
RFC3486 - Compressing the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group G. Camarillo

Request for Comments: 3486 EriCsson

Category: Standards Track February 2003

Compressing the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003). All Rights Reserved.


This document describes a mechanism to signal that compression is

desired for one or more Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) messages.

It also states when it is appropriate to send compressed SIP messages

to a SIP entity.

Table of Contents

1. IntrodUCtion ............................................... 2

2. Overview of operation ...................................... 3

3. SigComp implementations for SIP ............................ 3

4. Sending a Request to a Server .............................. 3

4.1 OBTaining a SIP or SIPS URI with comp=sigcomp ........ 4

5. Sending a Response to a Client ............................. 5

6. Double Record-Routing ...................................... 6

7. Error Situations ........................................... 6

8. Augmented BNF .............................................. 7

9. Example .................................................... 7

10. Security Considerations .................................... 10

11. IANA Considerations ........................................ 10

12. Acknowledgements............................................ 10

13. Normative References ....................................... 10

14. Informative References ..................................... 11

15. Author's Address............................................ 11

16. Full Copyright Statement.................................... 12

1. Introduction

A SIP [1] client sending a request to a SIP server typically performs

a DNS lookup for the domain name of the server. When NAPTR [4] or

SRV [5] records are available for the server, the client can specify

the type of service it wants. The service in this context is the

transport protocol to be used by SIP (e.g., UDP, TCP or SCTP). A SIP

server that supports, for instance, three different transport

protocols, will have three different DNS entries.

Since it is foreseen that the number of transport protocols supported

by a particular application layer protocol is not going to grow

dramatically, having a DNS entry per transport seems like a scalable

enough solution.

However, sometimes it is necessary to include new layers between the

transport protocol and the application layer protocol. Examples of

these layers are transport layer security and compression. If DNS

was used to discover the availability of these layers for a

particular server, the number of DNS entries needed for that server

would grow dramatically.

A server that, for example, supported TCP and SCTP as transports, TLS

for transport security and SigComp for signaling compression, would

need the 8 DNS entries listed below:

1. TCP, no security, no compression

2. TCP, no security, SigComp

3. TCP, TLS, no compression

4. TCP, TLS, SigComp

5. SCTP, no security, no compression

6. SCTP, no security, SigComp

7. SCTP, TLS, no compression

8. SCTP, TLS, SigComp

It is clear that this way of using DNS is not scalable. Therefore,

an application layer mechanism to eXPress support of signalling

compression is needed.

Note that for historical reasons both HTTP and SIP use a different

port for TLS on top of TCP than for TCP alone, although at

present, this solution is not considered scalable any longer.

A SIP element that supports compression will need to be prepared to

receive compressed and uncompressed messages on the same port. It

will perform demultiplexing based on the cookie in the topmost bits

of every compressed message.

2. Overview of operation

There are two types of SIP messages; SIP requests and SIP responses.

Clients send SIP requests to the host part of a URI and servers send

responses to the host in the sent-by parameter of the Via header


We define two parameters, one for SIP URIs and the other for the Via

header field. The format of both parameters is the same, as shown in

the examples below:


Via: SIP/2.0/UDP server1.foo.com:5060;branch=z9hG4bK87a7;comp=sigcomp

The presence of this parameter (comp=sigcomp) in a URI indicates that

the request has to be compressed using SigComp, as defined in [2].

The presence of comp=sigcomp in a Via header field indicates that the

response has to be compressed using SigComp.

Therefore, the presence of comp=sigcomp indicates that the SIP entity

identified by the URI or by the Via header field supports SigComp and

is willing to receive compressed messages. Having comp=sigcomp mean

"willingness" as well as "support" allows the receiver of a SIP

message to influence the decision of whether or not to use SigComp at

a given time.

3. SigComp implementations for SIP

Every SIP implementation that supports SigComp MUST implement the

procedures described in this document.

4. Sending a Request to a Server

A request is sent to the host part of a URI. This URI, referred to

as the next-hop URI, is the Request-URI of the request or an entry in

the Route header field.

If the next-hop URI contains the parameter comp=sigcomp, the client

SHOULD compress the request using SigComp as defined in [2].

If the next-hop URI is a SIPS URI, the request SHOULD be compressed

before it is passed to the TLS layer.

A client MUST NOT send a compressed request to a server if it does

not know whether or not the server supports SigComp.

Regardless of whether the request is sent compressed or not, if a

client would like to receive subsequent requests within the same

dialog in the UAS->UAC direction compressed, this client SHOULD add

the parameter comp=sigcomp to the URI in the Contact header field if

it is a user agent client. If the client is a proxy, it SHOULD add

the parameter comp=sigcomp to its URI in the Record-Route header


If a user agent client sends a compressed request, it SHOULD add the

parameter comp=sigcomp to the URI in the Contact header field. If a

proxy that Record-Routes sends a compressed request, it SHOULD add

comp=sigcomp to its URI in the Record-Route header field.

If a client sends a compressed request, it SHOULD add the parameter

comp=sigcomp to the topmost entry of the Via header field.

If a client does not know whether or not the server supports SigComp,

but in case the server supported it, it would like to receive

compressed responses, this client SHOULD add the parameter

comp=sigcomp to the topmost entry of the Via header field. The

request, however, as stated above, will not be compressed.

4.1 Obtaining a SIP or SIPS URI with comp=sigcomp

For requests within a dialog, a next-hop URI with the comp=sigcomp

parameter is obtained from a Record-Route header field when the

dialog is established. A client sending a request outside a dialog

can also obtain SIP URIs with comp=sigcomp in a Contact header field

in a 3xx or 485 response to the request.

However, clients establishing a session will not typically be willing

to wait until the dialog is established in order to begin compressing

messages. One of the biggest gains that SigComp can bring to SIP is

the ability to compress the initial INVITE of a dialog, when the user

is waiting for the session to be established. Therefore, clients

need a means to obtain a comp=sigcomp URI from their outbound proxy

before the user decides to establish a session.

One solution to this problem is manual configuration. However,

sometimes it is necessary to have clients configured in an automatic

fashion. Unfortunately, current mechanisms for SIP client

configuration (e.g., using DHCP [6]) do not allow to provide the

client with URI parameters. In this case, the client SHOULD send an

uncompressed OPTIONS request to its outbound proxy. The outbound

proxy can provide an alternative SIP URI with the comp=sigcomp

parameter in a Contact header field in a 200 OK response to the

OPTIONS. The client can use this URI for subsequent requests that

are sent through the same outbound proxy using compression.

RFC3261 [1] does not define how a proxy should respond to an OPTIONS

request addressed to itself. It only describes how servers respond

to OPTIONS addressed to a particular user. Section 11.2 of RFC3261


Contact header fields MAY be present in a 200 (OK) response and

have the same semantics as in a 3xx response. That is, they may

list a set of alternative names and methods of reaching the user.

We extend this behavior to proxy servers responding to OPTIONS

addressed to them. They MAY list a set of alternative URIs to

contact the proxy.

Note that receiving incoming requests (even initial INVITEs)

compressed is not a problem, since user agents can REGISTER a SIP URI

with comp=sigcomp in their registrar. All incoming requests for the

user will be sent to this SIP URI using compression.

5. Sending a Response to a Client

A response is sent to the host in the sent-by parameter of the Via

header field. If the topmost Via header field contains the parameter

comp=sigcomp, the response SHOULD be compressed. Otherwise, the

response MUST NOT be compressed.

In order to avoid asymmetric compression (i.e., two SIP entities

exchanging compressed requests in one direction and uncompressed

requests in the other direction) proxies need to rewrite their

Record-Route entries in the responses. A proxy performing Record-

Route inspects the Record-Route header field in the response and the

Contact header field in the request that triggered this response (see

example in Section 9). It looks for the URI of the next upstream

(closer to the user agent client) hop in the route set. If this URI

contains the parameter comp=sigcomp, the proxy SHOULD add

comp=sigcomp to its entry in the Record-Route header field. If this

URI does not contain the parameter comp=sigcomp, the proxy SHOULD

remove comp=sigcomp (if it is present) from its entry in the Record-

Route header field.

The same way, a user agent server SHOULD add comp=sigcomp to the

Contact header field of the response if the URI of the next upstream

hop in the route set contained the parameter comp=sigcomp.

6. Double Record-Routing

Although proxies usually add zero or one Record-Route entries to a

particular request, some proxies add two of them to avoid Record-

Route rewriting. A typical example of double Record-Routing is a SIP

proxy that acts as a firewall between two networks. Depending on

which network a request comes from, it will be received on a

different interface by the proxy. The proxy adds one Record-Route

entry for one interface and a second one for the other interface.

This way, the proxy does not need to rewrite the Record-Route header

field on the response.

Proxies that receive compressed messages from one side of the dialog

(e.g., upstream) and uncompressed messages from the other side (e.g.,

downstream) MAY use the mechanism described above.

If a proxy detects that the next-hop proxy for a request is the proxy

itself and that the request will not be sent through the network, the

proxy MAY choose not to compress the request even if the URI contains

the comp=sigcomp parameter.

7. Error Situations

If a compressed SIP request arrives to a SIP server that does not

understand SigComp, the server will not have any means to indicate

the error to the client. The message will be impossible to parse,

and there will be no Via header field indicating an address to send

an error response.

If a SIP client sends a compressed request and the client transaction

times out without having received any response, the client SHOULD

retry the same request without using compression. If the compressed

request was sent over a TCP connection, the client SHOULD close that

connection and open a new one to send the uncompressed request.

Otherwise the server would not be able to detect the beginning of the

new message.

8. Augmented BNF

This section provides the augmented Backus-Naur Form (BNF) of both

parameters described above.

The compression URI parameter is a "uri-parameter", as defined by the

SIP ABNF (Section 25.1 of [1]):

compression-param = "comp=" ("sigcomp" / other-compression)

other-compression = token

The Via compression parameter is a "via-extension", as defined by the

SIP ABNF (Section 25.1 of [1]):

via-compression = "comp" EQUAL ("sigcomp" / other-compression)

other-compression = token

9. Example

The following example illustrates the use of the parameters defined

above. The call flow of Figure 1 shows an INVITE-200 OK-ACK

handshake between a UAC and a UAS through two proxies. Proxy P1 does

not Record-Route but proxy P2 does. Both proxies support

compression, but they do not use it by default.



------------> (2) INVITE

------------> (3) INVITE


(4) 200 OK

(5) 200 OK <------------

(6)200 OK(c) <------------



--------------------------> (8) ACK


Figure 1: INVITE transaction through two proxies

Messages (1), (6) and (7) are compressed (c).

We provide a partial description of the messages involved in this

call flow below. Only some parts of each message are shown, namely

the Method name, the Request-URI and the Via, Route, Record-Route and

Contact header fields. We have not used a correct format for these

header fields. We have rather focus on the contents of the header

fields and on the presence (or absence) of the "comp=sigcomp"



Via: UAC;comp=sigcomp

Route: P1;comp=sigcomp

Contact: UAC;comp=sigcomp

P1 is the outbound proxy of the UAC, and it supports SigComp. The

UAC is configured to send compressed traffic to P1, and therefore, it

compresses the INVITE (1). In addition, the UAC wants to receive

future requests and responses for this dialog compressed. Therefore,

it adds the comp=Sigcomp parameter to the Via and to the Contact

header fields.


Via: P1

Via: UAC;comp=sigcomp

Route: P2

Contact: UAC;comp=sigcomp

P1 forwards the INVITE (2) to P2. P1 does not use compression by

default, so it sends the INVITE uncompressed to P2.


Via: P2

Via: P1

Via: UAC;comp=sigcomp

Record-Route: P2

Contact: UAC;comp=sigcomp

P2 forwards the INVITE (3) to the UAS. P2 supports compression, but

it does not use it by default. Therefore, it sends the INVITE

uncompressed. P2 wishes to remain in the signalling path and

therefore it Record-Routes.

(4) 200 OK

Via: P2

Via: P1

Via: UAC;comp=sigcomp

Record-Route: P2

Contact: UAS

The UAS generates a 200 OK response and sends it to the host in the

topmost Via, which is P2.

(5) 200 OK

Via: P1

Via: UAC;comp=sigcomp

Record-Route: P2;comp=sigcomp

Contact: UAS

P2 receives the 200 OK response. P2 Record-Routed, so it inspects

the Route set for this dialog. For requests from the UAS towards the

UAC (the opposite direction than the first INVITE), the next hop will

be the Contact header field of the INVITE, because P1 did not

Record-Route. That Contact identified the UAC:

Contact: UAC;comp=sigcomp

Since the UAC wants to receive compressed requests (Contact of the

INVITE), P2 assumes that the UAC would also like to send compressed

requests (Record-Route of the 200 OK). Therefore, P2 modifies its

entry in the Record-Route header field of the 200 OK (5). In the

INVITE (3), P2 did not used the comp=sigcomp parameter. Now it adds

it in the 200 OK (5). This will allow the UAC sending compressed

requests within this dialog.

(6) 200 OK

Via: UAC;comp=sigcomp

Record-Route: P2;comp=sigcomp

Contact: UAS

P1 sends the 200 OK (6) compressed to the UAC because the Via header

field contained the comp=sigcomp parameter.


Via: UAC;comp=sigcomp

Route: P2;comp=sigcomp

Contact: UAC;comp=sigcomp

The UAC sends the ACK (7) compressed directly to P2 (P1 did not



Via: P2

Via: UAC;comp=sigcomp

Contact: UAC;comp=sigcomp

P2 sends the ACK (8) uncompressed to the UAS.

10. Security Considerations

A SIP entity receiving a compressed message has to decompress it and

to parse it. This requires slightly more processing power than only

parsing a message. This implies that a denial of service attack

using compressed messages would be slightly worse than an attack with

uncompressed messages.

An attacker inserting the parameter comp=sigcomp in a SIP message

could make a SIP entity send compressed messages to another SIP

entity that did not support SigComp. Appropriate integrity

mechanisms should be used to avoid this attack.

11. IANA Considerations

This document defines the "comp" uri-parameter and via-extension.

New values for "comp" are registered by the IANA at

http://www.iana.org/assignments/sip-parameters when new signalling

compression schemes are published in standards track RFCs. The IANA

Considerations section of the RFCMUST include the following

information, which appears in the IANA registry along with the RFC

number of the publication.

o Name of the compression scheme.

o Token value to be used. The token MAY be of any length, but

SHOULD be no more than ten characters long.

The only entry in the registry for the time being is:

Compression scheme Token Reference

--------------------- --------- ---------

Signaling Compression sigcomp RFC3486

12. Acknowledgements

Allison Mankin, Jonathan Rosenberg and Miguel Angel Garcia-Martin

provided valuable comments on this memo.

13. Normative References

[1] Rosenberg, J., Schulzrinne, H., Camarillo, G., Johnston, A.,

Peterson, J., Sparks, R., Handley, M. and E. Schooler, "SIP:

Session Initiation Protocol", RFC3261, June 2002.

[2] Price, R., Bormann, C., Christoffersson, J., Hannu, H., Liu, Z.

and J. Rosenberg, "Signaling Compression (SigComp)", RFC3320,

January 2003.

[3] Bradner, S., "Key Words for use in RFCs to indicate requirement

levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

14. Informative References

[4] Mealling, M., "Dynamic Delegation Discovery System (DDDS) Part

Three: The Domain Name System (DNS) Database", RFC3403, October


[5] Gulbrandsen, A., Vixie, P. and L. Esibov, "A DNS RR for

specifying the location of services (DNS SRV)", RFC2782,

February 2000.

[6] Schulzrinne, H., "DHCP option for SIP servers", Work in


15. Author's Address

Gonzalo Camarillo


Advanced Signalling Research Lab.

FIN-02420 Jorvas


EMail: Gonzalo.Camarillo@ericsson.com

16. Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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