
RFC3318 - Framework Policy Information Base

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Network Working Group R. Sahita, Ed.

Request for Comments: 3318 S. Hahn

Category: Informational Intel Labs

K. Chan

Nortel Networks

K. McCloghrie

Cisco Systems

March 2003

Framework Policy Information Base

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does

not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this

memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003). All Rights Reserved.


This document defines a set of PRovisioning Classes (PRCs) and

textual conventions that are common to all clients that provision

policy using Common Open Policy Service (COPS) protocol for


StrUCture of Policy Provisioning Information (SPPI) describes a

structure for specifying policy information that can then be

transmitted to a network device for the purpose of configuring policy

at that device. The model underlying this structure is one of well-

defined (PRCs) and instances of these classes (PRIs) residing in a

virtual information store called the Policy Information Base (PIB).

One way to provision policy is by means of the (COPS) protocol with

the extensions for provisioning. This protocol supports multiple

clients, each of which may provision policy for a specific policy

domain such as QoS, virtual private networks, or security.

As described in COPS usage for Policy Provisioning (COPS-PR), each

client supports a non-overlapping and independent set of PIB modules.

However, some PRovisioning Classes are common to all subject-

categories (client-types) and need to be present in each.

Table of Contents

Conventions used in this document.................................2

1. Glossary.......................................................2

2. General PIB Concepts...........................................3

2.1. Roles......................................................3

2.1.1. An Example.............................................5

2.2. Management of Role-Combinations from the PDP...............6

2.3. Updating a Request State...................................7

2.3.1 Full Request State......................................8

2.3.2 Installing PRIs in a Request............................8

2.3.3 Updating PRIs in a Request..............................8

2.3.4 Removing PRIs from a Request............................9

2.3.5 Removing EXTENDED, AUGMENTED PRIs.......................9

2.3.6 Error Handling in Request updates.......................9

2.4. Multiple PIB Instances....................................10

2.5. Reporting and Configuring of Device Capabilities..........11

2.6. Reporting of Device Limitations...........................12

3. The Framework TC PIB module...................................12

4. Summary of the Framework PIB..................................17

4.1. Base PIB classes Group....................................17

4.2. Device Capabilities group.................................19

4.3. Classifier group..........................................20

4.4. Marker group..............................................20

5. The Framework PIB Module......................................21

6. Security Considerations.......................................66

7. IANA Considerations...........................................67

8. References....................................................67

8.1 Normative References.......................................67

8.2 Informative References.....................................68

9. Acknowledgments...............................................68

10. Authors' Addresses...........................................69

11. Full Copyright Statement.....................................70

Conventions used in this document



document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

1. Glossary

PRC PRovisioning Class. A type of policy data. See [POLTERM].

PRI PRovisioning Instance. An instance of a PRC. See [POLTERM].

PIB Policy Information Base. The database of policy information.


PDP Policy Decision Point. See [RAP-FRAMEWORK].

PEP Policy Enforcement Point. See [RAP-FRAMEWORK].

2. General PIB Concepts

2.1. Roles

The policy to apply to an interface may depend on many factors, such

as immutable characteristics of the interface (e.g., Ethernet or

frame relay), the status of the interface (e.g., half or full

duplex), or user configuration (e.g., branch Office or headquarters

interface). Rather than specifying policies eXPlicitly for each

interface of all devices in the network, policies are specified in

terms of interface functionality.

To describe these functionalities of an interface, we use the concept

of "Roles". A Role is simply a string that is associated with an

interface. A given interface may have any number of roles

simultaneously. Provisioning classes have an attribute called a

"RoleCombination" which is a lexicographically ordered set of roles.

Instances of a given PRovisioning Class are applied to an interface

if and only if the set of roles in the role combination matches the

set of the roles of the interface.

Thus, roles provide a way to bind policy to interfaces without having

to explicitly identify interfaces in a consistent manner across all

network devices. That is, roles provide a level of indirection to

the application of a set of policies to specific interfaces. This

separates the policy definition from device implementation specific

interface identification. Furthermore, if the same policy is being

applied to several interfaces, that policy needs to be pushed to the

device only once, rather than once per interface, as long as the

interfaces are configured with the same role combination.

We point out that, in the event that the administrator needs to have

a unique policy for each interface, the administrator can configure

each interface with a unique role.

The PEP sends all its Capability Set Names, Role Combinations, Policy

Controlled Interfaces, and their relationships to the PDP in the

first COPS request (REQ) message for a handle, and whenever any

updates or deletes occur. The PDP can install new instances or

change existing instances of these PRIs. This operation can also

occur in subsequent request messages generated in response to COPS

state synchronization (SSQ) requests and local configuration changes.

The comparing of roles (or role combinations) is case sensitive.

By convention, when formatting the role-combination for exchange

within a protocol message, within a PIB object's value, or as a

printed value, the set is formatted in lexicographical order of the

role's ASCII values; that is, the role that is first is formatted

first. For example, "a+b" and "b+a" are NOT different role-

combinations; rather, they are different formatting of the same

role-combination, and hence for this example:

- "a+b" is the valid formatting of that role-combination,

- "b+a" is an invalid formatting of that role-combination.

The role-combination of interfaces to which no roles have been

assigned is known as the "null" role-combination. (Note the

deliberate use of lower-case letters for "null" so that it avoids

confusion with the ASCII NULL character that has a value of zero but

a length of one.)

In an "install" or an "install-notify" class, the wildcard role-

combination "*" can be used. In addition to providing for

interface-specific roles, it also allows for other optimizations in

reducing the number of role-combinations for which a policy has to be

specified. For example:

Suppose we have three interfaces:

Roles A, B and R1 are assigned to interface I1

Roles A, B and R2 are assigned to interface I2

Roles A, B and R3 are assigned to interface I3

Then, a PRI of a fictional IfDscpAssignTable that has the following

values for its attributes:

ifDscpAssignPrid = 1

ifDscpAssignRoles = "*+A+B"

ifDscpAssignName = "4queues"

ifDscpAssignDscpMap = 1

will apply to all three interfaces, because "*" matches with R1, R2

and R3. The policies can be assigned to an interface due to more

than one wild-carded role combo matching a given interface's role

combo string. The PDP should attempt to resolve conflicts between

policies before sending policies to the PEP. In the situation where

the PDP sends multiple policies to a PEP and they do conflict, either

because of an error by the PDP or because of a device specific

conflict, the PEP MUST reject the installation of the conflicting

policies and return an error.


- The wildcard Role is denoted by "*",

- The "*" Role is not allowed to be defined as part of the role-

combination of an interface as notified by the PEP to the PDP; it

is only allowed in policies installed/deleted via COPS-PR from the

PDP to the PEP.

- For a policy to apply to an interface when the policy's role-

combination is "*+a+b", the interface's role-combination:

- Must include "a" and "b", and

- Can include zero or more other roles.

- The wildcard character "*" is listed before the other roles as "*"

is lexicographically before "a"; however, the wildcard matches any

zero or more roles, irrespective of lexicographical order. For

example: "*+b+e+g" would match "a+b+c+e+f+g".

Note that the characters "+" and "*" MUST not be used in an

interface Role. The Framework Role PIB module in section 4 of this

document contains the Role and RoleCombination Textual Conventions.

2.1.1. An Example

The functioning of roles might be best understood by an example.

Suppose I have a device with three interfaces, with roles as follows:

IF1: "finance"

IF2: "finance"

IF3: "manager"

Suppose, I also have a PDP with two policies:

P1: Packets from finance department (role "finance") get DSCP 5

P2: Packets from managers (role "manager") get DSCP 6

To oBTain policy, the PEP reports to the PDP that it has some

interfaces with role combination "finance" and some with role

combination "manager". In response, the PDP downloads policy P1

associated with role combination "finance" and downloads a second

policy P2 associated with role combination "manager".

Now suppose the finance person attached to IF2 is promoted to manager

and so the system administrator adds the role "manager" to IF2. The

PEP now reports to the PDP that it has three role combinations: some

interfaces with role combination "finance", some with role

combination "manager" and some with role combination

"finance+manager". In response, the PDP downloads an additional

third policy associated with the new role combination


How the PDP determines the policy for this new role combination is

entirely the responsibility of the PDP. It could do so

algorithmically or by rule. For example, there might be a rule that

specifies that manager policy takes preference over department

policy. Or there might be a third policy installed in the PDP as


P3: Packets from finance managers (role "finance" and role

"manager") get DSCP 7

The point here is that the PDP is required to determine what policy

applies to this new role combination and to download a third policy

to the PEP for the role combination "finance+manager", even if that

policy is the same as one already downloaded. The PEP is not

required (or allowed) to construct policy for new role combinations

from existing policy.

2.2. Management of Role-Combinations from the PDP

The PEP notifies the PDP of the Role-Combination assigned to each

interface and capability set name in a COPS configuration request

(instances of the frwkIfRoleComboTable). The first request sent to

the PDP must be a 'full state' request. A 'full state' request for a

PEP includes notify and install-notify table PRIs for the PEP which

must be interpreted as the complete state of the PEP and must not be

interpreted as updates to any previous set of PRIs sent in a previous

message. Any previous PRIs from the PEP should be discarded when a

'full state' request is received for the particular request handle.

A request is specified as a 'full state' request by setting the

frwkPibIncarnationFullState attribute in the frwkPibIncarnation PRI

sent in the request.

All existing frwkIfRoleCombo instances must be sent to the PDP in the

first configuration request for a request handle. If the Role-

Combinations are not assigned specific values, default ('null')

Role-Combinations must be sent to the PDP for all ifIndices active on

the PEP and updates must be sent every time the IfIndices are

updated. The PEP may notify the PDP of the Capability sets (if any)

via the frwkCapabilitySetTable. If the PEP does not need to notify

the PDP of capability sets, it must set the capability set name in

the frwkIfRoleComboTable instances to a zero length string.

In response to this configuration request, if applicable, the PDP may

send policies for the PEP in a solicited decision or must send a null

decision. The PEP must then send a solicited report message for the


At any later time, the PDP can update the Role-Combinations assigned

to a specific interface, identified by IfIndex, or for an aggregate,

identified by the capability set name, via an unsolicited decision to

the PEP on any open request handle. The PDP does this by sending

updated PRIs for the frwkIfRoleComboTable.

When the Interface Role Combination associations are updated by the

PDP, the PEP SHOULD send updated 'full state' requests for all open

contexts. A context is an instantiation of the PIB module(s)

namespace identified by a unique COPS handle for a particular COPS

client type. This is true even if the PEP's request state changes

due to an internal event or if the state is changed by the PDP. If

the role-combination updates were sent by the PDP, the PEP SHOULD

send these updated requests only if it can process the unsolicited

decision containing the frwkIfRoleCombo PRIs successfully, and it

MUST do so after sending the success report for the unsolicited

decision. If the PEP failed to process the decision (i.e., the

frwkIfRoleCombo PRIs), it MUST only send a failure report to the PDP.

On the other hand, the PDP must not expect to receive the updated

requests with the revised role-combination information until after it

receives a success report for these updates from the PEP. If the PDP

does not receive updated requests on some request handles, the PEP

must not be sent decision updates for that frwkIfRoleCombo updates,

i.e., the PDP must have the previous request state that it maintained

for that request handle.

Note that, any unsolicited decisions received by the PEP in the time

period after it receives updates to its Role-Combination associations

and before receiving solicited decisions for the updated requests it

sent for all context handles, could possibly contain outdated

policies corresponding to the old Role-Combination associations as

notified by this PEP in a previous request state.

The PDP must respond to the updated requests by solicited decisions,

sending policies if applicable or null decisions. The PEP must

respond to these solicited decisions with solicited reports to

complete the transaction.

2.3. Updating a Request State

This section describes the messages exchanged between the PEP and PDP

when the PEP is updating a previously sent request for a particular

COPS handle. Note that a PEP can incrementally update a request only

if the frwkPibIncarnationFullState attribute is shown to be supported

via the supported PRC table. If this attribute is not supported, the

PDP must treat all PEP requests as the full request state.

2.3.1 Full Request State

When the PEP wants to send the entire request state to the PDP (for

example, in response to a Synchronize State Request from the PDP),

the PEP MUST send the incarnation instance with the

frwkPibIncarnationFullState attribute set to 'true'.

A PDP that receives an incarnation instance in the request message

with this attribute set to 'true', must clear the request information

it maintains for this request handle and re-install the information


If this attribute is set to 'false' or if the incarnation instance is

missing in the request message, the request must be interpreted as an

incremental update to the previous request message.

2.3.2 Installing PRIs in a Request

If the PEP wants to install additional PRIs for a request handle, the

PEP MUST ensure that the frwkPibIncarnationFullState attribute is set

to 'false', and the PEP MUST use new (unused in this context)

InstanceIds [SPPI] for these PRIs.

When a PDP receives instances with new InstanceIds for a request with

the frwkPibIncarnationFullState in the incarnation instance set to

'false', or if the request has no incarnation information, it must

interpret these PRIs as an incremental update to the request state

and add them to the request state it maintains for this handle.

2.3.3 Updating PRIs in a Request

If the PEP wants to update previously installed PRIs for a request

handle, the PEP MUST ensure that the frwkPibIncarnationFullState

attribute is set to 'false' for these PRIs. Note that the PEP must

send the same InstanceIds for the PRIs being updated. If the PEP

uses new InstanceIds, the PDP must interpret them as Install's for

this request state.

When a PDP receives a request with instances having InstanceIds that

exist in its state for that handle with the

frwkPibIncarnationFullState in the incarnation instance set to

'false' or if the request has no incarnation information, it must

interpret these PRIs as an update to the PRIs in the request state it

maintains for this handle.

2.3.4 Removing PRIs from a Request

If the PEP wants to remove previously installed PRIs for a request

handle, the PEP MUST ensure that the frwkPibIncarnationFullState

attribute is set to 'false', and MUST send the PRI bindings with the

PRID set to the InstanceId of the PRI to be removed, and the length

field in the EPD object header set to the header length only,

effectively setting the data length to zero.

Note that the PEP must send the same InstanceIds for the PRIs being

removed. If the PEP sends new InstanceIds and the length field in

the EPD object header is set to the header length only (implying the

data length is zero), the PEP is attempting to remove an

unknown/non-existent PRI. This SHOULD result in the PDP sending

error PRIs in the solicited decision (see section 2.3.6 for a

description of the frwkErrorTable).

If the PEP sends new InstanceIds, and the length field in the EPD

object header is greater than the header length only (implying the

EPD object has some attributes encoded in it), the PDP will interpret

this as an install of the PRI if it can decode the EPD successfully.

When a PDP receives a request with instances having InstanceIds that

exist in its state for that handle with the

frwkPibIncarnationFullState in the incarnation instance set to

'false', or if the request has no incarnation information, and the

length field in the EPD object header is set to the header length

only (implying the data length is zero), it must remove these PRIs

from the request state it maintains for this handle.


The PEP should remove the extended/augmented PRIs when it removes the

base PRIs in the same COPS message. See [SPPI] for a description of

EXTENDED/AUGMENTED PRCs. A PDP that receives removes for a base PRI

must implicitly remove the extensions.

2.3.6 Error Handling in Request updates

If the PDP cannot process all the request installs/updates/removes in

the COPS request message successfully, it MUST rollback to its

previous request state and it MUST send a solicited decision to the

PEP that contains frwkErrorTable instances. These instances contain

an error code and a sub-code as defined in the [COPS-PR] CPERR

object. For example, if the PEP tries to remove an instance that

does not exist, the 'priInstanceInvalid' error code must be sent to

the PEP in a frwkError PRI. The frwkError PRIs also contain the PRC

and the InstanceId of the error-causing PRI. The PEP may then

examine these error PRIs and resend the modified request. Note that,

until the PEP resends the request updates/removes, it will have

configuration information for the last successful request state it

sent to the PDP.

2.4. Multiple PIB Instances

[COPS-PR] supports multiple, disjoint, independent instances of the

PIB to represent multiple instances of configured policy. The intent

is to allow for the pre-provisioning of policy that can then be made

active by a single, short decision from the PDP.

A COPS context can be defined as an independent COPS request state

for a particular subject category (client-type). A context may be an

outsourcing context or a configuration context. A configuration

context is an instance of the PIB triggered and controlled by the

PDP, which contains device setup information. This device

configuration information dictates the device behavior as specified

by the PDP. An outsourcing context on the other hand, is a PIB

instance that is triggered from the PEP side and is a request to the

PDP for action. The action requested will be interpreted in the

domain of the client-type. Configuration contexts belong to a set of

configuration contexts for a specific client type - out of which one

configuration context may be active. However, multiple outsourcing

contexts can be active simultaneously.

With the [COPS-PR] protocol, each of these states is identified by a

unique client handle. The creation and deletion of these PIB

instances can be controlled by the PDP as described in [COPS-PR] or

can be triggered by an event by the PEP. A PEP must open at least

one "request-state" for configuration for a given subject-category

(client type). Additional "request-states" at the PEP may be

initiated by the PDP or asynchronously generated by the PEP for

outsourcing due to local events, which will be fully specified by the

PRID/EPD data carried in the request.

The frwkPibIncarnationInCtxtSet flag defines a set of contexts out of

which only one context can be active at any given time. This set is

called the 'configuration contexts' set. At most, one context may be

active from this 'configuration context' set at any given time.

Contexts that have the frwkPibIncarnationInCtxtSet attribute set to

'true' belong to this set. Contexts that do not belong to this set

have the frwkPibIncarnationInCtxtSet set to 'false' and belong to the

set of 'outsourcing contexts'. Note that a PEP can have these two

sets of contexts only if the frwkPibIncarnationInCtxtSet attribute is

shown to be supported via the supported PRC table. If the

frwkPibIncarnationInCtxtSet is not supported, a PEP must treat all

contexts as belonging to the set of 'configuration contexts' i.e., at

the most one context can be active at any given time.

Note that in the event that a PEP has a capability change such as a

card hot swap or any other change in its notify information that may

warrant a policy refresh, a subsequent complete or incremental

request must be issued to the PDP containing the new/updated

capabilities for all the configuration contexts. A request for re-

configuration is issued for all request state configuration contexts,

both for the active configuration context as well as any inactive

configuration contexts. This is to ensure that when an inactive

configuration context is activated, it has been pre-configured with

policies compatible with the PEP's current capabilities.

Although many PIB instances may be configured on a device (the

maximum number of these instances being determined by the device

itself), only one of the contexts from the 'configuration contexts'

set can be active at any given time; the active one being selected by

the PDP. The Framework PIB supports the attribute

frwkPibIncarnationActive in the frwkPibIncarnationTable to allow the

PDP to denote the PIB instance as being active in a COPS decision

message, and similarly, to report the active state (active or not) of

the PIB instance to the PDP in a COPS request message.

When the PEP installs an attribute frwkPibIncarnationActive that is

'true' in one PIB instance which belongs to the 'configuration

contexts' set, the PEP must ensure, re-setting the attribute if

necessary, that the frwkPibIncarnationActive attribute is 'false' in

all other installed contexts that belong to this set. To switch

contexts, the PDP should set the frwkPibIncarnationActive attribute

to 'true' in the context it wants to make the active context. The

PDP should set this attribute in a context to 'false' only if it

wants to send an inactive context to the PEP or deactivate the active

context on the PEP. If an active context is made inactive without

activating another context, the PEP must not have any policies

enforced from any configuration contexts installed.

2.5. Reporting and Configuring of Device Capabilities

Each network device providing policy-based services has its own

inherent capabilities. These capabilities can be hardware specific,

e.g., an Ethernet interface supporting input classification, or can

be statically configured, e.g., supported queuing disciplines. These

capabilities are organized into Capability Sets, with each Capability

Set given a unique name (frwkCapabilitySetName) and associated with a

set of Role Combinations. In that way, each Role Combination may be

associated with a set of interfaces. These capabilities are

communicated to the PDP when policy is requested by the PEP. Knowing

device capabilities, the PDP can send the PRIs relevant to the

specific device, rather than sending the entire PIB.

Specific capability PRCs may be defined in other PIBs. These

capability instances are grouped via the frwkCapabilitySetTable. If

the PEP wishes to send capability information to the PDP, the PIB

must indicate which capabilities the PEP may send to the PDP by means

of the 'notify' PIB-Access clause as described in [SPPI]. If a PIB

does not have any capabilities to communicate to the PDP, it must not

send any instances for the frwkCapabilitySetTable. If in this case

the frwkIfRoleCombo table is used to communicate role combinations

assigned to interfaces (via IfIndex), the frwkRoleComboCapSetName

attribute in the frwkIfRoleComboTable instances must be set to a zero

length string.

2.6. Reporting of Device Limitations

To facilitate efficient policy installation, it is important to

understand a device's limitations in relation to the advertised

device capabilities. Limitations may be class-based, e.g., an

"install" class is supported as a "notify" or only a limited number

of class instances may be created, or attribute-based. Attribute

limitations, such as supporting a restricted set of enumerations or

requiring related attributes to have certain values, detail

implementation limitations at a fine level of granularity.

A PDP can avoid certain installation issues in a proactive fashion by

taking into account a device's limitations prior to policy

installation rather than in a reactive mode during installation. As

with device capabilities, device limitations are communicated to the

PDP when policy is requested.

Reported device limitations may be accompanied by guidance values

that can be used by a PDP to determine acceptable values for the

identified attributes.

3. The Framework TC PIB module



Unsigned32, pib FROM COPS-PR-SPPI;



LAST-UPDATED "200302130000Z" -- 13 Feb 2003


CONTACT-INFO "Keith McCloghrie

Cisco Systems, Inc.

170 West Tasman Drive,

San Jose, CA 95134-1706 USA

Phone: +1 408 526 5260

Email: kzm@cisco.com

John Seligson

Nortel Networks, Inc.

4401 Great America Parkway

Santa Clara, CA 95054 USA

Phone: +1 408 495 2992

Email: jseligso@nortelnetworks.com

Ravi Sahita

Intel Labs.

2111 NE 25th Ave.

Hillsboro, OR 97124 USA

Phone: +1 503 712 1554

Email: ravi.sahita@intel.com

RAP WG Mailing list: rap@ops.ietf.org "


"The PIB module containing the Role and RoleCombination

Textual Conventions and other generic TCs.

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003). This version of

this PIB module is part of RFC3318; see the RFCitself for

full legal notices."

REVISION "200302130000Z" -- 13 Feb 2003

DESCRIPTION "Initial version, published in RFC3318."

::= { pib 3 }


STATUS current


"A role represents a functionality characteristic or

capability of a resource to which policies are applied.

Examples of roles include Backbone_interface,

Frame_Relay_interface, BGP-capable-router, web-server,

firewall, etc.

The only valid character set is US-ASCII. Valid characters

are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, period, hyphen and underscore. A role

must always start with a letter (a-z or A-Z). A role must

not contain the US-ASCII characters '*' or '+' since they

have special meaning associated with them, explained in the



RoleCombination ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION

STATUS current


"An octet string containing concatenated Roles. For the

format specification of roles, refer to the 'Role' TEXTUAL-

CONVENTION. A valid Role Combination must be formed by a set

of valid Roles, concatenated by the US-ASCII character '+',

where the roles are in lexicographic order from minimum to

maximum. For example, 'a+b' and 'b+a' are NOT different

role-combinations; rather, they are different formatting of

the same (one) role-combination.

Notice the roles within a role-combination are in

Lexicographic order from minimum to maximum, hence, we


'a+b' is the valid formatting of the role-combination,

'b+a' is an invalid formatting of the role-combination.

Notice the need of zero-length role-combination as the role-

combination of interfaces to which no roles have been

assigned. This role-combination is also known as the 'null'

role-combination. (Note the deliberate use of lower case

letters to avoid confusion with the US-ASCII NULL character

which has a value of zero but length of one.)

The US-ASCII character '*' is used to specify a wild carded

Role Combination. '*' must not be used to wildcard Roles.

Hence, we declare:

'*+a+b' is a valid wild carded Role Combination.

'eth*+a+b' is not a valid wild carded Role Combination.

Note that since Roles are lexicographically listed in a Role

Combination, the following is an invalid role combination,

since '*' is lexicographically before 'a': 'a+b+*'."



STATUS current


"An OID that identifies a PRC. The value MUST be an OID

assigned to a PRC's entry definition. The Entry definition

of a PRC has an OID value XxxTable.1 where XxxTable is the

OID assigned to the PRC table object.

An attribute with this syntax MUST specify a PRC, which is

defined in the PIB module(s) registered in the context of

the client-type used.

An attribute with this syntax cannot have the value 0.0

(zeroDotZero). If the attribute using this syntax can be set

to 0.0 use the PrcIdentifierOidOrZero TEXTUAL-CONVENTION

which makes such use explicit."


PrcIdentifierOidOrZero ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION

STATUS current


"An OID that identifies a PRC or zeroDotZero (0.0). The

value MUST be an OID assigned to a PRC's entry definition or

0.0 (zeroDotZero). The Entry definition of a PRC has an OID

value XxxTable.1 where XxxTable is the OID assigned to the

PRC table object.

An attribute with this syntax can have the value 0.0

(zeroDotZero) to indicate that it currently does not

identify a PRC."



STATUS current


"A Unsigned32 value that identifies an attribute in a PRC by

its sub-id. The sub-id is the OID assigned to this attribute

in the PRC definition.

A AttrIdentifier value is always interpreted within the

context of an attribute of type PrcIdentifierOid or

PrcIdentifierOidOrZero. The PrcIdentifierOid (or

PrcIdentifierOidOrZero) object which defines the context

must be registered immediately before the object which uses

the AttrIdentifier textual convention. If the context

defining attribute is of type PrcIdentifierOidOrZero and has

the value 0.0, then in that case this attribute value has no


An attribute with this syntax MUST specify a sub-id which

MUST be defined in the PRC identified (if any) in the

PrcIdentifierOid (or PrcIdentifierOidOrZero) attribute. The

PrcIdentifierOid (orZero) and the AttrIdentifier attributes

together identify a particular attribute in a particular


An attribute with this syntax cannot have the value 0

(zero). If the attribute using this syntax can be set

to 0 use the AttrIdentifierOrZero TEXTUAL-CONVENTION which

makes that explicit."

SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)

AttrIdentifierOrZero ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION

STATUS current


"A Unsigned32 value that identifies an attribute in a PRC by

its sub-id or has the value 0 (zero). The sub-id if non-

zero, is the OID assigned to this attribute in the PRC


An AttrIdentifierOrZero value is always interpreted within

the context of an attribute of type PrcIdentifierOid or

PrcIdentifierOidOrZero. The PrcIdentifierOid (or

PrcIdentifierOidOrZero) object that defines the context must

be registered immediately before the object which uses the

AttrIdentifierOrZero textual convention. If the context

defining attribute is of type PrcIdentifierOidOrZero and has

the value 0.0, then in that case this attribute value has no


An attribute with this syntax can have the value 0 (zero) to

indicate that it currently does not identify a PRC

attribute. If it has a non-zero value, the

PrcIdentifierOid (orZero) and the AttrIdentifierOrZero

attributes together identify a particular attribute in a

particular PRC."

SYNTAX Unsigned32

AttrIdentifierOid ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION

STATUS current


"An OID that identifies an attribute in a PRC. The value

MUST be an OID assigned to a PRC's attribute definition. The

last sub-id is the sub-id of the attribute as it is

defined in the PRC entry definition. The prefix OID (after

dropping the last sub-id) is the OID assigned to the Entry

object of a defined PRC. The Entry definition of a PRC has

an OID value XxxTable.1 where XxxTable is the OID assigned

to the PRC Table object.

An attribute with this syntax MUST not have the value 0.0

(zeroDotZero). If 0.0 is a valid value, the TEXTUAL

CONVENTION AttrIdentifierOidOrZero must be used which makes

such use explicit."


AttrIdentifierOidOrZero ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION

STATUS current


"An OID that identifies an attribute in a PRC or has a value

0.0 (zeroDotZero). The value MUST be an OID assigned to a

PRC's attribute definition or the value 0.0.

If not 0.0, the last sub-id MUST be the sub-id of the

attribute as it is defined in the PRC Entry object

definition. The prefix OID (after dropping the last sub-id)

is the OID assigned to the Entry object of a defined PRC.

The Entry definition of a PRC has an OID value XxxTable.1

Where, XxxTable is the OID assigned to the PRC Table


An attribute with this syntax can have the value 0.0

(zeroDotZero) to indicate that it currently does not

identify a PRC's attribute."



STATUS current


"An Unsigned32 value that identifies a COPS Client-type. An

attribute with this syntax must be set to zero if it does

not specify a COPS client-type for the PRI."


"The COPS (Common Open Policy Service) Protocol, RFC2748."

SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535)


STATUS current


"An octet string that identifies a COPS Client handle. A

zero length value implies the attribute does not specify a

valid client handle."


"The COPS (Common Open Policy Service) Protocol, RFC2748."



4. Summary of the Framework PIB

The Framework PIB defines four groups of PRCs:

4.1. Base PIB classes Group

This contains PRCs intended to describe the PRCs supported by the

PEP, PRC and/or attribute limitations and its current configuration.

PRC Support Table

As the technology evolves, we expect devices to be enhanced

with new PIBs, existing PIBs to add new PRCs and existing PRCs

to be augmented or extended with new attributes. Also, it is

likely that some existing PRCs or individual attributes of PRCs

will be deprecated. The PRC Support Table describes the PRCs

that the device supports as well as the individual attributes

of each PRC. Using this information the PDP can potentially

tailor the policy to more closely match the capabilities of the

device. The PRC Support Table instances are specific to the

particular Subject Category (Client-Type). That is, the PRC

Support Table for Subject Category 'A' will not include

instances for classes supported by the Subject Category 'B'.

Note that the COPS client-type [COPS] used for Framework PIB

PRIs sent/received over COPS-PR MUST be the unique SUBJECT-

CATEGORY number assigned for the area of policy being managed

(e.g., QoS, Security etc). The PEP MUST ignore the attributes

that it reports as not Supported in the decision from the PDP.

The PEP SHOULD not send duplicate PRC support instances in a

COPS Request and the PDP MUST ignore duplicate instances and

MUST use the first instance received for a supported PRC in a

COPS Request.

PIB Incarnation Table

This PRC contains exactly one row (corresponding to one PRI)

per context. It identifies the PDP that was the last to

download policy into the device and also contains an identifier

to identify the version of the policy currently downloaded.

This identifier, both its syntax and value, is meaningful only

to the PDPs. It is intended to be a mechanism whereby a PDP,

when accepting a connection from a PEP, can easily identify a

known incarnation of policy. This PRC defines a flag via which

the installed contexts are divided into a set of contexts

('configuration contexts') out of which only one context is

active and a the remaining contexts form a set of 'outsourcing

contexts' which are all active. The incarnation PRC also

defines an attribute to indicate which configuration context is

the active one at the present time in the 'configuration

contexts' set. The incarnation instance is specific to the

particular Subject Category (Client-Type).

Component Limitations Table

Some devices may not be able to implement the full range of

values for all attributes. In principle, each PRC supports a

set of errors that the PEP can report to the PDP in the event

that the specified policy is not implementable. It may be

preferable for the PDP to be informed of the device limitations

before actually attempting to install policy, and while the

error can indicate that a particular attribute value is

unacceptable to the PEP, this does not help the PDP ascertain

which values would be acceptable. To alleviate these

limitations, the PEP can report some limitations of attribute

values and/or classes and possibly guidance values for the

attribute in the Component Limitations Table

Device Identification Table

This PRC contains a single PRI that contains device-specific

information that is used to facilitate efficient policy

installation by a PDP. The instance of this PRC is reported to

the PDP in a COPS request message so that the PDP can take into

account certain device characteristics during policy


4.2. Device Capabilities group

This group contains the PRCs that describe the characteristics of

interfaces of the device and the Role Combinations assigned to them.

Capabilities Set Table

The capabilities the PEP supports are described by rows in this

PRC (frwkCapabilitySetTable). Each row, or instance of this

class, associates a unique capability name with a set of

capabilities that an entity on the PEP may support. The unique

name is used to form a set of capabilities that the name

represents. The capability references can specify instances in

relevant capability tables in any PIB. The PEP notifies the

PDP of these capability sets and then the PDP configures the

interfaces, per role combination. The unique name

(frwkCapabilitySetName) is not to be confused with the IfType

object in the Interfaces Group MIB [RFC2863].

Interface and Role Combination Table

The Capabilities Set Table (explained above) describes the

entities on the PEP (for example, interfaces) by their

capabilities, by assigning the capability sets a unique name

(frwkCapabilitySetName). It is possible to tailor the behavior

of interfaces by assigning specific role-combinations to the

capability sets. This allows interfaces with the same

capability sets to be assigned different policies, based on the

current roles assigned to them. At the PDP, configuration is

done in terms of these interface capability set names and the

role-combinations assigned to them. Thus, each row of this

class is a <Interface Index, interface capability set name,

Role Combo> tuple, that indicates the roles that have been

assigned to a particular capability set (as identified by

frwkRoleComboCapSetName) and to a particular interface. Note

that the uniqueness criteria for this PRC has all the

attributes, thus a frwkRoleComboCapSetName may have multiple

role-combinations that it is associated with. Via the IfIndex,

this PRC answers the questions of 'which interfaces have a

specific role combination?' and 'what role combination a

specific interface is a part of?'.

4.3. Classifier group

This group contains the IP, IEEE 802 and Internal Label Classifier

elements. The set of tables consist of a Base Filter table that

contains the Index InstanceId and the Negation flag for the filter.

This frwkBaseFilterTable is extended to form the IP Filter table, the

802 Filter table [802] and the Internal Label table. Filters may

also be defined outside this document and used to extend the Base

Filter table.

The Extended classes do not have a separate Index value. Instances of

the extended classes have the same indices as their base class

instance. Inheritance is achieved using the EXTENDS keyword as

defined in [SPPI].

4.4. Marker group

This group contains the 802 marker and internal label marker PRCs.

The 802 marker may be applied to mark 802 packets with the required

VLAN Id and/or priority value. The Internal Label marker is applied

to traffic in order to label it with a network device specific label.

Such a label is used to assist the differentiation of an input flow

after it has been aggregated with other flows. The label is

implementation specific and may be used for other policy related

functions like flow accounting purposes and/or other data path


5. The Framework PIB Module



Unsigned32, Integer32, MODULE-IDENTITY,



InstanceId, Prid


RoleCombination, PrcIdentifierOid, AttrIdentifierOrZero,

ClientType, ClientHandle


InetAddress, InetAddressType,

InetAddressPrefixLength, InetPortNumber






TruthValue, PhysAddress






LAST-UPDATED "200302130000Z" -- 13 Feb 2003



Keith McCloghrie

Cisco Systems, Inc.

170 West Tasman Drive,

San Jose, CA 95134-1706 USA

Phone: +1 408 526 5260

Email: kzm@cisco.com

John Seligson

Nortel Networks, Inc.

4401 Great America Parkway

Santa Clara, CA 95054 USA

Phone: +1 408 495 2992

Email: jseligso@nortelnetworks.com

Ravi Sahita

Intel Labs.

2111 NE 25th Ave.

Hillsboro, OR 97124 USA

Phone: +1 503 712 1554

Email: ravi.sahita@intel.com

RAP WG Mailing list: rap@ops.ietf.org"


"A PIB module containing the base set of PRCs that

provide support for management of multiple PIB contexts,

association of roles to device capabilities and other

reusable PRCs. PEPs are required for to implement this

PIB if the above features are desired. This PIB defines

PRCs applicable to 'all' subject-categories.

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003). This version

of this PIB module is part of RFC3318; see the RFC

itself for full legal notices."

REVISION "200302130000Z" -- 13 Feb 2003


"Initial version, published in RFC3318."

::= { pib 2 }


-- The root OID for PRCs in the Framework PIB



OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { frameworkPib 1 }


-- PRC Support Table


frwkPrcSupportTable OBJECT-TYPE



STATUS current


"Each instance of this PRC specifies a PRC that the device

supports and a bit string to indicate the attributes of the

class that are supported. These PRIs are sent to the PDP to

indicate to the PDP which PRCs, and which attributes of

these PRCs, the device supports.

All install and install-notify PRCs supported by the device

must be represented in this PRC. Notify PRCs may be

represented for informational purposes."

::= { frwkBasePibClasses 1 }

frwkPrcSupportEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX FrwkPrcSupportEntry

STATUS current


"An instance of the frwkPrcSupport class that identifies a

specific PRC and associated attributes as supported

by the device."

PIB-INDEX { frwkPrcSupportPrid }

UNIQUENESS { frwkPrcSupportSupportedPrc }

::= { frwkPrcSupportTable 1 }

FrwkPrcSupportEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

frwkPrcSupportPrid InstanceId,

frwkPrcSupportSupportedPrc PrcIdentifierOid,

frwkPrcSupportSupportedAttrs OCTET STRING


frwkPrcSupportPrid OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX InstanceId

STATUS current


"An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an

instance of the frwkPrcSupport class."

::= { frwkPrcSupportEntry 1 }

frwkPrcSupportSupportedPrc OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX PrcIdentifierOid

STATUS current


"The object identifier of a supported PRC. The value is the

OID of the Entry object of the PRC definition. The Entry

Object definition of a PRC has an OID with value XxxTable.1

Where, XxxTable is the OID assigned to the PRC Table

Object definition. There may not be more than one instance

of the frwkPrcSupport class with the same value of


::= { frwkPrcSupportEntry 2 }

frwkPrcSupportSupportedAttrs OBJECT-TYPE


STATUS current


"A bit string representing the supported attributes of the

class that is identified by the frwkPrcSupportSupportedPrc


Each bit of this bit string corresponds to a class

attribute, with the most significant bit of the i-th octet

of this octet string corresponding to the (8*i - 7)-th

attribute, and the least significant bit of the i-th octet

corresponding to the (8*i)-th class attribute. Each bit

specifies whether or not the corresponding class attribute

is currently supported, with a '1' indicating support and a

'0' indicating no support.

If the value of this bit string is N bits long and there are

more than N class attributes then the bit string is

logically extended with 0's to the required length.

On the other hand, If the PDP receives a bit string of

length N and there are less that N class attributes then the

PDP should ignore the extra bits in the bit string, i.e.,

assume those attributes are unsupported."


"COPS Usage for Policy Provisioning. RFC3084, section


::= { frwkPrcSupportEntry 3 }


-- PIB Incarnation Table


frwkPibIncarnationTable OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF FrwkPibIncarnationEntry

PIB-ACCESS install-notify

STATUS current


"This PRC contains a single PRovisioning Instance per

installed context that identifies the current incarnation

of the PIB and the PDP or network manager that installed

this incarnation. The instance of this PRC is reported to

the PDP in the REQ message so that the PDP can (attempt to)

ascertain the current state of the PIB. A network manager

may use the instance to determine the state of the device."

::= { frwkBasePibClasses 2 }

frwkPibIncarnationEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX FrwkPibIncarnationEntry

STATUS current


"An instance of the frwkPibIncarnation class. Only

one instance of this PRC is ever instantiated per context"

PIB-INDEX { frwkPibIncarnationPrid }

::= { frwkPibIncarnationTable 1 }

FrwkPibIncarnationEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

frwkPibIncarnationPrid InstanceId,

frwkPibIncarnationName SnmpAdminString,

frwkPibIncarnationId OCTET STRING,

frwkPibIncarnationLongevity INTEGER,

frwkPibIncarnationTtl Unsigned32,

frwkPibIncarnationInCtxtSet TruthValue,

frwkPibIncarnationActive TruthValue,

frwkPibIncarnationFullState TruthValue


frwkPibIncarnationPrid OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX InstanceId

STATUS current


"An index to uniquely identify an instance of this PRC."

::= { frwkPibIncarnationEntry 1 }

frwkPibIncarnationName OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..255))

STATUS current


"The name of the PDP that installed the current incarnation

of the PIB into the device. A zero-length string value for

this type implies the PDP has not assigned this type any

value. By default, it is the zero length string."

::= { frwkPibIncarnationEntry 2 }

frwkPibIncarnationId OBJECT-TYPE


STATUS current


"An ID to identify the current incarnation. It has meaning

to the PDP/manager that installed the PIB and perhaps its

standby PDPs/managers. A zero-length string value for

this type implies the PDP has not assigned this type any

value. By default, it is the zero-length string."

::= { frwkPibIncarnationEntry 3 }

frwkPibIncarnationLongevity OBJECT-TYPE






STATUS current


"This attribute controls what the PEP does with the

downloaded policy on a Client Close message or a loss of

connection to the PDP.

If set to expireNever, the PEP continues to operate with the

installed policy indefinitely. If set to expireImmediate,

the PEP immediately expires the policy obtained from the PDP

and installs policy from local configuration. If set to

expireOnTimeout, the PEP continues to operate with the

policy installed by the PDP for a period of time specified

by frwkPibIncarnationTtl. After this time (and it has not

reconnected to the original or new PDP) the PEP expires this

policy and reverts to local configuration.

For all cases, it is the responsibility of the PDP to check

the incarnation and download new policy, if necessary, on a

reconnect. On receiving a Remove-State for the active

context, this attribute value MUST be ignored and the PEP

should expire the policy in that active context immediately.

Policy enforcement timing only applies to policies that have

been installed dynamically (e.g., by a PDP via COPS)."


"COPS Usage for Policy Provisioning. RFC3084."

::= { frwkPibIncarnationEntry 4 }

frwkPibIncarnationTtl OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32

UNITS "seconds"

STATUS current


"The number of seconds after a Client Close or TCP timeout

for which the PEP continues to enforce the policy in the

PIB. After this interval, the PIB is considered expired and

the device no longer enforces the policy installed in the


This attribute is only meaningful if

frwkPibIncarnationLongevity is set to expireOnTimeout."

::= { frwkPibIncarnationEntry 5 }

frwkPibIncarnationInCtxtSet OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX TruthValue

STATUS current


"When the PDP installs a PRI with this flag set to 'true' it

implies this context belongs to the set of contexts out of

which at the most one context can be active at a given time.

If this attribute is set to 'false' this context is one of

the outsourcing (simultaneous active) contexts on the PEP.

This attribute is 'true' for all contexts belong to the set

of configuration contexts. Within the configuration context

set, one context can be active identified by the

frwkPibIncarnationActive attribute."


"TruthValue Textual Convention, defined in RFC2579."

::= { frwkPibIncarnationEntry 6 }

frwkPibIncarnationActive OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX TruthValue

STATUS current


"When the PDP installs a PRI on the PEP with this attribute

set to 'true' and if this context belongs to the

'configuration contexts' set, i.e., the

frwkPibIncarnationInCtxtSet is set to 'true', then the PIB

instance to which this PRI belongs must become the active

PIB instance. In this case, the previous active instance

from this set MUST become inactive and the

frwkPibIncarnationActive attribute in that PIB instance MUST

be set to 'false'.

When the PDP installs an attribute frwkPibIncarnationActive

on the PEP that is 'true' in one PIB instance and if the

context belongs to the 'configuration contexts' set, the PEP

must ensure, re-setting the attribute if necessary, that the

frwkPibIncarnationActive attribute is 'false' in all other

contexts which belong to the 'configuration contexts' set."

::= { frwkPibIncarnationEntry 7 }

frwkPibIncarnationFullState OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX TruthValue

STATUS current


"This attribute is interpreted only when sent in a COPS

request message from the PEP to the PDP. It does not have

any meaning when sent from the PDP to the PEP.

If this attribute is set to 'true' by the PEP, then the

request that the PEP sends to the PDP must be interpreted as

the complete configuration request for the PEP. The PDP must

in this case refresh the request information for the

handle that the request containing this PRI was received on.

If this attribute is set to 'false', then the

request PRIs sent in the request must be interpreted as

updates to the previous request PRIs sent using that handle.

See section 3.3 for details on updating request state



"RFC3318 Section 2.3"

::= { frwkPibIncarnationEntry 8 }


-- Device Identification Table


frwkDeviceIdTable OBJECT-TYPE



STATUS current


"This PRC contains a single PRovisioning Instance that

contains general purpose device-specific information that is

used to facilitate efficient policy communication by a PDP.

The instance of this PRC is reported to the PDP in a COPS

request message so that the PDP can take into account

certain device characteristics during policy installation."

::= { frwkBasePibClasses 3 }

frwkDeviceIdEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX FrwkDeviceIdEntry

STATUS current


"An instance of the frwkDeviceId class. Only one instance of

this PRC is ever instantiated."

PIB-INDEX { frwkDeviceIdPrid }

::= { frwkDeviceIdTable 1 }

FrwkDeviceIdEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

frwkDeviceIdPrid InstanceId,

frwkDeviceIdDescr SnmpAdminString,

frwkDeviceIdMaxMsg Unsigned32,

frwkDeviceIdMaxContexts Unsigned32


frwkDeviceIdPrid OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX InstanceId

STATUS current


"An index to uniquely identify an instance of this PRC."

::= { frwkDeviceIdEntry 1 }

frwkDeviceIdDescr OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (1..255))

STATUS current


"A textual description of the PEP. This value should include

the name and version identification of the PEP's hardware

and software."

::= { frwkDeviceIdEntry 2 }

frwkDeviceIdMaxMsg OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32 (64..4294967295)

UNITS "octets"

STATUS current


"The maximum COPS-PR message size, in octets, that the

device is capable of processing. Received messages with a

size in excess of this value must cause the PEP to return an

error to the PDP containing the global error code

'maxMsgSizeExceeded'. This is an additional error-avoidance

mechanism to allow the administrator to know the maximum

message size supported so that they have the ability to

control the message size of messages sent to the device.

This attribute must have a non-zero value. The device should

send the MAX value for Unsigned32 for this attribute if it

not defined."

DEFVAL { 4294967295 }

::= { frwkDeviceIdEntry 3 }

frwkDeviceIdMaxContexts OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)

UNITS "contexts"

STATUS current


"The maximum number of unique contexts supported by

the device. This is an additional error-avoidance mechanism

to allow the administrators to have the ability to know the

maximum number of contexts supported so that they can

control the number of configuration contexts they install on

the device. This attribute must have a non-zero value. The

device should send the MAX value for Unsigned32 for this

attribute if it not defined."

DEFVAL { 4294967295 }

::= { frwkDeviceIdEntry 4 }


-- Component Limitations Table


frwkCompLimitsTable OBJECT-TYPE



STATUS current


"This PRC supports the ability to export information

detailing PRC/attribute implementation limitations to the

policy management system. Instances of this PRC apply only

for PRCs with access type 'install' or 'install-notify'.

Each instance of this PRC identifies a PRovisioning Class

or attribute and a limitation related to the implementation

of the class/attribute in the device. Additional information

providing guidance related to the limitation may also be

present. These PRIs are sent to the PDP to indicate which

PRCs or PRC attributes the device supports in a restricted


::= { frwkBasePibClasses 4 }

frwkCompLimitsEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX FrwkCompLimitsEntry

STATUS current


"An instance of the frwkCompLimits class that identifies

a PRC or PRC attribute and a limitation related to the PRC

or PRC attribute implementation supported by the device.

COPS-PR lists the error codes that MUST be returned (if

applicable)for policy installation that don't abide by the

restrictions indicated by the limitations exported. [SPPI]

defines an INSTALL-ERRORS clause that allows PIB designers

to define PRC specific error codes that can be returned for

policy installation. This allows efficient debugging of PIB



"COPS Usage for Policy Provisioning. RFC3084."

PIB-INDEX { frwkCompLimitsPrid }

UNIQUENESS { frwkCompLimitsComponent,





frwkCompLimitsGuidance }

::= { frwkCompLimitsTable 1 }

FrwkCompLimitsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

frwkCompLimitsPrid InstanceId,

frwkCompLimitsComponent PrcIdentifierOid,

frwkCompLimitsAttrPos AttrIdentifierOrZero,

frwkCompLimitsNegation TruthValue,

frwkCompLimitsType INTEGER,

frwkCompLimitsSubType INTEGER,

frwkCompLimitsGuidance OCTET STRING


frwkCompLimitsPrid OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX InstanceId

STATUS current


"An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an

instance of the frwkCompLimits class."

::= { frwkCompLimitsEntry 1 }

frwkCompLimitsComponent OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX PrcIdentifierOid

STATUS current


"The value is the OID of a PRC (the table entry) which is

supported in some limited fashion or contains an attribute

that is supported in some limited fashion with regard to

it's definition in the associated PIB module. The same OID

may appear in the table several times, once for each

implementation limitation acknowledged by the device."

::= { frwkCompLimitsEntry 2 }

frwkCompLimitsAttrPos OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX AttrIdentifierOrZero

STATUS current


"The relative position of the attribute within the PRC

specified by the frwkCompLimitsComponent. A value of 1 would

represent the first columnar object in the PRC and a value

of N would represent the Nth columnar object in the PRC. A

value of zero (0) indicates that the limit applies to the

PRC itself and not to a specific attribute."

::= { frwkCompLimitsEntry 3 }

frwkCompLimitsNegation OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX TruthValue

STATUS current


"A boolean value ,if 'true', negates the component limit


::= { frwkCompLimitsEntry 4 }

frwkCompLimitsType OBJECT-TYPE








STATUS current


"A value describing an implementation limitation for the

device related to the PRC or PRC attribute identified by

the frwkCompLimitsComponent and the frwkCompLimitsAttrPos


Values for this object are one of the following:

priSpaceLimited(1) - No more instances than that specified

by the guidance value may be installed in the given class.

The component identified MUST be a valid PRC. The SubType

used MUST be valueOnly(9).

attrValueSupLimited(2) - Limited values are acceptable for

the identified component. The component identified MUST be a

valid PRC attribute. The guidance OCTET STRING will be

decoded according to the attribute type.

attrEnumSupLimited(3) - Limited enumeration values are legal

for the identified component. The attribute identified MUST

be a valid enum type.

attrLengthLimited(4) - The length of the specified

value for the identified component is limited. The component

identified MUST be a valid PRC attribute of base-type OCTET


prcLimitedNotify (5) - The component is currently limited

for use by request or report messages prohibiting decision

installation. The component identified must be a valid PRC."

::= { frwkCompLimitsEntry 5 }

frwkCompLimitsSubType OBJECT-TYPE













STATUS current


"This object indicates the type of guidance related

to the noted limitation (as indicated by the

frwkCompLimitsType attribute) that is provided

in the frwkCompLimitsGuidance attribute.

A value of 'none(1)' means that no additional

guidance is provided for the noted limitation type.

A value of 'lengthMin(2)' means that the guidance

attribute provides data related to the minimum

acceptable length for the value of the identified

component. A corresponding class instance

specifying the 'lengthMax(3)' value is required

in conjunction with this sub-type.

A value of 'lengthMax(3)' means that the guidance

attribute provides data related to the maximum

acceptable length for the value of the identified

component. A corresponding class instance

specifying the 'lengthMin(2)' value is required

in conjunction with this sub-type.

A value of 'rangeMin(4)' means that the guidance

attribute provides data related to the lower bound

of the range for the value of the identified

component. A corresponding class instance

specifying the 'rangeMax(5)' value is required

in conjunction with this sub-type.

A value of 'rangeMax(5)' means that the guidance

attribute provides data related to the upper bound

of the range for the value of the identified

component. A corresponding class instance

specifying the 'rangeMin(4)' value is required

in conjunction with this sub-type.

A value of 'enumMin(6)' means that the guidance

attribute provides data related to the lowest

enumeration acceptable for the value of the

identified component. A corresponding

class instance specifying the 'enumMax(7)'

value is required in conjunction with this sub-type.

A value of 'enumMax(7)' means that the guidance

attribute provides data related to the largest

enumeration acceptable for the value of the

identified component. A corresponding

class instance specifying the 'enumMin(6)'

value is required in conjunction with this sub-type.

A value of 'enumOnly(8)' means that the guidance

attribute provides data related to a single

enumeration acceptable for the value of the

identified component.

A value of 'valueOnly(9)' means that the guidance

attribute provides data related to a single

value that is acceptable for the identified


A value of 'bitMask(10)' means that the guidance

attribute is a bit mask such that all the combinations of

bits set in the bitmask are acceptable values for the

identified component which should be an attribute of type


For example, an implementation of the frwkIpFilter class may

be limited in several ways, such as address mask, protocol

and Layer 4 port options. These limitations could be

exported using this PRC with the following instances:

Component Type Sub-Type Guidance


DstPrefixLength attrValueSupLimited valueOnly 24

SrcPrefixLength attrValueSupLimited valueOnly 24

Protocol attrValueSupLimited rangeMin 10

Protocol attrValueSupLimited rangeMax 20

The above entries describe a number of limitations that

may be in effect for the frwkIpFilter class on a given

device. The limitations include restrictions on acceptable

values for certain attributes.

Also, an implementation of a PRC may be limited in the ways

it can be accessed. For instance, for a fictitious PRC

dscpMapEntry, which has a PIB-ACCESS of 'install-notify':

Component Type SubType Guidance


dscpMapEntry prcLimitedNotify none zero-length string."

::= { frwkCompLimitsEntry 6 }

frwkCompLimitsGuidance OBJECT-TYPE


STATUS current


"A value used to convey additional information related

to the implementation limitation. Note that a guidance

value will not necessarily be provided for all exported

limitations. If a guidance value is not provided, the

value must be a zero-length string.

The format of the guidance value, if one is present as

indicated by the frwkCompLimitsSubType attribute,

is described by the following table. Note that the

format of guidance value is dictated by the base-type of

the component whose limitation is being exported,

interpreted in the context of the frwkCompLimitsType and

frwkCompLimitsSubType values. Any other restrictions

(such as size/range/enumerated value) on the guidance

value MUST be complied with according to the definition

of the component for which guidance is being specified.

Note that numbers are encoded in network byte order.

Base Type Value

--------- -----

Unsigned32/Integer32/INTEGER 32-bit value.

Unsigned64/Integer64 64-bit Value.

OCTET STRING octets of data.

OID 32-bit OID components.

BITS Binary octets of length

same as Component specified."

::= { frwkCompLimitsEntry 7 }


-- Complete Reference specification table


frwkReferenceTable OBJECT-TYPE


PIB-ACCESS install-notify

STATUS current


"Each instance of this PRC specifies a reference to a PRI

in a specific PIB context (handle) for a specific client-

type. This table gives the PDP the ability to set up

policies that span installed contexts and the PEP the

ability to reference instances in another, perhaps

configured context. The PEP must send a

'attrReferenceUnknown' COPS-PR error to the PDP if it

encounters an invalid reference. "


"COPS Usage for Policy Provisioning. RFC3084, error

codes section 4.5."

::= { frwkBasePibClasses 5 }

frwkReferenceEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX FrwkReferenceEntry

STATUS current


"Entry specification for the frwkReferenceTable."

PIB-INDEX { frwkReferencePrid }


::= { frwkReferenceTable 1 }

FrwkReferenceEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

frwkReferencePrid InstanceId,

frwkReferenceClientType ClientType,

frwkReferenceClientHandle ClientHandle,

frwkReferenceInstance Prid


frwkReferencePrid OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX InstanceId

STATUS current


"An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an

instance of the frwkReference class."

::= { frwkReferenceEntry 1 }

frwkReferenceClientType OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ClientType

STATUS current


"Is unused if set to zero else specifies a client-type for

which the reference is to be interpreted. This non-zero

client-type must be activated explicitly via a separate

COPS client-open else this attribute is not valid."

::= { frwkReferenceEntry 2 }

frwkReferenceClientHandle OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX ClientHandle

STATUS current


"Must be set to specify a valid client-handle in the scope

of the client-type specified."

::= { frwkReferenceEntry 3 }

frwkReferenceInstance OBJECT-TYPE


STATUS current


"References a PRI in the context identified by

frwkReferenceClientHandle for client-type identified by


::= { frwkReferenceEntry 4 }


-- Error specification table


frwkErrorTable OBJECT-TYPE


PIB-ACCESS install

STATUS current


"Each instance of this PRC specifies a class specific

error object. Instances of this PRC are transient, i.e.,

instances received in a COPS decision message must not be

maintained by the PEP in its copy of the PIB instances. This

PRC allows a PDP to send error information to the PEP if the

PDP cannot process updates to a Request successfully."

::= { frwkBasePibClasses 6 }

frwkErrorEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX FrwkErrorEntry

STATUS current


"Entry specification for the frwkErrorTable."

PIB-INDEX { frwkErrorPrid }







::= { frwkErrorTable 1 }

FrwkErrorEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

frwkErrorPrid InstanceId,

frwkErrorCode Unsigned32,

frwkErrorSubCode Unsigned32,

frwkErrorPrc PrcIdentifierOid,

frwkErrorInstance InstanceId


frwkErrorPrid OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX InstanceId

STATUS current


"An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an

instance of the frwkError class."

::= { frwkErrorEntry 1 }

frwkErrorCode OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535)

STATUS current


"Error code defined in COPS-PR CPERR object."


"COPS Usage for Policy Provisioning. RFC3084."

::= { frwkErrorEntry 2 }

frwkErrorSubCode OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535)

STATUS current


"The class-specific error object is used to communicate

errors relating to specific PRCs."

::= { frwkErrorEntry 3 }

frwkErrorPrc OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX PrcIdentifierOid

STATUS current


"The PRC due to which the error specified by codes

(frwkErrorCode , frwkErrorSubCode) occurred."

::= { frwkErrorEntry 4 }

frwkErrorInstance OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX InstanceId

STATUS current


"The PRI of the identified PRC (frwkErrorPrc) due to which

the error specified by codes (frwkErrorCode ,

frwkErrorSubCode) occurred. Must be set to zero if unused."

::= { frwkErrorEntry 5 }


-- The device capabilities and role combo classes group



OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { frameworkPib 2 }


-- Capability Set Table


frwkCapabilitySetTable OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF FrwkCapabilitySetEntry


STATUS current


"This PRC describes the capability sets that exist on the

interfaces on the device. The capability set is given a

unique name that identifies a set. These capability set

names are used by the PDP to determine policy information to

be associated with interfaces that possess similar sets of


::= { frwkDeviceCapClasses 1 }

frwkCapabilitySetEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX FrwkCapabilitySetEntry

STATUS current


"An instance of this PRC describes a particular set of

capabilities and associates a unique name with the set."

PIB-INDEX { frwkCapabilitySetPrid }

UNIQUENESS { frwkCapabilitySetName,

frwkCapabilitySetCapability }

::= { frwkCapabilitySetTable 1 }

FrwkCapabilitySetEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

frwkCapabilitySetPrid InstanceId,

frwkCapabilitySetName SnmpAdminString,

frwkCapabilitySetCapability Prid


frwkCapabilitySetPrid OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX InstanceId

STATUS current


"An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies a

instance of the class."

::= { frwkCapabilitySetEntry 1 }

frwkCapabilitySetName OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (1..255))

STATUS current


"The name for the capability set. This name is the unique

identifier of a set of capabilities. This attribute must not

be assigned a zero-length string."

::= { frwkCapabilitySetEntry 2 }

frwkCapabilitySetCapability OBJECT-TYPE


STATUS current


"The complete PRC OID and instance identifier specifying the

capability PRC instance for the interface. This attribute

references a specific instance of a capability table. The

capability table whose instance is referenced must be

defined in the client type specific PIB that this PIB is

used with. The referenced capability instance becomes a part

of the set of capabilities associated with the specified


::= { frwkCapabilitySetEntry 3 }


-- Interface and Role Combination Tables


frwkRoleComboTable OBJECT-TYPE


PIB-ACCESS install-notify

STATUS current


"This is an abstract PRC that may be extended or referenced

to enumerate the role combinations, capability set names

assigned to any interface on a PEP. The identification of

the interface is to be defined by its extensions or

referencing PRCs."

::= { frwkDeviceCapClasses 2 }

frwkRoleComboEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX FrwkRoleComboEntry

STATUS current


"An instance of this PRC describes one association of an

interface to a role-combination and capability set name .

Note that an interface can have multiple associations. This

constraint is controlled by the extending or referencing

PRC's uniqueness clause."

PIB-INDEX { frwkRoleComboPrid }


::= { frwkRoleComboTable 1 }

FrwkRoleComboEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

frwkRoleComboPrid InstanceId,

frwkRoleComboRoles RoleCombination,

frwkRoleComboCapSetName SnmpAdminString


frwkRoleComboPrid OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX InstanceId

STATUS current


"An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an

instance of the class."

::= { frwkRoleComboEntry 1 }

frwkRoleComboRoles OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX RoleCombination

STATUS current


"The role combination assigned to a specific interface."

::= { frwkRoleComboEntry 2 }

frwkRoleComboCapSetName OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..255))

STATUS current


"The name of the capability set associated with

the Role Combination specified in frwkRoleComboRoles. If

this is a zero length string it implies the PEP is not

exporting any capability set information for this

RoleCombination. The PDP must then use the RoleCombinations

provided as the only means of assigning policies

If a non-zero length string is specified, the name must

exist in frwkCapabilitySetTable."

::= { frwkRoleComboEntry 3 }


-- Interface, Role Combination association via IfIndex


frwkIfRoleComboTable OBJECT-TYPE


PIB-ACCESS install-notify

STATUS current


"This PRC enumerates the interface to role combination and

frwkRoleComboCapSetName mapping for all policy managed

interfaces of a device. Policy for an interface depends not

only on the capability set of an interface but also on its

roles. This table specifies all the <interface index,

interface capability set name, role combination> tuples

currently on the device"

::= { frwkDeviceCapClasses 3 }

frwkIfRoleComboEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX FrwkIfRoleComboEntry

STATUS current


"An instance of this PRC describes the association of

a interface to an capability set name and a role


Note that a capability set name can have multiple role

combinations assigned to it, but an IfIndex can have only

one role combination associated."

EXTENDS { frwkRoleComboEntry }

UNIQUENESS { frwkIfRoleComboIfIndex,

frwkRoleComboCapSetName }

::= { frwkIfRoleComboTable 1 }

FrwkIfRoleComboEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

frwkIfRoleComboIfIndex InterfaceIndex


frwkIfRoleComboIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX InterfaceIndex

STATUS current


"The value of this attribute is the ifIndex which is

associated with the specified RoleCombination and interface

capability set name."

::= { frwkIfRoleComboEntry 1 }


-- The Classification classes group



OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { frameworkPib 3 }


-- The Base Filter Table


frwkBaseFilterTable OBJECT-TYPE


PIB-ACCESS install

STATUS current


"The Base Filter class. A packet has to match all

fields in an Filter. Wildcards may be specified for those

fields that are not relevant."

::= { frwkClassifierClasses 1 }

frwkBaseFilterEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX FrwkBaseFilterEntry

STATUS current


"An instance of the frwkBaseFilter class."

PIB-INDEX { frwkBaseFilterPrid }

::= { frwkBaseFilterTable 1 }

FrwkBaseFilterEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

frwkBaseFilterPrid InstanceId,

frwkBaseFilterNegation TruthValue


frwkBaseFilterPrid OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX InstanceId

STATUS current


"An integer index to uniquely identify this Filter among all

the Filters."

::= { frwkBaseFilterEntry 1 }

frwkBaseFilterNegation OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX TruthValue

STATUS current


"This attribute behaves like a logical NOT for the filter.

If the packet matches this filter and the value of this

attribute is 'true', the action associated with this filter

is not applied to the packet. If the value of this

attribute is 'false', then the action is applied to the


::= { frwkBaseFilterEntry 2 }


-- The IP Filter Table


frwkIpFilterTable OBJECT-TYPE


PIB-ACCESS install

STATUS current


"Filter definitions. A packet has to match all fields in a

filter. Wildcards may be specified for those fields that

are not relevant."





::= { frwkClassifierClasses 2 }

frwkIpFilterEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX FrwkIpFilterEntry

STATUS current


"An instance of the frwkIpFilter class."

EXTENDS { frwkBaseFilterEntry }

UNIQUENESS { frwkBaseFilterNegation,












frwkIpFilterSrcL4PortMax }

::= { frwkIpFilterTable 1 }

FrwkIpFilterEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

frwkIpFilterAddrType InetAddressType,

frwkIpFilterDstAddr InetAddress,

frwkIpFilterDstPrefixLength InetAddressPrefixLength,

frwkIpFilterSrcAddr InetAddress,

frwkIpFilterSrcPrefixLength InetAddressPrefixLength,

frwkIpFilterDscp DscpOrAny,

frwkIpFilterFlowId Integer32,

frwkIpFilterProtocol Unsigned32,

frwkIpFilterDstL4PortMin InetPortNumber,

frwkIpFilterDstL4PortMax InetPortNumber,

frwkIpFilterSrcL4PortMin InetPortNumber,

frwkIpFilterSrcL4PortMax InetPortNumber


frwkIpFilterAddrType OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX InetAddressType

STATUS current


"The address type enumeration value to specify the type of

the packet's IP address.

While other types of addresses are defined in the

InetAddressType textual convention, an IP filter can only

use IPv4 and IPv6 addresses directly to classify traffic.

All other InetAddressTypes require mapping to the

corresponding Ipv4 or IPv6 address before being used to

classify traffic. Therefore, this object as such is not

limited to IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, i.e., it can be assigned

any of the valid values defined in the InetAddressType TC,

but the mapping of the address values to IPv4 or IPv6

addresses for the address attributes (frwkIpFilterDstAddr

and frwkIpFilterSrcAddr) must be done by the PEP. For

example when dns (16) is used, the PEP must resolve

the address to IPv4 or IPv6 at install time."


"Textual Conventions for Internet Network Addresses.


::= { frwkIpFilterEntry 1 }

frwkIpFilterDstAddr OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX InetAddress

STATUS current


"The IP address to match against the packet's

destination IP address. If the address type is 'ipv4',

'ipv6', 'ipv4z' or 'ipv6z' then, the attribute

frwkIpFilterDstPrefixLength indicates the number of bits

that are relevant. "


"Textual Conventions for Internet Network Addresses.


::= { frwkIpFilterEntry 2 }

frwkIpFilterDstPrefixLength OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX InetAddressPrefixLength

STATUS current


"The length of a mask for the matching of the destination

IP address. This attribute is interpreted only if the

InetAddressType is 'ipv4', 'ipv4z', 'ipv6' or 'ipv6z'.

Masks are constructed by setting bits in sequence from the

most-significant bit downwards for

frwkIpFilterDstPrefixLength bits length. All other bits in

the mask, up to the number needed to fill the length of

the address frwkIpFilterDstAddr are cleared to zero. A zero

bit in the mask then means that the corresponding bit in

the address always matches.

In IPv4 addresses, a length of 0 indicates a match of any

address; a length of 32 indicates a match of a single host

address, and a length between 0 and 32 indicates the use of

a CIDR Prefix. IPv6 is similar, except that prefix lengths

range from 0..128."


"Textual Conventions for Internet Network Addresses.


DEFVAL { 0 }

::= { frwkIpFilterEntry 3 }

frwkIpFilterSrcAddr OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX InetAddress

STATUS current


"The IP address to match against the packet's source IP

address. If the address type is 'ipv4', 'ipv6', 'ipv4z' or

'ipv6z' then, the attribute frwkIpFilterSrcPrefixLength

indicates the number of bits that are relevant."


"Textual Conventions for Internet Network Addresses.


::= { frwkIpFilterEntry 4 }

frwkIpFilterSrcPrefixLength OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX InetAddressPrefixLength

UNITS "bits"

STATUS current


"The length of a mask for the matching of the source IP

address. This attribute is interpreted only if the

InetAddressType is 'ipv4', 'ipv4z', 'ipv6' or 'ipv6z'.

Masks are constructed by setting bits in sequence from the

most-significant bit downwards for

frwkIpFilterSrcPrefixLength bits length. All other bits in

the mask, up to the number needed to fill the length of

the address frwkIpFilterSrcAddr are cleared to zero. A

zero bit in the mask then means that the corresponding bit

in the address always matches.

In IPv4 addresses, a length of 0 indicates a match of any

address; a length of 32 indicates a match of a single host

address, and a length between 0 and 32 indicates the use of

a CIDR Prefix. IPv6 is similar, except that prefix lengths

range from 0..128."


"Textual Conventions for Internet Network Addresses.


DEFVAL { 0 }

::= { frwkIpFilterEntry 5 }

frwkIpFilterDscp OBJECT-TYPE


STATUS current


"The value that the DSCP in the packet can have and

match this filter. A value of -1 indicates that a specific

DSCP value has not been defined and thus all DSCP values

are considered a match."


"Management Information Base for the Differentiated Services

Architecture. RFC3289."

DEFVAL { -1 }

::= { frwkIpFilterEntry 6 }

frwkIpFilterFlowId OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 0..1048575)

STATUS current


"The flow label or flow identifier in an IPv6 header

that may be used to discriminate traffic flows.

The value of -1 for this attribute MUST imply that

any flow label value in the IPv6 header will match,

resulting in the flow label field of the IPv6 header

being ignored for matching this filter entry."

::= { frwkIpFilterEntry 7 }

frwkIpFilterProtocol OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255)

STATUS current


"The layer-4 protocol Id to match against the IPv4 protocol

number or the IPv6 Next-Header number in the packet. A value

of 255 means match all. Note the protocol number of 255 is

reserved by IANA, and Next-Header number of 0 is used in


DEFVAL { 255 }

::= { frwkIpFilterEntry 8 }

frwkIpFilterDstL4PortMin OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX InetPortNumber

STATUS current


"The minimum value that the packet's layer 4 destination

port number can have and match this filter. This value must

be equal to or lesser that the value specified for this

filter in frwkIpFilterDstL4PortMax.

COPS-PR error code 'attrValueInvalid' must be returned if

the frwkIpFilterSrcL4PortMin is greater than



"COPS Usage for Policy Provisioning. RFC3084, error

codes section 4.5."

DEFVAL { 0 }

::= { frwkIpFilterEntry 9 }

frwkIpFilterDstL4PortMax OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX InetPortNumber

STATUS current


"The maximum value that the packet's layer 4 destination

port number can have and match this filter. This value must

be equal to or greater that the value specified for this

filter in frwkIpFilterDstL4PortMin.

COPS-PR error code 'attrValueInvalid' must be returned if

the frwkIpFilterDstL4PortMax is less than



"COPS Usage for Policy Provisioning. RFC3084, error

codes section 4.5."

DEFVAL { 65535 }

::= { frwkIpFilterEntry 10 }

frwkIpFilterSrcL4PortMin OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX InetPortNumber

STATUS current


"The minimum value that the packet's layer 4 source port

number can have and match this filter. This value must

be equal to or lesser that the value specified for this

filter in frwkIpFilterSrcL4PortMax.

COPS-PR error code 'attrValueInvalid' must be returned if

the frwkIpFilterSrcL4PortMin is greated than



"COPS Usage for Policy Provisioning. RFC3084, error

codes section 4.5."

DEFVAL { 0 }

::= { frwkIpFilterEntry 11 }

frwkIpFilterSrcL4PortMax OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX InetPortNumber

STATUS current


"The maximum value that the packet's layer 4 source port

number can have and match this filter. This value must be

equal to or greater that the value specified for this filter

in frwkIpFilterSrcL4PortMin.

COPS-PR error code 'attrValueInvalid' must be returned if

the frwkIpFilterSrcL4PortMax is less than



"COPS Usage for Policy Provisioning. RFCerror codes

section 4.5."

DEFVAL { 65535 }

::= { frwkIpFilterEntry 12 }


-- The IEEE 802 Filter Table


frwk802FilterTable OBJECT-TYPE


PIB-ACCESS install

STATUS current


"IEEE 802-based filter definitions. A class that contains

attributes of IEEE 802 (e.g., 802.3) traffic that form

filters that are used to perform traffic classification."


"IEEE Standards for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks.

Overview and Architecture, ANSI/IEEE Std 802, 1990."

::= { frwkClassifierClasses 3 }

frwk802FilterEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Frwk802FilterEntry

STATUS current


"IEEE 802-based filter definitions. An entry specifies

(potentially) several distinct matching components. Each

component is tested against the data in a frame

individually. An overall match occurs when all of the

individual components match the data they are compared

against in the frame being processed. A failure of any

one test causes the overall match to fail.

Wildcards may be specified for those fields that are not


EXTENDS { frwkBaseFilterEntry }

UNIQUENESS { frwkBaseFilterNegation,








frwk802FilterUserPriority }

::= { frwk802FilterTable 1 }

Frwk802FilterEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

frwk802FilterDstAddr PhysAddress,

frwk802FilterDstAddrMask PhysAddress,

frwk802FilterSrcAddr PhysAddress,

frwk802FilterSrcAddrMask PhysAddress,

frwk802FilterVlanId Integer32,

frwk802FilterVlanTagRequired INTEGER,

frwk802FilterEtherType Integer32,

frwk802FilterUserPriority BITS


frwk802FilterDstAddr OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX PhysAddress

STATUS current


"The 802 address against which the 802 DA of incoming

traffic streams will be compared. Frames whose 802 DA

matches the physical address specified by this object,

taking into account address wildcarding as specified by the

frwk802FilterDstAddrMask object, are potentially subject to

the processing guidelines that are associated with this

entry through the related action class."


"Textual Conventions for SMIv2, RFC2579."

::= { frwk802FilterEntry 1 }

frwk802FilterDstAddrMask OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX PhysAddress

STATUS current


"This object specifies the bits in a 802 destination address

that should be considered when performing a 802 DA

comparison against the address specified in the

frwk802FilterDstAddr object.

The value of this object represents a mask that is logically

and'ed with the 802 DA in received frames to derive the

value to be compared against the frwk802FilterDstAddr

address. A zero bit in the mask thus means that the

corresponding bit in the address always matches. The

frwk802FilterDstAddr value must also be masked using this

value prior to any comparisons.

The length of this object in octets must equal the length in

octets of the frwk802FilterDstAddr. Note that a mask with no

bits set (i.e., all zeroes) effectively wildcards the

frwk802FilterDstAddr object."

::= { frwk802FilterEntry 2 }

frwk802FilterSrcAddr OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX PhysAddress

STATUS current


"The 802 MAC address against which the 802 MAC SA of

incoming traffic streams will be compared. Frames whose 802

MAC SA matches the physical address specified by this

object, taking into account address wildcarding as specified

by the frwk802FilterSrcAddrMask object, are potentially

subject to the processing guidelines that are associated

with this entry through the related action class."

::= { frwk802FilterEntry 3 }

frwk802FilterSrcAddrMask OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX PhysAddress

STATUS current


"This object specifies the bits in a 802 MAC source address

that should be considered when performing a 802 MAC SA

comparison against the address specified in the

frwk802FilterSrcAddr object.

The value of this object represents a mask that is logically

and'ed with the 802 MAC SA in received frames to derive the

value to be compared against the frwk802FilterSrcAddr

address. A zero bit in the mask thus means that the

corresponding bit in the address always matches. The

frwk802FilterSrcAddr value must also be masked using this

value prior to any comparisons.

The length of this object in octets must equal the length in

octets of the frwk802FilterSrcAddr. Note that a mask with no

bits set (i.e., all zeroes) effectively wildcards the

frwk802FilterSrcAddr object."

::= { frwk802FilterEntry 4 }

frwk802FilterVlanId OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 1..4094)

STATUS current


"The VLAN ID (VID) that uniquely identifies a VLAN

within the device. This VLAN may be known or unknown

(i.e., traffic associated with this VID has not yet

been seen by the device) at the time this entry

is instantiated.

Setting the frwk802FilterVlanId object to -1 indicates that

VLAN data should not be considered during traffic


::= { frwk802FilterEntry 5 }

frwk802FilterVlanTagRequired OBJECT-TYPE







STATUS current


"This object indicates whether the presence of an

IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tag in data link layer frames must

be considered when determining if a given frame

matches this 802 filter entry.

A value of 'taggedOnly(1)' means that only frames

containing a VLAN tag with a non-Null VID (i.e., a

VID in the range 1..4094) will be considered a match.

A value of 'priorityTaggedPlus(2)' means that only

frames containing a VLAN tag, regardless of the value

of the VID, will be considered a match.

A value of 'untaggedOnly(3)' indicates that only

untagged frames will match this filter component.

The presence of a VLAN tag is not taken into

consideration in terms of a match if the value is


::= { frwk802FilterEntry 6 }

frwk802FilterEtherType OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 0..'ffff'h)

STATUS current


"This object specifies the value that will be compared

against the value contained in the EtherType field of an

IEEE 802 frame. Example settings would include 'IP'

(0x0800), 'ARP' (0x0806) and 'IPX' (0x8137).

Setting the frwk802FilterEtherTypeMin object to -1 indicates

that EtherType data should not be considered during traffic


Note that the position of the EtherType field depends on

the underlying frame format. For Ethernet-II encapsulation,

the EtherType field follows the 802 MAC source address. For

802.2 LLC/SNAP encapsulation, the EtherType value follows

the Organization Code field in the 802.2 SNAP header. The

value that is tested with regard to this filter component

therefore depends on the data link layer frame format being

used. If this 802 filter component is active when there is

no EtherType field in a frame (e.g., 802.2 LLC), a match is


::= { frwk802FilterEntry 7 }

frwk802FilterUserPriority OBJECT-TYPE











STATUS current


"The set of values, representing the potential range

of user priority values, against which the value contained

in the user priority field of a tagged 802.1 frame is

compared. A test for equality is performed when determining

if a match exists between the data in a data link layer

frame and the value of this 802 filter component. Multiple

values may be set at one time such that potentially several

different user priority values may match this 802 filter


Setting all of the bits that are associated with this

object causes all user priority values to match this

attribute. This essentially makes any comparisons

with regard to user priority values unnecessary. Untagged

frames are treated as an implicit match."

::= { frwk802FilterEntry 8 }


-- The Internal label filter extension


frwkILabelFilterTable OBJECT-TYPE


PIB-ACCESS install

STATUS current


"Internal label filter Table. This PRC is used to achieve

classification based on the internal flow label set by the

PEP possibly after ingress classification to avoid

re-classification at the egress interface on the same PEP."

::= { frwkClassifierClasses 4 }

frwkILabelFilterEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX FrwkILabelFilterEntry

STATUS current


"Internal label filter entry definition."

EXTENDS { frwkBaseFilterEntry }

UNIQUENESS { frwkBaseFilterNegation,

frwkILabelFilterILabel }

::= { frwkILabelFilterTable 1 }

FrwkILabelFilterEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

frwkILabelFilterILabel OCTET STRING


frwkILabelFilterILabel OBJECT-TYPE


STATUS current


"The Label that this flow uses for differentiating traffic

flows. The flow labeling is meant for network device

internal usage. A value of zero length string matches all

internal labels."

::= { frwkILabelFilterEntry 1 }


-- The Marker classes group



OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { frameworkPib 4 }


-- The 802 Marker Table


frwk802MarkerTable OBJECT-TYPE


PIB-ACCESS install

STATUS current


"The 802 Marker class. An 802 packet can be marked with the

specified VLAN id, priority level."

::= { frwkMarkerClasses 1 }

frwk802MarkerEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Frwk802MarkerEntry

STATUS current


"frwk802Marker entry definition."

PIB-INDEX { frwk802MarkerPrid }

UNIQUENESS { frwk802MarkerVlanId,

frwk802MarkerPriority }

::= { frwk802MarkerTable 1 }

Frwk802MarkerEntry::= SEQUENCE {

frwk802MarkerPrid InstanceId,

frwk802MarkerVlanId Unsigned32,

frwk802MarkerPriority Unsigned32


frwk802MarkerPrid OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX InstanceId

STATUS current


"An integer index to uniquely identify this 802 Marker."

::= { frwk802MarkerEntry 1 }

frwk802MarkerVlanId OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4094)

STATUS current


"The VLAN ID (VID) that uniquely identifies a VLAN within

the device."

::= { frwk802MarkerEntry 2 }

frwk802MarkerPriority OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7)

STATUS current


"The user priority field of a tagged 802.1 frame."

::= { frwk802MarkerEntry 3 }


-- The Internal Label Marker Table


frwkILabelMarkerTable OBJECT-TYPE


PIB-ACCESS install

STATUS current


"The Internal Label Marker class. A flow in a PEP can be

marked with an internal label using this PRC."

::= { frwkMarkerClasses 2 }

frwkILabelMarkerEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX FrwkILabelMarkerEntry

STATUS current


"frwkILabelkMarker entry definition."

PIB-INDEX { frwkILabelMarkerPrid }

UNIQUENESS { frwkILabelMarkerILabel }

::= { frwkILabelMarkerTable 1 }

FrwkILabelMarkerEntry::= SEQUENCE {

frwkILabelMarkerPrid InstanceId,

frwkILabelMarkerILabel OCTET STRING


frwkILabelMarkerPrid OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX InstanceId

STATUS current


"An integer index to uniquely identify this Label Marker."

::= { frwkILabelMarkerEntry 1 }

frwkILabelMarkerILabel OBJECT-TYPE


STATUS current


"This internal label is implementation specific and may be

used for other policy related functions like flow

accounting purposes and/or other data path treatments."

::= { frwkILabelMarkerEntry 2 }


-- Conformance Section



OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { frameworkPib 5 }


OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { frwkBasePibConformance 1 }


OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { frwkBasePibConformance 2 }

frwkBasePibCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE

STATUS current


"Describes the requirements for conformance to the

Framework PIB."

MODULE -- this module

MANDATORY-GROUPS { frwkPrcSupportGroup,






frwkIfRoleComboGroup }

OBJECT frwkPibIncarnationLongevity



"Install support is required if policy expiration is to

be supported."

OBJECT frwkPibIncarnationTtl



"Install support is required if policy expiration is to

be supported."

OBJECT frwkPibIncarnationInCtxtSet



"Install support is required if configuration contexts

and outsourcing contexts are both to be supported."

OBJECT frwkPibIncarnationFullState



"Install support is required if incremental updates to

request states is to be supported."

GROUP frwkReferenceGroup


"The frwkReferenceGroup is mandatory if referencing

across PIB contexts for specific client-types is to be


GROUP frwkErrorGroup


"The frwkErrorGroup is mandatory sending errors in

decisions is to be supported."

GROUP frwkBaseFilterGroup


"The frwkBaseFilterGroup is mandatory if filtering

based on traffic components is to be supported."

GROUP frwkIpFilterGroup


"The frwkIpFilterGroup is mandatory if filtering

based on IP traffic components is to be supported."

GROUP frwk802FilterGroup


"The frwk802FilterGroup is mandatory if filtering

based on 802 traffic criteria is to be supported."

GROUP frwkILabelFilterGroup


"The frwkILabelFilterGroup is mandatory if filtering

based on PEP internal label is to be supported."

GROUP frwk802MarkerGroup


"The frwk802MarkerGroup is mandatory if marking a packet

with 802 traffic criteria is to be supported."

GROUP frwkILabelMarkerGroup


"The frwkILabelMarkerGroup is mandatory if marking a

flow with internal labels is to be supported."

::= { frwkBasePibCompliances 1 }

frwkPrcSupportGroup OBJECT-GROUP




frwkPrcSupportSupportedAttrs }

STATUS current


"Objects from the frwkPrcSupportTable."

::= { frwkBasePibGroups 1 }

frwkPibIncarnationGroup OBJECT-GROUP











STATUS current


"Objects from the frwkDevicePibIncarnationTable."

::= { frwkBasePibGroups 2 }

frwkDeviceIdGroup OBJECT-GROUP





frwkDeviceIdMaxContexts }

STATUS current


"Objects from the frwkDeviceIdTable."

::= { frwkBasePibGroups 3 }

frwkCompLimitsGroup OBJECT-GROUP








frwkCompLimitsGuidance }

STATUS current


"Objects from the frwkCompLimitsTable."

::= { frwkBasePibGroups 4 }

frwkReferenceGroup OBJECT-GROUP





frwkReferenceInstance }

STATUS current


"Objects from the frwkReferenceTable."

::= { frwkBasePibGroups 5 }

frwkErrorGroup OBJECT-GROUP






frwkErrorInstance }

STATUS current


"Objects from the frwkErrorTable."

::= { frwkBasePibGroups 6 }

frwkCapabilitySetGroup OBJECT-GROUP




frwkCapabilitySetCapability }

STATUS current


"Objects from the frwkCapabilitySetTable."

::= { frwkBasePibGroups 7 }

frwkRoleComboGroup OBJECT-GROUP




frwkRoleComboCapSetName }

STATUS current


"Objects from the frwkRoleComboTable."

::= { frwkBasePibGroups 8 }

frwkIfRoleComboGroup OBJECT-GROUP

OBJECTS { frwkIfRoleComboIfIndex }

STATUS current


"Objects from the frwkIfRoleComboTable."

::= { frwkBasePibGroups 9 }

frwkBaseFilterGroup OBJECT-GROUP



frwkBaseFilterNegation }

STATUS current


"Objects from the frwkBaseFilterTable."

::= { frwkBasePibGroups 10 }

frwkIpFilterGroup OBJECT-GROUP













frwkIpFilterSrcL4PortMax }

STATUS current


"Objects from the frwkIpFilterTable."

::= { frwkBasePibGroups 11 }

frwk802FilterGroup OBJECT-GROUP









frwk802FilterUserPriority }

STATUS current


"Objects from the frwk802FilterTable."

::= { frwkBasePibGroups 12 }

frwkILabelFilterGroup OBJECT-GROUP

OBJECTS { frwkILabelFilterILabel }

STATUS current


"Objects from the frwkILabelFilterTable."

::= { frwkBasePibGroups 13 }

frwk802MarkerGroup OBJECT-GROUP




frwk802MarkerPriority }

STATUS current


"Objects from the frwk802MarkerTable."

::= { frwkBasePibGroups 14 }

frwkILabelMarkerGroup OBJECT-GROUP



frwkILabelMarkerILabel }

STATUS current


"Objects from the frwkILabelMarkerTable."

::= { frwkBasePibGroups 15 }


6. Security Considerations

It is clear that this PIB is used for configuration using [COPS-PR],

and anything that can be configured can be misconfigured, with a

potentially disastrous effect. At this writing, no security holes

have been identified beyond those that the COPS base protocol

security is itself intended to address. These relate primarily to

controlled access to sensitive information and the ability to

configure a device - or which might result from operator error, which

is beyond the scope of any security architecture.

There are a number of PRovisioning Classes defined in this PIB that

have a PIB-ACCESS clause of install and install-notify (read-create).

These are:

frwkPibIncarnationTable: Malicious access of this PRC can cause the

PEP to use an incorrect context of policies.

frwkReferenceTable: Malicious access of this PRC can cause the PEP to

interpret the installed policy in an incorrect manner.

frwkErrorTable: Malicious access of this PRC can cause the PEP to

incorrectly assume that the PDP could not process its messages.

FrwkCapabilitySetTable, frwkRoleComboTable and frwkIfRoleComboTable:

Malicious access of these PRCs can cause the PEP to apply policies to

the wrong interfaces.

FrwkBaseFilterTable, frwkIpFilterTable, frwk802FilterTable and

frwkILabelFilterTable: Malicious access of these PRCs can cause

unintended classification of traffic on the PEP potentially leading

to incorrect policies being applied.

frwk802MarkerTable, frwkILabelMarkerTable: Malicious access of these

PRCs can cause unintended marking of traffic on the PEP potentially

leading to incorrect policies being applied.

Such objects may be considered sensitive or vulnerable in some

network environments. The support for "Install" or "Install-Notify"

decisions sent over [COPS-PR] in a non-secure environment without

proper protection can have a negative effect on network operations.

There are a number of PRovisioning Classes in this PIB that may

contain information that may be sensitive from a business

perspective, in that they may represent a customer's service contract

or the filters that the service provider chooses to apply to a

customer's ingress or egress traffic. There are no PRCs that are

sensitive in their own right, such as passwords or monetary amounts.

It may be important to control even "Notify"(read-only) access to

these PRCs and possibly to even encrypt the values of these PRIs when

sending them over the network via COPS-PR. The use of IPSEC between

the PDP and the PEP, as described in [COPS], provides the necessary

protection against security threats. However, even if the network

itself is secure, there is no control as to who on the secure network

is allowed to "Install/Notify" (read/change/create/delete) the PRIs

in this PIB.

It is then a customer/user responsibility to ensure that the PEP/PDP

giving access to an instance of this PIB, is properly configured to

give access to only the PRIs and principals (users) that have

legitimate rights to indeed "Install" or "Notify" (change/create/

delete) them.

7. IANA Considerations

This document describes the frameworkPib and frwkTcPib Policy

Information Base (PIB) modules for registration under the "pib"

branch registered with IANA. The IANA has assigned PIB numbers 2 and

3, respectively.

Both these PIBs use "all" in the SUBJECT-CATEGORIES clause, i.e.,

they apply to all COPS client types. No new COPS client type is to

be registered for these two PIB modules.

8. References

8.1 Normative References

[COPS] Boyle, J., Cohen, R., Durham, D., Herzog, S., Rajan,

R. and A. Sastry, "The COPS (Common Open Policy

Service) Protocol", RFC2748, January 2000.

[COPS-PR] Chan, K., Durham, D., Gai, S., Herzog, S.,

McCloghrie, K., Reichmeyer, Seligson, J., Smith, A.

and R. Yavatkar, "COPS Usage for Policy

Provisioning", RFC3084, March 2001.

[SPPI] McCloghrie, K., Fine, M., Seligson, J., Chan, K.,

Hahn, S., Sahita, R., Smith, A. and F. Reichmeyer,

"Structure of Policy Provisioning Information", RFC

3159, August 2001.

[SNMP-SMI] McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., Schoenwaelder, J.,

Case, J., Rose, M. and S. Waldbusser, "Structure of

Management Information Version 2 (SMIv2)", STD 58,

RFC2578, April 1999.

[INETADDR] Daniele, M., Haberman, B., Routhier, S. and J.

Schoenwaelder, "Textual Conventions for Internet

Network Addresses", RFC3291, May 2002.

[802] IEEE Standards for Local and Metropolitan Area

Networks: Overview and Architecture, ANSI/IEEE Std

802, 1990.

[SNMPFRWK] Harrington, D., Presuhn, R. and B. Wijnen, "An

Architecture for Describing Simple Network

Management Protocol (SNMP) Management Frameworks",

STD 62, RFC3411, December 2002.

[RFC2863] McCloghrie, K. and F. Kastenholz, "The Interfaces

Group MIB", RFC2863, June 2000.

[DS-MIB] Baker, F., Chan, K. and A. Smith, "Management

Information Base for the Differentiated Services

Architecture", RFC3289, May 2002.

[SNMPv2TC] McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., and J. Schoenwaelder,

"Textual Conventions for SMIv2", STD 58, RFC2579,

April 1999.

[RFC2279] Yergeau, F. "UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO

10646", RFC2279, January 1998.

[RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words to use in the RFCs", BCP 14,

RFC2119, March 1997.

8.2 Informative References

[RAP-FRAMEWORK] Yavatkar, R and D. Pendarakis, "A Framework for

Policy-based Admission Control", RFC2753, January


[POLTERM] Westerinen, A., Schnizlein, J., Strassner, J.,

Scherling, M., Quinn, B., Herzog, S., Huynh, A.,

Carlson, M., Perry, J. and S. Waldbusser,

"Terminology for Policy-Based Management", RFC3198,

November 2001.

9. Acknowledgments

Early versions of this specification were also co-authored by Michael

Fine, Francis Reichmeyer, John Seligson and Andrew Smith.

Special thanks to Carol Bell, David Durham and Bert Wijnen for their

many significant comments.

Additional useful comments have been made by Diana Rawlins, Martin

Bokaemper, Tina Iliff, Pedro Da Silva, Juergen Schoenwaelder,

Noisette Yoann and Man Li.

10. Authors' Addresses

Ravi Sahita

Intel Labs.

2111 NE 25th Avenue

Hillsboro, OR 97124 USA

Phone: +1 503 712 1554

EMail: ravi.sahita@intel.com

Scott Hahn

Intel Corp.

2111 NE 25th Avenue

Hillsboro, OR 97124 USA

Phone: +1 503 264 8231

EMail: scott.hahn@intel.com

Kwok Ho Chan

Nortel Networks, Inc.

600 Technology Park Drive

Billerica, MA 01821 USA

Phone: +1 978 288 8175

EMail: khchan@nortelnetworks.com

Keith McCloghrie

Cisco Systems, Inc.

170 West Tasman Drive

San Jose, CA 95134-1706 USA

Phone: +1 408 526 5260

EMail: kzm@cisco.com

11. Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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