第1页:命令与征服3 凯恩之怒史诗单位指导(1)第2页:命令与征服3 凯恩之怒史诗单位指导(2)第3页:命令与征服3 凯恩之怒史诗单位指导(3)第4页:命令与征服3 凯恩之怒史诗单位指导(4)第5页:命令与征服3 凯恩之怒史诗单位指导(5)第6页:命令与征服3 凯恩之怒史诗单位指导(6)第7页:命令与征服3 凯恩之怒史诗单位指导(7)第8页:命令与征服3 凯恩之怒史诗单位指导(8)第9页:命令与征服3 凯恩之怒史诗单位指导(9)第10页:命令与征服3 凯恩之怒史诗单位指导(10)第11页:命令与征服3 凯恩之怒史诗单位指导(11)第12页:命令与征服3 凯恩之怒史诗单位指导(12)
Ravagers - This will give your Eradicator Hexapod a predominantly anti-infantry weapon, though it fares well against vehicles as well. If you are going for generic upgrades in power, this is going to be your upgrade of choice.
Mastermind/Prodigy - Upgrading the Eradicator Hexapod with one of these gives it the ability to teleport within a fairly big radius. The greatest potential for the Eradicator Hexapod comes from this because it not only gains the ability to teleport to safety when a situation is dire, but it gives it the ability to teleport into battle. Teleporting into battle is so very important because as an Epic Unit, it can run over third tier units. Therefore, teleporting it right in front, or behind, a swag of Mammoth Tanks, Avatars, etc will give you a great chance to crush them since when the Eradicator Hexapod slightly overlaps one of these units, it crushes it. If you aren't successful in that, it will get them on the run so your other units will be able to take advantage of this (especially the Avatar since they can't reverse move and would be crushed if they tried).

Now unfortunately for the Eradicator Hexapod, its ability is probably the worst out of the three Epic Units. It will give you 15% of the cost of any opposing unit or structure you destroy that is in the Eradicator Hexapod's radius (the circle that you see when you have the Eradicator Hexapod selected). While this doesn't seem too shabby, it really doesn't seem to amount to much at all in your wallet. This ability isn't quite as tide-turning as the other two.