
RFC3449 - TCP Performance Implications of Network Path Asymmetry

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Network Working Group H. Balakrishnan

Request for Comments: 3449 MIT LCS

BCP: 69 V. N. Padmanabhan

Category: Best Current Practice Microsoft Research

G. Fairhurst

M. Sooriyabandara

University of Aberdeen, U.K.

December 2002

TCP Performance Implications

of Network Path Asymmetry

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet Best Current Practices for the

Internet Community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002). All Rights Reserved.


This document describes TCP performance problems that arise because

of asymmetric effects. These problems arise in several Access

networks, including bandwidth-asymmetric networks and packet radio

subnetworks, for different underlying reasons. However, the end

result on TCP performance is the same in both cases: performance

often degrades significantly because of imperfection and variability

in the ACK feedback from the receiver to the sender.

The document details several mitigations to these effects, which have

either been proposed or evaluated in the literature, or are currently

deployed in networks. These solutions use a combination of local

link-layer techniques, subnetwork, and end-to-end mechanisms,

consisting of: (i) techniques to manage the channel used for the

upstream bottleneck link carrying the ACKs, typically using header

compression or redUCing the frequency of TCP ACKs, (ii) techniques to

handle this reduced ACK frequency to retain the TCP sender's

acknowledgment-triggered self-clocking and (iii) techniques to

schedule the data and ACK packets in the reverse direction to improve

performance in the presence of two-way traffic. Each technique is

described, together with known issues, and recommendations for use.

A summary of the recommendations is provided at the end of the


Table of Contents

1. Conventions used in this Document ...............................3

2. Motivation ....................................................4

2.1 Asymmetry due to Differences in Transmit

and Receive Capacity .........................................4

2.2 Asymmetry due to Shared Media in the Reverse Direction .......5

2.3 The General Problem ..........................................5

3. How does Asymmetry Degrade TCP Performance? .....................5

3.1 Asymmetric Capacity ..........................................5

3.2 MAC Protocol Interactions ....................................7

3.3 Bidirectional Traffic ........................................8

3.4 Loss in Asymmetric Network Paths ............................10

4. Improving TCP Performance using Host Mitigations ...............10

4.1 Modified Delayed ACKs .......................................11

4.2 Use of Large MSS ............................................12

4.3 ACK Congestion Control ......................................13

4.4 Window Prediction Mechanism .................................14

4.5 Acknowledgement based on Cwnd Estimation. ...................14

4.6 TCP Sender Pacing ...........................................14

4.7 TCP Byte Counting ...........................................15

4.8 Backpressure ................................................16

5. Improving TCP performance using Transparent Modifications ......17

5.1 TYPE 0: Header Compression ..................................18

5.1.1 TCP Header Compression ..................................18

5.1.2 Alternate Robust Header Compression Algorithms ..........19

5.2 TYPE 1: Reverse Link Bandwidth Management ...................19

5.2.1 ACK Filtering ...........................................20

5.2.2 ACK Decimation ..........................................21

5.3 TYPE 2: Handling Infrequent ACKs ............................22

5.3.1 ACK Reconstruction ......................................23

5.3.2 ACK Compaction and Companding ...........................25

5.3.3 Mitigating TCP packet bursts generated by

Infrequent ACKs .........................................26

5.4 TYPE 3: Upstream Link Scheduling ............................27

5.4.1 Per-Flow queuing at the Upstream Bottleneck Link ........27

5.4.2 ACKs-first Scheduling ...................................28

6. Security Considerations ........................................29

7. Summary ........................................................30

8. Acknowledgments ................................................32

9. References .....................................................32

10. IANA Considerations ...........................................37

Appendix: Examples of Subnetworks Exhibiting Network Path

Asymmetry ...............................................38

Authors' Addresses ................................................40

Full Copyright Statement ..........................................41

1. Conventions used in this Document

FORWARD DIRECTION: The dominant direction of data transfer over an

asymmetric network path. It corresponds to the direction with better

characteristics in terms of capacity, latency, error rate, etc. Data

transfer in the forward direction is called "forward transfer".

Packets travelling in the forward direction follow the forward path

through the IP network.

REVERSE DIRECTION: The direction in which acknowledgments of a

forward TCP transfer flow. Data transfer could also happen in this

direction (and is termed "reverse transfer"), but it is typically

less voluminous than that in the forward direction. The reverse

direction typically exhibits worse characteristics than the forward

direction. Packets travelling in the reverse direction follow the

reverse path through the IP network.

UPSTREAM LINK: The specific bottleneck link that normally has much

less capability than the corresponding downstream link. Congestion

is not confined to this link alone, and may also occur at any point

along the forward and reverse directions (e.g., due to sharing with

other traffic flows).

DOWNSTREAM LINK: A link on the forward path, corresponding to the

upstream link.

ACK: A cumulative TCP acknowledgment [RFC791]. In this document,

this term refers to a TCP segment that carries a cumulative

acknowledgement (ACK), but no data.

DELAYED ACK FACTOR, d: The number of TCP data segments acknowledged

by a TCP ACK. The minimum value of d is 1, since at most one ACK

should be sent for each data packet [RFC1122, RFC2581].

STRETCH ACK: Stretch ACKs are acknowledgements that cover more than 2

segments of previously unacknowledged data (d>2) [RFC2581]. Stretch

ACKs can occur by design (although this is not standard), due to

implementation bugs [All97b, RFC2525], or due to ACK loss [RFC2760].

NORMALIZED BANDWIDTH RATIO, k: The ratio of the raw bandwidth

(capacity) of the forward direction to the return direction, divided

by the ratio of the packet sizes used in the two directions [LMS97].

SOFTSTATE: Per-flow state established in a network device that is

used by the protocol [Cla88]. The state eXPires after a period of

time (i.e., is not required to be explicitly deleted when a session

expires), and is continuously refreshed while a flow continues (i.e.,

lost state may be reconstructed without needing to exchange

additional control messages).

2. Motivation

Asymmetric characteristics are exhibited by several network

technologies, including cable data networks, (e.g., DOCSIS cable TV

networks [DS00, DS01]), direct broadcast satellite (e.g., an IP

service using Digital Video Broadcast, DVB, [EN97] with an

interactive return channel), Very Small Aperture satellite Terminals

(VSAT), Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) [ITU02, ANS01], and

several packet radio networks. These networks are increasingly being

deployed as high-speed Internet access networks, and it is therefore

highly desirable to achieve good TCP performance. However, the

asymmetry of the network paths often makes this challenging.

Examples of some networks that exhibit asymmetry are provided in the


Asymmetry may manifest itself as a difference in transmit and receive

capacity, an imbalance in the packet loss rate, or differences

between the transmit and receive paths [RFC3077]. For example, when

capacity is asymmetric, such that there is reduced capacity on

reverse path used by TCP ACKs, slow or infrequent ACK feedback

degrades TCP performance in the forward direction. Similarly,

asymmetry in the underlying Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical

(PHY) protocols could make it expensive to transmit TCP ACKs

(disproportionately to their size), even when capacity is symmetric.

2.1 Asymmetry due to Differences in Transmit and Receive Capacity

Network paths may be asymmetric because the upstream and downstream

links operate at different rates and/or are implemented using

different technologies.

The asymmetry in capacity may be substantially increased when best

effort IP flows carrying TCP ACKs share the available upstream

capacity with other traffic flows, e.g., telephony, especially flows

that have reserved upstream capacity. This includes service

guarantees at the IP layer (e.g., the Guaranteed Service [RFC2212])

or at the subnet layer (e.g., support of Voice over IP [ITU01] using

the Unsolicited Grant service in DOCSIS [DS01], or CBR virtual

connections in ATM over ADSL [ITU02, ANS01]).

When multiple upstream links exist the asymmetry may be reduced by

dividing upstream traffic between a number of available upstream


2.2 Asymmetry due to Shared Media in the Reverse Direction

In networks employing centralized multiple access control, asymmetry

may be a fundamental consequence of the hub-and-spokes architecture

of the network (i.e., a single base node communicating with multiple

downstream nodes). The central node often incurs less transmission

overhead and does not incur latency in scheduling its own downstream

transmissions. In contrast, upstream transmission is subject to

additional overhead and latency (e.g., due to guard times between

transmission bursts, and contention intervals). This can produce

significant network path asymmetry.

Upstream capacity may be further limited by the requirement that each

node must first request per-packet bandwidth using a contention MAC

protocol (e.g., DOCSIS 1.0 MAC restricts each node to sending at most

a single packet in each upstream time-division interval [DS00]). A

satellite network employing dynamic Bandwidth on Demand (BoD), also

consumes MAC resources for each packet sent (e.g., [EN00]). In these

schemes, the available uplink capacity is a function of the MAC

algorithm. The MAC and PHY schemes also introduce overhead per

upstream transmission which could be so significant that transmitting

short packets (including TCP ACKs) becomes as costly as transmitting

MTU-sized data packets.

2.3 The General Problem

Despite the technological differences between capacity-dependent and

MAC-dependent asymmetries, both kinds of network path suffer reduced

TCP performance for the same fundamental reason: the imperfection and

variability of ACK feedback. This document discusses the problem in

detail and describes several techniques that may reduce or eliminate

the constraints.

3. How does Asymmetry Degrade TCP Performance?

This section describes the implications of network path asymmetry on

TCP performance. The reader is referred to [BPK99, Bal98, Pad98,

FSS01, Sam99] for more details and experimental results.

3.1 Asymmetric Capacity

The problems that degrade unidirectional transfer performance when

the forward and return paths have very different capacities depend on

the characteristics of the upstream link. Two types of situations

arise for unidirectional traffic over such network paths: when the

upstream bottleneck link has sufficient queuing to prevent packet

(ACK) losses, and when the upstream bottleneck link has a small

buffer. Each is considered in turn.

If the upstream bottleneck link has deep queues, so that this does

not drop ACKs in the reverse direction, then performance is a strong

function of the normalized bandwidth ratio, k. For example, for a 10

Mbps downstream link and a 50 Kbps upstream link, the raw capacity

ratio is 200. With 1000-byte data packets and 40-byte ACKs, the

ratio of the packet sizes is 25. This implies that k is 200/25 = 8.

Thus, if the receiver acknowledges more frequently than one ACK every

8 (k) data packets, the upstream link will become saturated before

the downstream link, limiting the throughput in the forward

direction. Note that, the achieved TCP throughput is determined by

the minimum of the receiver advertised window or TCP congestion

window, cwnd [RFC2581].

If ACKs are not dropped (at the upstream bottleneck link) and k > 1

or k > 0.5 when delayed ACKs are used [RFC1122], TCP ACK-clocking

breaks down. Consider two data packets transmitted by the sender in

quick succession. En route to the receiver, these packets get spaced

apart according to the capacity of the smallest bottleneck link in

the forward direction. The principle of ACK clocking is that the

ACKs generated in response to receiving these data packets reflects

this temporal spacing all the way back to the sender, enabling it to

transmit new data packets that maintain the same spacing [Jac88]. ACK

clocking with delayed ACKs, reflects the spacing between data packets

that actually trigger ACKs. However, the limited upstream capacity

and queuing at the upstream bottleneck router alters the inter-ACK

spacing of the reverse path, and hence that observed at the sender.

When ACKs arrive at the upstream bottleneck link at a faster rate

than the link can support, they get queued behind one another. The

spacing between them when they emerge from the link is dilated with

respect to their original spacing, and is a function of the upstream

bottleneck capacity. Thus the TCP sender clocks out new data packets

at a slower rate than if there had been no queuing of ACKs. The

performance of the connection is no longer dependent on the

downstream bottleneck link alone; instead, it is throttled by the

rate of arriving ACKs. As a side effect, the sender's rate of cwnd

growth also slows down.

A second side effect arises when the upstream bottleneck link on the

reverse path is saturated. The saturated link causes persistent

queuing of packets, leading to an increasing path Round Trip Time

(RTT) [RFC2998] observed by all end hosts using the bottleneck link.

This can impact the protocol control loops, and may also trigger

false time out (underestimation of the path RTT by the sending host).

A different situation arises when the upstream bottleneck link has a

relatively small amount of buffer space to accommodate ACKs. As the

transmission window grows, this queue fills, and ACKs are dropped. If

the receiver were to acknowledge every packet, only one of every k

ACKs would get through to the sender, and the remaining (k-1) are

dropped due to buffer overflow at the upstream link buffer (here k is

the normalized bandwidth ratio as before). In this case, the reverse

bottleneck link capacity and slow ACK arrival rate are not directly

responsible for any degraded performance. However, the infrequency

of ACKs leads to three reasons for degraded performance:

1. The sender transmits data in large bursts of packets, limited only

by the available cwnd. If the sender receives only one ACK in k,

it transmits data in bursts of k (or more) packets because each

ACK shifts the sliding window by at least k (acknowledged) data

packets (TCP data segments). This increases the likelihood of

data packet loss along the forward path especially when k is

large, because routers do not handle large bursts of packets well.

2. Current TCP sender implementations increase their cwnd by counting

the number of ACKs they receive and not by how much data is

actually acknowledged by each ACK. The later approach, also known

as byte counting (section 4.7), is a standard implementation

option for cwnd increase during the congestion avoidance period

[RFC2581]. Thus fewer ACKs imply a slower rate of growth of the

cwnd, which degrades performance over long-delay connections.

3. The sender TCP's Fast Retransmission and Fast Recovery algorithms

[RFC2581] are less effective when ACKs are lost. The sender may

possibly not receive the threshold number of duplicate ACKs even

if the receiver transmits more than the DupACK threshold (> 3

DupACKs) [RFC2581]. Furthermore, the sender may possibly not

receive enough duplicate ACKs to adequately inflate its cwnd

during Fast Recovery.

3.2 MAC Protocol Interactions

The interaction of TCP with MAC protocols may degrade end-to-end

performance. Variable round-trip delays and ACK queuing are the main

symptoms of this problem.

One example is the impact on terrestrial wireless networks [Bal98]. A

high per-packet overhead may arise from the need for communicating

link nodes to first synchronise (e.g., via a Ready To Send / Clear to

Send (RTS/CTS) protocol) before communication and the significant

turn-around time for the wireless channel. This overhead is

variable, since the RTS/CTS exchange may need to back-off

exponentially when the remote node is busy (e.g., engaged in a

conversation with a different node). This leads to large and

variable communication latencies in packet-radio networks.

An asymmetric workload (more downstream than upstream traffic) may

cause ACKs to be queued in some wireless nodes (especially in the end

host modems), exacerbating the variable latency. Queuing may also

occur in other shared media, e.g., cable modem uplinks, BoD access

systems often employed on shared satellite channels.

Variable latency and ACK queuing reduces the smoothness of the TCP

data flow. In particular, ACK traffic can interfere with the flow of

data packets, increasing the traffic load of the system.

TCP measures the path RTT, and from this calculates a smoothed RTT

estimate (srtt) and a linear deviation, rttvar. These are used to

estimate a path retransmission timeout (RTO) [RFC2988], set to srtt +

4*rttvar. For most wired TCP connections, the srtt remains constant

or has a low linear deviation. The RTO therefore tracks the path

RTT, and the TCP sender will respond promptly when multiple losses

occur in a window. In contrast, some wireless networks exhibit a

high variability in RTT, causing the RTO to significantly increase

(e.g., on the order of 10 seconds). Paths traversing multiple

wireless hops are especially vulnerable to this effect, because this

increases the probability that the intermediate nodes may already be

engaged in conversation with other nodes. The overhead in most MAC

schemes is a function of both the number and size of packets.

However, the MAC contention problem is a significant function of the

number of packets (e.g., ACKs) transmitted rather than their size.

In other Words, there is a significant cost to transmitting a packet

regardless of packet size.

Experiments conducted on the Ricochet packet radio network in 1996

and 1997 demonstrated the impact of radio turnarounds and the

corresponding increased RTT variability, resulting in degraded TCP

performance. It was not uncommon for TCP connections to experience

timeouts of 9 - 12 seconds, with the result that many connections

were idle for a significant fraction of their lifetime (e.g.,

sometimes 35% of the total transfer time). This leads to under-

utilization of the available capacity. These effects may also occur

in other wireless subnetworks.

3.3 Bidirectional Traffic

Bidirectional traffic arises when there are simultaneous TCP

transfers in the forward and reverse directions over an asymmetric

network path, e.g., a user who sends an e-mail message in the reverse

direction while simultaneously receiving a web page in the forward

direction. To simplify the discussion, only one TCP connection in

each direction is considered. In many practical cases, several

simultaneous connections need to share the available capacity,

increasing the level of congestion.

Bidirectional traffic makes the effects discussed in section 3.1 more

pronounced, because part of the upstream link bandwidth is consumed

by the reverse transfer. This effectively increases the degree of

bandwidth asymmetry. Other effects also arise due to the interaction

between data packets of the reverse transfer and ACKs of the forward

transfer. Suppose at the time the forward TCP connection is

initiated, the reverse TCP connection has already saturated the

bottleneck upstream link with data packets. There is then a high

probability that many ACKs of the new forward TCP connection will

encounter a full upstream link buffer and hence get dropped. Even

after these initial problems, ACKs of the forward connection could

get queued behind large data packets of the reverse connection. The

larger data packets may have correspondingly long transmission times

(e.g., it takes about 280 ms to transmit a 1 Kbyte data packet over a

28.8 kbps line). This causes the forward transfer to stall for long

periods of time. It is only at times when the reverse connection

loses packets (due to a buffer overflow at an intermediate router)

and slows down, that the forward connection gets the opportunity to

make rapid progress and build up its cwnd.

When ACKs are queued behind other traffic for appreciable periods of

time, the burst nature of TCP traffic and self-synchronizing effects

can result in an effect known as ACK Compression [ZSC91], which

reduces the throughput of TCP. It occurs when a series of ACKs, in

one direction are queued behind a burst of other packets (e.g., data

packets traveling in the same direction) and become compressed in

time. This results in an intense burst of data packets in the other

direction, in response to the burst of compressed ACKs arriving at

the server. This phenomenon has been investigated in detail for

bidirectional traffic, and recent analytical work [LMS97] has

predicted ACK Compression may also result from bi-directional

transmission with asymmetry, and was observed in practical asymmetric

satellite subnetworks [FSS01]. In the case of extreme asymmetry

(k>>1), the inter-ACK spacing can increase due to queuing (section

3.1), resulting in ACK dilation.

In summary, sharing of the upstream bottleneck link by multiple flows

(e.g., IP flows to the same end host, or flows to a number of end

hosts sharing a common upstream link) increases the level of ACK

Congestion. The presence of bidirectional traffic exacerbates the

constraints introduced by bandwidth asymmetry because of the adverse

interaction between (large) data packets of a reverse direction

connection and the ACKs of a forward direction connection.

3.4 Loss in Asymmetric Network Paths

Loss may occur in either the forward or reverse direction. For data

transfer in the forward direction this results respectively in loss

of data packets and ACK packets. Loss of ACKs is less significant

than loss of data packets, because it generally results in stretch

ACKs [CR98, FSS01].

In the case of long delay paths, a slow upstream link [RFC3150] can

lead to another complication when the end host uses TCP large windows

[RFC1323] to maximize throughput in the forward direction. Loss of

data packets on the forward path, due to congestion, or link loss,

common for some wireless links, will generate a large number of

back-to-back duplicate ACKs (or TCP SACK packets [RFC2018]), for each

correctly received data packet following a loss. The TCP sender

employs Fast Retransmission and Recovery [RFC2581] to recover from

the loss, but even if this is successful, the ACK to the

retransmitted data segment may be significantly delayed by other

duplicate ACKs still queued at the upstream link buffer. This can

ultimately lead to a timeout [RFC2988] and a premature end to the TCP

Slow Start [RFC2581]. This results in poor forward path throughput.

Section 5.3 describes some mitigations to counter this.

4. Improving TCP Performance using Host Mitigations

There are two key issues that need to be addressed to improve TCP

performance over asymmetric networks. The first is to manage the

capacity of the upstream bottleneck link, used by ACKs and possibly

other traffic. A number of techniques exist which work by reducing

the number of ACKs that flow in the reverse direction. This has the

side effect of potentially destroying the desirable self-clocking

property of the TCP sender where transmission of new data packets is

triggered by incoming ACKs. Thus, the second issue is to avoid any

adverse impact of infrequent ACKs.

Each of these issues can be handled by local link-layer solutions

and/or by end-to-end techniques. This section discusses end-to-end

modifications. Some techniques require TCP receiver changes

(sections 4.1 4.4, 4.5), some require TCP sender changes (sections

4.6, 4.7), and a pair requires changes to both the TCP sender and

receiver (sections 4.2, 4.3). One technique requires a sender

modification at the receiving host (section 4.8). The techniques may

be used independently, however some sets of techniques are

complementary, e.g., pacing (section 4.6) and byte counting (section

4.7) which have been bundled into a single TCP Sender Adaptation

scheme [BPK99].

It is normally envisaged that these changes would occur in the end

hosts using the asymmetric path, however they could, and have, been

used in a middle-box or Protocol Enhancing Proxy (PEP) [RFC3135]

employing split TCP. This document does not discuss the issues

concerning PEPs. Section 4 describes several techniques, which do

not require end-to-end changes.

4.1 Modified Delayed ACKs

There are two standard methods that can be used by TCP receivers to

generate acknowledgments. The method outlined in [RFC793] generates

an ACK for each incoming data segment (i.e., d=1). [RFC1122] states

that hosts should use "delayed acknowledgments". Using this

algorithm, an ACK is generated for at least every second full-sized

segment (d=2), or if a second full-sized segment does not arrive

within a given timeout (which must not exceed 500 ms [RFC1122], and

is typically less than 200 ms). Relaxing the latter constraint

(i.e., allowing d>2) may generate Stretch ACKs [RFC2760]. This

provides a possible mitigation, which reduces the rate at which ACKs

are returned by the receiver. An implementer should only deviate

from this requirement after careful consideration of the implications


Reducing the number of ACKs per received data segment has a number of

undesirable effects including:

(i) Increased path RTT

(ii) Increased time for TCP to open the cwnd

(iii) Increased TCP sender burst size, since cwnd opens in larger


In addition, a TCP receiver is often unable to determine an optimum

setting for a large d, since it will normally be unaware of the

details of the properties of the links that form the path in the

reverse direction.

RECOMMENDATION: A TCP receiver must use the standard TCP algorithm

for sending ACKs as specified in [RFC2581]. That is, it may delay

sending an ACK after it receives a data segment [RFC1122]. When ACKs

are delayed, the receiver must generate an ACK within 500 ms and the

ACK should be generated for at least every second full sized segment

(MSS) of received data [RFC2581]. This will result in an ACK delay

factor (d) that does not exceed a value of 2. Changing the algorithm

would require a host modification to the TCP receiver and awareness

by the receiving host that it is using a connection with an

asymmetric path. Such a change has many drawbacks in the general

case and is currently not recommended for use within the Internet.

4.2 Use of Large MSS

A TCP sender that uses a large Maximum Segment Size (MSS) reduces the

number of ACKs generated per transmitted byte of data.

Although individual subnetworks may support a large MTU, the majority

of current Internet links employ an MTU of approx 1500 bytes (that of

Ethernet). By setting the Don't Fragment (DF) bit in the IP header,

Path MTU (PMTU) discovery [RFC1191] may be used to determine the

maximum packet size (and hence MSS) a sender can use on a given

network path without being subjected to IP fragmentation, and

provides a way to automatically select a suitable MSS for a specific

path. This also guarantees that routers will not perform IP

fragmentation of normal data packets.

By electing not to use PMTU Discovery, an end host may choose to use

IP fragmentation by routers along the path in the forward direction

[RFC793]. This allows an MSS larger than smallest MTU along the

path. However, this increases the unit of error recovery (TCP

segment) above the unit of transmission (IP packet). This is not

recommended, since it can increase the number of retransmitted

packets following loss of a single IP packet, leading to reduced

efficiency, and potentially aggravating network congestion [Ken87].

Choosing an MSS larger than the forward path minimum MTU also permits

the sender to transmit more initial packets (a burst of IP fragments

for each TCP segment) when a session starts or following RTO expiry,

increasing the aggressiveness of the sender compared to standard TCP

[RFC2581]. This can adversely impact other standard TCP sessions

that share a network path.


A larger forward path MTU is desirable for paths with bandwidth

asymmetry. Network providers may use a large MTU on links in the

forward direction. TCP end hosts using Path MTU discovery may be

able to take advantage of a large MTU by automatically selecting an

appropriate larger MSS, without requiring modification. The use of

Path MTU discovery [RFC1191] is therefore recommended.

Increasing the unit of error recovery and congestion control (MSS)

above the unit of transmission and congestion loss (the IP packet) by

using a larger end host MSS and IP fragmentation in routers is not


4.3 ACK Congestion Control

ACK Congestion Control (ACC) is an experimental technique that

operates end to end. ACC extends congestion control to ACKs, since

they may make non-negligible demands on resources (e.g., packet

buffers, and MAC transmission overhead) at an upstream bottleneck

link. It has two parts: (a) a network mechanism indicating to the

receiver that the ACK path is congested, and (b) the receiver's

response to such an indication.

A router feeding an upstream bottleneck link may detect incipient

congestion, e.g., using an algorithm based on RED (Random Early

Detection) [FJ93]. This may track the average queue size over a time

window in the recent past. If the average exceeds a threshold, the

router may select a packet at random. If the packet IP header has

the Explicit Congestion Notification Capable Transport (ECT) bit set,

the router may mark the packet, i.e., sets an Explicit Congestion

Notification (ECN) [RFC3168] bit(s) in the IP header, otherwise the

packet is normally dropped. The ECN notification received by the end

host is reflected back to the sending TCP end host, to trigger

congestion avoidance [RFC3168]. Note that routers implementing RED

with ECN, do not eliminate packet loss, and may drop a packet (even

when the ECT bit is set). It is also possible to use an algorithm

other than RED to decide when to set the ECN bit.

ACC extends ECN so that both TCP data packets and ACKs set the ECT

bit and are thus candidates for being marked with an ECN bit.

Therefore, upon receiving an ACK with the ECN bit set [RFC3168], a

TCP receiver reduces the rate at which it sends ACKs. It maintains a

dynamically varying delayed-ACK factor, d, and sends one ACK for

every d data packets received. When it receives a packet with the

ECN bit set, it increases d multiplicatively, thereby

multiplicatively decreasing the frequency of ACKs. For each

subsequent RTT (e.g., determined using the TCP RTTM option [RFC1323])

during which it does not receive an ECN, it linearly decreases the

factor d, increasing the frequency of ACKs. Thus, the receiver

mimics the standard congestion control behavior of TCP senders in the

manner in which it sends ACKs.

The maximum value of d is determined by the TCP sender window size,

which could be conveyed to the receiver in a new (experimental) TCP

option. The receiver should send at least one ACK (preferably more)

for each window of data from the sender (i.e., d < (cwnd/mss)) to

prevent the sender from stalling until the receiver's delayed ACK

timer triggers an ACK to be sent.

RECOMMENDATION: ACK Congestion Control (ACC) is an experimental

technique that requires TCP sender and receiver modifications. There

is currently little experience of using such techniques in the

Internet. Future versions of TCP may evolve to include this or

similar techniques. These are the subject of ongoing research. ACC

is not recommended for use within the Internet in its current form.

4.4 Window Prediction Mechanism

The Window Prediction Mechanism (WPM) is a TCP receiver side

mechanism [CLP98] that uses a dynamic ACK delay factor (varying d)

resembling the ACC scheme (section 4.3). The TCP receiver

reconstructs the congestion control behavior of the TCP sender by

predicting a cwnd value. This value is used along with the allowed

window to adjust the receiver's value of d. WPM accommodates for

unnecessary retransmissions resulting from losses due to link errors.

RECOMMENDATION: Window Prediction Mechanism (WPM) is an experimental

TCP receiver side modification. There is currently little experience

of using such techniques in the Internet. Future versions of TCP may

evolve to include this or similar techniques. These are the subjects

of ongoing research. WPM is not recommended for use within the

Internet in its current form.

4.5 Acknowledgement based on Cwnd Estimation.

Acknowledgement based on Cwnd Estimation (ACE) [MJW00] attempts to

measure the cwnd at the TCP receiver and maintain a varying ACK delay

factor (d). The cwnd is estimated by counting the number of packets

received during a path RTT. The technique may improve accuracy of

prediction of a suitable cwnd.

RECOMMENDATION: Acknowledgement based on Cwnd Estimation (ACE) is an

experimental TCP receiver side modification. There is currently

little experience of using such techniques in the Internet. Future

versions of TCP may evolve to include this or similar techniques.

These are the subject of ongoing research. ACE is not recommended

for use within the Internet in its current form.

4.6 TCP Sender Pacing

Reducing the frequency of ACKs may alleviate congestion of the

upstream bottleneck link, but can lead to increased size of TCP

sender bursts (section 4.1). This may slow the growth of cwnd, and

is undesirable when used over shared network paths since it may

significantly increase the maximum number of packets in the

bottleneck link buffer, potentially resulting in an increase in

network congestion. This may also lead to ACK Compression [ZSC91].

TCP Pacing [AST00], generally referred to as TCP Sender pacing,

employs an adapted TCP sender to alleviating transmission burstiness.

A bound is placed on the maximum number of packets the TCP sender can

transmit back-to-back (at local line rate), even if the window(s)

allow the transmission of more data. If necessary, more bursts of

data packets are scheduled for later points in time computed based on

the transmission rate of the TCP connection. The transmission rate

may be estimated from the ratio cwnd/srtt. Thus, large bursts of

data packets get broken up into smaller bursts spread over time.

A subnetwork may also provide pacing (e.g., Generic Traffic Shaping

(GTS)), but implies a significant increase in the per-packet

processing overhead and buffer requirement at the router where

shaping is performed (section 5.3.3).

RECOMMENDATIONS: TCP Sender Pacing requires a change to

implementation of the TCP sender. It may be beneficial in the

Internet and will significantly reduce the burst size of packets

transmitted by a host. This successfully mitigates the impact of

receiving Stretch ACKs. TCP Sender Pacing implies increased

processing cost per packet, and requires a prediction algorithm to

suggest a suitable transmission rate. There are hence performance

trade-offs between end host cost and network performance.

Specification of efficient algorithms remains an area of ongoing

research. Use of TCP Sender Pacing is not expected to introduce new

problems. It is an experimental mitigation for TCP hosts that may

control the burstiness of transmission (e.g., resulting from Type 1

techniques, section 5.1.2), however it is not currently widely

deployed. It is not recommended for use within the Internet in its

current form.

4.7 TCP Byte Counting

The TCP sender can avoid slowing growth of cwnd by taking into

account the volume of data acknowledged by each ACK, rather than

opening the cwnd based on the number of received ACKs. So, if an ACK

acknowledges d data packets (or TCP data segments), the cwnd would

grow as if d separate ACKs had been received. This is called TCP

Byte Counting [RFC2581, RFC2760]. (One could treat the single ACK as

being equivalent to d/2, instead of d ACKs, to mimic the effect of

the TCP delayed ACK algorithm.) This policy works because cwnd

growth is only tied to the available capacity in the forward

direction, so the number of ACKs is immaterial.

This may mitigate the impact of asymmetry when used in combination

with other techniques (e.g., a combination of TCP Pacing

(section4.6), and ACC (section 4.3) associated with a duplicate ACK

threshold at the receiver.)

The main issue is that TCP byte counting may generate undesirable

long bursts of TCP packets at the sender host line rate. An

implementation must also consider that data packets in the forward

direction and ACKs in the reverse direction may both travel over

network paths that perform some amount of packet reordering.

Reordering of IP packets is currently common, and may arise from

various causes [BPS00].

RECOMMENDATION: TCP Byte Counting requires a small TCP sender

modification. In its simplest form, it can generate large bursts of

TCP data packets, particularly when Stretch ACKs are received.

Unlimited byte counting is therefore not allowed [RFC2581] for use

within the Internet.

It is therefore strongly recommended [RFC2581, RFC2760] that any byte

counting scheme should include a method to mitigate the potentially

large bursts of TCP data packets the algorithm can cause (e.g., TCP

Sender Pacing (section 4.6), ABC [abc-ID]). If the burst size or

sending rate of the TCP sender can be controlled then the scheme may

be beneficial when Stretch ACKs are received. Determining safe

algorithms remain an area of ongoing research. Further

experimentation will then be required to assess the success of these

safeguards, before they can be recommended for use in the Internet.

4.8 Backpressure

Backpressure is a technique to enhance the performance of

bidirectional traffic for end hosts directly connected to the

upstream bottleneck link [KVR98]. A limit is set on how many data

packets of upstream transfers can be enqueued at the upstream

bottleneck link. In other words, the bottleneck link queue exerts

'backpressure' on the TCP (sender) layer. This requires a modified

implementation, compared to that currently deployed in many TCP

stacks. Backpressure ensures that ACKs of downstream connections do

not get starved at the upstream bottleneck, thereby improving

performance of the downstream connections. Similar generic schemes

that may be implemented in hosts/routers are discussed in section


Backpressure can be unfair to a reverse direction connection and make

its throughput highly sensitive to the dynamics of the forward


RECOMMENDATION: Backpressure requires an experimental modification to

the sender protocol stack of a host directly connected to an upstream

bottleneck link. Use of backpressure is an implementation issue,

rather than a network protocol issue. Where backpressure is

implemented, the optimizations described in this section could be

desirable and can benefit bidirectional traffic for hosts.

Specification of safe algorithms for providing backpressure is still

a subject of ongoing research. The technique is not recommended for

use within the Internet in its current form.

5. Improving TCP performance using Transparent Modifications

Various link and network layer techniques have been suggested to

mitigate the effect of an upstream bottleneck link. These techniques

may provide benefit without modification to either the TCP sender or

receiver, or may alternately be used in conjunction with one or more

of the schemes identified in section 4. In this document, these

techniques are known as "transparent" [RFC3135], because at the

transport layer, the TCP sender and receiver are not necessarily

aware of their existence. This does not imply that they do not

modify the pattern and timing of packets as observed at the network

layer. The techniques are classified here into three types based on

the point at which they are introduced.

Most techniques require the individual TCP connections passing over

the bottleneck link(s) to be separately identified and imply that

some per-flow state is maintained for active TCP connections. A link

scheduler may also be employed (section 5.4). The techniques (with

one exception, ACK Decimation (section 5.2.2) require:

(i) Visibility of an unencrypted IP and TCP packet header (e.g., no

use of IPSec with payload encryption [RFC2406]).

(ii) Knowledge of IP/TCP options and ability to inspect packets with

tunnel encapsulations (e.g., [RFC2784]) or to suspend

processing of packets with unknown formats.

(iii) Ability to demultiplex flows (by using address/class/port

number, or an explicit flow-id).

[RFC3135] describes a class of network device that provides more than

forwarding of packets, and which is known as a Protocol Enhancing

Proxy (PEP). A large spectrum of PEP devices exists, ranging from

simple devices (e.g., ACK filtering) to more sophisticated devices

(e.g., stateful devices that split a TCP connection into two separate

parts). The techniques described in section 5 of this document

belong to the simpler type, and do not inspect or modify any TCP or

UDP payload data. They also do not modify port numbers or link

addresses. Many of the risks associated with more complex PEPs do

not exist for these schemes. Further information about the operation

and the risks associated with using PEPs are described in [RFC3135].

5.1 TYPE 0: Header Compression

A client may reduce the volume of bits used to send a single ACK by

using compression [RFC3150, RFC3135]. Most modern dial-up modems

support ITU-T V.42 bulk compression. In contrast to bulk

compression, header compression is known to be very effective at

reducing the number of bits sent on the upstream link [RFC1144]. This

relies on the observation that most TCP packet headers vary only in a

few bit positions between successive packets in a flow, and that the

variations can often be predicted.

5.1.1 TCP Header Compression

TCP header compression [RFC1144] (sometimes known as V-J compression)

is a Proposed Standard describing use over low capacity links running

SLIP or PPP [RFC3150]. It greatly reduces the size of ACKs on the

reverse link when losses are infrequent (a situation that ensures

that the state of the compressor and decompressor are synchronized).

However, this alone does not address all of the asymmetry issues:

(i) In some (e.g., wireless) subnetworks there is a significant

per-packet MAC overhead that is independent of packet size

(section 3.2).

(ii) A reduction in the size of ACKs does not prevent adverse

interaction with large upstream data packets in the presence

of bidirectional traffic (section 3.3).

(iii) TCP header compression cannot be used with packets that have

IP or TCP options (including IPSec [RFC2402, RFC2406], TCP

RTTM [RFC1323], TCP SACK [RFC2018], etc.).

(iv) The performance of header compression described by RFC1144 is

significantly degraded when compressed packets are lost. An

improvement, which can still incur significant penalty on

long network paths is described in [RFC2507]. This suggests

it should only be used on links (or paths) that experience a

low level of packet loss [RFC3150].

(v) The normal implementation of Header Compression inhibits

compression when IP is used to support tunneling (e.g., L2TP,

GRE [RFC2794], IP-in-IP). The tunnel encapsulation

complicates locating the appropriate packet headers. Although

GRE allows Header Compression on the inner (tunneled) IP

header [RFC2784], this is not recommended, since loss of a

packet (e.g., due to router congestion along the tunnel path)

will result in discard of all packets for one RTT [RFC1144].

RECOMMENDATION: TCP Header Compression is a transparent modification

performed at both ends of the upstream bottleneck link. It offers no

benefit for flows employing IPSec [RFC2402, RFC2406], or when

additional protocol headers are present (e.g., IP or TCP options,

and/or tunnel encapsulation headers). The scheme is widely

implemented and deployed and used over Internet links. It is

recommended to improve TCP performance for paths that have a low-to-

medium bandwidth asymmetry (e.g., k<10).

In the form described in [RFC1144], TCP performance is degraded when

used over links (or paths) that may exhibit appreciable rates of

packet loss [RFC3150]. It may also not provide significant

improvement for upstream links with bidirectional traffic. It is

therefore not desirable for paths that have a high bandwidth

asymmetry (e.g., k>10).

5.1.2 Alternate Robust Header Compression Algorithms

TCP header compression [RFC1144] and IP header compression [RFC2507]

do not perform well when subject to packet loss. Further, they do

not compress packets with TCP option fields (e.g., SACK [RFC2018] and

Timestamp (RTTM) [RFC1323]). However, recent work on more robust

schemes suggest that a new generation of compression algorithms may

be developed which are much more robust. The IETF ROHC working group

has specified compression techniques for UDP-based traffic [RFC3095]

and is examining a number of schemes that may provide improve TCP

header compression. These could be beneficial for asymmetric network


RECOMMENDATION: Robust header compression is a transparent

modification that may be performed at both ends of an upstream

bottleneck link. This class of techniques may also be suited to

Internet paths that suffer low levels of re-ordering. The techniques

benefit paths with a low-to-medium bandwidth asymmetry (e.g., k>10)

and may be robust to packet loss.

Selection of suitable compression algorithms remains an area of

ongoing research. It is possible that schemes may be derived which

support IPSec authentication, but not IPSec payload encryption. Such

schemes do not alone provide significant improvement in asymmetric

networks with a high asymmetry and/or bidirectional traffic.

5.2 TYPE 1: Reverse Link Bandwidth Management

Techniques beyond Type 0 header compression are required to address

the performance problems caused by appreciable asymmetry (k>>1). One

set of techniques is implemented only at one point on the reverse

direction path, within the router/host connected to the upstream

bottleneck link. These use flow class or per-flow queues at the

upstream link interface to manage the queue of packets waiting for

transmission on the bottleneck upstream link.

This type of technique bounds the upstream link buffer queue size,

and employs an algorithm to remove (discard) excess ACKs from each

queue. This relies on the cumulative nature of ACKs (section 4.1).

Two approaches are described which employ this type of mitigation.

5.2.1 ACK Filtering

ACK Filtering (AF) [DMT96, BPK99] (also known as ACK Suppression

[SF98, Sam99, FSS01]) is a TCP-aware link-layer technique that

reduces the number of ACKs sent on the upstream link. This technique

has been deployed in specific production networks (e.g., asymmetric

satellite networks [ASB96]). The challenge is to ensure that the

sender does not stall waiting for ACKs, which may happen if ACKs are

indiscriminately removed.

When an ACK from the receiver is about to be enqueued at a upstream

bottleneck link interface, the router or the end host link layer (if

the host is directly connected to the upstream bottleneck link)

checks the transmit queue(s) for older ACKs belonging to the same TCP

connection. If ACKs are found, some (or all of them) are removed

from the queue, reducing the number of ACKs.

Some ACKs also have other functions in TCP [RFC1144], and should not

be deleted to ensure normal operation. AF should therefore not

delete an ACK that has any data or TCP flags set (SYN, RST, URG, and

FIN). In addition, it should avoid deleting a series of 3 duplicate

ACKs that indicate the need for Fast Retransmission [RFC2581] or ACKs

with the Selective ACK option (SACK)[RFC2018] from the queue to avoid

causing problems to TCP's data-driven loss recovery mechanisms.

Appropriate treatment is also needed to preserve correct operation of

ECN feedback (carried in the TCP header) [RFC3168].

A range of policies to filter ACKs may be used. These may be either

deterministic or random (similar to a random-drop gateway, but should

take into consideration the semantics of the items in the queue).

Algorithms have also been suggested to ensure a minimum ACK rate to

guarantee the TCP sender window is updated [Sam99, FSS01], and to

limit the number of data packets (TCP segments) acknowledged by a

Stretch ACK. Per-flow state needs to be maintained only for

connections with at least one packet in the queue (similar to FRED

[LM97]). This state is soft [Cla88], and if necessary, can easily be

reconstructed from the contents of the queue.

The undesirable effect of delayed DupACKs (section 3.4) can be

reduced by deleting duplicate ACKs above a threshold value [MJW00,

CLP98] allowing Fast Retransmission, but avoiding early TCP timeouts,

which may otherwise result from excessive queuing of DupACKs.

Future schemes may include more advanced rules allowing removal of

selected SACKs [RFC2018]. Such a scheme could prevent the upstream

link queue from becoming filled by back-to-back ACKs with SACK

blocks. Since a SACK packet is much larger than an ACK, it would

otherwise add significantly to the path delay in the reverse

direction. Selection of suitable algorithms remains an ongoing area

of research.

RECOMMENDATION: ACK Filtering requires a modification to the upstream

link interface. The scheme has been deployed in some networks where

the extra processing overhead (per ACK) may be compensated for by

avoiding the need to modify TCP. ACK Filtering can generate Stretch

ACKs resulting in large bursts of TCP data packets. Therefore on its

own, it is not recommended for use in the general Internet.

ACK Filtering when used in combination with a scheme to mitigate the

effect of Stretch ACKs (i.e., control TCP sender burst size) is

recommended for paths with appreciable asymmetry (k>1) and/or with

bidirectional traffic. Suitable algorithms to support IPSec

authentication, SACK, and ECN remain areas of ongoing research.

5.2.2 ACK Decimation

ACK Decimation is based on standard router mechanisms. By using an

appropriate configuration of (small) per-flow queues and a chosen

dropping policy (e.g., Weighted Fair Queuing, WFQ) at the upstream

bottleneck link, a similar effect to AF (section 5.2.1) may be

oBTained, but with less control of the actual packets which are


In this scheme, the router/host at the bottleneck upstream link

maintains per-flow queues and services them fairly (or with

priorities) by queuing and scheduling of ACKs and data packets in the

reverse direction. A small queue threshold is maintained to drop

excessive ACKs from the tail of each queue, in order to reduce ACK

Congestion. The inability to identify special ACK packets (c.f., AF)

introduces some major drawbacks to this approach, such as the

possibility of losing DupACKs, FIN/ACK, RST packets, or packets

carrying ECN information [RFC3168]. Loss of these packets does not

significantly impact network congestion, but does adversely impact

the performance of the TCP session observing the loss.

A WFQ scheduler may assign a higher priority to interactive traffic

(providing it has a mechanism to identify such traffic) and provide a

fair share of the remaining capacity to the bulk traffic. In the

presence of bidirectional traffic, and with a suitable scheduling

policy, this may ensure fairer sharing for ACK and data packets. An

increased forward transmission rate is achieved over asymmetric links

by an increased ACK Decimation rate, leading to generation of Stretch

ACKs. As in AF, TCP sender burst size increases when Stretch ACKs

are received unless other techniques are used in combination with

this technique.

This technique has been deployed in specific networks (e.g., a

network with high bandwidth asymmetry supporting high-speed data

services to in-transit mobile hosts [Seg00]). Although not optimal,

it offered a potential mitigation applicable when the TCP header is

difficult to identify or not visible to the link layer (e.g., due to

IPSec encryption).

RECOMMENDATION: ACK Decimation uses standard router mechanisms at the

upstream link interface to constrain the rate at which ACKs are fed

to the upstream link. The technique is beneficial with paths having

appreciable asymmetry (k>1). It is however suboptimal, in that it

may lead to inefficient TCP error recovery (and hence in some cases

degraded TCP performance), and provides only crude control of link

behavior. It is therefore recommended that where possible, ACK

Filtering should be used in preference to ACK Decimation.

When ACK Decimation is used on paths with an appreciable asymmetry

(k>1) (or with bidirectional traffic) it increases the burst size of

the TCP sender, use of a scheme to mitigate the effect of Stretch

ACKs or control burstiness is therefore strongly recommended.

5.3 TYPE 2: Handling Infrequent ACKs

TYPE 2 mitigations perform TYPE 1 upstream link bandwidth management,

but also employ a second active element which mitigates the effect of

the reduced ACK rate and burstiness of ACK transmission. This is

desirable when end hosts use standard TCP sender implementations

(e.g., those not implementing the techniques in sections 4.6, 4.7).

Consider a path where a TYPE 1 scheme forwards a Stretch ACK covering

d TCP packets (i.e., where the acknowledgement number is d*MSS larger

than the last ACK received by the TCP sender). When the TCP sender

receives this ACK, it can send a burst of d (or d+1) TCP data

packets. The sender is also constrained by the current cwnd.

Received ACKs also serve to increase cwnd (by at most one MSS).

A TYPE 2 scheme mitigates the impact of the reduced ACK frequency

resulting when a TYPE 1 scheme is used. This is achieved by

interspersing additional ACKs before each received Stretch ACK. The

additional ACKs, together with the original ACK, provide the TCP

sender with sufficient ACKs to allow the TCP cwnd to open in the same

way as if each of the original ACKs sent by the TCP receiver had been

forwarded by the reverse path. In addition, by attempting to restore

the spacing between ACKs, such a scheme can also restore the TCP

self-clocking behavior, and reduce the TCP sender burst size. Such

schemes need to ensure conservative behavior (i.e., should not

introduce more ACKs than were originally sent) and reduce the

probability of ACK Compression [ZSC91].

The action is performed at two points on the return path: the

upstream link interface (where excess ACKs are removed), and a point

further along the reverse path (after the bottleneck upstream

link(s)), where replacement ACKs are inserted. This attempts to

reconstruct the ACK stream sent by the TCP receiver when used in

combination with AF (section 5.2.1), or ACK Decimation (section


TYPE 2 mitigations may be performed locally at the receive interface

directly following the upstream bottleneck link, or may alternatively

be applied at any point further along the reverse path (this is not

necessarily on the forward path, since asymmetric routing may employ

different forward and reverse internet paths). Since the techniques

may generate multiple ACKs upon reception of each individual Stretch

ACK, it is strongly recommended that the expander implements a scheme

to prevent exploitation as a "packet amplifier" in a Denial-of-

Service (DoS) attack (e.g., to verify the originator of the ACK).

Identification of the sender could be accomplished by appropriately

configured packet filters and/or by tunnel authentication procedures

(e.g., [RFC2402, RFC2406]). A limit on the number of reconstructed

ACKs that may be generated from a single packet may also be


5.3.1 ACK Reconstruction

ACK Reconstruction (AR) [BPK99] is used in conjunction with AF

(section 5.2.1). AR deploys a soft-state [Cla88] agent called an ACK

Reconstructor on the reverse path following the upstream bottleneck

link. The soft-state can be regenerated if lost, based on received

ACKs. When a Stretch ACK is received, AR introduces additional ACKs

by filling gaps in the ACK sequence. Some potential Denial-of-

Service vulnerabilities may arise (section 6) and need to be

addressed by appropriate security techniques.

The Reconstructor determines the number of additional ACKs, by

estimating the number of filtered ACKs. This uses implicit

information present in the received ACK stream by observing the ACK

sequence number of each received ACK. An example implementation

could set an ACK threshold, ackthresh, to twice the MSS (this assumes

the chosen MSS is known by the link). The factor of two corresponds

to standard TCP delayed-ACK policy (d=2). Thus, if successive ACKs

arrive separated by delta, the Reconstructor regenerates a maximum of

((delta/ackthresh) - 2) ACKs.

To reduce the TCP sender burst size and allow the cwnd to increase at

a rate governed by the downstream link, the reconstructed ACKs must

be sent at a consistent rate (i.e., temporal spacing between

reconstructed ACKs). One method is for the Reconstructor to measure

the arrival rate of ACKs using an exponentially weighted moving

average estimator. This rate depends on the output rate from the

upstream link and on the presence of other traffic sharing the link.

The output of the estimator indicates the average temporal spacing

for the ACKs (and the average rate at which ACKs would reach the TCP

sender if there were no further losses or delays). This may be used

by the Reconstructor to set the temporal spacing of reconstructed

ACKs. The scheme may also be used in combination with TCP sender

adaptation (e.g., a combination of the techniques in sections 4.6 and


The trade-off in AR is between obtaining less TCP sender burstiness,

and a better rate of cwnd increase, with a reduction in RTT

variation, versus a modest increase in the path RTT. The technique

cannot perform reconstruction on connections using IPSec (AH

[RFC2402] or ESP [RFC2406]), since it is unable to generate

appropriate security information. It also cannot regenerate other

packet header information (e.g., the exact pattern of bits carried in

the IP packet ECN field [RFC3168] or the TCP RTTM option [RFC1323]).

An ACK Reconstructor operates correctly (i.e., generates no spurious

ACKs and preserves the end-to-end semantics of TCP), providing:

(i) the TCP receiver uses ACK Delay (d=2) [RFC2581]

(ii) the Reconstructor receives only in-order ACKs

(iii) all ACKs are routed via the Reconstructor

(iv) the Reconstructor correctly determines the TCP MSS used by

the session

(v) the packets do not carry additional header information (e.g.,

TCP RTTM option [RFC1323], IPSec using AH [RFC2402]or ESP


RECOMMENDATION: ACK Reconstruction is an experimental transparent

modification performed on the reverse path following the upstream

bottleneck link. It is designed to be used in conjunction with a

TYPE 1 mitigation. It reduces the burst size of TCP transmission in

the forward direction, which may otherwise increase when TYPE 1

schemes are used alone. It requires modification of equipment after

the upstream link (including maintaining per-flow soft state). The

scheme introduces implicit assumptions about the network path and has

potential Denial-of-Service vulnerabilities (i.e., acting as a packet

amplifier); these need to be better understood and addressed by

appropriate security techniques.

Selection of appropriate algorithms to pace the ACK traffic remains

an open research issue. There is also currently little experience of

the implications of using such techniques in the Internet, and

therefore it is recommended that this technique should not be used

within the Internet in its current form.

5.3.2 ACK Compaction and Companding

ACK Compaction and ACK Companding [SAM99, FSS01] are techniques that

operate at a point on the reverse path following the constrained ACK

bottleneck. Like AR (section 5.3.1), ACK Compaction and ACK

Companding are both used in conjunction with an AF technique (section

5.2.1) and regenerate filtered ACKs, restoring the ACK stream.

However, they differ from AR in that they use a modified AF (known as

a compactor or compressor), in which explicit information is added to

all Stretch ACKs generated by the AF. This is used to explicitly

synchronize the reconstruction operation (referred to here as


The modified AF combines two modifications: First, when the

compressor deletes an ACK from the upstream bottleneck link queue, it

appends explicit information (a prefix) to the remaining ACK (this

ACK is marked to ensure it is not subsequently deleted). The

additional information contains details the conditions under which

ACKs were previously filtered. A variety of information may be

encoded in the prefix. This includes the number of ACKs deleted by

the AF and the average number of bytes acknowledged. This may

subsequently be used by an expander at the remote end of the tunnel.

Further timing information may also be added to control the pacing of

the regenerated ACKs [FSS01]. The temporal spacing of the filtered

ACKs may also be encoded.

To encode the prefix requires the subsequent expander to recognize a

modified ACK header. This would normally limit the expander to

link-local operation (at the receive interface of the upstream

bottleneck link). If remote expansion is needed further along the

reverse path, a tunnel may be used to pass the modified ACKs to the

remote expander. The tunnel introduces extra overhead, however

networks with asymmetric capacity and symmetric routing frequently

already employ such tunnels (e.g., in a UDLR network [RFC3077], the

expander may be co-located with the feed router).

ACK expansion uses a stateless algorithm to expand the ACK (i.e.,

each received packet is processed independently of previously

received packets). It uses the prefix information together with the

acknowledgment field in the received ACK, to produce an equivalent

number of ACKs to those previously deleted by the compactor. These

ACKs are forwarded to the original destination (i.e., the TCP

sender), preserving normal TCP ACK clocking. In this way, ACK

Compaction, unlike AR, is not reliant on specific ACK policies, nor

must it see all ACKs associated with the reverse path (e.g., it may

be compatible with schemes such as DAASS [RFC2760]).

Some potential Denial-of-Service vulnerabilities may arise (section

6) and need to be addressed by appropriate security techniques. The

technique cannot perform reconstruction on connections using IPSec,

since they are unable to regenerate appropriate security information.

It is possible to explicitly encode IPSec security information from

suppressed packets, allowing operation with IPSec AH, however this

remains an open research issue, and implies an additional overhead

per ACK.

RECOMMENDATION: ACK Compaction and Companding are experimental

transparent modifications performed on the reverse path following the

upstream bottleneck link. They are designed to be used in

conjunction with a modified TYPE 1 mitigation and reduce the burst

size of TCP transmission in the forward direction, which may

otherwise increase when TYPE 1 schemes are used alone.

The technique is desirable, but requires modification of equipment

after the upstream bottleneck link (including processing of a

modified ACK header). Selection of appropriate algorithms to pace

the ACK traffic also remains an open research issue. Some potential

Denial-of-Service vulnerabilities may arise with any device that may

act as a packet amplifier. These need to be addressed by appropriate

security techniques. There is little experience of using the scheme

over Internet paths. This scheme is a subject of ongoing research

and is not recommended for use within the Internet in its current


5.3.3 Mitigating TCP packet bursts generated by Infrequent ACKs

The bursts of data packets generated when a Type 1 scheme is used on

the reverse direction path may be mitigated by introducing a router

supporting Generic Traffic Shaping (GTS) on the forward path [Seg00].

GTS is a standard router mechanism implemented in many deployed

routers. This technique does not eliminate the bursts of data

generated by the TCP sender, but attempts to smooth out the bursts by

employing scheduling and queuing techniques, producing traffic which

resembles that when TCP Pacing is used (section 4.6). These

techniques require maintaining per-flow soft-state in the router, and

increase per-packet processing overhead. Some additional buffer

capacity is needed to queue packets being shaped.

To perform GTS, the router needs to select appropriate traffic

shaping parameters, which require knowledge of the network policy,

connection behavior and/or downstream bottleneck characteristics. GTS

may also be used to enforce other network policies and promote

fairness between competing TCP connections (and also UDP and

multicast flows). It also reduces the probability of ACK Compression


The smoothing of packet bursts reduces the impact of the TCP

transmission bursts on routers and hosts following the point at which

GTS is performed. It is therefore desirable to perform GTS near to

the sending host, or at least at a point before the first forward

path bottleneck router.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Generic Traffic Shaping (GTS) is a transparent

technique employed at a router on the forward path. The algorithms

to implement GTS are available in widely deployed routers and may be

used on an Internet link, but do imply significant additional per-

packet processing cost.

Configuration of a GTS is a policy decision of a network service

provider. When appropriately configured the technique will reduce

size of TCP data packet bursts, mitigating the effects of Type 1

techniques. GTS is recommended for use in the Internet in

conjunction with type 1 techniques such as ACK Filtering (section

5.2.1) and ACK Decimation (section 5.2.2).

5.4 TYPE 3: Upstream Link Scheduling

Many of the above schemes imply using per flow queues (or per

connection queues in the case of TCP) at the upstream bottleneck

link. Per-flow queuing (e.g., FQ, CBQ) offers benefit when used on

any slow link (where the time to transmit a packet forms an

appreciable part of the path RTT) [RFC3150]. Type 3 schemes offer

additional benefit when used with one of the above techniques.

5.4.1 Per-Flow queuing at the Upstream Bottleneck Link

When bidirectional traffic exists in a bandwidth asymmetric network

competing ACK and packet data flows along the return path may degrade

the performance of both upstream and downstream flows [KVR98].

Therefore, it is highly desirable to use a queuing strategy combined

with a scheduling mechanism at the upstream link. This has also been

called priority-based multiplexing [RFC3135].

On a slow upstream link, appreciable jitter may be introduced by

sending large data packets ahead of ACKs [RFC3150]. A simple scheme

may be implemented using per-flow queuing with a fair scheduler

(e.g., round robin service to all flows, or priority scheduling). A

modified scheduler [KVR98] could place a limit on the number of ACKs

a host is allowed to transmit upstream before transmitting a data

packet (assuming at least one data packet is waiting in the upstream

link queue). This guarantees at least a certain minimum share of the

capacity to flows in the reverse direction, while enabling flows in

the forward direction to improve TCP throughput.

Bulk (payload) compression, a small MTU, link level transparent

fragmentation [RFC1991, RFC2686] or link level suspend/resume

capability (where higher priority frames may pre-empt transmission of

lower priority frames) may be used to mitigate the impact (jitter) of

bidirectional traffic on low speed links [RFC3150]. More advanced

schemes (e.g., WFQ) may also be used to improve the performance of

transfers with multiple ACK streams such as http [Seg00].

RECOMMENDATION: Per-flow queuing is a transparent modification

performed at the upstream bottleneck link. Per-flow (or per-class)

scheduling does not impact the congestion behavior of the Internet,

and may be used on any Internet link. The scheme has particular

benefits for slow links. It is widely implemented and widely

deployed on links operating at less than 2 Mbps. This is recommended

as a mitigation on its own or in combination with one of the other

described techniques.

5.4.2 ACKs-first Scheduling

ACKs-first Scheduling is an experimental technique to improve

performance of bidirectional transfers. In this case data packets

and ACKs compete for resources at the upstream bottleneck link

[RFC3150]. A single First-In First-Out, FIFO, queue for both data

packets and ACKs could impact the performance of forward transfers.

For example, if the upstream bottleneck link is a 28.8 kbps dialup

line, the transmission of a 1 Kbyte sized data packet would take

about 280 ms. So even if just two such data packets get queued ahead

of ACKs (not an uncommon occurrence since data packets are sent out

in pairs during slow start), they would shut out ACKs for well over

half a second. If more than two data packets are queued up ahead of

an ACK, the ACKs would be delayed by even more [RFC3150].

A possible approach to alleviating this is to schedule data and ACKs

differently from FIFO. One algorithm, in particular, is ACKs-first

scheduling, which accords a higher priority to ACKs over data

packets. The motivation for such scheduling is that it minimizes the

idle time for the forward connection by minimizing the time that ACKs

spend queued behind data packets at the upstream link. At the same

time, with Type 0 techniques such as header compression [RFC1144],

the transmission time of ACKs becomes small enough that the impact on

subsequent data packets is minimal. (Subnetworks in which the per-

packet overhead of the upstream link is large, e.g., packet radio

subnetworks, are an exception, section 3.2.) This scheduling scheme

does not require the upstream bottleneck router/host to explicitly

identify or maintain state for individual TCP connections.

ACKs-first scheduling does not help avoid a delay due to a data

packet in transmission. Link fragmentation or suspend/resume may be

beneficial in this case.

RECOMMENDATION: ACKs-first scheduling is an experimental transparent

modification performed at the upstream bottleneck link. If it is

used without a mechanism (such as ACK Congestion Control (ACC),

section 4.3) to regulate the volume of ACKs, it could lead to

starvation of data packets. This is a performance penalty

experienced by end hosts using the link and does not modify Internet

congestion behavior. Experiments indicate that ACKs-first scheduling

in combination with ACC is promising. However, there is little

experience of using the technique in the wider Internet. Further

development of the technique remains an open research issue, and

therefore the scheme is not currently recommended for use within the


6. Security Considerations

The recommendations contained in this document do not impact the

integrity of TCP, introduce new security implications to the TCP

protocol, or applications using TCP.

Some security considerations in the context of this document arise

from the implications of using IPSec by the end hosts or routers

operating along the return path. Use of IPSec prevents, or

complicates, some of the mitigations. For example:

(i) When IPSec ESP [RFC2406] is used to encrypt the IP payload, the

TCP header can neither be read nor modified by intermediate

entities. This rules out header compression, ACK Filtering, ACK

Reconstruction, and the ACK Compaction.

(ii) The TCP header information may be visible, when some forms of

network layer security are used. For example, using IPSec AH

[RFC2402], the TCP header may be read, but not modified, by

intermediaries. This may in future allow extensions to support

ACK Filtering, but rules out the generation of new

packets by intermediaries (e.g., ACK Reconstruction). The

enhanced header compression scheme discussed in [RFC2507] would

also work with IPSec AH.

There are potential Denial-of-Service (DoS) implications when using

Type 2 schemes. Unless additional security mechanisms are used, a

Reconstructor/expander could be exploited as a packet amplifier. A

third party may inject unauthorized Stretch ACKs into the reverse

path, triggering the generation of additional ACKs. These ACKs would

consume capacity on the return path and processing resources at the

systems along the path, including the destination host. This

provides a potential platform for a DoS attack. The usual

precautions must be taken to verify the correct tunnel end point, and

to ensure that applications cannot falsely inject packets that expand

to generate unwanted traffic. Imposing a rate limit and bound on the

delayed ACK factor(d) would also lessen the impact of any undetected


7. Summary

This document considers several TCP performance constraints that

arise from asymmetry in the properties of the forward and reverse

paths across an IP network. Such performance constraints arise,

e.g., as a result of both bandwidth (capacity) asymmetry, asymmetric

shared media in the reverse direction, and interactions with Media

Access Control (MAC) protocols. Asymmetric capacity may cause TCP

Acknowledgments (ACKs) to be lost or become inordinately delayed

(e.g., when a bottleneck link is shared between many flows, or when

there is bidirectional traffic). This effect may be exacerbated with

media-access delays (e.g., in certain multi-hop radio subnetworks,

satellite Bandwidth on Demand access). Asymmetry, and particular

high asymmetry, raises a set of TCP performance issues.

A set of techniques providing performance improvement is surveyed.

These include techniques to alleviate ACK Congestion and techniques

that enable a TCP sender to cope with infrequent ACKs without

destroying TCP self-clocking. These techniques include both end-to-

end, local link-layer, and subnetwork schemes. Many of these

techniques have been evaluated in detail via analysis, simulation,

and/or implementation on asymmetric subnetworks forming part of the

Internet. There is however as yet insufficient operational

experience for some techniques, and these therefore currently remain

items of on-going research and experimentation.

The following table summarizes the current recommendations.

Mechanisms are classified as recommended (REC), not recommended (NOT

REC) or experimental (EXP). Experimental techniques may not be well

specified. These techniques will require further operational

experience before they can be recommended for use in the public


The recommendations for end-to-end host modifications are summarized

in table 1. This lists each technique, the section in which each

technique is discussed, and where it is applied (S denotes the host

sending TCP data packets in the forward direction, R denotes the host

which receives these data packets).


Technique Use Section Where


Modified Delayed ACKs NOT REC 4.1 TCP R



ACK Congestion Control EXP 4.3 TCP SR

Window Pred. Mech (WPM) NOT REC 4.4 TCP R

Window Cwnd. Est. (ACE) NOT REC 4.5 TCP R

TCP Sender Pacing EXP *1 4.6 TCP S

Byte Counting NOT REC *2 4.7 TCP S

Backpressure EXP *1 4.8 TCP R


Table 1: Recommendations concerning host modifications.

*1 Implementation of the technique may require changes to the

internal design of the protocol stack in end hosts.

*2 Dependent on a scheme for preventing excessive TCP transmission


The recommendations for techniques that do not require the TCP sender

and receiver to be aware of their existence (i.e., transparent

techniques) are summarized in table 2. Each technique is listed

along with the section in which each mechanism is discussed, and

where the technique is applied (S denotes the sending interface prior

to the upstream bottleneck link, R denotes receiving interface

following the upstream bottleneck link).


Mechanism Use Section Type


Header Compr. (V-J) REC *1 5.1.1 0 SR

Header Compr. (ROHC) REC *1 *2 5.1.2 0 SR


ACK Filtering (AF) EXP *3 5.2.1 1 S

ACK Decimation EXP *3 5.2.2 1 S


ACK Reconstruction (AR) NOT REC 5.3.1 2 *4

ACK Compaction/Compand. EXP 5.3.2 2 S *4

Gen. Traff. Shap. (GTS) REC 5.3.3 2 *5


Fair Queueing (FQ) REC 5.4.1 3 S

ACKs-First Scheduling NOT REC 5.4.2 3 S


Table 2: Recommendations concerning transparent modifications.

*1 At high asymmetry these schemes may degrade TCP performance, but

are not considered harmful to the Internet.

*2 Standardisation of new TCP compression protocols is the subject of

ongoing work within the ROHC WG, refer to other IETF RFCs on the

use of these techniques.

*3 Use in the Internet is dependent on a scheme for preventing

excessive TCP transmission burst.

*4 Performed at a point along the reverse path after the upstream

bottleneck link.

*5 Performed at a point along the forward path.

8. Acknowledgments

This document has benefited from comments from the members of the

Performance Implications of Links (PILC) Working Group. In

particular, the authors would like to thank John Border, Spencer

Dawkins, Aaron Falk, Dan Grossman, Randy Katz, Jeff Mandin, Rod

Ragland, Ramon Segura, Joe Touch, and Lloyd Wood for their useful

comments. They also acknowledge the data provided by Metricom Inc.,

concerning operation of their packet data network.

9. References

References of the form RFCnnnn are Internet Request for Comments

(RFC) documents available online at http://www.rfc-editor.org/.

9.1 Normative References

[RFC793] Postel, J., "Transmission Control Protocol", STD 7, RFC

793, September 1981.

[RFC1122] Braden, R., Ed., "Requirements for Internet Hosts -

Communication Layers", STD 3, RFC1122, October 1989.

[RFC1144] Jacobson, V., "Compressing TCP/IP Headers for Low-Speed

Serial Links", RFC1144, February 1990.

[RFC1191] Mogul, J. and S. Deering, "Path MTU Discovery", RFC1191,

November 1990.

[RFC2581] Allman, M., Paxson, V. and W. Stevens, "TCP Congestion

Control", RFC2581, April 1999.

[RFC2784] Farinacci, D., Li, T., Hanks, S., Meyer, D. and P. Traina,

"Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE)", RFC2784, March


[RFC3135] Border, J., Kojo, M., Griner, J., Montenegro, G. and Z.

Shelby, "Performance Enhancing Proxies Intended to Mitigate

Link-Related Degradations", RFC3135, June 2001.

9.2 Informative References

[abc-ID] Allman, M., "TCP Congestion Control with Appropriate Byte

Counting", Work in Progress.

[All97b] Allman, M., "Fixing Two BSD TCP Bugs", Technical Report

CR-204151, NASA Lewis Research Center, October 1997.

[ANS01] ANSI Standard T1.413, "Network to Customer Installation

Interfaces - Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Lines (ADSL)

Metallic Interface", November 1998.

[ASB96] Arora, V., Suphasindhu, N., Baras, J.S. and D. Dillon,

"Asymmetric Internet Access over Satellite-Terrestrial

Networks", Proc. AIAA: 16th International Communications

Satellite Systems Conference and Exhibit, Part 1,

Washington, D.C., February 25-29, 1996, pp.476-482.

[AST00] Aggarwal, A., Savage, S., and T. Anderson, "Understanding

the Performance of TCP Pacing", Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, Tel-

Aviv, Israel, V.3, March 2000, pp. 1157-1165.

[Bal98] Balakrishnan, H., "Challenges to Reliable Data Transport

over Heterogeneous Wireless Networks", Ph.D. Thesis,

University of California at Berkeley, USA, August 1998.


[BPK99] Balakrishnan, H., Padmanabhan, V. N., and R. H. Katz, "The

Effects of Asymmetry on TCP Performance", ACM Mobile

Networks and Applications (MONET), Vol.4, No.3, 1999, pp.

219-241. An expanded version of a paper published at Proc.

ACM/IEEE Mobile Communications Conference (MOBICOM), 1997.

[BPS00] Bennett, J. C., Partridge, C., and N. Schectman, "Packet

Reordering is Not Pathological Network Behaviour", IEEE/ACM

Transactions on Networking, Vol. 7, Issue. 6, 2000,


[Cla88] Clark, D.D, "The Design Philosophy of the DARPA Internet

Protocols", ACM Computer Communications Review (CCR), Vol.

18, Issue 4, 1988, pp.106-114.

[CLC99] Clausen, H., Linder, H., and B. Collini-Nocker, "Internet

over Broadcast Satellites", IEEE Communications Magazine,

Vol. 37, Issue. 6, 1999, pp.146-151.

[CLP98] Calveras, A., Linares, J., and J. Paradells, "Window

Prediction Mechanism for Improving TCP in Wireless

Asymmetric Links". Proc. IEEE Global Communications

Conference (GLOBECOM), Sydney Australia, November 1998,


[CR98] Cohen, R., and Ramanathan, S., "Tuning TCP for High

Performance in Hybrid Fiber Coaxial Broad-Band Access

Networks", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol.6,

No.1, 1998, pp.15-29.

[DS00] Cable Television Laboratories, Inc., Data-Over-Cable

Service Interface Specifications---Radio Frequency

Interface Specification SP-RFIv1.1-I04-00407, 2000

[DS01] Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications, Radio

Frequency Interface Specification 1.0, SP-RFI-I05-991105,

Cable Television Laboratories, Inc., November 1999.

[DMT96] Durst, R., Miller, G., and E. Travis, "TCP Extensions for

Space Communications", ACM/IEEE Mobile Communications

Conference (MOBICOM), New York, USA, November 1996, pp.15-


[EN97] "Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); DVB Specification for

Data Broadcasting", European Standard (Telecommunications

series) EN 301 192, 1997.

[EN00] "Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Interaction Channel for

Satellite Distribution Systems", Draft European Standard

(Telecommunications series) ETSI, Draft EN 301 790, v.1.2.1

[FJ93] Floyd, S., and V. Jacobson, "Random Early Detection

gateways for Congestion Avoidance", IEEE/ACM Transactions

on Networking, Vol.1, No.4, 1993, pp.397-413.

[FSS01] Fairhurst, G., Samaraweera, N.K.G, Sooriyabandara, M.,

Harun, H., Hodson, K., and R. Donardio, "Performance Issues

in Asymmetric Service Provision using Broadband Satellite",

IEE Proceedings on Communication, Vol.148, No.2, 2001,


[ITU01] ITU-T Recommendation E.681, "Traffic Engineering Methods

For IP Access Networks Based on Hybrid Fiber/Coax System",

September 2001.

[ITU02] ITU-T Recommendation G.992.1, "Asymmetrical Digital

Subscriber Line (ADSL) Transceivers", July 1999.

[Jac88] Jacobson, V., "Congestion Avoidance and Control", Proc. ACM

SIGCOMM, Stanford, CA, ACM Computer Communications Review

(CCR), Vol.18, No.4, 1988, pp.314-329.

[Ken87] Kent C.A., and J. C. Mogul, "Fragmentation Considered

Harmful", Proc. ACM SIGCOMM, USA, ACM Computer

Communications Review (CCR), Vol.17, No.5, 1988, pp.390-


[KSG98] Krout, T., Solsman, M., and J. Goldstein, "The Effects of

Asymmetric Satellite Networks on Protocols", Proc. IEEE

Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), Bradford, MA,

USA, Vol.3, 1998, pp.1072-1076.

[KVR98] Kalampoukas, L., Varma, A., and Ramakrishnan, K.K.,

"Improving TCP Throughput over Two-Way Asymmetric Links:

Analysis and Solutions", Proc. ACM SIGMETRICS, Medison,

USA, 1998, pp.78-89.

[LM97] Lin, D., and R. Morris, "Dynamics of Random Early

Detection", Proc. ACM SIGCOMM, Cannes, France, ACM Computer

Communications Review (CCR), Vol.27, No.4, 1997, pp.78-89.

[LMS97] Lakshman, T.V., Madhow, U., and B. Suter, "Window-based

Error Recovery and Flow Control with a Slow Acknowledgement

Channel: A Study of TCP/IP Performance", Proc. IEEE

INFOCOM, Vol.3, Kobe, Japan, 1997, pp.1199-1209.

[MJW00] Ming-Chit, I.T., Jinsong, D., and W. Wang,"Improving TCP

Performance Over Asymmetric Networks", ACM SIGCOMM, ACM

Computer Communications Review (CCR), Vol.30, No.3, 2000.

[Pad98] Padmanabhan, V.N., "Addressing the Challenges of Web Data

Transport", Ph.D. Thesis, University of California at

Berkeley, USA, September 1998 (also Tech Report UCB/CSD-

98-1016). http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~padmanab/phd-


[RFC1323] Jacobson, V., Braden, R. and D. Borman, "TCP Extensions for

High Performance", RFC1323, May 1992.

[RFC2018] Mathis, B., Mahdavi, J., Floyd, S. and A. Romanow, "TCP

Selective Acknowledgment Options", RFC2018, October 1996.

[RFC2402] Kent, S. and R. Atkinson, "IP Authentication Header", RFC

2402, November 1998.

[RFC2406] Kent, S. and R. Atkinson, "IP Encapsulating Security

Payload (ESP)", RFC2406, November 1998.

[RFC2507] Degermark, M., Nordgren, B. and S. Pink, "IP Header

Compression", RFC2507, February 1999.

[RFC2525] Paxson, V., Allman, M., Dawson, S., Heavens, I. and B.

Volz, "Known TCP Implementation Problems", RFC2525, March


[RFC2686] Bormann, C., "The Multi-Class Extension to Multi-Link PPP",

RFC2686, September 1999.

[RFC2760] Allman, M., Dawkins, S., Glover, D., Griner, J., Henderson,

T., Heidemann, J., Kruse, H., Ostermann, S., Scott, K.,

Semke, J., Touch, J. and D. Tran, "Ongoing TCP Research

Related to Satellites", RFC2760, February 2000.

[RFC2988] Paxson, V. and M. Allman, "Computing TCP's Retransmission

Timer", RFC2988, November 2000.

[RFC3077] Duros, E., Dabbous, W., Izumiyama, H., Fujii, N. and Y.

Zhang, "A link Layer tunneling mechanism for unidirectional

links", RFC3077, March 2001.

[RFC3095] Bormann, C., Burmeister, C., Degermark, M., Fukushima, H.,

Hannu, H., Jonsson, E., Hakenberg, R., Koren, T., Le, K.,

Liu, Z., Martensson, A., Miyazaki, A., Svanbro, K., Wiebke,

T., Yoshimura, T. and H. Zheng, "RObust Header Compression

(ROHC): Framework and four profiles: RTP, UDP ESP and

uncompressed", RFC3095, July 2001.

[RFC3150] Dawkins, S., Montenegro, G., Kojo, M. and V. Magret, "End-

to-end Performance Implications of Slow Links", BCP 48, RFC

3150, July 2001.

[RFC3168] Ramakrishnan K., Floyd, S. and D. Black, "A Proposal to add

Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) to IP", RFC3168,

September 2001.

[Sam99] Samaraweera, N.K.G, "Return Link Optimization for Internet

Service Provision Using DVB-S Networks", ACM Computer

Communications Review (CCR), Vol.29, No.3, 1999, pp.4-19.

[Seg00] Segura R., "Asymmetric Networking Techniques For Hybrid

Satellite Communications", NC3A, The Hague, Netherlands,

NATO Technical Note 810, August 2000, pp.32-37.

[SF98] Samaraweera, N.K.G., and G. Fairhurst. "High Speed Internet

Access using Satellite-based DVB Networks", Proc. IEEE

International Networks Conference (INC98), Plymouth, UK,

1998, pp.23-28.

[ZSC91] Zhang, L., Shenker, S., and D. D. Clark, "Observations and

Dynamics of a Congestion Control Algorithm: The Effects of

Two-Way Traffic", Proc. ACM SIGCOMM, ACM Computer

Communications Review (CCR), Vol 21, No 4, 1991, pp.133-


10. IANA Considerations

There are no IANA considerations associated with this document.

Appendix - Examples of Subnetworks Exhibiting Network Path Asymmetry

This appendix provides a list of some subnetworks which are known to

experience network path asymmetry. The asymmetry in capacity of

these network paths can require mitigations to provide acceptable

overall performance. Examples include the following:

- IP service over some wide area and local area wireless networks.

In such networks, the predominant network path asymmetry arises

from the hub-and-spokes architecture of the network (e.g., a

single base station that communicates with multiple mobile

stations), this requires a Ready To Send / Clear To Send (RTS/CTS)

protocol and a Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol which needs to

accommodate the significant turn-around time for the radios. A

high per-packet transmission overhead may lead to significant

network path asymmetry.

- IP service over a forward satellite link utilizing Digital Video

Broadcast (DVB) transmission [EN97] (e.g., 38-45 Mbps), and a

slower upstream link using terrestrial network technology (e.g.,

dial-up modem, line of sight microwave, cellular radio) [CLC99].

Network path asymmetry arises from a difference in the upstream

and downstream link capacities.

- Certain military networks [KSG98] providing Internet access to

in-transit or isolated hosts [Seg00] using a high capacity

downstream satellite link (e.g., 2-3 Mbps) with a narrowband

upstream link (e.g., 2.4-9.6 kbps) using either Demand Assigned

Multiple Access (DAMA) or fixed rate satellite links. The main

factor contributing to network path asymmetry is the difference in

the upstream and downstream link capacities. Some differences

between forward and reverse paths may arise from the way in which

upstream link capacity is allocated.

- Most data over cable TV networks (e.g., DOCSIS [ITU01, DS00]),

where the analogue channels assigned for upstream communication

(i.e., in the reverse direction) are narrower and may be more

noisy than those assigned for the downstream link. As a

consequence, the upstream and downstream links differ in their

transmission rate. For example, in DOCSIS 1.0 [DS00], the

downstream transmission rate is either 27 or 52 Mbps. Upstream

transmission rates may be dynamically selected to be one of a

series of rates which range between 166 kbps to 9 Mbps. Operators

may assign multiple upstream channels per downstream channel.

Physical layer (PHY) overhead (which accompanies upstream

transmissions, but is not present in the downstream link) can also

increase the network path asymmetry. The Best Effort service,

which is typically used to carry TCP, uses a

contention/reservation MAC protocol. A cable modem (CM) sending

an isolated packet (such as a TCP ACK) on the upstream link must

contend with other CMs to request capacity from the central cable

modem termination system (CMTS). The CMTS then grants timeslots

to a CM for the upstream transmission. The CM may "piggyback"

subsequent requests onto upstream packets, avoiding contention

cycles; as a result, spacing of TCP ACKs can be dramatically

altered due to minor variations in load of the cable data network

and inter-arrival times of TCP DATA packets. Numerous other

complexities may add to, or mitigate, the asymmetry in rate and

access latency experienced by packets sent on the upstream link

relative to downstream packets in DOCSIS. The asymmetry

experienced by end hosts may also change dynamically (e.g., with

network load), and when best effort services share capacity with

services that have symmetric reserved capacity (e.g., IP telephony

over the Unsolicited Grant service) [ITU01].

- Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL), by definition, offers a

downstream link transmission rate that is higher than that of the

upstream link. The available rates depend upon channel quality

and system configuration. For example, one widely deployed ADSL

technology [ITU02, ANS01] operates at rates that are multiples of

32 kbps (up to 6.144 Mbps) in the downstream link, and up to 640

kbps for the upstream link. The network path asymmetry

experienced by end hosts may be further increased when best effort

services, e.g., Internet access over ADSL, share the available

upstream capacity with reserved services (e.g., constant bit rate

voice telephony).

Authors' Addresses

Hari Balakrishnan

Laboratory for Computer Science

200 Technology Square

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Cambridge, MA 02139


Phone: +1-617-253-8713

EMail: hari@lcs.mit.edu

Web: http://nms.lcs.mit.edu/~hari/

Venkata N. Padmanabhan

Microsoft Research

One Microsoft Way

Redmond, WA 98052


Phone: +1-425-705-2790

EMail: padmanab@microsoft.com

Web: http://www.research.microsoft.com/~padmanab/

Godred Fairhurst

Department of Engineering

Fraser Noble Building

University of Aberdeen

Aberdeen AB24 3UE


EMail: gorry@erg.abdn.ac.uk

Web: http://www.erg.abdn.ac.uk/users/gorry

Mahesh Sooriyabandara

Department of Engineering

Fraser Noble Building

University of Aberdeen

Aberdeen AB24 3UE


EMail: mahesh@erg.abdn.ac.uk

Web: http://www.erg.abdn.ac.uk/users/mahesh

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