
RFC3479 - Fault Tolerance for the Label Distribution Protocol (LDP)

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Network Working Group A. Farrel, Ed.

Request for Comments: 3479 Movaz Networks, Inc.

Category: Standards Track February 2003

Fault Tolerance for the Label Distribution Protocol (LDP)

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003). All Rights Reserved.


This specification includes procedures for failure detection and

failover for a TCP connection carrying MPLS LDP control traffic, so

that it can be switched to a new TCP connection. It does not provide

a general approach to using multiple TCP connections to provide this

kind of fault tolerance. The specification lacks adequate guidance

for the timer and retry value choices related to the TCP connection

fault tolerance procedures. The specification should not serve as a

model for TCP connection fault tolerance design for any future

document, and users are advised to test configurations based on this

specification very carefully for problems sUCh as premature



Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) systems will be used in core

networks where system downtime must be kept to an absolute minimum.

Many MPLS Label Switching Routers (LSRs) may, therefore, eXPloit

Fault Tolerant (FT) hardware or software to provide high availability

of the core networks.

The details of how FT is achieved for the various components of an FT

LSR, including Label Distribution Protocol (LDP), the switching

hardware and TCP, are implementation specific. This document

identifies issues in the LDP specification in RFC3036, "LDP

Specification", that make it difficult to implement an FT LSR using

the current LDP protocols, and defines enhancements to the LDP

specification to ease such FT LSR implementations.

The issues and extensions described here are equally applicable to

RFC3212, "Constraint-Based LSP Setup Using LDP" (CR-LDP).

Table of Contents

1. Conventions and Terminology used in this document..........3

2. Contributing Authors.......................................4

3. Introduction...............................................4

3.1. Fault Tolerance for MPLS..............................4

3.2. Issues with LDP.......................................5

4. Overview of LDP FT Enhancements............................7

4.1. Establishing an FT LDP Session........................8

4.1.1 Interoperation with Non-FT LSRs.................8

4.2. TCP Connection Failure................................9

4.2.1 Detecting TCP Connection Failures...............9

4.2.2 LDP Processing after Connection Failure.........9

4.3. Data Forwarding During TCP Connection Failure........10

4.4. FT LDP Session Reconnection..........................10

4.5. Operations on FT Labels..............................11

4.6. Check-Pointing.......................................11

4.6.1 Graceful Termination...........................12

4.7. Label Space Depletion and Replenishment..............13

4.8. Tunneled LSPs........................................13

5. FT Operations.............................................14

5.1. FT LDP Messages......................................14

5.1.1 Sequence Numbered FT Label Messages............14

5.1.2 FT Address Messages............................15

5.1.3 Label Resources Available Notifications........15

5.2. FT Operation ACKs....................................17

5.3. Preservation of FT State.............................17

5.4. FT Procedure After TCP Failure.......................19

5.4.1 FT LDP Operations During TCP Failure...........20

5.5. FT Procedure After TCP Re-connection.................21

5.5.1 Re-Issuing FT Messages.........................22

6. Check-Pointing Procedures.................................22

6.1 Check-Pointing with the Keepalive Message.............23

6.2 Quiesce and Keepalive.................................23

7. Changes to Existing Messages..............................24

7.1. LDP Initialization Message...........................24

7.2. LDP Keepalive Messages...............................25

7.3. All Other LDP Session Messages.......................25

8. New Fields and Values.....................................26

8.1. Status Codes.........................................26

8.2. FT Session TLV.......................................27

8.3. FT Protection TLV....................................29

8.4. FT ACK TLV...........................................32

8.5. FT Cork TLV..........................................33

9. Example Use...............................................34

9.1. Session Failure and Recovery - FT Procedures.........34

9.2. Use of Check-Pointing With FT Procedures.............37

9.3. Temporary Shutdown With FT Procedures................38

9.4. Temporary Shutdown With FT Procedures

and Check-Pointing...................................40

9.5. Check-Pointing Without FT Procedures.................42

9.6. Graceful Shutdown With Check-Pointing

But No FT Procedures.................................44

10. Security Considerations..................................45

11. Implementation Notes.....................................47

11.1. FT Recovery Support on Non-FT LSRs..................47

11.2. ACK generation logic................................47

11.2.1 Ack Generation Logic When Using


11.3 Interactions With Other Label Distribution


12. Acknowledgments..........................................48

13. Intellectual Property Consideration......................49

14. References...............................................49

14.1. Normative References................................49

14.2. Informative References..............................50

15. Authors' Addresses.......................................50

16. Full Copyright Statement.................................52

1. Conventions and Terminology used in this document

Definitions of key Words and terms applicable to LDP and CR-LDP are

inherited from [RFC3212] and [RFC3036].

The term "FT Label" is introduced in this document to indicate a

label for which some fault tolerant operation is used. A "non-FT

Label" is not fault tolerant and is handled as specified in


The term "Sequence Numbered FT Label" is used to indicate an FT label

which is secured using the sequence number in the FT Protection TLV

described in this document.

The term "Check-Pointable FT Label" is used to indicate an FT label

which is secured by using the check-pointing techniques described in

this document.

The extensions to LDP specified in this document are collectively

referred to as the "LDP FT enhancements".

Within the context of this document, "Check-Pointing" refers to a

process of message exchanges that confirm receipt and processing (or

secure storage) of specific protocol messages.

When talking about the individual bits in the 16-bit FT Flag Field,

the words "bit" and "flag" are used interchangeably.

In the examples quoted, the following notation is used: Ln : An LSP.

For example L1. Pn : An LDP peer. For example P1.

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",


document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14, RFC2119


2. Contributing Authors

This document was the collective work of several individuals over a

period of several years. The text and content of this document was

contributed by the editor and the co-authors listed in section 15,

"Authors' Addresses".

3. Introduction

High Availability (HA) is typically claimed by equipment vendors when

their hardware achieves availability levels of at least 99.999% (five

9s). To implement this, the equipment must be capable of recovering

from local hardware and software failures through a process known as

fault tolerance (FT).

The usual approach to FT involves provisioning backup copies of

hardware and/or software. When a primary copy fails, processing is

switched to the backup copy. This process, called failover, should

result in minimal disruption to the Data Plane.

In an FT system, backup resources are sometimes provisioned on a

one-to-one basis (1:1), sometimes as one-to-many (1:n), and

occasionally as many-to-many (m:n). Whatever backup provisioning is

made, the system must switch to the backup automatically on failure

of the primary, and the software and hardware state in the backup

must be set to replicate the state in the primary at the point of


3.1. Fault Tolerance for MPLS

MPLS is a technology that will be used in core networks where system

downtime must be kept to an absolute minimum. Many MPLS LSRs may,

therefore, exploit FT hardware or software to provide high

availability of core networks.

In order to provide HA, an MPLS system needs to be able to survive a

variety of faults with minimal disruption to the Data Plane,

including the following fault types:

- failure/hot-swap of a physical connection between LSRs.

- failure/hot-swap of the switching fabric in an LSR.

- failure of the TCP or LDP stack in an LSR.

- software upgrade to the TCP or LDP stacks in an LSR.

The first two examples of faults listed above are confined to the

Data Plane. Such faults can be handled by providing redundancy in

the Data Plane which is transparent to LDP operating in the Control

Plane. The last two example types of fault require action in the

Control Plane to recover from the fault without disrupting traffic in

the Data Plane. This is possible because many recent router

architectures separate the Control and Data Planes such that

forwarding can continue unaffected by recovery action in the Control


3.2. Issues with LDP

LDP uses TCP to provide reliable connections between LSRs over which

they exchange protocol messages to distribute labels and set up LSPs.

A pair of LSRs that have such a connection are referred to as LDP


TCP enables LDP to assume reliable transfer of protocol messages.

This means that some of the messages do not need to be acknowledged

(for example, Label Release).

LDP is defined such that if the TCP connection fails, the LSR should

immediately tear down the LSPs associated with the session between

the LDP peers, and release any labels and resources assigned to those


It is notoriously hard to provide a Fault Tolerant implementation of

TCP. To do so might involve making copies of all data sent and

received. This is an issue familiar to implementers of other TCP

applications such as BGP.

During failover affecting the TCP or LDP stacks, the TCP connection

may be lost. Recovery from this position is made worse by the fact

that LDP control messages may have been lost during the connection

failure. Since these messages are unconfirmed, it is possible that

LSP or label state information will be lost.

This document describes a solution which involves:

- negotiation between LDP peers of the intent to support extensions

to LDP that facilitate recovery from failover without loss of


- selection of FT survival on a per LSP/label basis.

- acknowledgement of LDP messages to ensure that a full handshake is

performed on those messages either frequently (such as per

message) or less frequently as in check-pointing.

- solicitation of up-to-date acknowledgement (check-pointing) of

previous LDP messages to ensure the current state is flushed to

disk/NVRAM, with an additional option that allows an LDP partner

to request that state is flushed in both directions if graceful

shutdown is required.

- re-issuing lost messages after failover to ensure that LSP/label

state is correctly recovered after reconnection of the LDP


The issues and objectives described above are equally applicable to


Other objectives of this document are to:

- offer backward-compatibility with LSRs that do not implement these

extensions to LDP.

- preserve existing protocol rules described in [RFC3036] for

handling unexpected duplicate messages and for processing

unexpected messages referring to unknown LSPs/labels.

- avoid full state refresh solutions (such as those present in RSVP:

see [RFC2205], [RFC2961], [RFC3209] and [RFC3478]) whether they be

continual, or limited to post-failover recovery.

Note that this document concentrates on the preservation of label

state for labels exchanged between a pair of adjacent LSRs when the

TCP connection between those LSRs is lost. This is a requirement for

Fault Tolerant operation of LSPs, but a full implementation of end-

to-end protection for LSPs requires that this be combined with other

techniques that are outside the scope of this document.

In particular, this document does not attempt to describe how to

modify the routing of an LSP or the resources allocated to a label or

LSP, which is covered by [RFC3214]. This document also does not

address how to provide automatic layer 2 or layer 3 protection

switching for a label or LSP, which is a separate area for study.

This specification does not preclude an implementation from

attempting (or require it to attempt) to use the FT behavior

described here to recover from a preemptive failure of a connection

on a non-FT system due to, for example, a partial system crash.

Note, however, that there are potential issues too numerous to list

here - not least the likelihood that the same crash will immediately

occur when processing the restored data.

4. Overview of LDP FT Enhancements

The LDP FT enhancements consist of the following main elements, which

are described in more detail in the sections that follow.

- The presence of an FT Session TLV on the LDP Initialization

message indicates that an LSR supports some form of protection or

recovery from session failure. A flag bit within this TLV (the S

bit) indicates that the LSR supports the LDP FT enhancements on

this session. Another flag (the C bit) indicates that the check-

pointing procedures are to be used.

- An FT Reconnect Flag in the FT Session TLV (the R bit) indicates

whether an LSR has preserved FT Label state across a failure of

the TCP connection.

- An FT Reconnection Timeout, exchanged on the LDP Initialization

message, that indicates the maximum time peer LSRs will preserve

FT Label state after a failure of the TCP connection.

- An FT Protection TLV used to identify operations that affect LDP

labels. All LDP messages carrying the FT Protection TLV need to

be secured (e.g. to NVRAM) and ACKed to the sending LDP peer so

that the state for Sequence Numbered FT Labels can be correctly

recovered after LDP session reconnection.

Note that the implementation within an FT system is left open by

this document. An implementation could choose to secure entire

messages relating to Sequence Numbered FT Labels, or it could

secure only the relevant state information.

- Address advertisement may also be secured by use of the FT

Protection TLV. This enables recovery after LDP session

reconnection without the need to re-advertise what may be a very

large number of addresses.

- The FT Protection TLV may also be used on the Keepalive message to

flush acknowledgement of all previous FT operations. This enables

a check-point for future recovery, either in mid-session or prior

to graceful shutdown of an LDP session. This procedure may also

be used to check-point all (that is both FT and non-FT) operations

for future recovery.

4.1. Establishing an FT LDP Session

In order that the extensions to LDP [RFC3036] described in this

document can be used successfully on an LDP session between a pair of

LDP peers, they MUST negotiate that the LDP FT enhancements are to be

used on the LDP session.

This is done on the LDP Initialization message exchange using a new

FT Session TLV. Presence of this TLV indicates that the peer wants

to support some form of protection or recovery processing. The S bit

within this TLV indicates that the peer wants to support the LDP FT

enhancements on this LDP session. The C bit indicates that the peer

wants to support the check-pointing functions described in this

document. The S and C bits may be set independently.

The relevant LDP FT enhancements MUST be supported on an LDP session

if both LDP peers include an FT Session TLV on the LDP Initialization

message and have the same setting of the S or C bit.

If either LDP Peer does not include the FT Session TLV LDP

Initialization message, or if there is no match of S and C bits

between the peers, the LDP FT enhancements MUST NOT be used during

this LDP session. Use of LDP FT enhancements by a sending LDP peer

in these cases MUST be interpreted by the receiving LDP peer as a

serious protocol error causing the session to be terminated.

An LSR MAY present different FT/non-FT behavior on different TCP

connections, even if those connections are successive instantiations

of the LDP session between the same LDP peers.

4.1.1 Interoperation with Non-FT LSRs

The FT Session TLV on the LDP Initialization message carries the U-

bit. If an LSR does not support any protection or recovery

mechanisms, it will ignore this TLV. Since such partners also do not

include the FT Session TLV, all LDP sessions to such LSRs will not

use the LDP FT enhancements.

The rest of this document assumes that the LDP sessions under

discussion are between LSRs that support the LDP FT enhancements,

except where explicitly stated otherwise.

4.2. TCP Connection Failure

4.2.1 Detecting TCP Connection Failures

TCP connection failures may be detected and reported to the LDP

component in a variety of ways. These should all be treated in the

same way by the LDP component.

- Indication from the management component that a TCP connection or

underlying resource is no longer active.

- Notification from a hardware management component of an interface


- Sockets keepalive timeout.

- Sockets send failure.

- New (incoming) Socket opened.

- LDP protocol timeout.

4.2.2 LDP Processing after Connection Failure

If the LDP FT enhancements are not in use on an LDP session, the

action of the LDP peers on failure of the TCP connection is as

specified in [RFC3036].

All state information and resources associated with non-FT Labels

MUST be released on the failure of the TCP connection, including

deprogramming the non-FT Label from the switching hardware. This is

equivalent to the behavior specified in [RFC3036].

If the LDP FT enhancements are in use on an LDP session, both LDP

peers SHOULD preserve state information and resources associated with

FT Labels exchanged on the LDP session. Both LDP peers SHOULD use a

timer to release the preserved state information and resources

associated with FT-labels if the TCP connection is not restored

within a reasonable period. The behavior when this timer expires is

equivalent to the LDP session failure behavior described in


The FT Reconnection Timeout each LDP peer intends to apply to the LDP

session is carried in the FT Session TLV on the LDP Initialization

messages. Both LDP peers MUST use the value that corresponds to the

lesser timeout interval of the two proposed timeout values from the

LDP Initialization exchange, where a value of zero is treated as

positive infinity.

4.3. Data Forwarding During TCP Connection Failure

An LSR that implements the LDP FT enhancements SHOULD preserve the

programming of the switching hardware across a failover. This

ensures that data forwarding is unaffected by the state of the TCP

connection between LSRs.

It is an integral part of FT failover processing in some hardware

configurations that some data packets might be lost. If data loss is

not acceptable to the applications using the MPLS network, the LDP FT

enhancements described in this document SHOULD NOT be used.

4.4. FT LDP Session Reconnection

When a new TCP connection is established, the LDP peers MUST exchange

LDP Initialization messages. When a new TCP connection is

established after failure, the LDP peers MUST re-exchange LDP

Initialization messages.

If an LDP peer includes the FT Session TLV with the S bit set in the

LDP Initialization message for the new instantiation of the LDP

session, it MUST also set the FT Reconnect Flag according to whether

it has been able to preserve label state. The FT Reconnect Flag is

carried in the FT Session TLV.

If an LDP peer has preserved all state information for previous

instantiations of the LDP session, then it SHOULD set the FT

Reconnect Flag to 1 in the FT Session TLV. Otherwise, it MUST set

the FT Reconnect Flag to 0.

If either LDP peer sets the FT Reconnect Flag to 0, or omits the FT

Session TLV, both LDP peers MUST release any state information and

resources associated with the previous instantiation of the LDP

session between the same LDP peers, including FT Label state and

Addresses. This ensures that network resources are not permanently

lost by one LSR if its LDP peer is forced to undergo a cold start.

If an LDP peer changes any session parameters (for example, the label

space bounds) from the previous instantiation, the nature of any

preserved labels may have changed. In particular, previously

allocated labels may now be out of range. For this reason, session

reconnection MUST use the same parameters as were in use on the

session before the failure. If an LDP peer notices that the

parameters have been changed by the other peer, it SHOULD send a

Notification message with the 'FT Session parameters changed' status


If both LDP peers set the FT Reconnect Flag to 1, both LDP peers MUST

use the procedures indicated in this document to complete any label

operations on Sequence Numbered FT Labels that were interrupted by

the LDP session failure.

If an LDP peer receives an LDP Initialization message with the FT

Reconnect Flag set before it sends its own Initialization message,

but has retained no information about the previous version of the

session, it MUST respond with an Initialization message with the FT

Reconnect Flag clear. If an LDP peer receives an LDP Initialization

message with the FT Reconnect Flag set in response to an

Initialization message that it has sent with the FT Reconnect Flag

clear, it MUST act as if no state was retained by either peer on the


4.5. Operations on FT Labels

Label operations on Sequence Numbered FT Labels are made Fault

Tolerant by providing acknowledgement of all LDP messages that affect

Sequence Numbered FT Labels. Acknowledgements are achieved by means

of sequence numbers on these LDP messages.

The message exchanges used to achieve acknowledgement of label

operations and the procedures used to complete interrupted label

operations are detailed in section 5, "FT Operations".

Using these acknowledgements and procedures, it is not necessary for

LDP peers to perform a complete re-synchronization of state for all

Sequence Numbered FT Labels, either on re-connection of the LDP

session between the LDP peers or on a timed basis.

4.6. Check-Pointing

Check-pointing is a useful feature that allows nodes to reduce the

amount of processing that they need to do to acknowledge LDP

messages. The C bit in the FT Session TLV is used to indicate that

check-pointing is supported.

Under the normal operation on Sequence Numbered FT Labels,

acknowledgments may be deferred during normal processing and only

sent periodically. Check-pointing may be used to flush

acknowledgement from a peer by including a sequence number on a

Keepalive message requesting acknowledgement of that message and all

previous messages. In this case, all Sequence Numbered FT Labels are

Check-Pointable FT Labels.

If the S bit is not agreed upon, check-pointing may still be used.

In this case it is used to acknowledge all messages exchanged between

the peers, and all labels are Check-Pointable FT Labels.

This offers an approach where acknowledgements need not be sent to

every message or even frequently, but are only sent as check-points

in response to requests carried on Keepalive messages. Such an

approach may be considered optimal in systems that do not show a high

degree of change over time (such as targeted LDP sessions) and that

are prepared to risk loss of state for the most recent LDP exchanges.

More dynamic systems (such as LDP discovery sessions) are more likely

to want to acknowledge state changes more frequently so that the

maximum amount of state can be preserved over a failure.

Note that an important consideration of this document is that nodes

acknowledging messages on a one-for-one basis, nodes deferring

acknowledgements, and nodes relying on check-pointing, should all

interoperate seamlessly and without protocol negotiation beyond

session initialization.

Further discussion of this feature is provided in section 5, "FT


4.6.1 Graceful Termination

A feature that builds on check-pointing is graceful termination.

In some cases, such as controlled failover or software upgrade, it is

possible for a node to know in advance that it is going to terminate

its session with a peer.

In these cases the node that intends terminating the session can

flush acknowledgement using a check-point request as described above.

The sender SHOULD not send further label or address-related messages

after requesting shutdown check-pointing in order to preserve the

integrity of its saved state.

This, however, only provides for acknowledgement in one direction,

and the node that is being terminated also requires verification that

it has secured all state sent by its peer. This is achieved by a

three-way hand shake of the check-point which is requested by an

additional TLV (the Cork TLV) in the Keepalive message.

Further discussion of this feature is provided in section 5, "FT


4.7. Label Space Depletion and Replenishment

When an LDP peer is unable to satisfy a Label Request message because

it has no more available labels, it sends a Notification message

carrying the status code 'No label resources'. This warns the

requesting LDP peer that subsequent Label Request messages are also

likely to fail for the same reason. This message does not need to be

acknowledged for FT purposes since Label Request messages sent after

session recovery will receive the same response. However, the LDP

peer that receives a 'No label resources' Notification stops sending

Label Request messages until it receives a 'Label resources

available' Notification message. Since this unsolicited Notification

might get lost during session failure, it may be protected using the

procedures described in this document.

An alternative approach allows that an implementation may always

assume that labels are available when a session is re-established.

In this case, it is possible that it may throw away the 'No label

resources' information from the previous incarnation of the session

and may send a batch of LDP messages on session re-establishment that

will fail and that it could have known would fail.

Note that the sender of a 'Label resources available' Notification

message may choose whether to add a sequence number requesting

acknowledgement. Conversely, the receiver of 'Label resources

available' Notification message may choose to acknowledge the message

without actually saving any state.

This is an implementation choice made possible by making the FT

parameters on the Notification message optional. Implementations

will interoperate fully if they take opposite approaches, but

additional LDP messages may be sent unnecessarily on session


4.8. Tunneled LSPs

The procedures described in this document can be applied to LSPs that

are tunnels and to LSPs that are carried by tunnels. Recall that

tunneled LSPs are managed by a single LDP session that runs end to

end, while the tunnel is managed by a different LDP session for each

hop along the path. Nevertheless, a break in one of the sessions

that manages the tunnel is likely to correspond with a break in the

session that manages the tunneled LSP. This is certainly the case

when the LDP exchanges share a failed link, but need not be the case

if the LDP messages have been routed along a path that is different

from that of the tunnel, or if the failure in the tunnel is caused by

an LDP software failure at a transit LSR.

In order that the forwarding path of a tunneled LSP be preserved, the

forwarding path of the tunnel itself must be preserved. This means

that the tunnel must not be torn down if there is any session failure

along its path. To achieve this, the label exchanges between each

pair of LDP peers along the path of the tunnel must use one of the

procedures in this document or in [RFC3478].

It is perfectly acceptable to mix the restart procedures used for the

tunnel and the tunneled LSP. For example, the tunnel could be set up

using just check-pointing because it is a stable LSP, but the

tunneled LSPs might use full FT procedures so that they can recover

active state.

Lastly, it is permissible to carry tunneled LSPs that do not have FT

protection in an LSP that has FT protection.

5. FT Operations

Once an FT LDP session has been established, using the S bit in the

FT Session TLV on the Session Initialization message as described in

section 4.1, "Establishing an FT LDP Session", both LDP peers MUST

apply the procedures described in this section for FT LDP message


If the LDP session has been negotiated to not use the LDP FT

enhancements, these procedures MUST NOT be used.

5.1. FT LDP Messages

5.1.1 Sequence Numbered FT Label Messages

A label is identified as being a Sequence Numbered FT Label if the

initial Label Request or Label Mapping message relating to that label

carries the FT Protection TLV.

It is a valid implementation option to flag all labels as Sequence

Numbered FT Labels. Indeed this may be a preferred option for

implementations wishing to use Keepalive messages carrying the FT

Protection TLV to achieve periodic saves of the complete label

forwarding state.

If a label is a Sequence Numbered FT Label, all LDP messages

affecting that label MUST carry the FT Protection TLV so that the

state of the label can be recovered after a failure of the LDP


A further valid option is for no labels to be Sequence Numbered FT

Labels. In this case, check-pointing using the Keepalive message

applies to all messages exchanged on the session. Scope of FT Labels

The scope of the FT/non-FT status of a label is limited to the LDP

message exchanges between a pair of LDP peers.

In Ordered Control, when the message is forwarded downstream or

upstream, the TLV may be present or absent according to the

requirements of the LSR sending the message.

If a platform-wide label space is used for FT Labels, an FT Label

value MUST NOT be reused until all LDP FT peers to which the label

was passed have acknowledged the withdrawal of the FT Label, either

by an explicit LABEL WITHDRAW/LABEL RELEASE, exchange or implicitly

if the LDP session is reconnected after failure but without the FT

Reconnect Flag set. In the event that a session is not re-

established within the Reconnection Timeout, a label MAY become

available for re-use if it is not still in use on some other session.

5.1.2 FT Address Messages

If an LDP session uses the LDP FT enhancements, both LDP peers MUST

secure Address and Address Withdraw messages using FT Operation ACKs,

as described below. This avoids any ambiguity over whether an

Address is still valid after the LDP session is reconnected.

If an LSR determines that an Address message it sent on a previous

instantiation of a recovered LDP session is no longer valid, it MUST

explicitly issue an Address Withdraw for that address when the

session is reconnected.

If the FT Reconnect Flag is not set by both LDP peers upon

reconnection of an LDP session (i.e. state has not been preserved),

both LDP peers MUST consider all Addresses to have been withdrawn.

The LDP peers SHOULD issue new Address messages for all their valid

addresses, as specified in [RFC3036].

5.1.3 Label Resources Available Notifications

In LDP, it is possible that a downstream LSR may not have labels

available to respond to a Label Request. In this case, as specified

in RFC3036, the downstream LSR must respond with a Notification - No

Label Resources message. The upstream LSR then suspends aSKINg for

new labels until it receives a Notification - Label Resources

Available message from the downstream LSR.

When the FT extensions are used on a session, implementations may

choose whether or not to secure the label resource state of their

peer. This choice impacts the number of LDP messages that will be

incorrectly routed to a peer with depleted resources on session re-

establishment, but does not otherwise impact interoperability.

For full preservation of state:

- The downstream LSR must preserve the label availability state

across a failover so that it remembers to send Notification -

Label Resources Available when the resources become available.

- The upstream LSR must recall the label availability state across

failover so that it can optimize not sending Label Requests when

it recovers.

- The downstream LSR must use sequence numbers on Notification -

Label Resources Available so that it can check that LSR A has

received the message and clear its secured state, or resend the

message if LSR A recovers without having received it.

However, the following options also exist:

- The downstream LSR may choose to not include a sequence number on

Notification - Label Resources Available. This means that on

session re-establishment it does not know what its peer thinks the

LSR's resource state is, because the Notification may or may not

have been delivered. Such an implementation MUST begin recovered

sessions by sending an additional Notification - Label Resources

Available to reset its peer.

- The upstream node may choose not to secure information about its

peer's resource state. It would acknowledge a Notification -

Label Resources Available, but would not save the information.

Such an implementation MUST assume that its peer's resource state

has been reset to Label Resources Available when the session is


If the FT Reconnect Flag is not set by both LDP peers upon

reconnection of an LDP session (i.e. state has not been preserved),

both LDP peers MUST consider the label availability state to have

been reset as if the session had been set up for the first time.

5.2. FT Operation ACKs

Handshaking of FT LDP messages is achieved by use of ACKs.

Correlation between the original message and the ACK is by means of

the FT Sequence Number contained in the FT Protection TLV, and passed

back in the FT ACK TLV. The FT ACK TLV may be carried on any LDP

message that is sent on the TCP connection between LDP peers.

An LDP peer maintains a separate FT sequence number for each LDP

session in which it participates. The FT Sequence number is

incremented by one for each FT LDP message (i.e. containing the FT

Protection TLV) issued by this LSR on the FT LDP session with which

the FT sequence number is associated.

When an LDP peer receives a message containing the FT Protection TLV,

it MUST take steps to secure this message (or the state information

derived from processing the message). Once the message is secured,

it MUST be ACKed. However, there is no requirement on the LSR to

send this ACK immediately.

ACKs may be accumulated to reduce the message flow between LDP peers.

For example, if an LSR received FT LDP messages with sequence numbers

1, 2, 3, 4, it could send a single ACK with sequence number 4 to ACK

receipt, securing of all these messages. There is no protocol reason

why the number of ACKs accumulated, or the time for which an ACK is

deferred, should not be allowed to become relatively large.

ACKs MUST NOT be sent out of sequence, as this is incompatible with

the use of accumulated ACKs. Duplicate ACKs (that is two successive

messages that acknowledge the same sequence number) are acceptable.

If an LDP peer discovers that its sequence number space for a

specific session is full of un-acknowledged sequence numbers (because

its partner on the session has not acknowledged them in a timely

way), it cannot allocate a new sequence number for any further FT LPD

message. It SHOULD send a Notification message with the status code

'FT Seq Numbers Exhausted'.

5.3. Preservation of FT State

If the LDP FT enhancements are in use on an LDP session, each LDP

peer SHOULD NOT release the state information and resources

associated with FT Labels exchanged on that LDP session when the TCP

connection fails. This is contrary to [RFC3036], but allows label

operations on FT Labels to be completed after re-connection of the

TCP connection.

Both LDP peers on an LDP session that is using the LDP FT

enhancements SHOULD preserve the state information and resources they

hold for that LDP session as described below.

- An upstream LDP peer SHOULD release the resources (in particular

bandwidth) associated with a Sequence Numbered FT Label when it

initiates a Label Release or Label Abort message for the label.

The upstream LDP peer MUST preserve state information for the

Sequence Numbered FT Label, even if it releases the resources

associated with the label, as it may need to reissue the label

operation if the TCP connection is interrupted.

- An upstream LDP peer MUST release the state information and

resources associated with a Sequence Numbered FT Label when it

receives an acknowledgement to a Label Release or Label Abort

message that it sent for the label, or when it sends a Label

Release message in response to a Label Withdraw message received

from the downstream LDP peer.

- A downstream LDP peer SHOULD NOT release the resources associated

with a Sequence Numbered FT Label when it sends a Label Withdraw

message for the label as it has not yet received confirmation that

the upstream LDP peer has ceased to send data using the label.

The downstream LDP peer MUST NOT release the state information it

holds for the label as it may yet have to reissue the label

operation if the TCP connection is interrupted.

- A downstream LDP peer MUST release the resources and state

information associated with a Sequence Numbered FT Label when it

receives an acknowledgement to a Label Withdraw message for the


- When the FT Reconnection Timeout expires, an LSR SHOULD release

all state information and resources from previous instantiations

of the (permanently) failed LDP session.

- Either LDP peer MAY elect to release state information based on

its internal knowledge of the loss of integrity of the state

information or an inability to pend (or queue) LDP operations (as

described in section 5.4.1, "LDP Operations During TCP Failure")

during a TCP failure. That is, the peer is not required to wait

for the duration of the FT Reconnection Timeout before releasing

state; the timeout provides an upper limit on the persistence of

state. However, in the event that a peer releases state before

the expiration of the Reconnection Timeout, it MUST NOT re-use any

label that was in use on the session until the Reconnection

Timeout has expired.

- When an LSR receives a Status TLV with the E-bit set in the status

code, which causes it to close the TCP connection, the LSR MUST

release all state information and resources associated with the

session. This behavior is mandated because it is impossible for

the LSR to predict the precise state and future behavior of the

partner LSR that set the E-bit without knowledge of the

implementation of that partner LSR.

Note that the 'Temporary Shutdown' status code does not have the

E-bit set, and MAY be used during maintenance or upgrade

operations to indicate that the LSR intends to preserve state

across a closure and re-establishment of the TCP session.

- If an LSR determines that it must release state for any single FT

Label during a failure of the TCP connection on which that label

was exchanged, it MUST release all state for all labels on the LDP


The release of state information and resources associated with non-FT

labels is as described in [RFC3036].

Note that a Label Release and the acknowledgement to a Label Withdraw

may be received by a downstream LSR in any order. The downstream LSR

MAY release its resources upon receipt of the first message and MUST

release its resources upon receipt of the second message.

5.4. FT Procedure After TCP Failure

When an LSR discovers or is notified of a TCP connection failure it

SHOULD start an FT Reconnection Timer to allow a period for re-

connection of the TCP connection between the LDP peers.

The RECOMMENDED default value for this timer is 5 seconds. During

this time, failure must be detected and reported, new hardware may

need to be activated, software state must be audited, and a new TCP

session must be set up.

Once the TCP connection between LDP peers has failed, the active LSR

SHOULD attempt to re-establish the TCP connection. The mechanisms,

timers and retry counts to re-establish the TCP connection are an

implementation choice. It is RECOMMENDED that any attempt to re-

establish the connection should take into account the failover

processing necessary on the peer LSR, the nature of the network

between the LDP peers, and the FT Reconnection Timeout chosen on the

previous instantiation of the TCP connection (if any).

If the TCP connection cannot be re-established within the FT

Reconnection Timeout period, the LSR detecting this timeout SHOULD

release all state preserved for the failed LDP session. If the TCP

connection is subsequently re-established (for example, after a

further Hello exchange to set up a new LDP session), the LSR MUST set

the FT Reconnect Flag to 0 if it released the preserved state

information on this timeout event.

If the TCP connection is successfully re-established within the FT

Reconnection Timeout, both peers MUST re-issue LDP operations that

were interrupted by (that is, un-acknowledged as a result of) the TCP

connection failure. This procedure is described in section 5.5, "FT

Procedure After TCP Re-connection".

The Hold Timer for an FT LDP Session (see [RFC3036] section 2.5.5)

SHOULD be ignored while the FT Reconnection Timer is running. The

hold timer SHOULD be restarted when the TCP connection is re-


5.4.1 FT LDP Operations During TCP Failure

When the LDP FT enhancements are in use for an LDP session, it is

possible for an LSR to determine that it needs to send an LDP message

to an LDP peer, but that the TCP connection to that peer is currently

down. These label operations affect the state of FT Labels preserved

for the failed TCP connection, so it is important that the state

changes are passed to the LDP peer when the TCP connection is


If an LSR determines that it needs to issue a new FT LDP operation to

an LDP peer to which the TCP connection is currently failed, it MUST

pend the operation (e.g. on a queue) and complete that operation with

the LDP peer when the TCP connection is restored, unless the label

operation is overridden by a subsequent additional operation during

the TCP connection failure (see section 5.5, "FT Procedure After TCP


If, during TCP Failure, an LSR determines that it cannot pend an

operation which it cannot simply fail (for example, a Label Withdraw,

Release or Abort operation), it MUST NOT attempt to re-establish the

previous LDP session. The LSR MUST behave as if the Reconnection

Timer expired and release all state information with respect to the

LDP peer. An LSR may be unable (or unwilling) to pend operations;

for instance, if a major routing transition occurred while TCP was

inoperable between LDP peers, it might result in excessively large

numbers of FT LDP Operations. An LSR that releases state before the

expiration of the Reconnection Timeout MUST NOT re-use any label that

was in use on the session until the Reconnection Timeout has expired.

In ordered operation, received FT LDP operations that cannot be

correctly forwarded because of a TCP connection failure MAY be

processed immediately (provided sufficient state is kept to forward

the label operation) or pended for processing when the onward TCP

connection is restored and the operation can be correctly forwarded

upstream or downstream. Operations on existing FT Labels SHOULD NOT

be failed during TCP session failure.

It is RECOMMENDED that Label Request operations for new FT Labels not

be pended awaiting the re-establishment of TCP connection that is

awaiting recovery at the time the LSR determines that it needs to

issue the Label Request message. Instead, such Label Request

operations SHOULD be failed and, if necessary, a notification message

containing the 'No LDP Session' status code sent upstream.

Label Requests for new non-FT Labels MUST be rejected during TCP

connection failure, as specified in [RFC3036].

5.5. FT Procedure After TCP Re-connection

The FT operation handshaking described above means that all state

changes for Sequence Numbered FT Labels and Address messages are

confirmed or reproducible at each LSR.

If the TCP connection between LDP peers fails but is re-connected

within the FT Reconnection Timeout, and both LSRs have indicated they

will be re-establishing the previous LDP session, both LDP peers on

the connection MUST complete any label operations for Sequence

Numbered FT Labels that were interrupted by the failure and re-

connection of the TCP connection.

The procedures for FT Reconnection Timeout MAY have been invoked as a

result of either LDP peer being unable (or unwilling) to pend

operations which occurred during the TCP Failure (as described in

section 5.4.1, "LDP Operations During TCP Failure").

If, for any reason, an LSR has been unable to pend operations with

respect to an LDP peer, as described in section 5.4.1, "LDP

Operations During TCP Failure", the LSR MUST set the FT Reconnect

Flag to 0 on re-connection to that LDP peer indicating that no FT

state has been preserved.

Label operations are completed using the following procedure.

5.5.1 Re-Issuing FT Messages

Upon restoration of the TCP connection between LDP peers, any LDP

messages for Sequence Numbered FT Labels that were lost because of

the TCP connection failure are re-issued. The LDP peer that receives

a re-issued message processes the message as if received for the

first time.

"Net-zero" combinations of messages need not be re-issued after re-

establishment of the TCP connection between LDP peers. This leads to

the following rules for re-issuing messages that are not ACKed by the

LDP peer on the LDP Initialization message exchange after re-

connection of the TCP session.

- A Label Request message MUST be re-issued unless a Label Abort

would be re-issued for the same Sequence Numbered FT Label.

- A Label Mapping message MUST be re-issued unless a Label Withdraw

message would be re-issued for the same Sequence Numbered FT


- All other messages on the LDP session that were sent and carried

the FT Protection TLV MUST be re-issued if an acknowledgement was

not previously been received.

Any FT Label operations that were pended (see section 5.4.1, "LDP

Operations During TCP Failure") during the TCP connection failure

MUST also be issued upon re-establishment of the LDP session, except

where they form part of a "net-zero" combination of messages

according to the above rules.

The determination of "net-zero" FT Label operations according to the

above rules MAY be performed on pended messages prior to the re-

establishment of the TCP connection in order to optimize the use of

queue resources. Messages that were sent to the LDP peer before the

TCP connection failure, or pended messages that were paired with

them, MUST NOT be subject to such optimization until an FT ACK TLV is

received from the LDP peer. This ACK allows the LSR to identify

which messages were received by the LDP peer prior to the TCP

connection failure.

6. Check-Pointing Procedures

Check-Pointing can be selected independently from the FT procedures

described above by using the C bit in the FT Session TLV on the

Session Initialization message. Note, however, that check-pointing

is an integral part of the FT procedures. Setting the S and the C

bit will achieve the same function as setting just the S bit.

If the C bit is set, but the S bit is not set, no label is a Sequence

Numbered FT Label. Instead, all labels are Check-Pointable FT

Labels. Check-Pointing is used to synchronize all label exchanges.

No message, apart from the check-point request and acknowledgement,

carries an active sequence number. (Note that the Session

Initialization message may carry a sequence number to confirm that

the check-point is still in place).

It is an implementation matter to decide the ordering of received

messages and check-point requests to ensure that check-point

acknowledgements are secured.

If the S and C bits are both set, or only the S bit is set, check-

pointing applies only to Sequence Numbered FT Labels and to address


The set of all messages check-pointed in this way is called the

Check-Pointable Messages.

6.1 Check-Pointing with the Keepalive Message

If an LSR receives a FT Protection TLV on a Keepalive message, this

is a request to flush the acknowledgements for all previously

received Check-Pointable Messages on the session.

As soon as the LSR has completed securing the Check-Pointable

Messages (or state changes consequent on those messages) received

before the Keepalive, it MUST send an acknowledgement to the sequence

number of the Keepalive message.

In the case where the FT procedures are in use and acknowledgements

have been stored up, this may occur immediately upon receipt of the


An example message flow showing this use of the Keepalive message to

perform a periodic check-point of state is shown in section 9.2, "Use

of Check-Pointing With FT Procedures".

An example message flow showing the use of check-pointing without the

FT procedures is shown in section 9.5, "Check-Pointing Without FT


6.2 Quiesce and Keepalive

If the Keepalive Message also contains the FT Cork TLV, this

indicates that the peer LSR wishes to quiesce the session prior to a

graceful restart.

It is RECOMMENDED that upon receiving a Keepalive with the FT CORK

TLV, an LSR should cease to send any further label or address related

messages on the session until it has been disconnected and

reconnected, other than messages generated while processing and

securing previously unacknowledged messages received from the peer

requesting the quiesce. It should also attempt to complete this

processing and return a Keepalive with the FT ACK TLV as soon as

possible in order to allow the session to be quiesced.

An example message flow showing this use of the FT Cork TLV to

achieve a three-way handshake of state synchronization between two

LDP peers is given in section 9.4, "Temporary Shutdown With FT

Procedures and Check-Pointing".

7. Changes to Existing Messages

7.1. LDP Initialization Message

The LDP FT enhancements add the following optional parameters to a

LDP Initialization message:

Optional Parameter Length Value

FT Session TLV 4 See Below

FT ACK TLV 4 See Below

The encoding for these TLVs is found in Section 8, "New Fields and


FT Session TLV

If present, specifies the FT behavior of the LDP session.


If present, specifies the last FT message that the sending LDP

peer was able to secure prior to the failure of the previous

instantiation of the LDP session. This TLV is only present if the

FT Reconnect flag is set in the FT Session TLV, in which case this

TLV MUST be present.

7.2. LDP Keepalive Messages

The LDP FT enhancements add the following optional parameters to a

LDP Keepalive message:

Optional Parameter Length Value

FT Protection TLV 4 See below

FT Cork TLV 0 See below

FT ACK TLV 4 See below

The encoding for these TLVs is found in Section 8, "New Fields and


FT Protection TLV

If present, specifies the FT Sequence Number for the LDP message.

When present on a Keepalive message, this indicates a solicited

flush of the acknowledgements to all previous LDP messages

containing sequence numbers and issued by the sender of the

Keepalive on the same session.


Indicates that the remote LSR wishes to quiesce the LDP session.

See section 5, "FT Operations", for the recommended action in such



If present, specifies the most recent FT message that the sending

LDP peer has been able to secure.

7.3. All Other LDP Session Messages

The LDP FT enhancements add the following optional parameters to all

other message types that flow on an LDP session after the LDP

Initialization message

Optional Parameter Length Value

FT Protection TLV 4 See below

FT ACK TLV 4 See below

The encoding for these TLVs is found in section 8, "New Fields and


FT Protection TLV

If present, specifies the FT Sequence Number for the LDP message.


If present, identifies the most recent FT LDP message ACKed by the

sending LDP peer.

8. New Fields and Values

8.1. Status Codes

The following new status codes are defined to indicate various

conditions specific to the LDP FT enhancements. These status codes

are carried in the Status TLV of a Notification message.

The "E" column is the required setting of the Status Code E-bit; the

"Status Data" column is the value of the 30-bit Status Data field in

the Status Code TLV.

Note that the setting of the Status Code F-bit is at the discretion

of the LSR originating the Status TLV. However, it is RECOMMENDED

that the F-bit is not set on Notification messages containing status

codes except 'No LDP Session' because the duplication of messages

SHOULD be restricted to being a per-hop behavior.

Status Code E Status Data

No LDP Session 0 0x0000001A

Zero FT seqnum 1 0x0000001B

Unexpected TLV / 1 0x0000001C

Session Not FT

Unexpected TLV / 1 0x0000001D

Label Not FT

Missing FT Protection TLV 1 0x0000001E

FT ACK sequence error 1 0x0000001F

Temporary Shutdown 0 0x00000020

FT Seq Numbers Exhausted 1 0x00000021

FT Session parameters / 1 0x00000022


Unexpected FT Cork TLV 1 0x00000023

The 'Temporary Shutdown' status code SHOULD be used in place of the

'Shutdown' status code (which has the E-bit set) if the LSR that is

shutting down wishes to inform its LDP peer that it expects to be

able to preserve FT Label state and return to service before the FT

Reconnection Timer expires.

8.2. FT Session TLV

LDP peers can negotiate whether the LDP session between them supports

FT extensions by using a new OPTIONAL parameter, the FT Session TLV,

on LDP Initialization Messages.

The FT Session TLV is encoded as follows.

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


10 FT Session TLV (0x0503) Length (= 12)


FT Flags Reserved


FT Reconnect Timeout (in milliseconds)


Recovery Time (in milliseconds)


FT Flags

FT Flags: A 16 bit field that indicates various attributes the FT

support on this LDP session. This field is formatted as follows:

0 1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5


R Reserved SACL


R: FT Reconnect Flag.

Set to 1 if the sending LSR has preserved state and resources for

all FT-labels since the previous LDP session between the same LDP

peers, and is otherwise set to 0. See section 5.4, "FT Procedures

After TCP Failure", for details of how this flag is used.

If the FT Reconnect Flag is set, the sending LSR MUST include an

FT ACK TLV on the LDP Initialization message.

S: Save State Flag.

Set to 1 if the use of the FT Protection TLV is supported on

messages other than the KeepAlive message used for check-pointing

(see the C bit). I.e., the S bit indicates that some label on the

session may be a Sequence Numbered FT Label.

A: All-Label Protection Required

Set to 1 if all labels on the session MUST be treated as Sequence

Numbered FT Labels. This removes from a node the option of

treating some labels as FT Labels and some labels as non-FT


Passing this information may be considered helpful to a peer since

it may allow it to make optimizations in its processing.

The A bit only has meaning if the S bit is set.

C: Check-Pointing Flag.

Set to 1 to indicate that the check-Pointing procedures in this

document are in use.

If the S bit is also set to 1 then the C bit indicates that

check-pointing is applied only to Sequence Numbered FT Labels.

If the S bit is set to 0 (zero) then the C bit indicates that

check-pointing applies to all labels - all labels are Check-

Pointable FT Labels.

L: Learn From Network Flag.

Set to 1 if the Fault Recovery procedures of [RFC3478] are to be

used to re-learn state from the network.

It is not valid for all of the S, C and L bits to be zero.

It is not valid for both the L and either the S or C bits to be

set to 1.

All other bits in this field are currently reserved and SHOULD be

set to zero on transmission and ignored upon receipt.

The following table summarizes the settings of these bits.

S A C L Comments


0 x 0 0 Invalid

0 0 0 1 See [RFC3478]

0 1 0 1 Invalid

0 x 1 0 Check-Pointing of all labels

0 x 1 1 Invalid

1 0 0 0 Full FT on selected labels

1 1 0 0 Full FT on all labels

1 x 0 1 Invalid

1 x 1 0 Same as (S=1,A=x,C=0,L=0)

1 x 1 1 Invalid.

FT Reconnection Timeout

If the S bit or C bit in the FT Flags field is set, this indicates

the period of time the sending LSR will preserve state and

resources for FT Labels exchanged on the previous instantiation of

an FT LDP session that has recently failed. The timeout is

encoded as a 32-bit unsigned integer number of milliseconds.

A value of zero in this field means that the sending LSR will

preserve state and resources indefinitely.

See section 4.4 for details of how this field is used.

If the L bit is set to 1 in the FT Flags field, the meaning of

this field is defined in [RFC3478].

Recovery Time

The Recovery Time only has meaning if the L bit is set in the FT

Flags. The meaning is defined in [RFC3478].

8.3. FT Protection TLV

LDP peers use the FT Protection TLV to indicate that an LDP message

contains an FT label operation.

The FT Protection TLV MUST NOT be used in messages flowing on an LDP

session that does not support the LDP FT enhancements. Its presence

in such messages SHALL be treated as a protocol error by the

receiving LDP peer which SHOULD send a Notification message with the

'Unexpected TLV Session Not FT' status code. LSRs that do not

recognize this TLV SHOULD respond with a Notification message with

the 'Unknown TLV' status code.

The FT Protection TLV MAY be carried on an LDP message transported on

the LDP session after the initial exchange of LDP Initialization

messages. In particular, this TLV MAY optionally be present on the

following messages:

- Label Request Messages in downstream on-demand distribution mode.

- Label Mapping messages in downstream unsolicited mode.

- Keepalive messages used to request flushing of acknowledgement of

all previous messages that contained this TLV.

If a label is to be a Sequence Numbered FT Label, then the Protection

TLV MUST be present:

- on the Label Request message in downstream on-demand distribution


- on the Label Mapping message in in downstream unsolicited

distribution mode.

- on all subsequent messages concerning this label.

Here 'subsequent messages concerning this label' means any message

whose Label TLV specifies this label or whose Label Request Message

ID TLV specifies the initial Label Request message.

If a label is not to be a Sequence Numbered FT Label, then the

Protection TLV MUST NOT be present on any of these messages that

relate to the label. The presence of the FT TLV on a message

relating to a non-FT Label SHALL be treated as a protocol error by

the receiving LDP peer which SHOULD send a notification message with

the 'Unexpected TLV Label Not FT' status code.

Where a Label Withdraw or Label Release message contains only an FEC

TLV and does not identify a single specific label, the FT TLV should

be included in the message if any label affected by the message is a

Sequence Numbered FT Label. If there is any douBT as to whether an

FT TLV should be present, it is RECOMMENDED that the sender add the


When an LDP peer receives a Label Withdraw Message or Label Release

message that contains only a FEC, it SHALL accept the FT TLV if it is

present regardless of the FT status of the labels that it affects.

If an LDP session is an FT session as determined by the presence of

the FT Session TLV, with the S bit set on the LDP Initialization

messages, the FT Protection TLV MUST be present on all Address

messages on the session.

If the session is an FT session, the FT Protection TLV may also

optionally be present:

- on Notification messages on the session that have the status code

'Label Resources Available'.

- on Keepalive messages.

The FT Protection TLV is encoded as follows.

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


00 FT Protection (0x0203) Length (= 4)


FT Sequence Number


FT Sequence Number

The sequence number for this Sequence Numbered FT Label operation.

The sequence number is encoded as a 32-bit unsigned integer. The

initial value for this field on a new LDP session is 0x00000001

and is incremented by one for each FT LDP message issued by the

sending LSR on this LDP session. This field may wrap from

0xFFFFFFFF to 0x00000001.

This field MUST be reset to 0x00000001 if either LDP peer does not

set the FT Reconnect Flag upon re-establishment of the TCP


See section 5.2, "FT Operation Acks" for details of how this field

is used.

The special use of 0x00000000 is discussed in the section 8.4, "FT

ACK TLV" below.

If an LSR receives an FT Protection TLV on a session that does not

support the FT LDP enhancements, it SHOULD send a Notification

message to its LDP peer containing the 'Unexpected TLV, Session Not

FT' status code. LSRs that do not recognize this TLV SHOULD respond

with a Notification message with the 'Unknown TLV' status code.

If an LSR receives an FT Protection TLV on an operation affecting a

label that it believes is a non-FT Label, it SHOULD send a

Notification message to its LDP peer containing the 'Unexpected TLV,

Label Not FT' status code.

If an LSR receives a message without the FT Protection TLV affecting

a label that it believes is a Sequence Numbered FT Label, it SHOULD

send a Notification message to its LDP peer containing the 'Missing

FT Protection TLV' status code.

If an LSR receives an FT Protection TLV containing a zero FT Sequence

Number, it SHOULD send a Notification message to its LDP peer

containing the 'Zero FT Seqnum' status code.


LDP peers use the FT ACK TLV to acknowledge FT Label operations.

The FT ACK TLV MUST NOT be used in messages flowing on an LDP session

that does not support the LDP FT enhancements. Its presence on such

messages SHALL be treated as a protocol error by the receiving LDP


The FT ACK TLV MAY be present on any LDP message exchanged on an LDP

session after the initial LDP Initialization messages. It is

RECOMMENDED that the FT ACK TLV be included in all FT Keepalive

messages in order to ensure that the LDP peers do not build up a

large backlog of unacknowledged state information.

The FT ACK TLV is encoded as follows.

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


00 FT ACK (0x0504) Length (= 4)


FT ACK Sequence Number


FT ACK Sequence Number

The sequence number for the most recent FT label message that the

sending LDP peer has received from the receiving LDP peer and

secured against failure of the LDP session. It is not necessary

for the sending peer to have fully processed the message before

ACKing it. For example, an LSR MAY ACK a Label Request message as

soon as it has securely recorded the message, without waiting

until it can send the Label Mapping message in response.

ACKs are cumulative. Receipt of an LDP message containing an FT

ACK TLV with an FT ACK Sequence Number of 12 is treated as the

acknowledgement of all messages from 1 to 12 inclusive (assuming

the LDP session started with a sequence number of 1).

This field MUST be set to 0 if the LSR sending the FT ACK TLV has

not received any FT label operations on this LDP session. This

applies to LDP sessions, to new LDP peers or after an LSR

determines that it must drop all state for a failed TCP


See section 5.2, "FT Operation Acks" for details of how this field

is used.

If an LSR receives an FT ACK TLV that contains an FT ACK Sequence

Number that is less than the previously received FT ACK Sequence

Number (remembering to take account of wrapping), it SHOULD send a

Notification message to its LDP peer containing the 'FT ACK Sequence

Error' status code.

8.5. FT Cork TLV

LDP peers use the FT Cork TLV on FT Keepalive messages to indicate

that they wish to quiesce the LDP session prior to a controlled

shutdown and restart, for example during control-plane software


The FT Cork TLV is encoded as follows.

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


00 FT Cork (0x0505) Length (= 0)


Upon receipt of a Keepalive message with the FT Cork TLV and the FT

Protection TLV, an LSR SHOULD perform the following actions:

- Process and secure any messages from the peer LSR that have

sequence numbers less than (accounting for wrap) that contained in

the FT Protection TLV on the Keepalive message.

- Send a Keepalive message back to the peer containing the FT Cork

TLV and the FT ACK TLV specifying the FT ACK sequence number

equal to that in the original Keepalive message (i.e. ACKing all

messages up to that point).

- If this LSR has not yet received an FT ACK to all the messages it

has sent containing the FT Protection TLV, then also include an FT

Protection TLV on the Keepalive sent to the peer LSR. This tells

the remote peer that the local LSR has saved state prior to

quiesce but is still awaiting confirmation that the remote peer

has saved state.

- Cease sending any further state changing messages on this LDP

session until it has been disconnected and recovered.

On receipt of a Keepalive message with the FT Cork TLV and an FT ACK

TLV that acknowledges the previously sent Keepalive that carried the

FT Cork TLV, an LSR knows that quiesce is complete. If the received

Keepalive also carries the FT Protection TLV, the LSR must respond

with a further Keepalive to complete the 3-way handshake. It SHOULD

now send a "Temporary Shutdown" Notification message, disconnect the

TCP session and perform whatever control plane actions required this

session shutdown.

An example of such a 3-way handshake for controlled shutdown is given

in section section 9.4, "Temporary Shutdown With FT Procedures and


If an LSR receives a message that should not carry the FT Cork TLV,

or if the FT Cork TLV is used on a Keepalive message without one of

the FT Protection or FT ACK TLVs present, it SHOULD send a

Notification message to its LDP peer containing the 'Unexpected FT

Cork TLV' status code.

9. Example Use

Consider two LDP peers, P1 and P2, implementing LDP over a TCP

connection that connects them, and the message flow shown below.

The parameters shown on each message below are as follows:

message (label, senders FT sequence number, FT ACK number)

A "-" for FT ACK number means that the FT ACK TLV is not included

on that message. "n/a" means that the parameter in question is

not applicable to that type of message.

In the diagrams below, time flows from top to bottom. The relative

position of each message shows when it is transmitted. See the notes

for a description of when each message is received, secured for FT or


9.1. Session Failure and Recovery - FT Procedures

notes P1 P2

===== == ==

(1) Label Request(L1,27,-)


Label Request(L2,28,-)


(2) Label Request(L3,93,27)


(3) Label Request(L1,123,-)


Label Request(L2,124,-)


(4) Label Mapping(L1,57,-)


Label Mapping(L1,94,28)


(5) Label Mapping(L2,58,-)


Label Mapping(L2,95,-)


(6) Address(n/a,29,-)


(7) Label Request(L4,30,-)


(8) Keepalive(n/a,-,94)


(9) Label Abort(L3,96,-)


(10) ===== TCP Session lost =====


(11) : Label Withdraw(L1,59,-)

: <--------------------------


(12) === TCP Session restored ===

LDP Init(n/a,n/a,94)


LDP Init(n/a,n/a,29)


(13) Label Request(L4,30,-)


(14) Label Mapping(L2,95,-)


Label Abort(L3,96,30)


(15) Label Withdraw(L1,97,-)




(1) Assume that the LDP session has already been initialized. P1

issues 2 new Label Requests using the next sequence numbers.

(2) P2 issues a Label Request to P1. At the time of sending this

request, P2 has secured the receipt of the label request for L1

from P1, so it includes an ACK for that message.

(3) P2 processes the Label Requests for L1 and L2 and forwards them

downstream. Details of downstream processing are not shown in

the diagram above.

(4) P2 receives a Label Mapping from downstream for L1, which it

forwards to P1. It includes an ACK to the Label Request for L2,

as that message has now been secured and processed.

(5) P2 receives the Label Mapping for L2, which it forwards to P1.

This time it does not include an ACK as it has not received any

further messages from P1.

(6) Meanwhile, P1 sends a new Address Message to P2.

(7) P1 also sends a fourth Label Request to P2

(8) P1 sends a Keepalive message to P2, on which it includes an ACK

for the Label Mapping for L1, which is the latest message P1 has

received and secured at the time the Keepalive is sent.

(9) P2 issues a Label Abort for L3.

(10) At this point, the TCP session goes down.

(11) While the TCP session is down, P2 receives a Label Withdraw

Message for L1, which it queues.

(12) The TCP session is reconnected and P1 and P2 exchange LDP

Initialization messages on the recovered session, which include

ACKS for the last message each peer received and secured prior

to the failure.

(13) From the LDP Init exchange, P1 determines that it needs to re-

issue the Label request for L4.

(14) Similarly, P2 determines that it needs to re-issue the Label

Mapping for L2 and the Label Abort.

(15) P2 issues the queued Label Withdraw to P1.

9.2. Use of Check-Pointing With FT Procedures

notes P1 P2

===== == ==

(1) Label Request(L1,27,-)


Label Request(L2,28,-)


(2) Label Request(L3,93,-)


(3) Label Request(L1,123,-)


Label Request(L2,124,-)


(4) Label Mapping(L1,57,-)


Label Mapping(L1,94,-)


(5) Label Mapping(L2,58,-)


Label Mapping(L2,95,-)


(6) Address(n/a,29,-)


(7) Label Request(L4,30,-)


(8) Keepalive(n/a,31,-)


(9) Keepalive(n/a,-,31)


(10) Keepalive(n/a,59,124)


(11) Keepalive(n/a,-,59)




Notes (1) through (7) are as in the previous example except note that

no acknowledgements are piggy-backed on reverse direction messages.

This means that at note (8) there are deferred acknowledgements in

both directions on both links.

(8) P1 wishes to synchronize state with P2. It sends a Keepalive

message containing an FT Protection TLV with sequence number 31.

Since it is not interested in P2's perception of the state that

it has stored, it does not include an FT ACK TLV.

(9) P2 responds at once with a Keepalive acknowledging the sequence

number on the received Keepalive. This tells P1 that P2 has

preserved all state/messages previously received on this


(10) The downstream node wishes to synchronize state with P2. It

sends a Keepalive message containing an FT Protection TLV with

sequence number 59. P3 also takes this opportunity to get up to

date with its acknowledgements to P2 by including an FT ACK TLV

acknowledging up to sequence number 124.

(11) P2 responds at once with a Keepalive acknowledging the sequence

number on the received Keepalive.

9.3. Temporary Shutdown With FT Procedures

notes P1 P2

===== == ==

(1) Label Request(L1,27,-)


Label Request(L2,28,-)


(2) Label Request(L3,93,27)


(3) Label Request(L1,123,-)


Label Request(L2,124,-)


(4) Label Mapping(L1,57,-)


Label Mapping(L1,94,28)


(5) Label Mapping(L2,58,-)


Label Mapping(L2,95,-)


(6) Address(n/a,29,-)


(7) Label Request(L4,30,-)


(8) Keepalive(n/a,-,94)


(9) Label Abort(L3,96,-)


(10) Notification(Temporary shutdown)


===== TCP Session shutdown =====


(11) : Label Withdraw(L1,59,-)

: <--------------------------


===== TCP Session restored =====

(12) LDP Init(n/a,n/a,94)


LDP Init(n/a,n/a,29)


(13) Label Request(L4,30,-)


(14) Label Mapping(L2,95,-)


Label Abort(L3,96,30)


(15) Label Withdraw(L1,97,-)




Notes are as in the previous example except as follows.

(10) P1 needs to upgrade the software or hardware that it is running.

It issues a Notification message to terminate the LDP session,

but sets the status code as 'Temporary shutdown' to inform P2

that this is not a fatal error, and P2 should maintain FT state.

The TCP connection may also fail during the period that the LDP

session is down (in which case it will need to be re-

established), but it is also possible that the TCP connection

will be preserved.

9.4. Temporary Shutdown With FT Procedures and Check-Pointing

notes P1 P2

===== == ==

(1) Label Request(L1,27,-)


Label Request(L2,28,-)


(2) Label Request(L3,93,-)


Label Request(L1,123,-)


Label Request(L2,124,-)


Label Mapping(L1,57,-)


(3) Label Mapping(L1,94,-)


Label Mapping(L2,58,-)


Label Mapping(L2,95,-)


(4) Address(n/a,29,-)


(5) Label Request(L4,30,-)


(6) Keepalive(n/a,31,95) * with FT Cork TLV *


(7) Label Abort(L3,96,-)


(8) Keepalive(n/a,97,31) * with FT Cork TLV *


(9) Keepalive(n/a,-,97) * with FT Cork TLV *


(10) Notification(Temporary shutdown)


===== TCP Session shutdown =====


: Label Withdraw(L1,59,-)

: <--------------------------


===== TCP Session restored =====

(11) LDP Init(n/a,n/a,96)


LDP Init(n/a,n/a,31)


Label Withdraw(L1,97,-)




This example operates much as the previous one. However, at (1),

(2), (3), (4) and (5), no acknowledgements are made.

At (6), P1 determines that graceful shutdown is required and sends a

Keepalive acknowledging all previously received messages and itself

containing an FT Protection TLV number and the FT Cork TLV.

The Label abort at (7) crosses with this Keepalive, so at (8) P2

sends a Keepalive that acknowledges all messages received so far, but

also includes the FT Protection and FT Cork TLVs to indicate that

there are still messages outstanding to be acknowledged.

P1 is then able to complete the 3-way handshake at (9) and close the

TCP session at (10).

Upon recovery at (11), there are no messages to be re-sent because

the KeepAlives flushed the acknowledgements. The only messages sent

after recovery is the Label Withdraw that was pended during the TCP

session failure.

9.5. Check-Pointing Without FT Procedures

notes P1 P2

===== == ==

(1) Label Request(L1)


(2) Label Request(L2)


Label Request(L1)


Label Mapping(L1)


(3) Label Mapping(L1)


(4) Keepalive(n/a,12,-)


(5) Label Request(L3)


(6) Keepalive(n/a,-,12)


Label Request(L3)


Label Mapping(L3)


(7) Label Mapping(L3)


===== TCP Session failure =====




===== TCP Session restored =====

(8) LDP Init(n/a,n/a,23)


LDP Init(n/a,n/a,12)


(9) Label Request(L3)


Label Request(L3)


Label Mapping(L3)


(10) Label Mapping(L3)


(11) Label Request(L2)




(1), (2) and (3) show label distribution without FT sequence numbers.

(4) A check-Point request from P1. It carries the sequence number

of the check-point request.

(5) P1 immediately starts a new label distribution request.

(6) P2 confirms that it has secured all previous transactions.

(7) The subsequent (un-acknowledged) label distribution completes.

(8) The session fails and is restarted. Initialization messages

confirm the sequence numbers of the secured check-points.

(9) P1 recommences the unacknowledged label distribution request.

(10) P2 recommences an unacknowledged label distribution request.

9.6. Graceful Shutdown With Check-Pointing But No FT Procedures

notes P1 P2

===== == ==

(1) Label Request(L1)


(2) Label Request(L2)


Label Request(L1)


Label Mapping(L1)


(3) Label Mapping(L1)


(4) Keepalive(n/a,12,23) * With Cork TLV *


(5) :



(6) Keepalive(n/a,24,12) * With Cork TLV *


(7) Keepalive(n/a,-,24) * With Cork TLV *


(8) Notification(Temporary shutdown)


===== TCP Session failure =====




===== TCP Session restored =====

(9) LDP Init(n/a,n/a,24)


LDP Init(n/a,n/a,12)


(10) Label Request(L3)


Label Request(L3)


Label Mapping(L3)


(11) Label Mapping(L3)


(12) Label Mapping(L2)




(1), (2) and (3) show label distribution without FT sequence numbers.

(4) A check-point request from P1. It carries the sequence number

of the check-point request and a Cork TLV.

(5) P1 has sent a Cork TLV so quieces.

(6) P2 confirms the check-point and continues the three-way

handshake by including a Cork TLV itself.

(7) P1 completes the three-way handshake. All operations have now

been check-pointed and the session is quiesced.

(8) The session is gracefully shut down.

(9) The session recovers and the peers exchange the sequence numbers

of the last secured check-points.

(10) P1 starts a new label distribution request.

(11) P1 continues processing a previously received label distribution


10. Security Considerations

The LDP FT enhancements inherit similar security considerations to

those discussed in [RFC3036].

The LDP FT enhancements allow the re-establishment of a TCP

connection between LDP peers without a full re-exchange of the

attributes of established labels, which renders LSRs that implement

the extensions specified in this document vulnerable to additional

denial-of-service attacks as follows:

- An intruder may impersonate an LDP peer in order to force a

failure and reconnection of the TCP connection, but where the

intruder does not set the FT Reconnect Flag upon re-connection.

This forces all FT labels to be released.

- Similarly, an intruder could set the FT Reconnect Flag on re-

establishment of the TCP session without preserving the state and

resources for FT labels.

- An intruder could intercept the traffic between LDP peers and

override the setting of the FT Label Flag to be set to 0 for all


All of these attacks may be countered by use of an authentication

scheme between LDP peers, such as the MD5-based scheme outlined in


Alternative authentication schemes for LDP peers are outside the

scope of this document, but could be deployed to provide enhanced

security to implementations of LDP and the LDP FT enhancements.

As with LDP, a security issue may exist if an LDP implementation

continues to use labels after expiration of the session that first

caused them to be used. This may arise if the upstream LSR detects

the session failure after the downstream LSR has released and re-used

the label. The problem is most obvious with the platform-wide label

space and could result in mis-forwarding of data to other than

intended destinations and it is conceivable that these behaviors may

be deliberately exploited to either obtain services without

authorization or to deny services to others.

In this document, the validity of the session may be extended by the

FT Reconnection Timeout, and the session may be re-established in

this period. After the expiry of the Reconnection Timeout, the

session must be considered to have failed and the same security issue

applies as described above.

However, the downstream LSR may declare the session as failed before

the expiration of its Reconnection Timeout. This increases the

period during which the downstream LSR might reallocate the label

while the upstream LSR continues to transmit data using the old usage

of the label. To reduce this issue, this document requires that

labels not be re-used until the Reconnection Timeout has expired.

A further issue might apply if labels were re-used prior to the

expiration of the FT Reconnection Timeout, but this is forbidden by

this document.

The issue of re-use of labels extends to labels managed through other

mechanisms including direct configuration through management

applications and distribution through other label distribution

protocols. Avoiding this problem may be construed as an

implementation issue (see below), but failure to acknowledge it could

result in the mis-forwarding of data between LSPs established using

some other mechanism and those recovered using the methods described

in this document.

11. Implementation Notes

11.1. FT Recovery Support on Non-FT LSRs

In order to take full advantage of the FT capabilities of LSRs in the

network, it may be that an LSR that does not itself contain the

ability to recover from local hardware or software faults still needs

to support the LDP FT enhancements described in this document.

Consider an LSR, P1, that is an LDP peer of a fully Fault Tolerant

LSR, P2. If P2 experiences a fault in the hardware or software that

serves an LDP session between P1 and P2, it may fail the TCP

connection between the peers. When the connection is recovered, the

LSPs/labels between P1 and P2 can only be recovered if both LSRs were

applying the FT recovery procedures to the LDP session.

11.2. ACK generation logic

FT ACKs SHOULD be returned to the sending LSR as soon as is

practicable in order to avoid building up a large quantity of

unacknowledged state changes at the LSR. However, immediate one-

for-one acknowledgements would waste bandwidth unnecessarily.

A possible implementation strategy for sending ACKs to FT LDP

messages is as follows:

- An LSR secures received messages in order and tracks the sequence

number of the most recently secured message, Sr.

- On each LDP KeepAlive that the LSR sends, it attaches an FT ACK

TLV listing Sr.

- Optionally, the LSR may attach an FT ACK TLV to any other LDP

message sent between Keepalive messages if, for example, Sr has

increased by more than a threshold value since the last ACK sent.

This implementation combines the bandwidth benefits of accumulating

ACKs while still providing timely ACKs.

11.2.1 Ack Generation Logic When Using Check-Pointing

If check-pointing is in use, the LSRs need not be concerned with

sending ACKs in such a timely manner.

Check-points are solicitations for acknowledgements conveyed as a

sequence number in an FT Protection TLV on a Keepalive message. Such

check-point requests could be issued on a timer, after a significant

amount of change, or before controlled shutdown of a session.

The use of check-pointing may considerably simplify an implementation

since it does not need to track the sequence numbers of all received

LDP messages. It must, however, still ensure that all received

messages (or the consequent state changes) are secured before

acknowledging the sequence number on the Keepalive.

This approach may be considered optimal in systems that do not show a

high degree of change over time (such as targeted LDP sessions) and

that are prepared to risk loss of state for the most recent LDP

exchanges. More dynamic systems (such as LDP discovery sessions) are

more likely to want to acknowledge state changes more frequently so

that the maximum amount of state can be preserved over a failure.

11.3 Interactions With Other Label Distribution Mechanisms

Many LDP LSRs also run other label distribution mechanisms. These

include management interfaces for configuration of static label

mappings, other distinct instances of LDP, and other label

distribution protocols. The last example includes the traffic

engineering label distribution protocol that is used to construct

tunnels through which LDP LSPs are established.

As with re-use of individual labels by LDP within a restarting LDP

system, care must be taken to prevent labels that need to be retained

by a restarting LDP session or protocol component from being used by

another label distribution mechanism since that might compromise data

security amongst other things.

It is a matter for implementations to avoid this issue through the

use of techniques such as a common label management component or

segmented label spaces.

12. Acknowledgments

The work in this document is based on the LDP ideas expressed by the

authors of [RFC3036].

The ACK scheme used in this document was inspired by the proposal by

David Ward and John Scudder for restarting BGP sessions now included


The authors would also like to acknowledge the careful review and

comments of Nick Weeds, Piers Finlayson, Tim Harrison, Duncan Archer,

Peter Ashwood-Smith, Bob Thomas, S. Manikantan, Adam Sheppard,

Alan Davey, Iftekhar Hussain and Loa Andersson.

13. Intellectual Property Consideration

The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any

intellectual property or other rights that might be claimed to

pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in

this document or the extent to which any license under such rights

might or might not be available; neither does it represent that it

has made any effort to identify any such rights. Information on the

IETF's procedures with respect to rights in standards-track and

standards-related documentation can be found in BCP-11. Copies of

claims of rights made available for publication and any assurances of

licenses to be made available, or the result of an attempt made to

obtain a general license or permission for the use of such

proprietary rights by implementors or users of this specification can

be obtained from the IETF Secretariat.

The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any

copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary

rights which may cover technology that may be required to practice

this standard. Please address the information to the IETF Executive


The IETF has been notified of intellectual property rights claimed in

regard to some or all of the specification contained in this

document. For more information, consult the online list of claimed


14. References

14.1. Normative References

[RFC2026] Bradner, S., "The Internet Standards Process --

Revision 3", BCP 9, RFC2026, October 1996.

[RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate

Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

[RFC3036] Andersson, L., Doolan, P., Feldman, N., Fredette, A.

and B. Thomas, "LDP Specification, RFC3036, January


[RFC3478] Leelanivas, M., Rekhter, Y. and R. Aggrawal, "Graceful

Restart Mechanism for Label Distribution Protocol",

RFC3478, February 2003.

14.2. Informative References

[RFC2205] Braden, R., Zhang, L., Berson, S., Herzog, S. and S.

Jamin, "Resource ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP) --

Version 1, Functional Specification", RFC2205,

September 1997.

[RFC2961] Berger, L., Gan, D., Swallow, G., Pan, P., Tomassi, F.

and S. Molendini, "RSVP Refresh Reduction Extensions",

RFC2961, April 2001.

[RFC3209] Awduche, D., Berger, L., Gan, D., Li, T., Srinivasan,

V. and G. Swallow, "Extensions to RSVP for LSP

Tunnels", RFC3209, December 2001.

[RFC3212] Jamoussi, B., Andersson, L., Callon, R., Dantu, R.,

Wu, L., Doolan, P., Worster, T., Feldman, N.,

Fredette, A., Girish, M., Gray, E., Heinanen, J.,

Kilty, T. and A. Malis, "Constraint-Based LSP Setup

using LDP", RFC3212, January 2002.

[RFC3214] Ash, G., Lee, Y., Ashwood-Smith, P., Jamoussi, B.,

Fedyk, D., Skalecki, D. and L. Li, "LSP Modification

Using CR-LDP", RFC3214, January 2001.

[BGP-RESTART] Sangli, S., et al., Graceful Restart Mechanism for

BGP, Work in Progress.

15. Authors' Addresses

Adrian Farrel (editor)

Movaz Networks, Inc.

7926 Jones Branch Drive, Suite 615

McLean, VA 22102

Phone: +1 703-847-1867

EMail: afarrel@movaz.com

Paul Brittain

Data Connection Ltd.

Windsor House, Pepper Street,

Chester, Cheshire


Phone: +44-(0)20-8366-1177

EMail: pjb@dataconnection.com

Philip Matthews


1800 Rene-Levesque Blvd W

Montreal, Quebec H3H 2H2


Phone: +1 514-906-4965

EMail: pmatthews@hyperchip.com

Eric Gray

EMail: ewgray@GraIyMage.com

Jack Shaio

Vivace Networks

2730 Orchard Parkway

San Jose, CA 95134

Phone: +1 408 432 7623

EMail: jack.shaio@vivacenetworks.com

Toby Smith

Laurel Networks, Inc.

1300 Omega Drive

Pittsburgh, PA 15205

EMail: tob@laurelnetworks.com

Andrew G. Malis

Vivace Networks

2730 Orchard Parkway

San Jose, CA 95134

Phone: +1 408 383 7223

EMail: andy.malis@vivacenetworks.com

16. Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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