
RFC4078 - The TV-Anytime Content Reference Identifier (CRID)

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group N. Earnshaw

Request for Comments: 4078 BBC Research and Development

Category: Informational S. Aoki

TokyoFM Broadcasting

A. Ashley

NDS Limited

W. Kameyama

GITS, Waseda University

May 2005

The TV-Anytime Content Reference Identifier (CRID)

Status of This Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does

not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this

memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).


The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) scheme "CRID:" has been devised to

allow references to current or future scheduled publications of

broadcast media content over television distribution platforms and

the Internet.

The initial intended application is as an embedded link within

scheduled programme description metadata that can be used by the home

user or agent to associate a programme selection with the

corresponding programme location information for subsequent automatic


This document reprodUCes the TV-Anytime CRID definition found in the

TV-Anytime content referencing specification, and is published as an

RFC for ease of Access and registration with the Internet Assigned

Numbers Authority (IANA).

Table of Contents

1. Introduction ....................................................2

2. Ancestry ........................................................3

3. Notation Used in This Document ..................................3

4. The CRID URL Scheme .............................................3

5. Examples of CRID Syntax .........................................4

6. Usage ...........................................................4

6.1. Normative Specification ....................................4

6.2. Role of Domain Name System (DNS) Namespace .................5

6.3. CRID Resolving .............................................5

6.4. CRID Related Metadata ......................................5

7. IANA Considerations .............................................6

7.1. General ....................................................6

7.2. Registration Template in Accordance with RFC 2717 ..........6

8. Security Considerations .........................................7

9. Acknowledgements ................................................7

10. References .....................................................8

10.1. Normative References .....................................8

10.2. Informative References ...................................8

1. Introduction

In recent years there has been an eXPansion in the number of

broadcast television and radio services available to the home. In

addition to the broadcast services delivered over traditional

distribution channels such as Digital Terrestrial, Satellite and

Cable, the advent of high-speed Internet connection will give rise to

even more information and entertainment services, providing audio-

visual programme material sourced directly to the home over the


Alongside this expansion there has also been increased growth in

complexity of devices available to the home user, which will allow

the user to operate in a 'search-select-acquire' paradigm. In this

model, the user or user agent uses descriptive information about

audio visual programmes as a basis for selecting the programme for

subsequent acquisition and viewing. Increasingly, home appliances

are being furnished with local storage, enabling the automatic

capture of programme material through off-air recording or

downloading by a home appliance.

The 'CRID:' Uniform Resource Locator is designed to be the bridge

between programme-related descriptive metadata and corresponding

programme location data that may be published over a different

distribution network or at a different time.

Programme location data provides the home user agent with the

information required to acquire the programme at the time of

publication. In the case of the television distribution model, these

locators provide programme broadcast timing and tuning information so

that the user appliance can record the programme when it is broadcast

in real time. In the case of Internet delivery, the locators have to

be of the form associated with streaming protocols or file exchange

protocols with the time (or time window) of availability indicated.

Because a content publisher may release audio-video material in the

same form on a number of platforms or repeatedly over some time

interval, the CRID can be used to aggregate these different

publications and associate them with a single description.

Furthermore, there may be other meaningful semantic associations

between otherwise unrelated programme publications with assigned CRID

that can be further aggregated under a higher-level CRID. This

higher-level CRID can be described through its own descriptive

metadata. The subjective nature of these aggregation decisions is

part of the CRID authoring process and is not standardised.

The CRID resolution process ultimately enabling the user agent to

acquire audio-visual programme material may be a timely process, with

resolution updates delivered dynamically from the service provider.

This is to reflect common business practice of adjusting the time of

content availability close to the original published time to

accommodate a live, managed, reactive broadcast service.

2. Ancestry

The Uniform Resource Locator scheme 'CRID:' is taken from the

TV-Anytime forum Content Reference Identifier and is a result of the

consensus reached by members of this forum between March 2000 and

June 2002. The TV-Anytime CRID and associated supporting data is

specified in the TV-Anytime Phase 1 Content Referencing Specification


3. Notation Used in This Document

The notation used in this document takes the form


in which the component names are in angle brackets and any characters

outside angle brackets are literal separators.

4. The CRID URL Scheme

The CRID URL takes the form


in which is a registered Internet domain name that takes

the form of domain name described in Section 3 of [RFC1034] and

Section 2.1 of [RFC1123].

is a free format string that is URI [RFC3986] compliant, and

that is meaningful to the authority given by the authority field.

The portion of the field is case insensitive. It is recommended that

all characters not within the range of characters allowed in a URI

must be encoded into UTF-8 and included in the URI as a sequence of

escaped octets. An escaped octet is encoded as a character triplet,

consisting of the percent character, "%", followed by the two

hexadecimal digits representing the octet code.

In its entirety, the CRID is URI compliant as specified in [RFC3986].

As per [RFC3986], the crid:// part of the syntax is case insensitive.

5. Examples of CRID Syntax

The following are examples of a valid CRID:


The above CRID was created by "example.com" authority, with data part

of foobar:


The above CRID was created by "example.co.jp" authority, with a data

part of "E", "I", and "GA" (meaning "movie"), represented as KATAKANA

LETTERS (Japanese characters) in UTF-8 encoding preceded by "%".

6. Usage

6.1. Normative Specification

The Uniform Resource Locator scheme 'CRID:' identifies the URL as the

TV-Anytime Content Reference Identifier and conforms to the TV-

Anytime Content Referencing Specification [TVA-CR]. The TV-Anytime

CRID is a key component in the TV-Anytime forum specification series

as described in the informative overview Systems Description

Specification [TVA-Sys]. The normative Content Referencing

Specification [TVA-CR] also includes the details of the contents and

format of the associated content referencing tables that resolve the

TV-Anytime CRID into further CRID instances or transport system-

dependent locations.

6.2. Role of Domain Name System (DNS) Namespace

Note that the use of the registered Internet Domain does not mean

that the DNS resolving service is to be employed for the resolution

of CRID URL. Indeed the resolution information is fully specified in

[TVA-CR] and does not require the use of the DNS resolution service.

This is especially important as one key application area is broadcast

television and radio distribution services that are not Internet


In business scenarios that exploit Internet connectivity to the home,

the DNS portion of the CRID can be used to resolve the Internet

location of the service provider, who in turn will provide location

resolution information in a form described in [TVA-CR].

6.3. CRID Resolving

As addressed in [TVA-CR], the CRID is ultimately resolved either

directly by the CRID authority or by another party. If another party

is providing resolution, the ability to resolve the CRID requires the

flow of some information from the authority to the resolution

provider, in order to tie the CRID to its resolution. Examples of

relationships between CRID authors and the suppliers of resolution

information are given in [TVA-Sys].

As described in [TVA-CR], there will in all likelihood be more than

one CRID that can resolve directly or indirectly to a given single

locator at a given time.

Also shown in [TVA-CR], CRIDs that resolve directly to the location

of the scheduled content are likely to resolve to more than one

location, as television and radio programmes are often published

repeatedly within broadcast schedules or across different broadcast

services or distribution platforms over an extended period of time.

6.4. CRID Related Metadata

TV-Anytime specification [TVA-Met] specifies the format and contents

of the programme-related descriptive metadata designed to convey the

TV-Anytime CRID for the purpose outlined here, as well as that of

other data supporting the publication and usage of programme


7. IANA Considerations

7.1. General

The 'crid:' URI scheme is reserved to designate that the URI relates

to the TV-Anytime CRID and is to be used in accordance with the

TV-Anytime Content Referencing Specification [TVA-CR].

The designation of the value of each CRID is the responsibility of

the CRID author, as identified through the 'authority' field.

The policy of assignment of CRID values lies with the CRID author

associated with the authority field. It is likely that there will be

a number of diverse (and possibly changing) authoring policies as

required by various organisations as they address their respective

audiences. These individual policies will address resolution target

resource designation issues such as the subjective equivalence of

programme material available from different locations, the grouping

of CRIDs under another CRID for collective description and resolution

purposes, the cross referencing of CRID between authorities, CRID

lifetime, and CRID reuse.

It is likely that some authoring policies may be set through

collaborative business arrangements, localised operational

agreements, or national governmental bodies.

7.2. Registration Template in Accordance with [RFC2717]

URL scheme name: crid

URL scheme syntax: See Section 4

Character encoding considerations: TV-Anytime does not specify the

character encoding scheme to be adopted by each implementation.

However, in the case where Internet interoperability is desired, it

is recommended that all characters not within the range of characters

allowed in a URI must be encoded into UTF-8 and included in the URI

as a sequence of escaped octets. An escaped octet is encoded as a

character triplet, consisting of the percent character, "%", followed

by the two hexadecimal digits representing the octet code. For

example, the character A would be represented as "A", the character

LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE would be represented as "Ã?",

and the character KATAKANA LETTER A would be represented as


Intended Use: See Section 6

Application and protocols which use this scheme: See Section 6

Interoperability considerations: None (Section 4 contains the first

version of the CRID URL definition)

Security considerations: See Section 8

Relevant publications: See [TVA-CR], [TVA-Met], [TVA-Sys], [TVA-Prt]

Contact: Wataru KAMEYAMA, Vice Chairman and Secretary of the TV-

Anytime Forum, wataru@waseda.jp

Author/Change controller: IESG

8. Security Considerations

The CRID URL described here provides a referencing mechanism. The

values of the URL contain the authoring 'Authority' name as a DNS

namespace identifier and a data portion to distinguish it from other

CRIDs from the same authority. There should be no reason to prevent

disclosure of the values within the CRID and no commercial

sensitivity associated with these values.

When the binding conveyed as part of a larger data set which may have

commercial value or critical binding between a CRID and the

accompanying data, the security and integrity of the binding is a

matter for the wider system implementers to judge and protect

accordingly. One such method for protecting metadata can be found in

[TVA-Prt], though it is not mandated that users adopt this. In any

case, there may be other, wider system security functions in place or

such precautions may not be seen as necessary.

Tampering with values of CRIDs during transmission or distribution

over public or open networks has only nuisance or denial-of-service

effects unless it causes alternative location resolution data or

programme metadata to be referenced. Again, this can be dealt with

as a system delivery of data integrity issue not specific to the


Impersonating a CRID authority by authoring CRID with an authority

portion for which the bogus author does not have permission from the

registered DNS name holder would be a misuse of the DNS name holder's

identity and should be dealt with through normal business practice.

9. Acknowledgements

The authors would like to acknowledge the support of the members of

the TV-Anytime forum and their work in the development of the TV-

Anytime CRID.

10. References

10.1. Normative References

[TVA-CR] European Telecommunications Standards Institute, "ETSI TS

102 822-4 v1.1.2 ; Broadcast and On-line Services: Search,

select and rightful use of content on personal storage

systems ("TV-Anytime Phase 1"); Part 4: Content

referencing", October 2004.

[RFC1034] Mockapetris, P., "Domain names - concepts and facilities",

RFC 1034, November 1987.

[RFC1123] Braden, R., "Requirements for Internet Hosts - Application

and Support", RFC 1123, October 1989.

[RFC2717] Petke, R. and I. King, "Registration Procedures for URL

Scheme Names", RFC 2717, November 1999.

[RFC3986] Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R., and L. Masinter, "Uniform

Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax", STD 66, RFC

3986, January 2005.

10.2. Informative References

[TVA-Sys] European Telecommunications Standards Institute, "ETSI TS

102 822-2 v1.2.1 ; Broadcast and On-line Services: Search,

select and rightful use of content on personal storage

systems ("TV-Anytime Phase 1"). Part 2 System

Description", September 2004.

[TVA-Met] European Telecommunications Standards Institute, "ETSI TS

102 822-3-1 v1.2.1 ; Broadcast and On-line Services:

Search, select and rightful use of content on personal

storage systems ("TV-Anytime Phase 1"). Part 3 Metadata.

Sub-part 1: Metadata Schemas", September 2004.

[TVA-Prt] European Telecommunications Standards Institute, "ETSI TS

102 822-7 v1.1.1 ; Broadcast and On-line Services: Search,

select and rightful use of content on personal storage

systems ("TV-Anytime Phase 1"). Part 7 Bi-directional

Metadata Delivery Protection", October 2003.

Authors' Addresses

Nigel Earnshaw

BBC Research and Development

Kingswood Warren

Tadworth, Surrey KT20 6NP

United Kingdom

Phone: +44 1737 839618

EMail: nigel.earnshaw@rd.bbc.co.uk

Shigeru Aoki

TokyoFM Broadcasting

1-7 Kojimachi

Chiyoda-ku, TOKYO 102-8080


Phone: +81 3 3221 0244

EMail: shig@center.jfn.co.jp

Alex Ashley

NDS Limited

One London Road

Staines, Middlesex TW18 4EX

United Kingdom

Phone: +44 208 4768270

EMail: aashley@ndsuk.com

Wataru Kameyama

GITS, Waseda University

1011 Okuboyama, Nishi-tomida

Honjo-shi, SAITAMA 367-0035


Phone: +81 495 24 6052

EMail: wataru@waseda.jp

Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).

This document is subject to the rights, licenses and restrictions

contained in BCP 78, and except as set forth therein, the authors

retain all their rights.

This document and the information contained herein are provided on an







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Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any

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