
RFC4071 - Structure of the IETF Administrative Support Activity (IASA)

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Network Working Group R. Austein, Ed.

Request for Comments: 4071 ISC

BCP: 101 B. Wijnen, Ed.

Category: Best Current Practice LUCent Technologies

April 2005

Structure of the IETF Administrative Support Activity (IASA)

Status of This Memo

This document specifies an Internet Best Current Practices for the

Internet Community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).


This document describes the structure of the IETF Administrative

Support Activity (IASA) as an activity housed within the Internet

Society (ISOC). It defines the roles and responsibilities of the

IETF Administrative Oversight Committee (IAOC), the IETF

Administrative Director (IAD), and ISOC in the fiscal and

administrative support of the IETF standards process. It also

defines the membership and selection rules for the IAOC.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2. Definitions and Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2.1. Alphabet Soup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2.2. Principles of the IASA, IETF, and ISOC Relationship . . 4

2.3. Community Consensus and Grant of Authority . . . . . . . 5

2.4. Termination and Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2.5. Effective Date for Commencement of IASA . . . . . . . . 5

3. Structure of the IASA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

3.1. IAD Responsibilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

3.2. IAOC Responsibilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

3.3. Relationship of the IAOC to Existing IETF Leadership . . 10

3.4. IAOC Decision Making . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

3.5. Review and Appeal of IAD and IAOC Decision . . . . . . . 10

4. IAOC Membership, Selection and Accountability . . . . . . . . 11

4.1. Initial IAOC Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

5. IASA Funding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

5.1. Cost Center Accounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

5.2. IETF Meeting Revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

5.3. Designated Donations, Monetary and In-Kind . . . . . . . 14

5.4. Other ISOC Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

5.5. IASA EXPenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

5.6. Operating Reserve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

6. IASA Budget Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

7. ISOC Responsibilities for IASA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

8. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

9. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

10. Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

11. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

11.1. Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

11.2. Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

1. Introduction

This document describes the structure of the IETF Administrative

Support Activity (IASA) as an activity housed within the Internet

Society (ISOC). It defines the roles and responsibilities of the

IETF Administrative Oversight Committee (IAOC), the IETF

Administrative Director (IAD), and ISOC in the fiscal and

administrative support of the IETF standards process. It also

defines the membership and selection rules for the IAOC.

The IETF undertakes its technical activities as an ongoing, open,

consensus-based process. This document defines an administrative

support structure intended to be responsive to the administrative

needs of the IETF technical community, and it describes how that

support structure fits under ISOC's organizational umbrella. This

document does not affect the ISOC-IETF working relationship as it

relates to standards development or the communication of technical

advice relevant to the policy and educational goals of ISOC.

The IETF Administrative Support Activity (IASA) provides the

administrative structure required to support the IETF standards

process and to support the IETF's technical activities. As of the

time at which this document was written, this included the work of

IETF working groups, the IESG, the IAB, and the IRTF. Should the

IETF standards process at some future date come to include other

technical activities, the IAOC is responsible for developing plans to

provide administrative support for them. Such support includes, as

appropriate, undertaking or contracting for the work described in

[RFC3716], including IETF document and data management, IETF

meetings, and any operational agreements or contracts with the RFC

Editor and the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). The IASA

is also ultimately responsible for the financial activities

associated with IETF administrative support, such as collecting IETF

meeting fees, paying invoices, managing budgets and financial

accounts, and so forth.

The IASA is responsible for ensuring that the IETF's administrative

needs are met, and met well. The IETF does not expect the IASA to

undertake the bulk of this work directly; rather, the IETF expects

the IASA to contract this work from others and to manage these

contractual relationships to achieve efficiency, transparency, and

cost effectiveness.

The IASA is distinct from IETF-related technical functions, such as

the RFC Editor, the IANA, and the IETF standards process itself. The

IASA has no influence on the technical decisions of the IETF or on

the technical contents of IETF work. Note, however, that this in no

way prevents people who form part of the IASA from participating as

individuals in IETF technical activities.

2. Definitions and Principles

This section describes terminology and underlying principles used in

the rest of this document.

2.1. Alphabet Soup

Although most of the terms, abbreviations, and acronyms used in this

document are reasonably well known, first-time readers may find this

alphabet soup confusing. This section therefore attempts to provide

a quick summary.

IAB: Internet Architecture Board (see [RFC2026], [RFC2850]).

IAD: IETF Administrative Director, defined by this document.

IAOC: IETF Administrative Oversight Committee, defined by this


IASA: IETF Administrative Support Activity, defined by this document.

IESG: Internet Engineering Steering Group (see [RFC2026], [RFC3710]).

IETF: Internet Engineering Task Force (see [RFC3233]).

ISOC: Internet Society (see [RFC2031] and [ISOC]).

2.2. Principles of the IASA, IETF, and ISOC Relationship

This section attempts to describe principles underlying the

mechanisms described in this document.

1. The IETF intends to establish a structure (the IASA) in order to

have IETF administrative functions managed appropriately,

according to good administrative, fiscal, and management

principles. The IASA includes the IAD and the IAOC and shall be

housed within ISOC.

2. The IAD and IAOC shall not have any authority over the IETF

standards development activities. This document does not modify

ISOC's other roles related to the IETF standards process.

3. The IAD and IAOC, in cooperation with the ISOC President/CEO and

staff, shall develop an annual budget for the IASA. The budget

must clearly identify all expected direct and indirect

expenditures related to the IASA. ISOC, through its normal

procedures, shall evaluate and approve the IASA budget as part of

ISOC's own budget process and commit to ensuring funds to support

the approved budget.

4. Responsibility for the evaluation, review, and negotiation of

contracts and other IETF administrative and support agreements

and other expenditures of funds under the IASA shall rest with

the IAD, operating in accordance with policies and procedures set

by the IAOC and consistent with ISOC operating policies.

5. Once funds or in-kind donations have been credited to the IASA

accounts, they shall be irrevocably allocated to the support of

the IETF.

6. There shall be a detailed public accounting to separately

identify all funds available to and all expenditures relating to

the IETF and to the IASA, including any donations, of funds or in

kind, received by ISOC for IETF-related activities. In-kind

donations shall only be accepted at the direction of the IAD and


7. Amongst the IETF, IASA and ISOC, the IETF, through the IASA,

shall have a perpetual right to use, display, distribute,

reproduce, modify, and create derivatives of all software and

data created in support of IETF activities.

8. The IASA, in cooperation with ISOC, shall use reasonable efforts

to ensure that sufficient reserves exist to keep the IETF

operational in the case of unexpected events such as income


The remainder of this document contains details based on the above


2.3. Community Consensus and Grant of Authority

The IETF is a consensus-based group, and authority to act on behalf

of the community requires a high degree of consensus and the

continued consent of the community. After a careful process of

deliberation, a broad-based community consensus emerged to house the

IETF Administrative Support Activity (IASA) within the Internet

Society. This document reflects that consensus.

2.4. Termination and Change

Any change to this agreement shall require a similar level of

community consensus and deliberation and shall be reflected by a

subsequent Best Current Practice (BCP) document.

2.5. Effective Date for Commencement of IASA

The procedures in this document shall become operational after this

document has been approved by the process defined in BCP 9 [RFC2026],

including its acceptance as an IETF process BCP by the ISOC Board of

Trustees, and after the ISOC Board of Trustees has confirmed its

acceptance of ISOC's responsibilities under the terms herein


3. Structure of the IASA

The IASA structure is designed to ensure accountability and

transparency of the IETF administrative and fiscal activities to the

IETF community. The IETF Administrative Oversight Committee (IAOC)

directs and oversees the IASA. The IAOC consists of volunteers, all

chosen directly or indirectly by the IETF community, as well as

appropriate ex officio members from ISOC and IETF leadership. The

IAOC shall be accountable to the IETF community for the

effectiveness, efficiency, and transparency of the IASA.

The IASA consists initially of a single full-time ISOC employee, the

IETF Administrative Director (IAD), who is entitled to act on behalf

of the IASA at the direction of the IAOC. The IAD is likely to draw

on financial, legal, and administrative support furnished by ISOC

support staff or consultants. Costs for ISOC support staff and

consultants are allocated based on actual expenses or on some other

allocation model determined by consultation between the IAOC and


Although the IAD is an ISOC employee, he or she works under the

direction of the IAOC. A committee of the IAOC is responsible for

hiring and firing the IAD, for reviewing the IAD's performance, and

for setting the compensation of the IAD. The members of this

committee are appointed by the IAOC and consist at minimum of the

ISOC President, the IETF Chair, and one of the Nomcom-appointed IAOC


The IAOC determines what IETF administrative functions are to be

performed, and how or where they should be performed (whether

internally within the IASA or by outside organizations), so as to

maintain an optimal balance of functional performance and cost of

each such function. The IAOC should document all such decisions, and

the justification for them, for review by the community. Each

function should be reviewed on a regular basis using the assumption

that, absent such justification, the function is either unnecessary

or, if necessary, it is overstaffed, rather than using an assumption

that anything that has been done in the past is still necessary; each

function should be adjusted as needed given the result of this


The IAD is responsible for negotiating and maintaining contracts or

equivalent instruments with outside organizations, and for providing

any coordination necessary to make sure that the IETF administrative

support functions are covered properly. All functions, whether

contracted to outside organizations or performed internally within

the IASA, must be clearly specified and documented with well-defined

deliverables, service level agreements, and transparent accounting

for the cost of such functions.

The IASA is responsible for managing all intellectual property rights

(IPR), including but not limited to trademarks, and copyrights that

belong to the IETF. The IASA is also responsible for managing the

ownership, registration, and administration of relevant domain names.

The IASA is responsible for undertaking any and all required actions

on behalf of the IETF to oBTain, protect, and manage the rights that

the IETF needs to carry out its work.

If the IASA cannot comply with the procedures described in this

document for legal, accounting, or practical reasons, the IAOC shall

report that fact to the community, along with the variant procedure

that the IAOC intends to follow. If the problem is a long-term one,

the IAOC shall ask the IETF to update this document to reflect the

changed procedure.

3.1. IAD Responsibilities

The IAD is responsible for working with the IAOC and others to

understand the administrative requirements of the IETF, and for

managing the IASA to meet those needs. This includes determining the

structure of the IASA effort, establishing an operating budget,

negotiating contracts with service providers, managing the business

relationship with those providers, and establishing mechanisms to

track their performance. The IAD may also manage other contractors

or ISOC employees (such as support staff) as necessary, when such

contractors or employees are engaged in IASA-related work.

The IAD is responsible for running the IASA in an open and

transparent manner, and for producing regular monthly, quarterly, and

annual financial and operational updates for IAOC and IETF community


The IAD is responsible for administering the IETF finances, for

managing separate financial accounts for the IASA, and for

establishing and administering the IASA budget. The IAD (with IAOC

approval, as appropriate) should have signing authority consistent

with carrying out IASA work effectively, efficiently and

independently, taking into account ISOC's financial and approval

controls. If there are any problems regarding the level of financial

approval granted to the IAD, the IAOC and ISOC shall work out a

policy that is mutually agreeable, and they shall do so within a

reasonable time frame.

The IAD negotiates service contracts, with input, as appropriate,

from other bodies, including legal advice, and with review, as

appropriate, by the IAOC. The IAOC should establish guidelines for

what level of review is expected based on contract type, size, cost,

or duration. ISOC executes contracts on behalf of the IASA, after

whatever review ISOC requires to ensure that the contracts meet

ISOC's legal and financial guidelines.

The IAD shall ensure that contracts entered into by ISOC on behalf of

the IASA and/or the IETF (an "IASA Contract") that provide for the

creation, development, modification, or storage of any data

(including, without limitation, any data relating to IETF membership,

documents, archives, mailing lists, correspondence, financial

records, personnel records and the like) ("Data"), grant to ISOC the

perpetual, irrevocable right, on behalf of IASA and IETF, to use,

display, distribute, reproduce, modify and create derivatives of such

Data. ISOC will permit IASA and its designee(s) to have sole control

and custodianship of such Data, and ISOC will not utilize or Access

such Data in connection with any ISOC function other than IETF

without the written consent of the IAD.

The IAD shall ensure that personal data collected for legitimate

purposes of the IASA are protected appropriately; at minimum, such

data must be protected to a degree consistent with relevant

legislation and applicable privacy policies.

If an IASA Contract provides for the creation, development, or

modification of any software (including, without limitation, any

search tools, indexing tools, and the like) ("Developed Software"),

then the IAD shall, whenever reasonable and practical, ensure that

such contract either (a) grants ownership of such Developed Software

to ISOC, or (b) grants ISOC a perpetual, irrevocable right, on behalf

of IASA and IETF, to use, display, distribute, reproduce, modify, and

create derivatives of such Software (including, without limitation,

pursuant to an open source style license). It is preferred that

Developed Software be provided and licensed for IASA and IETF use in

source code form, with no ongoing payments. ISOC will permit the

IASA and its designee(s) to have sole control and custodianship of

such Developed Software. The foregoing rights are not required in

the case of off-the-shelf or other commercially-available software

that is not developed at the expense of ISOC.

If an IASA Contract relates to the licensing of third-party software,

the IAD shall ensure that such license expressly permits use of such

software for and on behalf of the IASA and/or the IETF, as

applicable, and that such license is transferable in accordance with

the provisions of Section 7 (Removability).

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the IAD can enter into different terms

if doing so is in the best interest of the IETF and upon approval of

the IAOC.

The IAD and IAOC are responsible for making all business decisions

regarding the IASA. In particular, the ISOC Board of Trustees shall

not have direct influence over the choice of IASA contractors or IETF

meeting sponsors. This restriction is meant to enforce the

separation between fund-raising and the actual operation of the

standards process.

The IAD prepares an annual budget, which is subject to review and

approval by the IAOC. The IAD is responsible for presenting this

budget to the ISOC Board of Trustees, as part of ISOC's annual

financial planning process. As described elsewhere in this document,

the IAOC is responsible for ensuring the budget's suitability for

meeting the IETF community's administrative needs, but the IAOC does

not bear fiduciary responsibility for ISOC. The ISOC Board of

Trustees therefore needs to review and understand the budget and

planned activity in enough detail to carry out its fiduciary

responsibility properly. The IAD is responsible for managing this

process of review and approval. The IAD sees to it that the IASA

publishes its complete approved budget to the IETF community each


3.2. IAOC Responsibilities

The IAOC's role is to provide appropriate direction to the IAD, to

review the IAD's regular reports, and to oversee IASA functions to

ensure that the administrative needs of the IETF community are being

properly met. The IAOC's mission is not to be engaged in the day-

to-day administrative work of the IASA, but rather to provide

appropriate direction, oversight, and approval.

Therefore, the IAOC's responsibilities are as follows:

o To select the IAD and to provide high-level review and direction

for his or her work. This task should be handled by a sub-

committee, as described above.

o To review the IAD's plans and contracts to ensure that they will

meet the administrative needs of the IETF.

o To track whether the IASA functions are meeting the IETF

community's administrative needs, and to work with the IAD to

determine a plan for corrective action if they are not.

o To review the IAD's budget proposals to ensure that they will meet

the IETF's needs, and to review the IAD's regular financial


o To ensure that the IASA is run in a transparent and accountable

manner. Although the day-to-day work should be delegated to the

IAD and others, the IAOC is responsible for ensuring that IASA

finances and operational status are tracked appropriately, and

that monthly, quarterly, and annual financial and operational

reports are published to the IETF community.

o To designate, in consultation with the IAB and the IESG, the

person or people who carry out the tasks that other IETF process

documents say are carried out by the IETF Executive Director.

The IAOC's role is to direct and review, not to perform, the work of

the IAD and IASA. The IAOC holds periodic teleconferences and face-

to-face meetings as needed to carry out the IAOC's duties efficiently

and effectively.

If there is no IAD or if the IAD is unavailable, the IAOC may

temporarily assign the IAD's duties to individual members of the


3.3. Relationship of the IAOC to Existing IETF Leadership

The IAOC is directly accountable to the IETF community for the

performance of the IASA. However, the nature of the IAOC's work

involves treating the IESG and IAB as major internal customers of the

administrative support services. The IAOC and the IAD should not

consider their work successful unless the IESG and IAB are also

satisfied with the administrative support that the IETF is receiving.

3.4. IAOC Decision Making

The IAOC attempts to reach consensus on all decisions. If the IAOC

cannot achieve a consensus decision, then the IAOC may decide by


The IAOC decides the details about its decision-making rules,

including its rules for quorum, conflict of interest, and breaking of

ties. These rules shall be made public.

All IAOC decisions shall be recorded in IAOC minutes, and IAOC

minutes shall be published in a timely fashion.

3.5. Review and Appeal of IAD and IAOC Decision

The IAOC is directly accountable to the IETF community for the

performance of the IASA. In order to achieve this, the IAOC and IAD

will ensure that guidelines are developed for regular operational

decision making. Where appropriate, these guidelines should be

developed with public input. In all cases, they must be made public.

If a member of the IETF community questions whether a decision or

action of the IAD or the IAOC has been undertaken in accordance with

IETF BCPs or IASA operational guidelines, or questions whether the

IASA has created and maintained appropriate guidelines, he or she may

ask the IAOC for a formal review of the decision or action.

The request for review should be addressed to the IAOC chair and

should include a description of the decision or action to be

reviewed, an explanation of how, in the requestor's opinion, the

decision or action violates the BCPs or operational guidelines, and a

suggestion for how the situation could be rectified. All requests

for review shall be posted publicly, and the IAOC is expected to

respond to these requests within a reasonable period, typically

within 90 days. It is up to the IAOC to determine what type of

review and response is required, based on the nature of the review

request. Based on the results of the review, the IAOC may choose to

overturn their own decision, to change their operational guidelines

to prevent further misunderstandings, to take other action as

appropriate, or just to publish the review result and take no other


If a member of the community is not satisfied with the IAOC's

response to his or her review request, he or she may escalate the

issue by appealing the decision or action to the IAB, using the

appeals procedures outlined in RFC 2026 [RFC2026]. If he or she is

not satisfied with the IAB response, he or she can escalate the issue

to the ISOC Board of Trustees, as described in RFC 2026.

The reviewing body (the IAB or ISOC Board of Trustees) shall review

the decision of the IAD or IAOC to determine whether it was made in

accordance with existing BCPs and operational guidelines. As a

result of this review, the reviewing body may recommend to the

community that the BCPs governing IAOC actions should be changed.

The reviewing body may also advise the IAOC to modify existing

operational guidelines to avoid similar issues in the future and/or

it may advise the IAOC to re-consider their decision or action. It

may also recommend that no action be taken, based on the review.

In exceptional cases, when no other recourse seems reasonable, the

reviewing body may overturn or reverse a non-binding decision or

action of the IAOC. This should be done only after careful

consideration and consultation with the IAOC regarding the

ramifications of this action. In no circumstances may the IAB or

ISOC Board of Trustees overturn a decision of the IAOC that involves

a binding contract or overturn a personnel-related action (such as

hiring, firing, promotion, demotion, performance reviews, salary

adjustments, etc.).

4. IAOC Membership, Selection and Accountability

The IAOC shall consist of eight voting members who shall be selected

as follows:

o Two members appointed by the IETF Nominations Committee (NomCom);

o One member appointed by the IESG;

o One member appointed by the IAB;

o One member appointed by the ISOC Board of Trustees;

o The IETF Chair (ex officio);

o The IAB Chair (ex officio);

o The ISOC President/CEO (ex officio).

The IETF Administrative Director also serves, ex officio, as a non-

voting member of the IAOC.

The IAOC may also choose to invite liaisons from other groups, but it

is not required to do so; the IAOC decides whether to have a liaison

to any particular group. Any such liaisons are non-voting.

Responsibility for selecting the individual filling a particular

liaison role lies with the body from which the IAOC has requested the


Subject to paragraph 2 of Section 4.1, appointed members of the IAOC

serve two-year terms. IAOC terms normally end at the end of the

first IETF meeting of a year.

The members of the IAOC shall select one of its appointed voting

members to serve as the chair of the IAOC. The term of the IAOC

chair shall be one year from the time of selection or the remaining

time of his or her tenure on the IAOC, whichever is less. An

individual may serve any number of terms as chair, if selected by the


The Chair serves at the pleasure of the IAOC and may be removed from

that position at any time by a vote of 2/3 of the voting IAOC

members, not counting the IAOC chair.

The chair of the IAOC shall have the authority to manage the

activities and meetings of the IAOC.

The two NomCom-appointed IAOC members are chosen using the procedures

described in RFC 3777 [RFC3777]. For the initial IAOC selection, the

IESG will provide the list of desired qualifications for these

positions; in later years, the IAOC will provide this qualification

list. The IESG will serve as the confirming body for IAOC

appointments by the NomCom.

While there are no hard rules regarding how the IAB and the IESG

should select members of the IAOC, such appointees need not be

current IAB or IESG members (and probably should not be, if only to

avoid overloading the existing leadership). The IAB and IESG should

choose people with some knowledge of contracts and financial

procedures, who are familiar with the administrative support needs of

the IAB, the IESG, or the IETF standards process. The IAB and IESG

should follow a fairly open process for these selections, perhaps

with an open call for nominations or a period of public comment on

the candidates. The procedure for IAB selection of ISOC Board of

Trustees [RFC3677] might be a good model for how this could work.

After the IETF gains some experience with IAOC selection, these

selection mechanisms should be documented more formally.

Although the IAB, the IESG, and the ISOC Board of Trustees choose

some members of the IAOC, those members do not directly represent the

bodies that chose them. All members of the IAOC are accountable

directly to the IETF community. To receive direct feedback from the

community, the IAOC holds an open meeting at least once per year at

an IETF meeting. This may take the form of an open IAOC plenary or a

working meeting held during an IETF meeting slot. The form and

contents of this meeting are left to the discretion of the IAOC

Chair. The IAOC should also consider open mailing lists or other

means to establish open communication with the community.

IAOC members are subject to recall in the event that an IAOC member

abrogates his or her duties or acts against the best interests of the

IETF community. Any appointed IAOC member, including any appointed

by the IAB, IESG, or ISOC Board of Trustees, may be recalled using

the recall procedure defined in RFC 3777 [RFC3777]. IAOC members are

not, however, subject to recall by the bodies that appointed them.

If a vacancy occurs among the appointed members, this is filled by

the appointing body for that position according to its procedures.

The IAOC members shall not receive any compensation from the IASA,

ISOC, or IETF for their services as members of the IAOC.

The IAOC shall set and publish rules covering reimbursement of

expenses, and such reimbursement shall generally be for exceptional

cases only.

4.1. Initial IAOC Selection

The initial IAOC selection will start after this document is approved

as a BCP by the IESG and accepted by the ISOC Board of Trustees. The

IESG, IAB, and ISOC Board of Trustees should make their selections

within 45 days of BCP approval, and the NomCom should make their

selections as quickly as possible while complying with the documented

NomCom procedures. The IAOC will become active as soon as a majority

(three or more) of the appointed members have been selected.

Initially, the IESG and the ISOC Board of Trustees will make one-year

appointments, the IAB will make a two-year appointment, and the

NomCom will make one one-year appointment and one two-year

appointment. This will establish a pattern in which approximately

half of the IAOC is selected each year.

5. IASA Funding

The IASA manages money from three sources:

1. IETF meeting revenues;

2. Designated donations to ISOC (both monetary and in-kind);

3. Other ISOC support.

Note that the goal is to achieve and maintain a viable IETF support

function based on available funding sources. The IETF community

expects the IAOC and ISOC to work together to attain that goal.

5.1. Cost Center Accounting

Funds managed by the IASA shall be accounted for in a separate set of

general ledger accounts within the IASA Cost Center. In the

remainder of this document, these general ledger accounts are termed

"IASA accounts". A periodic summary of the IASA accounts shall be

reported in the form of standard financial statements that reflect

the income, expenses, assets, and liabilities of the IASA.

The IAOC and ISOC shall agree upon and publish procedures for

reporting and auditing of these accounts.

Note that ISOC in consultation with the IAOC can decide to structure

the IASA accounting differently in the future within the constraints

outlined in Section 7.

5.2. IETF Meeting Revenues

Meeting revenues are an important source of funds for IETF functions.

The IAD, in consultation with the IAOC, sets the meeting fees as part

of the budgeting process. All meeting revenues shall be credited to

the appropriate IASA accounts.

5.3. Designated Donations, Monetary and In-Kind

Donations are an essential component of funding. The IASA undertakes

no direct fund-raising activities. This establishes a practice of

separating IETF administrative and standards activities from fund-

raising activities, and it helps ensure that no undue influence may

be ascribed to those from whom funds are raised.

ISOC shall create and maintain appropriate structures and programs to

coordinate donations intended to support the work of the IETF, and

these shall include mechanisms for both in-kind and direct

contributions to the work supported by IASA. Since ISOC will be the

sole entity through whom donations may be made to the work of the

IETF, ISOC shall ensure that those programs are not unduly

restrictive. ISOC shall maintain programs that allow for designated

donations to the IETF.

In-kind resources are owned by the ISOC on behalf of the IETF and

shall be reported and accounted for in a manner that identifies them

as such. Designated monetary donations shall be credited to the

appropriate IASA accounts.

5.4. Other ISOC Support

Other ISOC support shall be based on the budget process as specified

in Section 6, which includes deciding when ISOC monetary support is

to be credited to the IASA accounts.

All ISOC support, no matter how it is delivered, shall be reported in

the IASA financial reports.

5.5. IASA Expenses

The IASA exists to support the IETF. Funds designated for the IASA

shall be used solely to support IETF activities and for no other


5.6. Operating Reserve

As an initial guideline and in normal operating circumstances, the

IASA should have an operating reserve for its activities sufficient

to cover 6 months of non-meeting operational expenses, plus twice the

recent average for meeting contract guarantees. The IASA, in

cooperation with ISOC, shall establish detailed targets for a reserve

fund to cover normal operating expenses and meeting expenses, in

accordance with prudent planning and as part of the budget process.

The IASA expects ISOC to use reasonable efforts to build and provide

that operational reserve, through whatever mechanisms ISOC deems


If the IASA accounts accumulate a surplus, ISOC may count that as

part of the reserve.

6. IASA Budget Process

While the IASA sets a budget for the IETF's administrative needs, its

budget process clearly needs to be closely coordinated with ISOC's.

The specific timeline shall be established each year by IASA and

ISOC. As an example, a general annual timeline for budgeting is:

July 1: The IAD presents a budget proposal (prepared in consultation

with ISOC staff) for the following fiscal year, with 3-year

projections, to the IAOC.

August 1: The IAOC approves the budget proposal for IETF purposes,

after any appropriate revisions. As the ISOC President is part of

the IAOC, the IAOC should have a preliminary indication of how the

budget will fit with ISOC's own budgetary expectations. The

budget proposal is passed to the ISOC Board of Trustees for review

in accordance with its fiduciary duty.

September 1: The ISOC Board of Trustees approves the budget proposal

provisionally. During the next 2 months, the budget may be

revised to be integrated in ISOC's overall budgeting process.

November 1: Final budget to the ISOC Board for approval.

The dates described above are examples and are subject to change.

They will most likely be modified each year based on the dates of the

second and third IETF meetings of that year. They also need to be

synchronized with the ISOC budgeting process.

The IAD shall provide monthly accountings of expenses and shall

update expenditures forecasts every quarter. This may require

adjustment of the IASA budget. If so, the revised budget will need

to be approved by the IAOC, the ISOC President/CEO and, if necessary,

the ISOC Board of Trustees.

7. ISOC Responsibilities for IASA

Within ISOC, support for the IASA shall meet the following goals:

Transparency: The IETF community shall have complete visibility into

the financial and legal structure of the ISOC activities that are

related to, but not part of, the IASA standards support activity.

In particular, a detailed budget for the entire related ISOC

activity, quarterly financial reports, and audited annual

financial reports shall all be available to the IETF community.

In addition, key contract material and MOUs shall also be publicly

available, subject to any reasonable confidentiality obligations

approved by the IAOC.

Unification: As part of this arrangement, ISOC's sponsorship of the

RFC Editor, IAB and IESG shall be managed as part of the IASA

under the IAOC.

Independence: The IASA shall be distinct from other ISOC activities.

ISOC shall support the IASA through the mechanisms specified in

this document and its successors.

Support: ISOC shall work with the IAD and IAOC to ensure appropriate

financial support for the IASA, following the mechanisms described

in this document and its successors.

Removability: While there is no current plan to transfer the legal

and financial home of the IASA to another corporation, the IASA

shall be structured to enable a clean transition in the event that

the IETF community decides that such a transition is required and

documents its consensus in a formal document (currently called a

BCP). In such a case, the IAOC shall give ISOC a minimum of six

months' notice before the transition formally occurs. During that

period, the IETF and ISOC shall work together to create a smooth

transition that does not result in any significant service outages

or missed IETF meetings. All contracts executed by ISOC on behalf

of the IASA shall either include a clause allowing termination by

ISOC with six months notice, or be transferable to another

corporation in the event that the IASA transitions away from ISOC.

To the extent allowed by law, any balance in the IASA accounts,

any IETF-specific intellectual property rights, and any IETF-

specific data and tools shall also transition to the new entity.

Other terms shall be negotiated between the IETF and ISOC.

Within the constraints outlined above, all other details of how to

structure this activity within ISOC (for instance, as a cost center,

a division, or an affiliate) shall be determined by ISOC in

consultation with the IAOC.

8. Security Considerations

This document describes the structure of the IETF's administrative

support activity. It introduces no security considerations for the


9. IANA Considerations

This document has no IANA considerations in the traditional sense.

However, some of the information in this document may affect how the

IETF standards process interfaces with the IANA, so the IANA may be

interested in the contents.

10. Acknowledgements

The editors would like to thank everyone who provided feedback on

this document or any of its predecessors back to the original

"Scenario O" e-mail message. In particular, the editors would like

to thank: Bernard Aboba, Jari Arkko, Fred Baker, Scott Bradner, Scott

Brim, Brian Carpenter, Jorge Contreras, Dave Crocker, Elwyn Davies,

Spencer Dawkins, Avri Doria, Tony Hain, Joel Halpern, Ted Hardie, Sam

Hartman, Russel Housley, Geoff Huston, Jeff Hutzelman, John Klensin,

Valdis Kletnieks, Eliot Lear, Henrik Levkowetz, Kurt Erik Lindqvist,

John Loughney. Carl Malamud, Allison Mankin, Tom Petch, Eric

Rescorla, Pete Resnick, Glenn Ricart, Jonne Soininen, Lynn St. Amour,

and Michael StJohns.

Special thanks are due to Leslie Daigle and Margaret Wasserman, who

wrote the original "Scenario O" message and edited the earliest

versions of this document.

Special thanks are also due to Henrik Levkowetz for kindly

volunteering to maintain the issue tracking system associated with

this document.

Last, special thanks are due to Harald Alvestrand, for leading the

search for consensus on the IETF mailing list.

No doubt the above list is incomplete. We apologize to anyone whom

we left out.

This document was written using the XML2rfc tool described in RFC

2629 [RFC2629].

11. References

11.1. Normative References

[RFC2026] Bradner, S., "The Internet Standards Process -- Revision

3", BCP 9, RFC 2026, October 1996.

[RFC3716] IAB Advisory Committee, "The IETF in the Large:

Administration and Execution", RFC 3716, March 2004.

[RFC3777] Galvin, J., "IAB and IESG Selection, Confirmation, and

Recall Process: Operation of the Nominating and Recall

Committees", BCP 10, RFC 3777, June 2004.

11.2. Informative References

[ISOC] Internet Society, "Internet Society By-Laws", February



[RFC2031] Huizer, E., "IETF-ISOC relationship", RFC 2031, October


[RFC2629] Rose, M., "Writing I-Ds and RFCs using XML", RFC 2629,

June 1999.

[RFC2850] Internet Architecture Board and B. Carpenter, "Charter of

the Internet Architecture Board (IAB)", BCP 39, RFC 2850,

May 2000.

[RFC3233] Hoffman, P. and S. Bradner, "Defining the IETF", BCP 58,

RFC 3233, February 2002.

[RFC3677] Daigle, L. and Internet Architecture Board, "IETF ISOC

Board of Trustee Appointment Procedures", BCP 77, RFC

3677, December 2003.

[RFC3710] Alvestrand, H., "An IESG charter", RFC 3710, February


Authors' Addresses

Rob Austein (editor)

Internet Systems Consortium

950 Charter Street

Redwood City, CA 94063


EMail: sra@isc.org

Bert Wijnen (editor)

Lucent Technologies

Schagen 33

3461 GL Linschoten


Phone: +31-348-407-775

EMail: bwijnen@lucent.com

Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).

This document is subject to the rights, licenses and restrictions

contained in BCP 78, and except as set forth therein, the authors

retain all their rights.

This document and the information contained herein are provided on an







Intellectual Property

The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any

Intellectual Property Rights or other rights that might be claimed to

pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in

this document or the extent to which any license under such rights

might or might not be available; nor does it represent that it has

made any independent effort to identify any such rights. Information

on the procedures with respect to rights in RFC documents can be

found in BCP 78 and BCP 79.

Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any

assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an

attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use of

such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this

specification can be obtained from the IETF on-line IPR repository at


The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any

copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary

rights that may cover technology that may be required to implement

this standard. Please address the information to the IETF at ietf-



Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the

Internet Society.

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