Chain Constructors(串联构造子)
撰文/Joshua Kerievsky 编译/透明
public class Loan {
public Loan(float notional, float outstanding, int rating, Date expiry) {
this.strategy = new TermROC();
this.notional = notional;
this.outstanding = outstanding;
this.rating =rating;
this.expiry = expiry;
public Loan(float notional, float outstanding, int rating, Date expiry, Date maturity) {
this.strategy = new RevolvingTermROC();
this.notional = notional;
this.outstanding = outstanding;
this.rating = rating;
this.expiry = expiry;
this.maturity = maturity;
public Loan(CapitalStrategy strategy, float notional, float outstanding,
int rating, Date expiry, Date maturity) {
this.strategy = strategy;
this.notional = notional;
this.outstanding = outstanding;
this.rating = rating;
this.expiry = expiry;
this.maturity = maturity;
public class Loan {
public Loan(float notional, float outstanding, int rating, Date expiry) {
this(new TermROC(), notional, outstanding, rating, expiry, null);
public Loan(float notional, float outstanding, int rating, Date expiry, Date maturity) {
this(new RevolvingTermROC(), notional, outstanding, rating, expiry, maturity);
public Loan(CapitalStrategy strategy, float notional, float outstanding,
int rating, Date expiry, Date maturity) {
this.strategy = strategy;
this.notional = notional;
this.outstanding = outstanding;
this.rating = rating;
this.expiry = expiry;
this.maturity = maturity;
为了达到这个目标,我们经常会使用Constructor Chaining模式进行重构:特化的(specific)构造子调用普化的(general-purposed)构造子,重复这个过程,直到最普化的构造子也被调用到。如果你的每条调用链的末端都是同一个构造子,我就把它叫做“catch-all”构造子,因为它处理了所有构造子的调用。这个catch-all构造子通常会比其他构造子接受更多的参数,并且可能是(也可能不是)私有的或保护的。
如果你发现多个构造子降低了类的可用性,请考虑使用“用Factory Method模式替换多个构造子”的重构方法。
1. 寻找包含重复代码的两个构造子(我把它们分别叫做A和B)。确定A是否可以调用B或者B是否可以调用A,这样重复代码才可以被安全的(和比较容易的)从这某一个构造子中删掉。
2. 编译、测试。
3. 对类中的每个构造子,重复步骤1和2,以获得尽量少的重复代码。
4. 如果某个构造子不必要成为公开的,就改变它的可见性。
5. 编译、测试。
1. 我们将从一段简单代码——一个Loan类——开始。这个类有三个构造子,用来表现三种不同类型的贷款业务。大量丑陋的重复代码。
public Loan(float notional, float outstanding, int rating, Date expiry) {
this.strategy = new TermROC();
this.notional = notional;
this.outstanding = outstanding;
this.rating = rating;
this.expiry = expiry;
public Loan(float notional, float outstanding, int rating, Date expiry, Date maturity) {
this.strategy = new RevolvingTermROC();
this.notional = notional;
this.outstanding = outstanding;
this.rating = rating;
this.expiry = expiry;
this.maturity = maturity;
public Loan(CapitalStrategy strategy, float notional, float outstanding, int rating,
Date expiry, Date maturity) {
this.strategy = strategy;
this.notional = notional;
this.outstanding = outstanding;
this.rating = rating;
this.expiry = expiry;
this.maturity = maturity;
public Loan(float notional, float outstanding, int rating, Date expiry) {
this(new TermROC(), notional, outstanding, rating, expiry, null);
2. 编译程序,测试这次修改是否正常工作。
3. 重复步骤1和2,尽量去除代码重复。这引出了第二个构造子,它也调用第三个构造子,如下所示:
public Loan(float notional, float outstanding, int rating, Date expiry, Date maturity) {
this(new RevolvingTermROC(), notional, outstanding, rating, expiry, maturity);
4. 检查这三个构造子所有的调用者,以确定是否可以改变某一个的可见性。在这个案例中,我不能这样做(假设是这样——在这里你无法知道其他代码的情况)。
5. 编译并测试,完成此次重构。
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