panda export是从3Dmax中导出.x文件的插件
最新版本:2005-11-27 v4.8.61.0 for 3ds Max8, v4.6.61.0 for 3ds Max6/7
1 PDE also changes the right-handed axis system that Max uses to a left-handed system more commonly used by directX. To do this the vertices have their z and y swapped around and the face is re-ordered (winding order). Any other output is also changed such as matrices in the frames and animation sets. The MS version doesn't do this and expects either another pre-processing stage on the file or for the application program to alter its viewing matrices
2 Mesh vertices and normals are optimized to remove duplicates where possible. If a vertex has a different normal value or texture coordinate whilst being shared by two faces then it can't be removed. Choosing to turn off normals/texture coordinates and vertex colours will reduce the vertices count.
3 Vertex Colours are supported, however, these need to be set in Max first. The MS exporter doesn't support this at time of writing.
4 Any bitmap image used as a diffuse map material in Max can be converted to a .bmp file so that a quick check on the texture coordinates can be made. Native texture map .DDS support could be added ?? Well maybe there is a Max plugin for that ??
导出.x文件后可以用dxsdk附带的mesh viewer观看,不过我试了一个文件,dx9的mesh viewer居然不能打开。推荐一个软件3d explorer,不但可以观看各种模型格式,还可以显示.x文件的层次信息和里面的数据,不过这个软件用的是右手坐标系。3d explorer似乎就是deep explorer的前生。