
RFC3452 - Forward Error Correction (FEC) Building Block

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group M. Luby

Request for Comments: 3452 Digital Fountain

Category: EXPerimental L. Vicisano


J. Gemmell


L. Rizzo

Univ. Pisa

M. Handley


J. Crowcroft

Cambridge Univ.

December 2002

Forward Error Correction (FEC) Building Block

Status of this Memo

This memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet

community. It does not specify an Internet standard of any kind.

Discussion and suggestions for improvement are requested.

Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002). All Rights Reserved.


This document generally describes how to use Forward Error Correction

(FEC) codes to efficiently provide and/or augment reliability for

data transport. The primary focus of this document is the

application of FEC codes to one-to-many reliable data transport using

IP multicast. This document describes what information is needed to

identify a specific FEC code, what information needs to be

communicated out-of-band to use the FEC code, and what information is

needed in data packets to identify the encoding symbols they carry.

The procedures for specifying FEC codes and registering them with the

Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) are also described. This

document should be read in conjunction with and uses the terminology

of the companion document titled, "The Use of Forward Error

Correction (FEC) in Reliable Multicast".

Table of Contents

1. IntrodUCtion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2. Rationale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

3. Functionality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

3.1 FEC Encoding ID and FEC Instance ID. . . . . . . . . . . 5

3.2 FEC Payload ID and FEC Object Transmission Information . 6

4. Applicability Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

5. Packet Header Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

5.1 Small Block, Large Block and Expandable FEC Codes. . . . 8

5.2 Small Block Systematic FEC Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

6. Requirements from other building blocks. . . . . . . . . . 11

7. Security Considerations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

8. IANA Considerations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

8.1 Explicit IANA Assignment Guidelines. . . . . . . . . . . 12

9. Intellectual Property Disclosure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

10. Acknowledgments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

11. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

12. Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

13. Full Copyright Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

1. Introduction

This document describes how to use Forward Error Correction (FEC)

codes to provide support for reliable delivery of content using IP

multicast. This document should be read in conjunction with and uses

the terminology of the companion document [4], which describes the

use of FEC codes within the context of reliable IP multicast

transport and provides an introduction to some commonly used FEC


This document describes a building block as defined in RFC3048 [9].

This document is a product of the IETF RMT WG and follows the general

guidelines provided in RFC3269 [3].



document are to be interpreted as described in RFC2119 [2].

Statement of Intent

This memo contains part of the definitions necessary to fully

specify a Reliable Multicast Transport protocol in accordance with

RFC2357. As per RFC2357, the use of any reliable multicast

protocol in the Internet requires an adequate congestion control


While waiting for such a scheme to be available, or for an

existing scheme to be proven adequate, the Reliable Multicast

Transport working group (RMT) publishes this Request for Comments

in the "Experimental" category.

It is the intent of RMT to re-submit this specification as an IETF

Proposed Standard as soon as the above condition is met.

2. Rationale

FEC codes are a valuable basic component of any transport protocol

that is to provide reliable delivery of content. Using FEC codes is

valuable in the context of IP multicast and reliable delivery because

FEC encoding symbols can be useful to all receivers for

reconstructing content even when the receivers have received

different encoding symbols. Furthermore, FEC codes can ameliorate or

even eliminate the need for feedback from receivers to senders to

request retransmission of lost packets.

The goal of the FEC building block is to describe functionality

directly related to FEC codes that is common to all reliable content

delivery IP multicast protocols, and to leave out any additional

functionality that is specific to particular protocols. The primary

functionality described in this document that is common to all such

protocols that use FEC codes are FEC encoding symbols for an object

that is included in packets that flow from a sender to receivers.

This document for example does not describe how receivers may request

transmission of particular encoding symbols for an object. This is

because although there are protocols where requests for transmission

are of use, there are also protocols that do not require such


The companion document [4] should be consulted for a full explanation

of the benefits of using FEC codes for reliable content delivery

using IP multicast. FEC codes are also useful in the context of

unicast, and thus the scope and applicability of this document is not

limited to IP multicast.

3. Functionality

This section describes FEC information that is either to be sent

out-of-band or in packets. The FEC information is associated with

transmission of data about a particular object. There are three

classes of packets that may contain FEC information: data packets,

session-control packets and feedback packets. They generally contain

different kinds of FEC information. Note that some protocols may not

use session-control or feedback packets.

Data packets may sometimes serve as session-control packets as well;

both data and session-control packets generally travel downstream

from the sender towards receivers and are sent to a multicast channel

or to a specific receiver using unicast.

As a general rule, feedback packets travel upstream from receivers to

the sender. Sometimes, however, they might be sent to a multicast

channel or to another receiver or to some intermediate node or

neighboring router that provides recovery services.

This document specifies the FEC information that must be carried in

data packets and the other FEC information that must be communicated

either out-of-band or in data packets. This document does not

specify out-of-band methods nor does it specify the way out-of-band

FEC information is associated with FEC information carried in data

packets. These methods must be specified in a complete protocol

instantiation that uses the FEC building block. FEC information is

classified as follows:

1) FEC Encoding ID

Identifies the FEC encoder being used and allows receivers to

select the appropriate FEC decoder. The value of the FEC Encoding

ID MUST be the same for all transmission of data related to a

particular object, but MAY vary across different transmissions of

data about different objects, even if transmitted to the same set

of multicast channels and/or using a single upper-layer session.

The FEC Encoding ID is subject to IANA registration.

2) FEC Instance ID

Provides a more specific identification of the FEC encoder being

used for an Under-Specified FEC scheme. This value is not used

for Fully-Specified FEC schemes. (See Section 3.1 for the

definition of Under-Specified and Fully-Specified FEC schemes.)

The FEC Instance ID is scoped by the FEC Encoding ID, and is

subject to IANA registration.

3) FEC Payload ID

Identifies the encoding symbol(s) in the payload of the packet.

The types and lengths of the fields in the FEC Payload ID, i.e.,

the format of the FEC Payload ID, are determined by the FEC

Encoding ID. The full specification of each field MUST be

uniquely determined by the FEC Encoding ID for Fully-Specified FEC

schemes, and MUST be uniquely determined by the combination of the

FEC Encoding ID and the FEC Instance ID for Under-Specified FEC

schemes. As an example, for the Under-Specified FEC scheme with

FEC Encoding ID 129 defined in Section 5.1, the fields in the FEC

Payload ID are a 32-bit Source Block Number followed by a 32-bit

Encoding Symbol ID, where the full specification of both of these

fields depends on the FEC Instance ID.

4) FEC Object Transmission Information

This is information regarding the encoding of a specific object

needed by the FEC decoder. As an example, for the Under-Specified

FEC scheme with FEC Encoding ID 129 defined in Section 5.1, this

information might include the lengths of the different source

blocks that make up the object and the overall object length.

This might also include specific parameters of the FEC encoder.

The FEC Encoding ID, FEC Instance ID (for Under-Specified FEC

schemes) and the FEC Object Transmission Information can be sent to a

receiver within the data packet headers, within session control

packets, or by some other means. In any case, the means for

communicating this to a receiver is outside the scope of this

document. The FEC Payload ID MUST be included in the data packet

header fields, as it provides a description of the encoding symbols

contained in the packet.

3.1. FEC Encoding ID and FEC Instance ID

The FEC Encoding ID is a numeric index that identifies a specific FEC

scheme OR a class of encoding schemes that share the same FEC Payload

ID format.

An FEC scheme is a Fully-Specified FEC scheme if the encoding scheme

is formally and fully specified, in a way that independent

implementors can implement both encoder and decoder from a

specification that is an IETF RFC. The FEC Encoding ID uniquely

identifies a Fully-Specified FEC scheme. Companion documents of this

specification may specify Fully-Specified FEC schemes and associate

them with FEC Encoding ID values.

These documents MUST also specify a format for the FEC Payload ID and

specify the information in the FEC Object Transmission Information.

It is possible that a FEC scheme may not be a Fully-Specified FEC

scheme, because either a specification is simply not available or a

party exists that owns the encoding scheme and is not willing to

disclose the algorithm or specification. We refer to such an FEC

encoding schemes as an Under-Specified FEC scheme. The following

holds for an Under-Specified FEC scheme:

o The fields and their formats of the FEC Payload ID and the specific

information in the FEC Object Transmission Information MUST be

defined for the Under-Specified FEC scheme.

o A value for the FEC Encoding ID MUST be reserved and associated

with the fields and their formats of the FEC Payload ID and the

specific information in the FEC Object Transmission Information.

An already reserved FEC Encoding ID value MUST be reused if the

associated FEC Payload ID has the same fields and formats and the

FEC Object Transmission Information has same information as the

ones needed for the new Under-Specified FEC scheme.

o A value for the FEC Instance ID MUST be reserved.

An Under-Specified FEC scheme is fully identified by the tuple (FEC

Encoding ID, FEC Instance ID). The tuple MUST identify a single

scheme that has at least one implementation. The party that owns

this tuple MUST be able to provide information on how to oBTain the

Under-Specified FEC scheme identified by the tuple, e.g., a pointer

to a publicly available reference-implementation or the name and

contacts of a company that sells it, either separately or embedded in

another product.

Different Under-Specified FEC schemes that share the same FEC

Encoding ID -- but have different FEC Instance IDs -- also share the

same fields and corresponding formats of the FEC Payload ID and

specify the same information in the FEC Object Transmission


This specification reserves the range 0-127 for the values of FEC

Encoding IDs for Fully-Specified FEC schemes and the range 128-255

for the values of Under-Specified FEC schemes.

3.2. FEC Payload ID and FEC Object Transmission Information

A document that specifies an FEC scheme and reserves a value of FEC

Encoding ID MUST define the fields and their packet formats for the

FEC Payload ID and specify the information in the FEC Object

Transmission Information according to the needs of the encoding

scheme. This applies to documents that reserve values of FEC

Encoding IDs for both Fully-Specified and Under-Specified FEC


The specification of the fields and their packet formats for the FEC

Payload ID MUST specify the meaning of the fields and their format

down to the level of specific bits. The total length of all the

fields in the FEC Payload ID MUST have a length that is a multiple of

a 4-byte word. This requirement facilitates the alignment of packet

fields in protocol instantiations.

4. Applicability Statement

The FEC building block applies to creating and sending encoding

symbols for objects that are to be reliably transported using IP

multicast or unicast. The FEC building block does not provide higher

level session support. Thus, for example, many objects may be

transmitted within the same session, in which case a higher level

building block may carry a unique Transport Object ID (TOI) for each

object in the session to allow the receiver to demultiplex packets

within the session based on the TOI within each packet. As another

example, a receiver may subscribe to more than one session at a time.

In this case a higher level building block may carry a unique

Transport Session ID (TSI) for each session to allow the receiver to

demultiplex packets based on the TSI within each packet.

Other building blocks may supply direct support for carrying out-of-

band information directly relevant to the FEC building block to

receivers. For example, the length of the object is part of the FEC

Object Transmission Information that may in some cases be

communicated out-of-band to receivers, and one mechanism for

providing this to receivers is within the context of another building

block that provides this information.

Some protocols may use FEC codes as a mechanism for repairing the

loss of packets. Within the context of FEC repair schemes, feedback

packets are (optionally) used to request FEC retransmission. The

FEC-related information present in feedback packets usually contains

an FEC Block ID that defines the block that is being repaired, and

the number of Repair Symbols requested. Although this is the most

common case, variants are possible in which the receivers provide

more specific information about the Repair Symbols requested (e.g.,

an index range or a list of symbols accepted). It is also possible

to include multiple requests in a single feedback packet. This

document does not provide any detail about feedback schemes used in

combination with FEC nor the format of FEC information in feedback

packets. If feedback packets are used in a complete protocol

instantiation, these details must be provided in the protocol

instantiation specification.

The FEC building block does not provide any support for congestion

control. Any complete protocol MUST provide congestion control that

conforms to RFC2357 [5], and thus this MUST be provided by another

building block when the FEC building block is used in a protocol.

A more complete description of the applicability of FEC codes can be

found in the companion document [4].

5. Packet Header Fields

This section specifies the FEC Encoding ID, the associated FEC

Payload ID format, and the specific information in the FEC Object

Transmission Information for a number of known Under-Specified FEC

schemes. Under-Specified FEC schemes that use the same FEC Payload

ID fields, formats, and specific information in the FEC Object

Transmission Information (as for one of the FEC Encoding IDs

specified in this section) MUST use the corresponding FEC Encoding

ID. Other FEC Encoding IDs may be specified for other Under-

Specified FEC schemes in companion documents.

5.1. Small Block, Large Block and Expandable FEC Codes

This subsection reserves the FEC Encoding ID value 128 for the

Under-Specified FEC schemes described in [4] that are called Small

Block FEC codes, Large Block FEC codes and Expandable FEC codes.

The FEC Payload ID is composed of a Source Block Number and an

Encoding Symbol ID structured as follows:

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Source Block Number


Encoding Symbol ID


The Source Block Number identifies from which source block of the

object the encoding symbol(s) in the payload are generated. These

blocks are numbered consecutively from 0 to N-1, where N is the

number of source blocks in the object.

The Encoding Symbol ID identifies which specific encoding symbol(s)

generated from the source block are carried in the packet payload.

The exact details of the correspondence between Encoding Symbol IDs

and the encoding symbol(s) in the packet payload are dependent on the

particular encoding algorithm used as identified by the FEC Encoding

ID and by the FEC Instance ID, and these details may be proprietary.

The FEC Object Transmission Information has the following specific


o The FEC Encoding ID 128.

o The FEC Instance ID associated with the FEC Encoding ID 128 to be


o The total length of the object in bytes.

o The number of source blocks that the object is partitioned into,

and the length of each source block in bytes.

To understand how this out-of-band information is communicated, one

must look outside the scope of this document. One example may be

that the source block lengths may be derived by a fixed algorithm

from the object length. Another example may be that all source

blocks are the same length and this is what is passed out-of-band to

the receiver. A third example could be that the full sized source

block length is provided and this is the length used for all but the

last source block, which is calculated based on the full source block

length and the object length.

5.2. Small Block Systematic FEC Codes

This subsection reserves the FEC Encoding ID value 129 for the

Under-Specified FEC schemes described in [4] that are called Small

Block Systematic FEC codes. For Small Block Systematic FEC codes,

each source block is of length at most 65536 source symbols.

Although these codes can generally be accommodated by the FEC

Encoding ID described in Section 5.1, a specific FEC Encoding ID is

defined for Small Block Systematic FEC codes to allow more

flexibility and to retain header compactness. The small source block

length and small expansion factor that often characterize systematic

codes may require the data source to frequently change the source

block length. To allow the dynamic variation of the source block

length and to communicate it to the receivers with low overhead, the

block length is included in the FEC Payload ID.

The FEC Payload ID is composed of the Source Block Number, Source

Block Length and the Encoding Symbol ID:

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Source Block Number


Source Block Length Encoding Symbol ID


The Source Block Number identifies from which source block of the

object the encoding symbol(s) in the payload are generated. These

blocks are numbered consecutively from 0 to N-1, where N is the

number of source blocks in the object.

The Source Block Length is the length in units of source symbols of

the source block identified by the Source Block Number.

The Encoding Symbol ID identifies which specific encoding symbol(s)

generated from the source block are carried in the packet payload.

Each encoding symbol is either an original source symbol or a

redundant symbol generated by the encoder. The exact details of the

correspondence between Encoding Symbol IDs and the encoding symbol(s)

in the packet payload are dependent on the particular encoding

algorithm used as identified by the FEC Encoding ID and by the FEC

Instance ID, and these details may be proprietary.

The FEC Object Transmission Information has the following specific


o The FEC Encoding ID 129.

o The FEC Instance ID associated with the FEC Encoding ID 129 to be


o The total length of the object in bytes.

o The maximum number of encoding symbols that can be generated for

any source block. This field is provided for example to allow

receivers to preallocate buffer space that is suitable for decoding

to recover any source block.

o For each source block, the length in bytes of encoding symbols for

the source block.

How this out-of-band information is communicated is outside the scope

of this document. As an example the length in bytes of encoding

symbols for each source block may be the same for all source blocks.

As another example, the encoding symbol length may be the same for

all source blocks of a given object and this length is communicated

for each object. As a third example, it may be that there is a

threshold value I, and for all source blocks consisting of less than

I source symbols, the encoding symbol length is one fixed number of

bytes, but for all source blocks consisting of I or more source

symbols, the encoding symbol length is a different fixed number of


Note that each encoding symbol, i.e., each source symbol and

redundant symbol, must be the same length for a given source block,

and this implies that each source block length is a multiple of its

encoding symbol length. If the original source block length is not a

multiple of the encoding symbol length, it is up to the sending

application to appropriately pad the original source block to form

the source block to be encoded, and to communicate this padding to

the receiving application. The form of this padding, if used, and

how it is communicated to the receiving application, is outside the

scope of this document, and must be handled at the application level.

6. Requirements from other building blocks

The FEC building block does not provide any support for congestion

control. Any complete protocol MUST provide congestion control that

conforms to RFC2357 [5], and thus this MUST be provided by another

building block when the FEC building block is used in a protocol.

There are no other specific requirements from other building blocks

for the use of this FEC building block. However, any protocol that

uses the FEC building block will inevitably use other building blocks

for example to provide support for sending higher level session

information within data packets containing FEC encoding symbols.

7. Security Considerations

Data delivery can be subject to denial-of-service attacks by

attackers which send corrupted packets that are accepted as

legitimate by receivers. This is particularly a concern for

multicast delivery because a corrupted packet may be injected into

the session close to the root of the multicast tree, in which case

the corrupted packet will arrive to many receivers. This is

particularly a concern for the FEC building block because the use of

even one corrupted packet containing encoding data may result in the

decoding of an object that is completely corrupted and unusable. It

is thus RECOMMENDED that the decoded objects be checked for integrity

before delivering objects to an application. For example, an MD5

hash [8] of an object may be appended before transmission, and the

MD5 hash is computed and checked after the object is decoded but

before it is delivered to an application. Moreover, in order to

obtain strong cryptographic integrity protection a digital signature

verifiable by the receiver SHOULD be computed on top of such a hash

value. It is also RECOMMENDED that a packet authentication protocol

such as TESLA [7] be used to detect and discard corrupted packets

upon arrival. Furthermore, it is RECOMMENDED that Reverse Path

Forwarding checks be enabled in all network routers and switches

along the path from the sender to receivers to limit the possibility

of a bad agent successfully injecting a corrupted packet into the

multicast tree data path.

Another security concern is that some FEC information may be obtained

by receivers out-of-band in a session description, and if the session

description is forged or corrupted then the receivers will not use

the correct protocol for decoding content from received packets. To

avoid these problems, it is RECOMMENDED that measures be taken to

prevent receivers from accepting incorrect session descriptions,

e.g., by using source authentication to ensure that receivers only

accept legitimate session descriptions from authorized senders.

8. IANA Considerations

Values of FEC Encoding IDs and FEC Instance IDs are subject to IANA

registration. FEC Encoding IDs and FEC Instance IDs are

hierarchical: FEC Encoding IDs scope ranges of FEC Instance IDs.

Only FEC Encoding IDs that correspond to Under-Specified FEC schemes

scope a corresponding set of FEC Instance IDs.

The FEC Encoding ID is a numeric non-negative index. In this

document, the range of values for FEC Encoding IDs is 0 to 255.

Values from 0 to 127 are reserved for Fully-Specified FEC schemes and

Values from 128 to 255 are reserved for Under-Specified FEC schemes,

as described in more detail in Section 3.1. This specification

already assigns the values 128 and 129, as described in Section 5.

Each FEC Encoding ID assigned to an Under-Specified FEC scheme scopes

an independent range of FEC Instance IDs (i.e., the same value of FEC

Instance ID can be reused for different FEC Encoding IDs). An FEC

Instance ID is a numeric non-negative index.

8.1. Explicit IANA Assignment Guidelines

This document defines a name-space for FEC Encoding IDs named:


IANA has established and manages the new registry for the

"ietf:rmt:fec:encoding" name-space. The values that can be assigned

within the "ietf:rmt:fec:encoding" name-space are numeric indexes in

the range [0, 255], boundaries included. Assignment requests are

granted on a "Specification Required" basis as defined in RFC2434

[6]: An IETF RFCMUST exist and specify the FEC Payload ID fields and

formats as well as the FEC Object Transmission Information for the

value of "ietf:rmt:fec:encoding" (FEC Encoding ID) being assigned by

IANA (see Section 3.1 for more details). Note that the values 128

and 129 of "ietf:rmt:fec:encoding" are already assigned by this

document as described in Section 5.

This document also defines a name-space for FEC Instance IDs named:


The "ietf:rmt:fec:encoding:instance" name-space is a sub-name-space

associated with the "ietf:rmt:fec:encoding" name-space. Each value

of "ietf:rmt:fec:encoding" assigned in the range [128, 255] has a

separate "ietf:rmt:fec:encoding:instance" sub-name-space that it

scopes. Values of "ietf:rmt:fec:encoding" in the range [0, 127] do

not scope a "ietf:rmt:fec:encoding:instance" sub-name-space.

The values that can be assigned within each

"ietf:rmt:fec:encoding:instance" sub-name-space are non-negative

numeric indices. Assignment requests are granted on a "First Come

First Served" basis as defined in RFC2434 [6]. The same value of

"ietf:rmt:fec:encoding:instance" can be assigned within multiple

distinct sub-name-spaces, i.e., the same value of

"ietf:rmt:fec:encoding:instance" can be used for multiple values of


Requestors of "ietf:rmt:fec:encoding:instance" assignments MUST

provide the following information:

o The value of "ietf:rmt:fec:encoding" that scopes the

"ietf:rmt:fec:encoding:instance" sub-name-space. This must be in

the range [128, 255].

o Point of contact information

o A pointer to publicly Accessible documentation describing the

Under-Specified FEC scheme, associated with the value of

"ietf:rmt:fec:encoding:instance" assigned, and a way to obtain it

(e.g., a pointer to a publicly available reference-implementation

or the name and contacts of a company that sells it, either

separately or embedded in a product).

It is the responsibility of the requestor to keep all the above

information up to date.

9. Intellectual Property Disclosure

The IETF has been notified of intellectual property rights claimed in

regard to some or all of the specification contained in this

document. For more information consult the online list of claimed


10. Acknowledgments

Brian Adamson contributed to this document by shaping Section 5.2 and

providing general feedback. We also wish to thank Vincent Roca,

Justin Chapweske and Roger Kermode for their extensive comments.

11. References

[1] Bradner, S., "The Internet Standards Process -- Revision 3", BCP

9, RFC2026, October 1996.

[2] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement

Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

[3] Kermode, R. and L. Vicisano, "Author Guidelines for Reliable

Multicast Transport (RMT) Building Blocks and Protocol

Instantiation documents", RFC3269, April 2002.

[4] Luby, M., Vicisano, L., Gemmell, J., Rizzo, L., Handley, M. and

J. Crowcroft, "The Use of Forward Error Correction (FEC) in

Reliable Multicast", RFC3453, December 2002.

[5] Mankin, A., Romanow, A., Bradner, S. and V. Paxson, "IETF

Criteria for Evaluating Reliable Multicast Transport and

Application Protocols", RFC2357, June 1998.

[6] Narten, T. and H. Alvestrand, "Guidelines for Writing an IANA

Considerations Section in RFCs", BCP 26, RFC2434, October 1998.

[7] Perrig, A., Canetti, R., Song, D. and J. Tygar, "Efficient and

Secure Source Authentication for Multicast", Network and

Distributed System Security Symposium, NDSS 2001, pp. 35-46,

February 2001.

[8] Rivest, R., "The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm", RFC1321, April


[9] Whetten, B., Vicisano, L., Kermode, R., Handley, M., Floyd, S.

and M. Luby, "Reliable Multicast Transport Building Blocks for

One-to-Many Bulk-Data Transfer", RFC3048, January 2001.

12. Authors' Addresses

Michael Luby

Digital Fountain, Inc.

39141 Civic Center Drive

Suite 300

Fremont, CA 94538

EMail: luby@digitalfountain.com

Lorenzo Vicisano

Cisco Systems, Inc.

170 West Tasman Dr.,

San Jose, CA, USA, 95134

EMail: lorenzo@cisco.com

Jim Gemmell

Microsoft Research

455 Market St. #1690

San Francisco, CA, 94105

EMail: jgemmell@microsoft.com

Luigi Rizzo

Dip. di Ing. dell'Informazione

Universita` di Pisa

via Diotisalvi 2, 56126 Pisa, Italy

EMail: luigi@iet.unipi.it

Mark Handley

ICSI Center for Internet Research

1947 Center St.

Berkeley CA, USA, 94704

EMail: mjh@icir.org

Jon Crowcroft

Marconi Professor of Communications Systems

University of Cambridge

Computer Laboratory

William Gates Building

J J Thomson Avenue



EMail: Jon.Crowcroft@cl.cam.ac.uk

13. Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

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The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

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This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







Funding for the RFCEditor function is currently provided by the

Internet Society.

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