
RFC3315 - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6)

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

Network Working Group R. Droms, Ed.

Request for Comments: 3315 Cisco

Category: Standards Track J. Bound

Hewlett Packard

B. Volz


T. Lemon


C. Perkins

Nokia Research Center

M. Carney

Sun Microsystems

July 2003

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6)

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003). All Rights Reserved.


The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCP) enables DHCP

servers to pass configuration parameters sUCh as IPv6 network

addresses to IPv6 nodes. It offers the capability of automatic

allocation of reusable network addresses and additional configuration

flexibility. This protocol is a stateful counterpart to "IPv6

Stateless Address Autoconfiguration" (RFC2462), and can be used

separately or concurrently with the latter to oBTain configuration


Table of Contents

1. Introduction and Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

1.1. Protocols and Addressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

1.2. Client-server Exchanges Involving Two Messages . . . . 6

1.3. Client-server Exchanges Involving Four Messages. . . . 7

2. Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

3. Background. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

4. Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

4.1. IPv6 Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

4.2. DHCP Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

5. DHCP Constants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

5.1. Multicast Addresses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

5.2. UDP Ports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

5.3. DHCP Message Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

5.4. Status Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

5.5. Transmission and Retransmission Parameters . . . . . . 16

5.6 Representation of time values and "Infinity" as a time

value. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

6. Client/Server Message Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

7. Relay Agent/Server Message Formats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

7.1. Relay-forward Message. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

7.2. Relay-reply Message. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

8. Representation and Use of Domain Names. . . . . . . . . . . . 19

9. DHCP Unique Identifier (DUID) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

9.1. DUID Contents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

9.2. DUID Based on Link-layer Address Plus Time [DUID-LLT]. 20

9.3. DUID Assigned by Vendor Based on Enterprise Number

[DUID-EN]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

9.4. DUID Based on Link-layer Address [DUID-LL] . . . . . . 22

10. Identity Association. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

11. Selecting Addresses for Assignment to an IA . . . . . . . . . 24

12. Management of Temporary Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

13. Transmission of Messages by a Client. . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

14. Reliability of Client Initiated Message Exchanges . . . . . . 26

15. Message Validation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

15.1. Use of Transaction IDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

15.2. Solicit Message. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

15.3. Advertise Message. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

15.4. Request Message. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

15.5. Confirm Message. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

15.6. Renew Message. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

15.7. Rebind Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

15.8. Decline Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

15.9. Release Message. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

15.10. Reply Message. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

15.11. Reconfigure Message. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

15.12. Information-request Message. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

15.13. Relay-forward Message. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

15.14. Relay-reply Message. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

16. Client Source Address and Interface Selection . . . . . . . . 32

17. DHCP Server Solicitation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

17.1. Client Behavior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

17.1.1. Creation of Solicit Messages . . . . . . . . . 32

17.1.2. Transmission of Solicit Messages . . . . . . . 33

17.1.3. Receipt of Advertise Messages. . . . . . . . . 35

17.1.4. Receipt of Reply Message . . . . . . . . . . . 35

17.2. Server Behavior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

17.2.1. Receipt of Solicit Messages . . . . . . . . . 36

17.2.2. Creation and Transmission of Advertise Messages 36

17.2.3. Creation and Transmission of Reply Messages. . 38

18. DHCP Client-Initiated Configuration Exchange. . . . . . . . . 38

18.1. Client Behavior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

18.1.1. Creation and Transmission of Request Messages. 39

18.1.2. Creation and Transmission of Confirm Messages. 40

18.1.3. Creation and Transmission of Renew Messages. . 41

18.1.4. Creation and Transmission of Rebind Messages . 43

18.1.5. Creation and Transmission of Information-

request Messages . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 44

18.1.6. Creation and Transmission of Release Messages. 44

18.1.7. Creation and Transmission of Decline Messages. 46

18.1.8. Receipt of Reply Messages. . . . . . . . . . . 46

18.2. Server Behavior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

18.2.1. Receipt of Request Messages. . . . . . . . . . 49

18.2.2. Receipt of Confirm Messages. . . . . . . . . . 50

18.2.3. Receipt of Renew Messages. . . . . . . . . . . 51

18.2.4. Receipt of Rebind Messages . . . . . . . . . . 51

18.2.5. Receipt of Information-request Messages. . . . 52

18.2.6. Receipt of Release Messages. . . . . . . . . . 53

18.2.7. Receipt of Decline Messages. . . . . . . . . . 53

18.2.8. Transmission of Reply Messages . . . . . . . . 54

19. DHCP Server-Initiated Configuration Exchange. . . . . . . . . 54

19.1. Server Behavior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

19.1.1. Creation and Transmission of Reconfigure

Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

19.1.2. Time Out and Retransmission of Reconfigure

Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

19.2. Receipt of Renew Messages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

19.3. Receipt of Information-request Messages. . . . . . . . 56

19.4. Client Behavior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

19.4.1. Receipt of Reconfigure Messages. . . . . . . . 57

19.4.2. Creation and Transmission of Renew Messages. . 58

19.4.3. Creation and Transmission of Information-

request Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

19.4.4. Time Out and Retransmission of Renew or

Information-request Messages . . . . . . . . . 58

19.4.5. Receipt of Reply Messages. . . . . . . . . . . 58

20. Relay Agent Behavior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

20.1. Relaying a Client Message or a Relay-forward Message . 59

20.1.1. Relaying a Message from a Client . . . . . . . 59

20.1.2. Relaying a Message from a Relay Agent. . . . . 59

20.2. Relaying a Relay-reply Message . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

20.3. Construction of Relay-reply Messages . . . . . . . . . 60

21. Authentication of DHCP Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

21.1. Security of Messages Sent Between Servers and Relay

Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

21.2. Summary of DHCP Authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

21.3. Replay Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

21.4. Delayed Authentication Protocol. . . . . . . . . . . . 63

21.4.1. Use of the Authentication Option in the Delayed

Authentication Protocol. . . . . . . . . . . . 64

21.4.2. Message Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

21.4.3. Key Utilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

21.4.4. Client Considerations for Delayed Authentication

Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

21.4.5. Server Considerations for Delayed Authentication

Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

21.5. Reconfigure Key Authentication Protocol. . . . . . . . 68

21.5.1. Use of the Authentication Option in the

Reconfigure Key Authentication Protocol. . . . 69

21.5.2. Server considerations for Reconfigure Key

protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

21.5.3. Client considerations for Reconfigure Key

protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

22. DHCP Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

22.1. Format of DHCP Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

22.2. Client Identifier Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

22.3. Server Identifier Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

22.4. Identity Association for Non-temporary Addresses Option 72

22.5. Identity Association for Temporary Addresses Option. . 75

22.6. IA Address Option. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

22.7. Option Request Option. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

22.8. Preference Option. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

22.9. Elapsed Time Option. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

22.10. Relay Message Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

22.11. Authentication Option. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

22.12. Server Unicast Option. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

22.13. Status Code Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

22.14. Rapid Commit Option. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

22.15. User Class Option. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

22.16. Vendor Class Option. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

22.17. Vendor-specific Information Option . . . . . . . . . . 86

22.18. Interface-Id Option. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

22.19. Reconfigure Message Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

22.20. Reconfigure Accept Option. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

23. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

24. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

24.1. Multicast Addresses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

24.2. DHCP Message Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

24.3. DHCP Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

24.4. Status Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

24.5. DUID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

25. Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

26. References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

26.1. Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

26.2. Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

A. Appearance of Options in Message Types . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

B. Appearance of Options in the Options Field of DHCP Options . . 99

Chair's Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

Authors' Addresses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

Full Copyright Statement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

1. Introduction and Overview

This document describes DHCP for IPv6 (DHCP), a client/server

protocol that provides managed configuration of devices.

DHCP can provide a device with addresses assigned by a DHCP server

and other configuration information, which are carried in options.

DHCP can be extended through the definition of new options to carry

configuration information not specified in this document.

DHCP is the "stateful address autoconfiguration protocol" and the

"stateful autoconfiguration protocol" referred to in "IPv6 Stateless

Address Autoconfiguration" [17].

The operational models and relevant configuration information for

DHCPv4 [18][19] and DHCPv6 are sufficiently different that

integration between the two services is not included in this

document. If there is sufficient interest and demand, integration

can be specified in a document that extends DHCPv6 to carry IPv4

addresses and configuration information.

The remainder of this introduction summarizes DHCP, eXPlaining the

message exchange mechanisms and example message flows. The message

flows in sections 1.2 and 1.3 are intended as illustrations of DHCP

operation rather than an exhaustive list of all possible

client-server interactions. Sections 17, 18, and 19 explain client

and server operation in detail.

1.1. Protocols and Addressing

Clients and servers exchange DHCP messages using UDP [15]. The

client uses a link-local address or addresses determined through

other mechanisms for transmitting and receiving DHCP messages.

DHCP servers receive messages from clients using a reserved,

link-scoped multicast address. A DHCP client transmits most messages

to this reserved multicast address, so that the client need not be

configured with the address or addresses of DHCP servers.

To allow a DHCP client to send a message to a DHCP server that is not

attached to the same link, a DHCP relay agent on the client's link

will relay messages between the client and server. The operation of

the relay agent is transparent to the client and the discussion of

message exchanges in the remainder of this section will omit the

description of message relaying by relay agents.

Once the client has determined the address of a server, it may under

some circumstances send messages directly to the server using


1.2. Client-server Exchanges Involving Two Messages

When a DHCP client does not need to have a DHCP server assign it IP

addresses, the client can obtain configuration information such as a

list of available DNS servers [20] or NTP servers [21] through a

single message and reply exchanged with a DHCP server. To obtain

configuration information the client first sends an

Information-Request message to the All_DHCP_Relay_Agents_and_Servers

multicast address. Servers respond with a Reply message containing

the configuration information for the client.

This message exchange assumes that the client requires only

configuration information and does not require the assignment of any

IPv6 addresses.

When a server has IPv6 addresses and other configuration information

committed to a client, the client and server may be able to complete

the exchange using only two messages, instead of four messages as

described in the next section. In this case, the client sends a

Solicit message to the All_DHCP_Relay_Agents_and_Servers requesting

the assignment of addresses and other configuration information.

This message includes an indication that the client is willing to

accept an immediate Reply message from the server. The server that

is willing to commit the assignment of addresses to the client

immediately responds with a Reply message. The configuration

information and the addresses in the Reply message are then

immediately available for use by the client.

Each address assigned to the client has associated preferred and

valid lifetimes specified by the server. To request an extension of

the lifetimes assigned to an address, the client sends a Renew

message to the server. The server sends a Reply message to the

client with the new lifetimes, allowing the client to continue to use

the address without interruption.

1.3. Client-server Exchanges Involving Four Messages

To request the assignment of one or more IPv6 addresses, a client

first locates a DHCP server and then requests the assignment of

addresses and other configuration information from the server. The

client sends a Solicit message to the

All_DHCP_Relay_Agents_and_Servers address to find available DHCP

servers. Any server that can meet the client's requirements responds

with an Advertise message. The client then chooses one of the

servers and sends a Request message to the server aSKINg for

confirmed assignment of addresses and other configuration

information. The server responds with a Reply message that contains

the confirmed addresses and configuration.

As described in the previous section, the client sends a Renew

message to the server to extend the lifetimes associated with its

addresses, allowing the client to continue to use those addresses

without interruption.

2. Requirements


SHOULD NOT, RECOMMENDED, MAY, and OPTIONAL, when they appear in this

document, are to be interpreted as described in [1].

This document also makes use of internal conceptual variables to

describe protocol behavior and external variables that an

implementation must allow system administrators to change. The

specific variable names, how their values change, and how their

settings influence protocol behavior are provided to demonstrate

protocol behavior. An implementation is not required to have them in

the exact form described here, so long as its external behavior is

consistent with that described in this document.

3. Background

The IPv6 Specification provides the base architecture and design of

IPv6. Related work in IPv6 that would best serve an implementor to

study includes the IPv6 Specification [3], the IPv6 Addressing

Architecture [5], IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration [17], IPv6

Neighbor Discovery Processing [13], and Dynamic Updates to DNS [22].

These specifications enable DHCP to build upon the IPv6 work to

provide both robust stateful autoconfiguration and autoregistration

of DNS Host Names.

The IPv6 Addressing Architecture specification [5] defines the

address scope that can be used in an IPv6 implementation, and the

various configuration architecture guidelines for network designers

of the IPv6 address space. Two advantages of IPv6 are that support

for multicast is required and nodes can create link-local addresses

during initialization. The availability of these features means that

a client can use its link-local address and a well-known multicast

address to discover and communicate with DHCP servers or relay agents

on its link.

IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration [17] specifies procedures by

which a node may autoconfigure addresses based on router

advertisements [13], and the use of a valid lifetime to support

renumbering of addresses on the Internet. In addition, the protocol

interaction by which a node begins stateless or stateful

autoconfiguration is specified. DHCP is one vehicle to perform

stateful autoconfiguration. Compatibility with stateless address

autoconfiguration is a design requirement of DHCP.

IPv6 Neighbor Discovery [13] is the node discovery protocol in IPv6

which replaces and enhances functions of ARP [14]. To understand

IPv6 and stateless address autoconfiguration, it is strongly

recommended that implementors understand IPv6 Neighbor Discovery.

Dynamic Updates to DNS [22] is a specification that supports the

dynamic update of DNS records for both IPv4 and IPv6. DHCP can use

the dynamic updates to DNS to integrate addresses and name space to

not only support autoconfiguration, but also autoregistration in


4. Terminology

This sections defines terminology specific to IPv6 and DHCP used in

this document.

4.1. IPv6 Terminology

IPv6 terminology relevant to this specification from the IPv6

Protocol [3], IPv6 Addressing Architecture [5], and IPv6 Stateless

Address Autoconfiguration [17] is included below.

address An IP layer identifier for an interface

or a set of interfaces.

host Any node that is not a router.

IP Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6). The

terms IPv4 and IPv6 are used only in

contexts where it is necessary to avoid


interface A node's attachment to a link.

link A communication facility or medium over

which nodes can communicate at the link

layer, i.e., the layer immediately

below IP. Examples are Ethernet (simple

or bridged); Token Ring; PPP links,

X.25, Frame Relay, or ATM networks; and

Internet (or higher) layer "tunnels",

such as tunnels over IPv4 or IPv6


link-layer identifier A link-layer identifier for an

interface. Examples include IEEE 802

addresses for Ethernet or Token Ring

network interfaces, and E.164 addresses

for ISDN links.

link-local address An IPv6 address having a link-only

scope, indicated by having the prefix

(FE80::/10), that can be used to reach

neighboring nodes attached to the same

link. Every interface has a link-local


multicast address An identifier for a set of interfaces

(typically belonging to different

nodes). A packet sent to a multicast

address is delivered to all interfaces

identified by that address.

neighbor A node attached to the same link.

node A device that implements IP.

packet An IP header plus payload.

prefix The initial bits of an address, or a

set of IP addresses that share the same

initial bits.

prefix length The number of bits in a prefix.

router A node that forwards IP packets not

explicitly addressed to itself.

unicast address An identifier for a single interface.

A packet sent to a unicast address is

delivered to the interface identified by

that address.

4.2. DHCP Terminology

Terminology specific to DHCP can be found below.

appropriate to the link An address is "appropriate to the link"

when the address is consistent with the

DHCP server's knowledge of the network

topology, prefix assignment and address

assignment policies.

binding A binding (or, client binding) is a

group of server data records containing

the information the server has about

the addresses in an IA or configuration

information explicitly assigned to the

client. Configuration information that

has been returned to a client through a

policy - for example, the information

returned to all clients on the same

link - does not require a binding. A

binding containing information about

an IA is indexed by the tuple <DUID,

IA-type, IAID> (where IA-type is the

type of address in the IA; for example,

temporary). A binding containing

configuration information for a client

is indexed by <DUID>.

configuration parameter An element of the configuration

information set on the server and

delivered to the client using DHCP.

Such parameters may be used to carry

information to be used by a node to

configure its network subsystem and

enable communication on a link or

internetwork, for example.

DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

for IPv6. The terms DHCPv4 and DHCPv6

are used only in contexts where it is

necessary to avoid ambiguity.

DHCP client (or client) A node that initiates requests on a link

to obtain configuration parameters from

one or more DHCP servers.

DHCP domain A set of links managed by DHCP and

operated by a single administrative


DHCP realm A name used to identify the DHCP

administrative domain from which a DHCP

authentication key was selected.

DHCP relay agent (or relay agent) A node that acts as an

intermediary to deliver DHCP messages

between clients and servers, and is on

the same link as the client.

DHCP server (or server) A node that responds to requests from

clients, and may or may not be on the

same link as the client(s).

DUID A DHCP Unique IDentifier for a DHCP

participant; each DHCP client and server

has exactly one DUID. See section 9 for

details of the ways in which a DUID may

be constructed.

Identity association (IA) A collection of addresses assigned to

a client. Each IA has an associated

IAID. A client may have more than one

IA assigned to it; for example, one for

each of its interfaces.

Each IA holds one type of address;

for example, an identity association

for temporary addresses (IA_TA) holds

temporary addresses (see "identity

association for temporary addresses").

Throughout this document, "IA" is used

to refer to an identity association

without identifying the type of

addresses in the IA.

Identity association identifier (IAID) An identifier for an IA,

chosen by the client. Each IA has an

IAID, which is chosen to be unique among

all IAIDs for IAs belonging to that


Identity association for non-temporary addresses (IA_NA) An IA

that carries assigned addresses that are

not temporary addresses (see "identity

association for temporary addresses")

Identity association for temporary addresses (IA_TA) An IA that

carries temporary addresses (see RFC

3041 [12]).

message A unit of data carried as the payload

of a UDP datagram, exchanged among DHCP

servers, relay agents and clients.

Reconfigure key A key supplied to a client by a server

used to provide security for Reconfigure


relaying A DHCP relay agent relays DHCP messages

between DHCP participants.

transaction ID An opaque value used to match responses

with replies initiated either by a

client or server.

5. DHCP Constants

This section describes various program and networking constants used

by DHCP.

5.1. Multicast Addresses

DHCP makes use of the following multicast addresses:

All_DHCP_Relay_Agents_and_Servers (FF02::1:2) A link-scoped

multicast address used by a client to communicate with

neighboring (i.e., on-link) relay agents and servers.

All servers and relay agents are members of this

multicast group.

All_DHCP_Servers (FF05::1:3) A site-scoped multicast address used

by a relay agent to communicate with servers, either

because the relay agent wants to send messages to

all servers or because it does not know the unicast

addresses of the servers. Note that in order for

a relay agent to use this address, it must have an

address of sufficient scope to be reachable by the

servers. All servers within the site are members of

this multicast group.

5.2. UDP Ports

Clients listen for DHCP messages on UDP port 546. Servers and relay

agents listen for DHCP messages on UDP port 547.

5.3. DHCP Message Types

DHCP defines the following message types. More detail on these

message types can be found in sections 6 and 7. Message types not

listed here are reserved for future use. The numeric encoding for

each message type is shown in parentheses.

SOLICIT (1) A client sends a Solicit message to locate


ADVERTISE (2) A server sends an Advertise message to indicate

that it is available for DHCP service, in

response to a Solicit message received from a


REQUEST (3) A client sends a Request message to request

configuration parameters, including IP

addresses, from a specific server.

CONFIRM (4) A client sends a Confirm message to any

available server to determine whether the

addresses it was assigned are still appropriate

to the link to which the client is connected.

RENEW (5) A client sends a Renew message to the server

that originally provided the client's addresses

and configuration parameters to extend the

lifetimes on the addresses assigned to the

client and to update other configuration


REBIND (6) A client sends a Rebind message to any

available server to extend the lifetimes on the

addresses assigned to the client and to update

other configuration parameters; this message is

sent after a client receives no response to a

Renew message.

REPLY (7) A server sends a Reply message containing

assigned addresses and configuration parameters

in response to a Solicit, Request, Renew,

Rebind message received from a client. A

server sends a Reply message containing

configuration parameters in response to an

Information-request message. A server sends a

Reply message in response to a Confirm message

confirming or denying that the addresses

assigned to the client are appropriate to the

link to which the client is connected. A

server sends a Reply message to acknowledge

receipt of a Release or Decline message.

RELEASE (8) A client sends a Release message to the server

that assigned addresses to the client to

indicate that the client will no longer use one

or more of the assigned addresses.

DECLINE (9) A client sends a Decline message to a server to

indicate that the client has determined that

one or more addresses assigned by the server

are already in use on the link to which the

client is connected.

RECONFIGURE (10) A server sends a Reconfigure message to a

client to inform the client that the server has

new or updated configuration parameters, and

that the client is to initiate a Renew/Reply

or Information-request/Reply transaction with

the server in order to receive the updated


INFORMATION-REQUEST (11) A client sends an Information-request

message to a server to request configuration

parameters without the assignment of any IP

addresses to the client.

RELAY-FORW (12) A relay agent sends a Relay-forward message

to relay messages to servers, either directly

or through another relay agent. The received

message, either a client message or a

Relay-forward message from another relay

agent, is encapsulated in an option in the

Relay-forward message.

RELAY-REPL (13) A server sends a Relay-reply message to a relay

agent containing a message that the relay

agent delivers to a client. The Relay-reply

message may be relayed by other relay agents

for delivery to the destination relay agent.

The server encapsulates the client message as

an option in the Relay-reply message, which the

relay agent extracts and relays to the client.

5.4. Status Codes

DHCPv6 uses status codes to communicate the success or failure of

operations requested in messages from clients and servers, and to

provide additional information about the specific cause of the

failure of a message. The specific status codes are defined in

section 24.4.

5.5. Transmission and Retransmission Parameters

This section presents a table of values used to describe the message

transmission behavior of clients and servers.

Parameter Default Description


SOL_MAX_DELAY 1 sec Max delay of first Solicit

SOL_TIMEOUT 1 sec Initial Solicit timeout

SOL_MAX_RT 120 secs Max Solicit timeout value

REQ_TIMEOUT 1 sec Initial Request timeout

REQ_MAX_RT 30 secs Max Request timeout value

REQ_MAX_RC 10 Max Request retry attempts

CNF_MAX_DELAY 1 sec Max delay of first Confirm

CNF_TIMEOUT 1 sec Initial Confirm timeout

CNF_MAX_RT 4 secs Max Confirm timeout

CNF_MAX_RD 10 secs Max Confirm duration

REN_TIMEOUT 10 secs Initial Renew timeout

REN_MAX_RT 600 secs Max Renew timeout value

REB_TIMEOUT 10 secs Initial Rebind timeout

REB_MAX_RT 600 secs Max Rebind timeout value

INF_MAX_DELAY 1 sec Max delay of first Information-request

INF_TIMEOUT 1 sec Initial Information-request timeout

INF_MAX_RT 120 secs Max Information-request timeout value

REL_TIMEOUT 1 sec Initial Release timeout

REL_MAX_RC 5 MAX Release attempts

DEC_TIMEOUT 1 sec Initial Decline timeout

DEC_MAX_RC 5 Max Decline attempts

REC_TIMEOUT 2 secs Initial Reconfigure timeout

REC_MAX_RC 8 Max Reconfigure attempts

HOP_COUNT_LIMIT 32 Max hop count in a Relay-forward message

5.6 Representation of time values and "Infinity" as a time value

All time values for lifetimes, T1 and T2 are unsigned integers. The

value 0xffffffff is taken to mean "infinity" when used as a lifetime

(as in RFC2461 [17]) or a value for T1 or T2.

6. Client/Server Message Formats

All DHCP messages sent between clients and servers share an identical

fixed format header and a variable format area for options.

All values in the message header and in options are in network byte


Options are stored serially in the options field, with no padding

between the options. Options are byte-aligned but are not aligned in

any other way such as on 2 or 4 byte boundaries.

The following diagram illustrates the format of DHCP messages sent

between clients and servers:

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


msg-type transaction-id


. options .

. (variable) .


msg-type Identifies the DHCP message type; the

available message types are listed in

section 5.3.

transaction-id The transaction ID for this message exchange.

options Options carried in this message; options are

described in section 22.

7. Relay Agent/Server Message Formats

Relay agents exchange messages with servers to relay messages between

clients and servers that are not connected to the same link.

All values in the message header and in options are in network byte


Options are stored serially in the options field, with no padding

between the options. Options are byte-aligned but are not aligned in

any other way such as on 2 or 4 byte boundaries.

There are two relay agent messages, which share the following format:

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


msg-type hop-count








. .

. options (variable number and length) .... .


The following sections describe the use of the Relay Agent message


7.1. Relay-forward Message

The following table defines the use of message fields in a Relay-

forward message.

msg-type RELAY-FORW

hop-count Number of relay agents that have relayed this


link-address A global or site-local address that will be used by

the server to identify the link on which the client

is located.

peer-address The address of the client or relay agent from which

the message to be relayed was received.

options MUST include a "Relay Message option" (see

section 22.10); MAY include other options added by

the relay agent.

7.2. Relay-reply Message

The following table defines the use of message fields in a

Relay-reply message.

msg-type RELAY-REPL

hop-count Copied from the Relay-forward message

link-address Copied from the Relay-forward message

peer-address Copied from the Relay-forward message

options MUST include a "Relay Message option"; see

section 22.10; MAY include other options

8. Representation and Use of Domain Names

So that domain names may be encoded uniformly, a domain name or a

list of domain names is encoded using the technique described in

section 3.1 of RFC1035 [10]. A domain name, or list of domain

names, in DHCP MUST NOT be stored in compressed form, as described in

section 4.1.4 of RFC1035.

9. DHCP Unique Identifier (DUID)

Each DHCP client and server has a DUID. DHCP servers use DUIDs to

identify clients for the selection of configuration parameters and in

the association of IAs with clients. DHCP clients use DUIDs to

identify a server in messages where a server needs to be identified.

See sections 22.2 and 22.3 for the representation of a DUID in a DHCP


Clients and servers MUST treat DUIDs as opaque values and MUST only

compare DUIDs for equality. Clients and servers MUST NOT in any

other way interpret DUIDs. Clients and servers MUST NOT restrict

DUIDs to the types defined in this document, as additional DUID types

may be defined in the future.

The DUID is carried in an option because it may be variable length

and because it is not required in all DHCP messages. The DUID is

designed to be unique across all DHCP clients and servers, and stable

for any specific client or server - that is, the DUID used by a

client or server SHOULD NOT change over time if at all possible; for

example, a device's DUID should not change as a result of a change in

the device's network hardware.

The motivation for having more than one type of DUID is that the DUID

must be globally unique, and must also be easy to generate. The sort

of globally-unique identifier that is easy to generate for any given

device can differ quite widely. Also, some devices may not contain

any persistent storage. Retaining a generated DUID in such a device

is not possible, so the DUID scheme must accommodate such devices.

9.1. DUID Contents

A DUID consists of a two-octet type code represented in network byte

order, followed by a variable number of octets that make up the

actual identifier. A DUID can be no more than 128 octets long (not

including the type code). The following types are currently defined:

1 Link-layer address plus time

2 Vendor-assigned unique ID based on Enterprise Number

3 Link-layer address

Formats for the variable field of the DUID for each of the above

types are shown below.

9.2. DUID Based on Link-layer Address Plus Time [DUID-LLT]

This type of DUID consists of a two octet type field containing the

value 1, a two octet hardware type code, four octets containing a

time value, followed by link-layer address of any one network

interface that is connected to the DHCP device at the time that the

DUID is generated. The time value is the time that the DUID is

generated represented in seconds since midnight (UTC), January 1,

2000, modulo 2^32. The hardware type MUST be a valid hardware type

assigned by the IANA as described in RFC826 [14]. Both the time and

the hardware type are stored in network byte order. The link-layer

address is stored in canonical form, as described in RFC2464 [2].

The following diagram illustrates the format of a DUID-LLT:

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


1 hardware type (16 bits)


time (32 bits)


. .

. link-layer address (variable length) .

. .


The choice of network interface can be completely arbitrary, as long

as that interface provides a globally unique link-layer address for

the link type, and the same DUID-LLT SHOULD be used in configuring

all network interfaces connected to the device, regardless of which

interface's link-layer address was used to generate the DUID-LLT.

Clients and servers using this type of DUID MUST store the DUID-LLT

in stable storage, and MUST continue to use this DUID-LLT even if the

network interface used to generate the DUID-LLT is removed. Clients

and servers that do not have any stable storage MUST NOT use this

type of DUID.

Clients and servers that use this DUID SHOULD attempt to configure

the time prior to generating the DUID, if that is possible, and MUST

use some sort of time source (for example, a real-time clock) in

generating the DUID, even if that time source could not be configured

prior to generating the DUID. The use of a time source makes it

unlikely that two identical DUID-LLTs will be generated if the

network interface is removed from the client and another client then

uses the same network interface to generate a DUID-LLT. A collision

between two DUID-LLTs is very unlikely even if the clocks have not

been configured prior to generating the DUID.

This method of DUID generation is recommended for all general purpose

computing devices such as desktop computers and laptop computers, and

also for devices such as printers, routers, and so on, that contain

some form of writable non-volatile storage.

Despite our best efforts, it is possible that this algorithm for

generating a DUID could result in a client identifier collision. A

DHCP client that generates a DUID-LLT using this mechanism MUST

provide an administrative interface that replaces the existing DUID

with a newly-generated DUID-LLT.

9.3. DUID Assigned by Vendor Based on Enterprise Number [DUID-EN]

This form of DUID is assigned by the vendor to the device. It

consists of the vendor's registered Private Enterprise Number as

maintained by IANA [6] followed by a unique identifier assigned by

the vendor. The following diagram summarizes the structure of a


0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


2 enterprise-number


enterprise-number (contd)


. identifier .

. (variable length) .

. .


The source of the identifier is left up to the vendor defining it,

but each identifier part of each DUID-EN MUST be unique to the device

that is using it, and MUST be assigned to the device at the time it

is manufactured and stored in some form of non-volatile storage. The

generated DUID SHOULD be recorded in non-erasable storage. The

enterprise-number is the vendor's registered Private Enterprise

Number as maintained by IANA [6]. The enterprise-number is stored as

an unsigned 32 bit number.

An example DUID of this type might look like this:


0 2 0 0 0 9 12192


132221 3 0 9 18


This example includes the two-octet type of 2, the Enterprise Number

(9), followed by eight octets of identifier data


9.4. DUID Based on Link-layer Address [DUID-LL]

This type of DUID consists of two octets containing the DUID type 3,

a two octet network hardware type code, followed by the link-layer

address of any one network interface that is permanently connected to

the client or server device. For example, a host that has a network

interface implemented in a chip that is unlikely to be removed and

used elsewhere could use a DUID-LL. The hardware type MUST be a

valid hardware type assigned by the IANA, as described in RFC826

[14]. The hardware type is stored in network byte order. The

link-layer address is stored in canonical form, as described in RFC

2464 [2]. The following diagram illustrates the format of a DUID-LL:

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


3 hardware type (16 bits)


. .

. link-layer address (variable length) .

. .


The choice of network interface can be completely arbitrary, as long

as that interface provides a unique link-layer address and is

permanently attached to the device on which the DUID-LL is being

generated. The same DUID-LL SHOULD be used in configuring all

network interfaces connected to the device, regardless of which

interface's link-layer address was used to generate the DUID.

DUID-LL is recommended for devices that have a permanently-connected

network interface with a link-layer address, and do not have

nonvolatile, writable stable storage. DUID-LL MUST NOT be used by

DHCP clients or servers that cannot tell whether or not a network

interface is permanently attached to the device on which the DHCP

client is running.

10. Identity Association

An "identity-association" (IA) is a construct through which a server

and a client can identify, group, and manage a set of related IPv6

addresses. Each IA consists of an IAID and associated configuration


A client must associate at least one distinct IA with each of its

network interfaces for which it is to request the assignment of IPv6

addresses from a DHCP server. The client uses the IAs assigned to an

interface to obtain configuration information from a server for that

interface. Each IA must be associated with exactly one interface.

The IAID uniquely identifies the IA and must be chosen to be unique

among the IAIDs on the client. The IAID is chosen by the client.

For any given use of an IA by the client, the IAID for that IA MUST

be consistent across restarts of the DHCP client. The client may

maintain consistency either by storing the IAID in non-volatile

storage or by using an algorithm that will consistently produce the

same IAID as long as the configuration of the client has not changed.

There may be no way for a client to maintain consistency of the IAIDs

if it does not have non-volatile storage and the client's hardware

configuration changes.

The configuration information in an IA consists of one or more IPv6

addresses along with the times T1 and T2 for the IA. See section

22.4 for the representation of an IA in a DHCP message.

Each address in an IA has a preferred lifetime and a valid lifetime,

as defined in RFC2462 [17]. The lifetimes are transmitted from the

DHCP server to the client in the IA option. The lifetimes apply to

the use of IPv6 addresses, as described in section 5.5.4 of RFC2462.

11. Selecting Addresses for Assignment to an IA

A server selects addresses to be assigned to an IA according to the

address assignment policies determined by the server administrator

and the specific information the server determines about the client

from some combination of the following sources:

- The link to which the client is attached. The server determines

the link as follows:

* If the server receives the message directly from the client and

the source address in the IP datagram in which the message was

received is a link-local address, then the client is on the

same link to which the interface over which the message was

received is attached.

* If the server receives the message from a forwarding relay

agent, then the client is on the same link as the one to which

the interface, identified by the link-address field in the

message from the relay agent, is attached.

* If the server receives the message directly from the client and

the source address in the IP datagram in which the message was

received is not a link-local address, then the client is on the

link identified by the source address in the IP datagram (note

that this situation can occur only if the server has enabled

the use of unicast message delivery by the client and the

client has sent a message for which unicast delivery is


- The DUID supplied by the client.

- Other information in options supplied by the client.

- Other information in options supplied by the relay agent.

Any address assigned by a server that is based on an EUI-64

identifier MUST include an interface identifier with the "u"

(universal/local) and "g" (individual/group) bits of the interface

identifier set appropriately, as indicated in section 2.5.1 of RFC

2373 [5].

A server MUST NOT assign an address that is otherwise reserved for

some other purpose. For example, a server MUST NOT assign reserved

anycast addresses, as defined in RFC2526, from any subnet.

12. Management of Temporary Addresses

A client may request the assignment of temporary addresses (see RFC

3041 [12] for the definition of temporary addresses). DHCPv6

handling of address assignment is no different for temporary

addresses. DHCPv6 says nothing about details of temporary addresses

like lifetimes, how clients use temporary addresses, rules for

generating successive temporary addresses, etc.

Clients ask for temporary addresses and servers assign them.

Temporary addresses are carried in the Identity Association for

Temporary Addresses (IA_TA) option (see section 22.5). Each IA_TA

option contains at most one temporary address for each of the

prefixes on the link to which the client is attached.

The IAID number space for the IA_TA option IAID number space is

separate from the IA_NA option IAID number space.

The server MAY update the DNS for a temporary address, as described

in section 4 of RFC3041.

13. Transmission of Messages by a Client

Unless otherwise specified in this document, or in a document that

describes how IPv6 is carried over a specific type of link (for link

types that do not support multicast), a client sends DHCP messages to

the All_DHCP_Relay_Agents_and_Servers.

A client uses multicast to reach all servers or an individual server.

An individual server is indicated by specifying that server's DUID in

a Server Identifier option (see section 22.3) in the client's message

(all servers will receive this message but only the indicated server

will respond). All servers are indicated by not supplying this


A client may send some messages directly to a server using unicast,

as described in section 22.12.

14. Reliability of Client Initiated Message Exchanges

DHCP clients are responsible for reliable delivery of messages in the

client-initiated message exchanges described in sections 17 and 18.

If a DHCP client fails to receive an expected response from a server,

the client must retransmit its message. This section describes the

retransmission strategy to be used by clients in client-initiated

message exchanges.

Note that the procedure described in this section is slightly

modified when used with the Solicit message. The modified procedure

is described in section 17.1.2.

The client begins the message exchange by transmitting a message to

the server. The message exchange terminates when either the client

successfully receives the appropriate response or responses from a

server or servers, or when the message exchange is considered to have

failed according to the retransmission mechanism described below.

The client retransmission behavior is controlled and described by the

following variables:

RT Retransmission timeout

IRT Initial retransmission time

MRC Maximum retransmission count

MRT Maximum retransmission time

MRD Maximum retransmission duration

RAND Randomization factor

With each message transmission or retransmission, the client sets RT

according to the rules given below. If RT expires before the message

exchange terminates, the client recomputes RT and retransmits the


Each of the computations of a new RT include a randomization factor

(RAND), which is a random number chosen with a uniform distribution

between -0.1 and +0.1. The randomization factor is included to

minimize synchronization of messages transmitted by DHCP clients.

The algorithm for choosing a random number does not need to be

cryptographically sound. The algorithm SHOULD produce a different

sequence of random numbers from each invocation of the DHCP client.

RT for the first message transmission is based on IRT:


RT for each subsequent message transmission is based on the previous

value of RT:

RT = 2*RTprev + RAND*RTprev

MRT specifies an upper bound on the value of RT (disregarding the

randomization added by the use of RAND). If MRT has a value of 0,

there is no upper limit on the value of RT. Otherwise:

if (RT > MRT)


MRC specifies an upper bound on the number of times a client may

retransmit a message. Unless MRC is zero, the message exchange fails

once the client has transmitted the message MRC times.

MRD specifies an upper bound on the length of time a client may

retransmit a message. Unless MRD is zero, the message exchange fails

once MRD seconds have elapsed since the client first transmitted the


If both MRC and MRD are non-zero, the message exchange fails whenever

either of the conditions specified in the previous two paragraphs are


If both MRC and MRD are zero, the client continues to transmit the

message until it receives a response.

15. Message Validation

Clients and servers SHOULD discard any messages that contain options

that are not allowed to appear in the received message. For example,

an IA option is not allowed to appear in an Information-request

message. Clients and servers MAY choose to extract information from

such a message if the information is of use to the recipient.

A server MUST discard any Solicit, Confirm, Rebind or

Information-request messages it receives with a unicast destination


Message validation based on DHCP authentication is discussed in

section 21.4.2.

If a server receives a message that contains options it should not

contain (such as an Information-request message with an IA option),

is missing options that it should contain, or is otherwise not valid,

it MAY send a Reply (or Advertise as appropriate) with a Server

Identifier option, a Client Identifier option if one was included in

the message and a Status Code option with status UnSpecFail.

15.1. Use of Transaction IDs

The "transaction-id" field holds a value used by clients and servers

to synchronize server responses to client messages. A client SHOULD

generate a random number that cannot easily be guessed or predicted

to use as the transaction ID for each new message it sends. Note

that if a client generates easily predictable transaction

identifiers, it may become more vulnerable to certain kinds of

attacks from off-path intruders. A client MUST leave the transaction

ID unchanged in retransmissions of a message.

15.2. Solicit Message

Clients MUST discard any received Solicit messages.

Servers MUST discard any Solicit messages that do not include a

Client Identifier option or that do include a Server Identifier


15.3. Advertise Message

Clients MUST discard any received Advertise messages that meet any of

the following conditions:

- the message does not include a Server Identifier option.

- the message does not include a Client Identifier option.

- the contents of the Client Identifier option does not match the

client's DUID.

- the "transaction-id" field value does not match the value the

client used in its Solicit message.

Servers and relay agents MUST discard any received Advertise


15.4. Request Message

Clients MUST discard any received Request messages.

Servers MUST discard any received Request message that meet any of

the following conditions:

- the message does not include a Server Identifier option.

- the contents of the Server Identifier option do not match the

server's DUID.

- the message does not include a Client Identifier option.

15.5. Confirm Message

Clients MUST discard any received Confirm messages.

Servers MUST discard any received Confirm messages that do not

include a Client Identifier option or that do include a Server

Identifier option.

15.6. Renew Message

Clients MUST discard any received Renew messages.

Servers MUST discard any received Renew message that meets any of the

following conditions:

- the message does not include a Server Identifier option.

- the contents of the Server Identifier option does not match the

server's identifier.

- the message does not include a Client Identifier option.

15.7. Rebind Message

Clients MUST discard any received Rebind messages.

Servers MUST discard any received Rebind messages that do not include

a Client Identifier option or that do include a Server Identifier


15.8. Decline Messages

Clients MUST discard any received Decline messages.

Servers MUST discard any received Decline message that meets any of

the following conditions:

- the message does not include a Server Identifier option.

- the contents of the Server Identifier option does not match the

server's identifier.

- the message does not include a Client Identifier option.

15.9. Release Message

Clients MUST discard any received Release messages.

Servers MUST discard any received Release message that meets any of

the following conditions:

- the message does not include a Server Identifier option.

- the contents of the Server Identifier option does not match the

server's identifier.

- the message does not include a Client Identifier option.

15.10. Reply Message

Clients MUST discard any received Reply message that meets any of the

following conditions:

- the message does not include a Server Identifier option.

- the "transaction-id" field in the message does not match the value

used in the original message.

If the client included a Client Identifier option in the original

message, the Reply message MUST include a Client Identifier option

and the contents of the Client Identifier option MUST match the DUID

of the client; OR, if the client did not include a Client Identifier

option in the original message, the Reply message MUST NOT include a

Client Identifier option.

Servers and relay agents MUST discard any received Reply messages.

15.11. Reconfigure Message

Servers and relay agents MUST discard any received Reconfigure


Clients MUST discard any Reconfigure messages that meets any of the

following conditions:

- the message was not unicast to the client.

- the message does not include a Server Identifier option.

- the message does not include a Client Identifier option that

contains the client's DUID.

- the message does not contain a Reconfigure Message option and the

msg-type must be a valid value.

- the message includes any IA options and the msg-type in the

Reconfigure Message option is INFORMATION-REQUEST.

- the message does not include DHCP authentication:

* the message does not contain an authentication option.

* the message does not pass the authentication validation

performed by the client.

15.12. Information-request Message

Clients MUST discard any received Information-request messages.

Servers MUST discard any received Information-request message that

meets any of the following conditions:

- The message includes a Server Identifier option and the DUID in

the option does not match the server's DUID.

- The message includes an IA option.

15.13. Relay-forward Message

Clients MUST discard any received Relay-forward messages.

15.14. Relay-reply Message

Clients and servers MUST discard any received Relay-reply messages.

16. Client Source Address and Interface Selection

When a client sends a DHCP message to the

All_DHCP_Relay_Agents_and_Servers address, it SHOULD send the message

through the interface for which configuration information is being

requested. However, the client MAY send the message through another

interface attached to the same link, if and only if the client is

certain the two interfaces are attached to the same link. The client

MUST use a link-local address assigned to the interface for which it

is requesting configuration information as the source address in the

header of the IP datagram.

When a client sends a DHCP message directly to a server using unicast

(after receiving the Server Unicast option from that server), the

source address in the header of the IP datagram MUST be an address

assigned to the interface for which the client is interested in

obtaining configuration and which is suitable for use by the server

in responding to the client.

17. DHCP Server Solicitation

This section describes how a client locates servers that will assign

addresses to IAs belonging to the client.

The client is responsible for creating IAs and requesting that a

server assign IPv6 addresses to the IA. The client first creates an

IA and assigns it an IAID. The client then transmits a Solicit

message containing an IA option describing the IA. Servers that can

assign addresses to the IA respond to the client with an Advertise

message. The client then initiates a configuration exchange as

described in section 18.

If the client will accept a Reply message with committed address

assignments and other resources in response to the Solicit message,

the client includes a Rapid Commit option (see section 22.14) in the

Solicit message.

17.1. Client Behavior

A client uses the Solicit message to discover DHCP servers configured

to assign addresses or return other configuration parameters on the

link to which the client is attached.

17.1.1. Creation of Solicit Messages

The client sets the "msg-type" field to SOLICIT. The client

generates a transaction ID and inserts this value in the

"transaction-id" field.

The client MUST include a Client Identifier option to identify itself

to the server. The client includes IA options for any IAs to which

it wants the server to assign addresses. The client MAY include

addresses in the IAs as a hint to the server about addresses for

which the client has a preference. The client MUST NOT include any

other options in the Solicit message, except as specifically allowed

in the definition of individual options.

The client uses IA_NA options to request the assignment of non-

temporary addresses and uses IA_TA options to request the assignment

of temporary addresses. Either IA_NA or IA_TA options, or a

combination of both, can be included in DHCP messages.

The client SHOULD include an Option Request option (see section 22.7)

to indicate the options the client is interested in receiving. The

client MAY additionally include instances of those options that are

identified in the Option Request option, with data values as hints to

the server about parameter values the client would like to have


The client includes a Reconfigure Accept option (see section 22.20)

if the client is willing to accept Reconfigure messages from the


17.1.2. Transmission of Solicit Messages

The first Solicit message from the client on the interface MUST be

delayed by a random amount of time between 0 and SOL_MAX_DELAY. In

the case of a Solicit message transmitted when DHCP is initiated by

IPv6 Neighbor Discovery, the delay gives the amount of time to wait

after IPv6 Neighbor Discovery causes the client to invoke the

stateful address autoconfiguration protocol (see section 5.5.3 of RFC

2462). This random delay desynchronizes clients which start at the

same time (for example, after a power outage).

The client transmits the message according to section 14, using the

following parameters:





If the client has included a Rapid Commit option in its Solicit

message, the client terminates the waiting process as soon as a Reply

message with a Rapid Commit option is received.

If the client is waiting for an Advertise message, the mechanism in

section 14 is modified as follows for use in the transmission of

Solicit messages. The message exchange is not terminated by the

receipt of an Advertise before the first RT has elapsed. Rather, the

client collects Advertise messages until the first RT has elapsed.

Also, the first RT MUST be selected to be strictly greater than IRT

by choosing RAND to be strictly greater than 0.

A client MUST collect Advertise messages for the first RT seconds,

unless it receives an Advertise message with a preference value of

255. The preference value is carried in the Preference option

(section 22.8). Any Advertise that does not include a Preference

option is considered to have a preference value of 0. If the client

receives an Advertise message that includes a Preference option with

a preference value of 255, the client immediately begins a client-

initiated message exchange (as described in section 18) by sending a

Request message to the server from which the Advertise message was

received. If the client receives an Advertise message that does not

include a Preference option with a preference value of 255, the

client continues to wait until the first RT elapses. If the first RT

elapses and the client has received an Advertise message, the client

SHOULD continue with a client-initiated message exchange by sending a

Request message.

If the client does not receive any Advertise messages before the

first RT has elapsed, it begins the retransmission mechanism

described in section 14. The client terminates the retransmission

process as soon as it receives any Advertise message, and the client

acts on the received Advertise message without waiting for any

additional Advertise messages.

A DHCP client SHOULD choose MRC and MRD to be 0. If the DHCP client

is configured with either MRC or MRD set to a value other than 0, it

MUST stop trying to configure the interface if the message exchange

fails. After the DHCP client stops trying to configure the

interface, it SHOULD restart the reconfiguration process after some

external event, such as user input, system restart, or when the

client is attached to a new link.

17.1.3. Receipt of Advertise Messages

The client MUST ignore any Advertise message that includes a Status

Code option containing the value NoAddrsAvail, with the exception

that the client MAY display the associated status message to the


Upon receipt of one or more valid Advertise messages, the client

selects one or more Advertise messages based upon the following


- Those Advertise messages with the highest server preference value

are preferred over all other Advertise messages.

- Within a group of Advertise messages with the same server

preference value, a client MAY select those servers whose

Advertise messages advertise information of interest to the

client. For example, the client may choose a server that returned

an advertisement with configuration options of interest to the


- The client MAY choose a less-preferred server if that server has a

better set of advertised parameters, such as the available

addresses advertised in IAs.

Once a client has selected Advertise message(s), the client will

typically store information about each server, such as server

preference value, addresses advertised, when the advertisement was

received, and so on.

If the client needs to select an alternate server in the case that a

chosen server does not respond, the client chooses the next server

according to the criteria given above.

17.1.4. Receipt of Reply Message

If the client includes a Rapid Commit option in the Solicit message,

it will expect a Reply message that includes a Rapid Commit option in

response. The client discards any Reply messages it receives that do

not include a Rapid Commit option. If the client receives a valid

Reply message that includes a Rapid Commit option, it processes the

message as described in section 18.1.8. If it does not receive such

a Reply message and does receive a valid Advertise message, the

client processes the Advertise message as described in section


If the client subsequently receives a valid Reply message that

includes a Rapid Commit option, it either:

processes the Reply message as described in section 18.1.8, and

discards any Reply messages received in response to the Request

message, or

processes any Reply messages received in response to the Request

message and discards the Reply message that includes the Rapid

Commit option.

17.2. Server Behavior

A server sends an Advertise message in response to valid Solicit

messages it receives to announce the availability of the server to

the client.

17.2.1. Receipt of Solicit Messages

The server determines the information about the client and its

location as described in section 11 and checks its administrative

policy about responding to the client. If the server is not

permitted to respond to the client, the server discards the Solicit

message. For example, if the administrative policy for the server is

that it may only respond to a client that is willing to accept a

Reconfigure message, if the client indicates with a Reconfigure

Accept option in the Solicit message that it will not accept a

Reconfigure message, the servers discard the Solicit message.

If the client has included a Rapid Commit option in the Solicit

message and the server has been configured to respond with committed

address assignments and other resources, the server responds to the

Solicit with a Reply message as described in section 17.2.3.

Otherwise, the server ignores the Rapid Commit option and processes

the remainder of the message as if no Rapid Commit option were


17.2.2. Creation and Transmission of Advertise Messages

The server sets the "msg-type" field to ADVERTISE and copies the

contents of the transaction-id field from the Solicit message

received from the client to the Advertise message. The server

includes its server identifier in a Server Identifier option and

copies the Client Identifier from the Solicit message into the

Advertise message.

The server MAY add a Preference option to carry the preference value

for the Advertise message. The server implementation SHOULD allow

the setting of a server preference value by the administrator. The

server preference value MUST default to zero unless otherwise

configured by the server administrator.

The server includes a Reconfigure Accept option if the server wants

to require that the client accept Reconfigure messages.

The server includes options the server will return to the client in a

subsequent Reply message. The information in these options may be

used by the client in the selection of a server if the client

receives more than one Advertise message. If the client has included

an Option Request option in the Solicit message, the server includes

options in the Advertise message containing configuration parameters

for all of the options identified in the Option Request option that

the server has been configured to return to the client. The server

MAY return additional options to the client if it has been configured

to do so. The server must be aware of the recommendations on packet

sizes and the use of fragmentation in section 5 of RFC2460.

If the Solicit message from the client included one or more IA

options, the server MUST include IA options in the Advertise message

containing any addresses that would be assigned to IAs contained in

the Solicit message from the client. If the client has included

addresses in the IAs in the Solicit message, the server uses those

addresses as hints about the addresses the client would like to


If the server will not assign any addresses to any IAs in a

subsequent Request from the client, the server MUST send an Advertise

message to the client that includes only a Status Code option with

code NoAddrsAvail and a status message for the user, a Server

Identifier option with the server's DUID, and a Client Identifier

option with the client's DUID.

If the Solicit message was received directly by the server, the

server unicasts the Advertise message directly to the client using

the address in the source address field from the IP datagram in which

the Solicit message was received. The Advertise message MUST be

unicast on the link from which the Solicit message was received.

If the Solicit message was received in a Relay-forward message, the

server constructs a Relay-reply message with the Advertise message in

the payload of a "relay-message" option. If the Relay-forward

messages included an Interface-id option, the server copies that

option to the Relay-reply message. The server unicasts the

Relay-reply message directly to the relay agent using the address in

the source address field from the IP datagram in which the Relay-

forward message was received.

17.2.3. Creation and Transmission of Reply Messages

The server MUST commit the assignment of any addresses or other

configuration information message before sending a Reply message to a

client in response to a Solicit message.


When using the Solicit-Reply message exchange, the server commits

the assignment of any addresses before sending the Reply message.

The client can assume it has been assigned the addresses in the

Reply message and does not need to send a Request message for

those addresses.

Typically, servers that are configured to use the Solicit-Reply

message exchange will be deployed so that only one server will

respond to a Solicit message. If more than one server responds,

the client will only use the addresses from one of the servers,

while the addresses from the other servers will be committed to

the client but not used by the client.

The server includes a Rapid Commit option in the Reply message to

indicate that the Reply is in response to a Solicit message.

The server includes a Reconfigure Accept option if the server wants

to require that the client accept Reconfigure messages.

The server produces the Reply message as though it had received a

Request message, as described in section 18.2.1. The server

transmits the Reply message as described in section 18.2.8.

18. DHCP Client-Initiated Configuration Exchange

A client initiates a message exchange with a server or servers to

acquire or update configuration information of interest. The client

may initiate the configuration exchange as part of the operating

system configuration process, when requested to do so by the

application layer, when required by Stateless Address

Autoconfiguration or as required to extend the lifetime of an address

(Renew and Rebind messages).

18.1. Client Behavior

A client uses Request, Renew, Rebind, Release and Decline messages

during the normal life cycle of addresses. It uses Confirm to

validate addresses when it may have moved to a new link. It uses

Information-Request messages when it needs configuration information

but no addresses.

If the client has a source address of sufficient scope that can be

used by the server as a return address, and the client has received a

Server Unicast option (section 22.12) from the server, the client

SHOULD unicast any Request, Renew, Release and Decline messages to

the server.


Use of unicast may avoid delays due to the relaying of messages by

relay agents, as well as avoid overhead and duplicate responses by

servers due to the delivery of client messages to multiple

servers. Requiring the client to relay all DHCP messages through

a relay agent enables the inclusion of relay agent options in all

messages sent by the client. The server should enable the use of

unicast only when relay agent options will not be used.

18.1.1. Creation and Transmission of Request Messages

The client uses a Request message to populate IAs with addresses and

obtain other configuration information. The client includes one or

more IA options in the Request message. The server then returns

addresses and other information about the IAs to the client in IA

options in a Reply message.

The client generates a transaction ID and inserts this value in the

"transaction-id" field.

The client places the identifier of the destination server in a

Server Identifier option.

The client MUST include a Client Identifier option to identify itself

to the server. The client adds any other appropriate options,

including one or more IA options (if the client is requesting that

the server assign it some network addresses).

The client MUST include an Option Request option (see section 22.7)

to indicate the options the client is interested in receiving. The

client MAY include options with data values as hints to the server

about parameter values the client would like to have returned.

The client includes a Reconfigure Accept option (see section 22.20)

indicating whether or not the client is willing to accept Reconfigure

messages from the server.

The client transmits the message according to section 14, using the

following parameters:





If the message exchange fails, the client takes an action based on

the client's local policy. Examples of actions the client might take


- Select another server from a list of servers known to the client;

for example, servers that responded with an Advertise message.

- Initiate the server discovery process described in section 17.

- Terminate the configuration process and report failure.

18.1.2. Creation and Transmission of Confirm Messages

Whenever a client may have moved to a new link, the prefixes from the

addresses assigned to the interfaces on that link may no longer be

appropriate for the link to which the client is attached. Examples

of times when a client may have moved to a new link include:

o The client reboots.

o The client is physically connected to a wired connection.

o The client returns from sleep mode.

o The client using a wireless technology changes Access points.

In any situation when a client may have moved to a new link, the

client MUST initiate a Confirm/Reply message exchange. The client

includes any IAs assigned to the interface that may have moved to a

new link, along with the addresses associated with those IAs, in its

Confirm message. Any responding servers will indicate whether those

addresses are appropriate for the link to which the client is

attached with the status in the Reply message it returns to the


The client sets the "msg-type" field to CONFIRM. The client

generates a transaction ID and inserts this value in the

"transaction-id" field.

The client MUST include a Client Identifier option to identify itself

to the server. The client includes IA options for all of the IAs

assigned to the interface for which the Confirm message is being

sent. The IA options include all of the addresses the client

currently has associated with those IAs. The client SHOULD set the

T1 and T2 fields in any IA_NA options, and the preferred-lifetime and

valid-lifetime fields in the IA Address options to 0, as the server

will ignore these fields.

The first Confirm message from the client on the interface MUST be

delayed by a random amount of time between 0 and CNF_MAX_DELAY. The

client transmits the message according to section 14, using the

following parameters:





If the client receives no responses before the message transmission

process terminates, as described in section 14, the client SHOULD

continue to use any IP addresses, using the last known lifetimes for

those addresses, and SHOULD continue to use any other previously

obtained configuration parameters.

18.1.3. Creation and Transmission of Renew Messages

To extend the valid and preferred lifetimes for the addresses

associated with an IA, the client sends a Renew message to the server

from which the client obtained the addresses in the IA containing an

IA option for the IA. The client includes IA Address options in the

IA option for the addresses associated with the IA. The server

determines new lifetimes for the addresses in the IA according to the

administrative configuration of the server. The server may also add

new addresses to the IA. The server may remove addresses from the IA

by setting the preferred and valid lifetimes of those addresses to


The server controls the time at which the client contacts the server

to extend the lifetimes on assigned addresses through the T1 and T2

parameters assigned to an IA.

At time T1 for an IA, the client initiates a Renew/Reply message

exchange to extend the lifetimes on any addresses in the IA. The

client includes an IA option with all addresses currently assigned to

the IA in its Renew message.

If T1 or T2 is set to 0 by the server (for an IA_NA) or there are no

T1 or T2 times (for an IA_TA), the client may send a Renew or Rebind

message, respectively, at the client's discretion.

The client sets the "msg-type" field to RENEW. The client generates

a transaction ID and inserts this value in the "transaction-id"


The client places the identifier of the destination server in a

Server Identifier option.

The client MUST include a Client Identifier option to identify itself

to the server. The client adds any appropriate options, including

one or more IA options. The client MUST include the list of

addresses the client currently has associated with the IAs in the

Renew message.

The client MUST include an Option Request option (see section 22.7)

to indicate the options the client is interested in receiving. The

client MAY include options with data values as hints to the server

about parameter values the client would like to have returned.

The client transmits the message according to section 14, using the

following parameters:




MRD Remaining time until T2

The message exchange is terminated when time T2 is reached (see

section 18.1.4), at which time the client begins a Rebind message


18.1.4. Creation and Transmission of Rebind Messages

At time T2 for an IA (which will only be reached if the server to

which the Renew message was sent at time T1 has not responded), the

client initiates a Rebind/Reply message exchange with any available

server. The client includes an IA option with all addresses

currently assigned to the IA in its Rebind message.

The client sets the "msg-type" field to REBIND. The client generates

a transaction ID and inserts this value in the "transaction-id"


The client MUST include a Client Identifier option to identify itself

to the server. The client adds any appropriate options, including

one or more IA options. The client MUST include the list of

addresses the client currently has associated with the IAs in the

Rebind message.

The client MUST include an Option Request option (see section 22.7)

to indicate the options the client is interested in receiving. The

client MAY include options with data values as hints to the server

about parameter values the client would like to have returned.

The client transmits the message according to section 14, using the

following parameters:




MRD Remaining time until valid lifetimes of all addresses have


The message exchange is terminated when the valid lifetimes of all

the addresses assigned to the IA expire (see section 10), at which

time the client has several alternative actions to choose from; for


- The client may choose to use a Solicit message to locate a new

DHCP server and send a Request for the expired IA to the new


- The client may have other addresses in other IAs, so the client

may choose to discard the expired IA and use the addresses in the

other IAs.

18.1.5. Creation and Transmission of Information-request Messages

The client uses an Information-request message to obtain

configuration information without having addresses assigned to it.

The client sets the "msg-type" field to INFORMATION-REQUEST. The

client generates a transaction ID and inserts this value in the

"transaction-id" field.

The client SHOULD include a Client Identifier option to identify

itself to the server. If the client does not include a Client

Identifier option, the server will not be able to return any client-

specific options to the client, or the server may choose not to

respond to the message at all. The client MUST include a Client

Identifier option if the Information-Request message will be


The client MUST include an Option Request option (see section 22.7)

to indicate the options the client is interested in receiving. The

client MAY include options with data values as hints to the server

about parameter values the client would like to have returned.

The first Information-request message from the client on the

interface MUST be delayed by a random amount of time between 0 and

INF_MAX_DELAY. The client transmits the message according to section

14, using the following parameters:





18.1.6. Creation and Transmission of Release Messages

To release one or more addresses, a client sends a Release message to

the server.

The client sets the "msg-type" field to RELEASE. The client

generates a transaction ID and places this value in the

"transaction-id" field.

The client places the identifier of the server that allocated the

address(es) in a Server Identifier option.

The client MUST include a Client Identifier option to identify itself

to the server. The client includes options containing the IAs for

the addresses it is releasing in the "options" field. The addresses

to be released MUST be included in the IAs. Any addresses for the

IAs the client wishes to continue to use MUST NOT be added to the


The client MUST NOT use any of the addresses it is releasing as the

source address in the Release message or in any subsequently

transmitted message.

Because Release messages may be lost, the client should retransmit

the Release if no Reply is received. However, there are scenarios

where the client may not wish to wait for the normal retransmission

timeout before giving up (e.g., on power down). Implementations

SHOULD retransmit one or more times, but MAY choose to terminate the

retransmission procedure early.

The client transmits the message according to section 14, using the

following parameters:





The client MUST stop using all of the addresses being released as

soon as the client begins the Release message exchange process. If

addresses are released but the Reply from a DHCP server is lost, the

client will retransmit the Release message, and the server may

respond with a Reply indicating a status of NoBinding. Therefore,

the client does not treat a Reply message with a status of NoBinding

in a Release message exchange as if it indicates an error.

Note that if the client fails to release the addresses, each address

assigned to the IA will be reclaimed by the server when the valid

lifetime of that address expires.

18.1.7. Creation and Transmission of Decline Messages

If a client detects that one or more addresses assigned to it by a

server are already in use by another node, the client sends a Decline

message to the server to inform it that the address is suspect.

The client sets the "msg-type" field to DECLINE. The client

generates a transaction ID and places this value in the

"transaction-id" field.

The client places the identifier of the server that allocated the

address(es) in a Server Identifier option.

The client MUST include a Client Identifier option to identify itself

to the server. The client includes options containing the IAs for

the addresses it is declining in the "options" field. The addresses

to be declined MUST be included in the IAs. Any addresses for the

IAs the client wishes to continue to use should not be in added to

the IAs.

The client MUST NOT use any of the addresses it is declining as the

source address in the Decline message or in any subsequently

transmitted message.

The client transmits the message according to section 14, using the

following parameters:





If addresses are declined but the Reply from a DHCP server is lost,

the client will retransmit the Decline message, and the server may

respond with a Reply indicating a status of NoBinding. Therefore,

the client does not treat a Reply message with a status of NoBinding

in a Decline message exchange as if it indicates an error.

18.1.8. Receipt of Reply Messages

Upon the receipt of a valid Reply message in response to a Solicit

(with a Rapid Commit option), Request, Confirm, Renew, Rebind or

Information-request message, the client extracts the configuration

information contained in the Reply. The client MAY choose to report

any status code or message from the status code option in the Reply


The client SHOULD perform duplicate address detection [17] on each of

the addresses in any IAs it receives in the Reply message before

using that address for traffic. If any of the addresses are found to

be in use on the link, the client sends a Decline message to the

server as described in section 18.1.7.

If the Reply was received in response to a Solicit (with a Rapid

Commit option), Request, Renew or Rebind message, the client updates

the information it has recorded about IAs from the IA options

contained in the Reply message:

- Record T1 and T2 times.

- Add any new addresses in the IA option to the IA as recorded by

the client.

- Update lifetimes for any addresses in the IA option that the

client already has recorded in the IA.

- Discard any addresses from the IA, as recorded by the client, that

have a valid lifetime of 0 in the IA Address option.

- Leave unchanged any information about addresses the client has

recorded in the IA but that were not included in the IA from the


Management of the specific configuration information is detailed in

the definition of each option in section 22.

If the client receives a Reply message with a Status Code containing

UnspecFail, the server is indicating that it was unable to process

the message due to an unspecified failure condition. If the client

retransmits the original message to the same server to retry the

desired operation, the client MUST limit the rate at which it

retransmits the message and limit the duration of the time during

which it retransmits the message.

When the client receives a Reply message with a Status Code option

with the value UseMulticast, the client records the receipt of the

message and sends subsequent messages to the server through the

interface on which the message was received using multicast. The

client resends the original message using multicast.

When the client receives a NotOnLink status from the server in

response to a Confirm message, the client performs DHCP server

solicitation, as described in section 17, and client-initiated

configuration as described in section 18. If the client receives any

Reply messages that do not indicate a NotOnLink status, the client

can use the addresses in the IA and ignore any messages that indicate

a NotOnLink status.

When the client receives a NotOnLink status from the server in

response to a Request, the client can either re-issue the Request

without specifying any addresses or restart the DHCP server discovery

process (see section 17).

The client examines the status code in each IA individually. If the

status code is NoAddrsAvail, the client has received no usable

addresses in the IA and may choose to try obtaining addresses for the

IA from another server. The client uses addresses and other

information from any IAs that do not contain a Status Code option

with the NoAddrsAvail code. If the client receives no addresses in

any of the IAs, it may either try another server (perhaps restarting

the DHCP server discovery process) or use the Information-request

message to obtain other configuration information only.

When the client receives a Reply message in response to a Renew or

Rebind message, the client examines each IA independently. For each

IA in the original Renew or Rebind message, the client:

- sends a Request message if the IA contained a Status Code option

with the NoBinding status (and does not send any additional

Renew/Rebind messages)

- sends a Renew/Rebind if the IA is not in the Reply message

- otherwise accepts the information in the IA

When the client receives a valid Reply message in response to a

Release message, the client considers the Release event completed,

regardless of the Status Code option(s) returned by the server.

When the client receives a valid Reply message in response to a

Decline message, the client considers the Decline event completed,

regardless of the Status Code option(s) returned by the server.

18.2. Server Behavior

For this discussion, the Server is assumed to have been configured in

an implementation specific manner with configuration of interest to


In most instances, the server will send a Reply in response to a

client message. This Reply message MUST always contain the Server

Identifier option containing the server's DUID and the Client

Identifier option from the client message if one was present.

In most Reply messages, the server includes options containing

configuration information for the client. The server must be aware

of the recommendations on packet sizes and the use of fragmentation

in section 5 of RFC2460. If the client included an Option Request

option in its message, the server includes options in the Reply

message containing configuration parameters for all of the options

identified in the Option Request option that the server has been

configured to return to the client. The server MAY return additional

options to the client if it has been configured to do so.

18.2.1. Receipt of Request Messages

When the server receives a Request message via unicast from a client

to which the server has not sent a unicast option, the server

discards the Request message and responds with a Reply message

containing a Status Code option with the value UseMulticast, a Server

Identifier option containing the server's DUID, the Client Identifier

option from the client message, and no other options.

When the server receives a valid Request message, the server creates

the bindings for that client according to the server's policy and

configuration information and records the IAs and other information

requested by the client.

The server constructs a Reply message by setting the "msg-type" field

to REPLY, and copying the transaction ID from the Request message

into the transaction-id field.

The server MUST include a Server Identifier option containing the

server's DUID and the Client Identifier option from the Request

message in the Reply message.

If the server finds that the prefix on one or more IP addresses in

any IA in the message from the client is not appropriate for the link

to which the client is connected, the server MUST return the IA to

the client with a Status Code option with the value NotOnLink.

If the server cannot assign any addresses to an IA in the message

from the client, the server MUST include the IA in the Reply message

with no addresses in the IA and a Status Code option in the IA

containing status code NoAddrsAvail.

For any IAs to which the server can assign addresses, the server

includes the IA with addresses and other configuration parameters,

and records the IA as a new client binding.

The server includes a Reconfigure Accept option if the server wants

to require that the client accept Reconfigure messages.

The server includes other options containing configuration

information to be returned to the client as described in section


If the server finds that the client has included an IA in the Request

message for which the server already has a binding that associates

the IA with the client, the client has resent a Request message for

which it did not receive a Reply message. The server either resends

a previously cached Reply message or sends a new Reply message.

18.2.2. Receipt of Confirm Messages

When the server receives a Confirm message, the server determines

whether the addresses in the Confirm message are appropriate for the

link to which the client is attached. If all of the addresses in the

Confirm message pass this test, the server returns a status of

Success. If any of the addresses do not pass this test, the server

returns a status of NotOnLink. If the server is unable to perform

this test (for example, the server does not have information about

prefixes on the link to which the client is connected), or there were

no addresses in any of the IAs sent by the client, the server MUST

NOT send a reply to the client.

The server ignores the T1 and T2 fields in the IA options and the

preferred-lifetime and valid-lifetime fields in the IA Address


The server constructs a Reply message by setting the "msg-type" field

to REPLY, and copying the transaction ID from the Confirm message

into the transaction-id field.

The server MUST include a Server Identifier option containing the

server's DUID and the Client Identifier option from the Confirm

message in the Reply message. The server includes a Status Code

option indicating the status of the Confirm message.

18.2.3. Receipt of Renew Messages

When the server receives a Renew message via unicast from a client to

which the server has not sent a unicast option, the server discards

the Renew message and responds with a Reply message containing a

Status Code option with the value UseMulticast, a Server Identifier

option containing the server's DUID, the Client Identifier option

from the client message, and no other options.

When the server receives a Renew message that contains an IA option

from a client, it locates the client's binding and verifies that the

information in the IA from the client matches the information stored

for that client.

If the server cannot find a client entry for the IA the server

returns the IA containing no addresses with a Status Code option set

to NoBinding in the Reply message.

If the server finds that any of the addresses are not appropriate for

the link to which the client is attached, the server returns the

address to the client with lifetimes of 0.

If the server finds the addresses in the IA for the client then the

server sends back the IA to the client with new lifetimes and T1/T2

times. The server may choose to change the list of addresses and the

lifetimes of addresses in IAs that are returned to the client.

The server constructs a Reply message by setting the "msg-type" field

to REPLY, and copying the transaction ID from the Renew message into

the transaction-id field.

The server MUST include a Server Identifier option containing the

server's DUID and the Client Identifier option from the Renew message

in the Reply message.

The server includes other options containing configuration

information to be returned to the client as described in section


18.2.4. Receipt of Rebind Messages

When the server receives a Rebind message that contains an IA option

from a client, it locates the client's binding and verifies that the

information in the IA from the client matches the information stored

for that client.

If the server cannot find a client entry for the IA and the server

determines that the addresses in the IA are not appropriate for the

link to which the client's interface is attached according to the

server's explicit configuration information, the server MAY send a

Reply message to the client containing the client's IA, with the

lifetimes for the addresses in the IA set to zero. This Reply

constitutes an explicit notification to the client that the addresses

in the IA are no longer valid. In this situation, if the server does

not send a Reply message it silently discards the Rebind message.

If the server finds that any of the addresses are no longer

appropriate for the link to which the client is attached, the server

returns the address to the client with lifetimes of 0.

If the server finds the addresses in the IA for the client then the

server SHOULD send back the IA to the client with new lifetimes and

T1/T2 times.

The server constructs a Reply message by setting the "msg-type" field

to REPLY, and copying the transaction ID from the Rebind message into

the transaction-id field.

The server MUST include a Server Identifier option containing the

server's DUID and the Client Identifier option from the Rebind

message in the Reply message.

The server includes other options containing configuration

information to be returned to the client as described in section


18.2.5. Receipt of Information-request Messages

When the server receives an Information-request message, the client

is requesting configuration information that does not include the

assignment of any addresses. The server determines all configuration

parameters appropriate to the client, based on the server

configuration policies known to the server.

The server constructs a Reply message by setting the "msg-type" field

to REPLY, and copying the transaction ID from the Information-request

message into the transaction-id field.

The server MUST include a Server Identifier option containing the

server's DUID in the Reply message. If the client included a Client

Identification option in the Information-request message, the server

copies that option to the Reply message.

The server includes options containing configuration information to

be returned to the client as described in section 18.2.

If the Information-request message received from the client did not

include a Client Identifier option, the server SHOULD respond with a

Reply message containing any configuration parameters that are not

determined by the client's identity. If the server chooses not to

respond, the client may continue to retransmit the

Information-request message indefinitely.

18.2.6. Receipt of Release Messages

When the server receives a Release message via unicast from a client

to which the server has not sent a unicast option, the server

discards the Release message and responds with a Reply message

containing a Status Code option with value UseMulticast, a Server

Identifier option containing the server's DUID, the Client Identifier

option from the client message, and no other options.

Upon the receipt of a valid Release message, the server examines the

IAs and the addresses in the IAs for validity. If the IAs in the

message are in a binding for the client, and the addresses in the IAs

have been assigned by the server to those IAs, the server deletes the

addresses from the IAs and makes the addresses available for

assignment to other clients. The server ignores addresses not

assigned to the IA, although it may choose to log an error.

After all the addresses have been processed, the server generates a

Reply message and includes a Status Code option with value Success, a

Server Identifier option with the server's DUID, and a Client

Identifier option with the client's DUID. For each IA in the Release

message for which the server has no binding information, the server

adds an IA option using the IAID from the Release message, and

includes a Status Code option with the value NoBinding in the IA

option. No other options are included in the IA option.

A server may choose to retain a record of assigned addresses and IAs

after the lifetimes on the addresses have expired to allow the server

to reassign the previously assigned addresses to a client.

18.2.7. Receipt of Decline Messages

When the server receives a Decline message via unicast from a client

to which the server has not sent a unicast option, the server

discards the Decline message and responds with a Reply message

containing a Status Code option with the value UseMulticast, a Server

Identifier option containing the server's DUID, the Client Identifier

option from the client message, and no other options.

Upon the receipt of a valid Decline message, the server examines the

IAs and the addresses in the IAs for validity. If the IAs in the

message are in a binding for the client, and the addresses in the IAs

have been assigned by the server to those IAs, the server deletes the

addresses from the IAs. The server ignores addresses not assigned to

the IA (though it may choose to log an error if it finds such an


The client has found any addresses in the Decline messages to be

already in use on its link. Therefore, the server SHOULD mark the

addresses declined by the client so that those addresses are not

assigned to other clients, and MAY choose to make a notification that

addresses were declined. Local policy on the server determines when

the addresses identified in a Decline message may be made available

for assignment.

After all the addresses have been processed, the server generates a

Reply message and includes a Status Code option with the value

Success, a Server Identifier option with the server's DUID, and a

Client Identifier option with the client's DUID. For each IA in the

Decline message for which the server has no binding information, the

server adds an IA option using the IAID from the Release message and

includes a Status Code option with the value NoBinding in the IA

option. No other options are included in the IA option.

18.2.8. Transmission of Reply Messages

If the original message was received directly by the server, the

server unicasts the Reply message directly to the client using the

address in the source address field from the IP datagram in which the

original message was received. The Reply message MUST be unicast

through the interface on which the original message was received.

If the original message was received in a Relay-forward message, the

server constructs a Relay-reply message with the Reply message in the

payload of a Relay Message option (see section 22.10). If the

Relay-forward messages included an Interface-id option, the server

copies that option to the Relay-reply message. The server unicasts

the Relay-reply message directly to the relay agent using the address

in the source address field from the IP datagram in which the

Relay-forward message was received.

19. DHCP Server-Initiated Configuration Exchange

A server initiates a configuration exchange to cause DHCP clients to

obtain new addresses and other configuration information. For

example, an administrator may use a server-initiated configuration

exchange when links in the DHCP domain are to be renumbered. Other

examples include changes in the location of Directory servers,

addition of new services such as printing, and availability of new


19.1. Server Behavior

A server sends a Reconfigure message to cause a client to initiate

immediately a Renew/Reply or Information-request/Reply message

exchange with the server.

19.1.1. Creation and Transmission of Reconfigure Messages

The server sets the "msg-type" field to RECONFIGURE. The server sets

the transaction-id field to 0. The server includes a Server

Identifier option containing its DUID and a Client Identifier option

containing the client's DUID in the Reconfigure message.

The server MAY include an Option Request option to inform the client

of what information has been changed or new information that has been

added. In particular, the server specifies the IA option in the

Option Request option if the server wants the client to obtain new

address information. If the server identifies the IA option in the

Option Request option, the server MUST include an IA option that

contains no other sub-options to identify each IA that is to be

reconfigured on the client.

Because of the risk of denial of service attacks against DHCP

clients, the use of a security mechanism is mandated in Reconfigure

messages. The server MUST use DHCP authentication in the Reconfigure


The server MUST include a Reconfigure Message option (defined in

section 22.19) to select whether the client responds with a Renew

message or an Information-Request message.

The server MUST NOT include any other options in the Reconfigure

except as specifically allowed in the definition of individual


A server sends each Reconfigure message to a single DHCP client,

using an IPv6 unicast address of sufficient scope belonging to the

DHCP client. If the server does not have an address to which it can

send the Reconfigure message directly to the client, the server uses

a Relay-reply message (as described in section 20.3) to send the

Reconfigure message to a relay agent that will relay the message to

the client. The server may obtain the address of the client (and the

appropriate relay agent, if required) through the information the

server has about clients that have been in contact with the server,

or through some external agent.

To reconfigure more than one client, the server unicasts a separate

message to each client. The server may initiate the reconfiguration

of multiple clients concurrently; for example, a server may send a

Reconfigure message to additional clients while previous

reconfiguration message exchanges are still in progress.

The Reconfigure message causes the client to initiate a Renew/Reply

or Information-request/Reply message exchange with the server. The

server interprets the receipt of a Renew or Information-request

message (whichever was specified in the original Reconfigure message)

from the client as satisfying the Reconfigure message request.

19.1.2. Time Out and Retransmission of Reconfigure Messages

If the server does not receive a Renew or Information-request message

from the client in REC_TIMEOUT milliseconds, the server retransmits

the Reconfigure message, doubles the REC_TIMEOUT value and waits

again. The server continues this process until REC_MAX_RC

unsuccessful attempts have been made, at which point the server

SHOULD abort the reconfigure process for that client.

Default and initial values for REC_TIMEOUT and REC_MAX_RC are

documented in section 5.5.

19.2. Receipt of Renew Messages

The server generates and sends a Reply message to the client as

described in sections 18.2.3 and 18.2.8, including options for

configuration parameters.

The server MAY include options containing the IAs and new values for

other configuration parameters in the Reply message, even if those

IAs and parameters were not requested in the Renew message from the


19.3. Receipt of Information-request Messages

The server generates and sends a Reply message to the client as

described in sections 18.2.5 and 18.2.8, including options for

configuration parameters.

The server MAY include options containing new values for other

configuration parameters in the Reply message, even if those

parameters were not requested in the Information-request message from

the client.

19.4. Client Behavior

A client receives Reconfigure messages sent to the UDP port 546 on

interfaces for which it has acquired configuration information

through DHCP. These messages may be sent at any time. Since the

results of a reconfiguration event may affect application layer

programs, the client SHOULD log these events, and MAY notify these

programs of the change through an implementation-specific interface.

19.4.1. Receipt of Reconfigure Messages

Upon receipt of a valid Reconfigure message, the client responds with

either a Renew message or an Information-request message as indicated

by the Reconfigure Message option (as defined in section 22.19). The

client ignores the transaction-id field in the received Reconfigure

message. While the transaction is in progress, the client silently

discards any Reconfigure messages it receives.


The Reconfigure message acts as a trigger that signals the client

to complete a successful message exchange. Once the client has

received a Reconfigure, the client proceeds with the message

exchange (retransmitting the Renew or Information-request message

if necessary); the client ignores any additional Reconfigure

messages until the exchange is complete. Subsequent Reconfigure

messages cause the client to initiate a new exchange.

How does this mechanism work in the face of duplicated or

retransmitted Reconfigure messages? Duplicate messages will be

ignored because the client will begin the exchange after the

receipt of the first Reconfigure. Retransmitted messages will

either trigger the exchange (if the first Reconfigure was not

received by the client) or will be ignored. The server can

discontinue retransmission of Reconfigure messages to the client

once the server receives the Renew or Information-request message

from the client.

It might be possible for a duplicate or retransmitted Reconfigure

to be sufficiently delayed (and delivered out of order) to arrive

at the client after the exchange (initiated by the original

Reconfigure) has been completed. In this case, the client would

initiate a redundant exchange. The likelihood of delayed and out

of order delivery is small enough to be ignored. The consequence

of the redundant exchange is inefficiency rather than incorrect


19.4.2. Creation and Transmission of Renew Messages

When responding to a Reconfigure, the client creates and sends the

Renew message in exactly the same manner as outlined in section

18.1.3, with the exception that the client copies the Option Request

option and any IA options from the Reconfigure message into the Renew


19.4.3. Creation and Transmission of Information-request Messages

When responding to a Reconfigure, the client creates and sends the

Information-request message in exactly the same manner as outlined in

section 18.1.5, with the exception that the client includes a Server

Identifier option with the identifier from the Reconfigure message to

which the client is responding.

19.4.4. Time Out and Retransmission of Renew or Information-request


The client uses the same variables and retransmission algorithm as it

does with Renew or Information-request messages generated as part of

a client-initiated configuration exchange. See sections 18.1.3 and

18.1.5 for details. If the client does not receive a response from

the server by the end of the retransmission process, the client

ignores and discards the Reconfigure message.

19.4.5. Receipt of Reply Messages

Upon the receipt of a valid Reply message, the client processes the

options and sets (or resets) configuration parameters appropriately.

The client records and updates the lifetimes for any addresses

specified in IAs in the Reply message.

20. Relay Agent Behavior

The relay agent MAY be configured to use a list of destination

addresses, which MAY include unicast addresses, the All_DHCP_Servers

multicast address, or other addresses selected by the network

administrator. If the relay agent has not been explicitly

configured, it MUST use the All_DHCP_Servers multicast address as the


If the relay agent relays messages to the All_DHCP_Servers multicast

address or other multicast addresses, it sets the Hop Limit field to


20.1. Relaying a Client Message or a Relay-forward Message

A relay agent relays both messages from clients and Relay-forward

messages from other relay agents. When a relay agent receives a

valid message to be relayed, it constructs a new Relay-forward

message. The relay agent copies the source address from the header

of the IP datagram in which the message was received to the

peer-address field of the Relay-forward message. The relay agent

copies the received DHCP message (excluding any IP or UDP headers)

into a Relay Message option in the new message. The relay agent adds

to the Relay-forward message any other options it is configured to


20.1.1. Relaying a Message from a Client

If the relay agent received the message to be relayed from a client,

the relay agent places a global or site-scoped address with a prefix

assigned to the link on which the client should be assigned an

address in the link-address field. This address will be used by the

server to determine the link from which the client should be assigned

an address and other configuration information. The hop-count in the

Relay-forward message is set to 0.

If the relay agent cannot use the address in the link-address field

to identify the interface through which the response to the client

will be relayed, the relay agent MUST include an Interface-id option

(see section 22.18) in the Relay-forward message. The server will

include the Interface-id option in its Relay-reply message. The

relay agent fills in the link-address field as described in the

previous paragraph regardless of whether the relay agent includes an

Interface-id option in the Relay-forward message.

20.1.2. Relaying a Message from a Relay Agent

If the message received by the relay agent is a Relay-forward message

and the hop-count in the message is greater than or equal to

HOP_COUNT_LIMIT, the relay agent discards the received message.

The relay agent copies the source address from the IP datagram in

which the message was received from the client into the peer-address

field in the Relay-forward message and sets the hop-count field to

the value of the hop-count field in the received message incremented

by 1.

If the source address from the IP datagram header of the received

message is a global or site-local address (and the device on which

the relay agent is running belongs to only one site), the relay agent

sets the link-address field to 0; otherwise the relay agent sets the

link-address field to a global or site-local address assigned to the

interface on which the message was received, or includes an

Interface-ID option to identify the interface on which the message

was received.

20.2. Relaying a Relay-reply Message

The relay agent processes any options included in the Relay-reply

message in addition to the Relay Message option, and then discards

those options.

The relay agent extracts the message from the Relay Message option

and relays it to the address contained in the peer-address field of

the Relay-reply message.

If the Relay-reply message includes an Interface-id option, the relay

agent relays the message from the server to the client on the link

identified by the Interface-id option. Otherwise, if the

link-address field is not set to zero, the relay agent relays the

message on the link identified by the link-address field.

20.3. Construction of Relay-reply Messages

A server uses a Relay-reply message to return a response to a client

if the original message from the client was relayed to the server in

a Relay-forward message or to send a Reconfigure message to a client

if the server does not have an address it can use to send the message

directly to the client.

A response to the client MUST be relayed through the same relay

agents as the original client message. The server causes this to

happen by creating a Relay-reply message that includes a Relay

Message option containing the message for the next relay agent in the

return path to the client. The contained Relay-reply message

contains another Relay Message option to be sent to the next relay

agent, and so on. The server must record the contents of the

peer-address fields in the received message so it can construct the

appropriate Relay-reply message carrying the response from the


For example, if client C sent a message that was relayed by relay

agent A to relay agent B and then to the server, the server would

send the following Relay-Reply message to relay agent B:

msg-type: RELAY-REPLY

hop-count: 1

link-address: 0

peer-address: A

Relay Message option, containing:

msg-type: RELAY-REPLY

hop-count: 0

link-address: address from link to which C is attached

peer-address: C

Relay Message option: <response from server>

When sending a Reconfigure message to a client through a relay agent,

the server creates a Relay-reply message that includes a Relay

Message option containing the Reconfigure message for the next relay

agent in the return path to the client. The server sets the

peer-address field in the Relay-reply message header to the address

of the client, and sets the link-address field as required by the

relay agent to relay the Reconfigure message to the client. The

server obtains the addresses of the client and the relay agent

through prior interaction with the client or through some external


21. Authentication of DHCP Messages

Some network administrators may wish to provide authentication of the

source and contents of DHCP messages. For example, clients may be

subject to denial of service attacks through the use of bogus DHCP

servers, or may simply be misconfigured due to unintentionally

instantiated DHCP servers. Network administrators may wish to

constrain the allocation of addresses to authorized hosts to avoid

denial of service attacks in "hostile" environments where the network

medium is not physically secured, such as wireless networks or

college residence halls.

The DHCP authentication mechanism is based on the design of

authentication for DHCPv4 [4].

21.1. Security of Messages Sent Between Servers and Relay Agents

Relay agents and servers that exchange messages securely use the

IPsec mechanisms for IPv6 [7]. If a client message is relayed

through multiple relay agents, each of the relay agents must have

established independent, pairwise trust relationships. That is, if

messages from client C will be relayed by relay agent A to relay

agent B and then to the server, relay agents A and B must be

configured to use IPSec for the messages they exchange, and relay

agent B and the server must be configured to use IPSec for the

messages they exchange.

Relay agents and servers that support secure relay agent to server or

relay agent to relay agent communication use IPsec under the

following conditions:

Selectors Relay agents are manually configured with the

addresses of the relay agent or server to which

DHCP messages are to be forwarded. Each relay

agent and server that will be using IPsec for

securing DHCP messages must also be configured

with a list of the relay agents to which messages

will be returned. The selectors for the relay

agents and servers will be the pairs of addresses

defining relay agents and servers that exchange

DHCP messages on the DHCPv6 UDP ports 546 and


Mode Relay agents and servers use transport mode and

ESP. The information in DHCP messages is not

generally considered confidential, so encryption

need not be used (i.e., NULL encryption can be


Key management Because the relay agents and servers are used

within an organization, public key schemes are

not necessary. Because the relay agents and

servers must be manually configured, manually

configured key management may suffice, but does

not provide defense against replayed messages.

Accordingly, IKE with preshared secrets SHOULD be

supported. IKE with public keys MAY be


Security policy DHCP messages between relay agents and servers

should only be accepted from DHCP peers as

identified in the local configuration.

Authentication Shared keys, indexed to the source IP address of

the received DHCP message, are adequate in this


Availability Appropriate IPsec implementations are likely to

be available for servers and for relay agents in

more featureful devices used in enterprise and

core ISP networks. IPsec is less likely to be

available for relay agents in low end devices

primarily used in the home or small Office


21.2. Summary of DHCP Authentication

Authentication of DHCP messages is accomplished through the use of

the Authentication option (see section 22.11). The authentication

information carried in the Authentication option can be used to

reliably identify the source of a DHCP message and to confirm that

the contents of the DHCP message have not been tampered with.

The Authentication option provides a framework for multiple

authentication protocols. Two such protocols are defined here.

Other protocols defined in the future will be specified in separate


Any DHCP message MUST NOT include more than one Authentication


The protocol field in the Authentication option identifies the

specific protocol used to generate the authentication information

carried in the option. The algorithm field identifies a specific

algorithm within the authentication protocol; for example, the

algorithm field specifies the hash algorithm used to generate the

message authentication code (MAC) in the authentication option. The

replay detection method (RDM) field specifies the type of replay

detection used in the replay detection field.

21.3. Replay Detection

The Replay Detection Method (RDM) field determines the type of replay

detection used in the Replay Detection field.

If the RDM field contains 0x00, the replay detection field MUST be

set to the value of a monotonically increasing counter. Using a

counter value, such as the current time of day (for example, an NTP-

format timestamp [9]), can reduce the danger of replay attacks. This

method MUST be supported by all protocols.

21.4. Delayed Authentication Protocol

If the protocol field is 2, the message is using the "delayed

authentication" mechanism. In delayed authentication, the client

requests authentication in its Solicit message, and the server

replies with an Advertise message that includes authentication

information. This authentication information contains a nonce value

generated by the source as a message authentication code (MAC) to

provide message authentication and entity authentication.

The use of a particular technique based on the HMAC protocol [8]

using the MD5 hash [16] is defined here.

21.4.1. Use of the Authentication Option in the Delayed Authentication


In a Solicit message, the client fills in the protocol, algorithm and

RDM fields in the Authentication option with the client's

preferences. The client sets the replay detection field to zero and

omits the authentication information field. The client sets the

option-len field to 11.

In all other messages, the protocol and algorithm fields identify the

method used to construct the contents of the authentication

information field. The RDM field identifies the method used to

construct the contents of the replay detection field.

The format of the Authentication information is:

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


DHCP realm

(variable length)

. .

. .


key ID



(128 bits)


DHCP realm The DHCP realm that identifies the key used to

generate the HMAC-MD5 value.

key ID The key identifier that identified the key used to

generate the HMAC-MD5 value.

HMAC-MD5 The message authentication code generated by applying

MD5 to the DHCP message using the key identified by

the DHCP realm, client DUID, and key ID.

The sender computes the MAC using the HMAC generation algorithm [8]

and the MD5 hash function [16]. The entire DHCP message (setting the

MAC field of the authentication option to zero), including the DHCP

message header and the options field, is used as input to the HMAC-

MD5 computation function.


Algorithm 1 specifies the use of HMAC-MD5. Use of a different

technique, such as HMAC-SHA, will be specified as a separate


The DHCP realm used to identify authentication keys is chosen to

be unique among administrative domains. Use of the DHCP realm

allows DHCP administrators to avoid conflict in the use of key

identifiers, and allows a host using DHCP to use authenticated

DHCP while roaming among DHCP administrative domains.

21.4.2. Message Validation

Any DHCP message that includes more than one authentication option

MUST be discarded.

To validate an incoming message, the receiver first checks that the

value in the replay detection field is acceptable according to the

replay detection method specified by the RDM field. Next, the

receiver computes the MAC as described in [8]. The entire DHCP

message (setting the MAC field of the authentication option to 0) is

used as input to the HMAC-MD5 computation function. If the MAC

computed by the receiver does not match the MAC contained in the

authentication option, the receiver MUST discard the DHCP message.

21.4.3. Key Utilization

Each DHCP client has a set of keys. Each key is identified by <DHCP

realm, client DUID, key id>. Each key also has a lifetime. The key

may not be used past the end of its lifetime. The client's keys are

initially distributed to the client through some out-of-band

mechanism. The lifetime for each key is distributed with the key.

Mechanisms for key distribution and lifetime specification are beyond

the scope of this document.

The client and server use one of the client's keys to authenticate

DHCP messages during a session (until the next Solicit message sent

by the client).

21.4.4. Client Considerations for Delayed Authentication Protocol

The client announces its intention to use DHCP authentication by

including an Authentication option in its Solicit message. The

server selects a key for the client based on the client's DUID. The

client and server use that key to authenticate all DHCP messages

exchanged during the session. Sending Solicit Messages

When the client sends a Solicit message and wishes to use

authentication, it includes an Authentication option with the desired

protocol, algorithm and RDM as described in section 21.4. The client

does not include any replay detection or authentication information

in the Authentication option. Receiving Advertise Messages

The client validates any Advertise messages containing an

Authentication option specifying the delayed authentication protocol

using the validation test described in section 21.4.2.

Client behavior, if no Advertise messages include authentication

information or pass the validation test, is controlled by local

policy on the client. According to client policy, the client MAY

choose to respond to an Advertise message that has not been


The decision to set local policy to accept unauthenticated messages

should be made with care. Accepting an unauthenticated Advertise

message can make the client vulnerable to spoofing and other attacks.

If local users are not explicitly informed that the client has

accepted an unauthenticated Advertise message, the users may

incorrectly assume that the client has received an authenticated

address and is not subject to DHCP attacks through unauthenticated


A client MUST be configurable to discard unauthenticated messages,

and SHOULD be configured by default to discard unauthenticated

messages if the client has been configured with an authentication key

or other authentication information. A client MAY choose to

differentiate between Advertise messages with no authentication

information and Advertise messages that do not pass the validation

test; for example, a client might accept the former and discard the

latter. If a client does accept an unauthenticated message, the

client SHOULD inform any local users and SHOULD log the event. Sending Request, Confirm, Renew, Rebind, Decline or Release


If the client authenticated the Advertise message through which the

client selected the server, the client MUST generate authentication

information for subsequent Request, Confirm, Renew, Rebind or Release

messages sent to the server, as described in section 21.4. When the

client sends a subsequent message, it MUST use the same key used by

the server to generate the authentication information. Sending Information-request Messages

If the server has selected a key for the client in a previous message

exchange (see section, the client MUST use the same key to

generate the authentication information throughout the session. Receiving Reply Messages

If the client authenticated the Advertise it accepted, the client

MUST validate the associated Reply message from the server. The

client MUST discard the Reply if the message fails to pass the

validation test and MAY log the validation failure. If the Reply

fails to pass the validation test, the client MUST restart the DHCP

configuration process by sending a Solicit message.

If the client accepted an Advertise message that did not include

authentication information or did not pass the validation test, the

client MAY accept an unauthenticated Reply message from the server. Receiving Reconfigure Messages

The client MUST discard the Reconfigure if the message fails to pass

the validation test and MAY log the validation failure.

21.4.5. Server Considerations for Delayed Authentication Protocol

After receiving a Solicit message that contains an Authentication

option, the server selects a key for the client, based on the

client's DUID and key selection policies with which the server has

been configured. The server identifies the selected key in the

Advertise message and uses the key to validate subsequent messages

between the client and the server. Receiving Solicit Messages and Sending Advertise Messages

The server selects a key for the client and includes authentication

information in the Advertise message returned to the client as

specified in section 21.4. The server MUST record the identifier of

the key selected for the client and use that same key for validating

subsequent messages with the client. Receiving Request, Confirm, Renew, Rebind or Release Messages

and Sending Reply Messages

The server uses the key identified in the message and validates the

message as specified in section 21.4.2. If the message fails to pass

the validation test or the server does not know the key identified by

the 'key ID' field, the server MUST discard the message and MAY

choose to log the validation failure.

If the message passes the validation test, the server responds to the

specific message as described in section 18.2. The server MUST

include authentication information generated using the key identified

in the received message, as specified in section 21.4.

21.5. Reconfigure Key Authentication Protocol

The Reconfigure key authentication protocol provides protection

against misconfiguration of a client caused by a Reconfigure message

sent by a malicious DHCP server. In this protocol, a DHCP server

sends a Reconfigure Key to the client in the initial exchange of DHCP

messages. The client records the Reconfigure Key for use in

authenticating subsequent Reconfigure messages from that server. The

server then includes an HMAC computed from the Reconfigure Key in

subsequent Reconfigure messages.

Both the Reconfigure Key sent from the server to the client and the

HMAC in subsequent Reconfigure messages are carried as the

Authentication information in an Authentication option. The format

of the Authentication information is defined in the following


The Reconfigure Key protocol is used (initiated by the server) only

if the client and server are not using any other authentication

protocol and the client and server have negotiated to use Reconfigure


21.5.1. Use of the Authentication Option in the Reconfigure Key

Authentication Protocol

The following fields are set in an Authentication option for the

Reconfigure Key Authentication Protocol:

protocol 3

algorithm 1


The format of the Authentication information for the Reconfigure Key

Authentication Protocol is:

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Type Value (128 bits)


. .

. .

. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+


Type Type of data in Value field carried in this option:

1 Reconfigure Key value (used in Reply message).

2 HMAC-MD5 digest of the message (used in Reconfigure


Value Data as defined by field.

21.5.2. Server considerations for Reconfigure Key protocol

The server selects a Reconfigure Key for a client during the

Request/Reply, Solicit/Reply or Information-request/Reply message

exchange. The server records the Reconfigure Key and transmits that

key to the client in an Authentication option in the Reply message.

The Reconfigure Key is 128 bits long, and MUST be a cryptographically

strong random or pseudo-random number that cannot easily be


To provide authentication for a Reconfigure message, the server

selects a replay detection value according to the RDM selected by the

server, and computes an HMAC-MD5 of the Reconfigure message using the

Reconfigure Key for the client. The server computes the HMAC-MD5

over the entire DHCP Reconfigure message, including the

Authentication option; the HMAC-MD5 field in the Authentication

option is set to zero for the HMAC-MD5 computation. The server

includes the HMAC-MD5 in the authentication information field in an

Authentication option included in the Reconfigure message sent to the


21.5.3. Client considerations for Reconfigure Key protocol

The client will receive a Reconfigure Key from the server in the

initial Reply message from the server. The client records the

Reconfigure Key for use in authenticating subsequent Reconfigure


To authenticate a Reconfigure message, the client computes an

HMAC-MD5 over the DHCP Reconfigure message, using the Reconfigure Key

received from the server. If this computed HMAC-MD5 matches the

value in the Authentication option, the client accepts the

Reconfigure message.

22. DHCP Options

Options are used to carry additional information and parameters in

DHCP messages. Every option shares a common base format, as

described in section 22.1. All values in options are represented in

network byte order.

This document describes the DHCP options defined as part of the base

DHCP specification. Other options may be defined in the future in

separate documents.

Unless otherwise noted, each option may appear only in the options

area of a DHCP message and may appear only once. If an option does

appear multiple times, each instance is considered separate and the

data areas of the options MUST NOT be concatenated or otherwise


22.1. Format of DHCP Options

The format of DHCP options is:

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


option-code option-len



(option-len octets)


option-code An unsigned integer identifying the specific option

type carried in this option.

option-len An unsigned integer giving the length of the

option-data field in this option in octets.

option-data The data for the option; the format of this data

depends on the definition of the option.

DHCPv6 options are scoped by using encapsulation. Some options apply

generally to the client, some are specific to an IA, and some are

specific to the addresses within an IA. These latter two cases are

discussed in sections 22.4 and 22.6.

22.2. Client Identifier Option

The Client Identifier option is used to carry a DUID (see section 9)

identifying a client between a client and a server. The format of

the Client Identifier option is:

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1




. .

. DUID .

. (variable length) .

. .


option-code OPTION_CLIENTID (1).

option-len Length of DUID in octets.

DUID The DUID for the client.

22.3. Server Identifier Option

The Server Identifier option is used to carry a DUID (see section 9)

identifying a server between a client and a server. The format of

the Server Identifier option is:

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1




. .

. DUID .

. (variable length) .

. .


option-code OPTION_SERVERID (2).

option-len Length of DUID in octets.

DUID The DUID for the server.

22.4. Identity Association for Non-temporary Addresses Option

The Identity Association for Non-temporary Addresses option (IA_NA

option) is used to carry an IA_NA, the parameters associated with the

IA_NA, and the non-temporary addresses associated with the IA_NA.

Addresses appearing in an IA_NA option are not temporary addresses

(see section 22.5).

The format of the IA_NA option is:

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


OPTION_IA_NA option-len


IAID (4 octets)






. IA_NA-options .

. .


option-code OPTION_IA_NA (3).

option-len 12 + length of IA_NA-options field.

IAID The unique identifier for this IA_NA; the

IAID must be unique among the identifiers for

all of this client's IA_NAs. The number

space for IA_NA IAIDs is separate from the

number space for IA_TA IAIDs.

T1 The time at which the client contacts the

server from which the addresses in the IA_NA

were obtained to extend the lifetimes of the

addresses assigned to the IA_NA; T1 is a

time duration relative to the current time

expressed in units of seconds.

T2 The time at which the client contacts any

available server to extend the lifetimes of

the addresses assigned to the IA_NA; T2 is a

time duration relative to the current time

expressed in units of seconds.

IA_NA-options Options associated with this IA_NA.

The IA_NA-options field encapsulates those options that are specific

to this IA_NA. For example, all of the IA Address Options carrying

the addresses associated with this IA_NA are in the IA_NA-options


An IA_NA option may only appear in the options area of a DHCP

message. A DHCP message may contain multiple IA_NA options.

The status of any operations involving this IA_NA is indicated in a

Status Code option in the IA_NA-options field.

Note that an IA_NA has no explicit "lifetime" or "lease length" of

its own. When the valid lifetimes of all of the addresses in an

IA_NA have expired, the IA_NA can be considered as having expired.

T1 and T2 are included to give servers explicit control over when a

client recontacts the server about a specific IA_NA.

In a message sent by a client to a server, values in the T1 and T2

fields indicate the client's preference for those parameters. The

client sets T1 and T2 to 0 if it has no preference for those values.

In a message sent by a server to a client, the client MUST use the

values in the T1 and T2 fields for the T1 and T2 parameters, unless

those values in those fields are 0. The values in the T1 and T2

fields are the number of seconds until T1 and T2.

The server selects the T1 and T2 times to allow the client to extend

the lifetimes of any addresses in the IA_NA before the lifetimes

expire, even if the server is unavailable for some short period of

time. Recommended values for T1 and T2 are .5 and .8 times the

shortest preferred lifetime of the addresses in the IA that the

server is willing to extend, respectively. If the "shortest"

preferred lifetime is 0xffffffff ("infinity"), the recommended T1 and

T2 values are also 0xffffffff. If the time at which the addresses in

an IA_NA are to be renewed is to be left to the discretion of the

client, the server sets T1 and T2 to 0.

If a server receives an IA_NA with T1 greater than T2, and both T1

and T2 are greater than 0, the server ignores the invalid values of

T1 and T2 and processes the IA_NA as though the client had set T1 and

T2 to 0.

If a client receives an IA_NA with T1 greater than T2, and both T1

and T2 are greater than 0, the client discards the IA_NA option and

processes the remainder of the message as though the server had not

included the invalid IA_NA option.

Care should be taken in setting T1 or T2 to 0xffffffff ("infinity").

A client will never attempt to extend the lifetimes of any addresses

in an IA with T1 set to 0xffffffff. A client will never attempt to

use a Rebind message to locate a different server to extend the

lifetimes of any addresses in an IA with T2 set to 0xffffffff.

22.5. Identity Association for Temporary Addresses Option

The Identity Association for the Temporary Addresses (IA_TA) option

is used to carry an IA_TA, the parameters associated with the IA_TA

and the addresses associated with the IA_TA. All of the addresses in

this option are used by the client as temporary addresses, as defined

in RFC3041 [12]. The format of the IA_TA option is:

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


OPTION_IA_TA option-len


IAID (4 octets)


. IA_TA-options .

. .


option-code OPTION_IA_TA (4).

option-len 4 + length of IA_TA-options field.

IAID The unique identifier for this IA_TA; the

IAID must be unique among the identifiers

for all of this client's IA_TAs. The number

space for IA_TA IAIDs is separate from the

number space for IA_NA IAIDs.

IA_TA-options Options associated with this IA_TA.

The IA_TA-Options field encapsulates those options that are specific

to this IA_TA. For example, all of the IA Address Options carrying

the addresses associated with this IA_TA are in the IA_TA-options


Each IA_TA carries one "set" of temporary addresses; that is, at most

one address from each prefix assigned to the link to which the client

is attached.

An IA_TA option may only appear in the options area of a DHCP

message. A DHCP message may contain multiple IA_TA options.

The status of any operations involving this IA_TA is indicated in a

Status Code option in the IA_TA-options field.

Note that an IA has no explicit "lifetime" or "lease length" of its

own. When the valid lifetimes of all of the addresses in an IA_TA

have expired, the IA can be considered as having expired.

An IA_TA option does not include values for T1 and T2. A client MAY

request that the lifetimes on temporary addresses be extended by

including the addresses in a IA_TA option sent in a Renew or Rebind

message to a server. For example, a client would request an

extension on the lifetime of a temporary address to allow an

application to continue to use an established TCP connection.

The client obtains new temporary addresses by sending an IA_TA option

with a new IAID to a server. Requesting new temporary addresses from

the server is the equivalent of generating new temporary addresses as

described in RFC3041. The server will generate new temporary

addresses and return them to the client. The client should request

new temporary addresses before the lifetimes on the previously

assigned addresses expire.

A server MUST return the same set of temporary address for the same

IA_TA (as identified by the IAID) as long as those addresses are

still valid. After the lifetimes of the addresses in an IA_TA have

expired, the IAID may be reused to identify a new IA_TA with new

temporary addresses.

This option MAY appear in a Confirm message if the lifetimes on the

temporary addresses in the associated IA have not expired.

22.6. IA Address Option

The IA Address option is used to specify IPv6 addresses associated

with an IA_NA or an IA_TA. The IA Address option must be

encapsulated in the Options field of an IA_NA or IA_TA option. The

Options field encapsulates those options that are specific to this


The format of the IA Address option is:

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


OPTION_IAADDR option-len


IPv6 address






. .

. IAaddr-options .

. .


option-code OPTION_IAADDR (5).

option-len 24 + length of IAaddr-options field.

IPv6 address An IPv6 address.

preferred-lifetime The preferred lifetime for the IPv6 address in

the option, expressed in units of seconds.

valid-lifetime The valid lifetime for the IPv6 address in the

option, expressed in units of seconds.

IAaddr-options Options associated with this address.

In a message sent by a client to a server, values in the preferred

and valid lifetime fields indicate the client's preference for those

parameters. The client may send 0 if it has no preference for the

preferred and valid lifetimes. In a message sent by a server to a

client, the client MUST use the values in the preferred and valid

lifetime fields for the preferred and valid lifetimes. The values in

the preferred and valid lifetimes are the number of seconds remaining

in each lifetime.

A client discards any addresses for which the preferred lifetime is

greater than the valid lifetime. A server ignores the lifetimes set

by the client if the preferred lifetime is greater than the valid

lifetime and ignores the values for T1 and T2 set by the client if

those values are greater than the preferred lifetime.

Care should be taken in setting the valid lifetime of an address to

0xffffffff ("infinity"), which amounts to a permanent assignment of

an address to a client.

An IA Address option may appear only in an IA_NA option or an IA_TA

option. More than one IA Address Option can appear in an IA_NA

option or an IA_TA option.

The status of any operations involving this IA Address is indicated

in a Status Code option in the IAaddr-options field.

22.7. Option Request Option

The Option Request option is used to identify a list of options in a

message between a client and a server. The format of the Option

Request option is:

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


OPTION_ORO option-len


requested-option-code-1 requested-option-code-2




option-code OPTION_ORO (6).

option-len 2 * number of requested options.

requested-option-code-n The option code for an option requested by

the client.

A client MAY include an Option Request option in a Solicit, Request,

Renew, Rebind, Confirm or Information-request message to inform the

server about options the client wants the server to send to the

client. A server MAY include an Option Request option in a

Reconfigure option to indicate which options the client should

request from the server.

22.8. Preference Option

The Preference option is sent by a server to a client to affect the

selection of a server by the client.

The format of the Preference option is:

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1






option-code OPTION_PREFERENCE (7).

option-len 1.

pref-value The preference value for the server in this message.

A server MAY include a Preference option in an Advertise message to

control the selection of a server by the client. See section 17.1.3

for the use of the Preference option by the client and the

interpretation of Preference option data value.

22.9. Elapsed Time Option

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1






option-code OPTION_ELAPSED_TIME (8).

option-len 2.

elapsed-time The amount of time since the client began its

current DHCP transaction. This time is expressed in

hundredths of a second (10^-2 seconds).

A client MUST include an Elapsed Time option in messages to indicate

how long the client has been trying to complete a DHCP message

exchange. The elapsed time is measured from the time at which the

client sent the first message in the message exchange, and the

elapsed-time field is set to 0 in the first message in the message

exchange. Servers and Relay Agents use the data value in this option

as input to policy controlling how a server responds to a client

message. For example, the elapsed time option allows a secondary

DHCP server to respond to a request when a primary server has not

answered in a reasonable time. The elapsed time value is an

unsigned, 16 bit integer. The client uses the value 0xffff to

represent any elapsed time values greater than the largest time value

that can be represented in the Elapsed Time option.

22.10. Relay Message Option

The Relay Message option carries a DHCP message in a Relay-forward or

Relay-reply message.

The format of the Relay Message option is:

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1




. DHCP-relay-message .

. .

. .


option-code OPTION_RELAY_MSG (9)

option-len Length of DHCP-relay-message

DHCP-relay-message In a Relay-forward message, the received

message, relayed verbatim to the next relay agent

or server; in a Relay-reply message, the message to

be copied and relayed to the relay agent or client

whose address is in the peer-address field of the

Relay-reply message

22.11. Authentication Option

The Authentication option carries authentication information to

authenticate the identity and contents of DHCP messages. The use of

the Authentication option is described in section 21. The format of

the Authentication option is:

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


OPTION_AUTH option-len


protocol algorithm RDM


replay detection (64 bits) +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+



. authentication information .

. (variable length) .


option-code OPTION_AUTH (11)

option-len 11 + length of authentication

information field

protocol The authentication protocol used in

this authentication option

algorithm The algorithm used in the

authentication protocol

RDM The replay detection method used in

this authentication option

Replay detection The replay detection information for

the RDM

authentication information The authentication information,

as specified by the protocol and

algorithm used in this authentication


22.12. Server Unicast Option

The server sends this option to a client to indicate to the client

that it is allowed to unicast messages to the server. The format of

the Server Unicast option is:

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1






option-code OPTION_UNICAST (12).

option-len 16.

server-address The IP address to which the client should send

messages delivered using unicast.

The server specifies the IPv6 address to which the client is to send

unicast messages in the server-address field. When a client receives

this option, where permissible and appropriate, the client sends

messages directly to the server using the IPv6 address specified in

the server-address field of the option.

When the server sends a Unicast option to the client, some messages

from the client will not be relayed by Relay Agents, and will not

include Relay Agent options from the Relay Agents. Therefore, a

server should only send a Unicast option to a client when Relay

Agents are not sending Relay Agent options. A DHCP server rejects

any messages sent inappropriately using unicast to ensure that

messages are relayed by Relay Agents when Relay Agent options are in


Details about when the client may send messages to the server using

unicast are in section 18.

22.13. Status Code Option

This option returns a status indication related to the DHCP message

or option in which it appears. The format of the Status Code option


0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1






. .

. status-message .

. .


option-code OPTION_STATUS_CODE (13).

option-len 2 + length of status-message.

status-code The numeric code for the status encoded in

this option. The status codes are defined in

section 24.4.

status-message A UTF-8 encoded text string suitable for

display to an end user, which MUST NOT be


A Status Code option may appear in the options field of a DHCP

message and/or in the options field of another option. If the Status

Code option does not appear in a message in which the option could

appear, the status of the message is assumed to be Success.

22.14. Rapid Commit Option

The Rapid Commit option is used to signal the use of the two message

exchange for address assignment. The format of the Rapid Commit

option is:

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1




option-code OPTION_RAPID_COMMIT (14).

option-len 0.

A client MAY include this option in a Solicit message if the client

is prepared to perform the Solicit-Reply message exchange described

in section 17.1.1.

A server MUST include this option in a Reply message sent in response

to a Solicit message when completing the Solicit-Reply message



Each server that responds with a Reply to a Solicit that includes

a Rapid Commit option will commit the assigned addresses in the

Reply message to the client, and will not receive any confirmation

that the client has received the Reply message. Therefore, if

more than one server responds to a Solicit that includes a Rapid

Commit option, some servers will commit addresses that are not

actually used by the client.

The problem of unused addresses can be minimized, for example, by

designing the DHCP service so that only one server responds to the

Solicit or by using relatively short lifetimes for assigned


22.15. User Class Option

The User Class option is used by a client to identify the type or

category of user or applications it represents.

The format of the User Class option is:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1




. .

. user-class-data .

. .


option-code OPTION_USER_CLASS (15).

option-len Length of user class data field.

user-class-data The user classes carried by the client.

The information contained in the data area of this option is

contained in one or more opaque fields that represent the user class

or classes of which the client is a member. A server selects

configuration information for the client based on the classes

identified in this option. For example, the User Class option can be

used to configure all clients of people in the accounting department

with a different printer than clients of people in the marketing

department. The user class information carried in this option MUST

be configurable on the client.

The data area of the user class option MUST contain one or more

instances of user class data. Each instance of the user class data

is formatted as follows:


user-class-len opaque-data


The user-class-len is two octets long and specifies the length of the

opaque user class data in network byte order.

A server interprets the classes identified in this option according

to its configuration to select the appropriate configuration

information for the client. A server may use only those user classes

that it is configured to interpret in selecting configuration

information for a client and ignore any other user classes. In

response to a message containing a User Class option, a server

includes a User Class option containing those classes that were

successfully interpreted by the server, so that the client can be

informed of the classes interpreted by the server.

22.16. Vendor Class Option

This option is used by a client to identify the vendor that

manufactured the hardware on which the client is running. The

information contained in the data area of this option is contained in

one or more opaque fields that identify details of the hardware

configuration. The format of the Vendor Class option is:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1






. .

. vendor-class-data .

. . . . .


option-code OPTION_VENDOR_CLASS (16).

option-len 4 + length of vendor class data field.

enterprise-number The vendor's registered Enterprise Number as

registered with IANA [6].

vendor-class-data The hardware configuration of the host on

which the client is running.

The vendor-class-data is composed of a series of separate items, each

of which describes some characteristic of the client's hardware

configuration. Examples of vendor-class-data instances might include

the version of the operating system the client is running or the

amount of memory installed on the client.

Each instance of the vendor-class-data is formatted as follows:


vendor-class-len opaque-data


The vendor-class-len is two octets long and specifies the length of

the opaque vendor class data in network byte order.

22.17. Vendor-specific Information Option

This option is used by clients and servers to exchange

vendor-specific information.

The format of the Vendor-specific Information option is:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1






. .

. option-data .

. .


option-code OPTION_VENDOR_OPTS (17)

option-len 4 + length of option-data field

enterprise-number The vendor's registered Enterprise Number as

registered with IANA [6].

option-data An opaque object of option-len octets,

interpreted by vendor-specific code on the

clients and servers

The definition of the information carried in this option is vendor

specific. The vendor is indicated in the enterprise-number field.

Use of vendor-specific information allows enhanced operation,

utilizing additional features in a vendor's DHCP implementation. A

DHCP client that does not receive requested vendor-specific

information will still configure the host device's IPv6 stack to be


The encapsulated vendor-specific options field MUST be encoded as a

sequence of code/length/value fields of identical format to the DHCP

options field. The option codes are defined by the vendor identified

in the enterprise-number field and are not managed by IANA. Each of

the encapsulated options is formatted as follows:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


opt-code option-len


. .

. option-data .

. .


opt-code The code for the encapsulated option.

option-len An unsigned integer giving the length of the

option-data field in this encapsulated option

in octets.

option-data The data area for the encapsulated option.

Multiple instances of the Vendor-specific Information option may

appear in a DHCP message. Each instance of the option is interpreted

according to the option codes defined by the vendor identified by the

Enterprise Number in that option.

22.18. Interface-Id Option

The relay agent MAY send the Interface-id option to identify the

interface on which the client message was received. If a relay agent

receives a Relay-reply message with an Interface-id option, the relay

agent relays the message to the client through the interface

identified by the option.

The format of the Interface ID option is:

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1




. .

. interface-id .

. .


option-code OPTION_INTERFACE_ID (18).

option-len Length of interface-id field.

interface-id An opaque value of arbitrary length generated

by the relay agent to identify one of the

relay agent's interfaces.

The server MUST copy the Interface-Id option from the Relay-Forward

message into the Relay-Reply message the server sends to the relay

agent in response to the Relay-Forward message. This option MUST NOT

appear in any message except a Relay-Forward or Relay-Reply message.

Servers MAY use the Interface-ID for parameter assignment policies.

The Interface-ID SHOULD be considered an opaque value, with policies

based on exact match only; that is, the Interface-ID SHOULD NOT be

internally parsed by the server. The Interface-ID value for an

interface SHOULD be stable and remain unchanged, for example, after

the relay agent is restarted; if the Interface-ID changes, a server

will not be able to use it reliably in parameter assignment policies.

22.19. Reconfigure Message Option

A server includes a Reconfigure Message option in a Reconfigure

message to indicate to the client whether the client responds with a

Renew message or an Information-request message. The format of this

option is:

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1






option-code OPTION_RECONF_MSG (19).

option-len 1.

msg-type 5 for Renew message, 11 for

Information-request message.

The Reconfigure Message option can only appear in a Reconfigure


22.20. Reconfigure Accept Option

A client uses the Reconfigure Accept option to announce to the server

whether the client is willing to accept Reconfigure messages, and a

server uses this option to tell the client whether or not to accept

Reconfigure messages. The default behavior, in the absence of this

option, means unwillingness to accept Reconfigure messages, or

instruction not to accept Reconfigure messages, for the client and

server messages, respectively. The following figure gives the format

of the Reconfigure Accept option:

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1




option-code OPTION_RECONF_ACCEPT (20).

option-len 0.

23. Security Considerations

The threat to DHCP is inherently an insider threat (assuming a

properly configured network where DHCPv6 ports are blocked on the

perimeter gateways of the enterprise). Regardless of the gateway

configuration, however, the potential attacks by insiders and

outsiders are the same.

Use of manually configured preshared keys for IPsec between relay

agents and servers does not defend against replayed DHCP messages.

Replayed messages can represent a DOS attack through exhaustion of

processing resources, but not through mis-configuration or exhaustion

of other resources such as assignable addresses.

One attack specific to a DHCP client is the establishment of a

malicious server with the intent of providing incorrect configuration

information to the client. The motivation for doing so may be to

mount a "man in the middle" attack that causes the client to

communicate with a malicious server instead of a valid server for

some service such as DNS or NTP. The malicious server may also mount

a denial of service attack through misconfiguration of the client

that causes all network communication from the client to fail.

There is another threat to DHCP clients from mistakenly or

accidentally configured DHCP servers that answer DHCP client requests

with unintentionally incorrect configuration parameters.

A DHCP client may also be subject to attack through the receipt of a

Reconfigure message from a malicious server that causes the client to

obtain incorrect configuration information from that server. Note

that although a client sends its response (Renew or

Information-request message) through a relay agent and, therefore,

that response will only be received by servers to which DHCP messages

are relayed, a malicious server could send a Reconfigure message to a

client, followed (after an appropriate delay) by a Reply message that

would be accepted by the client. Thus, a malicious server that is

not on the network path between the client and the server may still

be able to mount a Reconfigure attack on a client. The use of

transaction IDs that are cryptographically sound and cannot easily be

predicted will also reduce the probability that such an attack will

be successful.

The threat specific to a DHCP server is an invalid client

masquerading as a valid client. The motivation for this may be for

theft of service, or to circumvent auditing for any number of

nefarious purposes.

The threat common to both the client and the server is the resource

"denial of service" (DoS) attack. These attacks typically involve

the exhaustion of available addresses, or the exhaustion of CPU or

network bandwidth, and are present anytime there is a shared


In the case where relay agents add additional options to Relay

Forward messages, the messages exchanged between relay agents and

servers may be used to mount a "man in the middle" or denial of

service attack.

This threat model does not consider the privacy of the contents of

DHCP messages to be important. DHCP is not used to exchange

authentication or configuration information that must be kept secret

from other networks nodes.

DHCP authentication provides for authentication of the identity of

DHCP clients and servers, and for the integrity of messages delivered

between DHCP clients and servers. DHCP authentication does not

provide any privacy for the contents of DHCP messages.

The Delayed Authentication protocol described in section 21.4 uses a

secret key that is shared between a client and a server. The use of

a "DHCP realm" in the shared key allows identification of

administrative domains so that a client can select the appropriate

key or keys when roaming between administrative domains. However,

the Delayed Authentication protocol does not define any mechanism for

sharing of keys, so a client may require separate keys for each

administrative domain it encounters. The use of shared keys may not

scale well and does not provide for repudiation of compromised keys.

This protocol is focused on solving the intradomain problem where the

out-of-band exchange of a shared key is feasible.

Because of the opportunity for attack through the Reconfigure

message, a DHCP client MUST discard any Reconfigure message that does

not include authentication or that does not pass the validation

process for the authentication protocol.

The Reconfigure Key protocol described in section 21.5 provides

protection against the use of a Reconfigure message by a malicious

DHCP server to mount a denial of service or man-in-the-middle attack

on a client. This protocol can be compromised by an attacker that

can intercept the initial message in which the DHCP server sends the

key to the client.

Communication between a server and a relay agent, and communication

between relay agents, can be secured through the use of IPSec, as

described in section 21.1. The use of manual configuration and

installation of static keys are acceptable in this instance because

relay agents and the server will belong to the same administrative

domain and the relay agents will require other specific configuration

(for example, configuration of the DHCP server address) as well as

the IPSec configuration.

24. IANA Considerations

This document defines several new name spaces associated with DHCPv6

and DHCPv6 options:

- Message types

- Status codes


- Option codes

IANA has established a registry of values for each of these name

spaces, which are described in the remainder of this section. These

name spaces will be managed by the IANA and all will be managed

separately from the name spaces defined for DHCPv4.

New multicast addresses, message types, status codes, and DUID types

are assigned via Standards Action [11].

New DHCP option codes are tentatively assigned after the

specification for the associated option, published as an Internet

Draft, has received expert review by a designated expert [11]. The

final assignment of DHCP option codes is through Standards Action, as

defined in RFC2434 [11].

This document also references three name spaces in section 21 that

are associated with the Authentication Option (section 22.11). These

name spaces are defined by the authentication mechanism for DHCPv4 in

RFC3118 [4].

The authentication name spaces currently registered by IANA will

apply to both DHCPv6 and DHCPv4. In the future, specifications that

define new Protocol, Algorithm and RDM mechanisms will explicitly

define whether the new mechanisms are used with DHCPv4, DHCPv6 or


24.1. Multicast Addresses

Section 5.1 defines the following multicast addresses, which have

been assigned by IANA for use by DHCPv6:

All_DHCP_Relay_Agents_and_Servers address: FF02::1:2

All_DHCP_Servers address: FF05::1:3

24.2. DHCP Message Types

IANA has recorded the following message types (defined in section

5.3). IANA will maintain the registry of DHCP message types.














24.3. DHCP Options

IANA has recorded the following option-codes (as defined in section

22). IANA will maintain the registry of DHCP option codes.




















24.4. Status Codes

IANA has recorded the status codes defined in the following table.

IANA will manage the definition of additional status codes in the


Name Code Description

---------- ---- -----------

Success 0 Success.

UnspecFail 1 Failure, reason unspecified; this

status code is sent by either a client

or a server to indicate a failure

not explicitly specified in this


NoAddrsAvail 2 Server has no addresses available to assign to

the IA(s).

NoBinding 3 Client record (binding) unavailable.

NotOnLink 4 The prefix for the address is not appropriate for

the link to which the client is attached.

UseMulticast 5 Sent by a server to a client to force the

client to send messages to the server.

using the All_DHCP_Relay_Agents_and_Servers


24.5. DUID

IANA has recorded the following DUID types (as defined in section

9.1). IANA will manage the definition of additional DUID types in

the future.




25. Acknowledgments

Thanks to the DHC Working Group and the members of the IETF for their

time and input into the specification. In particular, thanks also

for the consistent input, ideas, and review by (in alphabetical

order) Bernard Aboba, Bill Arbaugh, Thirumalesh Bhat, Steve Bellovin,

A. K. Vijayabhaskar, Brian Carpenter, Matt Crawford, Francis Dupont,

Richard Hussong, Kim Kinnear, Fredrik Lindholm, Tony Lindstrom, Josh

Littlefield, Gerald Maguire, Jack McCann, Shin Miyakawa, Thomas

Narten, Erik Nordmark, Jarno Rajahalme, Yakov Rekhter, Mark Stapp,

Matt Thomas, Sue Thomson, Tatuya Jinmei and Phil Wells.

Thanks to Steve Deering and Bob Hinden, who have consistently taken

the time to discuss the more complex parts of the IPv6


And, thanks to Steve Deering for pointing out at IETF 51 in London

that the DHCPv6 specification has the highest revision number of any

Internet Draft.

26. References

26.1. Normative References

[1] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement

Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

[2] Crawford, M., "Transmission of IPv6 Packets over Ethernet

Networks", RFC2464, December 1998.

[3] Deering, S. and R. Hinden, "Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6)

Specification", RFC2460, December 1998.

[4] Droms, R., Ed. and W. Arbaugh, Ed., "Authentication for DHCP

Messages", RFC3118, June 2001.

[5] Hinden, R. and S. Deering, "IP Version 6 Addressing

Architecture", RFC2373, July 1998.

[6] IANA. Private Enterprise Numbers.


[7] Kent, S. and R. Atkinson, "Security Architecture for the

Internet Protocol", RFC2401, November 1998.

[8] Krawczyk, H., Bellare, M. and R. Canetti, "HMAC: Keyed-Hashing

for Message Authentication", RFC2104, February 1997.

[9] Mills, D., "Network Time Protocol (Version 3) Specification,

Implementation", RFC1305, March 1992.

[10] Mockapetris, P., "Domain names - implementation and

specification", RFC1035, November 1987.

[11] Narten, T. and H. Alvestrand, "Guidelines for Writing an IANA

Considerations Section in RFCs", BCP 26, RFC2434, October 1998.

[12] Narten, T. and R. Draves, "Privacy Extensions for Stateless

Address Autoconfiguration in IPv6", RFC3041, January 2001.

[13] Narten, T., Nordmark, E. and W. Simpson, "Neighbor Discovery for

IP Version 6 (IPv6)", RFC2461, December 1998.

[14] Plummer, D.C., "Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol: Or

converting network protocol addresses to 48.bit Ethernet address

for transmission on Ethernet hardware", STD 37, RFC826,

November 1982.

[15] Postel, J., "User Datagram Protocol", STD 6, RFC768, August


[16] Rivest, R., "The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm", RFC1321, April


[17] Thomson, S. and T. Narten, "IPv6 Stateless Address

Autoconfiguration", RFC2462, December 1998.

26.2. Informative References

[18] Alexander, S. and R. Droms, "DHCP Options and BOOTP Vendor

Extensions", RFC2132, March 1997.

[19] Droms, R., "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol", RFC2131,

March 1997.

[20] R. Droms, Ed. DNS Configuration options for DHCPv6. April

2002. Work in Progress.

[21] A. K. Vijayabhaskar. Time Configuration Options for DHCPv6.

May 2002. Work in Progress.

[22] Vixie, P., Ed., Thomson, S., Rekhter, Y. and J. Bound, "Dynamic

Updates in the Domain Name System (DNS UPDATE)", RFC2136, April


A. Appearance of Options in Message Types

The following table indicates with a "*" the options are allowed in

each DHCP message type:

Client Server IA_NA Option Pref Time Relay Auth. Server

ID ID IA_TA Request Msg. Unica.

Solicit * * * * *

Advert. * * * * *

Request * * * * * *

Confirm * * * * *

Renew * * * * * *

Rebind * * * * *

Decline * * * * * *

Release * * * * * *

Reply * * * * * *

Reconf. * * * *

Inform. * (see note) * * *

R-forw. * *

R-repl. * *


Only included in Information-Request messages that are sent

in response to a Reconfigure (see section 19.4.3).

Status Rap. User Vendor Vendor Inter. Recon. Recon.

Code Comm. Class Class Spec. ID Msg. Accept

Solicit * * * * *

Advert. * * * * *

Request * * * *

Confirm * * *

Renew * * * *

Rebind * * * *

Decline * * *

Release * * *

Reply * * * * * *

Reconf. *

Inform. * * * *

R-forw. * * * *

R-repl. * * * *

B. Appearance of Options in the Options Field of DHCP Options

The following table indicates with a "*" where options can appear in

the options field of other options:

Option IA_NA/ IAADDR Relay Relay

Field IA_TA Forw. Reply

Client ID *

Server ID *




Preference *

Elapsed Time *

Relay Message * *

Authentic. *

Server Uni. *

Status Code * * *

Rapid Comm. *

User Class *

Vendor Class *

Vendor Info. *

Interf. ID * *

Reconf. MSG. *

Reconf. Accept *

Note: "Relay Forw" / "Relay Reply" options appear in the options

field of the message but may only appear in these messages.

Chair's Address

The working group can be contacted via the current chair:

Ralph Droms

Cisco Systems

1414 Massachusetts Avenue

Boxborough, MA 01719

Phone: (978) 936-1674

EMail: rdroms@cisco.com

Authors' Addresses

Jim Bound

Hewlett Packard Corporation


110 Spit Brook Road

Nashua, NH 03062-2698


Phone: +1 603 884 0062

EMail: Jim.Bound@hp.com

Bernie Volz

116 Hawkins Pond Road

Center Harbor, NH 03226-3103


Phone: +1-508-259-3734

EMail: volz@metrocast.net

Ted Lemon

Nominum, Inc.

950 Charter Street

Redwood City, CA 94043


EMail: Ted.Lemon@nominum.com

Charles E. Perkins

Communications Systems Lab

Nokia Research Center

313 Fairchild Drive

Mountain View, California 94043


Phone: +1-650 625-2986

EMail: charles.perkins@nokia.com

Mike Carney

Sun Microsystems, Inc

17 Network Circle

Menlo Park, CA 94025


Phone: +1-650-786-4171

EMail: michael.carney@sun.com

Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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