
RFC3457 - Requirements for IPsec Remote Access Scenarios

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group S. Kelly

Request for Comments: 3457 Airespace

Category: Informational S. Ramamoorthi

Juniper Networks

January 2003

Requirements for IPsec Remote Access Scenarios

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does

not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this

memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003). All Rights Reserved.


IPsec offers mUCh promise as a secure remote access mechanism.

However, there are a number of differing remote access scenarios,

each having some shared and some unique requirements. A thorough

understanding of these requirements is necessary in order to

effectively evaluate the suitability of a specific set of mechanisms

for any particular remote access scenario. This document enumerates

the requirements for a number of common remote access scenarios.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.1 Requirements Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.2 Reader Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.3 General Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.4 Document Content and Organization . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2. Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2.1 Endpoint Authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2.1.1 Machine-Level Authentication . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2.1.2 User-Level Authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2.1.3 Combined User/Machine Authentication . . . . . . . 8

2.1.4 Remote Access Authentication . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2.1.5 Compatibility With Legacy Remote Access Mechanisms 9

2.2 Remote Host Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2.3 Security Policy Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2.4 Auditing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2.5 Intermediary Traversal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

3. Scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

3.1 Telecommuters (Dialup/DSL/Cablemodem) . . . . . . . . . 14

3.1.1 Endpoint Authentication Requirements . . . . . . . 15

3.1.2 Device Configuration Requirements . . . . . . . . 16

3.1.3 Policy Configuration Requirements . . . . . . . . 17

3.1.4 Auditing Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

3.1.5 Intermediary Traversal Requirements . . . . . . . 18

3.2 Corporate to Remote Extranet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

3.2.1 Authentication Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . 19

3.2.2 Device Configuration Requirements . . . . . . . . 20

3.2.3 Policy Configuration Requirements . . . . . . . . 21

3.2.4 Auditing Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

3.2.5 Intermediary Traversal Requirements . . . . . . . 21

3.3 Extranet Laptop to Home Corporate Net . . . . . . . . . 22

3.3.1 Authentication Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . 22

3.3.2 Device Configuration Requirements . . . . . . . . 23

3.3.3 Policy Configuration Requirements . . . . . . . . 23

3.3.4 Auditing Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

3.3.5 Intermediary Traversal Requirements . . . . . . . 24

3.4 Extranet Desktop to Home Corporate Net . . . . . . . . . 25

3.4.1 Authentication Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . 25

3.4.2 Device Configuration Requirements . . . . . . . . 26

3.4.3 Policy Configuration Requirements . . . . . . . . 26

3.4.4 Auditing Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

3.4.5 Intermediary Traversal Requirements . . . . . . . 26

3.5 Public System to Target Network . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

3.5.1 Authentication Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . 27

3.5.2 Device Configuration Requirements . . . . . . . . 28

3.5.3 Policy Configuration Requirements . . . . . . . . 28

3.5.4 Auditing Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

3.5.5 Intermediary Traversal Requirements . . . . . . . 29

4. Scenario Commonalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

5. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

6. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

7. Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

8. Editors' Addresses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

9. Full Copyright Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

1. Introduction

Until recently, remote access has typically been characterized by

dial-up users accessing the target network via the Public Switched

Telephone Network (PSTN), with the dial-up connection terminating at

a Network Access Server (NAS) within the target domain. The

protocols facilitating this have usually been PPP-based, and access

control, authorization, and accounting functions have typically been

provided using one or more of a number of available mechanisms,

including RADIUS [RADIUS].

Note that for such access, it has often been assumed that the

communications infrastructure supporting the ISP connection (the

PSTN) is relatively secure, and poses no significant threats to

communications integrity or confidentiality. Based on this

assumption, connection security has been limited to access control at

the NAS based on username/passphrase pairs. In reality, PSTN dialup

connections have never been impervious to a determined adversary.

The availability of widespread broadband access, in concert with the

desire to reduce the cost of PSTN toll access, have driven the

development of Internet-based remote access mechanisms. In some

cases, PPP-based tunneling mechanisms have been used to provide

remote access by allowing the dial user to first access a local ISP

account, and then tunnel an additional PPP connection over the

Internet into the target network. In the case of broadband users,

such connections are tunneled directly over the Internet. While

these mechanisms have been lacking in terms of security features, the

increasing availability of IPsec renders it possible to provide more

secure remote access to the remote resources via the Internet.

Remote access via the Internet has numerous benefits, financial and

otherwise. However, security is paramount, and this presents strong

incentives for migration from the old dial-up model to a more secure

IPsec-based remote access model. Meeting the security requirements

of various classes of remote access users presents a number of

challenges. It is the aim of this document to eXPlore and enumerate

the requirements of various IPsec remote access scenarios, without

suggesting particular solutions for them.

1.1 Requirements Terminology


SHOULD NOT, RECOMMENDED, MAY, and OPTIONAL, when they appear in this

document, are to be interpreted as described in [3].

1.2 Reader Prerequisites

Reader familiarity with RFCs 2401-2412 is a minimum prerequisite to

understanding the concepts discussed here. Familiarity with concepts

relating to Public Key Infrastructures (PKIs) is also necessary.

Familiarity with RADIUS, PPP, PPTP, L2F, L2TP, and other remote

access support protocols will also be helpful, though not strictly


1.3 General Terminology

o Remote Access - this term is used to refer to the case in which

the remote user does not necessarily reside at a fixed location,

i.e., in which the user's IP address is not fixed, and therefore

usually not known prior to connection establishment.

o Secure Remote Access - this term refers to remote access which is

secured using elements of the IPsec protocol suite.

o IPsec Remote Access Client (IRAC)- this term is used to refer to

the remote access user's system.

o IPsec Remote Access Server (IRAS) - this term refers to the device

providing access to the target network. An alternative term is

"Security Gateway".

o Security GateWay (SGW) - this refers to the device providing

access to the target network. An alternative term is IRAS.

o Virtual IP address (VIP) - this term describes an address from a

subnet local to the target network which is assigned to a remote

client, giving the appearance that the remote client actually

resides on the target network.

o Machine-Level Authentication - this term describes the case where

the identity of a machine is verified by virtue of the machine's

possession and application of some combination of authenticators.

For a more complete definition, see section 2.

o User-Level Authentication - this term describes the case where the

identity of a user (as opposed to that of a machine) is verified

by virtue of the user's possession and application of some

combination of authenticators. For a more complete definition,

see section 2.

o NAPT - Network Address/Port Translation

1.4 Document Content and Organization

This document, while initially intended to simply outline

requirements for various remote access scenarios, has come to include

somewhat more than this. This document has evolved from discussion

within the IPsec Remote Access (IPSRA) working group. As a result,

it in some respects documents the evolution of this thought process.

While this represents a departure from the typical form of a

requirements document, the associated historical context should prove

useful in interpreting the conclusions reached in the IPSRA working


The balance of this document is organized as follows: First, there is

a general overview of the basic requirements categories, including

definitions relevant to these categories. Following this is a

section devoted to each remote access scenario. Within each of these

sections there are subsections detailing requirements specific to

that scenario in each of the following areas: endpoint

authentication, remote host configuration, policy configuration,

auditing, and intermediary traversal.

2. Overview

In a very general sense, all secure remote access scenarios have a

similar high-level appearance:

target network


+-------------+ +-----------+ ---

remote access Internet security +---+

client ============= gateway --

(IRAC) (SGW/IRAS) +---+

+-------------+ +-----------+ ---


In all cases, a remote client wishes to securely access resources

either behind a SGW or on an IPsec-protected host, and/or wishes to

provide other (specific) systems with secure access to the client's

own resources. There are numerous details which may differ,

depending on the particular scenario. For example, the IRAC may be

within another corporate network, or connected to an ISP via dialup,

DSL, or CATV media. There may be additional intermediaries between

the remote client and the security gateway, but ultimately, all of

these configurations may be viewed somewhat equivalently from a high


In general, there are several basic categories of requirements

relevant to secure remote access scenarios, including endpoint

authentication, remote host configuration, security policy

configuration, auditing, and intermediary traversal. Endpoint

authentication refers to verification of the identities of the

communication partners (e.g., the IRAC and the IRAS). Remote host

configuration refers to the device configuration parameters of the

IRAC system. Security policy configuration refers to IPsec policy

configuration of both the security gateway and the remote host, and

might also be termed "access control and authorization

configuration". Auditing refers to the generation and collection of

connection status information which is required for the purpose of

maintaining the overall security and integrity of the connected

networks. Intermediary traversal refers to the ability to pass

secured traffic across intermediaries, some of which may modify the

packets in some manner. Such intermediaries include NAPT and

firewall devices. These various categories are treated in more

detail below.

2.1 Endpoint Authentication

Before discussing endpoint authentication with respect to remote

access, it is important to distinguish between data source

authentication and end user authentication. Data source

authentication in the IPsec context consists in providing assurance

that a network packet originates from a specific endpoint, typically

a user, host, or application. IPsec offers mechanisms for this via

AH or ESP. End user authentication within the IPsec context consists

in providing assurance that the endpoint is what or who it claims to

be. IPsec currently offers mechanisms for this as part of IKE


While the two types of authentication differ, they are not unrelated.

In fact, data source authentication relies upon endpoint

authentication, because it is possible to inject packets with a

particular IP address into the Internet from many arbitrary

locations. In many instances, we cannot be certain that a packet

actually originates from a particular host, or even from the network

upon which that host resides. To resolve this, one must first

authenticate the particular endpoint somehow, and then bind the

addressing information (e.g., IP address, protocol, port) of this

endpoint into the trust relationship established by the

authentication process.

In the context of secure remote access, the authenticated entity may

be a machine, a user (application), or both. The authentication

methods currently supported by IPsec range from preshared secrets to

various signature and encryption schemes employing private keys and

their corresponding public key certificates. These mechanisms may be

used to authenticate the end user alone, the device alone, or both

the end user and the device. These are each discussed in more detail


2.1.1 Machine-Level Authentication

In the case where no user input is required in order for an

authentication credential to be used, the entity authenticated will

primarily be the device in which the credential is stored and the

level of derived assurance regarding this authentication is directly

related to how securely the machine's credential is maintained during

both storage and use. That is, a shared secret or a private key

corresponding to a public key certificate may be either stored within

the device or contained in another device which is securely

accessible by the device (e.g., a smartcard). If the knowledge

required for the use of such authentication credentials is entirely

contained within the subject device (i.e., no user input is

required), then it is problematic to state that such credential usage

authenticates anything other than the subject device.

In some cases, a user may be required to satisfy certain criteria

prior to being given access to stored credentials. In such cases,

the level of user authentication provided by the use of such

credentials is somewhat difficult to derive. If sufficiently strong

access controls exist for the system housing the credential, then

there may be a strong binding between the authorized system user and

the credential. However, at the time the credential is presented,

the IRAS itself has no such assurance. That is, the IRAS in

isolation may have some level of assurance that a particular device

(the one in which the credential resides) is the one from which

access is being attempted, but there is no explicit assurance

regarding the identity of the user of the system. In order for the

IRAS to derive additional assurance regarding the user identity, an

additional user credential of some sort would be required. This is

discussed further below.

2.1.2 User-Level Authentication

In some cases, the user may possess an authentication token

(preshared key, private key, passphrase, etc.), and may provide this

or some derivative of this whenever authentication is required. If

this token or derivative is delivered directly to the other endpoint

without modification by the IRAC system, and if the IRAC system

provides no further credentials of its own, then it is the user alone

which has been authenticated. That is, while there may be some

assurance as to the network address from which the user is

originating packets, there is no assurance as to the particular

machine from which the user is attempting access.

2.1.3 Combined User/Machine Authentication

To authenticate both the user and the system, user input of some sort

is required in addition to a credential which is securely stored upon

the device. In some cases, such user input may be used in order to

"complete" the credential stored on the device (e.g., a private key

is password-encrypted), while in others the user's input is supplied

independently of the stored credential. In the case where the

passphrase is applied to the credential prior to use, the level of

assurance derived from successful application of the credential

varies according to your viewpoint.

From the perspective of a system consisting of user, IRAC, IRAS, and

a collection of system protections and security procedures, it may be

said that the user has been authenticated to an extent which depends

upon the strength of the security procedures and system protections

which are in place. However, from the perspective of the IRAS alone,

there is little assurance with respect to user identity. That is,

schemes requiring that stored credentials be modified by user input

prior to use may only be said to provide user-level authentication

within the context of the larger system, and then, the level of

assurance derived is directly proportional to the weakest security

attribute of the entire system.

When considering remote access from a general perspective,

assumptions regarding the overall system are liable to prove

incorrect. This is because the IRAS and the IRAC may not be within

the same domain of control; extranet scenarios are a good example of

this. Hence, the most desirable joint user/machine authentication

mechanisms in this context are those which provide a high level of

assurance to both the IRAS and the IRAC, independently of the larger

system of which the user, IRAS, and IRAC are a part.

2.1.4 Remote Access Authentication

In the general case for remote access, authentication requirements

are typically asymmetric. From the IRAC's perspective, it is

important to ensure that the IRAS at the other end of the connection

is indeed what it seems to be, and not some rogue system masquerading

as the SGW. That is, the IRAC requires machine-level authentication

for the IRAS. This is fairly straightforward, given the

authentication mechanisms supported by IKE and IPsec. Further, this

sort of authentication tends to persist through time, although the

extent of this persistence depends upon the mechanism chosen.

While machine-level authentication for the IRAS is sufficient, this

is not the case for the IRAC. Here, it is often important to know

that the entity at the other end of the connection is one who is

authorized to access local resources rather than someone who happened

upon an unoccupied but otherwise authorized system, or a malicious

Trojan horse application on that user's system, or some other

unauthorized entity. Authenticating the user presents different

requirements than authenticating the user's machine; this requires

some form of user input, and often the authentication must be

periodically renewed.

In situations where a high level of physical security does not exist,

it is common to require a user-input secret as part of the

authentication process, and then to periodically renew the

authentication. Furthermore, since such circumstances may include

the possibility of the presence of a Trojan horse application on the

IRAC system, one-time passphrase mechanisms are often advisable.

Choosing passphrase mechanisms and renewal intervals which provide an

acceptable level of risk, but which do not annoy the user too much,

may be challenging. It should be obvious that even this approach

offers limited assurance in many cases.

Clearly, there are variable assurance levels which are attainable

with the various endpoint authentication techniques, and none of the

techniques discussed offer absolute assurance. Also, there are

variations in the authentication requirements among different remote

access scenarios. This means there is no "cookie cutter" solution

for this problem, and that individual scenarios must be carefully

examined in order to derive specific requirements for each. These

are examined on a case by case basis below in the detailed scenario


2.1.5 Compatibility With Legacy Remote Access Mechanisms

There are a number of currently deployed remote access mechanisms

which were installed prior to the deployment of IPsec. Typically,

these are dialup systems which rely upon RADIUS for user

authentication and accounting, but there are other mechanisms as

well. An ideal IPsec remote access solution might utilize the

components of the underlying framework without modification.

Inasmuch as this is possible, this should be a goal. However, there

may be cases where this simply cannot be accomplished, due to

security and/or other considerations. In such cases, the IPsec

remote access framework should be designed to accommodate migration

from these mechanisms as painlessly as is possible.

In general, proposed IPsec remote access mechanisms should meet the

following goals:

o should provide direct support for legacy user authentication

and accounting systems such as RADIUS

o should encourage migration from existing low-entropy

password-based systems to more secure authentication systems

o if legacy user authentication support cannot be provided

without some sort of migration, the impact of such migration

should be minimized

o user authentication information must be protected against

eavesdropping and replay (including the user identity)

o single sign-on capability should be provided in configurations

employing load-balancing and/or redundancy

o n-factor authentication mechanisms should be supported

2.2 Remote Host Configuration

Remote host configuration refers to the network-related device

configuration of the client system. This configuration may be fixed

or dynamic. It may be completely provided by the administrator of

the network upon which the remote user currently resides (e.g., the

ISP), or it may be partially provided by that administrator, with the

balance provided by an entity on the remote corporate network which

the client is accessing. In general, this configuration may include

the following:

o IP address(es)

o Subnet mask(s)

o Broadcast address(es)

o Host name

o Domain name

o Time offset

o Servers (e.g., SMTP, POP, WWW, DNS/NIS, LPR,

syslog, WINS, NTP, etc. )

o Router(s)

o Router discovery options

o Static routes


o Default TTL

o Source routing options

o IP Forwarding enable/disable

o PMTU options

o ARP cache timeout

o X Windows options

o NIS options

o NetBIOS options

o Vendor-specific options

o (other options)

Cases where such configuration is fixed are uninteresting; it is the

cases where specific IRAC configuration occurs as a result of remote

access with which we are concerned. For example, in some cases the

IRAC may be assigned a "virtual address", giving the appearance that

it resides on the target network:

target net


Remote Access +--------+ ( ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ )

+-------+ Client ( IRAC )

virtual security ~~~( virtual )

host --------gateway ( presence )

<================> ---- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

+-------+ --------

+------------------+ ^ +--------+ +--------+

--- local

IPsec tunnel host

with encapsulated +--------+

traffic inside

In this case, the IRAC system begins with an externally routable

address. An additional target network address is assigned to the

IRAC, and packets containing this assigned address are encapsulated,

with the outer headers containing the IRAC's routable address, and

forwarded to the IRAS through the tunnel. This provides the IRAC

with a virtual presence on the target network via an IPsec tunnel.

Note that the IRAC now has two active addresses: the ISP-assigned

address, and the VIP.

Having oBTained this virtual presence on the corporate network, the

IRAC may now require other sorts of topology-related configuration,

e.g., default routers, DNS server(s), etc., just as a dynamically

configured host which physically resides upon the target network

would. It is this sort of configuration with which this requirements

category is concerned.

2.3 Security Policy Configuration

Security policy configuration refers to IPsec access policies for

both the remote access client and the security gateway. It may be

desirable to configure access policies on connecting IRAC systems

which will protect the target network. For example, since a client

has access to the Internet (via its routable address), other systems

on the Internet also have some level of reciprocal access to the

client. In some cases, it may be desirable to block this Internet

access (or force it to pass through the tunnel) while the client has

a tunneled connection to the target network. This is a matter of

client security policy configuration.

For the security gateway, it may also be desirable to dynamically

adjust policies based upon the user with which a connection has been

established. For example, say there are two remote users, named

Alice and Bob. We wish to provide Alice with unrestricted access to

the target network, while we wish to restrict Bob's access to

specific segments. One way to accomplish this would be to statically

assign internal "virtual" addresses to each user in a one-to-one

mapping, so that each user always has the same address. Then, a

particular user's access could be controlled via policies based upon

the particular address. However, this does not scale well.

A more scalable solution for remote client access control would be to

dynamically assign IP addresses from a specific pool based upon the

authenticated endpoint identity, with access to specific resources

controlled by address-based policies in the SGW. This is very

similar to the static mapping described above, except that a given

group of users (those with identical access controls) would share a

given pool of IP addresses (those which are granted the required

access), rather than a given user always mapping to a given address.

However, this also has scaling issues, though not as pronounced as

for the static mapping.

Alternatively, an arbitrary address could be assigned to a user, with

the security gateway's policy being dynamically updated based upon

the identity of the remote client (and its assigned virtual address)

to permit access to particular resources. In these cases, the

relevant security policy configuration is specific to the IRAS,

rather than to the IRAC. Both IRAS and IRAC security policy

configuration are encompassed by this requirements category.

2.4 Auditing

Auditing is used here to refer to the collection and reporting of

connection status information by the IRAS, for the purpose of

maintaining the security and integrity of the IRAS protected network.

For remote access, the following auditing information is useful from

a security perspective:

o connection start time

o connection end time

Note that the requirement for a connection-end-time attribute implies

the need for a connection heartbeat mechanism of some sort so that

the IRAS can accurately determine this quantity in cases where the

IRAC does not explicitly terminate the connection. Also note that

the heartbeat mechanism in this case is always directed from the IRAC

to the IRAS.

In some cases, use of a heartbeat may negatively influence a

connection. For example, if the heartbeat interval is very short,

and the connection is reset after loss of very few heartbeat packets,

there is a possibility that network congestion could lead to

unnecessary connection resets. The heartbeat interval and reset

threshold should be chosen with this in mind, and it should be

possible to adjust these quantities either through configuration or


2.5 Intermediary Traversal

Intermediary traversal is used here to refer to passing a secured

data stream through an intermediary such as a firewall or NAPT

device. In the case of firewalls, numerous deployed products do not

recognize the IPsec protocol suite, making it difficult (sometimes

impossible) to configure them to pass it through. In such cases, a

mechanism is required for making the data stream appear to be of a

type which the firewall is capable of managing.

In the case of NAPT devices, there are a number of issues with

attempting to pass an encrypted or authenticated data stream. For

example, NAPT devices typically modify the source IP address and

UDP/TCP port of outgoing packets, and the destination IP address and

UDP/TCP port of incoming packets, and in some cases, they modify

additional fields in the data portion of the packet. Such

modifications render the use of the AH protocol impossible. In the

case of ESP, the UDP/TCP port fields are sometimes unreadable and

always unmodifiable, making meaningful translation by the NAPT device

impossible. There are numerous other protocol-field combinations

which suffer similarly. This requirements category is concerned with

these issues.

3. Scenarios

There are numerous remote access scenarios possible using IPsec.

This section contains a brief summary enumeration of these, followed

by a subsection devoted to each which explores the various

requirements in terms of the categories defined above.

The following scenarios are discussed:

o dialup/dsl/cablemodem telecommuters using their systems to access

remote resources

o extranet users using local corporate systems to access the remote

company network of a business partner

o extranet users using their own system within another company's

network to access their home corporate network

o extranet users using a business partner's system (located on that

partner's network) to access their home corporate network

o remote users using a borrowed system (e.g., an airport kiosk) to

access target network resources

3.1 Telecommuters (Dialup/DSL/Cablemodem)

The telecommuter scenario is one of the more common remote access

scenarios. The convenience and wide availability of Internet access

makes this an attractive option under many circumstances. Users may

access the Internet from the comfort of their homes or hotel rooms,

and using this Internet connection, access the resources of a target

network. In some cases, dialup accounts are used to provide the

initial Internet access, while in others some type of "always-on"

connection such as a DSL or CATV modem is used.

The dialup and always-on cases are very similar, with two significant

differences: address assignment mechanism and connection duration.

In most dialup cases, the IRAC's IP address is dynamically assigned

as part of connection setup, and with fairly high likelihood, it is

different each time the IRAC connects. DSL/CATV users, on the other

hand, often have static IP addresses assigned to them, although

dynamic assignment is on the increase. As for connection duration,

dialup remote access connections are typically short-lived, while

always-on connections may maintain remote access connections for

significantly longer periods of time.

The general configuration in either case looks like this:

corporate net


+-----+ +-----+ /---/ Internet +---+ --

IRAC ---modem------ISP==========SGW-- +----+

+-----+ +-----+ /---/ +---+

An alternative to this configuration entails placing a security

gateway between the user's system and the modem, in which case this

added SGW becomes the IRAC. This is currently most common in cases

where DSL/CATV connections are used.

3.1.1 Endpoint Authentication Requirements

The authentication requirements of this scenario depend in part upon

the general security requirements of the network to which access is

to be provided. Assuming that the corporate SGW is physically

secure, machine authentication for the SGW is sufficient. If this

assumption regarding physical security is incorrect, it is not clear

that stronger authentication for the SGW could be guaranteed, and

derivation of an effective mechanism for that case is beyond the

scope of this document.

For the IRAC, there are numerous threats to the integrity of the user

authentication process. Due to the open nature of common consumer

operating systems, some of these threats are quite difficult to

protect against. For example, it is very difficult to assert, with

any level of certainty, that a single user system which permits the

downloading and running of arbitrary applications from the Internet

has not been compromised, and that a covert application is not

monitoring and interacting with the user's data at any point in time.

However, there are 2 general threats we might realistically hope to

somehow mitigate with appropriate authentication mechanisms if we can

assume that the system has not been compromised in this manner.

First, there is the possibility that a secure connection is

established for a particular user, but that someone other than the

intended user is currently using that connection. Second, there is

the possibility that the user's credential (password, hardware token,

etc.) has been somehow compromised, and is being used by someone

other than the authorized user to gain access.

Mitigation of the first threat, the possibility that someone other

than the authorized user is currently using the connection, requires

periodic renewal of user authentication. It should be clear that

machine authentication will not suffice in this case, and that

requiring periodic re-entry of an unchanging user password (which may

be written on a post-it note which is stuck to the user's monitor)

will have limited effectiveness. Convincing verification of the

continued presence of the authorized user will, in many cases,

require periodic application of a time-variant credential.

Mitigation of the second threat, credential compromise, is difficult,

and depends upon a number of factors. If the IRAC system is running

a highly secure operating system, then a time-variant credential may

again offer some value. A static password is clearly deficient in

this scenario, since it may be subject to either online or offline

guessing, and eventually compromised - which is the threat we are

attempting to mitigate. However, if the IRAC operating system is not

hardened, the use of a time-variant credential is only effective if

simultaneous access from more than one location is forbidden, and if

the credential generation mechanism is not easily compromised.

A second approach to the credential compromise problem entails using

a PKI-based credential which is stored within a secure container of

some sort, and which requires some user interaction prior to

operation (e.g., a smartcard). If such a credential requires

periodic user interaction to continue operating (e.g., pin re-entry),

this may help to limit the access of an unauthorized user who happens

upon a connected but unattended systems. However, choosing an

acceptable refresh interval is a difficult problem, and if the pin is


time-variant, this provides limited additional assurance.

To summarize, the following are the authentication requirements for

the IRAS and IRAC:



o machine authentication MUST be provided.



o support for user authentication SHOULD be provided

o support for either user or machine authentication MUST be provided

o support for user authentication MUST be provided if protection

from unauthorized connection use is desired.

o if user authentication is provided for short-lived dialup

connections, periodic renewal MAY occur

o if user authentication is provided for always-on connections,

periodic renewal SHOULD occur

3.1.2 Device Configuration Requirements

There are 2 possibilities for device configuration in the

telecommuter scenario: either access to the target network is

permitted for the native ISP-assigned address of the telecommuter's

system, or the telecommuter's system is assigned a virtual address

from within the target address space. In the first case, there are

no device configuration requirements which are not already satisfied

by the ISP. However, this case is the exception, rather than the


The second case is far more common, due to the numerous benefits

derived by providing the IRAC with a virtual presence on the target

network. For example, the virtual presence allows the client to

receive subnet broadcasts, which permits it to use WINS on the target

network. In addition, if the IRAC tunnels all traffic to the target

network, then the target policy can be applied to Internet traffic

to/from the IRAC.

In this case, the IRAC requires, at minimum, assignment of an IP

address from the target network. Typically, the IRAC requires

anywhere from several more to many more elements of configuration

information, depending upon the corporate network's level of

topological complexity. For a fairly complete list, see section 2.2.

To summarize, the following are the device configuration requirements

for the IRAC:

o support for a virtual IP (VIP) address MAY be provided

o if VIP support is provided, support for all device-related

parameters listed in section 2.2 above SHOULD be provided

o support for address assignment based upon authenticated

identity MAY be provided

o if authenticated address assignment is not supported, an

identity-based dynamic policy update mechanism such as is

described in [ARCH] MUST be supported.

3.1.3 Policy Configuration Requirements

In terms of IRAC policy configuration, the most important issue

pertains to whether the IRAC has direct Internet access enabled (for

browsing, etc.) while a connection to the target network exists.

This is important since the fact that the IRAC has access to sites on

the Internet implies that those sites have some level of reciprocal

access to the IRAC. It may be desirable to completely eliminate this

type of access while a tunnel is active.

Alternatively, the risks may be mitigated somewhat by forcing all

Internet-bound packets leaving the IRAC to first traverse the tunnel

to the target network, where they may be subjected to target network

policy. A second approach which carries a bit less overhead entails

modifying the IRAC's policy configuration to reflect that of the

target network during the time the IRAC is connected. In this case,

traffic is not forced to loop through the target site prior to

exiting or entering the IRAC. This requires some sort of policy

download (or modification) capability as part of the SA establishment

process. A third approach is to provide a configuration variable for

the IRAC which permits specification of "tunnel-all", or "block all

traffic not destined for the target network while the SA is up".

In terms of IRAS configuration, it may be necessary to dynamically

update the security policy database (SPD) when the remote user

connects. This is because transit selectors must be based upon

network address parameters, but these cannot be known a priori in the

remote access case. As is noted above, this may be avoided by

provision of a mechanism which permits address assignment based upon

authenticated identity.

To summarize, the following are the policy configuration requirements

for the IRAS and IRAC:



o dynamic policy update mechanism based upon identity and

assigned address MAY be supported.

o if address assignment-based policy update mechanism is not

supported, address assignment based upon authenticated identity

SHOULD be supported.



o IRAC SHOULD provide ability to configure for "tunnel-all"

and/or "block-all" for traffic not destined for the remote

network to which IPsec remote access is being provided.

o support for dynamic IRAS update of IRAC policy MAY be provided.

3.1.4 Auditing Requirements

For telecommuter sessions, session start/end times must be collected.

Reliable derivation of session end time requires that the IRAC

somehow periodically signify that the connection remains active.

This is implied if the IRAS receives data from the IRAC over the

connection, but in cases where no data is sent for some period of

time, a signaling mechanism is required by which the IRAC indicates

that the connection remains in use.

3.1.5 Intermediary Traversal Requirements

If the address assigned by the ISP to the IRAC system is globally

routable, and no intermediate devices between the IRAC and the IRAS

perform NAPT operations on the data stream, then there are no

additional requirements. If NAPT operations are performed on the

data stream, some mechanism must be provided in order to render these

modifications transparent to the IPsec implementation.

3.2 Corporate to Remote Extranet

Extranets are becoming increasingly common, especially as IPsec

becomes more widely deployed. In this scenario, a user from one

corporation uses a local corporate system to access resources on

another corporation's network. Typically, these corporations are

cooperating on some level, but not to the degree that unbridled

access between the two networks would be acceptable. Hence, this

scenario is characterized by limited access. The general topological

appearance is similar to this:


+----+ +-----+

USER--- -- S1

+----+ +------++ ++------+ +-----+


+------++ ++------+ +-----+



This is purposely simplified in order to illustrate some basic

characteristics without getting bogged down in details. At the edge

of each network is a combination security gateway and firewall

device. These are labeled "SGW-A" and "SGW-B". In this diagram,

corporation B wishes to provide a user from corporation A with access

to servers S1 and/or S2. This may be accomplished in one of several

different ways:

1) an end-to-end SA is formed from USER to S1 or S2

2) a tunnel-mode SA is formed between SGW-A and SGW-B which only

permits traffic between S1/S2 and USER.

3) a tunnel-mode SA is formed between USER and SGW-B which only

permits traffic between S1/S2 and USER.

These various cases are individually discussed with respect to each

requirements category below.

3.2.1 Authentication Requirements

For the corporate extranet scenario, the authentication requirements

vary slightly depending upon the manner in which the connection is

accomplished. If only a particular user is permitted to access

S1/S2, then user-level authentication is required. If connection

types (1) or (3) are used, this may be accomplished in the same

manner as it would be for a telecommuter. If connection type (2) is

used, one of two things must occur: either SGW-A must provide some

local mechanism for authenticating USER and SGW-B must trust this

mechanism, or SGW-B must have some mechanism for authenticating USER

independently of SGW-A.

If access is permitted for anyone within corporation A, then machine

authentication will suffice. However, this is highly unlikely. A

slightly more likely situation might be one in which access is

permitted to anyone within a particular organizational unit in

corporation A. This case is very similar the single user access case

discussed above, and essentially has the same requirements in terms

of the mechanism required for SGW-A, although machine authentication

might suffice if the organizational unit which is permitted access

has a sufficient level of physical security. Again, this requires

that corporation B trust corporation A in this regard.

To summarize, the following are the authentication requirements for

the IRAS and IRAC:



o machine authentication MUST be provided.



o support for either user or machine authentication MUST be


o support for a combination of user and machine authentication

SHOULD be provided

o if user authentication is used, periodic renewal SHOULD occur

3.2.2 Device Configuration Requirements

It is possible that corporation B would want to assign a virtual

address to USER for the duration of the connection. The only way

this could be accomplished would be if USER were a tunnel endpoint

(e.g., in cases (1) and (3)). It is not clear what benefits, if any,

this would offer.

To summarize, the following are the device configuration requirements

for the IRAC:

o support for a virtual address MAY be provided

o if VIP support is provided, support for all device-related

parameters listed in section 2.2 above SHOULD be supported

o support for address assignment based upon authenticated

identity SHOULD be supported

o if authenticated address assignment is not supported, an

identity-based dynamic policy update mechanism such as is

described in [ARCH] MUST be supported.

3.2.3 Policy Configuration Requirements

Any of the cases discussed above would present some static policy

configuration requirements. Case (1) would require that SGW-A and

SGW-B permit IPsec traffic to pass between USER and S1/S2. Case (3)

would have similar requirements, except that the IPsec traffic would

be between USER and SGW-B. Case (2) would require that the

appropriate transit traffic be secured between USER and S1/S2.

None of these cases require dynamic policy configuration.

3.2.4 Auditing Requirements

For cases (1) and (3), session start/end times must be collected.

Reliable derivation of session end time requires that the IRAC

somehow periodically signify that the connection remains active.

This is implied if the IRAS receives data from the IRAC over the

connection, but in cases where no data is sent for some period of

time, a signaling mechanism is required by which the IRAC indicates

that the connection remains in use.

For case (2), the type(s) of required auditing data would depend upon

whether traffic from multiple users were aggregated within a single

tunnel or not. If so, the notion of individual connection start/stop

times would be lost. If such measures are desired, this requires

that per-user tunnels be set up between SGW-A and SGW-B, and that

some sort of timeout interval be used to cause tunnel teardown when

traffic does not flow for some interval of time.

3.2.5 Intermediary Traversal Requirements

If the address assigned by the host network to the IRAC system is

globally routable, and no intermediate devices between the IRAC and

the IRAS perform NAPT operations on the data stream, then there are

no additional requirements in this regard. If NAPT operations are

performed on the data stream, some mechanism must be provided in

order to render these modifications transparent to the IPsec


If a firewall situated at the edge of the host network cannot be

configured to pass protocols in the IPsec suite, then some mechanism

must be provided which converts the data stream to one which the

firewall may be configured to pass. If the firewall can be

configured to pass IPsec protocols, then this must be accomplished

prior to connection establishment.

3.3 Extranet Laptop to Home Corporate Net

The use of a laptop while visiting another corporation presents

another increasingly common extranet scenario. In this case, a user

works temporarily within another corporation, perhaps as part of a

service agreement of some sort. The user brings along a CORP-A

laptop which is assigned a CORP-B address either statically or

dynamically, and the user wishes to securely access resources on

CORP-A's network using this laptop. This scenario has the following



+----+ +--------+

POP --- -- CORP-A

+----+ +------++ ++------+ laptop

---SGW/FW===Internet===SGW/FW--- +--------+

+------++ ++------+

+----+ SGW-A SGW-B

FTP ---


This is very similar to the telecommuter scenario, but it differs in

several important ways. First, in this case there is often a SGW

and/or firewall at the edge of CORP-B's site. Second, there may be a

significantly increased risk that a long-lived connection could

become accessible to someone other than the intended user.

3.3.1 Authentication Requirements

In most cases, the only acceptable connections from CORP-A's

perspective are between the laptop and either SGW-A or the CORP-A

servers the laptop wishes to access. Most of the considerations

applied to the telecommuter also apply here, and user-level

authentication is required to provide assurance that the user who

initiated the connection is still the active user. As an added

precaution, a combination of user-level and machine-level

authentication may be warranted in some cases. Further, in either

case this authentication should be renewed frequently.

To summarize, the following are the authentication requirements for

the IRAS and IRAC:



o machine authentication MUST be provided.



o support for machine authentication SHOULD be provided

o support for user authentication MUST be provided

o support for a combination of user and machine authentication

SHOULD be provided

o periodic renewal of user authentication MUST occur

3.3.2 Device Configuration Requirements

The device configuration requirements in this scenario are the same

as for the telecommuter, i.e., the laptop may be assigned a virtual

presence on the corporate network, and if so, will require full

infrastructure configuration.

To summarize, the following are the device configuration requirements

for the IRAC:

o support for a virtual address MAY be provided

o if VIP support is provided, support for all device-related

parameters listed in section 2.2 above SHOULD be supported

o support for address assignment based upon authenticated

identity SHOULD be supported

o if authenticated address assignment is not supported, an

identity-based dynamic policy update mechanism such as is

described in [ARCH] MUST be supported.

3.3.3 Policy Configuration Requirements

The policy configuration requirements in this scenario differ from

those of the telecommuter, in that the laptop cannot be assigned a

policy which requires all traffic to be forwarded to CORP-A via the

tunnel. This is due to the fact that the laptop has a CORP-B

address, and as such, may have traffic destined to CORP-B. If this

traffic were tunneled to CORP-A, there might be no return path to

CORP-B except via the laptop. On the other hand, Internet-bound

traffic could be subjected to this restriction if desired, and/or all

traffic other than that between CORP-A and the laptop could be

blocked for the duration of the connection.



o support for IRAS update of IRAC policy MAY be provided.

o if IRAS update of IRAC policy is not supported, IRAC MAY

support IRAS directives to "block-all" for non-tunneled


o IRAC SHOULD provide ability to configure for "tunnel-all"

and/or "block-all" for traffic not destined for the remote

network to which IPsec remote access is being provided.

3.3.4 Auditing Requirements

The auditing requirements in this scenario are the same as for the

telecommuter scenario. Session start/end times must be collected.

Reliable derivation of session end time requires that the IRAC

somehow periodically signify that the connection remains active.

This is implied if the IRAS receives data from the IRAC over the

connection, but in cases where no data is sent for some period of

time, a signaling mechanism is required by which the IRAC indicates

that the connection remains in use.

3.3.5 Intermediary Traversal Requirements

If the address assigned by the host network to the IRAC system is

globally routable, and no intermediate devices between the IRAC and

the IRAS perform NAPT operations on the data stream, then there are

no additional requirements in this regard. If NAPT operations are

performed on the data stream, some mechanism must be provided in

order to render these modifications transparent to the IPsec


If a firewall situated at the edge of the host network cannot be

configured to pass protocols in the IPsec suite, then some mechanism

must be provided which converts the data stream to one which the

firewall may be configured to pass. If the firewall can be

configured to pass IPsec protocols, then this must be accomplished

prior to connection establishment.

3.4 Extranet Desktop to Home Corporate Net

This is very similar to the extranet laptop scenario discussed above,

except that a higher degree of trust for CORP-B is required by

CORP-A. This scenario has the following appearance:


+----+ +--------+

POP --- -- CORP-B

+----+ +------++ ++------+ desktop

---SGW/FW===Internet===SGW/FW--- +--------+

+------++ ++------+

+----+ SGW-A SGW-B

FTP ---


3.4.1 Authentication Requirements

The authentication requirements for the desktop extranet scenario are

very similar to those of the extranet laptop scenario discussed

above. The primary difference lies in the authentication type which

may be used, i.e., in the laptop case, CORP-A can derive some

assurance that the connection is coming from one of CORP-A's systems

if a securely stored machine credential is stored on and used by on

the laptop. In the desktop case this is not possible, since CORP-A

does not own the IRAC system.

To summarize, the following are the authentication requirements for

the IRAS and IRAC:



o machine authentication MUST be provided.



o support for machine authentication MAY be provided

o support for user authentication MUST be provided

o support for a combination of user and machine authentication

MAY be provided

o periodic renewal of user authentication MUST occur

3.4.2 Device Configuration Requirements

The device configuration requirements in this scenario are the same

as for the laptop extranet scenario, i.e., the desktop system may be

assigned a virtual presence on the corporate network, and if so, will

require full infrastructure configuration. However, this seems less

likely than in the laptop scenario, given CORP-A's lack of control

over the software configuration of CORP-B's desktop system.

3.4.3 Policy Configuration Requirements

The policy configuration requirements are quite similar to those of

the extranet laptop, except that in this scenario there is even less

control over CORP-B's desktop than there would be over the laptop.

This means it may not be possible to restrict traffic in any way at

the desktop system.

3.4.4 Auditing Requirements

The auditing requirements in this scenario are the same as for the

telecommuter scenario. Session start/end times must be collected.

Reliable derivation of session end time requires that the IRAC

somehow periodically signify that the connection remains active.

This is implied if the IRAS receives data from the IRAC over the

connection, but in cases where no data is sent for some period of

time, a signaling mechanism is required by which the IRAC indicates

that the connection remains in use.

3.4.5 Intermediary Traversal Requirements

If the address assigned by the host network to the IRAC system is

globally routable, and no intermediate devices between the IRAC and

the IRAS perform NAPT operations on the data stream, then there are

no additional requirements in this regard. If NAPT operations are

performed on the data stream, some mechanism must be provided in

order to render these modifications transparent to the IPsec


If a firewall situated at the edge of the host network cannot be

configured to pass protocols in the IPsec suite, then some mechanism

must be provided which converts the data stream to one which the

firewall may be configured to pass. If the firewall can be

configured to pass IPsec protocols, then this must be accomplished

prior to connection establishment.

3.5 Public System to Target Network

This scenario entails a traveling user connecting to the target

network using a public system owned by someone else. A commonly

cited example is an airport kiosk. This looks very similar to the

extranet desktop scenario, except that in the extranet scenario,

CORP-A might have a trust relationship with CORP-B, whereas in this

scenario, CORP-A may not trust a publicly accessible system. Note

that a trust relationship between CORP-A and the owner of the public

system may exist, but in many cases will not.

3.5.1 Authentication Requirements

There are two variations to this scenario. In the first, no trust

relationship exists between the target network and the borrowed

system. In the second, some trust relationship does exist. In the

case where no trust relationship exists, machine authentication is

out of the question, as it is meaningless in this context. Further,

since such a system could easily capture a passphrase, use of a

static passphrase from such a system would seem to be ill-advised.

If a one-time passphrase were used, this would mitigate the risk of

passphrase capture by the public system. On the other hand, if it is

acknowledged that such capture is a real threat (i.e., the system

itself is malicious), then it must also be recognized that any data

transmitted and received via the resulting session would not be

confidential or reliable with respect to this malicious system, and

that the system could not be trusted to have actually disconnected

when the user walks away. This suggests that accessing non-trivial

information from such a system would be imprudent.

Another possible user authentication option would be a smartcard.

However, many smartcards require a pin or passphrase to "unlock"

them, which requires some level of trust in the kiosk to not record

the pin. Hence, this approach suffers from drawbacks similar to

those of the static passphrase in this regard. The primary

difference would be that the pin/passphrase could not be used alone

for access in the smartcard case.

In cases where a trust relationship with the owner of the public

system exists, the trust level would modulate the risk levels

discussed above. For example, if a sufficient level of trust for the

system owner exists, use of a static passphrase might present no more

risk than if this were permitted from a system owned by the accessed

target. However, the primary benefit of such a trust relationship

would be derived from the ability to authenticate the machine from

which the user is attempting access. For example, a security policy

requiring that remote access only be permitted with combined

user/machine authentication might be effected, with further control

regarding which machines were allowed.

An additional issue to be dealt with in either case pertains to

verification of the identity of the IRAS. If the IRAC were to be

misdirected somehow, a man in the middle attack could be effected,

with the obtained password being then used for malicious access to

the true IRAS. Note that even a one-time password mechanism offers

little protection in this case. In order to avert such an attack,

the IRAC must possess some certifiable or secret knowledge of the

IRAS prior to attempting to connect. Note that in the case where no

trust relationship exists, this is not possible.

To summarize, the following are the authentication requirements for

the IRAS and IRAC:



o machine authentication MUST be provided.



o in cases where no trust relationship exists between the

accessed network and the system owner, sensitive data SHOULD

NOT be transmitted in either direction.

o in cases where a trust relationship exists between the accessed

network and the system owner, machine authentication SHOULD be


o in cases where a trust relationship exists between the accessed

network and the system owner, a static passphrase MAY be used

in conjunction with machine-level authentication of the IRAC


o frequent renewal of user authentication MUST occur

3.5.2 Device Configuration Requirements


3.5.3 Policy Configuration Requirements


3.5.4 Auditing Requirements

The auditing requirements in this scenario are the same as for the

telecommuter scenario. Session start/end times must be collected.

Reliable derivation of session end time requires that the IRAC

somehow periodically signify that the connection remains active.

This is implied if the IRAS receives data from the IRAC over the

connection, but in cases where no data is sent for some period of

time, a signaling mechanism is required by which the IRAC indicates

that the connection remains in use.

3.5.5 Intermediary Traversal Requirements

If the address of the IRAC system is globally routable, and no

intermediate devices between the IRAC and the IRAS perform NAPT

operations on the data stream, then there are no additional

requirements in this regard. If NAPT operations are performed on the

data stream, some mechanism must be provided in order to render these

modifications transparent to the IPsec implementation.

4. Scenario Commonalities

As we examine the various remote access scenarios, a general set of

common requirements emerge. Following is a summary:

o Support for user authentication is required in almost all


o Machine authentication for the IRAS is required in all scenarios

o A mechanism for providing device configuration for the IRAC is

required in most scenarios. Such a mechanism must be extensible.

o Machine authentication for IRAC is generally only useful when

combined with user authentication. Combined user and machine

authentication is useful in some scenarios.

o Dynamic IRAC policy configuration is useful in several scenarios.

o Most scenarios require auditing for session start/stop times.

o An intermediary traversal mechanism may be required in any of the


5. Security Considerations

The topic of this document is secure remote access. Security

considerations are discussed throughout the document.

6. References

[ARCH] Kent, S. and R. Atkinson, "Security Architecture for the

Internet Protocol", RFC2401, November 1998.

[KEYWORDS] Bradner, S., "Key Words for use in RFCs to Indicate

Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

[RADIUS] Rigney, C., Rubens, A., Simpson, W. and S. Willens,

"Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS)",

RFC2865, June 2000.

[IKE] Harkins, D. and D. Carrel, "The Internet Key Exchange

(IKE)", RFC2409, November 1998.

7. Acknowledgements

The editors would like to acknowledge the many helpful comments of

Sara Bitan, Steve Kent, Mark Townsley, Bernard Aboba, Mike Horn, and

other members of the ipsra working group who have made helpful

comments on this work.

8. Editors' Addresses

Scott Kelly


110 Nortech Pkwy

San Jose CA 95134 USA

Phone: +1 (408) 941-0500

EMail: scott@hyperthought.com

Sankar Ramamoorthi

Juniper Networks

1194 North Mathilda Ave

Sunnyvale CA 94089-1206 USA

Phone: +1 (408) 936-2630

EMail: sankarr@juniper.net

9. Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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Internet Society.

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