
RFC4063 - Considerations When Using Basic OSPF Convergence Benchmarks

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Network Working Group V. Manral

Request for Comments: 4063 SiNett Corp.

Category: Informational R. White

Cisco Systems

A. Shaikh

AT&T Labs (Research)

April 2005

Considerations When Using Basic OSPF Convergence Benchmarks

Status of This Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does

not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this

memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).


This document discusses the applicability of various tests for

measuring single router control plane convergence, specifically in

regard to the Open Shortest First (OSPF) protocol. There are two

general sections in this document, the first discusses advantages and

limitations of specific OSPF convergence tests, and the second

discusses more general pitfalls to be considered when routing

protocol convergence is tested.

1. IntrodUCtion

There is a growing interest in testing single router control plane

convergence for routing protocols, and many people are looking at

testing methodologies that can provide information on how long it

takes for a network to converge after various network events occur.

It is important to consider the framework within which any given

convergence test is executed when one attempts to apply the results

of the testing, since the framework can have a major impact on the

results. For instance, determining when a network is converged, what

parts of the router's operation are considered within the testing,

and other such things will have a major impact on the apparent

performance that routing protocols provide.

This document describes in detail various benefits and pitfalls of

tests described in [BENCHMARK]. It also eXPlains how such

measurements can be useful for providers and the research community.

NOTE: In this document, the Word "convergence" refers to single

router control plane convergence [TERM].

2. Advantages of Such Measurement

o To be able to compare the iterations of a protocol

implementation. It is often useful to be able to compare the

performance of two iterations of a given implementation of a

protocol in order to determine where improvements have been made

and where further improvements can be made.

o To understand, given a set of parameters (network conditions),

how a particular implementation on a particular device will

perform. For instance, if you were trying to decide the

processing power (size of device) required in a certain location

within a network, you could emulate the conditions that will

exist at that point in the network and use the test described to

measure the performance of several different routers. The

results of these tests can provide one possible data point for

an intelligent decision.

If the device being tested is to be deployed in a running

network, using routes taken from the network where the equipment

is to be deployed rather than some generated topology in these

tests will yield results that are closer to the real performance

of the device. Care should be taken to emulate or take routes

from the actual location in the network where the device will be

(or would be) deployed. For instance, one set of routes may be

taken from an ABR, one set from an area 0 only router, various

sets from stub area, another set from various normal areas, etc.

o To measure the performance of an OSPF implementation in a wide

variety of scenarios.

o To be used as parameters in OSPF simulations by researchers. It

may sometimes be required for certain kinds of research to

measure the individual delays of each parameter within an OSPF

implementation. These delays can be measured using the methods

defined in [BENCHMARK].

o To help optimize certain configurable parameters. It may

sometimes be helpful for operators to know the delay required

for individual tasks in order to optimize the resource usage in

the network. For example, if the processing time on a router is

found to be x seconds, determining the rate at which to flood

LSAs to that router would be helpful so as not to overload the


3. Assumptions Made and Limitations of Such Measurements

o The interactions of convergence and forwarding; testing is

restricted to events occurring within the control plane.

Forwarding performance is the primary focus in [INTERCONNECT],

and it is expected to be dealt with in work that ensues from


o Duplicate LSAs are Acknowledged Immediately. A few tests rely

on the property that duplicate LSA Acknowledgements are not

delayed but are done immediately. However, if an implementation

does not acknowledge duplicate LSAs immediately on receipt, the

testing methods presented in [BENCHMARK] could give inaccurate


o It is assumed that SPF is non-preemptive. If SPF is implemented

so that it can (and will be) preempted, the SPF measurements

taken in [BENCHMARK] would include the times that the SPF

process is not running, thus giving inaccurate measurements.

([BENCHMARK] measures the total time taken for SPF to run, not

the amount of time that SPF actually spends on the device's


o Some implementations may be multithreaded or use a

multiprocess/multirouter model of OSPF. If because of this any

of the assumptions made during measurement are violated in such

a model, measurements could be inaccurate.

o The measurements resulting from the tests in [BENCHMARK] may not

provide the information required to deploy a device in a large-

scale network. The tests described focus on individual

components of an OSPF implementation's performance, and it may

be difficult to combine the measurements in a way that

accurately depicts a device's performance in a large-scale

network. Further research is required in this area.

o The measurements described in [BENCHMARK] should be used with

great care when comparing two different implementations of OSPF

from two different vendors. For instance, there are many other

factors than convergence speed that need to be taken into

consideration when comparing different vendors' products. One

difficulty is aligning the resources available on one device to

the resources available on another.

4. Observations on the Tests Described in [BENCHMARK]

Some observations recorded while implementing the tests described in

[BENCHMARK] are noted in this section.

4.1. Measuring the SPF Processing Time Externally

The most difficult test to perform is the external measurement of the

time required to perform an SPF calculation because the amount of

time between the first LSA that indicates a topology change and the

duplicate LSA is critical. If the duplicate LSA is sent too quickly,

it may be received before the device being tested actually begins

running SPF on the network change information. If the delay between

the two LSAs is too long, the device may finish SPF processing before

receiving the duplicate LSA. It is important to closely investigate

any delays between the receipt of an LSA and the beginning of an SPF

calculation in the tested device; multiple tests with various delays

might be required to determine what delay needs to be used to measure

the SPF calculation time accurately.

Some implementations may force two intervals, the SPF hold time and

the SPF delay, between successive SPF calculations. If an SPF hold

time exists, it should be suBTracted from the total SPF execution

time. If an SPF delay exists, it should be noted in the test


4.2. Noise in the Measurement Device

The device on which measurements are taken (not the device being

tested) also adds noise to the test results, primarily in the form of

delay in packet processing and measurement output. The largest

source of noise is generally the delay between the receipt of packets

by the measuring device and the receipt of information about the

packet by the device's output, where the event can be measured. The

following steps may be taken to reduce this sampling noise:

o Increasing the number of samples taken will generally improve

the tester's ability to determine what is noise, and to remove

it from the results. This applies to the DUT as well.

o Try to take time-stamp for a packet as early as possible.

Depending on the operating system being used on the box, one can

instrument the kernel to take the time-stamp when the interrupt

is processed. This does not eliminate the noise completely, but

at least reduces it.

o Keep the measurement box as lightly loaded as possible. This

applies to the DUT as well.

o Having an estimate of noise can also be useful.

The DUT also adds noise to the measurement.

4.3. Gaining an Understanding of the Implementation Improves


Although the tester will (generally) not have Access to internal

information about the OSPF implementation being tested using

[BENCHMARK], the more thorough the tester's knowledge of the

implementation is, the more accurate the results of the tests will

be. For instance, in some implementations, the installation of

routes in local routing tables may occur while the SPF is being

calculated, dramatically impacting the time required to calculate the


4.4. Gaining an Understanding of the Tests Improves Measurements

One method that can be used to become familiar with the tests

described in [BENCHMARK] is to perform the tests on an OSPF

implementation for which all the internal details are available.

Although there is no assurance that any two implementations will be

similar, this will provide a better understanding of the tests


5. LSA and Destination Mix

In many OSPF benchmark tests, a generator injecting a number of LSAs

is called for. There are several areas in which injected LSAs can be

varied in testing:

o The number of destinations represented by the injected LSAs

Each destination represents a single reachable IP network; these

will be leaf nodes on the shortest path tree. The primary

impact to performance should be the time required to insert

destinations in the local routing table and handling the memory

required to store the data.

o The types of LSAs injected

There are several types of LSAs that would be acceptable under

different situations; within an area, for instance, types 1, 2,

3, 4, and 5 are likely to be received by a router. Within a

not-so-stubby area, however, type-7 LSAs would replace the

type-5 LSAs received. These sorts of characterizations are

important to note in any test results.

o The number of LSAs injected

Within any injected set of information, the number of each type

of LSA injected is also important. This will impact the

shortest path algorithm's ability to handle large numbers of

nodes, large shortest path first trees, etc.

o The order of LSA injection

The order in which LSAs are injected should not favor any given

data structure used for storing the LSA database on the device

being tested. For instance, AS-External LSAs have AS wide

flooding scope; any type-5 LSA originated is immediately flooded

to all neighbors. However, the type-4 LSA, which announces the

ASBR as a border router, is originated in an area at SPF time

(by ABRs on the edge of the area in which the ASBR is). If SPF

isn't scheduled immediately on the ABRs originating the type-4

LSA, the type-4 LSA is sent after the type-5 LSA's reach a

router in the adjacent area. Therefore, routes to the external

destinations aren't immediately added to the routers in the

other areas. When the routers that already have the type 5s

receive the type-4 LSA, all the external routes are added to the

tree at the same time. This timing could produce different

results than a router receiving a type 4 indicating the presence

of a border router, followed by the type 5s originated by that

border router.

The ordering can be changed in various tests to provide insight

into the efficiency of storage within the DUT. Any such changes

in ordering should be noted in test results.

6. Tree Shape and the SPF Algorithm

The complexity of Dijkstra's algorithm depends on the data structure

used for storing vertices with their current minimum distances from

the source; the simplest structure is a list of vertices currently

reachable from the source. In a simple list of vertices, finding the

minimum cost vertex would then take O(size of the list). There will

be O(n) such operations if we assume that all the vertices are

ultimately reachable from the source. Moreover, after the vertex

with minimum cost is found, the algorithm iterates through all the

edges of the vertex and updates the cost of other vertices. With an

adjacency list representation, this step, when iterated over all the

vertices, would take O(E) time, with E being the number of edges in

the graph. Thus, the overall running time is:

O(sum(i:1, n)(size(list at level i) + E).

So everything boils down to the size(list at level i).

If the graph is linear,








and source is a vertex on the end, then size(list at level i) = 1 for

all i. Moreover, E = n - 1. Therefore, running time is O(n).

If the graph is a balanced binary tree,


/ 1 2

/ \ / 3 4 5 6

size(list at level i) is a little complicated. First, it increases

by 1 at each level up to a certain number, and then it goes down by

1. If we assume that the tree is a complete tree (as shown above)

with k levels (1 to k), then size(list) goes on like this: 1, 2, 3,

Then the number of edges E is still n - 1. It then turns out that

the run-time is O(n^2) for such a tree.

If the graph is a complete graph (fully-connected mesh), then

size(list at level i) = n - i. Number of edges E = O(n^2).

Therefore, run-time is O(n^2).

Therefore, the performance of the shortest path first algorithm used

to compute the best paths through the network is dependent on the

construction of the tree. The best practice would be to try to make

any emulated network look as much like a real network as possible,

especially in the area of the tree depth, the meshiness of the

network, the number of stub links versus transit links, and the

number of connections and nodes to process at each level within the

original tree.

7. Topology Generation

As the size of networks grows, it becomes more and more difficult to

actually create a large-scale network on which to test the properties

of routing protocols and their implementations. In general, network

emulators are used to provide emulated topologies that can be

advertised to a device with varying conditions. Route generators

tend to be either a specialized device, a piece of software which

runs on a router, or a process that runs on another operating system,

such as Linux or another variant of Unix.

Some of the characteristics of this device should be as follows:

o The ability to connect to several devices using both point-to-

point and broadcast high-speed media. Point-to-point links can

be emulated with high-speed Ethernet as long as there is no hub

or other device between the DUT and the route generator, and the

link is configured as a point-to-point link within OSPF


o The ability to create a set of LSAs that appear to be a logical,

realistic topology. For instance, the generator should be able

to mix the number of point-to-point and broadcast links within

the emulated topology and to inject varying numbers of

externally reachable destinations.

o The ability to withdraw and add routing information into and

from the emulated topology to emulate flapping links.

o The ability to randomly order the LSAs representing the emulated

topology as they are advertised.

o The ability to log or otherwise measure the time between packets

transmitted and received.

o The ability to change the rate at which OSPF LSAs are


o The generator and the collector should be fast enough that they

are not bottlenecks. The devices should also have a degree of

granularity of measurement at least as small as is desired from

the test results.

8. Security Considerations

This document does not modify the underlying security considerations

in [OSPF].

9. Acknowledgements

Thanks to Howard Berkowitz (hcb@clark.net) and the rest of the BGP

benchmarking team for their support and to Kevin Dubray

(kdubray@juniper.net), who realized the need for this document.

10. Normative References

[BENCHMARK] Manral, V., White, R., and A. Shaikh, "Benchmarking

Basic OSPF Single Router Control Plane Convergence",

RFC 4061, April 2005.

[TERM] Manral, V., White, R., and A. Shaikh, "OSPF

Benchmarking Terminology and Concepts", RFC 4062,

April 2005.

[OSPF] Moy, J., "OSPF Version 2", STD 54, RFC 2328, April


11. Informative References

[INTERCONNECT] Bradner, S. and J. McQuaid, "Benchmarking Methodology

for Network Interconnect Devices", RFC 2544, March


[FIB-TERM] Trotter, G., "Terminology for Forwarding Information

Base (FIB) based Router Performance", RFC 3222,

December 2001.

[BROADCAST-P2P] Shen, Naiming, et al., "Point-to-point operation over

LAN in link-state routing protocols", Work in

Progress, August, 2003.

Authors' Addresses

Vishwas Manral

SiNett Corp,

Ground Floor,

Embassy Icon Annexe,

2/1, Infantry Road,

Bangalore, India

EMail: vishwas@sinett.com

Russ White

Cisco Systems, Inc.

7025 Kit Creek Rd.

Research Triangle Park, NC 27709

EMail: riw@cisco.com

Aman Shaikh

AT&T Labs (Research)

180 Park Av, PO Box 971

Florham Park, NJ 07932

EMail: ashaikh@research.att.com

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Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).

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