
RFC3460 - Policy Core Information Model (PCIM) Extensions

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group B. Moore, Ed.

Request for Comments: 3460 IBM

Updates: 3060 January 2003

Category: Standards Track

Policy Core Information Model (PCIM) Extensions

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003). All Rights Reserved.


This document specifies a number of changes to the Policy Core

Information Model (PCIM, RFC3060). Two types of changes are

included. First, several completely new elements are introdUCed, for

example, classes for header filtering, that extend PCIM into areas

that it did not previously cover. Second, there are cases where

elements of PCIM (for example, policy rule priorities) are

deprecated, and replacement elements are defined (in this case,

priorities tied to associations that refer to policy rules). Both

types of changes are done in such a way that, to the extent possible,

interoperability with implementations of the original PCIM model is

preserved. This document updates RFC3060.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction....................................................5

2. Changes since RFC3060..........................................5

3. Overview of the Changes.........................................6

3.1. How to Change an Information Model.........................6

3.2. List of Changes to the Model...............................6

3.2.1. Changes to PolicyRepository.........................6

3.2.2. Additional Associations and Additional Reusable


3.2.3. Priorities and Decision Strategies..................7

3.2.4. Policy Roles........................................8

3.2.5. CompoundPolicyConditions and


3.2.6. Variables and Values................................9

3.2.7. Domain-Level Packet Filtering.......................9

3.2.8. Device-Level Packet Filtering.......................9

4. The Updated Class and Association Class Hierarchies............10

5. Areas of Extension to PCIM.....................................13

5.1. Policy Scope..............................................13

5.1.1. Levels of Abstraction: Domain- and Device-Level


5.1.2. Administrative and Functional Scopes...............14

5.2. Reusable Policy Elements..................................15

5.3. Policy Sets...............................................16

5.4. Nested Policy Rules.......................................16

5.4.1. Usage Rules for Nested Rules.......................17

5.4.2. Motivation.........................................17

5.5. Priorities and Decision Strategies........................18

5.5.1. Structuring Decision Strategies....................19

5.5.2. Side Effects.......................................21

5.5.3. Multiple PolicySet Trees For a Resource............21

5.5.4. Deterministic Decisions............................22

5.6. Policy Roles..............................................23

5.6.1. Comparison of Roles in PCIM with Roles in


5.6.2. Addition of PolicyRoleCollection to PCIMe..........24

5.6.3. Roles for PolicyGroups.............................25

5.7. Compound Policy Conditions and Compound Policy Actions....27

5.7.1. Compound Policy Conditions.........................27

5.7.2. Compound Policy Actions............................27

5.8. Variables and Values......................................28

5.8.1. Simple Policy Conditions...........................29

5.8.2. Using Simple Policy Conditions.....................29

5.8.3. The Simple Condition Operator......................31

5.8.4. SimplePolicyActions................................33

5.8.5. Policy Variables...................................35

5.8.6. EXPlicitly Bound Policy Variables..................36

5.8.7. Implicitly Bound Policy Variables..................37

5.8.8. Structure and Usage of Pre-Defined Variables.......38

5.8.9. Rationale for Modeling Implicit Variables

as Classes.........................................39

5.8.10. Policy Values.....................................40

5.9. Packet Filtering..........................................41

5.9.1. Domain-Level Packet Filters........................41

5.9.2. Device-Level Packet Filters........................42

5.10. Conformance to PCIM and PCIMe............................43

6. Class Definitions..............................................44

6.1. The Abstract Class "PolicySet"............................44

6.2. Update PCIM's Class "PolicyGroup".........................45

6.3. Update PCIM's Class "PolicyRule"..........................45

6.4. The Class "SimplePolicyCondition".........................46

6.5. The Class "CompoundPolicyCondition".......................47

6.6. The Class "CompoundFilterCondition".......................47

6.7. The Class "SimplePolicyAction"............................48

6.8. The Class "CompoundPolicyAction"..........................48

6.9. The Abstract Class "PolicyVariable".......................50

6.10. The Class "PolicyExplicitVariable".......................50

6.10.1. The Single-Valued Property "ModelClass"...........51

6.10.2. The Single-Valued Property ModelProperty..........51

6.11. The Abstract Class "PolicyImplicitVariable"..............51

6.11.1. The Multi-Valued Property "ValueTypes"............52

6.12. Subclasses of "PolicyImplicitVariable" Specified

in PCIMe.................................................52

6.12.1. The Class "PolicySourceIPv4Variable"..............52

6.12.2. The Class "PolicySourceIPv6Variable"..............52

6.12.3. The Class "PolicyDestinationIPv4Variable".........53

6.12.4. The Class "PolicyDestinationIPv6Variable".........53

6.12.5. The Class "PolicySourcePortVariable"..............54

6.12.6. The Class "PolicyDestinationPortVariable".........54

6.12.7. The Class "PolicyIPProtocolVariable"..............54

6.12.8. The Class "PolicyIPVersionVariable"...............55

6.12.9. The Class "PolicyIPToSVariable"...................55

6.12.10. The Class "PolicyDSCPVariable"...................55

6.12.11. The Class "PolicyFlowIdVariable".................56

6.12.12. The Class "PolicySourceMACVariable"..............56

6.12.13. The Class "PolicyDestinationMACVariable".........56

6.12.14. The Class "PolicyVLANVariable"...................56

6.12.15. The Class "PolicyCoSVariable"....................57

6.12.16. The Class "PolicyEthertypeVariable"..............57

6.12.17. The Class "PolicySourceSAPVariable"..............57

6.12.18. The Class "PolicyDestinationSAPVariable".........58

6.12.19. The Class "PolicySNAPOUIVariable"................58

6.12.20. The Class "PolicySNAPTypeVariable"...............59

6.12.21. The Class "PolicyFlowDirectionVariable"..........59

6.13. The Abstract Class "PolicyValue".........................59

6.14. Subclasses of "PolicyValue" Specified in PCIMe...........60

6.14.1. The Class "PolicyIPv4AddrValue"...................60

6.14.2. The Class "PolicyIPv6AddrValue....................61

6.14.3. The Class "PolicyMACAddrValue"....................62

6.14.4. The Class "PolicyStringValue".....................63

6.14.5. The Class "PolicyBitStringValue"..................63

6.14.6. The Class "PolicyIntegerValue"....................64

6.14.7. The Class "PolicyBooleanValue"....................65

6.15. The Class "PolicyRoleCollection".........................65

6.15.1. The Single-Valued Property "PolicyRole"...........66

6.16. The Class "ReusablePolicyContainer".................66

6.17. Deprecate PCIM's Class "PolicyRepository"................66

6.18. The Abstract Class "FilterEntryBase".....................67

6.19. The Class "IpHeadersFilter"..............................67

6.19.1. The Property HdrIpVersion.........................68

6.19.2. The Property HdrSrcAddress........................68

6.19.3. The Property HdrSrcAddressEndOfRange..............68

6.19.4. The Property HdrSrcMask...........................69

6.19.5. The Property HdrDestAddress.......................69

6.19.6. The Property HdrDestAddressEndOfRange.............69

6.19.7. The Property HdrDestMask..........................70

6.19.8. The Property HdrProtocolID........................70

6.19.9. The Property HdrSrcPortStart......................70

6.19.10. The Property HdrSrcPortEnd.......................70

6.19.11. The Property HdrDestPortStart....................71

6.19.12. The Property HdrDestPortEnd......................71

6.19.13. The Property HdrDSCP.............................72

6.19.14. The Property HdrFlowLabel.................... ...72

6.20. The Class "8021Filter"...................................72

6.20.1. The Property 8021HdrSrcMACAddr....................73

6.20.2. The Property 8021HdrSrcMACMask....................73

6.20.3. The Property 8021HdrDestMACAddr...................73

6.20.4. The Property 8021HdrDestMACMask...................73

6.20.5. The Property 8021HdrProtocolID....................74

6.20.6. The Property 8021HdrPriorityValue.................74

6.20.7. The Property 8021HdrVLANID........................74

6.21. The Class FilterList.....................................74

6.21.1. The Property Direction............................75

7. Association and Aggregation Definitions........................75

7.1. The Aggregation "PolicySetComponent"......................75

7.2. Deprecate PCIM's Aggregation "PolicyGroupInPolicyGroup"...76

7.3. Deprecate PCIM's Aggregation "PolicyRuleInPolicyGroup"....76

7.4. The Abstract Association "PolicySetInSystem"..............77

7.5. Update PCIM's Weak Association "PolicyGroupInSystem"......77

7.6. Update PCIM's Weak Association "PolicyRuleInSystem".......78

7.7. The Abstract Aggregation "PolicyConditionStructure".......79

7.8. Update PCIM's Aggregation "PolicyConditionInPolicyRule"...79

7.9. The Aggregation "PolicyConditionInPolicyCondition"........79

7.10. The Abstract Aggregation "PolicyActionStructure".........80

7.11. Update PCIM's Aggregation "PolicyActionInPolicyRule".....80

7.12. The Aggregation "PolicyActionInPolicyAction".............80

7.13. The Aggregation "PolicyVariableInSimplePolicyCondition"..80

7.14. The Aggregation "PolicyValueInSimplePolicyCondition".....81

7.15. The Aggregation "PolicyVariableInSimplePolicyAction".....82

7.16. The Aggregation "PolicyValueInSimplePolicyAction"........83

7.17. The Association "ReusablePolicy".........................83

7.18. Deprecate PCIM's "PolicyConditionInPolicyRepository".....84

7.19. Deprecate PCIM's "PolicyActionInPolicyRepository"........84

7.20. The Association ExpectedPolicyValuesForVariable..........84

7.21. The Aggregation "ContainedDomain"........................85

7.22. Deprecate PCIM's "PolicyRepositoryInPolicyRepository"....86

7.23. The Aggregation "EntriesInFilterList"....................86

7.23.1. The Reference GroupComponent......................86

7.23.2. The Reference PartComponent.......................87

7.23.3. The Property EntrySequence........................87

7.24. The Aggregation "ElementInPolicyRoleCollection"..........87

7.25. The Weak Association "PolicyRoleCollectionInSystem"......87

8. Intellectual Property..........................................88

9. Acknowledgements..............................................89

10. Contributors..................................................89

11. Security Considerations.......................................91

12. Normative References..........................................91

13. Informative References........................................91

Author's Address..................................................92

Full Copyright Statement..........................................93

1. Introduction

This document specifies a number of changes to the Policy Core

Information Model (PCIM), RFC3060 [1]. Two types of changes are

included. First, several completely new elements are introduced, for

example, classes for header filtering, that extend PCIM into areas

that it did not previously cover. Second, there are cases where

elements of PCIM (for example, policy rule priorities) are

deprecated, and replacement elements are defined (in this case,

priorities tied to associations that refer to policy rules). Both

types of changes are done in such a way that, to the extent possible,

interoperability with implementations of the original PCIM model is




document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14, RFC2119 [8].

2. Changes since RFC3060

Section 3.2 contains a short discussion of the changes that this

document makes to the RFC3060 information model. Here is a very

brief list of the changes:

1. Deprecate and replace PolicyRepository and its associations.

2. Clarify and expand the ways that PolicyRules and PolicyGroups are


3. Change how prioritization for PolicyRules is represented, and

introduce administrator-specified decision strategies for rule


4. Expand the role of PolicyRoles, and introduce a means of

associating a PolicyRole with a resource.

5. Introduce compound policy conditions and compound policy actions

into the model.

6. Introduce variables and values into the model.

7. Introduce variable and value subclasses for packet-header


8. Introduce classes for device-level packet-header filtering.

3. Overview of the Changes

3.1. How to Change an Information Model

The Policy Core Information Model is closely aligned with the DMTF's

CIM Core Policy model. Since there is no separately documented set

of rules for specifying IETF information models such as PCIM, it is

reasonable to look to the CIM specifications for guidance on how to

modify and extend the model. Among the CIM rules for changing an

information model are the following. Note that everything said here

about "classes" applies to association classes (including

aggregations) as well as to non- association classes.

o Properties may be added to existing classes.

o Classes, and individual properties, may be marked as DEPRECATED.

If there is a replacement feature for the deprecated class or

property, it is identified explicitly. Otherwise the notation "No

value" is used. In this document, the notation "DEPRECATED FOR

<feature-name>" is used to indicate that a feature has been

deprecated, and to identify its replacement feature.

o Classes may be inserted into the inheritance hierarchy above

existing classes, and properties from the existing classes may

then be "pulled up" into the new classes. The net effect is that

the existing classes have exactly the same properties they had

before, but the properties are inherited rather than defined

explicitly in the classes.

o New subclasses may be defined below existing classes.

3.2. List of Changes to the Model

The following subsections provide a very brief overview of the

changes to PCIM defined in PCIMe. In several cases, the origin of

the change is noted, as QPIM [11], ICPM [12], or QDDIM [15].

3.2.1. Changes to PolicyRepository

Because of the potential for confusion with the Policy Framework

component Policy Repository (from the four-box picture: Policy

Management Tool, Policy Repository, PDP, PEP), "PolicyRepository" is

a bad name for the PCIM class representing a container of reusable

policy elements. Thus the class PolicyRepository is being replaced

with the class ReusablePolicyContainer. To accomplish this change,

it is necessary to deprecate the PCIM class PolicyRepository and its

three associations, and replace them with a new class

ReusablePolicyContainer and new associations. As a separate change,

the associations for ReusablePolicyContainer are being broadened, to

allow a ReusablePolicyContainer to contain any reusable policy

elements. In PCIM, the only associations defined for a

PolicyRepository were for it to contain reusable policy conditions

and policy actions.

3.2.2. Additional Associations and Additional Reusable Elements

The PolicyRuleInPolicyRule and PolicyGroupInPolicyRule aggregations

have, in effect, been imported from QPIM. ("In effect" because these

two aggregations, as well as PCIM's two aggregations

PolicyGroupInPolicyGroup and PolicyRuleInPolicyGroup, are all being

combined into a single aggregation PolicySetComponent.) These

aggregations make it possible to define larger "chunks" of reusable

policy to place in a ReusablePolicyContainer. These aggregations

also introduce new semantics representing the contextual implications

of having one PolicyRule executing within the scope of another


3.2.3. Priorities and Decision Strategies

Drawing from both QPIM and ICPM, the Priority property has been

deprecated in PolicyRule, and placed instead on the aggregation

PolicySetComponent. The QPIM rules for resolving relative priorities

across nested PolicyGroups and PolicyRules have been incorporated

into PCIMe as well. With the removal of the Priority property from

PolicyRule, a new modeling dependency is introduced. In order to

prioritize a PolicyRule/PolicyGroup relative to other

PolicyRules/PolicyGroups, the elements being prioritized must all

reside in one of three places: in a common PolicyGroup, in a common

PolicyRule, or in a common System.

In the absence of any clear, general criterion for detecting policy

conflicts, the PCIM restriction stating that priorities are relevant

only in the case of conflicts is being removed. In its place, a

PolicyDecisionStrategy property has been added to the PolicyGroup and

PolicyRule classes. This property allows policy administrator to

select one of two behaviors with respect to rule evaluation: either

perform the actions for all PolicyRules whose conditions evaluate to

TRUE, or perform the actions only for the highest-priority PolicyRule

whose conditions evaluate to TRUE. (This is accomplished by placing

the PolicyDecisionStrategy property in an abstract class PolicySet,

from which PolicyGroup and PolicyRule are derived.) The QPIM rules

for applying decision strategies to a nested set of PolicyGroups and

PolicyRules have also been imported.

3.2.4. Policy Roles

The concept of policy roles is added to PolicyGroups (being present

already in the PolicyRule class). This is accomplished via a new

superclass for both PolicyRules and PolicyGroups - PolicySet. For

nested PolicyRules and PolicyGroups, any roles associated with the

outer rule or group are automatically "inherited" by the nested one.

Additional roles may be added at the level of a nested rule or group.

It was also observed that there is no mechanism in PCIM for assigning

roles to resources. For example, while it is possible in PCIM to

associate a PolicyRule with the role "FrameRelay&&WAN", there is no

way to indicate which interfaces match this criterion. A new

PolicyRoleCollection class has been defined in PCIMe, representing

the collection of resources associated with a particular role. The

linkage between a PolicyRule or PolicyGroup and a set of resources is

then represented by an instance of PolicyRoleCollection. Equivalent

values should be defined in the PolicyRoles property of PolicyRules

and PolicyGroups, and in the PolicyRole property in


3.2.5. CompoundPolicyConditions and CompoundPolicyActions

The concept of a CompoundPolicyCondition has also been imported into

PCIMe from QPIM, and broadened to include a parallel

CompoundPolicyAction. In both cases the idea is to create reusable

"chunks" of policy that can exist as named elements in a

ReusablePolicyContainer. The "Compound" classes and their

associations incorporate the condition and action semantics that PCIM

defined at the PolicyRule level: DNF/CNF for conditions, and ordering

for actions.

Compound conditions and actions are defined to work with any

component conditions and actions. In other words, while the

components may be instances, respectively, of SimplePolicyCondition

and SimplePolicyAction (discussed immediately below), they need not


3.2.6. Variables and Values

The SimplePolicyCondition / PolicyVariable / PolicyValue structure

has been imported into PCIMe from QPIM. A list of PCIMe-level

variables is defined, as well as a list of PCIMe-level values. Other

variables and values may, if necessary, be defined in submodels of

PCIMe. For example, QPIM defines a set of implicit variables

corresponding to fields in RSVP flows.

A corresponding SimplePolicyAction / PolicyVariable / PolicyValue

structure is also defined. While the semantics of a

SimplePolicyCondition are "variable matches value", a

SimplePolicyAction has the semantics "set variable to value".

3.2.7. Domain-Level Packet Filtering

For packet filtering specified at the domain level, a set of

PolicyVariables and PolicyValues are defined, corresponding to the

fields in an IP packet header plus the most common Layer 2 frame

header fields. It is expected that domain-level policy conditions

that filter on these header fields will be expressed in terms of

CompoundPolicyConditions built up from SimplePolicyConditions that

use these variables and values. An additional PolicyVariable,

PacketDirection, is also defined, to indicate whether a packet being

filtered is traveling inbound or outbound on an interface.

3.2.8. Device-Level Packet Filtering

For packet filtering expressed at the device level, including the

packet classifier filters modeled in QDDIM, the variables and values

discussed in Section 3.2.7 need not be used. Filter classes derived

from the CIM FilterEntryBase class hierarchy are available for use in

these contexts. These latter classes have two important differences

from the domain-level classes:

o They support specification of filters for all of the fields in a

particular protocol header in a single object instance. With the

domain-level classes, separate instances are needed for each

header field.

o They provide native representations for the filter values, as

opposed to the string representation used by the domain-level


Device-level filter classes for the IP-related headers (IP, UDP, and

TCP) and the 802 MAC headers are defined, respectively, in Sections

6.19 and 6.20.

4. The Updated Class and Association Class Hierarchies

The following figure shows the class inheritance hierarchy for PCIMe.

Changes from the PCIM hierarchy are noted parenthetically.

ManagedElement (abstract)

+--Policy (abstract)

+---PolicySet (abstract -- new - 5.3)

+---PolicyGroup (moved - 5.3)

+---PolicyRule (moved - 5.3)

+---PolicyCondition (abstract)



+---SimplePolicyCondition (new - 5.8.1)

+---CompoundPolicyCondition (new - 5.7.1)

+---CompoundFilterCondition (new - 5.9)

+---PolicyAction (abstract)


+---SimplePolicyAction (new - 5.8.4)

+---CompoundPolicyAction (new - 5.7.2)

+---PolicyVariable (abstract -- new - 5.8.5)

+---PolicyExplicitVariable (new - 5.8.6)

+---PolicyImplicitVariable (abstract -- new - 5.8.7)

+---(suBTree of more specific classes -- new - 6.12)

+---PolicyValue (abstract -- new - 5.8.10)

+---(subtree of more specific classes -- new - 6.14)

+--Collection (abstract -- newly referenced)

+--PolicyRoleCollection (new - 5.6.2)


+--ManagedSystemElement (abstract)

+--LogicalElement (abstract)

+--System (abstract)

+--AdminDomain (abstract)

+---ReusablePolicyContainer (new - 5.2)

+---PolicyRepository (deprecated - 5.2)

+--FilterEntryBase (abstract -- new - 6.18)

+--IpHeadersFilter (new - 6.19)

+--8021Filter (new - 6.20)

+--FilterList (new - 6.21)

Figure 1. Class Inheritance Hierarchy for PCIMe

The following figure shows the association class hierarchy for PCIMe.

As before, changes from PCIM are noted parenthetically.


+---PolicyComponent (abstract)

+---PolicySetComponent (new - 5.3)

+---PolicyGroupInPolicyGroup (deprecated - 5.3)

+---PolicyRuleInPolicyGroup (deprecated - 5.3)

+---PolicyConditionStructure (abstract -- new - 5.7.1)

+---PolicyConditionInPolicyRule (moved - 5.7.1)

+---PolicyConditionInPolicyCondition (new - 5.7.1)


+---PolicyActionStructure (abstract -- new - 5.7.2)

+---PolicyActionInPolicyRule (moved - 5.7.2)

+---PolicyActionInPolicyAction (new - 5.7.2)

+---PolicyVariableInSimplePolicyCondition (new - 5.8.2)

+---PolicyValueInSimplePolicyCondition (new - 5.8.2)

+---PolicyVariableInSimplePolicyAction (new - 5.8.4)

+---PolicyValueInSimplePolicyAction (new - 5.8.4)


+---Dependency (abstract)

+---PolicyInSystem (abstract)

+---PolicySetInSystem (abstract, new - 5.3)



+---ReusablePolicy (new - 5.2)

+---PolicyConditionInPolicyRepository (deprecated - 5.2)

+---PolicyActionInPolicyRepository (deprecated - 5.2)

+---ExpectedPolicyValuesForVariable (new - 5.8)

+---PolicyRoleCollectionInSystem (new - 5.6.2)

+---Component (abstract)


+---ContainedDomain (new - 5.2)

+---PolicyRepositoryInPolicyRepository (deprecated - 5.2)

+---EntriesInFilterList (new - 7.23)

+---MemberOfCollection (newly referenced)

+--- ElementInPolicyRoleCollection (new - 5.6.2)

Figure 2. Association Class Inheritance Hierarchy for PCIMe

In addition to these changes that show up at the class and

association class level, there are other changes from PCIM involving

individual class properties. In some cases new properties are

introduced into existing classes, and in other cases existing

properties are deprecated (without deprecating the classes that

contain them).

5. Areas of Extension to PCIM

The following subsections describe each of the areas for which PCIM

extensions are being defined.

5.1. Policy Scope

Policy scopes may be thought of in two dimensions: 1) the level of

abstraction of the policy specification and 2) the applicability of

policies to a set of managed resources.

5.1.1. Levels of Abstraction: Domain- and Device-Level Policies

Policies vary in level of abstraction, from the business-level

expression of service level agreements (SLAs) to the specification of

a set of rules that apply to devices in a network. Those latter

policies can, themselves, be classified into at least two groups:

those policies consumed by a Policy Decision Point (PDP) that specify

the rules for an administrative and functional domain, and those

policies consumed by a Policy Enforcement Point (PEP) that specify

the device-specific rules for a functional domain. The higher-level

rules consumed by a PDP, called domain-level policies, may have late

binding variables unspecified, or specified by a classification,

whereas the device-level rules are likely to have fewer unresolved


There is a relationship between these levels of policy specification

that is out of scope for this standards effort, but that is necessary

in the development and deployment of a usable policy-based

configuration system. An SLA-level policy transformation to the

domain-level policy may be thought of as analogous to a visual

builder that takes human input and develops a programmatic rule

specification. The relationship between the domain-level policy and

the device-level policy may be thought of as analogous to that of a

compiler and linkage editor that translates the rules into specific

instructions that can be executed on a specific type of platform.

PCIM and PCIMe may be used to specify rules at any and all of these

levels of abstraction. However, at different levels of abstraction,

different mechanisms may be more or less appropriate.

5.1.2. Administrative and Functional Scopes

Administrative scopes for policy are represented in PCIM and in these

extensions to PCIM as System subclass instances. Typically, a

domain-level policy would be scoped by an AdminDomain instance (or by

a hierarchy of AdminDomain instances) whereas a device-level policy

might be scoped by a System instance that represents the PEP (e.g.,

an instance of ComputerSystem, see CIM [2]). In addition to

collecting policies into an administrative domain, these System

classes may also aggregate the resources to which the policies apply.

Functional scopes (sometimes referred to as functional domains) are

generally defined by the submodels derived from PCIM and PCIMe, and

correspond to the service or services to which the policies apply.

So, for example, Quality of Service may be thought of as a functional

scope, or Diffserv and Intserv may each be thought of as functional

scopes. These scoping decisions are represented by the structure of

the submodels derived from PCIM and PCIMe, and may be reflected in

the number and types of PEP policy client(s), services, and the

interaction between policies. Policies in different functional

scopes are organized into disjoint sets of policy rules. Different

functional domains may share some roles, some conditions, and even

some actions. The rules from different functional domains may even

be enforced at the same managed resource, but for the purposes of

policy evaluation they are separate. See section 5.5.3 for more


The functional scopes MAY be reflected in administrative scopes.

That is, deployments of policy may have different administrative

scopes for different functional scopes, but there is no requirement

to do so.

5.2. Reusable Policy Elements

In PCIM, a distinction was drawn between reusable PolicyConditions

and PolicyActions and rule-specific ones. The PolicyRepository class

was also defined, to serve as a container for these reusable

elements. The name "PolicyRepository" has proven to be an

unfortunate choice for the class that serves as a container for

reusable policy elements. This term is already used in documents

like the Policy Framework, to denote the location from which the PDP

retrieves all policy specifications, and into which the Policy

Management Tool places all policy specifications. Consequently, the

PolicyRepository class is being deprecated, in favor of a new class


When a class is deprecated, any associations that refer to it must

also be deprecated. So replacements are needed for the two

associations PolicyConditionInPolicyRepository and

PolicyActionInPolicyRepository, as well as for the aggregation

PolicyRepositoryInPolicyRepository. In addition to renaming the

PolicyRepository class to ReusablePolicyContainer, however, PCIMe is

also broadening the types of policy elements that can be reusable.

Consequently, rather than providing one-for-one replacements for the

two associations, a single higher-level association ReusablePolicy is

defined. This new association allows any policy element (that is, an

instance of any subclass of the abstract class Policy) to be placed

in a ReusablePolicyContainer.

Summarizing, the following changes in Sections 6 and 7 are the result

of this item:

o The class ReusablePolicyContainer is defined.

o PCIM's PolicyRepository class is deprecated.

o The association ReusablePolicy is defined.

o PCIM's PolicyConditionInPolicyRepository association is


o PCIM's PolicyActionInPolicyRepository association is deprecated.

o The aggregation ContainedDomain is defined.

o PCIM's PolicyRepositoryInPolicyRepository aggregation is


5.3. Policy Sets

A "policy" can be thought of as a coherent set of rules to

administer, manage, and control Access to network resources ("Policy

Terminology", reference [10]). The structuring of these coherent

sets of rules into subsets is enhanced in this document. In Section

5.4, we discuss the new options for the nesting of policy rules.

A new abstract class, PolicySet, is introduced to provide an

abstraction for a set of rules. It is derived from Policy, and it is

inserted into the inheritance hierarchy above both PolicyGroup and

PolicyRule. This reflects the additional structural flexibility and

semantic capability of both subclasses.

Two properties are defined in PolicySet: PolicyDecisionStrategy and

PolicyRoles. The PolicyDecisionStrategy property is included in

PolicySet to define the evaluation relationship among the rules in

the policy set. See Section 5.5 for more information. The

PolicyRoles property is included in PolicySet to characterize the

resources to which the PolicySet applies. See Section 5.6 for more


Along with the definition of the PolicySet class, a new concrete

aggregation class is defined that will also be discussed in the

following sections. PolicySetComponent is defined as a subclass of

PolicyComponent; it provides the containment relationship for a

PolicySet in a PolicySet. PolicySetComponent replaces the two PCIM

aggregations PolicyGroupInPolicyGroup and PolicyRuleInPolicyGroup, so

these two aggregations are deprecated.

A PolicySet's relationship to an AdminDomain or other administrative

scoping system (for example, a ComputerSystem) is represented by the

PolicySetInSystem abstract association. This new association is

derived from PolicyInSystem, and the PolicyGroupInSystem and

PolicyRuleInSystem associations are now derived from

PolicySetInSystem instead of directly from PolicyInSystem. The

PolicySetInSystem.Priority property is discussed in Section 5.5.3.

5.4. Nested Policy Rules

As previously discussed, policy is described by a set of policy rules

that may be grouped into subsets. In this section we introduce the

notion of nested rules, or the ability to define rules within rules.

Nested rules are also called sub-rules, and we use both terms in this

document interchangeably. The aggregation PolicySetComponent is used

to represent the nesting of a policy rule in another policy rule.

5.4.1. Usage Rules for Nested Rules

The relationship between rules and sub-rules is defined as follows:

o The parent rule's condition clause is a condition for evaluation

of all nested rules; that is, the conditions of the parent are

logically ANDed to the conditions of the sub-rules. If the parent

rule's condition clause evaluates to FALSE, sub-rules MAY be

skipped since they also evaluate to FALSE.

o If the parent rule's condition evaluates to TRUE, the set of sub-

rules SHALL BE evaluated according to the decision strategy and

priorities as discussed in Section 5.5.

o If the parent rule's condition evaluates to TRUE, the parent

rule's set of actions is executed BEFORE execution of the sub-

rules actions. The parent rule's actions are not to be confused

with default actions. A default action is one that is to be

executed only if none of the more specific sub-rules are executed.

If a default action needs to be specified, it needs to be defined

as an action that is part of a catchall sub-rule associated with

the parent rule. The association linking the default action(s) in

this special sub-rule should have the lowest priority relative to

all other sub-rule associations:

if parent-condition then parent rule's action

if condA then actA

if condB then ActB

if True then default action

Such a default action functions as a default when FirstMatching

decision strategies are in effect (see section 5.5). If

AllMatching applies, the "default" action is always performed.

o Policy rules have a context in which they are executed. The rule

engine evaluates and applies the policy rules in the context of

the managed resource(s) that are identified by the policy roles

(or by an explicit association). Submodels MAY add additional

context to policy rules based on rule structure; any such

additional context is defined by the semantics of the action

classes of the submodel.

5.4.2. Motivation

Rule nesting enhances Policy readability, expressiveness and

reusability. The ability to nest policy rules and form sub-rules is

important for manageability and scalability, as it enables complex

policy rules to be constructed from multiple simpler policy rules.

These enhancements ease the policy management tools' task, allowing

policy rules to be expressed in a way closer to how humans think.

Although rule nesting can be used to suggest optimizations in the way

policy rules are evaluated, as discussed in section 5.5.2 "Side

Effects," nesting does not specify nor does it require any particular

order of evaluation of conditions. Optimization of rule evaluation

can be done in the PDP or in the PEP by dedicated code. This is

similar to the relation between a high level programming language

like C and machine code. An optimizer can create a more efficient

machine code than any optimization done by the programmer within the

source code. Nevertheless, if the PEP or PDP does not do

optimization, the administrator writing the policy may be able to

influence the evaluation of the policy rules for execution using rule


Nested rules are not designed for policy repository retrieval

optimization. It is assumed that all rules and groups that are

assigned to a role are retrieved by the PDP or PEP from the policy

repository and enforced. Optimizing the number of rules retrieved

should be done by clever selection of roles.

5.5. Priorities and Decision Strategies

A "decision strategy" is used to specify the evaluation method for

the policies in a PolicySet. Two decision strategies are defined:

"FirstMatching" and "AllMatching." The FirstMatching strategy is

used to cause the evaluation of the rules in a set such that the only

actions enforced on a given examination of the PolicySet are those

for the first rule (that is, the rule with the highest priority) that

has its conditions evaluate to TRUE. The AllMatching strategy is

used to cause the evaluation of all rules in a set; for all of the

rules whose conditions evaluate to TRUE, the actions are enforced.

Implementations MUST support the FirstMatching decision strategy;

implementations MAY support the AllMatching decision strategy.

As previously discussed, the PolicySet subclasses are PolicyGroup and

PolicyRule: either subclass may contain PolicySets of either

subclass. Loops, including the degenerate case of a PolicySet that

contains itself, are not allowed when PolicySets contain other

PolicySets. The containment relationship is specified using the

PolicySetComponent aggregation.

The relative priority within a PolicySet is established by the

Priority property of the PolicySetComponent aggregation of the

contained PolicyGroup and PolicyRule instances. The use of PCIM's

PolicyRule.Priority property is deprecated in favor of this new

property. The separation of the priority property from the rule has

two advantages. First, it generalizes the concept of priority, so

that it can be used for both groups and rules. Second, it places the

priority on the relationship between the parent policy set and the

subordinate policy group or rule. The assignment of a priority value

then becomes much easier, in that the value is used only in

relationship to other priorities in the same set.

Together, the PolicySet.PolicyDecisionStrategy and

PolicySetComponent.Priority determine the processing for the rules

contained in a PolicySet. As before, the larger priority value

represents the higher priority. Unlike the earlier definition,

PolicySetComponent.Priority MUST have a unique value when compared

with others defined for the same aggregating PolicySet. Thus, the

evaluation of rules within a set is deterministically specified.

For a FirstMatching decision strategy, the first rule (that is, the

one with the highest priority) in the set that evaluates to True, is

the only rule whose actions are enforced for a particular evaluation

pass through the PolicySet.

For an AllMatching decision strategy, all of the matching rules are

enforced. The relative priority of the rules is used to determine

the order in which the actions are to be executed by the enforcement

point: the actions of the higher priority rules are executed first.

Since the actions of higher priority rules are executed first, lower

priority rules that also match may get the "last word," and thus

produce a counter-intuitive result. So, for example, if two rules

both evaluate to True, and the higher priority rule sets the DSCP to

3 and the lower priority rule sets the DSCP to 4, the action of the

lower priority rule will be executed later and, therefore, will

"win," in this example, setting the DSCP to 4. Thus, conflicts

between rules are resolved by this execution order.

An implementation of the rule engine need not provide the action

sequencing but the actions MUST be sequenced by the PEP or PDP on its

behalf. So, for example, the rule engine may provide an ordered list

of actions to be executed by the PEP and any required serialization

is then provided by the service configured by the rule engine. See

Section 5.5.2 for a discussion of side effects.

5.5.1. Structuring Decision Strategies

As discussed in Sections 5.3 and 5.4, PolicySet instances may be

nested arbitrarily. For a FirstMatching decision strategy on a

PolicySet, any contained PolicySet that matches satisfies the

termination criteria for the FirstMatching strategy. A PolicySet is

considered to match if it is a PolicyRule and its conditions evaluate

to True, or if the PolicySet is a PolicyGroup and at least one of its

contained PolicyGroups or PolicyRules match. The priority associated

with contained PolicySets, then, determines when to terminate rule

evaluation in the structured set of rules.

In the example shown in Figure 3, the relative priorities for the

nested rules, high to low, are 1A, 1B1, 1X2, 1B3, 1C, 1C1, 1X2 and

1C3. (Note that PolicyRule 1X2 is included in both PolicyGroup 1B

and PolicyRule 1C, but with different priorities.) Of course, which

rules are enforced is also dependent on which rules, if any, match.

PolicyGroup 1: FirstMatching

+-- Pri=6 -- PolicyRule 1A

+-- Pri=5 -- PolicyGroup 1B: AllMatching

+-- Pri=5 -- PolicyGroup 1B1: AllMatching

+---- etc.

+-- Pri=4 -- PolicyRule 1X2

+-- Pri=3 -- PolicyRule 1B3: FirstMatching

+---- etc.

+-- Pri=4 -- PolicyRule 1C: FirstMatching

+-- Pri=4 -- PolicyRule 1C1

+-- Pri=3 -- PolicyRule 1X2

+-- Pri=2 -- PolicyRule 1C3

Figure 3. Nested PolicySets with Different Decision Strategies

o Because PolicyGroup 1 has a FirstMatching decision strategy, if

the conditions of PolicyRule 1A match, its actions are enforced

and the evaluation stops.

o If it does not match, PolicyGroup 1B is evaluated using an

AllMatching strategy. Since PolicyGroup 1B1 also has an

AllMatching strategy all of the rules and groups of rules

contained in PolicyGroup 1B1 are evaluated and enforced as

appropriate. PolicyRule 1X2 and PolicyRule 1B3 are also evaluated

and enforced as appropriate. If any of the sub-rules in the

subtrees of PolicyGroup 1B evaluate to True, then PolicyRule 1C is

not evaluated because the FirstMatching strategy of PolicyGroup 1

has been satisfied.

o If neither PolicyRule 1A nor PolicyGroup 1B yield a match, then

PolicyRule 1C is evaluated. Since it is first matching, rules

1C1, 1X2, and 1C3 are evaluated until the first match, if any.

5.5.2. Side Effects

Although evaluation of conditions is sometimes discussed as an

ordered set of operations, the rule engine need not be implemented as

a procedural language interpreter. Any side effects of condition

evaluation or the execution of actions MUST NOT affect the result of

the evaluation of other conditions evaluated by the rule engine in

the same evaluation pass. That is, an implementation of a rule

engine MAY evaluate all conditions in any order before applying the

priority and determining which actions are to be executed.

So, regardless of how a rule engine is implemented, it MUST NOT

include any side effects of condition evaluation in the evaluation of

conditions for either of the decision strategies. For both the

AllMatching decision strategy and for the nesting of rules within

rules (either directly or indirectly) where the actions of more than

one rule may be enforced, any side effects of the enforcement of

actions MUST NOT be included in condition evaluation on the same

evaluation pass.

5.5.3. Multiple PolicySet Trees For a Resource

As shown in the example in Figure 3., PolicySet trees are defined by

the PolicySet subclass instances and the PolicySetComponent

aggregation instances between them. Each PolicySet tree has a

defined set of decision strategies and evaluation priorities. In

section 5.6 we discuss some improvements in the use of PolicyRoles

that cause the parent PolicySet.PolicyRoles to be applied to all

contained PolicySet instances. However, a given resource may still

have multiple, disjoint PolicySet trees regardless of how they are

collected. These top-level PolicySet instances are called "unrooted"

relative to the given resource.

So, a PolicySet instance is defined to be rooted or unrooted in the

context of a particular managed element; the relationship to the

managed element is usually established by the policy roles of the

PolicySet instance and of the managed element (see 5.6 "Policy

Roles"). A PolicySet instance is unrooted in that context if and

only if there is no PolicySetComponent association to a parent

PolicySet that is also related to the same managed element. These

PolicySetComponent aggregations are traversed up the tree without

regard to how a PolicySet instance came to be related with the

ManagedElement. Figure 4. shows an example where instance A has role

A, instance B has role B and so on. In this example, in the context

of interface X, instances B, and C are unrooted and instances D, E,

and F are all rooted. In the context of interface Y, instance A is

unrooted and instances B, C, D, E and F are all rooted.

+---+ +-----------+ +-----------+


+---+ has roles has roles

/ \ B & C A & B

/ \ +-----------+ +-----------+

+---+ +---+


+---+ +---+

/ \ / \ +---+ +---+ +---+


+---+ +---+ +---+

Figure 4. Unrooted PolicySet Instances

For those cases where there are multiple unrooted PolicySet instances

that apply to the same managed resource (i.e., not in a common

PolicySetComponent tree), the decision strategy among these disjoint

PolicySet instances is the FirstMatching strategy. The priority used

with this FirstMatching strategy is defined in the PolicySetInSystem

association. The PolicySetInSystem subclass instances are present

for all PolicySet instances (it is a required association) but the

priority is only used as a default for unrooted PolicySet instances

in a given ManagedElement context.

The FirstMatching strategy is used among all unrooted PolicySet

instances that apply to a given resource for a given functional

domain. So, for example, the PolicySet instances that are used for

QoS policy and the instances that are used for IKE policy, although

they are disjoint, are not joined in a FirstMatching decision

strategy. Instead, they are evaluated independently of one another.

5.5.4. Deterministic Decisions

As previously discussed, PolicySetComponent.Priority values MUST be

unique within a containing PolicySet and PolicySetInSystem.Priority

values MUST be unique for an associated System. Each PolicySet,

then, has a deterministic behavior based upon the decision strategy

and uniquely defined priority.

There are certainly cases where rules need not have a unique priority

value (i.e., where evaluation and execution priority is not

important). However, it is believed that the flexibility gained by

this capability is not sufficiently beneficial to justify the

possible variations in implementation behavior and the resulting

confusion that might occur.

5.6. Policy Roles

A policy role is defined in [10] as "an administratively specified

characteristic of a managed element (for example, an interface). It

is a selector for policy rules and PRovisioning Classes (PRCs), to

determine the applicability of the rule/PRC to a particular managed


In PCIMe, PolicyRoles is defined as a property of PolicySet, which is

inherited by both PolicyRules and PolicyGroups. In this document, we

also add PolicyRole as the identifying name of a collection of

resources (PolicyRoleCollection), where each element in the

collection has the specified role characteristic.

5.6.1. Comparison of Roles in PCIM with Roles in snmpconf

In the Configuration Management with SNMP (snmpconf) working group's

Policy Based Management MIB [14], policy rules are of the form

if <policyFilter> then <policyAction>

where <policyFilter> is a set of conditions that are used to

determine whether or not the policy applies to an object instance.

The policy filter can perform comparison operations on SNMP variables

already defined in MIBS (e.g., "ifType == ethernet").

The policy management MIB defined in [14] defines a Role table that

enables one to associate Roles with elements, where roles have the

same semantics as in PCIM. Then, since the policyFilter in a policy

allows one to define conditions based on the comparison of the values

of SNMP variables, one can filter elements based on their roles as

defined in the Role group.

This approach differs from that adopted in PCIM in the following

ways. First, in PCIM, a set of role(s) is associated with a policy

rule as the values of the PolicyRoles property of a policy rule. The

semantics of role(s) are then expected to be implemented by the PDP

(i.e., policies are applied to the elements with the appropriate

roles). In [14], however, no special processing is required for

realizing the semantics of roles; roles are treated just as any other

SNMP variables and comparisons of role values can be included in the

policy filter of a policy rule.

Secondly, in PCIM, there is no formally defined way of associating a

role with an object instance, whereas in [14] this is done via the

use of the Role tables (pmRoleESTable and pmRoleSETable). The Role

tables associate Role values with elements.

5.6.2. Addition of PolicyRoleCollection to PCIMe

In order to remedy the latter shortcoming in PCIM (the lack of a way

of associating a role with an object instance), PCIMe has a new class

PolicyRoleCollection derived from the CIM Collection class.

Resources that share a common role are aggregated by a

PolicyRoleCollection instance, via the ElementInPolicyRoleCollection

aggregation. The role is specified in the PolicyRole property of the

aggregating PolicyRoleCollection instance.

A PolicyRoleCollection always exists in the context of a system. As

was done in PCIM for PolicyRules and PolicyGroups, an association,

PolicyRoleCollectionInSystem, captures this relationship. Remember

that in CIM, System is a base class for describing network devices

and administrative domains.

The association between a PolicyRoleCollection and a system should be

consistent with the associations that scope the policy rules/groups

that are applied to the resources in that collection. Specifically,

a PolicyRoleCollection should be associated with the same System as

the applicable PolicyRules and/or PolicyGroups, or to a System higher

in the tree formed by the SystemComponent association. When a PEP

belongs to multiple Systems (i.e., AdminDomains), and scoping by a

single domain is impractical, two alternatives exist. One is to

arbitrarily limit domain membership to one System/AdminDomain. The

other option is to define a more global AdminDomain that simply

includes the others, and/or that spans the business or enterprise.

As an example, suppose that there are 20 traffic trunks in a network,

and that an administrator would like to assign three of them to

provide "gold" service. Also, the administrator has defined several

policy rules which specify how the "gold" service is delivered. For

these rules, the PolicyRoles property (inherited from PolicySet) is

set to "Gold Service".

In order to associate three traffic trunks with "gold" service, an

instance of the PolicyRoleCollection class is created and its

PolicyRole property is also set to "Gold Service". Following this,

the administrator associates three traffic trunks with the new

instance of PolicyRoleCollection via the

ElementInPolicyRoleCollection aggregation. This enables a PDP to

determine that the "Gold Service" policy rules apply to the three

aggregated traffic trunks.

Note that roles are used to optimize policy retrieval. It is not

mandatory to implement roles or, if they have been implemented, to

group elements in a PolicyRoleCollection. However, if roles are

used, then either the collection approach should be implemented, or

elements should be capable of reporting their "pre-programmed" roles

(as is done in COPS).

5.6.3. Roles for PolicyGroups

In PCIM, role(s) are only associated with policy rules. However, it

may be desirable to associate role(s) with groups of policy rules.

For example, a network administrator may want to define a group of

rules that apply only to Ethernet interfaces. A policy group can be

defined with a role-combination="Ethernet", and all the relevant

policy rules can be placed in this policy group. (Note that in

PCIMe, role(s) are made available to PolicyGroups as well as to

PolicyRules by moving PCIM's PolicyRoles property up from PolicyRule

to the new abstract class PolicySet. The property is then inherited

by both PolicyGroup and PolicyRule.) Then every policy rule in this

policy group implicitly inherits this role-combination from the

containing policy group. A similar implicit inheritance applies to

nested policy groups.

There is no explicit copying of role(s) from container to contained

entity. Obviously, this implicit inheritance of role(s) leads to the

possibility of defining inconsistent role(s) (as explained in the

example below); the handling of such inconsistencies is beyond the

scope of PCIMe.

As an example, suppose that there is a PolicyGroup PG1 that contains

three PolicyRules, PR1, PR2, and PR3. Assume that PG1 has the roles

"Ethernet" and "Fast". Also, assume that the contained policy rules

have the role(s) shown below:


PolicyGroup PG1

PolicyRoles = Ethernet, Fast



PolicyRule PR1

-------- PolicyRoles = Ethernet



PolicyRule PR2

-------- PolicyRoles = <undefined>



PolicyRule PR3

-------- PolicyRoles = Slow


Figure 5. Inheritance of Roles

In this example, the PolicyRoles property value for PR1 is consistent

with the value in PG1, and in fact, did not need to be redefined. The

value of PolicyRoles for PR2 is undefined. Its roles are implicitly

inherited from PG1. Lastly, the value of PolicyRoles for PR3 is

"Slow". This appears to be in conflict with the role, "Fast,"

defined in PG1. However, whether these roles are actually in

conflict is not clear. In one scenario, the policy administrator

may have wanted only "Fast"- "Ethernet" rules in the policy group.

In another scenario, the administrator may be indicating that PR3

applies to all "Ethernet" interfaces regardless of whether they are

"Fast" or "Slow." Only in the former scenario (only "Fast"-

"Ethernet" rules in the policy group) is there a role conflict.

Note that it is possible to override implicitly inherited roles via

appropriate conditions on a PolicyRule. For example, suppose that

PR3 above had defined the following conditions:

(interface is not "Fast") and (interface is "Slow")

This results in unambiguous semantics for PR3.

5.7. Compound Policy Conditions and Compound Policy Actions

Compound policy conditions and compound policy actions are introduced

to provide additional reusable "chunks" of policy.

5.7.1. Compound Policy Conditions

A CompoundPolicyCondition is a PolicyCondition representing a Boolean

combination of simpler conditions. The conditions being combined may

be SimplePolicyConditions (discussed below in Section 6.4), but the

utility of reusable combinations of policy conditions is not

necessarily limited to the case where the component conditions are

simple ones.

The PCIM extensions to introduce compound policy conditions are

relatively straightforward. Since the purpose of the extension is to

apply the DNF / CNF logic from PCIM's PolicyConditionInPolicyRule

aggregation to a compound condition that aggregates simpler

conditions, the following changes are required:

o Create a new aggregation PolicyConditionInPolicyCondition, with

the same GroupNumber and ConditionNegated properties as

PolicyConditionInPolicyRule. The cleanest way to do this is to

move the properties up to a new abstract aggregation superclass

PolicyConditionStructure, from which the existing aggregation

PolicyConditionInPolicyRule and a new aggregation

PolicyConditionInPolicyCondition are derived. For now there is no

need to re-document the properties themselves, since they are

already documented in PCIM as part of the definition of the

PolicyConditionInPolicyRule aggregation.

o It is also necessary to define a concrete subclass

CompoundPolicyCondition of PolicyCondition, to introduce the

ConditionListType property. This property has the same function,

and works in exactly the same way, as the corresponding property

currently defined in PCIM for the PolicyRule class.

The class and property definitions for representing compound policy

conditions are below, in Section 6.

5.7.2. Compound Policy Actions

A compound action is a convenient construct to represent a sequence

of actions to be applied as a single atomic action within a policy

rule. In many cases, actions are related to each other and should be

looked upon as sub-actions of one "logical" action. An example of

such a logical action is "shape & mark" (i.e., shape a certain stream

to a set of predefined bandwidth characteristics and then mark these

packets with a certain DSCP value). This logical action is actually

composed of two different QoS actions, which should be performed in a

well-defined order and as a complete set.

The CompoundPolicyAction construct allows one to create a logical

relationship between a number of actions, and to define the

activation logic associated with this logical action.

The CompoundPolicyAction construct allows the reusability of these

complex actions, by storing them in a ReusablePolicyContainer and

reusing them in different policy rules. Note that a compound action

may also be aggregated by another compound action.

As was the case with CompoundPolicyCondition, the PCIM extensions to

introduce compound policy actions are relatively straightforward.

This time the goal is to apply the property ActionOrder from PCIM's

PolicyActionInPolicyRule aggregation to a compound action that

aggregates simpler actions. The following changes are required:

o Create a new aggregation PolicyActionInPolicyAction, with the same

ActionOrder property as PolicyActionInPolicyRule. The cleanest

way to do this is to move the property up to a new abstract

aggregation superclass PolicyActionStructure, from which the

existing aggregation PolicyActionInPolicyRule and a new

aggregation PolicyActionInPolicyAction are derived.

o It is also necessary to define a concrete subclass

CompoundPolicyAction of PolicyAction, to introduce the

SequencedActions property. This property has the same function,

and works in exactly the same way, as the corresponding property

currently defined in PCIM for the PolicyRule class.

o Finally, a new property ExecutionStrategy is needed for both the

PCIM class PolicyRule and the new class CompoundPolicyAction. This

property allows the policy administrator to specify how the PEP

should behave in the case where there are multiple actions

aggregated by a PolicyRule or by a CompoundPolicyAction.

The class and property definitions for representing compound policy

actions are below, in Section 6.

5.8. Variables and Values

The following subsections introduce several related concepts,

including PolicyVariables and PolicyValues (and their numerous

subclasses), SimplePolicyConditions, and SimplePolicyActions.

5.8.1. Simple Policy Conditions

The SimplePolicyCondition class models elementary Boolean expressions

of the form: "(<variable> MATCH <value>)". The relationship 'MATCH',

which is implicit in the model, is interpreted based on the variable

and the value. Section 5.8.3 explains the semantics of the 'MATCH'

operator. Arbitrarily complex Boolean expressions can be formed by

chaining together any number of simple conditions using relational

operators. Individual simple conditions can be negated as well.

Arbitrarily complex Boolean expressions are modeled by the class

CompoundPolicyCondition (described in Section 5.7.1).

For example, the expression "SourcePort == 80" can be modeled by a

simple condition. In this example, 'SourcePort' is a variable, '=='

is the relational operator denoting the equality relationship (which

is generalized by PCIMe to a "MATCH" relationship), and '80' is an

integer value. The complete interpretation of a simple condition

depends on the binding of the variable. Section 5.8.5 describes

variables and their binding rules.

The SimplePolicyCondition class refines the basic structure of the

PolicyCondition class defined in PCIM by using the pair (<variable>,

<value>) to form the condition. Note that the operator between the

variable and the value is always implied in PCIMe: it is not a part

of the formal notation.

The variable specifies the attribute of an object that should be

matched when evaluating the condition. For example, for a QoS model,

this object could represent the flow that is being conditioned. A

set of predefined variables that cover network attributes commonly

used for filtering is introduced in PCIMe, to encourage

interoperability. This list covers layer 3 IP attributes such as IP

network addresses, protocols and ports, as well as a set of layer 2

attributes (e.g., MAC addresses).

The bound variable is matched against a value to produce the Boolean

result. For example, in the condition "The source IP address of the

flow belongs to the 10.1.x.x subnet", a source IP address variable is

matched against a 10.1.x.x subnet value.

5.8.2. Using Simple Policy Conditions

Simple conditions can be used in policy rules directly, or as

building blocks for creating compound policy conditions.

Simple condition composition MUST enforce the following data-type

conformance rule: The ValueTypes property of the variable must be

compatible with the type of the value class used. The simplest (and

friendliest, from a user point-of-view) way to do this is to equate

the type of the value class with the name of the class. By ensuring

that the ValueTypes property of the variable matches the name of the

value class used, we know that the variable and value instance values

are compatible with each other.

Composing a simple condition requires that an instance of the class

SimplePolicyCondition be created, and that instances of the variable

and value classes that it uses also exist. Note that the variable

and/or value instances may already exist as reusable objects in an

appropriate ReusablePolicyContainer.

Two aggregations are used in order to create the pair (<variable>,

<value>). The aggregation PolicyVariableInSimplePolicyCondition

relates a SimplePolicyCondition to a single variable instance.

Similarly, the aggregation PolicyValueInSimplePolicyCondition relates

a SimplePolicyCondition to a single value instance. Both

aggregations are defined in this document.

Figure 6. depicts a SimplePolicyCondition with its associated

variable and value. Also shown are two PolicyValue instances that

identify the values that the variable can assume.




* @

* @

+------------------+ * @ +---------------+

(PolicyVariable) *** @@@ (PolicyValue)

+------------------+ +---------------+

# #

# ooo #

# #

+---------------+ +---------------+

(PolicyValue) ooo (PolicyValue)

+---------------+ +---------------+

Aggregation Legend:

**** PolicyVariableInSimplePolicyCondition

@@@@ PolicyValueInSimplePolicyCondition

#### ExpectedPolicyValuesForVariable

Figure 6. SimplePolicyCondition

Note: The class names in parenthesis denote subclasses. The classes

named in the figure are abstract, and thus cannot themselves be


5.8.3. The Simple Condition Operator

A simple condition models an elementary Boolean expression of the

form "variable MATCHes value". However, the formal notation of the

SimplePolicyCondition, together with its associations, models only a

pair, (<variable>, <value>). The 'MATCH' operator is not directly

modeled -- it is implied. Furthermore, this implied 'MATCH' operator

carries overloaded semantics.

For example, in the simple condition "DestinationPort MATCH '80'",

the interpretation of the 'MATCH' operator is equality (the 'equal'

operator). Clearly, a different interpretation is needed in the

following cases:

o "DestinationPort MATCH {'80', '8080'}" -- operator is 'IS SET


o "DestinationPort MATCH {'1 to 255'}" -- operator is 'IN INTEGER


o "SourceIPAddress MATCH 'MyCompany.com'" -- operator is 'IP ADDRESS


The examples above illustrate the implicit, context-dependent nature

of the 'MATCH' operator. The interpretation depends on the actual

variable and value instances in the simple condition. The

interpretation is always derived from the bound variable and the

value instance associated with the simple condition. Text

accompanying the value class and implicit variable definition is used

for interpreting the semantics of the 'MATCH' relationship. In the

following list, we define generic (type-independent) matching.

PolicyValues may be multi-fielded, where each field may contain a

range of values. The same equally holds for PolicyVariables.

Basically, we have to deal with single values (singleton), ranges

([lower bound .. upper bound]), and sets (a,b,c). So independent of

the variable and value type, the following set of generic matching

rules for the 'MATCH' operator are defined.

o singleton matches singleton -> the matching rule is defined in the


o singleton matches range [lower bound .. upper bound] -> the

matching evaluates to true, if the singleton matches the lower

bound or the upper bound or a value in between

o singleton matches set -> the matching evaluates to true, if the

value of the singleton matches one of the components in the set,

where a component may be a singleton or range again

o ranges [A..B] matches singleton -> is true if A matches B matches


o range [A..B] matches range [X..Y] -> the matching evaluates to

true, if all values of the range [A..B] are also in the range

[X..Y]. For instance, [3..5] match [1..6] evaluates to true,

whereas [3..5] match [4..6] evaluates to false.

o range [A..B] matches set (a,b,c, ...) -> the matching evaluates to

true, if all values in the range [A..B] are part of the set. For

instance, range [2..3] match set ([1..2],3) evaluates to true, as

well as range [2..3] match set (2,3), and range [2..3] match set


o set (a,b,c, ...) match singleton -> is true if a match b match c

match ... match singleton

o set match range -> the matching evaluates to true, if all values

in the set are part of the range. For example, set (2,3) match

range [1..4] evaluates to true.

o set (a,b,c,...) match set (x,y,z,...) -> the matching evaluates to

true, if all values in the set (a,b,c,...) are part of the set

(x,y,z,...). For example, set (1,2,3) match set (1,2,3,4)

evaluates to true. Set (1,2,3) match set (1,2) evaluates to


Variables may contain various types (Section 6.11.1). When not

stated otherwise, the type of the value bound to the variable at

condition evaluation time and the value type of the PolicyValue

instance need to be of the same type. If they differ, then the

condition evaluates to FALSE.

The ExpectedPolicyValuesForVariable association specifies an expected

set of values that can be matched with a variable within a simple

condition. Using this association, a source or destination port can

be limited to the range 0-200, a source or destination IP address can

be limited to a specified list of IPv4 address values, etc.




* @

* @

* @

+-----------------------------------+ +--------------------------+

Name=SmallSourcePorts Name=Port300

Class=PolicySourcePortVariable Class=PolicyIntegerValue

ValueTypes=[PolicyIntegerValue] IntegerList = [300]

+-----------------------------------+ +--------------------------+









Aggregation Legend:

**** PolicyVariableInSimplePolicyCondition

@@@@ PolicyValueInSimplePolicyCondition

#### ExpectedPolicyValuesForVariable

Figure 7. An Invalid SimplePolicyCondition

The ability to express these limitations appears in the model to

support validation of a SimplePolicyCondition prior to its deployment

to an enforcement point. A Policy Management Tool, for example

SHOULD NOT accept the SimplePolicyCondition shown in Figure 7. If,

however, a policy rule containing this condition does appear at an

enforcement point, the expected values play no role in the

determination of whether the condition evaluates to True or False.

Thus in this example, the SimplePolicyCondition evaluates to True if

the source port for the packet under consideration is 300, and it

evaluates to False otherwise.

5.8.4. SimplePolicyActions

The SimplePolicyAction class models the elementary set operation.

"SET <variable> TO <value>". The set operator MUST overwrite an old

value of the variable. In the case where the variable to be updated

is multi- valued, the only update operation defined is a complete

replacement of all previous values with a new set. In other words,

there are no Add or Remove [to/from the set of values] operations

defined for SimplePolicyActions.

For example, the action "set DSCP to EF" can be modeled by a simple

action. In this example, 'DSCP' is an implicit variable referring to

the IP packet header DSCP field. 'EF' is an integer or bit string

value (6 bits). The complete interpretation of a simple action

depends on the binding of the variable.

The SimplePolicyAction class refines the basic structure of the

PolicyAction class defined in PCIM, by specifying the contents of the

action using the (<variable>, <value>) pair to form the action. The

variable specifies the attribute of an object. The value of this

attribute is set to the value specified in <value>. Selection of the

object is a function of the type of variable involved. See Sections

5.8.6 and 5.8.7, respectively, for details on object selection for

explicitly bound and implicitly bound policy variables.

SimplePolicyActions can be used in policy rules directly, or as

building blocks for creating CompoundPolicyActions.

The set operation is only valid if the list of types of the variable

(ValueTypes property of PolicyImplicitVariable) includes the

specified type of the value. Conversion of values from one

representation into another is not defined. For example, a variable

of IPv4Address type may not be set to a string containing a DNS name.

Conversions are part of an implementation-specific mapping of the


As was the case with SimplePolicyConditions, the role of expected

values for the variables that appear in SimplePolicyActions is for

validation, prior to the time when an action is executed. Expected

values play no role in action execution.

Composing a simple action requires that an instance of the class

SimplePolicyAction be created, and that instances of the variable and

value classes that it uses also exist. Note that the variable and/or

value instances may already exist as reusable objects in an

appropriate ReusablePolicyContainer.

Two aggregations are used in order to create the pair (<variable>,

<value>). The aggregation PolicyVariableInSimplePolicyAction relates

a SimplePolicyAction to a single variable instance. Similarly, the

aggregation PolicyValueInSimplePolicyAction relates a

SimplePolicyAction to a single value instance. Both aggregations are

defined in this document.

Figure 8. depicts a SimplePolicyAction with its associated variable

and value.




* @

* @

+------------------+ * @ +---------------+

(PolicyVariable) *** @@@ (PolicyValue)

+------------------+ +---------------+

# #

# ooo #

# #

+---------------+ +---------------+

(PolicyValue) ooo (PolicyValue)

+---------------+ +---------------+

Aggregation Legend:

**** PolicyVariableInSimplePolicyAction

@@@@ PolicyValueInSimplePolicyAction

#### ExpectedPolicyValuesForVariable

Figure 8. SimplePolicyAction

5.8.5. Policy Variables

A variable generically represents information that changes (or

"varies"), and that is set or evaluated by software. In policy,

conditions and actions can abstract information as "policy variables"

to be evaluated in logical expressions, or set by actions.

PCIMe defines two types of PolicyVariables, PolicyImplicitVariables

and PolicyExplicitVariables. The semantic difference between these

classes is based on modeling context. Explicit variables are bound

to exact model constructs, while implicit variables are defined and

evaluated outside of a model. For example, one can imagine a

PolicyCondition testing whether a CIM ManagedSystemElement's Status

property has the value "Error." The Status property is an explicitly

defined PolicyVariable (i.e., it is defined in the context of the CIM

Schema, and evaluated in the context of a specific instance). On the

other hand, network packets are not explicitly modeled or

instantiated, since there is no perceived value (at this time) in

managing at the packet level. Therefore, a PolicyCondition can make

no explicit reference to a model construct that represents a network

packet's source address. In this case, an implicit PolicyVariable is

defined, to allow evaluation or modification of a packet's source


5.8.6. Explicitly Bound Policy Variables

Explicitly bound policy variables indicate the class and property

names of the model construct to be evaluated or set. The CIM Schema

defines and constrains "appropriate" values for the variable (i.e.,

model property) using data types and other information such as

class/property qualifiers.

A PolicyExplicitVariable is "explicit" because its model semantics

are exactly defined. It is NOT explicit due to an exact binding to a

particular object instance. If PolicyExplicitVariables were tied to

instances (either via associations or by an object identification

property in the class itself), then we would be forcing element-

specific rules. On the other hand, if we only specify the object's

model context (class and property name), but leave the binding to the

policy framework (for example, using policy roles), then greater

flexibility results for either general or element-specific rules.

For example, an element-specific rule is obtained by a condition

((<variable>, <value>) pair) that defines CIM LogicalDevice

DeviceID="12345". Alternately, if a PolicyRule's PolicyRoles is

"edge device" and the condition ((<variable>, <value>) pair) is

Status="Error", then a general rule results for all edge devices in


Currently, the only binding for a PolicyExplicitVariable defined in

PCIMe is to the instances selected by policy roles. For each such

instance, a SimplePolicyCondition that aggregates the

PolicyExplicitVariable evaluates to True if and only if ALL of the

following are true:

o The instance selected is of the class identified by the variable's

ModelClass property, or of a subclass of this class.

o The instance selected has the property identified by the

variable's ModelProperty property.

o The value of this property in the instance matches the value

specified in the PolicyValue aggregated by the condition.

In all other cases, the SimplePolicyCondition evaluates to False.

For the case where a SimplePolicyAction aggregates a

PolicyExplicitVariable, the indicated property in the selected

instance is set to the value represented by the PolicyValue that the

SimplePolicyAction also aggregates. However, if the selected

instance is not of the class identified by the variable's ModelClass

property, or of a subclass of this class, then the action is not

performed. In this case the SimplePolicyAction is not treated either

as a successfully executed action (for the execution strategy Do

Until Success) or as a failed action (for the execution strategy Do

Until Failure). Instead, the remaining actions for the policy rule,

if any, are executed as if this SimplePolicyAction were not present

at all in the list of actions aggregated by the rule.

Explicit variables would be more powerful if they could reach beyond

the instances selected by policy roles, to related instances.

However, to represent a policy rule involving such variables in any

kind of general way requires something that starts to resemble very

much a complete policy language. Clearly such a language is outside

the scope of PCIMe, although it might be the subject of a future


By restricting much of the generality, it would be possible for

explicit variables in PCIMe to reach slightly beyond a selected

instance. For example, if a selected instance were related to

exactly one instance of another class via a particular association

class, and if the goal of the policy rule were both to test a

property of this related instance and to set a property of that same

instance, then it would be possible to represent the condition and

action of the rule using PolicyExplicitVariables. Rather than

handling this one specific case with explicit variables, though, it

was decided to lump them with the more general case, and deal with

them if and when a policy language is defined.

Refer to Section 6.10 for the formal definition of the class


5.8.7. Implicitly Bound Policy Variables

Implicitly bound policy variables define the data type and semantics

of a variable. This determines how the variable is bound to a value

in a condition or an action. Further instructions are provided for

specifying data type and/or value constraints for implicitly bound


PCIMe introduces an abstract class, PolicyImplicitVariable, to model

implicitly bound variables. This class is derived from the abstract

class PolicyVariable also defined in PCIMe. Each of the implicitly

bound variables introduced by PCIMe (and those that are introduced by

domain- specific sub-models) MUST be derived from the

PolicyImplicitVariable class. The rationale for using this mechanism

for modeling is explained below in Section 5.8.9.

A domain-specific policy information model that extends PCIMe may

define additional implicitly bound variables either by deriving them

directly from the class PolicyImplicitVariable, or by further

refining an existing variable class such as SourcePort. When

refining a class such as SourcePort, existing binding rules, type or

value constraints may be narrowed.

5.8.8. Structure and Usage of Pre-Defined Variables

A class derived from PolicyImplicitVariable to model a particular

implicitly bound variable SHOULD be constructed so that its name

depicts the meaning of the variable. For example, a class defined to

model the source port of a TCP/UDP flow SHOULD have 'SourcePort' in

its name.

PCIMe defines one association and one general-purpose mechanism that

together characterize each of the implicitly bound variables that it


1. The ExpectedPolicyValuesForVariable association defines the set of

value classes that could be matched to this variable.

2. The list of constraints on the values that the PolicyVariable can

hold (i.e., values that the variable must match) are defined by

the appropriate properties of an associated PolicyValue class.

In the example presented above, a PolicyImplicitVariable represents

the SourcePort of incoming traffic. The ValueTypes property of an

instance of this class will hold the class name PolicyIntegerValue.

This by itself constrains the data type of the SourcePort instance to

be an integer. However, we can further constrain the particular

values that the SourcePort variable can hold by entering valid ranges

in the IntegerList property of the PolicyIntegerValue instance (0 -

65535 in this document).

The combination of the VariableName and the

ExpectedPolicyValuesForVariable association provide a consistent and

extensible set of metadata that define the semantics of variables

that are used to form policy conditions. Since the

ExpectedPolicyValuesForVariable association points to a PolicyValue

instance, any of the values expressible in the PolicyValue class can

be used to constrain values that the PolicyImplicitVariable can hold.

For example:

o The ValueTypes property can be used to ensure that only proper

classes are used in the expression. For example, the SourcePort

variable will not be allowed to ever be of type

PolicyIPv4AddrValue, since source ports have different semantics

than IP addresses and may not be matched. However, integer value

types are allowed as the property ValueTypes holds the string

"PolicyIntegerValue", which is the class name for integer values.

o The ExpectedPolicyValuesForVariable association also ensures that

variable-specific semantics are enforced (e.g., the SourcePort

variable may include a constraint association to a value object

defining a specific integer range that should be matched).

5.8.9. Rationale for Modeling Implicit Variables as Classes

An implicitly bound variable can be modeled in one of several ways,

including a single class with an enumerator for each individual

implicitly bound variable and an abstract class extended for each

individual variable. The reasons for using a class inheritance

mechanism for specifying individual implicitly bound variables are


1. It is easy to extend. A domain-specific information model can

easily extend the PolicyImplicitVariable class or its subclasses

to define domain-specific and context-specific variables. For

example, a domain-specific QoS policy information model may

introduce an implicitly bound variable class to model applications

by deriving a qosApplicationVariable class from the

PolicyImplicitVariable abstract class.

2. Introduction of a single structural class for implicitly bound

variables would have to include an enumerator property that

contains all possible individual implicitly bound variables. This

means that a domain-specific information model wishing to

introduce an implicitly bound variable must extend the enumerator

itself. This results in multiple definitions of the same class,

differing in the values available in the enumerator class. One

definition, in this document, would include the common implicitly

bound variables' names, while a second definition, in the domain-

specific information model document, may include additional values

('qosApplicationVariable' in the example above). It wouldn't even

be obvious to the application developer that multiple class

definitions existed. It would be harder still for the application

developer to actually find the correct class to use.

3. In addition, an enumerator-based definition would require each

additional value to be registered with IANA to ascertain adherence

to standards. This would make the process cumbersome.

4. A possible argument against the inheritance mechanism would cite

the fact that this approach results in an explosion of class

definitions compared to an enumerator class, which only introduces

a single class. While, by itself, this is not a strike against

the approach, it may be argued that data models derived from this

information model may be more difficult to optimize for

applications. This argument is rejected on the grounds that

application optimization is of lesser value for an information

model than clarity and ease of extension. In addition, it is hard

to claim that the inheritance model places an absolute burden on

the optimization. For example, a data model may still use

enumeration to denote instances of pre-defined variables and claim

PCIMe compliance, as long as the data model can be mapped

correctly to the definitions specified in this document.

5.8.10. Policy Values

The abstract class PolicyValue is used for modeling values and

constants used in policy conditions. Different value types are

derived from this class, to represent the various attributes

required. Extensions of the abstract class PolicyValue, defined in

this document, provide a list of values for basic network attributes.

Values can be used to represent constants as named values. Named

values can be kept in a reusable policy container to be reused by

multiple conditions. Examples of constants include well-known ports,

well-known protocols, server addresses, and other similar concepts.

The PolicyValue subclasses define three basic types of values:

scalars, ranges and sets. For example, a well-known port number

could be defined using the PolicyIntegerValue class, defining a

single value (80 for HTTP), a range (80-88), or a set (80, 82, 8080)

of ports, respectively. For details, please see the class definition

for each value type in Section 6.14 of this document.

PCIMe defines the following subclasses of the abstract class


Classes for general use:

- PolicyStringValue,

- PolicyIntegerValue,

- PolicyBitStringValue

- PolicyBooleanValue.

Classes for layer 3 Network values:

- PolicyIPv4AddrValue,

- PolicyIPv6AddrValue.

Classes for layer 2 Network values:

- PolicyMACAddrValue.

For details, please see the class definition section of each class in

Section 6.14 of this document.

5.9. Packet Filtering

PCIMe contains two mechanisms for representing packet filters. The

more general of these, termed here the domain-level model, expresses

packet filters in terms of policy variables and policy values. The

other mechanism, termed here the device-level model, expresses packet

filters in a way that maps more directly to the packet fields to

which the filters are being applied. While it is possible to map

between these two representations of packet filters, no mapping is

provided in PCIMe itself.

5.9.1. Domain-Level Packet Filters

In addition to filling in the holes in the overall Policy

infrastructure, PCIMe proposes a single mechanism for expressing

domain-level packet filters in policy conditions. This is being done

in response to concerns that even though the initial "wave" of

submodels derived from PCIM were all filtering on IP packets, each

was doing it in a slightly different way. PCIMe proposes a common

way to express IP packet filters. The following figure illustrates

how packet-filtering conditions are expressed in PCIMe.



- IsMirrored boolean

- ConditionListType (DNFCNF)


+ + +

+ + +

+ + +

SimplePC SimplePC SimplePC

* @ * @ * @

* @ * @ * @

* @ * @ * @

FlowDirection "In" SrcIP <addr1> DstIP <addr2>

Aggregation Legend:

++++ PolicyConditionInPolicyCondition

**** PolicyVariableInSimplePolicyCondition

@@@@ PolicyValueInSimplePolicyCondition

Figure 9. Packet Filtering in Policy Conditions

In Figure 9., each SimplePolicyCondition represents a single field to

be filtered on: Source IP address, Destination IP address, Source

port, etc. An additional SimplePolicyCondition indicates the

direction that a packet is traveling on an interface: inbound or

outbound. Because of the FlowDirection condition, care must be taken

in aggregating a set of SimplePolicyConditions into a

CompoundFilterCondition. Otherwise, the resulting

CompoundPolicyCondition may match all inbound packets, or all

outbound packets, when this is probably not what was intended.

Individual SimplePolicyConditions may be negated when they are

aggregated by a CompoundFilterCondition.

CompoundFilterCondition is a subclass of CompoundPolicyCondition. It

introduces one additional property, the Boolean property IsMirrored.

The purpose of this property is to allow a single

CompoundFilterCondition to match packets traveling in both directions

on a higher-level connection such as a TCP session. When this

property is TRUE, additional packets match a filter, beyond those

that would ordinarily match it. An example will illustrate how this

property works.

Suppose we have a CompoundFilterCondition that aggregates the

following three filters, which are ANDed together:

o FlowDirection = "In"

o Source IP =

o Source Port = 80

Regardless of whether IsMirrored is TRUE or FALSE, inbound packets

will match this CompoundFilterCondition if their Source IP address = and their Source port = 80. If IsMirrored is TRUE, however,

an outbound packet will also match the CompoundFilterCondition if its

Destination IP address = and its Destination port = 80.

IsMirrored "flips" the following Source/Destination packet header


o FlowDirection "In" / FlowDirection "Out"

o Source IP address / Destination IP address

o Source port / Destination port

o Source MAC address / Destination MAC address

o Source [layer-2] SAP / Destination [layer-2] SAP.

5.9.2. Device-Level Packet Filters

At the device level, packet header filters are represented by two

subclasses of the abstract class FilterEntryBase: IpHeadersFilter and

8021Filter. Submodels of PCIMe may define other subclasses of

FilterEntryBase in addition to these two; ICPM [12], for example,

defines subclasses for IPsec-specific filters.

Instances of the subclasses of FilterEntryBase are not used directly

as filters. They are always aggregated into a FilterList, by the

aggregation EntriesInFilterList. For PCIMe and its submodels, the

EntrySequence property in this aggregation always takes its default

value '0', indicating that the aggregated filter entries are ANDed


The FilterList class includes an enumeration property Direction,

representing the direction of the traffic flow to which the

FilterList is to be applied. The value Mirrored(4) for Direction

represents exactly the same thing as the IsMirrored boolean does in

CompoundFilterCondition. See Section 5.9.1 for details.

5.10. Conformance to PCIM and PCIMe

Because PCIM and PCIMe provide the core classes for modeling

policies, they are not in general sufficient by themselves for

representing actual policy rules. Submodels, such as QPIM and ICPM,

provide the means for expressing policy rules, by defining subclasses

of the classes defined in PCIM and PCIMe, and/or by indicating how

the PolicyVariables and PolicyValues defined in PCIMe can be used to

express conditions and actions applicable to the submodel.

A particular submodel will not, in general, need to use every element

defined in PCIM and PCIMe. For the elements it does not use, a

submodel SHOULD remain silent on whether its implementations must

support the element, must not support the element, should support the

element, etc. For the elements it does use, a submodel SHOULD

indicate which elements its implementations must support, which

elements they should support, and which elements they may support.

PCIM and PCIMe themselves simply define elements that may be of use

to submodels. These documents remain silent on whether

implementations are required to support an element, should support

it, etc.

This model (and derived submodels) defines conditions and actions

that are used by policy rules. While the conditions and actions

defined herein are straightforward and may be presumed to be widely

supported, as submodels are developed it is likely that situations

will arise in which specific conditions or actions are not supported

by some part of the policy execution system. Similarly, situations

may also occur where rules contain syntactic or semantic errors.

It should be understood that the behavior and effect of undefined or

incorrectly defined conditions or actions is not prescribed by this

information model. While it would be helpful if it were prescribed,

the variations in implementation restrict the ability for this

information model to control the effect. For example, if an

implementation only detected that a PEP could not enforce a given

action on that PEP, it would be very difficult to declare that such a

failure should affect other PEPs, or the PDP process. On the other

hand, if the PDP determines that it cannot properly evaluate a

condition, that failure may well affect all applications of the

containing rules.

6. Class Definitions

The following definitions supplement those in PCIM itself. PCIM

definitions that are not DEPRECATED here are still current parts of

the overall Policy Core Information Model.

6.1. The Abstract Class "PolicySet"

PolicySet is an abstract class that may group policies into a

structured set of policies.

NAME PolicySet

DESCRIPTION An abstract class that represents a set of policies

that form a coherent set. The set of contained

policies has a common decision strategy and a

common set of policy roles. Subclasses include

PolicyGroup and PolicyRule.



PROPERTIES PolicyDecisionStrategy


The PolicyDecisionStrategy property specifies the evaluation method

for policy groups and rules contained within the policy set.

NAME PolicyDecisionStrategy

DESCRIPTION The evaluation method used for policies contained in

the PolicySet. FirstMatching enforces the actions

of the first rule that evaluates to TRUE;

All Matching enforces the actions of all rules

that evaluate to TRUE.

SYNTAX uint16

VALUES 1 [FirstMatching], 2 [AllMatching]

DEFAULT VALUE 1 [FirstMatching]

The definition of PolicyRoles is unchanged from PCIM. It is,

however, moved from the class Policy up to the superclass PolicySet.

6.2. Update PCIM's Class "PolicyGroup"

The PolicyGroup class is moved, so that it is now derived from


NAME PolicyGroup

DESCRIPTION A container for a set of related PolicyRules and





6.3. Update PCIM's Class "PolicyRule"

The PolicyRule class is moved, so that it is now derived from

PolicySet. The Priority property is also deprecated in PolicyRule,

and PolicyRoles is now inherited from the parent class PolicySet.

Finally, a new property ExecutionStrategy is introduced, paralleling

the property of the same name in the class CompoundPolicyAction.

NAME PolicyRule

DESCRIPTION The central class for representing the "If Condition

then Action" semantics associated with a policy







Priority DEPRECATED FOR PolicySetComponent.Priority

AND FOR PolicySetInSystem.Priority




The property ExecutionStrategy defines the execution strategy to be

used upon the sequenced actions aggregated by this PolicyRule. (An

equivalent ExecutionStrategy property is also defined for the

CompoundPolicyAction class, to provide the same indication for the

sequenced actions aggregated by a CompoundPolicyAction.) This

document defines three execution strategies:

Do Until Success - execute actions according to predefined order,

until successful execution of a single action.

Do All - execute ALL actions which are part of the modeled

set, according to their predefined order.

Continue doing this, even if one or more of the

actions fails.

Do Until Failure - execute actions according to predefined order,

until the first failure in execution of a single


The property definition is as follows:

NAME ExecutionStrategy

DESCRIPTION An enumeration indicating how to interpret the

action ordering for the actions aggregated by this


SYNTAX uint16 (ENUM, {1=Do Until Success, 2=Do All, 3=Do

Until Failure} )


6.4. The Class "SimplePolicyCondition"

A simple policy condition is composed of an ordered triplet:

<Variable> MATCH <Value>

No formal modeling of the MATCH operator is provided. The 'match'

relationship is implied. Such simple conditions are evaluated by

answering the question:

Does <variable> match <value>?

The 'match' relationship is to be interpreted by analyzing the

variable and value instances associated with the simple condition.

Simple conditions are building blocks for more complex Boolean

Conditions, modeled by the CompoundPolicyCondition class.

The SimplePolicyCondition class is derived from the PolicyCondition

class defined in PCIM.

A variable and a value must be associated with a simple condition to

make it a meaningful condition, using, respectively, the aggregations

PolicyVariableInSimplePolicyCondition and


The class definition is as follows:

NAME SimplePolicyCondition

DERIVED FROM PolicyCondition



6.5. The Class "CompoundPolicyCondition"

This class represents a compound policy condition, formed by

aggregation of simpler policy conditions.

NAME CompoundPolicyCondition

DESCRIPTION A subclass of PolicyCondition that introduces the

ConditionListType property, used for assigning DNF /

CNF semantics to subordinate policy conditions.

DERIVED FROM PolicyCondition


PROPERTIES ConditionListType

The ConditionListType property is used to specify whether the list of

policy conditions associated with this compound policy condition is

in disjunctive normal form (DNF) or conjunctive normal form (CNF).

If this property is not present, the list type defaults to DNF. The

property definition is as follows:

NAME ConditionListType

DESCRIPTION Indicates whether the list of policy conditions

associated with this policy rule is in disjunctive

normal form (DNF) or conjunctive normal form (CNF).

SYNTAX uint16



6.6. The Class "CompoundFilterCondition"

This subclass of CompoundPolicyCondition introduces one additional

property, the boolean IsMirrored. This property turns on or off the

"flipping" of corresponding source and destination fields in a filter


NAME CompoundFilterCondition

DESCRIPTION A subclass of CompoundPolicyCondition that

introduces the IsMirrored property.

DERIVED FROM CompoundPolicyCondition



The IsMirrored property indicates whether packets that "mirror" a

compound filter condition should be treated as matching the filter.

The property definition is as follows:

NAME IsMirrored

DESCRIPTION Indicates whether packets that mirror the specified

filter are to be treated as matching the filter.

SYNTAX boolean


6.7. The Class "SimplePolicyAction"

The SimplePolicyAction class models the elementary set operation.

"SET <variable> TO <value>". The set operator MUST overwrite an old

value of the variable.

Two aggregations are used in order to create the pair <variable>

<value>. The aggregation PolicyVariableInSimplePolicyAction relates

a SimplePolicyAction to a single variable instance. Similarly, the

aggregation PolicyValueInSimplePolicyAction relates a

SimplePolicyAction to a single value instance. Both aggregations are

defined in this document.

NAME SimplePolicyAction

DESCRIPTION A subclass of PolicyAction that introduces the

notion of "SET variable TO value".




6.8. The Class "CompoundPolicyAction"

The CompoundPolicyAction class is used to represent an expression

consisting of an ordered sequence of action terms. Each action term

is represented as a subclass of the PolicyAction class, defined in

[PCIM]. Compound actions are constructed by associating dependent

action terms together using the PolicyActionInPolicyAction


The class definition is as follows:

NAME CompoundPolicyAction

DESCRIPTION A class for representing sequenced action terms.

Each action term is defined to be a subclass of the

PolicyAction class.



PROPERTIES SequencedActions


This is a concrete class, and is therefore directly instantiable.

The Property SequencedActions is identical to the SequencedActions

property defined in PCIM for the class PolicyRule.

The property ExecutionStrategy defines the execution strategy to be

used upon the sequenced actions associated with this compound action.

(An equivalent ExecutionStrategy property is also defined for the

PolicyRule class, to provide the same indication for the sequenced

actions associated with a PolicyRule.) This document defines three

execution strategies:

Do Until Success - execute actions according to predefined order,

until successful execution of a single sub-action.

Do All - execute ALL actions which are part of the modeled

set, according to their predefined order.

Continue doing this, even if one or more of the

sub-actions fails.

Do Until Failure - execute actions according to predefined order,

until the first failure in execution of a single


Since a CompoundPolicyAction may itself be aggregated either by a

PolicyRule or by another CompoundPolicyAction, its success or failure

will be an input to the aggregating entity's execution strategy.

Consequently, the following rules are specified, for determining

whether a CompoundPolicyAction succeeds or fails:

If the CompoundPolicyAction's ExecutionStrategy is Do Until Success,


o If one component action succeeds, then the CompoundPolicyAction


o If all component actions fail, then the CompoundPolicyAction


If the CompoundPolicyAction's ExecutionStrategy is Do All, then:

o If all component actions succeed, then the CompoundPolicyAction


o If at least one component action fails, then the

CompoundPolicyAction fails.

If the CompoundPolicyAction's ExecutionStrategy is Do Until Failure,


o If all component actions succeed, then the CompoundPolicyAction


o If at least one component action fails, then the

CompoundPolicyAction fails.

The definition of the ExecutionStrategy property is as follows:

NAME ExecutionStrategy

DESCRIPTION An enumeration indicating how to interpret the

action ordering for the actions aggregated by this


SYNTAX uint16 (ENUM, {1=Do Until Success, 2=Do All, 3=Do

Until Failure} )


6.9. The Abstract Class "PolicyVariable"

Variables are used for building individual conditions. The variable

specifies the property of a flow or an event that should be matched

when evaluating the condition. However, not every combination of a

variable and a value creates a meaningful condition. For example, a

source IP address variable can not be matched against a value that

specifies a port number. A given variable selects the set of

matchable value types.

A variable can have constraints that limit the set of values within a

particular value type that can be matched against it in a condition.

For example, a source-port variable limits the set of values to

represent integers to the range of 0-65535. Integers outside this

range cannot be matched to the source-port variable, even though they

are of the correct data type. Constraints for a given variable are

indicated through the ExpectedPolicyValuesForVariable association.

The PolicyVariable is an abstract class. Implicit and explicit

context variable classes are defined as sub classes of the

PolicyVariable class. A set of implicit variables is defined in this

document as well.

The class definition is as follows:

NAME PolicyVariable




6.10. The Class "PolicyExplicitVariable"

Explicitly defined policy variables are evaluated within the context

of the CIM Schema and its modeling constructs. The

PolicyExplicitVariable class indicates the exact model property to be

evaluated or manipulated. See Section 5.8.6 for a complete

discussion of what happens when the values of the ModelClass and

ModelProperty properties in an instance of this class do not

correspond to the characteristics of the model construct being

evaluated or updated.

The class definition is as follows:

NAME PolicyExplicitVariable

DERIVED FROM PolicyVariable


PROPERTIES ModelClass, ModelProperty

6.10.1. The Single-Valued Property "ModelClass"

This property is a string specifying the class name whose property is

evaluated or set as a PolicyVariable.

The property is defined as follows:

NAME ModelClass


6.10.2. The Single-Valued Property ModelProperty

This property is a string specifying the property name, within the

ModelClass, which is evaluated or set as a PolicyVariable. The

property is defined as follows:

NAME ModelProperty


6.11. The Abstract Class "PolicyImplicitVariable"

Implicitly defined policy variables are evaluated outside of the

context of the CIM Schema and its modeling constructs. Subclasses

specify the data type and semantics of the PolicyVariables.

Interpretation and evaluation of a PolicyImplicitVariable can vary,

depending on the particular context in which it is used. For

example, a "SourceIP" address may denote the source address field of

an IP packet header, or the sender address delivered by an RSVP PATH


The class definition is as follows:

NAME PolicyImplicitVariable

DERIVED FROM PolicyVariable


PROPERTIES ValueTypes[ ]

6.11.1. The Multi-Valued Property "ValueTypes"

This property is a set of strings specifying an unordered list of

possible value/data types that can be used in simple conditions and

actions, with this variable. The value types are specified by their

class names (subclasses of PolicyValue such as PolicyStringValue).

The list of class names enables an application to search on a

specific name, as well as to ensure that the data type of the

variable is of the correct type.

The list of default ValueTypes for each subclass of

PolicyImplicitVariable is specified within that variable's


The property is defined as follows:

NAME ValueTypes


6.12. Subclasses of "PolicyImplicitVariable" Specified in PCIMe

The following subclasses of PolicyImplicitVariable are defined in


6.12.1. The Class "PolicySourceIPv4Variable"

NAME PolicySourceIPv4Variable

DESCRIPTION The source IPv4 address. of the outermost IP packet

header. "Outermost" here refers to the IP packet as

it flows on the wire, before any headers have been

stripped from it.


- PolicyIPv4AddrValue

DERIVED FROM PolicyImplicitVariable



6.12.2. The Class "PolicySourceIPv6Variable"

NAME PolicySourceIPv6Variable

DESCRIPTION The source IPv6 address of the outermost IP packet

header. "Outermost" here refers to the IP packet as

it flows on the wire, before any headers have been

stripped from it.


- PolicyIPv6AddrValue

DERIVED FROM PolicyImplicitVariable



6.12.3. The Class "PolicyDestinationIPv4Variable"

NAME PolicyDestinationIPv4Variable

DESCRIPTION The destination IPv4 address of the outermost IP

packet header. "Outermost" here refers to the IP

packet as it flows on the wire, before any headers

have been stripped from it.


- PolicyIPv4AddrValue

DERIVED FROM PolicyImplicitVariable



6.12.4. The Class "PolicyDestinationIPv6Variable"

NAME PolicyDestinationIPv6Variable

DESCRIPTION The destination IPv6 address of the outermost IP

packet header. "Outermost" here refers to the IP

packet as it flows on the wire, before any headers

have been stripped from it.


- PolicyIPv6AddrValue

DERIVED FROM PolicyImplicitVariable



6.12.5. The Class "PolicySourcePortVariable"

NAME PolicySourcePortVariable

DESCRIPTION Ports are defined as the abstraction that transport

protocols use to distinguish among multiple

destinations within a given host computer. For TCP

and UDP flows, the PolicySourcePortVariable is

logically bound to the source port field of the

outermost UDP or TCP packet header. "Outermost"

here refers to the IP packet as it flows on the

wire, before any headers have been stripped from



- PolicyIntegerValue (0..65535)

DERIVED FROM PolicyImplicitVariable



6.12.6. The Class "PolicyDestinationPortVariable"

NAME PolicyDestinationPortVariable

DESCRIPTION Ports are defined as the abstraction that transport

protocols use to distinguish among multiple

destinations within a given host computer. For TCP

and UDP flows, the PolicyDestinationPortVariable is

logically bound to the destination port field of the

outermost UDP or TCP packet header. "Outermost"

here refers to the IP packet as it flows on the

wire, before any headers have been stripped from it.


- PolicyIntegerValue (0..65535)

DERIVED FROM PolicyImplicitVariable



6.12.7. The Class "PolicyIPProtocolVariable"

NAME PolicyIPProtocolVariable

DESCRIPTION The IP protocol number.


- PolicyIntegerValue (0..255)

DERIVED FROM PolicyImplicitVariable



6.12.8. The Class "PolicyIPVersionVariable"

NAME PolicyIPVersionVariable

DESCRIPTION The IP version number. The well-known values are 4

and 6.


- PolicyIntegerValue (0..15)

DERIVED FROM PolicyImplicitVariable



6.12.9. The Class "PolicyIPToSVariable"

NAME PolicyIPToSVariable



- PolicyIntegerValue (0..255)

- PolicyBitStringValue (8 bits)

DERIVED FROM PolicyImplicitVariable



6.12.10. The Class "PolicyDSCPVariable"

NAME PolicyDSCPVariable

DESCRIPTION The 6 bit Differentiated Service Code Point.


- PolicyIntegerValue (0..63)

- PolicyBitStringValue (6 bits)

DERIVED FROM PolicyImplicitVariable



6.12.11. The Class "PolicyFlowIdVariable"

NAME PolicyFlowIdVariable

DESCRIPTION The flow identifier of the outermost IPv6 packet

header. "Outermost" here refers to the IP packet as

it flows on the wire, before any headers have been

stripped from it.


- PolicyIntegerValue (0..1048575

- PolicyBitStringValue (20 bits)

DERIVED FROM PolicyImplicitVariable



6.12.12. The Class "PolicySourceMACVariable"

NAME PolicySourceMACVariable

DESCRIPTION The source MAC address.


- PolicyMACAddrValue

DERIVED FROM PolicyImplicitVariable



6.12.13. The Class "PolicyDestinationMACVariable"

NAME PolicyDestinationMACVariable

DESCRIPTION The destination MAC address.


- PolicyMACAddrValue

DERIVED FROM PolicyImplicitVariable



6.12.14. The Class "PolicyVLANVariable"

NAME PolicyVLANVariable

DESCRIPTION The virtual Bridged Local Area Network Identifier, a

12-bit field as defined in the IEEE 802.1q standard.


- PolicyIntegerValue (0..4095)

- PolicyBitStringValue (12 bits)

DERIVED FROM PolicyImplicitVariable



6.12.15. The Class "PolicyCoSVariable"

NAME PolicyCoSVariable

DESCRIPTION Class of Service, a 3-bit field, used in the layer 2

header to select the forwarding treatment. Bound to

the IEEE 802.1q user-priority field.


- PolicyIntegerValue (0..7)

- PolicyBitStringValue (3 bits)

DERIVED FROM PolicyImplicitVariable



6.12.16. The Class "PolicyEthertypeVariable"

NAME PolicyEthertypeVariable

DESCRIPTION The Ethertype protocol number of Ethernet frames.


- PolicyIntegerValue (0..65535)

- PolicyBitStringValue (16 bits)

DERIVED FROM PolicyImplicitVariable



6.12.17. The Class "PolicySourceSAPVariable"

NAME PolicySourceSAPVariable

DESCRIPTION The Source Service Access Point (SAP) number of the

IEEE 802.2 LLC header.


- PolicyIntegerValue (0..255)

- PolicyBitStringValue (8 bits)

DERIVED FROM PolicyImplicitVariable



6.12.18. The Class "PolicyDestinationSAPVariable"

NAME PolicyDestinationSAPVariable

DESCRIPTION The Destination Service Access Point (SAP) number of

the IEEE 802.2 LLC header.


- PolicyIntegerValue (0..255)

- PolicyBitStringValue (8 bits)

DERIVED FROM PolicyImplicitVariable



6.12.19. The Class "PolicySNAPOUIVariable"

NAME PolicySNAPOUIVariable

DESCRIPTION The value of the first three octets of the Sub-

Network Access Protocol (SNAP) Protocol Identifier

field for 802.2 SNAP encapsulation, containing an

Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI). The value

00-00-00 indicates the encapsulation of Ethernet

frames (RFC1042). OUI value 00-00-F8 indicates the

special encapsulation of Ethernet frames by certain

types of bridges (IEEE 802.1H). Other values are

supported, but are not further defined here. These

OUI values are to be interpreted according to the

endian-notation conventions of IEEE 802. For either

of the two Ethernet encapsulations, the remainder of

the Protocol Identifier field is represented by the



- PolicyIntegerValue (0..16777215)

- PolicyBitStringValue (24 bits)

DERIVED FROM PolicyImplicitVariable



6.12.20. The Class "PolicySNAPTypeVariable"

NAME PolicySNAPTypeVariable

DESCRIPTION The value of the 4th and 5th octets of the Sub-

Network Access Protocol (SNAP) Protocol Identifier

field for IEEE 802 SNAP encapsulation when the

PolicySNAPOUIVariable indicates one of the two

Encapsulated Ethernet frame formats. This value is

undefined for other values of PolicySNAPOUIVariable.


- PolicyIntegerValue (0..65535)

- PolicyBitStringValue (16 bits)

DERIVED FROM PolicyImplicitVariable



6.12.21. The Class "PolicyFlowDirectionVariable"

NAME PolicyFlowDirectionVariable

DESCRIPTION The direction of a flow relative to a network

element. Direction may be "IN" and/or "OUT".


- PolicyStringValue ('IN", "OUT")

DERIVED FROM PolicyImplicitVariable



To match on both inbound and outbound flows, the associated

PolicyStringValue object has two entries in its StringList property:

"IN" and "OUT".

6.13. The Abstract Class "PolicyValue"

This is an abstract class that serves as the base class for all

subclasses that are used to define value objects in the PCIMe. It is

used for defining values and constants used in policy conditions.

The class definition is as follows:

NAME PolicyValue




6.14. Subclasses of "PolicyValue" Specified in PCIMe

The following subsections contain the PolicyValue subclasses defined

in PCIMe. Additional subclasses may be defined in models derived

from PCIMe.

6.14.1. The Class "PolicyIPv4AddrValue"

This class is used to provide a list of IPv4Addresses, hostnames and

address range values to be matched against in a policy condition.

The class definition is as follows:

NAME PolicyIPv4AddrValue




The IPv4AddrList property provides an unordered list of strings, each

specifying a single IPv4 address, a hostname, or a range of IPv4

addresses, according to the ABNF definition [6] of an IPv4 address,

as specified below:

IPv4address = 1*3DIGIT "." 1*3DIGIT "." 1*3DIGIT "." 1*3DIGIT

IPv4prefix = IPv4address "/" 1*2DIGIT

IPv4range = IPv4address"-"IPv4address

IPv4maskedaddress = IPv4address","IPv4address

Hostname (as defined in [4])

In the above definition, each string entry is either:

1. A single IPv4address in dot notation, as defined above. Example:

2. An IPv4prefix address range, as defined above, specified by an

address and a prefix length, separated by "/". Example:

3. An IPv4range address range defined above, specified by a starting

address in dot notation and an ending address in dot notation,

separated by "-". The range includes all addresses between the

range's starting and ending addresses, including these two

addresses. Example:

4. An IPv4maskedaddress address range, as defined above, specified by

an address and mask. The address and mask are represented in dot

notation, separated by a comma ",". The masked address appears

before the comma, and the mask appears after the comma. Example:,

5. A single Hostname. The Hostname format follows the guidelines and

restrictions specified in [4]. Example: www.bigcompany.com.

Conditions matching IPv4AddrValues evaluate to true according to the

generic matching rules. Additionally, a hostname is matched against

another valid IPv4address representation by resolving the hostname

into an IPv4 address first, and then comparing the addresses

afterwards. Matching hostnames against each other is done using a

string comparison of the two names.

The property definition is as follows:

NAME IPv4AddrList


FORMAT IPv4address IPv4prefix IPv4range

IPv4maskedaddress hostname

6.14.2. The Class "PolicyIPv6AddrValue

This class is used to define a list of IPv6 addresses, hostnames, and

address range values. The class definition is as follows:

NAME PolicyIPv6AddrValue




The property IPv6AddrList provides an unordered list of strings, each

specifying an IPv6 address, a hostname, or a range of IPv6 addresses.

IPv6 address format definition uses the standard address format

defined in [7]. The ABNF definition [6] as specified in [7] is:

IPv6address = hexpart [ ":" IPv4address ]

IPv4address = 1*3DIGIT "." 1*3DIGIT "." 1*3DIGIT "." 1*3DIGIT

IPv6prefix = hexpart "/" 1*2DIGIT

hexpart = hexseq hexseq "::" [ hexseq ] "::" [ hexseq ]

hexseq = hex4 *( ":" hex4)

hex4 = 1*4HEXDIG

IPv6range = IPv6address"-"IPv6address

IPv6maskedaddress = IPv6address","IPv6address

Hostname (as defines in [NAMES])

Each string entry is either:

1. A single IPv6address as defined above.

2. A single Hostname. Hostname format follows guidelines and

restrictions specified in [4].

3. An IPv6range address range, specified by a starting address in dot

notation and an ending address in dot notation, separated by "-".

The range includes all addresses between the range's starting and

ending addresses, including these two addresses.

4. An IPv4maskedaddress address range defined above specified by an

address and mask. The address and mask are represented in dot

notation separated by a comma ",".

5. A single IPv6prefix as defined above.

Conditions matching IPv6AddrValues evaluate to true according to the

generic matching rules. Additionally, a hostname is matched against

another valid IPv6address representation by resolving the hostname

into an IPv6 address first, and then comparing the addresses

afterwards. Matching hostnames against each other is done using a

string comparison of the two names.

6.14.3. The Class "PolicyMACAddrValue"

This class is used to define a list of MAC addresses and MAC address

range values. The class definition is as follows:

NAME PolicyMACAddrValue




The property MACAddrList provides an unordered list of strings, each

specifying a MAC address or a range of MAC addresses. The 802 MAC

address canonical format is used. The ABNF definition [6] is:

MACaddress = 1*4HEXDIG ":" 1*4HEXDIG ":" 1*4HEXDIG

MACmaskedaddress = MACaddress","MACaddress

Each string entry is either:

1. A single MAC address. Example: 0000:00A5:0000

2. A MACmaskedaddress address range defined specified by an address

and mask. The mask specifies the relevant bits in the address.

Example: 0000:00A5:0000,FFFF:FFFF:0000 defines a range of MAC

addresses in which the first four octets are equal to 0000:00A5.

The property definition is as follows:



FORMAT MACaddress MACmaskedaddress

6.14.4. The Class "PolicyStringValue"

This class is used to represent a single string value, or a set of

string values. Each value can have wildcards. The class definition

is as follows:

NAME PolicyStringValue



PROPERTIES StringList[ ]

The property StringList provides an unordered list of strings, each

representing a single string with wildcards. The asterisk character

"*" is used as a wildcard, and represents an arbitrary substring

replacement. For example, the value "abc*def" matches the string

"abcxyzdef", and the value "abc*def*" matches the string

"abcxxxdefyyyzzz". The syntax definition is identical to the

substring assertion syntax defined in [5]. If the asterisk character

is required as part of the string value itself, it MUST be quoted as

described in Section 4.3 of [5].

The property definition is as follows:

NAME StringList


6.14.5. The Class "PolicyBitStringValue"

This class is used to represent a single bit string value, or a set

of bit string values. The class definition is as follows:

NAME PolicyBitStringValue



PROPERTIES BitStringList[ ]

The property BitStringList provides an unordered list of strings,

each representing a single bit string or a set of bit strings. The

number of bits specified SHOULD equal the number of bits of the

expected variable. For example, for a one-octet variable, 8 bits

should be specified. If the variable does not have a fixed length,

the bit string should be matched against the variable's most

significant bit string. The formal definition of a bit string is:

binary-digit = "0" / "1"

bitString = 1*binary-digit

maskedBitString = bitString","bitString

Each string entry is either:

1. A single bit string. Example: 00111010

2. A range of bit strings specified using a bit string and a bit

mask. The bit string and mask fields have the same number of bits

specified. The mask bit string specifies the significant bits in

the bit string value. For example, 110110, 100110 and 110111

would match the maskedBitString 100110,101110 but 100100 would


The property definition is as follows:

NAME BitStringList


FORMAT bitString maskedBitString

6.14.6. The Class "PolicyIntegerValue"

This class provides a list of integer and integer range values.

Integers of arbitrary sizes can be represented. The class definition

is as follows:

NAME PolicyIntegerValue



PROPERTIES IntegerList[ ]

The property IntegerList provides an unordered list of integers and

integer range values, represented as strings. The format of this

property takes one of the following forms:

1. An integer value.

2. A range of integers. The range is specified by a starting integer

and an ending integer, separated by '..'. The starting integer

MUST be less than or equal to the ending integer. The range

includes all integers between the starting and ending integers,

including these two integers.

To represent a range of integers that is not bounded, the reserved

words -INFINITY and/or INFINITY can be used in place of the starting

and ending integers. In addition to ordinary integer matches,


The ABNF definition [6] is:

integer = [-]1*DIGIT "INFINITY" "-INFINITY"

integerrange = integer".."integer

Using ranges, the operators greater-than, greater-than-or-equal-to,

less- than, and less-than-or-equal-to can be expressed. For example,

"X is- greater-than 5" (where X is an integer) can be translated to

"X matches 6-INFINITY". This enables the match condition semantics

of the operator for the SimplePolicyCondition class to be kept simple

(i.e., just the value "match").

The property definition is as follows:

NAME IntegerList


FORMAT integer integerrange

6.14.7. The Class "PolicyBooleanValue"

This class is used to represent a Boolean (TRUE/FALSE) value. The

class definition is as follows:

NAME PolicyBooleanValue




The property definition is as follows:

NAME BooleanValue

SYNTAX boolean

6.15. The Class "PolicyRoleCollection"

This class represents a collection of managed elements that share a

common role. The PolicyRoleCollection always exists in the context

of a system, specified using the PolicyRoleCollectionInSystem

association. The value of the PolicyRole property in this class

specifies the role, and can be matched with the value(s) in the

PolicyRoles array in PolicyRules and PolicyGroups. ManagedElements

that share the role defined in this collection are aggregated into

the collection via the association ElementInPolicyRoleCollection.

NAME PolicyRoleCollection

DESCRIPTION A subclass of the CIM Collection class used to group

together managed elements that share a role.




6.15.1. The Single-Valued Property "PolicyRole"

This property represents the role associated with a

PolicyRoleCollection. The property definition is as follows:

NAME PolicyRole

DESCRIPTION A string representing the role associated with a


SYNTAX string

6.16. The Class "ReusablePolicyContainer"

The new class ReusablePolicyContainer is defined as follows:

NAME ReusablePolicyContainer

DESCRIPTION A class representing an administratively defined

container for reusable policy-related information.

This class does not introduce any additional

properties beyond those in its superclass

AdminDomain. It does, however, participate in

a number of unique associations.




6.17. Deprecate PCIM's Class "PolicyRepository"

The class definition of PolicyRepository (from PCIM) is updated as

follows, with an indication that the class has been deprecated. Note

that when an element of the model is deprecated, its replacement

element is identified explicitly.

NAME PolicyRepository

DEPRECATED FOR ReusablePolicyContainer

DESCRIPTION A class representing an administratively defined

container for reusable policy-related information.

This class does not introduce any additional

properties beyond those in its superclass

AdminDomain. It does, however, participate in a

number of unique associations.




6.18. The Abstract Class "FilterEntryBase"

FilterEntryBase is the abstract base class from which all filter

entry classes are derived. It serves as the endpoint for the

EntriesInFilterList aggregation, which groups filter entries into

filter lists. Its properties include CIM naming attributes and an

IsNegated boolean property (to easily "NOT" the match information

specified in an instance of one of its subclasses).

The class definition is as follows:

NAME FilterEntryBase

DESCRIPTION An abstract class representing a single

filter that is aggregated into a

FilterList via the aggregation


DERIVED FROM LogicalElement

TYPE Abstract


6.19. The Class "IpHeadersFilter"

This concrete class contains the most commonly required properties

for performing filtering on IP, TCP or UDP headers. Properties not

present in an instance of IPHeadersFilter are treated as 'all

values'. A property HdrIpVersion identifies whether the IP addresses

in an instance are IPv4 or IPv6 addresses. Since the source and

destination IP addresses come from the same packet header, they will

always be of the same type.

The class definition is as follows:

NAME IpHeadersFilter

DESCRIPTION A class representing an entire IP

header filter, or any subset of one.

DERIVED FROM FilterEntryBase

TYPE Concrete

PROPERTIES HdrIpVersion, HdrSrcAddress,

HdrSrcAddressEndOfRange, HdrSrcMask,

HdrDestAddress, HdrDestAddressEndOfRange,

HdrDestMask, HdrProtocolID,

HdrSrcPortStart, HdrSrcPortEnd,

HdrDestPortStart, HdrDestPortEnd, HdrDSCP[ ],


6.19.1. The Property HdrIpVersion

This property is an 8-bit unsigned integer, identifying the version

of the IP addresses to be filtered on. IP versions are identified as

they are in the Version field of the IP packet header - IPv4 = 4,

IPv6 = 6. These two values are the only ones defined for this


The value of this property determines the sizes of the OctetStrings

in the six properties HdrSrcAddress, HdrSrcAddressEndOfRange,

HdrSrcMask, HdrDestAddress, HdrDestAddressEndOfRange, and

HdrDestMask, as follows:

o IPv4: OctetString(SIZE (4))

o IPv6: OctetString(SIZE (1620)), depending on whether a scope

identifier is present

If a value for this property is not provided, then the filter does

not consider IP version in selecting matching packets, i.e., IP

version matches for all values. In this case, the HdrSrcAddress,

HdrSrcAddressEndOfRange, HdrSrcMask, HdrDestAddress,

HdrDestAddressEndOfRange, and HdrDestMask must also not be present.

6.19.2. The Property HdrSrcAddress

This property is an OctetString, of a size determined by the value of

the HdrIpVersion property, representing a source IP address. When

there is no HdrSrcAddressEndOfRange value, this value is compared to

the source address in the IP header, subject to the mask represented

in the HdrSrcMask property. (Note that the mask is ANDed with the

address.) When there is a HdrSrcAddressEndOfRange value, this value

is the start of the specified range (i.e., the HdrSrcAddress is lower

than the HdrSrcAddressEndOfRange) that is compared to the source

address in the IP header and matches on any value in the range.

If a value for this property is not provided, then the filter does

not consider HdrSrcAddress in selecting matching packets, i.e.,

HdrSrcAddress matches for all values.

6.19.3. The Property HdrSrcAddressEndOfRange

This property is an OctetString, of a size determined by the value of

the HdrIpVersion property, representing the end of a range of source

IP addresses (inclusive), where the start of the range is the

HdrSrcAddress property value.

If a value for HdrSrcAddress is not provided, then this property also

MUST NOT be provided. If a value for this property is provided, then

HdrSrcMask MUST NOT be provided.

6.19.4. The Property HdrSrcMask

This property is an OctetString, of a size determined by the value of

the HdrIpVersion property, representing a mask to be used in

comparing the source address in the IP header with the value

represented in the HdrSrcAddress property.

If a value for this property is not provided, then the filter does

not consider HdrSrcMask in selecting matching packets, i.e., the

value of HdrSrcAddress or the source address range must match the

source address in the packet exactly. If a value for this property

is provided, then HdrSrcAddressEndOfRange MUST NOT be provided.

6.19.5. The Property HdrDestAddress

This property is an OctetString, of a size determined by the value of

the HdrIpVersion property, representing a destination IP address.

When there is no HdrDestAddressEndOfRange value, this value is

compared to the destination address in the IP header, subject to the

mask represented in the HdrDestMask property. (Note that the mask is

ANDed with the address.) When there is a HdrDestAddressEndOfRange

value, this value is the start of the specified range (i.e., the

HdrDestAddress is lower than the HdrDestAddressEndOfRange) that is

compared to the destination address in the IP header and matches on

any value in the range.

If a value for this property is not provided, then the filter does

not consider HdrDestAddress in selecting matching packets, i.e.,

HdrDestAddress matches for all values.

6.19.6. The Property HdrDestAddressEndOfRange

This property is an OctetString, of a size determined by the value of

the HdrIpVersion property, representing the end of a range of

destination IP addresses (inclusive), where the start of the range is

the HdrDestAddress property value.

If a value for HdrDestAddress is not provided, then this property

also MUST NOT be provided. If a value for this property is provided,

then HdrDestMask MUST NOT be provided.

6.19.7. The Property HdrDestMask

This property is an OctetString, of a size determined by the value of

the HdrIpVersion property, representing a mask to be used in

comparing the destination address in the IP header with the value

represented in the HdrDestAddress property.

If a value for this property is not provided, then the filter does

not consider HdrDestMask in selecting matching packets, i.e., the

value of HdrDestAddress or the destination address range must match

the destination address in the packet exactly. If a value for this

property is provided, then HdrDestAddressEndOfRange MUST NOT be


6.19.8. The Property HdrProtocolID

This property is an 8-bit unsigned integer, representing an IP

protocol type. This value is compared to the Protocol field in the

IP header.

If a value for this property is not provided, then the filter does

not consider HdrProtocolID in selecting matching packets, i.e.,

HdrProtocolID matches for all values.

6.19.9. The Property HdrSrcPortStart

This property is a 16-bit unsigned integer, representing the lower

end of a range of UDP or TCP source ports. The upper end of the

range is represented by the HdrSrcPortEnd property. The value of

HdrSrcPortStart MUST be no greater than the value of HdrSrcPortEnd.

A single port is indicated by equal values for HdrSrcPortStart and


A source port filter is evaluated by testing whether the source port

identified in the IP header falls within the range of values between

HdrSrcPortStart and HdrSrcPortEnd, including these two end points.

If a value for this property is not provided, then the filter does

not consider HdrSrcPortStart in selecting matching packets, i.e.,

there is no lower bound in matching source port values.

6.19.10. The Property HdrSrcPortEnd

This property is a 16-bit unsigned integer, representing the upper

end of a range of UDP or TCP source ports. The lower end of the

range is represented by the HdrSrcPortStart property. The value of

HdrSrcPortEnd MUST be no less than the value of HdrSrcPortStart. A

single port is indicated by equal values for HdrSrcPortStart and


A source port filter is evaluated by testing whether the source port

identified in the IP header falls within the range of values between

HdrSrcPortStart and HdrSrcPortEnd, including these two end points.

If a value for this property is not provided, then the filter does

not consider HdrSrcPortEnd in selecting matching packets, i.e., there

is no upper bound in matching source port values.

6.19.11. The Property HdrDestPortStart

This property is a 16-bit unsigned integer, representing the lower

end of a range of UDP or TCP destination ports. The upper end of the

range is represented by the HdrDestPortEnd property. The value of

HdrDestPortStart MUST be no greater than the value of HdrDestPortEnd.

A single port is indicated by equal values for HdrDestPortStart and


A destination port filter is evaluated by testing whether the

destination port identified in the IP header falls within the range

of values between HdrDestPortStart and HdrDestPortEnd, including

these two end points.

If a value for this property is not provided, then the filter does

not consider HdrDestPortStart in selecting matching packets, i.e.,

there is no lower bound in matching destination port values.

6.19.12. The Property HdrDestPortEnd

This property is a 16-bit unsigned integer, representing the upper

end of a range of UDP or TCP destination ports. The lower end of the

range is represented by the HdrDestPortStart property. The value of

HdrDestPortEnd MUST be no less than the value of HdrDestPortStart. A

single port is indicated by equal values for HdrDestPortStart and


A destination port filter is evaluated by testing whether the

destination port identified in the IP header falls within the range

of values between HdrDestPortStart and HdrDestPortEnd, including

these two end points.

If a value for this property is not provided, then the filter does

not consider HdrDestPortEnd in selecting matching packets, i.e.,

there is no upper bound in matching destination port values.

6.19.13. The Property HdrDSCP

The property HdrDSCP is defined as an array of uint8's, restricted to

the range 0..63. Since DSCPs are defined as discrete code points,

with no inherent structure, there is no semantically significant

relationship between different DSCPs. Consequently, there is no

provision for specifying a range of DSCPs in this property. However,

a list of individual DSCPs, which are ORed together to form a filter,

is supported by the array syntax.

If a value for this property is not provided, then the filter does

not consider HdrDSCP in selecting matching packets, i.e., HdrDSCP

matches for all values.

6.19.14. The Property HdrFlowLabel

The 20-bit Flow Label field in the IPv6 header may be used by a

source to label sequences of packets for which it requests special

handling by IPv6 devices, such as non-default quality of service or

'real-time' service. This property is an octet string of size 3

(that is, 24 bits), in which the 20-bit Flow Label appears in the

rightmost 20 bits, padded on the left with b'0000'.

If a value for this property is not provided, then the filter does

not consider HdrFlowLabel in selecting matching packets, i.e.,

HdrFlowLabel matches for all values.

6.20. The Class "8021Filter"

This concrete class allows 802.1.source and destination MAC

addresses, as well as the 802.1 protocol ID, priority, and VLAN

identifier fields, to be expressed in a single object

The class definition is as follows:

NAME 8021Filter

DESCRIPTION A class that allows 802.1 source

and destination MAC address and

protocol ID, priority, and VLAN

identifier filters to be

expressed in a single object.

DERIVED FROM FilterEntryBase

TYPE Concrete

PROPERTIES 8021HdrSrcMACAddr, 8021HdrSrcMACMask,

8021HdrDestMACAddr, 8021HdrDestMACMask,

8021HdrProtocolID, 8021HdrPriorityValue,


6.20.1. The Property 8021HdrSrcMACAddr

This property is an OctetString of size 6, representing a 48-bit

source MAC address in canonical format. This value is compared to

the SourceAddress field in the MAC header, subject to the mask

represented in the 8021HdrSrcMACMask property.

If a value for this property is not provided, then the filter does

not consider 8021HdrSrcMACAddr in selecting matching packets, i.e.,

8021HdrSrcMACAddr matches for all values.

6.20.2. The Property 8021HdrSrcMACMask

This property is an OctetString of size 6, representing a 48-bit mask

to be used in comparing the SourceAddress field in the MAC header

with the value represented in the 8021HdrSrcMACAddr property.

If a value for this property is not provided, then the filter does

not consider 8021HdrSrcMACMask in selecting matching packets, i.e.,

the value of 8021HdrSrcMACAddr must match the source MAC address in

the packet exactly.

6.20.3. The Property 8021HdrDestMACAddr

This property is an OctetString of size 6, representing a 48-bit

destination MAC address in canonical format. This value is compared

to the DestinationAddress field in the MAC header, subject to the

mask represented in the 8021HdrDestMACMask property.

If a value for this property is not provided, then the filter does

not consider 8021HdrDestMACAddr in selecting matching packets, i.e.,

8021HdrDestMACAddr matches for all values.

6.20.4. The Property 8021HdrDestMACMask

This property is an OctetString of size 6, representing a 48-bit mask

to be used in comparing the DestinationAddress field in the MAC

header with the value represented in the 8021HdrDestMACAddr property.

If a value for this property is not provided, then the filter does

not consider 8021HdrDestMACMask in selecting matching packets, i.e.,

the value of 8021HdrDestMACAddr must match the destination MAC

address in the packet exactly.

6.20.5. The Property 8021HdrProtocolID

This property is a 16-bit unsigned integer, representing an Ethernet

protocol type. This value is compared to the Ethernet Type field in

the 802.3 MAC header.

If a value for this property is not provided, then the filter does

not consider 8021HdrProtocolID in selecting matching packets, i.e.,

8021HdrProtocolID matches for all values.

6.20.6. The Property 8021HdrPriorityValue

This property is an 8-bit unsigned integer, representing an 802.1Q

priority. This value is compared to the Priority field in the 802.1Q

header. Since the 802.1Q Priority field consists of 3 bits, the

values for this property are limited to the range 0..7.

If a value for this property is not provided, then the filter does

not consider 8021HdrPriorityValue in selecting matching packets,

i.e., 8021HdrPriorityValue matches for all values.

6.20.7. The Property 8021HdrVLANID

This property is a 32-bit unsigned integer, representing an 802.1Q

VLAN Identifier. This value is compared to the VLAN ID field in the

802.1Q header. Since the 802.1Q VLAN ID field consists of 12 bits,

the values for this property are limited to the range 0..4095.

If a value for this property is not provided, then the filter does

not consider 8021HdrVLANID in selecting matching packets, i.e.,

8021HdrVLANID matches for all values.

6.21. The Class FilterList

This is a concrete class that aggregates instances of (subclasses of)

FilterEntryBase via the aggregation EntriesInFilterList. It is

possible to aggregate different types of filters into a single

FilterList - for example, packet header filters (represented by the

IpHeadersFilter class) and security filters (represented by

subclasses of FilterEntryBase defined by IPsec).

The aggregation property EntriesInFilterList.EntrySequence is always

set to 0, to indicate that the aggregated filter entries are ANDed

together to form a selector for a class of traffic.

The class definition is as follows:

NAME FilterList

DESCRIPTION A concrete class representing

the aggregation of multiple filters.

DERIVED FROM LogicalElement

TYPE Concrete


6.21.1. The Property Direction

This property is a 16-bit unsigned integer enumeration, representing

the direction of the traffic flow to which the FilterList is to be

applied. Defined enumeration values are

o NotApplicable(0)

o Input(1)

o Output(2)

o Both(3) - This value is used to indicate that the direction is

immaterial, e.g., to filter on a source subnet regardless of

whether the flow is inbound or outbound

o Mirrored(4) - This value is also applicable to both inbound and

outbound flow processing, but it indicates that the filter

criteria are applied asymmetrically to traffic in both directions

and, thus, specifies the reversal of source and destination

criteria (as opposed to the equality of these criteria as

indicated by "Both"). The match conditions in the aggregated

FilterEntryBase subclass instances are defined from the

perspective of outbound flows and applied to inbound flows as well

by reversing the source and destination criteria. So, for

example, consider a FilterList with 3 filter entries indicating

destination port = 80, and source and destination addresses of a

and b, respectively. Then, for the outbound direction, the filter

entries match as specified and the 'mirror' (for the inbound

direction) matches on source port = 80 and source and destination

addresses of b and a, respectively.

7. Association and Aggregation Definitions

The following definitions supplement those in PCIM itself. PCIM

definitions that are not DEPRECATED here are still current parts of

the overall Policy Core Information Model.

7.1. The Aggregation "PolicySetComponent"

PolicySetComponent is a new aggregation class that collects instances

of PolicySet subclasses (PolicyGroups and PolicyRules) into coherent

sets of policies.

NAME PolicySetComponent

DESCRIPTION A concrete class representing the components of a

policy set that have the same decision strategy, and

are prioritized within the set.

DERIVED FROM PolicyComponent


PROPERTIES GroupComponent[ref PolicySet[0..n]]

PartComponent[ref PolicySet[0..n]]


The definition of the Priority property is unchanged from its

previous definition in [PCIM].

NAME Priority

DESCRIPTION A non-negative integer for prioritizing this

PolicySet component relative to other components of

the same PolicySet. A larger value indicates a

higher priority.

SYNTAX uint16


7.2. Deprecate PCIM's Aggregation "PolicyGroupInPolicyGroup"

The new aggregation PolicySetComponent is used directly to represent

aggregation of PolicyGroups by a higher-level PolicyGroup. Thus the

aggregation PolicyGroupInPolicyGroup is no longer needed, and can be


NAME PolicyGroupInPolicyGroup

DEPRECATED FOR PolicySetComponent

DESCRIPTION A class representing the aggregation of PolicyGroups

by a higher-level PolicyGroup.

DERIVED FROM PolicyComponent


PROPERTIES GroupComponent[ref PolicyGroup[0..n]]

PartComponent[ref PolicyGroup[0..n]]

7.3. Deprecate PCIM's Aggregation "PolicyRuleInPolicyGroup"

The new aggregation PolicySetComponent is used directly to represent

aggregation of PolicyRules by a PolicyGroup. Thus the aggregation

PolicyRuleInPolicyGroup is no longer needed, and can be deprecated.

NAME PolicyRuleInPolicyGroup

DEPRECATED FOR PolicySetComponent

DESCRIPTION A class representing the aggregation of PolicyRules

by a PolicyGroup.

DERIVED FROM PolicyComponent


PROPERTIES GroupComponent[ref PolicyGroup[0..n]]

PartComponent[ref PolicyRule[0..n]]

7.4. The Abstract Association "PolicySetInSystem"

PolicySetInSystem is a new association that defines a relationship

between a System and a PolicySet used in the administrative scope of

that system (e.g., AdminDomain, ComputerSystem). The Priority

property is used to assign a relative priority to a PolicySet within

the administrative scope in contexts where it is not a component of

another PolicySet.

NAME PolicySetInSystem

DESCRIPTION An abstract class representing the relationship

between a System and a PolicySet that is used in the

administrative scope of the System.



PROPERTIES Antecedent[ref System[0..1]]

Dependent [ref PolicySet[0..n]]


The Priority property is used to specify the relative priority of the

referenced PolicySet when there are more than one PolicySet instances

applied to a managed resource that are not PolicySetComponents and,

therefore, have no other relative priority defined.

NAME Priority

DESCRIPTION A non-negative integer for prioritizing the

referenced PolicySet among other PolicySet

instances that are not components of a common

PolicySet. A larger value indicates a higher


SYNTAX uint16


7.5. Update PCIM's Weak Association "PolicyGroupInSystem"

Regardless of whether it a component of another PolicySet, a

PolicyGroup is itself defined within the scope of a System. This

association links a PolicyGroup to the System in whose scope the

PolicyGroup is defined. It is a subclass of the abstract

PolicySetInSystem association. The class definition for the

association is as follows:

NAME PolicyGroupInSystem

DESCRIPTION A class representing the fact that a PolicyGroup is

defined within the scope of a System.

DERIVED FROM PolicySetInSystem


PROPERTIES Antecedent[ref System[1..1]]

Dependent [ref PolicyGroup[weak]]

The Reference "Antecedent" is inherited from PolicySetInSystem, and

overridden to restrict its cardinality to [1..1]. It serves as an

object reference to a System that provides a scope for one or more

PolicyGroups. Since this is a weak association, the cardinality for

this object reference is always 1, that is, a PolicyGroup is always

defined within the scope of exactly one System.

The Reference "Dependent" is inherited from PolicySetInSystem, and

overridden to become an object reference to a PolicyGroup defined

within the scope of a System. Note that for any single instance of

the association class PolicyGroupInSystem, this property (like all

reference properties) is single-valued. The [0..n] cardinality

indicates that a given System may have 0, 1, or more than one

PolicyGroups defined within its scope.

7.6. Update PCIM's Weak Association "PolicyRuleInSystem"

Regardless of whether it a component of another PolicySet, a

PolicyRule is itself defined within the scope of a System. This

association links a PolicyRule to the System in whose scope the

PolicyRule is defined. It is a subclass of the abstract

PolicySetInSystem association. The class definition for the

association is as follows:

NAME PolicyRuleInSystem

DESCRIPTION A class representing the fact that a PolicyRule is

defined within the scope of a System.

DERIVED FROM PolicySetInSystem


PROPERTIES Antecedent[ref System[1..1]]

Dependent[ref PolicyRule[weak]]

The Reference "Antecedent" is inherited from PolicySetInSystem, and

overridden to restrict its cardinality to [1..1]. It serves as an

object reference to a System that provides a scope for one or more

PolicyRules. Since this is a weak association, the cardinality for

this object reference is always 1, that is, a PolicyRule is always

defined within the scope of exactly one System.

The Reference "Dependent" is inherited from PolicySetInSystem, and

overridden to become an object reference to a PolicyRule defined

within the scope of a System. Note that for any single instance of

the association class PolicyRuleInSystem, this property (like all

Reference properties) is single-valued. The [0..n] cardinality

indicates that a given System may have 0, 1, or more than one

PolicyRules defined within its scope.

7.7. The Abstract Aggregation "PolicyConditionStructure"

NAME PolicyConditionStructure

DESCRIPTION A class representing the aggregation of

PolicyConditions by an aggregating instance.

DERIVED FROM PolicyComponent


PROPERTIES PartComponent[ref PolicyCondition[0..n]]



7.8. Update PCIM's Aggregation "PolicyConditionInPolicyRule"

The PCIM aggregation "PolicyConditionInPolicyRule" is updated, to

make it a subclass of the new abstract aggregation

PolicyConditionStructure. The properties GroupNumber and

ConditionNegated are now inherited, rather than specified explicitly

as they were in PCIM.

NAME PolicyConditionInPolicyRule

DESCRIPTION A class representing the aggregation of

PolicyConditions by a PolicyRule.

DERIVED FROM PolicyConditionStructure


PROPERTIES GroupComponent[ref PolicyRule[0..n]]

7.9. The Aggregation "PolicyConditionInPolicyCondition"

A second subclass of PolicyConditionStructure is defined,

representing the compounding of policy conditions into a higher-level

policy condition.

NAME PolicyConditionInPolicyCondition

DESCRIPTION A class representing the aggregation of

PolicyConditions by another PolicyCondition.

DERIVED FROM PolicyConditionStructure


PROPERTIES GroupComponent[ref CompoundPolicyCondition[0..n]]

7.10. The Abstract Aggregation "PolicyActionStructure"

NAME PolicyActionStructure

DESCRIPTION A class representing the aggregation of

PolicyActions by an aggregating instance.

DERIVED FROM PolicyComponent


PROPERTIES PartComponent[ref PolicyAction[0..n]]


The definition of the ActionOrder property appears in Section 7.8.3

of PCIM [1].

7.11. Update PCIM's Aggregation "PolicyActionInPolicyRule"

The PCIM aggregation "PolicyActionInPolicyRule" is updated, to make

it a subclass of the new abstract aggregation PolicyActionStructure.

The property ActionOrder is now inherited, rather than specified

explicitly as it was in PCIM.

NAME PolicyActionInPolicyRule

DESCRIPTION A class representing the aggregation of

PolicyActions by a PolicyRule.

DERIVED FROM PolicyActionStructure


PROPERTIES GroupComponent[ref PolicyRule[0..n]]

7.12. The Aggregation "PolicyActionInPolicyAction"

A second subclass of PolicyActionStructure is defined, representing

the compounding of policy actions into a higher-level policy action.

NAME PolicyActionInPolicyAction

DESCRIPTION A class representing the aggregation of

PolicyActions by another PolicyAction.

DERIVED FROM PolicyActionStructure


PROPERTIES GroupComponent[ref CompoundPolicyAction[0..n]]

7.13. The Aggregation "PolicyVariableInSimplePolicyCondition"

A simple policy condition is represented as an ordered triplet

{variable, operator, value}. This aggregation provides the linkage

between a SimplePolicyCondition instance and a single PolicyVariable.

The aggregation PolicyValueInSimplePolicyCondition links the

SimplePolicyCondition to a single PolicyValue. The Operator property

of SimplePolicyCondition represents the third element of the triplet,

the operator.

The class definition for this aggregation is as follows:

NAME PolicyVariableInSimplePolicyCondition

DERIVED FROM PolicyComponent


PROPERTIES GroupComponent[ref SimplePolicyCondition[0..n]]

PartComponent[ref PolicyVariable[1..1] ]

The reference property "GroupComponent" is inherited from

PolicyComponent, and overridden to become an object reference to a

SimplePolicyCondition that contains exactly one PolicyVariable. Note

that for any single instance of the aggregation class

PolicyVariableInSimplePolicyCondition, this property is single-

valued. The [0..n] cardinality indicates that there may be 0, 1, or

more SimplePolicyCondition objects that contain any given policy

variable object.

The reference property "PartComponent" is inherited from

PolicyComponent, and overridden to become an object reference to a

PolicyVariable that is defined within the scope of a

SimplePolicyCondition. Note that for any single instance of the

association class PolicyVariableInSimplePolicyCondition, this

property (like all reference properties) is single-valued. The

[1..1] cardinality indicates that a SimplePolicyCondition must have

exactly one policy variable defined within its scope in order to be


7.14. The Aggregation "PolicyValueInSimplePolicyCondition"

A simple policy condition is represented as an ordered triplet

{variable, operator, value}. This aggregation provides the linkage

between a SimplePolicyCondition instance and a single PolicyValue.

The aggregation PolicyVariableInSimplePolicyCondition links the

SimplePolicyCondition to a single PolicyVariable. The Operator

property of SimplePolicyCondition represents the third element of the

triplet, the operator.

The class definition for this aggregation is as follows:

NAME PolicyValueInSimplePolicyCondition

DERIVED FROM PolicyComponent


PROPERTIES GroupComponent[ref SimplePolicyCondition[0..n]]

PartComponent[ref PolicyValue[1..1] ]

The reference property "GroupComponent" is inherited from

PolicyComponent, and overridden to become an object reference to a

SimplePolicyCondition that contains exactly one PolicyValue. Note

that for any single instance of the aggregation class

PolicyValueInSimplePolicyCondition, this property is single-valued.

The [0..n] cardinality indicates that there may be 0, 1, or more

SimplePolicyCondition objects that contain any given policy value


The reference property "PartComponent" is inherited from

PolicyComponent, and overridden to become an object reference to a

PolicyValue that is defined within the scope of a

SimplePolicyCondition. Note that for any single instance of the

association class PolicyValueInSimplePolicyCondition, this property

(like all reference properties) is single-valued. The [1..1]

cardinality indicates that a SimplePolicyCondition must have exactly

one policy value defined within its scope in order to be meaningful.

7.15. The Aggregation "PolicyVariableInSimplePolicyAction"

A simple policy action is represented as a pair {variable, value}.

This aggregation provides the linkage between a SimplePolicyAction

instance and a single PolicyVariable. The aggregation

PolicyValueInSimplePolicyAction links the SimplePolicyAction to a

single PolicyValue.

The class definition for this aggregation is as follows:

NAME PolicyVariableInSimplePolicyAction

DERIVED FROM PolicyComponent


PROPERTIES GroupComponent[ref SimplePolicyAction[0..n]]

PartComponent[ref PolicyVariable[1..1] ]

The reference property "GroupComponent" is inherited from

PolicyComponent, and overridden to become an object reference to a

SimplePolicyAction that contains exactly one PolicyVariable. Note

that for any single instance of the aggregation class

PolicyVariableInSimplePolicyAction, this property is single-valued.

The [0..n] cardinality indicates that there may be 0, 1, or more

SimplePolicyAction objects that contain any given policy variable


The reference property "PartComponent" is inherited from

PolicyComponent, and overridden to become an object reference to a

PolicyVariable that is defined within the scope of a

SimplePolicyAction. Note that for any single instance of the

association class PolicyVariableInSimplePolicyAction, this property

(like all reference properties) is single-valued. The [1..1]

cardinality indicates that a SimplePolicyAction must have exactly one

policy variable defined within its scope in order to be meaningful.

7.16. The Aggregation "PolicyValueInSimplePolicyAction"

A simple policy action is represented as a pair {variable, value}.

This aggregation provides the linkage between a SimplePolicyAction

instance and a single PolicyValue. The aggregation

PolicyVariableInSimplePolicyAction links the SimplePolicyAction to a

single PolicyVariable.

The class definition for this aggregation is as follows:

NAME PolicyValueInSimplePolicyAction

DERIVED FROM PolicyComponent


PROPERTIES GroupComponent[ref SimplePolicyAction[0..n]]

PartComponent[ref PolicyValue[1..1] ]

The reference property "GroupComponent" is inherited from

PolicyComponent, and overridden to become an object reference to a

SimplePolicyAction that contains exactly one PolicyValue. Note that

for any single instance of the aggregation class

PolicyValueInSimplePolicyAction, this property is single-valued. The

[0..n] cardinality indicates that there may be 0, 1, or more

SimplePolicyAction objects that contain any given policy value


The reference property "PartComponent" is inherited from

PolicyComponent, and overridden to become an object reference to a

PolicyValue that is defined within the scope of a SimplePolicyAction.

Note that for any single instance of the association class

PolicyValueInSimplePolicyAction, this property (like all reference

properties) is single-valued. The [1..1] cardinality indicates that

a SimplePolicyAction must have exactly one policy value defined

within its scope in order to be meaningful.

7.17. The Association "ReusablePolicy"

The association ReusablePolicy makes it possible to include any

subclass of the abstract class "Policy" in a ReusablePolicyContainer.

NAME ReusablePolicy

DESCRIPTION A class representing the inclusion of a reusable

policy element in a ReusablePolicyContainer.

Reusable elements may be PolicyGroups, PolicyRules,

PolicyConditions, PolicyActions, PolicyVariables,

PolicyValues, or instances of any other subclasses

of the abstract class Policy.



PROPERTIES Antecedent[ref ReusablePolicyContainer[0..1]]

7.18. Deprecate PCIM's "PolicyConditionInPolicyRepository"

NAME PolicyConditionInPolicyRepository


DESCRIPTION A class representing the inclusion of a reusable

PolicyCondition in a PolicyRepository.



PROPERTIES Antecedent[ref PolicyRepository[0..1]]

Dependent[ref PolicyCondition[0..n]]

7.19. Deprecate PCIM's "PolicyActionInPolicyRepository"

NAME PolicyActionInPolicyRepository


DESCRIPTION A class representing the inclusion of a reusable

PolicyAction in a PolicyRepository.



PROPERTIES Antecedent[ref PolicyRepository[0..1]]

Dependent[ref PolicyAction[0..n]]

7.20. The Association ExpectedPolicyValuesForVariable

This association links a PolicyValue object to a PolicyVariable

object, modeling the set of expected values for that PolicyVariable.

Using this association, a variable (instance) may be constrained to

be bound- to/assigned only a set of allowed values. For example,

modeling an enumerated source port variable, one creates an instance

of the PolicySourcePortVariable class and associates with it the set

of values (integers) representing the allowed enumeration, using

appropriate number of instances of the

ExpectedPolicyValuesForVariable association.

Note that a single variable instance may be constrained by any number

of values, and a single value may be used to constrain any number of

variables. These relationships are manifested by the n-to-m

cardinality of the association.

The purpose of this association is to support validation of simple

policy conditions and simple policy actions, prior to their

deployment to an enforcement point. This association, and the

PolicyValue object that it refers to, plays no role when a PDP or a

PEP is evaluating a simple policy condition, or executing a simple

policy action. See Section 5.8.3 for more details on this point.

The class definition for the association is as follows:

NAME ExpectedPolicyValuesForVariable

DESCRIPTION A class representing the association of a set of

expected values to a variable object.



PROPERTIES Antecedent [ref PolicyVariable[0..n]]

Dependent [ref PolicyValue [0..n]]

The reference property Antecedent is inherited from Dependency. Its

type and cardinality are overridden to provide the semantics of a

variable optionally having value constraints. The [0..n] cardinality

indicates that any number of variables may be constrained by a given


The reference property "Dependent" is inherited from Dependency, and

overridden to become an object reference to a PolicyValue

representing the values that a particular PolicyVariable can have.

The [0..n] cardinality indicates that a given policy variable may

have 0, 1 or more than one PolicyValues defined to model the set(s)

of values that the policy variable can take.

7.21. The Aggregation "ContainedDomain"

The aggregation ContainedDomain provides a means of nesting of one

ReusablePolicyContainer inside another one. The aggregation is

defined at the level of ReusablePolicyContainer's superclass,

AdminDomain, to give it applicability to areas other than Core


NAME ContainedDomain

DESCRIPTION A class representing the aggregation of lower level

administrative domains by a higher-level


DERIVED FROM SystemComponent


PROPERTIES GroupComponent[ref AdminDomain [0..n]]

PartComponent[ref AdminDomain [0..n]]

7.22. Deprecate PCIM's "PolicyRepositoryInPolicyRepository"

NAME PolicyRepositoryInPolicyRepository

DEPRECATED FOR ContainedDomain

DESCRIPTION A class representing the aggregation of

PolicyRepositories by a higher-level


DERIVED FROM SystemComponent


PROPERTIES GroupComponent[ref PolicyRepository[0..n]]

PartComponent[ref PolicyRepository[0..n]]

7.23. The Aggregation "EntriesInFilterList"

This aggregation is a specialization of the Component aggregation; it

is used to define a set of filter entries (subclasses of

FilterEntryBase) that are aggregated by a FilterList.

The cardinalities of the aggregation itself are 0..1 on the

FilterList end, and 0..n on the FilterEntryBase end. Thus in the

general case, a filter entry can exist without being aggregated into

any FilterList. However, the only way a filter entry can figure in

the PCIMe model is by being aggregated into a FilterList by this


The class definition for the aggregation is as follows:

NAME EntriesInFilterList

DESCRIPTION An aggregation used to define a set of

filter entries (subclasses of

FilterEntryBase) that are aggregated by

a particular FilterList.



PROPERTIES GroupComponent[ref





7.23.1. The Reference GroupComponent

This property is overridden in this aggregation to represent an

object reference to a FilterList object (instead of to the more

generic ManagedSystemElement object defined in its superclass). It

also restricts the cardinality of the aggregate to 0..1 (instead of

the more generic 0-or-more), representing the fact that a filter

entry always exists within the context of at most one FilterList.

7.23.2. The Reference PartComponent

This property is overridden in this aggregation to represent an

object reference to a FilterEntryBase object (instead of to the more

generic ManagedSystemElement object defined in its superclass). This

object represents a single filter entry, which may be aggregated with

other filter entries to form the FilterList.

7.23.3. The Property EntrySequence

An unsigned 16-bit integer indicating the order of the filter entry

relative to all others in the FilterList. The default value '0'

indicates that order is not significant, because the entries in this

FilterList are ANDed together.

7.24. The Aggregation "ElementInPolicyRoleCollection"

The following aggregation is used to associate ManagedElements with a

PolicyRoleCollection object that represents a role played by these


NAME ElementInPolicyRoleCollection

DESCRIPTION A class representing the inclusion of a

ManagedElement in a collection, specified as

having a given role. All the managed elements

in the collection share the same role.

DERIVED FROM MemberOfCollection


PROPERTIES Collection[ref PolicyRoleCollection [0..n]]

Member[ref ManagedElement [0..n]]

7.25. The Weak Association "PolicyRoleCollectionInSystem"

A PolicyRoleCollection is defined within the scope of a System. This

association links a PolicyRoleCollection to the System in whose scope

it is defined.

When associating a PolicyRoleCollection with a System, this should be

done consistently with the system that scopes the policy rules/groups

that are applied to the resources in that collection. A

PolicyRoleCollection is associated with the same system as the

applicable PolicyRules and/or PolicyGroups, or to a System higher in

the tree formed by the SystemComponent association.

The class definition for the association is as follows:

NAME PolicyRoleCollectionInSystem

DESCRIPTION A class representing the fact that a

PolicyRoleCollection is defined within the scope of

a System.



PROPERTIES Antecedent[ref System[1..1]]

Dependent[ref PolicyRoleCollection[weak]]

The reference property Antecedent is inherited from Dependency, and

overridden to become an object reference to a System, and to restrict

its cardinality to [1..1]. It serves as an object reference to a

System that provides a scope for one or more PolicyRoleCollections.

Since this is a weak association, the cardinality for this object

reference is always 1, that is, a PolicyRoleCollection is always

defined within the scope of exactly one System.

The reference property Dependent is inherited from Dependency, and

overridden to become an object reference to a PolicyRoleCollection

defined within the scope of a System. Note that for any single

instance of the association class PolicyRoleCollectionInSystem, this

property (like all Reference properties) is single-valued. The

[0..n] cardinality indicates that a given System may have 0, 1, or

more than one PolicyRoleCollections defined within its scope.

8. Intellectual Property

The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any

intellectual property or other rights that might be claimed to

pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in

this document or the extent to which any license under such rights

might or might not be available; neither does it represent that it

has made any effort to identify any such rights. Information on the

IETF's procedures with respect to rights in standards-track and

standards-related documentation can be found in BCP-11.

Copies of claims of rights made available for publication and any

assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an

attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use of

such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this

specification can be obtained from the IETF Secretariat.

The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any

copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary

rights which may cover technology that may be required to practice

this standard. Please address the information to the IETF Executive


9. Acknowledgements

The starting point for this document was PCIM itself [1], and the

first three submodels derived from it [11], [12], [13]. The authors

of these documents created the extensions to PCIM, and asked the

questions about PCIM, that are reflected in PCIMe.

10. Contributors

This document includes text written by a number of authors (including

the editor), that was subsequently merged by the editor. The

following people contributed text to this document:

Lee Rafalow

IBM Corporation, BRQA/501

4205 S. Miami Blvd.

Research Triangle Park, NC 27709

Phone: +1 919-254-4455

Fax: +1 919-254-6243

EMail: rafalow@us.ibm.com

Yoram Ramberg

Cisco Systems

4 Maskit Street

Herzliya Pituach, Israel 46766

Phone: +972-9-970-0081

Fax: +972-9-970-0219

EMail: yramberg@cisco.com

Yoram Snir

Cisco Systems

4 Maskit Street

Herzliya Pituach, Israel 46766

Phone: +972-9-970-0085

Fax: +972-9-970-0366

EMail: ysnir@cisco.com

Andrea Westerinen

Cisco Systems

Building 20

725 Alder Drive

Milpitas, CA 95035

Phone: +1-408-853-8294

Fax: +1-408-527-6351

EMail: andreaw@cisco.com

Ritu Chadha

Telcordia Technologies

MCC 1J-218R

445 South Street

Morristown NJ 07960.

Phone: +1-973-829-4869

Fax: +1-973-829-5889

EMail: chadha@research.telcordia.com

Marcus Brunner

NEC Europe Ltd.

C&C Research Laboratories

Adenauerplatz 6

D-69115 Heidelberg, Germany

Phone: +49 (0)6221 9051129

Fax: +49 (0)6221 9051155



Ron Cohen

Ntear LLC

EMail: ronc@ntear.com

John Strassner


90 South Cascade Avenue

Colorado Springs, CO 80903

Phone: +1-719-785-0648

EMail: john.strassner@intelliden.com

11. Security Considerations

The Policy Core Information Model (PCIM) [1] describes the general

security considerations related to the general core policy model.

The extensions defined in this document do not introduce any

additional considerations related to security.

12. Normative References

[1] Moore, B., Ellesson, E., Strassner, J. and A. Westerinen,

"Policy Core Information Model -- Version 1 Specification", RFC

3060, February 2001.

[2] Distributed Management Task Force, Inc., "DMTF Technologies: CIM

Standards CIM Schema: Version 2.5", available at


[3] Distributed Management Task Force, Inc., "Common Information

Model (CIM) Specification: Version 2.2", June 14, 1999,

available at


[4] Mockapetris, P., "Domain Names - implementation and

specification", STD 13, RFC1035, November 1987.

[5] Wahl, M., Coulbeck, A., Howes, T. and S. Kille, "Lightweight

Directory Access Protocol (v3): Attribute Syntax Definitions",

RFC2252, December 1997.

[6] Crocker, D. and P. Overell, "Augmented BNF for Syntax

Specifications: ABNF", RFC2234, November 1997.

[7] Hinden, R. and S. Deering, "IP Version 6 Addressing

Architecture", RFC2373, July 1998.

[8] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement

Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

13. Informative References

[9] Hovey, R. and S. Bradner, "The Organizations Involved in the

IETF Standards Process", BCP 11, RFC2028, October 1996.

[10] Westerinen, A., Schnizlein, J., Strassner, J., Scherling, M.,

Quinn, B., Herzog, S., Huynh, A., Carlson, M., Perry, J. and

Waldbusser, "Terminology for Policy-Based Management", RFC3198,

November 2001.

[11] Snir, Y., and Y. Ramberg, J. Strassner, R. Cohen, "Policy QoS

Information Model", Work in Progress.

[12] Jason, J., and L. Rafalow, E. Vyncke, "IPsec Configuration

Policy Model", Work in Progress.

[13] Chadha, R., and M. Brunner, M. Yoshida, J. Quittek, G.

Mykoniatis, A. Poylisher, R. Vaidyanathan, A. Kind, F.

Reichmeyer, "Policy Framework MPLS Information Model for QoS and

TE", Work in Progress.

[14] S. Waldbusser, and J. Saperia, T. Hongal, "Policy Based

Management MIB", Work in Progress.

[15] B. Moore, and D. Durham, J. Halpern, J. Strassner, A.

Westerinen, W. Weiss, "Information Model for Describing Network

Device QoS Datapath Mechanisms", Work in Progress.

Author's Address

Bob Moore

IBM Corporation, BRQA/501

4205 S. Miami Blvd.

Research Triangle Park, NC 27709

Phone: +1 919-254-4436

Fax: +1 919-254-6243

EMail: remoore@us.ibm.com

Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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