Replace Multiple Constructors with Creation Methods
撰文/Joshua Kerievsky 编译/透明
用能表现意图的创建方法(Creation Method)返回对象实例,从而取代构造子的作用。
那么,我们的同行们通常把创建对象的方法叫做什么?许多人都会回答“工厂方法(Factory Method)”,这是因为那本经典著作《设计模式》[GoF]这样称呼一个创建型模式。但是,所有创建对象的方法真的都是工厂方法吗?如果给“工厂方法”这个术语一个更宽的定义:只要创建对象的方法都叫工厂方法,那么答案肯定是“Yes”。但是按照这个创建型模式(Factory Method模式)的作者撰写它的方式来看,很明显并非所有创建对象的方法都能提供真正的工厂方法所提供的那种松耦合。因此,为了在讨论与对象创建相关的设计和重构时保证大家的清醒,我用“创建方法(Creation Method)”这个术语来表示“一个创建对象的方法”。也就是说:工厂方法都是创建方法,但相反则未必。这还意味着:在任何Martin Fowler或Joshua Bloch使用“工厂方法”这个术语(分别在他们精彩的书《Refactoring》[Fowler]和《Effective Java》[Bloch]中)时,你都可以代之以“创建方法”。
1. 识别出拥有多个构造子的类。这些构造子通常有一大堆参数,而这就让开发者需要获得一个实例的时候更加迷惑了。
2. 识别出catch-all构造子,或者用Chain Constructor(见第8期《非程序员》)创建一个catch-all构造子。如果catch-all构造子的可见性是public,将它改为private或protected。
3. 针对每个构造子所能构造的那种对象,创建一个能够揭示意图的创建方法。测试,确保每个创建方法都返回正确的对象,确定每个创建方法都被客户代码调用到了(如果某个创建方法没有使用者,将它删掉;到需要它的时候再放回来)。
4. 把所有对构造子的调用都换成对相应创建方法的调用。这需要费些力气,但是可以使客户代码的易读性大大提高。
1、在下面的示例代码段中,我们拥有一个Loan类,其中有多个构造子,分别表示定期贷款(Term Loan)、活期贷款(Revolver)和定活两便贷款(RCTL)。[1]
public class Loan {
private static String TERM_LOAN = “TL”;
private static String REVOLVER = “RC”;
private static String RCTL = “RCTL”;
private String type;
private CapitalStrategy strategy;
private float notional;
private float outstanding;
private int customerRating;
private Date maturity;
private Date expiry;
public Loan(float notional, float outstanding, int customerRating, Date expiry) {
this(TERM_LOAN, new TermROC(), notional, outstanding,
customerRating, expiry, null);
public Loan(float notional, float outstanding, int customerRating, Date expiry,
Date maturity) {
this(RCTL, new RevolvingTermROC(), notional, outstanding, customerRating,
expiry, maturity);
public Loan(CapitalStrategy strategy, float notional, float outstanding,
int customerRating, Date expiry, Date maturity) {
this(RCTL, strategy, notional, outstanding, customerRating,
expiry, maturity);
public Loan(String type, CapitalStrategy strategy, float notional,
float outstanding, int customerRating, Date expiry) {
this(type, strategy, notional, outstanding, customerRating, expiry, null);
public Loan(String type, CapitalStrategy strategy, float notional,
float outstanding, int customerRating, Date expiry, Date maturity) {
this.type = type;
this.strategy = strategy;
this.notional = notional;
this.outstanding = outstanding;
this.customerRating = customerRating;
this.expiry = expiry;
if (RCTL.equals(type))
this.maturity = maturity;
public Loan(String type, CapitalStrategy strategy, float notional, float outstanding,
int customerRating, Date expiry, Date maturity) {
this.type = type;
this.strategy = strategy;
this notional = notional;
this.outstanding = outstanding;
this.customerRating = customerRating;
this.expiry = expiry;
if (RCTL.equals(type)
this.maturity = maturity;
protected Loan(String type, CapitalStrategy strategy, float notional, float outstanding,
int customerRating, Date expiry, Date maturity)
l 使用默认首选策略的定期贷款对象。
l 使用定制首选策略的定期贷款对象。
l 使用默认首选策略的活期贷款对象。
l 使用定制首选策略的活期贷款对象。
l 使用默认首选策略的RTCL对象。
l 使用定制首选策略的RTCL对象。
public void testTermLoan() {
String custRating = 2;
Date expiry = createDate(2001, Calendar.NOVEMBER, 20);
Loan loan = Loan.newTermLoan(1000f, 250f, CUSTOMER_RATING, expiry);
assertEquals(Loan.TERM_LOAN, loan.getType());
public class Loan...
static Loan newTermLoan(float notional, float outstanding, int customerRating,
Date expiry) {
return new Loan(TERM_LOAN, new TermROC(), notional, outstanding,
customerRating, expiry, null);
public class Loan {
private static String TERM_LOAN = “TL”;
private static String REVOLVER = “RC”;
private static String RCTL = “RCTL”;
private String type;
private CapitalStrategy strategy;
private float notional;
private float outstanding;
private int customerRating;
private Date maturity;
private Date expiry;
protected Loan(String type, CapitalStrategy strategy, float notional,
float outstanding, int customerRating, Date expiry, Date maturity) {
this.type = type;
this.strategy = strategy;
this notional = notional;
this.outstanding = outstanding;
this.customerRating = customerRating;
this.expiry = expiry;
if (RCTL.equals(type)
this.maturity = maturity;
static Loan newTermLoan(float notional, float outstanding, int customerRating,
Date expiry) {
return new Loan(TERM_LOAN, new TermROC(), notional, outstanding, customerRating,
expiry, null);
static Loan newTermWithStrategy(CapitalStrategy strategy, float notional,
float outstanding, int customerRating, Date expiry) {
return new Loan(TERM_LOAN, strategy, new TermROC(), notional, outstanding,
customerRating, expiry, null);
static Loan newRevolver(float notional, float outstanding, int customerRating,
Date expiry) {
return new Loan(REVOLVER, new RevolverROC(), notional, outstanding,
customerRating, expiry, null);
static Loan newRevolverWithStrategy(CapitalStrategy strategy, float notional,
float outstanding, int customerRating, Date expiry) {
return new Loan(REVOLVER, strategy, new RevolverROC(), notional, outstanding,
customerRating, expiry, null);
static Loan newRCTL(float notional, float outstanding, int customerRating,
Date expiry, Date maturity) {
return new Loan(RCTL, new RCTLROC(), notional, outstanding,
customerRating, expiry, maturity);
static Loan newRCTLWithStrategy(CapitalStrategy strategy, float notional,
float outstanding, int customerRating, Date expiry, Date maturity) {
return new Loan(RCTL, strategy, new RevolverROC(), notional, outstanding,
customerRating, expiry, maturity);
现在,如何获取需要的Loan实例就很清楚了——你只需要看看自己需要哪种对象,然后调用合适的方法就行了。新的创建方法仍然有相当多的参数。Introduce Parameter Object[Fowler]是一个可以帮助你减少传递给方法的参数的重构。
l 根据苹果的品种。
l 根据苹果的产地。
l 根据苹果的颜色。
l 有籽还是无籽。
l 剥好皮的还是没剥皮的。
public Apple(AppleFamily family, Color color) {
this(family, color, Country.USA, true, false);
public Apple(AppleFamily family, Color color, Country country) {
this(family, color, country, true, false);
public Apple(AppleFamily family, Color color, boolean hasSeeds) {
this(family, color, Country.USA, hasSeeds, false);
public Apple(AppleFamily family, Color color, Country country, boolean hasSeeds) {
this(family, color, country, hasSeeds, false);
public Apple(AppleFamily family, Color color, Country country,
boolean hasSeeds, boolean isPeeled) { = family;
this.color = color; = country;
this.hasSeeds = hasSeeds;
this.isPeeled = isPeeled;
public static Apple createSeedlessAmericanMacintosh();
public static Apple createSeedlessGrannySmith();
public static Apple createSeededAsianGoldenDelicious();
public static Apple createSeedlessMacintosh(Country c);
public static Apple createGoldenDelicious(Country c);
l [Bloch] Bloch, Joshua. Effective Java. Addison-Wesley, 2001.
l [Fowler] Fowler, Martin. Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code. Addison-Wesley.
l [GOF] Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides. Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object Oriented Software. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1995.
[1] 译注:这里的Term Loan, Revolver, RCTL这三个词我都不太理解,请大家将就着吧。