an endpoint cannot offer a decompression_memory_size of 0 bytes).

3.3.2. SigComp Version

The SigComp_version parameter specifies whether only the basic

version of SigComp is available, or whether an upgraded version is

available offering additional instructions etc. Within the UDVM, it

is available as a 2-byte value, generated by zero-extending the 1-

byte SigComp_version parameter (i.e., the first byte of the 2-byte

value is always zero).

The basic version of SigComp is Version 0x01, which is the version

described in this document.

To ensure backwards compatibility, if a SigComp message is

successfully decompressed by Version 0x01 of SigComp then it will be

successfully decompressed on upgraded versions. Similarly, if the

message triggers a manual decompression failure (see Section 8.7),

then it will also continue to do so.

However, messages that cause an unexpected decompression failure on

Version 0x01 of SigComp may be successfully decompressed by upgraded


The simplest way to upgrade SigComp in a backwards-compatible manner

is to add additional UDVM instructions, as this will not affect the

decompression of SigComp messages compatible with Version 0x01.

Reserved addresses in the UDVM memory (Useful Values, see Section

7.2) may also be assigned values in future versions of SigComp.

3.3.3. Locally Available State Items

A SigComp state item is an item of data that is retained between

SigComp messages. State items can be retrieved and loaded into the

UDVM memory as part of the decompression process, often significantly

improving the compression ratio as the same information does not have

to be uploaded on a per-message basis.

Each endpoint maintains a set of state items where every item is

composed of the following information:

Name: Type of data:

state_identifier 20-byte value

state_length 2-byte value

state_address 2-byte value

state_instruction 2-byte value

minimum_access_length 2-byte value from 6 to 20 inclusive

state_value String of state_length consecutive bytes

State items are typically created at an endpoint upon successful

decompression of a SigComp message. The remote compressor sending

the message makes a state creation request by invoking the

appropriate UDVM instruction, and the state is saved once permission

is granted by the application.

However, an endpoint MAY also wish to offer a set of locally

available state items that have not been uploaded as part of a

SigComp message. For example it might offer well-known decompression

algorithms, dictionaries of common phrases used in a specific

signaling protocol, etc.

Since these state items are established locally without input from a

remote endpoint, they are most useful if publicly documented so that

a wide collection of remote endpoints can determine the data

contained in each state item and how it may be used. Further

Internet Documents and RFCs may be published to describe particular

locally available state items.

Although there are no locally available state items that are

mandatory for every SigComp endpoint, certain state items can be made

mandatory in a specific environment (e.g., the dictionary of common

phrases for a specific signaling protocol could be made mandatory for

that signaling protocol's usage of SigComp). Also, remote endpoints

can indicate their interest in receiving a list of some of the state

items available locally at an endpoint using the SigComp feedback


It is a matter of local decision for an endpoint what items of

locally available state it advertises; this decision has no influence

on interoperability, but may increase or decrease the efficiency of

the compression achievable between the endpoints.

4. SigComp Dispatchers

This chapter defines the behavior of the compressor and decompressor

dispatcher. The function of these entities is to provide an

interface between SigComp and its environment, minimizing the effort

needed to integrate SigComp into an existing protocol stack.

4.1. Compressor Dispatcher

The compressor dispatcher receives messages from the application and

passes the compressed version of each message to the transport layer.

Note that SigComp invokes compressors on a per-compartment basis, so

when the application provides a message to be compressed it must also

provide a compartment identifier. The compressor dispatcher forwards

the application message to the correct compressor based on the

compartment identifier (invoking a new compressor if a new

compartment identifier is encountered). The compressor returns a

SigComp message that can be passed to the transport layer.

Additionally, the application should indicate to the compressor

dispatcher when it wishes to close a particular compartment, so that

the resources taken by the corresponding compressor can be reclaimed.

4.2. Decompressor Dispatcher

The decompressor dispatcher receives messages from the transport

layer and passes the decompressed version of each message to the


To ensure that SigComp can run over an unsecured transport layer, the

decompressor dispatcher invokes a new instance of the UDVM for each

new SigComp message. Resources for the UDVM are released as soon as

the message has been decompressed.

The dispatcher MUST NOT make more than one SigComp message available

to a given instance of the UDVM. In particular, the dispatcher MUST

NOT concatenate two SigComp messages to form a single message.

4.2.1. Decompressor Dispatcher Strategies

Once the UDVM has been invoked it is initialized using the SigComp

message of Chapter 7. The message is then decompressed by the UDVM,

returned to the decompressor dispatcher, and passed on to the

receiving application. Note that the UDVM has no awareness of

whether the underlying transport is message-based or stream-based,

and so it always outputs decompressed data as a stream. It is the

responsibility of the dispatcher to provide the decompressed message

to the application in the expected form (i.e., as a stream or as a

distinct, bounded message). The dispatcher knows that the end of a

decompressed message has been reached when the UDVM instruction END-

MESSAGE is invoked (see Section 9.4.9).

For a stream-based transport, two strategies are therefore possible

for the decompressor dispatcher:

1) The dispatcher collects a complete SigComp message and then

invokes the UDVM. The advantage is that, even in implementations

that have multiple incoming compressed streams, only one instance

of the UDVM is ever required.

2) The dispatcher collects the SigComp header (see Section 7) and

invokes the UDVM; the UDVM stays active while the rest of the

message arrives. The advantage is that there is no need to buffer

up the rest of the message; the message can be decompressed as it

arrives, and any decompressed output can be relayed to the

application immediately.

In general, which of the strategies is used is an implementation


However, the compressor may want to take advantage of strategy 2 by

expecting that some of the application message is passed on to the

application before the SigComp message is terminated, e.g., by

keeping the UDVM active while expecting the application to

continuously receive decompressed output. This approach ("continuous

mode") invalidates some assumptions of the SigComp security model and

can only be used if the transport itself can provide the required

protection against denial of service attacks. Also, since only

strategy 2 works in this approach, the use of continuous mode

requires previous agreement between the two endpoints.

4.2.2. Record Marking

For a stream-based transport, the dispatcher delimits messages by

parsing the compressed data stream for instances of 0xFF and taking

the following actions:

Occurs in data stream: Action:

0xFF 00 one 0xFF byte in the data stream

0xFF 01 same, but the next byte is quoted (could

be another 0xFF)

: :

0xFF 7F same, but the next 127 bytes are quoted

0xFF 80 to 0xFF FE (reserved for future standardization)

0xFF FF end of SigComp message

The combinations 0xFF01 to 0xFF7F are useful to limit the worst case

expansion of the record marking scheme: the 1 (0xFF01) to 127

(0xFF7F) bytes following the byte combination are copied literally by

the decompressor without taking any special action on 0xFF. (Note

that 0xFF00 is just a special case of this, where zero following

bytes are copied literally.)

In UDVM version 0x01, any occurrence of the combinations 0xFF80 to

0xFFFE that are not protected by quoting causes decompression

failure; the decompressor SHOULD close the stream-based transport in

this case.

4.3. Returning a Compartment Identifier

Upon receiving a decompressed message the application may supply the

dispatcher with a compartment identifier. Supplying this identifier

grants permission for the following:

1. Items of state accompanying the decompressed message can be saved

using the state memory reserved for the specified compartment.

2. The feedback data accompanying the decompressed message can be

trusted sufficiently that it can be used when sending SigComp

messages that relate to the compressor's equivalent for the


The dispatcher passes the compartment identifier to the UDVM, where

it is used as per the END-MESSAGE instruction (see Section 9.4.9).

The application uses a suitable authentication mechanism to determine

whether the decompressed message belongs to a legitimate compartment

or not. If the application fails to authenticate the message with

sufficient confidence to allow state to be saved or feedback data to

be trusted, it supplies a "no valid compartment" error to the

dispatcher and the UDVM is terminated without creating any state or

forwarding any feedback data.

5. SigComp Compressor

An important feature of SigComp is that decompression functionality

is provided by a Universal Decompressor Virtual Machine (UDVM). This

means that the compressor can choose any algorithm to generate

compressed SigComp messages, and then upload bytecode for the

corresponding decompression algorithm to the UDVM as part of the

SigComp message.

To help with the implementation and testing of a SigComp endpoint,

further Internet Documents and RFCs may be published to describe

particular compression algorithms.

The overall requirement placed on the compressor is that of

transparency, i.e., the compressor MUST NOT send bytecode which

causes the UDVM to incorrectly decompress a given SigComp message.

The following more specific requirements are also placed on the

compressor (they can be considered particular instances of the

transparency requirement):

1. For robustness, it is recommended that the compressor supply some

form of integrity check (not necessarily of cryptographic

strength) over the application message to ensure that successful

decompression has occurred. A UDVM instruction is provided for

CRC verification; also, another instruction can be used to compute

a SHA-1 cryptographic hash.

2. The compressor MUST ensure that the message can be decompressed

using the resources available at the remote endpoint.

3. If the transport is message-based, then the compressor MUST map

each application message to exactly one SigComp message.

4. If the transport is stream-based but the application defines its

own internal message boundaries, then the compressor SHOULD map

each application message to exactly one SigComp message.

Message boundaries should be preserved over a stream-based transport

so that accidental or malicious damage to one SigComp message does

not affect the decompression of subsequent messages.

Additionally, if the state handler passes some requested feedback to

the compressor, then it SHOULD be returned in the next SigComp

message generated by the compressor (unless the state handler passes

some newer requested feedback before the older feedback has been

sent, in which case the older feedback is deleted).

If present, the requested feedback item SHOULD be copied unmodified

into the returned_feedback_item field provided in the SigComp

message. Note that there is no need to transmit any requested

feedback item more than once.

The compressor SHOULD also upload the local SigComp parameters to the

remote endpoint, unless the endpoint has indicated that it does not

wish to receive these parameters or the compressor determines that

the parameters have already successfully arrived (see Section 5.1 for

details of how this can be achieved). The SigComp parameters are

uploaded to the UDVM memory at the remote endpoint as described in

Section 9.4.9.

5.1. Ensuring Successful Decompression

A compressor MUST be certain that all of the data needed to

decompress a SigComp message is available at the receiving endpoint.

One way to ensure this is to send all of the needed information in

every SigComp message (including bytecode to decompress the message).

However, the compression ratio for this method will be relatively


To oBTain the best overall compression ratio the compressor needs to

request the creation of new state items at the remote endpoint. The

information saved in these state items can then be accessed by later

SigComp messages, avoiding the need to upload the data on a per-

message basis.

Before the compressor can access saved state however, it must ensure

that the SigComp message carrying the state creation request arrived

successfully at the receiving endpoint. For a reliable transport

(e.g., TCP or SCTP) this is guaranteed. For an unreliable transport

however, the compressor must provide a suitable mechanism itself (see

[RFC-3321] for further details).

The compressor must also ensure that the state item it wishes to

access has not been rejected due to a lack of state memory. This can

be accomplished by checking the state_memory_size parameter using the

SigComp feedback mechanism (see Section 9.4.9 for further details).

5.2. Compression Failure

The compressor SHOULD make every effort to successfully compress an

application message, but in certain cases this might not be possible

(particularly if resources are scarce at the receiving endpoint). In

this case a "compression failure" is called.

If a compression failure occurs then the compressor informs the

dispatcher and takes no further action. The dispatcher MUST report

this failure to the application so that it can try other methods to

deliver the message.

6. State Handling and Feedback

This chapter defines the behavior of the SigComp state handler. The

function of the state handler is to retain information between

received SigComp messages; it is the only SigComp entity that is

capable of this function, and so it is of particular importance from

a security perspective.

6.1. Creating and Accessing State

To provide security against the malicious insertion or modification

of SigComp messages, a separate instance of the UDVM is invoked to

decompress each message. This ensures that damaged SigComp messages

do not prevent the successful decompression of subsequent valid


Note, however, that the overall compression ratio is often

significantly higher if messages can be compressed relative to the

information contained in previous messages. For this reason, it is

possible to create state items for access when a later message is

being decompressed. Both the creation and access of state are

designed to be secure against malicious tampering with the compressed

data. The UDVM can only create a state item when a complete message

has been successfully decompressed and the application has returned a

compartment identifier under which the state can be saved.

State access cannot be protected by relying on the application alone,

since the authentication mechanism may require information from the

decompressed message (which of course is not available until after

the state has been accessed). Instead, SigComp protects state access

by creating a state identifier that is a hash over the item of state

to be retrieved. This state_identifier must be supplied to retrieve

an item of state from the state handler.

Also note that state is not deleted when it is accessed. So even if

a malicious sender manages to access some state information,

subsequent messages compressed relative to this state can still be

successfully decompressed.

Each state item contains a state_identifier that is used to access

the state. One state identifier can be supplied in the SigComp

message header to initialize the UDVM (see Chapter 7); additional

state items can be retrieved using the STATE-ACCESS instruction. The

UDVM can also request the creation of a new state item by using the

STATE-CREATE and END-MESSAGE instructions (see Chapter 9 for further


6.2. Memory Management

The state handler manages state memory on a per-compartment basis.

Each compartment can store state up to a certain state_memory_size

(where the application may assign different values for the

state_memory_size parameter to different compartments).

As well as storing the state items themselves, the state handler

maintains a list of the state items created by a particular

compartment and ensures that no compartment exceeds its allocated

state_memory_size. For the purpose of calculation, each state item

is considered to cost (state_length + 64) bytes.

Each instance of the UDVM can pass up to four state creation requests

to the state handler, as well as up to four state free requests (the

latter are requests to free the memory taken by a state item in a

certain compartment). When the state handler receives a state

creation request from the UDVM it takes the following steps:

1. The state handler MUST reject all state creation requests that are

not accompanied by a valid compartment identifier, or if the

compartment is allocated 0 bytes of state memory. Note that if a

state creation request fails due to lack of state memory then it

does not mean that the corresponding SigComp message is damaged;

compressors will often make state creation requests in the first

SigComp message of a compartment, before they have discovered the

state_memory_size using the SigComp feedback mechanism.

2. If the state creation request needs more state memory than the

total state_memory_size for the compartment, the state handler

deletes all but the first (state_memory_size - 64) bytes from the

state_value. It sets the state_length to (state_memory_size -

64), and recalculates the state_identifier as defined in Section


3. If the state creation request contains a state_identifier that

already exists then the state handler checks whether the requested

state item is identical to the established state item and counts

the state creation request as successful if this is the case. If

not then the state creation request is unsuccessful (although the

probability that this will occur is vanishingly small).

4. If the state creation request exceeds the state memory allocated

to the compartment, sufficient items of state created by the same

compartment are freed until enough memory is available to

accommodate the new state. When a state item is freed, it is

removed from the list of states created by the compartment and the

memory cost of the state item no longer counts towards the total

cost for the compartment. Note, however, that identical state

items may be created by several different compartments, so a state

item must not be physically deleted unless the state handler

determines that it is no longer required by any compartment.

5. The order in which the existing state items are freed is

determined by the state_retention_priority, which is set when the

state items are created. The state_retention_priority of 65535 is

reserved for locally available states; these states must always be

freed first. Apart from this special case, states with the lowest

state_retention_priority are always freed first. In the event of

a tie, then the state item created first in the compartment is

also the first to be freed.

The state_retention_priority is always stored on a per-compartment

basis as part of the list of state items created by each compartment.

In particular, the same state item might have several priority values

if it has been created by several different compartments.

Note that locally available state items (as described in Section

3.3.3) need not be mapped to any particular compartment. However, if

they are created on a per-compartment basis, then they must not

interfere with the state created at the request of the remote

endpoint. The special state_retention_priority of 65535 is reserved

for locally available state items to ensure that this is the case.

The UDVM may also explicitly request the state handler to free a

specific state item in a compartment. In this case, the state

handler deletes the state item from the list of state items created

by the compartment (as before the state item itself must not be

physically deleted unless the state handler determines that it is not

longer required by any compartment).

The application should indicate to the state handler when it wishes

to close a particular compartment, so that the resources taken by the

corresponding state can be reclaimed.

6.3. Feedback Data

The SigComp feedback mechanism allows feedback data to be received by

a UDVM and forwarded via the state handler to the correct compressor.

Since this feedback data is retained between SigComp messages, it is

considered to be part of the overall state and can only be forwarded

if accompanied by a valid compartment identifier. If this is the

case, then the state handler forwards the feedback data to the

compressor responsible for sending messages that pertain to the peer

compartment of the specified compartment.

7. SigComp Message Format

This chapter describes the format of the SigComp message and how the

message is used to initialize the UDVM memory.

Note that the SigComp message is not copied into the UDVM memory as

soon as it arrives; instead, the UDVM indicates when it requires

compressed data using a specific instruction. It then pauses and

waits for the information to be supplied before executing the next

instruction. This means that the UDVM can begin to decompress a

SigComp message before the entire message has been received.

A consequence of the above behavior is that when the UDVM is invoked,

the size of the UDVM memory depends on whether the transport used to

provide the SigComp message is stream-based or message-based. If the

transport is message-based then sufficient memory must be available

to buffer the entire SigComp message before it is passed to the UDVM.

So if the message is n bytes long, then the UDVM memory size is set

to (decompression_memory_size - n), up to a maximum of 65536 bytes.

If the transport is stream-based however, then a fixed-size input

buffer is required to accommodate the stream, independently of the

size of each SigComp message. So, for simplicity, the UDVM memory

size is set to (decompression_memory_size / 2).

As a separate instance of the UDVM is invoked on a per-message basis,

each SigComp message must explicitly indicate its chosen

decompression algorithm as well as any additional information that is

needed to decompress the message (e.g., one or more previously

received messages, a dictionary of common SIP phrases etc.). This

information can either be uploaded as part of the SigComp message or

retrieved from an item of state.

A SigComp message takes one of two forms depending on whether it

accesses a state item at the receiving endpoint. The two variants of

a SigComp message are given in Figure 3. (The T-bit controls the

format of the returned feedback item and is defined in Section 7.1.)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

1 1 1 1 1 T len 1 1 1 1 1 T 0

+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

: returned feedback item : : returned feedback item :

+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+


: partial state identifier : +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

code_len destination

+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

: remaining SigComp message : : uploaded UDVM bytecode :

+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

: remaining SigComp message :


Figure 3: Format of a SigComp message

Decompression failure occurs if the SigComp message is too short to

contain the expected fields (see Section 8.7 for further details).

The fields except for the "remaining SigComp message" are referred to

as the "SigComp header" (note that this may include the uploaded UDVM


7.1. Returned feedback item

For both variants of the SigComp message, the T-bit is set to 1

whenever the SigComp message contains a returned feedback item. The

format of the returned feedback item is illustrated in Figure 4.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

0 returned_feedback_field 1 returned_feedback_length

+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

: returned_feedback_field :


Figure 4: Format of returned feedback item

Note that the returned feedback length specifies the size of the

returned feedback field (from 0 to 127 bytes). So the total size of

the returned feedback item lies between 1 and 128 bytes.

The returned feedback item is not copied to the UDVM memory; instead,

it is buffered until the UDVM has successfully decompressed the

SigComp message. It is then forwarded to the state handler with the

rest of the feedback data (see Section 9.4.9 for further details).

7.2. Accessing Stored State

The len field of the SigComp message determines which fields follow

the returned feedback item. If the len field is non-zero, then the

SigComp message contains a state identifier to access a state item at

the receiving endpoint. All state items include a 20-byte state

identifier as per Section 3.3.3, but it is possible to transmit as

few as 6 bytes from the identifier if the sender believes that this

is sufficient to match a unique state item at the receiving endpoint.

The len field encodes the number of transmitted bytes as follows:

Encoding: Length of partial state identifier

01 6 bytes

10 9 bytes

11 12 bytes

The partial state identifier is passed to the state handler, which

compares it with the most significant bytes of the state_identifier

in every currently stored state item. Decompression failure occurs

if no state item is matched or if more than one state item is


Decompression failure also occurs if exactly one state item is

matched but the state item contains a minimum_access_length greater

than the length of the partial state identifier. This prevents

especially sensitive state items from being accessed maliciously by

brute force guessing of the state_identifier.

If a state item is successfully accessed then the state_value byte

string is copied into the UDVM memory beginning at state_address.

The first 32 bytes of UDVM memory are then initialized to special

values as illustrated in Figure 5.

0 7 8 15


UDVM_memory_size 0 - 1


cycles_per_bit 2 - 3


SigComp_version 4 - 5


partial_state_ID_length 6 - 7


state_length 8 - 9


: reserved : 10 - 31


Figure 5: Initializing Useful Values in UDVM memory

The first five 2-byte words are initialized to contain some values

that might be useful to the UDVM bytecode (Useful Values). Note that

these values are for information only and can be overwritten when

executing the UDVM bytecode without any effect on the endpoint. The

MSBs of each 2-byte word are stored preceding the LSBs.

Addresses 0 to 5 indicate the resources available to the receiving

endpoint. The UDVM memory size is expressed in bytes modulo 2^16, so

in particular, it is set to 0 if the UDVM memory size is 65536 bytes.

The cycles_per_bit is expressed as a 2-byte integer taking the value

16, 32, 64 or 128. The SigComp_version is expressed as a 2-byte

value as per Section 3.3.2.

Addresses 6 to 9 are initialized to the length of the partial state

identifier, followed by the state_length from the retrieved state

item. Both are expressed as 2-byte values.

Addresses 10 to 31 are reserved and are initialized to 0 for Version

0x01 of SigComp. Future versions of SigComp can use these locations

for additional Useful Values, so a decompressor MUST NOT rely on

these values being zero.

Any remaining addresses in the UDVM memory that have not yet been

initialized MUST be set to 0.

The UDVM then begins executing instructions at the memory address

contained in state_instruction (which is part of the retrieved item

of state). Note that the remaining SigComp message is held by the

decompressor dispatcher until requested by the UDVM.

(Note that the Useful Values are only set at UDVM startup; there is

no special significance to this memory area afterwards. This means

that the UDVM bytecode is free to use these locations for any other

purpose a memory location might be used for; it just has to be aware

they are not necessarily initialized to zero.)

7.3. Uploading UDVM bytecode

If the len field is set to 0 then the bytecode needed to decompress

the SigComp message is supplied as part of the message itself. The

12-bit code_len field specifies the size of the uploaded UDVM

bytecode (from 0 to 4095 bytes inclusive); eight most significant

bits are in the first byte, followed by the four least significant

bits in the most significant bits in the second byte. The remaining

bits in the second byte are interpreted as a 4-bit destination field

that specifies the starting memory address to which the bytecode is

copied. The destination field is encoded as follows:

Encoding: Destination address:

0000 reserved

0001 2 * 64 = 128

0010 3 * 64 = 196

0011 4 * 64 = 256

: :

1111 16 * 64 = 1024

Note that the encoding 0000 is reserved for future SigComp versions,

and causes a decompression failure in Version 0x01.

The UDVM memory is initialized as per Figure 5, except that addresses

6 to 9 inclusive are set to 0 because no state item has been

accessed. The UDVM then begins executing instructions at the memory

address specified by the destination field. As above, the remaining

SigComp message is held by the decompressor dispatcher until needed

by the UDVM.

8. Overview of the UDVM

Decompression functionality for SigComp is provided by a Universal

Decompressor Virtual Machine (UDVM). The UDVM is a virtual machine

much like the Java Virtual Machine but with a key difference: it is

designed solely for the purpose of running decompression algorithms.

The motivation for creating the UDVM is to provide flexibility when

choosing how to compress a given application message. Rather than

picking one of a small number of pre-negotiated algorithms, the

compressor implementer has the freedom to select an algorithm of

their choice. The compressed data is then combined with a set of

UDVM instructions that allow the original data to be extracted, and

the result is outputted as a SigComp message. Since the UDVM is

optimized specifically for running decompression algorithms, the code

size of a typical algorithm is small (often sub 100 bytes).

Moreover, the UDVM approach does not add significant extra processing

or memory requirements compared to running a fixed preprogrammed

decompression algorithm.

Figure 6 gives a detailed view of the interfaces between the UDVM and

its environment.

+----------------+ +----------------+

Request compressed data



Provide compressed data

Output decompressed data Decompressor

--------------------------------> dispatcher

Indicate end of message



UDVM Provide compartment identifier



Request state information



Provide state information State


Make state creation request


Forward feedback information

+----------------+ +----------------+

Figure 6: Interfaces between the UDVM and its environment

Note that once the UDVM has been initialized, additional compressed

data and state information are only provided at the request of a

specific UDVM instruction.

This chapter describes the basic features of the UDVM including the

UDVM registers and the format of UDVM bytecode.

8.1. UDVM Registers

The UDVM registers are 2-byte words in the UDVM memory that have

special tasks, for example specifying the location of the stack used

by the CALL and RETURN instructions.

The UDVM registers are illustrated in Figure 7.

0 7 8 15


byte_copy_left 64 - 65


byte_copy_right 66 - 67


input_bit_order 68 - 69


stack_location 70 - 71


Figure 7: Memory addresses of the UDVM registers

The MSBs of each register are always stored before the LSBs. So, for

example, the MSBs of byte_copy_left are stored at Address 64 whilst

the LSBs are stored at Address 65.

The use of each UDVM register is defined in the following sections.

(Note that the UDVM registers start at Address 64, that is 32 bytes

after the area reserved for Useful Values. The intention is that the

gap, i.e., the area between Address 32 and Address 63, will often be

used as scratch-pad memory that is guaranteed to be zero at UDVM

startup and is efficiently addressable in operand types reference ($)

and multitype (%).)

8.2. Requesting Additional Compressed Data

The decompressor dispatcher stores the compressed data from the

SigComp message before it is requested by the UDVM via one of the

INPUT instructions. When the UDVM bytecode is first executed, the

dispatcher contains the remaining SigComp message after the header

has been used to initialize the UDVM as per Chapter 7.

Note that the INPUT-BITS and INPUT-HUFFMAN instructions retrieve a

stream of individual compressed bits from the dispatcher. To provide

bitwise compatibility with various well-known compression algorithms,

the input_bit_order register can modify the order in which individual

bits are passed within a byte.

The input_bit_order register contains the following three flags:

0 7 8 15


reserved FHP 68 - 69


The P-bit controls the order in which bits are passed from the

dispatcher to the INPUT instructions. If set to 0, it indicates that

the bits within an individual byte are passed to the INPUT

instructions in MSB to LSB order. If it is set to 1, the bits are

passed in LSB to MSB order.

Note that the input_bit_order register cannot change the order in

which the bytes themselves are passed to the INPUT instructions

(bytes are always passed in the same order as they occur in the

SigComp message).

The following diagram illustrates the order in which bits are passed

to the INPUT instructions for both cases:


+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 ... 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ... 9 8

+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 0 Byte 1

P = 0 P = 1

Note that after one or more INPUT instructions the dispatcher may

hold a fraction of a byte (what used to be the LSBs if P = 0, or, the

MSBs, if P = 1). If an INPUT instruction is encountered and the P-

bit has changed since the last INPUT instruction, any fraction of a

byte still held by the dispatcher MUST be discarded (even if the

INPUT instruction requests zero bits). The first bit passed to the

INPUT instruction is taken from the subsequent byte.

When an INPUT instruction requests n bits of compressed data, it

interprets the received bits as an integer between 0 and 2^n - 1.

The F-bit and the H-bit specify whether the bits in these integers

are considered to arrive in MSB to LSB order (bit set to 0) or in LSB

to MSB order (bit set to 1).

If the F-bit is set to 0, the INPUT-BITS instruction interprets the

received bits as arriving MSBs first, and if it is set to 1, it

interprets the bits as arriving LSBs first. The H-bit performs the

same function for the INPUT-HUFFMAN instruction. Note that it is

possible to set these two bits to different values in order to use

different bit orders for the two instructions (certain algorithms

actually require this, e.g., DEFLATE [RFC-1951]). (Note that there

are no special considerations for changing the F- or H-bit between

INPUT instructions, unlike the discard rule for the P-bit described


Decompression failure occurs if an INPUT-BITS or an INPUT-HUFFMAN

instruction is encountered and the input_bit_order register does not

lie between 0 and 7 inclusive.

8.3. UDVM Stack

Certain UDVM instructions make use of a stack of 2-byte words stored

at the memory address specified by the 2-byte word stack_location.

The stack contains the following words:

Name: Starting memory address:

stack_fill stack_location

stack[0] stack_location + 2

stack[1] stack_location + 4

stack[2] stack_location + 6

: :

The notation stack_location is an abbreviation for the contents of

the stack_location register, i.e., the 2-byte word at locations 70

and 71. The notation stack_fill is an abbreviation for the 2-byte

word at stack_location and stack_location+1. Similarly, the notation

stack[n] is an abbreviation for the 2-byte word at

stack_location+2*n+2 and stack_location+2*n+3. (As always, the

arithmetic is modulo 2^16.)

The stack is used by the CALL, RETURN, PUSH and POP instructions.

"Pushing" a value on the stack is an abbreviation for copying the

value to stack[stack_fill] and then increasing stack_fill by 1. CALL

and PUSH push values on the stack.

"Popping" a value from the stack is an abbreviation for decreasing

stack_fill by 1, and then using the value stored in

stack[stack_fill]. Decompression failure occurs if stack_fill is

zero at the commencement of a popping operation. POP and RETURN pop

values from the stack.

For both of these abstract operations, the UDVM first takes note of

the current value of stack_location and uses this value for both

sub-operations (accessing the stack and manipulating stack_fill),

i.e., overwriting stack_location in the course of the operation is

inconsequential for the operation.

8.4. Byte copying

A number of UDVM instructions require a string of bytes to be copied

to and from areas of the UDVM memory. This section defines how the

byte copying operation should be performed.

The string of bytes is copied in ascending order of memory address,

respecting the bounds set by byte_copy_left and byte_copy_right.

More precisely, if a byte is copied from/to Address m then the next

byte is copied from/to Address n where n is calculated as follows:

Set k := m + 1 (modulo 2^16)

If k = byte_copy_right then set n := byte_copy_left, else set n := k

Decompression failure occurs if a byte is copied from/to an address

beyond the UDVM memory.

Note that the string of bytes is copied one byte at a time. In

particular, some of the later bytes to be copied may themselves have

been written into the UDVM memory by the byte copying operation

currently being performed.

Equally, it is possible for a byte copying operation to overwrite the

instruction that invoked the byte copy. If this occurs, then the

byte copying operation MUST be completed as if the original

instruction were still in place in the UDVM memory (this also applies

if byte_copy_left or byte_copy_right are overwritten).

Byte copying is used by the following UDVM instructions:



8.5. Instruction operands and UDVM bytecode

Each of the UDVM instructions in a piece of UDVM bytecode is

represented by a single byte, followed by 0 or more bytes containing

the operands required by the instruction.

During instruction execution, conceptually the UDVM first fetches the

first byte of the instruction, determines the number and types of

operands required for this instruction, and then decodes all the

operands in sequence before starting to act on the instruction.

(Note that the UDVM instructions have been designed in such a way

that this sequence remains conceptual in those cases where it would

result in an unreasonable burden on the implementation.)

To reduce the size of typical UDVM bytecode, each operand for a UDVM

instruction is compressed using variable-length encoding. The aim is

to store more common operand values using fewer bytes than rarely

occurring values.

Four different types of operand are available: the literal, the

reference, the multitype and the address. Chapter 9 gives a complete

list of UDVM instructions and the operand types that follow each


The UDVM bytecode for each operand type is illustrated in Figure 8 to

Figure 10, together with the integer values represented by the


Note that the MSBs in the bytecode are illustrated as preceding the

LSBs. Also, any string of bits marked with k consecutive "n"s is to

be interpreted as an integer N from 0 to 2^k - 1 inclusive (with the

MSBs of n illustrated as preceding the LSBs).

The decoded integer value of the bytecode can be interpreted in two

ways. In some cases it is taken to be the actual value of the

operand. In other cases it is taken to be a memory address at which

the 2-byte operand value can be found (MSBs found at the specified

address, LSBs found at the following address). The latter cases are

denoted by memory[X] where X is the address and memory[X] is the 2-

byte value starting at Address X.

The simplest operand type is the literal (#), which encodes a

constant integer from 0 to 65535 inclusive. A literal operand may

require between 1 and 3 bytes depending on its value.

Bytecode: Operand value: Range:

0nnnnnnn N 0 - 127

10nnnnnn nnnnnnnn N 0 - 16383

11000000 nnnnnnnn nnnnnnnn N 0 - 65535

Figure 8: Bytecode for a literal (#) operand

The second operand type is the reference ($), which is always used to

access a 2-byte value located elsewhere in the UDVM memory. The

bytecode for a reference operand is decoded to be a constant integer

from 0 to 65535 inclusive, which is interpreted as the memory address

containing the actual value of the operand.

Bytecode: Operand value: Range:

0nnnnnnn memory[2 * N] 0 - 65535

10nnnnnn nnnnnnnn memory[2 * N] 0 - 65535

11000000 nnnnnnnn nnnnnnnn memory[N] 0 - 65535

Figure 9: Bytecode for a reference ($) operand

Note that the range of a reference operand is always 0 - 65535

independently of how many bits are used to encode the reference,

because the operand always references a 2-byte value in the memory.

The third kind of operand is the multitype (%), which can be used to

encode both actual values and memory addresses. The multitype

operand also offers efficient encoding for small integer values (both

positive and negative) and for powers of 2.

Bytecode: Operand value: Range:

00nnnnnn N 0 - 63

01nnnnnn memory[2 * N] 0 - 65535

1000011n 2 ^ (N + 6) 64 , 128

10001nnn 2 ^ (N + 8) 256 , ... , 32768

111nnnnn N + 65504 65504 - 65535

1001nnnn nnnnnnnn N + 61440 61440 - 65535

101nnnnn nnnnnnnn N 0 - 8191

110nnnnn nnnnnnnn memory[N] 0 - 65535

10000000 nnnnnnnn nnnnnnnn N 0 - 65535

10000001 nnnnnnnn nnnnnnnn memory[N] 0 - 65535

Figure 10: Bytecode for a multitype (%) operand

The fourth operand type is the address (@). This operand is decoded

as a multitype operand followed by a further step: the memory address

of the UDVM instruction containing the address operand is added to

obtain the correct operand value. So if the operand value from

Figure 10 is D then the actual operand value of an address is

calculated as follows:

operand_value = (memory_address_of_instruction + D) modulo 2^16

Address operands are always used in instructions that control program

flow, because they ensure that the UDVM bytecode is position-

independent code (i.e., it will run independently of where it is

placed in the UDVM memory).

8.6. UDVM Cycles

Once the UDVM has been invoked it executes the instructions contained

in its memory consecutively unless otherwise indicated (for example

when the UDVM encounters a JUMP instruction). If the next

instruction to be executed lies outside the available memory then

decompression failure occurs (see Section 8.7).

To ensure that a SigComp message cannot consume excessive processing

resources, SigComp limits the number of "UDVM cycles" allocated to

each message. The number of available UDVM cycles is initialized to

1000 plus the number of bits in the SigComp header (as described in

Section 7); this sum is then multiplied by cycles_per_bit. Each time

an instruction is executed the number of available UDVM cycles is

decreased by the amount specified in Chapter 9. Additionally, if the

UDVM successfully requests n bits of compressed data using one of the

INPUT instructions then the number of available UDVM cycles is

increased by n * cycles_per_bit once the instruction has been


This means that the maximum number of UDVM cycles available for

processing an n-byte SigComp message is given by the formula:

maximum_UDVM_cycles = (8 * n + 1000) * cycles_per_bit

The reason that this total is not allocated to the UDVM when it is

invoked is that the UDVM can begin to decompress a message that has

only been partially received. So the total message size may not be

known when the UDVM is initialized.

Note that the number of UDVM cycles MUST NOT be increased if a

request for additional compressed data fails.

The UDVM stops executing instructions when it encounters an END-

MESSAGE instruction or if decompression failure occurs (see Section

8.7 for further details).

8.7. Decompression Failure

If a compressed message given to the UDVM is corrupted (either

accidentally or maliciously), then the UDVM may terminate with a

decompression failure.

Reasons for decompression failure include the following:

1. A SigComp message contains an invalid header as per Chapter 7.

2. A SigComp message is larger than the decompression_memory_size.

3. An instruction costs more than the number of remaining UDVM


4. The UDVM attempts to read from or write to a memory address beyond

its memory size.

5. An unknown instruction is encountered.

6. An unknown operand is encountered.

7. An instruction is encountered that cannot be processed

successfully by the UDVM (for example a RETURN instruction when no

CALL instruction has previously been encountered).

8. A request to access some state information fails.

9. A manual decompression failure is triggered using the


If a decompression failure occurs when decompressing a message then

the UDVM informs the dispatcher and takes no further action. It is

the responsibility of the dispatcher to decide how to cope with the

decompression failure. In general a dispatcher SHOULD discard the

compressed message (or the compressed stream if the transport is

stream-based) and any decompressed data that has been outputted but

not yet passed to the application.

9. UDVM Instruction Set

The UDVM currently understands 36 instructions, chosen to support the

widest possible range of compression algorithms with the minimum

possible overhead.

Figure 11 lists the different instructions and the bytecode values

used to encode the instructions. The cost of each instruction in

UDVM cycles is also given:

Instruction: Bytecode value: Cost in UDVM cycles:


AND 1 1

OR 2 1

NOT 3 1



ADD 6 1





SORT-ASCENDING 11 1 + k * (ceiling(log2(k)) + n)

SORT-DESCENDING 12 1 + k * (ceiling(log2(k)) + n)

SHA-1 13 1 + length

LOAD 14 1

MULTILOAD 15 1 + n

PUSH 16 1

POP 17 1

COPY 18 1 + length

COPY-LITERAL 19 1 + length

COPY-OFFSET 20 1 + length

MEMSET 21 1 + length

JUMP 22 1


CALL 24 1


SWITCH 26 1 + n

CRC 27 1 + length

INPUT-BYTES 28 1 + length



STATE-ACCESS 31 1 + state_length

STATE-CREATE 32 1 + state_length


OUTPUT 34 1 + output_length

END-MESSAGE 35 1 + state_length

Figure 11: UDVM instructions and corresponding bytecode values

Each UDVM instruction costs a minimum of 1 UDVM cycle. Certain

instructions may cost additional cycles depending on the values of

the instruction operands. Named variables in the cost expressions

refer to the values of the instruction operands with these names.

Note that for the SORT instructions, the formula ceiling(log2(k))

calculates the smallest value i such that k <= 2^i.

The UDVM instruction set offers a mix of low-level and high-level

instructions. The high-level instructions can all be emulated using

combinations of low-level instructions, but given a choice it is

generally preferable to use a single instruction rather than a large

number of general-purpose instructions. The resulting bytecode will

be more compact (leading to a higher overall compression ratio) and

decompression will typically be faster because the implementation of

the high-level instructions can be more easily optimized.

All instructions are encoded as a single byte to indicate the

instruction type, followed by 0 or more bytes containing the operands

required by the instruction. The instruction specifies which of the

four operand types of Section 8.5 is used in each case. For example

the ADD instruction is followed by two operands:

ADD ($operand_1, %operand_2)

When converted into bytecode the number of bytes required by the ADD

instruction depends on the value of each operand, and whether the

multitype operand contains the operand value itself or a memory

address where the actual value of the operand can be found.

Each instruction is explained in more detail below.

Whenever the description of an instruction uses the expression "and

then", the intended semantics is that the effect explained before

"and then" is completed before work on the effect explained after the

"and then" is commenced.

9.1. Mathematical Instructions

The following instructions provide a number of mathematical

operations including bit manipulation, arithmetic and sorting.

9.1.1. Bit Manipulation

The AND, OR, NOT, LSHIFT and RSHIFT instructions provide simple bit

manipulation on 2-byte words.

AND ($operand_1, %operand_2)

OR ($operand_1, %operand_2)

NOT ($operand_1)

LSHIFT ($operand_1, %operand_2)

RSHIFT ($operand_1, %operand_2)

After the operation is complete, the value of the first operand is

overwritten with the result. (Note that since this operand is a

reference, it is the 2-byte word at the memory address specified by

the operand that is overwritten.)

The precise definitions of LSHIFT and RSHIFT are given below. Note

that m and n are the 2-byte values encoded by the operands, and that

floor(x) calculates the largest integer not greater than x:

LSHIFT (m, n) := m * 2^n (modulo 2^16)

RSHIFT (m, n) := floor(m / 2^n)

9.1.2. Arithmetic


perform arithmetic on 2-byte words.

ADD ($operand_1, %operand_2)

SUBTRACT ($operand_1, %operand_2)

MULTIPLY ($operand_1, %operand_2)

DIVIDE ($operand_1, %operand_2)

REMAINDER ($operand_1, %operand_2)

After the operation is complete, the value of the first operand is

overwritten with the result.

The precise definition of each instruction is given below:

ADD (m, n) := m + n (modulo 2^16)

SUBTRACT (m, n) := m - n (modulo 2^16)

MULTIPLY (m, n) := m * n (modulo 2^16)

DIVIDE (m, n) := floor(m / n)

REMAINDER (m, n) := m - n * floor(m / n)

Decompression failure occurs if a DIVIDE or REMAINDER instruction

encounters an operand_2 that is zero.

9.1.3. Sorting

The SORT-ASCENDING and SORT-DESCENDING instructions sort lists of 2-

byte words.

SORT-ASCENDING (%start, %n, %k)

SORT-DESCENDING (%start, %n, %k)

The start operand specifies the starting memory address of the block

of data to be sorted.

The block of data itself is divided into n lists each containing k

2-byte words. The SORT-ASCENDING instruction applies a certain

permutation to the lists, such that the first list is sorted into

ascending order (treating each 2-byte word as an unsigned integer).

The same permutation is applied to all n lists, so lists other than

the first will not necessarily be sorted into order.

In the case that two words have the same value, the original ordering

of the list is preserved.

For example, the first list might contain a set of integers to be

sorted whilst the second list might be used to keep track of where

the integers appear in the sorted list:

Before sorting After sorting

List 1 List 2 List 1 List 2

8 1 1 2

1 2 1 3

1 3 3 4

3 4 8 1

The SORT-DESCENDING instruction behaves as above, except that the

first list is sorted into descending order.

9.1.4. SHA-1

The SHA-1 instruction calculates a 20-byte SHA-1 hash [RFC-3174] over

the specified area of UDVM memory.

SHA-1 (%position, %length, %destination)

The position and length operands specify the starting memory address

and the length of the byte string over which the SHA-1 hash is

calculated. Byte copying rules are enforced as per Section 8.4.

The destination operand gives the starting address to which the

resulting 20-byte hash will be copied. Byte copying rules are

enforced as above.

9.2. Memory Management Instructions

The following instructions are used to set up the UDVM memory, and to

copy byte strings from one memory location to another.

9.2.1. LOAD

The LOAD instruction sets a 2-byte word to a certain specified value.

The format of a LOAD instruction is as follows:

LOAD (%address, %value)

The first operand specifies the starting address of a 2-byte word,

whilst the second operand specifies the value to be loaded into this

word. As usual, MSBs are stored before LSBs in the UDVM memory.


The MULTILOAD instruction sets a contiguous block of 2-byte words in

the UDVM memory to specified values.

MULTILOAD (%address, #n, %value_0, ..., %value_n-1)

The first operand specifies the starting address of the contiguous

2-byte words, whilst the operands value_0 through to value_n-1

specify the values to load into these words (in the same order as

they appear in the instruction).

Decompression failure occurs if the set of 2-byte words set by the

instruction would overlap the memory locations held by the

instruction (including its operands) itself, i.e., if the instruction

would be self-modifying. (This restriction makes it simpler to

implement MULTILOAD step-by-step instead of having to decode all

operands before being able to copy data, as is implied by the

conceptual model of instruction execution.)

9.2.3. PUSH and POP

The PUSH and POP instructions read from and write to the UDVM stack

(as defined in Section 8.3).

PUSH (%value)

POP (%address)

The PUSH instruction pushes the value specified by its operand on the


The POP instruction pops a value from the stack and then copies the

value to the specified memory address. (Note that the expression

"and then" implies that the copying of the value is inconsequential

for the stack operation itself, which happens beforehand.)

See Section 8.3 for possible error conditions.

9.2.4. COPY

The COPY instruction is used to copy a string of bytes from one part

of the UDVM memory to another.

COPY (%position, %length, %destination)

The position operand specifies the memory address of the first byte

in the string to be copied, and the length operand specifies the

number of bytes to be copied.

The destination operand gives the address to which the first byte in

the string will be copied.

Byte copying is performed as per the rules of Section 8.4.


A modified version of the COPY instruction is given below:

COPY-LITERAL (%position, %length, $destination)

The COPY-LITERAL instruction behaves as a COPY instruction except

that after copying is completed, the value of the destination operand

is replaced by the address to which the next byte of data would be

copied. More precisely it is replaced by the value n, derived as per

Section 8.4 with m set to the destination address of the last byte to

be copied, if any (i.e., if the value of the length operand is zero,

the value of the destination operand is not changed).


A further version of the COPY-LITERAL instruction is given below:

COPY-OFFSET (%offset, %length, $destination)

The COPY-OFFSET instruction behaves as a COPY-LITERAL instruction

except that an offset operand is given instead of a position operand.

To derive the value of the position operand, starting at the memory

address specified by destination, the UDVM counts backwards a total

of offset memory addresses.

If the memory address specified in byte_copy_left is reached, the

next memory address is taken to be (byte_copy_right - 1) modulo 2^16.

The COPY-OFFSET instruction then behaves as a COPY-LITERAL

instruction, taking the value of the position operand to be the last

memory address reached in the above step.

9.2.7. MEMSET

The MEMSET instruction initializes an area of UDVM memory to a

specified sequence of values. The format of a MEMSET instruction is

as follows:

MEMSET (%address, %length, %start_value, %offset)

The sequence of values used by the MEMSET instruction is specified by

the following formula:

Seq[n] := (start_value + n * offset) modulo 256

The values Seq[0] to Seq[length - 1] inclusive are each interpreted

as a single byte, and then concatenated to form a byte string where

the first byte has value Seq[0], the second byte has value Seq[1] and

so on up to the last byte which has value Seq[length - 1].

The string is then byte copied into the UDVM memory beginning at the

memory address specified as an operand to the MEMSET instruction,

obeying the rules of Section 8.4. (Note that the byte string may

overwrite the MEMSET instruction or its operands; as explained in

Section 8.5, the MEMSET instruction must be executed as if the

original operands were still in place in the UDVM memory.)

9.3. Program Flow Instructions

The following instructions alter the flow of UDVM code. Each

instruction jumps to one of a number of memory addresses based on a

certain specified criterion.

Note that certain I/O instructions (see Section 9.4) can also alter

program flow.

9.3.1. JUMP

The JUMP instruction moves program execution to the specified memory


JUMP (@address)

Decompression failure occurs if the value of the address operand lies

beyond the overall UDVM memory size.

9.3.2. COMPARE

The COMPARE instruction compares two operands and then jumps to one

of three specified memory addresses depending on the result.

COMPARE (%value_1, %value_2, @address_1, @address_2, @address_3)

If value_1 < value_2 then the UDVM continues instruction execution at

the memory address specified by address 1. If value_1 = value_2 then

it jumps to the address specified by address_2. If value_1 > value_2

then it jumps to the address specified by address_3.

9.3.3. CALL and RETURN

The CALL and RETURN instructions provide support for compression

algorithms with a nested structure.

CALL (@address)


Both instructions use the UDVM stack of Section 8.3. When the UDVM

reaches a CALL instruction, it finds the memory address of the

instruction immediately following the CALL instruction and pushes

this 2-byte value on the stack, ready for later retrieval. It then

continues instruction execution at the memory address specified by

the address operand.

When the UDVM reaches a RETURN instruction it pops a value from the

stack and then continues instruction execution at the memory address

just popped.

See Section 8.3 for error conditions.

9.3.4. SWITCH

The SWITCH instruction performs a conditional jump based on the value

of one of its operands.

SWITCH (#n, %j, @address_0, @address_1, ... , @address_n-1)

When a SWITCH instruction is encountered the UDVM reads the value of

j. It then continues instruction execution at the address specified

by address j.

Decompression failure occurs if j specifies a value of n or more, or

if the address lies beyond the overall UDVM memory size.

9.3.5. CRC

The CRC instruction verifies a string of bytes using a 2-byte CRC.

CRC (%value, %position, %length, @address)

The actual CRC calculation is performed using the generator

polynomial x^16 + x^12 + x^5 + 1, which coincides with the 2-byte

Frame Check Sequence (FCS) of PPP [RFC-1662].

The position and length operands define the string of bytes over

which the CRC is evaluated. Byte copying rules are enforced as per

Section 8.4.

The CRC value is computed exactly as defined for the 16-bit FCS

calculation in [RFC-1662].

The value operand contains the expected integer value of the 2-byte

CRC. If the calculated CRC matches the expected value then the UDVM

continues instruction execution at the following instruction.

Otherwise the UDVM jumps to the memory address specified by the

address operand.

9.4. I/O instructions

The following instructions allow the UDVM to interface with its

environment. Note that in the overall SigComp architecture all of

these interfaces pass to the decompressor dispatcher or to the state



The DECOMPRESSION-FAILURE instruction triggers a manual decompression

failure. This is useful if the UDVM bytecode discovers that it

cannot successfully decompress the message (e.g., by using the CRC


This instruction has no operands.


The INPUT-BYTES instruction requests a certain number of bytes of

compressed data from the decompressor dispatcher.

INPUT-BYTES (%length, %destination, @address)

The length operand indicates the requested number of bytes of

compressed data, and the destination operand specifies the starting

memory address to which they should be copied. Byte copying is

performed as per the rules of Section 8.4.

If the instruction requests data that lies beyond the end of the

SigComp message, no data is returned. Instead the UDVM moves program

execution to the address specified by the address operand.

If the INPUT-BYTES is encountered after an INPUT-BITS or an INPUT-

HUFFMAN instruction has been used, and the dispatcher currently holds

a fraction of a byte, then the fraction MUST be discarded before any

data is passed to the UDVM. The first byte to be passed is the byte

immediately following the discarded data.


The INPUT-BITS instruction requests a certain number of bits of

compressed data from the decompressor dispatcher.

INPUT-BITS (%length, %destination, @address)

The length operand indicates the requested number of bits.

Decompression failure occurs if this operand does not lie between 0

and 16 inclusive.

The destination operand specifies the memory address to which the

compressed data should be copied. Note that the requested bits are

interpreted as a 2-byte integer ranging from 0 to 2^length - 1, as

explained in Section 8.2.

If the instruction requests data that lies beyond the end of the

SigComp message, no data is returned. Instead the UDVM moves program

execution to the address specified by the address operand.


The INPUT-HUFFMAN instruction requests a variable number of bits of

compressed data from the decompressor dispatcher. The instruction

initially requests a small number of bits and compares the result

against a certain criterion; if the criterion is not met, then

additional bits are requested until the criterion is achieved.

The INPUT-HUFFMAN instruction is followed by three mandatory operands

plus n additional sets of operands. Every additional set contains

four operands as shown below:

INPUT-HUFFMAN (%destination, @address, #n, %bits_1, %lower_bound_1,

%upper_bound_1, %uncompressed_1, ... , %bits_n, %lower_bound_n,

%upper_bound_n, %uncompressed_n)

Note that if n = 0 then the INPUT-HUFFMAN instruction is ignored and

program execution resumes at the following instruction.

Decompression failure occurs if (bits_1 + ... + bits_n) > 16.

In all other cases, the behavior of the INPUT-HUFFMAN instruction is

defined below:

1. Set j := 1 and set H := 0.

2. Request bits_j compressed bits. Interpret the returned bits as an

integer k from 0 to 2^bits_j - 1, as explained in Section 8.2.

3. Set H := H * 2^bits_j + k.

4. If data is requested that lies beyond the end of the SigComp

message, terminate the INPUT-HUFFMAN instruction and move program

execution to the memory address specified by the address operand.

5. If (H < lower_bound_j) or (H > upper_bound_j) then set j := j + 1.

Then go back to Step 2, unless j > n in which case decompression

failure occurs.

6. Copy (H + uncompressed_j - lower_bound_j) modulo 2^16 to the

memory address specified by the destination operand.


The STATE-ACCESS instruction retrieves some previously stored state


STATE-ACCESS (%partial_identifier_start, %partial_identifier_length,

%state_begin, %state_length, %state_address, %state_instruction)

The partial_identifier_start and partial_identifier_length operands

specify the location of the partial state identifier used to retrieve

the state information. This identifier has the same function as the

partial state identifier transmitted in the SigComp message as per

Section 7.2.

Decompression failure occurs if partial_identifier_length does not

lie between 6 and 20 inclusive. Decompression failure also occurs if

no state item matching the partial state identifier can be found, if

more than one state item matches the partial identifier, or if

partial_identifier_length is less than the minimum_access_length of

the matched state item. Otherwise, a state item is returned from the

state handler.

If any of the operands state_address, state_instruction or

state_length is set to 0 then its value is taken from the returned

item of state instead.

Note that when calculating the number of UDVM cycles the STATE-ACCESS

instruction costs (1 + state_length) cycles. The value of

state_length MUST be taken from the returned item of state in the

case that the state_length operand is set to 0.

The state_begin and state_length operands define the starting byte

and number of bytes to copy from the state_value contained in the

returned item of state. Decompression failure occurs if bytes are

copied from beyond the end of the state_value. Note that

decompression failure will always occur if the state_length operand

is set to 0 but the state_begin operand is non-zero.

The state_address operand contains a UDVM memory address. The

requested portion of the state_value is byte copied to this memory

address using the rules of Section 8.4.

Program execution then resumes at the memory address specified by

state_instruction, unless this address is 0 in which case program

execution resumes at the next instruction following the STATE-ACCESS

instruction. Note that the latter case only occurs if both the

state_instruction operand and the state_instruction value from the

requested state are set to 0.


The STATE-CREATE instruction requests the creation of a state item at

the receiving endpoint.

STATE-CREATE (%state_length, %state_address, %state_instruction,

%minimum_access_length, %state_retention_priority)

Note that the new state item cannot be created until a valid

compartment identifier has been returned by the application.

Consequently, when a STATE-CREATE instruction is encountered the UDVM

simply buffers the five supplied operands until the END-MESSAGE

instruction is reached. The steps taken at this point are described

in Section 9.4.9.

Decompression failure MUST occur if more than four state creation

requests are made before the END-MESSAGE instruction is encountered.

Decompression failure also occurs if the minimum_access_length does

not lie between 6 and 20 inclusive, or if the

state_retention_priority is 65535.


The STATE-FREE instruction informs the receiving endpoint that the

sender no longer wishes to use a particular state item.

STATE-FREE (%partial_identifier_start, %partial_identifier_length)

Note that the STATE-FREE instruction does not automatically delete a

state item, but instead reclaims the memory taken by the state item

within a certain compartment, which is generally not known before the

END-MESSAGE instruction is reached. So just as for the STATE-CREATE

instruction, when a STATE-FREE instruction is encountered the UDVM

simply buffers the two supplied operands until the END-MESSAGE

instruction is reached. The steps taken at this point are described

in Section 9.4.9.

Decompression failure MUST occur if more than four state free

requests are made before the END-MESSAGE instruction is encountered.

Decompression failure also occurs if partial_identifier_length does

not lie between 6 and 20 inclusive.

9.4.8. OUTPUT

The OUTPUT instruction provides successfully decompressed data to the


OUTPUT (%output_start, %output_length)

The operands define the starting memory address and length of the

byte string to be provided to the dispatcher. Note that the OUTPUT

instruction can be used to output a partially decompressed message;

each time the instruction is encountered it provides a new byte

string that the dispatcher appends to the end of any bytes previously

passed to the dispatcher via the OUTPUT instruction.

The string of data is byte copied from the UDVM memory obeying the

rules of Section 8.4.

Decompression failure occurs if the cumulative number of bytes

provided to the dispatcher exceeds 65536 bytes.

Since there is technically a difference between outputting a 0-byte

decompressed message, and not outputting a decompressed message at

all, the OUTPUT instruction needs to distinguish between the two

cases. Thus, if the UDVM terminates before encountering an OUTPUT

instruction it is considered not to have outputted a decompressed

message. If it encounters one or more OUTPUT instructions, each of

which provides 0 bytes of data to the dispatcher, then it is

considered to have outputted a 0-byte decompressed message.


The END-MESSAGE instruction successfully terminates the UDVM and

forwards the state creation and state free requests to the state

handler together with any supplied feedback data.

END-MESSAGE (%requested_feedback_location,

%returned_parameters_location, %state_length, %state_address,

%state_instruction, %minimum_access_length,


When the END-MESSAGE instruction is encountered, the decompressor

dispatcher indicates to the application that a complete message has

been decompressed. The application may return a compartment

identifier, which the UDVM forwards to the state handler together

with the state creation and state free requests and any supplied

feedback data.

The actual decompressed message is outputted separately using the

OUTPUT instruction; this conserves memory at the UDVM because there

is no need to buffer an entire decompressed message before it can be

passed to the dispatcher.

The END-MESSAGE instruction may pass up to four state creation

requests and up to four state free requests to the state handler.

The requests are passed to the state handler in the same order as

they are made; in particular it is possible for the state creation

requests and the state free requests to be interleaved.

The state creation requests are made by the STATE-CREATE instruction.

Note however that the END-MESSAGE can make one state creation request

itself using the supplied operands. If the specified

minimum_access_length does not lie between 6 and 20 inclusive, or if

the state_retention_priority is 65535 then the END-MESSAGE

instruction fails to make a state creation request of its own

(however decompression failure does not occur and the state creation

requests made by the STATE-CREATE instruction are still valid).

Note that there is a maximum limit of four state creation requests

per instance of the UDVM. Therefore, decompression failure occurs if

the END-MESSAGE instruction makes a state creation request and four

instances of the STATE-CREATE instruction have already been


When creating a state item it is necessary to give the state_length,

state address, state_instruction and minimum_access_length; these are

supplied as operands in the STATE-CREATE instruction (or the END-

MESSAGE instruction). A complete item of state also requires a

state_value and a state_identifier, which are derived as follows:

The UDVM byte copies a string of state_length bytes from the UDVM

memory beginning at state_address (obeying the rules of Section 8.4).

This is the state_value.

The UDVM then calculates a 20-byte SHA-1 hash [RFC-3174] over the

byte string formed by concatenating the state_length, state_address,

state_instruction, minimum_access_length and state_value (in the

order given). This is the state_identifier.

The state_retention_priority is not part of the state item itself,

but instead determines the order in which state will be deleted when

the compartment exceeds its allocated state memory. The

state_retention_priority is supplied as an operand in the STATE-

CREATE or END-MESSAGE instruction and is passed to the state handler

as part of each state creation request.

The state free requests are made by the STATE-FREE instruction. Each

STATE-FREE instruction supplies the values partial_identifier_start

and partial_identifier_length; upon reaching the END-MESSAGE

instruction these values are used to byte copy a partial state

identifier from the UDVM memory. If no state item matching the

partial state identifier can be found or if more than one state item

in the compartment matches the partial state identifier, then the

state free request is ignored (this does not cause decompression

failure to occur). Otherwise, the state handler frees the matched

state item as specified in Section 6.2.

As well as forwarding the state creation and state free requests, the

END-MESSAGE instruction may also pass feedback data to the state

handler. Feedback data is used to inform the receiving endpoint

about the capabilities of the sending endpoint, which can help to

improve the overall compression ratio and to reduce the working

memory requirements of the endpoints.

Two types of feedback data are available: requested feedback and

returned feedback. The format of the requested feedback data is

given in Figure 12. As outlined in Section 3.2, the requested

feedback data can be used to influence the contents of the returned

feedback data in the reverse direction.

The returned feedback data is itself subdivided into a returned

feedback item and a list of returned SigComp parameters. The

returned feedback item is of sufficient importance to warrant its own

field in the SigComp header as described in Section 7.1. The

returned SigComp parameters are illustrated in Figure 13.

Note that the formats of Figure 12 and Figure 13 are only for local

presentation of the feedback data on the interface between the UDVM

and state handler. The formats do not mandate any bits on the wire;

the compressor can transmit the data in any form provided that it is

loaded into the UDVM memory at the correct addresses.

Moreover, the responsibility for ensuring that feedback data arrives

successfully over an unreliable transport lies with the sender. The

receiving endpoint always uses the last received value for each field

in the feedback data, even if the values are out of date due to

packet loss or misordering.

If the requested_feedback_location operand is set to 0, then no

feedback request is made; otherwise, it points to the starting memory

address of the requested feedback data as shown in Figure 12.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


reserved Q S I requested_feedback_location


: requested feedback item : if Q = 1


Figure 12: Format of requested feedback data

The reserved bits may be used in future versions of SigComp, and are

set to 0 in Version 0x01. Non-zero values should be ignored by the

receiving endpoint.

The Q-bit indicates whether a requested feedback item is present or

not. The compressor can set the requested feedback item to an

arbitrary value, which will then be transmitted unmodified in the

reverse direction as a returned feedback item. See Chapter 5 for

further details of how the requested feedback item is returned.

The format of the requested feedback item is identical to the format

of the returned feedback item illustrated in Figure 4.

The compressor sets the S-bit to 1 if it does not wish (or no longer

wishes) to save state information at the receiving endpoint and also

does not wish to access state information that it has previously

saved. Consequently, if the S-bit is set to 1 then the receiving

endpoint can reclaim the state memory allocated to the remote

compressor and set the state_memory_size for the compartment to 0.

The compressor may change its mind and switch the S-bit back to 0 in

a later message. However, the receiving endpoint is under no

obligation to use the original state_memory_size for the compartment;

it may choose to allocate less memory to the compartment or possibly

none at all.

Similarly the compressor sets the I-bit to 1 if it does not wish (or

no longer wishes) to access any of the locally available state items

offered by the receiving endpoint. This can help to conserve

bandwidth because the list of locally available state items no longer

needs to be returned in the reverse direction. It may also conserve

memory at the receiving endpoint, as the state handler can delete any

locally available state items that it determines are no longer

required by any remote endpoint. Note that the compressor can set

the I-bit back to 0 in a later message, but it cannot access any

locally available state items that were previously offered by the

receiving endpoint unless they are subsequently re-announced.

If the returned_parameters_location operand is set to 0, then no

SigComp parameters are returned; otherwise, it points to the starting

memory address of the returned parameters as shown in Figure 13.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


cpb dms sms returned_parameters_location






: partial_state_identifier_1 :


: :




: partial_state_identifier_n :


Figure 13: Format of returned SigComp parameters

The first byte encodes the SigComp parameters cycles_per_bit,

decompression_memory_size and state_memory_size as per Section 3.3.1.

The byte can be set to 0 if the three parameters are not included in

the feedback data. (This may be useful to save bits in the

compressed message if the remote endpoint is already satisfied all

necessary information has reached the endpoint receiving the


The second byte encodes the SigComp_version as per Section 3.3.2.

Similar to the first byte, the second byte can be set to 0 if the

parameter is not included in the feedback data.

The remaining bytes encode a list of partial state identifiers for

the locally available state items offered by the sending endpoint.

Each state item is encoded as a 1-byte length field, followed by a

partial state identifier containing as many bytes as indicated in the

length field. The sender can choose to send as few as 6 bytes if it

believes that this is sufficient for the receiver to determine which

state item is being offered.

The list of state identifiers is terminated by a byte in the position

where the next length field would be expected that is set to a value

below 6 or above 20. Note that upgraded SigComp versions may append

additional items of data after the final length field.

10. Security Considerations

10.1. Security Goals

The overall security goal of the SigComp architecture is to not

create risks that are in addition to those already present in the

application protocols. There is no intention for SigComp to enhance

the security of the application, as it always can be circumvented by

not using compression. More specifically, the high-level security

goals can be described as:

1. Do not worsen security of existing application protocol

2. Do not create any new security issues

3. Do not hinder deployment of application security.

10.2. Security Risks and Mitigation

This section identifies the potential security risks associated with

SigComp, and explains how each risk is minimized by the scheme.

10.2.1. Confidentiality Risks

- Attacking SigComp by snooping into state of other users:

State is accessed by supplying a state identifier, which is a

cryptographic hash of the state being referenced. This implies that

the referencing message already needs knowledge about the state. To

enforce this, a state item cannot be accessed without supplying a

minimum of 48 bits from the hash. This also minimizes the

probability of an accidental state collision. A compressor can,

using the minimum_access_length operand of the STATE-CREATE and END-

MESSAGE instructions, increase the number of bits that need to be

supplied to access the state, increasing the protection against


Generally, ways to obtain knowledge about the state identifier (e.g.,

passive attacks) will also easily provide knowledge about the

referenced state, so no new vulnerability results.

An endpoint needs to handle state identifiers with the same care it

would handle the state itself.

10.2.2. Integrity Risks

The SigComp approach assumes that there is appropriate integrity

protection below and/or above the SigComp layer. The state creation

mechanism provides some additional potential to compromise the

integrity of the messages; however, this would most likely be

detectable at the application layer.

- Attacking SigComp by faking state or making unauthorized changes to


State cannot be destroyed by a malicious sender unless it can send

messages that the application identifies as belonging to the same

compartment the state was created under; this adds additional

security risks only when the application allows the installation of

SigComp state from a message where it would not have installed state


Faking or changing state is only possible if the hash allows

intentional collision.

10.2.3. Availability Risks (Avoiding DoS Vulnerabilities)

- Use of SigComp as a tool in a DoS attack to another target:

SigComp cannot easily be used as an amplifier in a reflection attack,

as it only generates one decompressed message per incoming compressed

message. This message is then handed to the application; the utility

as a reflection amplifier is therefore limited by the utility of the

application for this purpose.

However, it must be noted that SigComp can be used to generate larger

messages as input to the application than have to be sent from the

malicious sender; this therefore can send smaller messages (at a

lower bandwidth) than are delivered to the application. Depending on

the reflection characteristics of the application, this can be

considered a mild form of amplification. The application MUST limit

the number of packets reflected to a potential target - even if

SigComp is used to generate a large amount of information from a

small incoming attack packet.

- Attacking SigComp as the DoS target by filling it with state:

Excessive state can only be installed by a malicious sender (or a set

of malicious senders) with the consent of the application. The

system consisting of SigComp and application is thus approximately as

vulnerable as the application itself, unless it allows the

installation of SigComp state from a message where it would not have

installed application state itself.

If this is desirable to increase the compression ratio, the effect

can be mitigated by making use of feedback at the application level

that indicates whether the state requested was actually installed -

this allows a system under attack to gracefully degrade by no longer

installing compressor state that is not matched by application state.

Obviously, if a stream-based transport is used, the streams

themselves constitute state that has to be handled in the same way

that the application itself would handle a stream-based transport; if

an application is not equipped for stream-based transport, it should

not allow SigComp connections on a stream-based transport. For the

alternative SigComp usage described as "continuous mode" in Section

4.2.1, an attacker could create any number of active UDVMs unless

there is some DoS protection at a lower level (e.g., by using TLS in

appropriate configurations).

- Attacking the UDVM by faking state or making unauthorized changes

to state:

This is covered in Section 10.2.2.

- Attacking the UDVM by sending it looping code:

The application sets an upper limit to the number of "UDVM cycles"

that can be used per compressed message and per input bit in the

compressed message. The damage inflicted by sending packets with

looping code is therefore limited, although this may still be

substantial if a large number of UDVM cycles are offered by the UDVM.

However, this would be true for any decompressor that can receive

packets over an unsecured transport.

11. IANA Considerations

SigComp requires a 1-byte name space, the SigComp_version, which has

been created by the IANA. Upgraded versions of SigComp must be

backwards-compatible with Version 0x01, described in this document.

Adding additional UDVM instructions and assigning values to the

reserved UDVM memory addresses are two possible upgrades for which

this is the case.

Following the policies outlined in [RFC-2434], the IANA policy for

assigning a new value for the SigComp_version shall require a

Standards Action. Values are thus assigned only for Standards Track

RFCs approved by the IESG.

12. Acknowledgements

Thanks to

Abigail Surtees

Mark A West

Lawrence Conroy

Christian Schmidt

Max Riegel

Lars-Erik Jonsson

Stefan Forsgren

Krister Svanbro

Miguel Garcia

Christopher Clanton

Khiem Le

Ka Cheong Leung

Robert Sugar

for valuable input and review.

13. References

13.1. Normative References

[RFC-1662] Simpson, W., "PPP in HDLC-like Framing", STD 51, RFC

1662, July 1994.

[RFC-2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate

Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

[RFC-3174] Eastlake, 3rd, D. and P. Jones, "US Secure Hash Algorithm

1 (SHA1)", RFC3174, September 2001.

13.2. Informative References

[RFC-1951] Deutsch, P., "DEFLATE Compressed Data Format

Specification version 1.3", RFC1951, May 1996.

[RFC-2026] Bradner, S., "The Internet Standards Process - Revision

3", BCP 9, RFC2026, October 1996.

[RFC-2279] Yergeau, F., "UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO

10646", RFC2279, January 1998.

[RFC-2326] Schulzrinne, H., Rao, A. and R. Lanphier, "Real Time

Streaming Protocol (RTSP)", RFC2326, April 1998.

[RFC-2434] Alvestrand, H. and T. Narten, "Guidelines for Writing an

IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", BCP 26, RFC2434,

October 1998.

[RFC-2960] Stewart, R., Xie, Q., Morneault, K., Sharp, C.,

Schwartzbauer, H., Taylor, T., Rytina, I., Kalla, M.,

Zhang, L. and V. Paxson, "Stream Control Transmission

Protocol", RFC2960, October 2000.

[RFC-3261] Rosenberg, J., Schulzrinne, H., Camarillo, G., Johnston,

A., Peterson, J., Sparks, R., Handley, M. and E.

Schooler, "SIP: Session Initiation Protocol", RFC3261,

June 2002.

[RFC-3321] Hannu, H., Christoffersson, J., Forsgren, S., Leung,

K.-C., Liu, Z. and R. Price, "Signaling Compression

(SigComp) - Extended Operations", RFC3321, January


14. Authors' Addresses

Richard Price

Roke Manor Research Ltd

Romsey, Hants, SO51 0ZN

United Kingdom

Phone: +44 1794 833681

EMail: richard.price@roke.co.uk

Carsten Bormann

Universitaet Bremen TZI

Postfach 330440

D-28334 Bremen, Germany

Phone: +49 421 218 7024

EMail: cabo@tzi.org

Jan Christoffersson

Box 920

Ericsson AB

SE-971 28 Lulea, Sweden

Phone: +46 920 20 28 40

EMail: jan.christoffersson@epl.ericsson.se

Hans Hannu

Box 920

Ericsson AB

SE-971 28 Lulea, Sweden

Phone: +46 920 20 21 84

EMail: hans.hannu@epl.ericsson.se

Zhigang Liu

Nokia Research Center

6000 Connection Drive

Irving, TX 75039

Phone: +1 972 894-5935

EMail: zhigang.c.liu@nokia.com

Jonathan Rosenberg


72 Eagle Rock Avenue

First Floor

East Hanover, NJ 07936

EMail: jdrosen@dynamicsoft.com

15. Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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