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Eradicator Hexapod
When it comes to raw potential and what you can make the most of, Scrin's Eradicator Hexapod is the Epic Unit of choice. The main reason for this is because Scrin has the most choices for repairing units on the fly at a good rate with either Corrupters or Mechapedes with Toxin Segments. This means you have a meat-shield that for argument's sake, can't die as long as they don't attack the Mechapedes or Corrupters. With other units supporting your Eradicator Hexapod, you can imagine that they are going to get their army torn apart going for the Corrupters or Mechapedes that are behind that huge Eradicator Hexapod. In addition, remember that you can use the Phase Field support power to make the Eradicator Hexapod close to invincible for a certain period of time, while still letting it crush infantry and vehicles. This can definitely come in handy. The Eradicator Hexapod's initial weapons are plasma discs that resemble closely the Devastator Warship's weapon. This is effective against all ground class units.
Just like the other Epic Units before it, the Eradicator Hexapod can also be garrisoned with infantry. The Eradicator Hexapod can garrison up to three infantry units to give it different weapons and abilities.
Disintegrator - This will give your Eradicator Hexapod a close range anti-vehicle weapon. Now, this weapon does some decent damage, however, its range isn't as long as your initial weapon (it isn't bad by any means). To use this correctly, you will need to get pretty close to opposing units, which probably isn't the best choice in most situations.
Assimilator - The Assimilator, just like all Engineer class infantry units garrisoned in an Epic Unit, heals the Hexapod slowly. With the ability you gain from garrisoning a Mastermind or Prodigy, means that this self-repair has great potential. However, we will get to that ability shortly.
Shock Troops - This will give your Eradicator Hexapod an anti-air and anti-vehicle weapon. Obviously a fairly well rounded choice if you are going for a straight forward Eradicator Hexapod with no tricks. Though, there are probably better choices in general in most situations. Plus, Shock Troops can handle themselves.