
RFC3458 - Message Context for Internet Mail

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group E. Burger

Request for Comments: 3458 SnowShore Networks

Category: Standards Track E. Candell


C. Eliot

Microsoft Corporation

G. Klyne

Nine by Nine

January 2003

Message Context for Internet Mail

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003). All Rights Reserved.


This memo describes a new RFC2822 message header, "Message-Context".

This header provides information about the context and presentation

characteristics of a message.

A receiving user agent (UA) may use this information as a hint to

optimally present the message.

Table of Contents

1. IntrodUCtion....................................................2

2. Conventions used in this document...............................3

3. Motivation......................................................3

4. Functional Requirements.........................................5

5. Determining the Message Context.................................6

6. Message-Context Reference Field.................................7

6.1. Message-Context Syntax......................................7

6.2. message-context-class Syntax................................7

6.2.1. voice-message...........................................8

6.2.2. fax-message.............................................8

6.2.3. pager-message...........................................8

6.2.4. multimedia-message......................................8

6.2.5. text-message............................................8

6.2.6. none....................................................8

7. Security Considerations.........................................9

8. IANA Considerations.............................................9

8.1. Message Content Type Registrations..........................9

8.2. Registration Template......................................10

8.3. Message-Context Registration...............................11

9. APPENDIX: Some messaging scenarios.............................12

9.1. Internet e-mail............................................12

9.2. Pager service..............................................12

9.3. Facsimile..................................................13

9.4. Voice mail.................................................14

9.5. Multimedia message.........................................14

10. References....................................................15

10.1 Normative References.......................................15

10.2 Informative References.....................................15

11. Acknowledgments...............................................15

12. Authors' Addresses............................................16

13. Full Copyright Statement......................................17

1. Introduction

This document describes a mechanism to allow senders of an Internet

mail message to convey the message's contextual information. Taking

account of this information, the receiving user agent (UA) can make

decisions that improve message presentation for the user in the

context the sender and receiver eXPects.

In this document, the "message context" conveys information about the

way the user expects to interact with the message. For example, a

message may be e-mail, voice mail, fax mail, etc. A smart UA may

have specialized behavior based on the context of the message.

This document specifies a RFC2822 header called "Message-Context".

The mechanism is in some ways similar to the use of the Content-

Disposition MIME entity described in [6]. Content-Disposition gives

clues to the receiving User Agent (UA) for how to display a given

body part. Message-Context can give clues to the receiving UA for

the presentation of the message. This allows the receiving UA to

present the message to the recipient, in a meaningful and helpful


Typical uses for this mechanism include:

o Selecting a special viewer for a given message.

o Selecting an icon indicating the kind of message in a displayed

list of messages.

o Arranging messages in an inbox display.

o Filtering messages the UA presents when the user has limited


2. Conventions used in this document

This document refers generically to the sender of a message in the

masculine (he/him/his) and the recipient of the message in the

feminine (she/her/hers). This convention is purely for convenience

and makes no assumption about the gender of a message sender or




document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14, RFC2119 [2].

FORMATTING NOTE: Notes, such at this one, provide additional

nonessential information that the reader may skip without missing

anything essential. The primary purpose of these non-essential notes

is to convey information about the rationale of this document, or to

place this document in the proper historical or evolutionary context.

Readers whose sole purpose is to construct a conformant

implementation may skip such information. However, it may be of use

to those who wish to understand why we made certain design choices.

3. Motivation

Multimedia messaging systems receive messages that a UA may present

in variety of ways. For example, traditional e-mail uses simple text

messages that the recipient displays and edits. One UA may

automatically print Fax images. Another UA may play voice messages

through a telephone handset. Likewise, a receiving desktop computer

may process or present documents transferred over e-mail using a

local application. Emerging and future developments may deliver

other forms of information that have their own characteristics for

user presentation, such as video messages and pager messages.

An often-requested characteristic for multimedia messaging systems is

to collect received messages in a "universal inbox", and to offer

them to the user as a combined list.

In the context of "unified messaging", different message contexts may

have different implied semantics. For example, some users may

perceive voicemail to have an implicit assumption of urgency. Thus

they may wish to gather them together and process them before other

messages. This results in the end-user receiving agent needing to be

able to identify voicemail and distinguish it from other messages.

The uses of this kind of presentation characteristic for each message

are multi-fold:

o Display an indication to the user (e.g., by a suitably evocative

icon along with other summary fields),

o Auto-forward a given message type into another messaging

environment (e.g., a page to a mobile short message service),

o Prioritize and group messages in an inbox display list,

o Suggest appropriate default handling for presentation,

o Suggest appropriate default handling for reply, forward, etc.

A problem faced by multimedia messaging systems is that it is not

always easy to decide the context of a received message. For

example, consider the following scenarios.

o A message that contains audio and image data: Is this a fax

message that happens to have some voice commentary? Is it a voice

message that is accompanied by some supplementary diagrams? Is it

a fully multimedia message, in which all parts are expected to

carry equal significance?

o A message containing text and audio data: Is this e-mail with an

mp3 music attachment? Is it a voice message that happens to have

been generated with an initial text header for the benefit of

non-voice-enabled e-mail receivers?

The message context does relate to the message media content.

However, it is not the same thing. As shown above, the media type

used in a message is not sufficient to indicate the message context.

One cannot determine a priori which media types to use in alternative

(gateway) messages. Also, what if the user cares about

distinguishing traditional e-mail text from SMS messages? They are

both the same media type, text, but they have different user


4. Functional Requirements

The goals stated above lead to the following functional requirements.

For receivers:

o Identify a message as belonging to a message class.

o Incorrect or invalid message classification must not result in

failure to transfer or inability to present a message.

For senders:

o Specify message classes by the originating user's choice of

authoring tool or simple user interaction.

For both:

o Specify a well-defined set of message classes to make

interoperability between mail user agents (UAs) possible.

o Message classification information has to be interpretable in

reasonable fashion by many different user agent systems.

o The mechanism should be extensible to allow for the introduction

of new kinds of messages.

NOTE: We specifically do not specify user agent behavior when the

user agent forwards a message. Clearly, the user agent, being

message-context-aware, should provide a meaningful message-context.

It is obvious what to do for the easy cases. Messages that the user

simply forwards will most likely keep the context unchanged.

However, it is beyond the scope of this document to specify the user

agent behavior for any other scenario.

5. Determining the Message Context

One method of indicating the interpretation context of a message is

to examine the media types in the message. However, this requires

the UA to scan the entire message before it can make this

determination. This approach is particularly burdensome for the

multi-media mail situation, as voice and especially video mail

objects are quite large.

We considered indicating the message context by registering a

multipart/* MIME suBType (Content-Type). For example, the VPIM Work

Group has registered multipart/voice-message to indicate that a

message is primarily voice mail [7]. However, multipart/voice-

message is identical in syntax to multipart/mixed. The only

difference is that VPIM mail transfer agents and user agents

recognize that they can perform special handling of the message based

on it being a voice mail message. Moreover, Content-Type refers to a

given MIME body part, not to the message as a whole.

We wish to avoid scanning the entire message. In addition, we wish

to avoid having to create multiple aliases for multipart/mixed every

time someone identifies a new primary content type. Multiple aliases

for multipart/mixed are not desirable as they remove the possibility

for specifying a message as multipart/alternate, multipart/parallel,

or multipart/encrypted, for example.

Since the message context is an attribute of the entire message, it

is logical to define a new top-level (RFC2822 [3]) message

attribute. To this end, this document introduces the message

attribute "Message-Context".

Message-Context only serves to identify the message context. It does

not provide any indication of content that the UA must be capable of

delivering. It does not imply any message disposition or delivery

notification. There is a related effort to define Critical Content

of Internet Mail [8] that one might use to perform these tasks.

Message-Context is only an indicator. We do not intend for it to

convey information that is critical for presentation of the message.

One can conceive of goofy situations, such as a message marked

"voice-message" but without an audio body part. In this case, the

fact that the contents of a message don't match its context does not

mean the receiving system should generate an error report or fail to

deliver or process the message.

6. Message-Context Reference Field

The Message-Context reference field is a top-level header inserted by

the sending UA to indicate the context of the message.

A receiving user agent MUST NOT depend on the indicated message-

context value in a way that prevents proper presentation of the

message. If the value is incorrect or does not match the message

content, the receiving user agent MUST still be capable of displaying

the message content at least as meaningfully as it would if no

Message-Context value were present.

One can envision situations where a well-formed message ends up not

including a media type one would expect from the message-context.

For example, consider a voice messaging system that records a voice

message and also performs speech-to-text processing on the message.

The message then passes through a content gateway, such as a

firewall, that removes non-critical body parts over a certain length.

The receiving user agent will receive a message in the voice-message

context that has only a text part and no audio. Even though the

message does not have audio, it is still in the voice message


Said differently, the receiving UA can use the message-context to

determine whether, when, and possibly where to display a message.

However, the message-context should not affect the actual rendering

or presentation. For example, if the message is in the voice-message

context, then don't try to send it to a fax terminal. Conversely,

consider the case of a message in the voice-message context that gets

delivered to a multimedia voice terminal with a printer. However,

this message only has fax content. In this situation, the "voice-

message" context should not stop the terminal from properly rendering

the message.

6.1. Message-Context Syntax

The syntax of the Message-Context field, described using the ABNF [4]

is as follows. Note that the Message-Context header field name and

message-context-class values are not case sensitive.

"Message-Context" ":" message-context-class CRLF

6.2. message-context-class Syntax

The message-context-class indicates the context of the message. This

is an IANA registered value. Current values for message-context-

class are as follows.

message-context-class = ( "voice-message"

/ "fax-message"

/ "pager-message"

/ "multimedia-message"

/ "text-message"

/ "none"


Note: The values for Message-Context MUST be IANA registered values

following the directions in the IANA Considerations section below.

6.2.1. voice-message

The voice-message class states the message is a voice mail message.

6.2.2. fax-message

The fax-message class states the message is a facsimile mail message.

6.2.3. pager-message

The pager-message class states the message is a page, such as a text

or numeric pager message or a traditional short text message service

(SMS) message.

6.2.4. multimedia-message

The multimedia-message class states the message is an aggregate

multimedia message, such as a message specified by [9]. This helps

identify a message in a multimedia context. For example, a MIME

multipart/related [10] data part and resource part looks the same as

a multimedia MHtml multipart/related. However, the semantics are

quite different.

6.2.5. text-message

The text-message class states the message is a traditional internet

mail message. Such a message consists of text, possibly richly

formatted, with or without attachments.

6.2.6. none

The none class states there is no context information for this


If a message has no Message-Context reference field, a receiving user

agent MUST treat it the same as it would if the message has a "none"


7. Security Considerations

The intention for this header is to be an indicator of message

context only. One can imagine someone creating an "Application"

Message-Context. A poorly designed user agent could blindly execute

a mailed program based on the Message-Context. Don't do that!

One can envision a denial of service attack by bombing a receiver

with a message that has a Message-Context that doesn't fit the

profile of the actual body parts. This is why the receiver considers

the Message-Context to be a hint only.

8. IANA Considerations

Section 8.3 is a registration for a new top-level RFC2822 [3]

message header, "Message-Context".

This document creates an extensible set of context types. To promote

interoperability and coherent interpretations of different types, a

central repository has been established for well-known context types.

The IANA has created a repository for context types called "Internet

Message Context Types". Following the policies outlined in [5], this

repository is "Specification Required" by RFC. Section 8.1 describes

the initial values for this registry.

To create a new message context type, you MUST publish an RFCto

document the type. In the RFC, include a copy of the registration

template found in Section 8.2 of this document. Put the template in

your IANA Considerations section, filling-in the appropriate fields.

You MUST describe any interoperability and security issues in your


8.1. Message Content Type Registrations

Internet Message Content Types


Value Description Reference

----- ----------- ---------

voice-message Indicates a message whose primary This RFC

content is a voice mail message. The

primary content is audio data. The

context is usually a message recorded

from a voice telephone call.

fax-message Indicates a message whose primary This RFC

content is a fax mail message. The

primary content is image data. The

context is usually a message recorded

from a facsimile telephone call.

pager-message Indicates a message whose primary This RFC

content is a page. The primary

content is text data. The context is

an urgent message usually of a

limited length.

multimedia-message Indicates a message whose primary This RFC

content is a multimedia message. The

primary content is multimedia, most

likely MHTML. The context is often

spam or newsletters.

text-message Indicates a classic, text-based, This RFC

Internet message.

None Indicates an unknown message context. This RFC

8.2. Registration Template

In the following template, a pipe symbol, "", precedes instructions

or other helpful material. Be sure to replace "<classname>" with the

class name you are defining.

Message-Context class name:


Summary of the message class:

Include a short (no longer than 4 lines) description or summary


"Palmtop devices have a 320x160 pixel display, so we can..."

"Color fax is so different than black & white that..."

Person & email address to contact for further information:

Name & e-mail

8.3. Message-Context Registration

To: iana@iana.org

Subject: Registration of New RFC2822 Header

RFC2822 Header Name:


Allowable values for this parameter:

Please create a new registry for Primary Context Class

registrations. See section 8.1 of this document for the initial


RFC2822 Section 3.6 Repeat Value:

Field Min Number Max Number Notes

Message-Context 0 1

Person & email address to contact for further information:

Eric Burger


9. APPENDIX: Some messaging scenarios

This section is not a normative part of this document. We include it

here as a historical perspective on the issue of multimedia message


These scenarios are neither comprehensive nor fixed. For example,

e-mails being typically text-based do not mean that they cannot

convey a voice-message. This very mutability serves to underline the

desirability of providing some explicit message context hint.

9.1. Internet e-mail

Internet e-mail carries textual information. Sometimes it conveys

computer application data of arbitrary size.

Typically, one uses e-mail for non-urgent messages, which the

recipient will retrieve and process at a time convenient to her.

The normal device for receiving and processing e-mail messages is

some kind of personal computer. Modern personal computers usually

come with a reasonably large display and an alphanumeric keyboard.

Audio, video, and printing capabilities are not necessarily


One can use E-mail for communication between two parties (one-to-

one), a small number of known parties (one-to-few) or, via an e-mail

distribution list, between larger numbers of unknown parties (one-


One of the endearing characteristics of e-mail is the way that it

allows the recipient to forward all or part of the message to another

party, with or without additional comments. It is quite common for

an e-mail to contain snippets of content from several previous

messages. Similar features apply when replying to e-mail.

9.2. Pager service

One uses a pager message to convey notifications and alerts. For the

most part, these notifications are textual information of limited

size. The typical limit is 160 characters. People use pages for

relatively urgent messages, which the sender wishes the receiver to

see and possibly respond to within a short time period. Pager

messages are often used as a way of alerting users to something

needing their attention. For example, a system can use a page to

notify a subscriber there is a voicemail message requiring her


Example devices for sending and receiving a pager message are a

mobile telephone with a small character display or a text pager.

Personal computers and personal digital assistants (PDAs) can also

participate in pager messaging.

Currently, the most common use of pager messages are between just two

parties (one-to-one).

One delivery method for pager messages is the short text messaging

service (SMS). SMS is a facility that has evolved for use with

mobile telephones, and has an associated per-message transmission

charge. Note that the focus here is on the notification ASPect of

SMS. From the beginning, SMS was envisioned to be more than a simple

pager service. Operators can use SMS to provision the phone, for

example. From the subscriber point of view, SMS has evolved

considerably from its origins as a pure pager replacement service.

For example, with mobile originate service, people can have two-way

text chat sessions using SMS and a mobile phone. In addition, there

are SMS-enabled handsets that can display pictures. However, for the

purposes of this document, there is still a need to capture the

essence of a "highly urgent, short-text, notification or alert"


Users often send pager messages in isolation, rather than as part of

a longer exchange. One use for them is as a prompt or invitation to

communicate by some more convenient and content-rich method, such as

a telephone call.

9.3. Facsimile

People use facsimile to convey image information of moderate size,

typically a small number of pages. Sometimes people use facsimile

for larger documents.

Facsimile is a facility that usually uses circuit-switched telephone

circuits, with connection-time charges. Message transfer takes place

in real-time. Thus, people often use facsimile for urgent


The normal device for sending and receiving a facsimile is a self-

contained scanning and printing device connected to a telephone line

or a desktop computer.

Most facsimiles are between just two parties (one-to-one). However,

a significant portion of facsimile service is broadcast between

multiple parties (one-to-many).

Most facsimile exchanges are in isolation, rather than as part of a

longer exchange. Facsimile data is typically not suitable for

further processing by computer.

9.4. Voice mail

People use voice mail to convey audio information, almost exclusively

human speech.

Voice mail is a facility that usually uses circuit-switched telephone

circuits, with modest connection-time charges, often used for

moderately urgent messages. A common use for them is as a prompt or

invitation to communicate by some more convenient method, such as a

telephone call. In most, but not all cases, the sender of a voice

message does not want to send a message at all. Rather, they wished

to engage in a real-time conversation.

The normal device for sending and receiving a voice mail is a

telephone handset.

Voice messages are usually sent between just two parties (one-to-


Voice mail data is not generally suitable for further processing by


9.5. Multimedia message

We define a multimedia message as a message containing more than one

basic media type (text, image, audio, video, model, application).

The following are some characteristics of a multimedia message.

In some cases, a multimedia message is just e-mail with an attachment

that a multimedia display application presents. For example, I can

send you an MP3 of something I recorded in my garage today.

In other cases, a multimedia message represents a convergence between

two or more of the scenarios described above. For example, a voice

message with an accompanying diagram or a talking head video message

is a multimedia message.

The characteristics will vary somewhat with the intent of the sender.

This in turn may affect the user agent or application used to render

the message.

10. References

10.1 Normative References

[1] Bradner, S., "The Internet Standards Process -- Revision 3", BCP

9, RFC2026, October 1996.

[2] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement

Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

[3] Resnick, P., "Internet Message Format", RFC2822, April 2001.

[4] Crocker, D. and P. Overell, Eds., "Augmented BNF for Syntax

Specifications: ABNF", RFC2234, November 1997.

[5] Alvestrand, H. and T. Narten, "Guidelines for Writing an IANA

Considerations Section in RFCs", BCP 26, RFC2434, October 1998.

10.2 Informative References

[6] Troost, R., Dorner, S. and K. Moore, "Communicating Presentation

Information in Internet Messages: The Content-Disposition Header

Field", RFC2183, August 1997.

[7] Vaudreuil, G. and G. Parsons, "VPIM Voice Message MIME Sub-type

Registration", RFC2423, September 1998.

[8] Burger, E., "Critical Content of Internet Mail", RFC3459,

January 2003.

[9] Palme, J., Hopmann, A. and N. Shelness, "MIME Encapsulation of

Aggregate Documents, such as HTML (MHTML)", RFC2557, March


[10] Levinson, E., "The MIME Multipart/Related Content-type", RFC

2387, August 1998.

11. Acknowledgments

Many of the ideas here arose originally from a discussion with Jutta


We'd also like to thank Keith Moore for helping us tighten-up our


In the last round, we got some rather good advise from Caleb Clausen

and Dave Aronson.

Antti Vaha-Sipila pointed out advances in SMS, while Stuart McRae

helped distil the essence of the pager service vis a vis SMS.

We offer an extra special thanks to Greg Vaudreuil for pulling RFC

2557 out of his hat.

12. Authors' Addresses

Eric Burger

SnowShore Networks, Inc.

285 Billerica Rd.

Chelmsford, MA 01824-4120


Phone: +1 978 367 8403

EMail: e.burger@ieee.org

Emily Candell

Comverse Network Systems

200 Quannapowitt Pkwy.

Wakefield, MA 01880


Phone: +1 781 213 2324

EMail: emily.candell@comverse.com

Graham Klyne

Nine by Nine

United Kingdom

EMail: GK-IETF@ninebynine.org

Charles Eliot

Microsoft Corporation

One Microsoft Way

Redmond WA 98052


Phone: +1 425 706 9760

EMail: charle@Microsoft.com

13. Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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Internet Society.

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